● wednesday,
november 9, 2011
● serving
texas a&m since 1893
● first paper per free – additional copies $1 ● © 2011 student media
thebattalion Are re y you ou rowdy? owdy? Women’s omen’s hhead ead ccoach oach ry B lair aand nd m en’s Gary Blair men’s sistant hhead ead ccoach oach assistant ynn C yprien sshare hare Glynn Cyprien eir eexcitement xcitement ffor or their tart ooff tthe he A ggie thee sstart Aggie sketball sseason. eason. basketball
Page P age 3
Big ig 112 2 previews reviews Read ad w what hat oobstacles bstacles ggie bbasketball asketball thee A Aggie ams hhave ave iinn sstore tore tthis his teams ason w ith cconference onference season with eviews iinside. nside. previews
Pages P ages 4 & 5
Captains aptains take ake c charge harge Seniors niors Dash Dash H Harris arris and and dney C arter return return Sydney Carter he lleaders eaders ooff ttheir heir as tthe uads. R ead aabout bout ttheir heir squads. Read am ggoals oals iinside. nside. team
Page P age 6
Pg. 1-11.09.11.indd 1
11/8/11 9:13 PM