The Beacon - Issue 14 - Jan. 31, 2013

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The Vol. 114, Issue 14




Thursday January 31, 2013

Administration reveals Theology 101 curriculum changes



Three students start nonprofit music project



Women’s tennis starts their season strong with six rockstar freshmen



Is GSP being treated fairly by the UP administration?

Can UP go from this to this?

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Online Look at more photos from Dance of the Deacades 2013!

Photo courtesy of Maureen Doyle

Weather Thursday

50/38 Friday

50/33 Saturday

50/38 Sunday


Above: The Pilot House is currently used as a study and hang out space for students. Below: The University is considering modeling a UP night club off of The Legends of Notre Dame, an on-campus bar at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. The band OK Go performed for students on stage in the bar. with late night programming next According to Doyle, one of the saw a 30 percent decrease in fall. Student Activities also plans biggest discussions Notre Dame alcohol-related citations and arrests Will Lyons to hire a late night programming had when it decided to convert its on campus and in surrounding Staff Writer director as part of the expansion of on-campus alumni bar into Legends South Bend, Ind. nighttime programming at UP. was whether or not to continue “The point is to provide cuttingCreating a lounge space for serving alcohol. At the time, Notre edge entertainment, and if you want The party might be closer to informal activities is the top Dame was on a list of schools with to have a beer with your friends, home next fall as the Office of priority. the worst alcohol problems. that’s fine,” Doyle said. Student Activities plans to roll out “We’re looking into creating UP Senior and Schoenfeldt RA programming from midnight until 2 somewhere for students to go that Kyle McDonnell thinks a lounge a.m. and create new student lounge isn’t a set activity,” Donato said. “If we felt that having a bar and bar could provide community space on weekends. “(Students) walk in, be part of cohesion. would be Converting the Pilot House something and walk out.” “It would give students incentive something into an all-ages nightclub with a Sophomore Catherine Spencer to live on campus longer and it 21 and over bar is currently one believes an all-ages space fills a would encourage off - campus students of many options the University is niche for students. to come back,” McDonnell wanted and it students considering. “I feel like it could be a success said. “Especially if it were tied into had a positive the meal point system somehow.” Jeromy Koffler, director of for people who don’t like to go out student activities, said in a way UP to places like ‘Venue’ or house According to Koffler and effect, we’d already has a campus bar. parties,” Spencer said. “Especially Donato, Student Activities will be all for it.” “It’s called the T-Room,” Koffler for freshman, where going off gather student input throughout the said. campus isn’t as accessible because Jeromy Koffler semester about what students would In the coming months, the they don’t have cars.” like to see in the space. Director of Student Activities Division of Student Affairs will In Novemeber, Donato asked “Hopefully the program will decide whether a bar fits the Maureen Doyle, general manager of grow organically,” Donato said. overall mission of UP late night Notre Dame’s on-campus nightclub “At its inception, people thought “It’s really meant to help serve the programming. and bar, The Legends of Notre we would be promoting alcohol students.” “If we felt that having a bar Dame, to visit UP to assess what use on campus,” Doyle said. “In would be something students might work for UP to develop more actuality, alcohol is an afterthought wanted and it had a positive effect, of a nightlife. at Legends. Our students really we’d be all for it,” Koffler said. “You don’t really have a place to just wanted a place to hang out According to Vice President for go at night for students to hang out with friends where alcohol was Student Affairs Fr. John Donato, like a student center,” Doyle said. available.” Student Activities will run the Pilots “First you need to focus on a place According to Doyle, a decade After Dark program in conjunction to socialize.” after Legends opened Notre Dame



January 31, 2013

On On Campus Campus CPB Coffehouse

Tall Heights will perform at the coffeehouse Friday at 10 p.m. in St. Mary’s Student Center. There will be free food, coffee and Italian sodas. CPB Movie This week’s movie is “Argo.” The movie is in Buckley Center Auditorium at 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Movies are free. Trashin’ Fashion The annual Trashin’ Fashion Show is Feb. 1 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the new Bauccio Commons. The fashion show is hosted by College Ecology Club, and features students in their own outfits made from recycled and ecofriendly materials. Free Documentary Screening The documentary “Waiting for Superman” will be shown tonight at 6 in Shiley 123. The movie is about educational inequality in America. Club Photo Week Tonight from 7 to 8 there will be a photographer from the Log yearbook availble in the Franz lobby to take group photos of clubs. Please contact Isabelle Nguyen at nguyen16@ Writers Magazine Writers Magazine, the student run creative work publication, is currently accepting submissions. The magazine publishes poetry, prose, black and white photography, visual art and comics. Email submissions to by Friday Feb. 15. Written pieces should be no more than 2,000 words and images should be in .jpeg or .tif and at least 1MB. To submit color photos for the cover contest, email it with “cover contest entry” in the title. For more information contact Enid Spitz at or Lars Larson at larson@ Bringing Eyes of Faith to Film On Wednesday Feb. 6, the Garaventa Center will show “Brave” in Buckley Center 314 at 5:15 p.m. There will be a discussion about the theological themes in the movie.

Accuracy in The Beacon

The Beacon strives to be fair and accurate. The newspaper corrects any significant errors of fact brought to the attention of the editors. If you think an error has been made, contact us at Corrections will be printed above.

Rec center to be built next to Public Safety

The University’s planned recreational center, funded by the RISE campaign, will be constructed on the field next to the Public Safety building starting in June 2014. After debating whether to break ground on John Etzel field or the field adjacent to

Public Safety, Vice President for University Relations Jim Lyons and the Board of Regents decided to build The Rec center on the space next to Public Safety. “Both were thought of on equal terms,” Lyons said. “Deciding on the P-safe field

will allow us to move forward more quickly.” Etzel field will remain in its current location, while the future of the P-safe building remains uncertain. According to Lyons, the larger space will allow for more space for fitness classes and

other recreation and wellness programs. “If we get lucky and got the fundraising done it could be even sooner,” Lyons said. - Will Lyons Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Assistant director of student activites hired

Kathryn Walters Staff Writer

The Office of Student Activities welcomes Megan Jung to The Bluff this semester as the new assistant director of Student Activities and coordinator for clubs and organizations. Jung comes to UP fresh out of graduate school. She completed her Master’s degree in Education in College Student Services at Oregon State University last June. She replaces Jillian Smith, who took a job at Concordia University. Jung’s responsibilities include advising the Campus Program Board, working with clubs and organizations and planning Freshman Orientation. “I want to empower students in whatever capacity I can, whether it’s helping students in CPB develop leadership skills or empowering new students,”

Jung said. “I just want to talk to kids and encourage them in their education.” According to Jeremy Koffler, director of Student Activities, Jung’s prior experience on the campus program board at Oregon State University and in AmeriCorps made her an ideal candidate for the position. “I felt like she was a good fit,” he said. “She is very approachable, understands students and is very perceptive about student needs.” Jung said UP’s mission of faith and service attracted her to the University. “I really resonate with the message of educating the head, hearts and hands,” she said. “I want to work at a place that shares these values and is intentional about the way it raises its students.” Koffler said he has complete faith in Jung’s ability to handle her many responsibilities, although

she arrives mid-year and has big events to help organize. “I have great plans for her to be a part of selection of staffs and training student leaders for Orientation,” Koffler said. So far, Jung feels at home on The Bluff. “Everyone has been so welcoming,” she said. “I’ve only been here two weeks and I already feel a sense of belonging.” As a native of Montana, Jung said living in a city like Portland, where the environment and sustainability are highly valued, is special to her. “I’ve read a lot about sustainability, so it’s fun to live in a city where that’s a norm,” she said. “Growing up in Montana, you develop an appreciation for nature and mountains and things like that.” Her love of the outdoors spills over into her many hobbies, like hiking, backpacking and rock-

passed Resolution 12-11 after hearing students’ dissatisfaction over the proposed curriculum changes. Vasconcellos vetoed the resolution and requested that senators wait to hear the theology department’s proposal before presenting a resolution to the Academic Senate in February.

perspectives courses because they’ll have a better idea of what a theological lens does.” While world religions will no longer be the focus of entry level theology, professors can decide to use other religions to add to the discussion of theology and their relationship to Christianity, according to Baasten.

Baasten and Andrews explained that revisions to the theology curriculum came after an External Core Review recommended the theology department better incorporate Core Questions such as “who or what is God?” and “who am I?” into Course Goals.

Senator Adam Harnden, one of the writers of Resolution 1211, wants more evidence of the theology department’s plan to incorporate world religions. “They really did not give concrete evidence about what they’re going to do about the world religions aspect of it, “ Harnden said. “What it sounded like to me was that [including world religions] is up to the discretion of the professor.” Instead, new upper division theology courses will offer a study of different religions. The courses will vary depending on the professor’s expertise, but possible courses include a study of ethical issues from the viewpoints of multiple religions, and a study of how different religions view their sacred texts. ‘More conversations’ While students in the College of Arts and Sciences are required to take a third theology course, other colleges in the University such as nursing and engineering do not allow time for an upper division world religions course. Baasten says that with these changes, schools will have to reevaluate what they want their

Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Megan Jung earned her Masters degree from Oregon State University.

climbing. “It’ll be fun to have time to do that because graduate school doesn’t give you any time for those things,” Jung said.

Changes to Theo 101 curriculum announced Proposal lets professors decide whether or not to include world religions

Kate Stringer Staff Writer Details of the new theology core curriculum were finally made public at the ASUP Senate meeting Monday night. The controversial plan to narrow the focus of Theology 101 from a study of world religions to Christianity came about after an External Core Review recommended focusing on quality over quantity. “If you took an anatomy course, there’s no way you could cover every body system. They take four or five systems and teach you how you study them, so besides giving you the content, they also teach you the method,” said Associate Provost Matthew Baasten. “We’re hoping that by teaching you the method you’ll be able to look at any religion.” After listening to Baasten and College of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael Andrews’ rationale for the changes, ASUP decided to gather feedback from the student body before voting on Resolution 12-11, which opposes the new curriculum for introductory Theology, now to be called Theology 105. “The senate decided to hold off on this and either do a major rewrite or reconsider the resolution as a whole,” ASUP President Brock Vasconcellos said. “They’ll take it back to the drawing board and reassess.” In December senators drafted and unanimously

New course goals added

“We’re hoping that by teaching you the method you’ll be able to look at any religion.” Matthew Baasten Associate Provost The new introduction to Theology course will give students the tools and time to answer these questions by focusing on one religion, Christianity, according to Baasten. “It will give them the tools to use a theological lens,” Baasten said. “It will make them better prepared for theological

Resolution rewrite

students to receive from their education. “We’re really in the early stages because more conversations have to be done,” Baasten said. “I want to emphasize that learning doesn’t just include inside the classroom – you can do it outside the classroom with talks, visiting other places. I’m hoping that if we supply you all with the tools you can go and study another religion and you don’t need a teacher the same way.” Harnden says that the writers of the resolution plan to go back to the drawing board and create a resolution that demands a concrete plan to put some aspect of world religions into the course. “We’re completely reworking [the resolution],” Harnden said. “I personally do not see them changing their minds without the revisions. With the revisions they may be more willing to work with us.” The changes to the curriculum will go into effect this fall. Andrews thinks students will be able to engage in a more comprehensive conversation of all religions after getting the tools to study one. “The question doesn’t have to be ‘theology or world religions,’ but as we study theology we get the keys, the instruments, the methods to engage in the dialogue of world religions,” Andrews said. “Try it first.”


Challenges of house hunting With the deadline for UP-owned houses fast approaching, students moving off campus feel the pressure Students make connections for non-UP houses

Will Lyons Staff Writer For students ready to brave the world off campus and move into a house, it may be harder than they think. The window of opportunity to find an off - campus house is quickly closing. With 45 percent of students living off campus in 2012 and some freshman seeking their first opportunity to live off campus next year, competition for houses in the University Park neighborhood is increasing. The deadline to apply for University - owned houses is Feb. 15, and homes owned by other landlords are filling up fast. With many students still searching for housing, students and landlords agree that applying early is the best way to secure a residence. Director of Residence Life Mike Walsh won’t know how many UP - owned houses will be available until current residents decide whether or not to stay. “The biggest perk of renting through the University is having your rent linked with Student Accounts,” Walsh said. “And we have an army of P-plant workers to fix your toilet.” Currently, 95 students live in University houses off campus. Walsh said all students have an equal shot at renting a home from the University. Juniors and seniors can apply for a University-owned house before Feb. 15 with a $100 down payment. Students seeking a University-owned house are invited to a series of open houses on Feb. 16 before the Feb. 20 housing selection day.

In terms of finding a house not owned by the University, who you know is key. Sophomore Alex Douglas is struggling to move from one offcampus house to another because of his need to rent May to May.

“The biggest perk of renting through the University is having your rent linked with Student Accounts. And we have an army of P-plant workers to fix your toilet.” Mike Walsh Director of Residence Life “When you’re looking so far ahead, you’re not taken seriously,” Douglas said. “As a college student you’re almost neglected.” Douglas hopes he can find a new residence before the end of the school year. “The fallback is to wait until summer,” Douglas said. “Something will come up in the next couple months, I’m sure.” Some students said the best way to find a house is to get in early with seniors who will be graduating in the spring. Junior Jessica Heitman knew seniors and got into her off-campus house simply by asking. “It kind of fell into my lap,” Heitman said. “I asked for it in September and everything worked out nicely.”

‘Hands on learning’

Contacting a landlord early proves to be one of the best ways to get a house. Bob Kessi, a UP alum who


has 40 properties in the University Park neighborhood, gets calls as early as August for houses in May. “It’s a balancing act between letting current residents re-rent and letting new students in,” Kessi said. “I always appreciate students looking out early.” Kessi recognizes the struggles and benefits of renting to University students. “Renting to University students results in more hands on learning,” Kessi said. Will Lyons | THE BEACON “I have to let them know From right to left: Juniors Theo Clapp, Chloe Fearing and James Lange like what to call for, what I’m living off campus, even though it means adult responsibilities. The students responsible for and what adopted two cats now that they live in a house. Miller is on the rug. they’re responsible for.” Kessi believes the neighborhood benefits as students The semester just started, and it may seem like next fall is continue to move off campus. far away, but it’s already time to start thinking about housing “University students bring for next year. Here are some changes to be aware of: vibrance and security from what the neighborhood used to • A $100 deposit is would get their deposit be 15 years ago,” Kessi said. required for all students back if such a situation “New houses and fixed up applying for housing arose. old houses have improved the next year. • Deposits can be paid neighborhood.” • Students can apply online or through Even if it can be a struggle without paying the the Office of Student to find off - campus housing, deposit right away, but Accounts located in many students, like junior James students will not be put Waldshmidt Hall. Lange, believe living off campus on any housing list until • All housing applications affords the opportunity to learn the deposit is paid. must be submitted valuable life lessons, including • After the application is online. how to care for pets. Lange completed, the deposit • Applications and adopted two feral cats once he will be applied to the deposits must be moved off campus. room cost. submitted by Feb. 15 “I feel like I’m moving out • The deposit will not be for Haggerty/Tyson and of student-hood and into the refunded if a student rentals, or Feb. 24 for real world,” Lange said. “Yes, does not sign a housing all traditional residence paying bills and cleaning is a contract or cancels their halls. huge pain, but it hasn’t been contract. • One wing in Shipstad that bad, especially when you • Students will not be Hall will be converted have housemates you can work penalized if there is no to all male rooms. together with.” housing available, and - Lydia Lathe

Changes to on-campus housing

Flu and norovirus strike students UP has seen a sudden spike in illness, forcing students and staff to take extra care Nastacia Voisin Staff Writer In one word, sophomore Anndres Olson describes having the norovirus as “exhausting.” She recently woke up nauseous and spent the next 24 hours throwing up. “I wasn’t able to keep anything down,” Olsen said. Olson is healthy now, but many other students on campus have come down with norovirus and flu. UP has seen a sudden spike in sickness. This year’s bout is peaking early, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has declared the current flu season an ‘epidemic,’ meaning that the current death toll has passed projected levels. Across campus, students are falling ill, swapping cures and doing what they can to get better or stay healthy. According to Susan Chisum, assistant director of primary care services at the Health Center, the norovirus is a particular threat on

campus. “We have seen quite a few students coming in here,” said Chisum. “In the community at large, there has been an increase of both influenza and the norovirus.” Chisum said college campuses are particularly susceptible to outbreaks of contagious illnesses like the norovirus and influenza. “Any place where you have a large number of people gathering is a potential source of contamination,” Chisum said. “Especially when you get people living in small living spaces like dormitories [and] classrooms, there is an increase of both illnesses.” Still, Chisum is confident that the flu “will it will run its course” as in past years. The CDC’s website says both the norovirus and influenza have overlapping symptoms, but there are differences. The flu hits quickly with an onset of a fever, followed by headaches, sore throat, a cough, body aches, fatigue and congestion. Influenza spreads

mainly through coughing and sneezing, and symptoms last on average from three to seven days. In contrast, the norovirus typically lasts between 24 and 72 hours and spreads through fecal germs. Symptoms are nausea and vomiting, a low grade fever, chills and body aches. Some residents of Shipstad Hall have already witnessed how fast the flu can spread. Stephanie Hampel, freshman and Shipstad hall receptionist, has observed this firsthand. “The flu has definitely become problematic for residents here,” said Hampel. “It started with just a few people, but it’s been working its way up the floors.” Hampel estimated roughly 20 to 30 students on one floor had come down with either illness recently. To fortify themselves against infection, some students have taken to drinking extra fluids. “I’ve been seeing a ton of students drinking Gatorade, Naked juice, and just downing tea,” Hampel said. After getting sick over the

Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Bon Appetit hopes to help stop the spread of germs by temporarily having a worker serve students at some stations, like the salad bar, where students would normally serve themselves. Here, junior Morgan McAllister serves salad to freshman Emily Nitzberg. weekend sophomore Justin Roberts has been trying to cure himself by drinking vitamin C – and large amounts of chicken soup. “I have two thermoses full,” Roberts said, holding up a container of soup.

Students aren’t the only ones making an effort to stem the spread of these illnesses. See Sickness, page 4



January 31, 2013

Volunteering for a better world The Blue Key Honor Society and other students helped Habitat for Humanity Saturday Kathryn Walters Staff Writer

At UP, where community service is highly valued, the Blue Key Honor Society takes it to heart. Last Saturday, a combined group of eight from UP’s Blue Key Honor Society and non-Blue Key Society UP students put their motto, “Serving, I Live,” into practice by volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity event in Southeast Portland. Co-president and senior Valerie Schiller appreciates students putting other people’s needs ahead of their own. “I just like that you have a group of university students who will put aside their homework and actually take the initiative to devote their time to something greater than themselves,” Schiller said. The Blue Key Honor Society is a nationwide college honor society founded on the three pillars of scholarship, leadership and service. Members - mostly juniors and seniors - must maintain a 3.5 GPA and engage in service and leadership. The Blue Key Society group prepared the houses for painting, measured and cut boards for windows and doors. According to Schiller, Habitat for Humanity receives thousands

of applications from families in need of a home. “The families that are chosen are so grateful because they are one of so many,” Schiller said. The Habitat for Humanity build was one of 25 service events the Blue Key Society has planned for spring semester. Events include tutoring at local elementary schools, and a Relay for Life team. All events are open to nonBlue Key Society members. Members are required to attend at least two of these events per semester.

“It humbles you to know people that don’t have many resources, and get yourself out of the middle or upper middle class mindset and reach out.” Valerie Schiller senior

“Everyone is really involved overall and pretty enthusiastic about service,” junior Blue Key Society member Kristin Wishon said. Although there are 50 Blue Key Society chapters nationwide, UP’s chapter of 35 students is the only one in the Pacific Northwest. According to faculty adviser and philosophy professor Thom Faller, other schools have let their

Al photos by Kayla Wong | THE BEACON

Top: Senior Becca Chavez measures the windows for blinds in one of the ten open units Habitat for Humanity is building in Southeast Portland. Bottom left: Senior Valerie Schiller records measurements. Bottom right: Junior John Russell sands floorboards to prepare them to be stained for the unfinished staircase in the house. chapters decline because of lack to the Blue Key Society since Schiller said one of the best of student interest. 1971, said UP’s chapter is unique aspects of the Blue Key Society “A local chapter is as good because of where it chooses to helping those in need. as students want it to be,” Faller direct its service activities. “It humbles you to know said. “If you don’t have an advisor “Over the years, the biggest people that don’t have many who will push for it and students change in the society is that our resources, and get yourself out of who want to be involved, then it focus of service has gone outside the middle or upper middle class will fail.” UP to the community,” Faller mindset and reach out,” she said. Faller, who has been adviser said.

SICKNESS: Wash hands frequently to avoid getting sick

Continued from page 3

Kelly Labenske, the retail manager for The Cove, along with Bon Appetite General Manager Kirk Mustain, is working to keep eating areas especially clean. “We’ve been changing utensils every hour,” Labenske said. “It hasn’t hit us yet. We’re being extra careful.” In the Commons, the salad and taco bars are no longer self-serve, Mustain said. It’s a temporary measure to eliminate cross-contamination. “Rather than 500 hands touching everything, it’s reduced

down to one,” Mustain said. Mustain is also bleaching countertops every hour to halt further contagion. Sophomore Carolyn Munro believes that those who are sick should exercise special caution. Having the flu for over a week has made her sensitive to its spread, as well as its miseries. “You’re running a high fever, you’re trying to get schoolwork done, you’re stressed and overwhelmed,” said Munro. “It’s awful, and I’m trying to be very aware of what I’m touching.”

Here are some concrete steps students can take to avoid getting sick • • • • • • • • • •

Wash hands often with warm water and soap Avoid touching eyes, mouth, or nose to prevent the transmission of germs Take advantage of the alcohol-based hand sanitizers across campus. If someone close to you is sick, clean or disinfect shared spaces frequently. Cover your sneeze and cough Don’t share food or drinks Eat healthy Get a good night’s rest Hike up your fluid intake Flu shots are still advised

The UP Public Safety Report 1. Jan. 27, 9:50 p.m. - A staff member reported an altercation between residents at Corrado Hall. Public Safety and Portland Police responded and one student was arrested for menacing.


2. Jan. 27, 2:20 a.m. - Officers contacted three residents in Shipstad Hall to perform a room search. Marijuana and prohibited paraphernalia were confiscated. 3. Jan. 27, 1:19 a.m. -Officers made contact with three students on N. Portsmouth Ave. One citation was issued for Minor in Possession and two citations were issued for supplying fake identification. The alcohol and fake IDs were confiscated.

5 1


4. Jan. 28, 11:19 p.m. - A student at Kenna Hall reported electronic harassment. A report was taken and investigation remains open.


5. Jan. 29, 3:01 p.m. - A student came to Public Safety to report ongoing telephonic harassment. A report was taken and investigation continues. ital.


Open Letter to University of Portland Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni Theology and the Core Curriculum

Interest in the study of theology, as evidenced from several responses to an article in the November 15, 2012 (Vol. 114, Issue 11) edition of the Beacon, appears alive and well at the University of Portland. It was greatly encouraging to read so many letters and emails from students and alumni who weighed in on the conversation. These letters articulated a deep understanding of the important role that theology plays in an increasingly complex and diverse world. They also indicated a great appreciation for the unique place that theology holds in the University Core Curriculum. And while it may have seemed easier (as some people thought) to respond immediately to the November Beacon article, the fact that the assessment process for members of the Theology Department was not completed until late December required a more thoughtful and comprehensive response to the University of Portland community. This letter is an attempt to explain in as full and transparent way as possible the recently completed departmental revision of Theology 101 and Theology 205. The last stage of the process was multi-faceted. Dean Andrews met with the Theology Department on September 14, 2012, following the final reports from the External Core Review. At that meeting, Dr. Baasten was asked to coordinate the work of two subcommittees, one for THE 101 and the other for THE 205, in order to implement key recommendations from the reviews. The subcommittees met continuously throughout the Fall semester. Dean Andrews requested that a final draft of the department’s Theology Proposal be submitted to him by December 15, 2012. After its submission, Dean Andrews and Dr. Baasten provided an overview of the Proposal to President Fr. Beauchamp, Interim Provost Dr. Greene, and the Deans. With this letter, we now want to share with the entire University community the Theology Department Proposal concerning a revision of the Theology core. Let us be clear from the start: First, a critical and academically-oriented engagement with “world religions” will continue to serve as an important and essential experience in an undergraduate’s theological development here at the University of Portland. Second, the study of “world religions” is not being replaced by a mandatory course in “Christian doctrine.” Students at the University of Portland need to be introduced to the study of theology if they are going to take several courses in it; and they need to be introduced to the theological tools necessary to engage a critical study of Christianity and its relationship to world religions. 1. The revision of the University of Portland’s three-course Theology core sequence is a carefully constructed response to an exhaustive, two year departmental study, review, conversation, and reflection process coming out of two different reviews of the Theology core sequence: one as part of a regular, comprehensive, periodic review of the department (2008-09), the other as part of a review of the Core Curriculum (2011-12). Concluded in summer 2012, the External Core Review offered several academic and curricular recommendations, including tying Course Goals for THE 101 and THE 205 directly to the Core Questions that animate the University Core Curriculum. In this way, Course Goals will be linked thematically to Core Questions, such that Core Questions will be able to more effectively assess Course Outcomes. This means Core Questions — for example, Who or what is God?, How can I relate to God?, Who am I?, Who am I becoming?, Why am I here? — will link THE 101, THE 205, and all upper division THE courses. 2. The study of Theology as a discipline is different from “Religious Studies,” Campus Ministry, and Catholic Studies. This is reflected in the threecourse Theology sequence that animates and informs every aspect of the University of Portland’s unique University Core Curriculum. Theology is a disciplinary science. It has a particular methodology that seeks to investigate the contents of belief by means of reason enlightened by faith. As with every science, Theology introduces students to its proper subject matter, interpretive developments, critical examination of various methodologies, evaluation of sources, disciplinary limitations, and goals. Unlike “religious studies” courses, which focus on a study of religions apart from any particular faith perspective, Theology introduces students to the methods needed to examine reality through a “theological lens.” Through the three course Theology sequence, students will be introduced, gradually and systematically, to the tools and resources of scripture, liturgy, behavioral practices, stories, religious experience, traditions, historical-critical methodology, etc. The first course in the three-course core Theology sequence is THE 105: Introduction to Theology; the second course in the sequence is THE 205: The Bible, Past and Present. 3. Deeply cognizant of the complexities of the modern world, a “Study of World Religions” will be offered as an upper division elective Theology course and focus on inter-religious dialogue between Christianity and world religions. This builds upon the work begun in THE 105’s treatment of how Christianity understands and interacts with other religions. Respect for diversity of faiths of the global human community is a sign of great hope and promise. The University’s Holy Cross mission prepares young men and women to become ethical leaders in the world. A need for interreligious understanding and dialogue is more important than ever, particularly here in the Pacific Northwest. The revised three-course Theology sequence will better prepare University of Portland graduates to (a) engage world religions critically and discerningly; (b) use a “theological lens” to complement other disciplinary lenses in the humanities, arts, and sciences; (c) engage a more transparent approach towards understanding and evaluating other disciplines in the Arts and Sciences and in each of the Professional Schools; and (d) effectively engage THEP and other interdisciplinary courses with a rigorous appreciation of Theology’s foundational methodology, inspiration, and goals. 4. Theology remains an integral component of the unique University Core Curriculum at the University of Portland. It reflects both the intent and the spirit of Basil Moreau, CSC, the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, who saw in Catholic education an invitation to “see in all things the image of God imprinted within.” Through the continued hopes and aspirations of the Second Vatican Council, a proper theological lens will assist our students and alumni to learn to read “the signs of the times” in order to better discern God’s presence in and amongst the peoples and cultures of the Earth. Respect for diversity is essential to the University’s mission. Through the critical study of Theology, we honor faith and reason as ways of knowing, promote ethical reflection, and prepare people who respond to the needs of the world and its human family. A comprehensive theological understanding of religious diversity is essential to this mission. The goal of the three-course Theology core at the University of Portland is not so much to prepare students to become professional theologians as to inspire women and men to seek God in and through the world and their experience of it. Such experience of “faith seeking understanding” characterizes Theology as a disciplinary lens in the Catholic tradition. As men and women of many faith traditions, we are invited to explore the question, “Who or What is God?” through human experience and our encounter with each other, with nature, with society, with all that is Mystery. It is always within a particular historical context that we hear God’s call and choose whether, and how, to respond. The study of Theology is imperative to this response; it reflects the needs and longings of our age, our fears, our hopes, indeed, our very selves. A “theological lens” speaks eloquently and convincingly of an education of the “head, heart, and hands,” one that contextualizes the core mission of the University of Portland. By critically engaging the challenges and diversity of our twentyfirst century global village, we — all of us: students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni — remain very hopeful that the newest revisions proposed by the Theology department will continue to help strengthen our capacity as a Holy Cross community to act justly, to seek mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. Michael F. Andrews, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Matthew Baasten, Ph.D., Interim Associate Provost and Former Theology Chair


January 31, 2013

LIVING Humor is priceless

Hannah Kintner Staff Writer Scholarship applications are a joke… literally. Thanks to a Pilot from the class of ’42, students now have a scholarship opportunity that requires nothing but creative energy and a smile. A Unique Scholarship Idea Last year, the Beckmans gave an amusing sum of money to the Rise Campaign: $9,999.99 to be split among three students in the form of The Brian Doyle Scholarships for Gentle & Sidelong Humor. These scholarships, named in honor of Portland Magazine’s editor, focus on subject matter that is dear to the Beckmans— humor that is kind and genuine rather than insulting. “John thinks that humor is not only holy and powerful and communal, but it’s a great education of the heart,” Doyle said. The Beckmans chose to honor Doyle because they admire the “shaggy sense of humor” Portland Magazine portrays. “I think it’s refreshing,” Doyle said of the magazine’s unique sense of humor, “We’re grown up enough to be relaxed and funny about stuff. We don’t have to be so prim and proper.” In order to foster that sense of humor on campus and inspire students to recognize laughter as a magnetic force that brings people together, the Beckmans have made a simple request: that all who receive the scholarship create a humorous project to share with the UP community. The Recipients Seniors Corey Fawcett and Megan House, and junior Ryan Belisle recieved this year’s scholarship and each have different ideas for their creative projects. Belisle, who tends toward more creative hobbies such as improv acting and photography, finds that humor is most effective when it is spontaneous. “I honestly don’t even think that I’m a funny person,” Belisle said with a laugh, “I think people find the things that I do funny, and like if I try and be funny I totally fail.” Belisle finds this especially true when performing with UP’s improv club. As the president, he

Junior Ryan Belisle

Photo courtesy of Ryan Belisle

is always happily surprised when the audience laughs at things he didn’t expect to be funny. Since improv is his forte, Belisle worked it into his scholarship project. “My job was to spread the values of heart and humor to the community in some way, so I proposed that we have an improv festival on campus,” Belisle said. With the help of the scholarship, Belisle is funding an improv festival with groups from seven universities in the Pacific Northwest. “The Project Improv Comedy Festival” will be held in the Buckley Center Auditorium on Feb. 22 at 6:30 p.m. and provide over three hours of entertainment. “It’s just going to be a big celebration, because we’re all in this together to spread humor and heart,” Belisle said. Fawcett is still working out the details of her project, but intends to create a series of comically written and illustrated “Top Ten” lists to distribute them on campus or post them online. “I feel like humor is important because it keeps me from taking myself too seriously,” Fawcett said. As a senior double majoring in English and Spanish, Fawcett says it is easy to worry about life after college, but humor helps with that. “I hope my project lives up to expectations,” Fawcett said. “I just like any sort of creative pursuit that can bring people together.” House is also in the creative planning stage of her project, but plans to explore children’s book humor. House has found through her experiences as a social work major and education minor that children who are more difficult to work with have immensely positive reactions to humorous literature. House prefers silly, imaginative and absurd humor. She finds children’s books funny even now. “[My humor idol] would probably be Mo Willems, author of ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus,’ House said. “I also really love Wes Anderson for his awkward, absurd humor, and Tina Fey for being fabulous.” “What I really like about the scholarship is you can pretty much do whatever you want,” House said, “Whatever way you

Senior Corey Fawcett

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Football manager John Beckman ‘42 clowning around during his time as a UP student. think is best to get that humor out to the community.” A Vision for the Future The Beckmans hoped that as word about the humor scholarships spread, more donors would be interested in contributing. Currently, eight additional donors have committed to donating money to the Brian Doyle Scholarships for Gentle & Sidelong Humor. Also, the Beckmans hope to establish a way of documenting each recipient’s project and to eventually hold an annual night of humorous entertainment at UP. “Another one of his dreams is to eventually have it crawl into the academic side,” Doyle said. “To have a class not in the history of Jerry Seinfeld but in how humor acts as a weapon against

Senior Megan House

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Photo courtesy of Brian Doyle

The story behind the scholarship

He invented the first photo finish camera, learned to fly a plane, became a published photographer, ran a ranch, became a terrific piano player, is writing a book… and never had the opportunity to finish his college education. In the 1930s John Beckman found himself in a sad predicament. College had eaten away at his funds and he no longer had the means to further his education at the University of Portland. Despite the early challenges, Beckman has led a successful life. And with this success, he and his wife Patricia have established the Bill Reed ‘72 Endowed Scholarship, the Brother Godfrey Vassallo C.S.C. Endowed Scholarship and a fun new scholarship to give UP students the opportunity Beckman was denied as a young man. cruelty.” Doyle, who believes that laughter is healthy for the mind and body, is excited about the Beckmans’ dreams for the future of UP.

Mr. and Mrs. Beckman

Photo courtesy of Brian Doyle

Next year: “Brian Doyle Scholarships for Gentle & Sidelong” to be announced on the UP Portal and UP Facebook page after spring break. Apply by emailing Include: -Your Name - Student identification number -A brief explanation for a humor project you’d like to bring to campus -Include “Humor Scholarship” in the subject line - Application deadline: May 1, 2013.


Giving music back

Business students founded a nonprofit in alliance with the Boys and Girls Club to help bring back music programs Harry Blakeman Staff Writer Three students went into BUS364 last semester expecting to create a business project, do their homework, pass all their tests and be on their way. What they didn’t expect was to found a nonprofit that helps struggling music programs. Seniors Chris Robison, Keith Hummel and Ryan Chien founded PlayItForward, a nonprofit that works with the Boys and Girls Club chapter in Vancouver, Wash. to help struggling music programs. The nonprofit collects instruments from students from other schools who are no longer using them and either sells them to raise money or refurbishes them for students use in music programs. “We were trying to find a nonprofit niche market that would make children’s lives better,” Chien said. Chien explained that for any nonprofit to be successful, it needs to thrive in a niche market, or a section of the economy that is specialized so that it can do actual good for the community. PlayItForward launched on Jan. 3, and now that they’re operational they’re hoping to contribute. They joined up with the Boys and Girls Club after a connection told them the club was looking to improve its music programs. “The nice thing about the Boys and Girls Club was that they had an existing music program that we could sort of pair into,” said Hummel. Chien also enjoys working with the Boys and Girls Club. “It’s just nice to be working with a team that’s so dedicated to helping underprivileged children,” Chien said. Business professor Helder Sebastiao said Robison, Chien and

Hummel’s idea soon grew out of the classroom and took on a life of its own. The three eventually had to do a different project for class because they developed PlayItForward so well already. Robison, the group’s leader, said that the other ideas they came up with and passed on helped them test PlayItForward and make sure it was feasible. Chien believes the project has taught them all to be better business professionals. He thinks it has helped them find confidence and find new markets that have potential but may not have already been heavily researched. Robison, Hummel and Chien got the much-needed help of business professors to refine their vision. Robison thinks that UP is a community of volunteer-inclined students, and hopes people will get on board with their project. All three of them are excited that this project is something they Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

(Left to right) Seniors Keith Hummel, Ryan Chien, and Chris Robison came up with the idea for a project to bring music to the Boys and Girls Club of Vancouver, Wash. after they were required to create a project for their business class. can take with them and work on after leaving The Bluff. “After graduation I’ll still be doing volunteering,” Robison said, “I think it would be nice if the volunteering was directed towards a project of my own.” Hummel pointed out that their headquarters could be anywhere, so they won’t need to be working physically together on PlayItFoward after they leave UP to keep it going. “What’s nice is that wherever we have a laptop – wherever the Wi-Fi is strongest – that’s our base of operations,” Hummel said.

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January 31, 2013

Follow, friend and favorite UP connects to community online by going social media savvy

Kelsey Thomas Staff Writer When junior Amanda Ewing snapped a photo of a picturesque sunrise on The Bluff and posted it on Instagram, UP tweeted the picture and posted it on their Facebook wall with the caption, “Wow! Check out this AMAZING shot of this morning’s sunrise, taken by student Amanda Ewing.” More than 540 UP fans liked it. When potential class of 2017 Pilot Courtney Flynn received her acceptance letter, she posted a picture on Instagram and Twitter. The UP Instagram account commented, “Congratulations!!! Hope to have you on The Bluff next year! #FuturePilot.” When an alumna tweeted congratulations to Portland Magazine for its top national ranking, UP retweeted them. As fans, prospective and current students, parents and alumni have turned to social media to share their pictures, stories and love for all things Pilot, UP has followed. Marketing Director Joe Kuffner said social media has become an important tool in meeting people where they are. “It’s communicating with people in their own space,” Kuffner said.

“We want to take advantage of all the tools there to stay present with people.” Ewing said she loves seeing pictures of campus events and scenery on her newsfeed and homepage. “I think it’s a cool way to network, and I know a lot of students look at the page,” Ewing said. “It’s a great way to connect alumni as well as current students from across campus.”

“I think it’s a cool way to network, and I know a lot of students look at the page. It’s a great way to connect alumni as well as current students from across campus.”

Amanda Ewing Junior

Since launching on Nov. 27, the UP Instagram page has gained 624 followers. The official UP Twitter has almost 2,000 followers, a 463 percent increase since Jan. 2011. Senior Philip Stenberg started following UP on Twitter because he said it is an easier way to stay updated on activities on campus than checking the UP Portal or the calendar online.

“I’m on my phone a lot more than my laptop,” Steinberg said. “So the Twitter page is helpful.” Kuffner said different crowds tend to congregate on specific sights. Parents and older alumni and friends tend to be active on Facebook and Youtube, while prospective students, current students and recent alumni follow UP’s Instagram and Twitter. “Students tend to have so many Facebook friends and like so many pages that we get lost in the shuffle,” Kuffner said. “We tend to take a more prominent place in the newsfeed of older Facebook users.” Kuffner said he hopes to begin live-streaming more events so families can watch their children participate in activities other than sports. The one continual live-stream camera on campus, the bell tower webcam, is very popular according to Kuffner. “You wouldn’t believe how many people are on the webcam at all times,” Kuffner said. “It’s amazing.” But for now they plan to continue providing an online community that unites UP fans across the world while keeping them informed and connected. Now that deserves a retweet.

UP Facebook page third in nation for audience engagement What does 12,000 followers, 5,085 comments, 53,330 likes and 5,543,857 post views get you? Third place for audience engagement, if you are the University of Portland Facebook page. In the study by Varsity Outreach, UP was ranked against 127 other University Facebook pages with between 10,000 and 19,999 followers. Varsity Outreach used a formula that gives engagement scores to posts based on comments received. UP also ranked 16 out of all 627 university pages regardless of size. Marketing Director Joe Kuffner said the informality and fun nature of the page help increase interaction. “People are on social media for the most part to take a break,” Kuffner said. “I definitely try to keep it light and fun and not take things too seriously. I mean it’s Facebook.” One of the more popular posts on the Facebook page is “Freshman Welcome,” where alumni, parents and friends from around the world post signs welcoming new freshman to UP. “Proud to Be a Pilot,” a photo album of students showing off their pilot pride, received more than 200,000 views and more than 3,000 likes this year, Kuffner said. Junior Katie Ralston said seeing posts by UP reminds her how great her school is. “It definitely promotes a lot of Pilot pride,” Ralston said.

Dance of the Decades 2013

Kayla Wong & Giovanna Solano | THE BEACON

If you do that one more time... Lydia Laythe Staff Writer

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

Pet peeve (n): an irritation, often specific and frequent, that serves as an opportunity for complaint which is never missed. Interactions on a college campus create the perfect habitat for pet peeves. Do you want to scream when the professor reads his lecture directly off his PowerPoint? Do you want to punch the kid sitting behind you in Theology when he breathes (sometimes coughs) down your neck? Then you probably have a pet peeve. But what you don’t realize is, while you want to throw your textbook at the know-it-all in the front row, your professor probably wants to do the same.

Professors Gregory Pulver

Ann Truong | THE BEACON

• Wearing pajamas to class “Don’t ever wear pajamas in class,” Pulver said. “And if you do decide, as a fashion statement, to wear pajamas in class, always look like you’ve showered. You need to make an effort to look like you’ve prepared for class.” • Looking/saying you’re tired “When you stand up there and give a presentation: don’t look tired, do not yawn, do not tell me how tired you are, do not tell me that you finished at three o’clock in the morning,” Pulver said. • Giving “The Look” The look (n): used to identify the facial expression students give their professors when they don’t like/understand a given assignment. “I can see you looking at me like that,” Pulver said. “You need to curb your looking at me like that. I’m standing right in front of you. And I’m not stupid. Don’t look at me like I’m an idiot, because I’m not an idiot.”

Father Ron Wasowski

• “Spaghetti Ears” Spaghetti Ears (n): used to identify the act of listening to an iPod, in which the wires that attach to the ear buds look like pieces of spaghetti hanging from the person’s ears. • Blocking the hall/sidewalk “In feistier moods I’ve actually engaged such students,” Wasowski said. “And said, ‘You know, if you move over just a little bit more you can completely block the corridor.’” Leaving the classroom during class Texting and walking

Dr. Thompson Faller Ann Truong | THE BEACON

• Multi-tasking during class “I think that’s an insult to any professor when that happens,” Faller said. • Not participating in class discussions “I think, ‘you’re taking this class, you’re paying for this class, for heaven’s sake pay attention and get the most out of it as you can,’” Faller said.

Father Charlie Gordon

• Eating in class “[It’s] probably because I’m envious,” Gordon said. • Texting in class “Because going to a lecture isn’t like watching television,” Gordon said. “When you go to a lecture you’re entering into a relationship. It hurts our feelings.” Ann Truong | THE BEACON

Students Janie Higgins (Freshman)

• Unclear directions “I can’t stand when they expect me to read their minds,” Higgins said. • Busy Work • Little/no interaction during class “I don’t feel like there’s enough socialization during class,” Higgins said.

Hope Dorman (Freshman)

• Not updating grades before finals “I think it’s really annoying when you have to prioritize studying for finals and don’t know where you stand in classes,” Dorman said.

Patrick Murphy (Sophomore)

• Bad Handwriting “The dude just has the worst handwriting in the world,” Murphy said. “I can’t read it at all, so I can’t take notes in his class.” • Unnecessary sarcasm Student: Can I go use the bathroom? Professor: I don’t know. Can you?

Alex Hyde (Senior)

• Assigning expensive books that are never used • Exaggerating the difficulty of a test “They make it sound like the worst thing in the world,” Hyde said. “They make it sound like you will not pass this test no matter what you do. And then it’s not bad at all.” “To put this into perspective, that’s like me at clinical, and if I was unhappy with the way the patient was taking care of themselves, going in and telling them they have cancer,” Hyde said. “And then when I see an improvement, going ‘I was just kidding. It’s just the flu. I was just messing with you.’” • Focusing only on citations “I could write a great paper but if I don’t do my citations right, I probably won’t get an A,” Hyde said. “That’s like if I was dating someone and they told me ‘Listen, you’re a great guy. I love everything about you. But you tie your shoes really weird. So we need to stop seeing each other.’”




January 31, 2013

John Cannon Guest Commentary There is no particular bottom rung to which evil descends and stops. The placid comfort of denial is addictive when in the company of luxuries here and now, in the quantity that has never been seen before by the human race. In the early 1900s Americans were moving from the farm. Life expectancy was only in the 40s due to childhood diseases and little medical know how. The Christian cultures of Europe and the “new world” here in America had already laid the foundations for success such as had never been seen. Christianity had civilized the human race by teaching the principles of human interaction that are most applicable to mankind because our our very natures. It had only been within the span of a few generations that the printing press (with Ben Franklin inventing moveable type) had enabled the relative proliferation of books, and allowed “science” to be born by keeping and sharing records. It was Christian churches

Angels on the battlefield that had founded schools, eldercare facilities, hospitals, orphanages and hospitals. There was no “public school system,” and virtually all universities were founded by the Christian churches. Most every home had a “family bible,” and children were taught to read, so they could read the bible. The sanctity and purpose of human life was not questioned. If every human soul existed due to the Creator’s personal relationship to him, mutual respect of each other seemed secure. Americans in the “new world” would sing: “My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, He has trampled out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored....”. But Satan’s cunning has a way to sabotage the most formidable defenses. It seems that mankind’s very success would plant the seeds for his undoing. Like many angels, he would become enamored and blinded by his own perfections, his own successes. We were vulnerable to the very sin that had been the undoing of many of the angels: PRIDE! Over the last 50 years our culture has changed immensely and we seem destined to regress from the “space age” back to the cave. Grandfathers of today

recall never knowing a friend who didn’t live with both parents. Men were men, and women were women, and both seemed to have great devotion to the roles of each, especially by way of their awesome ability to conceive and nurture human life. But science was on the march and Darwin had written his book, “The Origin of Species.” It was immediately taken up around the world as an excuse to deny the sanctity of human life. Adolf Hitler abandoned the Christian training of his childhood to embrace atheism, and thereafter led the world into the most horrific carnage of human life (and property) during World War II that man has ever seen, before he committed suicide while suffering from syphilis. In truth, Darwin had never established the “origin” of even a single species, let alone all species. He simply discovered that a species can adapt (“evolve”) over time to a changing environment. To this day scientists do not have a theory, or even a foggy clue, as to how “life” came about. Yet the principle of “Intelligent Design” is ignored and demeaned by the “elite”. At the same time our unprecedented economic success has

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allowed us to “assist” those “less fortunate”. As it is just so admirable to be “generous” and “help those in need,” we who would use our wealth more judiciously have been forced to give to seemingly “noble” causes, not through charity, but by way of government confiscation of our wealth. The result is government financial subsidies to blunt the natural consequences of every kind of chosen human sin, and self-caused catastrophe. We have legalized acts that were crimes for 200 years: adultery, divorce (now “no-fault”), fornication, “lewd co-habitation” (shackups), “deviant sexual intercourse” homosexuality, pornography, “using profane, obscene, and abusive language in a public place or on a public highway” (quoted from Oregon statutes), and abortion. Of course, abortion was to be “legal but rare” said politicians, but it is now the most common “medical” procedure in the nation, and has now claimed over 56 MILLION babies. Divorce rates are near 50%, 44 % of children are born out of wedlock, 28 million children live in singleparent families: the families that studies prove decade after decade are the of the highest (or #1) cause of: juvenile delinquency, low stu-

dent achievement, drug abuse, child abuse, crime, school dropouts (and thereby unemployment), poor health, low medical insurance coverage, and poverty. The nation is over 16 TRILLION in debt (about $160,000 per working “family) from borrowing to cover costs associated with this cultural chaos. St, Thomas Aquinas (a major “doctor” of Church theology) wrote extensively on the angels years ago clearly because he believed that we must know them and turn to them. Understanding them and their relationship with our mutual Creator, and their relationship with us, uniquely reveals mankind’s stunning, almost unbelievable dignity! We need desperately to find protection from “the wickedness and snares of the devil”. John Cannon is an alumnus of ‘67 and can be reached at, or learn more by visiting


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Support Obama’s proposal to help end gun violence Since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School Dec. 14 that killed 20 six- and seven-year-olds and eight adults, including the shooter and his mother, there have been five school shootings within a span of 13 days. These five shootings, from a 16-year-old opening fire at a high school in Kern County, Calif., to a man pulling out a gun during an argument, claimed three more lives and injured eight people. These numbers do not even scratch the surface of the deadly problem of gun violence. In 2010, 606 people died from unintentional firearm injuries. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), “more than three women a day, on average, are killed by an intimate partner,” and 60 to 70 percent of these women were killed by guns, according to studies conducted from 1980 to 2000. On Jan. 16, President Obama issued a gun control initiative proposing congressional action in response to this escalating gun violence. The system in place is clearly not working. It is time for a change. If there is any time for this proposal, it is now, before more innocent people die. First, Obama’s initiative proposes to reinstate the 1994-2004 ban on assault weapons for anyone but law enforcement and the

military. Since the ban ended in 2004, there has been an average of 3.1 mass shootings per year – almost double the average of 1.6 during the ban, according to an investigation by the magazine Mother Jones. Along with banning assault weapons, Obama’s plan proposes a ban on armor-piercing bullets and magazine rounds of more than ten. This would prevent shooters from firing dozens and dozens of rounds indiscriminately, resulting in large-scale fatalities such as those at Sandy Hook and Aurora, Colo.. The National Rifle Association (NRA), a major influence on Congress, has taken up its familiar retort to the proposed bans: “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Wayne LaPierre, the CEO of the NRA, believes the root of the problem is not guns, but gunfree school zones. His solution is armed police officers in every school in America. The belief that adding more guns to the equation will solve the problem of gun violence is absurd. Neither the armed sheriff at Columbine nor the security force at Virginia Tech stopped these massacres. Yes, people kill people. But guns with high-capacity ammunition rounds that have

been designed to kill quickly and efficiently make it much easier to kill – and to kill in large numbers. Gun rights activists argue that any limits on gun ownership and magazine capacity infringe upon their Second Amendment right to bear arms. But there is no reason for any civilian to have an assault weapon. In the instance that someone uses a firearm to protect themselves or others, there is no need to use a weapon more appropriate for use in the military. The initiative also proposes requiring a universal criminal background check for all gun sales. Currently, private gun sellers are exempt from running criminal background checks on gun buyers. The proposed requirement would prevent many potentially dangerous people from getting their hands on a gun. Gun rights activists argue that these measures will take away their freedom. If the freedom to own an assault weapon or buy a gun even if you have a criminal history is the freedom they fear losing, then this freedom is not as important as the freedom of innocent people to live without fear. Gun rights activists fear passing this initiative will leave lawabiding gun owners defenseless while criminals, who have no qualms about obtaining assault weapons illegally, will be the

Zack Hartman | THE BEACON

children and young adults with mental health issues. While most people with mental health issues never commit violent acts, making treatment more available would prevent those with violent tendencies from acting out. Lastly, the initiative proposes financing emergency response plans for schools and training more police officers, first responders and school officials on how to respond to armed attacks. This way, in the event of a school shooting despite the ban on assault weapons, schools will be ready. Congress has the power to prevent tragedies like the massacre at Sandy Hook. Congress has the power to prevent firearms from getting into the wrong hands, to ban weapons designed to kill and to address the lack of resources for the mentally ill. If Obama’s proposal passes, perhaps parents can breathe easier when they drop their kids off at school in the morning. Mall workers can go to their jobs without worrying about a shooter on the loose. And we all can stop anxiously awaiting the next headline, wondering how many victims there will be this time.

only ones armed. However, not one of the 62 mass shootings in the U.S. since 1982 has been stopped by an arms-wielding civilian. Furthermore, civilians are not trained in how to respond in crisis situations like law enforcement officers are. Allowing civilians to carry assault weapons because the government trusts them to use their firearms appropriately in response to an emergency is, again, absurd. The initiative also wisely proposes financing mental health programs for young people. This includes training more mental health professionals to serve students and young adults as well as helping school districts work with mental health agencies and other organizations to ensure that children with mental health or behavioral issues receive services to help them. These programs would provide much needed resources for


The editorial reflects the majority view of The Beacon Editorial Board. The editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the collective staff or the Administration of the University of Portland. Other submissions in this section are signed commentaries that reflect the opinion of the individual writer. The Student Media Committee, providing recommendation to the publisher, oversees the general operation of the newspaper. Policy set by the committee and publisher dictates that the responsibility for the newspaper’s editorial and advertising content lies solely in the hands of its student employees.

A culture of fear: Let’s not talk about that

Amanda Munro Staff Commentary The University of Portland is home to over 100 clubs, each of which enjoys certain rights – save one. A solitary UP club

plays by different rules. The administration makes it very clear to this club’s executive board that it is forbidden to represent our university off-campus, whether they’re marching in a parade or volunteering at a shelter. But hush. Don’t speak out. Sweep it under the rug. As far as the administration is concerned, the preferred policy for this club is “Don’t ask, don’t

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Letters and commentaries from readers are encouraged. All contributions must include the writer’s address and phone number for verification purposes. The Beacon does not accept submissions written by a group, although pieces written by an individual on behalf of a group are acceptable. Letters to the editor must not exceed 250 words. Those with longer opinions are encouraged to submit guest columns. The Beacon reserves the right to edit any contributions for length and style, and/or reject them without notification. University students must include their major and year in school. Nonstudents must include their affiliation to the University, if any.

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tell.” UP’s Gay Straight Partnership (GSP) would like to volunteer at an AIDS hospice, attend the Gay Pride Parade and participate in the AIDS walk. But according to the UP administration, this club’s place is to educate students on campus and stay put. It is an unspoken policy, but a powerful one. Shh. Don’t tell.

GSP founder Oscar Villicaña said this unspoken policy emerged when the club created its constitution in 2007. “Things were starting to be very clear as to what we would and wouldn’t be allowed to do either on or off campus,” Villicaña said. “No joining political protests outside of the University or joining with any other organizations.”

And no doing anything else that might cause potential Catholic donors with traditional Catholic values to turn off the dough faucet. As for the Gay Pride parade? “[That] would have been out of the question, especially using any names that tied us to the University of Portland,” Villicaña See GSP, page 12

THE BEACON Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . Elizabeth Tertadian News Editor . . . . . . . . . . ��������� Laura Frazier Living Editor �����������������������Rachel McIntosh Opinions Editor. . . . . . ��������� Sarah Hansell Sports Editor . . . . . . . . �Kyle Cape-Lindelin Design Editor. . . . . . . . . �������� Shellie Adams Photo Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Jeffers Asst. Design Editor . . . ���������Zack Hartman Copy Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philip Ellefson

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Staff Writers

Harry Blakeman, Kaitlyn Dunn, Philip Ellefson, Hannah Kintner, Lydia Laythe, Will Lyons, PJ Marcello, Amanda Munro, Kate Stringer, Kelsey Thomas, Taylor Tobin, Kathryn Walters


Stephanie Matusiefsky, Giovanna Solano, Kayla Wong

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January 31, 2013

Confessions of an anglo-holic Kathryn Walters Staff Commentary Lately, people at UP seem to be in a confessing mood. Although it’s completely anonymous, and I have a feeling some of these “confessions” are nothing more than outrageous stories cooked up by some imaginative Pilots to amuse themselves and others, the idea of coming clean about less than admirable things you’ve done, who you have a crush on at the moment or what’s been eating at you lately is a powerful one. I mean, we attend a school affiliated with an institution which advocates that confession is good for the mind and soul. Who knows how long this confession trend is going to last, but I’ll capitalize on this fad for what it’s worth. I have a confession to make: I am struggling. I’m not struggling to survive or anything exceptionally serious, but I am trying very hard to

transition back to normal UP life. Last semester, I studied abroad in London and had by far the most phenomenal, crazy, life-changing experience of my life. As an avid Anglophile, London was my heaven on earth. Every day, even just a normal school day, was an adventure.

“I wish I had known how many hours I would spend reminiscing about that one time I met the guy who plays Neville Longbottom in the ‘Harry Potter’ movies or that one time my friends and I took a ride on a carousel bar in Hyde Park.”

Kathryn Walters Junior

From taking the Tube everywhere, to watching some of the best theatre in the world and seeing some of the most famous landmarks ever, to meeting the most amazing people and experiencing a whole different way of life, studying abroad in London

was by far one of the best decisions I ever made. My perspectives on the world, other people and even myself have entirely changed, and I would definitely say for the better. However, as happy as I am to have had the opportunity to experience the best three and a half months of my life in such a fantastic place, it’s a major struggle to return to normal life at UP. Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy to see my friends again, and I did miss UP during the past seven months, but I can’t help wishing myself back in lovely London, where my biggest problem was Tube line closures on the weekends. Hashtag: first world problems. Hashtag: study abroad problems. I’m aware how entitled and “poor little privileged girl” this sounds, but I think it’s important to come clean about this, especially for the many UP students who will be studying abroad this summer and the coming fall and spring semesters next year. I completely advocate studying abroad to anyone who can afford it and has time for it, but I wish I had known about the

GSP: Is this club being treated fairly? Continued from page 11

said. In the last five years, nothing has changed. Although GSP has shown multiple films, held panels and invited speakers, the administration does not allow them to do meaningful work in the community. Like the UP mission statement proclaims, we are a “diverse community of scholars dedicated to…service.” That is, unless those “diverse scholars” represent minority sexual orientations. GSP’s purpose at this school is to prop up the University’s flimsy proclamation of “diversity” without doing anything beneficial for the gay community, because that is far too “controversial.” Let’s not talk about that.

“Maybe students would speak up more if UP included sexual orientation in its non-discrimination policy so students weren’t terrified that their hard-won group would be cut if they stepped a toe out of line.”

Amanda Munro Sophomore

Is this policy in writing? Of course not. Instead, the club’s advisers strongly “discourage” any off-campus activity because they say it doesn’t fit GSP’s mission, even as they insist members can petition administrators for exceptions. No other UP club is required to submit such formal proposals. “Most of the time [other clubs] don’t need to. Because if they’re a service-based organization, they’re off to do a service project.

If they’re an engineering group off to Honduras, they’re going to go build something. That fits their mission,” GSP adviser Fr. John Donato said. “[GSP’s] mission is to serve, ultimately, the campus. So they’re not a group that’s prone to take their show on the road as it were.” Translation: The University of Portland doesn’t want any GSP club members out and about where people can see them (gasp) because that might reflect negatively on the University and its traditional Roman Catholic values. Keep your mouth shut. “I understand where the University is coming from. We are a Catholic university and they don’t want to be represented in a negative way,” Andrea Merril, GSP vice president said. “At the same time, it’s not like we’re going to go party and drink all night. We just want to go to things like Gay Fair in the Square as a club, an official club. We want to put a good name, a good face to the University just like everyone else.” But GSP isn’t fighting for that right. “Our club has developed the understanding that we can’t go off campus and it’s become a mentality that has followed through our executive board and members who continue on with the club,” Kirsten Rivera, GSP president said. “So we’re not going to suggest anything.” The administration has effectively kept the club silent without having to enforce concrete policies that could get them negative attention from human rights activists. Instead, it looks like the club’s fault for not speaking up. Deathly, oppressively quiet. Just the way we like it around

here. Maybe students would speak up more if UP included sexual orientation in its non-discrimination policy so students weren’t terrified that their hardwon group would be cut if they stepped a toe out of line.

“It’s time to push for equal treatment on this campus, to speak out and speak out loud. Yes, UP has students who are not being treated fairly, and it needs to stop.”

Amanda Munro Sophomore

“Every club has its limits,” Donato said. “They can have their club status revoked.” No wonder club members are afraid to express grievances with their advisers or speak openly about the issues they face on campus. It’s time to stop playing it safe. It’s time to push for equal treatment on this campus, to speak out and speak out loud. Yes, UP has students who are not being treated fairly, and it needs to stop. Yes, UP loses grant funding because it refuses to include sexual orientation in the non-discrimination clause. Yes, UP has a Gay Straight Partnership and we are proud of it. “There’s nothing in the mission that I know that says, ‘We need to let the world know that University of Portland has a Gay Straight Partnership,’” Donato said. Maybe it’s time there was. Amanda Munro is a sophomore political science major. She can be reached at

Kathryn Walters | THE BEACON

huge letdown that comes after returning to “reality.” I wish I had known about the disconnect I felt from my family and friends back at home and UP while I was there (who knew a time difference of eight hours could be so significant?). I wish I had known how many hours I would spend reminiscing about that one time I met the guy who plays Neville Longbottom in the “Harry Potter” movies or that one time my friends and I took a ride on a carousel bar in Hyde Park. Of course, not everyone who has studied abroad had as awe-

some a time as I did, but personally, it’s a daily struggle of mine to put myself back in the normal UP mindset. I’m sure it will get better with time, when the memories of London are less fresh, but for now, I long for my London town. So, for all you future study abroad kids, I say: go forth and conquer, but just know that the transition back to ordinary life is a hard road to travel. Kathryn Walters is a junior sociology major. She can be reached at

Letters to the Editor Understanding wider world In the Jan. 24 edition of The Beacon, Regent Ralph Bliquez defended the University’s decision to change Theology 101 from a survey of world religions to a focus on Christian Theology. His argument rests on two main claims: that we live in a Western culture with a “Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman heritage” that dominates the world, and that superficial understanding is useless. It seems to me as though the eminent Regent would be comforted with the knowledge that students at the University of Portland are required to “drink deep” from our “Christian heritage” in subsequent, required classes, such as the ever-popular Biblical Traditions. However, the fastest growing economies in the world have absolutely nothing to do with our heritage; they have their own. Our culture may have dominated the world in the time of the Romantics or the Neo-Classicists, but now we live in a post-modern time with post-modern realities, and understanding each other is of paramount importance. Students at the University of Portland have plenty of time to delve into Christian Theology – as a matter of fact, we’re required to do so. Let’s just make sure that once we leave UP, we aren’t faced by a world that has moved on. Phillippe Boutros Junior Press and admin. not friends Welcome to the real world Beacon journalists. Your dilemma at the University of Portland is exactly what you will find outside the U of P academic

compound upon graduation. You have learned a valuable lesson. See this as a positive learning experience. A word of caution. So far you have come right up to the line of acceptable student challenging of the powers that be. However, to take one more step and actually name those that refuse to talk to you and the subject matter they will not discuss is to put your student status at considerable risk. I advise against it. The Press - when it’s doing its job, any Press, anywhere, is NOT the friend of those in authority, any where and any time. It is one of the most important principles necessary to learn for success in investigative journalism. May I suggest the topic of Coal Exports as worthy of Beacon inquiry. Millions of tons of coal could be shipped by rail within earshot and eyesight of U of P students. Surely U of P students concerned about there own personal health as well as Climate Change would find this topic of considerable interest. What action is the U of P community taking? Is anyone talking about joining other college disinvestment activists? Who at the U of P is watching from the bleachers and who is on the field and in the game? Poking around the coal issue is very likely to reveal what you have already discovered to be true, namely, “those in power who would rather not address uncomfortable issues simply ignore them.” Investigating student, staff and administration attitudes and behaviors on this issue will open a Pandora’s Box. But, that is your job. Good luck.

Richard Ellmyer Chair, Noth Portland Coal Commission



2013 marks the 100th birthday of 2 US presidents Faces on The Bluff Baris Inan

Guest Commentary This year holds a special place in US presidential history because it coincides with the 100th birthdays of two US presidents, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. President Nixon was born on Jan. 9, 1913 and President Ford was born 186 days later, on July 14, 1913. What makes this coincidence even more special is the fact that Nixon and Ford served as two consecutive US presidents. Nixon was the 37th US president and Ford was the 38th, and it is 39 years ago in 1974, when both presidents were 61, Nixon resigned from the presidency and Ford became the next president of the United States. Though the possibility of two consecutive US presidents born in the same year seems to be rare, amazingly, there exist three other

pairs of US presidents who were born in the same year and served consecutively. The 6th and 7th US presidents, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, both born in 1767, had their 100th and 200th birthdays coincide in 1867 and 1967. President Jackson was born on March 15th while President John Quincy Adams was born 118 days later on July 11. Also, 1922 marked the 100th birthdays of the 18th and 19th US presidents, Ulysses Grant and Rutherford Hayes. President Grant was born on April 27, 1822 and President Hayes was born 160 days later on Oct. 4th, 1822. In addition, the 42nd and 43rd US presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, were both born in 1946. President George W. Bush was born on July 6th and President Clinton was born 44 days later on Aug. 19. If they are still alive in 2046, these two US presidents will celebrate their 100th birthdays. Among other US presidents, there are two others who were born in the same year. They were Presidents Jimmy Carter and

‘Writers’ is for everyone Ian Clark Guest Commentary I did not know what to expect when I first joined the Writers Magazine editorial board as a freshman. For all I knew, the University of Portland’s literary magazine was populated by benign arbiters of literary wisdom doing stereotypically artsy things such as smoking expensive cigars and drinking imported scotch while puttering about their editorial duties. Needless to say, during the nearly three years since my freshman year, I have learned that Writers has far more depth than the mere capacity for literary elitism. For one thing, Writers is first and foremost a creator of dialogue in the UP community. As a school with a large array of different majors and minors, it is difficult to have any kind of intellectual communication with members of different schools. For instance, as a dedicated English and philosophy major, I generally utter a high-pitched screech of fear whenever I am faced with the possibility of discussing physics with engineering majors. That said, being part of Writers has shown me that some of UP’s greatest artists are members of the School of Engineering, and thus there is no reason to believe that they are so different from me. In that case, one of Writers’ primary goals is to break down any barriers between the university’s different schools through artistic communication. Therefore, I believe that Writers is the single most valuable feature of the University of

Portland, as it facilitates a real, organic and completely authentic artistic discussion. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an English major dominated activity, but is open to everyone and anyone. Thus, Writers could not be more different from my originally pompous vision of the publication. Indeed, Writers’ sole goal for existing is to foster the artistic expression of diverse opinions and ideas.

“For one thing, Writers is first and foremost a creator of dialogue in the UP community. As a school with a large array of different majors and minors, it is difficult to have any kind of intellectual communication with members of different schools.”

Ian Clark Senior

As a parting note, I would like to encourage everyone to enter submissions of poetry, short fiction, non-fiction personal essays and/or all forms of visual art to Writers. You can do so by emailing your submissions as an attachment to writersmag13@ We will accept submissions until February 15th. Ian Clark is a senior English and philosophy major. He can be reached at

By Stephanie Matusiefsky

We asked:

Photo courtesy of Baris Inan

George H. W. Bush, who served as the 39th and 41st US presidents. President George H. W. Bush was born on June 12, 1924 and President Carter was born 111 days later, on Oct. 1, 1924. With regards to their birth months, four US presidents were born in January, four in February, four in March, four in April, two in May, one in June, four in July, five in August, one in September, six in October, five in November, and three in December. Among these, only two consecutive US presidents, James Polk and Zachary Taylor, who served as the 11th and 12th US presidents, were born in the same month. President Polk was born on Nov. 2 and President Taylor on Nov. 24.

Interestingly enough, only two US presidents have their birthdays coincide. These are Presidents James Polk and Warren Harding, who served as the 11th and 29th US presidents. President Polk was born on Nov. 2, 1795 and President Harding was born 70 years later on the same date. Happy 100th Birthday to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford! Baris Inan is a sophomore electrical engineering major. He can be reached at inan13@

Too much love Katie Dunn Staff Commentary

I love to tweet, go on Facebook and put pictures on Instagram just as much as the next person. But I know that at least once a week I will see something that makes me want to block everyone I know. There are about eight people who post something to/about their boyfriend or girlfriend weekly. I cringe every time I see their names show up on my newsfeed because I am sure it’s going to be another post about how much they love whomever they’re dating. I get that it can be hard to be in a long distance relationship, but why do the rest of us need to experience that with you? Some of us are just trying to waste time on places like Twitter, not see the “eternal love” couples of a few months have for each other. I don’t see the appeal of everyone someone knows reading a paragraph on Facebook about how much they love their boyfriend or girlfriend. I really only see it as a need for approval of your relationship. Isn’t it just easier to call or text whomever you want to talk to? I

can guarantee they already text all day long so why the pictures with captions of ‘Oh I miss you so much! Haven’t seen you in a week, only 5 more days!’ or tweets back and forth with kissing emojis? I can handle the political posts that I have to see or people posting about how drunk they are, but when I am forced to be part of someone else’s relationship I want to throw my phone in the Willamette. I can tell when a couple is fighting, together, just left each other or just broke up based solely on my newsfeed. There are a number of things that I am actually interested in seeing, like my best friends in other states and the new clothes Nordstrom has, but how am I supposed to do that if my newsfeed is covered in couples sharing their love with everyone? So please, STOP. Pull out your phones and text each other. It’s much easier, less annoying and overall just more enjoyable for everyone involved. Don’t make me unfriend you or unfollow you. We’re friends for a reason and that reason isn’t to be in your relationship with you.

Chelsea Shannon, sophomore, undeclared

“Personally this reminds me of Barry Bonds & his controversy. I feel bad that sports have come to this point that people need to take drugs.”

Erin Von Hoetzendorff, freshman, undeclared

“I think he still persevered through a lot with cancer. Although what he did was unadmirable, I can still admire the hard work he put in.”

Grace Holmes, freshman, business

Katie Dunn is a freshman business major. She can be reached at

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January 31, 2013

Meet the ‘Fresh Four’ of UP basketball Freshmen guards Jake Ehlers, Bryce Pressley, David Ahern and Oskars Reinfelds talk about their bond, not only as the new kids on the block, but also as close friends Katie Dunn Staff Writer UP men’s basketball has brought together four guys who might have never met: Guards Jake Ehlers from Corvallis, Ore., Bryce Pressley from Sacramento, Calif., David Ahern from Novato, Calif. and Oskars Reinfelds from Riga, Latvia. Coming from very different places did not stop these four from bonding on and off the court. “All four of us are all together all of the time,” Pressley said. Although they are best friends, one thing they do not agree on their favorite part of basketball. “Shooting,” Reinfelds said. “Just taking shots, one right after the other.” Reinfelds has taken 140 shots in the 21 games he’s played this season, averaging 43.8 percent. “I like playing in front of big crowds and the atmosphere,” Ahern and Ehlers both said. The Pilots draw about 1,900 fans per game, usually led by the men of Schoenfeldt Hall. “The feeling of winning,” Pressley said. The team is 8-14 this season, with one more win than last year already. They have nine more games to play, four of those at home. It is not common to find a basketball team that uses freshmen like the Pilots do. Men’s basketball Head Coach Eric Reveno has never been afraid to play younger players. The majority of the team is underclassmen, which means Ehlers, Ahern, Pressley and Reinfelds are key pieces to the team’s success. “We really call upon them to do more and contribute more,” Reveno said. After 24 games, Reveno doesn’t consider the freshmen to be freshmen. He sees them as the future of the team. There are no walls between the freshmen and the upperclassmen that exist on many other college basketball teams. Instead, the freshmen felt a part of the team

right away. One way they do this is by joking around, intentionally and unintentionally. Much of the joking lands on the freshmen, particularly the two funniest: Ehlers and Reinfelds. “The things that I do are funny,” Reinfelds said. “I don’t try to be funny, it’s just my actions that are funny.” Ehlers and Reinfelds do not try to be funny, but they leave the team laughing anyways. “It’s probably the accent,” Pressley said. Although most people refer to the basketball players as just that, they do almost exactly what every other college student does – there’s just basketball added to it. Do not forget their wardrobe filled with sweatpants. The team practices daily and has games twice a week, so comfort wins over fashion. Unless it is Jake Ehlers. “I don’t really wear sweatpants because my mom always buys me the wrong size since I don’t shop for myself,” Ehlers said. “And that’s why Jake is the funniest,” Pressley said. They are looking forward to taking on Gonzaga again, this time in Spokane on March 2. The big crowd is something they all look forward to. Gonzaga averages 6,200 fans per game, making it one of the largest crowds the Pilots will play in front of. “It’s going to be bumping,” Ehlers said. Winning big games against powerhouses like Gonzaga and Saint Mary’s is the next big step towards achieving their goals. The biggest goal, Ahern said, is to win the WCC Championship and make it to the NCAA tournament. The Pilots have not won the WCC since 1996, the last time they made it to the NCAA tournament. The team is hopeful in building a strong base for this to be possible. Everyone on the team, especially the four freshmen, wants this goal to become a reality.

Follow The Beacon on Twitter: @upbeacon BINGO SATURDAYS 7PM


Stephanie Matusiefsky | THE BEACON

Freshmen guards Oskars Reinfelds, David Ahern, Jake Ehlers and Bryce Pressley already feel like family on the men’s basketball team as they get an early chance to show their skills as they are already being heavily relied on.

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This week in sports


Men’s Basketball

in the

Spotlight: Jazmyn Johnson Taylor Tobin Staff Writer Freshman women’s basketball player Jazmyn Johnson from Kingwood, Texas is enthusiastic about this season. Johnson has appeared in 15 games this season as a reserve point guard. She loves her teammates, her coaches, and…chocolate? What do you miss the most from home? I miss knowing a lot of people. I grew up in a small school, so pretty much everyone knew each other. At home you’d just walk down the street, everyone knew everyone, you could say “hi” and have a conversation. I think that’s mostly what I miss. I’m not really homesick, though. Here, I’m pretty much friends with just athletes. I’m just staring to branch out. Over the summer it was just athletes, so I got to know them. It’s hard to go to classes and know someone and then talk to someone you don’t know, because you’re comfortable with [your friends]. I have a couple classes without anybody and I enjoy those classes, because I finally get to know someone new. How have your older teammates helped you as a freshman? They’re actually someone to look

up to. In high school, especially going to a small school, I never really had that person. [Alexis] Byrd is such a good role model on the floor. She’s not selfish with the ball. I honestly look up to her most on the court. And Kari [Luttinen]. You can see you much experience in how they play, and that’s how I want to be. What is your favorite memory from the year so far? I remember this summer we had to come for summer school and we all went hiking together. I remember that most of all. At first I was just hiking, I was like “I don’t want to go hiking.” But just being able to talk with them, and pretty much be stuck with them, it was so much fun seeing the personalities come out. At times I was a little shy, and that kind of brought me out. That’s honestly my favorite memory. What has been the hardest thing for you so this year? My procrastination’s killing me. I just want to go home and sleep when I have a five-hour gap between something, and I could be doing homework. So a lot of my homework is getting done literally the night before at one A.M. We’ll see if it picks up, because it’s killing me right now.

I heard you’re really funny on the court. Why are you funny? It takes me awhile to get completely out. I’m very personable, but when I first meet someone I don’t want to be that crazy person. So I love that the summer got me really comfortable with the team. I love the coaches. They are so easy to talk that it kind of made it easy for me to be myself. Now I won’t shut up on the court and I do crazy stuff and just have a blast. Is there someone on the team you like to mess with? The Finlands, Ellen [Nurmi] and Annika [Holopainen], I’ll speak in Finnish. They taught us a bunch of words, some inappropriate, some not, and we’ll say them on the court sometimes. Whenever they get mad on the court they’ll say, “vittu,” which means, “Dang it, oh my gosh, dang it!” So anytime I mess up or something, to mess with them, I’ll be like, “vittu!” Coffee or tea? Coffee. I just got on coffee this year, iced mocha. I first started out with a white iced mocha, but then I realized that mocha is chocolate, I didn’t know that. I thought it was just coffee until I got here, and then I was like “heck yeah!” So now I try to get


The men’s basketball team is coming off a disappointing homestand with a buzzerbeating loss to San Francisco Jan. 24 and a offensive beatdown against BYU 85-67 on Jan. 26. The Pilots head south to face Santa Clara tonight at 7 p.m. and Saint Mary’s on Feb. 2 at 4:30 p.m. The Pilots record currently stands at 10-14 with their WCC standings falling to 1-6.

Women’s Basketball

Stephanie Matusiefsky| THE BEACON

a mocha when possible. I don’t need them, but I like the taste. Do you have a trademark line? I’m really into saying “delish.” Like, if someone does something really good, I’ll say, “that was delish,” or if someone’s wearing something really cute, I’ll be like “you look delish today.” I just love food; I guess that’s why it just caught on. Recently, one of the things I would always say was, “chunking up the deuces,” like “chunk.” I didn’t realize that it was “chuck”, so they’ve been like killing me on it. I just though it meant that you like “chunk” a ball, but apparently you “chuck” a ball. I thought it was like a chocolate chunk.

CALL FOR ENTRIES / The Clark Library Juried Photo Exhibit The Clark Library seeks photographs from current students, faculty and staff for display in the Library’s renovated upper level. This juried exhibit will showcase the University community’s experiences and connections to fine art photography. For more information visit or contact José Velazco, Clark Library Multimedia Specialist at (503) 943 - 7602 or

The women’s basketball team return from their California road trip with a mixed bag as they got blasted at San Diego 72-54 Jan. 24. The Pilots bouced back with a come-from-behind 71-68 win at Santa Clara on Jan. 26 leaving them with a 8-13 overall record and a 2-5 WCC record. The team returns for a two-game homestand starting tonight against Pepperdine at 7 p.m. and Feb. 2 against LMU at 2 p.m.

Men’s Tennis The men’s tennis team started out their season against the stiff competition of No. 22 Washington Jan. 25 where they lost 6-1. The Pilots bounced back, winning the South Carolina Upstate 4-3 on Jan. 27. The team returns to the Louisiana-Pacific Tennis Center for home back-to-back matches against Seattle University at 9 a.m. and against Montana State at 2 p.m. on Feb. 1. The Pilots return to the court on Feb. 3 against UC Davis at 9 a.m.

Women’s Tennis

The women’s tennis team are coming off two impressive 6-1 victories over former undefeated teams Eastern Washington on Jan. 25 and Idaho on Jan. 27. The team travels across the state to face in-state rival Oregon Feb. 3 at 5 p.m. The Pilots return home Feb. 6 to take on Saint Mary’s at 10 a.m. (courtesy



January 31, 2013

Women’s tennis starting stong

Jackie Jeffers| THE BEACON

Senior Valeska Hoath readies to return a serve. Hoath has been one of the best players for women’s tennis in her four years and expects to make her final year the best yet.

Taylor Tobin Staff Writer The UP women’s tennis team is using their youthful energy to their advantage as they start the season off by beating two undefeated teams. Six freshmen joined the team this year, all playing in top eight positions. The Pilots have started the season strong with early wins against Eastern Washington (6-1) on Jan. 26 and Idaho (61) on Jan. 27, where they won all six singles matches and doubles matches. The Pilots start conference play at home on Feb. 6 against Saint Mary’s. Head Coach Susie Campbell-Gross is happy with her team’s performance early in the season. “We’re very excited

Jackie Jeffers | THE BEACON

Sophomore Anastasia Polyakova tosses up a serve against Idaho. Polyakova is expected to be one of the most productive players this year.

about this team,” said CampbellGross. “They’re young and they have a lot of energy and drive to do well. They have the mentality of ‘let’s get to work, let’s work hard, and see how we can improve.’” The two seniors on the team, Valeska Hoath and Sabine Fuchs, are looking forward to having the depth that the freshmen bring to the team. “I’m excited for the season because we have 12 people on our team. It’s almost double of what we’ve had for the last three years,” said Hoath. “So moving forward, it means that we will give the teams we’ve played in the past with more depth a run for their money.” Along with depth, one of the team’s strengths this season is their drive to perform well. “As a team, it’s been very positive this year—the effort

from everyone and the energy going towards what we’re trying to accomplish,” Campbell-Gross said. The team is preparing to take

“They’re young and they have a lot of energy and drive to do well. They have the mentality of ‘let’s get to work, let’s work hard, and see how we can improve.’” Susie Campbell-Gross Women’s Tennis Head Coach on opponents that have given them trouble in the past. The Pilots are especially looking forward to playing Gonzaga at home on March 9. “We hate Gonzaga, so a win against them is in the

cards,” said Hoath “It will be a good match. They are a good team, but we are also a good team this year.” Although they feel good about this season, the team knows that to perform in tough matches they will need to work on playing together in doubles. “I think we’re all really good individually,” said Fuchs. “We just need to be more aggressive as a team in doubles and come out strong.” With conference play starting next week, the team is hoping for a bigger turnout of fans at home. “It’s definitely going to be a very good year for women’s tennis, so it would be awesome for people to come and check it out,” said Hoath. “Just stopping by for 30 minutes or so and cheering us on would be great.”

Rockstar Freshmen

Upcoming Home Games

Saroop Dhatt Marina Reimers Emily Gould Maja Mladenovic Tori Troesch Milagros Cubelli

Feb. 6 Saint Mary’s 10 a.m. Feb. 8 Portland State 11 a.m. Feb. 10 UC Davis 10 a.m. Feb. 25 Montana State 1 p.m.

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