September 2016 | DC Beacon

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More than 200,000 readers throughout Greater Washington

VOL.28, NO.9

Area athletes go for the gold

Growing popularity Competitive sports events are popular in other parts of the metro area as well. Washington, D.C.’s Senior Games were held in May. The unusually wet and dreary spring weather this year meant a number of events had to be postponed. Maryland’s Senior Olympics (motto: “To participate is to win!”) runs for nearly half the year. Events have been taking place since May, and will continue through the beginning of October. This summer’s hot weather tried to wreak havoc with Maryland’s competitions as well, but last month’s track and field events went on as scheduled despite 100 degree temperatures, with the heat index near 110 degrees.


I N S I D E …


By Barbara Ruben Sometimes slow and steady does win the race. Ask Mandy Whalen, who didn’t see herself as having much athletic potential during her early school years. “I was always the youngest and slowest person in my class,” she recalled. Fast forward to the age of 70 or so, when Whalen rediscovered sports and started to participate in the Northern Virginia Senior Olympics (NVSO). This year, Whalen plans to compete in all nine indoor track events, as well as diving and the Frisbee throw. A friend’s personal trainer taught her how to throw the shotput and discus. “It’s quite gratifying that, at my current age of 76, most of the good runners have shot their knees so, more often than not, I win my age group. It’s my own personal ‘revenge of the nerds’,” Whalen said. In addition, the former slowpoke now runs 25 to 30 5K and 10K races a year, despite saying, “I’m not terribly competitive.” Whalen, who lives in Bailey’s Crossroads, said she enjoys the Senior Olympics because, “It’s fun to challenge myself in activities for which I have little innate talent. The people are nice and the events are fun.” Last year, the NVSO attracted a record number of participants. Over 1,800 people signed up, 37 of whom were 90 or older. This year may set a new record according to Jim MacKenzie, the event’s chair. NVSO events will take place from Sept. 10 to 21. (But registration closes Sept. 5.)

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A look at three world-class resorts beckoning from nearby states; plus, the Caribbean’s spicy island of Grenada, and how to stay safe overseas page 59


Last month, Don McGee, of Clinton, Md., set an all-time Maryland Senior Olympics record for men 55 to 59 in the 50-yard dash. He is also the 2015 National Senior Games gold medalist in the 100 meters, and one of the fastest runners of his age in the country. Events at the Maryland Senior Olympics continue through Oct. 2. The Northern Virginia Senior Olympics take place Sept. 10 to 21. Washington, D.C.’s Senior Games were held in May.

Perhaps one reason this year has been a banner season for area Senior Olympics is that this is a qualifying year for athletes who want to compete at the biannual National Senior Games, which will be held June 2 - 15, 2017 in Birmingham, Ala. Only certified winners in state or national multisport competitions can participate in the national competition. Each jurisdiction’s Olympics offers dozens of sports and sort-of sports. For those who no longer run track and field events, there’s race walking and even noncompetitive mile walks. For those who like to test their prowess in throwing, you can throw a softball, football, shot put or discus, not to mention pitch some horseshoes. Are video games more your speed? Wii bowling is especially popular.

Of course, the more traditional sports attract the most participants, and can be more competitive than you might think. Peter McGuirk, 73, enjoyed playing basketball recreationally a couple times a week with a group of players who were mostly 40 and older when he heard first learned of NVSO a few years ago. McGuirk, who lives in Arlington, thought it might be fun to form a three-person team for the Senior Olympics’ 70 to 79 age category and recruited one of his older teammates. “I thought that all we would have to do is find one more player, show up, be unopposed and collect our gold medal,” he recalled. “Not so fast! I had no idea that there was such a vibrant culture for senior athletes See OLYMPICS, page 25

MetroStage premiers DC-area based musical; plus, Jerry Lewis at the Friars Club, starting a book club with your grandkids, remembering Roald Dahl, and Bob Levey’s lessons from golf page 67 TECHNOLOGY 8 k Teens who’ll change the world FITNESS & HEALTH 16 k Pricey drugs endanger Medicare k New dissolving stent SPOTLIGHT ON AGING k Newsletter for D.C. seniors


LAW & MONEY 43 k Coping with low interest rates k Help nonprofits and get paid LIFETIMES 51 k Newsletter of the Charles E. Smith Life Communities ADVERTISER DIRECTORY




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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

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Not to be missed Who will be the lucky winner of a 10-day will be Lt. Joe Kenda, star of “Homicide Hunter” — the #1 TV show on the Investivacation for two to China? gation Discovery channel, Maybe you, if you attend now starting its 6th season. one of this year’s Beacon 50+ Kenda is a retired homicide Expos. detective who will share For the 17th year in a row, I highlights from the cases he am happy to invite you to our investigated and solved, as 50+Expos — free events feawell as how he made two caturing community resources, informative exhibits of prodreer changes after he retired ucts and services, a celebrity from the force. He will also speaker, health screenings, offer personal safety tips. technology education, and enThe expos will also feature tertainment. free health screenings — inFROM THE These events will take place PUBLISHER cluding blood pressure, vasBy Stuart P. Rosenthal at two locations this month: cular and glaucoma screenOn Sunday, Sept.11, from ings at both sites, and also noon to 4 p.m., our Maryland Expo will bone density and balance screenings in Silonce again be at the Silver Spring Civic ver Spring. Center in downtown Silver Spring, Md. Both locations also will offer flu vacOur Northern Virginia Expo will cines (regular and high-dose, for those take place on Sunday, Sept. 25, from 65+), free with a Medicare card. More than 100 exhibitors — including noon to 4 p.m., at Springfield Town Center in Springfield, Va. After several government agencies, nonprofits and local years at Ballston Mall in Arlington, our businesses — will offer information and Northern Virginia Expo is returning to the answer your questions about retirement site of the former Springfield Mall, now re- communities, home remodeling, financial developed and transformed into Spring- planning, legal matters, healthcare, travel, fitness, senior services and more. Givefield Town Center. The keynote speaker at both locations aways and door prizes will be plentiful.

Beacon The






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The Beacon is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve, and entertain the citizens of the Greater Washington DC area, and is privately owned. Other editions serve Greater Baltimore, Howard County, Md. and Greater Palm Springs, Calif. Readership exceeds 400,000. Subscriptions are available via first-class mail ($36) or third-class mail ($12), prepaid with order. D.C. and Maryland residents: add 6 percent for sales tax. Send subscription order to the office listed below. Publication of advertising contained herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Signed columns represent the opinions of the writers, and not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. • Publisher/Editor ....................Stuart P. Rosenthal • Associate Publisher ..............Judith K. Rosenthal • Vice President of Operations ....Gordon Hasenei • Director of Sales ................................Alan Spiegel • Managing Editor............................Barbara Ruben • Art Director ........................................Kyle Gregory • Assistant Operations Manager ..........Roger King • Advertising Representatives ........Doug Hallock, ......................Dan Kelly, Rena Pensky, M.K. Phillips • Editorial Assistant ........................Rebekah Sewell

The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915 (301) 949-9766 • Email: Website: Submissions: The Beacon welcomes reader contributions. Deadline for editorial is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month preceding the month of publication. See page 79 for classified advertising details. Please mail or email all submissions.

© Copyright 2016 The Beacon Newspapers, Inc.

In addition, there will be a “tech café” at the Silver Spring location, with free technology mentoring by trained high school students. Attendees are invited to bring their fully-charged cell phones, laptops and/or tablets to the event, and to sign up at the registration table for a free one-onone tutoring session. (Space is limited for this service. And remember to bring your device cords and passwords!) This year’s grand door prize — a trip for two to China, including airfare to and within China, hotel accommodations, most meals, and an English-speaking tour guide — is provided by Nexus Holidays. Everyone who attends and registers at the events will be entered into the door prize drawing (one entry per person per event; registration and entry are free). While we expect a few thousand people at our events this year, that’s still pretty good odds for a prize of this size! (For complete drawing rules, see our website.) Entertainment at Silver Spring will be provided by Bruce Thomas, a charismatic

baritone singing your favorite songs (and taking requests). In Springfield, entertainment will be provided by the Cameo Club of Ms. Senior Virginia winners, showcasing varied talents. We are proud to offer our 50+Expos each fall as a community service. Major sponsors include CVS pharmacy, Comcast, AARP, Holy Cross Health, and CareFirst BlueCrossBlueShield, among others. We also thank our more than 80 Community Partners who have helped us spread the word about these events throughout the region. For more information — or to exhibit, sponsor or volunteer — call (301) 949-9766 or visit If you come, please be sure to look for me and say hello. I look forward to seeing you!

Letters to the editor Readers are encouraged to share their opinion on any matter addressed in the Beacon as well as on political and social issues of the day. Mail your Letter to the Editor to The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915, or e-mail to Please include your name, address and telephone number for verification. Dear Editor: I was disappointed by Joe Kenda’s refusal to acknowledge the seriousness of extrajudicial killings with impunity by police (“Cop’s third career: TV star,” August cover story). Blaming the messenger — the media — is an exercise in denial. The fact that Mr. Kenda denies is that some police officers violate the law, due process, their training and official procedures by shooting first and asking questions later. More than 1,000 people of many ethnic backgrounds, all ages and both sexes were killed by US police in 2015. Up to one-third had mental-health problems. A long history of systematic brutality and discrimination led up to this abuse of basic human and civil rights. Every year, major cities in the United States pay millions of dollars in compensation to the families of the victims, and taxpayers are footing the bill. The officers who commit these abuses are rarely held responsible. This problem casts a long shadow over our society. It demands urgent attention and redress. Linda Rabben Takoma Park, Md. Editor’s Note: In the story, Mr. Kenda is quoted as saying, “There’s obviously guilt on both sides in those situations.” Dear Editor: Thanks to the person who wrote about the scourge of sidewalk bicycling in D.C (Letters to the editor, August). It is becom-

ing a bigger problem every year as more bicyclists with an entitlement mentality ride wherever they want when they want, with no regard for others. More pedestrians are being hit and, unlike the person who hit the writer’s husband, they usually hit and run. Unless the victim dies or needs the EMTs, the incident is not reported, so no one in government takes notice. In my Dupont Circle neighborhood there are bike lanes on most streets. Still they ride on the sidewalks whenever it pleases them, and I and others have been hit and injured. The writer should also know that most cities don’t allow sidewalk bicycling anywhere except in a few well-marked places where it would be dangerous for bicyclists to use the street. Among these cities are New York City and Chicago, both of which have much worse traffic in the streets than D.C. Yes, D.C. law needs to be changed. But until we all have a way to report our incidents and we all write to our Council people with the facts, nothing will change. Jeanne Mallett Washington, D.C. Dear Editor: Maryland senior citizens today have more stringent income requirements for healthcare assistance than younger citizens. The Medicaid eligibility income cap See LETTERS TO EDITOR, page 77

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The most meaningful words to describe Holy Cross Germantown Hospital are:

Your Very Own.

Breaking the Silence: Freedom from Distressing Pelvic Floor Conditions Your age and race are irrelevant. So is whether or not you’ve had children. Pelvic floor disorders— such as incontinence, pain and pressure—can affect any woman by limiting her quality of life. And the worst thing you can do is to stay silent.

The feeling of urgency and pressure was now complicated by obstruction and inability to urinate, resulting in urinary tract infections. By finally telling her primary care physician about her symptoms, Irene’s journey to freedom from her ailments began.

“Believe it or not, pelvic floor conditions are very common, and yet, women who suffer from them generally don’t talk about it,” says Anita Pillai-Allen, MD, Urogynecology, Holy Cross Hospital. “If they did, they would find they are far from alone.”

Holy Cross physicians, Ellen Goldmark, MD, Urology, and Shobha Sikka, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology, with a specialty in urogynecology and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, determined that Irene had severe vaginal wall prolapse. This diagnosis meant the bladder and rectum were displaced, causing urinary frequency and urgency.

Pelvic floor conditions occur when muscles and ligaments that support the pelvic organs become weakened and lose their elasticity. As a result, the uterus, vagina, bladder and rectum can slip, or prolapse, from their normal position causing urinary or fecal incontinence, difficulty in passing urine, or a feeling of pressure in the pelvic area. “Many factors, including repetitive heavy lifting, chronic constipation, pregnancy, vaginal childbirth, obesity and atrophy of pelvic tissues during menopause can contribute to pelvic organ prolapse,” says Kathleen Sterling, MD, Urology, Holy Cross Germantown Hospital. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for pelvic floor disorders including pelvic floor physical therapy, medication, a pessary (plastic support device) and surgery. And, the time to seek treatment is when your condition begins to affect your quality of life—such as when you are avoiding exercise or social engagements.

“For seven years, I suffered from urinary incontinence before I finally told my doctor. I was too selfconscious to tell anyone what I was going through– even my husband or my friends. I wish I had gotten help sooner. Now, I feel like a new person.” – Irene*, 67-year-old pelvic floor surgery patient

Irene’s story is typical. For years, she silently dealt with an almost constant urge to urinate. Before leaving home, she would calculate when to stop drinking liquids. Anxiety about having to go to the bathroom governed how she planned her day. Then, her symptoms worsened, and she started feeling pressure and bulging in her vagina.

*The patient’s name and woman’s image have been altered for privacy.

E V E N T S AT H O LY C R O S S G E R M A N T O W N H O S P I TA L Our free “Ask the Doctors” sessions are held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 19801 Observation Dr., Germantown, MD 20876. To register, call 301-754-8800 or visit




Women’s health experts discuss quality of life issues, such as incontinence, abnormal bleeding, fibroids and other gynecologic concerns. Panelists include: • Courtney Levenson, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology • Rami Makhoul, MD, Colorectal Surgery • Shobha Sikka, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Learn about the risks and benefits of treatment options for joint tears and fractures, including joint replacement. Panelists include orthopedic surgeons: • Ricardo Cook, MD • Christopher Farrell, MD • Douglas Murphy, MD • Gabriel Petruccelli, MD

Breast experts discuss the importance of maintaining breast health, screening mammography recommendations, and the latest breast cancer news and treatments. Panelists include: • Ali Al-Attar, MD, Plastic Surgery • George Conrad, MD, General Surgery • Ram Trehan, MD, Oncology • Mary McCarthy, Oncology Nurse Navigator, Holy Cross Health

“Irene underwent robotic surgery at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital where I performed a minimally invasive procedure called sacrocolpopexy to reconstruct and repair the damaged tissues and correct the prolapse,” explains Dr. Sikka. Sacrocolpopexy is considered the gold standard to correct severe vaginal and uterine prolapse. “During the same surgery, I inserted a bladder sling to restore Irene’s urinary functioning and prevent future incontinence,” says Dr. Goldmark. Minimally invasive surgery means less pain and faster recovery. Most patients are able to go home the day after surgery. “Pelvic floor disorders that include fecal incontinence may also require additional expertise,” says Rami Makhoul, MD, Colorectal Surgery, Holy Cross Health. “Our multidisciplinary team works together to help women get the right treatment for their individual circumstances.” While there is no place like home, especially when recovering from surgery, both Holy Cross Hospital and Holy Cross Germantown Hospital offer patients the comfort of a private room. After years of silent suffering, Irene now has her active lifestyle back. “I recently traveled to Italy, where I completely enjoyed walking for hours, so grateful to feel free and healthy again,” she says.

To find a physician or surgeon at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, visit or call 301-754-8800.



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Montgomery County Villages Sustaining a community in your neighborhood

Have you heard about Villages in Montgomery County?

Interested in Developing a Village in Your Community?

Villages are local, volunteer-led, grassroots organizations that aim to support community members who choose to age-inplace. Villages foster social connections through activities. Many also coordinate help at home using a model of neighbors helping neighbors.

Sign up to attend the “Montgomery County Villages Gathering” to learn how to develop and sustain a community village in your neighborhood. Individuals from new and interested communities are strongly encouraged to participate!

Montgomery County has about two dozen villages, active or in development. Villages organize community events such as book clubs, walking groups, knitting clubs, guest speakers and outings. Each village is designed by local community members to reflect their interests and needs. For example, some villages focus on serving older residents; others choose a more intergenerational approach. Some charge a membership fee; others charge no fee and are all-volunteer. For more information, go to https://www. villageslist.html

Who creates Villages?

Montgomery County Villages Gathering Tuesday, September 27, 2016 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. White Oak Community Center, 1700 April Lane Silver Spring, MD 20904 RSVP by September 15: Or, call Pazit Aviv, Montgomery County Village Coordinator, at 240-777-1231. Space is limited and RSVP is required.

People like you! Villages are created by community residents; people with a vision for an improved quality of life for all. Every new Village starts with a vision and with a dedicated core of individuals ready and willing to make that vision a reality. This is not one person’s job but a community effort.

Contact Us Today

• Aging & Disability Resource Line 240-777-3000

• 3-1-1 or 240-777-0311 for County programs and services; 9-1-1 for emergency •

• “Seniors Today” airs on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. on Comcast/RCN 6, Verizon 30

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

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Age-Friendly Montgomery A Community for a Lifetime

“I’m inviting you to enjoy our County’s resources and programs.” County Executive Ike Leggett

Our Senior Centers have a lot going on for people age 55 and up. Call to learn more! Damascus Senior Center M-F 9:00-4:00 9701 Main Street, Damascus 240-777-6995

Check out these transportation options... Go places via Ride On bus – Free trips for seniors now extended to Saturdays! • Seniors ride free on Ride On and most Montgomery County Metrobuses from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Fares are half price all other times.

Holiday Park Senior Center M-F: 8:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (open until 9:00 p.m. on Wednesdays) 3950 Ferrara Drive, Wheaton 240-777-4999 Long Branch Senior Center M-F 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 8700 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring 240-777-6975

• To get free or half-price fares, show your Medicare card with photo ID or your senior SmartTrip card. Senior SmartTrip cards are available to those age 65 and over at any Montgomery County library for $2. (These also can be used on Metrorail to get reduced fares.) • Get Metrobus and Ride On schedules: call 311 or 240-777-0311 or visit

Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center M-F 8:15 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Sat 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1000 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring 240-777-8085

Try using Call-n-Ride, a discounted taxi service available for seniors who qualify based on income:

White Oak Senior Center M-F 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1700 April Lane, Silver Spring 240-777-6944

• Travel can be for any purpose within Montgomery County, and certain other designated areas for medical reasons.

• Now for people age 65 and older

• Call 301-948-5409 for information or to apply.

North Potomac Senior Center Opening late October !!! 13850 Travilah Road, Rockville 240-773-4805

Contact Us Today

• Aging & Disability Resource Line 240-777-3000

• 3-1-1 or 240-777-0311 for County programs and services; 9-1-1 for emergency •

• “Seniors Today” airs on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. on Comcast/RCN 6, Verizon 30



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Technology &

Innovations Students rewarded for innovative ideas

Empowering refrigeration Called the VAXXWAGON, Ganesan’s invention is basically a refrigerator on wheels. It uses the same technology as a home refrigerator, except that it runs on mechanical energy rather than electricity. A person

walking, bicycling, or even an animal could power a VAXXWAGON just by towing it. “I am confident that this system will save countless lives by providing safe and effective vaccines globally,” Ganesan said. “I was inspired by my grandparents, who still live there, to develop the VAXXWAGON. Ultimately, I want to go back to India to see it in action and how it might bring safe vaccines to my cousins and other relatives.” In addition to being awarded $25,000 through the Davidson Institute, Ganesan has received many other accolades for his invention: he won the LEGO Education Builder Award in the 2015 Google Global Science Fair, was invited to the 2016 White House Science Fair, is a Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Winner, and a 2016 Global Teen Leader. When he’s not working on creative inventions, Ganesan loves playing tennis and listening to rap music. In the future, he wants to become a social entrepreneur — creating companies and investing in ideas that benefit many people who are less fortunate.

Making history accessible Like Ganesan, Christopher Huh is also a senior at Clarksburg High School, and his work also involves grandparents. Huh is the first graphic novelist to win one of the Davidson scholarships. It was in middle school that Huh wrote a historic graphic novel called Keeping My Hope. It follows the fictional story of a grandfather who recounts to his granddaughter his tragic, yet captivating, memo-


By Barbara Ruben As a infant in Southern India, Anurudh Ganesan needed his grandparents to carry him 10 miles to a remote health clinic to get vaccinated against polio. But when they arrived, they found the vaccines were useless due to the lack of safe refrigeration and high temperatures. Years later, when his parents told him the story, the teen was shocked and did extensive research on the problem. Ganesan found out that, according to UNICEF, 1.5 million children die annually due to diseases that could have been prevented by vaccination. He was disappointed to see that this was still a problem 15 years after his own experience. Now a high school senior in Clarksburg, Md., Ganesan has won a college scholarship for inventing a device that can keep vaccines cool in remote locations without electricity. He is one of 20 fellows age 18 or younger selected this year by the Davidson Institute of Talent Development, who awards them with scholarships between $10,000 and $50,000. Ganesan is one of four Washington-area winners. The institute supports very intelligent young people, providing opportunities for them to develop their talents to make positive change.

ries of living through the Holocaust and WWII. In the 7th grade, Huh’s English class was addressed by a visiting Holocaust survivor. Huh was vaguely familiar with the Holocaust, but he was shocked to hear in detail the lessons on history and humanity first hand. As the speaker went on, Huh couldn’t help but notice the class was not interested in listening. He said he felt Clarksburg, Md., high school senior Anurudh Ganesan compelled to write Keeping won a $25,000 college scholarship from the Davidson My Hope after that experi- Institute for his invention that keeps vaccines refrigerated ence, thinking this might be without electricity as they are transported to remote locaanother way to engage stu- tions. Power for cooling can be provided mechanically, dents, both in and out of the such as by pedaling a bicycle, as Ganesan shows here. classroom, to learn about an and oxygen is essential for human surimportant and sensitive subject. “History is a major part of what makes vival. But our production of pollution and us human,” he said. “Without it, we as a deforestation have outstripped the ability species would not be able to look into the of the earth’s plants to process it all. Wyatt Pontius’s project showed a way to past. More importantly we would not be enhance the photosynthetic capabilities of able to learn from our mistakes. “I have high hopes that someday books plants. He also developed a prototype of a can provide valuable lessons for people to lightweight, cost-effective oxygen-produclearn and still be entertaining pieces of lit- ing system that could not only help in the fight against climate change, but also play erature,” Huh said. a role in future space travel. Pontius lives in Sterling, Va., and is Scientific advances Another local Davidson winner is delv- starting Stanford University this month. Josephine Yu, who lives in Potomac, ing deeply into plant biology in an effort to Md., and will attend MIT this fall, also won find ways to mitigate climate change. The ability of plants to remove carbon dioxide from the air and synthesize sugars See STUDENTS, page 10

Virginia ❏ Almost Home Senior Living (See ad on page 10) ❏ Ashby Ponds (See ads on pages 28 & 76) ❏ Chesterbrook Residences (See ad on page 26) ❏ Culpepper Gardens (See ad on page 68) ❏ Fairfax, The (See ad on page 21) ❏ Gardens of Traville (See ad on page 36) ❏ Greenspring (See ads on pages 28 & 76) ❏ Gum Springs Glen (See ad on page 33) ❏ Herndon Harbor House (See ad on page 33) ❏ Lockwood House (See ad on page 33) ❏ Morris Glen (See ad on page 33) ❏ Potomac Place (See ad on page 37) ❏ Tribute at the Glen (See ad on page 34) ❏ Tribute at Heritage Village (See ad on page 34) ❏ Waltonwood (See ad on page 32) ❏ Wingler House (See ad on page 33)

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Please mail this form to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915-2227 or fax to (301) 949-8966



I N F O R M A T I O N F R E E ★ I N F O R M A T I O N F R E E ★

❏ Arden Courts (See ad on page 28) ❏ Aspenwood Senior Living (See ad on page 35) ❏ The Bonifant at Silver Spring (See ad on page 18) ❏ Brooke Grove (See ads on pages 19 & 24) ❏ Buckingham’s Choice (See ad on page 49) ❏ Charter House (See ad on page 17) ❏ Churchill Senior Living (See ad on page 27) ❏ Covenant Village (See ad on page 33) ❏ Emerson House (See ad on page 33) ❏ Fairhaven (See ad on page 49) ❏ Homecrest House See ad on page 37) ❏ Homewood at Frederick (See ad on page 21) ❏ Olney Assisted Living (See ad on page 31) ❏ Park View Bladensburg (See ad on page 50) ❏ Park View Columbia (See ad on page 50) ❏ Park View Emerson (See ad on page 50) ❏ Park View Laurel (See ad on page 50) ❏ Riderwood (See ads on pages 28 & 76) ❏ Springvale Terrace (See ad on page 20) ❏ Tall Oaks (See ad on page 45) ❏ Village at Rockville (See ad on page 29)






❏ Friendship Terrace (see ad on page 20) ❏ Residences at Thomas Circle (See ad on page 25)

See LINKS & APPS, page 10

District of Columbia


Remember playing with those lettershaped refrigerator magnets? A website called Lunchtimers, devoted to fun online games you can play with others, lets you

Housing Communities


Games galore

For free materials on housing communities and health studies, just complete and clip this coupon and mail it to the Beacon.

Margaret Manning developed the website Sixty & Me to “create a mindset that sees life after 60 as a positive, vibrant and active time.” Now read by 350,000 women, the website provides articles and videos on health, finances, travel, dating, family and more. You can sign up to get a weekly newsletter highlighting information from Sixty & Me, and there is also a “conversations” area on the site that runs the gamut from subjects like “recommend a dry skin cream” to “hurtful adult children.”

With its tagline of “rebranding aging,” the Growing Bolder website includes articles from the magazine of the same name. Find out why Cyndi Lauper is still having fun. Meet 85-year-old Dennis Branham, who is the No. 1 runner in the world in the 800 and 1500 meters in his age group. But unlike a lot of the world’s top masters athletes, this isn’t a return to the sport of his youth — he only started running in his late 30s. The website is just one piece of Bolder Broadcasting Inc., which includes Growing Bolder TV and radio shows, the Emmynominated “Surviving & Thriving” TV show, and its newest venture, Bolder Docs, a documentary film unit dedicated to producing films that change lives. The first documentary, Conquering Kilimanjaro, follows 16 cancer survivors and supporters to the summit of the world’s tallest mountain.




Growing bolder






By Barbara Ruben

find words and even create poems with the magnets. Additional games on the site include “Scratchpad,” where players can take turns drawing parts of pictures. There’s also checkers, pool and jigsaw puzzle features.


Beacon Links & Apps


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Links & apps From page 9

Apps Broadcast your life Anyone with a Facebook account can livestream using Facebook’s app. To use it, tap the empty box where your status update would go. A menu should pop up with the option for “live video.” A couple of taps later,

you are live, broadcasting to your friends. You can change the privacy setting to make your live video public, too. The video is available for replay once you are done. You can delete it or save it on your phone if you want. The Twitter-owned video-streaming app Periscope made its debut about a year ago, well-timed with the exponential growth of people watching and taking videos on their smartphones. You can broadcast to select followers or the broader public. You can share your precise location or keep it private. Viewers can send comments, and streams can be

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

shared on Twitter, Facebook or other social media services. The apps are available for iPhone and Android.

Trip planning apps Planning a trip usually involves either slogging through dozens of choices online to find the best deal, or hiring a travel agent to do the legwork. Now you can turn to a new kind of travel app that bridges the gap between the two. These hybrid services combine artificial intelligence with human agents to curate and book travel options according to your preferences, or handle problems you encounter on your trip. You communicate

Students From page 8 a fellowship. For her project, Yu conducted scientific research with a material called graphene, which is known for its extraordinary thinness, strength and conductivity. Possible uses for graphene in-

through online chat, e-mail or messaging. Some services are specialized: Hello Scout suggests local activities for guests at partnered hotels, for example, while Emma is for booking hotel rooms. Fees are all over the map: Emma is free; Lola, a full-service app, is free, but there’s currently a waiting list to use it; and Hello Scout is free for chatting, but booking is extra. Pana, another full-service app, costs $19 per month or $199 a year. Sites such as Kayak, Hipmunk and Expedia have gotten into the act, adding features that let you text, e-mail or chat about reserving flights or hotels. — Additional information from AP and The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. clude touch screens, coatings and computer chips. Yu developed a theoretical model to study what happens when the top layer of two stacked graphene sheets is moved, causing both sheets to stretch and wrinkle. Learn more about this year’s Davidson Fellows at




Fairfax County offers a podcast, or digital audio recording, of guest lecturer Joe Belsan, an organic gardener and foodscaper who writes for the Golden Gazette. Hear his talk at anytime online at

Erectile dysfunction or bladder leakage may affect your confidence and intimacy.1, 2 Join us to get the facts about the latest treatment options.

Meet with an AMS Men's Health Representative to Learn More:

Thursday, Sept. 15th Tuesday, Sept. 20th Regus Business Center 1940 Duke St., 2nd Floor Alexandria, VA 22314

Regus Business Center

8503 Colesville Rd., Ste 1100 Silver Spring, MD 20910

Seminar: 1 Hour Appointments from 9am-4pm

Partners and guests welcome.

Space is Limited, call to register today.


Boston Scientific Corporation has sponsored funding for this patient seminar and accompanying educational material. 1. DiMeo PJ. Psychosocial and Relationship Issues in Men with Erectile Dysfunction. Urologic Nursing. 2006 Dec; 26(6): 442-453. 2. Hunskaaar S, Sandvik H. One Hundred and Fifty Men with Urinary Incontinence. III. Psychosocial Consequences. Scand J Prim Health Care. 1993; 11:193-96.

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Technology & Innovations



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Asbury Methodist Village 409 Russell Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 301-987-6291


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $40 2 sessions Limit: 10 # 591 Tue Sept 6 – Sept 13 9:30am-11:30am

Microsoft Edge is the new web browser provided with Windows 10. It contains a number of useful features that make browsing easier. This course shows you how to set up the browser to best meet your needs and how to take advantage of the new features.


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $40 2 sessions Limit: 10 # 592 Fri Sept 9 – Sept 16 9:30am-11:30am

This course shows you how to use the settings app to customize your Windows environment to better suit the way you use your computer and to control many features of Windows. The options you have are easy to use once you understand what they can do for you.


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 10 # 593 Mon Sept 12 9:30am-11:30am

The Windows 10 start menu is a useful tool once you understand how to use it. The start menu provides access to things that have been a part of Windows for a while. Additionally, it provides easy access to the Uniform Windows Platform apps that are new to Windows 10. This course shows you how to customize and manage the menu to best suit your needs.


Prerequisite: Experience using a Web browser Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 10 # 594 Mon Sept 19 9:30am-11:30am Do you always visit the same old websites? See websites you probably didn’t know existed. The World Wide Web can open whole new experiences for you.


Prerequisites: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 10 # 595 Tue Sept 20 9:30am-11:30am Windows 10 comes with a number of Universal apps that provide useful features. This course explores several of the apps and shows you how to use the Windows store to obtain additional ones. You will also learn how to manage apps on the start menu.

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 10 # 596 Fri Sept 23 9:30am-11:30am Cortana is the new digital personal assistant integrated into Windows 10. This course shows you how you can use Cortana to find information, answer questions, find things on your computer and do different computer tasks.


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $90 6 sessions Limit: 10 # 597 Mon Nov 7 – Dec 12 9:30am-11:30am This course teaches the essentials you need to be use your Windows 10 computer effectively. It covers the start menu, desktop, taskbar and settings app and covers how to use File Explorer to manage your files. It also highlights the Universal Windows Platform apps.

continued next page

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $90 6 sessions Limit: 10 # 598 Tues Nov 8 – Dec 13 9:30am-11:30am

You use the World Wide Web every day for email, information, shopping or financial matters. This course shows you how to make your web browsing experience more productive and to get what you want to be more efficiently using the Microsoft Edge web browser. Staying secure while online is emphasized.


Prerequisite: None Registration: $20 1 session # 599 Fri Nov 18

Limit: 10 9:30am-11:30am

You use the World Wide Web every day. Ever wonder what goes on “behind the scenes” to make it all happen? This class explains from start to finish how the web page appears on your monitor screen nearly instantaneously. Come and learn. It is pretty amazing.


Prerequisite: Computer experience & Windows 10 PC Registration: $60 3 sessions Limit: 10 # 600 Fri Dec 2 – Dec 16 9:30am-11:30am

Do you need to bring some organization to your computer-based life? This course shows you the features of the new Windows 10 File Explorer application and how to use them to organize your collection of documents and photos. File Explorer has a new “look” plus serval built-in features to assist you in crating and viewing folders, as well as moving, copying and renaming files.


Practice sessions are an integral part of your learning. You must be registered for at least one class to participate. Wed Sept 7 – Sept 21 9:30am-1:30pm Wed Nov 9 – Dec 14 9:30am-1:30pm

JCA Bronfman Center 12320 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 240-395-0916



COMPUTER BASICS WITH WINDOWS® 10 Prerequisite: Windows 7 Registration: $80 5 sessions # 601 Wed Sept 7 – Oct 5

Limit: 12 10:00am-12:00pm

This course is for students who want to refresh or expand their computer skills using Windows 10. It covers the mouse, keyboard commands, the start menu, taskbar, files and folders, the Internet and use of some built in applications, such as word processor. Much of the information is also applicable with Windows 7 and 8 and 8.1. Being familiar with a computer keyboard’s layout is helpful.


Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent Registration: $60 3 sessions Limit: 12 # 602 Wed Sept 21 – Oct 5 1:30pm- 3:30pm Learn basic word-processing skills, including handson experience creating documents of varying levels of complexity plus more advanced skills, such as il-

Technology & Innovations

JCA SENIORTECH lustrating documents with graphics, using templates, creating tables and advanced formatting.


Prerequisite: iPad needs to be updated to the ios9.1 and have an Apple® ID and password Bring fully charged iPad to class Registration: $70 4 sessions Limit: 12 # 603 Wed Oct 19 – Nov 9 10:00am-12:00pm Learn the basics about what you can do with your iPad and how using a tablet is different from using a desktop or laptop computer. Topics include basic navigation, apps and where to get them, setting up your email account, managing your contact list, taking and sharing pictures, listening to music, keeping your iPad safe and running efficiently and backing up data. IPHONE®,


Prerequisite: Bring fully charged iPhone to class Registration: $40 2 session Limit: 12 # 604 Tue Sept 6 – Sept 13 10:00am-12:00pm

Learn to navigate the iPhone, make phone calls, surf the web, send messages, manage apps and more. IPHONE®


Prerequisite: Bring fully charged iPhone to class Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 12 # 605 Tue Nov 29 1:00pm-3:00pm

Learn to use and organize apps. Explore apps to create reminders, read or listen to books, find directions, track health and fitness activities, share photos and more. Share your favorite app. IPHONE®,


Prerequisite: Bring fully charged iPhone to class Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 12 # 606 Tue Dec 6 1:00pm-3:00pm

Learn how to use the iPhone to take great pictures, organize them and share your photos with friends and family.


Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent Registration: $ 20 1 session Limit: 12 # 607 Thurs Nov 17 10:00am-12:00pm

Learn what the Android operating system is and how to work with its direct manipulation interface. See demonstrations of popular applications (apps) that run on Android.



Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent Registration: $ 20 1 session Limit: 12 # 608 Mon Nov 7 10:00am-12:00pm

Learn how to use Internet Explorer®, Google Chrome® and Google® search to use the World Wide Web. We will teach the basics but go beyond, including setting up favorites and bookmarks, creating a bookmark bar, opening multiple tabs and adding extensions to the browser. Learn many techniques to more precisely find the information you want.


Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent Registration: $40 2 sessions Limit: 10 # 609 Thurs Nov 3- Nov 10 1:30pm-3:30pm

Learn to take full advantage of your web-based email service. This course covers all aspects of email, including attachments and contact management. You use your own mail provider for most lessons. You need your email User ID and password.


Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent Registration: $40 2 sessions Limit: 12 # 610 Mon Nov 14 – Nov 21 10:00am-12:0pm

Develop and learn how to create a basic spreadsheet and enter data, edit the cells, adjust columns and rows, “crossfooting” spreadsheets, using formulas in spreadsheets.


Prerequisite: Bring a picture of yourself and a picture you’d like to share in digital form (jpg). Registration: $20 1 session Limit: 12 # 611 Thurs Dec 1 10:00am-12:00pm

Find out how to set up a Facebook account and keep it as private or public as you want. Share pictures, thoughts, or quotations with chosen friends.


Prerequisite: Must already have a Facebook account. Registration: $40 2 session Limit: 12 # 612 Thurs Dec 8 – Dec 15 10:00am-12:00pm

This class is for people who already have a Facebook account and want to learn more. We will learn how to find friends, post status updates, connect with people using chat and messages, what it means to “like” a page or a post, and how to post photos and make photo albums, post links to websites and articles, use apps and more.



Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalentRegistration: $40 2 session Limit: 12 # 613 Tues Nov 1- Nov 8 10:00am-12:00pm

Ever wonder how to make flyers, newsletters, business cards or holiday letters look professional? This class will teach you a quick and easy way using Microsoft Office 2016/365. Bring a USB device to class.


Prerequisite: Computer Basics or equivalent Registration: $40 2 sessions Limit: 12 # 614 Tues Sept 20 – Sept 27 10:00am-12:0pm

In this course you will learn to create your own Microsoft PowerPoint presentation by adding and deleting slides, creating different layouts, formatting your presentation and inserting images.

If you have questions, call 240-395-0916 or email

continued next page


More at

WINDOWS® 10: WHAT’S NEW Registration: $40 2 session # 615 Thurs Oct 20- Oct 27

Limit: 25 10:00am-12:00 pm

Microsoft is offering free upgrades to existing Windows users to go to the new Windows 10 operating system. In this 2-hour lecture and demonstration, we will examine the new features that you will see in Windows 10 including the new start menu, desktop, the app store, tablet mode, using multiple desktops, looking at the upgrade process and new apps included in Windows 10.


Registration: $30 per individual session # 616 Date and time to be determined by Tech Guru

Have a one-to-one lesson with our Tech Gurus. Experts are available to help with hardware or software issues. Topics: Windows® 10, buying a new computer, securing your computer, backing up the cloud, laptop/desktop Issues, photos/videos, PowerPoint® and more. Your session will last 2 hours. After you register, you will be contacted to select a date and time for your session and to discuss the questions or issues you will be working on with one of our Tech Gurus.

 NEW  NEW  NEW 

JCA SeniorTech is proud to present our NEW class given on the MAC Operating System!


Registration: $30 per individual session # 617 Date and time to be determined by Tech Guru

Have a one-to-one lesson with our Mac Tech Gurus. Experts are available to help with hardware or software issues. Topics: iPhone®, iPad®, Apple® Laptops/computers. . Your session will last 2 hours. After you register, you will be contacted to select a date and time for your session and to discuss the questions or issues you will be working on with one of our Tech Gurus.

INTRODUCTION TO THE MAC® OPERATING SYSTEM X Registration: $40 2 sessions Limit: 4 # 618 Tues Sept 20 - Sept 27 1:30pm-3:30pm # 619 Tues Nov 15 - Nov 22 1:30pm-3:30pm

Class size is limited to 4. If class is full, students with Mac laptops are welcome The Apple Mac Operating System (OS), known as OS X provides the interface to the Mac hardware and applications. In this class, we will cover the essential components that users need to know to operate their computers in a safe and productive manner. The class will combine lecture and hands-on exercises. Topics include the desktop components including the dock and menu bar, system Preferences, finder, Safari browser, spotlight, Mission Control, ways to run Windows on your Mac, and backup with Time Machine.


Instruction, course materials and all computer language settings are in


Courses are taught with Windows computers.





Registration: $20 # 620 Wed

1 session Dec 7

Limit: 25 10:00am-12:00pm

As our desktops, laptops, phones and tablets come to the end of their useful lives, consumers are unsure what purchase of new technology makes sense. Questions you might be asking are: Can my phone or tablet replace my computer? Should I buy one of the new hybrid laptops? Does switching to an Apple computer make sense for my needs? How has camera technology evolved? Should I upgrade to Windows 10? This two-hour discussion/class will consider the pros and cons of various hardware options and look at the application that runs on the various platforms.

INTRODUCTION TO THE CLOUD Registration: $20 # 621 Wed

1 session Nov 2

Limit: 25 1:30pm-3:30pm

There has been a lot of talk about “the cloud” recently. Learn what the cloud is and how to use it for storage, backup and sharing of files, pictures and music.



Registration: $20 # 622 Wed

1 session Nov 9

Limit: 25 1:30pm-3:30pm

With the availability of high-speed broadband Internet, it is possible to enjoy television without the high price of cable TV. Learn about programs that are available online and how to watch on a standard HDTV set.

As of August 23rd JCA SeniorTech will be relocating to a new site in northern Virginia. We are grateful for our time in Crystal City and would like to thank Vornado for its kindness and support, the many students who attended classes and our wonderful and dedicated volunteers! While we relocate our Virginia site, we encourage everyone to come to our newly-renovated Bronfman Center site in Rockville, which is within walking distance of the Twinbrook Metro station.

Watch this space for a new SeniorTech Location in Northern Virginia to be announced soon!

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

The Career Gateway! A recognized program for active and potential job seekers 50+. Five six-hour classes over two weeks: • Hone interviewing skills • Improve resume • Enhance social networking skills. Career.Gateway@ 301.255.4200 or 703.425.0999

REFUND POLICY: Students who wish to withdrawl and receive a full refund must notify JCA at least 48 hours before the first class begins. A 50% refund is given after the first class.

SENIORTECH VOLUNTEERS WANTED TO TEACH OR COACH We are looking for volunteers who are computer savvy, willing to share their knowledge, and would like to help people age 50+ learn new computer skills.

Call 240-395-0916 for more information

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6


DESCRIPTION AND GUIDELINES Classes are designed to help adults, 50+, refresh or advance their computer skills and learn to use social media. Courses are taught by volunteer instructors and coaches.

Courses are almost always “hands on” in which students practice skills and techniques on a computer during class.


Technology & Innovations






Include your payment with form to JCA SeniorTech 12320 Parklawn Drive Rockville, MD 20852-1726

BY PHONE: Call 240-395-0916 with your credit card information

NOTE: ALL REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE 7 DAYS PRIOR TO START OF CLASS. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _______________ Phone#: ______________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ I have taken a JCA SeniorTech class before: ____ Yes ____ No

Student ID (Office use only)_______________


Class Title


Start Date

Start Time
















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❒ Master Card ❒ VISA ❒ American Express ❒ Check (Make Checks payable to JCA SeniorTech.) Name as it appears on card: ____________________________________________________________



Card Number


____________ ____________ ____________ _____________

Each JCA SeniorTech center location follows the weather-related decisions of the public school system in its jurisdiction, except that if a school system is closed for even part of the day, the center will be closed the entire day. As soon as possible, your instructor will arrange to make up any classes cancelled due to inclement weather.

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Course #_____ Paid_____ Registration #_______ Date________

Course #_____ Paid_____ Registration #_______ Date________

NOTICE: WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ITS RESOURCES, JCA SERVES PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS AND FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE. INDEED, WE TRY TO BE AS INCLUSIVE AS POSSIBLE IN ALL THAT WE DO. SOMETIMES, HOWEVER, JCA MAY DENY A PERSON OR GROUP THE OPTION TO ENROLL OR TO CONTINUE TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL OR PARTICULAR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO, AT OUR SOLE DISCRETION, SHOULD WE BELIEVE THAT OUR ACTION IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR PROGRAM OR FOR ANY OTHER REASON NOT PRECLUDED BY APPLICABLE LAW. Each contribution or remittance of payment by check is considered authorization to convert that particular check into an electronic fund transfer. If your check is unable to be converted, it may be processed as a Check Replacement Document drawn against your account. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day you make your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. You have the right to opt out of Electronic Conversion. If you choose to exercise this right, write the words ‘Opt Out’ in the memo field of your check and JCA will process it as a draft against your account.


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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Health Fitness &

STENT MELTS AWAY The FDA has approved a new artery stent that breaks down over three years NEW CLUES TO DEMENTIA Behavioral changes may signal dementia years ahead of memory loss DONATE OLD MEDICAL AIDS Where to donate glasses, hearing aids and wheelchairs to be reused THERAPY FOR MEN Men may be reluctant to talk with a therapist, but they have much to gain

Pricey drugs may overwhelm Medicare Out of some 2,750 drugs covered by Medicare’s Part D benefit, two pills for hepatitis C infection — Harvoni and Sovaldi — accounted for nearly $7.5 billion in catastrophic drug costs in 2015. The pharmaceutical industry questions

the numbers, saying they overstate costs because they don’t factor in manufacturer rebates. However, rebates are not publicly disclosed. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, is calling the rise in spending “alarming.” Medicare’s catastrophic coverage was originally designed to protect seniors with multiple chronic conditions from the cumulatively high costs of taking many different pills. Beneficiaries pay 5 percent after they have spent $4,850 of their own money. With some drugs now costing more than $1,000 per pill, that threshold can be crossed quickly. Lawmakers who created Part D in 2003 also hoped added protection would entice insurers to participate in the program. Medicare pays 80 percent of the cost of drugs above a catastrophic threshold that combines spending by the beneficiary and the insurer. That means taxpayers, not insurers, bear the exposure for the most expensive patients.

The highest-cost drugs The numbers provided to the AssociatSee MEDICARE COSTS, page 17

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The cost of Medicare’s “catastrophic” prescription coverage jumped by 85 percent in three years, from $27.7 billion in 2013 to $51.3 billion in 2015, according to the program’s number-crunching Office of the Actuary.

Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. 10-6; Rt. 50 - Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy. 1 mi. Thurs. & Fri. 10-8 ALSO OPEN: Sun., Sept. 4 GREENBRIAR & Sun., Sept. 11 from 11-5 TOWN CENTER Rt. 7100

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar A safeguard for Medicare beneficiaries has become a way for drugmakers to get paid billions of dollars for pricey medications at taxpayer expense, government numbers show.

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health

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Medicare costs From page 16 ed Press reflect the total paid by taxpayers, insurers and beneficiaries. They offer a glimpse into the volatile and often mysterious world of high-cost drugs: • Catastrophic spending for Harvoni and Sovaldi — two hepatitis C pills from Gilead Sciences — more than doubled in two years, from about $3.5 billion in 2014 to nearly $7.5 billion in 2015. Harvoni topped the list of Medicare’s high-cost drugs last year; Sovaldi was first in 2014. The FDA approved Sovaldi in Dec., 2013, and its $1,000-per-pill price quickly made headlines. A congressional investigation last year found that Gilead was focused on maximizing revenue, even as a company analysis showed that a lower price would allow more patients to be treated. • Revlimid, a cancer drug derived from 1950s thalidomide, surpassed $1.7 billion in catastrophic costs in 2015, coming in second among high-cost drugs. Spending on the medication from biotech company Celgene increased by 50 percent in three years. • Gleevec, a breakthrough drug introduced in 2001 to treat leukemia, was ensconced as 5th among the top ten pricey medications, with more than $1 billion spent in 2015. That was a 54-percent increase from 2013. Drugmaker Novartis has been criticized for repeatedly hiking the price of Gleevec.

Catastrophic consequences? Catastrophic spending accounts for a fastgrowing share of Medicare’s drug costs, which totaled nearly $137 billion in 2015. The catastrophic share was 37 percent, yet only about 9 percent of beneficiaries reached the threshold for such costs. For those patients, average spending jumped by 46 percent, from $9,666 in 2013 to $14,100 in 2015. “If the numbers continue to increase like this each year, I worry about how much the taxpayers could afford,� said Sen. Grassley, who plans to ask Medicare for explanations. “It may be that some drug companies are taking advantage of government programs to maximize their market share, and we need to know whether that’s the case,� he added. Catastrophic coverage will soon cost as much as the entire prescription program did when it launched, said Sen. Ron Wyden, DOre. “Congress can’t continue to stand idle.� Experts say the rapid rise in spending for pricey drugs threatens to make the popular prescription benefit financially unsustainable. Nonpartisan congressional advisers at the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission have called for an overhaul. The presidential candidates, as well as the Obama administration, have proposed giving Medicare legal authority to negotiate prices. The drug industry says Medicare patients are getting valuable, innovative medicines. Lisa Joldersma, policy vice president for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, also questioned the

cost numbers. “I would push back on the notion that taxpayers are bearing 80 percent of the risk here because the numbers do not reflect rebates,� she said. Rebates for individual drugs are not disclosed. They averaged nearly 13 percent across the entire program in 2013, according to government figures, and were estimated at about 17 percent for 2015.

Premiums on the way up Most beneficiaries haven’t seen a drastic hit yet from rising drug costs, but that may be changing. This year, average premiums went up more than 15 percent in

five of the top eight drug plans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Concerns about catastrophic costs undercut the image of Medicare’s prescription program as a competitive marketplace in which private insurers bargain with drugmakers to drive down prices. “The incentive is to price it as high as they can,� said Jim Yocum, senior vice president of Connecture, Inc., a company that tracks drug prices. Medicare is barred from negotiating prices, “so you max out your pricing and most of that risk is covered by the federal government.� — AP

Put more social in your life. Experience all the comforts of home at Charter House, an active adult 55+ community located in Downtown Silver Spring! Our community features large studio, 1- and 2- bedroom apartments. 1316 Fenwick Lane Silver Spring, MD 20910

Limited Availability Call 301.328.1860 to schedule a visit today!

Application fee waived for Beacon readers Coming Soon: • New Fitness Center and Renovated Lobby







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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

FDA approves new stent that dissolves By Matthew Perrone A medical implant that slowly dissolves into the body could be the answer to longstanding safety concerns with devices used to treat clogged arteries. But not so fast, say experts. Abbott Laboratories’ newly-approved Absorb stent comes with one important caveat: it hasn’t yet been shown to be safer than older metal implants. The Food and Drug Administration approved the device recently for patients with coronary artery disease — the artery-narrowing condition that causes about 370,000 U.S. deaths each year, according to government figures. The new stent is made of a plastic-like material that’s designed to gradually dissolve over three years.

Currently-available stents are permanent, metal mesh-wire tubes that hold open arteries after a procedure used to clear fatty plaque. Experts describe Abbott’s device as an important step in finding a better approach to treating the leading cause of death in the U.S. “This is presumably a better technology going forward, at least that’s the theory, but it will take years to prove,” said Dr. George Vetrovec, professor emeritus at Virginia Commonwealth University. Vetrovec was part of an FDA advisory panel of cardiologists who overwhelmingly endorsed the device in March. The Absorb stent, already sold in Europe and Asia, is made of a degradable material that’s designed to stay intact for one year

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then break down over the next two years.

Metal stent safety worries Use of metallic stents surged in the early 2000s as a treatment for people who suffered a heart attack or experienced chest pain caused by clogged arteries that restrict blood flow. They are still implanted in about 850,000 U.S. patients annually. But doctors have scaled back their use due to safety concerns, insurance cost-cutting and evidence that they are overused. Studies in 2007 and 2008 suggested that stented arteries faced a higher risk of blood clots, potentially triggering a heart attack a year or more down the road. Results of another five-year study showed that patients who received stents to treat chest pain fared about as well as those treated with drugs. Amid these concerns, Abbott and others began developing dissolving stents that would slowly melt away like stitches, presumably reducing complications. In the company study submitted to the FDA, patients who got Absorb fared about as well as those receiving Abbott’s older metal stent after one year. But heart-related complications were actually slightly higher with Absorb — 7.8 percent of patients, versus 6.1 percent of patients with the metal stent. That 1.7 percent difference


Waiting for long-term results Researchers who studied Absorb said it may take years before its advantages become clear. Long-term safety results aren’t expected until 2020. “We have good theoretical reasons to believe that by getting rid of the stent [through dissolution], and allowing the coronary artery to restore its normal shape, that will prevent many of those late events,” said Dr. Gregg Stone, of Columbia University Medical Center, who helped conduct the pivotal trial of Absorb. Stone was not paid by Abbott for his work on the trial. Some Wall Street analysts are betting that products like Absorb will allow companies to raise prices and boost revenue. “The key for the stent market will be whether pricing returns to rational levels and the success of the new bio-absorbable stent platforms,” states Evercore ISI analyst Vijay Kumar, in an investment note. He says a “perfect storm of events,” including safety concerns and the economic downturn, led Abbott and competitors Medtronic Inc. and See DISSOLVING STENT, page 20


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is not considered statistically significant. Other complications with the new device include allergic reactions, infections and internal bleeding.






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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health

LEARN HOW TO PREVENT FALLS free seminar and balance screenings

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 10 A.m. - 3 p.m. Brooke Grove Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 18131 Slade School Road • Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Program hours

Balance Screenings 10-11 a.m.

Many people think falling is an inevitable part of aging, but research proves that fall risks can be reduced. This seminar will teach you how to prevent falls and give you specific exercises that you can do every day to improve your balance.

12-1 p.m. 2-3 p.m. Falls Prevention Seminar Choice of Times: 11 a.m. or 1 p.m.

For more information or to register, please contact Toni Davis at 301-388-7209 or by September 25. Space is limited.



Fitness & Health | More at

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Behavior changes may precede dementia By Lauran Neergaard Memory loss may not always be the first warning sign that dementia is brewing — changes in behavior or personality might be an early clue. Researchers recently outlined a syndrome called “mild behavioral impairment” that may be a harbinger of Alzheimer’s or other dementias, and proposed a checklist of symptoms to alert doctors and families. Losing interest in favorite activities?

Getting unusually anxious, aggressive or suspicious? Suddenly making crude comments in public? “Historically those symptoms have been written off as a psychiatric issue, or as just part of aging,” said Dr. Zahinoor Ismail of the University of Calgary, who presented the checklist at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Toronto. Now, “when it comes to early detection, memory symptoms don’t have the corner on the market anymore,” he said.

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Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, affects more than 5 million people in the U.S., a number growing as the population ages. It gradually strips people of their memory and the ability to think and reason. But it creeps up, quietly ravaging the brain a decade or two before the first symptoms become noticeable. Early memory problems called “mild cognitive impairment,” or MCI, can raise the risk of later developing dementia, and worsening memory often is the trigger for potential patients or their loved ones to seek medical help. It’s not uncommon for people with dementia to experience neuropsychiatric symptoms, too — problems such as depression or “sundowning,” agitation that occurs at the end of the day — as the degeneration spreads into brain regions re-

sponsible for more than memory. And previous studies have found that people with mild cognitive impairment are at greater risk of decline if they also suffer more subtle behavioral symptoms.

Dissolving stent

of its stents. However, hospitals often bill $30,000 for stenting procedures, which includes the costs of the stent, medical staff and other equipment and services. Chicago-based Abbott controls a little more than a third of the U.S. stent market. More than a dozen medical device makers are working on their own dissolving stent technologies. — AP

From page 18 Boston Scientific Corp. to slash prices in recent years. Stent sales fell roughly 30 percent to $4.1 billion in 2014 from 2006 levels, according to Evercore. Abbott said it does not disclose the price

An early warning sign? What’s new: The concept of pre-dementia “mild behavioral impairment,” or MBI, a term that describes specific changes in someone’s prior behavior that might signal degeneration is starting in brain regions not as crucial for memory, he said. Ismail is part of an Alzheimer’s Association committee tapped to draft a checklist of the symptoms that qualify — new problems that linger at least six months, not temporary symptoms or ones explained by a clear mental health diagnosis or other isSee DEMENTIA CLUES, page 21

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Dementia clues From page 20 sues such as bereavement, he stressed. (See sidebar for a checklist of possible symptoms.) If validated, the checklist could help doctors better identify people at risk of brewing Alzheimer’s, and study changes over time. “It’s important for us to recognize that not everything’s forgetfulness,” said Dr. Ron Petersen, the Mayo Clinic’s Alzheimer’s research chief. He wasn’t involved in developing the behavior checklist but said it could raise awareness of the neuropsychiatric link with dementia. Technology specialist Mike Belleville of Douglas, Mass., thought stress was to blame when he found himself getting easi-

ly frustrated and angry. Normally patient, he began snapping at co-workers and rolling down his window to yell at other drivers, “things I’d never done before,” Belleville said. The final red flag was a heated argument with his wife, Cheryl, who found herself wondering, “Who is this person?” When Mike Belleville didn’t remember the strong words the next morning, the two headed straight for a doctor. Physicians tested for depression and a list of other suspects. Eventually Belleville, now 55, was diagnosed with an early-onset form of dementia. With medication, he no longer gets angry so easily, allowing him to volunteer his computer expertise. “If you see changes, don’t take it lightly and assume it’s stress,” Cheryl Belleville advised.

Dementia warning signs Researchers have outlined a syndrome called “mild behavioral impairment” that may be a harbinger of Alzheimer’s or other dementias, and proposed a checklist of symptoms to help identify who’s at risk. The symptoms must mark a change from prior behavior and have lasted at least six months. Among the questions: • Has the person lost interest in friends, family or home activities? • Has the person become less spontaneous and active — for example, is he/she less likely to initiate or maintain conversation? • Does the person view herself/himself as a burden to family? • Has the person become more anxious or worried about things that are routine, like events, visits? • Does the person feel very tense, having developed an inability to relax,

or shakiness, or symptoms of panic? • Has the person become agitated, aggressive, irritable or temperamental? • Does the person hoard objects when she/he did not do so before? • Has the person recently developed trouble regulating smoking, alcohol, drug intake or gambling, or started shoplifting? • Does the person say rude or crude things or make lewd sexual remarks that she/he would not have said before? • Has the person started talking openly about very personal or private matters not usually discussed in public? • Has the person developed beliefs that they are in danger, or that others are planning to harm them or steal their belongings? • Does the person report or act as if seeing things or hearing voices? — AP

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Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health

Other recent developments Additional research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference found that: • Complex jobs that require working with people may help the brain build resilience against dementia, what’s called “cognitive reserve,” University of Wisconsin researchers reported. The team tested 284 adults in late middle-age whose brain scans showed changes that have been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s. Comparing their cognitive ability and their careers, the researchers found those who worked primarily with people, rather than objects or data, functioned better even if brain scans showed more of that quiet damage. • Preliminary results from a study of “brain training” suggested one type might

help delay cognitive impairment. Researchers examined records from 2,785 older adults who’d participated in a previous trial that compared three cognitive training strategies — to improve memory, reasoning or reaction times — with no intervention. A decade later, that reactiontime training suggested benefit: 12 percent of people who’d completed up to 10 hours had evidence of cognitive decline or dementia compared with 14 percent in the control group, said Dr. Jerri Edwards of the University of South Florida. The figure was lower — 8 percent — for people who got some extra booster training. “It’s the first hint for a cognitive training intervention like this,” but more research is needed, said Dr. Jonathan King of the National Institute on Aging, who wasn’t involved in the new study. — AP

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Workout buffs hit up national landmarks By Kelli Kennedy When college rowing buddies Bojan Mandaric and Brogan Graham vowed to stay in shape post-graduation, they didn’t want to shovel out hundreds to join a gym or even drop $20 for a yoga class. So they returned to one of their most grueling college workouts: the stairs at Harvard Stadium. Five years later, there are nearly 800 others running those steps with them at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Their routine, known as the November Project, now has

thousands of participants and free workout clubs in 20 cities, capitalizing on what’s become a popular fitness trend, with other groups and individuals also gathering in iconic spots to get their sweat on.

From D.C. to L.A. Sites include national monuments, historic landmarks and other public spaces around the country, ranging from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., to the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, to New

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York City’s Gracie Mansion, the historic home where the mayor lives. The mountains of stairs and wide stone platforms at these sites are ideal for box jumps, step routines and tricep dips. Often the workouts must be held at dawn before the tourist crowds arrive with selfie sticks. But the scenic views these landmarks offer cannot be rivaled by looking out the window of a non-descript gym. “It creates a sentimental way to connect with your city,” said Mandaric. “There’s a romantic component to it. You’re working out, endorphins are flowing, you’re meeting cool new people.” In Pennsylvania, the hot spot is the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s front steps — best known for the famous scene from the movie “Rocky” where Sylvester Stallone’s character culminates his morning jog and jumps triumphantly. CoreFitness’ Lauren Krinis’ 6 a.m. class draws about 45 people. “It really is fun to watch people who think, ‘I could never run up and down the stairs,’ who then go run it four or five times and do a full boot camp class or yoga session. It’s probably one of the most motivating places you can work out,” Krinis said. Some parks have imposed restrictions on fitness groups, requiring classes to be free, or banning classes above a certain size. National Park Service officials say

parks can play an important role in contributing to a healthy America and encourage their use for exercise, but many memorials and monuments have areas where jogging and group workouts are not allowed, in order to “maintain a reflective and contemplative atmosphere.”

Running the Lincoln Memorial Still, the National Mall hosts International Yoga Day and the Marine Corps Marathon, and November Project groups work out on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, one of the nation’s most popular tourist destinations, early Wednesday mornings. On a recent Wednesday there, 39-yearold Mary Kusler was pushing her way through a vicious circuit of 17 times up the steps. “It reminds you of the beauty of D.C., of the calmness before the craziness of the everyday life here in D.C.,” said Kusler, who’s been working out at the memorial for two years. “The people are what you come back for. The stairs and the getting fit in the process is an added bonus.” It’s a sentiment that is echoed by other workout groups. Joe Hendricks met his wife of five years at his Red Rocks boot camp. At the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre near See WORKOUT BUFFS, page 23

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health


How regular exercise may cut cancer risk By Dr. Howard LeWine Q: It makes sense that regular exercise helps prevent heart disease. But I have also read that it might help prevent cancer. What’s the reason? A: Many studies show that people who are physically active are less likely to develop cancer. Such associations don’t prove that exercise prevents cancer. But there are also several potential biological explanations for a protective effect of regular exercise. Adiposity. Fat tissue, especially abdominal fat, increases the levels of cytokines, insulin and a variety of hormones that tend to promote cancer by, in part, spurring cell growth and turnover. It’s hard to fight the battle of the bulge with exercise alone, but in combination with a good, calorically prudent

diet, exercise can help keep the pounds off. Insulin levels. Insulin is the key hormone in blood sugar regulation. Insulin also acts a growth factor by turning on signals that stimulate cell growth. Physical activity helps the body use blood sugar more efficiently. Therefore the pancreas can release less insulin into the blood stream. Lower insulin levels may mean cancer cells get less stimulation to grow out of control. Estrogen levels. Results from a large study of women called the Women’s Health Initiative showed that, compared to women who get a lot of exercise, those who reported being sedentary had considerably higher levels of estrone, estradiol and free estradiol. They also had lower levels of sex-hor-

Workout buffs

“piggy back” exercises where you carry your partner. Hendricks, 53, leads the workouts alongside several other fitness groups and soloists at the sandstone monoliths where the Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains. “It’s become almost like a social group,” he said of his class. “This summer alone there are nine weddings happening of people that have met at my group.” — AP

From page 22 Denver, Hendricks’ free workout on Saturday mornings had been drawing a few hundred people. But two years ago, he said, the city ordered groups with more than 20 people to limit sessions to Sunday only. Now, roughly 200 join him for a Sunday workout that includes everything from backward crawls up the bleachers to

mone-binding globulin, which by attaching to estradiol, makes it less available to target tissue. Results from other studies have shown that breast cancer risk is higher for postmenopausal women with high levels of various sorts of estrogen. Inflammation. Studies have shown that high levels of inflammatory factors such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 have been linked to cancer. In some studies (but not all), exercise “cools off” the levels of these inflammatory factors as well as increasing the levels of adiponectin, a natural anti-inflammatory factor. Immune function. Intense exercise can suppress the immune system, so some athletes are susceptible to colds and other

upper respiratory functions. But in moderate amounts, exercise results in a stronger, more nimble immune system. How the immune system and cancer are related is complicated, but one hypothesis is that exercise makes the system’s natural killer cells more effective, and they seem to play a role in tumor suppression. Howard LeWine, M.D., is an internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. For additional consumer health information, please visit © 2016. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved. Distributed By Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Olympics From page 1 in the local area before the 2013 games.” This year, McGuirk’s basketball team has already qualified for the National Senior Games because they were the champions in the age 70 to 74 category of the Virginia games. “Competing is great fun, but the best for me is the feeling I get when I see other athletes getting really excited while participating. I have seen athletes trying new events, such as rowing, and find out that they have potential in that event — and that it is a great form of exercise.” MacKenzie believes that the NVSO is drawing more athletes every year because it continues to add new sports to its roster of the standard track, swimming and basketball. One addition this year is orienteering, which combines racing with navigat-

ing. Also, more cerebral “sports” have been added, including a spelling bee and Sudoku.

Maryland games Across the Potomac, registration for the Maryland Senior Olympics “are going through the roof,” according to Executive Director Ted Wroth. “We have athletes of all abilities that are out there. They all try hard. They all want to test themselves against each other as well as qualify to go to the nationals, so it’s really exciting for them,” he said. The Maryland Senior Olympics’ pickleball competitions, which took place in late August, are among the most popular events, Wroth said. The game — a cross between tennis, badminton and ping-pong — is now in its second year at the Olympics and already has the second largest number of participants.


Sept. 29


The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) presents its annual free, educational conference for professional caregivers, individuals with dementia and the community on Thursday, Sept. 29 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It features an overview of the disease and updates in research, as well as a panel of caregivers. Recreational therapies for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses and confidential memory screenings will be provided onsite. This event is at the Whittemore House, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. For more information or to register, visit

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health

In all, the Maryland Senior Olympics is expecting nearly 1,500 athletes to compete this year. Events take place in Montgomery, Prince George’s and Howard counties. “There are plenty of us out there,” said Neal P. Gillen, of Potomac, Md., who is on the board of the Senior Olympics. Gillen plays basketball, a sport he’s enjoyed since high school. One year, his team won the Maryland Senior Olympics and made it all the way to the semi-finals in the National Games “until we were defeated by a team of three guys who had played in the NBA. They were all 6-foot-8 or 9.” In additional to basketball, Gillen has competed in swimming for the last seven years, and is active in several masters swimming programs, including one called the Ancient Mariners. “What do I get out of it? Life. I have more energy than my contemporaries,”


said 79-year-old Gillen. “My father was a professional boxer, and he always instilled in me to keep in shape. I’ve always been active.” It’s not too late to register for the final Maryland Senior Olympics events. Registration is required at least one week prior to the event you want to compete in. Golf, softball, badminton, swimming and archery all take place in September. The games end with croquet on Oct. 1 and 2. For more information, see or call (240) 777-4930. NVSO online registration closes Sept. 5. No further registrations by mail are being accepted. To register, see or call (703) 830-5604. Information about the D.C. Senior Games can be found at service/33rd-annual-dc-senior-games or by calling (202) 671-0314.


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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Where to donate hearing aids, glasses, etc. Dear Savvy Senior: Where are some good places to donate old hearing aids, eyeglasses and mobility equipment? My uncle passed

away a few months ago and left behind a bunch of useful aids that could surely help someone else. Searching Nephew

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Dear Searching: Donating old, unused assistive living aids and/or medical equipment is a great way to help those in need who can’t afford it, and in most cases it’s tax deductible, too. Here are some good places to check into.

Hearing aids There are several national nonprofit service organizations that offer hearing aid recycling programs. Hearing aids that are donated are usually refurbished and either redistributed to those in need, or resold with the proceeds going to buy new hearing aids for people who can’t afford them. One of the most popular places to donate old hearing aids, as well as hearing aid parts or other assistive listening devices, is the Starkey Hearing Foundation “Hear Now” recycling program. The foundation collects around 60,000 hearing aids a year. Hearing aids and other listening devices should be sent to: Starkey Hearing Foundation, ATTN: Hearing Aid Recycling, 6700 Washington Ave. South, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. For more information, see, email, or call 1-866-354-3254. Some other good nonprofits to donate to are the Lions Club Hearing Aid Recycling

Program and Hearing Charities of America, which is founded by Sertoma, a civic service organization dedicated to hearing health. The closest Lions Club program is located in Glen Allen, Va. Visit them online at, email, or call (804) 756-0288. For Hearing Charities, visit or call (816) 333-8300. You can also contact the Bethesda, Md.based Hearing Loss Association of America at or (301) 6572248. They can also refer you to state agencies or community service programs that also accept hearing aids. The following organizations can also help: Center for Hearing Aids and Speech at (713) 523-3633, Chattering Children (202) 333-1403, and the Oticon Hearing Foundation,

Eyeglasses One of the best places to donate old eyeglasses is to the Lions Club Recycle for Sight program. They collect nearly 30 million pairs of glasses each year and distribute them to people in need in developing countries. To donate, look for a Lion’s Club glasses donation drop-off box in your community. You can often find them at libraries, comSee DONATIONS, page 27


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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Donations From page 26 munity centers, churches, schools and many local eye doctor offices, or call your local Lions Club for drop-off locations. Some Maryland locations include: Hillandale Opticians, located at 10149 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, Md. and Voorthuis Opticians, located in Montgomery Mall at 7101 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda, Md. In Washington D.C. there is Voorthuis Opticians, located at 3301 New Mexico Ave. NW. Some Virginia locations include: Sears Optical located at 11750 Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax; Costco, located at 4725 West Ox Rd., Fairfax; and the U.S. Post Office located at 3601 Pickett Rd., Fairfax. See for a complete list of locations and contact information. New Eyes (, 1-973-376-4903) is another nonprofit organization that collects unused eyeglasses and distributes them abroad to people in need. They also accept hearing aids.

Medical equipment If you have old wheelchairs, walker, canes, shower chairs or other durable medical equipment, there are many foundations and organizations that would love to receive them. For example, Goodwill and Salvation Army stores are popular donation destinations, as are foundations like the ALS Association ( and Muscular Dystrophy Association (, which accept donations at local chapters. The organization D.C. Shares has a disability equipment recycling program that accepts used assistive equipment and then makes it available free of charge to those who need it. See or call (202) 332-2595. Some local Goodwill locations include: 4816 Boiling Brook Pkwy., Rockville, Md.; 15810 Indianola Dr., Rockville, Md.;10 S. Glebe Rd., Arlington, Va.; and 2200 South Dakota Ave. NE, Washington, D.C. Some local Salvation Army locations include: 7505 New Hampshire Ave., Takoma Park, Md.; 4825 Edmonston Rd., Hyattsville, Md.; 3335 Sherman Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.; 2626 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.; and 518 S. Glebe Rd., Arlington, Va. There are also state agencies and local nonprofit organizations that accept medical equipment donations and redistribute them


Sept. 20


Fairfax County presents a free talk on caring for mental wellness on Tuesday, Sept. 20 from 1 to 2 p.m. at Sherwood Regional Library, located at 2501 Sherwood Hall Ln., Alexandria, Va. For more information or to request accommodations, call (703) 324-7006.

to people in need. To find what’s available in your area, contact the Maryland Technology Assistance Program with the Maryland Dept. of Disabilities (410-554-9245), the Virginia program (1-804-662-9900), or the D.C. program (202-547-0198, ext. 130). See for a national list of programs and their contact information. Or, if you’re interested in selling your uncle’s old medical equipment, you have options here too, including www.,, and (920-471-7900), which are all free sites that let you list what you want to sell online. Don’t forget that donations to nonprofits are tax-deductible, so when you drop off your donated items, be sure to ask for a receipt for your tax records. Or, if you’re mailing it in or are using one of the Lions Club drop-off boxes, you’ll need to include a note requesting a letter of acknowledgement of the donation. Your

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health

note should include your name and a brief description of what you donated, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Send your questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O.


Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.


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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Books spurred by experience with illness By Barbara Ruben After facing serious illness with their spouses, two local women have recently published books sharing their stories and what they learned from the challenging experiences.

Advocating for hospital patients Following her husband’s 14 hospitalizations, Bonnie Friedman, of Silver Spring, Md., decided to write Hospital Warrior: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved

One, to share her healthcare consumer advocacy techniques, and how to understand the sometimes befuddling way hospitals operate. Friedman delves into what can be alien territory: the hospital, with its unfamiliar systems, medical terminology — and even smells. Hospital Warrior aims to demystify the hospital environment and culture, providing the tools and insight needed to be an effective advocate for a family member or friend.


Friedman’s knowledge comes from the 24 years her husband has been ill with cardiovascular disease and other problems. Friedman’s book is dotted with bullet points and lists of advice on such subjects as how to communicate effectively with doctors and nurses, what to do if things go wrong, and how to plan for discharge from the hospital. The book includes checklists, resources, templates, and interviews with doctors and other healthcare professionals who provide valuable tips and advice for the reader. Friedman recommends patients and their loved ones plan in advance if they know they will be entering the hospital. Her tips include how to select the best hospital with doctors who specialize in the illness or surgery, as well as finding out if your loved one’s doctor has admitting privileges there. She also suggests you make a list all medications and allergies, as well as copies of important legal documents. Friedman says doing research on your loved one’s condition can help you be bet-

ter prepared to play a role in treatment decisions. Once in the hospital, Friedman says that a patient’s loved one needs to be “prepared to connect the dots when doctors rotate on and off your loved one’s case. You notes and familiarity with the patient are important to continuity of care.” The book explains how various hospital units, such as intensive care and coronary, work. Friedman puts it this way, “If visiting the hospital seems like travel to a foreign land, then time in some of the special units may seem like a trip to outer space.” She titles one chapter, “Betting Along with the Nurses: Your New Best Friends!” The book also covers discharge and difficult decisions, such as if a risky surgery should be undertaken and when to consider hospice care. Hospital Warrior, People Tested Media, 2016, 229 pages, $16.95 paperback


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Books on illness From page 28

Facing the end of life In Sky Above Clouds, therapist Wendy L. Miller of Kensington, Md., remembers her husband Dr. Gene D. Cohen’s 11-year journey through living with metastatic prostate cancer. The book is interspersed with Cohen’s poignant journal entries. Cohen, considered one of the founding fathers of geriatric psychiatry, was diagnosed with cancer in 1996, two years after he established the Washington, D.C. Center on Aging at George Washington University. The center was a think tank focused on innovative approaches to issues of aging and intergenerational relationships. Cohen, who was featured in two stories in the Beacon about his groundbreaking research in creativity and aging, died in 2009. Cohen lived far longer than his prognosis indicated he would, and during that time kept journals about how it felt to know that his time was limited. “It felt like a virtual digital clock was running down the time count right in front of me — not like at New Year’s Eve in a cel-

ebratory sense to announce the imminence of a new year, but with a starkly ominous, relentless counting down toward my inevitable demise,” Cohen wrote. Yet, he also had a newfound appreciation of the world around him. In one journal entry, he wrote “Hardly a day goes by when I don’t take the time out to simply reflect on the beauty around me — literally, the smell of the roses, the greenness of the grass, the blueness of the sky, the fullness of the moon.” In his work, Cohen describes what happens to the brain as it ages and the potential that is often overlooked. Miller, an expressive arts therapist and educator, highlights stories of creative growth in the midst of illness and loss encountered through her clinical practice. Although the book is subtitled “Finding Our Way Through Creativity, Aging and Illness,” Miller acknowledges that “unlike self-help advice or bullets of magic guidance, the stories and conversation shared here are offered as tools to activate the mechanism of your own life, your own intimate psychological territory.” The book explores such questions as: What happens when the expert on aging begins to age? And what happens when

the therapist who helps others cope with illness and loss is forced to confront her own responses to these experiences? The answers the book provides are ones that can help others threading their way


through illness and grief. In short, Sky Above Clouds is a memoir of illness and how to rise beyond it. Sky Above Clouds, Oxford University Press, 2016, 352 pages, $27.95 paperback.


Sept. 22+

LIVING WITH ALZHEIMER’S SEMINARS The Alzheimer’s Association presents the talk series “Living with

Alzheimer’s: For Caregivers” on Thursdays, from Sept. 22 through Nov. 20, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Kensington Park Senior Living. This 8-week series answers questions like “what does a diagnosis mean?” and “What plans should I make?” Kensington Park is located at 3620 Littledale Rd., Kensington, Md. Reserved parking and refreshments are provided. Registration is required. For more information or to register, call 1-800-272-3900 or email

Dealing with Dementia Three-part series for caregivers I II

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m. A Working Caregiver's Guide to Handling a Loved One with Dementia

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Learning Your Loved One's New Language: Dementia Fluency

FREE TO THE PUBLIC THE VILLAGE AT ROCKVILLE, CLASS ROOM – TERRACE LEVEL 9701 Veirs Drive, Rockville, MD 20850 All events 6:30-7:30 p.m. | Check-in begins at 6:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. Space is limited.

Register |


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Strategies for Handling Family Members with Middle to Late Stages of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Contact | Sharon Flowers-Williams 301-354-4600

9701 Veirs Drive | Rockville, MD 20850 | 301-354-4600 | The Village at Rockville is sponsored by National Lutheran Communities & Services, a faith-based, not-for-profit ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, serving people of all beliefs.


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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

FALLS PREVENTION PROGRAMS through GROWS SEPTEMBER 1 • 2:00-3:30 pm WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FALLS AND MEMORY Arden Courts of Potomac 10718 Potomac Tennis Lane Potomac, MD 20854 RVSP 301-980-2656 Speaker: Susan I. Wranik, MS, MA, CCC-SLP LSVT Certified Susan I. Wranik Associates, L.L.C.

SEPTEMBER 6 • 1:00-2:00 pm STAY FIRM ON YOUR FEET Holiday Park Senior Center 3950 Ferrara Drive Wheaton, MD 20906 240-777-4966 Speaker: Alex Sterling, PT Suburban Hospital

SEPTEMBER 6 • 2:30-3:30 pm BUILDING BETTER BALANCE Potomac United Methodist Church 9908 South Glen Road Potomac, MD 20854 301-299-9383 Speakers: Aubrey Reinmiller, PTA, CPT Matthew Miller Vitality Fitness and Wellness, LLC

SEPTEMBER 7 • 12:45-1:45 pm PREVENTING FALLS AT HOME Benjamin Gaither Center 80 A Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-258-6380 Speaker: Lynn Isackson, OT

SEPTEMBER 7 • 1:00-2:00 pm BATHROOM SAFETY FOR FALLS PREVENTION Rockville Senior Center 1150 Carnation Drive Rockville, MD 20850 240-314-8812 Speaker: Ashok Kapur DHC Medical Supply

SEPTEMBER 8 • 11:15-12:15 pm YOGA FOR BALANCE AND CLARITY: Build Strength and Reduce Falls Benjamin Gaither Center 80 A Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-258-6380 Speaker: Jane Stelboum Saravaste

SEPTEMBER 14 • 11:00-12:00 pm FALL PREVENTION FOR THE ACTIVE SENIOR Twinbrook Recreation Center 12920 Twinbrook Parkway Rockville, MD 20851 240-314-8830 Speaker: Kristen Brown, MS, OTR/L



Benjamin Gaither Center 80 A Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-258-6380 Speaker: Peter Francis, CSCS RenewMe Fitness

Bauer Drive Community Center 14625 Bauer Drive Rockville, MD 20853 240-777-6922 Speakers: Aubrey Reinmiller, PTA, CPT Matthew Miller Vitality Fitness and Wellness, LLC



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SEPTEMBER 26 • 1:00-2:00 pm FEET FIRST: Balance and Stability Aspen Hill Library 4407 Aspen Hill Road Rockville, MD 20853 240-773-9410 Speaker: Dr. LaVergne Andre, DPM Home Feet Cares

Margaret Schweinhut Senior Center 1000 Forest Glen Road Silver Spring, MD 20901 240-777-8085 Speaker: Lindsey Vajpeyi, BA, ADA/MC Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area

Holy Cross Senior Source 8580 2nd Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-754-8510 Speaker: Gina Deavers


SEPTEMBER 26 • 3:30-4:30 pm FEET FIRST: Balance and Stability


Clara Barton Community Center 7425 MacArthur Boulevard #151 Cabin John, MD 20818 301-229-0011 Speaker: Priti Prabhu, PT, MPT Mobility and More

Twinbrook Library 202 Meadow Hall Drive Rockville, MD 20851 240-777-0246 Speaker: Dr. LaVergne Andre, DPM Home Feet Cares



Chevy Chase Community Center 5601 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20015 202-282-2204 Speaker: Kathlene Andreone, PT/DPT

SEPTEMBER 15 • 2:00-3:00 pm HOW MEDICATIONS AFFECT BALANCE Arcola Towers 1135 University Boulevard Silver Spring, MD 20902 301-649-3590 Speaker: Fariborz Zarfeshan, RPH Alfa Specialty Pharmacy

SEPTEMBER 20 • 10:00-12:00 pm WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FALLS AND MEMORY Asbury Methodist Village/Kindley Building 333 Russell Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877 301-216-4001 Speaker: Susan I. Wranik, MS, MA, CCC-SLP LSVT Certified Susan I. Wranik Associates, L.L.C.

SEPTEMBER 20 • 2:00-3:00 pm REDUCING THE RISK OF FALLS FOR PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA Plum Gar Community Center 19561 Scenery Drive Germantown, MD 20876 240-777-4919 Speaker: Lindsey Vajpeyi, BA, ADA/MC Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area

SEPTEMBER 20 • 2:00-3:00 pm FALLS RISK ASSESSMENT BY ASBURY HOME CARE B’nai B’rith Homecrest House 14508 Homecrest House Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 301-589-4000

Brooke Grove Retirement Village 18100 Slade School Road Sandy Spring, MD 20860 301-924-2811 Speaker: Mitch Markowitz Family & Nursing Care

SEPTEMBER 22 • 11:45-2:00 pm FALLS PREVENTION AWARENESS DAY Holy Cross Senior Source 8580 2nd Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-754-8510 Speaker: Gina Deavers

SEPTEMBER 22 • 2:00-3:00 pm STRATEGIES FOR FALL PREVENTION AND SAFETY IN AN AGING POPULATION Five Star Premier Residences of Chevy Chase 8100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-907-8895 Speaker: Kathlene Andreone, PT/DPT Five Star Rehab & Wellness

SEPTEMBER 22 • 11:00-12:00 pm FALLS FREE Ring House 1801 E. Jefferson Street Rockville, MD 20852 301-816-5000 Speaker: Kathy Aitken RehabCare

SEPTEMBER 23 • 11:00-12:00 pm PREVENTING FALLS AT HOME Twinbrook Library 202 Meadow Hall Drive Rockville, MD 20851 240-777-0246 Speaker: Lynn Isackson, OT

Brooke Grove Retirement Village 18100 Slade School Road Sandy Spring, MD 20860 301-924-2811

SEPTEMBER 27 • 11:00-12:00 pm BALANCE COUNTS Kentlands Manor 221 Booth Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-740-8870 Speaker: Priti Prabhu

SEPTEMBER 28 • 1:00-2:00 pm FALL PREVENTION FOR THE ACTIVE SENIOR Revitz House 6111 Montrose Road Rockville, MD 20852 301-881-7400 Speaker: Kristen Brown, MS OTR/L RehabCare

SEPTEMBER 28 • 1:00-2:00 pm FALL RISK ASSESSMENTS White Oak Senior Center 1700 April Lane Silver Spring, MD 20904 240-777-6945 Speaker: Jim Resnick Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service

SEPTEMBER 28 • 2:00-3:00 pm HEALTH HEARING AND BALANCE: Quality of Life Issues The Highlands at Kensington Park 3620 Littledale Road Kensington, MD 20895 301-946-7700 Speakers: Dr. Tricia Terlep Dr. Julie Linn-Rorrer Potomac Audiology

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Men can have much to gain from therapy By Matthew Solan Speaking for my gender, there are two qualities that define most men: We seldom like to ask for help, and we do not like to talk about our feelings. Combining the two — asking for help about our feelings — is the ultimate affront to many men’s masculinity. We like to think of ourselves as strong, problem-solver types. But when it comes to emotional and mental issues, men need to quit trying to bottle up their feelings and tough it out, said Dr. Darshan Mehta, medical director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. “Your mental health is equally as important as your physical health,” Mehta said. “Not addressing negative feelings can carry over to all aspects of your life and have a profound impact.”

When to see a therapist Depression is the most common reason men should seek professional help. Many life situations — jobs, relationships — can trigger its trademark symptoms, such as prolonged sadness, lack of energy, and a constant feeling of stress.

For older men, it can also be brought on by financial anxiety about retirement, the death of a spouse or friend, or even the loss of independence, like losing the ability to drive. Left unchecked, these feelings could cause other health problems, such as rapid weight loss, insomnia, declining libido, and changes in memory. They may even lead to destructive behavior like alcohol or opioid dependence. “While men may recognize these changes when they occur, they may not know the root cause, or if they do, what they can do about it,” said Mehta. This is when a therapist can lend a hand — or ear. “A therapist can help identify the source of your problems and then help resolve them,” he said.

First, talk with your doctor about your situation, how you feel, and your symptoms. He or she will no doubt know therapists who can help with your specific issues. There are other places to start besides your primary care doctor, as well. For example, many employee healthcare plans offer confidential help lines where you can ask

HEAR FROM AN EBOLA DISCOVERER Fox Hill Retirement Community is home to Dr. Frederick Murphy,

who helped discover the Ebola virus during the 1970s while he was chief of viral pathology at the CDC. Murphy speak about the history of his discovery on Thursday, Sept. 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Fox Hill, 8300 Burdette Rd., Bethesda, Md. The event is free and open to the public and will be followed by food and refreshments. Reservations required. Visit or call (301) 968-1850.

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who offer many different types of therapy. Their individual approaches are based on See THERAPY, page 33

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Treat shingles right away and get vaccine By Matthew Solan If you had chickenpox as a kid, there is a good chance you may develop shingles later in life. “In fact, one in three is predicted to get shingles during their lifetime,” said Dr. Anne Louise Oaklander, director of the Nerve Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. The same varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox also causes shingles. After the telltale spots of chickenpox vanish, the virus lies dormant in your nerve cells near the spinal cord and brain. When your immunity weakens from normal aging or from illnesses or medications, the virus can re-emerge. It then travels along a nerve to trigger a rash in the

skin connected to that nerve. The rash often appears on only one side of your body. The most common locations are the chest, back, or stomach, or above one eye. Most cases of shingles cause severe pain and itching, and can leave scars. Fluid-filled blisters develop, break and crust over during and a few weeks after an outbreak. You also may feel sick or fatigued, with a slight fever or headache. However, it is possible to have rashes that are so mild they’re not even noticed.

Seek treatment right away Many people have the mistaken impression that, like poison ivy, shingles is a nuisance rash that fades on its own. “But in fact a shingles rash should alert people, es-


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pecially in middle or old age, to seek immediate medical help,” said Oaklander. Rapid treatment with one of three antiviral drugs — acyclovir (Zovirax), valacyclovir (Valtrex) or famciclovir (Famvir) — can shorten a shingles attack and reduce the risk of serious damage, such as: Long-term pain. Pain that lingers in the area of a healed shingles rash is called postherpetic neuralgia. This often-disabling pain can last several months to a year. Prolonged itching. Many people are left with an itchy area from their shingles, which can be as disabling as chronic pain. It is most common on the head or neck. Damage to vision and hearing. Pain and rash near an eye can cause permanent eye damage, and requires an urgent ophthalmological exam. When the nerve to the ear is affected, it can permanently damage hearing or balance. Strokes and heart attacks. A PLOS Medicine study that tracked about 67,000 people ages 65 and older who were newly diagnosed with shingles found that stroke risk more than doubled in the first week after the shingles diagnosis. The same study reported an increased risk for heart attacks in the three months after shingles, but the additional risk dissipated after six months.

Prevent shingles with vaccination The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that almost all people ages 60 and older be vaccinated

against shingles, whether or not they had chickenpox in their youth or have had shingles before, said Oaklander. The vaccination that prevents chickenpox in children was used to develop a similar vaccine (Zostavax) that protects against shingles. “It reduces the risk of getting shingles by about half, and shingles rashes that still develop are slightly less likely to cause postherpetic pain, or other serious complications,” said Oaklander. People with especially weak immune systems, such as those with cancer or anyone undergoing immunosuppressive treatments, should avoid Zostavax since the vaccine contains a weakened form of the live virus. Because Zostavax has only been available since 2006, it is still not yet clear if a single vaccination offers lifelong protection, but at this time, no booster is recommended. A new shingles vaccine in development, called HZ/su, may be particularly helpful for older adults. It is not made from a live, weakened virus, so is safe to give to people with weak immune systems. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the vaccine was highly effective, but it needs to undergo further testing before it can be submitted for FDA approval, which may happen as early as this year. © 2016. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Therapy From page 31 their particular training and experience. The main ones include: Psychiatrist. A doctor with a medical degree who can prescribe medication. He or she often helps with more severe issues, such as major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychologist. A professional who has a Ph.D. or a Psy.D. in clinical psychology. He or she can treat a full range of emotional and psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse, but in most states cannot prescribe medication. Licensed Professional Counselor. He or she has a master’s degree plus 2,000 hours of supervised psychotherapy experience. This type of mental health professional focuses on the problems of everyday living, like stress and anxiety, relationship conflicts and mild depression. Clinician Nurse Specialist. Like psychiatrists, he or she can prescribe medication. This type of professional works either independently or in collaboration with a supervising physician. Licensed Social Worker/Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. These mental health professionals assess and treat people living with mental illness and substance abuse issues. By providing group therapy, outreach, crisis interven-

tion programs and social rehabilitation, social workers help to ease clients back into their communities and daily lives. Clinical social workers provide care through numerous avenues, including hospitals, family service agencies, and organizations like the U.S. Veteran’s Administration.

What to expect Your therapist should help you establish goals of care and then outline a strategy to meet them. This may include a combination of therapy during regular sessions as well as “homework” to follow in between visits. Weekly visits are typical. Yours may be more or less frequent than that depending on how you respond to the therapy. After your initial treatment sessions, you might return periodically for “booster” visits to prevent a future relapse. Do not give up if you do not feel a strong connection with the first therapist you try, said Mehta. “Try someone else and do not get discouraged. The goal is to find the right person who can guide you.” While therapy may feel awkward at first, most men soon recognize its value, he said. “Once they make that connection with a therapist, they are quite receptive to therapy and welcome what it can offer.” Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. © 2016. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved. Distributed By Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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New technique depicts brain synapses By Lauran Neergaard The brain’s nerve cells communicate by firing messages to each other through junctions called synapses. Problems with those connections are linked to disorders like Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. Now Yale University researchers have developed a way to picture synapses in living brains. The technique, using PET scans, is highly experimental, but it raises the possibility of one day monitoring synapse function in some common diseases. A healthy human brain harbors trillions of synapses, a number that changes over a lifetime. Early in life, the brain “prunes” the many synapses between neurons so the

right number is in each region, a process that can go wrong in disorders such as autism or schizophrenia. Changes in the density of synapses may signal where epilepsy seizures originate. Later in life, synapse loss is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Non-invasive approach But measuring synapses has required autopsies, or occasional attempts during brain surgery. To find a non-invasive approach, the Yale-led team developed a radioactive compound, called a tracer, that is injected into the body and binds with a particular protein that is found in the brain’s synapses.

The idea: During a PET scan, those synapses appear lit up against dark, synapse-free areas of the brain. Animal testing confirmed the tracer was targeting synapses. The research team then mapped the density of synapses in the brains of 10 healthy volunteers and three patients with a form of epilepsy. Compared to the healthy brains, the technique revealed lost synapses in the epilepsy-affected regions of those patients’ brains, the researchers reported in the journal Science Translational Medicine. “This work represents a breakthrough in the ability to study an important process in the brain that is not only part of normal brain development, but that

also may be involved in several neuropsychiatric diseases,” said Dr. Peter Herscovitch, who directs PET scanning at the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical Center and wasn’t involved in the research. Much more work is needed to make the tracer last longer in the brain — a key if it’s ever to be of use to doctors, cautioned Yale radiology professor Richard Carson, the study’s senior author. But even though it starts disappearing quickly, he said it’s a good tool to research brain function. Stay tuned: Carson’s team has begun using the technique to study Alzheimer’s, to determine if changes in synaptic density over time can help predict that disease’s development. — AP


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JUST SOLD! – Fairways “O” w/ Garage Space Golf course views, 2BR, 2FB, down “wing” hall, ceramic tile planked flrs, kit. & BA updates! $205,000 JUST SOLD! – Turnberry Courts Mid Rise “T” Elegant 2BR+den, corner condo, multiple exposures, large kit., HWD flrs, tandem garage space! $330,000 JUST SOLD! – St. Andrews Patio Home Golf course sited, modified 2BR w/sitting room, open/updated kitchen & sunroom, HWDs, 2-car gar + golf cart bay. $410,000

JUST SOLD! OVER LIST! – Regency “Pine Valley” Home Exquisite 4BR, 3FB, hardwoods, new carpet, great room w/ gas fireplace, deck, wooded lot! $671,000

Sellers, get your homes ready and take advantage of this fantastic market! Buyers, get ready, learn about the different models and be poised to purchase! Call Sue, your seasoned professional.


Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6


Delicious fish for dinner in 15 minutes By Melissa D’Arabian Years ago, I was traveling alone for work in New York City, and I popped into a random restaurant across the street from my hotel. I asked for a menu recommendation from my waiter, and he insisted on a claypot fish — a simple dish of cod, tomatoes, onion, potatoes and lemon baked in a small cazuela, or clay pot. I was skeptical, but completely hooked at first bite: fresh, simple, comforting all at once. The veggies created a light aromatic broth that steamed the fish gently to delicate perfection. The simple meal was so good, in fact, that I went back the second night of my trip and ordered the exact same thing. In a city with more must-try restaurants than I could ever hope to visit, repeat visits mean something. I’ve made various versions of claypot fish myself over the years, using cute tapas-style dishes I bought while visiting Barcelona, and I’ve loved every one of them. I was exploring the (crazy?) idea of making uber-fast meals in the microwave, and immediately claypot fish came to mind:

could a covered glass dish provide the right environment to quickly steam the fish correctly, and avoid the rubbery-results one might expect from a microwaved meal? The short answer is yes! The trick is not to overcook the fish, even by a minute, so check the fish frequently. I use a glass dish, so admittedly it’s missing the charm and earthy flavor of the cazuela, but this microwaved version of claypot fish is legit delicious. It’s versatile (feel free to swap in some of your favorite ingredients or herbs), healthy, and full of vitamins and lean protein. Plus, anytime you can get dinner on the table in under 15 minutes is one less night you’ll be tempted to swing by the drive-thru. And that is a huge win for both your health and your wallet.

Start to finish: 15 minutes Yield: 4 servings 1 pound fingerling potatoes 4 fillets of Dover sole, or other white fish, such as cod or flounder, about 1 pound 3 roma tomatoes, diced


The Hebrew Home presents a bagel brunch on Sunday, Sept. 25, with the topic “Making the Most of Your Doctor Visit.” The talk will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Wasserman Residence at Charles E. Smith Communities, located at 6121 Montrose Rd., Rockville, Md. For more information or to register, visit or call (301) 881-0300.

Sept. 28+

toes, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, onion and capers. Spoon on top of the fish. Cover and microwave for 5 minutes. Check for doneness — fish should be opaque. If not done, microwave for another minute or two, but check every thirty seconds. Let sit for a minute or two and then serve. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Nutrition information per serving: 273 calories; 88 calories from fat; 10 g. fat (2 g. saturated; 0 g. trans fats); 71 mg. cholesterol; 572 mg. sodium; 24 g. carbohydrate; 4 g. fiber; 3 g. sugar; 22 g. protein. Food Network star Melissa d’Arabian is an expert on healthy eating on a budget. She is the author of the cookbook “Supermarket Healthy.” Online:

Weeknight “claypot” fish


Sept. 25

3 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup chopped red onion 2 tablespoons capers (or briny olives) chopped parsley, for garnish Pierce the fingerling potatoes two or three times each with a fork and place in a glass microwave-safe dish with cover. Fill with enough water to cover about onefourth the way up the potatoes (about 1/2 cup water) and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Microwave for 10 minutes. Potatoes should be firm but with some give. Season the fish fillets with a little salt and pepper, and lay on top of the parcooked potatoes. In a small bowl, mix together the toma-


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Haven of Northern Virginia is offering a free General Bereavement Support Group that begins on Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Registration is required. Haven is located at 4606 Ravensworth Rd., Annandale, Va. For more information or to register, call (703) 941-7000, email, or visit


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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Don’t buy fancy water drinks; make them I bet some of you drink pure filtered water and try to get your friends and relatives to do the same, but they won’t listen. Drinking water instead of soda can be the fastest, simplest way to lose weight and improve health. Why? Because we all need fresh water to dilute poisons in our body and filter toxins through our kidneys. When you become dehydrated with sugar-laden drinks, this filtration function gets harder. Blood sugar levels increase. Remember, water is essential to life be-

cause it keeps us hydrated. Having enough water on board can reduce your risk of migraines while improving energy. Yet, despite the common sense aspect to drinking pure water and staying hydrated, some people insist on drinking tainted water that was perfectly good before some giant food company turned it into a liquid missile. Drinking chemical liquids has become the norm. Millions of people worldwide choose to drink what I call “messed up water” — water that has been manufactured to contain lab-created dyes, some of which trigger anxi-

Our Mission: To secure the well-being of Montgomery County Seniors through the shared strength of diverse organizations and individuals.

Professionals working with seniors are invited to our Monthly GROWS meetings on the first Thursday of the month at 8:15 a.m. usually at Holiday Park Senior Center, 3950 Ferrara Dr., Wheaton, Md.

NETWORKING + Presentation • Sept. 8, 8:15 a.m. Learn how to market and brand your organization Holiday Park Senior Center • 3950 Ferrara Dr. For more info, call (301) 765-3325.

ety and asthma, various artificial sweeteners great for energy and may improve digestion. Strawberries. Use organic ones. Wash or preservatives, a few known carcinogens as them and cut the stems then well as refined sugar. I’m sure you’d be willing to slice thinly. Put a slice in each at least offer your children cube. Strawberries have 113 and grandchildren a cleaner, percent of the daily value of Vihealthier version of water if tamin C, plus a lot of manyou knew how. ganese, which makes your So my intention today is to SOD (detoxification) enzyme teach you how to make water work better. prettier, tastier and fresher Matcha. Brew some matcha with something cheap and green tea at half strength and easy like ice cubes! then freeze it. These make I can show you how to make DEAR beautiful green cubes, and PHARMACIST them medicinal by infusing matcha infuses your water with By Suzy Cohen them with fruits or herbs. EGCG (epigallocatechin galThen, whenever you’re ready, late), which is a known cancer you can slowly tilt yourself in the direction fighter and fat-burning compound. of clean, pure water or fizzy seltzer drinks. Greens. Make superfood ice cubes out Changing from soda to water is easy if you of your favorite brand of greens. I make want to. It’s just a choice. mine at half-strength. To receive more of my medicinal ice cube Healthy, pretty ice cubes recipes, go to my website and sign up for my Blueberries. Add 3 blueberries to each free newsletter at cube and freeze. When these melt in your This information is opinion only. It is not water later on, you can eat them. Seltzer intended to treat, cure or diagnose your conwater is ideal. Blueberries enhance cognitive dition. Consult with your doctor before using function, vision and cholesterol/triglyceride any new drug or supplement. ratios. Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist Mint. Put a tiny sprig each ice cube. and the author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist When it melts in your water it will add a and Real Solutions from Head to Toe. To minty zing and freshen your breath. Mint is contact her, visit


Sept. 9


The Springfield Christian Women’s Connection presents a fall fashion show sponsored by Chico’s on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Need a little style help? The show includes styling suggestions, a luncheon and door prizes. The cost is $20. Reservations are required by Friday, Sept. 9. For more information, call (703) 922-6238 or email

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Fitness & Health


Can’t a man still sow his wild oats first? Since he remarried, all his money is Dear Solutions: I have a woman friend who I like in his present wife’s name, and my sister can’t get what he very much, and we’re even owes her. She’s been to discussing marriage. I feel many lawyers, but it doesthat once I do that, I’ll realn’t help. Her whole life is ly be settled down. based on trying to get this, I was married for many, and she doesn’t do anymany years since I was thing else for herself. ver y young, and my wife She keeps moving near died recently. Before I sethim, she doesn’t pursue her tle down again, I want to go career, and she doesn’t out for a while with other bother to meet new people. I women and have sex with SOLUTIONS would like to try to help her. them and have fun. Is there anything I can do? How can I make my By Helen Oxenberg, — Younger Sis woman friend understand MSW, ACSW Dear Younger Sis: that it has nothing to do Tell her to leave the money and run!! Or with her, but I just want to sow my at the very least, she should marry one of wild oats before settling down again? — Mel the lawyers she’s helping to support. She’s learned one thing from this rotten Dear Mel: Your oats sound a little too wild for this ex-husband, and that’s how to swindle, day and age. You can’t say this has nothing screw and destroy herself. He did it to her, to do with your girlfriend because it cer- and now she’s doing it to herself. More important than the money, what tainly can affect her. There are all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases out there, she’s lost is the life she’s throwing away — some of them life threatening, and you her own. She needs help. Get her to a thercould be bringing them back to her. That’s apist. Dear Solutions: not a great wedding gift. My 2-year-old grandson is spending If you can’t make an honest commitment to this woman you say you want to time with me while his mother finishmarry, you’d better rethink the whole es a special job out of town. He has thing. And — just be careful what you found a way to pleasure himself. He plant — wild oats don’t thrive in today’s cli- has discovered his penis can give him pleasure. mate. Is it normal for a 2-year-old to do Dear Solutions: My sister has been divorced for this, or does this mean there’s trouble many years now. Her ex-husband is ahead? He just does this when he’s remarried, but he still owes her a lot about to take a nap. Should I do someof money. He only paid her what he thing about it? — Concerned owed her for a couple of years, went into bankruptcy, and then he remar- Dear Concerned: Don’t worry. He’s practicing safe sex. ried.

Children begin very early to explore their bodies, and when they come across something that feels good, they’re going to use it. It’s perfectly normal, and will only become a problem if you make a fuss, so leave him alone. He’ll go on to other things in addition to this as he grows. Your job is

to ignore. His is to enjoy! © Helen Oxenberg, 2016. Questions to be considered for this column may be sent to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915. You may also email the author at To inquire about reprint rights, call (609) 6553684.

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BELTSVILLE (301) 572-550 11729 Beltsville Drive BETHESDA (301) 656-2522 6917 Arlington Road BETHESDA (301) 986-9144 7809 Wisconsin Avenue BOWIE (301) 262-8400 6920 Laurel-Bowie Road CLINTON (301) 868-4055 8859 Branch Avenue COLLEGE PARK (301) 277-6114 7300 Washington-Baltimore Boulevard DISTRICT HEIGHTS (301) 736-3994 5870 Silver Hill Road, Silver Hill Plaza GAITHERSBURG (301) 948-3250 546 North Frederick Avenue GAITHERSBURG (301) 948-6886 19100 Montgomery Village Avenue GREENBELT (301) 441-8811 7607 Greenbelt Road KENSINGTON (301) 962-8092 3715 University Boulevard West

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

LANGLEY PARK (301) 434-3121 7939 New Hampshire Avenue LAUREL (301) 776-5404 15100 Baltimore Avenue NORTH POTOMAC (301) 251-0024 9920 Key West Avenue OLNEY (301) 774-6155 3110 Olney Sandy Spring Road ROCKVILLE (301) 299-3717 7955 Tuckerman Lane SILVER SPRING (301) 598-6617 2271 Bel Pre Road SILVER SPRING (301) 588-6261 1290 East-West Highway SILVER SPRING (301) 942-2300 12359 Georgia Avenue WHEATON (301) 871-7511 13729 Connecticut Avenue

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Celebrating 40 Years



Spotlight On Aging VOLUME XXVII, ISSUE 9

A newsletter for D.C. Seniors

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE By Laura Newland Executive Director, D.C. Office on Aging Thanks to everyone who came out to the Mayor’s Fifth Annual Senior Symposium! We had more than 600 seniors and caregivers attend the symposium at the historic Paul Laurence Dunbar High School. The theme for this year’s event was “Healthy Homes. Healthy Hearts. Healthy Living.” One of the highlights of the symposium was our guest speaker, Dr. Patricia Davidson, who is a local internist and cardiologist. She gave a great no-nonsense presentation that left everyone thinking about how they eat and how they live their lives — including me! I presented Dr. Davidson with a plaque to recognize her commitment to the District of Columbia and making sure health information is accessible for all of us. You told me that you wanted a symposium that provided you with useful information — what it means to live healthier, how to connect to community resources, how to access government resources, etc. — so we worked with an advisory panel with seniors from all eight wards on coming up with our programming for the symposium. I’d like to give special thanks to our government and community partners who served on panels and provided information at the exhibit hall. Our partner agencies do a LOT for seniors in the community (and some even fund DCOA programs like Safe at Home, which is funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Aging and Disability Resource Center, funded by the Department of Health Care Finance!), and I’m glad you got to see for yourself the good work that they’re doing and how

committed we all are in District government to making sure you’re living well. The Senior Symposium began a great discussion about healthy aging in the community, and we want to continue the conversation. Over the past year, I’ve told you that I want to hear more from you directly about what we’re doing, and how we’re doing it. Four times a year (once a quarter), I hold town halls at our senior wellness centers. This fall, I’m upping the ante. DCOA is going to host a two-part Senior Services Town Hall series in September and October on senior services in the District. The first conversation will provide information about DCOA’s services (and how funds are allocated), trends in the District, and other useful information needed to start thinking about the entire system of services and supports. During the first meeting, we’ll identify community volunteers to lead a conversation with the group that will then be translated back to me in a presentation a couple weeks later — about the current services, whether we should make any changes (and if so, what they are), how to prioritize people needing services when services reach capacity, and whatever else you think I need to do about the services we offer and how you receive those services. I know you have a lot of ideas — I’ve heard from many of you already — so I really want to know your thoughts based on your experiences and what you know you and your friends and family will need further down the road. My executive team

September 2016

Walgreens Flu Clinics at Senior Wellness Centers The D.C. Office on Aging will partner with Walgreens to hold Flu Clinics at the following locations:

Vaccines are also open to all D.C. Office on Aging Employees.

Thursday, Sept. 22 Wednesday, Sept. 7 Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center 324 Kennedy St. NW, Ward 4 Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact: Teresa Moore, 202-291-6170

Behrend Adas Israel Senior Fellowship 2850 Quebec St. NW, Ward 3 Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Contact: Kimberly Cauthen, 202-230-1742

Monday, Sept. 12 Bernice Elizabeth Fonteneau Senior Wellness Center 3531 Georgia Ave. NW, Ward 1 Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact: Michelle Singleton, 202-727-0338

Tuesday, Sept. 13 Model Cities Senior Wellness Center Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1901 Evarts St. NE, Ward 5 Contact: Stacie Macke, 202-635-1900

Wednesday, Sept. 14 Hayes Senior Wellness Center 500 K Street, NE Ward 6 Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact: Andre Lane, 202-727-0357

and I will be leading the conversation in each ward in the city, and I’ll be at the community presentation in each ward because I want to hear from you directly. This is the first time we’ve tried something like this, so I’m excited to hear from you about what’s important to you. This will definitely require commitment from you to make this work, but I know you’re up to the challenge! You’ve heard me say over and over that the foundation of making the Dis-

Friday, Sept. 23 or Friday, Sept. 30 Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center 3500 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. SE, Ward 8 Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact: Regina Jeter, 202-563-7225

Wednesday, October 5 or Thursday, October 6 Washington Seniors Wellness Center 3001 Alabama Ave. SE, Ward 7 Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact: Tamika Tyree, 202-581-9355

trict the best place in the world to live and age well is strong community investment. I know we have that foundation here, and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on what would make DCOA even better. Thanks for joining me in this important work, and I look forward to seeing you in the community! To find dates, locations, and other important details about the Senior Services Town Hall series, please visit or ask your local senior wellness center.


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N




Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Information Dear Grocery Plus participant, We regret to inform you that we will not distribute Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) checks until September. At that time, you will receive $30 in SFMNP checks, which is an increase from last year. In September, you will get your SFMNP checks at the same time as you pickup your Grocery Plus box. Questions that you might be asking: “Why do we have to wait until September? We have never waited that long.” Grocery Plus has been working with our government counterparts, and due to some technical issues, the checks will not be ready until September. We did not want to distribute checks that may not work properly, or to only distribute checks to a few participants while making others wait. You will still need to redeem your checks by Nov. 30. “My friend has checks, where did they come from?” Those checks are from the Produce Plus program. Produce Plus gives an individual $10 to spend at farmers markets, and has been operating since June 1. All Grocery Plus participants qualify

for Produce Plus, but there are a limited amount of checks distributed at each farmers market. These checks are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. “I want to buy fresh produce now. What else can I do?” Many farmers markets in D.C. allow you to use your SNAP dollars (Food Stamp) to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, and some even double your SNAP dollars, allowing you to buy more while spending less! If you would like to enroll in SNAP, call DC Hunger Solutions at 202-640-1088 or visit your nearest Department of Human Services Economic Security Administration (ESA) office. Here are just a few of the farmers markets in DC where you can shop using your SNAP dollars:

Northwest D.C . Petworth Community Market: Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Upshur St. and 9th St. at Georgia Ave. NW Columbia Heights Farmer’ Market: Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesdays 4 to 7 p.m., 14th and Park Rd. NW Mount Vernon Triangle FreshFarm Market: Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 5th and K St. NW

Northeast D.C. Rhode Island Avenue Farmers’ Market: Thursdays, 4 to 7:30 p.m., 2300 Washington Pl. NE D.C. Open Air Farmers’ Market at FRK Stadium: Thursdays and Saturdays, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Benning Rd. & Oklahoma Ave. NE, Parking Lot No. 6 D.C. Urban Greens Farm Stand: Wednesdays, 2 to 4 p.m., Unity Health Center, East of the River, 113 45th St. SE

Southeast D.C. Easter Market Outdoor Farmers Market: Tuesdays, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 225 7th St. SE D.C. Urban Greens Farm Stand: Thursdays, 3 to 5 p.m., Fort Dupont Ice Rink, 3379 Ely Pl. SE Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center: Thursdays, 10 noon, 3500 MLK Jr. Ave. SE

Southwest D.C . Arcadia’s Mobile Market: Tuesdays, noon to 2 p.m., Community of Hope Conway Health and Resource Center, 115 Atlantic St. SW Southwest Farmers’ Market: Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 425 M St. SE

Fall Prevention Information The D.C. Office of Aging and the Falls Free Coalition will be hosting the Fourth Annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day on Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the sites below. The primary activities include: a home safety talk, tug and strength test by physical and occupational therapists, medication reviews by pharmacists, vision testing by optometrists and ophthalmologists, and an overall review of risk factors. • Ward 1: Bernice Fonteneau, 3531 Georgia Ave. NW, 202-727-0338 • Ward 3: Satterlee Hall, St Alban’s Episcopal Church, 3001 Wisconsin Ave. NW • Ward 4: Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center, 324 Kennedy St. NW, 202-291-6170 • Ward 5: Model Cities Senior Wellness Center, 1901 Evarts St. NE , 202-635-1900 • Ward 6: Hayes Wellness Center, 500 K St. NE, 202-727-0357 • Ward 7: Washington Seniors Wellness Center, 3001 Alabama Ave. SE, 202-581-9355 • Ward 8: Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center, 3500 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. SE, 202-563-7225 Please contact the site near you to schedule your participation. For more information, contact Linda Irizarry at 202-535-1442 or linda.irizarry


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6




Mayor’s Fifth Annual Senior Symposium

Chief of Staff Ga rret King, Ms. Se nior DC 2015 We Ms. Senior DC Bi ndy D. Bridges, llie LaVerne Smith , Diane “Lady Di” Executive Directo Mackey, and r Laura Newland pose after lunch.

e Mayor’s Fifth rs attended th ve gi gh re ca d nbar Senior Hi 0 seniors an ul Laurence Du More than 60 Pa at um si po Sym Annual Senior School.

senior take a selfie at Executive Director Laura Newland helps a the event.

Great interaction as seniors get tech assist ance in the Mobile Tech Lab through teenagers in the Cyber Seniors program during the day.

Carroll “Mr. C” Hynson, Jr. of WHUR 96.3 FM was the Master of Ceremonies for the event. He is a great partner of DCOA in the senior community.

ss attendees acro speaks to the nd la ew N or ct Executive Dire g the meal. rin du om ro e th

and volunteers. Two great senior advocates

Special thanks to Washingto n Performing viding the gr Arts Society eat music at for prothe venue du ring lunch.

Governme nt and com munity pa exhibits w rtners pro ith resourc vided info es for sen rmative iors.


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N




Community Calendar SEPTEMBER

13th and 27th • noon

7th, 14th, 21st and 28th • 6 to 8 p.m. Iona Senior Services offers a course called “Mindful Living,” in which participants will think about how they want to live their life, enjoy reflective learning, and find deeper connection with their emotional and physical being. Learn healthy aging approaches to wellness, community, purposefilled living, and practical lifestyle choices in this series facilitated by Lylie Fisher, founder and director of Iona’s Take Charge/Age Well Academy. The cost is $75. Iona is located at 4125 Albemarle St. NW. Sign up or learn more by calling 202-895-9420.

Join the D.C. Caregivers Online Chat at Noon to discuss “Caregiving and Hospice Care” on Sept. 13, and “Fear of Falling: Preventing Falls and Fear” on Sept. 27. Log on to page/caregiver-chat at noon or visit at your convenience and hit replay to see the chat. For more information, contact or call 202-5351442.

15th • 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Iona offers a one-time class called “Graceful Transitions,” focusing on lessening clutter and preparing to move. This class will provide inspiration and practical hints on how to tackle these tasks effectively. It is facilitat-

ed by Donna Eichelberger, a senior living specialist and senior move manager. The cost is $10 if you register by Sept. 8; $15 after that. It will be held at Iona, 4125 Albemarle St. NW. Call 202895-9448 for more information or to register.

24th • 9 a.m. The Office of the Tenant Advocate will hold its 9th Annual Tenant and Tenant Association Summit at the Kellogg Conference Center located on the campus of Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Ave. NE. The summit serves as a forum to bring together tenants, tenant associations, housing attorneys and advocates, policy experts, community leaders, and District officials to discuss mat-

ters of concern to the District’s tenant community. This year’s theme is “Don’t Complain…Organize.” The day’s events will include a plenary session as well as workshops, which will provide participants with information and tools to effectively advocate for themselves and other renters. There will be two clinics. The legal clinic will provide attendees with an opportunity to meet one-on-one with an attorney to discuss their housing issues. The seniors and persons with disabilities registration clinic will allow eligible tenants to register their status to qualify for lower rent increases under rent control. Advance registration required. Register at and click on “online registration” or call 202-719-6560.

The District of Columbia 2016 Real Property Tax Sale The Office of Tax and Revenue has just completed the 2016 tax sale, which started July 18th. Homeowners who received a notice of tax sale — or who are not sure whether their home was included in the tax sale — should seek assistance immediately. Each year, the District of Columbia holds a “tax sale” auction. If a home or other property is past-due on taxes, the District will place a lien on the property and sell that lien to the highest bidder at the tax sale auction. The District does not sell the home outright at the tax sale. However, the tax sale could lead to a foreclosure law suit, thousands of dollars in additional fees, and even loss of the home. Once the home has been included in the tax sale, the homeowner must pay

all the past-due taxes and any additional legal fees. This is called “redeeming” the property. After the homeowner redeems the property, the tax sale lien will be removed and the home will no longer be threatened by a foreclosure lawsuit based on past due taxes. It is important for homeowners whose property was included in the tax sale to act quickly. The District provides a sixmonth grace period after the tax sale before a lawsuit may be filed. Property owners should take action right away to protect themselves against a costly foreclosure lawsuit and ensure that they can remain secure in their homes. The District offers a number of programs to assist seniors with their real property tax burdens. These include: Homestead and Senior/Disabled

SPOTLIGHT ON AGING Spotlight On Aging is published by the Information Office of the D.C. Office on Aging for D.C. senior residents. Advertising contained in the Beacon is not endorsed by the D.C. Office on Aging or by the publisher.

500 K St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002 202-724-5622 • Executive Director Laura Newland Editor Darlene Nowlin Photographer Selma Dillard SABB Photography The D.C. Office on Aging does not discriminate against anyone based on

actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, disability, source of income, and place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be subjected to disciplinary action. The Office on Aging is in partnership with the District of Columbia Recycling Program.

Credits: The “homestead” and “senior/disabled” real property credits can reduce real property tax bills by more than half. But the credits are not automatic — eligible homeowners must submit an application to the Office of Tax and Revenue. Senior Tax Deferral: The District will allow qualifying seniors age 65 and over to defer payment of their real property taxes for as long as they continue to live in the home. Homeowners who have fallen behind in taxes may even be able to defer taxes retroactively, along with fees relating to a tax sale lawsuit. Schedule H Income Tax Credit: The Schedule H credit is part of the D.C. state income tax return. Schedule H provides a refundable credit of up to $1,000. Even homeowners who are not required to file taxes may be eligible to

claim this refundable credit. If you did not claim the credit in recent years, you may still be able to claim the credit for up to three years past. D.C. Housing Finance Agency Tax Lien Extinguishment Program: Finally, there is even a grant program offered by the D.C. Housing Finance Authority that will pay all the past-due taxes of qualifying homeowners. Legal Counsel for the Elderly can provide detailed information about these programs and may be able to assist homeowners with their applications. LCE can also represent senior homeowners in court to help save their home from tax sale foreclosure. If your home was in the tax sale, or if you are behind in your real property taxes, contact Legal Counsel for the Elderly’s Hotline today at 202-434-2120.

Voices of Wisdom: Conversation Clubs for Homebound Seniors George Washington University’s Center for Aging, Health and Humanities, in conjunction with Age-Friendly DC (part of the AARP Network of AgeFriendly Communities through the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities) and So Others Might Eat (SOME), have been funded by the AARP Foundation to study one of the 10 Age-Friendly Domains (found in the Age-Friendly DC Strategic Plan). This study is researching Domain 7, which is Communications and Information: Promotion of and access to the use of technology to keep older resi-

dents connected to their community, friends and family. The group to be studied is homebound individuals age 50+ in DC. You do not have to be homebound in order to participate in calls, but will not be part of the study group. We are developing a group called Voices of Wisdom to have “conversation clubs” that would meet via telephone conference calling to discuss topics of interest to them. People want to stay connected, and staying connected is important to a person’s wellbeing. Call 202-750-0986 for more information.

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon

Money Law &


A CRYSTAL BALL FOR BONDS A bond fund manager predicts more volatility and lower returns SERVING AGAIN ReServe helps retirees find meaningful part-time work with nonprofits MONEY MANAGEMENT HELP A daily money manager can make your life easier in multiple ways DON’T GET SWINDLED How to protect yourself against credit, debt and inheritance scams

How record low interest rates affect you By David McHugh Record low interest rates were meant to be a temporary response to the global financial crisis. But eight years later, rates are still near zero — or even below — in much of the developed world, and some experts are warning of long-term side effects: a hit to pension savings, pressure on banks, and possible booms and busts in stock markets and real estate. Some economists argue that people may have to get used to living in a zero-interest world for a lot longer than they expected, or at least one with rates far lower than those in recent decades. Here’s a look at how we got here and what ultra-low interest rates mean for people. Q: How did rates get so low? A: Central banks in the U.S., Europe and Japan are keeping their benchmark interest rates at zero or just above in response to financial crises and weak economic growth. To further reduce borrowing

costs, central banks have purchased hundreds of billions in mortgage, corporate and government bonds. This increased demand for bonds drives up their prices and lowers their yields, or interest rates. The European Central Bank has been so aggressive as a buyer that German 10year bonds now yield slightly less than zero, meaning that rather than paying interest when it borrows for a decade, the German government earns a small profit. Q: Why did central banks cut rates so much? A: The idea is to stimulate economic growth and job creation by cutting borrowing costs for businesses and consumers, making it easier to buy things and invest in new production. They also lower returns on savings accounts and other ultra-safe investments and are intended to push people toward riskier but potentially more profitable ones, such as stocks, bonds and real estate. The idea is “to get people to take risks

that they weren’t taking before,” said Stephen G. Cecchetti, professor of international economics at the Brandeis International Business School. “And when you get them to do that, what happens is that it drives up growth, employment and prices, and that’s a good thing.” Q: What is the downside to low rates? A: Some experts warn they can encourage investors looking for higher returns to bid up too much the price of riskier investments. That can lead to a “bubble” in that market that is at some point followed by a crash. Economists at Germany’s Commerzbank warned that house prices in Germany “look increasingly like a bubble.” Sweden’s central bank has warned that house prices have risen too fast and consumers have too much debt. What about stocks? U.S. stock markets are near record highs. But it’s hard to say if this is a bubble. Stocks are affected by

many factors, and the U.S. economy has been growing steadily. Q: Is that the only risk? A: No, low interest rates also mean that people’s savings won’t grow as much over the years. Central banks have cut rates to encourage savers to spend or invest, but it could also have the opposite effect. People or companies who see their savings are not growing as much as hoped due to lower returns could put more money aside, not less. Carmaker Daimler AG said in June it was transferring its stakes in Renault SA and Nissan Motor Co. into its pension fund, adding 1.8 billion euros ($2 billion). Siemens said underfunding of its pension plan rose by 1.8 billion euros in the most recent quarter, from 10.9 billion. Some analysts note companies may also be tempted to use the cheap money not to invest in new jobs but for financial strategies See INTEREST RATES, page 44

Record low bond yields impact investors By Anya Kamenetz The website Quartz reported recently that yields on U.S. 10-year Treasury bonds are lower than they have been since the days of Alexander Hamilton. But when it comes to bond yields, zero is not the limit. Brexit and uneasiness about the global economy have pushed interest rates on a third of developed-country government debt into negative numbers as investors seek safe havens. That means countries like Germany, Switzerland and Japan are charging investors money for the privilege of holding onto their cash.

Seen as a safety net Government bonds are many Americans’ introduction to investing, and for many of us they represent safety and solidity in a volatile world. In fact, lots of investors have been moving into bonds as the stock market has been in turmoil lately, which is part of the reason yields are falling. But with returns so low, would we be better off putting our money in the mattress?

Not surprisingly, investment managers say no. Bonds are still an important part of your diversification strategy for retirement. This is because they counterbalance movements in the stock market, and their yields are much more stable than those of stocks. Here are some topics to discuss with your investment manager.

What types of bonds are best for you? Again, within the overall category of bonds, most people are most familiar with U.S. Treasuries. They have an interest rate or coupon that is set on the day you buy it and paid out every six months for a term that ranges from 1 to 10 years for Treasury notes, and up to 30 years for Treasury bonds. You get the full principal back when the bond reaches maturity, giving some insulation from market ups and downs. However, there is market risk if you need to sell before the term is up. The same basic structure is in place for other types of bonds: those issued by foreign countries, by corporations, or by U.S. state and local governments or their agen-

cies (known as municipal or “muni” bonds). Note that muni bonds can have special federal tax exemption (and possibly state or local tax advantages if you buy them for the city and state where you live). In all these cases, by buying a bond you are essentially lending money to the entity in question. In general you’ll find higher yields where there is also higher risk of default, as when lending to developing countries or distressed U.S. cities, or when buying “junk bonds” issued by higher risk firms, particularly in the energy sector.

Is it better to own bonds or bond funds? Bond funds are basically collections of bonds with staggered maturities. Just as with mutual funds full of stocks, you pay a management fee and expense ratio. In fact, the increasingly popular target-date retirement funds tend to include both stocks and bonds. Because it’s a bouillabaisse of different holdings, there is no guaranteed date that you’ll get back your principal. That said, many investment managers feel that it’s difficult to properly diversify

through buying individual bonds unless you have a lot of money to park specifically in fixed-income investments. (What “a lot” means can vary — some say $500,000, while others argue that $100,000 is plenty.) And the pressure to diversify is increasing with yields on the standard Treasury bonds so low. So to recap, for most beginning investors, proper exposure to bonds will come in the form of target-date funds which will give you a selection of U.S. Treasuries, corporate and foreign issues, alongside stocks. For those with more assets or who are heading closer to retirement — meaning you are shifting more towards fixed-income investments — bond-only funds would be the next place to look. If you are willing to be an active money manager or work with an investment adviser you trust, you should look beyond Treasuries to buy individual bonds across sectors. Anya Kamenetz welcomes your questions at © 2016 Anya Kamenetz. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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Interest rates From page 43

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that don’t immediately benefit the economy, such as buying back their own shares. And rates near zero may actually increase the fear factor by indicating that policy makers think there’s a crisis, argues Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics: “You signal to everybody that the economy stinks... Maybe when rates get that low, people become alarmed by further rate cuts, rather than pleased by further rate cuts.” Q: Some banks blame low rates for poor earnings. Is that fair? A: For some, yes. Interest rates around zero compress the difference between what the bank pays to borrow and the rates at which it lends. That cuts their interest earnings. And unprofitable banks are hampered in making new loans to companies — a drag on the economy. Rates near zero have in particular become a concern for banks in Europe, which are struggling with low profits overall and with lingering bad loans, especially in Italy. U.S. banks, by contrast, were

pushed to clean up their finances early on after the global financial crisis and are in better shape. Q: So when does all this end? A: Interest rates were supposed to be slowly raised from record lows as economies started to recover. But that’s not happening. Even in the U.S., where the economy is growing slowly but steadily, the Fed has been very cautious in raising its key rate, making only one quarter-point increase to 0.25-0.50 percent. Some economists say that weaknesses in the global economy may mean that the normal level of interest rates is lower than it used to be — and central banks have to take that into consideration. If they don’t, they wind up setting rates that are higher than the economy can bear. “Low long-run real rates do create problems, but they are not caused by central banks,” Cecchetti said. “There is a sense in which central bank policies have followed real rates down. They have to, otherwise they’re tightening without wanting to.” In other words, we could be in this low rate world for a while yet. — AP

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

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What to expect next from your bond fund By Stan Choe How many more times can bond funds ride to the rescue when stocks go on another one of their tumbles? Markets are calm now, but it was only a few months ago that a freak-out about the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union sent the largest stock fund to a two-day loss of nearly 6 percent. Through the turbulence, bond funds once again acted as investors’ comforter and delivered steady gains. The Fidelity Total Bond fund, for example, rose modestly each of those days, returning 0.5 percent. But the very success for bond funds means investors need to expect less from them going forward. Bond yields are low, with the 10-year Treasury note’s below 1.60 percent. Low yields mean bonds not only produce less income but also have less room to rise in price. That’s because they rise when yields fall. Their prices also fall when interest rates rise. Ford O’Neil, portfolio manager at the $24.4 billion Fidelity Total Bond fund, recently talked about how bond funds can still be stabilizers for portfolios when stocks are shaky, but investors need to lower their expectations. Answers have been edited for length and clarity. Q: Your fund has returned about 7 percent in 2016. Can it keep having these kinds of returns? A: We are telling our clients two things. One: anticipate more modest returns going forward. With the Barclays Aggregate (index of high-quality U.S. bonds) yielding just below 2 percent, that’s not a bad perspective on what to expect for returns. You also have to assume more modest equity returns as well. And I think you have to expect a little more volatility as well. The U.S. economy and the U.S. central bank are diverging from what’s happening in Japan and Europe. With that, you have to anticipate a more volatile environment. Q: When you’re saying more volatility, do you mean a bumpier stock market or a bumpier bond market? A: It will be a combination. You will get volatility in both stocks and bonds. The

Federal Reserve has dampened a lot of that volatility over the past eight years. I think they’ll be doing less of that going forward. Over the past eight years, we’ve probably had three quarters of the typical volatility for the bond market. I don’t want people getting comfortable thinking the volatility of fixed-income investments has dropped for good. It’s been driven by temporary, but long-lasting, Fed policies. Q: So, lower returns for bond funds and higher volatility. Sounds like everything’s working against bond funds. Why keep one? A: All true, but a bond fund should still give you comfort when your equity portfolio is not faring particularly well. It will help dampen the volatility of your overall portfolio. It’s hard to step on my soapbox and tell everyone now’s the time to rush to bond funds. But the alternative is cash, which is earning next to nothing and doesn’t give you any upside when the equity markets are challenged. Q: Your fund can go up to 20 percent in high-yield bonds, which are the ones most likely to default. You’re close to that cap. Why so invested when default rates are at their highest level in years? A: It’s not because I think high-yield has never been cheaper. More importantly, I think Treasurys have never been less attractive. We have had very, very low default rates, and they have been rising, although most of the increase has been in the commodity sectors. If you were to come to Fidelity and spend time with our high-yield group, you’d be amazed with how many analysts we have. If they are able to get the security selection right, the hope is that we’re able to avoid many, if not all, of the defaults. Q: For several years, critics were saying rising rates would mean big losses for bond mutual funds. When’s the last time you heard the phrase “bond bubble?” A: We heard it a lot in 2012. I hear it still fairly frequently. If you look back at bubbles over the years — you can go back to the tulip bubble, the Internet bubble, the housing bubble — in all those cases, people lost 50 to

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75 percent of their principal. If you’re buying bonds, you should get your money back. They do mature at par, especially if they’re government securities. Where you have the greatest risk is if you have inflation — and not a rise from 1 to 2 percent but from 1 to 4 or 5 percent. The only way you can see a bond bubble is if

hyper-inflationary forces come back to the United States, and I don’t think there are a lot of people that feel strongly that’s the case. Q: A couple years ago, you said it would take a lot longer for interest rates to get back to normal than peoSee BONDS, page 47

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Retirees find opportunity to serve again By Rebekah Sewell Patricia Rice, 69, is many things: a retiree, mother, grandmother, and now a youth mentor for children transitioning out of the foster system. She found her current position through ReServe — a nonprofit service that matches adults 55 and older with local nonprofits that can benefit from their professional and personal experience. ReServists get meaningful part-time work (and a modest stipend), and the nonprofits that hire them get interested, skilled employees at a modest cost. ReServe was founded in 2005 in response to two social and economic trends: 80 million baby boomers were starting to reach traditional retirement age, while at the time same, nonprofit organizations and public agencies

faced challenges in their capacity to serve growing numbers of people in need. Many of the retiring boomers didn’t need to work for money, but wanted to stay engaged in the work force while maintaining their flexibility and devoting their time to worthwhile projects. ReServe helps them do all these things. To become a ReServist, applicants submit their credentials and are interviewed and vetted. Those who are approved are eventually matched with a local nonprofit organization looking to hire someone with their skill set. The nonprofits pay ReServe an hourly fee for their ReServists, part of which is passed along to the ReServist as an hourly stipend (generally the minimum wage for the jurisdiction in which they work; D.C.’s

minimum wage is $11.50 per hour). ReServists can work 10 to 20 hours per week under this arrangement. In some cases, the placement leads to a full-time job, but that is not the expectation. ReServe’s Mid-Atlantic office opened in 2012 in the Baltimore, Md. area. Its Washington office just recently got off the ground and is now actively seeking older workers. “We hope to recruit 75 ReServists [and place them] in different organizations and specialized programs” this year, said Claudia Thorne, director of Mid-Atlantic ReServe. “There are so many opportunities, and we find what fits for them.” ReServe also has programs in New York City, Greater Boston, South Florida and North Jersey.

Specialized programs Other branches of ReServe feature service-oriented projects that have a direct impact on their communities. Its Dementia Care Coaching program is just one of many the organization hopes to replicate in the Mid-Atlantic region. “We’ve developed an innovative and costeffective model that works with families and caregivers,” said Thorne. These ReServists train other caregivers and adult children how to be the most effective caregivers. ReServe also has an in-house program

called PrepNow! that matches mentors age 65+ with youth in foster care. “We aim to create a college-going culture within foster homes,” she said. Rice, a Marine veteran who spent the majority of her career in the banking industry, began looking for a way to give back to her Baltimore community and joined ReServe last January. “I saw this as an excellent opportunity to reestablish a connection to my hometown and be an active participant in its growth and development,” Rice said. ReServe suggested Rice become a mentor with Hope Forward, a nonprofit that works with former foster youth. There, she assists young adults who’ve been through the foster care system, and “are in need of guidance to help them make a successful transition,” she said. Specifically, Rice helps her mentees prepare for job interviews, which is their first step toward adulthood and financial independence. She also points them toward resources for education, housing, clothing and childcare if necessary. Sometimes being present and willing to help is enough to make a difference. “I help just by having a listening ear, being a sounding board, giving a hug, sharing my See RESERVE, page 47

Help Us Celebrate 50 Years as the Region’s Premier Active Adult Community! Join Us for our 50th Anniversary AB@@CDE5F$B;GD$HBCIG$ Saturday, September 17 from 10 am - 3 pm All are welcome! Why do thousands of us who are 55 or over treasure the wonderful and diverse lives we’ve created at Leisure World of Maryland? !"#$"%&$#!&$'"(#$%&)%&"*+,"-$+.&%/,0(1$"2&,/*&(1$)+,'&,/&,)&($",3$(&%'/)&($ that lie beyond that iconic globe on Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring? We’d love to show you when you come to visit on September 17! $$$$$$4$$5"6&$"$%&(/3&,#7-&3$89($#+9%$+:$+9%$"2&,/*&($",3$:")/-/*&( $$$$$$4$$;-"<$+9%$#%/'/"$0"2&$",3$="%*)/="#&$/,$=%/>&$3%"?/,0( $$$$$$4$$@&&#$(+2&$+:$+9%$%&(/3&,#$"#!-&#&(1$"%*(#(1$()!+-"%($",3$-/:&-+,0$-&"%,&%( Like us on Facebook, then print out our trivia game. All 10 answers will be on Facebook before September 17 - complete it and bring it to the open house to qualify for prizes from our local businesses! JKLM$N+((2++%$O+9-&'"%3$$4$$I/-'&%$I=%/,01$@P$QLRLS$$4$$JLM7TRU7MLLL$$$$$$$$$$ 5+$#"6&$"$#+9%$"#$"$2+%&$)+,'&,/&,#$*2&1$&2"/-V$W @P/,:+X02"/-Y)+2

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

ReServe From page 46 lunch, imparting some wisdom, or just being here in the office when they come in, needing to see a caring face,” she said. “Encouraging others to lead successful lives can be very rewarding and fulfilling for them and for you,” Rice noted. “I would definitely recommend this program to other retirees.”

Temp to perm Another ReServist, Rosanne Hanratty, 65, always wanted to work with older adults. “Even in college, I knew,” she said. A native New Yorker, she watched her grandmother take the subway, working as a maid well into her 70s, and she knew the traditional view of aging as “winding down” didn’t describe everyone. Hanratty now lives in Ellicott City, Md., and works for the Maryland Department on Aging in Baltimore. In her position as staff for the Maryland Commission on Aging, she draws on her 23-year career experience in public policy. She previously worked on disability cases

Bonds From page 45 ple were expecting. Now that yields are close to record lows again, would you say the same thing? A: I would not. From an economic stand-

at the Social Security Administration. After retiring from her position there, she returned to school and completed a master’s degree in nondenominational religious studies so she could become a minister for seniors. At 57, she began a new career ministering to the residents of a nursing home. “Working in direct service” was a positive experience, she said. “But I wanted to return to public policy.” She read about ReServe in the NY Times and applied, leading to her position with the Commission on Aging in 2014. She reported directly to the aging department’s legislative liaison. “As time went on, they started giving me more responsibility, and my role expanded,” said Hanratty. So she decided to leave the part-time ReServe placement after about a year, and instead became a full-time contract employee with the Department of Aging. “I enjoyed working for [ReServe], and I’m really passionate about what it does,” she said. She also thinks it’s a good fit for retires looking to stay active and engaged. “I love an intellectual challenge, but even having the social context of coworkers is good.”

For more information on ReServe generally, visit To find out more about becoming a ReServist in the Mid-Atlantic region, email Midatlantic@ or call (202) 469-3477. ReServe holds periodic information orientations for interested professionals. The next


session takes place on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Southeast Neighborhood Library at 403 7th St. SE, Washington, D.C. Pre-registration is required. Register online at

point, the U.S. is OK. We’re muddling along. The economy is not growing at gangbusters rates, but 2 percent growth (after inflation) is not bad. The glass seems a little more halffull, and I think bond yields fundamentally should be higher than where they are today. — AP

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Help with managing daily financial matters Daily money managers (DMMs) provide personal business assistance to individuals who are having difficulty managing their personal monetary affairs or those of their parents. The services address a continuum of needs — from organizing and keeping track of financial and medical insurance papers, to assisting with check writing and maintaining bank accounts. The American Association of Daily Money Managers answers some frequently asked questions about their services.

Who needs the help of a DMM? There are many factors which contribute to the need for a DMM. DMMs work with seniors, people whose careers make it difficult for them to find time for their own paperwork, and with people whose medical issues simply make it difficult to keep up with their finances, among others. Within the senior client base, most have a need for DMM services due to a physical change precipitated by the aging process, such as limited vision, arthritis or other conditions which limit the ability to write, dementia, or a simple loss of ability to follow through on tasks. Some people are so active in their retirement that travel and social activities make it difficult to keep up with paperwork, and they prefer to simply let someone else handle things for them. It is not uncommon for the adult child of an older person to seek the assistance of a DMM if the child does not feel they have the time or ability to maintain their parents’ affairs.

If I hire a DMM, do I still need an accountant, lawyer or social worker? A DMM does not take the place of professionals in the accounting, investment, or social service fields; rather, their work complements the work of other professionals by facilitating the completion of the day-to-day tasks rather than determining long-term plans.

For example, a DMM, by organizing and maintaining accurate financial records for a client, can easily compile the necessary documents for tax preparation by an accountant. When the accountant has prepared the required tax returns, the DMM makes sure they are correctly signed, that the appropriate checks are attached, and that returns are mailed on time. Unless your DMM happens to have separate professional credentials in other fields, he or she should not be offering you legal, investment or tax advice. However, a good DMM should be able to recognize pertinent issues and refer you to professionals and organizations qualified to provide the other services you may need.

What types of tasks will a DMM handle? The expertise of DMMs covers a broad range of tasks, and the actual work they do depends on client need. However, the scope of a DMM’s work generally includes the following: • Bill-paying, including calls to payees regarding incorrect bills and preparation of checks for clients to sign • Balancing checkbooks and maintaining organization of bank records • Preparing and delivering bank deposits • Organizing tax documents and other paperwork • Negotiating with creditors • Deciphering medical insurance papers and verifying proper processing of claims • General organization assistance • Providing referrals to legal tax, and investment professionals Some, but not all, DMMs will also provide additional services, such as: • Notary services • Maintaining home payroll records for use in preparation of payroll tax reports • Transportation to and from appointments • Assistance with arrangements for See MONEY MANAGERS, page 50

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6


Protect yourself against scams, disputes The Consumer Federation of America you can file a written complaint with the credand the North America Consumer Protec- it-card issuer. Federal law provides protection that you would not have with tion Investigators issued a recash, checks or debit cards. port in July detailing the leading complaints consumers registered with 33 agencies in Credit and debt 21 states. Prominent among If you are contacted by a them are fraud scams. debt collection firm for an old Susan Grant, director of debt, check first to see if the consumer protection and pristatute of limitations has run vacy at the Consumer Federaout. Each state has statutes tion, stated that some of the that determine the length of newest fraud complaints were time without making payTHE SAVINGS related to solicitations from ments after which the debtor GAME individuals claiming to be has no legal responsibility for By Elliot Raphaelson from the IRS, a utility comparepaying the debt. For example, if your state ny, a technical support operation, and even the victim’s employer. Un- has a five-year limit, and you haven’t made fortunately, scammers have been able to il- a payment for at least five years, you can’t legally get personal information from com- be forced to initiate payments. Debt collecpany databases and use it to initiate fraud. tion companies are not legally required to Grant recommended that whenever you provide this information to you. Learn are asked to immediately send money, or what the limit is in your state. are asked for information from someone If you fall behind in your mortgage paywho should already have it, it is a sign of ments for a reason such as illness or unemfraud, and you should not comply without ployment, and are in danger of foreclosure, investigating first. determine if you are eligible for loan modiThe report recommended that con- fication, which would reduce your monthly sumers take these precautions and actions payment. Find more information at to protect themselves from the most com- mon conflicts and scams. scam.shtml.

Utilities There has been a large number of new complaints from individuals who have been contacted by individuals posing as electric company employees threatening to shut off power because of “overdue” bills, and asking that immediate payments be made by prepaid cards or money transfers. In this situation, you should hang up and call the utility to report the scam.

Immigration There have been many reports of individuals offering prepaid immigration services. Only licensed attorneys or nonprofits authorized by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can represent parties or provide legal advice. More information is available at, or 1-800-375-5283. Elliot Raphaelson welcomes your questions and comments at © 2016, Elliot Raphaelson. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Prize or inheritance notifications Auto repairs Before you agree to have work done, determine whether the facility uses technicians certified by the nonprofit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). Go to for more information and a handy shop locator for service providers certified by the institute. If you run into a problem due to uncertified technicians, you can go to a local agency that enforces county, state and federal consumer laws for assistance. It is always a good idea to use a credit card for any large expenditure. That way, if you are dissatisfied with any product or service,

If you receive an email informing you of a prize or inheritance that requires a frontend payment on your part, it is almost surely a fraud. You would receive a certified letter if it were legitimate.

IRS imposters If you receive any phone calls or emails from someone telling you they represent the IRS, you can be certain it is a fraud. The IRS does not contact taxpayers by email, text messages or social media. Nor does the IRS call taxpayers with threats of lawsuits or arrest. If you do receive such correspondence or calls, report them to

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Sept. 12

Senior High.


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Vienna Parks & Recreation presents “Getting Fiscally Fit” on Monday, Sept. 12 from 10 to 11 a.m. This free talk will explore the process of financial planning and cash management with Greg Bernhard, CFP, of Plum Tree Financial Inc. Learn how to develop your own action steps to financial freedom. This talk will be at Vienna Parks & Recreation, 262-M Cedar Lane, Unit #10 in Vienna, Va. For more information or to register, call (703) 255-7801. ©2016 Integrace. All rights reserved.

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Money managers

and state withholding and FICA taxes

From page 48

Where do I find a DMM in my area?

moving from one’s home to a retirement community or nursing facility • Acting as power-of-attorney or representative payee for Medicare • Preparation of payroll checks for home employees, including calculation of Federal

You can seek DMM referrals from many sources, but you should first try to get a referral from someone you know and trust. Friends, relatives, lawyers, doctors, accountants, social workers and residen-

tial community directors may be able to provide you with the name of a DMM. If not, contact your local Area Agency on Aging, senior center, church or government social service agency. You can also check the American Association of Daily Money Managers’ member list at or call the association at (814) 357-9191.

What will the services of a DMM cost and what are the common billing methods? Most DMMs charge for their services on an hourly basis, with rates varying with geographic areas. In the Greater Washington area, the rate typically ranges from $75 to $120 per hour. In addition to the hourly rates, most DMMs charge for their travel time and for out-of-pocket expenses such as postage stamps provided to their clients and long distance charges for calls made on a client’s behalf.


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Some DMMs request payment at the time of service; others bill on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. Some local governments offer reduced-fee or free services to low-income residents.

Will I be giving up my independence if I hire a DMM? On the contrary, the assistance of a DMM is often the piece of life’s puzzle which allows many seniors to avoid guardianship or complete loss of independence. If you find that you are late in paying bills or do not understand certain financial forms that come in the mail, your family might pressure you to move out of your home or turn over your affairs to a legal representative. Often times, a twice-monthly visit from a DMM will allow you to keep your finances under your own control, with the DMM helping you to keep on track and to avoid errors which may have raised the concern of loved ones. The involvement of an outsider in personal financial affairs may be too intimidating for some, but most clients of DMMs find that once they have established a relationship with their DMM, they don’t know how they survived without one. Excerpted with permission from the American Association of Daily Money Mangers’ website,


Sept. 20



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PET-FRIENDLY Call the community nearest you to inquire about eligibility requirements and to arrange a personal tour or email Professionally managed by The Shelter Group.


The Montgomery County Women’s Aging Alliance presents a free seminar, “How to protect yourself against telephone and personal senior financial scams,” on Tuesday, Sept. 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. Speakers include Morton Davis and Herman Cohen from Montgomery County Police Dept.’s Keeping Seniors Safe (KSS). This talk will take place at Ring House, located at 1801 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, Md. For more information, call (240) 7735625.

Sept. 19


Friendship Club presents “Estate Planning for Your Future” with estate planner and elder law attorney Mindy Felinton on Monday, Sept. 19 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The lecture will address Medicare and Medicaid benefits, continuing care expenses and long-term care insurance. The talk will take place at Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church, 6601 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, Md. Free, but space is limited. RSVP requested. For more information or to RSVP, contact Debbie Dyer at (301) 469-0070 or

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon

A special supplement to The Beacon newspaper


What to expect at the PostAcute Care Center at the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington: personalized therapy, positive outcomes. Read a success story on page 4.

September 2016/No. 42

ElderSAFE Program Manager KerryAnn Aleibar, LCSW-C, and Center Director Tovah Kasdin, JD

ElderSAFE takes lead in community response to elder abuse; draws on campus capabilities Charles E. Smith Life Communities is one of the largest, most respected not-for-profit elder care organizations in the nation. Two years ago, that position acquired an added dimension. With eyes open to the societal crisis of elder abuse, locally and nationally, we established the ElderSAFE™ Center, an ambitious program that provides safe, temporary shelter and advocacy for abused and neglected older adults throughout MD, DC, and Northern Virginia. ElderSAFE is a natural extension of our mission. With it, we strive to educate the broader community about elder abuse and exploitation in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, financial, and neglect. Today we are preparing to celebrate the Center’s second anniversary. “I’m thrilled to see the steady growth of this undertaking,” said Tovah Kasdin, JD, director of ElderSAFE. “Starting from ground zero, ElderSAFE’s program manager KerryAnn Aleibar and I have worked hard, with the commitment of our Board of Governors, including ElderSAFE Advisory Council chair Andy Friedlander, senior leadership, and community partners, to create a model shelter program for elder abuse prevention and response. Looking forward, we have more bold initiatives on the drawing board.”

ElderSAFE has garnered praise and commendations for educating diverse professionals about the nature and scope of elder abuse and about ways to formulate strategies for victim assistance. In addition to creating a CEU-certified education program for hospital social workers, we hold seminars for: • Financial professionals working with older adults experiencing cognitive decline • Domestic violence professionals • Adult Protective Services • Family caregivers and home healthcare agencies • Faith leaders • Senior centers • Local nonprofits ElderSAFE extends its reach throughout North America, presenting workshops and keynotes at state and national conferences. In April 2017, the Center will host the National SPRiNG Alliance Symposium on our campus, inviting leaders of older adult shelters to gather here to review best practices for intervention. Debbie Feinstein, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney and chief of the Special Victims Division in Montgomery County notes that “as our region’s population of seniors continues to grow, a resource such as the ElderSAFE Center is essential to those of us who are first responders to cases of elder abuse.” The Center accepts referrals from community agencies and programs at our Helpline: 301.816.5099. Learn more at n

At its inception, ElderSAFE lined up a Community Coalition to coordinate an operational plan of approach throughout the region. Its members include: • Catholic Charities Legal Network of the Archdiocese of Washington • Holy Cross Hospital • Jewish Council for the Aging • Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse • Jewish Social Service Agency • Montgomery County Adult Protective Services • Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services • Montgomery County Police, Elder Abuse Unit • Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office • Suburban Hospital/Johns Hopkins Medicine

Inside this issue


Ring House author’s story starts over breakfast


Charitable IRA Rollover – benefits & impact


It’s a gut feeling – insights from Robert Singer, MD


2016/2017 High Holidays, on our campus



S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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To remain healthy and independent, older adults need convenient access to quality medical care and rehabilitative services uniquely focused on their needs. At the Hirsh Health Center—a medical outpatient practice that specializes in primary geriatric care—our physicians, ever mindful of individual preferences, offer treatment with respect, empathy, and compassion. We welcome patients from the surrounding area. Please call 301.816.5004 to schedule your first appointment.

On our campus Mollee Kruger takes novel approach to retirement living

Join us

for a Bagel


Sunday, September 25 Featuring an engaging panel presentation

Making the Most of Your Doctor Visit Panelists:

Elisa Gil-Pires, MD VP of Medical Affairs/Medical Director Charles E. Smith Life Communities

Susy Elder Murphy, BA, CMC Owner Debra Levy Eldercare Associates

Mary Anne Hardy, MPH, RN Owner Montgomery Health Advocates, LLC

Moderated by: B ruce J. Lederman, JD Senior VP/Chief Operating Officer Charles E. Smith Life Communities

9:30 a.m. Brunch | 10:00 a.m. Program Hebrew Home | Wasserman Residence 6121 Montrose Road | Rockville, MD 20852 REGISTER: | 301.770.8409 This free program is offered in appreciation of your support | Dietary laws observed Ample free parking | No solicitation of funds. Please consider a donation of $18 at registration.

Inspiration is all around us. Nobody knows that better than Ring House resident Mollee Kruger, 87, a prize-winning author, journalist, poet, editor, and humorist. She says she began writing her latest book and first novel, The Swift Seasons, the day she and her late husband moved into the independent living community in 2008. She quickly discovered that a retirement community provided the perfect setting for exploring the fears and foibles of aging in a humorous and insightful way. Kruger is quick to note, however, that The Swift Seasons is a work of fiction – and not set in Ring House. “The characters are composites based on fellow residents, lifelong acquaintances, and even eccentric relatives,” she says. The story centers around recently-widowed Willow Warsaw, a retirement home resident who spends her days reading the poetry and ruminations of Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. in his 1858 book The Autocrat of the BreakfastTable. She avoids the chatter at her own communal breakfast table – until the arrival of Eric Revelle, a retired opera singer who motivates Willow to reexamine her approach to life and those around her. During the 75 years since her first published poem, Mollee “I liked the way Holmes Kruger has penned eight books, including a 2010 memoir, used mealtime as a literary The Cobbler’s Last. hat rack for displaying the intellectual and humorous remarks of his characters,” Kruger says in describing the shaping of her narrative. “It occurred to me that Holmes, in the nineteenth century, tackled many of the same problems of growing old that Americans still experience in the twenty-first century.” Kruger dedicates The Swift Seasons “to the children, grandchildren, and dear friends of the elderly everywhere and to the devoted professionals, caregivers, and volunteers who touch their lives.” n

Residents, families, and the community are invited to a

Book and Author event!

Sunday, September 11 | 2:00-4:00 p.m. | Ring House

featuring Mollee Kruger Register and learn more at

Page 2 | June 2016

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon


Bethesda Magazine’s 2016 “Best of Bethesda” Readers’ Poll is now live! Make sure to VOTE for Charles E. Smith Life Communities as the Best Senior Living Community. Go to to cast your vote. We appreciate your support!

Gift planning with impact What the Charitable IRA Rollover means for you The IRA Charitable Rollover provision allows individuals who have reached age 70½ to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations such as Charles E. Smith Life Communities (CESLC) directly from their IRA, without treating the distribution as taxable income. It is a way for someone of that age or older to make a major gift, fulfill an existing pledge, or make an annual gift to our Guardian Campaign. Elana Lippa, director of Gift Planning

How can this help me? The US government requires everyone who has reached age 70½ and has an IRA to begin taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) annually, based on a sliding scale published by the IRS. These distributions are taxed as ordinary income. If you don’t need some or all of your distribution, you can instead direct it to a 501(c)(3) charity, CESLC being one example. When this happens, the gift amount made via IRA rollover would not be recognized as part of your taxable income. Is there a limit on the gift amount? Yes. Currently, the amount that can be given to charity in this way is set at $100,000 annually. However, a couple can give up to $200,000 annually if $100,000 comes from each spouse’s IRA account.


It gives me great satisfaction to help residents at Charles E. Smith Life Communities live life to the fullest. I appreciate that I can do this thanks to the IRA Charitable Rollover Gift provision, which allows me to donate all or a portion of my required distribution (as I choose) to CESLC without treating the distribution as taxable income. I’m delighted that I can support an organization that does so much to meet the needs of older adults with exceptional compassion.


– Geraldine Fogel Pilzer, donor

Remember always to consult your tax adviser regarding your particular circumstances. To learn more about how you can support the older adults served by Charles E. Smith Life Communities, contact Elana Lippa, director of Gift Planning, at or 301.770.8342. n

West Campus is alive with the sound of music!

Can a gift be made to any charity? No. At this time, donor-advised funds, supporting organizations, and private foundations are excluded. Our organization is a qualified charity and can accept IRA Rollover gifts. If I use the IRA provision to make a gift to Charles E. Smith Life Communities, who will benefit? Unless you otherwise designate your gift to a particular program or residence, your IRA rollover gift will be used to meet the most pressing needs of our organization. Every year, we rely on such gifts to provide nearly $2 million in uncompensated or undercompensated care to the most vulnerable seniors in the Hebrew Home. Can I use my IRA to create a life-income gift such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust? Yes, you can use your required minimum distributions to fund a life income gift, but as of August 2016, doing so will not avoid recognizing them as income. There is a bill before Congress, the Legacy IRA bill, which may make it more tax advantageous, and we’ll be sure to let you know when it passes. Until then, you can make rollover distributions as we’ve discussed here, and you can always designate Charles E. Smith Life Communities as a beneficiary of any plan or policy.

Musician-in-Residence Lauren Latessa encourages musical passion on West Campus with considerable success. Pearl Krepchin, seated left, and Sylvia Haynes, both pianists, planned and played all of the music for the Ring House July 4th celebration; they’re currently in practice mode for fall performances. Also in the fall, Dr. Boyd Burris, a retired physician and psychiatrist, is ambitiously organizing a CESLC Robert and Clara Schumann Music Festival. Lastly, Latessa is starting a Ring House resident chorus focusing on Jewish and Israeli music.

LifeTimes | Page 3


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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Personalized therapy. Positive outcomes. At the Post-Acute Care Center at the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, we modify every patient’s unique treatment plan with the goal of boosting functional independence and ensuring a safe return home. Call 301.770.8476 or visit www.smithlifecommunities to learn more.

A bold initiative CESLC medical director takes on a new role We are pleased to announce that VP, Medical Affairs/Medical Director Elisa Gil-Pires, MD, FACP, CMD, has been named Site Director at Charles E. Smith Life Communities for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship, a program that launches in December 2016. Board certified in Palliative Care and Hospice, Gil-Pires was selected for this key position based on reviews of her performance in heading up a multidisciplinary group that provides enhanced palliative care services to Hebrew Home residents and outpatients at the Hirsh Health Center. Prior to joining our staff in late 2013, she was chief of the Palliative Care Department at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut. “Because I have this specialty training that so few doctors have, I want to be able to share it and teach what I have learned to as many future doctors as possible,” Elisa Gil-Pires, MD Gil-Pires said. CESLC will accept and train two NIH fellows per year. They will each spend one month with Gil-Pires and three of our other full-time physicians to learn first-hand about administering palliative care medicine in a long-term care setting. Gil-Pires will provide the formal instruction; the opportunity to observe its practical application will come from accompanying Loren Wilkerson, MD, Robert Singer, MD, and Mina Fazli, MD, on rounds at We get to make a various Hebrew Home units. difference in the training The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), medical and education of future associations, and top government palliative care doctors officials have identified a nationwide gap between the need for palliative and hopefully inspire services to aging and terminally ill more doctors to pursue patients and the number of available this most rewarding medical providers with credentials in this specialty. specialty. According to NIH Clinical Center Associate Program Director — Elisa Gil-Pires, MD, VP, M. Jennifer Cheng, MD, fellows “will Medical Affairs/Medical Director receive broad, practical experience in palliative medicine and hospice care. [They will] gain expertise as they provide consultations for medical, psychological, and spiritual concerns and coordinate team-based, holistic, and integrative approaches.” In addition, she adds, “Trainees will encounter patients with common and rare diseases from all walks of life, and in both research and community settings.” To learn more, please call 301.770.8371. n



Page 4 | September 2016

Rehab Success: Putting pain in the past Until Ralph E. Schofer, 85, experienced the distress of spinal stenosis—a narrowing of the open spaces within the spine that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves—the retired civil engineer, respected urban transportation expert, and former president and chairman of the board of Washington’s Harvard Business School Club was an able enthusiast on the tennis court and golf course. Enjoying a level of year-round physical activity uncommon for members of his age group, it became disheartening to find himself suddenly limited by back and leg pain. With non-surgical treatments failing and pain reaching a crisis point, an operation seemed to be Schofer’s only solution. In late spring of this year, he underwent delicate spinal surgery at Suburban Hospital, and then transferred to the Post-Acute Care Center at the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington to recuperate. The center’s staff of skilled physical and occupational clinicians met with our on-site interdisciplinary medical team to evaluate Schofer’s status and develop an individualized treatment strategy. Then the work began. Schofer came to the Elsie & Marvin Dekelboum Therapy Center daily for an

While recovering from surgery in the Post-Acute Care Center on campus, Ralph E. Schofer was recognized for his service in the United States Air Force (1955-1957) in a special ceremony.

intensive regime of exercise designed to restore gait, increase muscle strength, stability, and range of joint motion, and to improve full-body mobility. Throughout this period, his physician and nursing team worked closely to manage his pain by administering medication prior to every session, thus enabling him to participate as fully as possible. As he progressed toward functional independence, our clinicians educated Schofer and his caregivers about the importance of full compliance with post-operative care. “They’ve done a spectacular job,” Schofer stated, filled with praise for the professional treatment he received. Before returning home, Schofer literally rose to the occasion to attend a special ceremony organized in his honor on July 16 at the Hebrew Home by Bob Rossi, Marine Corps League past commandant and historian of the Sgt. John Franklin Hettchen Detachment 1428 in Rockville. With friends, family, and residents in attendance, he was presented with a framed award inscribed as follows: “This certificate is presented on behalf of a grateful nation to First Lieutenant Ralph E. Schofer in appreciation of his service in the United States Air Force from 1955 through 1957.” For more information about our orthopedic rehabilitation services and how personalized therapy leads to positive outcomes, please contact us today at 301.770.8476. n



Say you saw it in the Beacon


Sunday, September 18, 2016 | Rockville, MD Race proceeds benefit Charles E. Smith Life Communities. Founded as the Hebrew Home for the Aged in 1910, CESLC is the largest senior services provider in our region offering long-term care, post-acute rehabilitation, independent living, assisted living, memory care, and shelter and advocacy to safeguard seniors from elder abuse.

Join the Fleet Feet training program. Information at

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Sharing our expertise


One of the safest, most effective products available is the over-thecounter product polyethylene glycol (MiraLAX®). MiraLAX® is so safe, it can even be used in newborn babies! It is not a laxative as it does not stimulate the bowel, and is not fiber; it is a lubricant, and thus helps material move more easily. We usually start with one scoop, or 17 grams, in liquid daily. This can be increased or decreased as needed.


It’s a gut feeling: Q&A with Robert Singer, MD This article is part of a series that highlights the range of medical expertise available to residents on campus and at the Hirsh Health Center, which welcomes patients from the community.


For individuals taking pain medication, such as opiates, constipation is a typical and common side effect. MiraLAX® can help, but often they need a stimulant as well, and senna, an herbal stimulant in such products as Senokot®, can provide the extra push they need to stay regular.

Why should we care about G.I. health?

Gastro-intestinal (G.I.) health is absolutely essential for overall wellbeing, and important for everyone, young or old! Unfortunately, the modern diet has changed to include more processed foods and less fiber, producing consequences ranging from simple discomfort to any number of more serious conditions. To add insult to injury, sometimes many of us, regardless of age, feel reticent or even embarrassed to discuss problems of this kind even with our doctor.



What else can help move things along?


Any additional G.I. advice to share?

Remember: Daily walking, increasing fiber in the diet, and extra liquids can promote regularity and good bowel health. Also, be sure to consult with a personal physician about any uncomfortable symptoms or if you are considering making changes to dietary habits. n


Dr. Robert E. Singer is a staff physician at Charles E. Smith Life Communities with 35 years of experience. Board certified in Geriatric Medicine and Family Medicine, Singer is a graduate of the Six-Year Medical Honors Program at Boston University School of Medicine; he served as chief resident in Family Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. In 2015, he left his position at Massachusetts General Hospital, Everett Family Care, to move closer to family in Rockville.

What exactly is fiber—and how does it work?

Fiber is the part of food that is not absorbed into the body, but picks up water in the gut and acts as a kind of plunger to clean out the digestive track. It comes in the form of whole grains, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, and fiber supplements such as psyllium (Metamucil®), methylcellulose (Citrucel®), and wheat dextrin (Benefiber®).


Fiber stretches the bowel, which then reflexively kicks back and material passes along smoothly as nature intended. In general, with a healthy amount of fiber and fluids, most people will have a regular bowel movement, even with occasional variation in frequency, from several times a day to every few days.


Are fiber and water alone enough for optimal intestinal function?

No. In general, motion is also required. That is why walking is so helpful; the gravitational pull with each step helps to activate your entire system. If you are not exercising as much as you used to, or are unable to walk, then additional help may be needed to keep your belly operating efficiently.


Thanks to the generosity of Schreiber Translations, Inc., the ElderSAFE brochure is now available in these 01.816.5 languages: Spanish, French, Chinese (traditional), 3Korean, 099 Vietnamese, Amharic, and Russian. www.eld





To obtain copies, visit or call 301.816.5099


Remember: Daily walking, increasing fiber in the

diet, and extra liquids can promote regularity and good


bowel health.

— Robert Singer, MD


What is el

Elder abus e is the mi streatmen one or mo t of older re of the adults in following n PH ways: YSICAL: Us e of force (su pushing) ca ch as hit using pain, harm, or ph ting or inappropr iate use of ysical injur y; medication or physica s l restraint s. n SE XUAL: An y type of non-conse sexual co nsual ntact. n PS YCHOLO GICAL: Mi affects em streatmen otional or t that mental he intimidatio alth, includ n, threats, ing: harassmen belittlemen t, humiliat t, or isolat ion, ion. n NE GLECT: W illful depr ivation of including food, clothi basic need ng, shelter, s, personal medicine, hygiene. or n FIN ANCIAL EXPLOITA older adult TION: Mi suse of the ’s money, proper ty, or resource s.

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Community Minyan We warmly invite members of the community to worship with residents the second Thursday of each month at a Community Minyan. Services take place 3:30 p.m. in the Sam and Minnie Feldman Synagogue, Wasserman Residence, Charles E. Smith Life Communities. Light refreshments follow the service. Questions: 301.770.8329

People in the news When award-winning SwedishAmerican violinist Henrik NaimarkMeyers, 27, made his soloist debut in the U.S., he insisted on adding to his schedule a free concert for older adults on our campus. Revitz House quickly converted its social hall into a music venue to accommodate a packed audience. As the room darkened

2016 • High Holidays • 5777

and voices hushed, Naimark-Meyers performed an exquisite program titled A Civilization Lost, featuring selections by Stenhammar, Mozart, Karkoff, Bloch, and Franck. Following a standing ovation, Revitz residents Norma Courlang, front left, and Lila Newman rushed to congratulate the artist and his accompanist, Frank Conlon.

Rabbi James Michaels, director of Pastoral Care at Charles E. Smith Life Communities, is gearing up for a busy and meaningful High Holiday season. He has assembled an accomplished team to assist him in leading Jewish religious services across six residences starting Sunday, October 2, when we welcome Rosh Hashanah. A full schedule of services will be posted on by midSeptember. Family members and members of the community are welcome to attend. To volunteer, or for more information, call Amanda at 301.770.8329. Rabbi Michaels, right, and Cantor Jeff Moss, below, will conduct traditional services at the Wasserman Residence.

Rabbi Seymour Rossel will conduct Reform services at the Wasserman Residence.

Yonina Foster, right, will lead services at Cohen-Rosen House.

The family of Sylvia Kay Greenberg treated 75 residents from across the CESLC campus, representing the Hebrew Home, Ring House, Revitz House, Cohen-Rosen House, and Landow House, to an afternoon at Woodmont Country Club.

Greenberg’s mother, Minnie Kay, started this luncheon tradition decades ago, and it remains a wonderful summer highlight. We know Revitz residents Rosina Ramon, Myrna Rosenthal, and Sybil Gass were happy to be part of the festivities.

Sabrina Sojourner, right, will lead services at Revitz House.

Leading services, left to right: Shirley Waxman and Cantor Joel Bressler at the Smith-Kogod Residence, Rabbi David Abramson at Landow House, and Rabbi Mark Raphael at Ring House. Page 6 | September 2016



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You don’t have to go all the way to Rio to celebrate perfection! Landow House and Cohen-Rosen House have proudly reported recent survey results from state regulators that confirm all services provided at our assisted living residences meet or exceed every state and federal standard. “It’s testament to the dedication and hard work of the entire team, and exemplifies our CESLC value of Derech Eretz, fulfilling our mission through service excellence,” says Housing Administrator Kyle Hreben. Learn about our residences at www.

Quality services In our mailbox I am writing about the excellent care given to my mother, Gertrude, on 4 West at the Hebrew Home, during the last weeks of her life. She passed away at age 98, and throughout this process the staff took great effort—and showed great skill and compassion—to help my mother and her family deal with her dying. Of special note was Jerusalem, a nurse on the floor, who was so kind, insightful, and competent in caring for my mom (and for us), and we all felt that Jerusalem is a shining example of nursing care at its best. She made all of the difference in this experience, and we are indebted to her for the wonderful way she helped my mom and us go through the last weeks of her life. We can’t say enough about all of the thoughtful and personal efforts that Jerusalem extended to us—and she should be highly commended by the Hebrew Home for the exemplary way she serves the residents and their families in their times of need. We also wish to highlight and thank Rabbi Meyer for his thoughtfulness in conducting a warm and personal memorial service for my Mom on very short notice—and for the kind attention he gave to my dad, who also is a resident on 4 West at age 99. The rabbi handled my father’s grief and limited coping skills with great compassion. Thanks again, Ron, son of Hebrew Home residents Gertrude and Joseph

Yahrzeit is a Yiddish word meaning “time of year.” In Jewish tradition, it is the anniversary of the death of a relative, commemorated by the recitation of Kaddish, the mourner’s prayer. At Charles E. Smith Life Communities, you can honor the memory of your loved one by purchasing an engraved yahrzeit plaque for the tranquil Meditation Alcove located in the Wasserman Residence. Benefits of this gift include an annual written reminder of the approaching date and an assurance that the name of the deceased will always be read on the yahrzeit at daily services. Learn more by calling Elana Lippa, director, Gift Planning, at 301.770.8342. n

Joseph B. Hoffman, Chair Warren R. Slavin, President/CEO Abbey S. Fagin, V P, Development and Public Affairs Hannah Buchdahl, Assoc. Director, Communication Emily L. Tipermas, L ifeTimes Editor © 2016 by Hebrew Home of Greater Washington 6121 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852 Contact us: 301.770.8448

LifeTimes is published quarterly by the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, Inc., dba Charles E. Smith Life Communities. The Hebrew Home is a registered charity in Maryland and Virginia. A copy of the Home’s financial statement is available from the Maryland Secretary of State or the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs. We are an equal opportunity employer and we provide access to community programs without regard to race, age, national origin, familial status, religion, sex, or disability. Our services and programs are open to all in the community.

Support us through a gift to United Way

2016 Guardian Campaign Charles E. Smith Life Communities (CESLC) is continually raising the bar of excellence in everything we do, placing us at the forefront of not-for-profit elder care organizations in the region. Since its founding in 1910 as the Hebrew Home for the Aged, the support of the community has ensured CESLC’s continuum of outstanding services for residents, patients, and their families. We are dedicated to promoting the dignity of each individual and inspired by Jewish values to provide compassionate, loving care. CESLC kicks off its 58th annual Guardian Campaign this September by turning once again to new and long-time generous individuals, families, and businesses for essential support. Funds raised will allow us to provide services to the most needy and vulnerable older adults in our area, provide advocacy and temporary shelter to victims of elder abuse, and deliver programs that make the Hebrew Home and other residences of Charles E. Smith Life Communities uniquely Jewish and superior in quality. Loyal and committed philanthropic support enables us to fulfill our mission each and every day. To learn how to make a donation or become involved in the Guardian Campaign, contact Lauren Fielding, director, Annual Giving, at 301.816.7746. n Look no further than the Marilyn J. Feldman Archives for historical records, photos, letters, and sundry memorabilia documenting the history of the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington and Charles E. Smith Life Communities. Fastidiously organized and maintained by Marilyn Feldman for decades prior to her June 2016 retirement, we aptly named this repository of priceless information in her honor. Call 301.770.8371 to learn more.

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Our calendar

Day at Ring House 15 Game Mah Jongg, Bridge, Canasta, Scrabble, and more 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. | Lunch at noon, $5 1801 E. Jefferson Street, Rockville Free transportation from Leisure World departing at 9:30 a.m. RSVP required by Sept. 13. Call Jill: 301.816.5052

HOMERUN 10k, 5k, One Mile, and Fun Run

Speaker and author Jennifer Fitzpatrick will discuss Utilizing Validation & Therapeutic Fibbing in Dementia Care. The first 50 RSVPs who attend will receive a free copy of Fitzpatrick’s new guide, Cruising Through Caregiving: Reducing The Stress Of Caring For Your Loved One.

Buffet dinner: 5:30 p.m. | Program: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Landow House Theater | Rockville

RSVP at: 301.816.5052 or


OTHER EVENTS 1st Sunday of the month — Jewish War Veterans Meeting 10:00 a.m. | Ring House, Rockville Veterans and interested persons welcome.

Rosh Hashanah Begins at sunset.

Kippur 11 Yom Begins at sunset.



Monday, November 14

Brunch 25 Bagel Topic: Make the Most of Your Doctor Visit




Remember This

to participate or volunteer. Enjoy our post-race party. 8:30 a.m. | Federal Plaza, Rockville Registration:

Featuring Elisa Gil-Pires, MD, on a panel moderated by Bruce Lederman. 9:30 a.m. | Wasserman Residence, Rockville Registration:


Don’t miss this special November 14 event!

Home Run: 10K, 5K, One Mile, and Fun Run 18 The Bring family and friends to support CESLC by registering THE

201 6

President’s Circle Dinner Smithsonian National Postal Museum Join donors of $6,000+ during 2016 for our annual dinner. Note: Donors of $2,500-$5,999 who are 50 or younger are eligible to attend this year. Info: 301.770.8409



Book & Author Event – featuring Mollee Kruger Residents, family members, and guests from the community are invited to hear a discussion of Kruger’s new book, The Swift Seasons. 2:00-4:00 p.m. | Ring House Social Hall, Rockville Registration:



Savthee Date






Clergy Seminar Rabbi James Michaels hosts local clergy for a luncheon seminar on the topic of Comforting Those with Chronic Illness 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. | Wasserman Residence, Rockville

2nd Monday of the month — Family Caregiver Support Group Presented jointly by Ring House and JSSA Senior Services. Free, open to the community | Noon –1:30 p.m. | Ring House, Rockville Call 301.816.2635 2nd Thursday of the month — Community Minyan Community invited to worship with residents | All are welcome! 3:30 p.m. | Feldman Family Synagogue, Wasserman Residence, Rockville Join residents, families, and community members in a monthly religious service. Refreshments and an opportunity to engage with Hebrew Home residents follow.

Online now at • Registration for all events • Career opportunities • Volunteer opportunities • Upcoming: Schedule of High Holiday services on campus

Contact us: 301.770.8448 | n H ebrew Home Post-Acute Care Center and long-term care 301.770.8476

Page 8 | September 2016

House n Cohen-Rosen 301.816.5050

® Center n ElderSAFE 301.816.5099

n H irsh Health Center 301.816.5004

n L andow House 301.816.5050

n R evitz House 301.770.8450

n Ring House 301.816.5012

To register and learn more about community events, resident programs, and news for families, visit Follow CESLC on:

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

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Leisure &

The sprawling Nemacolin Woodlands Resort includes a fine arts collection, wildlife preserve and 5-star restaurant. See story below.

Enjoy lap of luxury at nearby resorts Luxury accommodations, dining


Naturally, many attractions show up at all three. Begin with accommodations fit for — and historically enjoyed by — presidents, kings and luminaries from other walks of life, such as the Astors, DuPonts and Rockefellers. When feeding royalty, a president or member of high society, the goal is to satisfy palates that are accustomed to the finest in cuisine. Here, too, the challenge is met and exceeded. Formality is the order of the day at the Omni Homestead’s elegant Main Dining Room, decorated with original John Audubon prints, and offering multi-course dinners of “refined continental cuisine” accompanied by dance music. There is also the more contemporary and relaxed Jefferson’s Restaurant, with a sports bar and view of the outdoor spa area, and a number of other venues. Guests at the Greenbrier have a choice of 19 places to dine or grab a bite. Nemacolin offers food options ranging from an old-fashioned ice cream and snack bar to the luxurious Lautrec — one of only 25 restaurants in the world to have simultaneous Forbes Five Star and AAA Five Diamond rankings. The list of other common offerings shared by these esteemed destination resorts continues well beyond food and lodgings. For example, what mega-resort could hold its head high if it doesn’t provide outstanding opportunities for golf on courses laid out by some of the most celebrated designers in the world, including Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer and Pete Dye? Those who prefer to hit a tennis ball will find courts aplenty at the resorts, and guests seeking a soothing treatment in a state-of-the-art spa, or a more energetic experience at a fullservice fitness center, will not be disappointed. The Greenbrier — a venerable resort known for its mineral waters as well as hosting professional golf The list of shared leisure purand tennis tournaments — opened its doors to suits continues. Hiking, biking and 700 displaced residents after West Virginia floodshooting? Check! Indoor and outing in June, building on its history as a 2,000-bed door swimming pools? Of course. hospital during World War II. It has now reopened Archery and fishing? Natch. for resort guests.


By Victor Block We have the good fortune of being within an easy drive of three of the most outstanding resorts in the United States. And each has links to early American history that add a special feel to a visit. The Omni Homestead resort, founded in 1766 and still using pools where our nation’s Founding Fathers frolicked, is nestled in the rolling hills around Hot Springs, Va. The Greenbrier (motto: “America’s resort since 1778”), resides among dense forests that blanket West Virginia’s Allegheny Mountains, and is the home of the formerly top-secret underground bunker meant as a relocation facility for Congress in the event of nuclear war. And Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, which is a modern creation itself, lies in Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands, not far from where chief Nemacolin of the Native American Delaware Nation laid out a much-needed route through Britain’s Maryland and Pennsylvania colonies. Each of these venerable vacation venues offers the extensive array of facilities and choice of activities that guests expect from world-class resorts. At the same time, they keep one foot firmly planted in our nation’s storied past.

Visitors to the Homestead can step back to earlier times by enjoying a carriage ride or partake of the present with a video arcade, among dozens of other activities for those of all ages. The resort, which is celebrating its 250th anniversary, occupies 2,300 acres of the Virginia countryside, abutting George Washington National Forest.

But even that lengthy list is just for starters. There also are unique activities and attributes that help each resort stand out not only from each other, but also in comparison with many other top-notch vacation properties around the country.

At home at the Homestead If visitors to the Homestead’s original 18room lodge in Colonial days could return this year to help the resort celebrate its 250th anniversary, they would come upon a very different scene. The complex now sprawls across some 2,300 acres, and a ski center occupies the location of the original lodge. Other winter activities there include snowboarding, snow tubing and ice skating. In warm weather, there are opportunities for biking, hiking, fishing, swimming, canoeing and horseback riding, to name a few. The Homestead also maintains a particularly beautiful patch of George Washington National Forest, through which guided nature hikes are offered. An expansive fitness center and spa with 28 treatment rooms, and an adults-only “spa garden,” appeal to those seeking to enhance themselves both inside and out. And for those traveling with children or grandchildren, a menu of spa treatments and activities for 5- to 17-year-olds comes in handy.

Speaking of children, a play area offers mini-bowling, air hockey, arcade games and more, including child-favorite snacks like pizza and ice cream. The Homestead KidsClub provides supervised activities for 3- to 12-year-olds to keep them happy while giving adults more free time during the day. Then there’s the two-acre water park called Allegheny Springs, and elements designed for young golfers, including junior tees and special scorecards, as well as a miniature-golf course. There also are some welcome surprises for the adults. If you’ve ever harbored a desire to take part in the centuries-old “sport of kings,” here’s your opportunity. The Homestead, like the Greenbrier, has a falconry facility where adventurous guests may learn to interact with trained falcons, hawks and other birds of prey. Tours of the resort, and in some cases beyond, are available by Segway, hay ride and horse drawn carriage. Those seeking to test their aim (or to learn some new skills) have a choice of archery, paintball, skeet and trap shooting, and a shooting range, with lessons available. Then there are “the waters.” The story goes that Native Americans discovered natural warm mineral springs in the area See RESORTS, page 60


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Resorts From page 59 hundreds of years ago. The Jefferson Pools in which guests soak today got their name after Thomas Jefferson spent three weeks enjoying the mineral baths and relaxing atmosphere of the Homestead. Following his three daily soaks he proclaimed, in typical Jeffersonian prose, that the spring waters were “of the first merit.” Reminders of the Homestead’s colorful past are being recalled throughout 2016 with daily events, as the resort celebrates its 250th anniversary. Activities range from

speakers and concerts, to parties, fireworks and historic menu items. Regularly priced rooms range from $300 to $505 a night in September, but specials can bring the price down as low as $170 a night for a room with one king bed. Call the Omni Homestead at 1-800-8381766 or log onto homestead-virginia.

Guests at the Greenbrier The Greenbrier came into the news in June when torrential rains caused massive flooding in West Virginia. Following the disaster, the facility opened its doors to

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

flood victims, housing and feeding more than 700 people who had nowhere else to stay. Less than three weeks after it was forced to close to vacationers, the resort had moved ahead with repairs and reopened for business. By early August, facilities where guests participate in falconry, laser tag and horseback riding were preparing to spring back into action. Segway tours of the property resumed, the bowling alleys reopened, and the casino was again packed with people trying their luck. Guests seeking to challenge their skills behind a steering wheel headed for the Off-Road Driving course, and plans were being finalized for the fall-to-winter bird hunting season. When Old Man Winter blows in, activities like ice skating and snowmobiling are added to the mix. Wannabe chefs may attend culinary demonstrations to learn step-by-step preparation of dishes they can make at home. Like the Homestead, the Greenbrier has a long history of attracting guests seeking a soothing soak in natural sulphur mineral waters for their health. But far beyond that, the Greenbrier Clinic has been practicing diagnostic medicine since 1948, and in 2014 was expanded to include a full-service MedSpa and Plastic Surgery Center. The facility offers a range of beauty, dermatological and other services. Other unique claims to fame include hosting professional golf and tennis tournaments, the New Orleans Saints football training camp, and other special events. Rooms range from $238 to $438 a night in September. Log onto or call 1-855-453-4858 for information.

Artistic Nemacolin The property that now includes the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort was pur-

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chased at auction in 1987 by Joseph A. Hardy III, the owner of a profitable lumber company, who immediately set about upgrading and expanding the 12-room inn situated there. Since then, it has evolved into a first-class full-service resort — and then some. In addition to the usual features, the property reflects the refined taste and whimsical sense of humor of Joe Hardy and, more recently, of his daughter Maggie Hardy Magerko, who has taken over its management. One example is a diverse collection of fine art — consisting of about 1,000 pieces valued at $45 million — that have been gathered over three decades as Hardy purchased items that struck his fancy. As a result, the buildings and grounds resemble a gallery and sculpture garden, with something beautiful or humorous, sophisticated or sassy around every turn, down every hall, and sprinkled throughout the grounds. The treasures also include a museumworth of original Tiffany lamps and Baccarat chandeliers, an extensive seashell and fossil collection, and displays of antique automobiles and airplanes. So varied and extensive is the horde that the resort recently hired a curator who, among other things, leads art tours. Another unusual collection is a zoo’s worth of animals that call Nemacolin’s Wildlife Academy home. Close to 100 species of wildlife reside in large natural settings on the resort grounds. The menagerie ranges from plebian types like sheep, donkeys and miniature longhorn cattle, to more exotic residents including African lion, Bengal and white tigers, and endangered Iranian red sheep. Along with viewing wildlife, guests may opt for a wild and wet off-road driving experience. After a hands-on tutorial in a specially built Jeep Rubicon, my wife and I See RESORTS, page 61

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6


The Caribbean’s spicy island of Grenada By Victor Block There’s no denying that Grenada, like other Caribbean islands, has the requisite white sand beaches lapped by crystal clear waters. Or that the modest pastel-painted houses in which most people live provide a storybook setting. But the Isle of Spice, as it’s known, also boasts a unique quality that sets it apart from other islands in the region. This realization springs from the smiles and giggles of children bathing beneath a spigot outside their modest, brightly painted frame house. And from the odor of spices that permeates the clear air throughout the island. A visit to Grenada provides as much an immersion in a lifestyle as an introduction to a destination. More than the beautiful beaches, surpassing picture-perfect towns, the most memorable experiences involve interaction with the people of this compact dot of land on the Caribbean map.

U.S. restored democracy Grenada’s geography and history fit naturally into this theme. Measuring about 12 by 21 miles, the island is large enough to offer diversions and diversity, yet small enough so visitors may take in all there is to do and see within a short drive. The major historical event of interest to

Resorts From page 60 steered the vehicle along rugged trails, over massive rocks that tilted us to neartipping angles, and through mud holes so deep that sludge oozed into the vehicle. Our instructor was not exaggerating when he said, “At times you may be going

travelers from the United States is the military force sent by President Reagan that restored democracy to the island in 1983, following several years of Marxist rule brought about by an earlier coup. The intervention led by American troops accounts in part for the hospitable greeting offered to visitors from the U.S. The anniversary of the invasion, known as Thanksgiving Day, is a national holiday in Grenada. One sign of the reaction of Grenadians is a hand-painted message on a cinderblock building that overlooks a busy intersection. It reads: “Thank you USA for liberating us.” Previous visitors to Grenada were not always so welcome. The fierce Carib Indians, who dominated the island for almost 1,000 years, drove out early British and French settlers during the 17th century. After a French force later overcame the Caribs, the island remained under France’s control until 1762, when it was captured by the British.

The local economy Following a period when sugar cane was the underpinning of the economy, nutmeg was introduced into the welcoming climatic conditions. Today nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and other seasonings are

only five miles an hour, but they’ll be the most exciting five miles you’ll ever drive.” Rates at Nemacolin start at $227 a night, but for a real splurge, consider the $2,000 a night Presidential Suite, which features two bedrooms and two and one-half baths on the Club Level. For information and reservations, call 1-866344-6957 or log onto

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grown by small landowners who bring their crops to processing stations for preparation and shipment. Standing outside the nutmeg plant in the town of Gouyave (pronounced Gwave), I was immersed in a typical island scene. A goat strolled by, ignored by chickens scratching in the dirt. A sow munched on a banana skin as her litter drank their lunch. Spotting several street vendors hawking their wares beneath a “No vendors allowed here” sign, I strolled over to examine the trinkets on their tiny makeshift tables. My inquiries about prices led to a discussion of my impressions about Grenada — and an invitation to lunch at the home of a grandmotherly woman. Similar incidents provided the most

vivid and pleasant memories of Grenada. I chatted with children bathing beneath a sidewalk spigot, and women doing their wash in a stream. I watched men playing dominoes slap their tiles on the table in a triumphant, if noisy, display of victory. During drives over mountains that run down the center of the island like a spine, men and women tending vegetable gardens planted on terrain so steep it’s a wonder they could stand offered a friendly wave.

Gorgeous St. Georges About a third of Grenada’s 90,000 residents live in the capital of St. Georges, one of the most picturesque towns in a part of See GRENADA, page 62


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Grenada From page 61 the world where “picturesque” is commonplace. Its multi-hued houses cling to hillsides that slope down to the water’s edge. Cobbled streets lead to the horseshoe-shaped main thoroughfare that runs around the deep harbor in the heart of the small city. On Market Square, people gather around umbrella-shaded stalls to sell handicrafts, spices, fruits and vegetables, including some I did not recognize. This

small space has played an important part in Grenada’s history since 1791, first as the site of a slave market and setting for public executions — and more recently as a bustling center for commerce and a social gathering place. Each of the other towns offers its own unique appeal. Grenville, the second largest, has a miniscule marketplace that comes alive each Saturday. Grenville also claims the largest spice processing plant in Grenada. Gouyave has a nutmeg station and a thriving fishing industry. To Grenadians, it’s known as “the town that never sleeps,”

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

with rum shops and the sounds of music emanating from them on most nights. Marquis, another small fishing community, also is a good place to buy goods woven from long, slender pandanus grass leaves. Hats, bags and mats woven with the tough strands make good souvenirs and gifts.

Mountains and beaches Outside the towns, visitors find an enticing volcanic island creased by a ridge of mountains and extinct craters. Those who climb 2,757-foot Mount St. Catherine to the highest spot on Grenada are rewarded with a view over much of the island. The Grand Etang Reserve encompasses a lake surrounded by a dense forest. A number of waterfalls add to its appeal. Those who prefer ocean water will find 45 beaches scattered about the island. Many of the more inviting stretches of sand are strung out along the protected west coast. The two-mile-long white sand beach that skirts Grand Anse Bay, the closest thing to a resort area, is rated as one of the best in the Caribbean. Those seeking solitude head for smaller beaches, many of which are set in secluded little coves. Boaters find scores of safe anchorages in small bays that have earned Grenada its well-deserved reputation as one of the best yachting and charter boat centers in the Caribbean.

But along with the wide variety of activities, and more than some of Mother Nature’s most magnificent handiworks, it is the people of Grenada that provide the most inviting aspect of a visit there.

If you go Few places to stay represent a destination more than the Blue Horizons Garden Resort. The small, family-owned property is well-named, set in a landscape of lush tropical flowers and foliage that is home to more than two-dozen species of birds. Rooms have a small kitchen, there’s a swimming pool and inviting restaurant, and Grand Anse Beach is a short stroll away. Rates begin at $170 per night. For more information, log onto An authentic Grenadian dining experience is offered by the weekly Street Food Night at Dodgy Dock restaurant adjacent to the True Blue Resort, which attracts as many locals as visitors for the food and live music. Vendors sell typical dishes, including spicy jerk chicken and barbeque ribs ($9), accompanied by a choice of sides ($2$3). For more information, log onto JetBlue has two daily flights from Dulles Airport, each with one plane change. Roundtrip fares start at $512 in late September. For more information about Grenada, log onto

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Is fear an acceptable reason to cancel? By Beth J. Harpaz Spooked by headlines about Zika, terrorism and mass shootings? Maybe the news is so bad you’re ready to cancel your vacation and stay home. But can you recoup what you paid for flights, lodging, car rentals and tours? The answer is, it depends. Your best bet for getting a refund under such circumstances is to buy an expensive type of insurance called “cancel for any reason” insurance when you book your trip. Otherwise, whether you get money back depends on the circumstances and policies of individual airlines, hotels and other vendors.

Insurance policies Standard travel insurance may cover trip cancellations if a terror attack takes place shortly before your arrival, according to Rachael Taft of, a travel insurance comparison site. For example, depending on the policy, insured travelers cancelling trips to Nice, France, may have been eligible for refunds for trips scheduled within seven to 30 days of the July 14 truck attack there, she said. But standard trip insurance won’t cover trips cancelled out of more generalized fears. If you booked a trip to Rio de Janeiro for the Olympics and bought standard insurance, “you would unfortunately have

been out of luck if you wanted to cancel due to fear of Zika,” Taft said. So what does standard insurance cover? Typically, illness, injury, death in the family, natural disasters, or other major events that prevent you from traveling. “If you break your leg, you’re covered. If your mother passes, you’re covered. If a hurricane cancels flights to your destination for 24 hours or makes your home or destination uninhabitable, you’re covered,” said Daniel Durazo, spokesman for the travel insurer Allianz Global Assistance. Standard insurance also helps if you get sick or injured while traveling, covering medical treatment, reimbursements for unused prepaid trip costs, and travel home. Cancel-for-any-reason policies, however, let you change your mind on a whim. These policies are more expensive: Standard trip insurance costs about 5 percent of a trip, while cancel-for-any-reason policies can cost substantially more, Durazo said. Standard insurance can be bought up to the day before departure, but cancel-forany-reason insurance must be bought sooner. At SquareMouth, cancel-for-anyreason policies are only available within 14 to 30 days of your first booking for a trip. Reimbursement rates vary by policy, so don’t expect 100 percent of your losses to be covered.

Airline rebooking Airlines often charge hefty fees to change flights, but that can change in a crisis, especially if airports close or governments issue warnings. British Airways allowed customers who’d planned to travel to Nice the weekend after the July 14 attacks to change their date of travel or rebook to an alternative destination. Following the coup attempt in Turkey, British Airways allowed customers with bookings through July 24 to rebook to a later date or use the value of their ticket toward an alternative destination.

Hotels more flexible Hotel chains and car rental companies often allow cancellations with no penalty until a day or two before arrival. But discount rates and package deals are sometimes nonrefundable, so check the terms. If you booked with a tour company or resort that has multiple locations, ask about

a credit for another location. Booking website policies vary. Expedia does not itself charge cancellation fees, but cautions users that hotels and other providers may charge fees depending on their terms and deadlines. On Airbnb, hosts choose their cancellation policies, ranging from a full refund up to one day prior to arrival (except fees), to “strict” policies with just a 50 percent refund up until a week prior to arrival (except fees).

Credit cards Some credit cards offer protection if used to book a trip that’s disrupted by an event like the terror attacks that closed the Brussels airport, according to Brian Karimzad, director of, which compares credit card travel rewards. Karimzad says Chase Sapphire Preferred and Citibank ThankYou Rewards cards are among those that cover losses in some circumstances. — AP


Oct. 19+

TWO FALL DAYTRIPS Montgomery County Recreation is sponsoring two trips during

October. The first is a railroad trip of Western Md. through the Allegheny Mountains and has two dates, Wednesday, Oct. 19 or Thursday, Oct. 20. A box lunch on the train is included. The cost is $85. The van will depart from Olney Manor Park, 16601 Georgia Ave., Olney, Md. at 7:45 a.m. and will return at 6 p.m. The second trip is a professionally guided tour of the Amish countryside in Lancaster, Penn. on Wednesday, Oct. 26. View an “experiential theater” film that tells the story of an Amish family from Europe to America, enjoy an included meal, and take home an Amish cookbook souvenir. The cost is $85. The van will depart from Olney Manor Park at 7:15 a.m. and will return at 6:30 p.m. For more information or to register for either trip, visit or call (240) 777-6870.

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Staying safe overseas By Scott Mayerowitz Travel experts advise vacationers not to lose sleep over highly-publicized terror attacks, and to look at the larger, statistical picture. “My advice is to stay calm and play the odds,’’ said George Hobica, founder of “The odds of becoming a victim of terrorism while traveling abroad are less than being injured or killed at home by any number of possible hazards: driving a car, smoking, a non-terrorist gunshot, or being swept away by a tornado.’’ But don’t ignore the threat of terrorism, either. Take practical precautions, such as avoiding large protests or crowds that might lead to violence or be a target.

Embassies can help Start by signing up for the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, which provides registered travelers with information from the local embassy about safety conditions in the country. It also helps the embassy contact you in the event of an emergency — whether it’s terrorism or a natural disaster. Learn more about the program at Travel expert Wendy Perrin offers a number of tips on her website to help you stay safe overseas.

“Clearly, we’re living in a world where an attack can happen anywhere at any time. The answer is not to stop traveling abroad out of a misperception that your risk is greater overseas than it is at home,’’ Perrin said. “The answer, actually, is to experience more of the world — to make friends in other countries and to be a responsible ambassador for yours.’’

Common sense precautions Planning for a safe trip starts long before departure. For instance, Perrin suggests booking hotels that have TVs getting CNN, BBC and AlJazeera, and reliable Internet service, so travelers can get news in the mornings and evenings. And when arriving at the hotel, grab its business card — the one written in the local language — and carry it at all times. If there is an emergency, the card can be shown to non-English speakers, such as taxi drivers, who can help you get back to your hotel. Program emergency numbers — such as the police, the hotel and medical facilities — into the cellphones of everyone in your party. Finally, make practical decisions, such as staying away from bad neighborhoods, especially at night, just like travelers would in any U.S. city. — AP


Oct. 26


Northwest Neighbors Village is sponsoring a daytrip to the Barnes Museum in Philadelphia, Penn. on Wednesday, Oct. 26. The museum is home to the world’s leading collection of French Impressionist and PostImpressionist paintings. The visit includes a 30-minute introduction to the museum and audio devices for individual exploration. The cost is $155 and includes round-trip travel, box lunch and snacks. The motor coach will depart from Lord and Taylor, located at 5255 Western Ave., Washington, D.C. at 9:30 a.m. and will return at 8 p.m. RSVP as soon as possible to (202) 362-6100 or Applications are sent following a verbal RSVP.

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Comedian Jerry Lewis, 90, recently made a movie and hopes to surpass George Burns, who lived to 100. See story on page 70.

MetroStage premiers D.C.-based musical was a Blue Ridge Mountain girl, raised in Lynchburg. Although work took her to Atlanta, where she currently lives with her family, she set the story in the Old Dominion and in Washington, D.C. Action moves back and forth between a club in D.C. and a juke joint in Virginia in 1919, with the rural location providing much of the ambiance. Watson said the stories she heard growing up in rural Virginia put a “definite spin” on the book, giving it “the color and flow of Virginia,” as she puts it.


By Michael Toscano Alexandria’s MetroStage offers something for readers and theater-goers alike with its world premiere production of Blackberry Daze, a musical based on the whodunit novel Blackberry Days of Summer, by Ruth P. Watson. The author hopes this production, with a run lasting from Sept. 1 to Oct. 9, will eventually lead to Broadway. And beyond that, she can see a series of musicals based on the book’s three sequels, including one which is being published this fall, and one she is currently writing. “Even if you don’t read books, people love music,” Watson said from her home in Atlanta. “It was fascinating to see this come to life. I think this is going to be the musical of 2016.” MetroStage commissioned its highly successful team of William Knowles (music) and Thomas W. Jones II (story and direction) — who have been responsible for many of the theater company’s musical hits — to transform the book for the stage. TC Carson (Living Single) and Roz White (Black Pearl Sings) lead the cast. The musical has Virginia roots. Watson

Murder mystery Blackberry Days of Summer was Watson’s first success as an author. As the first World War ends, a shadowy African-American man is murdered. Three women are suspected of the crime, but in this time and place, solving it is not a high priority. Family secrets are unearthed, and a central figure emerges from the three suspects, Carrie Parker, whose story continues in the three sequels. The book is suspenseful, and readers offering comments on Amazon use words such as “hypnotic” and “poetic” to describe it. They write that the characters are vividly

The cast and creative team of the new musical Blackberry Daze take a break during a recent rehearsal. The musical is based on Ruth P. Watson’s book, and is situated in the Washington area just after World War I. Blackberry Daze will be performed at MetroStage from Sept. 1 to Oct. 9.

believable, and that mounting suspense keeps them from putting the book down.

From page to stage But how are can such an ephemeral atmosphere, rich in suspenseful, “poetic” romance, work as a musical, with its broader parameters? Watson hesitated, and then em-

braced the idea when MetroStage suggested it, and she co-wrote the script with Jones. “I had to wrap my mind about how this could be a musical,” she explained. “But once I thought about it, and I thought about human feelings and emotions, and See METROSTAGE, page 68





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MetroStage From page 67 how music projects that, I realized that through the music, people are going to be able to experience the characters, to feel the emotions. Whether the tempo is fast or slow, or it’s jazzy or gospel, everyone will relate to it. It’s period music, infused with gospel, really soulful music.” But will fans of the series of novels (which also includes An Elderberry Fall, Cranberry Winter, scheduled for October release, and Strawberry Spring, which she’s still writing) embrace the transition,

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

with its necessary alterations? Watson is satisfied they will. “Tom is truly brilliant. And when we sat down to write the play, we said, you know, ‘how do you do this?’ In musicals, it depends on what kind of story you’re trying to tell. The words pertain to what the emotions are, what’s going on with that person at that time. “When the composer adds the music to it, the beat, the tempo and how the chords come together all help tell a story and help color in the characters. I think it’ll be even more exciting because the cast plays off the music, and the music makes sugges-

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tions about the characters,” Watson said.

Racial tensions still reverberate The plot outline of Blackberry Days of Summer, with its murder of a black man and lack of dynamic response in that time and place, is rich in potential racial tension. But Watson said she was not specifically crafting the plot in that manner, admitting, however, that it can be seen as “a mini-history lesson.” “I was writing about something that I thought could have happened in 1919, and if it did, it would be sort of edgy,” she said. “But it could be today’s story, anywhere. It’s amazing how things have and haven’t changed in the human heart, in feelings and emotions. “The book talks about things important to women, things like being able to say certain things in that time period, to make a man accountable for his actions.” After college, Watson worked in the corporate world. Publishing stories in the company newsletter sparked her interest in writing, leading to her current success.

She is acutely aware the experiment with MetroStage could lead to another chapter in her own life. She will be at the theater for the first week of shows, visiting with friends from Virginia and Atlanta who are making the trip, eager to see her work performed live. “You just have to say thank you for the blessing and just go for it. I’m thankful MetroStage chose this work,” she said with a laugh. Blackberry Daze runs through Oct. 9 at MetroStage, 1201 N. Royal St. in Alexandria. Showtimes are Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are $55-$60 and can be reserved by calling (703) 548-9044 or visiting Save $15 for all performances through Sept. 11 with the discount code BLACKBERRY. For information, visit There is free, on-site parking available, a nearby restaurant, and the theater is accessible to persons with disabilities.


Sept. 24


There will be a large book sale on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Rose Church, located 11701 Clopper Rd. in Gaithersburg, Md. The sale features thousands of used books of all types. Most cost $1 or $2. There will also be CDs, videos, console games and DVDs. For more information, email

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Banter with Jerry Lewis at the Friars Club By Hillel Italie Jerry Lewis is wearing a dark jacket, yellow shirt and a big red tie. He is seated


in a director’s chair in the middle of the first floor bar of the Friars Club. The room is packed and noisy with camera equipment and assistants and family members and guests. Lewis, 90, has agreed to meet with the Associated Press and discuss whatever one might try to bring up with the man who gave us The Nutty Professor. He can still contort his face and cackle like the old days — HAH-HAH-HAH-

Comedian and actor Jerry Lewis, shown in 2014 as he set his hand and foot prints in cement at TCL (formerly Grauman’s) Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Today, he is 90 and looking forward to another decade of making people laugh.

HEHHHHHAAAAAAYYYYEEEEE — but the years have caught up to his hearing, and Lewis has never been much for questions and answers.

Fielding questions So think of the interview not as a private exchange, but like shouting out orders at a popular deli. How does it feel be 90? “I feel like 90. I don’t think you get away with feeling any other way. It’s a great number.” Next! What do you think of the Friars Club? “It’s OK. I have nowhere else to go. It’s the best place in the world to come to.” Next! Lewis turned 90 in March and celebrated his birthday near his home in Las Vegas. But a milestone isn’t a milestone

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until it’s been reached at the Friars, the venerable show business gathering place where he holds the high-ranking title of Abbot. He came to New York recently to help promote the opening of Max Rose, a Daniel Noah-directed film in which Lewis plays a jazz pianist reconsidering his past. But he also turned up at the Friars — to a chorus of cheers and filthy jokes — for a public tribute, a private dinner and a few words with the press. How did you come to be in Max Rose? “They sent me a check.” What do you think of the movie? “It’s a good script, beautifully written, directed great, a wonderful, wonderful movie.” Next!

Among comedic legends At the Friars, the rooms have names. The grandiose banquet space on the second floor is called the Milton Berle Room. The shining second floor bar, where you can order a Bourbon Legend or Rye Sense of Humor, has been christened the Lucille Ball Room. And this cozy spot where Lewis speaks is named for Billy Crystal Except when Lewis is in town. Then it becomes the Jerry Lewis Room. Every room at the Friars becomes the Jerry Lewis Room. “There’s something about him,” said Gilbert Gottfried, among those waiting in the lobby to greet him. “The times I’ve met him, it’s like, ‘Oh my God, I’m 3 years old, and he’s Jerry Lewis.’” Inside the Crystal/Lewis bar, Robert Klein approaches. “My most favorite person in the world, Robert Klein is here!” Lewis cries out to his fellow comedian. “Now you know why I come to the Friars.” Enter Jim Carrey. “He’s 90!” Carrey reminds the crowd about his hero. “He can still disappoint us!” Dick Cavett is here. “Jerry, I never thanked you for giving me a job.” You could say the interview has been postponed, but it never really started — or ended. You could say the inmates have captured the asylum, except the inmates have been in charge all along. Lewis and Klein are singing “Medical marijuana!” Lewis is chanting Hebrew prayers. Carrey is jabbering gibberish. Names are dropped that hit the floor ages ago — Harry Ritz, Frank Fay. The madness keeps Lewis young, and so does having a goal: Live longer than George Burns, who made it to 100. “Beat Burns” is his slogan. “I was with Burns for his 99th birthday, and I told him, ‘I’m going to beat you,’” he says of the late comedian, who died in 1996. “I still have a shot at it.” It’s a deal: Beat Burns. Next! — AP

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

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Start a book club with your grandchildren This book exchange has become a tradiWe may be decades apart, but my grandparents and I share a love of books tion between me and my grandmother. In fact, recently, my grandfather became jeal— and love to swap them. ous, and now we have begun a How do we figure out what book exchange as well! books might bridge our ages Maybe you could start a and diverse tastes? book exchange with a younger Recently, my grandmother friend or grandchild, too. Each told me, “WeIl, I want a realisweek you could meet and distic fiction book, not fantasy cuss what you read, and then like usual, and I’d love to have swap books. something like the Out of My If you want to go even bigMind book, about the girl ger than that, you could also with a photographic memory go to your local library and and cerebral palsy you gave GENERATIONS host a book club with multiple me a few months ago.” TOGETHER participants from both your So I told my grandmother By Alexis Bentz generation and mine. about a book called Fish in a You might try selecting Tree, about a girl with dyslexia, which sounded like a great next choice. books that include multi-generational relaWhenever I see my grandmother, we tionships, such as Harry Potter and Dumswap books and then discuss them at bledore from the Harry Potter series, length. Most of the time she agrees with my opinions, but sometimes we get into great debates over characters and plots. Even when I was little, my grandparents inspired a love of reading in me. My grandfather used to read fairy tales to me and make them silly by mixing them all up. It took me a while to realize that Cinderella was the one who went to the ball, not Goldilocks! But no matter what, after each story we read together, my grandparents and I always hold a discussion about the moral, plot and characters of the book. The book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a special book that we particularly bonded over. The story is one of my grandmother’s favorites, and she was very eager to share it with me. I loved the book. My grandmother and I talked about the bond between Scout and Atticus, and how he shared his wisdom with her and modeled, by his actions not just his words, what traits and values should be followed — respect, justice, kindness, etc. We also discussed the message of the book and noticed the contrast between the seriousness of the theme and the moments of humor in the novel. I watched the movie adaptation, and it was interesting to see how the story was brought to life on the screen. I also just recently finished Harper Lee’s second book, Go Set a Watchman, which I also thoroughly enjoyed. I have read so many books that I never would have thought to read without my grandmother’s recommendation, and have fallen in love with many of the classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Little Women, and Anne of Green Gables. It has also been interesting to see the development of our discussions from when I was younger until now. I am now able to state my opinions more clearly, and have a more educated discussion with my grandmother. I can now comprehend more adult themes, which have allowed me to take another step into the world of literature.

Reynie and Mr. Benedict from The Mysterious Benedict Society, and Scout and Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird. If you aren’t nearby to physically set up an exchange, use technology to communicate, like email or Skype.

And if you have no reading-age children in your life, consider volunteering at a local elementary school. For example, volunteers in the Grandreaders program See BOOK CLUB, page 72


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Centennial fetes planned for Roald Dahl By Hillel Italie Lucy Dahl, one of the late Roald Dahl’s five children, has special memories of birthdays. “Birthdays were always a big event when I was a child,” Dahl, a screenwriter and daughter of Dahl and actress Patricia Neal, told the Associated Press. “We were one of the few people I knew who were lucky enough to have an indoor swimming pool, and we’d have these big parties, great big celebrations actually. “But my father didn’t have a big ego. On the whole he enjoyed celebrating other people’s birthdays, and he loved giving them presents and things like that.” This year, Roald Dahl is the guest of

honor. To mark this September’s centennial of the British author’s birth, tributes will range from a “Traveling Trivia Tour” to a re-release of the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, starring Gene Wilder. New editions of James and the Giant Peach, The Witches and other classics are being published, along with the Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary. Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of The BFG, starring Mark Rylance, was shown at the Cannes Film Festival and was in theaters this summer.

Qs and As with Dahl’s daughter During a recent telephone interview, Lucy Dahl talked about her father’s life

and legacy. AP: What would your father have made of all the events this year? Dahl: He would have loved it. He worked so incredibly hard his whole life, and he’s become more and more wellknown and loved by children and discovered by children as the years go on. That’s what he wanted. He wanted to make children happy through his work. He wanted children to know that he understood them. He used to say, ‘Children have a lot to go through. Try walking around on your knees, being half the size of everyone else. And everything you want you have to ask for, and 99 percent of the time you’re being told “no.” See how you feel at the end of the day.’ AP: What do you think of Spielberg’s film of The BFG [Big Friendly Giant]?

Dahl: Steven got it right. Steven, too, understands the idea of good triumphing over evil, and identifying with being young at heart. I went to the set for one day and spent a lot of time there. It was one of the most magical days in my whole life. All of the sets were in one massive warehouse. It was really incredible, and Steven treated me like I was a queen. The BFG was a bedtime story when I was growing up, and I had this visual image of it, as one does. And walking into that giant warehouse and walking on to those sets...was like everything I ever imagined. I wrote to him [Spielberg] and [producer] Frank Marshall and said I felt like I was Charlie Bucket walking into the chocolate factory. See ROALD DAHL, page 75

Book club From page 71 of the Heyman Interages Center meet weekly one-on-one with a second grade student in a Montgomery County school to read and participate in related activities. Learn more about this and other in-

tergenerational programs by calling (301) 949-3551. Whatever option you chose, you will be able to bond with a young person and devour a good book. And who doesn’t like that? Alexis Bentz is a 9th grader at Thomas Wooton High School in Rockville, Md.

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The Marriage of Figaro FREE SIMULCAST at Nationals Park Prizes! Music! Fun!

Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 7 p.m. RSVP at* *RSVP not required to attend.

Arrive early for pre-show fun! Gates open at 5 p.m. for pre-opera activities Performances by local artists s Chances to win amazing prizes s Photo Ops s M&M’S® Ms. Brown The Warner Bros. cartoon “What’s Opera, Doc?” s Activities for kids of all ages s And much more! Major support for WNO is provided by Jacqueline Badger Mars. David and Alice Rubenstein are the Presenting Underwriters of WNO.

Generous support for WNO Italian Opera is provided by Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello. ®

M&M’S Opera in the Outfield is brought to you by the M&M’S and AMERICAN HERITAGE™ Chocolate Brands. ®

WNO acknowledges the longstanding generosity of Life Chairman Mrs. Eugene B. Casey.


M&M’S Opera in the Outfield is made possible in part thanks to Michael F. and Noémi K. Neidorff and the Centene Charitable Foundation. ®

M&M’S Opera in the Outfield is presented in partnership with the Washington Nationals. WNO’s Presenting Sponsor



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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Lessons learned from champion golfers Mama had to work throughout the And age has wrought its usual toll on weekend. She told me to run along and muscles and fitness. When you watch golf play. on TV, those young, blond Adonises can The Internet quickly hit it a mile. These former served up a great diversion: A Adonises can’t, if they ever professional golf tournament could. where the players are all over What they can do is hit the 50. ball straight most of the time. They call it the Champions That’s never a bad idea at any Tour, but that’s a little heavy level of golf. For the geezers, on the poetic license. Only a it’s a way to make a living and few of the players were ever to revel in what’s left of the big-time champs or household spotlight. names. Some won a few tour- HOW I SEE IT I got to Endicott, New York, naments on the world famous By Bob Levey just in time for the first round PGA Tour, when they were a of three. Fitness was a bit of an lot younger. Most won a couple, or none. issue for me, too. Here I was, about to walk Besides, the Champions Tour guys do the course at least twice each day, in very not embody the Hollywood image of hot weather. That’s a daily hike of more golfers. Bald spots peek from scalps. Spare than eight miles. My usual is a stroll to the tires are common. store for a quart of milk.

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I armed myself with a wide-brimmed Panama hat, an ocean of sunscreen, and a good pair of walking shoes. The first threesome teed off. I followed. The crowds were mostly the same age as the players, if not older. The dress code was Pure Golf Club. Polo shirts in purple that bragged about Quail Something or Whiskey Something Else. Wristbands that bore the Golf Channel insignia. But decorum and empathy were the true uniforms of the day. At a professional football game, if someone from your favorite team fumbles, you are very likely to moan or boo. At Endicott, if someone flubbed a shot — and many players did — there was a flood of support. Polite applause even after a double bogey. Murmurs of “You’ll get ‘em next time.” Oldsters rooting for their fellow oldsters. Refreshing.

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Meanwhile, the oldie golfers were helping out their oldie fans. As 90-degree weather made sweat and fatigue unavoidable, players routinely offered bottles of water to fans at each tee from the private stash that only players were allowed to invade. Refreshing. Literally. When trouble struck, all that experience stood the oldie golfers in very good stead. I watched from only a few yards away as David Frost, a South African with many miles on his odometer, contemplated a difficult shot from the deep rough. He was about 130 yards from the hole. Could he hope to get close? Especially since his ball was barely visible in a sea of shrubbery? Frost contemplated. He contemplated some more. Then he took a clumsy hack, as if he were a gardener chopping some weeds. The ball dribbled toward the hole, up a short rise and pulled to a stop two feet from the cup. A miracle shot. But Frost, who is in his late 50s, did not leap for joy, or offer high fives to anyone, as a basketball or baseball player would have done. He simply offered this comment to his gallery of six: “Reminded me of Scotland, that one did,” he said. For oldie golfers, nothing is new — not the challenges, not the successful resolutions. Of course, golf is all about turning yourself into a machine, if you can do it. Leeching emotion out of your game. Hitting shots in the same rhythm every time. Making sure that one mistake doesn’t become three. Frost was a great example of how to do this. On the 15th hole, his tee shot had screamed far to the left, into an adjacent fairway. Although Frost recovered and made par, he might well have used a different club when he teed off on Number 16. At the very least, he might have changed his swing, or lingered See BOB LEVEY, page 75


Sept. 10


The National Gallery of Art’s Lorena Baines will discuss the gallery’s Accessible Programs on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to noon. Some of the programs include the monthly ASL (American Sign Language) at the NGA, Art for ASL Learners, and the use of assistive listening devices on all programs. She will also provide an overview of the Gallery’s collections, introduce her favorite works of art, and offer a preview of upcoming exhibitions. The gallery is located at 6th & Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. For more information or to RSVP, visit

Roald Dahl From page 72 Q: Are there any other adaptations of your father’s work that stand out for you? Dahl: I especially love [the Tony-winning production] Matilda the Musical. It’s

Bob Levey From page 74 over the shot a little longer than usual. Not this guy, who has been a successful pro for 35 years. He took two practice swings, as always. He steadied his stance, as always. And he socked the ball right

really, really fantastic. I also like [the movie of] Fantastic Mr. Fox. [Director] Wes Anderson spent a lot of time in our home, in Buckinghamshire, in dad’s workhouse, and he got the feeling exactly right. It’s very difficult for many people to adapt dad’s work. There’s a line between tragedy and tragedy-that-goes-too-far. Dad

used to say a good example was of children walking down the street and seeing a man slip on a banana skin. They roar with laughter. But if he’s broken his back, then it’s not funny anymore. There’s an invisible tightrope dad was able to walk along that makes it a challenge for filmmakers. Q: Why do you think your father’s

books are still so popular? Dahl: They’re timeless books. The issues they talk about are timeless. Like the big giant in BFG. It’s in the same vein as Alice in Wonderland, children having to deal with authority. Or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Everybody loves chocolate. That’s pretty timeless as well. — AP

down the center of the 16th fairway. When you’ve hit as many golf shots as David Frost has, you know what’s normal. Right down the middle is normal. Digging back from a miserable start is also nothing special for these oldie golfers. I watched, in horror and amazement, as Esteban Toledo began his day by hitting

two consecutive tee shots into the water. You or I might decide to take up tiddleywinks at that point. Not Toledo. His face barely registered any emotion. He accepted his triple bogey. Four hours later, he had notched four birdies and was one under par for the first round — well above the middle of the pack. Lesson: As that famous golfer, Winston Churchill, might have said, “Never, never,

never give up.” I left Endicott with a nice tan, a free tube of sunscreen from a local dermatologist, and a major case of optimism. These golfers know that they’re not as young as they used to be. But they keep plugging. It’s a worthy lesson, on the first tee and anywhere else. Bob Levey is a national award-winning columnist.


Sept. 3


Opera Nova presents a concert designed for seniors on Saturday, Sept. 3 at 2 p.m. The concert features Jose Sacin, a baritone and Artistic Director of Opera Nova; Tony Torchia, a tenor from the Washington National Opera Chorus; Jocelyn Hunt, a soprano; and Elise Jenkins, a mezzo-soprano. Admission is $5, $3 for seniors (65+); donations are welcome. The concert will be at the Arlington Woman’s Club, 700 S. Buchanan St., Arlington, Va. Seating is limited. For more information or to register, visit or contact the office at (703) 536-7557 or

Sept. 19


Say you saw it in the Beacon | Arts & Style

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6


This month’s free poetry reading and open mic (Café Muse) will take place on Monday, Sept. 19 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Writer’s Center, located at 4508 Walsh St., Bethesda, Md. Poets Cheryl Clarke and Carol Jennings will read from their work, and an open mic will follow. The evening starts with classical guitar and includes refreshments. For more information, call (301) 656-2797.
























Arts & Style | More at

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Crossword Puzzle


Daily crosswords can be found on our website: Click on Puzzles Plus



Sealed With

at Ashby Ponds, Greenspring, or Riderwood. Call 1-877-575-0231 or visit to request your FREE brochure! See our ad on page 28.





By Stephen Sherr

















11 15

26 34




45 47 55












49 56













27 35





23 24





Scrabble answers on p. 75.




1. Soak up the sun 5. Jerry’s cartoon foe 8. Visiting the Keystone State (briefly) 12. Capital of Norway 13. Office message 14. Shortcoming of a typical continental breakfast 16. Strong tennis server 17. Military group 18. Impressive display 19. Weather a difficult period 22. De-weaponize 23. Highest point 24. “Success is the ___ of details” (Harvey Firestone) 26. That Spanish thing 27. About half the composition of Saturn’s moon Titan 30. June 4 guidance from the American As sociation of Feline Practitioners 36. Pre-med class 37. Calendar pages (abbr.) 38. Philosopher Descartes 39. Scream as loudly as possible 44. Collection of sewing supplies 45. Weaponize 46. __ in apple 47. First-rate 49. Relating to snail mail 54. What tea leaves are said to do 59. Ukrainian seaport 60. Humdinger 61. Europe’s highest volcano 62. Stun gun 63. Uncluttered 64. Hardly any 65. Fix a fence 66. “___ me no more questions...” 67. Partner to the first word in each of this puzzles theme answers

1. Step off the jetway 2. Set of 128 characters 3. Travels from Settler’s Bay to Nome, perhaps 4. “M*A*S*H” setting 5. “M*A*S*H” setting 6. Leave off a lettr 7. Like a ___ to a flame 8. Facing tough choices 9. Direction from Mexico to Nueva Mexico 10. Made blonde 11. Food thickener 13. Loose dress 15. Middle school class 20. Roughly 21. Morning direction of a sunflower’s face 25. 1983 Michael Keaton comedy 26. GPA booster 28. Prop for a Willy Wonka costume 29. Suspicious observer 30. Gain unauthorized computer access 31. Unrighteous start 32. His 14th book is 2016’s The Voyeur’s Motel 33. Net slang for “You’re the best” 34. The fish in fish and chips, most often 35. His number 4 was retired by the Boston Bruins in 1979 40. ID card holder 41. Breyers flavor 42. Plan one’s route 43. “It was either ___ them” 48. Coworker of Kent and Lane 50. Banquet entree option 51. ___-frutti 52. Actresses Kendrick and Faris 53. Is closer to the finish line 54. Rugrat 55. Dutch cheese 56. Forearm bone 57. Cries over spilt milk 58. Criticism

Answers on page 75.

Answer: When he proposed during their card game, it was -- A BIG "DEAL" Jumbles: FLOUT GRAIN BUTANE DUGOUT

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Letters to editor From page 4

Say you saw it in the Beacon | Arts & Style

ONE BIG HAPPY By Rick Detorie

for Maryland senior citizens, those 65 and over, is $350/month, which is about one third of the income threshold for younger Marylanders ($1,046/month). While the cap for younger citizens has changed with inflation, because it is based on a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level, the requirement for seniors has been a fixed value and has not changed in about 30 years. The last governor to change the cap is Governor Schaefer. The State of Maryland should change the current laws (COMAR from a fixed cap to a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level and treat our older citizens fairly. Senior citizens should not be subjected to a more stringent standard than younger residents to qualify for Medicaid. Governor Hogan should change the Maryland law to treat everyone fairly, regardless of age. Mary J. Hoferek Gaithersburg, Md. Dear Editor: Many kudos to Bob Levey’s fine article, “Grandpa smarts from kids’ smartphones.” The problem has become a ubiquitous one, and there is simply nothing that can be done about it. It makes no sense to beat your head against a stone wall. It is what it is, and can only get worse with time. Smartphones are the social equivalent of stage 4 lung cancer. Acceptance is the only answer. Robert Hauptman Silver Spring, Md.

Write a letter to the editor. See page 4. BEACON BITS

Sept. 25


GALA Artisan Jewelry & Gifts presents “Intro to Making Beaded Jewelry” on Sunday, Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. Have fun learning the basics of making beaded jewelry, from stringing, to using crimps to attach clasps, to making wire loops to create dangle earrings. Ruth Beer Bletzinger will lead the class. Students will complete one or two pairs of earrings and a bracelet or a necklace. No experience is required. The materials kit is included with the $60 fee. The store is located at 10417 Armory Ave., Kensington, Md. For more information, visit or call (301) 933-2912.



Wright to Read is looking for volunteers to conduct one-on-one sustained literacy tutoring in Alexandria, Va. elementary schools. The organization trains its volunteers. One-hour weekly tutoring sessions are scheduled directly with parents and guardians, and take place after school, in the evening, or on the weekend at public libraries. Long-term commitment is needed. For more information, visit

Sept. 18


Montgomery Community Education is looking for volunteers to make blankets for sick and needy children. You may knit, crochet or quilt. Yarn and fabric are provided. This month’s event will take place on Friday, Sept. 16 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the County Extension Office, 18410 Muncaster Rd., Derwood, Md. Donations of acrylic yarn and fabric are welcome. For directions or for more information, contact Pat at (301) 460-5451.

WB 9/16



S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

More at

CLASSIFIEDS The Beacon prints classified advertising under the following headings: Business & Employment Opportunities; Caregivers; Computer Services; Entertainment; For Sale; For Sale/Rent: Real Estate; Free; Health; Home/ Handyman Services; Miscellaneous; Personals; Personal Services; Vacation Opportunities; and Wanted. For submission guidelines and deadlines, see the box on page 79. CAVEAT EMPTOR! The Beacon does not knowingly accept obscene, offensive, harmful, or fraudulent advertising. However, we do not investigate any advertisers or their products and cannot accept responsibility for the integrity of either. Respondents to classified advertising should always use caution and their best judgment. EMPLOYMENT & REAL ESTATE ADS: We will not knowingly or intentionally accept advertising in violation of federal, state, and local laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, familial status or handicap in connection with employment or the sale or rental of real estate.


For Sale


PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED, dependable, trustworthy, caring, energetic caregiver with training and excellent references will come to provide services for the elderly or children. Contact number 202-286-4168.

ITEMS FOR SALE. SOME PRINTS IN FRAMES. 2 tables, 6 chairs, 2 end tables, 3.5 section wall unit, coffee table, queen bed, 2 nightstands. 2-door, 1-drawer make-up table with mirror, bench, floor lamp, clocks, rug 78” x 117”, 1 acoustic and 2 electric guitars, nice multi-glass chandelier, collection of VHC. Old Kenwood set (tuner, amplifier, equalizer – needs to be fixed). Wilson “Prestige” golf club set with bag. Call 301-622-3691, Munjia, Silver Spring.

STAMP COLLECTIONS, AUTOGRAPHS purchased/appraised – U.S., worldwide, covers, paper memorabilia. Stamps are my specialty – highest price paid! Appraisals. Phone Alex, 301309-3622.

CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT. Dependable and compassionate. I will care for your loved one. 23 years experience. Available days/nights/weekends/live-in. Own car, references. Alice, 301-792-1728. CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE provided by a person with nursing skills. Dependable, dedicated, caring and honest. 20 years experience. Cares for elderly and all ages. Will provide excellent references. Available for work immediately! If interested, please call Sheba at 301593-3129 or 240-441-5109.

Computer Services PROBLEM WITH YOUR PC/MAC OR NETWORK? Computer Systems Engineer will come to you with help. Call: David G at 301-642-4526.

Events AMELIA ISLAND, ST. AUGUSTINE + JACKSONVILLE, FL. Land Tour, June 11-17, 2017. $575. Depart from Clinton fringe parking lot at 8:30 a.m. Price includes motor coach transportation, 6 nights lodging, 10 meals, guided tours of Amelia Island, St. Augustine, Jacksonville and much more. $75 deposit due upon signing. To register, call 301-877-7953.

BOOK CASES. SEWING MACHINE. SEWING ITEMS, knitting items. Rest: China, sheet music, old magazines, Chinaware, frames, old bells, comic books, vases, silverware boxes, bottle openers. 202483-7045. 2 SALVADOR DALI woodblock prints from Dante’s Divine Comedy. Signed and framed. Asking $900 for the pair. Can email pictures if desired. Call Steve, 410-913-1653.

Miscellaneous THE GOLDEN NETWORK offers Jewish seniors and retirees a variety of engaging programs, including lectures, classes, one-on-one learning in person and by phone, concerts, singalongs and more! For more information and details about upcoming events, call 301-732-1773, email, or see SINGLES ALL AGES NATIONWIDE seeking companionship through our special publications with photos. Send $10 to: Singles Scene, 1795 West Broadway, PO Box 361, Idaho Falls, ID 83402.

For Sale/Rent: Real Estate Business and Employment Opportunities FULL TIME/PART TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE Representative. This is an ideal position for a retiree. Work on behalf of a leading Conservative nonprofit organization. We are seeking reliable individuals who can put to use their written and verbal communication skills. The position requires basic computer knowledge. Located in Tyson’s Corner area (Route 7 just inside the Beltway). Free parking, call 703847-8300, ext. 304 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you. NEED SUPPLEMENTAL INCOME? Work from home – BBB approved, debt-free, 30-year American Wellness Company. No stocking, selling or delivering. Computer and Internet required. ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATORS: Seeking motivated individuals to proctor assessment sessions with 4th- and 8th-grade students in schools for the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Must be available to work January 30 –March 10, 2017. Paid training, paid time and mileage reimbursement for local driving, and weekly paychecks. This is a part-time, temporary position. To apply, visit our website at and select “Search Field Positions.” Search for your state, find the NAEP Assessment Administrator position, and select the “apply to job” button. For more information email or call 1-888-237-8036. WESTAT. EOE.

Caregivers “A” HOME HEALTH CARE – Experienced nurses, CNA, GNA are available 24/7. Cooking, companionship, personal care, housekeeping, driving. Full/Part-time or live-in. Flat rate for live-in care. 15 years experience. 240-533-6599. ELDERLY CARE – FEMALE care provider, English speaking, with car. I cook, clean and take to all appointments. I’m experienced in caring for people with MS, Alzheimer’s and other health problems. Excellent references. 301-2757283. LICENSED NURSE CAREGIVER seeks private duty nursing. Over 25 years experience. Excellent references. Available day or night. Please call Ms. Stanford at 240-351-7295. CHEVY CHASE HOME CARE – reliable certified caregivers at time of illness, infirmity, loneliness. Personal assistance, ALL AGES, 4- to 24-hour shifts, homes, hospitals, nursing homes. MD, DC, No. VA. Tel.: 202-374-1240.

LEISURE WORLD® $345,000. 2BR, 2FB “QQ” model in Vantage Point East. Spacious enclosed balcony, separate laundry room, 1353 sq. ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert Realtors. 301-9283463. LEISURE WORLD® - $349,000. 2BR 2FB + den + garage. “F” model in Villa Cortese. Table space kitchen, separate dining room, enclosed balcony. 1490 sq. ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors. 301-928-3463.

Personal Services I PURCHASE GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY and coins for my company Gold 4 Good. I will come to your home and provide a no-fee, noobligation estimate. If you decide to sell, I will transport you to and from my shop in Silver Spring. Local references. Montgomery County license #2327. Call Bob, 240-938-9694. READY TO DE-CLUTTER? Sort, donate, discard. Reasonable rates. Call Jan, 301-933-7570.

LEISURE WORLD® - $225,000. 2BR 2FB ground level in Villa Cortese, updated interior, private outside patio beyond enclosed balcony, 1092 sq. ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors. 301-928-3463.

DOMINION MOBILE NOTARY SERVICE. We travel to you in Northern Virginia. Reasonable. Bilingual-Spanish fluency. Call 703-801-1012.

COMING SOON: LEISURE WORLD® $359,000. 2BR 2FB “J” model, 3BR, 2FB, enclosed balcony with golf course view. 1560 sq. ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors. 301-928-3463.


COMING SOON: LEISURE WORLD® $175,000. 2BR 2FB “GG” in the Greens, 2BR 2FB. New Paint, enclosed balcony. 1195 sq. ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors. 301-928-3463. LOOKING TO TAKE THE LEAP? I’ll take you on a tour of the community, show you floor plans, discuss campus amenities, & offer how to best coordinate your move. I will set up an automated online search for you, preview units, and contact you to arrange a showing when there is a match. I also offer exceptional service selling your home. I’m a Seniors Specialist, Buyer Broker, Top 1% of Agents Nationwide, and a Leisure World resident! You can see my current listings in this issue. Contact me: 301-580-5556,,, Weichert Realtors. GET A FAST OFFER ON YOUR NOVA HOUSE today! We buy your house as is. No need to repair. No commissions. Free no-obligation consultation. Female owned, references. Call 703-969-5847 or email REAL ESTATE INVESTOR SEEKS TRAINEE. Male or female to help us launch our services. $5k p/t, $10k f/t. We offer an aggressive commission structure. If you have any experience in real estate, construction or sales that is a plus but not necessary. We buy houses.

For Sale DISCOUNTED PRICE. Cemetery sites at Mt. Lebanon. Memorial Gardens in Adelphi, MD. 2 sites sold together at discount $1,700 or $900. Contact Mr. Harris, Cell, 301655-0606.

WE BUY GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY. Costume too. Gold and silver coins, paper money, military, crocks, old bottles and jars, etc. Call Greg, 717-658-7954. WE BUY STERLING SILVER FLATWARE, tea sets, single pieces of silver, large pieces of silver plate. Attic, basement, garage. You have something to SELL, we like to BUY. Call Greg, 717-658-7954. SELL YOUR GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY and old coins. Licensed dealer in Silver Spring buys gold and silver. I will meet you at your home or bank, analyze your jewelry, or coins, and tell you how much I can pay if you should decide to sell. No fees or obligation. Call Bob, 240-9389694. Gold 4 Good. 8431 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring. License #2327. I have references. GOT PENS? LONG-TIME COLLECTOR seeks fountain pens. Free appraisals of your pens, information about restoring them, and always looking to buy or trade for fountain pens, especially Sheaffer, Eversharp, and Waterman fountain pens. David, 301-221-6596. CASH FOR RECORDS, CDs, DVDs AND TAPES. Best price guaranteed. Free appraisals. All types of music, 33, 45, 78 & CDs. Call Steve 301-646-5403. Will make house calls. BUYING MILITARY MEMORABILIA WW2, WW1, Civil War uniforms, weapons, photos and items associated with US, German, Japanese or items of other Military History. DAVE, 240-4640958. CASH FOR ESTATE BUYOUTS, estate cleanouts, jewelry to furniture, one item or whole estate. Free Estimate, Will Travel. 301-520-0755. CASH FOR JEWELRY: Buying jewelry, diamonds, gold, platinum, silver, watches, coins, flatware, etc. We make house calls. Ask for Tom. Call anytime 301-654-8678 or 301-654-0838.

FINE ANTIQUES, PAINTINGS AND QUALITY VINTAGE FURNISHINGS wanted by a serious, capable buyer. I am very well educated [law degree], knowledgeable [over 40 years in the antique business] and have the finances and wherewithal to handle virtually any situation. If you have a special item, collection or important estate, I would like to hear from you. I pay great prices for great things in all categories from Oriental rugs to Tiffany objects, from rare clocks to firearms, from silver and gold to classic cars. If it is wonderful, I am interested. No phony promises or messy consignments. References gladly furnished. Please call Jake Lenihan, 301-2798834. Thank you. HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES, JEWELRY, ESTATES. I have been advertising in the Beacon for 20 years. Montgomery County resident – will travel to D.C., MD, VA. Buying following items: Furniture, art, jewelry, gold, sterling silver, old coins, vintage pocket and wrist watches, old tools, books, camera, military items – guns, rifles, knives, pocket knives, swords etc. Also buying: old toys, dolls, trains, comic books, photographs, autographs, musical instruments, guitars, violins, etc. Also old sports memorabilia and equipment – baseball, golf, football, fishing etc. Please call Tom at 240-4763441. MILITARY ITEMS WANTED: Collector seeks to purchase military uniforms; flight jackets, patches, insignia, medals, etc. from the Civil War through Vietnam. Especially seeking U.S. Army Air Corps, USMC, Airborne, and German/Japanese/Italian items from WWII. ALSO BUYING old Boy Scout, Airline Items, Toys, Lighters. Call Dan, 202-841-3062. LADY WHO LOVES DISHES and figurines wants to buy yours. Especially Royal Copenhagen, Deco Noritake, Limoges, Herend and English bone china. Do you have a collection of cup and saucers, dog and cat figurines, Royal Doulton ladies or salt and pepper shakers? Also mid-century Scandinavian ceramics and glass, Asian items, silver, paintings and costume jewelry. Anything else old and interesting, please call me. 301-785-1129. BUYING VINYL RECORDS from 1950 through 1985. Jazz, Rock-n-Roll, Soul, Rhythm & Blues, Reggae and Disco. 33 1/3 LPs, 45s or 78s, Larger collections of at least 100 items wanted. Please call John, 301-596-6201. COLLECTOR BUYING MILITARY ITEMS: Helmets, weapons, rifles, shot guns, knives, swords, bayonets, web gear, uniforms, etc. from all wars and countries. Large quantities are okay. Will pay top prices for my personal collection. Discreet consultations. Call Fred, 301-9100783. WE PAY CASH for antique furniture, quality used furniture, early American art, pottery, silver, glassware, paintings, etc. Single items to entire estates. Call Reggie or Phyllis at DC 202726-4427, MD 301-332-4697. GET A FAST OFFER ON YOUR NOVA HOUSE today! We buy your house as is. No need to repair. No commissions. Free no-obligation consultation. Female owned, references. Call 703-969-5847 or email HEARING AID, USED OR RECONDITIONED. CHRONOS 9 Nano. Desperately needs a replacement. Please help, 301-840-1385.

Be sure to stop by our 50+Expo on Sept. 11 at the Silver Spring Civic Center and Sept. 25 at Springfield Town Center.

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6

Say you saw it in the Beacon


Sept. 24



The Office of the Tenant Advocate of D.C. is recruiting volunteers for the Annual Tenant and Tenant Association Summit on Saturday, Sept. 24. The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the campus of Gallaudet University at the Kellogg Conference Center, 800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, D.C. Volunteers are required to commit to the whole day, and will assist with registration and monitor workshops. For details, to register for the summit, or to volunteer, email or call (202) 719-6560.

Sept. 24


Stephen King will open the main stage at The Library of Congress’s National Book Festival on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to noon, with a presentation and recognition by the Library of his lifelong work promoting literacy. Tickets are required for this event but are free, and will be issued electronically on Sept. 14. Other speakers begin at 9 a.m., including Kareem AbdulJabbar from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.; Shonda Rhimes from 2 to 3 p.m.; Bob Woodward from 4 to 5 p.m.; Raina Telgemeier from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.; and Salmon Rushdie from 7 to 8 p.m. Tickets are not required for these or any other event at the festival, which takes place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Pl. NW, Washington, D.C. For more information and a complete schedule, visit or call 1-888-714-4696.

Deadlines and Payments: Ad text and payment is due by the 20th of each month. Note: Only ads received and prepaid by the deadline will be included in the next month’s issue. Please type or print your ad carefully. Include a number where you can be reached in the event of a question. Payment is due with ad. We do not accept ads by phone or fax, nor do we accept credit cards. Private Party Text Ads: For individuals seeking to buy or sell particular items, or place a personal ad. Each ad is $15 for 25 words, 25 cents for each additional word. Business Text Ads: For parties engaged in an ongoing business enterprise. Each ad is $35 for 25 words, 50 cents for each additional word. Note: Each real estate listing counts as one business text ad. Send your classified ad with check or money order, payable to the Beacon, to:

The Beacon, D.C. Classified Dept. P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915-2227 For information about display advertising, or to request a media kit, call (301) 949-9766.

ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Computer Classes JCA SeniorTech ..................12-15 TechMedic4U...........................10

Dental Services Friedman, Stephen, DDS .........36 Lee Dentistry............................23 Oh, Judy, DDS .........................34 Sklar, Andrew, DDS .................22

Events Beacon 50+ Expo ...................2-3 Grail Foundation Press.............37 GROWS .............................30, 36 Leisure World Open House ......46 Silver Spring Jazz Festival .......68

Financial Services Children’s National Hospital....45 PENFED Credit Union ............47 Sean P. Seeley Estate Planning Group .....................35

Funeral Services Fram Monuments .....................49 Going Home Cremation...........31

Government Services DC Office on Aging ...........39-42 MC311 .....................................49 Montgomery County Aging and Disability Services ........6, 7, 32

Hearing Services Auditory Services, Inc .............21 Mendelson Group.....................22 Sound Hearing Centers ............25

Home Health Care AARP Caregiver Resource Center . . . . . . . . . .74


Best Senior Care . . . . . . . . . . .31 Daniel Pitta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Elder Caring .............................29 Home Care Assistance . . . . . .61 Holy Cross Home Care and Hospice . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Options for Senior America .....64

Riderwood..........................28, 76 Springvale Terrace....................20 Tall Oaks ..................................45 Tribute at the Glen ...................34 Tribute at Heritage Village.......34 Village at Rockville .................29 Waltonwood .............................32

Healthy Back Store ..................17 Patriot Coins USA....................45 Quinn’s Auction Galleries ........45 SAS Shoes................................16

Home Services

Legal Services

A Second Me..............................8 Conquer the Clutter....................8 Homefix Custom Remodeling .46 In Order....................................71

Law Firm of Evan Farr.............44 Law Offices of Paul Riekhof ...48

Communicare Health ...............18 Greenspring Rehab Services....33 HealthSouth Rehab Hospital....25 Manor Care Health Services ....26 Vitality to You ..........................20


AMS Men’s Health...................10 Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield .........70 East Natural Therapy................28 Grace in Motion .........................9 Holy Cross Germantown Hospital .............5 I Hate Knee Pain ......................16 Medical Eye Center..................60 Silver Spring Medical Center...36

Almost Home Senior Living ....10 Arden Courts............................28 Ashby Ponds........................28,76 Aspenwood Senior Living........35 Bonifant at Silver Spring, The .................18 Brookdale Senior Living..........22 Brooke Grove Retirement Village .............................19, 24 Buckingham’s Choice ..............49 Charter House ..........................17 Chesterbrook Residences ........ 26 Churchill Senior Living ...........27 Culpepper Garden ....................68 Fairfax, The ..............................21 Fairhaven ..................................49 Falcons Landing .......................11 Friendship Terrace....................20 Gardens of Traville, The...........36 Greenspring........................28, 76 Homecrest House .....................37 Homewood at Frederick ...........21 Humphrey Management...........72 Maryland Renters Alliance ......50 Olney Assisted Living..............31 Park View .................................50 Potomac Place ..........................37 Quantum Property Mgmt...........33 Residences at Thomas Circle ...25


Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation

Subscriptions Beacon Subscription ................77 Washington Jewish Week.........72

Theatre/ Entertainment

Sampson Smiles Pet Care ........23

Arena Stage..............................67 Ford’s Theatre...........................67 Kennedy Center .......................73 Senior Zone, The......................68 Toby’s Dinner Theatre ..............71 Washington National Opera.....................................69


Tour & Travel


Long & Foster/Eric Stewart 48,75 Long & Foster/Inderjeet Jumani ...................................27 Weichert/Sue Heyman..............34

Eyre Travel ...............................60 Homestead, The........................60 Nexus Holidays ........................62 Tripper Bus ..............................62 US Navy Memorial ..................65 Vamoose...................................61 Walper Travel ...........................65



Original Pancake House...........72

Pepco..................................44, 80

Pet Care

Real Estate

Retail/Pawn/Auction Dan Kugler’s Design Center63,66 Five Colors ..............................61 Four Sales LTD ........................47

Volunteers/Careers JCA Career Gateway................47 JCA Heyman Interages Center..65


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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To learn more about the Peak Energy Savings Credit or for more energy-saving tips, visit or call 1-855-730-PEAK. © Pepco, 2016

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