2 minute read

Looking to return to work?

Companies are hiring now, including workers age 55 and above. Here are some Montgomery County programs that can help you prepare for and obtain employment.

For 50 years, JCA® — the Jewish Council for the Aging ® — has been enabling older jobseekers to find the jobs they need and want. With support from Montgomery County Aging & Disability Services, JCA offers Virtual 50+ Employment Expos to connect workers with age-friendly employers, as well as offering The Career Gateway! -- a five-day job search skills training program to assist 50+ job seekers update their resumes, improve interviewing and skills, and develop job search plans.

JCA programs and services are for all those age 50 and better from every faith, ethnicity, and income level. JCA also offers on-the-job training with the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) — a minimum-wage-stipend training program for qualified, unemployed low-income county residents 55+.

The career advisors at WorkSource Montgomery work oneon-one with jobseekers. Staff at its American Job Centers have a deep understanding of local industry demands. They can identify a wide range of resources for you, including workshops, job postings, computer access and job counseling.

Check out WSM’s monthly calendar of events here: https://worksourcemontgomery. com/calendar. See the 50+ Resource Link at bit.ly/MoCoWorksource to find a handy directory for 50+ workforce assistance in Montgomery County.

For FREE job skills classes, visit WorkSource Montgomery’s “virtual” job center — an online platform called SkillUp® Montgomery that offers all county residents free and unlimited access (for up to 6 months) to more than 5000 workplace skills, business and IT courses. Sign up at http://wsm.skillupamerica.org.

Also sign up for our newsletter and follow us on our social media channels to stay abreast of all the latest WSM news. Visit our monthly calendar of events at: https:// worksourcemontgomery.com/calendar.

The Workforce Development and Continuing Education Programs of Montgomery College not only assist those reentering the workforce, but also those seeking to maintain or enhance their technical skills. Courses include information technology, small business management, real estate, certification and licensure preparation, and health sciences. For more information, call 240-567-5188.

All of these programs are important because finding a job can be a challenge. While the economy is recovering from the pandemic, complete recovery won’t be speedy. That makes this is an especially good time to hone your skills and prepare for the world ahead. Check out the listed resources — they can help!

Ready to Help

At JCA, www.AccessJCA.org

50+ Employment Expos: 301-255-4209, www.accessjca.org/employment-expos

Career Gateway and Career Tech courses: 301-255-4215, www.accessjca.org/ career-gateway

The Senior Community Service Employment Program for low-income jobseekers: 301-255-4249 or email cnestoriak@accessjca.org

At WorkSource Montgomery, www.worksourcemontgomery.com

The American Job Center 11510 Georgia Avenue, Wheaton 301-929-6880

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ WorkSourceMontgomery

50+ Resource Link – for a directory of workforce assistance – bit.ly/MoCoWorksource

General resources for 50+ jobseekers: Cynthia Grissom, 202-770-0686, cgrissom@worksourcemontgomery.com

At Montgomery College, visit bit.ly/MoCollegeWorkforce

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