August 2010 Washington Beacon

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The I N






More than 200,000 readers throughout Greater Washington

VOL.22, NO.8

Weathermen worked their way up

New place for familiar face In May, Ryan joined Hill at ABC7 (WJLA) after 30 years at rival News4 (WRC). Hill does the weather on ABC7 at 5 and 6 p.m., along with morning and evening rush hour forecasts for radio station WTOP. He also does a continually updated weather forecast called “Doug Hill’s Weather Now” on cable. Ryan has taken over Hill’s 11 p.m. weather slot and also plans to spearhead the weather portion of ABC7’s upcoming website called “When we have any big weather events, we’ll be on together,” Hill said. Ryan signed off from News4 for the last time in February, after not being able to come to agreement on a new contract. He


I N S I D E …


By Barbara Ruben From February’s snowmageddon to July’s triple digit scorchers, Washingtonians have had a lot to gripe about regarding the weather this year. But for local weather gurus Bob Ryan and Doug Hill, 2010 has been a banner year. “Snowstorms are my favorite,” Ryan practically chortled. “I tell people there’s still a 10-year-old boy in me who’s looking forward to snowstorms so he doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow.” Of course, no weather prevents him from having to go to work. Ryan, 67, and Hill, 59, have been friends for decades and have a combined 57 years on the air in Washington forecasting the weather. Both meteorologists are now at ABC7, and share a love for the challenges presented by the mid-Atlantic’s mercurial conditions. “Northeast weather is where it’s at — from heat waves to snow storms to tornadoes and hurricanes. I wouldn’t want to go to Los Angeles to forecast the weather,” Ryan said. “Even worse, Honolulu!” interjected Hill. “I’m not doing the same old thing, day after day, month after month, decade after decade. [Here] everything is always in flux. It’s always moving. You’re always surprised by how extreme things can be.” Ryan feels the same way: “You see some big storm coming up the coast and think, ‘That’s a storm like such and such.’ But it’s like faces. Each one is different, each day is unique.”

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Explore some or all of “America’s Favorite Drive” from Virginia to N. Carolina; plus, a fishing expedition to remember, and how to avoid cruise rip-offs page 37


Weathermen Bob Ryan (left) and Doug Hill have forecast and broadcast Washington’s weather for a total of 57 years. Ryan joined Hill at ABC7 in May after 30 years at competing News4.

is circumspect about the reasons for his departure, but he says that he wanted more latitude to develop a local weather Web presence for News4. He believes locally owned ABC7 will be more receptive to some of his ideas than News4, which is owned by General Electric’s NBC Universal. “There’s a big difference when you get an idea and the person who writes the check for it is right down the hall rather than 14 layers of managers and different divisions away that report ultimately to General Electric,” Ryan said. The check writer he was referring to is Robert Allbritton, chairman and CEO of

Allbritton Communications, which owns ABC7 and is located in the same Arlington office building as the station.

How they got started Both Ryan and Hill are lifelong weather aficionados who wandered into forecasting after starting out in other careers. Hill, a native of Towson, Md., spent four years in the U.S. Air Force before joining the Prince George’s County Police Dept., eventually becoming its public information officer. “During that time, as it is today, the Prince George’s police force itself was See WEATHERMEN, page 32

A searing look at suburban marriage in the 70s; plus, ways to score cheap(er) tickets, and some recently published memoirs page 45

LAW & MONEY 4 k Pros and cons of emerging markets k No need to fear bond bubble FITNESS & HEALTH 11 k Surgery center concerns k Do you have centenarian genes? VOLUNTEERS & CAREERS k Retiring to the Peace Corps


SPOTLIGHT ON AGING k Newsletter for D.C. seniors




A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Securing Security The Social Security program is on the once the baby boom generation fully reverge of its 75th anniversary, and there is tires, revenues will cover only about 76 much to celebrate. It has percent of promised benefits. helped transform the financial Unless Congress makes situation of America’s seniors. some changes, that is. A rePrior to its establishment in cent report from the Senate 1935, nearly half of all AmeriSpecial Committee on Aging cans 65 and over lived in lays out a large number of oppoverty. Studies show that tions that, alone or in combieven in recent years, about nation, could solve the prohalf of those 65 and over still gram’s financial problems for have incomes below the the next 75 years. poverty level before counting FROM THE For example, we could their Social Security benefits. PUBLISHER raise taxes a bit. The payroll But the program’s payments By Stuart P. Rosenthal taxes that fund the program lift all but about 10 percent out of poverty. Perhaps surprisingly, a recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that adults 65 and over have been “much less likely than younger age groups” to have trouble paying for medical bills or housing, or to need to increase credit card debt or reduce spending due to the recession. No doubt the stability of Social Security payments explains a good bit of this. But as we often hear, Social Security is in trouble. This year, revenues from Social Security payroll taxes are already proving insufficient to cover current expenditures for the program. And forecasts show that

are currently 12.4 percent of wages (paid half by employees and half by their employers, on income up to $106,800). Were these taxes to be increased to 14.6 percent of wages, the entire $5.3 trillion estimated shortfall for the next 75 years would be eliminated. Too big a burden to impose all at once? Well, how about increasing taxes by 1/20th of one percent every year for the next 20 years? That would eliminate nearly 70 percent of the 75-year shortfall. The shortfall would also disappear if current taxes were levied on all income, not capped at $106,800 (a number that increases every year, even now). Or what if, rather than raising taxes, we

Beacon The






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Publication of advertising contained herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Signed columns represent the opinions of the writers, and not necessarily the opinion of the publisher.

• Publisher/Editor ....................Stuart P. Rosenthal • Associate Publisher..............Judith K. Rosenthal • Vice President of Operations ....Gordon Hasenei • Director of Sales ................................Alan Spiegel • Managing Editor............................Barbara Ruben • Graphic Designer ..............................Kyle Gregory • Assistant Operations Manager ..........Roger King • Advertising Representatives ........Doug Hallock, ..........................................Kristian Dixon, Ron Manno • Staff Writer......................................Mary C. Stachyra

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The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915 (301) 949-9766 • E-mail: Submissions: The Beacon welcomes reader contributions. Deadline for editorial is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Deadline for ads is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. See page 53 for classified advertising details. Please mail or e-mail all submissions. © Copyright 2010 The Beacon Newspapers, Inc.

postponed the age at which full benefits were payable by one year. That takes care of about 23 percent of the shortfall. If we gradually raised the full retirement age to 70, nearly a third would disappear. We could also trim the growth in benefits to recipients by reducing cost-of-living increases. Cutting COLAs by 1 percent would eliminate more than 75 percent of the shortfall. You get the idea. There are many ways we can avoid the dire predictions and maintain an effective Social Security program. And by sharing the burdens among all the stakeholders — a fraction of a percent from current recipients, workers and employers and some delay in benefits for new retirees — the pain can be mitigated and present recipients can be largely protected. But it will take considerable political will (and some goodwill on the part of all Americans) to get there. The French, whose standard retirement age is only 60, recently had mass street protests over the government’s plan to raise the retirement age. Those of us who remember the angry crowds in Washington after Congress (briefly) passed the “catastrophic insurance” law 20 years ago might well imagine similar scenes taking place here should Social Security benefits be reduced. People don’t easily give up entitlements they currently enjoy, and no one likes to see their taxes raised, certainly not in times

like these when every penny counts. But if we want ourselves — and our children and grandchildren — to be able to enjoy for the next 75 years the benefits of a program that has changed the face of aging in America for the past 75 years, we will all have to show some flexibility. What do you think? Please share with us your opinion on this topic, or any other topic that moves you. E-mail, or write: Letters to the Editor, The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915-2227. Also, if you use e-mail, we invite you to join our new reader e-mail list. We will send you monthly notices with links to the online version of the latest Beacon, as well as information about upcoming Beacon events and occasional offers you may find of interest. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time. To sign up for the Beacon E-mail Blast, go to Our recently revamped Facebook page also features news, pictures and “extras” that wouldn’t fit in our print edition. Find us at and add us to your “likes.” And please let us know what you think of these new features! You can call us at (301) 949-9766.

Letters to the editor Readers are encouraged to share their opinion on any matter addressed in the Beacon as well as on political and social issues of the day. Mail your Letter to the Editor to The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915, or e-mail to Please include your name, address and telephone number for verification. Dear Editor: I write to protest the articles headed “Dear Pharmacist” by Suzy Cohen. A pharmacist is a person qualified to dispense prescription and over-the-counter drugs marketed by pharmaceutical companies in a drug store. Those medicines have been rigorously tested for approval by the FDA as safe and effective. Instead, Ms. Cohen routinely recommends herbal “remedies,” not approved by the FDA, as superior. Anyone has the right to believe in alternative medicine, but we don’t call them pharmacists. Or doctors. Anthony B. Mauger Kensington, Md. Suzy Cohen responds: My training with the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, my pharmacy degrees, and my career as a licensed pharmacist for the last 22 years fully qualify me to discuss human metabolic pathways and how various substances affect them. Our blockbuster medications happen to

start out as herbal remedies that are good for you. Scientists who work for drug companies tamper with Mother Nature’s molecule, so they can get a patent on the unique chemical, and then they sell it to you at high prices from the pharmacy. Natural remedies have been shown in clinical trials to work as well as, or better than, approved medications. Furthermore, FDA-approved doesn’t equal safe. An approved drug will get recalled when enough people die, as we have seen time and again. Today, thanks to the brainwashing of Big Pharma, people have become narrow-minded in their scope of what heals the body. Dear Editor: Thank you so much for your Beacon Bit about the Metropolitan Washington Ear. Your item has brought us more attention than any other outlet. Thanks to you, we have had many calls from potential volunteers and also from people who would like to use our service. We are very grateful. Debbie Fitch Metropolitan Washington Ear


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A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Money Law &

WILL THE BOND BUBBLE BURST? Bond prices will eventually decline, but BlackRock’s chief investment officer is still bullish on bonds and says pressure to raise interest rates is low NEW OVERDRAFT RULES AT BANKS New overdraft rules mean consumers need to opt in for most coverage — but there are less expensive options, such as linking to your savings account or credit card

Weigh risk vs. return in emerging markets When the stock market plunges, noth- Less affected by economic crisis ing falls faster than emerging markets. In Despite such growth, labor costs in 2008, the MSCI emerging emerging markets are still markets index plunged 53 much lower than they are in percent. That compares to a the U.S. and other developed loss of “only” 37 percent that countries. year for the broad-based What’s more, the global fiStandard & Poor’s 500-stock nancial crisis has left emergindex. ing markets in much better But emerging-markets gains fiscal shape than most of the have more than atoned for developed world. While the their stomach-churning losses. U.S. and much of Europe face Over the past 10 years through gigantic budget deficits, SAVVY SAVER mid-July, the emerging markets many emerging markets are By Steven T. Goldberg index has returned an annualawash in cash. ized 10 percent compared to an The risks in emerging marannualized loss of 1 percent for the S&P 500. kets, however, shouldn’t be underestimatEven the risk-averse can profit from the ed — particularly for older investors who right investment here. can’t wait decades for their investments to The healthy gains have come about be- grow. There are a few factors to consider cause of the explosive growth in many of here. the countries that comprise emerging marFirst, almost all emerging markets lack kets. China’s economy, for instance, has the stable democratic governments engrown roughly 10 percent annually for the joyed in the developed world. The potenpast 30 years. tial for severe political unrest, including

civil wars and revolutions, is real. Second, we complain in the U.S. that corporate accounting often leaves much to be desired. But that’s nothing compared to what an investor in emerging markets stocks faces. Corporate accounting in countries like China is opaque. Furthermore, when you buy a stock in an emerging market, you often end up with the government as the majority partner. Nonetheless, I don’t think the answer is to avoid emerging markets. Markets pay hefty rewards to stocks in countries where things are improving — even from a very low base. In addition, the recent market nervousness has left emerging markets cheaper than usual. Price-earnings multiples in emerging markets average about 13 based on projections for the coming 12 months. That’s about the same as price-earnings ratios in the U.S., where earnings are growing at a much slower pace.

Best funds to buy now The best way to invest in emerging markets is through mutual funds or exchangetraded funds (ETFs). ETFs are simply funds that trade like stocks. I recommend avoiding individual emerging-markets stocks. Their uncertainties are too great. The same problem exists for funds that invest in only a single country. For aggressive investors, Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF (symbol VWO, telephone 1-800-635-1511) is the simplest and cheapest way to invest in this sector. It’s an index fund that tracks emerging markets. Stocks are weighted in the fund based on their market values (share price multiplied by number of shares outstanding). Vanguard charges just 0.27 percent annually for this ETF. The only problem is that the fund exposes you to the full risk of investing in these volatile markets. T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets, 1-800See EMERGING MARKETS, page 5

New financial reform law means changes By Daniel Wagner Two years after the global financial system nearly collapsed, a vast revamping of regulation has been signed into law. The measure targets the risky banking and oversight failures that led to the last crisis. The goal is to make another crisis less likely — and if it does happen, less costly for taxpayers. Most of the new rules won’t take effect right away. The Obama administration has a full year, for example, to empower a Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection that is being created. Regulators will take months to study dozens of issues in the 2,300-page law before drafting rules. Among them: Should the government limit the size of banks? How should stockbrokers be held accountable for advice they give to clients? How can credit ratings be made more reliable? All of that means the real-world impact of the law will depend on how it’s interpreted by regulators — the same regulators who were blamed for failing to head off the financial crisis. Still, the bill is now law. And regulators

must enact rules consistent with Congress’ blueprint. This article, and a follow-up to appear in the September Beacon, take a look at some of the elements of the massive new law — and what’s missing from it.

New consumer watchdog A new agency will oversee consumer products and services, from mortgages to check cashing. It will regulate many nonbank companies, such as payday lenders. Before the crisis, no regulator with financial expertise oversaw the most reckless mortgage lenders. The regulator will police companies that dominate consumer finance, such as credit card companies and the biggest banks. The agency will write rules and ban products it deems unsafe, such as mortgages that require payment of interest only. It can ban confusing language in documents. And the agency can punish companies that don’t comply. The agency’s rules apply to community banks, too. But its enforcement won’t. In-

stead, existing regulators will oversee the community banks’ compliance. (Yes, the same regulators who failed to protect consumers before the crisis.) Community banks weren’t involved in the risky investing that shook Wall Street. But they issued some high-risk mortgages that consumers couldn’t repay. And their lending practices caused the previous banking crisis — the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s. The biggest loophole is for auto dealers that provide loans financed by banks. The bureau can’t scrutinize or punish them. It can’t even ban misleading fine print. The agency won’t police companies the SEC regulates, such as stockbrokers. Some other groups that won exemptions from the consumer agency’s oversight: Mobile-home sellers, real estate brokers, accountants and insurers.

Overhauling mortgage rules The law also revamps the mortgage system to protect consumers and discourage risky lending.

Before the crisis, lenders funneled trillions into the overheated housing market. Many lenders didn’t care if borrowers couldn’t repay because they quickly resold the loans to investment banks. Banks bundled the loans, then sliced them into bonds. Investors, such as insurers and pension funds, bought the bonds. When borrowers stopped paying, those investors suffered deep losses. The biggest change: Lenders must verify that borrowers can afford their mortgages. The lenders can be punished if they fail to review borrowers’ income and credit histories. Any company that pools loans into mortgage investments must keep at least 5 percent of the investments on its books. That way, banks know they will lose money if they sell too many investments backed by poor-quality loans. Low-risk mortgages, such as 30-year fixed-rate loans, will be exempt. Lenders can resell all those loans. This could enSee FINANCIAL REFORM, page 6

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0



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638-5660, is another good fund. Manager Gonzalo Pangaro and a team of analysts around the world actively manage the fund. They try to beat the index without taking undue risks. Over the years, the fund has produced about the same returns as the Vanguard fund despite a higher expense ratio, 1.32 percent annually. Either of these funds is fine, but don’t overdo emerging markets. Putting 5 or 10 percent of your stock money into an emerging-markets fund makes good sense. Overloading your portfolio with emerging markets is an invitation to disaster. For many older adults, I think there’s an even better fund. It’s Matthews Asia Divi-


F R E E H O U S I N G I N F O R M AT I O N ★ F R E E H O U S I N G I N F O R M AT I O N ★

From page 4

dend, 1-800-789-2742. As its name implies, it invests only in Asian emerging markets and concentrates mainly in dividend-paying stocks. The fund lost 26 percent in the 2008 meltdown and exhibits about the same volatility as the S&P. However, over the past three years, it has returned an annualized 7 percent while the S&P has lost an annualized 9 percent. The fund is fairly new, but the firm has been around for decades and specializes in Asia. The fund yields about 3.5 percent from dividends. Steven T. Goldberg (; 301-650-6567) is a freelance writer and investment advisor in Silver Spring, Md. He welcomes reader questions. Send them to: Steven Goldberg, c/o The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915-2227.


Emerging markets


Law & Money


Law & Money

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Worried about bond values? Read this By Mark Jewell Listen to top investment strategists, and you’d think it’s almost certain that investors have set themselves up for a fall by flocking into bonds. Although traditionally considered a safe haven, bonds aren’t without risk. Yet any fixed-income fizzle won’t be as painful as the late 2008 crash for stocks, the thinking goes. The reality is that bond prices will eventually decline because current near-zero interest rates have nowhere to go but up. When the Federal Reserve eventually raises interest rates, prices for existing bonds with locked-in rates will drop. That’s because investors will be able to

buy newly-issued bonds that pay higher interest. For example, for each single percentage point increase in rates, expect the price of a bond maturing in five years to suffer a roughly 5 percent decline. The price decline could more than offset the typically modest interest income from the bonds, hurting investors in bonds and bond mutual funds alike. It could shock safety-minded Americans who have sought refuge from volatility by shifting out of stocks and pouring about half a trillion dollars into bonds over the past year and a half. It’s this steady inflow that has several money managers, including bond fund managers, sounding the alarm for fixed-income.

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After all, higher inflation and interest rates could quickly erode retirement savings for legions of investors who might fail to resume taking an appropriate level of risk.

Comforting thoughts Yet there are reassuring words from Curtis Arledge, a chief investment officer for BlackRock Inc., who guides strategy for the New York-based company’s $589 billion in actively-managed fixed-income assets. Arledge’s take on the biggest current risk to bonds: “I’m not trying to be the great bond bull here, but I think people are just too worried about rates.” He acknowledges higher rates will eventually trim already tiny yields. For example, yields on the benchmark 10-year Treasury slipped below 3 percent in June for the first time for more than a year and remained there through July. Similarly, the yield on the 2-year note reached a record low of 0.59 percent in mid-June and remains there.

Financial reform


From page 4

Charitable gift annuity rates now range from 5.3% to 9.5%.

courage lenders to put more homeowners in such “plain vanilla” mortgages. The bill doesn’t include a fix for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Those two companies are at the heart of the mortgage finance system. They buy mortgages from lenders and resell them to investors. When their investments lost money, the government had to intervene. The bailouts have cost taxpayers $145 billion so far. Now banned: Bonuses for brokers based on the cost of a mortgage. These payments encouraged brokers to stick borrowers with higher rates and fees.

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The Fed will be the lead regulator for the biggest, most interconnected financial companies — those whose failures could threaten the system. But its independence

But investors willing to take on more risk are finding more buying opportunities. The spread between Treasury yields and those for higher-yielding corporate junk bonds has lately topped 7 percentage points, the biggest spread in more than six months. Safer investment-grade corporate debt has been yielding about 2 percentage points more than comparable Treasurys. Those heftier yields for riskier fare come after corporate bonds offered stocklike returns last year, rebounding from negative territory in late 2008. The 2009 results capped a decade when bonds uncharacteristically outperformed stocks. But even with the recent surge of cash into bonds, Arledge isn’t worried about a bubble. His key points: Investors are seeking safety, not returns: Investment bubbles typically build as money pours into the riskiest areas within an asset. Think of investors who rushed into stocks of fast-growing Internet companies in the late 1990s, and avoided See BOND VALUES, page 7

was also reined in, to an extent: The Government Accountability Office will conduct a one-time audit of the emergency lending programs the Fed used to stabilize markets during the crisis. The audit will include the Fed’s discount lending to banks. The Fed’s emergency lending powers will be more transparent and subject to greater oversight. During the crisis, the Fed used this authority to craft huge bailouts behind closed doors. It withheld details about programs that rescued individual companies. The overhaul bans lending programs designed to save individual companies. The Fed must also disclose details of the programs, typically a year after they expire. And the Fed can’t invoke its emergency powers without the Treasury secretary’s permission. Look for more information about the new law in next month’s Beacon. — AP

Law & Money

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Bond values From page 6 steadier dividend-paying stocks as well as bonds. The tech stocks eventually tanked. Arledge argued the risk of a bond bubble is low because the bulk of the flow into fixed-income recently has gone into safe, low-yielding fare such as Treasurys, rather than into junk bonds — fixed-income’s equivalent to the most volatile types of stocks. He noted that nearly 60 percent of the flow into fixed-income funds has gone into defensive bonds like short-term Treasurys and other government debt. “The preponderance of flows have not been into products that have a lot of interest-rate risk,” Arledge said. “People are avoiding them.” Rate-raising pressure remains low: The Federal Reserve has held interest rates near zero since December 2008. But with the economy still slow, policymakers are in no rush to head off the risk that low rates will eventually fuel inflation. The Fed pledged in June to maintain record-low rates for an “extended period.” Many expect rates to rise by next spring, but not Arledge. He figures that probably won’t happen until at least late next year.

“The Fed doesn’t need to tighten credit yet, because credit is being tightened already everywhere else” because of the slow economy, he said. “I think this condition is one that lasts years.” Borrowing is down: If the overall level of borrowing in the economy were high, it would pressure the Fed to raise rates to prevent a surge in corporate and consumer debt like the one that helped fuel the financial meltdown. But that’s not happening, despite the government borrowing binge that’s drawing so much attention now. Arledge argued many have forgotten that the rise in government debt continues to be offset by reduced private borrowing by corporations issuing bonds and individuals taking out consumer loans. From 2003 through 2007, private borrowing grew around $3.3 trillion a year, Arledge said. But borrowing has reversed course, and the total has been shrinking by some $1.9 trillion a year since the start of 2009. “Yes, the government has been borrowing $1 trillion more, but everybody else is borrowing $5 trillion less,” he noted. “Total borrowing is actually shrinking.” Meanwhile, the government continues to find buyers for bonds at low prices. “We don’t have a bubble. We have too many

government bonds relative to total borrowing,” Arledge said.

Where to find higher yields Arledge predicted 10-year Treasury yields will remain low at 3 to 3.5 percent over the next three to six months. He figures investors who have embraced government bonds may eventually tire of low yields and venture into higher-returning corporates. It’s an important consideration, because many bond funds that once were broadly diversified are now heavy on government bonds and light on higher-yielding corporates. For example, government debt now


makes up about 75 percent of the Barclays aggregate bond index, a broad benchmark for many fixed-income funds that historically has held more corporate than government bonds. The shift is the result of rising government borrowing and declining corporate bond issuance. Arledge advised that investors look to bond managers with wide leeway to buy bonds of varying durations and credit quality, rather than going with funds confined to a single safe fixed-income niche. Investors who have sought refuge by loading up on safer short-term debt, he said, “will start to say, ‘I need more yield, if we’re going to be in this environment for a long time.’“ — AP


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Sept. 29

PRESIDENTIAL DIARY Former president Jimmy Carter will speak about his years in the White House and his book, White House Diary, on Wednesday, Sep-

tember 29, at 7 p.m. The event will take place at Lisner Auditorium, George Washington University, 730 21st St. N.W. Admission is $35 for the public or $25 for resident members of the Smithsonian Institute. Tickets can be purchased online at, by mail at The Smithsonian Associates, Smithsonian Institution, Dept. 0603, Washington, DC 20073, or by calling (202) 6333030 ($3 handling fee for orders by phone).

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Law & Money

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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Law & Money

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Overdraft protection is changing at banks The new overdraft rules for new check- less the consumer has actively enrolled in ing accounts went into effect on July 1, and the overdraft protection service. the ones for existing accounts Bankers say consumers will kick in on August 15. should opt in to overdraft proThe new rules are spurring tection to avoid having a a raft of mail from banks urgcharge denied for insufficient ing consumers to “opt in” — funds. and often warning of poten“This is not a one-time opttially dire consequences if in at the point of sale,” said they don’t. Nessa Feddis, a spokeswoman What are these new rules, for the American Bankers how will they affect conAssn. “It’s a general opt-in. If sumers, and what should you you don’t do it, you could have MONEY do about them? a debit purchase denied.” MATTERS Responding to consumer By Kathy Kristof Less expensive options complaints about burgeoning There are other options, overdraft charges, the Federal Reserve announced that it would bar and most of them are far less expensive banks from automatically enrolling con- than allowing the bank to approve an oversumers in some types of overdraft protec- draft at $39 a pop. Consumer advocates suggest that you tion plans for their bank accounts. These plans allow banks to approve a link your checking account to a savings accheck or debit charge to a customer’s ac- count or a credit card. This type of count — even if the charge causes the cus- arrangement typically results in a charge tomer’s balance to go negative — and then that is a fraction of what overdraft protection plans cost, said Leslie Parrish, senior assess an overdraft fee of as much as $39. Banks argue that the plans are a con- researcher at the Center for Responsible sumer service, preventing customers from Lending in Washington. For instance, most banks will charge a being embarrassed (or harmed) by a denied charge at a restaurant or gas station, one-time fee of $5 to $10 to transfer money from a linked savings or credit card acfor example. But consumers complained that they count into your checking account. That had no idea they could spend more than would cover all of the overdrafts made in a they had in their accounts when using a day. If you triggered five overdrafts, for exdebit card because they were enrolled in the plans without their knowledge, and the ample, this would still just cost $5 to transoverdrafts were “approved” (and triggered fer the money versus $195 ($39 times five) big fees) without their being alerted that with a traditional overdraft program. If the money was transferred from a the account had insufficient funds. The Federal Reserve rules do not stop credit card you’d also face interest banks from covering overdrafts. But they charges, but those charges are likely to be bar banks from charging overdraft fees on minimal if the overdraft is repaid quickly. There are other options out there, too. ATM and point-of-sale debit purchases un-

Jim Kelly, chief operating officer of ING Direct, said his bank offers a better deal. If you set up an overdraft line of credit at ING to cover your ING checking account, there’s no transfer fee. In this case, you are simply charged for the money you use at a 7.25 percent interest rate. Someone who borrowed $100 for

10 days by overspending on a debit card would pay about 20 cents’ interest, he said. Customers do have to apply for such an overdraft line of credit, and have decent credit to get it, Kelly said. If they don’t have that line of credit set up, the bank deSee OVERDRAFT RULES, page 10

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Law & Money

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Overdraft rules

But it’s a convenient way to access an affordable credit facility if you do,” he said.

From page 9 clines charges when there are not sufficient funds in the account to cover them, but doesn’t charge customers to do it. “The bulk of our customers don’t use it.

Some rules remain unchanged The new Federal Reserve rule will not stop all overdraft charges, however, even for those who do not opt in to overdraft


Aug. 24

AFTER AGE 70 ½ Learn how important retirement income provisions kick in after

age 70 1/2. Attorney Elizabeth Wildhack will give a free presentation on Tuesday, August 24, at 11:15 a.m. at Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Hwy., Arlington, Va., about what this age marker means and will answer questions. Registration is required by calling (703) 228-0555.

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protection programs. That’s because the agency will allow banks to cover “regular” payments and debits, such as the automatic payment for your mortgage or gym membership, and charge a fee if that payment causes you to overdraft. In addition, the Fed did nothing about one of the practices that consumer groups find particularly egregious — that of “reordering” how transactions are processed from highest amount to lowest amount, regardless of the order that they reached the bank. Banks have said this practice is a service aimed at ensuring that customers’ most important payments, such as the rent, are covered. But consumer groups say it’s a thinly veiled plot to boost the number of overdraft fees the banks can charge by drain-

ing the account with the biggest transactions first, increasing the chance that your other transaction, no matter how small, will trigger additional overdraft fees. If you are among the 20 percent of consumers who occasionally overdraw your checking account, you should become familiar with the terms of your bank agreement. “Understand your account terms and shop around,” Kelly said. “Fees can make such a huge difference in the cost of operating an account. If the consumer is subjected to ‘gotcha’ fees, it can completely change your financial picture.” Kathy M. Kristof, author of Taming the Tuition Tiger and Investing 101, welcomes your comments and suggestions but regrets that she cannot respond individually to letters or phone calls. E-mail her at © 2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.




The University of Maryland’s Legacy Leadership Institute on Public Policy is looking for volunteer legislative leaders during the 2011 session of the Maryland General Assembly. Classroom training begins in September for 10 weeks, two days per week at the College Park campus. Contact Wesley Queen at (301) 405-2529 or for more information and an application.



Fairfax County foster parents provide shelter, support and care for children who have been temporarily removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Foster parents receive training, ongoing support, and a monthly stipend to help cover the child’s expenses. Call (703) 324-7639 or TTY (703) 222-9452 for more information.



Sibley Memorial Hospital is in need of people who have lost a spouse at least two years ago to help with a bereavement program for widows and widowers. For more information, contact Julie Potter at (202) 364-7602.

Aug. 13+


During the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, from August 1321, Manna Food Center will collect food for local families. Any individuals or groups who can hang posters, distribute information about the food drive, or volunteer time at the fair should contact, or call (301) 424-1130.

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Health Fitness &

WHY NO VIAGRA FOR WOMEN? A “little pink pill” for women remains elusive despite drug companies’ efforts IS IT A HEART ATTACK? How to tell if that chest pain is a heart attack or something more benign NOT HEAD OF THE CLASS The CLASS Act’s long-term care insurance pays only minimal benefits WATER AND WEIGHT LOSS Drinking water is healthy, but can it really help you lose weight?

Lax infection control at surgery centers By Carla K. Johnson A new federal study found that many same-day surgery centers — where patients get such things as foot operations and pain injections — have serious problems with infection control. Failure to wash hands, wear gloves and clean blood glucose meters were among the reported breaches. Clinics reused devices meant for one person or dipped into single-dose medicine vials for multiple patients. In the study, state inspectors visited 68 centers in Maryland, North Carolina and Oklahoma. Thirty-two of the centers were in Maryland. The findings, appearing in Journal of the American Medical Association, suggest lax infection practices may pervade the nation’s more than 5,000 outpatient centers, experts said.

“Disappointing” results “These are basic fundamentals of infec-

tion control, things like cleaning your hands, cleaning surfaces in patient care areas,” said lead author Dr. Melissa Schaefer of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “It’s all surprising and somewhat disappointing.” The study was prompted by a hepatitis C outbreak in Las Vegas believed to be caused by unsafe injection practices at two now-closed clinics. It’s the first report from a push to more vigorously inspect U.S. outpatient centers — a growing segment of the healthcare system that annually performs more than 6 million procedures and collects $3 billion from Medicare. Procedures performed at such centers include exams of the esophagus, colonoscopies and plastic surgery. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement that her department is expanding its hospital infection control action plan to include ambulatory surgical centers and

dialysis centers. Inspectors used a new audit tool focusing on infection control. At each site, inspectors followed at least one patient through an entire stay. Inspections weren’t announced ahead of time, but staff were notified once inspectors arrived. The new study found 67 percent of the centers had at least one lapse in infection control and 57 percent were cited for deficiencies. The study didn’t look at whether any of the lapses actually led to infections in patients.

Better practices in Maryland Overall, the centers inspected in Maryland complied better with infection control practices than those in the other states. For example, while 21 percent of the facilities in North Carolina and 30 percent in Oklahoma did not follow correct hand hygiene practices, only 11 percent of the facilities in Maryland had such lapses. In Maryland, blood glucose meters

were not cleaned and disinfected after each use 9 percent of the time, but proper procedures were not followed 43 percent of the time in North Carolina and 53 percent in Oklahoma. “These people knew they were under observation, had the opportunity to be on their best behavior, and yet these lapses were still identified, some of which potentially are very dangerous and have been warned against explicitly,” said Dr. Philip Barie of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. Barie was not involved in the study but wrote an accompanying editorial in the journal. A few centers in the study hadn’t been inspected in 12 years. State agencies have the main responsibility for making sure centers comply with federal standards, but states often fall behind. In the Nevada outbreak, officials notified 63,000 patients that they might have been exSee INFECTION CONTROL, page 12

Genes that help some live to 100 or more By Randolph E. Schmid The oldest among us seem to have chosen their parents well. Researchers closing in on the impact of family versus lifestyle find most people who live to 100 or older share some helpful genes. But don’t give up on diet and exercise just yet. In an early step to understanding the pathways that lead to surviving into old age, researchers reported in the journal Science that a study of centenarians found most had a number of genetic variations in common. That doesn’t mean there’s a quick test to determine who will live long and who won’t — a healthy lifestyle and other factors are also significant, noted the team led by Paola Sebastiani and Thomas T. Perls of Boston University. Nevertheless, Perls said the research might point the way to determining who will be vulnerable to specific diseases sooner, and there may be a possibility, down the road, to help guide therapy for them.

1,055 Caucasians born between 1890 and 1910 and compared them with 1,267 people born later. By studying genetic markers, the researchers were able to predict with 77 percent accuracy which gene groups came from people over 100. “Seventy-seven percent is very high accuracy for a genetic model,” said Sebastiani. “But 23 percent error rate also shows there is a lot that remains to be discovered.” The centenarians could be fitted into 19 groups with different genetic signatures, they found. Some genes correlate with longer survival; others delayed the onset of various age-related diseases such as dementia. “The signatures show different paths of longevity,” Sebastiani said. In general, the centenarians remained in good health longer than average, not developing diseases associated with old age until in their 90s, according to the study.

Protective genes found Fairly accurate predictions The team looked at the genomes of

The researchers were surprised, Sebastiani said, that they found little difference

between the centenarians and the control group in genetic variations that predispose people to certain illnesses. “We found that what predisposes to a long life is not lack of disease-associated variants, but the presence of protective variants,” she said at a briefing. In addition, 40 percent of “super-centenarians,” aged 110 and over, had three specific genetic variants in common. Perls cautioned that this is a very complex genetic puzzle and “we’re quite a ways away, still, in understanding what pathways are governed by these genes.” “I look at the complexity of this puzzle and feel very strongly that this will not lead to treatments that will get people to be centenarians,” he said. But it may help in developing a strategy and screenings that will help find what treatments will be needed down the road. While this study, begun in 1995, focused on Caucasians, the researchers said they plan to extend it to other groups, including studying Japan, which has large numbers of elderly. “Inheritability of longevity has been

looked at, so genes do play a role,” said Dr. Kenneth S. Kendler of the Department of Human and Molecular Genetics at Virginia Commonwealth University. But so do other factors, “such as driving motorcycles fast and smoking,” said Kendler, who was not part of the research team. The 77 percent accuracy rate reported in this study is better than other groups have been able to do, Kendler added. The U.S. study found that about 85 percent of people 100 and older are women and 15 percent men. “Men tend to be more susceptible to mortality in age-related diseases,” Perls said. “Once they get a disease, they more readily die. “Women, on the other hand, seem to be better able to handle these diseases, so they tend to have higher levels of disability than men, but they live longer.” The study was funded by grants from the National Institute of Aging and the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. — AP


Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Drug industry craves a Viagra for women By Matthew Perrone A medication that will boost women’s sex drive remains elusive after a decade of searching by some of the world’s biggest drug companies. The Food and Drug Administration’s panel of reproductive advisers unanimously rejected the latest offering submitted for federal approval: an antidepressant drug that showed promise in increasing sexual desire. The drug flibanerin, which acts on serotonin and other brain chemicals, was originally studied as a depression therapy, but then repurposed as a libido pill after women reported unusually high levels of sexual satisfaction. Despite a modest uptick in sexually satisfying events reported in two studies, panelists

said the drug’s benefits did not outweigh its side effects, including fatigue, depression and fainting spells, and therefore did not warrant its approval as a daily pill for women. “I am convinced that women’s sexual health is important and that many women suffer from sexual dysfunction. But I’m not convinced of a clinically meaningful benefit for this drug,” said panelist Paula Hillard, a gynecologist from Stanford University School of Medicine. The FDA will make its own decision on the drug in coming months, though it usually follows the advice of its panelists.

Looking for the “little pink pill” The attempt to trigger sexual interest through brain chemistry is the drug indus-

try’s latest approach to find a female equivalent to the blockbuster success of Pfizer’s erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra. Since that drug’s 1998 launch, more than two dozen experimental therapies have been studied for so-called “female sexual dysfunction,” a market worth an estimated $2 billion. Initially, Pfizer tested Viagra on women, hoping that the drug’s ability to increase blood flow to the genitals would increase libido. When that didn’t work, drugmakers turned to hormones, including testosterone. In 2004, an FDA panel rejected Procter & Gamble’s testosterone patch, Intrinsa, due to unknown risks from long-term use. Two years earlier a massive government study found that hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women increased heart disease and breast cancer,

raising concerns about the safety of all hormones. Decision Resources analyst Alasdair Milton said that after years of disappointing results, the search for “female Viagra” may be winding down. “In this day and age, are you really going to spend a significant amount of money developing these compounds if you’re not going to get a return on your investment?” Milton asked. But experts who have watched the drug industry’s dogged pursuit of a female dysfunction drug are not convinced the end is in sight. Dr. Leonore Tiefer, a psychiatry professor at New York University who runs a private sex therapy practice, said drug companies may target narrower groups of

Infection control

far, 61 percent of centers have been cited for an infection control deficiency. The new findings will cause centers to “redouble our efforts to improve patient care,” said Dr. David Shapiro of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association, a trade group. “Any incident is one too many.” — AP with additional reporting by Barbara Ruben

From page 11 posed to blood-borne diseases. Nine cases of hepatitis C were linked to the clinics; more than 100 other cases also may be related. States now are required to use the new audit tool to inspect centers participating in Medicare. Of surveys using the tool so




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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Learn lifesaving CPR in only 60 seconds By Dr. Tyler Vadeboncoeur A relatively new technique of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) — known as continuous cardiopulmonary resuscitation, compression-only CPR or hands-only CPR — is easy to learn, remember and do. Because of its simplicity and effectiveness, it can replace conventional CPR (which involves mouth-to-mouth breathing) in many circumstances. Hands-only CPR simply requires hard (two inches deep), fast (100 per minute) compressions administered to the center of the chest. The compressions circulate oxygenated blood to sustain the brain and body in the early minutes of a cardiac arrest. In 2008, the American Heart Association (AHA) endorsed hands-only CPR in certain situations. If you as a bystander see an adult suddenly collapse, the AHA advisory statement says: • If you are not trained in CPR, you should provide hands-only CPR. • If you are previously trained and feel confident in your ability to provide rescue breaths with minimal interruptions to chest compressions, you can perform either conventional CPR or hands-only CPR. • If you are previously trained and are not confident in your ability to provide conventional CPR, you should perform handsonly CPR.

CPR doubles survival

less time consuming to teach.

By promoting hands-only CPR, healthcare organizations are hopeful that more bystanders will step up to help cardiac arrest victims. An estimated 300,000 Americans have a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital every year. When a bystander administers CPR, the likelihood of survival can double or triple. Unfortunately, bystander CPR doesn’t happen often enough. Estimates suggest that bystander CPR occurs for only onefourth to one-third of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. There are many possible reasons why this number isn’t higher. Too few people have been trained in CPR, and studies show that those who have been trained in conventional CPR forget the details within months. Given the panic in a cardiac arrest situation and poor recollection of training, conventional CPR is a challenge to perform. Additionally, bystanders can be reluctant to do mouth-to-mouth breathing and can be afraid that they will do something wrong, causing harm to the victim. Hands-only CPR overcomes many of these obstacles. There’s little to remember. No compression-to-breathing ratios. The squeamish factor goes away with no required breathing. And it is simpler and

What to do in an emergency If you see an adult suddenly collapse who is not breathing normally, shake the person and ask loudly if he or she is OK. If you don’t get a response, call 911 or, better yet, have another bystander call. Then start rapid, firm compressions in the middle of the chest. Don’t take the time to check for a pulse. In 2005, AHA guidelines dropped the pulse check for lay rescuers because it is too difficult. Even doctors and nurses have a difficult time finding a pulse under stressful conditions. If an unresponsive, adult, sudden-collapse victim is not breathing normally,

start hands-only CPR. In fact, many cardiac arrest victims are still gasping but need CPR. The best immediate care is to keep the heart pumping without delay. There are situations where conventional CPR is still the first choice. Children benefit from breathing and chest compressions. Conventional CPR also is recommended for adults in the event of drowning or an overdose that results in cardiac arrest. Remember that continuous chest compressions are better than doing nothing at all, even in these circumstances. To see a demonstration of the technique, see the Mayo Clinic’s Medical Edge video See LEARN CPR, page 14

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Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Viagra for women From page 12 women to find an effective therapy, but won’t give up the search anytime soon. “I don’t see that there’s any incentive for the companies to stop. The market is just

too big,” said Tiefer. Drug companies frequently cite a 1999 survey in the Journal of the American Medical Association that found 43 percent of U.S. women had some type of sexual dysfunction, though more rigorous, in-depth surveys have put the figure closer to 10 percent.


Sept. 2


The Pain Connection Chronic Pain Support Group will meet on Sept. 2, from 1:30-3 p.m. at the Jewish Council for the Aging building, 12320 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, Md. The group is open to anyone with chronic pain, their family members or interested community residents. Contact (301) 231-0008 or visit for more information.



Join other seniors practicing yoga, aerobics, strength training and balance games on the Nintendo Wii game system every Tuesday and Thursday at 1 p.m. This free exercise class takes place at Langston-Brown Multipurpose Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington, Va. Call (703) 2285321 in advance to make a reservation.

Testosterone holds some promise The field of potential competitors in the market has narrowed considerably over the years. Currently the only company with a drug in late-stage development is BioSante Pharmaceuticals Inc., a small specialty drugmaker developing a testosterone gel called LibiGel. According to company executives, more than 1.8 million women received prescriptions for men’s testosterone gel last year, suggesting a significant market. While currently marketed testosterone gels are designed to treat low hormone levels in men, doctors are free to prescribe them for alternate uses. “That shows you doctors are willing to write prescriptions for testosterone offlabel and women are willing to take it,” said BioSante Chief Financial Officer Phil Donenberg. But FDA approval of the company’s LibiGel is far from certain. After lengthy discussions with the agency, the company has agreed to track over 3,000 women for more than a year to detect potential side effects.

Learn CPR From page 13

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Clinic is an educational resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. To submit a question, write to:, or Medical Edge from Mayo Clinic, c/o TMS, 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207. © 2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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Expires 9-30-10. WB


at Another good Web resource is You can learn the basics of hands-only CPR in 60 seconds. It’s a minute that could one day help save a life. This Medical Edge column from Mayo

Even if the gel turns out to be safe, Emory University Professor Kim Wallen said it’s unlikely to prove effective. “There have probably now been 50 studies on different kinds of testosterone regimens, and they all produce minimal or no effect” on sexual desire, according to Wallen. “This is a case where the pharmaceutical industry is looking in the wrong place.” Wallen still believes there could be pharmaceutical solutions to low sexual desire, possibly with other hormones like estrogen. But he says the industry’s search for a magic pill oversimplifies the problem. Sexuality is influenced by so many factors — including physical health, quality of relationships and lifestyle — that it’s unrealistic to assume a drug could address millions of different cases of low libido. “There are lots of reasons that people, both men and women, experience low sexual desire,” Wallen said. “And to lump every individual into this group as potentially being amenable to drug therapy seems ill-advised.” — AP

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The deadline is fast approaching for registration in the Northern Virginia Senior Olympics. September 1 is the last day to sign up for sports and games including bowling, golf, swimming and horseshoes. To register, visit a local senior center,, or call (703) 228-3600 for a form. The fee is $10 for one event and $1 for each additional activity.



Get support for coping with illness and balancing your needs with those of an aging parent. A support group meets every month at Jewish Social Services Agency, 6123 Montrose Rd., Rockville, Md. from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Dates will be announced ahead of time. Pre-registration is required; call (301) 816-2634.

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Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Is that pain in your chest a heart attack? That dull burning in your chest doesn’t seem to be going away, and even feels like it’s getting worse. Is it a heart attack, or something else? It’s a vexing question, one that millions of people — and their doctors — face each year. What’s the problem? Chest pain can stem from dozens of conditions besides heart attack — from pancreatitis to pneumonia or panic attack. More than six million Americans with chest pain were seen in hospital emergency departments in 2009. Only 20 percent of them were having a heart attack or an episode of unstable angina, a warning sign that a heart attack may happen soon. A small percentage had another poten-

tially life-threatening problem, such as pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs) or aortic dissection (a tear in the inner layer of the aorta). Some were experiencing “regular” angina, which occurs when part of the heart isn’t getting as much oxygen-rich blood as it needs during periods of physical exertion or emotional stress. Most of the six million, though, had a condition unrelated to the heart or arteries.

Wide variety of symptoms The other tricky problem with heart attacks is that different people experience them in different ways. Some have classic chest pain. Others have jaw pain or back pain. Still others become breathless, or ex-

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tremely fatigued, or nauseated. Chest pain is only one of the possible signs of an impending heart attack. If you notice one or more of the following signs in yourself or someone else, call 911 or your local emergency number right away: • Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, burning, tightness, or pain in the center of the chest • Pain, numbness, pinching, prickling, or other uncomfortable sensations in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach • Shortness of breath • Sudden nausea or vomiting • Lightheadedness or dizziness • Unusual fatigue • Heat/flushing or a cold sweat • Sudden heaviness, weakness, or aching in one or both arms Doctors use several pieces of information to determine who is, and who isn’t, having a heart attack. The most accurate are blood tests for markers that show damage to the heart muscle, such as creatine kinase and cardiac troponin. But since it takes awhile for blood levels of these proteins to get measurably high, the best early methods are an electrocardiogram (ECG) to measure electrical activity in the heart, plus your story and description of your chest pain and other symptoms. Here are some things your doctors will want to know about what you’re experiencing: • What is it that you are feeling (pain, pressure, tightness, etc.)? • Where is the discomfort? • When did it start? • Has it gotten worse or stayed the same? • Is the feeling constant, or does it come and go?

• Have you felt it before? • What were you doing before these feelings started? Clear answers to these questions go a long way toward nailing down a diagnosis. A stabbing pain or one that hasn’t changed for hours is less likely to be a heart attack, while pain centered in the chest that spreads out to the left arm or jaw is more likely to be one.

Better safe than sorry Unlike an achy knee or crabby lower back, chest pain isn’t something to shrug off until tomorrow. It also isn’t something to diagnose at home. Don’t play doctor — go see one, fast, if you’re worried about pain or discomfort in your chest, upper back, left arm or jaw; or suddenly faint or develop a cold sweat, nausea or vomiting. Call 911 or your local emergency number to summon an emergency medical crew. It will whisk you to the hospital in a vehicle full of equipment that can start the diagnosis and keep you stable if your heart really is in trouble. There are oh-so-many reasons to delay calling for help. I’m too young (you aren’t — even 20-somethings can have heart attacks). I’m in great shape (a heart attack is sometimes the first sign of heart disease). I have a family to take care of (all the more reason to get to the hospital fast). I don’t want to bother anyone (you’d be a bigger bother with advanced heart failure, or dead). What if it isn’t a heart attack? You will be evaluated as if you are having one and, when it is ruled out as the cause of your symptoms, your doctors will look for the real cause. See CHEST PAIN, page 17

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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Chest pain From page 16 They won’t be angry with you for crying wolf. Instead, they should congratulate you for taking action (if they don’t, we will) and work with you to get at the root of your chest pain and ease it. If the cause was indigestion, a panic attack, or another possibly recurring condition, the emergency department doctors

and your primary care physician can help you interpret what your body is telling you. Chest pain is serious business. If you think yours might be due to a heart attack, take action right away. The sooner you are checked out, the sooner you can get the kind of artery-opening therapy that can protect your heart from permanent damage. © 2010 President and fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.



Sept. 7+


Sign up with Northern Virginia Senior Softball to play slow-pitch, seven-inning softball games on Tuesday and Thursday mornings this fall, from Sept. 7 to Oct. 29. For more information, visit or call Dave at (703) 524-5576 or Paul at (703) 323-7878.

Aug. 25


Haven of Northern Virginia is offering a free suicide bereavement workshop on Wednesday, August 25, from 7 to 9 p.m., at 4606 Ravensworth Rd., Annandale, Va. Registration is required by calling (703) 9417100, or through e-mail,

Evaluating your symptoms More likely to be a heart attack:

Less likely to be a heart attack:

Sensation of pain, pressure, tightness, squeezing or burning

Sharp or knifelike pain brought on by breathing or coughing

Gradual onset of pain over the course of a few minutes Pain in diffuse area, including middle of chest Pain that extends to the left arm, neck, jaw or back

Pain or pressure that appears during or after physical exertion or emotional stress (heart attack) or while you are at rest (unstable angina)

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Sudden stabbing pain that lasts only a few seconds Pain clearly on one side of the body or the other Pain that is localized to one small spot

Pain or pressure accompanied by other signs, such as difficulty breathing, a cold sweat, or sudden nausea

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Pain that lasts for many hours or days without any other symptoms Pain reproduced by pressing on the chest or with body motion

— Harvard Heart Letter

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Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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Bravo Health plans are offered by subsidiaries of Bravo Health, Inc., Medicare Advantage Organizations with Medicare contracts. The benefit information provided herein is a brief summary, but not a comprehensive description of available benefits. Additional information about benefits is available to assist you in making a decision about your coverage. Special eligibility requirements may apply. To enroll, you must be diagnosed with diabetes. Enrollment is open year round. This is an advertisement; for more information contact the plan. Y0015_10_0016

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Healthcare reform’s long-term care option By Kimberly Lankford Q: I understand the new healthcare reform law offers some long-term care benefits. Should I drop the long-term care insurance policy I bought a few years ago? A: Don’t drop your long-term care policy, especially if you’ve been paying premiums for several years. The national, voluntary long-term care program included in the healthcare reform law will provide some money to help cover long-term-care expenses. But it offers much less coverage than the average cost of care, and could leave you far short if you’re depending on it to pay your longterm care bills. Starting next year, employees of companies that choose to participate will be automatically enrolled in the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act and will pay for it through payroll deductions, unless they opt out. Other workers and the self-employed will be able to enroll on their own. Retirees are not eligible to sign up.

Benefits help a little After paying premiums for five years (and you must have worked for three of

those five years), you’re eligible for a cash benefit of about $50 per day if you’re unable to perform two or three activities of daily living, such as walking, bathing or dressing, or if you are cognitively impaired. (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is still working out the details.) That benefit could help a bit, but it falls far short of covering the actual cost of long-term care — which currently averages $219 per day in a nursing home, or $168 for eight hours of care by a home health aide. The Department of Health and Human Services hasn’t set the premiums yet, but the American Academy of Actuaries estimates that they could average as much as $125 to $160 per month (or as little as $5 per month for those below the poverty line). The high-end estimate is about the same price that a relatively healthy fifty something would pay for a private long-term care policy providing about three times that daily benefit for three years. (A study by actuarial consulting firm Milliman found that only 8 percent of long-term care claimants who had policies with a three-year benefit period exhausted their benefits.)



FALL PREVENTION CLASSES Fall prevention classes, designed to help seniors work on balance

and core muscles, will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in a heated indoor pool at the Woodlands Retirement Community, 4320 Forest Hill Dr., Fairfax. Additional classes will be offered Mondays and Fridays from 2 to 3 p.m. The cost is $10. Advance registration is required; call (703) 667-9800.

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On the other hand, there are some unique benefits to CLASS coverage. One is that you can’t be rejected for coverage because of your health. So it could help people with medical conditions who don’t qualify for private long-term care insurance. Also, it covers many services that aren’t eligible for benefits under most long-term care plans, including homemaker services, home modifications and transportation,

that could help you stay out of a nursing home. For more information about private long-term care insurance, including new strategies for lowering the premiums, see the article “Long-Term Care You Can Afford” on the Kiplinger magazine website: ong-term-care-you-can-afford.html). © 2010 Kiplinger. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.

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Fitness & Health

Health Shorts Fighting huge medical bills Trying to make sense of a medical bill is like trying to understand the federal tax code. Neither task is for the untrained or faint of heart. So if you think the bill for your latest afternoon at the doctor or hospital visit is

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

wrong or excessive, a medical negotiation company may be able to help you bring that sky-high bill a bit closer to earth. Medical negotiation companies rely on trained investigators and negotiators to review medical bills, identify charges that might be incorrect or excessive (based on so-called usual and customary charges), and negotiate with doctors or hospitals to lower the charge. The service isn’t free; most companies take a percentage (in the vicinity of 25 percent to 35 percent) of whatever savings they manage to get for you.

• Reservations taken for orthopedic rehabilitation • Admissions 24 hours a day, seven days a week • Short term medical and physical rehabilitation • Call us for additional information Maryland Relay Voice/TTY 1.800.201.7165

You can find a company that specializes in reducing medical bills by doing an Internet search for “medical bill negotiation service.” Unfortunately, the Yellow Pages don’t routinely list such companies. — Harvard Heart Letter

Walnuts keep arteries healthier If you want to make your arteries healthier, exercise can’t be beat. Interested in something a little less energetic? You could try adding some walnuts to your diet. Researchers with Yale University’s Prevention Research Center asked two dozen men and women with type 2 diabetes to supplement their usual daily diets with 2 ounces of walnuts — about 30 shelled walnut halves — for eight weeks, then switch to a walnut-free diet (or vice versa). A test of blood flow through an artery in the forearm before and after each eightweek trial showed that walnuts improved the flexibility of the artery, an important measure of arterial health (Diabetes Care, February 2010). Weight, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar didn’t change from one diet to the other. This is just the latest in a string of studies showing that walnuts and other nuts should be thought of as an integral part of our diets, not as a guilty snack. Eating walnuts and other nuts has been linked with protection against heart disease, especially sudden cardiac arrest, while eating almonds has been shown to improve blood sugar levels. At more than 150 calories an ounce, you don’t want to go overboard with nuts, or the extra pounds you pack on could cancel out any benefits. Nuts can also deliver a lot of salt. The best way to add nuts to your diet is to use unsalted nuts in place of meat in pasta

and other dishes, add them to salads and soups, or munch them in place of chips or crackers. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts...all fill the bill. — Harvard Heart Letter

Best strategy to quit smoking A federally funded study that compared five different medication strategies to help people stop smoking concluded that the combination of a nicotine patch and a nicotine lozenge was the most effective strategy. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin enrolled 1,504 adults in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants admitted to the eightweek intervention smoked at least 10 cigarettes (half a pack) per day. They were randomly assigned to one of six therapies: nicotine lozenge, nicotine patch, or bupropion (Zyban) alone, or the patch plus lozenge, bupropion plus lozenge, or placebo. (Another commonly used medication, varenicline (Chantix), was not included.) All participants also received six individual counseling sessions. The researchers assessed smoking rates at one week, eight weeks, and six months after participants’ quit dates. Although all medication strategies made it more likely than placebo that participants would stop smoking, the combination of a nicotine patch and the lozenge worked best. Participants receiving this combination who eventually relapsed took longer to do so, on average, than participants who relapsed while on the other treatments. — Harvard Mental Health Letter © 2010 President and fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc. See HEALTH SHORTS, page 21

Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Health shorts

tion expert from the University of Toronto’s Princess Margaret Hospital. These men are treated with drugs that block testosterone, a hormone that helps prostate cancer grow. Only about half also get radiation because of concerns about urinary problems it can cause. Even though these treatments have been used for decades, few studies have been done to establish their value alone or in combination. The new study assigned 1,200 men to get hormones plus radiation or hormones alone. After seven years, 74 percent of men receiving both treatments were alive versus 66 percent of the others. Those on both treatments lived an average of six months longer than those given just hormones. Serious side effects occurred in less than 2 percent of men in either group. The study was sponsored by the National Cancer Institute of Canada.

From page 20

Better prostate cancer treatment Doctors are reporting a key advance in treating men with cancer that has started to spread beyond the prostate: survival is significantly better if radiation is added to standard hormone treatments. The prostate study has the potential to change care right away. About 20 percent of the nearly 200,000 men diagnosed with the disease each year in the United States are like those in the study — with cancer that has spread to the area around the prostate. “It is this group of patients in whom many of the deaths from prostate cancer occur,” because the condition is usually incurable, said study leader Dr. Padraig Warde, a radia-






CAREGIVER SUPPORT Sign up for Fairfax County’s new family caregiver respite program

and give a caregiver the chance to shop, go to the doctor or just relax. Volunteers are screened and trained. Call (703) 324-5406 or TTY (703) 4491186 for more information.

Aug. 19

EAT, PRAY, LOVE Mark your calendars for the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. to see the Avalon Theatre’s current feature film on the big

screen. The movie for Thursday, August 19 is Eat, Pray, Love, starring Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem. The Avalon Theatre is located at 5612 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Tickets are specially priced at $5 this month, available at the box office, (202) 966-3464. Sponsored by Sibley Senior Association and the Methodist Home.

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Take the grandkids to a free, family-friendly drive-in movie on Saturday nights in August. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs will play on August 7, Fantastic Mr. Fox on August 14, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian on August 21 and Aliens in the Attic on August 28. All movies take place at Trinity Centre Parking, 5875 Trinity Parkway, Centreville, Va., at sundown. Gates open at 6 p.m. For more information, visit


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Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Workouts before breakfast burn more fat By Maria Cheng Running on empty may not be such a bad idea after all. Though many athletes eat before training, some scientists say that if you really want to get rid of more fat, you should skip the pre-workout snack. Several studies suggest that exercising while your body is low on food may be a good way to trim excess fat. In a recent paper, European researchers found that cyclists who trained without eating burned significantly more fat than their counterparts who ate.

Burn fat instead of carbs Muscles usually get their energy from carbohydrates, which is why athletes like Lance Armstrong and Michael Phelps scarf down enormous amounts of food before a race. But if you haven’t eaten before exercising, your body doesn’t have many carbohydrates in reserve. That forces it to burn fat instead, scientists say. “When you exercise [after fasting], your adrenalin is high and your insulin is low,” said Peter Hespel, a professor of exercise physiology at the University of Leuven in Belgium. “That ratio is favorable for

your muscles to oxidize [break down] more fatty acids.” Hespel said that people who exercise without having eaten burn more fat than they would if they had grabbed a bite beforehand. In a study published in April, researchers at the University of Birmingham and elsewhere assigned seven people to cycle three days a week, followed by an intense session an hour later without eating. Another seven people followed the same regime, without the instruction to fast. Though members of the group that didn’t eat performed worse on the intensive training, they burned a higher proportion of fat to carbohydrates than the group that ate. The results were published by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. In a 2008 study, Hespel and colleagues tested the effects on men who did endurance training without eating versus those who ate. In the athletes who hadn’t eaten, the researchers found a spike in the amount of proteins needed to process fat, meaning their bodies had been primed through fasting to burn more fat. Hespel recommends people do this kind of training before breakfast, since eating

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carbohydrates interrupts the process of metabolizing fat for about six hours afterward.

Might help diabetics, too Though he and colleagues have primarily studied the effects of exercising without eating in young, healthy people, he thinks the method could also help people with problems like diabetes. Because exercising without eating produces muscles that are better at absorbing glucose — which is important for preventing diabetes — Hespel theorized the strategy would also help diabetics control their insulin levels. Other experts said that even though people may burn more fat this way, it is mostly fat within the muscles that will be lost and won’t make a big difference to people trying to lose weight. “When you exercise [without eating], fat is broken down more quickly in the muscle,” said Andrew Greenberg, director of the Obesity and Metabolism Laboratory at Tufts University. “You may enhance how you burn the fat in the muscles, but it doesn’t affect your overall body fat,” Greenberg said. He said more intense exercise may prompt the body to burn more fatty acids in other regions of the body, but that a lot of training would be required to see a big difference. For recreational athletes interested in maximizing their exercise regimen, some experts recommend a regular training session where you deliberately do not eat beforehand. “Science is finally catching up with what smart runners have always known,” said Ron Maughan, a professor of sport, exercise and health sciences at Loughborough University in Britain. “If you have a long, hard run without breakfast once a week, that hard run will train you to burn fat,” he said. “And for the rest of the week, have plenty of carbohydrates so you can train hard.” “I think it’s actually a pretty bad idea,” said Dr. Alexis Chiang Colvin, a sports medicine expert at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York who has worked with professional football and hockey teams. “If your blood sugar is low, you could wind up getting dizzy and you might not be able to exercise as well as if you were well-

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See BURN FAT, page 24

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Health Studies Page


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Type 2 diabetics with heart disease wanted INSOMNIA

If you are 65 years or older and have trouble STAYING ASLEEP you may qualify to participate in a research study of an investigational drug. Compensation will be provided for time and travel.

Call 301-654-5665

Patients enrolled in the study will be randomly chosen to either get taspoglutide or a placebo that contains no active ingredients. Neither they nor the researchers will know who is getting the real drug until the end of the study. Patients will continue to take their regular diabetes and heart disease medications for the duration of the study. To qualify for the study, men must be over age 45 and women over age 50. They must have been diagnosed with both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Participants cannot have a history of type 1 diabetes, serious diabetes complications in the last six months, pancreatitis or certain types of heart failure. Participants will receive all medications, blood work and doctor visits free of charge. They will also get free diabetes supplies and will be screened and treated for such conditions as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. They will receive $50 for each visit to the clinic. For more information, or to volunteer, call (703) 330-1112.


The Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders Chevy Chase, Maryland


A double-blind random trial

Friendship Heights Metro


Andrawis is looking for people who have both diseases to participate in a study of the injectable drug. The study will last up to two years. “Taspoglutide has been studied for three years, and we have seen very excellent results. It will be the new trend in how we treat diabetes,� Andrawis said. “Unlike other diabetes medicines, people have lost weight rather than gaining it.� However, this summer the drug’s manufacturer, Roche, announced that patients in trials had a higher than expected sensitivity to taspoglutide, including skin and gastrointestinal symptoms. Less than 1 percent of those taking the drug had these side effects, and they all got better. But the developer will be conducting further trials, meaning the drug will likely

Do you wake up BEFORE your alarm?

Check off the health studies you’d like to receive FREE information about. â?? Insomnia Study/Maryland (See ad, p. 23) â?? Insomnia Study/Virginia (See ad, p. 23) â?? Memory Study (See ad, p. 23) â?? Type 2 Diabetes/Heart Disease (See article, p. 23) Name_________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________State______Zip________________ Phone (day)________________________ (eve)___________________________


Return to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915 or fax to (301) 949-8966



Volunteers sought for study

not be approved in 2011 as hoped. Andrawis will conduct the study at his offices in Manassas and Burke, Va. Patients will initially visit the office once a week for injections, blood work and other testing. The drug is injected once a week with a small needle, and patients will be taught how to take it at home. After four weeks, patients will start taking a higher dose of the drug and come into the office once a month. Eventually, they will be seen only every three months.


Georgetown University is participating in an NIH-sponsored research study to help stop the progression of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in future generations. The goal of the study is to determine whether imaging of the brain can help predict the onset and monitor the progression of cognitive change.


We are looking for people who:




Sleep Disorders Center of Mid-Atlantic



By Barbara Ruben People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are two to four times as likely to develop cardiovascular disease as those without the condition. That’s because they are likelier to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and be overweight, and because chronic high blood sugar can cause arteries to narrow. People with this condition “are particularly vulnerable to heart attack and stroke, so we need to find a medication that can help more diabetes patients,� said Dr. Nabil S. Andrawis. He and other researchers at Manassas Clinical Research Center are studying a drug called taspoglutide to see if it can help those who have both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Taspoglutide is not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

• Are between 55 and 90 years of age • Are in good general health but have memory problems or concerns • Are fluent in English • Are willing and able to undergo all test procedures (MRI and • Have a study partner (friend or relative with whom you are in PET scans, lumbar puncture)

contact at least 10 hours/ week and who can accompany you to all study visits)

For more information, please contact:

Kelly Behan (202) 687-0413


Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Can water really promote weight loss? Q: Does drinking lots of water really help you lose weight? A: You might hear that drinking water “flushes fat out,” but that does not make sense with what we know of how our body processes food and nutrients, and research doesn’t provide any support for that idea. On the other hand, switching to water from high-calorie soft drinks, lemonade, sweetened tea or deluxe coffee drinks with whipped cream toppings could certainly play a big role in weight loss if you drink these beverages regularly. It might be interesting to calculate what you consume in a typical day. It’s easy to underestimate how the calories from our beverage choices can add up.

Drinking water before or during meals may also help to fill you up and slow you down to help you eat less at meals. Studies are mixed about whether or not this actually reduces calorie consumption, but you could certainly test out how it works for you. Remember, the goal is not to eat less than you need; it’s to avoid the over-eating that can occur when you come to a meal too hungry or eat too quickly to notice when you’ve had enough. Q: As long as the physical effort I expend during a day adds up to at least 30 minutes, does that mean I’m getting enough activity? A: The recommendation is to get at

Our Mission: To secure the well-being of Montgomery County Seniors through the shared strength of diverse organizations and individuals.

Professionals working with seniors are invited to our Senior Service Network Meetings on the first Thursday of the month at Holiday Park Senior Center, 3950 Ferrara Dr., Wheaton, Md.

On Sept. 2: Steve Gurney, Publisher of The Source Book Speaking on “Addressing Change in your Organization”

SUPPORTING WELLNESS AND ENCOURAGING INDEPENDENCE Whether a hospital stay is planned or not, Woodbine helps you return home in better shape. Our VILLAGE environment helps you regain strength and skills for daily tasks like driving, shopping and cooking.

least 30 minutes of moderate physical ac- centrate orange juice? A: Freshly-squeezed orange juice is tivity daily (and to aim for 60 minutes or generally tops for vitamin C more daily) to reduce cancer content, providing at least a risk and promote overall day’s worth in just one sixhealth ounce glass. This can include shorter bits However, more convenient of activity scattered throughsuch as frozen conoptions, out your day, beyond your norcentrate or bottled juice (100% mal daily activities. The activity juice made from concentrate that research has linked to betor not), are all excellent ter health involves blocks of 10 sources of vitamin C. minutes or more at a “moderThe vitamin C content varies ate” pace that raises your heart NUTRITION some among brands compared rate or breathing slightly. to official USDA information, Getting off public trans- WISE By Karen Collins, but you can usually count on the portation one stop early and MS, RD, CDM six ounces (the recommended walking briskly to your destiserving) supplying 50 to 75 milnation, or 10 minutes of vacuuming at an invigorating pace are good ex- ligrams of the vitamin. That’s half to threeamples. Smaller bits of activity are still def- quarters of currently recommended daily initely worth including as much as you can amounts. Of course, vitamin C is just one of many throughout the day and do add up to make a difference in the total calories you burn. vitamins, minerals and protective plant Some evidence suggests that the total of compounds we get from vegetables and these activities, such as walking up one fruits, so be sure to focus on getting a wide flight of stairs at work or at home, moving variety and plenty of produce. Whichever around while you cook, and walking from form of juice you choose may be based on a far space of the parking lot into work or price, convenience or flavor. The American Institute for Cancer Reshops may be part of what makes the difference between people who gradually search offers a Nutrition Hotline, 1-800- 843gain weight each year and those who 8114, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. This free service allows you to ask quesmaintain their weight. Most people find that these small bits of tions about diet, nutrition and cancer. A regisphysical activity don’t necessarily provide tered dietitian will return your call, usually the energizing, stress-reduction benefits of within three business days. Courtesy of the American Institute for moving for at least 10 minutes at a time. So I urge you to work at creating time for Cancer Research. Questions for this column may be sent to “Nutrition-Wise,” 1759 R St., some longer activity, too. Q: Which provides more vitamin C: re- N.W. Washington, DC 20009. Collins canfrigerated ready-to-drink or frozen con- not respond to questions personally.

Burn fat From page 22

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nourished,” she said. Colvin recommended having something small like a banana before training. She also warned the strategy might make people more prone to injury, and that eating was important so the body would have enough nutrients to recover from a bout of exercise.

Hespel acknowledged the method wasn’t for everybody and that aside from the pain of struggling through an exercise session while hungry, there are other potential pitfalls. “When you postpone breakfast to exercise, it is possible you might eat more afterwards,” he said. “People exercising [without eating] need to respect all the normal strategies of weight control like not overeating.” — AP

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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Italian salsa? So easy, and great with fish By Dana Jacobi Salsa is the top-selling condiment in the United States, generally containing a combination of tomatoes, onions, hot chile, cilantro and lime. Latino cooks sometimes add mix-ins like black beans or corn. They also make tropical fruit salsas that skip tomatoes altogether, and salsa verde based on softly green tomatillos. Salsa is also fundamental to the Italian table. Here, too, there are tomato-based red salsas and salsa verde, which in this case uses not tomatillos but a combination of parsley and other aromatic fresh herbs, plus anchovy, capers, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar or lemon juice. As in Mexico, some of these salsas are served raw and others are cooked. An Italian salsa I like particularly calls for onions, garlic and fresh tomatoes cooked for just a few minutes, only until they soften slightly, plus olives and capers. Simple, like most Italian cooking, this salsa elevates pan-seared tilapia and other seafood to a splendid Mediterranean dish.

So splendid that you will not even think about the salsa’s nutritional benefits, particularly the increased bio-availability of the lycopene, an antioxidant found abundantly in tomatoes, thanks to cooking them briefly and adding a modest amount of oil. Now, when local tomatoes are at their peak, is the ideal time to make this warm, vibrant salsa.

Tilapia with Warm Tomato Salsa Serves 4 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 3/4 cup chopped onion 1 large garlic clove, finely chopped 1 ½ lbs. beefsteak-style tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped 4 oil-cured or Greek olives, pitted and cut in thin strips 1 Tbsp. small capers, rinsed and drained Salt and ground pepper 1 ¼ lbs. tilapia filets Olive oil cooking spray In medium skillet, heat oil over mediumhigh heat. Add onions and cook for one minute. Add garlic and cook until onions

are translucent, four minutes, stirring often. To peel tomatoes, either use a serrated vegetable peeler or plunge them into a large pot of boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds, until skin cracks, remove with slotted spoon, and lift skin off tomatoes using your fingers. Add the tomatoes and cook until they release liquid and are slightly soft but still holding their shape, about four minutes, stirring occasionally. Mix in olives and capers. Season salsa to taste with pepper. Set salsa aside, or transfer to container, cool, seal and refrigerate for up to 24 hours. To warm, heat salsa in small saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until lukewarm, four to five minutes.

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Civil war re-enactors will demonstrate daily life and skirmishes between Confederate and Federal troops at the Sully Historic Site, 3650 Historic Sully Way, Chantilly, Va., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, August 14, and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 15. There will also be live music, a fashion show and new exhibits on display. One-day tickets cost $7; $5 for seniors. Two-day tickets cost $12; $8 for seniors. For more information, call (703) 437-1794.


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Get a glimpse into life in Vietnam during wartime. Military veteran and photographer Ron Turner’s photographs, developed in the 1970s but only printed recently, will be on display at the Arlington Museum of Art’s Denker Gallery, 201 W. Main St., Arlington, Va. from August 1 through 31. Admission is free, though donations are appreciated.

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Lightly season fish with salt and pepper on both sides. Coat medium skillet liberally with cooking spray and set over medium-high heat. Arrange tilapia in the pan, topside down, and cook until crusty on bottom, about four minutes. Using large pancake turner, turn filets and cook until white in center at thickest part, two to four minutes. Place each filet on dinner plate. Spoon one-fourth of warm salsa over fish and serve. Per serving: 220 calories, 7 g. total fat (1.5 g. saturated fat), 10 g. carbohydrate, 30 g. protein, 3 g. dietary fiber, 210 mg. sodium. Dana Jacobi creates recipes for the American Institute for Cancer Research.


Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Try these products to ease muscle pain The pharmacist in me wants to share some OTC products that can help temporarily. Let’s talk about them and how they work: OTC painkillers: The three most popular options here are acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). These reduce inflammation within an hour or two. I recommend you take these with food. Keep in mind, acetaminophen is harder on the liver, while ibuprofen and naproxen affect the stomach and intestines more, so ask your pharmacist which is better for you. Natural anti-inflammatories won’t work as quickly. These include omega 3 fish oils, krill oil and bromelain (from pineapples). Bengay Moist Heat Therapy Pads:

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These non-medicated, odorless pads are they said the FDA had threatened them air-activated and they get nice and toasty with fines or jail. Further, I read that the on your skin, very similar to Diamond Nut Co. was the moist heat of a shower. threatened by the FDA beThey help ease muscle/joint cause they advertised that aches or pain associated with their walnuts were good PMS, overexertion and strains for your heart, since they for up to eight hours. contain omega 3s. Icy Hot Medicated PatchMy question: Is it legal for es: Menthol usually comes in you to recommend Coencream form, but these patches zyme Q 10 for the drug contain menthol in a patch mugging effect of statins, that causes a unique sensation DEAR and just how protected is on the skin for up to 8 hours. PHARMACIST your freedom of speech? Kink-Eaze MSM Salve: ForBy Suzy Cohen —E.F. mulated by a pain-specialist, Dear E.F.: David S. Klein M.D., this conDietary supplement companies cannot tains menthol and 10 times the amount of MSM found in other products. It could recommend that you buy their Coenzyme help improve flexibility, relieve muscle Q10 to take with statins, but I can. The FDA regulates the labeling of drugs spasms, minor joint pain, achy muscles and knee pain because the MSM goes and dietary supplements (which must be right through the skin. Available at “truthful and non-misleading”), as well as all marketing and advertising literature Capsaicin: This is the active ingredient ated with the sale of these items. The law in chili peppers. You can buy it at pharma- says you can’t make a claim (on your label cies nationwide. I suggest the patches or or literature) that dietary supplements can roll-on for ease. These work fabulously diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease. But I’m not a drug or dietary supplewith repeated applications. Do you suffer with chronic muscle sore- ment manufacturer, nor do I sell these ness? If so, look in your medicine cabinet. products. Therefore, what I say about Statin cholesterol drugs and blood pres- drugs and dietary supplements is not lasure pills are well-known to cause muscle beling, nor is it marketing literature. What pain. The remedy for drug-induced myopa- I write is an opinion column. I believe that statin users should probathy of this sort is Coenzyme Q10 (see my bly supplement with CoQ10 to counteract Drug Muggers book for more info). statin’s drug-mugging effect, which is Dear Pharmacist: I am reading your Drug Muggers well-documented in clinical studies. As for walnuts, the FDA did approve a book and see you make a lot of nutrient very specific health claim in 2004 for walnut recommendations. But when I called a big online store to manufacturers. ask a question about a supplement they sell, they wouldn’t answer me because See DEAR PHARMACIST page 27


Dear Pharmacist: I moved some furniture last weekend and my muscles are still sore. This happens every time I exert myself, even from walking around the block. My muscles aren’t as resilient as in years past. What can I do or take? — M.J. Dear M.J: Regular muscle pain is fairly easy to remedy. If it were me, I’d take a hot bath with Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Lavender’s anti-inflammatory properties relieve fatigued muscles. I might also take ibuprofen, or natural Zyflamend by New Chapter — whichever I could find first.

Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Fractious family may have a good reason

Dear Pharmacist From page 26 They can’t sway a bit from the FDA approved language, however, so maybe Diamond Nut said it the wrong way. Nonetheless, walnuts are a rich source of omega 3s! My column always ends with a disclaimer to make sure people know that my

advice is my opinion. It’s what I truly believe, based on clinical studies, personal research and 22 years as a pharmacist. This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement. Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist. To contact her, visit

fights, and try to find out what’s really bothering her in this marriage. After you find out, and you discuss it with her, and you try to change what’s wrong — then you can go back to sleep. Dear Solutions: My beautiful, smart, well-educated granddaughter went to study a very foreign language in a very foreign country. While there she “fell in love” with one of the native men and married him there so he could have his family attend. Now they’re going to come and visit me so she can introduce him to me. I’m very upset. He’s not only a different race, a different religion, a different culture, but he’s not even as educated as she is or as accomplished or anything else. I’m embarrassed by the whole thing, and I don’t know how to act with them or what to tell people. —Lila Dear Lila: How to “act?” Act like the loving grandmother you no doubt consider yourself to be, which means accepting and respecting your granddaughter’s choice and welcom-

ing her husband into the family. As for what to tell people? Tell them you’re thrilled that your granddaughter married someone whom she really loves and who really loves her. The reality is that although people may be curious, they don’t really care. Since you really care about your granddaughter’s happiness, accept this as a done deal and sincerely give them your blessing. Dear Solutions: All I’m hearing these days from my friends whose grandchildren are recently married is all these divorces taking place. I’m beginning to think common sense could probably prevent a lot of these divorces. What do you think? — Al Dear Al: I think it could probably prevent a lot of these marriages, also. © Helen Oxenberg, 2010. Questions to be considered for this column may be sent to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915. You may also e-mail the author at To inquire about reprint rights, call (609) 655-3684.

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Dear Solutions: “I meant well” are some of the most inefI visited my son and daughter-in-law fectual words in the English language. Alrecently, and I’m very upset. They’ve ways try to put yourself in the others’ shoes only been married a year. before “meaning well” or otherwise. I stayed in the house while she went Think how you would have felt if your shopping. While she was gone, I mother-in-law had opened the refrigerator and nocome to your house ticed that it had some food that shortly after you were needed to be thrown out, and the married and cleaned shelves needed cleaning. things. (OK all you I thought I would help and smart-alecks, it’s not cleaned out the whole refrigerator, true that you would getting rid of some spoiled food have loved it). and washing the shelves. I meant Anyway, you want a well, and I really thought I was good relationship with saving her some work. her, so swallow your SOLUTIONS But when she came back and pride, apologize for upBy Helen Oxenberg, looked in the refrigerator, she setting her, and find MSW, ACSW turned on me and was furious like I things to admire her for did some terrible thing. I think as often as possible. she’s really wrong in not thanking me in- Dear Solutions: stead of being so cold to me now. What do you do with a wife who After all, I didn’t steal her jewelry by seems to enjoy picking fights all the time just going into a refrigerator and clean- over unimportant things — mostly when ing it out. What did I do that’s so wrong? I’m trying to fall asleep. — Millie — Ed Dear Millie: Dear Ed: You didn’t just go into a refrigerator. You The first thing you do is recognize that went into a deep freeze. You may not have they’re important things because they’re stolen her jewelry, but you stole her self es- making you pay attention to her! WAKE UP teem, her pride, her confidence. She felt hu- ED. SHE’S TRYING TO GET YOUR ATmiliated, childish, embarrassed and criti- TENTION. cized. Stop dreaming that she enjoys picking


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Fitness & Health

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

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A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Careers Volunteers &

Does your organization use senior volunteers or do you employ a number of seniors? If so and you’d like to be considered for a story in our Volunteers & Careers section, please send an e-mail to

Make a world of difference in Peace Corps

Older volunteers sought According to Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams, “Now as Peace Corps approaches its 50th anniversary [in 2011], we’re recruiting more qualified volunteers of all ages because the demand abroad is growing. “I could cite many examples of over-50 volunteers who play key roles in programs all around the world,” he said. “About 7 percent right now are over 50, and we want to increase their numbers. “Our oldest current volunteer, an 85year-old woman serving in Morocco, met Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton on her recent visit there.” Some who originally participated in

their youth are going back for six months with a program called Peace Corps Response. Bob Arias, 70, who first served in Colombia in 1964, is now a Response volunteer in Panama, where he assists women’s agricultural cooperatives. Married or employed? Not a problem. Married volunteers live together in the same town, but work in different programs. Federal employees who join may return again to federal jobs after earning years toward retirement credit. Nor is disability necessarily a bar. Sarah Presley, who is blind, left the Census Bureau for Peace Corps service in Morocco. After her stay, where she learned Arabic, she returned again to Census, having gained two years of federal retirement credit. Deaf volunteers have also served in Africa and Jamaica. When I first told my kids of my decision to join the Peace Corps, they seemed skeptical, not expecting me to really follow through. Friends wondered if I wasn’t a bit too old, including one who warned, “Mark my words; you’ll be home by Christmas at the latest.” Fortunately, he was wrong. Not that everything went smoothly. In Honduras, I was barraged with annoying marriage proposals, including from teenagers and married men. I barely missed being hit by lightning. And I came down with malaria despite taking the prophylactic provided. Still, I considered my work sufficiently important that I stayed an extra year be-


By Barbara E. Joe Most Peace Corps volunteers are 20somethings recruited from college campuses. But a growing number are over 50, seasoned folks whose lifetime of experience commands special respect abroad. I first joined the Peace Corps 10 years ago as a 62-year-old grandmother, assigned to Honduras as a health volunteer, having missed the opportunity in 1961 when President Kennedy announced the Corps’ formation. One of my own role models, former President Carter’s mother, Miss Lillian, joined at age 66, serving as a nurse in India. In her day, older volunteers were rare, although there has never been an upper age limit.

Barbara Joe joined the Peace Corps at age 62 and spent three years as a healthcare educator in Honduras. After she returned, she wrote a book about her experience as an older Peace Corps volunteer.

yond the standard 27 months. Not only did I not return home by Christmas, I ended up spending three Christmases in Honduras. I still return annually to volunteer with medical brigades.

Helping with healthcare We health volunteers served primarily as hands-on educators for AIDS prevention, safe birthing, child survival and nutrition, involving our audience through games, songs and play acting — and training local folks to carry on after we left.






Inova Blood Donor Services urges area residents to help the center maintain an adequate supply of blood for needy patients. To schedule an appointment at one of Inova’s four blood donor centers, or at a mobile drive in Northern Virginia, Maryland or D.C., call 1-866-BLOODSAVES (866-2566372) or visit As a thank-you, Inova will give a $10 gas card to donors who complete the screening process in August.



The National Lutheran Home & Village, 9701 Veirs Dr., Rockville, Md., seeks healthcare professionals to volunteer as patient feeding assistants. Must show proof of training. Hours are flexible. Great opportunity for retired nurses or dieticians. Call (301) 354-8447 or e-mail

I sometimes strayed over into treatment, assisting with childbirth and simple surgeries. I also took children and their parents to short-term medical brigades arriving from the U.S., such as for clubfoot or harelip/cleft palate. Curiously, my reverse culture shock after returning home from Honduras is always more acute than vice versa. During my service, I spearheaded the formation of a senior support group that’s See PEACE CORPS, page 32

DRIVERS NEEDED Herndon-Reston FISH, a nonprofit that provides short-term emer-

gency assistance to local residents, needs volunteers to occasionally drive people to medical appointments. For more information, call the FISH Line at (703) 4370600 or (703) 391-0105. Visit


STEP INTO HISTORY The Montgomery County Historical Society is seeking volunteers to provide tours of the historic Beall-Dawson House. Volunteers

are asked to work two four-hour shifts a month during the museum’s operating hours of Wednesday to Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. Training is provided. Contact Liz Otey at (301) 340-2825.

Volunteers & Careers

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Change careers successfully in midlife Second verse — not the same as the first. A: Almost everyone I spoke to was Journalist Kerry Hannon spurred to make a change by a remixed that old pop hit in a crisis that reminded them how column she wrote for U.S. fleeting life can be. For many, News and World Report, “Secit was 9/11. For others, it was ond Acts.” A specialist in cathe death of someone close to reers, retirement and personthem that made them stop and al finance, Hannon has travpause. But the real success eled the country interviewing stories were folks who had people who’ve made successplanned — they didn’t act imful career transitions at pulsively. midlife — often into very colQ: What are some of the orful and happy new lives. RETIRE SMART common elements you found Now, Hannon has crafted By Mark Miller among all these folks? her research on career transiA: The most important tion into an important new book, What’s thing that struck me is that these people Next: Follow Your Passion and Find Your were all supremely confident in what they Dream Job (Chronicle Books, 2010). It’s an were doing. They never second-guessed indispensable guide to anyone hoping to themselves, even when things got difficult. pull off a midlife reinvention, and an excelThey always had a clear sense that they lent companion to another key book on were doing the right thing. They are all this subject, Marc Freedman’s, Encore: Finding Work that Matters in the Second Half of Life (Public Affairs, 2008). Hannon tells the stories of 16 careerswitchers who’ve turned dream careers into reality. They include a cop who became a Nashville music agent, an East Coast TV producer who moved to the Pacific Northwest to launch his own winery and a former corporate executive who now runs Rhode Island’s largest non-profit serving the homeless. Hannon also includes a useful Q&A with each career switcher, probing what motivated them to change and the lessons they learned along the way. She also asks her subjects to offer their advice to others considering a major career leap. I talked with Hannon about the book recently. Here’s an edited Q&A. Q: What motivates people to change careers at midlife?

working longer hours than before, but it doesn’t seem to matter to them. Q: What kind of preparation are people doing before they make a major career change? A: Most did a lot of research on whatever field they wanted to move into. Many did volunteer work to get a foot in the door. Tim Sheerer, who left a six-figure Wall Street career to open his own Italian restaurant, started out by volunteering in the kitchen of a restaurant to see if it really was for him. I think volunteering is a really important way to test the waters. Steve Brooks wanted to get out of the TV news business and start his own winery. So he moved to the Pacific Northwest and volunteered at harvest time for winemakers. Q: Is money a motivator for midlife career changers?

A: Almost never. Even for people who needed the income, career change is about doing something they love and that can have an impact on their lives and others. These are people who want to give back — the reward isn’t financial. But the people who make successful career switches did take the time to get their finances in order. Income never comes in as quickly or at the level that you expect, so you need to plan in some time for some failure. Cliff Stevenson went from being a mortgage banker to teaching social studies — and that kind of move isn’t unusual. He took a huge pay cut, but first he sat down with his wife and got his family on board. They downsized their home and took the time to see where they could cut back. See CAREER CHANGE, page 33

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Volunteers & Careers

Weathermen From page 1 news. So I got to know the reporters pretty well. Mike Buchanan [formerly with WUSA Channel 9 and WTOP] took a liking to me. “He said, ‘You don’t talk like a cop…You understand intuitively how the broadcast business works. You ought to think about coming on our side of the camera and become a police reporter.’” So in 1978, Hill put together a tape and tried to market himself to TV stations along the East Coast. “Every one of the 80 stations I sent it to said, ‘No chance. No training, no degree in journalism, none of this, none of that.’ Except one guy, in Richmond at Channel 12, kind of liked my style.” But rather than police reporting, the job was in weather. The producer thought Hill might be interested because he had listed weather forecasting on his resume as a lifelong hobby. “It was a personal passion of mine,” Hill said, but the thought of being a weatherman “had never crossed my mind.” After a stint in Richmond, Hill moved on to Detroit for four years before returning to the Washington area, where he served as chief meteorologist at WUSA9 until

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

2000. Hill has been at ABC7 ever since. Much of his knowledge of meteorology was picked up from a fellow forecaster in Detroit, along with classes offered by the American Meteorological Society. Hill lives in Huntingtown in Calvert County with his wife Mary-Ann. He has four children, including 14-year-old twins, a son in college, and a son in the Air Force in Alaska, father of his recently born first grandchild. Like Hill, Ryan didn’t initially pursue weather forecasting. After growing up in New York’s Hudson Valley, Ryan earned a bachelor’s degree in physics and a master’s in atmospheric science from the University of Albany. He considered weather forecasting, but back in the 1960s most jobs in that field were with the government and involved ever-changing shift work — sometimes beginning at 8 a.m., and some weeks working all night. “I was never one for getting up too early in the morning,” Ryan said. Instead, he took a job in Cambridge, Mass. conducting research in cloud physics. Then he saw a notice in the paper about a new UHF station starting up and, like Hill, talked his way into getting on TV. “I’d get shirt cardboard and draw maps and practice in front of my girlfriend, now

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wife,” he recalled. “Back then it was big hair days, and I looked a little outrageous. But I went in and did an audition and got hired.” The job was short-lived, however, because the station closed just nine months later. But he got hired at a Providence, R.I., station. Eventually, his TV role increased, while his research decreased. Ryan moved on to become the principal meteorologist on WCVB in Boston, and became the first meteorologist to regularly appear on the “Today Show,” from 1978 to 1980. For the next 30 years, he was chief meteorologist at NBC4, where he created a number of programs, including 400 interactive weather stations at local schools. He was also co-investigator for a NASAsupported project that led to one of the first television weather sites on the Internet, WeatherNet4. Ryan has now been on the air longer than any other Washington forecaster. He said he’s not sure if the “golden snow shovel” will migrate with him to ABC7. For years, Ryan asked viewers to send in the date and time the first inch of snow would fall in the Washington area. He would come out and shovel the walk of whoever had the closest prediction. “Maybe we need a golden snow blower after last winter,” he joked. Ryan lives in McLean, Va. with his wife, Olga. Their son is also in the broadcasting

Peace Corps From page 30 still going strong. We mentored younger volunteers and called ourselves OAKS, choosing a mighty oak as our logo, tortuously converting our acronym into Older And Knowing Souls. OAKS member Abbie Terrones, like Presley, left and returned to federal service. Back home again in 2004, I started a brand new career as an on-call Spanish hospital interpreter, a meaningful job that I’m still doing at age 72. Peace Corps volunteers over 50, in my experience, are often more flexible and less hampered by unrealistic expectations than many younger colleagues. By a certain age, we have experienced losses as well as gains, making us more resilient and better able to offer advice and support to others. Both my Peace Corps service and subsequent medical brigade participation helped me cope with the untimely deaths of my older son and a foster son, and allowed me to offer genuine empathy to bereaved Honduran parents. I’ve also written a Peace Corps memoir called Triumph & Hope: Golden Years with the Peace Corps in Honduras, based on monthly letters I posted on a website during service. And I have given numerous talks to would-be recruits of all ages. In both my book and my talks, I’m frank about Peace Corps’ challenges as well as its rewards.

business and is currently a producer for ABC News’s homeland security coverage. During the recent snow storms, Ryan was able to barrel through the drifts in his Ford Bronco. The Bronco serves as a sort of advance forecast for his neighbors. “When neighbors see the Bronco parked at the end of [my] driveway, they get upset,” he said, because they know snow is on the way.

The outer limits of science Just as the weather is ever changing, so are the techniques used for predicting it. Hill remembers when his first forecast tools included “a big map covered in plexiglass, giant magic markers and poster paint to make clouds” and he got one static satellite image a day. Today, radar can zoom into specific neighborhoods, and viewers can see spots of yellow and red bloom over maps of their streets during thunderstorms. Snowstorms and snow totals can be predicted days in advance. For Ryan, “I remember when I first started I had a fax machine and some teletypes, and the limit was about three days that you felt reasonably confident about the forecast. Now the limit is seven days.” Ryan said that 90 percent of 24-hour forecasts are now accurate. But there is always uncertainty. See WEATHERMEN, page 33

Confronting challenges Learning a new language is often a stumbling block, requiring extra effort by an older volunteer. Health considerations also enter into the equation. However, Peace Corps supports certain health conditions and makes reasonable accommodations. For example, a fellow volunteer with diabetes was provided with insulin, allowed to purchase a small refrigerator to keep it cold, and assigned to a locale with electricity. So if you’ve always dreamed of being a Peace Corps volunteer but missed the chance when you were younger, it’s not too late. And if 27 months seems just too daunting, first try a shorter stint with a church or sister-city program. Hands-on work, whether with Peace Corps or another overseas service, will immerse you in a new world far more profoundly than a traditional vacation does, enriching your own life and that of others. Like me, you may find yourself returning again and again, making another country your own. For more information, visit www. or call 1- 800-424-8580. Barbara E. Joe, a 40-year resident of Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, works as a freelance writer and Spanish interpreter and translator. Her book (available on and locally at Riverby Books, 417 E. Capitol St., Washington, D.C.) was named Best Peace Corps Memoir of 2009 by Peace Corps Writers. She also blogs about her life and return trips to Honduras at

Volunteers & Careers

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Weathermen From page 32 “The science and technology has accelerated so much. We’re down the road a little further in terms of accuracy, but surprisingly, because of the nature of the atmosphere, you can only take it so far with accuracy,” Hill admitted. While Hill and Ryan agree on most things meteorological, they part ways on the subject of climate change and the causes for global warming. “It’s very difficult to sort out what longer-term trends there are and ascribe any individual day to any longer-term trend,” Ryan said about this year’s weather extremes. “The more people look at it, the more they realize, it’s very, very complicated and there’s no one simple answer. We do know

as we did when we grew up. “If they want to get the information from a blog or from a smart phone or whatever, we’ve got to be there,” Ryan said. At the same time, the pair believes that the public still wants to get their weather from local, authoritative sources. “While anybody can get forecasts from or from a lot of other sites, I think people would prefer to get it from someone in Washington rather than At-

carbon dioxide is increasing, but how big a factor this is and what role it will play in 100 years, there’s a lot of uncertainty.” Hill said he believes that long-term weather patterns are cyclical and that we may be in a warmer-than-average one now. But he also thinks that humans have exacerbated the warming. “You can disagree till the cows come home whether we caused it in the first place or it happened naturally, but I think we are clearly adding to the problem by all kinds of things we’re doing,” he said. As with the news, the ways in which people are getting their weather forecasts has changed dramatically over the last decade. “What we want to do is reach people who are in their 20s and 30s,” Ryan said, “who may not necessarily be…watching local television news each and every day,


lanta,” Ryan said. “Who knows in four or five years what will be happening. But it will still be based on getting information from people you have some personal identification with, someone you trust.” Once again, Hill agrees. “It’s just because weather is such an intrinsic part of our lives, I think. You always hear, ‘news, weather and sports.’ I kind of think it’s weather and everything else.”



SHARE WAR STORIES Veterans and civilians involved with war efforts from World War II

to Iraq are invited to share their experiences and document their service, through the Veterans History Project at the College Park Aviation Museum. The museum tapes interviews and sends them to the Library of Congress. Participants receive a copy of the interview and free admission to the museum. For more information, call (301) 864-6029, or visit

Career change From page 31 Q: So, are these transitions only for people of means and who are in control of their finances? A: When I started this book, I was looking at disenchanted baby boomers who were ready to do something different. As time went on, it turned to include people whose jobs no longer existed and needed to reinvent themselves.

The lessons here apply to anyone. But people who have a severance package or a partner to provide financial ballast certainly have an easier time doing this. Mark Miller is the author of the new book, The Hard Times Guide to Retirement Security. He publishes, recently named the best retirement planning site on the Web by Money Magazine. Contact him with questions and comments at © Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Sept. 9+

FIGHT CRIME IN FAIRFAX Fairfax County police will sponsor Citizen’s Police Academy, a 10week program to learn about SWAT and special operations, gangs,

identity theft and other crimes. The free program will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 to 10 p.m., beginning Sept. 9, at various police facilities. Download an application at For more information, contact or call (703) 280-0713.

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4 9 0 1 C o n n e c t i c u t Av e n u e , N W • Wa s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 8 - 2 0 9 4


Volunteers & Careers

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A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Spotlight On Aging VOLUME XXV, ISSUE 8

A newsletter for D.C. Seniors

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE By Dr. Clarence Brown Summer is in full swing, and many of you are taking time from your normal activities to spend time with family and friends and making efforts to stay cool during our periods of extreme record-breaking heat. In previous issues we have listed tips to stay cool, and we hope you are doing just that. If you need additional assistance or information on staying cool, please contact us anytime during working hours, or use the citywide call center at 311 after working hours. The recent storm caused power outages across the District, Maryland and Virginia, and we hope that all of our more vulnerable older residents fared well during these conditions. Our service providers did an excellent job responding to our seniors in need. Those who experienced outages should be mindful of food safety to ensure that you do not become ill from food that was not maintained at proper temperatures during your loss of power. See information that is provided for you to help you remain well during these conditions. On a different note, if your ability to maintain ownership of your home is threatened by property taxes, contact the Legal Counsel for the Elderly, which can make sure that you are signed up for programs to help with your property taxes. Don’t be a victim of a property tax sale. Call Legal Counsel at 202-434-2170 for more information. Please stay safe, cool and maintain your healthy lifestyle this summer.


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August 2010

New Ownership and New Name for Senior Residence in Northwest The Campbell Heights Residents Association has completed a two-and-a-half-year process that gave it ownership of their 171-unit apartment building. Under the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act, the residents partnered with Jair Lynch Development Corporation to buy the $26 million building. “We are the only development in the country where seniors have partnered to own their own building,” said Sandra Truesdale, president of the association. Councilmembers Jim Graham, Ward 1, and Jack Evans, Ward 2, worked hard with the CHRA Board President to assure that information submitted to the Council of the District of Columbia for the tax abatement was accurate for passage. The Council unanimously voted to pass the legislation for the tax abatement. Not happy with the management of their building, the association began looking into ownership under the act. The process accelerated when the owners put the building up for sale in 2008. “We were working toward that end before the

Excited residents of the 171-unit senior building celebrate the success of the purchase process at the event.

Mayor Adrian M. Fenty poses with Sandra Truesdale during the event to commemorate the purchase of the building.

sale,” said Truesdale, adding that the association began the process in 2008. The land that is now occupied by Campbell Heights is the former location of the District’s famous African American hotel and music venue, the Dunbar Hotel. Located on the U Street corridor coined “Black Broadway” by Pearl Bailey, many African American elite, including musicians, stayed in the hotel. The Dunbar Hotel, with more than 400 rooms, was the only first-class option for persons of color to stay when it opened. Truesdale, who headed the ownership effort, stated that each of the units will be renovated, the building will be under new management, and they now have a 20-year agreement with Housing and Urban Development. She also said the residents plan to rename the building the Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments to reclaim its history.

D.C. Primary Election on September 14th The September 14th Primary is open to persons who are registered Democrats, Republicans and D.C. Statehood Green voters to nominate a party candidate to the general election. Offices on the Primary ballot: Delegate to U.S. House of Representatives, Mayor, Council Chairman, At Large Member of the Council, Ward Councilmember (Wards 1, 3, 5 and 6) and U.S. Representative, State Board of Education (Wards 1, 3, 5 and 6) and all Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners

Important Information that seniors should know about the upcoming 2010 Primary and General Elections Voter Registration Timelines (Primary): Deadline for by mail registration: August 16

Deadline to make changes to existing party registration: August 16 In-person/office Registrations: August 17 to September 13 Same day registration: August 30 to September 14 During the early voting period and on Election Day, voters must present ID.

In person absentee and early voting at board office August 30 to September 13 441 4th St., N.W., Old Council Chambers, First Floor Washington DC 20001 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Monday to Saturday); closes at 4:45 p.m. on Monday, September 13 For more information, call the D.C. Board of Elections at 202-727-2525.


A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N




Community Calendar August events

sion on the new Medicare law at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, August 10, at 2900 Newton St., N.E. For more information, contact Vivian Grayton at 202-529-8701.

4th • 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. IONA Senior Services’ “Good Eating, Good Eats” seminar and cooking demonstration will feature a live cooking demonstration at 5:45 p.m. with Chef Tianna Feaster, the owner and executive chef of Feast Your Eyes on This, a personal chef service serving the Washington area. A focus of the seminar and the cooking demonstration will be on easy to prepare, fun and diabetic-friendly foods. Audience members will have a chance to sample foods. The educational component of the evening, presented from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and repeated from 7 to 8:30 p.m., will be led by Jean Johnson, a nutrition and health specialist at the Center for Nutrition, Diet and Health, UDC Cooperative Extension Service. This program is free and open to the public. To ensure that there is enough food to sample, RSVP to 202-895-9448. IONA is located at 4125 Albemarle St., N.W.

10th • 11 a.m. Seabury Ward 5 Aging Services will hold a discus-

October events 19th • 1:30 to 3 p.m. Join IONA’s new Plan Well to Age Well group, which meets the third Thursday of the month. This support group is an opportunity for people to share their thoughts, feelings and concerns encountered in the aging process. The group is free, but donations are accepted. IONA is located at 4125 Albemarle St., N.W.

28th • 11 a.m. An Alzheimer’s support group meets at 11 a.m. every fourth Saturday of the month at Genevieve N. Johnson Senior Center, 4817 Blagden Ave., N.W. Contact Holly Segal at 202-723-8537 for more information.

30th • 2 to 7 p.m. A card party with prizes and a buffet will be held at Model Cities Senior Wellness Center, 1901 Evarts St., N.E. from 2-7 p.m. $20 donations are due by Monday,

Fenty Administration & U.S. Treasury Break Ground on New Affordable Senior Housing 36 New Units of Affordable Housing for Seniors in Brightwood Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, Ward 4 Councilmember Muriel Bowser, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Valerie Santos, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Director Leila Edmonds, and D.C. Office on Aging Director Clarence Brown joined Treasurer of the United States Rosie Rios and Ward 4 residents this summer to break ground on 36 units of affordable senior housing at Vida Senior Residences, 1330 Missouri Ave., N.W. “My administration is committed to providing affordable housing for our seniors to help maintain stable communities,” Mayor Fenty said. “The Vida Senior Residences in Brightwood is just one of the projects we have pushed forth with to make sure our seniors can stay in their communities.” “Access to affordable housing is a challenge faced by communities across the country,” said Treasurer Rios. “By providing states with cash to help them finance low-income housing construction, the Re-

covery Act is spurring development at a time when too many projects would otherwise be stalled.” “Vida Senior Residences in Brightwood is another example of the Fenty administration’s commitment to providing quality affordable housing choices for District residents,” said DHCD Director Leila Edmonds. “The use of stimulus funds from U.S. Treasury was crucial to this project moving forward to development.” Vida Senior residences are available to individuals 55 and older who earn 50 percent or less than the area media income. The project is expected to be complete in spring 2011 and create 55 full-time equivalent construction jobs over the 11-month construction period. DHCD awarded Vida $6,867,244 in funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act under the Section 1602 Tax Credit Exchange Program. The D.C. Housing Finance Agency also provided Vida a $150,000 loan in McKinney Act funding for predevelopment costs.

SPOTLIGHT ON AGING Spotlight On Aging is published by the Information Office of the D.C. Office on Aging for D.C. senior residents. Advertising contained in the Beacon is not endorsed by the D.C. Office on Aging or by the publisher. 441 4th St., N.W., 9th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 202-724-5622 • Dr. Clarence Brown, Executive Director Darlene Nowlin, Editor Vikrum Aiver, Photographer The D.C. Office on Aging does not discriminate against anyone based on actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital

August 23. For more information, call Monica Carroll at 202-635-1900, ext. 24.

status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, disability, source of income, and place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be subjected to disciplinary action.

The Office on Aging is in partnership with the District of Columbia Recycling Program.

Oct. 4 to 7 Take a bus trip to Atlantic City to see the 2010 Ms. Senior America Pageant with the DC Cameo Club. Rates, including accommodations at Harrah’s, are $241 (double), $390 (single), with a $60 rebate. Pageant preliminary and finals tickets will cost an additional $45. Deposit of $100 due ASAP. The bus leaves the Model Cities Senior Wellness Center on Monday, Oct. 4, and returns on Thursday, Oct. 7. For more information, contact Vernelle Hamit at 202-556-9893 or Monica Carroll, 202-635-1900, ext. 24.

Ongoing Barney Senior Program needs volunteers for a special “prom night” at the end of October. If you can design clothes, provide limousine service, perform music, do makeup and hair, cater food or help in some other way, contact James Thompson at 202-939-9020.

What to Do During a Utility Outage A utility outage is a situation where commodities such as electricity, water or gas service are interrupted. In general, you should take the following protective actions: • Keep a battery-powered radio and flashlight; have an extra supply of fresh batteries. • Store essential supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, a portable radio, water, nonperishable foods, blankets and a manual canopener. • DO NOT use charcoal indoors! Without proper ventilation, fumes from burnt charcoal can cause a deadly situation. • If the air conditioner is not functioning, during summer months stay cool by keeping out of direct sunlight and moving to the lowest floor of the building. • Use food supplies wisely. Use refrigerated foods first, frozen foods second and nonperishable foods last. • Remember that perishable items from

Metro Fare Hikes Starting August 1, Metro will raise fares again, including costs for seniors and riders with disabilities. For information on how this will affect fares on both buses and trains, visit or call 202-637-7000.

the refrigerator can be kept cool for about four hours if the refrigerator is left closed. Learn how to safely and properly switch on/off gas valves, water lines and circuit breakers once utilities have been restored. For general questions or to report a problem, call the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311. For power outages, call Pepco’s 24-Hour Outage Report Line at 1-877-737-2662. Additional phone numbers and resources: PEPCO Safety Emergency, 202-872-3432, to report wires down PEPCO Claims Office, 202-872-2455, to request a form for electric service related damages D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency Hotline, 202-727-6161, to request assistance with emergency shelter or report a hazardous condition Office of the People’s Council (OPC), 202727-3071, to obtain any information or assistance.

Centenarians Wanted The D.C. Office on Aging is searching for District residents 100 years of age and older to honor at the annual event to honor centenarians. If you or someone you know will be 100 years of age or older by Sept. 30, 2010, please contact the office to make sure they are registered. Please tell us where the centenarian resided in 1930. Contact Courtney Williams or Darlene Nowlin at 202-724-5622.

Free Medical Screening Howard University Hospital is offering free colonoscopies to uninsured or underinsured D.C. residents age 50 to 64. For more information, call 202-865-7741.


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Travel Leisure &

Guides get you hooked on fishing. See story on page 40.

Take the high road that’s worth the trip grass legend Ralph Stanley & the Clinch Mountain Boys will play on Sept. 11.

Connects Shenandoah to Smokies The parkway connects Shenandoah National Park with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It starts at Rockfish Gap, Va., intersecting Skyline Drive, and winds southwest through Virginia into mountainous western North Carolina. Along the way, travelers will find campgrounds and hiking trails, glimpses of small-town Appalachian life in places like Floyd, Va., the small cities of Roanoke, Va., and Asheville, N.C., and many other treasures tucked away in the mountains. A team led by landscape architect Stanley Abbott, a devotee of pioneering American parks designer Frederick Law Olmsted, conceived the parkway as a chain of recreational areas and scenic views that would integrate naturally with the mountainscape. Road builders used stonework for tunnel portals, bridges and guard walls, for example, to retain a rustic architectural style. Planners laid out the parkway’s curves to match the mountainsides’ contours, rather than remove parts of the mountain to make way for the road. Twenty-six tunnels — 25 of them in North Carolina — were cut into mountain ridges, rather than blasting the slopes away to conform, and bridges were built over land that was removed, instead of backfilling natural drainage areas.


By Zinie Chen Sampson The construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway began as a project to put people back to work during the Depression. But 75 years later, the winding roadway has evolved into one of the United States’ most-visited national park sites, drawing about 17 million people annually and bringing about $2 billion to surrounding areas. This year the National Park Service is celebrating the parkway’s 75th anniversary with a variety of events, including a weekend festival in September. That makes this summer and fall a good time to enjoy hiking and camping, local arts, and small-town life along “America’s Favorite Drive.” Since its groundbreaking on Sept. 11, 1935, at Cumberland Knob, N.C., on the Virginia border, the parkway has become an integral part of the mountains and the Appalachian communities that lie along its 469-mile route, as well as a gateway to the region’s culture and history. With a top speed of 45 mph along its curving roads, the parkway also offers a chance for visitors to slow down and enjoy the scenery. The road’s overlooks offer breathtaking views of the mountains and valleys, sunrises and sunsets, and on clear nights, the stars. The 75th anniversary festival takes place Sept. 10 to 12 at venues around Cumberland Knob, featuring music, food, crafts and a vintage camper display, and at the Blue Ridge Parkway Music Center, where blue-

The Rocky Knob Visitor Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway is located at milepost 169 in the Virginia section of the 469-mile route.

Planners also created roadside vistas that motorists could experience while driving, along with places to get out of their cars to take in the views, said Gary Johnson, the parkway’s chief landscape architect. Abbott also suggested using easements as a tool to preserve the Appalachian scenery, he said.

Arts and music along the way


The Peaks of Otter Lake and Lodge are located at milepost 86 near Bedford, Va. The lodge is open year round and overlooks the 24-acre lake.

Floyd, where Virginia’s state route 8 and U.S. 221 intersect a few miles off parkway milepost 165, has become an outpost for artists and musicians. It boasts an active barter economy and a bit of alternative culture, including a natural-foods store, Harvest Moon, and a shop called Republic of Floyd. Floyd is about 280 miles from Washington, D.C. It also lies along the Crooked Road Music Trail, and each Friday night musicians gather for impromptu sessions at the Floyd Country Store. Each July, thousands gather in a big field outside of town for FloydFest, an event that continues to grow each year. “We found Floyd and loved Floyd,” said Caroline Thomas, who moved here in 2003 with her husband and son from Chapel Hill, N.C., after visiting the area during vacations. They now run a bed-andbreakfast named Ambrosia Farm. Other Virginia highlights include Humpback Rocks, which features hiking trails

and a working farm; the Peaks of Otter, which were regarded in President Thomas Jefferson’s time as the western frontier’s highest mountains with elevations nearing 4,000 feet; and the Blue Ridge Music Center in Galax, which showcases the region’s traditional musical heritage with displays and performances. North Carolina sites include the 5,900foot-high Grandfather Mountain and its Mile High Swinging Bridge; Linville Falls and Linville Gorge, dubbed the state’s “Grand Canyon;” Little Switzerland, named for the mountain panoramas reminiscent of those in the Swiss Alps; the popular resort city of Asheville, which features the Biltmore Estate, the North Carolina Arboretum, the Folk Art Center and several galleries and shops. At the parkway’s southern end, the Museum of the Cherokee Indian, in Cherokee, N.C., houses tribal artifacts such as weapons and tools, and the nearby Oconaluftee Indian Village replicates a 1750 settlement. The tribe’s eastern contingent occupied southeastern states in large numbers until the U.S. government forced them to move to Oklahoma in 1838. A handful of Cherokees, however, instead fled into the mountains and their descendants won back their land. Some later traded their parcels to the U.S. governSee BLUE RIDGE, page 38


Leisure & Travel

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Blue Ridge

21st century challenges

From page 37 ment so the parkway could be built. Cherokee elder Jerry Wolfe, 85, says the government took his late father’s land in exchange for a plot closer to town, where Wolfe still lives. The parkway has been a welcome gateway into the Cherokee area, he said. “Tourists sightseeing and enjoying the beauty of the mountains draw people to the Cherokee museum,” he said. “The tribe has seen economic benefits; it’s our livelihood.”

In its 75th year, the parkway also faces challenges, including federal budget cuts that affect staffing, landscaping and maintenance, and air pollution from Midwestern coal-fired plants that can cloud mountain views. Park officials and preservation groups also are concerned about encroaching development on “America’s Favorite Drive,” as much of the land along the parkway is privately owned. “You get a sense that what was once farmland now is commercial developments and subdivisions viewable from the parkway,” Johnson said. “The whole sense of land-use

Upcoming Trips Dunes Manor Hotel, Ocean City, MD Sept 29-Oct 1 This is the perfect time to visit Ocean City! The air and the ocean are warm and the crowds are gone. Every room at the Dunes Manor Hotel is oceanfront, and the hotel is just off the boardwalk. Enjoy fine dining, afternoon teas, and nightly entertainment, and the many attractions of Ocean City, or you can just relax on the large veranda overlooking the ocean. $429 per person, double occ.; $499 single occ. Chicago–Riverside Dinner Theater, October 13

Experience the “razzle-dazzle” of Chicago—the Musical, a story of justice and show business in the “Jazz Age.” It includes the memorable music and dance numbers “All That Jazz,” “Cell Block Tango,” “Roxie,” and many others. Before the show you’ll enjoy a delicious luncheon elegantly served at your table as only the Riverside Dinner theater does. $129 per person

Trapp Family Lodge and Foxwoods Resort Casino, October 17-21 You will stay two

nights at the Trapp Family Lodge, a little piece of Austria in the Green Mountains of Vermont. While there, you’ll visit other Vermont attractions before heading for the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Your stay at Foxwoods will include an excursion to the historic Mystic Seaport and Village. $849 pp, dble occ.; $1169 single occ.

The Allenberry Christmas Show, Boiling Springs, PA (near Gettysburg) Sunday, December 5

Join us for this joyful holiday musical at the Allenberry Playhouse theater, featuring traditional music, colorful costumes, and a heartwarming story. Prior to the show, we’ll partake of a wonderful buffet lunch–including Allenberry’s famous sticky buns–in a charming setting all decked out for the holidays.

$129 per person

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0 3

ay W ch a E

and quality of scenery has changed.” The National Park Service says the Conservation Trust for North Carolina is heading a coalition of land-preservation groups seeking federal funds to purchase land or conservation easements along the parkway. Recent surveys show visitors would be less likely to return to the parkway if scenic views are compromised, so preserving them has become a priority.

For more information Getting there: From Washington, D.C., drive about 70 miles to Front Royal, Va., then take Skyline Drive through Shenandoah National Park 105 miles to the Blue Ridge Parkway, Rockfish Gap entrance at Waynesboro, Va. Much information is available online. Among useful sites: Blue Ridge Parkway 75th anniversary celebration: Virginia Blue Ridge Parkway guide: North Carolina Blue Ridge guide:

Peaks of Otter: Off milepost 86 on the Blue Ridge Parkway near Bedford, Va.; Blue Ridge Music Center: Off milepost 213 near Galax, Va., Open daily Memorial Day to Nov. 1, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (later on concert nights). Free admission to visitor’s center. Weekend concert prices vary. Floyd, Va.: Off milepost 165. FloydFest, Republic of Floyd store, Ambrosia Farm Bed and Breakfast, rates $90-$120, Grandfather Mountain, N.C.: Off milepost 305 near Linville, N.C.; Little Switzerland, N.C.: Summer resort village off milepost 334, an hour from Asheville; Asheville, N.C.: Museum of the Cherokee Indian: Cherokee, N.C.; Open daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (until 7 p.m. in summer). Adults, $10; children 6-14, $6. — AP


Sept. 10


Beat the crowds by visiting Rehoboth Beach, Del., after Labor Day, on Friday, Sept. 10. Join other seniors in the downtown area or shop at outlet malls. To register, or for more information on trip departure locations, call Arlington County’s Office of Senior Adult Programs at (703) 228-4748, anytime after noon on Tuesday, August 10. The cost is $44 for Arlington County residents; $49 for non-residents.

Aug. 10


Enjoy an all-you-can-eat crab feast in St. Michaels, Md. A bus will depart from 1500 Merimac Dr., Hyattsville, Md., at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, August 10. In addition to freshly steamed crabs, there will be shrimp, fried chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad, sliced garden tomatoes and onions, fruit and more. The fee is $60 for residents of Langley Senior Center (?) and $72 for non-residents. To register, call (301) 408-4343.

Aug. 15


In 1814, British troops captured the nation’s capital and set fire to the White House. Explore Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Bladensburg Road, the Navy Yard and other sites associated with the invasion on Sunday, August 15. The bus leaves the Holiday Inn Capitol, 550 C St., S.W. at 9:30 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. The fee is $89 for Smithsonian Resident Members, or $135 for the public. To register, call (202) 633-3030 ($3 handling fee), visit or mail a check to The Smithsonian Associates, Smithsonian Institution, Dept. 0603, Washington, D.C. 20073-0603.

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Leisure & Travel

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Going on a fishing expedition, with help By Victor Block To me, fishing has always been a casual affair. Pack a sandwich and cold beer, impale a worm on a hook. and you’re in a winwin situation: Battle with nature, catch a fish and bring home dinner. Or return home empty-handed but reassure my wife, and myself, that I still had a pleasant and relaxing day in the sun. To experienced guide Keith Barker, fishing is a very different story. It begins with meticulous planning and preparation. Consult tide charts, check the water level, and consider a list of other variables I wasn’t even aware of. Advise customers about details ranging from how to dress to proper hand washing. For Captain Keith, that means scrub-

bing with biodegradable soap so the fish don’t get your scent. Then he applies “fish attractant” to the bait, a substance whose use to me seems somewhat unfair, especially when I learned his favorite brand is called Kick’n Bass. Finally, Barker suggested we get an early start. When he told us to meet him at 5:30 a.m., I realized we have very different definitions of that word. My long-time friend Tim and I signed up for a half-day guided fishing excursion to see if we could improve on our usual catch during annual outings in this area. For us, bringing back a handful of fish from such trips was extraordinary. On the occasions we got skunked and didn’t catch a thing, there was always that “day in the

Catch and release program We were led to understand that Barker is one of the more knowledgeable guides for people seeking to catch largemouth bass, catfish and other denizens of the Potomac River. So we contacted him and made plans for our pre-dawn departure. After a drive of less than an hour from Washington, with Barker’s new and as yet unnamed boat being towed behind, we reached Leesylvania State Park perched on the Virginia side of the Potomac. The river there is wide, the shoreline lightly built up. Within minutes, the boat was in the water and we were speeding to the first of several of our guide’s favorite fishing spots. After dropping anchor, our captain gave us a mini-course in the generalities of fish-

ing, and the specifics of how to catch (and release) largemouth bass which, he explained, were guarding their nests of eggs on the river floor just below us. With catch and release, you have the thrill of the catch, but use a non-barbed hook that allows the return of the uninjured fish to the water. Barker demonstrated how he prepares the plastic “soft bait” that resembles crawfish. Barker showed us how to cast, then slowly retrieve our line with little jerks of the rod to make the bait mimic a crawfish looking for a lunch of bass eggs. Then the three of us made our first casts and the hunt was underway. As the morning wore on, if one fishing spot proved unproductive, Captain Keith moved to another. Tim and I worked hard to put into See FISHING, page 41


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Leisure & Travel

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Fishing From page 40 practice what we had learned, and soon bass were being hooked, landed and released. Our teacher caught two fish for every one landed by his pupils. He suspended one especially plump specimen below his portable scale and the pointer come to rest at two pounds, 14 ounces, the heaviest of the day. Throughout the entire trip, Barker demonstrated great patience in sharing his know-how, untangling knots in the line that Tim and I occasionally created, and making us feel less clumsy then we knew we were. We expressed amazement at his ability to steer the boat, operate an electric

trolling motor, keep one eye on us, proffer constant tips and suggestions — and still catch the most fish. As relative neophytes, Tim and I gained a new appreciation of the knowledge and skill required to be a successful fisherman. We came to understand why, during some past outings, we watched with envy as people in nearby boats pulled in a seemingly neverending parade of fish while we waited unsuccessfully for even a serious nibble. Barker reported that the number of fish caught and released during his guided outings usually ranges from single digits — a rare occasion — to four or five dozen. We ended up catching and releasing something between those extremes, and

took home one or two each for dinner. Needless to say, we spared our wives the fun of cleaning them, and that’s no fish story.

If you go


ties as “your safe return, that you have a fun and memorable day, and that you catch fish.” He is part of a group guide service, so if he is not available, he can recommend another equally experienced associate.

Keith Barker has fished the Potomac River for over 20 years and lists his guiding priori-

See FISHING, page 42

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Hot spots for fishing nearby Knowing how to fish is half the challenge. The rest is figuring out where to drop or cast your line. Below are recommendations for favorite places that experts from each area were willing to share. Unless you own a boat, excursions like ocean or bay fishing are best done by hiring a captain. For other outings, you can cast from shore or rent a small boat and venture out on your own.


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Virginia The waters off Virginia’s shoreline offer fishing similar to that near Maryland. For landlubbers, the James River can’t be beat. Smallmouth bass abound in the upper James, between Buchanan and Scottsville and as far down as Richmond. According to one experienced angler, “The lower James is good for everything.” That includes largemouth bass, trophy blue catfish — for which the current record is over 102 pounds — and fall rock bass and spring shad runs. For more information, call 1-800-8474882 or log onto and click on the “Get Outside” tab.

You can pick up your free copy of the Beacon at over 100 CVS/pharmacy stores located throughout the metro area

W. Virginia The confluence of the New, Greenbrier and Bluestone rivers at Bluestone Lake in southern West Virginia has something-for-everyone variety. The New River is considered the best warm water fishery in that state, and holds impressive records for smallmouth, white and striped bass. Float trips on the Greenbrier River often produce bountiful catches of smallmouth bass. Rental boats are available at the marina on Bluestone Lake, where bluegill, crappie, catfish and several kinds of bass are thick. The South Branch of the Potomac, which runs through beautiful mountain scenery, is known for outstanding fly fishing, as well as bald eagle sightings. For more information, call 1-800-2255982 or log onto

Delaware Despite its small size, Delaware See HOT SPOTS, page 42

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throughout Greater Washington Weathermen worked their way up

By Barbara Ruben From

February’s snowmage ddon July’s triple digit scorchers, Washingto to ans have had a nilot to gripe about regarding the weather this year. But for local weather gurus Bob Ryan and Doug Hill, 2010 has been a banner year. “Snowstorms are my favorite,” Ryan tically chortled. prac“I tell people there’s 10-year-old boy still a in me who’s looking forward to snowstorms so he doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow. ” Of course, no weather prevents him from having to go to work. Ryan, 67, and Hill, 59, have been friends for decades and have a combined 57 years on the air in Washingto n forecasting the weather. Both meteorolog ists are now at ABC7, and share a love for the challenges presented by the mid-Atlanti c’s mercurial conditions. “Northeast weather is where it’s at from heat waves — to snow storms to tornadoes and hurricanes . I wouldn’t want to Los Angeles to go to forecast the weather,” Ryan said. “Even worse, Honolulu!” interjected Hill. “I’m not doing the same old thing, after day, month day after month, decade decade. [Here] after everything is always in flux. It’s always moving. You’re always surprised by how extreme things can be.” Ryan feels the same way: “You see some big storm coming up the coast and ‘That’s a storm think, like such and such.’ But it’s like faces. Each one is different, each day is unique.”

New place for

familiar face


Fishing opportunities in Maryland range from deep sea fishing to freshwater species that live in tumbling mountain streams. The Chesapeake Bay is home to about 90 percent of the Atlantic striped bass (rockfish) population, along with bluefish, flounder, white perch and other relatives. Bountiful catches also are possible in the Eastern Bay — the stretch of water between the Eastern Shore and Kent, Tilghman and Wye islands. Fishing is best from spring through fall. Many experienced trout fishermen head for the catch-and-release section of the Gunpower River in Gunpowder Falls State Park, just north of Baltimore. That eight-mile stretch provides ideal conditions for rainbow and brown trout. The surrounding park is an 18,000acre preserve with more than 100 miles of hiking trails and excellent access to the river. Always willing to share his knowledge, Barker recommends Mattawoman Creek near Indian Head, off State Route 210, as excellent for novices. Following a spring run of rockfish, the river teems with largemouth bass, white and yellow perch, and lunker catfish. For more information, call the Mary-

Includes 14-Nights on Celebrity’s “Mercury” with All Meals & Entertainment!

Weathermen Bob Ryan (left) and Doug weather

5 0 AUGUST 2010

I N S I D E …


& TR

AVEL Explore some or all of “America’s Favorite Drive” from Virginia to N. Carolina; plus, a fishing expedition to remembe r, and how to avoid cruise rip-offs page 37


A searing look at suburban marriage in the 70s; plus, ways to score cheap(er

for a total Hill have forecast In May, Ryan joined ) tickets, and broadcast Hill at ABC7 (WJLA) competing News4. of 57 years. Ryan joined and some recently Washington’s after 30 years at Hill at ABC7 published in May after rival News4 (WRC). memoirs 30 years at Hill does the weather is circumspect on ABC7 at 5 about the reasons 6 p.m., along and departure for his Allbritton with morning , but he says page 45 and evening Communications, rush hour forecasts that he wanted which owns ABC7 and is located for radio station more latitude to develop a WTOP. He also local weather in the same Arlington Web presence does a continually office building LAW & MONEY for News4. updated as the station. weather forecast He believes locally called “Doug 4 k Pros and cons owned ABC7 will Weather Now” Hill’s more of emerging markets be How they on cable. receptive to some k No need to fear got started of his ideas than Ryan has taken bonds News4, which over Hill’s 11 Both Ryan and is owned by General weather slot and Hill are lifelong p.m. tric’s Elec- aficionado NBC Universal. FITNESS & HEALTH weather also s who wandered the weather portion plans to spearhead into forecasting “There’s a big 11 k Surgery center after starting out of ABC7’s upcoming difference when concerns website called in other careers. you get an idea and the k Do you have Hill, a native of person who writes centenarian genes? Towson, Md., “When we have check for it is the years in spent four any right down the the U.S. Air Force we’ll be on together,” big weather events, than hall rather Prince VOLUNTE ERS before joining the 14 layers of managers Hill said. & CAREERS George’s County Ryan signed off 30 and different Police Dept., eventuk Retiring to the divisions away from News4 for ally becoming its Peace Corps that report ultimately the last General public information time in February, to officer. after not being Electric,” Ryan “During that SPOTLIGH T ON said. able to come to agreemen time, as it is The check writer AGING today, the t on a new contract. Prince George’s 35 he was referring k Newsletter for police force itself He Robert D.C. seniors to is Allbritton, chairman was and CEO of PLUS CROSSW See WEATHERM ORD, BEACON EN, page 32 BITS, CLASSIFI EDS & MORE

Look for this rack and help yourself to a Beacon and a shopping basket.


Leisure & Travel

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Taking a cruise? Don’t get fleeced in port If you’re already arranged a cruise for homework. And that means finding out as this summer or fall — or are thinking much as possible about the ports you’ll be about a cruise — you’ll be envisiting — boning up on the culjoying a good travel value. ture, sightseeing attractions, Prices for cruises, especially shopping opportunities, and for departures within a local transportation. month, remain low. That way, you can not only In fact, base cabin rates on increase your enjoyment of the mass market lines are low each port but also decrease enough to pressure those your chance of wasting time lines into trying to fatten their and being gouged. I have two thin margins by markups on specific recommendations. just about everything they TRAVEL TIPS Shore excursions can. And getting a good deal By Ed Perkins Avoid the cruise line’s exon the cabin doesn’t mean you cursions. Your cruise line will almost surewon’t be overcharged for something else. The best way to protect your cruise invest- ly pitch its own shore excursions for each ment is to do some good pre-departure port. In fact, many lines now try to lock


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Fishing From page 41

Develop friendships


you in by pre-selling excursions as part of the cruise package. Unfortunately, in my experience many cruise lines’ shore excursions suffer from two key problems. They’re usually overpriced, compared with what you can buy on your own. And they usually waste too much time in assembling and herding tour members around, especially with overly long stops at souvenir stores that give kickbacks to the cruise line or sightseeing company. Instead, I’m big on arranging your own shore excursions. You have several options: • Find a local sightseeing tour after you hit land. You’ll find them at most ports, and probably for less than the cruise line charges. • Pre-arrange an independent excursion through an online agency. Among the ones I know are: Port Promotions (; Port Compass (; PortSide Tours ( ), 1-866-731-7193; Shore Excursions Group (, 1-866-999-6590; ShoreTrips (, 1-888-355-0220, and Viator ( • Hire a local cabdriver to take you around the area, going where you want to go and avoiding the tourist traps.


Hiring a professional guide isn’t inexpensive. For two people fishing for largemouth bass, Barker charges $350 for a full day, $250 for a half day, plus $25 for fuel, tackle, bait and other necessities. He has room for a third angler for an additional $50. But it’s money well spent; you may well end up enjoying one of your best fishing

Hot spots

• Rent a car for a day — many rental companies either have port offices or meet ships. • Use local public transportation or just walk. At many stops, the main attractions are close to the port. Your choice depends on where you are and what your interests are. On a Mediterranean cruise, for example, most ports enjoy easy access to local public transportation. In the Caribbean, a taxi tour is probably a better bet. In Juneau or Anchorage, think first about renting a car. Your choice also depends on your travel party: Taxis and rental cars work out best when three or four people share the cost.

Shop on your own Ignore the port lecturers’ shopping recommendations. There’s a good chance that it is a paid commercial announcement rather than good-faith consumer advice. Avoid the tourist traps where the official tour stops for the same reason. A good rule of thumb: Any time you see an opportunity for a kickback, there’s a kickback. And think carefully about what to buy. See CRUISING, page 44

experiences ever. In addition to his invaluable teaching, Captain Keith willingly shares information about his fishing hot spots. Details about their location may be downloaded onto a GPS “SD” card for the technically advanced, and provided verbally for technologically challenged folks like Tim and me. To contact Barker, call (301) 509-2102 or e-mail him at

1-866-284-7483 or log onto

From page 41 boasts of big fishing opportunities. The Pier at Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes stretches a quarter-mile over the mouth of Delaware Bay and offers year-round angling. In summer and early fall, that means croaker and spot. During late fall and winter, bluefish and striped bass hang out around the pilings, especially at night. Flounder show up in late spring and early summer. A bait and tackle store sells everything needed to make a good catch, and shares the latest fishing reports. A swamp that supports the northernmost natural stand of bald cypress trees in the country at Trap Pond State Park also is home to concentrations of largemouth bass, pickerel, crappie and bluegills. A choice of rental boats is available, and hiking and bird watching also are excellent. For more information, call

Pennsylvania With 83,000 miles of rivers and streams, not to mention 4,000 lakes and ponds, Pennsylvania is a fisherman’s paradise. Trout are a common prey, and you don’t have to travel very far from the Washington area to seek them out. Letort Spring Run, southwest of Harrisburg, has perfect conditions for trout, as does the Monocacy Creek north of Philadelphia, where an occasional rainbow in the 10-to-12 pound range is landed. For those willing to drive a bit further, the well-known but hard-to-pronounce Youghiogeny River, southeast of Pittsburgh and just north of the Maryland border, is outstanding for float fishing. Fly fishermen in the know head for the nine-mile all-tackle trophy trout section. For more information, call 1-800-8474872 or log onto

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Leisure & Travel

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

How about a little truth in advertising? Advertising can be a very strange busi- dice made them wealthy. ness. No one ever frowned, had a hair out of I was half-watching TV the place, or lost a penny. other night when here came A few days later, reality inan ad for a casino. truded. I found myself walkThe place looked like Poming through a casino in Illipeii in its salad days. nois. Here was a couple — The place was filled with young and beautiful, of course elderly people — couples — striking it rich at a slot mamostly. I didn’t see wealth, I chine. didn’t see wine, I didn’t see Here was another couple — lobsters. What I saw was a even younger — forking bunch of people trying to down a lobster dinner and HOW I SEE IT enjoy themselves, and losing toasting one another with By Bob Levey money in the process. wine. A woman in her 80s kept firA third couple — they couldn’t have ing up a video poker machine as fast as she been more than 30 — was soon seen could. She didn’t even wait to see if she whooping it up at the craps table, as the had won the previous hand. She simply


Aug. 15

TRAVEL TO TILGHMAN Experience the rich history, scenery and culture of Talbot County,

Md., with a cruise and a driving tour of Tilghman Island on Sunday, August 15. The $136 fee includes a meal at a local restaurant. The buses for this Fairfax Dept. of Recreation trip depart from Fair Oaks Mall, Mason Government Center and Franconia Police Station, all in Virginia. Call (703) 222-4664 to register.

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chose whether to bet two units or five and bopped the PLAY button, over and over. It was a way to pass the time — and soon, to say ta-ta to twenty-five bucks. Nearby, a man who wore a “Korean War Veteran” baseball cap was playing blackjack. He lost eleven hands in a row — and about $100. He showed no emotion, no regret. He simply fished another hundred out of his wallet and kept playing. Was this pathology that I had just seen, or a passing phenomenon? The answer was waiting for me in the lobby. There, on a large video screen, casino management was running a two-minute film. It was aimed at senior citizens. It claimed to be saving them from their worst instincts. “We know you’ve worked hard all your life,” the voice-over began, in a grave tone. “So please, bet with your head, not over it.” Of course, the casino was trying to have it both ways. It knows that the vast majority of its clientele is retirees. But sanctimoniously and hypocritically, it claimed to care about the money that these retirees regularly lose. I didn’t see any seniors betting thousands of dollars a minute. If anybody knows the value of a buck, it’s someone who has had to raise a family — and perhaps raise grandchildren, too. No, what I saw was several dozen seniors who were way past the cheap thrill of gambling and winning — but not capable

of finding another way to pass the time. They were in the casino because it was something to do. The woman at the video poker machine was a perfect example of the players’ lack of passion. She didn’t care if she won. She didn’t care if she lost. What she cared about was the time consumed by pushing PLAY. So why don’t casinos knock off the Pompeii ads and tell the truth? Their bread and butter is older Americans. These are not high rollers and bigtime partiers. They are people who gamble on a budget and know enough to do so. They never have the haunted look of the young hustler. They see gambling the way they see the movies — as something engaging and lively, something that gets them out of the house, something that will fill an afternoon in a way that a soap opera can’t. I’d be delighted if the next time I turn on the TV, I’d see an ad that shows older Americans counting out a few quarters so they can play a slot machine, or winning five bucks at roulette. Wouldn’t this be the way to aim realistically at a casino’s realistic market? Then again, elephants may fly some day. Probably to a casino. Where, if we leave it to advertising executives and casino management, they’d fork down lobsters, sip wine and look as if they’re having the time of their lives. Bob Levey is a national award-winning columnist.


Other publishers offer more specialized cruise guides — browse or a local travel bookstore. And such online for ums as and have lots of port information. A few dollars spent on those books — and a few hours spent online — will pay big dividends after you set sail. Send e-mail to Ed Perkins at Perkins’ new book for small business and independent professionals, Business Travel When It’s Your Money, is now available through or © 2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

From page 42 Even though shopping seems to be a popular port activity, my experience is that there’s hardly anything you might buy in a cruise port — that you really want to keep — that you can’t buy, for less money, at a discount store at home, without the schlepping. Research each port for any really good local deals. Stick to those items and forget the straw baskets. Port homework is easy these days. Start with one or two current cruise guidebooks. Both Fodor’s and Frommer’s publish them for the main cruising areas.

BEACON BITS Fill out this form and mail to the address below ❏ 1 Year $36 ($38.16* in MD) ❏ 2 years $68 ($72.08* in MD) MD includes sales tax ❏ Check enclosed ❏ Please bill my Visa/MC/AmEx/Discover ❏ Please bill me Acct. #

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Free Sunday movie nights at the National Harbor, 150 National Plaza, Fort Washington, Md., continue with Ironman on August 8, Batman on August 15, Incredible Hulk on August 22 and Spiderman on August 29. All films begin at sundown. For more information, call the National Harbor Hotline at (301) 203-4189.

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Washington Jewish Week Mail : 11426 Rockville Pike, Suite 236, Rockville, MD 20852 Call: 301.230.2222 or Visit: IT IS YOUR COMMUNITY, YOUR CULTURE, YOUR IDENTITY

Aug. 28


Admire the shoreline of Lake Accotink in Springfield, Va., with a sunset cruise from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 28. An interpretive talk about the park is included in the $6 price. Reservations and advance payment are required by calling (703) 222-4664 or through Checks may also be mailed to FCPA/Parktakes, P.O. Box 4606, Fairfax, VA 22038. Refunds will be issued if cruise is cancelled due to rain or gusty winds.


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Style Arts &

New memoirs shed light on lives well lived. See story on page 47.

Wilson’s chilly portrait of angst in the 70s here. But is that enough? Ultimately, although there are absorbing moments along the way, there may not be enough for some viewers in this promising but not fully realized production directed by Steven Scott Mazzola. Something is missing, and it’s not clear if it is in the material or its implementation.


By Michael Toscano When we meet the four people who populate Lanford Wilson’s bleak drama Serenading Louie, they are only in their early 30s. But each of the characters is already dealing with a lifetime’s worth of regret and bitter disillusionment. The play is set in the 1970s. The tumultuous 1960s have run their course, but the long period of social change unleashed in that decade continues to churn. It might be interesting to see how these two couples aged, assuming, of course, that they managed to survive that period of clashing social mores and expectations. And that’s an assumption Wilson leaves in doubt — mortally serious doubt — as his story draws to a close. This play, performed by the American Century Theater and on stage at Gunston Theatre Two in Arlington, Va., leaves such vital questions unanswered. What it lacks in dramatic intensity and carefully layered characters may be compensated for, however, in the way it provokes animated audience chatter after the actors have taken their bows. There was substantially more than the usual post-show discussion as attendees filed out of the theater on opening night. Many audience members seemed unsure about their reaction to the play — about whether they thought it made salient points or missed the mark. At least that means they cared about what they had just experienced. Wilson obviously hits some nerves

Trouble in suburbia The focus is on two couples, longtime friends residing in an upscale Chicago suburb. Alex (Theodore M. Snead) is an attorney with a thriving practice who is being tapped to run for Congress. Old college pal Carl (Hans Dettmar) has become a prosperous property developer. Both men are seriously discontented with their lives and wives, however. But their unhappiness pales next to that of their mates. Gabrielle (Robin Covington) is an anxious woman so neurotic and uncomfortable around her husband Alex that she rarely completes a full sentence in his presence. Mary (Vanessa Bradchulis) tends to just disregard Carl as she breezily seeks fulfillment elsewhere. Lanford Wilson seems very much a man of his time with this play, written in 1970. We see the women largely reflected in their husband’s lives. While the men spend much of act one together, reflecting on their lives and dreams, which they feel have turned sour,

Robin Covington (left) as Gabrielle, Theodore M. Snead as Alex, and Vanessa Bradchulis as Mary star in Serenading Louie, Lanford Wilson’s play about suburban discontent in the 1970s. Performances are at Gunston Theatre Two through August 21.

the women are never given that opportunity. That’s unfortunate. Their early-onset midlife crises are complicated by the burgeoning quest for identity that marked the era, offering rich lay-

ers to explore. But Wilson, like his male characters, tends to overlook what’s really going on with the ladies. See LOUIE, page 46

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Arts & Style

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


facades. The “why” of all this angst is curiously absent. It’s not that the actors aren’t trying, though. They spill their words over the others’ dialogue and move seamlessly into each others’ scenes, pleasingly mixing realism and surrealism. They occasionally speak directly to the audience, although little is revealed in these moments. When all four are together, the energy and dramatic tension ratchets up and the performances do become compelling enough to hold our interest. Bradchulis, as the domineering Mary, radiates vigor, in acute contrast to Covington’s vulnerable Gabrielle. Dettmar and Snead maintain similar energy levels, perhaps befitting their characters’ long friendship.

From page 45 Mazzola has not found the key to opening up these people for us. Hampered by an exposition-heavy script in which characters tend to reflect rather than engage, the four cast members often seem detached from their characters’ emotions. As they dissect their marriages and lives — either in pairs or with all four together in a series of talky encounters — the characters are apparently moving toward perilous emotional dysfunction. Booze and grass hasten the process. In form, it’s reminiscent of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? But unlike the Edward Albee masterpiece, Serenading Louie is emotionally distant, even chilly. The actors are only fleetingly able to reveal the hot layers hiding underneath their

A flaw in set design Underscoring the similarities in each


couple’s lives, only one set is used for both homes. And here is a major flaw in the production. The setting is supposed to represent an upscale and fashionable lifestyle. Yet Deborah Wheatley’s scenic design is unremittingly drab, and appears to be a rundown apartment painted in dingy shades of brown rather than a chic condo or house. Accenting the dreariness is murky lighting from Andrew Griffin and tacky props from Suzanne Maloney. Honestly, if the director, the playwright and the artistic team are not on the same page, then what hope is there for the actors? Oh, you may be wondering about the title. It comes from that old Yale Whiffenpoof song. You know, the one about “We are poor little lambs, who have lost our way.” There is a reference in that ditty to serenading somebody named Louie, but the allusion is meaningless for the 99 percent of audience members who won’t get it. The American Century Theater is dedicated to producing American plays from the 20th century that may have been overlooked or forgotten. Serenading Louie quali-

fies, as it has been overshadowed by Wilson’s subsequent (and much more successful) work, including Hot l Baltimore, Talley’s Folly (for which he won the Pulitzer Prize), The Fifth of July, and Burn This! Serenading Louie continues through August 21, performed by the American Century Theater at Gunston Theater Two, 2700 S. Lang St., in Arlington. Showtime is on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2:30 p.m. Ticket prices range from $29 to $32 for general admission. There’s a $3 discount for patrons 65 and over. Children under 18 are admitted free with an adult paying full price, space permitting and with a limit of five. Tickets are available by calling (703) 998-4555 or by visiting The theater is wheelchair accessible and there is ample free parking. For more information about the play or for directions, visit the theater’s website at Michael Toscano is the Beacon’s theatre critic.






5 0

Once Again Sweeps National Awards The Beacon continues to garner top honors at the National Mature Media Awards and the annual journalism competition of the North American Mature Publishers Association.


JEWELRY DESIGN CLASS Design and fashion your own earrings, necklace and bracelet at

Langley Park Senior Activity Center, 1500 Merrimac Drive, Hyattsville, Md., on Tuesdays in August, from 10-11:30 a.m. The cost is $15. For more information, call (301) 408-4343.


Aug. 14

The Olney Big Band will present “Swing! Swing! Swing! II,” a concert in tribute to the 75th anniversary of the birth of swing

music, on Saturday, August 14, at 1:30 p.m., at the Olney Theatre Center’s Historic Stage, 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd., Olney, Md. Tickets:$25 for adults, $20 for those over 62 and students, and $15 for general seating. Order online at or by sending a check to D.B. Schumer, ATTN: OBB

Among our recent awards: · General Excellence

Concert, 15310 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906. For more information, call (301) 593-7205. ce Excellen How-to Featur General e

Aug. 21

· Overall Design

THAT’S ALL, FOLKS Folk singer and songwriter Anne Hills will give a concert at 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 21, at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, 8531

· Feature Writing

Overall Design

Riverside Rd., Alexandria, Va. Tickets cost $18 at the door; $15 in advance at For more information, contact Gilliam at (703) 975-8027

· Profiles


· How-to Feature · Special Section

Aug. 14 Writing Feature

· Column Reviews

SPANISH LESSONS The Quaker community invites the public to join in free Spanish lessons on Saturday, August 14, and take a trip to the murals at La

Union in Langley Park. The day starts at 9 a.m. at the Quaker Meetinghouse, 2303 2005

Be sure to pick up your FREE copy of the Beacon every month at any of our 1,500+ local distribution sites.

Metzerott Rd., Adelphi, Md., and ends at 2 p.m. To register, call (240) 893-4548.

Aug. 10+

SING-IN Like Broadway melodies and old-time tunes from the Great American Songbook? The Encore Chorale will have two free, open

rehearsals on Tuesday, August 10 and 17, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at

Call (301) 949-9766 for the location of a site near you or to place an advertisement.

Woodlands Retirement Community, 4320 Forest Hill Drive, Fairfax, Va. For information and registration, contact Jeanne Kelly at (301) 261-5747 or

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


New memoirs shed light on diverse lives

Mark Twain beyond the grave The Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume One (University of California Press, $34.95), is due out in November. Redacted editions have been published in the past, but this complete version reveals a new side to Twain. The author left specific instructions before his death that the uncensored book should be held for publication for 100 years — until he was “dead, and unaware, and indifferent” — so he could speak his “whole mind.”

And that’s exactly what he does. Beyond the wry quips and down-home humor, there was an angry side to Twain. In 5,000 previously unpublished words, Twain is “literally speaking beyond the grave,” lashing out against American interventionism abroad, politicians like Teddy Roosevelt who “somersault” from one position to another, and the rising class of multimillionaires who “rotted the commercial morals of this nation.” Substitute a few names and dates, and these words could almost have been written yesterday. Yet Twain doesn’t confine his words to mere politics: He also takes the opportunity to settle a number of personal scores. All in all, the first volume is sure to be a hit with Twainiacs this year as they flock to his boyhood home and the cabin where he wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (For more on these sites, see “Retracing Mark Twain’s steps in Mo., NY” in the June issue of The Beacon.)

Emotional look at early Alzheimer’s In Jan’s Story (Behler Publications, $15.95), CBS reporter Barry Petersen de-

tails his wife’s gradual deterioration after she was diagnosed at age 55 with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Jan Chorlton Petersen was a reporter with CNN, ABC and CBS’s “Sunday Morning.” Out of an estimated 5.3 million Americans who have Alzheimer’s, approximately half a million have early onset or another form of dementia. Yet both these numbers are expected to undergo dramatic growth in the coming decades, placing an enormous strain on the healthcare system. Petersen’s narration, laced with flashbacks to the early days of his relationship with Jan, draws attention to a terminal illness that attracts comparatively little research money from the government or private sector. More than a documentary of Jan’s last years and Petersen’s Rabbi Jacob Wiener is shown on his first day of own struggles as a caregiver, it’s school in Germany in 1923 and in a recent photo (inset). His memoir, Time of Terror, Road to a moving love story. Revival, traces his escape from Germany just prior The author reveals plenty of to WWII to his life in Silver Spring, Maryland today. raw emotion through anecdotes about happy moments in years Readers will no doubt have strong opinpast and present sacrifices, and is painfully ions on the morality of another choice Pehonest about his drinking, depression and See MEMOIRS, page 48 anger. PHOTOS COURTESY OF JACOB WIENER

By Mary C. Stachyra “There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility,” Mark Twain wrote in The Refuge of the Derelicts. “Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy and a tragedy.” Indeed, that’s why autobiographies make such interesting reading — whether it’s an account of a CBS reporter’s struggle with Alzheimer’s, a rabbi’s escape from Nazi Germany, or Twain’s own highly anticipated memoir, to be published this fall, a century after his death. Here are brief reviews to whet your appetite for these newly published works.

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This trip is in partnership with Jewish National Fund Travel and Tours. Proceeds benefit MPT.

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A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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Memoirs From page 47 tersen makes near the end of the book, a twist in the love story that emphasizes the divide between idealism and human reality. Even a marriage of 20 years has little defense against “a disease that will rob and cheat and steal and slowly suck the person you love away from you.”

A local rabbi’s journey In a self-published autobiography, Time of Terror, Road to Revival (Trafford Publishing, $22 paperback, $32 hardback) local rabbi Jacob Wiener relates his memories of a different kind of tragedy. Wiener was born in 1917 in Bremen, Germany. His family bore an increasing number of hardships over the years, but the worst occurred on Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass,” November 9, 1938. That night, all across Germany dozens of Jews were murdered, tens of thousands of young men were deported to concentration camps, and thousands of synagogues and businesses were burnt to the ground. In Wiener’s hometown, five people were killed, including his mother. Stormtroopers raided their house in the middle of the night, demanding to know where her husband was. She couldn’t tell them, so they shot her.

Because of her “resistance,” it was ruled a “justified death” in Nazi documentation of the event. Smaller details, however, also stand out, like Wiener’s recollection of a film shown at a school assembly. The film depicted mental patients, prison inmates “who could not walk, talk, stand straight, or move their feet or hands,” and sick people “with bent bodies, grimacing, twisted in all kinds of contortions.” The film then posed the question: “Should we spend lots of money on these useless vermin?” While the filmmakers clearly expected a firm “no,” Wiener recalls his own mental response: “We Jews believe in the positive value of every person in this world. No two humans are equal. That is the secret and the result of the diversity of the human race.” In 1939, Wiener fled to Canada, but over the course of the next several years lost 24 other family members through the Holocaust. He later moved to Silver Spring, Md., and currently volunteers at the Holocaust Memorial Museum as an active 93-year-old. Despite the nightmare of his years in Germany, Wiener has kept a positive philosophy: “I cannot help but feel that every day of my life has been a miracle.” Autographed copies of the book are available from the author (, 301-649-6246) or his daughter (, 301-649-4561) for $15.



Aug. 12

From $855

FREE TRACY/HEPBURN MOVIE State of the Union, a movie starring Spencer Tracy and Katherine

Hepburn, will be showing at the McEvoy Auditorium in the Smithsonian American 5999 Emerson Street Bladensburg, MD 20710

301-779-6196 18889 Waring Station Road Germantown, MD 20874

301-540-1162 From $650 Professionally managed by Quantum Real Estate Management LLC T/A Quantum Property Management

Rent based on income

Mrs. Philippines Home for Seniors, Inc. 6428 Bock Street Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Art Museum on Thursday, August 12, at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. No tickets are required. For more information, call (202) 633-6362.

Aug. 28

ALL THAT JAZZ Enjoy a free jazz performance by The Georgetown Quintet on Saturday, August 28, at 3 p.m., at the Benning Neighborhood

Library, 3935 Benning Rd., N.E. The group will play several songs by jazz legend Andrew Nathaniel White, in honor of his 68th birthday. For more information, see or call (202) 281-2583.

301-567-9537 Rent based on income

Aug. 7

CAMBODIAN DANCE AND MUSIC Cambodia’s prima ballerina Devi Yim, along with dancers and musicians of Cambodian-American heritage, will retell classic reli-

gious stories from Buddhist and Hindu traditions. The performance will take place

5101 River Road, Suite 101 • Bethesda, MD 20816


on Saturday, August 7 at 2 p.m. in the Meyer Auditorium at the Freer Gallery of Art, 1050 Independence Ave., S.W. Free tickets, issued in advance, are required, and may be obtained through Call (202) 633-1000 or visit for more information.

Arts & Style

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Getting deals from online ticket brokers By Candice Choi Before you pull the trigger on buying those concert or game tickets, ask yourself: Is this the best I can do? The rise of online ticket brokers such as StubHub has expanded options for consumers looking to attend concerts, shows and sporting events. The drawback is that there’s also more confusion. It used to be that the resale market was primarily for those willing to pay a big markup for sold-out events. But that’s changing as competition drives down prices and buyers get savvier about sniffing out deals. In many cases, your best bet is probably still buying directly from the event producer. But there are times when striking out on your own could pay off. Here’s what you need to know, starting with what’s called the primary market. Ticketing giants such as Ticketmaster work directly with artists and venues to sell seats. You’ll be charged a service fee that varies depending on the event. The resale market is where companies such as StubHub step in. Ticket resellers use these sites to find buyers. The sites charge buyers a service fee, sometimes as high as 20 percent of the sale price. So how do tickets appear on the resale market? They’re generally from smaller ticket brokers that want to list inventories online, or from consumers who have tickets to an event they can’t attend. Many sites also buy and sell tickets directly, much like brokers. The sites don’t violate anti-scalping laws because they’re not selling tickets at the event.

sites generally have strong guarantee policies. StubHub, for example, promises that buyers won’t be charged until a seller confirms the order, and that tickets will be delivered in time for the event. Money is refunded for any canceled event. Another site,, guarantees buyers a 125 percent refund if a purchased ticket turns out to be a dud. Terms will vary from site to site, so be sure to check them carefully. The resale market is primarily for finding hard-to-come-by tickets, often at a higher cost. Still, it can also be a place to find bargains, especially for pricier seats. About 40 percent of tickets on the resale market sell for face value or less, according to the research company Forrester. Your odds of scoring such a deal depend on multiple factors.


Naturally, your chances will diminish for a highly anticipated game. But for a Wednesday afternoon game, you might find a deal on coveted, high-end seats you otherwise couldn’t afford. This is particularly true for baseball, where season ticket

holders often don’t want to attend all 81 home games. Keep in mind that there can be great variance in prices and availability. Check a See TICKET BROKERS, page 50

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Call 410-246-7499 or Email to inquire about eligibility requirements and to arrange a private tour. Professionally managed by The Shelter Group. The Shelter Group is committed to Equal Housing Opportunities for people of all races, religions, ethnic groups, and disabilities and all other groups protected by federal, state, or local law.


Arts & Style

Ticket brokers

A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N, and

From page 49 couple of different resale sites before making a decision, and don’t forget to factor in service charges when comparing prices. StubHub is the biggest player in the market by far and charges a 10 percent service fee. Other players include Razor-

Flexibility can pay off The longer you can wait to buy your tickets, the better your chances of finding a deal. That’s because sellers don’t want to eat their tickets. Your selection will be a lot more limited



NEW SENIOR INFORMATION AT THE LIBRARY Visit the new senior resource area, called “Aging to Perfection,” at the Arlington Central Library. Stop by and pick up a variety of

materials, including the Beacon, Arlington’s “55+ Guide,” transportation information and more. The library is located at 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, Va., and the area is located near the new 10th Street entrance. For more information, call (703) 228-5990.

at the last minute, however, so this is good strategy if you’re just looking for one or two tickets. Keep in mind that you might not always know exactly where your seat will be when buying from a resale site. For example, a listing might give you the section and row, but not the seat number. If you’re willing to play the waiting game, leave enough time for delivery if tickets aren’t downloadable. StubHub generally requires two days for delivery unless you live in a city where the company has a location. Remember that your savings can be offset by higher delivery costs. At StubHub, it’s $11.95 for two-day FedEx and $19.95 for priority overnight. Before you place any orders, click around or call the site’s customer service to see if there are any promotions. TicketNetwork, for example, gives $20 off your next purchase if you spend over $250 on any order. Your decision on whether to buy might

also be swayed by perks. At major events like the Super Bowl, for example, StubHub sets up hospitality tents with free drinks and food for customers. There are, of course, other ways to get tickets, but the safeguards and selection can be spottier depending on the path you choose. One way to trim service fees is to find the brokers who list on resale sites. Just be sure to check their rating with the Better Business Bureau if you’re not familiar with the company. You may also feel you have good enough judgment to weed out any scams on sites like Craigslist. But it should be noted that recently a California man was arraigned on larceny charges after police accused him of selling fake tickets to the NBA finals. On eBay, which owns StubHub, you can at least view the seller’s ratings. Whichever path you decide on, remember that paying with a credit card can give you some protections in case anything goes wrong. — AP




Take an evening stroll in a guided tour through the National Garden to see trees and shrubs of the Mid-Atlantic region from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday nights from August 2 through 30 at the National Garden Lawn Terrace, 100 Maryland Ave., Washington, D.C. The free tour is cancelled in case of rain. For more information, call (202) 225-8333.

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5 0

throughout Greater Washington

Weathermen worked their way

By Barbara Ruben From February’s snowmageddon to July’s triple digit scorchers, Washingtonians have had a lot to gripe about regarding the weather this year. But for local weather gurus Bob Ryan and Doug Hill, 2010 has been a banner year. “Snowstorms are my favorite,” Ryan practically chortled. “I tell people there’s still a 10-year-old boy in me who’s looking forward to snowstorms so he doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow.” Of course, no weather prevents him from having to go to work. Ryan, 67, and Hill, 59, have been friends for decades and have a combined 57 years on the air in Washington forecasting the weather. Both meteorologists are now at ABC7, and share a love for the challenges presented by the mid-Atlantic’s mercurial conditions. “Northeast weather is where it’s at — from heat waves to snow storms to tornadoes and hurricanes. I wouldn’t want to go to Los Angeles to forecast the weather,” Ryan said. “Even worse, Honolulu!” interjected Hill. “I’m not doing the same old thing, day after day, month after month, decade after decade. [Here] everything is always in flux. It’s always moving. You’re always surprised by how extreme things can be.” Ryan feels the same way: “You see some big storm coming up the coast and think, ‘That’s a storm like such and such.’ But it’s like faces. Each one is different, each day is unique.”



I N S I D E …


Explore some or all of “America’s Favorite Drive” from Virginia to N. Carolina; plus, a fishing expedition to remember, and how to avoid cruise rip-offs page 37


Weathermen Bob Ryan (left) and Doug Hill have forecast and broadcast weather for a total of

Washington’s 57 years. Ryan joined In May, Ryan joined Hill Hill at ABC7 in May after 30 years at at ABC7 (WJLA) competing News4. after 30 years at rival News4 (WRC). is circumspect about the Hill does the weather on reasons for his Allbritton ABC7 at 5 and departure, Communications, which but he says that he wanted 6 p.m., along with morning owns and evening more ABC7 and is located in latitude to develop a local the same Arlington rush hour forecasts weather office building for radio station as the station. Web presence for News4. WTOP. He also does a continually updated He believes locally owned weather forecast called ABC7 will be How they “Doug Hill’s more got started receptive to some of his Weather Now” on cable. ideas than Both Ryan and Hill are News4, which is owned lifelong weather Ryan has taken over by General Elec- aficionados Hill’s 11 p.m. tric’s who wandered into forecasting NBC Universal. weather slot and also plans to spearhead after starting out in other “There’s a big difference careers. the weather portion of when you get ABC7’s upcoming Hill, a native of Towson, an idea and the person Md., spent four website called who writes the years in the U.S. Air Force before check for it is right down “When we have any big joining the the hall rather Prince weather events, than George’s County Police Dept., 14 layers of managers we’ll be on together,” Hill eventuand different ally becoming said. its public information officer. divisions away that report Ryan signed off from News4 ultimately to for the last General “During that time, as Electric,” Ryan said. it is today, the time in February, after not being able to Prince George’s police The check writer he was force itself was come to agreement on referring to is a new contract. He Robert Allbritton, chairman and CEO of See WEATHERMEN

, page 32

A searing look at suburban marriage in the 70s; plus, ways to score cheap(er) tickets, and some recently published memoirs page 45 LAW & MONEY 4 k Pros and cons of emerging markets k No need to fear bonds FITNESS & HEALTH 11 k Surgery center concerns k Do you have centenarian genes? VOLUNTEERS & CAREERS k Retiring to the Peace Corps


SPOTLIGHT ON AGING k Newsletter for D.C. seniors



o act N tr n o C


Arts & Style

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

Finally, a cell phone that’s… a phone!

Lo NE w W Pr ice

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Questions about Jitterbug?

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Affordable plans that I can understand – and no contract to sign! Unlike other cell phones, Jitterbug has plans that make sense. Why should I pay for minutes I’m never going to use? And if I do talk more than I plan, I won’t find myself with no minutes like my friend who has a prepaid phone. Best of all, there is no contract to sign – so I’m not locked in for years at a time or subject to termination fees. The U.S. – based customer service is second to none, and the phone gets service virtually anywhere in the country.


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IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: All rate plans require the purchase of a Jitterbug phone and a one-time set up fee of $35.00. Coverage and service is not available everywhere. There are no additional fees to call Jitterbug’s 24-hour U.S. Based Customer Service. However, for calls to an Operator in which a service is completed, minutes will be deducted from your monthly balance equal to the length of the call and any call connected by the Operator, plus an additional 5 minutes. Rate plans do not include government taxes or assessment surcharges. Prices and fees are subject to change. Savings are based on marketing materials from nationally available cellular companies as of June, 2010 (not including family share plans). The full price of the Jitterbug Phone will be refunded if it is returned within 30 days of purchase, in like-new condition, and with less than 30 minutes of usage. A Jitterbug Phone purchased from a retail location is subject to the return policy of that retail location. The Jitterbug phone is created together with worldwide leader Samsung. Jitterbug is a registered trademark of GreatCall, Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and its related entities. Copyright ©2010 GreatCall, Inc. Created together with worldwide leader Samsung. Copyright © 2010 by firstSTREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc. All rights reserved.


A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


ONE BIG HAPPY By Rick Detorie

Aug. 27


Andrew Acosta & Speedy Tolliver String Band will perform a free folk and bluegrass music concert at Grist Mill Park, 4710 Mt. Vernon Memorial Hwy., Alexandria, Va., at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, August 27. For more information, visit

Aug. 12+

CATHY By Cathy Guisewite


Free lupus support groups are offered at Reston Hospital Center the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at noon. The group will meet at the hospital center’s West Wing, 1850 Town Center Parkway, Reston, Va. For additional information on this and other local lupus support groups, call 1-888-3491167 or e-mail

Aug. 18


Attend a cooking demonstration of such healthy foods as grated beet salad, ginger-infused grilled shrimp, and ancient grains and turmeric pilaf at the U.S. Botanic Garden. The program takes place on Saturday, August 21 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The garden is located at 245 First St., S.W. on the edge of the National Mall. No registration is required for this free program. Call (202) 225-8333 for more information.

a es ift! k a g M eat gr

Beacon The






5 0

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BECOME AN INFORMED VOTER! The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County prepares non-partisan Voters’ Guides for the primary and general elections, including answers to questions from candidates for the offices on the Montgomery County ballot. They also contain information on early voting, absentee ballots and upcoming candidate forums. You won't want to miss these informative publications, prepared in partnership with the Beacon newspaper. Look for your free copy of the primary election Guide inside Montgomery County copies of the September Beacon. The general election Guide will be in the Beacon’s October issue.


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

CLASSIFIEDS The Beacon prints classified advertising under the following headings: Business & Employment Opportunities; Caregivers; Computer Services; Entertainment; For Sale; For Sale/Rent: Real Estate; Free; Health; Home/Handyman Services; Miscellaneous; Personals; Personal Services; Vacation Opportunities; and Wanted. For submission guidelines and deadlines, see the box below. CAVEAT EMPTOR! The Beacon does not knowingly accept obscene, offensive, harmful, or fraudulent advertising. However, we do not investigate any advertisers or their products and cannot accept responsibility for the integrity of either. Respondents to classified advertising should always use caution and their best judgment.

Business & Employment Opportunities OFFER A NEEDED SERVICE VERY FEW KNOW ABOUT! Earn large commissions selling the unwanted life insurance policies of seniors in the emerging industry of Life/Viatical Settlements. Need network of seniors and/or professionals that work with seniors. Call Ray at 877-282-4360.

Caregivers SELL YOUR UNWANTED LIFE INSURANCE! Nationally licensed and insured. Call 877-282-4360 for a FREE evaluation. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT Licensed by board of nursing. 15 years experience, excellent references from top agencies. Days or nights. Call 240-304-0448. QUTECARE HOUSEHOLD STAFFING SERVICES Dependable and attentive domestic service solutions. *Senior caregivers/companions *Housekeepers *Nannies *Personal assistants *Pet/House sitters. No placement fees, carefully screened personnel. We handle payroll so you can relax. 301-217-0024. CHEVY CHASE HOME CARE – reliable certified caregivers at time of illness, infirmity, loneliness. Personal assistance,ALL AGES, 4- to 24-hour shifts, homes, hospitals, nursing homes. MD, DC, No. VA. Tel.: 202-374-1240. NURSE COMPANION UNLIMITED If you are tired or worn out from working and taking care of your loved ones, don’t worry. Nurse Companion Unlimited will take good care of them while you work. Honesty is my middle name. Reasonable prices? You’ve got it! A-1 references – no problem. Experience is my first initial: I have over 26 years experience under my belt. Oh, lest I forget, call me at 703-655-0152 or 703-971-7464 and I will surely get back to you at my earliest convenience. Give me a try. Believe me, you will not be disappointed. Thanks for your time. Gertrude. EXPERIENCED SENIOR CAREGIVER (17 years) recommended by all her past clients and/or their families. Willing to commute or livein Monday to Friday. Call Barbara 301-779-1940 or email


For Sale/Rent: Real Estate

For Sale/Rent: Real Estate

LOVING HOME CARE “Care you can trust and afford.” Licensed, bonded, insured. Companionship, hygiene supervision, meal preparation, housekeeping, errands, shopping, doctor’s appointments, etc. Loving, dependable caregivers for Live-In/Out, FT/PT. Call for your FREE consultation: 301-490-1146.

LEISURE WORLD® - $124,000. 2BR 1 FB 2 HB “Berkeley” townhouse with new appliances, fresh paint and carpet, custom Florida sunroom. 1600 sq ft, Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $259,000. 3BR 2-1/2 BA, “LL” model in “greens”. Rarely available model. Enclosed balcony, table space kitchen, separate dining room, garage space included. 1595 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463.

ADONAI HEALTHCARE SERVICES is committed to providing your loved one with the quality and compassionate care they deserve. We are available to meet their needs while respecting their privacy and independence. For more information about our services, please contact Rachel at 240-602-3525 – Cell or 240-4725758 – Office. You may also visit us online @:

Computer Services PROBLEM WITH YOUR PC OR NETWORK? Computer Systems Engineer will come to you with help. HOME. BUSINESS. Call: D. Guisset at 301-270-4848.

Entertainment DJ FOR SENIORS Oldies & Goldies, all danceable. No party too small. Very Reasonable. Love to do small birthday parties. 301-437-6888. KARAOKE BY TWIST AND SHOUT STUDIO. Don’t just have a birthday party or private event. Have a “Really Fun” birthday or event. Let me bring the fun to you. I do a mix of music from any era. Plus, a large selection of karaoke and DJ music for everyone. Call Twist at 301699-0660.

For Sale/Rent: Real Estate LOOKING TO TAKE THE LEAP? I’ll take you on a tour of the community, show you floor plans, discuss campus amenities, & offer how to best coordinate your move. I will preview units & contact you with a match. I also offer exceptional service selling your home. I’m a Seniors Specialist, Buyer Broker, Top 1% of Agents Nationwide, and a Leisure World resident! You can see my current listings on page 16. Contact me: 301-580-5556,,, Weichert, Realtors. LEISURE WORLD® - $119,500. 2 BR 1 FB “Hampton” model with access to Broadwalk. Wood floors, upgraded carpet, recent updates. 1200 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert Realtors, 301928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $164,900. 2BR 2 FB “G” model in “Greens” with garage + golf cart space. Golf course view. New paint and carpet. 1195 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-9283463. LEISURE WORLD® - $164,900. 2BR 2FB “N” model in Turnberry. California Kitchen, enclosed balcony, walk-in closets. 1040 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $159,900. 2BR 2 FB “GG” model in “Greens”. Fresh paint and carpet, garage space included, enclosed balcony, golf course view. 1195 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $69,500. 2BR 1FB “Carlyle” Model. Freshly painted and new carpet. 1035 Sq Ft., Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $134,000. 2 BR, 2 FB “F” model in the “Greens”. Enclosed balcony. 1115 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $119,500. 2 BR 1 FB 2HB “Berkeley” townhouse updated kitchen with granite counters and maple cabinets, flagstone patio, new windows. 1600 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $99,000. 2 BR 1FB 1 HB “Elizabeth” model. Rare first floor location with custom patio enclosure, Extras and upgrades. 1308 Sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $219,500. 2 BR 2 FB “Nottingham” model in move-in condition. Parquet floors, large family room addition with extra storage. 1004 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $104,900. 2 BR 2 FB “E” model in “Greens”. Enclosed balcony, table space kitchen, extra storage. 980 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-628-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $119,900. 2 BR 2 FB “Warfield” model. New appliances and AC, enclosed patio. Move in condition.1043 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $125,000. 2 BR 2 FB “ Monte Carlo”. Rare 1st floor apartment, enclosed patio, new paint, carport. 1157 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $169,000. 2 BR 2 FB “F” in the “Greens”. Garage Parking. New appliances, recent HVAC, Golf Course view, convenient to elevator. 1115 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $78,900. 1 FB 1-1/2 Baths “Cordoba” model. Garden condo with enclosed patio, carport. 1020 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $114,000. 2BR 2FB 1HB “Berkeley” townhouse. Fully renovated, new carpet. 1600 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - RENTAL - $1395. 2 BR, 2-1/2 Bath “Berkeley” townhouse. Immaculate condition, covered patio, remodeled bath. 1600 Sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $109,000. 2BR 2FB “Warfield” on first floor. Enclosed patio, table space kitchen, extra storage, separate laundry. 1116 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463

LEISURE WORLD® - $114,000. 2BR 1FB 2HB “Berkeley” townhouse. End unit. Patio with nice view. 1600 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463.

LEISURE WORLD® - $115,000. 2 BR 2 FB “E” model in the “Greens”. New paint, table space kitchen, view of trees, extra storage. 980 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463.










From page 54.











LEISURE WORLD $271,900 2BR, 2FB in desirable location in Villa Cortese. Large LR/DR with built-ins, enclosed balcony, MBR with custom built-ins, garage parking, & extra storage space. Barbara Zuckerman, TTR Sotheby’s International Realty. Call 202-441-5319 for info on lockbox. 2BR, GARDEN APARTMENT with balcony & pretty views. Calvert model, 1035 sq. ft. Freshly painted. Monthly Fee includes everything except phone! Only $62,000. Call Nancy Einwaechter, 301-460-6976 today to see this super unit at 3301 South Leisure World Blvd. Begin this carefree lifestyle now! Weichert Realtors 301-681-0550 ext. 250. LEISURE WORLD - LOVELY, very large onebedroom apartment with den/balcony. Mint condition. Fully renovated kitchen and bath. Bright, penthouse views. 1,138 square feet. Extra large bedroom converted from two bedrooms. Hardwood and marble floors. New neutral carpeting and paint. Many large closets. $1,250. 202-882-7820.

For Sale FSBO: $8,000 FOR 4 BURIAL SITES. National Memorial Park, 7400 Lee Highway, Falls Church, Virginia. Location: Block F, Lot 489, sites 1A - 4A. Please call 619-846-8206. LAZY-BOY – RECLINER 2 years old. Computer with printer/copier/fax. Electric lawn mower – used rarely. TV set for FIOS – HD – DVD 2 years old. Exercise bike – stationary. Call 301774-6211. CHAIRLIFTS (2) FOR YOUR HOME: One for 12-step staircase. Other for 13 steps. Great Condition. Easy Installation. One for $1,095, Both for $1,995. 301-840-1422. BURIAL CRYPTS – In the beautiful Garden of Ascension at Ft. Lincoln Cemetery, located in Brentwood, MD. 4 rights, purchase 2 or 4. Price negotiable/very reasonable. Call 301-452-4239 or 301-890-0499.

Health LOOKING FOR A NATURAL, HEALTHY WAY TO DEAL WITH ARTHRITIS, hypertension, diabetes, etc.? We can lead you on your path to wellness! Call Claudia: 240-476-8094.

Classifieds continued on p. 55


Deadlines and Payments: Ad text and payment is due by the 20th of each month. Note: Only ads received and prepaid by the deadline will be included in the next month’s issue. Please type or print your ad carefully. Include a number where you can be reached in the event of a question. Payment is due with ad. We do not accept ads by phone or fax, nor do we accept credit cards.

Private Party Text Ads: For individuals seeking to buy or sell particular items, offer a personal service, or place a personal ad. Each ad is $15 for 25 words, 25 cents for each additional word.

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A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


Puzzle Page

Future Tense 1




by Stephen Sherr 5








by Armiger Jagoe

1. What was the name of the large plastic ring that we whirled around our waist in the late ‘50s and ‘60s? 2. In 1956, who was the first president of the newly organized Southern Christian Leadership Conference? 3. What was the name of Roosevelt’s New Deal program, which lasted for nine years, employed 2.5 million young men, paying them $30 a month to plant trees, clear picnic grounds, etc.? 4. Who was a former National AAU swimming champion who starred in the 1952 movie The Million Dollar Mermaid? 5. What was the name of the first nuclear-powered submarine?

Jagoe’s Brain Joggers answers











Jagoe’s Brain Joggers

32 38









22 25









21 23

Magic Maze answers on p. 53.











50 55
















1. Faces the pitcher 5. Castle defense 9. Use rented shoes 14. Peek-___ 15. Island aside the USS Arizona Memorial 16. A real stunner 17. Player on a merged NFL team 19. Early anesthetic 20. Embrace a nickname 21. K-O connection 22. Oboe and bassoon 23. School of five U.S. presidents 25. Singles 27. Small fry 30. Weapon pricing plan 35. Detective story lines 37. Gobbled up 38. Out of work 39. Rollercoasters 40. Martin and Lucia (abbrev.) 41. Lieu 42. Daytona Speedway shape 43. HBO rival 44. Natural gas component 45. Give instructions to the baggage carrier 48. Latvia, during the Cold War (abbrev.) 49. Scratch 50. Retailer founded in Smaland, Sweden 52. Big wig 55. Last word of many novels 57. Revises 61. Mimics 62. General of the next civil war 64. Create an ice sculpture 65. Demonic 66. A couple of cups 67. Winter hazard 68. Dinner and a movie, perhaps 69. Her heart was true for Dick Tracy

1. ___ California peninsula 2. Out for the night 3. Dog played by “Terry” in 1939 4. Tear-jerking 5. Comfy shoe 6. Famed sharpshooter 7. “I have something to say” 8. Election measures 9. Sound system 10. Radio star of the 30’s and 40’s 11. US Open stadium name 12. Got ready to drive 13. Acts human 18. Early video game systems 24. __ Cruces (home of New Mexico State Univ.) 26. Dir. from San Jose to Sacramento 27. Fortuneteller’s tool 28. Green shade 29. ___ wave (tsunami) 31. Gainesville, FL athlete 32. Lightbulbs, in the comics 33. Tribes 34. Passover meal 36. Student grading model 40. Heaped presents upon 41. Easy ___ 43. Health resort 44. Mouse hater’s holler 46. Ready to go 47. Morsel 51. Highly proficient 52. PC alternatives 53. October birthstone 54. Pretty Woman man 56. Stellar explosion 58. “Would ___ to you?” 59. Sawbucks 60. Prepares the dinner table 63. ___ Miss (Eli Manning’s school)

Answers on page 53.

1.. The Hula-hoop 2. Martin Luther King, Jr. 3. Civilian Conservation Corps 4. Esther Williams 5. The Nautilus


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


Vacation Opportunities



GOT PAIN? GET ACUPUNCTURE. It works! Advanced Acupuncture of MacArthur helps you. Arthritis/joint pain, Headache/insomnia, Lowback pain, Neck pain, etc. Call Wei: 202-669-8566.

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA – Luxurious ocean front home resort, 2BR suite, 2 beach front balconies on boardwalk and beach (sleeps 46) $2,500/one week – Sept 18 – 25, 2010. Call 301942-9431.

Home/Handyman Services

VIRGINIA BEACH RENTAL. Builder’s former summer home. Hoping to find tenants who will take tender care of this lovely house and furnishings. On quiet residential street 300 feet from oceanfront. Property is gated. 4BR, 3.5 baths, large porch and patio. Available for weekly lease in August and September, monthly thereafter. Very reasonably priced. Call 202364-8243 or 757-425-7340.

ANTIQUE AND QUALITY OLDER FURNITURE and accessories wanted. One piece or entire estate, including toys, dolls, paintings, silver, Oriental rugs, prints, pottery, china and glassware. Music boxes, clocks, country store items, paper memorabilia, historical and military items, old fishing equipment, antique firearms and all other items of value. I am a Washington native with over 35 years of experience in this business. I am well educated, courteous and have more experience and pay higher prices than virtually any other dealer in the area. I make prompt decisions, have unlimited funds, pay immediately and remove items expeditiously. No messy consignments or phony promises. References gladly furnished. Please call Jake Lenihan, (301) 279-8834. Thank you.

HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES. Compare my price before you sell! Serving entire metro area. Call for a free consultation, and professional service. I will purchase one piece or your entire estate. Including Furniture, Artwork, Glassware, Jewelry, Rugs, Costume, Gold and Silver, Watches, Sterling Items, Flatware, Lladro & Hummel Figurines, All Military Items, Guns, Swords, Helmets, Bayonets, Medals, Scout Items, Clocks, Music Boxes, Toys, Baseball Memorabilia, trains, All String Instruments, Including Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Fishing Rods and Reels, Lures, Historical Items, American tools, Posters, Outside Iron Furniture. I am a very reputable dealer with two locations in Silver Spring and Bowie, MD. Please call Christopher Keller 301-408-4751 or 301-262-1299. Thank you.

WILL INSTALL NEW PHONE JACKS & wiring, reroute old wires, some repairs. 703-7511037 or 703-965-4884. Free Estimates.

Personal Services CHERYL’S ORGANIZING CONCEPTS. Specializing in residential and small business organizing, paperwork management and senior move management. Member National Association Professional Organizers (NAPO). Bonded, insured. 10% senior discount 301-916-9022. MOTHER WILL DRIVE YOU to your appointments, do your shopping, clean your house, fix computers, event planner, personal assistant at a reasonable rate. Honest and dependable. 240-595-7467. WILL TYPE YOUR MEMOIRS, manuscripts, etc. For info and rates call 703-671-1854. WOW! GREAT HAIRCUT at a great price! Professional family hair salon conveniently located in Bethesda, MD. State board certified. Call 240-432-7211. PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY MEMORIES! Don’t let your precious photos be forgotten or fade over time. I’ll transfer your photos, slides, and negatives to a CD so they can be easily shared with friends and family. Once they’re scanned, I can bring your photos to life in a memorable DVD slideshow that will make a creative and unique gift for any occasion! Call Kim at Virtual Computer Services, 301-438-3140. PUT YOUR MEMORIES IN FRONT OF YOU EVERY DAY Photo/Film/Slide Scanning. I am a grandfather with four grandchildren. The most enjoyable part of my day is when I pass by one of my family digital picture frames with a continuous slide show of my family growing up. It always brings a smile to my face. Maybe I can help you do the same. Call for free brochure and pricing. Free pick up and delivery., 301-699-0660. LOWEST PRICES, BEST SERVICE IN AREA. The Musketeers Moving Services, LLC. Serving MD, DC, and NOVA. All credit cards. Excellent local references. 240-396-6360. MEDICARE PROVIDER HOME VISITS by a licensed clinical psychologist with over 40 years experience. SENIOR ASSISTING SENIORS with stressful life changes of aging, including illness, chronic pain, relationship problems, loss of family or friends due to death or change of residence. If you think you might benefit from consulting with a mental health professional, and have difficulty making visits to doctors, call Ben Prieto, Ph.D. at 301-384-3392 to arrange a FREE initial consultation. NANCY 301-466-8469 House cleaning. Assist with errands. Move-ins/Move-outs. House & Pet Sitting. 15 years Exp. Reasonable rates & reliable service.

Personals OLD-FASHIONED SWM looking for old-fashioned female 65-100 for movies, walks, holding hands, laughter, TV & cuddling. Call 703-751-1037. HELLO. WHITE FEMALE SEEKING lady friends (55-70) for dining out, travel, movies, day trips, shopping, fun times. Divorced, separated, married. Does drive. 703-597-9015 EBONY LATIN FEMALE, 5’7”, 44YO from Central America Island Bay. Healthy, romantic. Seeks slim, attractive SWM for serious relationship. Send a picture and bio to HELLO. I’m closer to 50 than 60 and seeking a lady, divorced or widowed, who is 70 or more years of age. Looking for physical relations and romance. I enjoy travel, museums, cultural and literary talks, current affairs and talking to people. Please say hi if interested! Either my email or phone 202-239-5855. I live in Washington DC area.

Wanted HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES– Old and good quality furniture, glass, pottery, china, paintings, art, toys, advertising, costume and high-grade jewelry, gold, silver, silver flatware, wind-up watches, clocks, dolls, musical instruments, music boxes, sports & paper memorabilia, sterling, fishing, hunting, rugs, lamps, Hummels, political, rock & roll memorabilia, posters, military items, helmets, guns, swords, bayonets, medals, weapons, guitars, banjos, prints, art, sculptures, Lladro, bronzes, trains, fishing rod reels & lures, cast iron outdoor furniture, hi-grade American made tools, presentation and other unusual items. Purchasing one piece or entire Estates. I have over 30 years experience and I am a very ethical dealer located in Bowie, Md. Also a permanent vendor at Eastern Market in Southeast Washington, DC on Sundays. Please call Mike Keller, (301)731-0982 or (301)742-5031. WE PAY CASH for antique furniture, quality used furniture, early American art, pottery, silver, glassware, paintings, etc. Single items to entire estates. Call Reggie or Phyllis at DC 202726-4427, MD 301-332-4697. MILITARY ITEMS WANTED: Collector seeks to purchase military uniforms; flight jackets, patches, insignia, medals, etc. from the Civil War through Vietnam. Especially seeking U.S. Army Air Corps, USMC, Airborne, and German/Japanese/Italian items from WWII. ALSO BUYING old Boy Scout, Airline Items, Toys, Lighters. Call Dan (202)841-3062. CASH FOR JEWELRY: Buying jewelry, diamonds, gold, platinum, silver, watches, coins, flatware, etc. We make house calls. Ask for Tom or Katherine. Call anytime 301-654-8678.

STAMP COLLECTIONS, AUTOGRAPHS purchased/appraised – U.S., worldwide, covers paper memorabilia. Stamps are my specialty – highest price paid! Appraisals. Phone Alex, 301309-6637. HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES, ESTATES. FREE evaluations and house calls. We pay the most for your valuable treasures because we get the most money on eBay – the worldwide internet. Serving entire metro area – Maryland, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia. Buying the following items – furniture, art, silver, gold, old coins, jewelry, vintage wristwatches, clocks, military items, guns, swords, musical instruments, guitars, violins, sports memorabilia, fishing, golf items, old books, photographs, old toys, dolls, trains, etc. Please call Tom 240476-3441, Thank you. WANTED TO BUY old magazines, books, postcards, posters, etc., pre-1975. Also bookends, antique bookcases with glass fronts. Please call 301-946-0941 anytime.

CASH FOR RECORDS & CDs. BEST PRICE GUARANTEED. Free appraisals. All types of music, 33, 45, 78 & CDs. Call Steve 301-6465403. Will make House Calls. ALWAYS BUYING OLD MAGAZINES books, costume jewelry and other better jewelry, watches (all kinds), silver flatware and hollowware items in any condition, old coins, comic books, and anything else that’s old. Call Alex now! 571-426-5363. WANTED: OLDER VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, MANDOLINS, ETC. Musician/collector will pay cash for older string instruments. Jack (301) 279-2158.

Thanks for reading!


Aug. 26

NEW BIKING GROUP A new 55+ biking group sponsored by Arlington’s Office of Senior

Adult Programs will ride from Fletchers Boat House to Hains Point in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, Aug. 26, starting at 8 a.m. To sign up for the ride or for more information, call Jennifer Collins at (703) 228-4745 or e-mail,

ONE BIG HAPPY By Rick Detorie


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