The Beacon - Issue 16 - Feb. 14, 2013

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The Vol. 114, Issue 16





Tom Greene appointed as University provost



Thursday February 14, 2013

UP grad appears in Justin Timberlake video for hit single ‘Suit and Tie’



Read all you need to know about tomorrow’s baseball game

Giovanna Solano| THE BEACON

Megan Street, left, and Christian Giammichele enjoy hanging out together on campus. The couple met in fine arts last semester.

Two freshmen found love after they realized they had starred in the same blockbuster as babies Opinions


Friends of Trees has an event Saturday. Find out why you should help



Did you buy a Val-O-Gram? Check out the love messages!

Weather Thursday

49/36 Friday

55/39 Saturday

48/38 Sunday


Kelsey Thomas Staff Writer Her name is Megan Street. She is a freshman, has a fraternal twin and is from Wilsonville, Ore. His name is Christian Giammichele. He is a freshman, has an identical twin and is from Ventura, Calif. It was love at first wail. Almost. After the two realized they appeared in the same film as babies, it was only a few months before they fell in love, got promise rings and started spending as much time as possible together.

“He’s a dork, but that’s my favorite thing. He’s really goofy and obnoxious.”

Meanwhile, couches full of crying babies appear behind Schwarzenegger and Giammichele. One of the babies in the front row is Street. Realizing they had been in the same movie, Street was shocked. “I didn’t really say anything [when he shared his fact] because I had this feeling that he did a background check on me just to freak me out,” Street said. When Street’s turn to share an interesting fact came, she turned to Giammichele and spoke to him for the first time. “I was like, ‘I was in that movie too – in the same scene,’” Street said. “We both freaked out.”

Days later, Giammichele and Street started getting breakfast after class. Weeks later, they began dating. Two weeks ago, they bought promise rings together. “He’s a dork, but that’s my favorite thing,” Street said. “He’s really goofy and obnoxious.”

“Her laugh is infectious. It’s ridiculous.” Christian Giammichele freshman Giammichele’s goofiness was evident in his attempt to get her number early on. When no one was sitting next

to Street in Fine Arts one day, Giammichele took the opportunity to sit down and get her help filling out a sheet assigned to him in his freshman workshop class, where he was supposed to get names and numbers of classmates. When he texted her the next day, it had nothing to do with Fine Arts. “It’s so embarrassing now,” Giammichele said. “It seemed really smooth at the time. I was like ‘this is perfect, she won’t know anything.’” “I knew exactly what he was doing,” Street said. See Love, page 5

Christian Giammichele

Megan Street freshman

At 8 a.m. on the first day of school, Street and Giammichele walked into fine arts individually, Megan Street heads filled more with questions and nerves than romance. When asked to share their name and an interesting fact about themselves for an icebreaker activity, Giammichele chose his goto. In 1994, he starred in an opening scene of the movie “Junior” by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger dreams he finds a baby, played by Giammichele, on a Photo courtesy of Northern Lights Entertainment table in a library and picks him up. “He squeezes a bag and I fake In a scene from the 1994 movie “Junior” Arnold Schwarzenegger holds up freshman Christian Giammichele. In pee all over him,” Giammichele the background on the couch is Megan Street, also a UP freshman. The two former movie stars met on campus and now have promise rings. They were shocked to discover in class that they had been in the same movie. said.



February 14, 2013

On On Campus Campus Pilots After Dark Event This week the Pilots After Dark event is roller skating at Oaks Park. The event is Saturday Feb. 16. Space is limited, so please email to sign up. The bus will leave from the Pilot House at 10:00 p.m. and will return around 12:30 a.m. CPB Movie This week’s movie is “Anna Karenina” starring Keira Knightley and Jude Law. The free show is on Friday Feb. 15 and Saturday Feb. 16 at 10:00 p.m. Coffeehouse Performance On Saturday Feb. 16, Eric E’s Eclectic Acoustic Groove will perform in the Commons Dining Room starting at 9:00 p.m. Eric performs with an acoustic guitar and harmonica and will sing any Top 40 song from the past nine years at the audience’s request. Admission is free. For more information contact Student Activities at Nicaragua Immersion Event Nicaragua Immersion students will host Paul Dix, a professional photojournalist, and his partner, Pam Fitzpatrick, for a presentation on their work with Witness for Peace. They will also discuss the U.S. funded contra war. The event is Friday Feb. 15 at 4 p.m. in Buckley Center 163. Book Discussion Brian Doyle, author and editor of Portland Magazine, and Fr. Charlie Gordon will discuss the spirituality of Doyle’s book, “Mink River.” They will also talk about the works of other spiritual writers. The event is in the University Bookstore at 7 p.m. on Wednesday Feb. 20. Corrections In the Feb. 7 issue of the Beacon, Katie Dunn wrote the article about the Basketball preview, not Kathryn Walters. In the Feb. 7 issue of the Beacon, in the “ROTC reacts to lift on ban keeping women out of combat” story, the acronym for the Cadet Troop Leader Training Program was incorrect. It is CTLT. In the Jan. 31 issue of the Beacon, the location for the new recreational facility was inncorrect. It will cover the entire block where the Public Safety building is . Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

New provost looks to future development After serving as interim provost since August, Greene officially takes over as provost

Laura Frazier News Editor

Tom Greene, an education professor and former dean of the Graduate School, was appointed provost after serving as interim provost since August 2012. University President Fr. Bill Beauchamp announced Friday that Greene will take on the role previously filled by Br. Donald Stabrowski, who left UP in September to serve as assistant provincial for the Congregation of Holy Cross.

We need to continue to look at our curriculum and look at what kinds of majors we are offering, and what kinds are going to serve students well.” Tom Greene Provost

“It is a pleasure and an honor to have Dr. Greene as provost,” Beauchamp said in a press release. “His expertise as an educator, his long and varied experience as an administrator, his excellence and creativity as

professor and dean will all serve the University well.” An Oregon native, Greene earned his master’s in teaching from Lewis and Clark College and his Doctorate of Education from the University of Oregon and Portland State University. Greene has worked at UP since 1983, and in 2010 was awarded the Culligan Award, the University’s highest faculty honor. As provost, Greene oversees all faculty and academic personnel and programs, among other responsibilities. “I’m very happy to be serving in this role, and I will do my very best every single day to serve our students and faculty,” Greene said. Greene said he plans to talk with faculty members and students to consider what programs at UP need more development. “We have a number of programs that I wish were supported more fully,” he said. “We need to continue to look at our curriculum and look at what kinds of majors we are offering, and what kinds are going to serve students well.” With the addition of a neuroscience minor last year,

Greene said the program could potentially expand and bring a greater awareness of neuroeducation to campus. Although levels of student debt are increasing nationwide, Greene stands by the value of a private college education, given that most students graduate in four years unlike students at state schools. Greene also highlighted the importance of faculty and student interaction that is prevalent at small private universities.

“I’m very happy to be serving in this role, and I will do my very best every single day to serve our students and faculty.” Tom Greene Provost “We have an amazing faculty that is not dedicated to anything but our students,” he said. “We see some extraordinary acts of support by faculty for students. I don’t think that exists at every school.” As a member of the faculty, Greene said he will continue to

Tom Greene teach in the School of Education. “I value it and am constantly reminded in the parts of my job when I’m pushing papers or making decisions, that it is about the students I teach,” he said.” I don’t want to drift away from that.” Greene hopes to continue to build the University and foster the unique attributes of UP students. “There’s an integration of the hand, the heart, the mind,” he said. “That is really the thing that causes that UP student to look different.”

UP alums learn from Teach for America Teach for America sends college grads to work on closing the achievement gap Lydia Laythe Staff Writer A student from a low-income area has an eight percent chance of graduating college by age 24. A similar student from a high - income area has an 80 percent chance. The difference in achievements of students, in the U.S., based on income, neighborhood or race defines the achievement gap. Teach for America (TFA) is a nonprofit organization committed to closing this gap. The program sends recent college graduates to teach in rural and urban public schools for two years. The application deadline for seniors applying this year is Feb. 15, but juniors can apply as early as Feb. 22. Four 2011 UP grads are currently working with the program. Megan Osborn, 2011 alum, has had a life-changing experience. “I ended up forming really great relationships with my kids,” she said. Not all TFA applicants have backgrounds in education, and only one in six people who join TFA initially consider a teaching career.

Learning by doing

After being accepted, Osborn attended Institute, a crash course in teaching required for TFA members. Osborn, who has a B.A. in sociology, said Institute helped her realize that teaching was difficult. “That was really overwhelming and extremely

intimidating, and I thought I could just walk into it and be good at it – but I wasn’t,” Osborn said. “I wasn’t good at it at all.” After Institute, TFA members move to their permanent locations. Osborn is in the Mississippi Delta region working as a high school compensatory English teacher. Compensatory teachers instruct students who are below grade level in various academic subjects. Osborn said, on average, her ninth grade students read at a fourth grade level. Since her first day, 75 percent of Osborn’s students gained two or more years in their reading abilities.

“I’ve picked up their southern drawl and their slang and inflection. I’ve been molded into the culture. The experience has changed me in so many beneficial ways.” Megan Osborn 2011 alum Finding ways to relate to her students was difficult for Osborn at first. The rural community she teaches in is small and mostly African American. “I was convinced for the first few weeks that this was the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life,” Osborn said. But Osborn connected with her students by relaxing her strict disciplinary style. “I let go of wanting to control things in my classroom, and tried

Photo courtesy of Megan Osborn

TFA high school teacher and UP alumna Megan Osborn, right, teaches at Leflore County High School in the Mississippi Delta Region. At left is Carl Lucas, a fellow teacher. to laugh and play with them, and treat them in a more motherly, nurturing sense,” Osborn said. Osborn learned to appreciate the chaos and energy her students brought to the classroom. “My students are very rambunctious, talkative, disrespectful and loud,” Osborn said. “And they’re also very funny, creative, emotionally intelligent and perplexing.” Osborn is continuing for a third year. “It’s just funny. I’ve picked up their southern drawl and their slang and inflection,” Osborn said. “I’ve been molded into the culture. The experience has changed me in so many beneficial ways.”

On - Campus Involvement

Senior Megan House, TFA

campus campaign coordinator at UP, works to raise awareness of TFA on campus. House said many people in the U.S. think everyone has equal access to education. Correcting misconceptions and answering questions are House’s main goals. “What kind of education you’re getting is depending on how much money you have or what race you are,” House said. Cara Benny, TFA recruitment specialist, is based locally and works with several colleges in the Portland area. “So many students graduating from college have the skills and the potential to make a really big impact with kids,” Benny said. “This is an opportunity to get a lot of really talented individuals into the classroom.”



Depts., Career Services step-up for CAS Students with a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences worry about post graduation Will Lyons Staff Writer After four and a half years as an undergraduate at Cabrillo College and the University of Portland, senior Alex Foy will enter the real world with with an English degree. The prospect of entering the job market leaves him with mixed feelings. “It’s exciting and daunting at the same time,” Foy said. “I’m scared to see if the skills I’ve learned as an English major are applicable to a job.” Foy is worried that his major isn’t the pathway to a steady job. “I don’t regret my major, but I am a little bit jealous of business or engineering, where their degree will translate directly into a job,” Foy said. “They’re more of a puzzle piece that fits into a company, whereas I’m not exactly sure where English majors fit.” With rising concern over getting a post-graduation job with a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), individual departments and the

office of the dean of CAS are providing more resources for students. The office of Career Services also hired an academic internship coordinator to help connect grads with opportunities.

English department gets involved

To showcase some recent alumni success stories, the English department hosted an alumni panel with four alums that worked in a publishing house, social work, newspapers and online advertising.

“I feel like I have no skills for the real world. I’m following my dream, but I’m told my dreams are unsustainable.” Madison Blake Senior Some of the alumni told horror stories of what its like to enter the world with a CAS degree. “I’m not going to lie – I got laid off and cried on my couch

Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Former UP English majors spoke at a panel about how to enter into the job market with a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences. Speakers advised students to highlight skills like close reading and problem solving. From left to right: Valerie Silliman, Sarah Behler and Erin Kelley. More support for CAS for 2 weeks,” panelist and 2010 major as a degree that provides While majors like nursing alumna Erin Kelley said. “I also training in skills like close reading and critical thinking is and engineering might have compulsively bought a puppy.” Kelley eventually turned her the subject of the department’s particular careers waiting for English degree into a career as a blog. Junior Leah Becker runs them post - graduation, CAS the blog, which also alerts grads need to work on marketing digital producer for Nike. “I decided digital industry current majors to internships a particular skill set such as is going to be the place where and English events that are advanced problem solving or people need media managed,” available on campus, in Portland communication skills, according to Academic Internship Kelley said. “My biggest piece or via online commuting. “The blog is kind of a Coordinator Amanda Wheaton. of advice is to find out how to be reaction to articles saying an Wheaton encourages a content creator.” Kelley now “close reads” English degree isn’t important,” students of any major to make consumers in order to understand Becker said. “It provides many an appointment with her or her advertising trends, a skill the links to articles saying a direct colleagues in Career Services. English department focuses on path to a lucrative job isn’t the be See CAS, page 4 all, end all.” in its learning outcomes. Reclaiming the English

Students to vote on student government fee hike Will Lyons Staff Writer The ASUP senate has approved putting a $15 student government fee increase on the March 25 and 26 ASUP election ballot. The fee increase, if ratified by students and the administration, would be used to create a major concert fund to host a performer each spring during Weekend on the Bluff. According to CPB director Sean Ducey, creating a concert fund with a $15 increase would allow the Campus Program Board to book an event costing up to $90,000. The senate made the resolution to create a major concert fund after 78 percent of students voted in a survey that they would like to see a similar major event as “Rock the Bluff” last semester. 55 percent of students supported using a student government fee increase to finance a concert. Under current budget constraints, having a major concert without raising the student government fee is “unsustainable,” according to ASUP Vice President Kyle Hamm. The Office of Student Development authorized ASUP to raise the student government between $10 and $30, but

Hamm said $15 seemed the most reasonable for students. “We have to keep in mind that what we pass in Senate has to be passed by the students,” Hamm said. The resolution’s sponsors, London Ballard and Anthony Montoya, believe a $15 increase is the amount needed to give students what they want. “It would allow students to have a concert on campus in a sustainable way every year,” Ballard, a freshman, said. “If this passes, we don’t see it having to increase again for another 10 years or so.” Senator Josh Cleary voted to put the fee increase on the ballot believing it was what his constituents and students want. “We can use the funds to bridge the gap between what students want and what UP can provide,” Cleary said. “It’s an exciting bill.” According to senator Quinten Chadwick, who also supported the bill, it’s ASUP’s job now to convince the student body of what their student government can pull off with more funds. “[A major concert] really helps to unify the school and make memories for all of us,” Chadwick said.

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February 14, 2013

CAS: Students consider graduate school Too late for seniors

Continued from page 3 They can talk about how skills learned in CAS, such as critical thinking, can be used to get jobs and internships. “We’re looking to help you understand who you want to connect with and what your skills are,” Wheaton said. “Kind of like a career kickstarter.” Wheaton will also be drafting internship handbooks for each department in CAS modeled after those used in the Pamplin School of Business.

For students graduating this semester, however, the new programs come a little late. Senior Madison Blake is deciding to pursue her passions as an actress rather than relying on her social work degree. “I feel like I have no skills for the real world,” Blake said. “I’m following my dream, but I’m told my dreams are unsustainable.” Blake said fellow seniors are struggling with settling down into a career or doing what they want to do in life. For many CAS seniors, putting off the world of work by

ASUP resolution asks for conversation hour Will Lyons Staff Writer Finding a good time to hold club meetings is a struggle for senior Lauren Mucha, president of the Mesa Redonda Spanish conversation club. “It’s hard enough to coordinate between the club officers and our advisor, let alone our participants,” Mucha said.

“If students are interested and they don’t come it’s because they have other commitments. It would be a lot easier to plan if there was a time where no one had class.” Lauren Mucha senior The ASUP senate passed Resolution 13-02 Monday to create a weekly conversation hour to make it easier for clubs and other student activities to meet. The resolution is subject to the administration’s approval. ASUP Vice President Kyle Hamm said the conversation hour won’t have any effect on course offerings while making it easier


for students to participate in on campus activities. “We’re asking for a reshuffle of the course schedule,” Hamm, a senior, said. “This way we still have the same amount of time for classes.” According to Hamm, the resolution supports the creation of an hour block once a week during which no core or mandatory classes for specific majors are taught. The resolution’s sponsor, freshman Brooke Murphy, thinks the conversation hour would increase student participation on campus. “It will be beneficial for both students and the school,” Murphy said. According to Murphy, if the registrar can schedule a conversation hour, it will not start until the 2014-2015 school year because next academic year is already planned. For club leaders like Mucha, creating a conversation hour might help increase club participation and cohesion. “If students are interested and they don’t come, it’s because they have other commitments,” Mucha said. “It would be a lot easier to plan if there was a time where no one had class.”

continuing onto graduate school is the best way to move forward.

most philosophy majors head for higher education. He is also trying to increase the number of philosophy - related internships. “We’re in the early stages of thinking about more internships geared towards philosophy,” Eshlemen said. “We have to think creatively.” Eshlemen hopes students consider professors as good resources. Senior Ian Clark, an English and philosophy double major, was recently was accepted to Trinity College in Ireland and credits some of his success to professors.

“We’re in the early stages of thinking about more internships geared towards philosophy. We have to think creatively.”

Andrew Eshlemen, Department chair of philosophy

Andrew Eshlemen, department chair of philosophy, focuses on preparing majors for graduate school because

“I couldn’t have gotten into graduate school without my profs,” Clark said. Despite perceived struggles in the job market, senior Genevieve Leineweber, a psychology and Spanish double major, thinks her CAS skills will stand up. “Jobs are looking for people with different backgrounds,” Leineweber said. “I think the few years right after college might be the best of all.”

Dorms compete to reduce energy for a chance to win $500!

Campus Conservation Nationals 2013


When: February 15 to March 8


Who: Two separate Competitions: New Dorms and Classic Dorms New Dorms Classic Dorms Tyson Christie Haggerty Kenna Field/Schoenfeldt Mehling Corrado Shipstad Villa Maria What: This is a competition in which the efforts of resident communities to reduce energy are rewarded. The goal is to educate students and encourage lifelong habits in energy conservation. How: Energy usage will be recorded and monitored on an online dashboard ( By turning off lights, powering down electronics and getting outside your dorms energy intake will decrease. Rules: Any changes to public spaces in the dorm must be approved by the Hall Director. Any infraction will be addressed as a 1% loss in overall energy consumption throughout the remaining competition Any Questions? Alyssa Thornburg ( Brie Taylor (

The UP Public Safety Report 5


1. Feb. 8, 10:46 p.m. - Responded to a noise complaint about yelling at the intersection of N. Portsmouth and N. Yale. Officers were unable to locate any disturbance. 2. Feb. 10, 9:13 a.m. - A staff member reported vandalism to six vehicles parked near Physical Plant and the Tennis Center. Investigation remains open. 3. Feb. 10, 1:10 p.m. - A student reported vandalism to their vehicle parked at the intersection of N. Strong and N. Van Houten. The student was advised to report the vandalism to Portland Police. 4. Feb. 11, 3:06 a.m. - Public Safety located six bicycles near the commons which had been vandalized. Investigation remains open.



5. Feb. 12, 3:24 p.m. - A student reported a sexual assault that occurred off campus. Portland Police also responded and took a report from the student.





Fireside Chat with President Fr. Beauchamp

Are you looking for meaningful work in Portland next year?

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Monday Feb. 18 at 7:00 p.m.


St. Mary’s Student Center

Get your questions about UP answered!

LOVE: Twins starred in other movies, TV shows Continued from page 1 Not that she’s complaining. Their first off-campus date last November included Chipotle, frozen yogurt and “Wreck it Ralph.” “I’m a Disney junkie,” Street said. Neither of them are allowed to have a car on campus, so most of the time they just hang out on campus and make each other laugh. “Sometimes when we’re feeling obnoxious we’ll just start talking in Spanish and using high pitched voices,” Street said. “I make fun of his fingers because they’re sausage fingers. They’re shorter than mine.” Giammichele said he loves Street’s personality and laugh. “Her laugh is infectious,” Giammichele said. “It’s ridiculous.” The couple received approval from both their twins and their parents. Giammichele spent Thanksgiving with Street, and he met the whole family. “Yes. Whole family,” Giammichele said. “Everyone.” Giammichele’s twin attends University of California Santa Barbara. Street met him along with the rest of Giammichele’s family while visiting her dad in California over winter break. “Christian’s twin brother is amazing,” Street said. “And annoying,” Giammichele said. Street’s twin sister and roommate Sarah said the way her sister met Giammichele is comical and unbelievable. “It’s one of those things that

our family members joke about a lot,” she said. “We joke that they should basically get married now.” “Junior” is not Street and Giammichele’s only on-screen performance. Twin babies are in high demand at casting calls because babies can only be in a shoot for a limited time. Street and her twin sister were also in “The Little Princess,” although the scene they used featured her sister. Today, Street and her sister could no longer share a role in a movie. “We’re both big readers and kinda nerdy, but we don’t look anything alike,” Street said. “We don’t even look like twins.” Giammichele was also in a number of TV shows with his brother. Although Giammichele and his twin look alike, their personalities are anything but identical. “We were a lot more similar when we were younger and we did everything together,” Giammichele said. “But as we’ve grown older we’ve gone our separate ways. It’s like you develop your identity and I’ll develop mine.” Although Street is glad “Junior” brought her and Giammichele together, she is not boasting about her movie star career anytime soon. “It’s basically about [Arnold Schwarzenegger] getting pregnant, which is really creepy,” Street said. “I don’t like admitting I was in a movie like that. I don’t know what my parents were thinking.”

Work within a community experiencing urban poverty issues. These positions are designed to support the Fellows’ future aspirations with a year-long experience of personal, professional and spiritual formation. Fellowship Details: • Full-time,12-month positions (beginning August 2013) • Living-wage salary, and benefits • Responsibilities include staffing our hospitality 

programs and performing short-term casework.

To receive an information packet & application, please email:

We are currently accepting applications for the two positions listed below. We hope to have both positions filled by April 1. IMMERSION COORDINATOR Primary responsibility is coordinating our Saturday Immersion program, a day retreat for high school and college students.

Taylor Bergmann, a 2012 graduate of UP, is currently working as our Immersion Coordinator. To learn more, please contact him at: / (503) 228-0746 x111.

EVENING HOSPITALITY COORDINATOR Primary responsibility is coordinating our Evening Hospitality program on Thursday and Friday nights. Lindie Burgess, a 2011 graduate of UP, is currently working as our Evening Hospitality Coordinator. To learn more, please contact her at: / (503) 228-0746 x114.

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February 14, 2013

LIVING Busy schedule ahead for BSU Black Student Union holds events for Black History Month

Philip Ellefson Staff Writer Even though Black History Month has been celebrated in the U.S. since 1976, students at UP and beyond still face discrimination. “The fact that there are still people making racist jokes and racist comments – that shouldn’t happen,” junior Jordan Mattson, Black Student Union (BSU) public relations manage said. BSU has had a busy month fighting prejudice and raising awareness – and they’re not done yet. On Thursday, Feb. 7, students, faculty and community members gathered in St. Mary’s to hear readings of renowned African American writers at the African American read-in. On Tuesday, Dr. Ethan Johnson gave a speech in Buckley Center hosted by BSU. BSU President Kaileah Baldwin, a senior, said the African American read-in, a 23-year tradition at UP, brings people together to celebrate black literature. “It’s good to see the people I don’t normally see recognizing and appreciating black culture,” Baldwin said.

According to Baldwin, BSU’s mission is to make campus a comfortable place for black students.

“It’s about building community with black students on campus. It’s about making sure there’s a place for black people to feel comfortable and to have allies on campus.”

Kaileah Baldwin Title/year

“It’s about building community with black students on campus. It’s about making sure there’s a place for black people to feel comfortable and to have allies on campus,” Baldwin said. “We do that through service events, entertainment events, educational events and cultural events to share black culture.” Baldwin said many black students on campus struggle with identity. “The biggest issue for black students on campus is being identified as only black. I’m halfwhite, okay? I’m not that culturally black,” Baldwin said. “There are a lot of students on campus

Photographer’s Name | THE BEACON

Photographer’s Name | THE BEACON

Kaileah Baldwin, senior and president of BSU who are black who may not identify with what you think black is.” BSU will address this issue of cultural identity in Many Shades of Black: a Bicultural Panel on Tuesday, Feb. 26. On Thursday, Feb. 21, BSU will host a speech by Caleb Rosado, a professor of urban studies at Warner Pacific College. On top of the Black History Month events, BSU is also hop-

Jordan Mattson, junior and BSU public relations manager

ing to hold a race relations conference in April. But Baldwin said BSU often faces problems trying to organize events. “I have a bunch of people who are willing to make it happen, and yet I am afraid it won’t happen,” Baldwin said. “That’s how backwards we are about race at this school.” Baldwin said anyone can join BSU, and she hopes to attract

new members of all backgrounds. “A big thing about our club: you do not need to be black,” Baldwin said. “You don’t need to know a damn thing about black people, but you can join.” Their next meeting is today, Thursday Feb. 14 at 6:30 in Franz 028.

Faith-Based Leadership Program

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Professor Molly Hiro addresses UP students at the African American Read-in on Feb. 7. She teaches an African American literature class at UP.

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Put your faith into action

This year-long program is designed for juniors who want to learn first-hand through an paid internship about the hurdles facing leaders in Church and faith-based organizations and discern how God may be calling you to a vocation using your gifts and talents. Program Components • Preparatory coursework • Professional development training • Eight-week paid internship with Church or faith-based organization Applicant Details • Qualified sophomores who have support from faculty or staff member • Applications accepted until March 31, 2013 • Go to to apply now This Faith-Based Leadership Program was developed by the Institute for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, and Campus Ministry. For more information contact Campus Ministry at 503.943.7131 or go to

Winter Fashion (Left) Sophomore Veronika Polyakov wears a peacoat with a teal blouse and trendy headband. “I am a commuter, so I’m outside a lot and have to dress warm. I also like to find clothing that is fun. Pinterest always gives me ideas!”

Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

(Right) Sophomore biology major Sarah Schreiter said, “I like to be comfortable, but I alway try to add a touch of my personal style.”

Kayla Wong | THE BEACON


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February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day Chris Bell!! Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face. I love you! I’m so happy I get to celebrate another Valentine’s Day with you. Hope your day is wonderful! Lots of love and hugs, Jenny


To the cutest room in Corrado, Happy Valentine’s Tori and Catherine

I love you Em Van :) -An Nguyen


Meme, It has been a great two years together. I love you a ton! Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Walker

Taylor, Thank you for always being there for me.

Kelsey, You’re alwesome!!! TKS. Happy Valentine’s.

Twila, Seeing your face at The Commons brings me so much happiness. Thank you for four years of kindness and smiles!

Happy Valentine’s day to my special baby Ainsley! I love you! Your honey, Kyle

Shannon, Thanks for being my Valentine for three straight years. You are wonderful and are the best tert-butyl around! - Your Valentine

Lydia is the coolest person ever.

Marcus, I love you. Come home soon. Love, Elizabeth

To the best boyfriend in the world, my Adrian, TE IUBESC! I’m so glad I chose UP because it’s where I met you. <3 Te iubesc foarte mult! <3 xxx <3 xoxo <3 xxx <3

Dear Dr. Faller, Don’t you miss us? Because we miss you! Love, Ben and Lydia

Sommer, How lucky am I to have you in my life! Thanks for sharing your big heart and making me a better person every single day. I love you! - BFM Nick

You are worth more than two dollars but The Beacon wasn’t accepting donations. But uh... you’re pretty cool.

So small and fluffy Perpetually grumpy Come into my arms #1 love child - Chu and Magoolia

UP World! You are all beautiful! Have an awesome day with loves and hugs. Thanks for being you!

To the Pink Flamingo House, I love you ladies! Thanks for a great year. Love, Liz

I will always cherish Jordan Garahana.

Kristen Jakstis is the most beautiful person. She lights up my life.

Katie, Mariners aren’t red, Seahawks are blue, the King is perfect, but not as perfect as you. Love, You know who


UP grad lands role in Justin Timberlake video A gig to appear in cover photos for an anonymous ‘A-list celebrity’s’ new CD turns into music video stardom Hannah Kintner Staff Writer After seven years, Justin Timberlake is back in the music scene, and this time he’s brought a former Pilot with him. Kacy Owens, a 2006 alumna, is in the official lyric video of Timberlake’s new single “Suit and Tie,” an opportunity she didn’t expect. Owens, who works as a model and actress in Los Angeles, received a call from her modeling agency and was offered a job shooting inside-cover art for the upcoming CD of an anonymous A-list celebrity. She accepted the job and was thrilled when she arrived on set and learned that she would be shooting photos with Justin Timberlake. “He’s just a cool, humble, down-to-earth person. He was just normal,” Owens said. “And he was tall, which surprised me! I’m used to seeing people on TV and then you see them in real life and you’re like, ‘Woah, that’s a miniature man!’ He is definitely not.” Owens noticed cameras filming behind-the-scenes footage during the photo shoot, but she didn’t know of her appearance in the music video until a friend saw it on Good Morning America and alerted her. “I thought I would just be in stills, so it was a cool bonus,” Owens said. Owens and Timberlake are the only people in the video, and she is featured three minutes in straightening Timberlake’s bowtie and laughing with him. Owens described Timberlake as “really really nice” and enjoyed discussing basketball with him while they were shooting. Owens could not share specific information regarding the photos because of a non-disclosure agreement, but they are expected to be released March 20.

Making it in the Entertainment Industry “You know what, I had ugly duckling syndrome as a little kid,” Owens said. “I always wanted to act, but I never thought I could.” Owens had a change of heart when she played center for the UP women’s basketball team. Nike and other modeling agencies approached her several times asking her to model for them, but she was unable to. She did not have a modeling agency prior to signing as an NCAA athlete, making her ineligible to accept work as a model. “So, basically as soon as we were done my senior year I just marched right over to an agency,” Owens said. She modeled in various cities, including New York, where she ended up at an audition for a USA network sitcom and, with no acting training or experience, was nearly cast in a pilot. “So, I came home and thought, you know, I need to really think about this,” Owens said. She and her husband, UP alum Jesse Rodgers, now live in Los Angeles with acting as her main career focus. Her Resume Owens considers the Timberlake video to be her most high-profile job yet. She has also modeled for Anthropologie, JC Penney, MAC Cosmetics, and other companies. Examples of her work can be found at “I was doing this job for MAC Cosmetics and I was making balloon animals and then two months later they had me on roller blades,” Owens said, “It’s so crazy, because it’s the only job where your clown skills will come in handy and make you money.” Owens has also acted as a principal character in the CBS show “The Bold and the Beautiful,” in several shorts, most

Courtesy of my93.1 Las Vegas

recently playing a lead roll in “Lucky Hog” and full-length films like “The Corners,” which was filmed in Portland. The day after her Timberlake gig, Owens had a job shooting a Jennifer Lopez music video. Lopez was not present and Owens’ biggest hope was that she would not be asked to dance. “I don’t do music videos usually, but it was Jennifer Lopez and she’s cool. But sure enough, they’re like, ‘Well, can you dance for like 45 seconds?’ and I’m like, ‘I don’t do this sober,’” Owens said with a laugh. Getting Personal Owens is originally from Colorado Springs and met her husband while they were both study-

ing communications at UP. They are quite the athletic couple. Rodgers was the starting short stop for Pilots baseball from 2004-2007 and was team captain his senior year. Now he works as an assistant baseball coach and recruiting coordinator at Occidental College. Considering her background, Owens would have never dreamed she would end up where she is. “Jesse and I will sometimes be in the car and he’ll be like, ‘I can’t believe we live in Los Angeles,’ and we’ll just kind of laugh, because he’s from Olympia,” Owens said. Coming from cities so vastly different from Los Angeles meant

that celebrity run-ins took some getting used to. “It’s really funny when you’re walking down the street and you have this debate with yourself like, ‘Was that John Stamos?’” Owens said. “And it’s so awkward when you realize you’ve stared at them really hard, but you didn’t say anything.” Hopes for the Future Owens’ goal is simply to be a working actress. Her ultimate dream is to become an offeronly actress, which would mean that producers would contact her agency with parts for her, rather than her auditioning for parts. “I don’t care if I become a name or not, I just want to work,” Owens said.

Courtesy of UP Athletics

Photo courtesy of UP Athletics

Courtesy of Kacy Owens

Courtesy of Kacy Owens

2006 alumna Kacy Owens played center for the UP women’s basketball team



February 14, 2013

The spirituality of the cross Tim Cleaver Guest Commentary Greetings! My name is Tim Cleaver and I am a novice for the Congregation of Holy Cross. It’s been a great gift to be connected with the Congregation of Holy Cross, a religious community filled with priests and brothers who embody the ministry and zeal of Christ. As you probably know the Congregation staffs many universities throughout the country, including the University of Portland. The Congregation brings a unique chrism and spirituality to these institutions’ students, staff and faculty. This is what I would like to focus on in this article. The founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross was Blessed Basil Moreau. His work and life experiences are reflected in the way that Holy Cross religious live their daily life. Fr. Moreau’s life was full of hardships, challenges and struggles. He was ostracized by the community he founded, blamed for the Congregation’s financial difficulties and

was criticized for sending priests and brothers to developing countries throughout the world. Many thought his new congregation would not survive. However, his trust in divine providence and ultimate reliance on God helped him through these challenges. He had a firm belief that hope must be the utmost virtue we should cherish.

“The cross is not just limited to the Passion of Christ on Good Friday. We experience crosses every day in our own lives.

Tim Cleaver Holy Cross Novice

This theme of hope is a central aspect in the Congregation’s Constitutions. These are the rules that its members look to for guidance. The constitutions are directed to members of the Congregation but all Christians can find consolation in their theme of hope. This hope is rooted in the love that Christ gave to us through his death on the Cross. The cross is our only hope, “Ave Crux, Spes Unica” the motto Fr. Moreau left to his congregation.

It is through the cross of Christ that we are called to share in his resurrection. The cross is not just limited to the Passion of Christ on Good Friday. We experience crosses every day in our own lives. Some of those crosses may be our struggles in classes, frustrations in our relationships, anxiety about life after graduating, and so on. All of these are crosses. Crosses that we must bear in our lives to follow Christ. As Christ said we must “take up our cross and follow him” (Matthew 16:24). This is the spirituality of Holy Cross – the spirituality of those priests and brothers that teach at UP, that live in your residence halls, that hold administrative office and work in Campus Ministry. They understand that crosses are a part of life. But if we bear them we will be able to share in Christ’s new life. My prayer for you here at the University of Portland is that despite those crosses of our lives, you will never lose site of the hope of the resurrection that Christ promised. May we all follow the example of the Congregation of Holy Cross and Blessed Basil Moreau and Ave Crux, Spes Unica, “Hail the Cross, Our Only Hope!”

Tim Cleaver, CSC, is a Novice with the Congregation of Holy Cross and can be reached at

Campus Ministry Calendar Friday, February 15, 2013

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel

Sunday, February 17, 2013 10:30 a.m. JPW Mass - Chapel

Monday, February 18, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Friday, February 22, 2013

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel

Monday, February 25, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

8:30 p.m. Fish - Buckley Center 163

Friday, March 01, 2013

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel

Monday, March 04, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

8:30 p.m. Fish - Buckley Center 163

Friday, February 15, 2013

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel of Christ the Teacher

Sunday, February 17, 2013

10:30 a.m. JPW Mass - Chapel of Christ the Teacher

Monday, February 18, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Thursday, February 21, 2013

10:00 p.m. Group Prayer led by Faith & Leadership House - Corrado Hall St. Susanna Chapel



Be a green dot and stop sexual assault at UP “I don’t go to bars or parties like that.” “My friends are too smart to let something like that happen.” “I don’t think it really happens here.” But it does. According to a survey done by sociology professor Martin Monto, 9.4 percent of women at UP have been raped. Not to say that sexual assault is more prevalent at UP than other schools – college campuses everywhere struggle with sexual assault and violence. The difference is that UP is doing something to stop it. The University has implemented Green Dot, a violence prevention program that focuses on bystander intervention. But it isn’t up to UP whether

this program will make any difference. It’s up to you. It’s easy for students to agree that intervention is important and that they play a role in their friends’ safety. But when it comes down to actually doing something, many students seem convinced that they already know how to act if they were in a position to prevent sexual assault – or even worse – they assume that they will never be faced with it. According to the Department of Justice, one in four college women will suffer from rape or attempted rape before they receive their diploma. Think of four girls you know at UP. Statistically speaking, one of

these young women will suffer from rape before she graduates. So do not assume that there is nothing you can do, or that you are never in situations where sexual assault is possible. Sexual assault can happen anywhere, and it doesn’t happen because you are wearing skimpy clothes. It can happen to anyone, of any gender. Green Dot teaches students that if they witness a situation that has signs of leading to unwanted sexual advances, they have an obligation to step in – making them a green dot, instead of a red dot who ignores the situation and allows it to happen. Just like young people feel an obligation to take a friend’s keys away to stop them from driving home drunk.

But Green Dot is more than just a program that tells students to step in when a situation starts to look dangerous. It trains students and others how to recognize the difference between a harmless situation and a potentially dangerous one. It also trains people how to react in these situations. You might not think you need training to prevent sexual assault. All you have to do is grab your friend when it looks like she’s uncomfortable. But there is a lot more to it than that. Dangerous situations are not always obvious, and it is not always that easy to stop them – especially if you are trying to help a stranger or acquaintance rather than a close friend. Green Dot trainings are held

Dates of Upcoming Bystander Trainings Saturday, Feb. 23 Saturday, March 23 Sign up at greendot on Saturdays and last seven hours. It might seem like a waste of the one day a week you have to relax. But if it could give you the tools to prevent even one instance of rape or sexual violence, wouldn’t it be worth it? Do you want to help end sexual assault at UP? Do you want to be a green dot, or a red dot?


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Just call me the Valentine’s Day Grinch Will Lyons Staff Commentary Dr. Seuss should write a sequel to “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” about Valentine’s Day. You can pick your own reason for why this fictional feast day is the worst of them all. Chances are for one reason or another you have been dreading today. If you’re single you’ll be reminded all day of your relationship status and compare it to years past—a seemingly accurate benchmark of how happy you are. But in actuality, I think single people have it easy on Valentine’s Day. For people in relationships, perhaps the most meaningless of performances will go on this afternoon and evening. Couples

will grudgingly spend exorbitant amounts of money, dress especially nice and stifle bodily functions for an entire day just to have the chance to achieve “the perfect Valentine’s Day.” “The perfect Valentine’s Day” hype is forced and created by companies so that couples spend money on and before Feb. 14. Think about all the ads on TV, radio and Facebook telling us to spend and spend more. Every day for a month we’ve been assaulted with advertisements and conditioned subconsciously to uphold this all-important day. According to Yahoo! Finance, the average American will spend an incredible $239 on Valentine’s Day this year, and all that money buys is added stress on a day already fraught with expectations. So much expectation gets put into the planning for Valentine’s Day that everyone’s V-Day plans are bound to fall flat on their face. The aftertaste of Valentine’s Day

Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

Advertising in The Beacon

For advertising information, contact Morgan Rapozo, business and advertising manager, at


Subscriptions are available at $30 for the year, covering 24 issues. Checks should be made payable to The University of Portland: The Beacon. For more information about subscriptions or billing questions, contact Business and Advertising Manager Morgan Rapozo at

is disappointment, and you know what the cure in America is for disappointment? Buying more stuff. I can think of a lot of better things to do with $239 than trying to have the perfect date, but if you have to do the song and dance of Valentine’s Day, why not spend your money in a more meaningful way? Buy each other a level of support on your favorite Kickstarter or Indiegogo idea. For dinner, forget the Melting Pot. There are lots of restaurants in North Portland that need customers. Perhaps patronize a place that supports your student newspaper. Above everything else, question why it is you go through the motions of Valentine’s Day. Does this tradition really bring you happiness, make you feel closer to someone else, or is it another hurdle in having relationships— a societal roadblock to be surmounted?

Being manipulated is an unfortunate side effect of living in America these days and we need to start calling out corporations, banks and established traditions on their deceptions. I’m of the mind that love isn’t corpo-

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

rate, or a $16 billion moneymaking holiday, but maybe I’m just a Grinch. Will Lyons is a junior English major. He can be reached at

THE BEACON Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . Elizabeth Tertadian News Editor . . . . . . . . . . ��������� Laura Frazier Living Editor �����������������������Rachel McIntosh Opinions Editor. . . . . . ��������� Sarah Hansell Sports Editor . . . . . . . . �Kyle Cape-Lindelin Design Editor. . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Photo Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Jeffers Asst. Design Editor . . . ���������Zack Hartman Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Ellefson

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Kaitlyn Dunn, Philip Ellefson, Hannah Kintner, Lydia Laythe, Will Lyons, Amanda Munro, Kate Stringer, Kelsey Thomas, Taylor Tobin, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters


Stephanie Matusiefsky, Giovanna Solano

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . .Morgan Rapozo Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . Et Begert Circulation Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



February 14, 2013

Join students at Friends of Trees planting on Feb. 16! Charles Datulayta Guest Commentary Friends of Trees has planted over 450,000 trees since its roots in 1989 and has brought countless communities and volunteers together on Saturday mornings to change the green-scape of Portland and Vancouver. The 2012-2013 season began on Nov. 3 in SE Portland where freshman Paul Steiner, freshman Brooke Holmes, junior Gabriel Trainer, and sophomores Rio MarquezHammitt and Hailey Truax were trained to lead crews of volunteers in their community build-

ing and tree planting experience. When all’s said and done, these crew leaders will have led over 210 volunteers and planted over 450 trees all over Portland and Vancouver. The University itself has supported Friends of Trees and the community by having trees planted by volunteers on UPowned property. On Willamette Blvd. alone you can observe Friends of Trees yard signs and the distinctive stake and twine setups that accompany over 100 trees in front of houses that Pilots live in. This Saturday, Feb. 16, is the highly anticipated University/Cathedral Park and St. John’s Friends of Trees planting. As the neighborhood of our University of Portland, Pilots have come out

to show their purple pride and plant over 200 trees in the area each year. Join your fellow Pilots and plant 200 trees once again in our North Portland neighborhood! A full breakfast of milk, juice, Starbucks brewed coffee, local baked goods, Kind bars, fruits and Voodoo donuts will be provided. Gluten-free options are included! Volunteers will meet Saturday morning at 8:00 in the Pilot House. At the staging site, you will be introduced to the many sponsors such as Starbucks, PGE and Voodoo Donuts while you are munching on your morning meal. Volunteers will be grouped into crews and sent on their way to plant trees in nearby neighborhoods. When all the trees are

happily in the ground, we will partake in a feast of a lunch that includes pizza, soups and local on-the-spot made meals. Friends of Trees plantings are holistic community building opportunities where you can experience every area of Portland in its own unique flavor and style. Not only are you visiting new neighborhoods, you are transforming their homes, getting to know the people who live there and eating their cuisine. The people you meet and the connections you make can thrive outside of the service and can open doors to job opportunities and sought after internships. Sophomore Matt Gadbois said, “I always sign up for Friends of Trees plantings because I can’t believe what a good effect the

organization has on our environment. But what really motivates me to get up early in the morning for a planting is knowing that I will get away from campus to meet and work with lots of cool people and eat amazing local food.” Chances are you’ve heard about Friends of Trees, planted yourself or know someone who has. Just ask anyone who’s done Friends of Trees before and they’ll tell you that it’s a great, hands-on, energizing and holistic community building experience for all. Charles Datulayta is a sophomore mechanical engineering major. He can be reached at

Lent, it’s not just a Catholic thing Caleb Patterson Guest Commentary If you have ever been to Mass, on campus or off, and weren’t Catholic, you have probably experienced the part when they get to distributing Communion

(walking down the aisle to drink from a cup and eat some thin wafers) and have been one of the only ones left out. As someone who is not Catholic, it’s one of the only times that I stick out in Mass. Although I am not Catholic, I look forward to Easter and Lent. I want to encourage others to participate in Lent as Easter draws near. What is Lent? The traditional purpose of Lent is a 40-day period of preparation of the believer

for Easter through prayer, repentance, penance, financial giving and self-denial. Lent is not just a custom; it’s a good idea. Lent is about bettering your life. You don’t even have to believe in God to appreciate the benefits. If you don’t recognize Jesus as Savior of the world, then realize he was a good person. This year it so happens that if you can make it from St. Valentine’s Day to Easter Break, then you will have survived Lent.

Webster defines repentance as a deep sorrow for a past wrongdoing, or the like. I don’t know about you, but I have to admit I’m not perfect. Repentance offers a great avenue to review past wrongs and be sorry about them. It’s good for all of us, regardless of religious standing. Penance is best described as a sort of punishment undergone for wrongdoing with the intention of changing. Usually penance is advised by someone else but can be

self-inflicted. The key to penance is that it is a form of physically carrying out repentance. Financial giving is pretty obvious. If you’re the typical broke college student, the idea is that you put your money where your mouth is, literally. Self-denial, the giving-something-up part of Lent. Specifically, it’s giving up something that is not necessary to your life or even See Lent, page 13



LENT: Faces on give it a try The Bluff By Jackie Jeffers

Continued from page 12 potentially harmful. Examples of things like smoking, chewing gum, drinking soda, or eating at the Commons come to mind. Self-denial could be as simple as giving up just one thing that seems to be ruling your life, like coffee, or as complex as many things, say for example, only eating vegetables and drinking water while giving up everything else. The self-denial doesn’t even need to be something physical; in my own case, I plan to give up something more intellectual. Examples would be foul language or Facebook, but seriously we’re still friends, so please keep in touch. What are the benefits of participating in Lent? A healthier life – You need calories and water to survive, but what form they take should be healthy for you. Say if you give up something physical like soda or eating at the Commons. Hopefully, a better way of life – Just think, if you can live without something for a few weeks, you quickly begin to realize just how nonessential something truly is. A more full life – Imagine if you give up TV and instead concentrated on other things like homework, friends or intramural sports. There is so much that you can discover. Please consider participating in Lent, not because it’s a Catholic thing, but because it’s a good idea. Lent is a tool to selfimprovement. Caleb Patterson is a senior civil engineering major. He can be reached at patterca10@

Have an opinion? Submit it!

We asked:

What is your ultimate Valentine’s Day gift? Brooke Williams sophomore, communications

“A whole plate of chocolate covered strawberries. Nothing elaborate.”

Chris Roberts senior, mechanical engineering

“The day after.”

Nial Givens senior, marketing and sustainability

“Valentine’s Day is an excuse for couples to express disingenuous affection.”

Sarah Reams freshman, civil engineering “Red roses or a giant teddy bear.”


February 14, 2013

Women’s Basketball: home game preview Continued from page 16 make the national tournament.” The San Francisco Dons and Saint Mary’s Gaels come to Portland in their second matchups this season. San Francisco is 9-15 this season and has won only two conference games. The first time the Pilots took on the Dons, they lost in an upset where the Dons scored 30 out of 43 free throws. The Pilots will need to play consistently against San Francisco, who shoots well, making .442 percent of their shots. However, they have only won close games against Portland and BYU and has troubles on the road, with only two wins. There are four things the Pilots has been focusing on this season in order to go far in the WCC. “Playing great defense, try to improve on turnovers, try to take good shots and the last is to make the hustle plays,” Head Coach Jim Sollars said. The chemisty is a key piece to Pilots’ success. Luttinen is leading the team in points, averaging 12.5 per game. The Pilots have made .447 percent of their shots this year. Wooton has assisted Luttinen more than anyone else, leading the team

with 3.1 assists per game. Welcoming five freshmen to an already young team has been easy for the Pilots. Freshmen Ellen Nurmi, who has started 16 of the 24 games this season, and Annika Holopainen, who scores 9.9 points per game, are contribute to the team’s wins. They are two of seven players Smith uses the most and looks to as leaders. “All of the seven starters have to play their best basketball this last month of the season,” Sollars said. The Pilots have to overcome St. Mary’s on Saturday, a powerhouse WCC team. The Gaels make .478 percent of their shots and is first for rebounding in the conference. They are in second place overall in the WCC, behind Gonzaga, and are 16-6 overall this season and 8-2 in the WCC. “These are statement games,” sophomore forward Cassandra Thompson said. “If we beat the number two team, then people will know we’re ready.” The Pilots take on San Francisco on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. They face Saint Mary’s on Saturday Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. Both games are at home.


This week in sports


Men’s Basketball The men’s basketball team got a much-needed win, knocking off Loyola Marymount in a 69-60 victory on Feb. 7 at the Chiles Center. Junior forward Ryan Nicholas led the way with 21 points. Coming off the victory, the Pilots lost a heartbreaker at home to Pepperdine in overtime 72-68, despite senior guard Derrick Rodgers’ terrific all-around game of 17 points, seven assists and eight rebounds. The Pilots head out on the road as the team prepares for the WCC Tournament starting March 6. The Pilots face San Francisco on Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. and BYU on Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. to try and improve their record of 9-17 overall and 2-9 in the WCC.

in the

Spotlight: Travis Radke PJ Marcello Staff Writer Travis Radke, standout sophomore and left-handed pitcher, has collected numerous honors in his first year as a Pilot. Radke won WCC Freshman of the Year as well as being selected to the Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American team. He was also recently named to the Preseason All-WCC First Team. Before the Pilots open the season on Friday against Mississippi State, Radke gave some insight into how he has found success, and shares a few of his favorite things. When did you realize that you had potential to play upper-level baseball? I think when I was around 12 or 13 and I played on my first travel team. I started to pitch more than play any other position and I realized that if I was going to make it, it would be as a pitcher.

What makes you unique as a pitcher? The biggest thing is my [mental] make-up in the sense that I can read hitters well. I can out-guess and out-think hitters by knowing what he doesn’t think is coming and making those pitches. Also being able to throw multiple pitches as strikes because I don’t throw as hard as a lot of pitchers, but I can locate well and hit the strike zone. Who is your favorite athlete of all time? I’d have to say my favorite is Sandy Koufax [former MLB pitcher and Hall of Famer of the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers]. He was a left-handed pitcher too, and I’m from the LA area. I also have pretty much the same arm slot as him when I throw, which is an over-the-top motion, something you don’t see much anymore. What gets you excited to play? Making it to the ballpark and hearing all the sights and sounds.

Women’s Basketball

Giovanna Solano| THE BEACON

The smell of the leather of a new ball, the fresh cut grass, the sound of the scratching of the cleats when you walk in makes it nostalgic. Do you have any superstitions or traditions? I have a couple superstitions. The two most common are making

sure I have certain names and favorite Bible verses written under my cap, and then general things like what I say to the third baseman and saying my favorite prayer before the game. If I don’t do those things, I freak out. They’re a big deal.

Athletes tweet with freedom PJ Marcello Staff Writer Twitter has made a dramatic impact on the world of sports. Coaches, players and entire organizations are under a microscope. Although some are able to maintain a positive image, the risk that goes along with allowing your thoughts slip into the ether of the Internet can be hazardous. However, the world of Twitter is not foreign to the UP athletics. Although some coaches at other campuses have strict guidelines or ban social media, UP coaches are active users, especially men’s basketball Head Coach Eric Reveno. “A lot of high school coaches follow me for practice and game prep advice,” Reveno said. “I love to follow UP stuff like The Beacon, Villa Drum squad. A couple nights ago I was keeping up on the ASUP senate meeting. I don’t know about any of that stuff, and it only takes a small amount of time to look it up.” This is not uncommon for coaches across the country, but

what makes Reveno unique is his complete trust in his players who also use the site. In fact, he believes that it can even be useful for players trying to build an image and connect with fans. “They have to figure out how to use and manage it now. I remind them that it’s permanent and an opportunity to build a brand,” Reveno said. “I tell them to imagine talking to a room full of people who can all hear what you say. It requires a sort of newage common sense.” Athletes on campus from every sport are active Twitter users. About half of the men’s basketball team is on Twitter. Players like Kevin Bailey understand the values and risks of owning a Twitter account even though they do not get much oversight from coaches. “It’s nice to be able to talk to everyone at once and get information or share information, like when our games are, or letting friends know when I’m back in town,” Bailey said. “The dangers are when people don’t watch what they post. If I wouldn’t want my mom to see it, I don’t post it.”


The women’s basketball team lost on Feb. 7 to rival Saint Mary’s on the road 68-53, despite freshman Annika Holopainen’s valiant effort of leading all scorers with 26 points. The Pilots bounced back to crush Pepperdine on their court 73-34 on Feb. 9. The Pilots return home to take on San Francisco on Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. The team also gets a chance to redeem themselves against Saint Mary’s on Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. and try to improve their record of 10-14 overall and 5-6 in WCC.


The Pilots begin their season by heading south and facing the No. 16 ranked Mississippi State for a four-game series beginning Feb. 15 at 2 p.m. They play the rest of their games back-to-back on Feb. 16 with the first game starting at 10:30 a.m. and the second starting 1:30 p.m. The series wraps up on Feb. 17 starting at 12:30.

Men’s Tennis

The men’s tennis team dropped a tough match at home against No. 12 ranked Ole Miss on Feb. 13, losing 6-1. The squad heads on the road to take on Eastern Washington on Feb. 15 at 10 a.m. and starts WCC play against rival Gonzaga on Feb. 16 at 10 a.m. The Pilots record currently stands at 4-2. Ann Truong| THE BEACON

So far the team has used it constructively to get fans out to big games, like Gonzaga and St. Mary’s, while refraining from getting into any trouble. Although Reveno is comfortable allowing his team to use Twitter without much oversight, one thing he does like to remind his

players is that he is the original Twitter man on campus. “I’ve had a Twitter long before any of [my players]. How hip and cool can it be if I did it before them?”

Women’s Tennis

The women’s tennis team knocked off cross-town rival Portland State 6-1 on Feb. 8, but lost to UC Davis 4-3 on Feb. 10. The team hosts Montana State on Feb. 15 at 1 p.m. (courtesy



February 14, 2013

Pilots ready for strong finish in WCC race In the thick of the WCC race for the top seed, the Pilots have chance to pick up ground against San Francisco and Saint Mary’s Katie Dunn Staff Writer Finishing in the top four in the WCC is the main goal for the women’s basketball team, who are currently sixth. “We say ‘Top Four’ instead

of ‘Pilots’ at the end of practice,” sophomore guard Jasmine Wooton said. To do this the team will have to focus on their strengths: rebounding, shooting and fighting for the ball. They also need to win most of their remaining games, especially

at home against San Francisco, Saint Mary’s and BYU. The Pilots have succeeded this season at home, which has helped them to 10-14 overall and 5-6 in the WCC. They look to improve to fourth by March. They look to take their skills into their last five

conference games and the WCC Championship Tournament next month. “We want to make the NCAA tournament,” sophomore guard Kari Luttinen said. “We need to go far in the WCC tournament and See Women’s basketball, page 14

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

(Left) Sophomore Jasmine Wooton dribbles around a Gonzaga defender to create points. (Top) Junior Amy Pupa puts in work at the post, taking advantage of loose rebounds to open up other scoring opportunities for herself and her team.

Pilots back on the diamond for action The Pilots get a big test to start the season with a four-game series against No. 16 Mississippi State Katie Dunn Staff Writer

Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON

Experience and chemistry will be key to a successful season for the baseball team this year. With three fifthyear seniors, the team has leaders who know their way around a baseball diamond. The team has leadership and experience all the way up to the coaches. Head coach Chris Sperry became the second most winning coach in University of Portland history last season. “Our goal is always to be one of 64 teams in the NCAA tournament, and we’ve been close two out of the last three years,” Sperry said. “It’s a hump we want to get over.” The Pilots were predicted to

finish seventh in the WCC this season after finishing sixth last season. Hoping to lead the Pilots to a WCC Championship are junior outfielder Turner Gill and sophomore pitcher Travis Radke, who are both named to the preseason All-WCC team. Gill led the team last season in home runs, RBIs, doubles and runs and maintained a .314 batting average. Radke went 7-4 last season with a 2.09 ERA and was the first Pilot named the WCC Freshman of the Year. After playing together since fall, the team has a chemistry on and off the field. There is an easy meshing of age and experience. “One of our strengths is how well we get along,” Gill said. “It’s a great group of guys.” The 11 freshmen bring a level of talent and excitement that the entire team can feed off.

Players to Watch: Sophomore third baseman Caleb Whalen last season: .254 batting average, tied team-high five homeruns, 28 RBIs Junior outfielder Turner Gill last season: led team with 30 RBIs, 13 doubles, 24 runs, .314 batting average and tied team-high five homeruns

“They’re very talented and have a new attitude,” fifth-year senior catcher Beau Fraser said. The Pilots have some big games standing in the way of their goal of winning the WCC. The biggest will be against top25 ranked teams like No. 16 Mississippi State, No. 8 Oregon, No. 10 Oregon State March 5, No. 20 and University of San Diego. “We need to play strong enough through the entire season to be hot in the end,” Radke said. The big games don’t faze Sperry or his players. The team looks at them as all equal and exciting. “Every opponent is the same,” Sperry said. “You have to treat every game the same, compete not against your opponent but against yourself.” Players like Fraser are most looking forward to playing in the big league arena of AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants, when the team plays University of San Francisco. The Pilots have a good

balance of what is important to winning: a well-aged defense and offense, pitchers who are learning everyday and hitters willing to step up to the plate. “We have age in all the right positions,” Fraser said. For the Pilots to be successful in the always strong WCC, the Pilots will have to rely on picking, defensive skills and team chemistry. “Winning, that’s why people play,” Gill said. “Winning and having fun. If you win you have fun so they go hand in hand.” Gill and the Pilots’ first

chance to win will be Feb. 15 when they go to Mississippi State for a fourgame series. Their first home game is against Utah Valley Feb. 22 at 2 p.m.

Sophomore pitcher Travis Radke last season: .209 ERA, 85 strikeouts, 7-4 record as a starter Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON

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