12 minute read
ONE BIG HAPPY By Rick Detorie Birthday
From page 27 stole a bunch of them from my stash, without asking. Outraged, I went after him with murder in my eyes.
He retaliated by flinging one 78 after another at my approaching self. Those hard disks really hurt when they bash against one’s ribs. But you go to war with the weapons you have. Mine were on the ground, around my ankles.
Without considering how many of my precious 78s I might be about to break, I picked up an armful and frisbeed them at my brother, one after the other. An improvised carpet-bomb attack, if you will.
The good news: No one was injured. The better news: None of my collection was harmed. Of course, my brother claimed to my parents that I had started it. Don’t younger siblings always do that?
As the 1960s approached, it became obvious that 78s deserved to go the way of running boards and silent movies. My collection of 78s moldered on a shelf. My collection of 33s and 45s grew like a summer weed.
I don’t recall what became of my 78s. Probably, my mother gave them away — the same way she gave away my collection of baseball cards (sob).
Any or all of them would be worth zillions today, I’m sure. But Mama was more concerned at that moment with shelf space and eliminating dust.
So maybe this 78th birthday I’ve just celebrated — though it doesn’t end in a five or a zero — is really as epic as those milestones.

It calls to mind a stiff, awkward jetblack slab that kept kids smiling and dancing. Seventy-eights had their deficits, for sure. But like other products of yesteryear, they still bring grins of remembrance.
Beacon Bits
July 15

Written by Tony winner Lisa Kron, the funny, autobiographical play “2.5 Minute Ride” relates two trips Kron took with her Holocaust survivor father: one to an amusement park and another to AuschwitzBirkenau. The nonprofit Jewish Community Theater of Montgomery County, in cooperation with the Temple Beth Ami Players, presents two performances of the one-person show, one at 7 p.m. Sat., July 15, and the other at 2 p.m. Sun., July 16, at Temple Beth Ami, 14330 Travilah Rd, Rockville. Tickets are $10 and available at the door or bit.ly/minuteride.
Free Access To Consumer Reports
July 21
Visit Kensington Park Library on Fri., July 21, from 11 a.m. to noon to learn how to access Washington Consumers’ Checkbook and Consumer Reports online. These publications offer reviews of local services, safety and reliability test scores for products and services, how-to videos, buying guides and recall updates. Registration isn’t required; stop by 4201 Knowles Ave., Kensington, MD. For more information, call (240) 773-9515.

Free West African Dance Class
Aug. 5+
Learn the basics of contemporary West African dance in this free three-week series at the National Museum of African Art. The class runs on Saturdays, Aug. 5, 12 and 19, from 9 to 10 a.m. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. at 950 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC. To reserve a spot, visit bit.ly/FreeDanceClassDC. For more information, call (202) 633-4600.
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HOME HEALTHCARE- Experienced nurses, CNA, GNA are available 24/7. Cooking, companionship, personal care, housekeeping, driving. Full/Part-time or live-in care. 15 years’ experience. 2405336599
I AM AVAILABLE AS AN ELDERLYCAREGIVER for your loved ones with 32 years experience Saturday to Tuesday Dr appointments, meal prep daily hygiene will drive u to your outdoor activities honest excellent references Laverne 301-996-1385.
SEEK EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER. Personal care, bathing, light housekeeping, errands, 20-40 hours per week, competitive rates. CNA bonus. 301-828-8451
A CARE AGENCY - Been in business for more than 10 years. Experienced nurses, CNAs, GNAs. Any hours you need. Flat rate for live-in. Duties include cooking, housekeeping, bathing, errands, etc. Tel: 667-231-8235
PROBLEM WITH YOUR PC/MAC OR NETWORK? Computer Systems Engineer will come to you with help. Call David G. at: 3013282112 / 3016424526
LICENSED CPA FOR 36 YEARS, reasonable rates, all types of returns. Located in Gaithersburg, MD near Quince Orchard Rd and Great Seneca Hwy. DIANE CHRISTEN CPA; 240-355-1135 cell; dianechristen@aol.com.
LIFE INSURANCE! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company - 866-212-1092 or visit www.Life55plus.info/beacon
WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 855-626-8703.
PUT ON YOUR TV EARS and hear TV with unmatched clarity. TV Ears Original were originally $129.95 - NOW WITH THIS SPECIAL OFFER are only $59.95 with code MCB59! Call 1-833-934-0843.
TWO CEMETERY PLOTS AT NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK, Falls Church, VA. Retails for $6,495 each. Will sell for $1,995 each OBO. Transfer fee to be paid by buyer, but the fee is waived if vault, etc. purchased from the park. Contact David at (336) 508-6648
NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY. KING DAVID MEMORIAL GARDENS. 4 choice burial sites in desirable block BB. Currently sell for $6995/ea Asking $3495/ea. or $12,000 for all 4. Located in Falls Church. Call or text Gail @ 541-698-0473
BURIAL PLOT FOR SALE. National Memorial Park on Lee Hwy in Falls Church, Va. TWO Choice Sites / desirable “Garden of the Last Supper”. Double Depth A&B Sites/ Reg $16,995 for both. Sale: $9,995 for both. Contact Jeff at jpolucci@mieleusa.com. I will call you to discuss when I get your email.
NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK-FALLS CHURCH. Two choice burial sites in desirable Block M, Regular price $8995, sale price $7000 OBO. One burial site in Block D, Regular Price $6995, sale price $2995 OBO. Contact Catherine Capotosto @ 240-508-6858
OWN A CONDO ON THE BEACH FOR UNDER $90,000. We are selling two efficiencies (sleep 4) In the Surf Club Hotel in Dewey Beach, Del. (surfclubhotel.com). Room 205 is 380 sq ft, and directly faces the beach/ocean; and rm 111 is 480sq ft and faces the beach at an angle. Fractional ownership: you would own the condo one week every month. Positive cash flow if you choose to let paying guests stay there. $89K for 205, $79K for 111. Contact Stuart at 301-943-5153, or Laurie at 301-814-4507.
MOBILEHELP, America’s Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether You’re Home or Away. For Safety and Peace of Mind. No Long Term Contracts! Free Brochure! Call Today! 1-240-650-9189.
PORTABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855-851-0949.
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-844-485-7035.
ONE STEP MOBILITY - Home Mobility Equipment Sales, Service & Repair! One Step Mobility Can Help You With All Your Home Mobility Needs 24/7: Stair Lifts, Power Chairs, Scooters, Ramps & More. Please call 301-7675070 or visit: onestepmobility.com
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DOWNSIZING OR LIQUIDATING AN ESTATE? Doing it yourself? DON’T THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY! Our easy process determines what to keep, gift, sell, donate, or discard. Services include: estate liquidation, downsizing, whole house clean-outs; emptying storage units, junk removal, and estate sales. We buy estates, vehicles, and real estate. Call/text Philip at 301219-3600 or visit DownsizingSpecialists.com for more information. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, and we know the difference!
SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-theline installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-866-478-2363.
APPLYING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc. Our case managers simplify the process & work hard to help with your case. Call 1-866-970-0779 FREE Consultation. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)]
CONSUMER CELLULAR. Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-833-742-1303.
BEGINNER PIANO LESSONS. Learn to play popular and classical pieces by ear and from music. Teacher with 40 years’ experience. Price: $40/60 min. Home studio, 2 blocks from Cleveland Park Metro Station, DC. Call or text Neil, 202-669-2962.
DECLUTTER, ORGANIZE, DOWNSIZE, AND OFFICE WORK — Personalized services designed for the 55 + community. Take control of your life and your home. Call Christine, Certified Senior Advisor at 301.452.5730, ccallahan@mdseniorhelp.com — visit my websitewww.mdseniorhelp.com
LOVABLE LITTLE CAR LLC (Toyota Prius). Airports: BWI, DCA or IAD $50.00 ONE WAY. Train Stations: Penn Station Baltimore, BWI Train Station or Union Station DC $50.00 ONE WAY. Call Robbie at: 301 792 3932
DISH NETWORK: Only from Dish- 3 year TV Price Guarantee! 99% Signal Reliability, backed by guarantee. Includes Multi-Sport with NFL Redzone. Switch and Get a FREE $100 Gift Card. Call today! 1-844-560-5837
DIRECTV. New 2-Year Price Guarantee. The most live MLB games this season, 200+ channels and over 45,000 on-demand titles. $84.99/mo for 24 months with CHOICE Package. Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV 1-888-572-4953
CASH FOR RECORDS, CDS AND DVDS. Best price guaranteed. Free appraisals. All types of music {33, 45, 78 & CDs.} Also buying turntables and stereo equipment. Will make house calls with CURBSIDE PICKUPS. Call or text Steve at 301-646-5403.
CASH FOR JEWELRY: Buying jewelry, diamonds, gold, platinum, silver, watches, coins, flatware, etc. Ask for Tom. Call anytime, 301654-8678 (Reg. 883).
COLLECTOR BUYING MILITARY ITEMS: helmets, antique weapons, knives, swords, web gear, uniforms, WW2 jeep parts, etc. from all wars and countries. Also slots/pinball/jukeboxes and all coin op machines. Covid safe. call Fred 301-910-0783
CASH FOR JEWELRY; Gold, silver, costume. Watches, coins, turquoise, dental gold, etc. TheAtticLLC.com. Gary Roman; 301-520-0755. 18SH-004233
WILL BUY MILITARY, WWII, WWI, Civil War memorabilia items. Uniforms, weapons, helmets, photos, war souvenirs, medals, photos or any other items associated with U.S., German, Japanese or other military history. Call Dave (240-464-0958) or email (david.obal63@gmail.com).
CASH FOR ESTATES; I buy a wide range of items. Art, antiques, jewelry, cultural items, furniture, rugs, collections/accumulations. TheAtticLLC.com. Gary Roman; 301-520-0755
TOP PRICES PAID FOR FINE ANTIQUES, ARTWORK and unusual and rare things including decorated crocks and stoneware, antique clocks and music boxes, classic cars, coin operated devices, toys and dolls, furniture, lamps , art glass and pottery. I am 69 years old, well educated [ law degree ] financially capable and have over 40 years in the business. Why pay outlandish auction house, estate agent or consignment store commissions when you can get a fair upfront price for your valuables with no hassle? If you have something rare, unusual and valuable and are prepared to sell it I would like to speak with you. Please call Jake Lenihan 301 279 8834. Thank you.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES/ESTATE LIQUIDATION: One call solves it all when you hire us to liquidate and clean out your home. We remove everything! We sell what can be sold (you get the money), donate what can be donated (you get the tax receipts), and haul away the trash. Don’t keep making mortgage payments or delay selling your home and making the big money because you’re wasting time with estate sales and yard sales. See a great 2.5minute explainer video in the Our Services section of www.OrionsAttic.com. No job too big, including hoarder houses. We also buy high-end collectibles of all kinds. Based in Silver Spring MD, we serve the greater DC region. Also provide appraisal services for insurance/estates. Call Chris on cell 202 731-9447.
BUYING VINYL RECORDS from 1950 to 1990 JAZZ, ROCK, BLUES, R&B, DISCO, SOUL, REGGAE, & GOSPEL, ANY VINYL FORMAT 33 1/3 RPM Albums, small 45 RPM’s & some 78 RPM, Also CD’s, Prefer LARGER COLLECTIONS AT LEAST 100 items, PLEASE CALL JOHN 301-596-6201
WANTED. House calls possible. Call Nelson at 240 472 4615. Thank you.
TODAY with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options. Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-866-964-8106.
THE BATHROOM OF YOUR DREAMS for as little as $149/month! BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual in-home consultation now and SAVE 15%! Call Today!
SLOWING DOWN AFTER 41 YEARS OF CONTRACTING. Small to medium jobs mainly residential but will do some commercial. Will work all over DC area. $45.00 an hour from arrival on job. Andy 703-906-5429
BRIC-A-BRAC AND SMALLS. I collect Royal Copenhagen, Herend, Shelley, English bone China cups and saucers and antique Christmas and Halloween decorations. Have recently changed my look a little and developed an interest in Midcentury pottery and glass and Chinese antiques. Need to clean out a house in a hurry? I may be able to help. Please call Susan (301) 785-1129.
WANTED: OLDER VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, MANDOLINS, UKULELES. Musician/collector will pay cash for older string instruments. Jack (301) 279-2158, leave message & phone number (please speak slowly).
I BUY OLD GUNS (Military/Civilian) and MILITARY MEDALS, uniforms, insignia, books & more from the Civil War, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam to present. I have a Federal Firearms License to purchase firearms from estates and individuals. Located in MD -but will travel. I also buy West Point & Naval Academy memorabilia and items from Generals and Admirals. Client testimonials on my website: www.midatlanticmilitaryantiques.com Call, email or text. Tim Frank 703-447-7243 historian1975@gmail.com.
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Employment/ Volunteers
Seniors Helping Seniors................11
Northern Virginia Senior Olympics...................................25
Financial Services
DISB Reverse Mortgages...............8
Freedom Financial Advisors of Maryland...................................19
Funeral Services
Going Home Cremation................27
Home Health Care/Companion Services
Best Senior Care.......................B-15
OndeCare..........................B-2, B-11
Seniors Helping Seniors................11
Ashby Ponds/Erickson......B-5, B-15
Brooke Grove Retirement Village.......B-8, B-10, B-12, B-15
Cadence Living Olney....................7
Carnegie at Washingtonian Center................................3, B-13
Chesterbrook Residences..............12
Chevy Chase House..........B-2, B-11
Churchill Senior Living..................6
Covenant Village...............B-7, B-13 Culpepper Garden.........................10
Emerson House.................B-7, B-10
Falcon’s Landing...................12, B-6
Grandview, The/Erickson..B-5, B-12
Greenspring/Erickson.........B-5, B-6
Harmony Chantilly..........................1
Harmony Spring Hill......................1
HIP Home Sharing......................B-7
Homecrest House..............B-4, B-12 Knollwood.....................................11
Leggett, The..............................B-16
Lockwood House........................B-7 Park View Apartments..................26
Riderwood/Erickson.........B-5, B-10
Vida Senior Residences..............B-7
Vinson Hall Retirement Community...................B-4, B-13
Westminster Canterbury at Chesapeake Bay............................B-3, B-6
Woodleigh Chase/EricksonB-5, B-11
Legal Services
D’Amore Personal Injury Law........5
Farr Law Firm...............................19
Law Offices of Paul Riekhof........18
Ennoble Care...................................9
Ikon Health...................................12
Judy Oh, DDS.................................7
Medical Eye Center......................14
Stephen Friedman, DDS...............14
Memory Care
Brooke Grove..........B-8, B-10, B-12
Western High School Alumni Association................................10
Real Estate
Eric Stewart...............................B-14
Senior Resources
Age-Friendly DC....................23, 32
DC Living Boldly Newsletter..15-16
Montgomery County Age-Friendly Newsletter.................................20
Montgomery County Aging & Disability Services....................14
Montgomery County SHIP...........18
Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation
Brooke Grove..........B-8, B-10, B-12
Beacon Newspapers......................29
Senior Planet Montgomery Classes......................................18
Senior Tech Pro.............................10
Theatre/ Entertainment
F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre......24, 25
Senior Zone Radio Show..............25
Toby’s Dinner Theatre...........B-9, 24
Transportation/ Travel
Jersey Cape...................................23
Montgomery County Transit/ Ride-On.......................................6
Travel WV.....................................22
Vamoose Bus.................................23
Pepco.........................................9, 13
Verizon Lifeline Service...............17