The Battalion: November 16, 2011

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women’s basketball

A&M slugs No. 9 Louisville on ring day Aggies romp Cardinals 76-58 after raising championship banner Austin Meek

Kolin Loveless — THE BATTALION

The Battalion Senior guard Sydney Carter led the No. 6 Aggies to a 76-58 victory against No. 9 Louisville on Tuesday, capping pregame national champi-


Yell leader aids arrest

onship ring and banner festivities. The 2010-11 squad helped raise the NCAA Championship banner to the Reed Arena rafters before the Top-10 showdown. Players unfurled the banner in front of 6,943 fans, the largest regular season non-conference crowd in program history. “This is what it’s about,” A&M head women’s basketball coach Gary Blair said. “This is exciting basketball, men and women. We’re going to

rock the house.” The Aggies carried the pregame momentum into the start of the first half when they raced out to an 8-0 lead, not allowing the Cardinals to score until nearly four minutes of play had expired. The Aggies forced turnovers on Louisville’s first four possessions, including a charge and a steal by junior guard Adrienne Pratcher. See Basketball on page 6

Hope after tragedy

Nelson Ingram steps in when suspect flees in his direction Trevor Stevens The Battalion When junior yell leader Nelson Ingram heard “Stop! Police!” as he walked to his car after Ross Volunteer practice Monday, he didn’t watch the spectacle unfold. Several University Police officers were in pursuit of a suspect evading arrest after receiving word of an assault at the Commons. “I turn around and see that this kid has run onto the band field and he’s followed by a bike cop,” Ingram said. “And the bike cop is yelling, ‘Stop! Police! Stop! Police!’ Then the bike cop jumped Ingram off his bike and started chasing him to Lot 40.” Ingram said he heard someone say ‘’get him,’’ dropped his bag and started to run toward the suspect. “I ran through the bushes by Lot 40 … I was running through the cars and I got within about five feet of him and he said, ‘I’ll quit,’ and lied down on the ground,” Ingram said. Once the suspect was on the ground, Ingram stood over him and waited for police officers to make the arrest. “He wasn’t very big and I think he heard my footsteps and didn’t want to keep going,” Ingram said. Taylor Lloyd, freshman general studies major, witnessed the entire incident. “After Nelson finished giving his statement to the police he walked away as if it was just another night in College Station,” Lloyd said. Ingram said it was a crazy situation but he did what any other Aggie would have done. “He just happened to be running in my direction,” Ingram said. According to the incident’s affidavit for probable cause, filed by the University Police Department, peace officer Joseph Rios was dispatched to the Commons loading dock regarding an assault. Rios said the suspect, 17-year-old Bryan resident Matrix Oliver assaulted his ex-girlSee Yell leader on page 2


Following the death of her younger sister, Shelbi Carpenter seeks to make a difference in the lives of others.

Student balances life with grief following loss Emily Villani The Battalion Sitting on the bathroom floor of an East Texas gas station, Shelbi Carpenter tried to pull herself together. Just 15 miles from her home in Quitman, she broke into a cold sweat and had to stop to regain her composure. “I sat on the floor because I kind of felt sick to my stomach and I was nervous about what I was going to face at my house,” Carpenter said. A few hours prior, Carpenter glanced at

her phone in her dorm to find several missed calls and messages. One text message from her mother read, “Call me NOW.” “Shelbi, there’s been an accident,” Carpenter’s mother said over the phone. “I’m on my way to the scene, but they don’t think Skylar made it and I need you to come home.” On Feb. 17, Carpenter’s 15-year old sister Skylar was killed in a car accident. She was sitting in the backseat of a suburban on the way to a Future Farmers of America convention in San Antonio when the driver lost control of

the vehicle and overcorrected, rolling it multiple times. The other passengers survived the accident, but Skylar was ejected from the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene. After hanging up the phone, Carpenter threw some personal items in a bag and left for Quitman with boyfriend, junior media studies major Joe Terrell. “That drive home was the worst three and a half hours I’ve experienced,” Terrell said. See Tragedy on page 4

bush school

First ladies bring legacy to A&M Joanna Raines The Battalion Former first ladies Barbara and Laura Bush were on-campus Tuesday, offering personal perspectives to the saying, “behind every good man is a great woman.” The two participated in the George Bush Library’s panel and discussion, America’s First Ladies: An Enduring Legacy.

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“I was not so cognizant of making history,” Laura Bush said of her time in the White House with husband George W. Bush. “You’re just living there.” Andrew Card, acting dean of the Bush School who served in both Bush administrations, said the Bush first ladies were the presidents’ greatest support during their presidencies. “Being president is an extremely

lonely job … I can honestly say that the two presidents I served were never completely alone, because they had first ladies who took their oath very seriously,” said Andrew Card, acting dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service. The event included three panels. The first two offered insight into the lives of


Former first ladies Barbara (left) and Laura Bush speak in See First ladies on page 2 a forum Tuesday at the George Bush Library complex.

11/16/11 12:56 AM

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