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The I N






More than 200,000 readers throughout Greater Washington

VOL.22, NO.7

Cranking up an unusual act

JULY 2010

I N S I D E …


By Mary C. Stachyra Lola, a petite blonde wearing a big, round-rimmed straw hat, smiles broadly. Master Bob, her companion with a snowy white beard and black top hat, stands next to her, ready to crank out an accompaniment to Lola’s rendition of “Mack the Knife” using an antique wooden street organ. Yes, Bob is an organ grinder. Lola rings a silver bell, throws her arms open wide and announces with gusto: “Hear ye, hear ye! Ladies and gentlemen: we’re going to make some music!” As she sings, Master Bob turns the metal stick protruding from the large, royal-blue, rectangular device. The instrument emanates quick, bubbly notes to accompany Lola’s throaty vocals. Such mechanical organs are a musical novelty nowadays —rarely found in modern Europe, much less the greater D.C. area. But a hundred years ago, performers in cities like Berlin, London and New York would bring their tiny music machines or giant “barrel organs” to the streets, often accompanied by a small monkey or another animal trained to do tricks (and collect coins from passersby). There was also a European tradition of traveling troupes of entertainers who would visit rural towns, singing bawdy tales of love, heartbreak, drama and death. Lola and Bob follow in those traditions, albeit locally, traveling around to area festivals, libraries and retirement communities to perform German folk songs accompanied by the crank organ. Nowadays, with the exception of a few octogenarians, people who attend their performances have never seen a show like this. “The first thing they want to know is, ‘where’s the monkey’?” said Lola. They do have one, although it’s a stuffed animal. Several years ago, Lola found him through Freecycle, a network that salvages reusable goods. Named Panchito, he’s always perched on top of their “music machine” — which also has a name: Scharmanka (Russian for crank organ). Panchito was the finishing touch for Lola and Bob’s act, which they pieced together in honor of her mother, once an organ grinder herself.

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See Housing Options Magazine after page 24.


Jazz musicians Christiana Drapkin and Bob Walker turn into their alter egos, Organ Grinder Lola and Master Bob, for their unique performances of old folk songs and traditional ballads. The vocation derived from Drapkin’s mother, who was an organ grinder in Germany.

Elizabeth Ashley pinch hits in Shaw play at Shakespeare Theatre and has a home run; plus, amusing plays to stretch your grandkids’ imaginations page 32

A dynamic duo Lola’s real name is Christiana Drapkin. Though she now resides in Rockville, Md., she grew up in Baden-Baden, Germany. As a young woman, Drapkin moved to the United States on a Fulbright fellowship. She studied theatre arts at Tulane University in New Orleans. After three years there, she relocated to Brooklyn, N.Y., where she spent the next couple of decades raising her children and pursuing her musical ambitions as a jazz vocalist. Drapkin, now 51, has released five CDs of her jazz singing, accompanied by various musicians on guitar, piano, drums and other instruments.

In one, she sets Shakespeare’s poetry to jazz arrangements by John Dankworth, Billy Strayhorn, Duke Ellington and others. She sings jazz several times a week at area restaurants, cafes and country clubs, as well as senior centers. At a jazz performance in 2006, she met Bob Walker, a Rockville native who had moved back home to care for his aging mother after spending a number of years as a university professor in Pennsylvania and Ohio. As their relationship developed, Walker became a hit with Drapkin’s own mother See ORGAN GRINDER, page 30

FITNESS & HEALTH k Sex survey results k How food affects memory


LAW & MONEY k Playing defense with stocks k Dividend outlook




LEISURE & TRAVEL k Martha’s Vineyard






J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

This month, we received more letters to sons, as always. the editor than we have in some time, and This month’s issue includes more inwe are thrilled! triguing and controversial We enjoy hearing from stories that I hope will move readers, whether letters are you to send us a letter in rein praise or in anger, as we sponse. We will try to print as rely on such feedback to help many as possible. us take the pulse of our comA few announcements munity. Just a few short items beWhile we do not have room fore I turn over the bully pulto print all the letters we repit to our reader writers: ceived (ten pages’ worth!), I FROM THE Inside you will find the will be keeping my column third and final installment of short this month so we can PUBLISHER give you a taste of as many as By Stuart P. Rosenthal our “Housing Options Magazine,” a pull-out feature with possible. These letters, starting below, have been edited for space rea- articles I think you will find pertinent

Letters to the editor Readers are encouraged to share their opinion on any matter addressed in the Beacon as well as on political and social issues of the day. Mail your Letter to the Editor to The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915, or e-mail to barbara@thebeaconnewspapers.com. Please include your name, address and telephone number for verification. Dear Editor: I thoroughly enjoyed your publisher’s column last month. He certainly “told it like it is” in a very gentlemanly manner. I would have been more vicious in my ex-

pressions of dissatisfaction with what has been thrust upon the American people. I worked in Congress for eight years and know just how underhandedly the [healthcare reform] bill was forced through the

Beacon The






The Beacon is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve, and entertain residents of the greater Washington D.C. and Greater Baltimore areas, and is privately owned. Readership exceeds 300,000. Subscriptions are available via first-class mail ($36) or third-class mail ($12), prepaid with order. D.C. residents: add 5.75 percent for sales tax; MD residents: add 6 percent for sales tax. Send subscription order to the office listed below.

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Publication of advertising contained herein does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Signed columns represent the opinions of the writers, and not necessarily the opinion of the publisher.

• Publisher/Editor ....................Stuart P. Rosenthal • Associate Publisher..............Judith K. Rosenthal • Vice President of Operations ....Gordon Hasenei • Director of Sales ................................Alan Spiegel • Managing Editor............................Barbara Ruben • Graphic Designer ..............................Kyle Gregory • Assistant Operations Manager ..........Roger King • Advertising Representatives ........Doug Hallock, ........................................................................Ron Manno • Staff Writer......................................Mary C. Stachyra

halls of this once respected branch of our government. In all my years serving in the House of Representatives, I have never seen such a high degree of corruption. Even Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, a staunch Democrat, said publicly that it is ludicrous for anyone to think that this law will reduce health insurance premiums (not to mention the poor health care the elderly will receive). A lot more needs to be told to the public to enlighten them as to what to expect in the coming years because of this new law. Please keep the information coming. You are doing a great service for the elderly. Michael J. Fischetti Potomac Falls, Va. Dear Editor: The following hodgepodge of remarks is in response to your publisher’s column, “Telling it like it is,” in the June Beacon. To study the massive and ill-defined Obama healthcare legislation, one hardly knows where to begin. It is one thing for a legion of bureaucrats to conjure a massive tome, but it is quite another thing to execute the plan. Internal inconsistencies, unworkable assumptions and ongoing shady backroom deals will hamper its execution. America is not supposed to be a monolithic political entity, but a collection of sovereign states that accord limited and enumerated powers to a federal government. Sadly, our central government is steamrolling its way across the ideological wrinkles that distinguish one state from another. In my view, the notion that all Americans must obtain their healthcare products

and services via the central government is utterly repugnant. We are fated by our human circumstances to live imperfect lives in imperfect political systems, so let’s do the best we can without striving for utopian solutions that necessarily trample on the notion of liberty. Dan Martinez Alexandria, Va. Dear Editor: We love your paper — and usually are fans of Bob Levy. But he really went off the road with his last article, “Got Medicare, but don’t plan to use it a lot.” It appears that he is saying he will help people choose not to pursue vigorous life-extending healthcare treatments. Is he out of his mind? Are you? He is advocating economic reasons for non-treatment. He is obviously a very healthy 65. Talk to him at 75. He really, really offended in his advocating checking out to save money for the next generation. Publishing this article in your paper was an egregious error. People who are ill — and really old — fight heroically to live and to enjoy diminishing quality of life for as long as they can. And their loved ones want them to — want them one more day — to love and guide them. Life is a precious gift not to be thrown away to save money for anyone. Name withheld on request Via e-mail Dear Editor: I agree with Bob Levey that Medicare is

2009 Outstanding Publication Award

The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915 (301) 949-9766 • E-mail: info@thebeaconnewspapers.com Submissions: The Beacon welcomes reader contributions. Deadline for editorial is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. Deadline for ads is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. See page 45 for classified advertising details. Please mail or e-mail all submissions. © Copyright 2010 The Beacon Newspapers, Inc.

wouldn’t fit in the print edition. Find us at www.facebook.com/BeaconNewspaper and add us to your “likes.” And please let us know what you think of these new features. Finally, please mark your calendar for the Beacon’s annual InfoExpo events (see facing page). We are happy to announce that JC Hayward, of WUSA-9, will once again be our emcee. In addition, Michael Tucker and his wife, Jill Eikenberry — stars of stage and screen, and authors of a new book on family caregiving — will be coming this year as keynote speakers. Businesses interested in exhibiting or sponsoring the event may contact us at (301) 949-9766.


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J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Health Fitness &

CHOCOHOLICS REJOICE A recent study provides even more reasons to eat dark chocolate (in moderation) ENTER THE (LOCAL) OLYMPICS Deadlines are approaching for the Maryland and Virginia Senior Olympics HELP FROM HALLUCINOGENS Hopkins studies psychedelic drugs for possible relief of anxiety and depression TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING Fine tune the amount of supplements you take through micronutrient tests

Brain food: What you eat affects memory By Carl Sherman The brain needs glucose (a simple sugar and the brain’s favorite carbohydrate) not only for energy, but also to build neurotransmitters for cell-to-cell communication. Since the brain can’t store energy, it needs a steady supply of glucose. Small surprise, then, that boosting blood sugar stimulates the brain: Most people think and remember better after eating. That is, after eating the right things. Wake up, pad into the kitchen, down some sugary confection and you’ll get a swift lift in short-term memory. But consume a breakfast of more complex carbohydrates, from which the sugar is released more steadily, and there will be positive effects on long-term as well as short-term memory — even among older adults with relatively poor recall. Retention of facts goes up as much as 25 percent.

The role of insulin Broadly speaking, two major factors

regulate glucose supply to the brain. One is, obviously, how much fuel you consume and when. The other is how effectively that glucose has access to cells. And that is a function of the hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas and best known for its role in diabetes. One of the surprising stories in nutrition is how insulin is turning out to be a critical hormone for brain function, regulating both learning and memory, and possibly saving the brain from cognitive decline. The bagel dip: Give type-2 diabetics a bagel [which has a high glycemic index] and memory dips, not rises. It’s long been known that type-2 diabetes hastens cognitive decline and raises the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Canadian researchers now find that foods with a low glycemic index — fruits, veggies, whole grains — protect against post-meal memory loss by modulating insulin levels. The response in diabetics is extreme but not

unique, say scientists. Remember this: Fish insulin plays a big role in brain signaling pathways; to lay down memories, you need insulin. Anything that messes with insulin function — loss of insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance), diabetes — messes up memory. But some foods aid insulin’s brainwork, and the trail leads to omega-3 fats, found in canola oil and fish such as salmon. Omega3 lipids called protectins and resolvins boost insulin tolerance. Drat that sat fat: The typical American diet (high in saturated fat) does more than block arteries. It hinders insulin action in the brain and generates an excess of free radicals, leading to oxidative damage in neurons. Animals fed a diet of 39 percent fat have trouble navigating mazes, and their brains lack BDNF, a nerve growth factor needed for learning. The high-fat diet especially slows recovery of memory after trauma. Avoiding memory lame: In addition to

impacting memory via signaling pathways, insulin plays a direct role in preventing the memory loss of Alzheimer’s disease. The hormone acts on memory-forming synapses to block the buildup of toxic amyloidbeta proteins associated with the disorder. Northwestern University researchers now view insulin as a possible treatment for the brain disorder. Snooze news: Want to preserve brain function into old age? Get a good night’s sleep tonight. Just three nights of poor sleep increases insulin resistance. And insulin activity doesn’t rebound even after four days of sleep recovery. The altered response to insulin may explain why sleep loss is also linked to obesity. Lost snooze time boosts food consumption in animals. One result: They are on a fast track to diabetes. — Psychology Today Magazine © 2010 Sussex Publishers. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Changing sexual attitudes and behaviors By David Crary Americans 45 and older are far more open to sex outside of marriage than they were 10 years ago, but they’re engaging in sex less often and with less satisfaction, according to a major new survey by AARP. What’s the problem? AARP’s sex and relationship expert, sociologist Pepper Schwartz, thinks financial stress is a prime culprit. “The economy has had an impact on these people,” she said. “They’re more liberal in their attitudes, yet they’re having sex less often. The only thing I see that’s changed in a negative direction is financial worries.” The survey is based on detailed questionnaires completed last year by 1,670 people 45 and over. AARP, which represents 40 million Americans over 50, conducted similar surveys on sexual attitudes and practices in 1999 and 2004.

Satisfaction declining One of the most pronounced changes over the 10-year span dealt with sex outside of marriage. In the 1999 survey, 41

percent of the respondents said nonmarital sex was wrong. That figure dropped to 22 percent in the new survey. Yet sexual activity — marital or not — seems to be less frequent overall for this age group. In the new survey, 28 percent said they had intercourse at least once a week, and 40 percent at least once a month — both categories were down roughly 10 percentage points from 2004. Asked if they were satisfied with their sex lives, 43 percent in the new survey said yes, down from 51 percent in 2004. One intriguing finding: Respondents who had a partner but weren’t married had sex more frequently and with more satisfaction than respondents who were married. “These long-term married couples may get a little less interested,” Schwartz said. “Older people in nonmarried relations work harder at it and enjoy it more.” Schwartz, a professor at the University of Washington and author of 16 books on relationships, said it was notable how even respondents in their 70s and 80s stressed that sex was important to their quality of life.

“The big difference as people age is not that sex becomes less important, but that a partner becomes less accessible,” she said.

Pronounced gender differences Gender differences were pronounced in several responses. Men think about sex and engage in it more often than women, and are about twice as likely as women (21 percent versus 11 percent) to admit to sexual activity outside their primary relationship. With many older men likely to have multiple partners, Schwartz expressed concern that only 12 percent of the survey’s sexually active single males reported using condoms. She cautioned that older adults should not ignore the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. According to the survey, men are more than five times as likely as women to say they think of sex at least once a day, and nearly three times as likely to say they engage in self-stimulation at least once a week. Dr. Stacy Tessler Lindau, a professor of

medicine at the University of Chicago who has studied seniors’ relationships, said her research — not connected to the AARP — suggests that men are increasingly more satisfied with their sex lives, compared to women. One possible reason, she said, was the surge in use of erectile-dysfunction drugs by men. Comparable drugs to enhance older women’s sex lives have not yet emerged on a broad scale. According to the AARP survey, 10 percent of the male respondents took medication to improve sexual functioning, and 23 percent reported being diagnosed for erectile dysfunction or impotence. The survey asked respondents what would improve their sexual satisfaction. Twenty percent of the women and 37 percent of the men said better health; 14 percent of the women and 26 percent of the men said better personal finances.

Online dating catching on One heartening development, Schwartz See SEXUAL ATTITUDES, page 6

Fitness & Health

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Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Sexual attitudes From page 4 said, was that more older singles are venturing onto online dating services.

Epitomizing that trend are Tony Cost, 74, and his wife, Rosemary, 68, of Cherry Hill, N.J., who met in 2007 through the online dating service eHarmony and married in May 2008.



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finding new partners. “We’re living longer, we want to enjoy life,” he said. “There are a number of incentives to take that first step and reach out.” AARP said the survey had an error margin of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points for questions answered by all respondents. The AARP survey was administered in both English and Spanish, and included 630 Hispanic respondents — a bigger share than in the general population in order to provide data for a separate upcoming report. The Hispanic respondents reported a higher-than-average level of health concerns, but the survey found, “Hispanics are more sexually active and satisfied than the general population.” — AP

Don’t let heart attack kill your sex life

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Tony Cost said he had been a widower for about three years before trying eHarmony. “It was just a point in my life where I decided I wanted to do more than just sit. I wanted to look for someone to share the rest of my life with,” he said. The couple said they exchanged 55 emails before their first face-to-face meeting, a dinner at a restaurant that went on for five hours as they chatted. “It was like we’d known each other forever,” said Rosemary, who’d been divorced about 10 years before trying online dating. Speaking of his generation as a whole, Tony Cost said there’s more interest among divorced and widowed singles in

By Marilynn Marchione Surviving a heart attack can kill your sex life. But it doesn’t have to, and a new study shows doctors play a key role in whether it does. Patients were less likely to resume having sex if their doctors did not talk about when it was safe to do so, the study found. Many heart attack survivors fear that a tryst could land them back in the hospital — or even in the graveyard. But the chance of that is extremely small, doctors say. “People perceive it might kill them. And it’s not just the person with the heart attack, but also their partner [who fear this],” said Dr. Stacy Tessler Lindau, a gynecologist and sexuality researcher at the University of Chicago. “If you can walk up two flights of stairs or do moderate exercise, then it’s OK to have sex,” she said. Lindau led the study, the largest ever on this topic. It involved 1,184 male and 576 female heart attack survivors taking part in a bigger nationwide study, funded by the federal government. The average age was 60. Less than half the men and only about a third of the women said advice about resuming sex was part of

the instructions they got when leaving the hospital. Even fewer had that talk with their doctors over the next year. One year after their heart attacks, more than two-thirds of the men and 40 percent of the women reported some sexual activity. They were 30 to 40 percent more likely to be having sex if they had talked with a doctor about it. Doctors say it is safe to resume sex as soon as the patient feels better and can handle moderate exercise. Chest pain during sex means you should stop and consult a doctor, Lindau said. Depression and mood swings are common after a heart attack and can dampen interest in sex, but this usually goes away within three months, says the Heart Association. It has these tips for resuming sex: • Prepare by improving your physical condition and personal hygiene. • Choose a time when you’re rested, relaxed and free from daily stress. • Wait one to three hours after eating a full meal. • Pick a familiar, peaceful setting that’s free from interruptions. Good advice for anyone. — AP

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WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

BEACON BITS Join a support group to explore the issues of caring for an aging loved one. It is held on the first Thursday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. at Ring House, 1801 East Jefferson St., Rockville, Md. Call Bonnie Gimble at (301) 816-5032 for more information.

July 14


The Prince George’s County Chronic Pain Support Group will meet on Wednesday, July 14 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Rexford Place, 9885 Greenbelt Rd., Lanham, Md. The group is for anyone with chronic pain, family members and interested community residents. For more information, call (301) 231-0008 or see www.painconnection.org.

July 20


Free visual field tests for glaucoma, and visual acuity tests assessing distance and reading vision, will be available on Tuesday, July 20 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Friendship Heights Village Center, 4433 Southpark Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. For an appointment, call (301) 656-2797.



Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church, 711 Spring St., Vienna, Va. For more information, visit www.foodaddicts.org

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July 8+


Fitness & Health


Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Yet more reasons to enjoy dark chocolate in flavonoids — naturally occurring antioxidants found abundantly in certain fruits and vegetables, tea and red wine. A recent study suggests that the flavonoids in chocolate may be good for the heart in yet another way. In a randomized trial involving 42 older women and men at high risk for cardiovascular disease, Spanish researchers gave half the participants 40 grams (about 1.4 ounces) of unsweetened cocoa powder in 16 ounces of skim milk every day. The

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other half drank plain skim milk. After one month, the cocoa drinkers had lower levels of adhesion molecules — proteins that cause white cells and other substances to stick to the walls of the arteries. Adhesion molecules are an inflammatory marker, linked to heart disease because they contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that can obstruct an artery or rupture, triggering a heart attack or stroke. In addition, cocoa was found to increase “good” HDL cholesterol levels. The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The perceived benefits of cocoa date back to the ancient Mayans, who mixed ground roasted cocoa beans with spices to make a fortifying, albeit bitter, drink. These days, cocoa is often processed with fat, sugar and sometimes milk to mask the bitter flavor. The problem: This processing lowers flavonoid content and adds calories. Not all chocolate is equal, so here are some things to keep in mind: Pure chocolate is made of nonfat cocoa solids and cocoa butter. The higher the nonfat cocoa solid content, the higher the flavonoid content will be. White chocolate contains no nonfat cocoa solids. Cocoa butter is combined with cocoa solids in varying amounts in chocolate

July 17

Bereavement Workshop on Saturday, July 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. at 4606 Ravensworth Rd., Annandale, Va. Registration is required. Call (703) 941-7000 for more information or to register.

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products to give chocolate a melt-in-yourmouth quality. It’s the key ingredient in white chocolate. Most of the fat in cocoa butter is stearic and oleic acids, which don’t raise cholesterol. But gram for gram, fat of any kind packs twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrates, so read labels and keep an eye on calories. While the news about chocolate, especially cocoa, is encouraging, research hasn’t yet identified the optimal dose for cardiovascular benefits. For now, it’s best to limit yourself to a few squares of dark chocolate a day — the darker the better — and make sure the first ingredient listed is cocoa or chocolate, not sugar. Health isn’t the reason to start eating chocolate, but if you’ve decided to add it to your daily pleasures, be sure to cut calories elsewhere to control weight. Percent of nonfat cocoa solids in various chocolate products: • Unsweetened cocoa powder: 82 percent • Unsweetened baking chocolate: 47 percent • Dark chocolate: 23 percent • Semisweet chocolate chips: 17 percent • Milk chocolate: 6 percent • Chocolate syrup: 6 percent Harvard Women’s Health Watch © 2010 President and fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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In the past decade or so, chocolate’s reputation has undergone an extreme makeover — from fattening indulgence to health food. A steady stream of studies has given cocoa and dark chocolate high marks for cardiovascular benefits, including improvements in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood clotting, coronary artery function, and insulin sensitivity. The most likely explanation for these good effects is that the cocoa bean is rich





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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0


Register now for area’s Senior Olympics By Mary C. Stachyra On your mark, get set, go! The 2010 Senior Olympics kick off this August in Maryland and September in Northern Virginia. Deadlines are fast approaching for registration. In Northern Virginia, the last day to register is September 1. The cost is $10 for one event, plus $1 for each additional activity. The opening ceremony, followed by a track competition, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 18, at 10:30 a.m. at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., in Arlington. Other sports this year include swim-

ming, ice skating, diving, tennis, bowling, golf and many others, which will be held at several different locations. There will also be a number of card games, board games and even yo-yo tricks in the competition. Additionally, two new sports join the roster this year: bocce and fencing. Adults age 50 or older can sign up for the Northern Virginia Senior Olympics at an area senior center or by calling (703) 228-3600, extension 9996. Forms are also available on the Web, at www.nvso.us. Participants must live in Arlington, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun or Prince William counties. Residents of the cities of Alexan-


July 20


Anyone mourning the loss of a loved one is invited to come to a free seminar, led by Montgomery Hospice counselors, on how dreams can help heal grief. It will take place on Tuesday, July 20, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Dr., Rockville, Md. Registration is required. Call (301) 921-4400.



The Fairfax County Golden Racquets Club invites adults age 55 and above to play indoor and outdoor doubles year-round on weekdays. The annual membership fee is $15, plus a share of daytime court fees when playing indoors. Call (703) 620-9028 or visit www.goldenracquets.org.

dria and Falls Church may also participate.

Maryland Senior Olympics Maryland has opened its Senior Olympics to out-of-state residents 50 and older, making it possible for athletes from the District of Columbia — where the Senior Olympics took place in May — and Virginia to compete in Maryland for the first time. Events include archery, badminton, basketball, billiards, bowling, golf, horseshoes, lawn bowling, racquetball, shuffleboard, softball, swimming, table tennis, track and field, and volleyball. The timeline for the Maryland Senior Olympics is spread out much longer than in Virginia. Events will take place from

Aug. 14 to Nov. 8. The price for one event is $20; two or three events cost $30. For $50, athletes can participate in an unlimited number of events, if they register by Aug. 1. (Additional charges apply for golf, long-distance running, cycling and bowling.) The deadline for registration in Maryland is 30 days prior to the start date of each event. After that time, competitors may still register if space is available, but a $60 late fee will apply. Registration must be done by mail, and payment made by check or money order. Forms are available at www.mdseniorolympics.org or by contacting the Maryland Senior Olympics office, (240) 777-8080.

Free Hearing Tests set for

Greater Washington Area Age 55+ Free electronic hearing tests will be given from Monday, July 19 through Friday, July 23 at select locations in Maryland and Northern Virginia. Tests have been arranged for anyone who suspects they are losing their hearing. Such persons generally say they can hear but cannot understand words. Testing with the latest computerized equipment will indicate if you can be helped. Everyone, especially adults over 55, should have an electronic hearing test at least once a year. If there is a hearing problem, hearing tests may reveal that newly developed methods of correction will help, even for those who have been told in the past that a hearing aid would not help them. If you suspect you have hearing loss, call for a free hearing test appointment. Our licensed specialists are trained in the latest auditory testing methods and will be the first ones to tell you if you don’t need a hearing aid. If you do have a hearing loss, we will explain your results and provide you with a list of options.

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Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Treating anxiety with psychedelic drugs By Malcolm Ritter The big white pill was brought to her in an earthenware chalice. She’d already held hands with her two therapists and expressed her wishes for what it would help her do. She swallowed it, lay on the couch with her eyes covered, and waited. And then it came. “The world was made up of jewels and I was in a dome,” she recalled. Surrounded by brilliant, kaleidoscopic colors, she saw the dome open up to admit “this most incredible luminescence that made everything even more beautiful.” Tears trickled down her face as she saw “how beautiful the world could actually be.” That’s how Nicky Edlich, 67, began her first-ever trip on a psychedelic drug last year. She said it has greatly helped her psychotherapeutic treatment for anxiety from her advanced ovarian cancer. And for researchers, it was another

small step toward showing that hallucinogenic drugs, famous but condemned in the 1960s, can one day help doctors treat conditions like cancer anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Study at Hopkins The New York University study Edlich participated in is among a handful now going on in the United States and elsewhere with drugs like LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy) and psilocybin, the main ingredient of “magic mushrooms.” At Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, doctors are recruiting patients for a study of psilocybin for cancer anxiety. So far, the study has treated 11 out of a planned 44 participants. The work at the universities follows lines of research choked off four decades ago by the war on drugs. The research is still preliminary, but at least it’s there. “There is now more psychedelic re-

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A free telephone support group for family caregivers of older adults convenes on the second Tuesday of the month from 7 to 8 p.m. For more information, or to register, call (703) 324-5484, TTY (703) 449-1186.



Durga Temple offers free yoga classes every Saturday and Sunday from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Sessions are open to all and are held in the lower level of the Durga Temple Hall, 8400 Durga Pl., Fairfax Station, Va. Previous experience with yoga is not necessary. Bring a beach towel, mat and an additional towel to cushion the knees. For more information, e-mail info@mukthi.com or call (703) 690-9355.

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that comes to mind is Day-Glo art and tiedyed shirts.” Nothing like that was in evidence when Edlich revisited the room at NYU where she’d taken psilocybin. Landscape photos and abstract art hung on the walls; flowers and a bowl of fruit adorned a table near the window. At the foot of the couch lay an Oriental rug. “The whole idea was to create a living room-like setting” that would be relaxing, said study leader Dr. Stephen Ross. Edlich, whose cancer forced her to retire from teaching French at a private school, had plenty of reason to seek help through the NYU project. Several recurrences of her ovarian cancer had provoked fears about suffering and dying and how her death would affect her family. She felt “profound sadness that my life was going to be cut short.” And she faced existential questions: Why live? What does it all mean? How can I go on?

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search taking place in the world than at any time in the last 40 years,” said Rick Doblin, executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which funds some of the work. “We’re at the end of the beginning of the renaissance.” He said that more than 1,200 people attended a conference in California in April on psychedelic science. But doing the research is not easy, Doblin and others said, with government funders still leery and drug companies not interested in compounds they can’t patent. That pretty much leaves private donors. “There’s still a lot of resistance to it,” said David Nichols, a Purdue University professor of medicinal chemistry and president of the Heffter Institute, which is supporting the NYU study. “The whole hippie thing in the ‘60s” and media coverage at the time “has kind of left a bad taste in the mouth of the public at large. “When you tell people you’re treating people with psychedelics, the first thing

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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

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Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Psychedelic drugs

at her cancer support group, she was interested.

From page 10 “These things were in my head and I wanted them to take a back seat to living in the moment,” she said. So when she heard NYU researchers speak about the project

A spiritual experience Psilocybin has been shown to invoke powerful spiritual experiences during the four to six hours it affects the brain.


July 9


Sharon Bray, a Reiki master, will teach the principles of Reiki and healing touches in a special program for cancer patients and their loved ones on Saturday, July 9, from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Wellness Community of Greater Washington, 5430 Grosvenor Ln., Suite 100, Bethesda, Md. Registration is required. Call (301) 493-5002 or e-mail twcdc@wellnesscommunitydc.org.

July 14


The Fairfax Symphony Brass Quintet will perform a free outdoor concert on Wednesday, July 14 from 7 to 8 p.m., at Green Spring Gardens, 4603 Green Spring Rd., Alexandria, Va. Guests may bring a picnic dinner to enjoy. Complimentary cake and lemonade will be served. Call (703) 642-5173 for more information.

A study published in 2008 found that even 14 months after healthy volunteers had taken a single dose, most said they were still feeling and behaving better because of the experience. They also said the drug had produced one of the five most spiritually significant experiences they‘d ever had. Experts emphasize people shouldn’t try psilocybin on their own because it can be harmful, sometimes causing bouts of anxiety and paranoia. Did Edlich think the drug experience helped her? It let her view the issues she was working on through a different lens, she said. “I think it made me more aware of what was so important, and what was making me either sad or depressed. I think it was revelatory.” The three people in the study so far felt better, Ross said, with less general anxiety and fear of death, and greater acceptance of the dying process. Though the clinical studies are being conducted by prestigious medical institutions such as Hopkins and NYU, some psychiatrists who work with cancer patients

have reacted coolly to the prospects of using psilocybin. “I’m kind of curious about it,” said Dr. Susan Block of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. She said it’s an open question how helpful the drug experiences could be, and “I don’t think it’s ever going to be a widely used treatment.” Ross, meanwhile, thinks patients might benefit from more than one dose of the drug during psychotherapy. The NYU study permits only one dose, but all three participants asked for a second, he said. The Hopkins study includes two doses. Edlich said her single dose “brought me to a deeper place in my mind, that I would never have gone to ... I feel a second session would take me to even more important places. “I would do it a second time in a New York minute.” For information about the study at Johns Hopkins, for patients 21 to 70 with a potentially life threatening cancer who are suffering from anxiety or depression, see www.cancer-insight.org, or call Mary at (410) 5505990. — AP


July 10+


Come to Reston Town Center on Saturday, July 10 and Sunday, July 11 and enjoy a weekend of fun, food, bingo, arts and crafts, kids’ rides and entertainment. The free festival runs from noon to 10 p.m. on Saturday and noon to 7 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, call (703) 4357989 or visit www.restonfestival.com.

July 20

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Ray Letteer, of the Mount Vernon Genealogical Society, will give a free presentation at the Hollin Hall Senior Center, Room 112, 1500 Shenandoah Rd., Alexandria, Va. on Thursday, July 20, at 1 p.m. Letteer will explain how to use Family History Centers at Latter Day Saints churches to do genealogical research. For more information, call Harold McClendon at (703) 360-0920 or haroldm@erols.com.

July 10


Workhouse Arts Center will hold an ice cream social on Saturday, July 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. For a $15 suggested donation, visitors will receive a handmade bowl created by a ceramics student or instructor and a raffle entry for artwork. The event will take place on the Workhouse Arts Center Quad, 9601 Ox Rd., Lorton, Va. Call (703) 584-2900 for more information.

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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Health Shorts FDA discloses drug safety info Under a new policy, the Food and Drug Administration has announced it will begin publishing summaries of potential safety issues with recently approved drugs. The FDA is tasked with reviewing the safety and effectiveness of all prescription drugs before they reach the market. But some side effects only show up after the drugs are launched and taken by millions of patients across the country. Also, most drugs are prescribed for different uses and patients than originally approved for, giving rise to unforeseen safety issues. “That changes the whole game because you don’t know if the drug is effective in that population,” said Dr. Robert Boucher, director of FDA’s office of drug surveillance, at a press briefing. Typically the FDA only alerts the public when there is a pressing safety issue. But the new updates will provide a comprehensive look at the safety of all new medications approved by the FDA. The summaries will incorporate side effect reports from doctors, patients and hospitals as well as the FDA’s own original research. The agency plans to publish the summaries on a quarterly basis. Each new drug, including drugs approved back to September 2007, will receive a safety summary within roughly two years of approval, according to the FDA. The new policy is legally required by a 2007 law designed to make the agency more transparent and responsive to drug safety issues. Congress wrote the law in response to the 2004 scandal involving the popular

painkiller Vioxx, which was pulled from the market five years after its approval because of links to heart attack and stroke. Critics said lives could have been saved if the agency had alerted the public earlier to the safety questions surrounding the drug. For more information, including summaries of the first 26 drugs, go to www.fda.gov/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Surveillance/ucm204091.htm.

searchers who did not know which individual or age group a response came from. Ratings were based on facets like searching for compromise, flexibility, taking others’ perspectives, and searching for conflict resolution. About 200 of the participants joined in a second session, and a third section was conducted using 141 scholars, psychotherapists, clergy and consulting professionals.


The study concluded that economic status, education and IQ also were significantly related to increased wisdom, but they found that “academics were no wiser than nonacademics” with similar education levels. While the researchers expected wisdom to increase with age, they were surprised at how strong the results were for disputes See HEALTH SHORTS, page 15

Wisdom increases with age, study finds A new study indicates that older people, as grandma said, are indeed wiser. Researchers led by Richard E. Nisbett of the University of Michigan found that older people were more likely than younger or middle-aged ones to recognize that values differ among people, to acknowledge uncertainties, accept that things change over time, and to acknowledge others’ points of view. “Age effects on wisdom hold at every level of social class, education and IQ,” they reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In modern America, older people may not have greater knowledge about operating computers or TV remotes, Nisbett acknowledged, “but our results do indicate that the elderly have some advantages for analysis of social problems.” The researchers recruited 247 people in Michigan, divided into approximately equal groups aged 25-to-40, 41-to-59 and 60 plus. Participants were given fictitious reports about conflict between groups in a foreign country and were asked what they thought the outcome would be. The responses were then rated by re-

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Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Health Studies Page


Tailored colon cancer treatments studied By Marjorie Musick Imagine if treatments for disease could be based not just on a patient’s diagnosis, but personalized for their unique genetic makeup. By identifying and decoding the cryptic messages hidden inside proteins in the body, scientists and physicians who study

personalized medicine are seeking more effective treatments and disease management for patients. The directors of George Mason University’s Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM) are studying biomarkers (or indicators of disease in tissue and bodily fluids) related to cancer,

Check off the health studies you’d like to receive FREE information about. ❏ Colorectal Cancer Study (See article, p. 14) ❏ Insomnia Study (See ad, p. 15) ❏ Memory Study (See ad, p. 15) ❏ Type 2 Diabetes/Heart Disease (See ad, p. 14) Name_________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________State______Zip________________ Phone (day)________________________ (eve)___________________________


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heart disease, liver disease and obesity. They recently launched a study in partnership with the medical director of cancer services at Inova Health System to treat patients with late-stage colorectal cancer, a cancer that starts in either the colon or the rectum. The trial is enrolling men and women who have late-stage colorectal cancer that has spread to the liver. Striking more than 150,000 men and women each year in the United States, colorectal cancer is the nation’s third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death, according to the American Cancer Society. “Traditionally, all colon cancers have been lumped together and given similar treatments. The novelty about this is that we can, in a very minimally invasive way, start to treat the metastatic tumor based on its unique protein makeup. “If we’re going to be successful in treating the metastatic disease, which is what kills people, then we need to focus on using therapies targeted toward the individuality of a patient’s disease state. This clinical trial is the first step toward doing

that,” said oncologist and co-principal investigator Dr. Kirstin Edmist.

All get approved medication All study participants will be treated with the standard metastatic colon cancer drug panitumumab. Depending on results of liver tests, some participants will also take Gleevec, a medicine that is typically prescribed for certain forms of leukemia and gastrointestinal tumors. Gleevec targets disease pathways in tumor cells that previous CAPMM research revealed were among those found in typically fatal liver metastasis in colorectal cancer patients. Participants will take the drugs for two to three months. Gleevec is taken in pill form, while panitumumab is administered intravenously. Following treatment, participants will be asked to have a liver biopsy, but the procedure is voluntary. Because the primary tumors in the colon are removed in most colorectal cancer patients as soon as they are diagnosed, this study will focus on treating the often See COLON CANCER, page 15


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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Health shorts From page 13 in society, Nisbett said. “There is a very large advantage for older people over younger people for those,� he said. Lynn A. Hasher, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, called the study “the single best demonstration of a longheld view that wisdom increases with age.� “What I think is most important about the paper is that it shows a major benefit that accrues with aging, rather than the mostly loss-based findings reported in psychology. As such, it provides a richer base of understanding of aging processes. “It also suggests the critical importance of workplaces’ maintaining the opportunity for older employees to continue to contribute,� said Hasher, who was not part of the research team.

Colon cancer From page 14 fatal secondary tumors, or metastatic lesions, that appear when the disease spreads to the liver, causing death through destruction of that organ. Using a new drug target-mapping technology called “reverse phase protein microarray� that was developed by CAPMM’s scientists, the researchers will sample these lesions and create a unique molecular profile or “fingerprint� that shows which protein pathways or drug targets are activated in the lesion. This process will allow the researchers to determine whether specific drugs such as Gleevec might be an effective treatment for this particular patient before it is even administered. “The exciting aspect of this trial is that an established drug is being considered for a new indication, and that’s one of the promises of personalized therapy — that a patient’s

Vitamin E treats fatty liver disease People with a common, obesity-related liver disease that has no known treatment got a surprising benefit from vitamin E pills, researchers report. It appears to be the first time that a vitamin supplement has been shown to help treat a major ailment not caused by a nutrient deficiency. However, doctors warned that this does not mean people should automatically take vitamin E since some research suggests it might raise the risk of other problems. The latest study tested it for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Fat buildup can cause the liver to become inflamed and scarred over time and in severe cases, to fail. The disease usually develops in people

molecular portrait would be considered as the rationale for choice of therapy rather than based on the site or the kind of cancer alone,� said Emanuel Petricoin, III, professor of life sciences and co-director of CAPMM. “Just technologically being able to do this in a real clinical trial is a first.�

Who may volunteer To participate in the study, patients must be 18 years or older, have Stage IV metastatic colorectal cancer (the most advanced form of the disease), have a life expectancy of at least three months and at least one liver tumor. No compensation is offered for participating in the study, but all medications and procedures are covered. Patients who are interested in participating should contact Stacey Banks, Inova’s clinical research coordinator, at (703) 776-3565. Marjorie Musick is the manager of the Office of Media and Public Relations at George Mason University.


who are middle-aged and overweight or obese. Up to 5 percent of Americans have the most serious form of it, and as many as 20 percent have fat in their livers but no organ damage. In the study published online in the New England Journal of Medicine, 247 adults with advanced fatty liver disease were randomly assigned to take a high dose of vitamin E (800 international units), the diabetes drug Actos, or dummy pills for nearly two years. Biopsies before and after treatment showed that liver function improved in 43 percent of those in the vitamin E group compared with 19 percent in the placebo group. “In all honesty, I was surprised,� said the lead researcher, Dr. Arun Sanyal of Virginia Commonwealth University. “A vitamin has not been previously used to cure a serious disease� that is not caused by a deficiency.

Study participants on the diabetes drug Actos also improved, but to a lesser degree and with a drawback: gaining 10 pounds on average, which remained even after they stopped taking the drug. Four people who took vitamin E developed diabetes, but the study was too small to determine if the vitamin played any role. Dr. Zobair Younossi, executive director of research at the nonprofit Inova Health System in Virginia, said people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease at the very least should make lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet and exercising to shed the pounds. While vitamin E may help certain people with obesity-related liver disease, “I wouldn’t get started on high-dose vitamin E without discussing it first with a doctor,� said Younossi, who has no connection to the research. — AP

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Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Diet changes called for after menopause Q: Do nutritional needs change after menopause? A: Yes. Key nutrients to increase after menopause are calcium, vitamins B-12 and D. Nutrients to decrease are iron, sodium and calories. There are lowered iron requirements once the losses of iron in menstruation are no longer in effect. And the apparent need for more calcium is to protect bone health when the protective effect of estrogen is reduced. In practical terms that means less need for red meat or other high-iron foods, and an extra daily serving of a calcium-rich food (for example, milk or other calciumfortified foods such as juice, soy milk or soy yogurt).

Other changes in nutrient recommendations when a woman passes age 50 are simply age-related: Some women and men over age 50 are less able to absorb the vitamin B-12 as it naturally occurs in poultry, seafood, meat and dairy products. So recommendations call for them to include daily a fortified food or supplement that meets B-12 needs. Research also shows that as we get older, we become more sensitive to the blood pressure-raising effects of sodium, so recommended maximum sodium intake goes down from 2300 milligrams (mg.) to 1,500 mg. per day, which requires significant limitation of processed foods as well as salt itself. Current recommendations for vitamin

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D increase after age 50, and research is um content. still underway to better identify optimal inAll cottage cheese is a good source of take at all ages. protein and other nutrients, Calorie needs may decrease but if you’re counting on it for after age 50, but research calcium, look for the highestshows that much of that drop calcium, low-fat or fat-free may be related to decreased versions and take at least a physical activity (both scatthree-fourths cup portion. tered throughout the day and Q: Is it true that garlic as blocks of leisure activity) provides health benefits and the impact of gradual only if it’s eaten raw? muscle loss resulting in deA: No. It’s true that cookcreased metabolic rate. ing stops the process in So with daily physical activi- NUTRITION which the “active” comty and strength-training two to WISE pounds in garlic are generatBy Karen Collins, three times a week, calorie ed. But plenty are formed if needs may not need to drop as MS, RD, CDM you chop the garlic and allow much in order to maintain a it to stand for about 10 or 15 healthy weight. That’s important, because minutes before cooking it. excess weight and weight gain are linked The only time cooking keeps us from to increased risk of several cancers, in- getting garlic’s health benefits is when we cluding post-menopausal breast cancer. roast whole garlic, since the active comQ: Is cottage cheese a good source pounds have not had time to form. That is of calcium? still a healthy choice, since the soft cloves A: Cottage cheese is usually not as con- that result from roasting make a wondercentrated in calcium as milk, yogurt and ful spread, with no fat or significant sodiother cheeses that are produced different- um. ly. Cottage cheese averages about 60 to The American Institute for Cancer Re100 milligrams (mg) of calcium in a half- search offers a Nutrition Hotline, 1-800cup serving, which you’ll see listed on 843-8114, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday food labels as 6 to 10 percent of Daily through Friday. This free service allows you Value. to ask questions about diet, nutrition and That’s substantially less than the 300 cancer. A registered dietitian will return mg in a cup of skim milk, which provides your call, usually within three business days. about the same number of calories as one Courtesy of the American Institute for half-cup of cottage cheese. However, some Cancer Research. Questions for this column companies add extra milk protein (whey) may be sent to “Nutrition-Wise,” 1759 R St., or supplemental calcium to their cottage N.W. Washington, DC 20009. Collins cancheese, which generally doubles the calci- not respond to questions personally.

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Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0


Streamlined gazpacho helps beat the heat By Dana Jacobi Gazpacho is a culinary trifecta — the rare dish that is delicious, healthful, and popular with everyone, from everyday folks to trend-conscious foodies. Served well chilled and generously garnished with chopped vegetables, this goodlooking refresher — something between a soup and a liquid salad — is the perfect temptation for appetites wilted by summer heat. Gazpacho is also a dish you won’t mind making during the summer, since no cooking is needed and preparing it takes minimal kitchen time. I do recommend making your own roasted red peppers to benefit from the smoky and fresh flavor of homemade. But if you buy them from a deli counter or use the kind from a jar, chopping and blending are all this soup requires. While using fresh tomatoes is traditional, they require peeling and seeding. Also, buying the very best, sun-ripened local tomatoes can be surprisingly expensive. Instead, my speedy version calls for tomato juice. This may seem like heresy, but try it, then judge! Bread and olive oil are gazpacho’s other key ingredients. To avoid having to make bread stale, I take the shortcut of using dry breadcrumbs. Use a good quality extra-virgin oil so just a couple of teaspoons are needed for plenty of aromatic

flavor while keeping down the calories. The one place where I do take time during preparation is in finely cutting the vegetable mix-ins into neat cubes because this looks so attractive. I also serve the chilled gazpacho in glass bowls.

Red Pepper Gazpacho Serves 4 1 medium red bell pepper (or use jarred, roasted pepper) 2 cups low-sodium tomato juice 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp. dry breadcrumbs 1 Tbsp. white vinegar Salt and freshly ground pepper 1/4 cup seeded and diced cucumber 1/4 cup finely diced green bell pepper 1/4 cup finely diced sweet onion 1/4 cup finely diced zucchini Tabasco sauce, optional Roast pepper over an open flame, turning it with tongs until skin is charred all over, about 10 minutes. Or, preheat oven to 425 degrees. Halve and seed pepper and place halves, cut-side down, on baking sheet. Coat skin with cooking spray and bake until pepper is soft, 30 minutes. Place roasted pepper, charred or baked, in a bowl, cover, and let sit for 20 minutes. Using your fingers, remove skin. Coarsely chop pepper and set aside.


July 27

Place roasted pepper, tomato juice, garlic and olive oil in blender and whiz until mixture is pureed. Add breadcrumbs and vinegar, and whiz to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour into covered container and chill well, 6 hours to overnight. Check seasoning and adjust, if necessary. Divide gazpacho among 4 soup

bowls. Add 1 tablespoon each of chopped cucumber, pepper, onion and zucchini. Serve with Tabasco sauce if desired. Per serving: 90 calories, 4 g. total fat (< 1 g. saturated fat), 12 g. carbohydrate, 2 g. protein, 2 g. dietary fiber, 100 mg. sodium. Courtesy of the American Institute for Cancer Research

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Fitness & Health

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Supplement only what your body needs Dear Pharmacist: I started taking five new supplements, but I’ve been noticing occasional butterflies in my chest, hair loss, heartburn and muscle twitching. I think it’s related to my vitamins because when I stop them, the symptoms go away. Should I stop? — T.E. Dear T.E.: Yes, and then find out what specific nutrients your body needs — don’t just use a shotgun approach. I’ve been very supportive of nutraceuticals over the years, but moderation is key. The problem is that most doctors don’t know how to test a patient for nutrient defi-

ciencies, so you are forced to guess what you need. Misinformation abounds. Nutritional deficiencies can actually be tested with special “micronutrient” blood tests. There are three tests that I’ve taken myself: “Comprehensive Nutritional Panel” by SpectraCell Labs, “NutrEval” by Genova Diagnostics, and the “Cardio/ION” from Metametrix. Practitioners with appropriate health licensure can become providers with these companies and order tests immediately. Here are some examples that demonstrate the value of the information provided by this type of testing: Zinc — A trace mineral. Too much can cause metallic taste sensations, nausea and

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copper deficiency. Too little could cause coffee they are drinking) are stealing shortness of breath, hearing loss, infertility these nutrients from their body. I call them and prostate/erectile probdrug muggers. lems. Here are some some very Copper — A trace mineral. common “diseases” that Overload is sometimes tied to might be due to the drug use of estrogen drugs or low mugging effect: zinc levels. It can cause miDepression, osteoporograines, mental racing, anxiety, sis or irregular heartbeat depression, frequent colds and — Could be caused by a defiinterestingly, chocolate or avociency of the mineral magnecado cravings. Deficiency can sium. Common drug mugcause anemia, fatigue, arthritis gers include female horDEAR and reproductive problems. mones, diuretics, raloxifene, PHARMACIST L-Serine — An amino acid. tea/coffee, anti-inflammatoDeficiencies are sometimes re- By Suzy Cohen ries and aspirin. lated to a rare metabolic disorBald patches, loss of der and have been associated with cere- taste/smell, erectile dysfunction or bral palsy, epilepsy, seizures, chronic diarrhea — Might be due to zinc stiffness/weakness in muscles. Excessive deficiency. Common drug muggers are serine can cause immune suppression or anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, antacids, psychological symptoms. ulcer/heartburn meds, diuretics and esVitamin K — A vitamin that you need trogen drugs used for birth control and to keep from bleeding to death, as it allows menopause. blood to clot. An excess can cause health Leg cramps, muscle spasms, memoproblems, as the liver can only store so ry loss or fatigue — May be due to a defimuch of it. Inadequate K results in bleed- ciency of CoQ10 (ubiquinol). This life-susing gums, easy bruising, bone loss and taining antioxidant gets demolished by hunhigher cancer risk. dreds of medications including statin choNiacin — A “B” vitamin. Too much caus- lesterol drugs, metformin, anti-depressants, es diarrhea, itching or nervousness. Defi- beta blockers and diuretics. I’ve posted a ciencies may be associated with high cho- “Big List of Drugs that Mug CoQ10” at my lesterol, indigestion, burning mouth syn- website: www.dearpharmacist.com. drome, canker sores, fatigue or anemia. Cell damage, high homocysteine, Glutamine — An amino acid that pro- cataracts, macular degeneration, liver tects the brain and gut. Having too much is problems — Could be tied to low glurare. Low glutamine however, can lead to tathione. Acetaminophen is a possible leaky gut, food allergies, Crohn’s disease, drug mugger of glutathione. poor wound healing, skin rashes and Pins and needles nerve pain, dearthritis. pression, fatigue, anemia, weight gain One reason a person may have a defi- — Could be related to a deficiency of B viciency in some of these nutrients is that the drugs he or she is taking (or tea and See SUPPLEMENTS, page 19

Fitness & Health

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0


Overly dependent or independent friends Dear Solutions: dwelling on himself. I’m a divorced man going out with a I think he has potential, and I think we widow. I like her a lot, but could have fun together if he she scares me because could remember common she’s so dependent on me. courtesies when it comes to She counted on her husa woman. band to make decisions — Hopeful and more or less direct Dear Hopeful: their lives. There’s an old joke about a Now, although she has woman who goes to her actor made friends of her own boyfriend’s performance, and and developed interests of afterward he talks on and on her own, she’s willing to only about himself. When she give them up if I’m not in- SOLUTIONS complains about him never terested in joining her. I By Helen Oxenberg, talking about her he says, “Oh, don’t want her to give these MSW, ACSW I’m so sorry. What did you up. We do like each other a think about my performance?� lot, but it’s beginning to feel like a Sounds like she was out with your weight I have to get rid of. — Hal boyfriend. She’s not going to change him Dear Hal: and neither are you. You have to accept Before you go on a diet, give her a him for who he is. chance to understand your position. What worked for her in the past in her marriage will not work for her in this relationship. I don’t know why you’re divorced or who initiated it, but evidently as a divorced man you have a sense of freedom that you don’t want to give up completely. You shouldn’t give it up and neither should she. New partners, no matter how close, should maintain selective freedom. Each should keep former friends and their own hobbies and interests. If she has been able to develop these since becoming a widow, then she’s not that same dependent woman she was in the past. Develop interests together in addition to your individual activities. Too much dependency breeds rebellion. It feels like a burden and then becomes an emotional prison. Inmates don’t make good mates. They’re constantly looking for ways to become out-mates. Dear Solutions: I like a man who is completely self-absorbed. He talks only about himself and problems he won’t do anything about. Everyone says he’s a nice guy, yet he can’t seem to take notice of me or my interests because he can’t stop

Maybe he’s just too insecure to make conversation, but you can assert yourself. After he speaks of himself, tell him you want equal time to tell him about yourself because you want him to get to know you. If he can’t stop long enough to hear you, then he’s not interested and you’re just interrupting his love affair with himself. Be careful or you’ll become part of a mĂŠnage a trois — you and him and his true love — himself! In that case your thought about his potential and the “fun you could have togetherâ€? is just your hopeful fantasy. Move on. Dear Solutions: For unfortunate reasons my friend has her 3-year-old granddaughter staying with her while the child’s single mother goes out of town to find a job. Now every time I call my friend’s house, the call gets interrupted when

she brings the child to the phone to “say hello.â€? I like the child and I think she’s cute, but that’s the end of the phone call. Do you think my friend does this in order to end the call? —Tillie Dear Tillie: There’s only one way to know. Find out their hours, like when does this child go to sleep at night? Call when she’s asleep. If your friend wakes her up to “say hello,â€? you know you’re on the right track! No? Then just tell your friend you really want to talk to her and ask when is the best time for you to call. Š Helen Oxenberg, 2010. Questions to be considered for this column may be sent to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915. You may also e-mail the author at helox72@comcast.net. To inquire about reprint rights, call (609) 655-3684.


Supplements From page 18 tamins. Your stash gets depleted by female hormones (menopause and birth control), antacids, ulcer meds, diuretics, raloxifene, cholestyramine, diabetic drugs, tea/coffee. If you read this and just said, “Aha!� then get approval from your doctor to order micronutrient testing and then supplement as required. This information is opinion only. It is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Consult with your doctor before using any new drug or supplement. Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist and the author of The 24-Hour Pharmacist and Real Solutions from Head to Toe. To contact her, visit www.dearpharmacist.com.

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J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Money Law &

MIXED OUTLOOK ON DIVIDENDS Dividend payouts are up, but taxes on them will probably rise considerably next year. What you need to know about dividend investing now WHICH BONDS ARE BEST? When interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Learn which are the right bonds to hold in a rising interest rate environment

Pros and cons of the federal savings plan By Steven T. Goldberg dollar for dollar on your first 3 percent of The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is the fed- income, and 50 cents on the dollar for the eral government’s version of next 2 percent. Plus, the govthe 401(k) plans that serve ernment contributes another employees in private industry. 1 percent — whether or not On most counts, the TSP does you participate at all. a terrific job. But it has a couThe other big plus to the ple of glaring weaknesses. TSP: It’s simple. Many 401(k) A major attribute: It’s the plans offer a bewildering cheapest plan I know of. Its array of investment options to funds’ annual expense ratios employees — many of them are a microscopic .028 perwith high expense ratios. Emcent. Even Vanguard, the best ployees often don’t have a SAVVY SAVER index-fund provider, charges clue which funds to pick so By Steven T. Goldberg more than six times what the they frequently end up with TSP does. poor investment mixes. Many 401(k) plans offer mutual funds By contrast, the TSP offers just five with expense ratios well in excess of 1 per- main funds. TSP also offers a variety of cent annually. Some actively managed combinations of those five funds in “lifecyfunds are worth those higher fees; the vast cle funds,” which are designed to automatmajority aren’t. ically invest participants in an appropriate The huge size of the federal TSP plan mix of funds for their age. The lifecycle (L) helps it keep costs down. The plan has 4.3 funds grow increasingly more conservamillion participants with a total of $246 bil- tive as you near your retirement. lion in assets. The government pays all adAll the TSP’s funds are index funds, ministrative costs. Many private 401(k)s which mean they aim to track the returns charge employees for these expenses — of a popular stock index, such as the S&P often in the form of hidden fees. 500, rather than beat a benchmark. Research shows that only about oneOther benefits of the plan third of actively managed funds manage to The TSP also offers a generous match. outperform their index. That makes index The government matches your investment funds an excellent choice for the TSP —

and, in fact, for all investors who don’t want to spend endless hours researching funds.

Just five funds Let’s look at the funds. The C fund reflects the S&P 500, which consists of the largest publicly traded U.S. companies. The F fund mirrors Barclay’s Aggregate U.S. Bond fund, which is comprised of both government and corporate bonds. The I fund tracks the Morgan Stanley International EAFE index, which contains the largest non-U.S. stocks in the developed world. The S fund reflects the Dow Jones U.S. Completion Total Stock Market index. That’s a big name, but all it means is that the S fund covers the entire U.S. stock market except the S&P 500. The G fund is the most conservative option. It pays the yield of a weighted mix of all Treasury securities more than four years from maturity — without any risk of losing money. This is the same deal the Social Security Trust Fund gets.

The drawbacks The biggest problem with the TSP is that it includes no way to invest in emerging markets stocks. That’s inexcusable. Stocks in countries such as Brazil, China and India are among the fastest growing in the world.

Over the past ten years, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index has returned an annualized 10.7 percent. In marked contrast, the S&P 500 has lost an annualized 1.4 percent over the same period. My other criticism is a judgment call. It involves the percentage of stocks to bonds in the lifecycle funds. The longer-term lifecycle funds are okay. The fund for investors planning to retire in 2040 has 20 percent of assets in bonds. The 2030 fund contains 30 percent bonds, and the 2020 fund is 42 percent bonds. Each of these makes a good one-fund choice for retirement. But the 2010 and Income funds are way too conservative. The 2010 fund, for investors retiring this year, allocates just 34 percent of assets to stocks. I recommend that my clients in retirement invest from 40 to 60 percent in stocks — depending upon their individual situations. Even worse, the Income fund, for people already retired, puts just 20 percent in stocks. Such a low percentage in stocks makes it difficult to maintain your nest egg in retirement. Steven T. Goldberg (steve@tginvesting.com; 301-650-6567) is a freelance writer and investment advisor in Silver Spring, Md. He welcomes reader questions. Send them to: Steven Goldberg, the Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915-2227.

The best funds to hold in falling markets By Mark Jewell Investors are having a hard time getting a handle on the stock market lately. And many are getting worried. The whipsaw returns are producing flashbacks to late 2008, when triple-digit swings in the Dow Jones industrial average were the norm. A select group of mutual fund managers have shown they’re masters of defense, capable of picking the stocks most likely to emerge unscathed when trouble strikes. They can cushion the blow further by selling some of their riskier picks and shifting heavily into cash. It’s worth remembering how unkind math can be when markets sour. If your stocks lose 50 percent in value, you’ll need a 100 percent gain — not 50 percent — to

get back to where you started.

Seven strong funds Below are seven funds with top records during two especially steep recent declines in the Dow Jones industrial average: Jan. 14, 2000 to Oct. 9 2002, when the dot-com bubble burst, and Oct. 9, 2007 to March 9, 2009, when subprime mortgage troubles spread throughout the financial system. The seven, screened by Morningstar, are diversified stock funds that finished in the top 3 percent among their peers during both downturns. The list excludes funds that had a significant manager change over the past 12 months, or invest in such narrow slices of the market that they’re suitable only as niche holdings. Also excluded are pricier funds charg-

ing more than 1.5 percent in annual expenses, and funds requiring more than $5,000 to get in. The screen also removed funds that lost more than 35 percent from October 2007 to March 2009, even if the fund happened to finish within the top 3 percent of their peers in that steep downturn. But these funds are about more than just defense. They’ve held up in rising markets as well. All have 10-year records placing them in the top 10 percent among their peers. The seven, in alphabetical order: American Centur y Equity Income (TWEIX) has one of the strongest records among large value funds over the past 15 years, with low volatility. Lately, the fund has bet heavily on utilities stocks, typically good defensive plays in times of trouble.

About 13 percent of the fund’s stock holdings were in utilities at the end of March, nearly three times the average for its category. One favorite: natural gas distributor WGL Holdings Inc. Calamos Growth & Income (CVTRX) supplements its stock holdings with convertibles — stock-bond hybrids giving the holder the option to swap from a bond to a stock at a predetermined price. It’s a way to get more potential upside than with regular bonds, along with a steady income stream and reduced volatility. Recently, Calamos Growth & Income has favored information technology, healthcare and energy stocks. Forester Value (FVALX) was the lone See DEFENSIVE FUNDS, page 21

Law & Money

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0


Dividend outlook sunny; tax cloud looms By Mark Jewell Dividend investors are enjoying fatter payouts again, to the tune of $10 billion per year. The reason? More than one-quarter of companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 have increased their quarterly payouts over the past five and a half months, with just two cutting dividends. “It speaks to confidence in the strength of the underlying economy, and their ability to cover dividend payments without breaking the bank,” S&P analyst Howard Silverblatt said. Yet there’s a bump on the road to recovery from 2009, which saw the most cuts and fewest increases since S&P began collecting data in 1955. President Obama and Congress must shore up the nation’s budget, and are almost certain to approve higher taxes on dividend income.

Defensive funds From page 20 U.S. stock fund to finish 2008 with a gain, up 0.4 percent, while nearly every other fund suffered a double-digit loss. Forester Value trailed 79 percent of its peers last year as the same defensive characteristics that protected it in 2008 held it back when the market turned around. But it’s still a solid long-term option, thanks to manager Tom Forester’s conservative stock-picking. Lately, Forester has stuck with steady companies with plenty of cash, like Microsoft and 3M, and avoided bank stocks. He also likes healthcare stocks such as Bristol-Myers Squibb that weather downturns well. The fund has beaten nearly all its peers with a loss of just 5 percent over the past month because investors have been seeking safety. “People have been jumping out of the volatile names into the more conservative names we’re already in,” Forester said. Parnassus Equity Income (PRBLX) emphasizes mature dividend-paying

Tax could rise almost 40% In fact, investors in the top tax bracket could see dividend taxes more than double next year to 39.6 percent. That’s up from the current 15 percent. For most taxpayers, a more likely scenario is a new rate of around 25 percent. Whatever increase Washington settles on, it will change the math for dividendpaying stocks and mutual funds with a strong dividend tilt in their portfolios. They’re big draws for retirees and others who prefer a steady income stream, not just potential paper gains from appreciating stock prices. “If shareholders can only keep 60 percent of their dividend income compared with 85 percent, that’s big,” Silverblatt said. “It’s not what you make, but what you keep” that counts. Still, market pros say the recent surge in companies reversing dividend cuts ap-

stocks that can ride out downturns. The strategy has landed the fund in the top 1 percent among its peers over the past 3and 5-year periods. The fund recently had big stakes in defensive sectors like utilities and healthcare, while avoiding consumer discretionary stocks. Royce Special Equity (RYSEX) buys stocks of small companies with clean balance sheets and steady cash flow, and rarely trades them. It’s helped the fund post an average 11.5 percent return per year over the last 10 years. At the end of April, it held a hefty 19 percent of its portfolio in cash — enough to provide a decent cushion if stocks tumble further. Sequoia Fund (SEQUX), which typically holds just 10 to 25 favored stocks and sticks with them for years. Its latest top holding, at 20 percent of the portfolio, is Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s investment company. Yacktman Focused (YAFFX) focuses on large-company stocks. Its performance ranks in the top 1 percent of its peers over the last 3, 5- and 10-year periods. Lately, it’s found safety in beverage stocks that aren’t


pears to have staying power. Here are five things investors need to know about dividend investing now: 1. It can only get better, and it is: When stocks tanked in late 2008, companies that had reliably raised quarterly dividends year after year suddenly cut them, opting to hold on to extra cash to ride out the recession. It was a matter of survival for many, especially bailed-out banks that had been among the most dependable dividend payers. This year’s turnaround has been sharp. The list of 25 companies announcing increases in April alone included IBM, Exxon Mobil, Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson. Still, Silverblatt predicts it will take until 2012 or 2013 to return to the 2008 S&P 500 dividend payout of nearly $248 billion. He projects a 5.6 percent increase this year compared with 2009.

2. Watch the taxman: Expect a quick end to the historically light tax bill that dividend investors have faced in recent years. Taxpayers in all but the lowest two brackets currently pay 15 percent on dividend income. President Obama proposed an increase to 20 percent. But a proposal that cleared the Senate Budget Committee last month would go further, with steeper increases for those in the middle tax brackets, and a 39.6 percent rate for those in the top rung. The House is expected to begin debate soon. The outcome: A $1 dividend paid this December would leave an investor with 85 cents after taxes. But in January, when the new rates would take effect, it could be closer to 70 cents or 60 cents, depending on your income.

buffeted by economic cycles. The fund’s top holding at the end of March was PepsiCo at 9.8 percent of the portfolio, with Coca-Cola its third-largest at 7.7 percent.

If the recent slide extends into a bear market — defined as a drop of 20 percent or more — these funds should serve investors well. — AP

See DIVIDENDS, page 22


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Law & Money

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

The right bonds for a rising interest rate By Kathy Kristof Investors, made nervous by two years of roller-coaster performance in the stock market, have been pouring money into bond funds over the last year, seeking a haven for their assets. But if interest rates start to rise next year — as most expect they will — these mutual funds that hold bonds may not look quite as profitable, experts say. “As [interest] rates go up, bond prices come down,” said Steve Huber, head of portfolio strategies for fixed income at T. Rowe Price, a big mutual fund company in Baltimore. “The longer the maturities on your bonds, the bigger the risk you’re taking.” If interest rates were to rise by 1 per-

centage point, the price of a 30-year U.S. Treasury bond would decline by 14.13 percent, according to a T. Rowe Price analysis. The price decline on a 10-year bond would be about half that, the company says. Price declines on shorter-term Treasury bonds would be more modest — roughly 2 percent for a note with a twoyear maturity and 4.5 percent for one with five years to go before the principal would be repaid. Naturally, if rates rise more, bond prices drop even more. Yet experts concur that investors need bonds as part of their portfolio, even in an environment of rising interest rates. The question is: How do you buy bonds that won’t get trashed as interest rates rise?

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Look for a step-up. A number of issuers sell bonds that offer a fixed price for a set stretch of time, stepping up to better rates later, said Marilyn Cohen, author of Bonds Now! and chief of investment strategy at Envision Capital Management in Beverly Hills, Calif. For instance, a new Fannie Mae “stepup” bond offers a 2 percent yield until November of 2011 but promises to pay 5 percent after that. The rate would rise to 6 percent in 2015 and to 7 percent in 2020. The catch? If market interest rates rise faster than the “stepup” on this bond, you’re stuck with the lower rate and no way to sell without taking a hit on the bond’s principal value.

Do you get the benefit of an above-market rate if market interest rates rise more slowly than the “step-up” schedule on the bond? Probably not, Cohen said. If interest rates are lower than the promised rate on the bond, the issuer has the right to “call” — or pay back — investors at any time, she said. Check out floating rates. Corporate borrowers also issue some floating-rate debt that pays a variable interest rate based on an index, such as the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR, said Ann Benjamin, managing director and chief investment officer at Neuberger Berman, a


dend stocks if the economic recovery loses momentum. Dividend stocks haven’t done as well as growth stocks since the market turned around in March 2009. That’s a key reason why Smith’s dividend-oriented portfolio has lagged most of its rivals over the past 12 months. But another downturn, or another market shock from debt troubles in places like Greece, could play to dividend stocks’ strengths. “Their downside is much less than for the overall market,” Smith said. “If there is another market drop, these stocks are already there.” 5. Dividends are solid long-term. Even after 2009, dividend stocks still have a good long-term record. S&P 500 stock prices ended up the last decade slightly below where they started, after the dotcom bubble burst early on, and the more recent subprime mortgage mess sent stocks tumbling. S&P stocks lost an average 2.7 percent per year over the decade, while dividends returned nearly 1.8 percent. Going back several decades, dividends have normally accounted for one-third to 40 percent of the overall return of S&P 500 stocks, said Jim Boothe, manager of the Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth Fund (NSBAX). “Dividend stocks manage to do well in volatile markets,” Boothe says. “The income component kind of cushions a portfolio.” — AP

From page 21 3. Expect bank dividends to come back — if you’re patient. Financial stocks like Bank of America and Citigroup have historically been among the most reliable dividend payers, but that changed in 2008. The market meltdown hit bank stocks especially hard, and they cut dividends deeper than those in other sectors. Many financial companies are still restricted from paying dividends as a condition of receiving government bailouts. But even those no longer facing restrictions remain cautious. They’re uncertain how tougher financial regulations will crimp their business, once a final package clears Congress. That might not happen until late this year, or longer. “Even though their balance sheets are healthy again, they’re going to wait until the regulation battle is over,” said Dan Genter, CEO of RNC Genter Capital Management, which runs the RNC Genter Dividend Income Fund (GDIIX). 4. Dividends could be safe harbors if the market drops again. Dividendpaying companies typically have more cash on hand and steadier income than growth-oriented companies that plow profits back into their operations. Think: Energy utilities vs. high-tech start-ups. Channing Smith, co-manager of the Capital Advisors Growth Fund (CIAOX), figures those advantages will protect divi-


July 7


Housing Counseling Services (HCS) will offer free foreclosure prevention clinics in July to help homeowners in the metro area who have fallen behind on their housing payments. Workshops will take place at noon on Wednesdays, July 7 through 28, at the HCS offices, 2410 17th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Su Cheng at (202) 667-7712.

July 13

Don’t let an outstanding bill keep you off the network. If you currently do not have telephone service because you have been disconnected for nonpayment of an outstanding balance, please contact Verizon’s business office on (202) 954-6260.

See BONDS, page 23


A discussion will be held about civil liberties and police behavior at Holiday Park Center, 3950 Ferrara Dr., Wheaton, Md., on Tuesday, July 13, from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. A new documentary will also be shown. For more information or to register, call (240) 777-4999.

Law & Money

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Bonds From page 22 New York-based investment firm. Individual investors can get into this market by buying mutual funds that invest in floating-rate corporate debt. That gives you a “natural hedge” against rising interest rates, she said. Consider junk. Interest rates are primed to rise now because the economy appears to be recovering, Benjamin added. That makes highly leveraged companies that issue high-yielding debt — often termed junk bonds — appear more financially stable. As a result the debt that these companies issue can rise in value even as interest rates rise because buying this debt becomes comparatively less risky. “The high-yield market does well, even in a rising rate environment, because improving economic conditions tend to help companies’ credit quality,” she said. “You still have room for rates to rise before you have any impact on high-yield bond prices.” Look at quality corporate bonds. Good-quality companies have also solidified their finances over the last year, cutting costs and hoarding cash, Cohen said. These companies now have balance sheets that should sustain their bond payments for a long time. That makes quality corporate bonds

look attractive, too. A-rated corporate bonds don’t pay as much as junk bonds, but they still pay considerably more than Treasuries, with very little additional risk. Tour the international markets. Buying the bonds of foreign governments may make some investors feel queasy, thanks to the Greek debt crisis that’s reverberated through the financial markets. But T. Rowe Price strategists think that the debt of some less-leveraged countries, such as Germany, France and Canada, is a good buy. The caveat: When you buy bonds issued by foreign governments you also have to cope with currency risk because you must convert your U.S. dollars into foreign currencies when you buy, and convert back into U.S. dollars when you sell and repatriate your money. Currency swings can have as big an effect on your investment as the yield on the bond. Diversify. Also be sure to diversify your bond portfolio just as you do with stocks. Investors sometimes forget to buy different types of bonds because bonds are typically less volatile than stocks. But that changes when interest rates are on the rise. You would be smart to hedge your bets by buying many different types of bonds. Kathy M. Kristof welcomes your comments and suggestions, but regrets that she cannot respond individually to letters or phone calls. E-mail her at kathykristof24@gmail.com.


July 8


July 18

LEGAL & FINANCIAL PLANNING Learn about living and regular wills, estate planning, healthcare

and financial powers of attorney, Medicaid planning and other elder law issues on Sunday, July 18, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, at Young Israel Shomrei Emunah, 1132 Arcola Ave., Silver Spring, Md. The event is free; refreshments provided. For more information or to RSVP, call (202) 331-4481 or e-mail info@bikurcholimgw.org.


KEEP YOUR COOL THIS SUMMER Seniors in Fairfax County who need financial help to keep their homes cool this summer may be able to obtain assistance from

the county Department of Family Services. The Cooling Assistance Program helps pay for the cost of electricity to operate cooling equipment, as well as repairs and fans. For more information, call (703) 324-7604, TTY (703) 222-9452. The Fan Care Program provides free fans and a limited number of window unit air conditioners to low-income older residents. For more information, call (703) 324-7694 or TTY (703) 449-1186.


USHER, DISCUSS AND MORE The National Lutheran Home and Village in Rockville, Md. seeks volunteers to serve as discussion group leaders, fitness instruc-

tors and movie ushers at their Friday night summer movie series at 6 p.m. Additional opportunities are available for those who want to share a skill or talent. Call (301) 354-8447 or visit volunteers@nlhv.org.

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A panel on end-of-life issues, hosted by OWL, the Voice of Older Women, will take place on Thursday, July 8, from noon to 3:30 p.m. at Chevy Chase Town Hall (Lawton Recreation Center), 4301 Willow Ln., Chevy Chase, Md. Speakers include OWL’s president, Duchy Trachtenberg of the Montgomery County Council, and Paul Ballard, assistant attorney general for the state of Maryland. For more information, contact Sarah at SarGot@earthlink.net or (301) 951-3920.

July 22



Kathleen Dumais, of the Maryland House of Delegates, will give a presentation, “New Consumer Legislation for Powers of Attorney, Wills & Trusts,” at Ring House, 1801 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, Md. The free lecture will begin at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, July 22, and will be followed by lunch, which costs $5. Reservations are required. Call (301) 348-3873.

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J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

60th Anniversary Celebration Marks Milestone in BGRV's Legacy of Service N

early 700 community members, business leaders, residents, family members, staff, volunteers and other friends joined Brooke Grove Retirement Village's (BGRV) board of directors and management team for the nonprofit organization's 60th Anniversary Celebration on June 10. Held on BGRV's 220-acre campus, festivities included a "Journey Through Time" on horse-drawn carriages, a trolley and BGRV's fleet of buses; a walk down memory lane in "History Hall"; live musical entertainment in a variety of locations; tours of historic Old Sharon, built in 1794; a celebratory program; sumptuous hors d'oeuvres; and a concert by the Olney Big Band. "The event captured the best of Brooke Grove in every way!" commented one participant. "The picturesque afternoon, the excellent teamwork, the

carriages, the trolley, the beautiful grounds, speeches and music all across campus ... The residents were still talking about it the next day!"

"I heard numerous comments from folks about what a 'world class' event it was," remarked BGRV Retirement Counselor Laura Wright, who served as a tour

guide on the trolley. "Guests were impressed with the celebration and especially with the warmth and kindness they experienced from everyone here. It was a day to feel incredibly proud of this unique organization! I think we all felt that way." "Leading here is a rare privilege; one that our team of leaders does not take for granted," added Brooke Grove Foundation (BGF) President Keith Gibb during the celebratory program in Sharon Courtyard. His remarks lauded the Howe family legacy, which began with Founder Eleanor Howe Marston and continued with her son, Carl Howe, whose remarkable See 60th Anniversary, page 25

For more information about Brooke Grove, call today! 301-260-2320 or 301-924-2811

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0



Housing Options

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Consider a continuing care community Imagine finding a place where you can live for the rest of your life without worrying about maintaining a home or what will happen if your health fails. Seniors searching for such peace of mind about their retirement years can find it by moving into a Continuing Care Retirement Community, known as a CCRC for short. Sometimes, they are called life care communities.

Move when you’re healthy What differentiates a CCRC from other retirement housing options is that the community offers a continuum of housing, support services and healthcare that is centrally planned, located and administered.

CCRCs incorporate the full range of housing alternatives — from independent housing to assisted living to skilled nursing care — all in a single building or campus. Residents most often move to a CCRC when they are healthy and still quite independent. Indeed, many communities will not accept new residents who are not able to live on their own at the time of admission. But because CCRCs provide healthcare for life, residents aren’t required to move away as they age or should they become ill. As a result, “CCRCs really address the issue of ‘aging-in-place’ better than any other housing model,” according to Joseph Howell, noted housing and health-

care consultant. Services provided include meals, housekeeping, transportation, personal care assistance and activities. In addition, CCRCs encourage their residents to continue to develop their talents and interests, and generally provide numerous outlets for such creativity. They also offer residents relief from the burden of day-to-day chores, and provide a predictable way to take care of and pay for future needs, especially healthcare.

Each one is different The concept of CCRCs was pioneered by church and fraternal groups in the early 19th century. To this day, non-profit organizations continue to dominate the industry, though commercial developers and healthcare providers have jumped into the market in recent years. Today, more than 3,500 CCRCs are in operation around the country, and the number being built — as well as the variety of living and healthcare options offered — is on the increase. Some are run as co-operatives, where you own your own apartment and can sell it when you choose. Most, however, do not involve an ownership interest. Instead, your investment (in the form an entrance fee that can range from $5,000 to over $1 million) helps defray your lifetime health-

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care costs in the community. Some are compact communities based in one building, with different types of services on different floors. Others resemble small cities, with clusters of buildings often connected by breezeways or tunnels, situated on hundreds of acres of land. There are also different levels of amenities, styles of dining, and affiliations (including a tendency to follow a particular religion) among the residents at different CCRCs. Because of this variety, visitors should realize that if they’ve seen one CCRC, they’ve only seen one CCRC. Each community evolves its own operating structure and overall personality, and offers its particular mix of housing and healthcare services.

Contract options are offered Many also offer a variety of contract options as well. There are two parts to your financial obligation. You are responsible for an entrance fee, much of which may be returned to you when you leave, or to your heirs when you die. But there are also monthly payments due, which will increase over time with the cost of living and, depending on your contract, with the services you require. See CONTINUING CARE, page B-3

Housing Options

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Housing Notes By Barbara Ruben

Apartments celebrate grand opening The Lodge at Marlton, an apartment community in Upper Marlboro, Md., celebrated its grand opening in June in an event featuring Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony G. Brown, Prince George’s County Executive Jack B. Johnson and County Councilwoman Marilynn Bland.

Continuing care From page B-2 There are three main types of contracts: extensive or Type A contracts provide unlimited long-term care without much increase in monthly fees. Modified, or Type B, contracts specify a particular amount of care beyond which you are charged additional fees. And Fee-for-Service or Type C contracts require you to pay for assisted living or nursing services when needed at prevailing rates. For all these reasons, selecting a CCRC, and choosing among the contract options, can be a highly complex decision. It is important to read all the fine print with the

Developed by Marlton Development Partners, LLC, the Lodge at Marlton has 102 apartment units and is open to residents age 62 and older. The brand new building includes a library, fitness and wellness centers, computer room, clubhouse and game room. The community also offers many social events for residents and the surrounding neighborhood. The Lodge at Marlton is located at 9590 Crain Highway in Upper Marlboro. For more information, call (301) 599-5422 or see www.habitatamerica.com/apt_marlton.html.

aid of an attorney and financial advisor before committing to a CCRC contract. That said, “CCRCs have been and will continue to be the option of choice for a significant portion of the older population, specifically for people who are planners,” said Howell. These are the people who move to a CCRC both for its total package of benefits and services, and for the security and peace of mind it can offer for the rest of one’s life. The Maryland Department of Aging has produced a comprehensive summary of the costs and benefits of living in a continuing care community in general and the regulations that govern them in Maryland. For a copy plus

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New management at Fountains


After a hiatus of nearly five years, Watermark Retirement Communities, Inc. has resumed management of the Fountains at Washington House. It is among 16 Fountains communities returning to Watermark’s management. “It feels like we’re putting the band back together,” said David N. Barnes, president/CEO of Watermark, who worked closely with the Fountains at Washington House when he was with Fountains Retirement Communities, Watermark’s predecessor.

The property had been sold along with other Fountains communities in 2005. At that time, management transferred to industry giant Sunrise Senior Living, headquartered in McLean, Va. After the 2005 sale to Sunrise, many Fountains associates stayed on at their respective communities while Barnes and partners rebranded as Watermark Retirement Communities and started to rebuild. Watermark now manages 27 communities plus three home health agencies in 16 states. The Fountains at Washington House is located at 5100 Fillmore Ave., in Alexandria, Va. For more information, call (703) 291-0188 or see www.watermarkcommunities.com/WashingtonHouse.

other related materials, call (410) 767-1100 or visit www.mdoa.state.md.us/mailresponse-

form.html and request the Continuing Care Retirement Community Consumer Packet.

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Housing Options

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


Current Silver Spring residents Sandra, (far left) and Jag Bhargava (right) work with Asbury Move-In Coordinators to choose design specifications for their new Courtyard home. They’ve selected black granite counters and dark wooden cabinets, a departure from the predominantly white kitchen they have in their current home. Sandra has also narrowed down her paint choices for the living areas and bedrooms, matching them with her comforters.




|Story by Jim Mahaffie | Photo by John Keith|

Asbury’s Move-In Coordinators Help To Personalize Courtyard homes


ne of the best things about Asbury’s new Courtyard homes is all the choices of finishes. “Future residents can truly make their new house their home,” said Move-In Coordinator Louise Stewart. She said that this means a lot to someone who has lived in one place for many years and is now changing everything. Jag and Sandra Bhargava will move into their new Courtyard home late this year.They put their deposit

on a Courtyard home this past October, and are very excited they will move to Asbury. “The way we look at it is that we’re not losing our lifestyle at all,” said Jag. “But we’re gaining lots of conveniences.” Jag wants to keep working for a few more years. He’s at the General Services Administration and is a professor at George Mason University in Fairfax.The couple lives in a large, three-story colonial home in Silver Spring. Sandra had foot surgery and says she is looking forward to a single-level home. Jag says he won’t miss the raking, mowing, and especially the snow shoveling.

A New Kind of Home It’s no wonder the Bhargavas are excited about the Courtyard homes. “These aren’t a traditional boxy home,” said Karen Lawless, another Move-In Coordi continued on page B-5

Housing Options

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

MOVE-IN, continued from page B-4 nator. “There’s lots of open space and bright light. It’s single-level living with a two-car garage and a large private patio.” Homes start at 1,685 square feet and get bigger, each with a patio of some 300 square feet or more. Homes are also pet friendly. They offer pond views, and some are just a few feet from the walking trail, and close to the Rosborough Cultural Arts and Wellness Center. The Move-In Coordinators are excited, too. “People can be expressive here,” said Karen Lawless. “The design and patios give each home a holistic feeling of bringing the outside inside. It’s fun to help people design.”The bedroom, living room and study all look out on the courtyard, and large windows provide a lot of light. “It’s ideal for someone who likes to garden, great for patio or rock plantings,” she said. When the Bharagavas began looking to downsize, they were focusing on another community. But their friends, Asbury residents David and Janet Lingrell, got them interested in Asbury. Jag and David had been co-workers. Jag liked the closeness to the Shady Grove Metro, and the couple attended a few luncheons and met their Move-In Coordinators.


There are more than a hundred opportunities to personalize a Courtyard home: Your kitchen your way; your bedroom, your way; your baths, your way…Designer packages are also available.

• Six different granite countertops • Appliances in stainless steel or color • Different refrigerator styles • Four different cabinet finishes • Smooth top or coil range and convection oven choices • Five hardwood floor styles

• Ceramic tile floors and carpet • Lighting packages • Door handles and cabinet pulls • Many different faucets and fixtures • Six backsplash choices • Bath finish choices in counters, vanities and door hardware

Personal Preferences Encouraged Sandra Bhargava particularly likes the morning light in her home now, and was thrilled that her new Courtyard home will have morning sun, as well. The couple doesn’t have a specific personal style, they said, but noted they do like mostly traditional furniture. They like the hardwood floor choices in their new home, and appreciate being able to choose among multiple fixtures. Although they have a whiteon-white kitchen now in their current home, they have already selected black granite countertops and dark wood cabinets for their new Courtyard home kitchen. “I guess we wanted a change,” Sandra said with a chuckle. “We also thought we like shower curtains,” said Jag. “But we’ve been advised to get shower doors instead, which I think I like.” Sandra has already narrowed down her paint choices for the living areas and bedrooms, matching them with her comforters.

How are you planning for your retirement lifestyle? of people, opportunities and ideas that will Do you look on the bright side, and believe Join us for A Taste of Asbury encourageyoutounlockyourgreatestpotential. today has been pretty good and tomorrow just Take the time to learn more about all that your might be great? Then discover a community future could be by calling (301) 216-4100 or that shares your outlook on life. Here you’ll find & You Wellness Center 409 Russell Avenue, Gaithersburg, 20877 (800) 327-2879. And keepMD approaching moreRosborough than just a Cultural place to Arts retire. will find a • toll-free life with a smile. way to retire, surrounded by a dynamic network

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 • 11:30 a.m. Seating is limited, so R.S.V.P. by calling (301) 216-4888.



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Housing Options

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How to create a nearly instant home office By Caryn Brooks More and more people, from job-seekers to budding entrepreneurs to those who just need a better place to do their paperwork, are thinking about how to create an instant home office. Christine Brun, a San Diego interior designer and author of Small Space Living (Schiffer Publishing, 2009), specializes in coaxing all you can out of your home by using ingenious products and overlooked spots. The key is to think carefully about what you have and what your work will be like, she said. “You need to ask yourself what the minimum is you need to function,” she said. Assess your space, including spots you might normally overlook, such as a landing, a laundry room, a hallway and closets. All can be transformed into workspaces. Reconsider the dining room, too.

Avoid the bedroom Brun doesn’t recommend setting up shop in the bedroom unless absolutely necessary because it will throw what’s supposed to be a restful zone off balance. Let’s say you commandeer the dining room. It’s possible to build a totally mobile home office set on casters that can be pushed out of the way come dinnertime. If all you have is a living room, you can get an ottoman that opens up for storage, and by nighttime put everything away again. Brun is a big proponent of getting transformer furniture that looks right in a living room but with a few magical moves opens into a workspace. People who have traditional furnishings and antiques are often worried about how to make a home office blend in, Brun said. “It is actually a little easier for people who lean towards clean, contemporary taste to find all the working pieces to the puzzle,” she said.

“But anything can be screened off by a folding screen or even something homemade.”

Furniture options Brun said the following five easily ordered groups of products offer instant home office inspiration: 1) Ballard Designs (www.ballarddesigns.com) offers more classic-looking designs that fit right into a living room. She likes the multi-functional “Bill Payer Cabinet,” which costs $199 and comes in either black or white with antiqued handles. It has a stationery caddy on top that you can pull off and carry around, and features plenty of nooks and crannies to hold papers and files. The Grande Cambridge Computer Armoire from Ballard ($1,599, distressed black or cream) looks like a classic cupboard when closed, but opens to reveal the slots needed for today’s workstation, including a sliding printer tray and space for a computer.

Everyone deserves a summer vacation . . . That’s why we offer affordable Respite Care for Seniors!

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2) If all you’ll be doing is checking e-mail and sending out a letter or two, the wallmounted eNook by Anthro (www.anthro. com) is high tech and compact. You hang eNook on your wall ($429 in a variety of fabrics and veneers) and it houses your laptop and recharges your gadgets. When closed, eNook is just 7 inches deep, and it opens to offer a 30-by-15.5-inch workspace. 3) From Crate & Barrel (www.crateandbarrel.com), Brun recommends the Wentworth Desk ($399). “It offers the idea of an old-fashioned rolltop desk, where you can close up your mess,” she said. This classy streamlined desk opens to become a minioffice with a pull-down front to hold a laptop. Brun also finds Crate & Barrel’s Sloane Leaning Desk/Bookshelf ($228), which clings to the wall like a ladder, very versatile. “You can simply lean the pieces. This might be good for a wide hallway because the bookcases are only 14 inches deep and the desk segment is only 20 inches deep,” she said. 4) Brun is also a fan of Room and Board, a company with 10 stores nationally and online ordering at www.roomandboard.com. “These folks have good quality bookcases in maple, cherry, walnut and birch that are made in Pennsylvania, and I love the idea of buying American!” She likes the Woodwind Open Back collection of shelves ($899-$1,299) used as a room divider. 5) If you go the route of inexpensive and mobile, Brun said The Container Store (www.containerstore.com) has some good, handy lines. The Juxta stacking drawers ($39.99) are slick and modern, and when fitted with the casters that are sold separately ($9.99), they can be pushed to the side of the room. The Container Store’s Elfa brand of modular shelving and drawer system has many possibilities, and Brun likes how it can turn any nook or closet into an office. — AP

spaces, and most important, quality care. • Short-stay private rooms • Personal care assistance • Physicians on staff • 24-hour registered nursing • Medication management • Three meals each day • Complimentary laundry service

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Housing Options

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0


Borrow free to renovate and weatherize By Mary C. Stachyra Resources are available in D.C., Maryland and Virginia for low-income homeowners and renters who want to save money and energy through weatherization improvements. In addition, low- to moderate-income Maryland homeowners can borrow money interest-free to make their house more accessible as they age. Fairfax County offers grants up to $500.

Weatherization assistance The weatherization assistance, provided by the federal government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, covers expenses that make homes more energy efficient. This can include the cost of improvements to hot water systems, adding insulation, and cleaning furnaces. The cost of the improvements does not have to be paid back. Priority is given to seniors, those with disabilities, and families with children. Eligibility requirements vary by jurisdiction. In Maryland, single people with annual incomes not exceeding $30,249 are eligible. For a household with two residents, the income limit is $39,556. For more information, call 1-800-638-7781 or visit www.dhcd.state.md.us/ARRA/WAP.aspx. The District of Columbia offers free weatherization assistance to single home-

owners who earn less than $20,180 per year. A household of two that earns less than $26,389 also qualifies. To apply, D.C. residents may call 311 and ask for Energy Assistance and Weatherization. For a brochure with additional information, or to apply online, see www.ddoe.dc.gov, and click on “Energy assistance.” Residents of Virginia can apply for such weatherization assistance by contacting a weatherization provider and asking about the program. The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has a listing of local providers on their website, www.dhcd.virginia.gov, under the heading “Housing Preservation/Rehabilitation.” To be eligible for assistance, single Virginia homeowners or renters must not make more then $24,465; $31,993 for a household of two. There are certain exceptions for some people receiving Social Security, so check with a local provider to see if you qualify. The weatherization provider will also install fire alarms and check for health and safety risks, such as carbon monoxide.

Renovation assistance Low- to moderate-income Maryland homeowners can make major repairs virtually for free. Those 55 or older can borrow money from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Develop-

ment (DHCD) at zero percent interest, with payments deferred for 30 years. To be eligible, single residents of Montgomery and Prince George’s counties cannot earn more than $57,500 a year. For a household of two people, the limit is $65,750. Income limits are higher for households that have more than two people, and lower for residents of many other counties. The funds can be used for a wide variety of accessibility renovations, such as widening doorways for wheelchairs, building ramps for the outside of the home, and installing grab bars in the shower. Homeowners can borrow up to 95 percent of the assessed value of their property. The house must be structurally sound and free of health or safety hazards. The program is also open on a case-by-

case basis to Maryland residents who live with an older adult, so long as their house is the older person’s principal residence. If the house does not belong to the senior, eligibility will be determined based on the owner’s income. The debt will be cancelled after the owner’s death. However, if the owner is still alive after 30 years, he or she will be asked to start making repayments. The amount will be based on affordability and income levels. If repayment is a hardship for the owner, the state will consider granting additional time. Anyone who does not currently have a tax lien, open bankruptcy or foreclosure can apply. Applications are available at Maryland county agencies on aging. See RENOVATE, page B-10


Housing Options

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


National Lutheran Home & Village at Rockville 301-354-8444 9701 Veirs Drive Rockville, MD 20850 www.nlhv.org Among the lovely walking trails of our serene 30-acre campus you will find our charming cottages in a community of seniors that enjoy living life to its fullest. Coupled with priority access to high quality healthcare, our Independent Living program offers social and recreational activities, scheduled trips, beauty salon/barber services, spiritual care, worry-free lawn care and maintenance, emergency response system and more. Close enough to culture, arts, fine dining and more, yet tucked away in a secure, peaceful community that offers affordable Independent Living for today’s active senior. Make an appointment to visit us today!



The Fountains at Washington House 703-349-0220 5100 Fillmore Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 www.watermarkcommunities.com/ washingtonhouse The Fountains at Washington House is an extraordinary community where people thrive. Our luxurious Alexandria setting is noted for exceptional cuisine, onsite brain and body fitness classes through Watermark University and views of Washington, D.C. Choose from an array of private residences available on a straightforward rental basis, complemented by hospitality and health care services. Prepare your own meals, enjoy a casual bite in the Cherry Blossom Café, or relax and be served daily-changing specials with wine and beer service included. Call to learn more or schedule a tour to sample The Fountains lifestyle today.


The Lodge at Marlton 301-599-5422

Riderwood 301-495-5700

9590 Crain Highway Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 www.LodgeAtMarlton.com

3140 Gracefield Road Silver Spring, MD 20904 www.erickson.com

Nestled in a residential area of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, the Lodge at Marlton offers affordable and comfortable apartment living for those 62 and older. This beautifully landscaped community of one- and two-bedroom apartments is next to a shopping center that includes a grocery store, pharmacy, and more! The Lodge at Marlton also offers planned community events with transportation, as well as many great apartment amenities such as washer and dryer hookups and fully equipped kitchens. Whether you are playing billiards, exercising at our high-performance fitness facility, or reading a book in our library, the Lodge at Marlton has the amenities to fit your lifestyle. These elegant new apartment homes are going fast, so call today to schedule an appointment and personal tour!

Ideally located in Silver Spring, Riderwood offers maintenance-free retirement living combined with a vibrant lifestyle―all in a beautiful, private community. Without the worries of a house and yard, you can spend more time pursuing your passions. Travel, volunteer, take a college class and explore some of Riderwood’s many clubs and interest groups. Multiple campus restaurants offer a variety of delicious dining options, while 24-hour security offers protection and peace of mind. Enjoy the stability of predictable monthly expenses and look forward to a healthy future with our full continuum of health care and wellness services.



ParkView at Bladensburg (301) 699-9785

Victory Forest 301-589-4030

4202 58th Avenue Bladensburg, MD 20710

10000 Brunswick Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 www.VictoryForest.org

Park View at Bladensburg apartment homes were designed for active seniors 55 or better. Here, you will find many features to make your life easier, more convenient, and most of all more enjoyable. The community is located near 95 and 295 as well as the Metro Bus and Rail lines, Capital Plaza and Cheverly Medical Center. In addition to many social, recreational and educational activities, this controlled-access elevator building offers such amenities as a spacious community room with cable TV and a Wii game system, clothing care center with lounge, lending library, game and activity room and a beautifully landscaped courtyard and patio. Call 301-699-9785 or email parkviewbladensburg@sheltergrp.com today to arrange for your personal visit.

Victory Forest is an apartment community for those age 62 or older, conveniently located in Silver Spring, Maryland, on a rolling, wooded site in the Capital View neighborhood. Here, residents enjoy easy access to shopping, restaurants and public transportation, which is available at the community’s front entrance and on Capital View. Victory Forest has been newly renovated and remodeled with upgraded apartment homes, a library with a cozy fireplace, community room and coffee bar. Small pets are welcome at Victory Forest. Call today to schedule an appointment and personal tour!

Housing Options

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

FREE HOUSING AND OTHER INFORMATION For free information — at no obligation — from the following housing communities, just check off the items of interest to you and mail the entire coupon to the Beacon. All coupons received, whether or not you request information, will be entered into a random drawing for $100 cash.

MARYLAND ❑ Asbury Methodist Village B-4 & B-5 ❑ Brooke Grove B-11 ❑ Charter House B-2 ❑ Covenant Village B-15 ❑ Emerson House B-11 & B-15 ❑ Homecrest House B-6 ❑ Lodge at Marlton B-7 & B-8 ❑ National Lutheran Home & Village B-6, B-8 & B-14 ❑ Park View at Bladensburg B-8 & B-12 ❑ Park View at Columbia B-12 ❑ Park View at Ellicott City B-12

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Park View at Emerson B-12 Park View at Furnace Branch B-12 Park View at Laurel B-12 Park View at Rosedale B-12 Park View at Snowden River B-12 Riderwood B-3 & B-8 Shriner Court B-15 Springvale Terrace B-3 Victory Forest B-8

VIRGINIA ❑ Arleigh Burke Pavilion B-10 ❑ Culpepper Garden B-13 ❑ Fountains at Washington House B-8

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Greenspring B-3 & B-11 Heatherwood B-7 & B-11 Quantum Affordable Apts. B-15 Sommerset B-13 The Virginian B-11

WASHINGTON, DC ❑ Friendship Terrace B-12 ❑ Knollwood B-10 ❑ Methodist Home of D.C. B-2 & B-11 ❑ St. Mary’s Court B-14

MISCELLANEOUS ❑ Weichert Realtors B-3

Check the boxes you’re interested in and return this entire coupon to: The Beacon, P.O. Box 2227, Silver Spring, MD 20915-2227. You may also include the housing info coupon on page 7 of the Beacon. One entry per household please. Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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WB 7/10



Housing Options

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Program shows them the way to go home By Rosana Vollmerhausen Rather than living in a nursing home or other long-term care setting, many older adults and persons with disabilities wish they could return to the house where they lived for decades, in the neighborhood they’re familiar with. But few know about a Medicaid demonstration program that helps provide the sort of care at home that such people need. The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program, Medicaid’s largest demonstration program, pays for services that make it possible for seniors and individuals with disabilities to transition from nursing institutions back into their homes and communities. MFP is a state-administered program, but federal funds cover 50 to 75 percent of the cost for the first year after leaving an institution.

Renovate From page B-7 For information about procedures for obtaining a home loan or to find the nearest place to apply, see www.MDhousing.org or call 1-800-638-7781, TTY/Relay 1-800-735-2258.

In Fairfax County Homeowners in Fairfax County who have disabilities or are at least 62 years

The program — which currently covers seniors in Virginia and Maryland and will soon include them in the District of Columbia — represents a shift for Medicaid, which has historically preferred to fund institutional long-term care services for older adults and those with disabilities. “We continue to look at where long-term care Medicaid dollars are being spent and would like to see a better balance between institutional and home and communitybased expenditures,” said Mary Kahn, a representative of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The so-called “rebalancing” of the longterm care system is intended to enable individuals to make their own choices as to where and how they receive services, including in their homes and communities, Kahn said.

old may apply for up to $500 in assistance for accessibility renovations or home repairs, provided the owner’s monthly housing expenses, such as mortgage and insurance, exceed 25 percent of their monthly income. In addition, to be eligible single homeowners must not earn more than $42,000; couples more than $48,000. Income limits increase for households that have additional residents. To request an application, call (703) 246-5154.

Are You a Retired Military Officer or a Female Relative of One? If so ... Welcome to Knollwood ... a secure, elegant community overlooking 16 beautiful acres. We provide the lifestyle and respect you deserve, while supporting your every need through Independent Living, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Care and dedicated Dementia Care. Amenities include an indoor pool, chapel, library, clinic, rehabilitation center and much more! Schedule a visit today to experience Knollwood for yourself!

Meeting challenges However, even with the program in place and matching federal dollars available, participating states initially faced challenges in implementing the program. First, state budget cuts weighed heavily on the program. Other barriers included a lack of affordable and accessible housing; a shortage of home and community-based service providers and direct care workers; and the original requirement that recipients of the funds have resided for at least six months in an institution. The latter residency requirement was especially troublesome, as after six months, people living in nursing homes become “institutionalized,” and typically lose access to both their home and the support network they had prior to entering the institution, said Peter Notarstefano, director of Home and Community Based Services at the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA).

As of this April, nursing home residents can qualify after living there only 90 days, “which moves the process along more efficiently,“ he said. Additionally, social work liaisons will now be on staff at nursing homes to help residents apply for MFP.

Programs in the area In Virginia, there are 165 participants in the MFP program, 30 of whom are over 65. To participate, residents must qualify for one of several state “waiver” programs, which utilize Medicaid dollars for non-institutional care. Participants must then move to a “qualified residence,” according to federal guidelines, which is a home that the individual or his/her family owns or leases; an apartment with an individual lease that includes living, sleeping, bathing and cooking areas specifically for that apartment; or a residence in a community-based residential setting in which no more than four unrelated people live. The goal of the MFP demonstration will “move Virginia closer to a rebalanced long-term support system that promotes choice, quality and flexibility,” said Jason A. Rachel, director of Virginia‘s Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Project. In Maryland, the MFP program started in March 2008 and has since had 530 parSee RETURNING HOME, page B-12

Arleigh Burke Pavilion A Vinson Hall Retirement Community Residence

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CMS, in a cooperative effort with states, is providing funding and technical assistance through several grant programs, including MFP. Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have received MFP awards totaling $1.436 billion since 2007. The recent healthcare reform legislation extended the program through September 30, 2016.


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Arleigh Burke Pavilion offers private-pay Assisted Living and Healthcare accommodations in an intimate setting. We also offer on-site physical, occupational and speech therapy which may be billable through Medicare Part B and secondary insurance. NO MILITARY AFFILIATION IS REQUIRED.

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Housing Options

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0



Brooke Grove Retirement Village 301-260-2320 18100 Slade School Road Sandy Spring, MD 20860 www.bgf.org Situated amid the natural beauty of a 220-acre campus just down the road from historic Sandy Spring, Maryland, Brooke Grove Retirement Village has been an innovator in continuing care for seniors for 60 years. With the ongoing growth of our independent living community, The Cottages, Brooke Grove Retirement Village adds to decades of expertise in assisted living, nursing and rehabilitation, respite care, and specialized support for individuals with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Call for a personalized tour or visit us on the Web at www.bgf.org.


Greenspring 703-913-1200 7410 Spring Village Drive Springfield, VA 22150 www.erickson.com Situated in beautiful Springfield, Greenspring is retirement living at its best. Every apartment home in this 108-acre gated community is 100% maintenance-free. So rather than worrying about the house and the yard, you can spend more time pursuing your passions. Travel, volunteer, take a college class and explore some of Greenspring’s many clubs and interest groups. Multiple campus restaurants offer a variety of delicious dining options, while 24-hour security offers protection and peace of mind. Enjoy the stability of predictable monthly expenses and look forward to a healthy future with our full continuum of health care and wellness services.



Emerson House 301-779-6196

The Methodist Home 202-966-7623

5999 Emerson Street Bladensburg, MD 20710

4901 Connecticut Ave Washington, DC 20008 www.methodisthomeofdc.org

Emerson House Apartments is conveniently located on Emerson Street, just off of Rt. 450 and 57th Ave in Bladensburg, MD. A quaint residential setting, just minutes from neighborhood shopping, the community is convenient to Prince George's Hospital, a local library, public transportation and parks. Activities within Emerson House include: exercise classes, a Wii bowling league, ceramics, art and crafts classes, bingo, movie night, resident parties, bus trips and much more. Emerson House is a nine story, senior community designed for today’s seniors (62 and older). Our 220 one-bedroom units offer Section 8 rent subsidy for low to moderate income households. Please call today to request an application or make an appointment to tour our community. 301-779-6196. Monday – Friday 8:30 to 5:00.

The Methodist Home of D.C., a non-profit community, offers independent living, assisted living, rehabilitation and nursing care. There are no entry fees. Our new community, Forest Side, a 33 apartment Alzheimer’s Assisted Living, is under development with an anticipated opening in Fall 2010. Forest Side will provide secure indoor and outdoor spaces, programming both day and night, and smaller neighborhoods of one bedroom apartments. While Forest Side is part of The Methodist Home family, it is located just minutes away from our Connecticut Avenue location at 2701 Military Road, NW, Washington, DC 20015. The Independent and Assisted Living offers studio, one-bedroom, and one-bedroom den, and two-bedroom apartments. Rental fees include three meals daily, housekeeping, social and exercise programs, and much more.


The Virginian 703-385-0555 9229 Arlington Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22031 Celebrating 30 years of service and memories, The Virginian is considered amongst Northern Virginia’s most respected Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Residents enjoy an ideal location in Fairfax, Virginia, 32 acres of lush woodlands, a variety of amenities, activities, and a friendly and caring staff. Recent community improvements for our Independent residents include upgraded hallways and lighting, dining and serving areas, general store, and resident Café and lounge area. No entrance fee required and monthly rents start at $3,492 per month. Multiple living options available including 1 bedroom apartments with balcony, 2 bedroom, and custom apartments. Floor plans range from 600 square feet to 1,200 square feet plus. Mention this advertisement and we’ll waive your $5,000 community fee required upon admission.


Heatherwood Retirement Community 703-425-1698 9642 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015 www.rui.net Heatherwood Retirement Community is a gracious senior living rental community nestled in a charming residential setting in Burke, Virginia. Residents of Heatherwood enjoy the independence of an apartment lifestyle with spacious floor plans and the security of twenty-four hour nursing staff on site. There are no entrance fees or community fees and you can choose from a studio, one- or two-bedroom apartment. Each apartment has a full kitchen, carpeting and plenty of closet space. We invite you to tour our community and experience the warmth and compassion that makes Heatherwood a wonderful place to call home!


Housing Options

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Plan ahead to make your home accessible By Mary C. Stachyra Three years ago, an undiagnosed rup-

tured disk bruised David Schlesinger’s spinal cord, paralyzing him from the waist

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Call to schedule your visit to Friendship Terrace. We look forward to meeting you!

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down and leaving him a quadriplegic at age 43. It was a shock for the married father of three, who quickly discovered that he’d need to make a number of changes to his house in Urbana, Md., if he wanted to keep living there. The doorframes in his house were too narrow to accommodate Schlesinger’s new wheelchair. A space between the garage floor and the first floor entry made it impossible for him to leave the house without assistance. Likewise, his bedroom on the second floor was now out of reach completely. So Schlesinger and his family started making changes around the house, determined not to have him confined to the first floor for the rest of his life. They widened doors, installed chair lifts, and made changes to the plumbing fixtures, vanity and sink in the bathroom. Those of any age can identify with


Affordable • Locations • Services

Independent Living For Those 62 or Better

Anne Arundel County • Park View at Furnace Branch: 410-761-4150 • Park View at Severna Park: Coming Soon Baltimore City • Park View at Ashland Terrace: 410-276-6440 • Park View at Coldspring: 410-542-4400 Baltimore County • Park View at Catonsville: 410-719-9464 • Park View at Dundalk: 410-288-5483 • Park View at Fullerton: 410-663-0665 • Park View at Miramar Landing: 410-391-8375 • Park View at Randallstown: 410-655-5673 • Park View at Rosedale: 410-866-1886 • Timothy House (Towson): 410-828-7185 • Park View at Taylor: 410-663-0363 • Park View at Woodlawn: 410-281-1120

Eastern Shore • Park View at Easton: 410-770-3070 Harford County • Park View at Box Hill: 410-515-6115 • Park View at Bel Air: 410-893-0064 Howard County • Park View at Colonial Landing: 410-796-4399 • Park View at Columbia: 410-381-1118 • Park View at Snowden River: 410-290-0384 • Park View at Ellicott City: 410-203-9501 • Park View at Ellicott City II: 410-203-2096 • Park View at Emerson: 301-483-3322 Prince Georges County NOW! Park View at Bladensburg: 301-699-9785 * 55 or * B e tte r • Park View at Laurel: 301-490-1526 • Park View at Laurel II: 301-490-9730

Call 410-246-7499 or Email SeniorLiving@sheltergrp.com to inquire about eligibility requirements and to arrange a private tour. Professionally managed by The Shelter Group. www.thesheltergroup.com The Shelter Group is committed to Equal Housing Opportunities for people of all races, religions, ethnic groups, and disabilities and all other groups protected by federal, state, or local law.

Schlesinger’s experience. Even temporary medical conditions or setbacks can make a house feel more like a prison cell than a home. But the issue becomes more pressing with age. Eighty-three percent of people over 50 would like to remain in their homes their whole lives, according to an AARP survey. Yet most homes are illequipped to handle the needs of people as they grow older.

Add access when remodeling So it can be useful to plan ahead to promote independence and prevent accidents — especially for homeowners who are planning to do remodeling anyway, or are designing a new house. “One might think that there are zip, zero, similarities between seniors and spinal cord See ACCESSIBLE HOME, page B-13

Returning home From page B-10 ticipants, 183 of whom are 65 or older, according to Lorraine Narawa, MFP project director at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In Maryland, community housing includes not only the normal qualified residences but also assisted living facilities licensed to serve four or fewer individuals, as well as alternative living units. The Maryland demonstration is expected to serve 1,221 individuals, including 450 older adults, by the end of 2011. In D.C., only persons with developmental disabilities have been a part of the demonstration since it began in 2008. But the program will be expanded later this year to include adults 65 and over. Once that happens, “We plan to move 30 people from nursing home facilities who are eligible for our [Elderly and Physical Disabilities Waiver],” said Leyla Sarigol, director of D.C.’s MFP program. The total cost for services anticipated this year, including the expansion of MFP to the elderly, is $16 million. D.C.’s contributions are matched 79.29 percent by the federal government, above the national average. Thanks to this, Sarigol is looking to bring more services to the District. “It is a bit of a culture change for D.C. — that shift from a system of services based on institutions to the possibility of a viable, thriving home-based care system that will ensure safety and well-being,” Sarigol said. “We are starting something new and different, building on promising practices around the country.” For more information about Virginia’s program, visit www.olmsteadva.com/mfp or call (804) 786-7933. In Maryland, go to www.dhmh.state. md.us/mma/mfp/index.htm, e-mail MFP@ dhmh.state.md.us or call 1-877463-3464. In the District of Columbia, call (202) 442-5988.

Housing Options

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From page B-12 patients, but when it comes down to it, we all need handicap-accessible buildings,” said Schlesinger. “The condition might be different, but we have the same obstacles.” One way to make a home more accessible is to make the doorways wider to allow a walker or wheelchair to pass through, as Schlesinger and his family did in their home. In the kitchen, lowering countertops, cabinets, light switches and electrical outlets to an easily accessible height can be a huge help. In the bathroom, installing grab bars in the shower improve safety and movable cabinets under the sink improve access. Closet shelves should bring items within easy reach. Schlesinger also installed a deck on his house recently. It was difficult for him being cooped up so much of the time around the house, so he’d want to get outside. But there was no privacy, as all his neighbors could see him sitting there in his wheelchair. “It felt like I was panhandling,” he said. The deck solved the problem in an attractive way. The Department of Health and Human Services has a questionnaire available on its website with more considerations for people who would like to adapt their home. To access the fact sheet, go to www.eldercare.gov/Eldercare.NET/Public/Resources/fact_sheets/home_mod.aspx.

Paying for modifications Cost, however, is often a concern. After Schlesinger’s accident, the resulting medical and remodeling expenses quickly depleted his life savings. “All of the wealth I accumulated in the real estate business just disappeared. All of it,” said Schlesinger, who began working at his family firm in the 1980s. Schlesinger Realty, whose tenants include the Beacon office, has conducted business in Kensing-

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ton, Md. for over 50 years. Fortunately for Schlesinger, he was eligible for financial assistance from Maryland’s Department of Rehabilitative Services. Public assistance for home modification is also available for eligible seniors. (See “Borrow free to renovate and weatherize,” page B-7). However, government waiting lists are long, and the process can be frustrating. Nonprofit organizations like Rebuilding Together and NeighborWorks can help some low-income homeowners make modifications at no cost. For more information about these programs, see the websites, www.rebuildingtogether.org and www.nw.org. It’s better to plan ahead than to wait for something to happen, as Schlesinger knows all too well. His hand dexterity and strength is improving, and he has returned to work. But he knows how difficult it can be for a sick person to find assistance. “Most spinal cord patients, they don’t have the time or energy to go out and help others…It’s like a post traumatic stress dis-


Accessible home


David Schlesinger learned how inaccessible most homes are when he suddenly found himself confined to a wheelchair. Renovations and a new deck have made his house more suitable and comfortable for him and other visitors with disabilities.

order. They don’t want to talk or see anybody,” he said. He could not have found the assistance he needed without many hours of help from his wife, Lisa, he said.

“I see a lot of senior citizens, and they’ve got the same issues. They feel like nobody cares. There are people that care — you’ve just got to find them.”

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Housing Options

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How to get the most from your yard sale By Leah Dobkin Conducting a yard sale is a great way to make some extra money in this sagging economy. I decided to hold a yard sale a year ago after I had bought a duplex for investment purposes. It contained the possessions of the original owner, who was born in 1890, as well as those of his parents and his daughter. Before I opened shop at my home, I solicited advice from Donn Moczynaski and Brian Belli, who conduct estate sales and own an antique mall. If you’re going to hold a yard sale, you’ll

need to decide if there’s anything you can sell online. You could make extra money on collectibles. I sold Harley Davidson knickknacks on eBay because there is a hot market for them. I also aimed for online collectors to sell a German doll from the 1880s. Because I included the contents of three generations, my yard sale was bigger than most. The sale lasted two weekends, and more than 400 people stopped by. I displayed about 300 items, including dishware, clothes, toys, furniture and

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records. Old postcards, maps, magazines and photos sold quickly. I sold unusual items, such as an old sauerkraut barrel and an American flag with 48 stars.

How to get a good price When setting prices, conduct some research on very old and unusual items. “The time you invest researching will pay you back tenfold,” Belli said. There are diamonds in the dust, and you want to get a fair price. If you think you may have some old pieces of value, read Eric Knowles Antiques: A Beginner’s Guide With Over 1,400 Illustrations (Mitchell Beazley, $30). Also check consignment shops, eBay, Craigslist and Google to determine market value. I sought appraisals for my German doll, an embroidered handmade cloth, and some old records and books. An original receipt or box will increase an item’s value. Know your bottom line and then negotiate. You should mark items slightly higher than what you expect to sell them for. Also check local ordinances, which could regulate the number and size of signs you can post. I wasn’t allowed to conduct the sale on my front yard, so I used the garage and backyard. You can buy signs and price stickers and find tips for sellers and buyers at www.yardsaleportal.com. Keep items accessible so that buyers do

not have to rummage through boxes. Also, be creative. Kathy Peterson, host of “The Balancing Act” on Lifetime Television, said it’s important to have colorful displays. “Create beautiful vignettes using decorative home-decor items, like pottery and boxes, and group them in a theme,” she said. “If people love it all, they’ll buy it all.” Barry Izsak, author of Organize Your Garage in No Time (Que, $17), said curb appeal is key. “Use lace tablecloths, twinkling lights, balloons and scented candles,” said Izsak, a professional organizer in Austin, Tex. I had a large, hand-carved, wood fireplace mantel with its original receipt front and center. I displayed decorative pottery and embroidery on the furniture I was selling. And I played upbeat nostalgic music from the various eras represented at the sale.

Look out for pros and thieves Watch out for antiques professionals, who will try to lowball you and then sell your items at much higher amounts. They’ll look on the bottom of items for markings, and they may come with a magnifying glass or a jeweler’s loupe. When some pros who read my ad came by my house days before the sale, I told them to return during the sale. See YARD SALE, page B-15



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Housing Options

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Sell your home faster By Dave Carpenter Hiring a decorating and marketing specialist to help sell a house might sound like a frivolous cost to homeowners desperate to salvage every dollar in a fallen market. A quality house at a fair price will sell itself, they figure. Paying a professional stager to rearrange or bring in new furniture, paint the walls neutral colors and hang different pictures surely couldn’t be worth a four-figure fee, the thinking goes. Or could it? Real estate professionals insist staging makes a big difference in how quickly a home sells — which can mean a higher sale price — and cite their own figures that show it. Patrick McLaughlin had such a poor impression of a vacant house he visited at an open house that he told his broker friend it would never sell — it felt cold and uninviting. Then he went back after a professional had staged it and ended up buying it. “They had art work, furniture, sofas, rugs. It added a great deal of warmth to the property,” said McLaughlin, himself a broker. More sellers have been turning to staging to make their properties stand out in a market packed with competing houses. Margaret Gehr, who stages homes in the Chicago suburbs through her business Re-Arrange It Interiors, discussed the growing practice in an interview: Q: What exactly is home staging? A: It’s the act of preparing and showcasing a home for sale. Preparing involves cleaning, decluttering, updating and repairing, while showcasing is the process of arranging furniture, accessories, art and light. The real estate agent, the homeowner and the stager work together as a team and decide what needs to be done to present the home on the marketplace. Staging is all marketing — that’s all it is. It’s a tool that’s no different than what someone might use to sell a box of cereal. Q: Shouldn’t home shoppers be able to look at an unstaged house and visualize themselves there? A: They should. But statistics from the National Association of Realtors show that only 10 percent of buyers can see past what is in front of them. It’s just natural for people to react to color, react to “stuff.” I work with clients all the time who swear that they do not need to stage their home. But I find that they still bought the best-looking home available. It might have been on a busy street or in an imperfect location, but the house was beautiful — they loved the house. Their

emotions took over because the house was set up properly. Q: Why is staging considered more important now? A: It’s crucial in this market because there are just so many options for buyers to choose from. You need to be different, you need to add extra value to your home. Buyers are very move-in ready, so they can keep on moving right on down the line if they don’t like what they see. It used to be that if you were buying a home you might look at four or five homes before you made your decision. Now an average buyer might look at 35, 50 homes. Q: How much does a consultation cost? A: A comprehensive home staging consultation starts at $150 and goes up to about $350 nationwide. That consists of a walk through the property that will provide a homeowner with a to-do list — a detailed list of visual repairs, what they can do from fence to curb to get the most money and sell the fastest. We identify what should stay and what should go. Q: What about the costs of staging itself? A: For an occupied home, working with what the homeowners own in an averagesized house, it would start at about $750 and average maybe $1,000 to $1,500. With enhancement packages, where we supplement with furniture and trade some pieces out, that would start at about $1,500 and go up to about $2,500. To fully furnish a vacant home would start at $2,500 and the average home would probably cost $3,000 to $4,000. Q: What’s the difference between staging and decorating a home? A: The biggest difference is that decorating is an extension of the things we love — our colors, our style, all our personality — whereas in staging we return the focus back to the property. We’re highlighting the features of the home, we’re complimenting the architecture of the home. We want the potential buyer to come in and notice the beautiful windows or the fireplaces, not necessarily whatever color or style of furniture or pictures or things like that might be in the home. Q: Do you stage every room? A: No. It isn’t really necessary. We usually just stage the rooms where the buying decisions are made, and typically that’s on the first floor. We go for a “model home” sort of look. So, a lot of lifestyle elements to help buyers see what it’s like to live in the house. — AP

Yard sale

items and hide an expensive item in the middle of the pile. Look over what people want to buy. Check furniture drawers for unpaid merchandise. “Just be vigilant, and have fun,” Belli said. My yard sale was a blast — and my wallet was $4,000 thicker. — Kiplinger Retirement Report

From page B-14 Also be aware of thieves. Belli suggests keeping small valuable items in a locked display case and larger valuable items close to you. Recruit friends and family members to watch your stuff. Often fraudsters will collect a bunch of


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Housing Options

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60th Anniversary From page 24

career at BGF spanned 53 years before his retirement as board chair in 2006. BGF Medical Director Ted Howe, MD, and Independent Living Concierge Evan Howe represent the third and fourth generations of Howes committed to living out the vision of community created by Eleanor Howe Marston. In Carl Howe's honor, BGRV's staff scholarship fund has been renamed the Carl and Sue Howe Scholarship Fund, and annual educational benefit limits have been increased by $10,000 to an annual maximum of $40,000. Assisted Living Certified Medicine Aide Lola Benavides, who has worked for BGRV for 44 years, was also recognized as an "honorary member of the Howe family" and commended for her dedication to service. "According to Eden Alternative Founder William Thomas, MD, Eldertopia is a community that improves the quality of life for people of all ages by strengthening and improving the means by which the community protects, sustains and nurtures its elders and the elders contribute to the well-being and foresight of the community," concluded Mr. Gibb. "Our leadership so strongly desires to be that kind of community. Many of us either lost our parents or have aging parents with chronic illness. What better way to honor their lives, their sacrifices and the legacy of the Howe family!" As the setting sun cast an orange glow over Lake Hallowell, the evening concluded on a high note as guests danced to the music of the Jazz Age played by the Olney Big Band. "It was the most magical day!" concluded a staff member.

For more information about Brooke Grove, call today! 301-260-2320 or 301-924-2811 www.bgf.org 18100 Slade School Road • Sandy Spring, MD 20860


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Spotlight On Aging VOLUME XXV, ISSUE 6

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE By Dr. Clarence Brown With the record-breaking temperatures and high humidity we experienced in June, we want to make sure all of our seniors remain safe throughout the remaining summer months. Children and senior citizens, especially those with certain health conditions, are more vulnerable when the humidity and the mercury rise. In addition, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the sun’s rays are at its deadliest. Try to conduct personal business and travel to your nearest senior program early. But before you leave, set your thermostat to 78 or higher to conserve energy, and keep your shades and/or curtains drawn and your lights out to keep the heat out of your home. Begin drinking decaffeinated and non-alcoholic beverages before you leave to begin hydrating your body to prepare for the extreme temperatures. Spend the day in an air-conditioned wellness center or senior center, a shopping mall or a movie theatre to take advantage of cooler conditions. To locate a facility near you, contact our Information and Assistance Unit at 202-724-5626 for more information. In spite of the temperatures, this is an exciting time for senior citizens in the District. We will be hosting a ribbon cutting in the coming months for two senior wellness centers for residents age 60 or older. With the latest numbers coming in, the number of senior citizens in the District has risen to more than 100,000 residents. The Fenty Administration is committed to building facilities to help our older residents remain as healthy as possible. The two centers will be opening in Wards One and Six. The deadline for submission of grants to operate the two sites is approaching. For more information, check our website www.dcoa.dc.gov or contact Tiffanie Yates or Eric Manuel at 202-724-5622. Other opportunities include our transportation program for those that need assistance to get to medical appointments. If you are a District resident 18 or older, call 202-724-5626 for transportation. If you have Medicaid, you can still receive transportation assistance through the Office on Aging/Aging and Disability Resource Center. Always working to help out persons with disabilities, senior citizens and caregivers, the Office on Aging/Aging and Disability Resource Center has launched a new website. On the Web follow the address www.dcoa.dc.gov or www.adrc.dc.gov and see our new and friendlier website. As always, stay safe and cool this summer.

A newsletter for D.C. Seniors

June 2010

Dealing With Extreme Heat Once a heat advisory or alert has been given, seniors are urged to listen to the broadcast media about the weather conditions. Seniors are urged to follow certain protective measures including: staying indoors, in cool places; wearing light clothing; reducing strenuous activities, rescheduling appointments if possible; taking a cold or lukewarm bath or shower; and drinking plenty of non-alcoholic liquids. In addition, seniors should keep the air conditioner and/or fan on, even if it is at a low level. The following are other helpful community resources to be utilized during the heat weather alert or advisory:

IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE • Emergency Assistance 911 In a life threatening situation, contact for Police, Fire and ambulance services. There is a charge for DC ambulance transportation to heath care facilities. Medicare Part A recipients can be reimbursed. • Hyperthermia/Shelter Hotline (202) 399-7093 or (800) 535-7252 The hotline offers assistance to persons in need of overnight shelter and support for those living in the streets. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and offers information and financial assistance with utilities. • PEPCO (202) 833-7500 To report electrical power outage in your residence. Also, let them know if there are persons in your household with health problems. • Washington Gas (703) 750-1400 To report gas leakage or outage in your residence. Also, let them know if there are persons in your household with health problems. • DC Water (202) 612-3400 Call to report any water problems, including bursting of pipes (24 hours a day) • Comcast Cable (202) 635-5100 To report television cable outage.

EMERGENCY RESOURCES AND INFORMATION • Yellow Pages 411 If your cooling system or air conditioner goes out inside your private residence, check the yellow pages or call directory assistance for a listing of heating and cooling contractors.

Spring Seniorfest

GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE • DC Consumer and Regulator y Affairs (202) 442-9557 If the cooling system is not working in your rental apartment building, notify the property management. If you do not receive a response, you can call the Housing Inspections Office for assistance during business hours. Call the Office of Emergency Management at (202) 727-6161 after hours and weekends. • DC Call Center (202) 311 The main number for DC government to report a problem or for city services information. • Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (202) 727-6161 This office can give you information about public cooling centers and who to contact for other assistance. For non- medical emergency assistance and service information after hours, holidays and weekends. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • D.C. Office on Aging (202) 724-5626 The Information and Assistance Office can link seniors with needed services and provide you with general information on keeping cool. Also identify program centers that are designated as senior cooling sites. The Office is open Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

UTILITY SERVICES AND REPAIRS • D.C. Energy Office Hotline (202) 673-6750 The hotline is available Monday through Friday

Mayor Fenty poses with a senior during the Spring Seniorfest. Despite the drizzle and colder than expected temperatures, hundreds of seniors attended the event that featured free health screenings by Pfizer and others, information exhibits, carnival games and more under the tents.

Vincent Gray, Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, also greeted the seniors at the Spring Seniorfest.


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Ms. Senior DC 2010 Selected

Ms. Senior DC pageant contestants and their escorts pose with Ms. Senior DC 2009 Shirley Rivens Smith.

Some say that she was born a queen and that’s why she was crowned this year at the Ms. Senior DC Pageant 2010. Born Sheila Queen, Ms. Poole wowed the audience with her elegance, stage presence and her song. Singing “Who Can I Turn To,” Ms. Poole won Best Talent in the contest where she competed among five District residents. The former DC Public Schools employee and Ward 5 resident also won Best Interview, which is the portion of the contest that is not seen by the audience and is scored in an interview of the contestants by a panel of judges. First runner-up in the contestant was Ms. Earnestine Wiggins, who sang a stirring rendition of “Summertime.” During the evening gown

competition, Wiggins was escorted by her grandson and wore a pale green halter strap gown adorned with a beautiful broach. Second Runner-up was Ms. Willet Moore, who performed an energetic and moving liturgical dance to “Shackles” by Mary, Mary. During the evening gown competition she was escorted by her son and wore a beautiful off the shoulder, pale yellow gown. The contestants voted Ms. Moore Ms. Congeniality. Best Evening Gown was awarded to retired teacher Helene Harris, who wore a purple, brocade gown with a matching ruffled stole. Ms. Harris, who has done extensive committee and charitable work, is currently working at a local program for seniors.

SPOTLIGHT ON AGING Spotlight On Aging is published by the Information Office of the D.C. Office on Aging for D.C. senior residents. Advertising contained in the Beacon is not endorsed by the D.C. Office on Aging or by the publisher. 441 4th St., N.W., 9th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001 202-724-5622 www.dcoa.dc.gov Dr. Clarence Brown, Executive Director Darlene Nowlin, Editor Selma Dillard, Darius Logan and Adrian R. Reed Photographers The D.C. Office on Aging does not discriminate against anyone based on actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, disability, source of income, and place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based on any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be subjected to disciplinary action.

The Office on Aging is in partnership with the District of Columbia Recycling Program.

Councilmember Yvette Alexander, Ward 7, and Executive Director Clarence Brown congratulate Ms. Senior DC 2010 Sheila Poole.

Best Salesperson was awarded to retired teacher and outstanding volunteer Marian O. Williams, who danced during the talent segment. Contestant Romaine Cooper played “The Greatest Love of All” on the piano and was escorted by her son during the evening gown competition. The theme for the Ms. Senior DC Pageant 2010 was “Sharing Our Earth.” The pageant opened and closed with performances by the MC Steppers dressed as lions, tigers, cougars, zebra and other animals. Ms. Senior DC Sandra Bears sang the Earth Song by Michael Jackson for the opening, and the finale with Trinity AME Zion Chancellor Choir singing the Zulu folk song “Siyahomba” as the MC Steppers

danced. Ms. Senior DC 2009 Shirley Rivens Smith also performed a West African dance during the opening with other members of the DC Senior America Cameo Club. Ms. Senior District of Columbia will receive $300 cash and $200 towards her gown for the Ms. Senior America Pageant to be held in Atlantic City in October. Ms. Senior DC will also receive an expense paid trip to the pageant as well. Cash will be awarded to the first runner-up in the amount of $150, second runner-up $100, Best Salesperson $100, and Ms. Congeniality $25. The Ms. Senior DC Pageant is presented by Family Matters of Greater Washington, the DC Senior America Cameo Club and the DC Office on Aging.

Community Calendar July events 7th • 4 to 5:30 p.m.; repeated at 7:30 p.m. There are over 50 types of dementia, with Alzheimer’s accounting for 70 percent of cases. Shelly Edwards, Community Services Manager for the National Capital Area Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, will speak about the symptoms and strategies for managing other types of dementia, such as Lewy Body, vascular and frontal temporal lobe dementia. The event is free and will be held at IONA Senior Services, 4125 Albemarle St., N.W. For more information, call 202-895-9448.

14th deadline July 14 is the deadline to pay for the East River Family Strengthening Collaborative KEEN seniors program trip to Harrington Casino in Delaware, scheduled for August 14. The cost is $30. To register, call Ms. Gantt at 202534-4880, ext 110 or Ms. Robinette Livingston at (202) 584-4431.

15th • 11:30 a.m. Seabury Ward 5 Aging Services will hold a seminar, “Medicare and the New Law: What it Means to Me.” It will be held at Fort Lincoln 3 Senior Nutrition Center, 3298 Ft. Lincoln Drive, N.E. Contact Vivian Grayton at 202-529-8701 for more information.

21st • 3 to 6 p.m. Prismatic, an exhibit of recent art from participants of the Adult Day Health, Wellness and Arts Center, is open to the public at IONA Senior Services. The exhibit is free and located at 4125 Albemarle St., N.W. For more information, call (202) 895-9448.

23 • 6 to 8 p.m. Enjoy an “Oldies But Goodies” dance, hosted by DJ Ron V, formerly of MAGIC 102.3, at the Washington Senior Wellness Center, 3001 Alabama Ave., S.E. Open to seniors in D.C. age 60+. For more information, contact Renee Woodard-Few at 202581-9355.

4th • 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take a trip to Atlantic City’s Hilton Hotel and Casino with Seabury Ward 5 Aging Services. The cost is $35, but participants will receive a $20 rebate. The bus leaves at 7 a.m. and returns at 9 p.m. Call Vivian Grayton at 202-5298701 for more information.

31st • 11 a.m. An Alzheimer’s support group meets at 11 a.m. every fourth Saturday of the month at Genevieve N. Johnson Senior Center, 4817 Blagden Ave. N.W. Contact Stephanie Saunders at 202-723-8537 for more information.

October event Barney Senior Program needs volunteers for a special “prom night” at the end of October. Anyone who can design clothes, provide limousine service, perform music, do makeup and hair, cater food or help in some other way, contact James Thompson at 202-939-9020.


J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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Chilling with celebs on Martha’s Vineyard

Celeb sightings That’s a major reason why a long and


varied list of celebrities have visited and, in some cases, built homes there. If a visitor thinks he saw Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen, James Taylor or Carly Simon at a shop or grocery store, he’s probably right. Mike Wallace and Spike Lee may be spotted lining up like everyone else to order seafood at a modest take-out shack. Along with about 15,000 year-round residents, a number that can swell to over 100,000 on busy summer weekends, they have discovered the appeals of the triangular shaped, 9-by-23 mile island. My wife Fyllis and I hoped to do the same, delving into the island’s history, sampling available activities, and learning what makes it special to so many luminaries. We weren’t disappointed on any score. The history of Martha’s Vineyard encompasses the Wampanoag Native Americans, immigrants from England, well-to-do AfricanAmericans, and an influx of people from the Cape Verde islands of Portugal. A small Wampanoag reservation still serves as a reminder of nearly 70 villages throughout New England that, in the 1600s, were inhabited by up to 40,000 people of that Indian tribe. They were there when a parade of explorers began to arrive, including an Englishman named Bartholomew Gosnold. After landing in 1602, he named the island for his daughter and the wild grapes that he found growing there. Forty years later, the first English settlement was established.

Oak Bluffs is known for its multi-colored homes covered with gingerbreaded gables and porches. It also is home to the largest marina in Martha’s Vineyard and is a popular resort town.

Oak Bluffs and other towns Not long after that slavery came to the island, providing workers for both whaling ships and sheep farms that produced wool and woolen cloth for export. After slavery was abolished in 1783, a small neighborhood of free AfricanAmericans sprang up in what now is the town of Oak Bluffs. About a half-century later, a Methodist camp meeting was held in the village. Over time, it evolved into an annual


By Victor Block It took scant minutes after arriving on Martha’s Vineyard to get a quick fix on what the island is all about. I passed winding driveways leading to mansion-size homes with gentle names like Swans Way and Sweet William Path. Roadside wooden tables were laden with flowers, eggs and vegetables for sale, with hand-written signs indicating how much money to leave for purchases made on the honor system. Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., is bestknown as a tony hideaway for celebrities, politicians, and the rich and powerful. That reputation was enhanced last summer when President Obama and his family took their first vacation there since moving into the White House. But another appeal of the island, I discovered, is that Martha’s Vineyard offers visitors not just an inviting destination, but a way of life. As one year-round resident told me, “This island is a place where you can be yourself.”

The Aquinnah Cliffs at the western tip of Martha’s Vineyard are a national landmark. Their multiple colors stem from the layers of glacial sediment they consist of, including red and white clays, green sands, white quartz and black soil.

event, which by the 1870s was drawing thousands of participants. Attracted by the worship, augmented by the lure of beaches and sea, some visitors constructed cottages around the meeting site. Rather than the simple shingled houses and occasional grander structures that cover most of Martha’s Vineyard, homes built in Oak Bluffs show a very different face. They are whimsical wooden cottages adorned by turrets and towers, fancy trimmed gables and porches, all painted a variety of pastel shades. Among those attracted to this little enclave were African-American doctors, lawyers and other professionals from major East Coast cities. The integrated village continues to be a vacation destination for the fifth and six generations of some of the original families. Each of the other five towns on Martha’s Vineyard also has its own distinct character. As the entry point for most people who travel there by ferry, Vineyard Haven provides the first, somewhat disappointing, impression of the island. The initial view includes low-lying terrain and a row of oil storage tanks along the shoreline. Then the eye notices imposing houses in the background spilling up gentle hills, and the masts of sailboats in the harbor swaying in the breeze.

Vineyard Haven was one of New England’s busiest ports during the time of wind-powered ships and whaling. Today it’s home to the largest year-round population on the island, about 2,000 people. Its historic neighborhood contains a number of 19th-century houses. A former Methodist meeting house, constructed in 1833, is home to the Vineyard’s year-round playhouse. Wandering in Edgartown is akin to a stroll through an early 19th-century seaport. Brick sidewalks along narrow treeshaded streets lead past stately Greek Revival homes that were built by whaling captains, as well as countless art galleries for which the town is known. Clinging to its nautical past, Edgartown is a popular yachting center, as a glance at its protected harbor indicates.

Rural enclaves To reach the other tiny enclaves that rate being called “towns” on Martha’s Vineyard, we drove “up-island.” That term, a holdover from days of whaling ships and schooners, describes the rural, western end of the island. West Tisbury encompasses nearly onethird the area of Martha’s Vineyard, but See VINEYARD, page 31


Leisure & Travel

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Melatonin and sunlight help cure jet lag By Jaime Stengel For many travelers who cross several time zones, the exhilaration of taking in sights like the Eiffel Tower or the pyramids of Egypt is quickly tempered by the grogginess of jet lag. Veteran flyers often have their own remedies to overcome those signals from the body that it’s time for sleep. But an Oregon researcher recently detailed in the New England Journal of Medicine three basic strategies for overcoming jet lag: • Reset the circadian clock that tells a person to stay awake during the day and sleep at night. You can do this by taking the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, timing your exposure to bright light, or both. • Adjust your sleep schedule. Take short naps if you are sleepy the first few days after arrival. If you can, shift your sleep schedule by a couple of hours before travel. • Use medications to get to sleep or stay awake. Or turn to the old reliable remedy for keeping your eyes open: caffeine. “We have mechanisms to adjust our clocks, but those mechanisms have to be called on to go into high gear,” said Dr. Robert Sack, a psychiatry professor at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon, whose article in the journal takes a science-based look at jet lag remedies.

How to take melatonin Sack said melatonin is the most extensively studied jet lag treatment, with a majority of double-blind, placebo-controlled trials showing it helped symptoms. “Its effect is based in good science,” said Sack. He said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated mela-

tonin, but no significant adverse effects have been reported. Melatonin is sold as a nutritional supplement in the U.S. and no prescription is needed for it. No drugs have been approved by the FDA for jet lag, but Sack says drugs that help with alertness or insomnia can alleviate jet lag. So for eastward travel, from the U.S. to Paris for example, on arrival a traveler might go for a walk in the sun and then sip a latte at an outdoor cafe. Sack said travelers who are unbearably sleepy as the day wears on should take a short nap. Then take melatonin — a dose of 0.5 to 3 milligrams — before heading to bed, and hopefully you’ll be adjusted to your new time zone within a couple days. For westward flights — such as Europe back to the U.S. — travelers should expose themselves to bright light in the evening to help them stay up later. Then if their eyes pop open before 5 a.m., take a low dose of melatonin. “Your internal dawn is occurring before you want it to,” Sack said, adding “it’s easier to lengthen your day, which is what you do when you travel westward.” While trouble sleeping or waking up is the main symptom of jet lag, travelers can also experience irritability, difficulty concentrating and upset stomachs, Sack said.

People react differently

an array of factors. “Everyone will seem to have a signature strategy that will work for them, and I think this article helps to identify the palate of things that are safe and for the most part effective,” Cowl said. “Unfortunately, there’s not just one straight recommendation: Take these two pills and you’ll be fine.” He said for most patients, jet lag results in “a sense of malaise. You just don’t quite have that energy.” Dallas management consultant Andrew Watterson, who has been traveling frequently overseas for work for the past 15 years, said when he first started, he made the mistake of not sleeping on the flight over and got a good dose of jet lag. “In reality, I didn’t know how powerful it would be,” said Watterson, 43, of Dallas.

Like most frequent travelers, he’s now got a system. One thing he’s noticed is that on the day of arrival, he vacillates between sleepiness and alertness, so he plans his day accordingly, making sure not to schedule any important appointments around 3 p.m. Instead, he takes a coffee break. As a flight attendant for American Airlines who has been flying for 32 years, internationally for the last 23, Debbie Bauer has had her share of jet lag. For instance, after spending about 72 hours making the trip to New Delhi, India, and then returning home, she usually gives herself the day after getting home to recover — doing light chores but making sure to bring a list if she tries grocery shopping. “I don’t do anything that requires careful thought,” said Bauer, 53. “It takes its — AP toll on you.”


Sept. 23+


Join Arlington County’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for a nine night Royal Caribbean cruise from Baltimore through New England up to Nova Scotia to enjoy the foliage. The cruise is from Thursday, Sept. 23 to Saturday, Oct. 2. The cost ranges from $1,364 for an inside double cabin to $2,744 for a single ocean view cabin. The price includes insurance. Call (703) 228-4748 for more information.



The Center for Cultural Interchange is looking for families to host foreign exchange students during the 2010-11 school year. The deadline to apply is August 31. For more information about hosting, visit http://www.cci-exchange.com, e-mail ayp@cci-exchange.com, or call CCI’s toll-free information number at 1-800-634-4771.

Dr. Clayton Cowl, chief of aerospace medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, said that jet lag can be a difficult condition to pin down since it affects different people in different ways and can be influenced by


Aug. 18


Join AARP (chapter 2414) for a crab feast on the banks of Maryland’s Choptank River at a historic inn and for a side trip to the Eastern Shore Outlets in Queen Anne’s County on Wednesday, August 18. The trip leaves at 10 a.m. The cost is $75. The bus leaves from the Northeast Presbyterian Church parking lot at Eastern Ave. and Varnum Streets, N.E. in the Brooklyn area of Washington, D.C. For more information and to reserve a space, call (202) 529-0141 or e-mail travelAARP2414@aol.com.



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Leisure & Travel

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


Organ grinder From page 1 who, still living in Germany, was fighting cancer. She could no longer handle the physical strain of carrying her mechanical organ around. It seemed natural for her to pass on the instrument to Walker, a drummer in a jazz group who used to play guitar in a Dixieland band. “I even had the costume,” Walker, 69, said with a wry smile. Drapkin jumped in. “You had two!”

Carrying on a tradition

The interior of the new Vamoose Gold Bus resembles that of a first-class plane or train, with wide, reclining leather chairs, free on-board wi-fi and electric outlets. The bus stops locally in Arlington, Va. and Bethesda, Md., and goes direct to Penn Station in New York City. Fare is $50 each way. Inset: Exterior of the bus.


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Drapkin’s mother naturally wanted to meet Bob in person, so he and Drapkin flew to Germany. There he learned more about the history behind the mechanical organ given to him. At the age of 6, Drapkin’s mother fled Berlin with her family after the city was bombed in 1942. But she had fond memories of the songs she learned growing up there. She gave Walker the organ on the condition that he and her daughter would do their part to help preserve long-forgotten German folk songs, called “moritaten.” The songs were often about topics such as robbery, rape and murder, but they conveyed a lesson at the end. “They were kind of juicy, just like what you might see on TV today — sex and crime, nineteenth century style,” said Drapkin. “There was a moral in the last verse of the story to help the performers get away with the bawdy stuff.” She added, “This was like a nineteenth century way of singing the blues.” Performers would also make large posters to illustrate the ballads, something Drapkin has occasionally done herself. As radios and phonographs became more popular in the first half of the twentieth century, organ grinders gradually disappeared from the public eye. It was a relief to many; for years, more then a few notable characters viewed organ grinders as a public nuisance. Many would deliberately play outside houses owned by professors, artists and others in need of quiet throughout the day. They would leave only after extracting (extorting?) a contribution from the residents. In cities like London, newspapers spent years campaigning bitterly against the “Fiend” that plagued city streets. Alfred Tennyson, Charles Dickens, Thomas Carlyle and Wilkie Collins, along with other well-known figures, once cosigned a letter to a lawmaker venting their fury over the

way they were “harassed, worried, wearied, driven nearly mad” by “grinders of organs,” “bellowers of ballads” and other “brazen performers.” But others now say that organ grinders served a distinct public service by bringing their brightly colored, pipe-filled boxes into neighborhoods or rural areas that often did not have access to music. They also helped popularize the music of the time, some of which has been lost due to the abandonment of the organs in which the tunes were encoded. “It wasn’t particularly good music — but it was music,” said Terry Bender, of Great Falls, Va., the only other professional organ grinder in the area. “And if you didn’t know that 100 years from now something better is going to come along, you’re going to enjoy it.” Despite being an organ grinder himself, Bender appreciates how unique Lola’s niche is. Speaking of Drapkin, Bender said, “I don’t know of anyone else in the United States who does what she does.” While both performers are popular at Oktoberfest celebrations, Drapkin’s ballads make her music distinct even from Bender’s. And while Bender will often bring his crank organ to events like street fairs, Organ Grinder Lola, Master Bob and Panchito generally entertain in more intimate settings, such as senior centers. There they mix the “moritaten” with more contemporary tunes, like “Mack the Knife” and “Feed the Birds.” It’s somewhat of a departure from Drapkin’s lengthy career as a jazz singer. For the last 30-odd years, Billie Holliday and Ella Fitzgerald have been her two biggest influences, not obscure folk musicians. “It really took a little nerve to do this after trying to integrate and not sound German when I sing, and really being in the idiom of jazz,” said Drapkin. “It’s taking a plunge and honoring my heritage — my mother’s very kooky and clunky oldfashioned sound,” she said. “Not everyone knows that I am these two separate performers, but I’ve come to embrace my other side…I usually call Organ Grinder Lola my wicked alter ego.” Organ Grinder Lola and Master Bob will be playing at Columbia International Day on Saturday, July 24, from noon to 12:50 p.m. at the downtown Columbia lakefront. Drapkin will be per forming jazz favorites accompanied by guitar and bass at Sala Thai Restaurant, 4828 Cordell Ave, Bethesda, Md., on Thursday, July 22, from 7 to 10 p.m.


July 24

TOUR NATIONAL PARK SEMINARY Take a guided tour of the National Park Seminary historic district

on Saturday, July 24, at 1 p.m. The suggested donation is $5. Reservations are


not required. The tour will begin across from 2755 Cassedy St., Silver Spring, Md., in front of the Gymnasium at Cassedy and Linden Ln. For more information, contact Save Our Seminary at (301) 589-1715 or www.saveourseminary.org.

Jewish Council for the Aging (JCA)® www.AccessJCA.org



Leisure & Travel

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Vineyard From page 28 the town itself is little more than an intersection that includes a church, town hall and general store. The largest homes were once owned by sea captains, and some are occupied by their descendants. Alley’s General Store, which has been in business since 1858, is a gathering place for locals and visitors alike. Some residents come to check the flurry of bulletin board notices about community events and items for sale, while others shop for items ranging from scrub brushes and hardware to souvenirs and snacks. The 963 residents of Chilmark live among rolling hills with views of the sea. For visitors, it serves primarily as a landmark for two other destinations. Menemsha is less a town than a working harbor. Small, weather-beaten boats chug out to sea and return with catches of fish and lobster, while modest restaurants and carryout shops prepare and serve the seafood not long after it stops moving. Many locals rate Larson’s as the best place to order clam chowder and lobster rolls, and The Bite for fried clams. Aquinnah, on the western tip of the island, is known for a mile-long stretch of multi-colored cliffs overlooking the beach. Nature has fashioned layers of sand, clay and gravel into a kaleidoscopic mixture of reds, whites and grays. Many residents of Aquinnah are descendants of the Wampanoag, some of whom operate handicraft shops and restaurants. The history of the tribe is traced at the Aquinnah Cultural Center, housed in a 19th-century farmhouse. Anyone attracted by the offshore isolation of Martha’s Vineyard is sure to relish a side trip to Chappaquiddick, a tiny dot of land in Edgartown Harbor. Cut off since a storm in 2007 breached the land connection, “Chappy,” as it’s affectionately called, is reached by a one-minute ride aboard the tiny “On Time” ferry. Seclusion is what residents of Chappy seek, and that is what they enjoy. For visitors, attractions include a seven-mile-long beach, one paved road, a number of sand tracks for hiking and biking, and salt marsh that is home to plovers, terns and other birds. Most day-trippers also explore Mytoi, a 14-acre Japanese garden with meandering paths, fish-filled ponds, a graceful arched bridge and varied plantings.

The wooden, 55-foot-tall Cape Poge Lighthouse at the northern tip of the threemile-wide island is one of five beacons that, according to those who know, are the most diverse grouping in such a small area in the country. All five structures replaced lighthouses that were built in the 19th century, and three are open for tours. The Chappaquiddick beach is one of more than a dozen stretches of sand that tempt warm-weather visitors. Three-milelong South Beach near Edgartown is most popular, and most crowded during summer months. The ocean surf is favored by those who like wave action. Those seeking more gentle surf may prefer the Oak Bluffs, Menemsha or Joseph Sylvia beaches. The list of other to-do’s extends to outstanding fishing for blues, striped bass (rock fish), bonita and other scrappy fighters, spotting some of more than 300 species of land and water birds that inhabit and visit the island, and pedaling on 44 miles of flat bike trails and roadways on your own or with a bicycle tour company. As hikers, Fyllis and I had a wide choice of preservation areas and trails from which to choose. We opted for the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest, a 5,100-acre tract of grasslands, woods and meadows crisscrossed by eight miles of flat hiking trails. Whether experiencing the solitude of an isolated forest, reliving an intriguing chapter of American history, or simply enjoying a vacation at a place where numerous celebrities head for a bit of R-and-R, Martha’s Vineyard has variety enough to fill many a traveler’s wish list.

dence. Furnished with antiques, it counts among past notable guests Daniel Webster, Nathaniel Hawthorne and then-Senator John F. Kennedy. Located in the heart of Edgartown, the Inn serves full country breakfasts ($10) that feature homemade breads, muffins and pancakes, and continental breakfast ($6) for those who prefer to eat lighter. Room rates begin at $125. For more information, call (508) 6279420 or log onto Edgartowninn.com. The Wesley Hotel, overlooking the harbor in Oak Bluffs, is 80 years younger but no less charming. Its wide front porch and turreted outline speak of the past. Summer rates begin at $245. For more information, call (800) 638-9027 or log onto wesleyhotel.com. Not surprisingly, the focus of dining on Martha’s Vineyard is fresh seafood. At the Sweet Life Café in Oak Bluffs, one of the leading restaurants on the island, that

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Dunes Manor Hotel, Ocean City, MD Sept 29-Oct 1 This is the perfect time to visit Ocean City! The air and the ocean are warm and the crowds are gone. Every room at the Dunes Manor Hotel is oceanfront, and the hotel is just off the boardwalk. Enjoy fine dining, afternoon teas, and nightly entertainment, and the many attractions of Ocean City, or you can just relax on the large veranda overlooking the ocean. $429 per person, double occ.; $499 single occ. Chicago–Riverside Dinner Theater, October 13 Experience the “razzle-dazzle” of Chicago—the Musical, a story of justice and show business in the “Jazz Age.” It includes the memorable music and dance numbers “All That Jazz,” “Cell Block Tango,” “Roxie,” “When You’re Good to Mama,” “Mr. Cellophane,” “Hot Honey Rag,” and many others. Before the show you’ll enjoy a delicious luncheon elegantly served at your table as only the Riverside Dinner theater does. $129 per person Trapp Family Lodge and Foxwoods Resort Casino, October 17-21 You will stay two

nights at the Trapp Family Lodge, a little piece of Austria in the Green Mountains of Vermont. While there, you’ll visit other Vermont attractions before heading for the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Your stay at Foxwoods will include an excursion to the historic Mystic Seaport and Village. $849 per person, double occupancy; $1169 single occupancy

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translates into contemporary FrenchAmerican cuisine. Entrees, which change continuously to focus on local catches and produce, might include sautéed halibut and wild mushroom strudel, priced in the $32-$42 range. For more information, call (508) 696-0200 or log onto sweetlifemv.com. Nothing says “Martha’s Vineyard” more than munching on carryout while overlooking the harbor or beach in Menemsha. Larsen’s sells what one reviewer called “fresh and uncomplicated seafood.” The excellent clam chowder to go costs $4 and $6, and lobster rolls go for $10. For more information, call (508) 645-2680. The famous fried clams at The Bite begin at $9. For more information about Martha’s Vineyard, call the Chamber of Commerce at (800) 505-4815 or log onto www.mvy.com.

Voted by the readers of Bethesda Magazine 2008

If you go While most visitors travel to Martha’s Vineyard during the summer, the weather is also inviting in spring and fall, and the fishing excellent in September and October. There are scheduled flights to the island from Boston, Providence and several other nearby cities. Car ferries run from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and a passenger ferry from Rhode Island. The least expensive round-trip flight from the Washington area is on Jet Blue for $341. Passengers change planes in Boston. Hotel and restaurant prices on Martha’s Vineyard during the high season tend to be a bit high as well. The Edgartown Inn has apparently changed little in appearance since it was built in 1798 as a whaling captain’s resi-



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J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Style Arts &

Buccaneers take over Bethesda’s Imagination Stage this summer. See story on p. 34.

Ashley’s Mrs. Warren a consummate pro An unexpected role Some of the emotional nuance Ashley layers into her work may be related to how she came to be in the role. It was supposed to be played by frequent Shakespeare guest star, and her longtime friend, Dixie Carter, who died in April. Ashley received an urgent e-mail while leisurely driving back to New York from self-imposed isolation in the wilds of the Maine-Quebec border. It’s a place with no phones or Internet (and where, she says, she spends most of her time when not working). Her plan was to “slowly work back into civilization” before tackling a part in a new play from legendary playwright Edward Albee, scheduled to open this fall on Broadway. The e-mail was from an old friend and director, Shakespeare Theatre Company artistic director Michael Kahn. Without star Dixie Carter, his production was in trouble. “Now when these kinds of things happen, you don’t negotiate, you don’t dick with it, and diddle back and forth,” Ashley explained. “You make a decision then and

July 7 - August 1


She’s been working onstage for 53 of her 70 years, but nothing has dampened the energy or charm of Broadway and screen veteran Elizabeth Ashley. Her work is combustible in the title role of Mrs. Warren’s Profession, the George Bernard Shaw comedy/melodrama now onstage at DC’s Shakespeare Theatre Company. Ashley and director Keith Baxter seem to have found new shades of gray in Shaw’s black and white polemics, while simultaneously creating an incisive look at the role money has played in imposing limits on women. The play is over a century old (and was banned from the stage for many years after Shaw wrote it). But it feels fresh here, and still has something to say about male and female roles in society. Of course, the Tony Award-winning Ashley has a lot to work with here. She’s taken on one of Shaw’s most vibrant characters, the fiercely independent and unapologetic madam of a chain of lucrative brothels, circa 1905. And she clearly revels in the earthy role of Mrs. Warren, as the aging businesswoman tries to build a relationship with the unaware, emotionally remote and principled daughter she scarcely knows.

Elizabeth Ashley, as “madam” Mrs. Warren, and Ted van Griethuysen, as Mr. Praed, perform in the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s production of Mrs. Warren’s Profession. The George Bernard Shaw play was banned in London before it opened, and the cast and crew were arrested in New York when it premiered in 1905.

there and say yes or no. Because they have to know, they don’t have time, with the clock ticking and a lot of people and money on the line. “I thought about my old friend Dixie. And Michael, to whom I owe so much, needed me. So I said, ‘if we can work it out so I can be back in New York in time for the Albee play, for which I’m signed, sealed and delivered, I’ll do it.’ And here I am.”

did not have the usual amount of time she likes to prepare for a role, normally several months. “I only had three weeks to get down here, so it was fast — everything that I live in fear of…If I have to rush something, I’m done. So to do this, I had to go completely on instinct,” she said. That instinct, and the careful guidance from show director Keith Baxter, has resulted in a fascinating production.

Acting on instinct The sudden assignment meant Ashley

GET $20 TICKETS! Use promo code BEA005 301-924-3400 • olneytheatre.org 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd., Olney, MD

See MRS. WARREN, page 33

Arts & Style

WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

From page 32 As we meet her, Mrs. Warren is now a wealthy matron who could easily retire. The world’s oldest profession was the only route she could find to economic independence in the stratified and binding society of Victorian England. Now her healthy appetites keep her engaged in commerce. She’s happy breaking taboos, but this causes problems with her conventional daughter Vivie, played by Amanda Quaid. Ashley’s work is both vivacious and carefully nuanced. Especially in her scenes alone with Quaid, Ashley allows us to see that Mrs. Warren is a woman at peace with the choices she’s made, and willing to put that ahead of having the conventional relationship she would like with Vivie. Because Shaw was so committed to making his political points in his plays, some of his dialogue can sound more like speeches than conversation. It’s a challenge, Ashley said. “There’s just no way that one thought leads to another in Shaw’s speeches. Many lines don’t come out of anything the character has just said or thought or related to. Shaw can’t resist taking pieces of his essays and sticking it into someone’s mouth, so it’s not really dialogue. So, it’s been brutal, hard work. “I try to find the character’s stream of consciousness. Because if I can find that, I can’t go wrong because I have that living thing,” Ashley said. Baxter has apparently made only minor cuts to the occasionally pedantic dialogue. But by allowing a degree of ambiguity after Vivie is shocked to find out exactly where the family money comes from, Baxter makes her emotional arc the center of the play. Combined with Ashley’s layered, robust work, this allows Shaw to remain firmly relevant and pointed, but perhaps more accessible than usual. In the end, the grays of the subtext give us much to contemplate along with Vivie as she makes her choices. The supporting cast members all turn in lively performances, with Ted van Griethuysen spicily comic as an architect friend without apparent designs on Mrs. Warren, and David Sabin as a befuddled country parson. Both are Shakespeare Theatre stalwarts. Andrew Boyer chillingly makes some of Shaw’s most barbed points as Mrs. Warren’s business partner, and Tony Roach adds likable dimension to the slightly callow parson’s son who wants to marry Vivie. Baxter further livens up the play by

adding four English music hall songs, performed by a younger version of Mrs. Warren (Caitlin Diana Doyle) and a small but boisterous ensemble. Carter was supposed to sing them, but Ashley, by her own raspy-voiced account, is no singer. So the choice was made to show us Mrs. Warren as a young woman trying to make her way. Not only does the concept add something to our view of Mrs. Warren, the songs also create period ambiance and underscore themes. The show is great eye-candy, too, with Simon Higlett’s gorgeously realistic and detailed sets. These include a rustic, thatched-roof cottage, a country church courtyard, and a London office.

A career iconoclast From her big Tony-winning splash on Broadway in the early 1960s (Take Her, She’s Mine, Barefoot in the Park), to her Hollywood film years (The Carpetbaggers, Ship of Fools) and her work on television (including Evening Shade, and, currently, HBO’s Treme), Ashley has always been known as an iconoclast. Meaty roles on Broadway have also a regular part of her life in the last few decades, from the recent smash August: Osage County back to Agnes of God in the early 1980s. Relaxing on a sofa in the downtown DC apartment that she, her dog and her assistant are temporarily calling home, Ashley tucks her feet under her. Clad loosely in black and peering through oversize sunglasses, she smokes cigarettes and becomes highly animated as she discusses her current projects and her long career. She has “retired” multiple times, she says, once to “become a Hollywood wife” after marrying film star George Peppard in the 1960s. After writing the best-selling memoir Actress: Postcards from the Road in 1978, she stopped working and sailed around the world for five years, “until my money ran out.” Now she catalogues numerous herniated discs, ruptures and aching bones, each one seemingly a reminder of some grand old time. “I’ve been told this is no way to run a career, and they’re right,” she noted, her throaty, whiskey-toned voice croaking in laughter. “But it was the best way in the world to run a life. “I did an awful lot of adventurous things that I just couldn’t physically do now. I’m too old and broken down. I couldn’t captain a racing sailboat anymore. But those were the best years of my life.” Old and broken down? Don’t believe it. She’s managing eight shows a week in a


Mrs. Warren


grueling production that leaves her lavish costumes drenched with perspiration when she walks off stage to thunderous applause. And when this show closes, she’s off immediately to Broadway to star in Albee’s new play, Me, Myself & I. It seems this may just have been the best way to run a career, after all. Mrs. Warren’s Profession continues through at least July 11 at Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F Street, N.W. Showtimes: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Ticket prices range from $10 to $82, with discounts available for students, seniors and members of the military. For tickets, call the When Elizabeth Ashley completes her run in box office at (202) 547-1122, or Mrs. Warren’s Profession, she will open on toll-free at 1-877-587-8849. TTY: Broadway in a new Edward Albee play. She can (202) 638-3863. For tickets and also currently be seen in “Treme,” the new HBO series about New Orleans. information, visit www.ShakespeareTheatre.org. Sidney Harman Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities, offering rooms, audio enhancement, and Braille wheelchair-accessible seating and rest- and large print programs.

More quotes from Elizabeth Ashley On Acting: “Being onstage is probably the only thing that keeps me from being a total criminal or sociopath.” On the Audience: “I love that audiences express such an act of faith when they go to the theater. People pay far too much to get entrapped in an uncomfortable chair, to see they know not what. That’s an act of voluntary faith. So how can an audience be wrong? It is not possible. If an audience is bored, as an actor I have to say, look to yourself.” On her grueling schedule: “Normally I won’t do four shows in two days, but the weekend schedule

was already set and announced, the subscribers had signed up, so I had no choice. You can’t cancel. But the theater got me this apartment and pay for my assistant so that I don’t have to do anything but the show. By the time we finish Sunday nights, it’s all I can do to stagger up the stairs and crawl into bed. On being an iconoclast: “I’ve never known anything in my life that was either all black or all white. A true iconoclast, or heretic, generally has a belief, a conviction. To survive, you have to know the bones of principle you have to throw to the dogs to keep the dogs from eating you.”


July 9+

EYEWITNESS TO 1970s HISTORY Join local storyteller Ellouise Schoettler, 73, for her performance

at the Capital Fringe Festival, “Pushing Boundaries: Politics Becomes Personal in


July 11


On Sunday, July 11 at 4 p.m., members of the Piano Society of Greater Washington will present a free concert featuring works to be played in the Washington International Piano competition later in July. Hear Bach, Schubert, Rachmaninoff and Debussy in the great sanctuary of Calvary Lutheran Church, 9545 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md., followed by refreshments. Free-will offerings are accepted. For information, see www.pianosocietyofgreaterwashington.org, or call (301) 793-1863.

the 1970s,” where she’ll talk about morphing from a housewife to an Equal Rights Amendment activist. She will perform Friday, July 9 at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, July 10 at 11 a.m., Tuesday, July 13 at 8 p.m., Saturday, July 17 at 1 p.m. and Saturday, July 24 at 2 p.m. at the Goethe Institute, 812 7th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Tickets are $15. For advance tickets, go to www.capitalfringe.org or call 1-866-811-4111.


Arts & Style

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

Two pirate plays capture the imagination By Michael Toscano This may be a first: a “Summer Pirate Repertory.” It’s two stage shows with pirate themes at Bethesda’s Imagination Stage — a local showcase for children’s theater with a national reputation. It’s also a perfect opportunity for grandpa and grandma to accomplish some summertime bonding with the grandkids — all in the cool confines of Imagination Stage’s state-of-the-art, professional facility. Based on the composition of the audience at an opening weekend performance, where quite a few graying heads could be seen bobbing in time to the music along

with the kids, many grandparents have already figured this out.

Inside a child’s mind My about-to-be five year old son, Shane, and I saw the first of the shows to open: the musical How I Became a Pirate. Based on the book by Melinda Long, this is the tale of young Jeremy Jacobs (Josh Sticklin). Jeremy is initiated into the pirates’ world when they need a shovel to bury their treasure and, well, there he is on the beach with his little spade. At first, Jeremy loves the freedom pirates enjoy, such as not having to eat detested vegetables. There’s swabbing decks and singing lively pirate songs, and, of

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course, enjoying fabulous treasure. But then Jeremy discovers the price for his fun when he realizes he will not get a bedtime story and no one will tuck him in for the night. In the end, Jeremy comes up with a plan to return to his parents and baby sister, and learns there’s no place like home. Aarrrggghh, as the pirates might say. The second show, Pirates! A Boy at Sea, is a straight play by Charles Way, combining laughs with drama. Imagination Stage recommends it for older children (7 and up) as there is no music to hold their attention. That tale takes us back to 1718. Jim (Sticklin, again) is captured by pirates, and then rescued by British sailors who remind him of members of his family, including his strict father and fun-loving but estranged mother.

More about the musical In the first show, How I Became a Pirate, the songs and generally high level of activity held Shane’s attention for the hour-andtwenty-minute (with intermission) show, especially whenever the pirates paraded through the audience. Most of the songs are up-tempo, “seashanty” inspired tunes, but there is a soft ballad called “Pirates Never Tuck You In.” The poignancy of that song seemed to touch the children.

Some of the humor is directed at adults, such as the shipboard sign “22 Days Without a Mutiny” and jokey references to other Broadway shows and cultural references. Michael John Casey does a fair impression of Rolling Stone Keith Richard as wild pirate Stubby (he has a hook in place of one hand, but won’t call himself Captain Hook because “that sounds stupid.”) Director Paul Bosco McEneaney and his cast of six have carefully crafted kidfriendly, silly pirates who are rowdy enough to entertain the tykes, without scaring them. Aarrrggghhh. How I Became a Pirate continues through August 14. Pirates! A Boy at Sea runs July 2 through August 8. Both shows are performed in the Lerner Family Theatre at Imagination Stage, 4908 Auburn Avenue, Bethesda. Showtime for both shows, in rotation, is 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. There are Saturday and Sunday performances at 1:30 and 4 p.m. Tickets are $10 to $21. Tickets and schedule information are available by calling the box office at (301) 280-1660 or by visiting www.ImaginationStage.org. How I Became a Pirate is recommended for children age 3 and up. Pirates! A Boy at Sea is recommended for children age 7 and up.


July 9

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The Seasoned Players will present their 35th anniversary show, with singing, dancing and piano playing, at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 9. Tickets are $3. The show will be held at Riderwood retirement community, Lakeside Commons building, 3150 Gracefield Rd., Silver Spring, Md. Call Shirley or Frank for more information at (301) 572-4975.

July 9+


The Maryland Shakespeare Festival will present two free performances of Romeo and Juliet at the Gaithersburg City Hall Concert Pavilion, 31 S. Summit Ave. in Gaithersburg, Md., on Friday and Saturday, July 9 and 10 at 8 p.m. The rain date if both performances are cancelled is Sunday, July 11 at 4 p.m.

July 9+


Take a tour of Arlington through the movies. Free films featuring the city will be held on Fridays and Saturdays at the Lubber Run Amphitheatre, at N. Columbus and N. 2nd Sts., Arlington, Va. The film showings are: July 9, A Clear and Present Danger; July 10, Sweet Charity; July 23, Mission Impossible III; July 24, Shark Tales. All movies begin at sundown (approximately 8:30 p.m). For more information, call (703) 228-1850.

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July 12+

National Theatre continues its free showings of Cary Grant films this summer. On July 12, it will show An Affair to Remember, His Girl Friday on July 19, Notorious on August 2, Bringing Up Baby on August 9 and concluding with Charade on August 16. Tickets are distributed half an hour prior to screening. All movies start at 6:30 p.m. and take place at the National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, DC. For more information, see www.nationaltheatre.org or call (202) 783-3372.

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Washington Jewish Week Mail : 11426 Rockville Pike, Suite 236, Rockville, MD 20852 Call: 301.230.2222 or Visit: www.washingtonjewishweek.com IT IS YOUR COMMUNITY, YOUR CULTURE, YOUR IDENTITY


July 30


The United States Army Blues Jazz Ensemble will give a free performance at Lake Accotink Park, 7500 Accotink Park Rd., Springfield, Va., on Friday, July 30, from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. For more information, call (703) 324-7469. To see a list of additional concerts in Fairfax County Parks, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/performances.


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

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J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

CATHY By Cathy Guisewite

ONE BIG HAPPY By Rick Detorie

s a ft! e ak t gi M ea gr

Beacon The






Letters to editor From page 2

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overused by our senior citizens, with an adverse effect on the bottom line for the government. One area that has always troubled me is what percentage of total Medicare costs derive from expensive diagnostic equipment use? Certainly this is an area where discretion should be used by the practicing physician in requesting many of these often redundant tests. With fewer expensive tests, perhaps Medicare could give a greater amount to the doctor for his patients’ visits, since physician fees have been continually reduced by the government, leading to a reluctance of many doctors to treat Medicare and Medicaid patients. Nelson Marans Silver Spring, Md. Dear Editor: Barely mentioned in your June article about pets at retirement communities is the suffering of residents allergic to these pets. If a pet has been sitting in a commons area recently, a vulnerable person may suf-

fer a respiratory meltdown; the usual lag time is two hours, so the pet owner will not notice the results. Exposure to pets may be cumulative, so the final straw could be the dog shaking its fur or the owner scratching the cat. The suffering can be life-threatening, as has happened to me and my acquaintances. Most pet owners are insensitive to the effects and are not open to polite suggestions. No breeds are exempt from these problems. The diseases spread by pets are particularly a problem for residents with weakened immune systems. Pets who stay in their owners’ units are welcome; pets in the hallways and common areas are a menace! Julie Carvalho Reston, Va. Dear Editor: I just read the article ”Why most of us love reunions” in your June issue. My class is also having a reunion. We are the 1960 class from George Washington High School in Alexandria, Va. It is our 50th, and we have all of those things mentioned in the article: wrinkles, balding, WEIGHT! We have contacted 200 of over 319 classmates. Many of them we have found through the Internet. Our reunion is scheduled for October 8 to 10 and will be at the Holiday Inn Eisenhower in Alexandria. Our local contact person is Doug Garthoff, (703) 683-2584. Our e-mail address is gwhs60carolynw@yahoo.com. Carolyn Whitaker Via e-mail Dear Editor: Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your article “Why most of us love reunions” [in which classmate Robert Hardesty was quoted about Northwood High School’s 40th reunion.] I have only one question. Why isn’t there a listing of the reunions being held this year in the Beacon? This would help those of us who are managing reunions to locate our missing alumni and teachers we have not been able to locate. I am one of the website administrators for the class of 1970’s 40th reunion for Northwood High School. Our reunion is Oct. 2 at the Hilton in Rockville, Md. Contact www.northwoodhs1970.com Robin Dinsmore Via e-mail Editor’s response: There are dozens of reunions planned each year in the Washington area. Unfortunately, we don’t have room to print details on all of them. Alumni can call the offices of their alma maters, which often have information on upcoming reunions. For those online, the website www.greatreunions.com lists some local reunions. Classmates.com also has reunion information. In addition, there are a number of Facebook pages for reunions. Readers may search under the name of their high school to see if there is a page for an upcoming reunion.


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

CLASSIFIEDS The Beacon prints classified advertising under the following headings: Business & Employment Opportunities; Caregivers; Computer Services; Entertainment; For Sale; For Sale/Rent: Real Estate; Free; Health; Home/Handyman Services; Miscellaneous; Personals; Personal Services; Vacation Opportunities; and Wanted. For submission guidelines and deadlines, see the box below. CAVEAT EMPTOR! The Beacon does not knowingly accept obscene, offensive, harmful, or fraudulent advertising. However, we do not investigate any advertisers or their products and cannot accept responsibility for the integrity of either. Respondents to classified advertising should always use caution and their best judgment.

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For Sale/Rent: Real Estate

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LEISURE WORLD® - $164,900. 2BR 2 FB “G” model in “Greens” with garage + golf cart space. Golf course view. New paint and carpet. 1195 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-9283463.

TOWNHOME MANOR VILLAGE, ROCKVILLE - $439,000 – 3+ bedrooms, 2 full & 2 half baths. Is your single family home becoming too much? Ready to downsize – but not ready for Leisure World? This is the place for you. End Unit, 2 finished levels, darling fenced court yard, looks out to wooded area. 1 minute to Manor Country Club & Leisure World Giant. For pictures/virtual tour go to: www.15310ManorVillage.com. Or call Kathy Fleskes, Llewellyn Realtors 301-461-3478.

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For Sale/Rent: Real Estate LEISURE WORLD® - $119,500. 2 BR 1 FB “Hampton” model with access to Broadwalk. Wood floors, upgraded carpet, recent updates. 1200 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert Realtors, 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $175,000. 2 BR 2 FB “S” in “Turnberry”. Table space kitchen, separate dining room, garage parking. 1314 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - RENTAL - $1195. 2 BR 2 FB “F” model in the “Greens”. Ground level with enclosed patio. Walk out to green space. 1115 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $255,000. 2 BR+ den, 2FB “K” model with Garage space in the “Greens.” Golf course view, close to elevator. Enclosed balcony. 1480 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $169,000. 2 BR 2 FB “F” in the “Greens”. Garage Parking. New appliances, recent HVAC, Golf Course view, convenient to elevator. 1115 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $114,000. 2BR 2FB 1HB “Berkeley” townhouse. Fully renovated, new carpet. 1600 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $109,000. 2BR 2FB “Warfield” on first floor. Enclosed patio, table space kitchen, extra storage, separate laundry. 1116 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463

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LEISURE WORLD® - $115,000. 2 BR 2 FB “E” model in the “Greens”. New paint, table space kitchen, view of trees, extra storage. 980 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463.

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LEISURE WORLD® - $124,000. 2BR 1 FB 2 HB “Berkeley” townhouse with new appliances, fresh paint and carpet, custom Florida sunroom. 1600 sq ft, Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463.








From page 46.




LEISURE WORLD® - $164,900. 2BR 2FB “N” model in Turnberry. California Kitchen, enclosed balcony, walk-in closets. 1040 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $159,900. 2BR 2 FB “GG” model in “Greens”. Fresh paint and carpet, garage space included, enclosed balcony, golf course view. 1195 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $69,500. 2BR 1FB “Carlyle” Model. Freshly painted and new carpet. 1035 Sq Ft., Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $139,000. 2 BR, 2 FB “F” model in the “Greens”. Enclosed balcony. 1115 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $119,500. 2 BR 1 FB 2HB “Berkeley” townhouse updated kitchen with granite counters and maple cabinets, flagstone patio, new windows. 1600 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $109,000. 2 BR 1FB 1 HB “Elizabeth” model. Rare first floor location with custom patio enclosure, extras and upgrades. 1308 Sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $219,500. 2 BR 2 FB “Nottingham” model in move in condition. Parquet floors, large family room addition with extra storage. 1004 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $109,900. 2 BR 2 FB “E” model in “Greens”. Enclosed balcony, table space kitchen, extra storage. 980 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-628-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $119,900. 2 BR 2 FB “Warfield” model. New appliances and AC, enclosed patio. Move in condition.1043 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463. LEISURE WORLD® - $125,000. 2 BR 2 FB “ Monte Carlo. Rare 1st floor apartment, enclosed patio, new paint, carport. 1157 sq ft. Stan Moffson, Weichert, Realtors, 301-928-3463. FLORIDA CONDO, Boca Raton. Ground floor, end unit. On golf course, 2FB, 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen with breakfast area, hurricane shutters, enclosed porch, club house with exercise room, pool, tennis, handicap accessible, parking, secluded, close to everything, & good neighbors. $169,000. Contact JBBBroker@aol.com, 561-988-5459. LOOKING TO TAKE THE LEAP? I’ll take you on a tour of the community, show you floor plans, discuss campus amenities, & offer how to best coordinate your move. I will preview units & contact you with a match. I also offer exceptional service selling your home. I’m a Seniors Specialist, Buyer Broker, Top 1% of Agents Nationwide, and a Leisure World resident! You can see my current listings on page 18. Contact me: 301-580-5556, SueHeyman@aol.com, www.SueHeyman.com, Weichert, Realtors.

CONDO, KINGS OVERLOOK, GERMANTOWN - $188,803 - $6,035 in closing help offered. 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, hardwood floors, adult building, built in 2007 – just like new! Some deed restrictions. For pictures/virtual tour go to: www.14241KingsCrossing.com. Or call Kathy Fleskes, Llewellyn Realtors 301-461-3478. LEISURE WORLD – FRESHLY PAINTED $115,000, 2BR, 2 full baths. 1st floor unit in excellent condition. Call 301-649-2601.

For Sale FOR SALE: Settee-Canape, elegant French (Pierre Deux). Orginally $3,000; sacrifice sale $600. Looks Brand New. 703-379-8866. FSBO: $8,000 FOR 4 BURIAL SITES. National Memorial Park, 7400 Lee Highway, Falls Church, Virginia. Location: Block F, Lot 489, sites 1A - 4A. Please call 619-846-8206. HISTORIC OLD ROCKVILLE CEMETERY – Several privately owned sites available in prime area. Call 301-598-2777 for information. $2,500 each. Leave message/call back number.

Health GOT PAIN? GET ACUPUNCTURE. It works! Advanced Acupuncture of MacArthur helps you. Arthritis/joint pain, Headache/insomnia, Lowback pain, Neck pain, etc. Call Wei: 202-6698566. LOOKING FOR A NATURAL, HEALTHY WAY TO DEAL WITH ARTHRITIS, hypertension, diabetes, etc.? We can lead you on your path to wellness! Call Claudia: 240-476-8094. ROSE BEAUTY CREAM For the most beautiful skin of your life. Pure formula naturally erases wrinkles, freckles, age spots, acne scars, moles. 35 years of beautifying skin. www.barbarafrank.homestead.com 301-949-4873.

Home/Handyman Services WILL INSTALL NEW PHONE JACKS & wiring, reroute old wires, some repairs. 703-7511037 or 703-965-4884. Free Estimates.

Classifieds continued on p. 47


Deadlines and Payments: Ad text and payment is due by the 20th of each month. Note: Only ads received and prepaid by the deadline will be included in the next month’s issue. Please type or print your ad carefully. Include a number where you can be reached in the event of a question. Payment is due with ad. We do not accept ads by phone or fax, nor do we accept credit cards.

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J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N


Puzzle Page

Measuring Up 1




by Stephen Sherr 4

18 21







Jagoe’s Brain Joggers by Armiger Jagoe

1. Who was the actor who was born Raymond Wallace Bulcao and played the part of the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz? 2. In 1964, who was the Republican presidential candidate who was defeated by Lyndon Johnson? 3.Who was the Swedish-born Canadian who, in 1913, invented the modern zipper? 4. In 1955, what was the name of the first restaurant in Des Plains, IL, started by Ray A. Kroc? 5. Who was the popular musician and orchestra leader whose second wife (in 1942) was Betty Grable and who went on to have two others?

Jagoe’s Brain Joggers answsers











43 47



54 57



46 49




45 48



32 35


Magic Maze answers on p. 45.

















55 58











70 73



1. Cable network launched August 1, 1981 4. Use quotes 8. Monastery leader 13. One who signs a mortgage 15. Schlep 16. Bombshell Monroe’s first first name 17. Acting frugally 20. Require 21. Bill Clinton’s instrument 22. Tactical advantage 23. By way of 25. Family portrait participant, for short 27. Carbon dioxide, for example 28. Flirted, secretly 34. Word in a dry cleaner’s promise 35. July 4 comment 36. Impatient 39. Computer symbol 40. Majestic 43. Strike out 44. Take care of 46. Piglet’s pal 47. The main ingredient of steel 48. Badminton and croquet 52. “Eureka!” 54. Chinese restaurant freebie 55. Demographic datum 56. Increasingly common type of service 58. Soprano Sumac 60. The hardest substance in the human body 65. Poses 68. Recipient 69. DC athlete 70. ___ even keel 71. Villain’s specialty 72. Mimic 73. The only industrialized nation that uses the units hidden in 17, 28, 48, and 65 Across

1. Be down in the dumps 2. Romulus (or Remus) 3. Discharge 4. Heartburn source 5. Scottish John 6. Pulls with full force 7. City along the Rio Grande 8. ___ Arbor (MI college town) 9. Domino tile 10. Trick or trump 11. Zee’s foreign friend 12. Electrically subdues 14. Developer of the 45 rpm record format 18. Bee flat 19. Hall of mirrors goal 24. ___ effort (reward for trying) 26. Agency that manages 20% of the 2010 Fed. budget 28. 11 Down preceders 29. Add impurities 30. Blobbish 31. Busybody 32. Tara family 33. Nation featured in 2008 Best Picture 37. Gin flavoring 38. Cravings 41. “… ___ lender be” 42. Viper, for example 45. Mo. to say “trick or treat” 49. Typewriter parts 50. Moped maker 51. Emmy Award winning actress Rowlands 52. Some profs. 53. Stud 57. Fly the coop 59. At the summit 61. Latin lover’s word 62. Lunchroom list 63. Eon parts 64. Smallville girl 66. Botch a grounder 67. Pirate’s assent

Answers on page 45.

1. Ray Bolger 2. Barry Goldwater 3. Gideon Sundback 4. McDonalds 5. Harry James


WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N — J U L Y 2 0 1 0

Home/Handyman Services


STOTTS HOME/HANDYMAN SERVICES lawn contracts, trimming, weeding, mulching, power washing, window washing, brush & trash hauling, ETC. Call 24 Hour Emergency. 301987-1277, 240-477-2158.

HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES– Old and good quality furniture, glass, pottery, china, paintings, art, toys, advertising, costume and high-grade jewelry, gold, silver, silver flatware, wind-up watches, clocks, dolls, musical instruments, music boxes, sports & paper memorabilia, sterling, fishing, hunting, rugs, lamps, Hummels, political, rock & roll memorabilia, posters, military items, helmets, guns, swords, bayonets, medals, weapons, guitars, banjos, prints, art, sculptures, Lladro, bronzes, trains, fishing rod reels & lures, cast iron outdoor furniture, hi-grade American made tools, presentation and other unusual items. Purchasing one piece or entire Estates. I have over 30 years experience and I am a very ethical dealer located in Bowie, Md. Also a permanent vendor at Eastern Market in Southeast Washington, DC on Sundays. Please call Mike Keller, (301)731-0982 or (301)742-5031.

Personal Services CHERYL’S ORGANIZING CONCEPTS. Specializing in residential and small business organizing, paperwork management and senior move management. Member National Association Professional Organizers (NAPO). Bonded, insured. www.CherylsOrganizing.com. 10% senior discount 301-916-9022. VAN MAN – For your driving needs. Shopping, appointments, pick-up and deliver – airport van. Call Mike 301-565-4051. MOTHER WILL DRIVE YOU to your appointments, do your shopping, clean your house, fix computers, event planner, personal assistant at a reasonable rate. Honest and dependable. 240-595-7467. STRESSED? TIRED? OVERWHELMED? Changes in work status, family life, friendships, health and aging can produce increased levels of stress. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with training and experience in cognitive/behavioral therapy. I support people who are undergoing change to help them transform “limitations” into possibilities. Convenient Bethesda location. Accept Medicare. Don’t struggle alone: Call for support today. Judith R. Peres, LCSW-C 301-455-5140. WILL TYPE YOUR MEMOIRS, manuscripts, etc. For info and rates call 703-671-1854. WOW! GREAT HAIRCUT at a great price! Professional family hair salon conveniently located in Bethesda, MD. State board certified. Call 240-432-7211. PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY MEMORIES! Don’t let your precious photos be forgotten or fade over time. I’ll transfer your photos, slides, and negatives to a CD so they can be easily shared with friends and family. Once they’re scanned, I can bring your photos to life in a memorable DVD slideshow that will make a creative and unique gift for any occasion! Call Kim at Virtual Computer Services, 301-438-3140. PIANO LEARNING Always wanted to be able to play the piano? 38 year experienced teacher, in your home, fun, safe teacher. $40.00 per 30/min. 301-518-7085 (Gaithersburg, Bethesda, Rockville) INDIVIDUAL WILL DO YARD WORK for senior citizens at a very reasonable price. In the Alexandria Old Town area. Please call 703-6839623, ask for Sherwood. YOUR PERSONAL DRIVER for all your driving needs. Your doctor visits, shopping, and others. Great rate and service. Please call Ray at 703-389-6066.

Personals OLD-FASHIONED SWM looking for old-fashioned female 65-100 for movies, walks, holding hands, laughter, TV & cuddling. Call 703-751-1037.

Vacation Opportunities BETHANY BEACH, DE - 3BR, 2.5BA, Townhouse. TV & Air. Close to beach, shopping & rests. $900/week. 301-565-4051.

Wanted WANTED: OLDER VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, MANDOLINS, ETC. Musician/collector will pay cash for older string instruments. Jack (301) 279-2158. WE PAY CASH for antique furniture, quality used furniture, early American art, pottery, silver, glassware, paintings, etc. Single items to entire estates. Call Reggie or Phyllis at DC 202726-4427, MD 301-332-4697. MILITARY ITEMS WANTED: Collector seeks to purchase military uniforms, flight jackets, patches, insignia, medals, etc. from the Civil War through Vietnam. Especially seeking U.S. Army Air Corps, USMC, Airborne, and German/Japanese/Italian items from WWII. ALSO BUYING old Boy Scout, Airline Items, Toys, Lighters. Call Dan (202)841-3062.

CASH FOR JEWELRY: Buying jewelry, diamonds, gold, platinum, silver, watches, coins, flatware, etc. We make house calls. Ask for Tom or Katherine. Call anytime 301-654-8678. ANTIQUE AND QUALITY OLDER FURNITURE and accessories wanted. One piece or entire estate, including toys, dolls, paintings, silver, Oriental rugs, prints, pottery, china and glassware. Music boxes, clocks, country store items, paper memorabilia, historical and military items, old fishing equipment, antique firearms and all other items of value. I am a Washington native with over 35 years of experience in this business. I am well educated, courteous and have more experience and pay higher prices than virtually any other dealer in the area. I make prompt decisions, have unlimited funds, pay immediately and remove items expeditiously. No messy consignments or phony promises. References gladly furnished. Please call Jake Lenihan, (301) 279-8834. Thank you. STAMP COLLECTIONS, AUTOGRAPHS purchased/appraised – U.S., worldwide, covers paper memorabilia. Stamps are my specialty – highest price paid! Appraisals. Phone Alex, 301309-6637. Stampex1@gmail.com. HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES, ESTATES. FREE evaluations and house calls. We pay the most for your valuable treasures because we get the most money on ebay – the worldwide internet. Serving entire metro area – Maryland, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia. Buying the following items – furniture, art, silver, gold, old coins, jewelry, vintage wristwatches, clocks, military items, guns, swords, musical instruments, guitars, violins, sports memorabilia, fishing, golf items, old books, photographs, old toys, dolls, trains, etc. Please call Tom 240476-3441, Thank you. WANTED TO BUY old magazines, books, postcards, posters, etc., pre-1975. Also bookends, antique bookcases with glass fronts. Please call 301-946-0941 anytime. HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES. Compare my price before you sell! Serving entire metro area. Call for a free consultation, and professional service. I will purchase one piece or your entire estate. Including Furniture, Artwork, Glassware, Jewelry, Rugs, Costume, Gold and Silver, Watches, Sterling Items, Flatware, Lladro & Hummel Figurines, All Military Items, Guns, Swords, Helmets, Bayonets, Medals, Scout Items, Clocks, Music Boxes, Toys, Baseball Memorabilia, trains, All String Instruments, Including Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Fishing Rods and Reels, Lures, Historical Items, American tools, Posters, Outside Iron Furniture. I am a very reputable dealer with two locations in Silver Spring and Bowie, MD. Please call Christopher Keller 301408-4751 or 301-262-1299. Thank you. CASH FOR RECORDS & CDs. BEST PRICE GUARANTEED. Free appraisals. All types of music, 33, 45, 78 & CDs. Call Steve 301-6465403. Will make House Calls. GRACE JEWELRY – We buy all kinds of jewelry. Repairs, Gold, Silver & Gems - Designs. Best Prices. We are located in Alexandria. Appointments 703-314-9233. We are family business. ALWAYS BUYING OLD MAGAZINES books, costume jewelry and other better jewelry, watches (all kinds), silver flatware and hollowware items in any condition, old coins, comic books, and anything else that’s old. Call Alex now! 571-426-5363.




The Burke/West Springfield Senior Center Without Walls needs help with its weekly programs for seniors, including tai chi, line dancing, running and other activities. E-mail Cora Foley, volunteer pilot program coordinator, at corazonfoley@yahoo.com.

Ongoing Ongoing

PETS ON WHEELS Fairfax Pets on Wheels needs volunteers with friendly dogs, cats or bunnies to visit residents of area nursing homes. For more information, e-mail dfspetsonwheels@fairfaxcounty.gov or call (703) 324-5406.


Fairfax County’s Volunteer Solutions program needs volunteers to help older adults with transportation to medical appointments. Contact (703) 324-5406, TTY (703) 449-1186 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/olderadultservices and link to Volunteers.


PIANO PLAYERS NEEDED SOME Dwelling Place Senior Center is looking for musicians to play the piano and volunteers to help out at birthday parties. If interested, contact Denise at (202) 582-7138, extension 101.


J U L Y 2 0 1 0 — WA S H I N G T O N B E A C O N

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