The Battalion: July 12, 2011

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thebattalion asks



Should the U.S. raise the debt ceiling ?

● tuesday,

july 12, 2011

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Being conservative, we have to cut spending. If we raise the cap higher, we only put ourselves in further debt. Jeff Rock, senior psychology major

As a result of the drought many bugs are searching for cooler areas and water, leaving people battling insects as well as the temperature. A No, because it will keep going up and the debt would get out of control.

Pesky pests

Martha Mikhail, freshman psychology major

Drought leads to antsy critters invading homes Buggin Out ◗ For help with

Yes, but it won’t solve anything. If they did raise it, it would just be a temporary fix. They need to stop considering themselves Republicans and Democrats in order to find a permanent fix. Megan Collier, graduate student, nautical archeology

insect control visit your local feed store

O’Dell Harmon Jr. The Battalion


eat’s not the only thing on the rise this summer; insects and pests are invading homes and causing problems thanks to the drought As a result of the drought many bugs are searching for cooler areas and water, leaving people battling insects as well as the temperature. “How big the problem is, it really depends on how much the people are watering their

lawns,” said Elizabeth Brown, an integrated pest management specialist. “A lot of the insects will move in because it’s too dry outside and they’re looking for water. I have been getting calls See Bugs on page 5



One Aggie ring to bind them all

Women’s tennis team hires coach Adrian O’Hanlon III

O’Dell Harmon Jr.

No, because it would hurt us further down the road. They should solve problems now rather than pushing it off.” Matthew Simmons, junior pre-nursing major

Photos by David Godinez — THE BATTALION

A grasshopper hops onto a water fountain in search of water.

The Battalion There is one tradition that every Aggie aspires to achieve on their way to graduation. The honor of receiving their Gold Aggie ring. standard From faculty to students, young and To view Aggie rings old, the ring binds all and learn more Aggies together, not visit http://www. only while at A&M aggienetwork. but across the globe. com/ring/ John Speights, senior mechanical engineering major said, “Of all the many great traditions at Texas A&M University, the Aggie ring may just top the list. It will stay with you and hold your connection


A statue of the current design of the Aggie ring. with the Aggie family the rest of your life.” It started with the Class of 1889 when every Aggie ring was different from one another with different companies designing them. There was no set standard until E.C. Jonas, class of 1894, designed a ring for his See Rings on page 6

The Battalion A&M hired a coach known for building national contenders as Howard Joffe was named the new head women’s tennis coach, Aggie Director of Athletics Bill Byrne announced Monday. “I am very pleased to announce that Howard Joffe has accepted the position as our women’s head tennis coach,” Byrne said. “He comes very highly recommended by many people within the tennis community and has done a great job of rebuilding two previous programs.” Joffe comes to A&M after serving the past two years as the women’s head coach at the University of Maryland, where he led the Terrapins to the first NCAA Championship appearance since 2006. Maryland finished with a record of 13-10 under Joffee and was No. 34

Pg. 1-07.12.11.indd 1

one ready to compromise — willing to take heat even from some in his own party for a deal that could keep the nation from plunging back into economic chaos — while appealing to Republican leaders to do the same. Speaking Monday at a televised news conference just hours before Monday’s negotiating session, Obama said he wouldn’t support a short-term deficit-cutting deal and continued to press for a more ambitious agreement involving tax increases. Obama said both sides have to give. “If not now, when?”

information on the tennis team and al Aggie sprots visit http://www. aggieathletics. com/

Fed chief to face grilling

Obama steps into debt ceiling debate effectively than others, in attempting to rally public support. Harry Truman scored points railing against a “donothing” Congress in the late 1940s. And Obama Bill Clinton managed to mostly blame Republicans, led by then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, for government shutdowns in late 1995 and early 1996. With a presidential election looming next year, Obama’s outreach was an attempt to burnish himself as the

◗ To learn more

See Coach on page 6


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is taking a risky step, both politically and legislatively, in attempting to bargain with Republicans in public as well as around a White House conference table. His frequent public comments on contentious debt-limit talks could backfire, further poisoning the bargaining process. At the same time, those high-profile bipartisan talks have served to highlight serious differences within both parties. Obama’s decision to speak over the heads of Congress follows a pattern used by other presidents, some more

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“If we think it’s hard now, imagine how these guys are going to be thinking six months from now in the middle of election season, when they’re all up. It’s not going to get easier, it’s going to get harder,” Obama said. Both Democratic and Republican leaders agree the U.S. shouldn’t be allowed to default on its obligations. However, a deal has been thwarted by tea-party backed conservatives opposed to any tax increases and liberal Democrats opposed to cuts in Medicare and Social Security.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke may feel surrounded when he testifies before Congress this week. Democrats will demand to know what the Fed can do to create jobs, especially after the government reported last week that unemployment rose to 9.2 percent in June and the economy generated just 18,000 net new jobs. Associated Press

Associated Press

7/11/11 8:23 PM

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