The Beacon - Issue 15 - Feb. 7, 2012

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The Vol. 114, Issue 15



Does your UP Wi-fi ever run slow? Read about UP’s internet to find out why



Get some ideas for a great Valentine’s date on a budget



Former Red Sox player Bill Buckner speaks at 12th annual Baseball Diamond Dinner



Thursday February 7, 2013



Do we find entertainment in others’ downfalls?

Online Check out photos from last week’s Trashin’ Fashion show

Weather Thursday

45/33 Friday

44/34 Saturday

43/35 Sunday


The number of students busted for marijuana has gone up in the past two years. When faced with suspension, most students choose not to return to UP Philip Ellefson Staff Writer In Oregon, possessing less than an ounce of marijuana is a class C misdemeanor, a relatively minor violation punishable by a fine usually less than $650. But despite Oregon’s lenient marijuana laws, UP students who use the drug face discipline from the University if they are caught. So far this school year, the Office of Residence Life has held about 30 suspension hearings for students caught with marijuana or drug paraphernalia. According to Student Conduct Coordinator Natalie Shank, there were 40 suspension hearings last academic year, almost all for marijuana violations. She said student marijuana use has gone up.

“Last year we saw a huge jump. This year is pretty much status quo with last year,” Shank said.

Second offense suspension

James, a sophomore who asked The Beacon to withhold his last name, was suspended for a year after two incidents involving marijuana. According to James, he did not have any marijuana with him during the first incident on Nov. 6, 2012 , but was held accountable when Public Safety officers found two students smoking marijuana in his University-owned, off-campus house. The disciplinary action included a 10-page research paper on the effects of marijuana, 40 hours of community service and one year of probation. See Drugs, page 3 Shellie Adams | THE BEACON



February 7, 2013

On On Campus Campus Fireside Chat

The Fireside Chat with University president Fr. Bill Beauchamp will be Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Lounge. All are invited to attend and ask Beauchamp questions. Carnaval Celebration Mesa Redonda, the SDP Spanish Honor Society, the German club and French club will host a Carnaval celebration on Feb. 8 from 6-8 p.m. in the Mehling Ballroom. There will be face painting, a photo booth, music and snacks. Contact Andrea Castanette at Self Defense Class Public Safety will hold a selfdefense class on Feb. 9 from noon to 2 in the Chiles Center Mezzanine. All are invited to attend. CPB Coffeehouse Tomorrow at 10:30 p.m. the folk duo Tall Heights will perform in St. Mary’s Lounge. There will be free food, Italian sodas and coffee. For more information on Tall Heights check out www.tallheights. com. Chinese New Year Celebration Tomorrow in the International Student Lounge in the basement of Christie Hall there will be a Year of the Snake celebration. There will be Chinese food and games, and attendees can learn about the Chinese and Vietnamese lunar New Year traditions. The event is from 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Contact International Student Services at iss@ with further questions.

Speedier Moodle, slower Facebook Web Administrations uses a program that allocates Internet bandwidth depending on the site Philip Ellefson Staff Writer If you are using wireless Internet on campus and you find that Facebook runs slower than Moodle, there’s a reason for that. Since the beginning of this year, the Office of Web and Administrative Systems has been using a system to distribute bandwidth based on the educational relevance of sites students are accessing. This means educational websites load faster than entertainment sites. “We categorize it, we look at what you’re doing,” Network Engineer Tom Ank said. “The less related to school it is, the less bandwidth you get.” So students’ computers will load UP’s homepage much faster than the front page of Reddit. Some students have noticed that different sites run at different speeds.

“I can look at the University as a whole and say, ‘we’re going to these types of sites. For an individual, it’s really cumbersome. We don’t want the potential for that kind of abuse.” Tom Ank Network Engineer “It’s completely situational, depending on what site you’re on,” freshman Tyler Hunt said.

Bandwidth in categories

In this system for distributing

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

Internet bandwidth on campus is divided into seven different categories. University websites will load faster, but social media websites will load slower. The University hopes to have Wi-fi ability from the Bluff to Fields and Schoenfeldt Hall soon. bandwidth, there are seven categories of priority. Category seven gets the most bandwidth and is reserved for outgoing broadcasts of special events like

sports games. UP gives these events the most bandwidth to ensure a smooth broadcast. Categories six and five include sites related to education, like

Moodle and See Internet, page 5

PPB officers train on campus

African-American read in Mulicultural Programs and the English Department are hosting the 24th annual African - American read in today from 5-7:30 p.m. Students, faculty and staff will read pieces by African - American authors, poets , playwrites and songwriters. Dinner will be provided. For more information contact Tynishia Walkder at

CPB Movie

This week’s movie is “Skyfall.” The movie is at 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday in Buckley Center Auditorium . Admission is free.

Laura Frazier | THE BEACON

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

UP welcomed the Portland Police Bureau to campus for training on Feb. 6 and 7. Members of the Portland Police North Precinct Traffic Division attended a mandatory class in Buckley Center. Portland Police has used UP for training before, with this class covering response protocol to routine and unusual traffic pull-overs. Portland’s Traffic Division officers work primarily from take-home motorcycles.

- Nastacia Voisin



DRUGS: Punishment dependent on case Continued from page 1 The second incident happened Dec. 12 when Public Safety officers arrived at James’ house and said they smelled marijuana. The officers searched James and found marijuana. After the incident, James had a hearing and was suspended for a year. Although he would like to continue at UP after the suspension, he feels it would be hard.

“We do live in the great Northwest. I expect that next election [legalization of marijuana] will be back on the ballot.” Gerald Gregg Director of Public Safety “I would’ve liked to be suspended for just one semester so I could go back to UP, but this way it’s like I’m kicked out,” James said. “They make it easier to just transfer instead.”

Opting to transfer

Although students like James often choose to transfer, UP stands by the importance of it’s disciplinary actions for marijuana. “It’s about our community,” Shank said. “We want our community to be safe, and that’s why we take such a hard, fast line with marijuana.” Shank estimates that about one-third of suspended students return. She said the purpose of the yearlong suspensions is to get students back on track. “We need you to take a timeout and go get help and show us that you’ve gotten help so we can welcome you back to our community with open arms,” Shank said. But some students, like sophomore Alex Miller, think the University’s disciplinary actions are too strong. “I understand that it’s a Catholic school and they’re trying to have a certain image, but I feel like [marijuana] is disproportionately punished,” Miller said. While most students caught with marijuana are not suspended, all students caught with drugs or drug paraphernalia have a suspension hearing with Shank and another officer. Shank said each case is looked at individually. “There’s a difference between personal use and possession and larger amounts for distributing,” Shank said. “We take those into account.”

Drug and alcohol policies differ

Some students believe that compared with the alcohol policy, UP’s marijuana policy is too severe. Freshman Noah Forrest thinks marijuana is less of a problem than alcohol. “I think drinking is more

dangerous,” Forrest said. “You don’t hear stories about people overdosing on marijuana.” But Shank said the legality of alcohol makes it a less serious issue. “Alcohol is a legal substance and marijuana is an illegal substance, and there’s something different about when you bring illegal substances on campus,” Shank said. “Bad things can happen. Drug dealers are criminals.” Shank said that depending on the case, alcohol use could also result in a student’s suspension. “Alcohol wouldn’t rise to a suspension-level hearing unless something super egregious happens or it’s a third- or fourthtime thing,” Shank said. Miller said that there is a generational divide on the perception of marijuana use. “Older generations still kind of see it as a gateway drug,” Miller said. “I think for people our age, it’s a lot more socially acceptable.”

“I think drinking is more dangerous. You don’t hear stories about people overdosing on marijuana.” Noah Forrest Freshman Whether the offense is for alcohol or marijuana, Gregg said every suspension hearing is given appropriate attention. “Every hearing I have participated in, there’s a very careful weighing of the case,” Gregg said. Gregg said the rise in marijuana use is not surprising. “We do live in the great Northwest,” Gregg said. “I expect that next election [legalization of marijuana] will be back on the ballot.” Gregg does not expect students to stop smoking marijuana any time soon. “It’s college,” Gregg said. “It’s Portland.” Editors Note: The Beacon has a policy to generally avoid the use of anonymous sources because we believe that our readers are entitled to know the identities of sources of information so they can evaluate for themselves their credibility. We may make exceptions when we believe the public benefit of publishing a story that could best be told only with an anonymous source or sources outweighs the value of the policy. In this case, we decided that because the story of student use of marijuana illuminates an important discussion on campus, we would grant anonymity to the student who spoke to us for this story. We do not make this exception lightly, but with the intent to inform the UP community about the punishment students face when caught with marijuana.

Oregon law on marijuana Oregon State Law 475.864¹ Unlawful possession of marijuana: (1) It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess marijuana. (2) Unlawful possession of marijuana is a Class B felony. (3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, unlawful possession of marijuana is a violation if the amount possessed is less than one avoirdupois ounce of the dried leaves, stems and flowers of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae. A violation under this subsection is a specific fine violation. The presumptive fine for a violation under this subsection is $650. (4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) of this section, unlawful possession of marijuana is a Class C misdemeanor if the amount possessed is less than one avoirdupois ounce of the dried leaves, stems and flowers of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae and the possession takes place in a public place, as defined in ORS 161.015 (General definitions), that is within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a public or private elementary, secondary or career school attended primarily by minors.

UP policy on marijuana UP Drug Policy: The choice to alter one’s state of being through the use of drugs can have grave consequences on one’s health, personal relationships, and long-term goals. In keeping with the University’s focus on ministering to the whole person, the University of Portland will not tolerate the possession or use of such substances. More specifically, the possession, use, sale, distribution, or manufacture of marijuana (regardless of whether the student possesses a prescription for medical use), synthetic substances, or other drugs illegal under federal, state, or local law is strictly prohibited. The unauthorized possession, use, and/or distribution of prescription drugs is prohibited. Students are also prohibited from displaying or possessing drug paraphernalia. Any violation of this policy may result in serious consequences under the University student conduct process, including but not limited to suspension or dismissal.



February 7, 2013

ROTC reacts to lift on ban keeping women out of combat ROTC members have different opinions on the Pentagon’s decision to open 14,000 combat positions to female soliders Nastacia Voisin Staff Writer As a little girl, senior ROTC cadet Brie Taylor, imagined a future where she might be part of an all-female special operations unit. “I’ve wanted to go into combat since the day I signed on,” Taylor said. Now the chance for Taylor to lead an infantry unit is here. On Jan. 24, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that the 1994 rule prohibiting women from combat was overturned – opening more than 14,000 front line positions for women in the army. The lifting of the 20-year ban is causing a stir within UP’s ROTC program. Supporters of the ban lift say it will give women the chance to advance their career and get rid of some of the sexist culture within the military. Others are concerned that integrating women in combat units will change the strength and cohesion of the military. Taylor has been waiting for the ban to be lifted ever since “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was repealed in 2010. “This is groundbreaking,” Taylor said. “It’s a recognition that we can do what guys can do. Women can now be a real part of the military. Full-fledged. No limits. Taking the same risks and earning the same rewards as men.”

“We’re all for the Army”

Maj. Gary Repp, assistant professor of military science and operations officer, said the ban lift won’t change the structure of ROTC training, which has always treated males and females alike, but individual ROTC cadets are still adjusting to the idea of women being allowed in combat. Brennan Bredl, senior ROTC member, thinks the conflicting viewpoints won’t damage ROTC unity. “We’re all on the same page in the sense that we’re all for the army,” said Bredl. “We’ll do what we’re told, because that order comes from the top, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have our own opinions.”


Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Left: Senior Katie Endresen hopes that, because of the ban lift, some ROTC programs will be more open to women. Endresen plans to go into active duty following graduation in May. Right: Senior Brie Taylor has wanted to go into combat since she first joined the Army. Taylor is excited that women now have fewer limits on their military careers. Cadet Daniel Stover, a senior, said that some ROTC members aren’t enthusiastic about women in combat roles but are getting used to it. “I think some people may not be entirely comfortable with the idea of females in combat,” said Stover. “At the same time, now that it’s actually happened, people are having to adjust.” According to Stover, the Army is still a male-dominated realm, and equalizing the playing field between men and women could cause problems. Stover said mixing the sexes could be problematic if men are unwilling to take orders from women and if the physical standards for the Army have to be adjusted. “I honestly feel OK with it. And I think that a lot of my peers are warming up to the idea,” Stover said. “But that kind of change doesn’t happen overnight.” Taylor thinks standards won’t change and that gender equality

“I honestly feel OK with it. And I think that a lot of my peers are warming up to the idea. But that kind of change doesn’t happen overnight.” Daniel Stover Senior “I hope that they don’t lower the standards. I want it to be equal, not fair.” said Taylor. “They’re always going to see it as females catching up to males. They never have to catch up to us. I’ve never heard a guy say, ‘She’s better than me.’”

More opportunities for women

While ROTC training won’t be affected, senior ROTC cadet Katie Endresen is looking forward to changes. The ban lift might affect the Cadet Troop Leader Training Program (CTLP), an internship program that allows ROTC cadets to shadow a platoon in the army. Endresen said that in her junior year one CTLP position was gender neutral, while nine were with infantry units and exclusively for males. “It would be interesting to see a female shadow a traditionally male unit,” said Endresen. Endresen is planning to go into active duty after graduation. She said allowing women in combat roles is encouraging for gender equality across the board. “It goes beyond just the Army,” said Endresen. “It’s comforting to know that this change is now here. That there is one less rule that says, ‘Hey, girls

can’t do this.’” Endresen thinks it will take time for criticism of the ban lift to fade, but that the future is promising for her and female cadets. “When they started desegregating units between African Americans and whites, they had similar arguments about unity, and look where we are now,” said Endresen. “Honestly if the worst thing someone can say about me as a solider is that I am woman, I can live with that, because I hope that myself and all soldiers are judged by their ability to do their duty, not by their gender, sexual orientation or race.”

The UP Public Safety Report

1. Feb. 1, 2:32 a.m. - Officers made contact with the driver of a suspicious vehicle by Kenna Hall. The driver was not affiliated with the University and appeared intoxicated. Portland Police responded and took the individual to detox. 2. Feb. 1, 10:24 p.m. - Officers responded to a noise complaint of individuals yelling and knocking over trashcans at the 4800 block of N. Amherst. Officers were unable to locate any individuals in the area.

5 4

in the Army is a long ways off.

3. Feb. 2, 3:52 p.m. -A staff member reported a suspicious vehicle behind Christie. Officers made contact with the individuals who were intoxicated and not affiliated with the University. Portland Police also responded and called a taxi for the individuals..



4. Feb. 2, 2:33 a.m. -Officers and Residence Life performed a room search at Villa Maria and confiscated prohibited paraphernalia and alcohol. 5. Feb. 4, 10:05 p.m.- A student came to Public Safety to report telephonic harassment by someone not affiliated with the University. A report was taken and investigation remains open. Student also filed a report with Portland Police.


INTERNET: Wi-fi set up in Howard Hall Category four includes sites used for communication, including social networking sites. Facebook, the most accessed site on campus, is in this category. “[Facebook]’s not necessarily high-priority, but it’s more important than, well, trash,” Ank said. Sites used for entertainment, like Netflix, are also ranked in category four. Ank said that although these sites might seem frivolous, they are important to students’ wellbeing. “You’ve had a hard day, you’re in your room. You should be able to watch a movie. Blow off a little steam,” Ank said. In category three are noneducational sites that are not used primarily for communication. This category includes sites like the Internet Movie Database. Categories one and two are reserved for more private websites, Ank said. “[In category two] we get down to the more risqué sites,” Ank said. “Down into the lowest category, that’s pretty much porn.” Ank said that popular gaming websites like Call of Duty do not fit into a specific category. He said game playing is given “general” bandwidth and does not affect other online traffic.

Private sites still private

Even though explicit sites may load more slowly than email, Ank said there is no reason for students to be afraid of anyone finding out what sites they’ve accessed. “I can look at the University as a whole and say, ‘We’re going to these types of sites,’” Ank said. “For an individual, it’s really cumbersome. We don’t want the potential for that kind of abuse.” While Hunt thinks the system works most of the time, he is concerned that it may not always give the right amount of bandwidth. “At what point is Google

a research engine, and at what point is it a screw-around site?” Hunt said. Ank said sites like Google are not a problem because they use very little data. These sites are categorized as general traffic and have little effect on overall wireless traffic.


start deFining YoUrselF.

start MaKing a diFFerenCe. START FEELING INSPIRED.

Tom Ank Network Engineer

start strong. sM

If a student is having problems accessing a certain website, Ank said web administration can readjust the bandwidth.

There’s strong. Then there’s Army Strong. Enroll in Army ROTC at University of Portland to get the training, experience and skills needed to make you a leader. Army ROTC also offers full-tuition, merit-based scholarships. And when you graduate, you’ll be an Army Officer. Start by enrolling in MSL101. To get started, visit

More upgrades planned

- Laura Frazier contributed to reporting

Check out the Beacon on Twitter: @upbeacon BINGO SATURDAYS 7PM


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“We categorize it, we look at what you’re doing. The less related to school it is, the less bandwidth you get.”

The system was introduced at the beginning of the year, when the on - campus Wifi was updated. Ank said that just a year and a half ago UP’s network had only 100 megabits per second of bandwidth. Now, the Office of Web and Administrative Systems has 500 megabits available to Internet users on the network. Ank said the department recently set up Wifi in Howard Hall. Further development is on the way for the network, too. The Office of Web and Administrative Systems hopes to double the bandwidth available on campus by this fall. Ank said the office also plans to expand coverage on campus, especially in outdoor areas like the academic quad, Merlo Field and along The Bluff. “Our ultimate goal is to have you be able to walk from The Bluff all the way to Fields and Schoenfeldt and have Wifi most of the way,” Ank said.

5421 N. Greeley Avenue UP → Corner of Greeley & Killingsworth)


start leading others.


Faith-Based Leadership Program This year-long program is designed for juniors who want to learn first-hand through an paid internship about the hurdles facing leaders in Church and faith-based organizations and discern how God may be calling you to a vocation using your gifts and talents.

Put your faith into action

Continued from page 2

Program Components • Preparatory coursework • Professional development training • Eight-week paid internship with Church or faith-based organization Applicant Details • Qualified sophomores who have support from faculty or staff member • Applications accepted until March 31, 2013 • Go to to apply now This Faith-Based Leadership Program was developed by the Institute for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, and Campus Ministry. For more information contact Campus Ministry at 503.943.7131 or go to


February 7, 2013


Capturing a passion within an occupation Kathryn Walters Staff Writer When he was a junior in high school, senior Kevin Kadooka received his first camera and was instantly smitten with not only the artistic aspects of photography, but also the ins and outs of how a camera works. “They’re really articulate tools,” he said. “As a mechanical engineering major, I just find that fascinating.” Kadooka has found a way to unite his two passions, engineering and photography, with Duo, a twin lens reflex camera he has built from old lenses and Polaroid backs that produces instant Polaroid or film photographs. Polaroid cameras are a bit of a throwback to the past. They first came out in the 1960s, and were hugely popular because they delivered instant developed photos, unlike most cameras that needed to have film developed later. What makes Duo different? First, its dual lenses – one for viewing and the other for taking pictures. Second, it is sold as a kit for the buyer to build themselves. “The kits are fairly easy,” Kadooka said. “You don’t need power tools. You need glue and a lot of patience.” For Kadooka, the path to bring Duo from the drawing board to reality has been a process since last July. “Engineering has taught me that you take the time to build something, multiply it by two and then multiply it by two again,” he said. “It always takes longer than you think.” Getting a finance kick Kadooka put his camera on Kickstarter, an online funding platform for creative projects,

where the creator of a project can post his or her work for anyone to see, and people who like the product can choose to financially support the project in the form of a pledge. Product creators post a goal for how much money they want to raise and a deadline for the project. If the project’s financial goal is reached by the deadline, backers get charged for their pledge and the creator receives money to make and distribute the product to his or her backers. Depending on how much money a backer chooses to pledge, they receive a “reward” for their contribution. On Kadooka’s Kickstarter page, depending on how much money a backer chooses to pledge, he or she can receive a reward ranging from an instant print taken by the Duo, to a Duo kit and even up to a readyto-use Duo camera.

“The kits are fairly easy. You don’t need power tools. You need glue and a lot of patience.”

Kevin Kadooka Senior

Kadooka’s original goal to raise $10,000 by Feb. 20 was exceeded in the first five days he posted Duo online. Currently, he has raised over $16,000. “If I had known it would be so fast, I would not have set the selling time so long,” he said. Local connection One of Kadooka’s backers works right here at UP. John Carleton, a Banner analyst, saw Duo online through a tweet and decided to sponsor the project. However, he didn’t see Duo in

Photo courtesy of Kevin Kadooka

Using his hand-built Duo twin lens reflex camera, Kevin Kadooka tested out his photography skills and took this photo under the St. John’s bridge.

action until he was taking photos around campus himself, and saw Kadooka with his camera. “I got to play with the camera and it was a lot of fun,” Carleton said. “It was much lighter than I expected, which is nice because I carry cameras around a lot and it’s not always too convenient.” Kadooka said he chose to use Polaroid parts in Duo because of a Polaroid’s unique style in photography. “Polaroids just have this cool factor,” he said. “They just have a retro feel to it. It’s kind of a dying art, because no one really does that anymore.” Carleton appreciates Duo’s distinctive style and innovative nature. “Being able to use peel-apart film in a highly controllable camera is something I’ve wanted to do for a while,” he said. Although Duo has the potential to be a lucrative project for Kadooka, he wants to keep taking photos and building cameras for

Kayla Wong | THE BEACON

Senior Kevin Kadooka found a way to unite his two passions, engineering and photography, with Duo, a twin lens reflex camera he built from old lenses and Polaroid backs. pleasure, not necessarily for business. “I might keep making cameras in the future, but I wouldn’t consider it a business,” he said. “It’s more of a past-time. It’s just one of those things that I prefer to keep ‘fun.’”

Want to check out the Duo for yourself? Visit Kevin Kadooka’s website at: projects/71185779/duo-adiy-twin-lens-reflex-camerafor-instant-film

Professors who live among us Faculty and staff share their experiences of living close to campus Kate Stringer Staff Writer German professor Alexandra Hill was standing with her husband in their backyard when the music started. They found the increasingly loud music pounding throughout the afternoon amusing. Her husband joked that the music makers were Hill’s students. At first Hill brushed it off, pointing out that they really didn’t know who the early party-goers were. And then they heard people yelling in German. “So then I said ‘Yeah, those are totally my students,’” Hill said. For the 86 faculty and staff who are part of UP’s Employee Home Loan program, interaction with students is a daily occurrence, even after classes are dismissed. The program gives UP em-

ployees financial assistance on homes purchased within a certain radius of campus. In exchange, the University hopes to build its surrounding neighborhoods, cut down on transportation and retain

Dr. Alexandra Hill

and recruit employees, according to the Human Resources website. John Orr, assistant to the provost and associate professor, was one of the first professors to benefit from the program.

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

“It’s an absolutely brilliant strategy because you have people invested in the neighborhood who live here and you help people out,” said Orr. “It’s a win-win.” Maureen Briare, campus min-

Dr. John Orr

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

istry associate director for music, loves the brief commute to campus. “I joke that I probably live See Professors, page 7

Maureen Briare

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON


On or off campus, are you being cheated?

Harry Blakeman Staff Writer Moving off campus seems inevitable for most juniors and seniors. They hear it is less expensive, but once they’ve unpacked, they may find unexpected costs. While most off-campus students seem to be saving considerable money, they often find that there are hidden or unexpected costs. The savings may be worth it for most, but these costs and lifestyle changes can be hard to swallow. Junior Gabe Trainer spends much less money off-campus than he did while in the dorms. Trainer says he spends about $450 per month on rent and utilities off campus, but estimates he spent closer to $500 when he lived in Kenna. While these savings aren’t huge, Trainer says buying his own food is where he saves the most money. “I only spent about $700 on food last semester, but on campus I would have been spending thousands,” Trainer said. There is no meal plan available for students who live

Continued from page 6 closer to the campus than the students in Fields and Schoenfeldt,” Briare said. “My walk is only three minutes and theirs is five.” Living close to campus has its challenges too. Anonymity is hard to come by, according to Orr. “I’ll be out in some shorts and an old ratty t-shirt mowing my lawn and somebody walks by – ‘Hi Dr. Orr!’ – Ok, here I am,” said Orr. “At one point that was kind of weird – I was being seen in my other life, but at this point I’ve gotten used to it.” Hill also finds the lack of anonymity challenging when living next to dozens of students and faculty. “I run in the mornings before

off campus, and there is no on campus housing available without a meal plan. Trainer says he would like to live with the UP community, but the savings are preferable. Trainer says that the savings come at the cost of convenience. “I really enjoy making my own food, but I know not everyone does,” Trainer said. Trainer said there are a lot of other costs he didn’t expect when he moved off campus like kitchen supplies, his furniture and even his bed. To understand the savings, Trainer thinks students need to know all the hidden costs. Trainer also likes living independently of the UP bubble and meeting new people. “Now I’m a member of the City of Portland community, not just the campus community,” Trainer said. Sophomore Sean Galvin, who plans to move off campus in the fall, hopes he’s aware of all the expenses and extra work. He’s heard from his friends that living off campus is cheaper, and hopes the move will save him money and give him more freedom. “Everyone I’ve talked to says that living off campus is cheaper, and that would be worth the extra effort,” Galvin said. Sophomore Caitlin Deutsch and junior Emily Perkins moved off campus for both the independence and the savings. To better understand the costs of living off campus, the pair requested the bills for their future residence to have a sense of their utilities. Deutsch said knowing what sort of utilities they would pay

was key to knowing what to expect or not expect in terms of savings. The two also wanted to live independently of the UP bubble without the Residence Life restrictions. By moving off campus, Deutsch said they have a lot more freedom to what they want, like having parties whenever they choose without worrying about dorm rules. Perkins was surprised how much food costs off campus at first, but after keeping tabs last term she thinks she saved about $2,000 last semester. Perkins was also conscious of utilities savings. Perkins said she makes sure to turn off the lights or TV when she leaves the room, something that didn’t matter so much on campus. “It’s the little things like lights or even laundry soap that you don’t think about,” Perkins said. Deutsch also likes to make her own food and is mindful of what she eats. “Having to make your own food makes you conscious of what you’re eating and how many calories are in what,” Deutsch said.

CAMPUS COSTS Cost of dorm room: Total: $7290 Per month: $911 Cost of meals: Total: $2750 Per month: $343 Room+Board: Total: $10,040 Per month: $1,255

Professors: There’s less privacy anyone else is awake, and I partly do it on purpose so people won’t see me,” said Hill. Because living close to campus can make the separation between work and home life difficult, Hill sets rules for herself to create distance. “My walk [home] is my process of letting go and separating. It’s funny, I guess I have these little rules for myself like don’t go to campus on the weekends,” said Hill. “I try hard not to check email on weekends to create a sense of separation.” Even though Hill wants a distinction between work and home, she enjoys running into students in the neighborhood. “There’s a rental home around the corner and last year one of the

students living there had taken [my] classes before,” Hill said. “Every time I came home and he was outside I would hear him say ‘Guten Tag Dr. Hill!’ That was fun.” Even though Hill notices the noise from student parties, she finds more humor from the situation than negativity. “One weekend, [the student] had a big party and so the next week I saw him and said ‘Did you have fun over the weekend?’ and he said ‘Oh, did you hear it?’ and I said ‘I think everybody heard it,’” said Hill. “It wasn’t disruptive; they were very friendly and respectful.” One of the most positive experiences Orr had living so close to the UP community came during a

sentially a modernized adaptation of Jane Austen’s beloved novel, so it follows the plotline of the book fairly closely, but with a few twists to make the story believable to contemporary audiences. Instead of having four sisters, Lizzie has two, Jane and Lydia, who has a cat named Kitty and a cousin named Mary. Mr. Bingley, now known as Bing Lee, is attending medical school,

and Mr. Darcy is the CEO of a high-powered communications company called Pemberley Digital. What is so exceptional about “LBD” is that it is a complete social media experience. In addition to the videos (Lizzie is not the only one with a vlog; several other characters, like her sister Lydia, make vlogs too), you can follow the characters on Twitter

fire on The Bluff in 2001. “I was standing in my yard thinking my house was about to burn down, hosing off the roof, and that might be the moment when living close to UP was the most wonderful,” Orr said. “People showed up – students, priests, were carrying stuff out of our house because we thought our house was about to burn down. It was just magical being right here because people were just coming and helping us.” Briare appreciates the UP family she finds reaches beyond her office desk. “[UP] is a community that extends beyond the campus boundaries and sometimes there is the privacy [issue], but if you really need more space I guess you live

farther away,” Briare said. “For me it’s kind of fun to see familiar faces and connect with people outside of their role at UP.”

Home Loan Program The home loan program gives grants depending on the area the employee lives in. The closer to campus, the greater the grant. Area 1: $15,000 Area 2: $12,500 Area 3: $10,000 The loans are forgiven after five years of continuous employment with the University. Source: UP Human Resources website

Entertain Me: “Pride and Prejudice” Revisited

It is a truth universally acknowledged that “Pride and Prejudice” is one of the most popular and timeless novels ever, so in honor of the the novel’s 200th birthday last Monday, I think it’s an appropriate time to bring to light “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries,” a vlog on YouTube that has taken the social media world by storm. The vlog (video blog) is es-

and Facebook and track the production of the vlog on Tumblr, which allows the audience to become even more immersed in the story. By viewing “Pride and Prejudice” through a modern lens, I now have a better sense of Lizzie’s judgmental attitude, Wickham’s deceit and Darcy’s social awkwardness, than I did while reading the book or watch-

ing the movies. The vlog, which has been active since April of last year, posts new videos every Monday and Thursday and they seriously make my day. The combination of great characters, humor, drama and a plotline that gracefully transcends time makes this adaptation much more than “perfectly tolerable.” -Kathryn Walters


February 7, 2013

Valentine’s Day on A BUDGET Hannah Kintner Staff Writer

Don’t let Cupid break the bank this Valentine’s Day. Be creative and remember that a romantic date doesn’t have to be an expensive dinner and a $20 bouquet of roses. Consider one of these budgetfriendly Valentine’s ideas, or get inspired to come up with your own!

Explore Powell’s City of Books together

There’s always something new to discover in the world’s largest new and used bookstore, located on Burnside St. in Portland. Dedicate a day to sipping lattes and exploring the stacks with your Valentine. Activities could include: Visiting the self-help section and laughing while you read ridiculous relationship advice books together Reading cheesy poetry to each other Sharing your favorite books from childhood with one another

Print a special note

in The Beacon

Valentine’s Day cards are expensive! $5+ for a glittery piece of cardboard that thousands of other people are giving to their boyfriends and girlfriends for Valentine’s Day? That doesn’t make sense. Make a statement this year by printing your Valentine’s message in The Beacon! Space is limited, so don’t wait! For $2, get a heart-shaped note printed in our Valentine’s Day issue. On sale Feb. 7-13 in The Commons.

Paint pottery together Get a Groupon


If you’ve never heard of, you’re missing out. This website has special offers for goods and services from local businesses at a fraction of the original price. Maybe the typical dinner-and-a-movie date can be affordable after all… Look for deals on: Romantic dinners Flower arrangements Fun outings like ice skating and going to the movies

Postpone your date

a few days

It’s no secret that planning a Valentine’s date can be a bit of a hassle. All of your favorite restaurants will likely be full, so if you don’t get a reservation in time, you’re out of luck or you’re eating at McDonald’s. Make your day more enjoyable and less expensive by celebrating after Valentine’s Day. Benefits include: Less crowded restaurants Clearance prices on heart shaped chocolates Dirt cheap Valentine’s Day cards Have an On-Campus Date Maybe you and your Valentine don’t have the time or money to get off campus on a Thursday night. Don’t worry, not all is lost! Here are few things you can do to make a date on The Bluff memorable: Use one of the dorm kitchens to decorate cupcakes or make chocolate-covered strawberries Dress up in your fanciest attire and have a dinner date at The Commons Grab a hot beverage from The Commons and go for a starlit walk along The Bluff

If you’re both a little on the artsy side, painting pottery together may be right up your alley! Mimosa Studios at 1718 NE Alberta Street is having a “Valentine’s Date Night” on Feb. 14 from 6-9 p.m. complete with mood music, champagne and chocolates. Make reservations for you and your date by calling 503-288-0770.

Cook for or with your Valentine

Cooking your own meal is a sure way to save money, but a certain amount of creativity will make the night more memorable. Consider: Pack up your homemade dinner and having a picnic in Catheral Park, along The Bluff or another place you can watch the sunset together. Dress up for a home-cooked dinner together and then go out for dessert at a fancy restaurant, like Papa Haydn or The Melting Pot. Make your own hors d’oeuvres and then split an entrée at an upscale restaurant.


Trashin’ First place winners Alyssa Thornburg and Lea Fairbanks

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Petra Barton

Makena Collin

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Chris DeLap

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Katy Danforth with designer Deven Ropes

(Left to Right) Annalise Miller with designer Calli VanderWilde

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON


Kate O’Connor

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Janie Oliphant, Designed by David Sumada

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

Furry friends aid students Amanda Munro Staff Writer

Alicia McKay with her therapy dog Bogart

The University of Portland has two adorable, talented and furry new attendees this year. Two dogs wearing vests frequent The Commons, dorms and even classrooms, but there’s more to these cute classmates and their owners than meets the eye. Service dogs can be helpers for the blind or the hearing impaired, but they can also help owners with a variety of conditions like anxiety, PTSD, physical disabilities, depression and autism. Pip the Australian Shepherd goes everywhere with sophomore Marcie Abreu to help with epilepsy, and Bogart the German Shepherd assists his owner, junior Alicia McKay, with anxiety. Both women say life is much improved with the assistance of their furry companions.

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Alicia McKay and Bogart McKay bough her purebred German Shepherd, Bogart (or “Bo” as he is fondly called) this past December. She says “[having him on campus is] a total lifesaver.” McKay struggles with panic attacks, so Bo helps by being a calming presence and helping protect McKay from stressful situations if necessary. “When he notices that I’m starting to freak out, he has me focus on him,” McKay said. “If I’m in a really crowded place, he’ll create a buffer so people can’t get too intense. But it also just helps having him around; he’s a big sweetie.” Although Bo has been extremely helpful to McKay, explaining Bo’s presence is challenging. Because Bo isn’t a seeing-eye dog, people often struggle to understand why she needs him. “When people figure out that he’s for me, they treat me a little differently,” McKay said. “But it’s worth it to have Bo.” Bo is not supposed to be petted without permission when he’s on-duty. But McKay invites people to come pet her dog to relieve stress when he’s off-duty.

“It’s nice having Bo because when other people on campus are feeling stressed out I can just say, ‘Do you want to come pet my dog?’” McKay said. “It’s really a great way to help other people like other people helped me before I had Bo.” Bo has already gone through extensive training, but McKay and her companion meet once a week with a trainer to teach the dogs commands specific for her. When his service vest is off, Bo is like any other almost-grown puppy. “He likes belly rubs, dismantling tennis balls, and sleeping,” McKay said. “I’m really lucky. Most German Shepherds are pretty hyper, but Bo is not. We’ll spend all day in bed reading books together.” Both McKay and Abreu are thankful for the opportunity to have their companions with them and for the positive affect the pets have made on both of their lives in extraordinary ways simply by being there. “[If I could talk to Bo] I would just say, ‘Thank you for saving me,’ because I was really lost before I had Bo,” McKay said. “I hope to return the favor.”

Marcie Abreu with her therapy dog Pip

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Marcie Abreu and Pip Abreu and Pip have been together since last winter. Pip is a certified therapy dog owned by Amanda Murphy, Kenna hall director. Murphy agreed to lend Pip to Abreu at the end of last year. “We found out by Christmastime that I could really benefit from having a service dog and [Murphy] had a therapy dog,” Abreu said. “It worked out perfectly.” Pip helps Abreu deal with stress and sleep-deprivation-induced epilepsy. The two share a single room in Shipstad, and Pip accompanies Abreu everywhere. In addition to practical skills like fetching objects (such as a phone in case of emergency), Abreu says simply having Pip around has made a huge impact in her life and wellbeing. “Since I’ve had [Pip], I haven’t had a seizure because [she] keeps me from getting stressed,” Abreu said. When Pip wears her little red vest, she knows it’s time to work. In “work mode,” she interacts less with others, leaves spilled food and even refrains from chasing the squirrels (as best she can). But once the vest comes off, she’s allowed to let her fur down.

“Off-duty, she’s really high-energy and quirky and likes to cuddle a lot,” Abreu said. Abreu enjoys building community in her dorm by letting friends come play with Pip when she’s off-duty. But when the dog is on-duty, it’s best to keep a bit of distance. “Don’t try to pet her if she has her vest on!” Abreu said. “It takes away from her ability to work and train, especially in high-distraction environments like The Commons.” Pip will return to Murphy’s family for good at the end of this school year when Murphy graduates. Abreu is in the process of applying for another dog to replace Pip. “It was really hard saying goodbye [before break],” Abreu said. “I know it’s going to be worse this year because it’s my last year with Pip.” But while Pip is still on campus, Abreu encourages her fellow students to talk to her about the dog rather than pet her without asking or sneak quick cell phone shots. “It’s fine to come up and talk to me if you have questions about Pip; I’m happy to answer questions,” Abreu said.



February 7, 2013

Walter Pruchnik Guest Commentary You may have seen me sitting in the Pilot House Campus Ministry office and asked these questions. Thank you to all who have come in and said, “Hi” and welcomed me to the UP community. Since I haven’t met everyone yet, please let me introduce myself. I’m Walter, and I’m a novice in the Congregation of Holy Cross. Being a novice is one of the early steps toward becoming a Holy Cross priest. For the past six months, I have been living a simple, quiet life focused on deepening my relationship with God, growing in knowledge of myself, and apprenticing in religious life in Holy Cross. To help us better know whether God is calling us to take the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, Holy Cross novices spend a month of our year-long novitiate program living and working in a Holy Cross community engaged in active ministry, and I’ve been sent here to UP. In short, I’m trying to discern whether I have a vocation to

Who am I? What am I doing here? religious life as a priest in Holy Cross. Vocation comes from the Latin verb vocare “to call.” When most people hear the word “vocation” they think of a vocation as the call from God to be a priest, brother or sister. That’s not the whole story though. Everyone has a vocation: “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you…plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope” (Jer 29:11). Vocation, properly understood, is expansive and all-encompassing in our lives. It is not limited merely to questions of major, career or relationship, as though they are separate entities. It is the deepest level answer to the questions: “Who am I?” and “What am I doing here?” or “What is my life all about?” When each of us finds the unique answer to these questions, we find ourselves most fully alive, joyful, and hope-filled. Discernment is how we can find this joyous fulfillment for which God has created us. Discernment comes from the Latin verb discernere “to separate, distinguish.” Thus, discernment is not so much making a decision as it is separating the weeds from the wheat to recognize the truth of our lives. Our entire lives are a process of discernment and

growth in the vocation God has given us, and it is often very challenging, especially during times of growth, preparation, or transition—like college. As students, you face choices every day about your major; relationships; and internship, service, and job opportunities. While all these questions are important, they do not define you. Rather, they reflect your discernment of your true vocation.

“When each of us finds the unique answer to these questions, we find ourselves most fully alive, joyful, and hope-filled.”

Walter Pruchnik Novice with Holy Cross

you discern and face those challenges, whether you are Catholic, practice another faith tradition or are of no faith at all. Campus Ministry, your dorm’s pastoral resident and all the Holy Cross priests and brothers are available to help you discern your vocation. Fr. Jeff Cooper, CSC even periodically teaches a class on discernment. Finally, the Health Center and Freshman Resource

Center have professionals who can help you grow in healthy and holistic knowledge of yourself. Take advantage of these opportunities to find out who you are and to build a future of hope. Walter Pruchnik III, CSC, is a Novice with the Congregation of Holy Cross and can be reached at

Campus Ministry Calendar Monday, February 11, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

8:30 p.m. Fish - Buckley Center 163 - Conference Room

Friday, February 15, 2013

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel

Sunday, February 17, 2013 10:30 a.m. JPW Mass - Chapel

Monday, February 18, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Friday, February 22, 2013 Even once you discern your vocation, life will not be easy; just think about the challenges the apostles faced. The motto of the Congregation of Holy Cross, “Hail the Cross, our only hope,” tells us that we must persevere through the crosses of our vocation in order to have the hope which follows. Here on the Bluff, there are many resources to help

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel

Monday, February 25, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

8:30 p.m. Fish - Buckley Center 163

Friday, March 01, 2013

4:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross - Chapel

Monday, March 04, 2013

6:00 p.m. Gay Straight Partnership Meeting - Franz Hall 222

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

8:30 p.m. Fish - Buckley Center 163

You are invited to attend

the 2nd Annual Engineering Dean’s Forum Join Shiley School of Engineering Dean Sharon A. Jones for an open forum. Bring your questions, comments, concerns, and an appetite. You’ll also have a chance to enter a drawing for one of five Shiley School of Engineering t-shirts.

Questions? Contact Kim Spir at 503.943.7314 or

Pizzicato pizza and beverages will be provided!

When: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Where: Shiley 319



UP in dire need of new student center Next fall, the University plans to provide late-night programming on weekends from midnight to 2 a.m., filling a muchneeded gap in UP’s student life. But there are no places on campus students want to hang out together on the weekends. UP is in dire need of a new student center. To create such a space, UP should consider remodeling the Pilot House – perhaps adding a second floor. This could serve as more than just a weekend space, which is not the only aspect of student life UP is lacking. St. Mary’s Student Center is rarely used for club events or as a place for students to just relax and socialize. You can venture into St. Mary’s any time most days and find students bent over textbooks or stretched out on the couches taking a nap between classes.

Tour guides do not bring tours inside St. Mary’s for a reason – it is a sad excuse for a student center. St. Mary’s is a rundown building with inconsistent heating and cooling and dirty, old bathrooms. The Commons is the liveliest hub of student activity on campus, but its purpose is for meals and it is not sufficient as a student center. According to the UP website, there are 74 clubs on campus recognized by the University, but you can’t find them when walking around campus. These clubs need a place to be visible, hold events and meet. A place where students can actually come and go, socialize with friends and not feel like they are in a library. A new student center could include a coffee cart and different stations where clubs could have a home base at certain times

of the day. There could be regular events hosted by KDUP DJs where students could come and go. Clubs could book the space regularly for their own events. A lively student center would actively engage students in student life. It would help students want to be on campus and want to be involved. And yet, there is no mention of plans for a new student center, or a remodeling of the current one, anywhere in the Strategic Plan for the University for 20112016. Funding a project like remodeling and adding on to the Pilot House would be expensive and take time. But it is something that needs to be prioritized along with UP’s RISE campaign projects such as the new recreation center and library. UP strives to be a community, yet there is no lively student center for all the members of this

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

community to gather. Having a weekend lounge space or a bar, a couple of the many ideas for next year’s latenight programming, could help UP attract students to campus on the weekends. Offering fun on-campus options for nightlife would give students somewhere to go on the weekends that is

close to home and safe. But next year’s plans to engage students on the weekends need to also include engaging students all the time by funding a vibrant student center that is the hub of student life on campus – not a place to study and sleep.


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

Celebrities are not just for your entertainment Kate Stringer Staff Commentary “Destroying things is much easier than making them.” So says Katniss Everdeen in Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games.” Katniss would know the truth of this statement better than anyone. She is a tribute in the Hunger Games, an annual ritual that takes children, turns them into national celebrities. And then destroys them in a fight-tothe-death televised game. And the crowds cheer. When I first read “The Hunger Games,” I was shocked. Shocked by citizens that watch the mass murder of teenagers as if it were sport. Shocked by people who

adore Katniss in her red-carpet dress one day and eagerly await her downfall the next. Shocked by a culture that draws entertainment from the suffering of human beings. And then I realized that the reason these people can find entertainment in the suffering of another human being is because they don’t see Katniss as human. Instead they see her as an object for their entertainment. And then I wondered: Is this how our culture sees celebrities? As beautiful, talented, less-thanhuman objects for our entertainment? We all have favorite singers we adore, actors we expect marriage proposals from, athletes we idolize. But in our larger than life depictions of these entertainers, we have made them less deserving of life.

Submission Policy

Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

Advertising in The Beacon

For advertising information, contact Morgan Rapozo, business and advertising manager, at


Subscriptions are available at $30 for the year, covering 24 issues. Checks should be made payable to The University of Portland: The Beacon. For more information about subscriptions or billing questions, contact Business and Advertising Manager Morgan Rapozo at

We scoff when Lindsay Lohan goes to rehab for the third time. We laugh when Miley Cyrus gets caught smoking marijuana by the paparazzi. We gossip about whether Taylor Swift and Harry Styles are ever getting back together.

“Because if we find entertainment in the latest celebrity drug overdose, what’s to stop us from finding entertainment in the destruction of other human beings?”

Kate Stringer Junior

But if these stories of drug addictions and broken relationships were about our family or our

friends, we wouldn’t be so quick to laugh. We would be seriously concerned and ready to help however we could. Because when we see human beings in pain, our hearts are moved. But when it’s a celebrity in pain, it’s for our entertainment. I sometimes wonder if we are the cause of their suffering. Is the harassment from online gossip sites or our demand for their perfection enough to cause celebrities to turn to drugs and alcohol to hide their pain? Is the pressure of the paparazzi enough to destroy relationships and break up families? I wonder if these gorgeous, golden people are truly happy. The industry of dehumanizing celebrities needs to end. I think it’s important that we don’t just bet on them, that we don’t pick a favorite and watch them fight to the death in our entertainment

world, destroying them simply because it’s easier than building them up. We need to stop treating celebrities as non-human entities. We need to realize that just because they’re our entertainment onscreen doesn’t mean they have an obligation to be our entertainment off-screen. Because if we find entertainment in the latest celebrity drug overdose, what’s to stop us from finding entertainment in the destruction of other human beings? So the next time you hear of a celebrity who has been beaten by her boyfriend or arrested for drunk driving, don’t laugh. Instead, ask why. Because it’s not for your entertainment. Kate Stringer is a junior English major. She can be reached at

THE BEACON Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . Elizabeth Tertadian News Editor . . . . . . . . . . ��������� Laura Frazier Living Editor �����������������������Rachel McIntosh Opinions Editor. . . . . . ��������� Sarah Hansell Sports Editor . . . . . . . . �Kyle Cape-Lindelin Design Editor. . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Photo Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Jeffers Asst. Design Editor . . . ���������Zack Hartman Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Ellefson

Contacting The Beacon

E-mail: Website: Address: 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. ● Portland, OR 97203-5798

Staff Writers

Harry Blakeman, Kaitlyn Dunn, Philip Ellefson, Hannah Kintner, Lydia Laythe, Will Lyons, PJ Marcello, Amanda Munro, Kate Stringer, Kelsey Thomas, Taylor Tobin, Nastacia Voisin, Kathryn Walters


Stephanie Matusiefsky, Giovanna Solano

Staff Members

Business & Ad Manager. . .Morgan Rapozo Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Truong Web Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . Et Begert Circulation Manager. . . . . . Anne Uruu Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Copic Publisher . . Fr. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C.



February 7, 2013

Alternative ideas about conservation Tai WhiteToney Guest Commentary Environmentalism has become a fundamental component of American culture. Like many of you, I fervently believe humans have the ability and therefore the duty to care for our home, the home that our ancestors heavily exploited for so many years. Most of us now understand that preservation of our natural resources is particularly important, and environmentalism even has become a pillar of our generation. Ever since the integration of environmentalism into our culture, this same story is being preached: We have to conserve the environment. Recently, UP’s biology department gave voice to a new opinion, that of an Alaskan Yup’ik Eskimo named Peter Kawagaelg Williams. Williams is a sea otter hunter and an environmentalist. Yes, you read that correctly, he is both. Williams discussed important matters regarding the spiritual beliefs of Alaskans Natives. Clothes, for example, were first utilized by humans to help with survival in colder climates: they believed that we dressed in the fur

of a living being that had its own spirit, and that we would embody that animal spirit when wearing the fur. Fundamentally, this concept is about paying due respect to the animal who gave its life for your survival. Unfortunately this particular notion has largely been lost; we have removed ourselves from nature and the animals and removed ourselves from a conscious awareness of where we came from. Native Alaskans are exempt from the Sea Mammal Protection Act because of their dependence on sea otters, specifically. Hunting and handicraft are permissible under the premise that they do not hunt purely for sport and that they abide by government regulations. “The predator-prey relationship,” Williams said, “is the oldest relationship. It feels natural.” Remarkably, however, Williams also said “Killing isn’t very easy for me, and I don’t think it should be.” While donning a sealskin vest, he embodied the spirit of environmental concern, and longed for correcting our human relationship with nature. Today, conservationists look at natural resources as commodities, dictating which components must be protected, and which components can be exploited. It seems our opinions of environmentalism can be very irreverent and inconsistent. To be sure, all this is not for

the purpose of condoning hunting, as I acknowledge that there are individuals who hunt for sport or monetary gain (and because I, too, have an affinity for animals). It seems clear to me, however, that we have become so comfortable with our nation’s practices of conservation that we forget to really question them. We agree that global conservation efforts need to be increased in order to overcome problems like unsustainable fishing, the African elephant ivory trade and even the rancher/ grey wolf dilemma faced by our Eastern Washington neighbors. Nevertheless, it could do our generation some good to consider alternative perspectives, because maybe we are all fighting for the same things. Perhaps they are protecting the same resources, just differently. Williams is a sea otter hunter, but he also has a clear respect for the animal and the environment we all share. Anyone who seeks the benefit of a natural resource must also understand that it is in his or her own best interest for that environment to flourish. Peter Williams’ website can be found at Tai White-Toney is a junior biology major. She can be reached at


Dance club etiquette Lydia Laythe Staff Commentary The other night I went to a club, The Escape, with a bunch of friends. I assumed that because the club was gay-friendly, I might avoid the awkward, unpleasant situation of having guys try to grind up behind me… Boy, was I wrong. Three or four times I had to shimmy my way out of the uncomfortable grip of these types of guys. Fortunately, I had my friends to create a barrier around me after that, and I was fairly safe for the rest of the night. So here’s my advice to all guys, especially ones that go to gay clubs alone and try to dance with a girl who’s just trying to dance with her friends: Pipe the f*** down! Cut it out! If a girl wants to dance with you, she will let you know, I promise! She’ll give you “the look” or smile at you for a long time and then flip her hair or wink or something. But if she looks at you and then looks away quickly and avoids looking at you, that does not – in any way – mean you should approach her from behind and get all up in her business. Come on. Also, what’s with the creeper look? If I don’t invite you to rub your hips on my butt, don’t do it. But definitely do not, after being rejected, just stand awkwardly close and watch me. I don’t want to turn around and see you peek-

ing at me from under your fitted hat with your hood up. It’s strange when guys have their hood up at the club. So, another piece of advice: Take your hood down, ya weirdo. The rule of thumb: the more obscured your face, the creepier you look. So your best bet is no hat, no hood, no sunglasses. Furthermore, do not go to the other extreme: Do not go take your shirt off, unless you have a really nice body (like you hit the gym twice a day). I’m not just referring to the beer-bellied and 200-pound video game players who are at the club for their monthly dose of human interaction, I’m also talking to the tall, skinny, skeleton-like boys who swing their razor-sharp hip bones around in circles, threatening to dismember anyone who gets too close. Put your man boobs and rib bones away! No one wants to see that.

“If a girl wants to dance with you, she will let you know, I promise!”

Lydia Laythe Freshman

So pretty much, I just wanted to give the creepy guys a couple helpful reminders about dancing club etiquette. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. But pretty much just don’t be a creep. That’s all. Lydia Laythe is a freshman social work major. She can be reached at

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1/22/13 11:39 AM


Regarding John Cannon’s guest commentary Devin Helmgren Guest Commentary Dear Anthony Paz, I will consider being religious when people like John Cannon put their Time Cubes away. Your Faith and Fellowship editorial struck a sour chord with me, but “Angels on the battlefield” specifically has upset all of my sensibilities. Who is John Cannon? According to his article last week, he is an alumnus from the class of ’67. On his website, we find that he has taken an extensive interest in the study of Thomas Aquinas and his theories on the angels. What is “Angels on the battlefield?” Confused and hateful. I have two qualms with this article: first is the general false-

ness of nearly everything that the author asserts; the second is the implications that he makes about right and wrong. I’ll start with the “facts” (and yes, I mean that I don’t think they are facts. I’m not sure what Cannon means when he puts words in quotes) asserted in the article. The most obvious and offensive to me being his assertion that “abortion… is the most common ‘medical’ procedure” practiced in the US. That is blatantly untrue; the most common medical procedure is the common physical, and the most performed surgical procedure is the C-section. His assertion that the keeping and sharing of knowledge succeeded the printing press is false. And Darwin never claimed that he knew how life began; “Origin of Species” answers not where life came from, but why different species exist at all. The list of misinterpretations and untruths goes on. More problematic are the im-

plications he makes throughout the article. When he says that back in the day, “men were men, [and] women were women,” he discredits feminism, transgendered individuals and the LGBTQ community as a whole. In his collection of former crimes that have been legalized, he mentions co-habitation, homosexuality and divorce, implying that all three should be crimes again. He also seems to imply that World War II was caused by Hitler’s rejection of his Christian upbringing. This is the problem, Mr. Paz. I keep seeing hate speech and prejudices like these emerge from religious communities. Jesus is famous for standing up for the people who were lowest in his society: prostitutes, tax collectors, the disabled. The people whom today find themselves the lowest (LGBTQ, divorcees, single parents, not to mention countless minorities) are being vilified by a

world that looks a lot like the one that you claim “Jesus decried.” Merriam-Webster defines religion as “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith” and faith as “complete trust”. And while, Mr. Paz, it’s true that developing spiritual doctrine on one’s own can be difficult and confusing, I rarely find that those who do so are anywhere as radical and volatile as someone who had the answers handed to them. The universe is vast, unknown, and scary: its nature shouldn’t be clear-cut or easily digestible; people need to struggle with it. You can’t rely on your religious community to know every right from every wrong.

Rachelle Leduc Guest Commentary Every morning, the majority of us get up to start the day, dressed and to class on time without much thought. We never worry about people staring at us or counting on people to help us out. We often take for granted the ease we have getting to downtown Portland, ordering a coffee or maneuvering through a store. We are continually judged based on our age, gender, size, race, religion and ability, as society has formed a picture of what a “normal” person should look like. On a Sunday in November, I had a chance to see what life would be like from a completely

crossed multiple corners, maneuvering the curbs, the uneven sidewalks and entered the nonautomatic doors.

“We are continually judged by our age, gender, size, race, religion and ability, as society has formed a picture of what a ‘normal’ person should look like.”

Rachelle Leduc Alumna

When we entered the stores, I continued to come across inconveniences I would have normally not have been conscious of, including reaching the merchandise, moving around the displays or reaching over the high countertops. Fortunately, along with the stares from passerbys, we were assisted by sales associ-

Faces on The Bluff By Kayla Wong

We asked: What do you think about the lift of the ban on women in combat? Anndres Olson junior, biology

Devin Helmgren is a junior computer science major. He can be reached at helmgren14@

Looking at the world from a different level different perspective and finally understand the differences of being in a wheelchair. Never before had I experienced getting around to accomplish normal tasks from a wheelchair. Never before had I noticed being looked at for being different. Never before had I taken into account the things that seem so simple. As soon as we got to the bus stop, I immediately began noticing the differences. I could no longer just walk on the bus and take a seat. This time, a ramp needed to be laid down as I maneuvered my way onto the ramp and into bus and locked the chair in place. Then again when I reached my stop: call to the bus driver, lower the ramp and exit onto the uneven sidewalk. Pioneer Square was the destination. Luckily, at our first stop at Pioneer Place Mall, we entered through doors that had a flat entrance. No stairs. We had already


ates and kind Portlanders, more than if we had been standing on our own two feet. At times, we were also faced with pity looks as people let us cut them in line because we were in wheelchairs, almost out of guilt. It almost seemed like they were suffering from “able-bodied privilege.” They felt guilty for being able to walk, while we sat in wheelchairs. I am not saying that this is right or wrong, as I do realize the difficulty in finding a balance between being rude and respectful, but I would simply like to draw attention to the matter so that more people may become aware and recognize the differences that exist, how we treat each other, and what each individual goes through to live on a daily basis. Rachelle Leduc is a 2012 alumna and former Beacon reporter.

Do you have a Do you want a VALENTINE? VALENTINE? Buy a Beacon Heart for $2!

“Women and men should have equal rights and this just brings us a step closer to equality.”

Maggie Hannon sophomore, English

“I’m very happy about the change. Women should be able to go into combat if they so choose.”

Whitney Baxter sophomore, nursing and Spanish

Your message here!

On sale Feb. 7 - 13 during lunch and dinner in The Commons. Your heart will appear in the Valentine’s issue on Feb. 14. Buy them early! Space is limited!

“I wasn’t aware that women were not allowed in combat until recently. I thought it was surprising and sexist in the first place, so it’s a great change.”



February 7, 2013

Former MLB all-star Bill Buckner speaks at UP Former Boston Red Sox first baseman and 22-year MLB veteran Bill Buckner spoke with UP alumni and the UP baseball team about his work ethic, advice on growing as a player and overcoming his infamous error in the 1986 World Series Taylor Tobin Staff Writer Tough practices aren’t the only way the baseball team is preparing for the season. On Feb. 2, former MLB player and first baseman Bill Buckner spoke at the Pilots’ 12th annual Diamond Dinner fundraiser event. “It was really cool meeting someone so famous,” senior catcher Beau Fraser said. “Getting to be around him and talking about baseball was a really special experience.” The team got a chance to talk to Buckner, who played for five major league teams, including the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox, more directly before the event.

““Those [bad] things happen in

sports. It’s life. This is a baseball game, I missed a freaking ground ball, so what? Bottom line, baseball’s a game. Everyone goes through those things in life. God doesn’t give you anything more than you can handle.”

Bill Buckner

“He said that when he got to the minor leagues the biggest adjustment for him was realizing

he had to out-work everyone around him and get a little bit better each day,” said Fraser. “I think that is something I can apply and use to motivate me, that someone so good uses that mentality to get as far as he did.” As well as discussing the mental side of the game, Buckner, an all-star hitter with a lifetime batting average of .298, 2,715 career hits, 174 home runs and one batting title, talked to the team about his hitting philosophy. “To hear his philosophy was very meaningful to us, because we are trying to be like him,” said junior outfielder Nick Armenta. “He said to remember it’s always a grind; 30 percent of the time you’re going to feel good, 30 percent O.K., and 30 percent bad. It’s how you get through the tough times that makes you a better baseball player.” Despite his successful career, Buckner is mainly recognized for making a costly error that resulted in the Boston Red Sox losing the World Series in 1986. “Anybody heard about the 1986 error that I made?” Buckner said. “That World Series was crazy, it was the perfect storm.” Many Pilots only knew of Buckner for his infamous error. Few knew about the tremendous backlash and hatred Buckner and his family dealt with decades later from bitter Red Sox fans.

Photograph courtesy of

Bill Buckner gives a speech about his experience as a 22-year MLB veteran to UP alumni and the baseball team. Buckner was a multiple time all-star despite mostly being known for one of the biggest fielding errors in MLB history. “I liked when he talked about how he’s famous for the ground ball at the World Series,” said Fraser. “He did so many things in his career, but to hear him talk about that and the adversity he had to deal with was powerful.” As they prepare for the season, the team will take what they learned from Buckner and how one event changed his life and apply it to their own lives.

Pause the game, read The Beacon!

“Those [bad] things happen in sports. It’s life,” Buckner said. “This is a baseball game, I missed a freaking ground ball, so what? Bottom line, baseball’s a game. Everyone goes through those things in life. God doesn’t give you anything more than you can handle.” So far, bad weather has forced the team to practice indoors, on the Prusinski Pitch and on

Concordia University’s turf field. The team’s first game is away on Feb. 15 against No. 5 Mississippi State. Armenta knows Mississippi State will be tough competition for the Pilots, but he has a bigger opponent in mind this season. “We’re our best competitor,” said Armenta. “If we play the game right, we’re going to win ball games.”

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This week in sports


Men’s Basketball

in the

The men’s basketball team is coming off two crushing WCC road loses this past week. They fell to Santa Clara 70-46 on Jan. 31 and Saint Mary’s 77-42 on Feb. 2. The loss drop the Pilots even farther down the standing to a 8-16 overall record and stand with a 1-8 WCC record. The Pilots hope coming back to the familiar area of the Chiles Center will change the course of their season. The Pilots face Loyola Marymount University Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. and Pepperdine Feb. 9 at 1 p.m.

Spotlight: Derrick Rodgers Katie Dunn Staff Writer Guard Derrick Rodgers, the only senior on the men’s basketball team, stepped up as the team’s point guard after transferring from Citrus College in Glendora, Calif. Averaging 5.6 points, 2.6 assists and 2.2 rebounds as well as setting the tone defensively for the team, Rodgers hopes to have an impact on the young Pilots team while looking to stay in the game after graduation.

Women’s Basketball

How is it transferring here? I came from a junior college, so going to the next level was the point the whole time. I feel I was really lucky to come here from there because it’s a little harder to get into [UP]. It’s been really nice. Why did you come here? The coaching staff. I trusted my junior college coach a lot. He told me that they were good people and I wouldn’t have to worry about politics and things like that. That sounded good to me, along with free school. What is your favorite part of UP? My favorite part would have to be my least favorite part as well, just how small the school is. I really like it in the sense of classroom sizes and how everybody cares and knows you. What is your favorite part of basketball? My teammates. Playing here I didn’t have to worry about a lot of ego problems. Everybody’s a good person on this team, they’re fun to hang out with. Our times in the locker room are probably some of the best.


Kayla Wong| THE BEACON

What does it mean to you and to the team being the only senior? They talk a lot of mess to me about it. They always tell me I’m no fun anymore because I’m an old man and they always joke with me. It was hard at first just because our team is a little young, just trying to be a leader and that role model, the one always working hard and doing things right that we need to do all the time. They all like me so that makes it easier. How is it taking on the leadership role? It wasn’t bad. We’ve had great leadership before, people to watch, and I knew I’d be in a position this year to take on that role. It’s mostly just coming in

with a good attitude every day, when the team is down, trying to get the team to follow. What are your plans after you graduate? I want to continue playing if I can. I’m probably going to try that first and see where it takes me but if I’m not able to do that I’m probably going to try and coach. I want to stay around basketball somehow. I’d play anywhere overseas for a little bit, just to get out of the country for a while, since I’ve never been. What will you miss most from the team? Being able to compete every day, practice every day, just go out

and compete with elite athletes every single day. What is your best memory from your years here? My first year here, we beat St. Mary’s [85-70] here. We kicked their butts that game. How was the strongman competition? It’s a challenge. They split it up between guards and posts. My first year here I won the guard part so I was like oh I’m always going to win. Then I went against Ryan Nicholas and for the second year in a row he just killed me. It’s really difficult but it’s a lot of fun.

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The women’s basketball team is starting to turn their season around with huge morale victories against Pepperdine on Jan. 31. Junior Amy Pupa had a career-high 19 rebounds, tying the UP record in a 57-51 win. The Pilots also pushed through for a thrilling, last-second victory against LMU 65-63 on Feb. 2 with sophomore Jasmine Wooten hitting the gamewinning layup. The Pilots are on a three game winning streak to improve their record to 9-13 overall and are 4-5 in the WCC. The Pilots look to continue their success as they head out on the road to take on Saint Mary’s on Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. and Pepperdine on Feb. 9 at 2 p.m.

Men’s Tennis

The men’s tennis team is showing their dominance at home as the team posted three shutouts against Seattle University 6-0 and Montana State 7-0 on Feb. 1. The Pilots also clipped UC Davis 7-0 for another shutout win on Feb. 3. The Pilots play their next match on Feb. 13 agaisnt Ol Miss at home at 10 a.m.

Women’s Tennis

The women’s tennis team dropped a pair of matches after their strong start, losing to cross-state rival Oregon 6-1 on Feb. 3 and WCC rival Saint Mary’s 5-2 on Feb. 6. The UP squad prepares to take on cross-city rival Portland State at home on Feb. 8 at 11 a.m. The Pilots welcome UC Davis onto The Bluff on Feb. 10 at 10 a.m. (courtesy


February 7, 2013


Game Day Preview: Men’s basketball takes on LMU and Pepperdine On a six-game losing streak in the WCC, the men’s basketball team hopes to turn their season around this weekend against LMU and Pepperdine. Kathryn Walters Staff Writer The Pilots are looking for offense, and need it to turn their six-game losing streak around Portland has excelled in rebounding and defense this season, which is why Head Coach Eric Reveno wants to focus on offense and shooting. They are shooting only .459 this season, lower than their next two opponents, Loyola Marymount and Pepperdine. These recurring problems have resulted in the Pilots overall record falling to 8-16,

and 1-8 WCC record. “We need to try and get out and get some easy baskets and attack the rim,” Reveno said. With the Pilots’ season in desperate need of a turnaround, the timing could not be more perfect for the team to face LMU, who is in the midst of their own losing record in the WCC with a record of 1-7 and Pepperdine who sit at 2-7. The Loyola Marymount Lions rely on junior guard Anthony Ireland to take charge. They are 1-7 in the WCC this season and 8-13 over all. The Lions do not play their freshmen as much

as the Pilots do, and they start four upperclassmen and one sophomore. They look to the juniors and seniors to lead the team against the Pilots on Feb. 7. “We’ve got a good mix of young-and-medium-aged guys coming together,” Reveno said. Feb. 9, the Pepperdine Waves roll onto The Bluff. They are 2-7 in the WCC and 10-12 overall this season. Their leading scorer is senior guard Lorne Jackson, who contributes half of the teams points for the Waves. The players who have been stepping up recently for the Pilots are the four freshmen and

senior Derrick Rodgers. He leads the team with 2.6 assists per game and has played in every game this season, stepping up exponentially after David Carr got injured. “We can’t let our past mistakes effect our upcoming games,” Rodgers said. “We just have to compete and work hard everyday against every opponent.” The Pilots, who are 6-6 at home, look to use their home court advantage to the fullest. LMU and Pepperdine have losing records on the road, a big advantage for Portland. The team wants to win at home and fight on

the road to get back in the WCC. Being aggressive early with shooting and rebounding, everyone working together like they have been, and a loud student section are the keys to victory this week for the Pilots. One consistancy the Pilots have on their side are the fans. With an average of 2,000 fans in attendence, the Pilots enjoy the student-supported atmosphere. “If no one else showed and the students showed, I’d be fine,” Reveno said. “The students make it fun to compete.”

Players to watch

Senior forward

Senior guard

6.5 rebounds/game

Scores 14.3 points/game

Lorne Jackson

Ashley Hamilton

Junior guard

Junior forward

Scores 19.9 points/game 4 assists/game

Scores 13 points/game 9.3 rebounds/game

Anthony Ireland

Ryan Nicholas

Senior guard

Freshman forward

Scores 2.6 assists/game

Scores 7.4 rebounds/game

Derrick Rodgers

Stacy Davis

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