February 2015

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Dear Readers, Welcome to the your first issue of The Beaker for the 2014-2015 school year! We would like to thank all of those who contributed to the last issue. They all really demonstrated how passionate about The Beaker all the members of Radix are. We’re eager to work together with a team of such driven and dedicated individuals this year. This year we will be leading The Beaker as Editors-in-Chief, certainly with big shoes to fill. Christina and Ajay, the founders of The Beaker, have undoubtedly left a lasting legacy of excellence at Del Norte. They developed The Beaker from what started as a magazine into an organization called Radix Education that spreads STEM to the community, whether it be Del Norte Nighthawks, middle schoolers, or their families. We would like to graciously thank Christina and Ajay for their contributions to not only The Beaker/Radix Education, but also Del Norte. We wish them the best of luck in college and their future endeavors. In this issue, we feature a variety of subjects ranging from a cancer-curing proteins to the pathology behind zombies. Prominent in this issue is an in-depth article by Jerry Chen on tuned mass dampers and their importance in the structures of buildings. Also, don’t forget to check out The Beaker Jr. section of the magazine, written by middle schoolers. This issue, we have articles on a breakthrough in prosthetics and the science behind music. Once again, we welcome you to a new year of The Beaker and hope you enjoy our first issue. We are extremely excited for this upcoming year and we hope you are as well. Sincerely, Austin Shih and Daniel Zhang Editors-in-Chief Visit us online at www.radix-education.org/beaker to read our previous issues. If you would like to join our team, sponsor, or advertise, contact us at beaker@radix-education.org. !

Contributors Editors in Chief

Austin Shih Daniel Zhang

Design Editors

Gokul Swamy Abhi Nathan

Principal Artist

Chelsea Song

Copy Editors

Sona Trika Michael Jung

Content Editors

Ben Li Alan Tang


Michael Yu Roy Wang Ashwin Muthu Flora Park Austin Shih Michael Jung Jerry Chen Gurleen Gill Ben Li Isabel Shih† Guneet Gill†


Frank Liao


Jr. Essay Competition winner

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Table of Contents: Regenerating Teeth




Hot Stuff


The Secret to Youth


Be Meat Free


Meat is Not the Problem


Earthquake Engineering


Bird’s Eye View


Cancer’s Cure


The Science of Music


The LifeHand 2




Regenerating Teeth The!importance!of!a!smile!is! often!understated.!For!humans,!the! smile!is!a!universal!sign!of!happiness! and!laughter.!As!a!result,!a!perfect! smile!is!invaluable!to!a!person’s! likeability!and!potential!success.! However!as!we!age,!most!of!us!will! not!have!those!perfect!pearly!whites! that!are!essential!to!a!beauty? pageant?winning,!lady?swooning,! killer!smile.!We!all!know!that! eventually,!teeth!rot!and!decay!into! small,!soulless,!black!pits!that!do!not! even!remotely!resemble!their! former!glory.!However,!we!may!rest! easy!as!breakthroughs!in!stem!cell! studies!conducted!at!Harvard! University!show!promise!for!tooth! regeneration.! Stem!cells,!simply!put,!are! cells!that!come!from!embryos!or! adult!tissue!that!have!no! specialization!yet!but!have!the! ability!to!become!any!type!of!cell!in! the!body![1].!These!scientists,!using! a!simple,!weak,!but!low?cost!laser!on! the!rats’!mouths!have!been!able!to! influence!stem!cells!near!the!rats’! teeth!to!actually!become!teeth!cells,! effectively!regenerating!the!rats’! teeth![2].!More!specifically,!the!stem! cells!were!triggered!by!the!laser!to! become!dentin!tissue,!which!is!the! bone?like!structure!between!the! pulp!and!enamel!of!a!tooth!and!vital! in!supporting!the!outer!enamel!shell! [3].!! In!another!experiment! detailed!in!the!Science!Translational! Medicine!medical!journal,!scientists! drilled!into!the!center!of!rat!molars! to!expose!the!adult!stem!cells,! performing!the!aforementioned! laser!technique!to!only!one!of!the! molars.!After!twelve!weeks!and!with! only!one!five?minute!laser!session!to! one!molar,!the!scientists!saw!twice! as!much!regenerated!dentin!in!the! treated!molar!versus!the!untreated! molar![2].! !

Dental care meets Star Wars by MICHAEL YU ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The!regenerated!dentin!itself! was!also!described!by! researchers!as!“strikingly! similar!in!composition!to!normal! dentin,!but!did!have!slightly! different!morphological! organization”![3].!In!layman’s! terms,!this!means!that!the! produced!dentin!was!made!up!of! the!same!compounds!as!natural! dentin,!but!the!molecular! structure!was!slightly!different.! However!the!differences!in! structure!were!found!to!be!not! drastic!enough!to!negatively! affect!the!produced!dentin.!! ! There!are!many! advantages!to!this!laser! treatment!for!the!regeneration! of!teeth.!Mooney,!another!lead! researcher,!stated!that!lasers!are! already!commonly!tools!in!the! medical!and!dental!fields![3].!Dr.! Dusko!Ilic,!a!senior!lecturer!in! stem!cell!science,!also!lauded!the! laser!approach!as! straightforward,!high?tech,!yet! very!low!cost!solution!and! expects!clinical!trials!to!take! place!soon![3].!As!a!result,!as! soon!as!the!technique!is! approved,!practitioners!may! begin!immediately!with!no! additional!cost!for!tools.!The! only!thing!necessary!for!dentists! would!be!training!for!finding!a! balance!in!laser!powers!since,!as! stated!by!Arany,!“Too!low! doesn’t!work!and!too!high! causes!damage”![4].!Another!pro! of!the!treatment!is!that!nothing! is!being!added!or!applied! beyond!a!stream!of!energy!since! the!necessary!stem!cells!are! already!located!in!your!mouth.! Utilization!of!embryonic!stem! cells!is!not!necessary!which!

allows!this!technique!to!avoid!the! criticism!of!questionable!ethical! practices!that!surrounds!them.!!! The!research!involving!rat! teeth!has!opened!the!door!to!many! other!research!implications.!This! Harvard!study!suggests!that!it!is!not! necessary!for!scientists!to!follow!the! traditional!steps!to!cultivate!stem! cells!which!are!to!remove!the!cells! from!the!body,!prompt!them!to! create!a!specific!cell!type,!and!then! transfer!them!back!into!the!body.! Now!researchers!realize!that!stem! cells!can!be!induced!to!form!new! tissue!while!still!in!the!body.!One!of! the!lead!researchers,!Praveen!Arany,! has!begun!to!work!at!the!National! Institutes!of!Health!where!he!is! pushing!for!authorization!for!a! treatment!method!that!is!testable!on! humans.!Arany!believes!that! possible!results!of!this!study!range! from!preventing!root!canals!to! decreasing!tooth!sensitivity![2].! Although!regenerating!the!outer! enamel!shell!is!considerably!more! difficult!than!regenerating!dentin,! meaning!we!are!far!away!from! creating!a!synthetic!set!of!teeth,!just! the!ability!to!produce!dentin!will! allow!scientists!and!dentists!to! eliminate!the!need!for!a!costly!and! potentially!painful!root!canal! treatment.!Maybe!the!most!notable! implication!of!this!study!is!the!proof! that!even!a!weak!laser!can!trigger! tissue!growth.!Hopefully!this! concept!of!laser!growth!can!be! applied!to!other!forms!of!research! that!involve growing!other!types!of! tissue,!such!as!bone.



The Walking Dead: Zombies have infected just about every aspect of pop culture. From the early days of Michael Jackson's Thriller to AMC's hit-series The Walking Dead, the glamour of the dead rising and consuming the human race has held a terrifying yet tantalizing allure. Books such as The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks envision real life zombie apocalypse situations and provide the reader with "tips� on how to survive the horrors of the living dead, perpetuating the thrill and adventure of a possible outbreak. Yet, what has kept the zombie franchise from being a full blown case of legitimate terror (save for the few kooks out there) is the fact that the thought of reanimation by a virus that causes insatiable hunger for human flesh is, well, rubbish. We gawk and laugh at those who truly believe in the possibility of an


outbreak, denouncing them as insane, naĂŻve, stupid, or any combination of the three. But perhaps the naĂŻve, insane, and stupid ones are us, the "nonbelievers". The concept of a zombie apocalypse is based on the underlying theory that a virus has the ability to reanimate a deceased human brain and induce it to command the decaying body to perform the most primal human task: to eat, eat, and eat some more. Though the method of infection can be a bit crude, as a bullet or a sledgehammer to the host's head will end all hopes of transmission, the concept of "mind control" and forcing a host to carry out a parasite's bidding has already been perfected in the natural world. While zombies may not exist in human civilization, nature has been dishing out its own zombie apocalypses way before Hollywood made it

cool. One of the "zombies" present in nature is the fungus called the Cordyceps. Another name for it is The zombie fungus is predominantly found in Asian countries such as China and Thailand, particularly in warm and humid climates [1]. Fitting of its name, the zombie fungus has evolved into thousands of different species, each species specially tailored to infect a specific organism. For example, the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis has evolved to specifically infect ants [2]. While the fungus doesn't "reanimate" its hosts to go biting other organisms, its method of infection is quite similar to ones seen in pop culture. In the case of the zombie ant fungus, the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, it uses the infected ant's body and tissue as its vector of After the ant is infected, the fungus attacks the

Not So fictional By Roy Wang

brain, causing the ant to become delirious and wander away from the colony. It then commands the ant to start climbing upwards on anything it can find, be it a stalk of grass or a tree. After ascending a certain height, the ant would then use its jaws to secure itself, and eventually die. But it doesn’t end there. After death, the spores of the cordyceps begin to flower, using the ant's body as nutrition. After 3 weeks, the fungus bursts and its spores are disseminated into the environment. Any ants in the vicinity face instant infection. This method of infection has been known to wipe out entire populations of ants, much like how zombie viruses are often depicted as wiping out entire populations of the human

race. While it isn't exactly the same, the mind control of the cordycep is similar to that of a zombie virus as they both dispose the host to be a vector of transmission, and both utilize a dead body. Another form of nature's zombies is known as Cotard’s Syndrome. While this isn't caused by a specific parasite like a virus or fungus, it is the closest thing to a zombie disease when it comes to humans. Cotard’s syndrome is a neurological disorder thatcauses the affected to believe that they are missing organs, soulless, and no longer living. The victim believes that they no longer exist and in some extreme cases are convinced they can smell their own decaying flesh [3]. The only difference from actual zombification

is the syndrome doesn't awaken the primal urge to eat, eat and eat some more in affected victims. Rather, the victim feels that food is no longer necessary since they are “dead” and can die of starvation if not treated immediately [3]. Luckily Cotard’s is not contagious, but this weakness could possibly be exploited if someone were able to trigger the symptoms. Even though nature’s zombies differs from those of Hollywood, they can be just as terrifying. From killer fungi to the "walking dead" syndrome, it seems that humans aren’t the only ones that are susceptible to zombie-like symptoms. While the possibility of a zombie outbreak isn’t likely, there is still plenty to be fearful of. 7

Hot Stuff

Capsaicin and TRPV1 receptors By Ashwin Muthu

Sweaty, pulsating bodies. Thirsty, rampaging people. To a teenager in the more dynamic social circles these are simply byproducts of raving, liquor, drugs, or some obscene combination of the three. However, the compound that catches my eye happens to achieve all the aforementioned physical sensations while remaining legal (perhaps not wisely so): capsaicin. Capsaicin is the active chemical component of spicy foods that causes the heated sensation. This compound binds to a special class of receptor inside our mouth called “TRPV1.” After capsaicin binds to these receptors, the sensory neuron is depolarized, and it sends along a signal indicating the presence of spicy stimuli [1]. But here’s the part that begins to have us questioning our


sobriety: TRPV1 receptors weren’t designed to detect capsaicin. They bind spicy food by accident. The real purpose of TRPV1 receptors is thermoreception, or the detection of heat [1]. This means that they are supposed to prevent us from consuming food that will burn our sensitive flesh, which is why our TRPV1 receptors are clustered in our tongue, mouth, and skin. As a result, when the receptors are activated by capsaicin, the sensation we experience is indelibly linked to the perception of temperature, to the feeling of eating something near the boiling point of water in the case of capsaicin. But that pain is merely an illusory side-effect of our confused neural receptors. There is nothing “hot” about spicy food. The larger point, of course, is that vast

swaths of the reality we take for granted are mere accidents of anatomy. We can’t help but believe in the “hotness” of chili – the pain is so visceral – but that belief is an illusion. Despite the façade of heat, what may be hot to the discerning customer is also an array of compelling health benefits. For starters, the thermogenic effect of capsaicin has the potential to burn calories for up to 20 minutes postworkout by spiking the metabolism. Studies also show that cultures that eat the most spicy food have much lower incidence of heart attack and stroke. Potential reasons include the facts that chili peppers can reduce the damaging effects of LDL (bad cholesterol) and capsaicin may fight inflammation, which has been flagged as a risk factor for heart issues [1]. And according to the American Association for Cancer Research, capsaicin has the ability to kill

some cancer and leukemic cells. One particular spice, turmeric, found in curry powder and some mustards, may slow the spread of cancer and the growth of tumors. "It has the same effects on the body as certain cancer drugs do," says Gregory A. Plotnikoff, M.D., senior consultant for healthcare innovation at Allina Hospitals and Clinics in Minnesota. Pair it with black pepper and absorb 2,000 percent more turmeric [1]. Fantastic on roasted veggies and kebabs, or in soups. And for those overworked students that simply need a quick, legal rush, spices can also provide a kick of adrenaline and serotonin, stimulating the pleasure center of the brain and easing stress and headache.



THE Secret TO YOUTH How hot sauce can lead to a longer life by Flora Park

The concept of avoiding aging has intrigued us for centuries. The “elixir of youth” and alchemists have tried countless times to reverse the aging process. Even in today’s world, there are countless beauty products and food items that claim to erase time’s toll on the body, yet the ability to prevent aging has eluded our grasp for centuries. However, recent discoveries show that the much sought-after “elixir” may have been found, although it might not be exactly what you’d expect. Mice have achieved an extended lifespan and a youthful metabolism by, in the most basic sense possible, eating large quantities of spicy food. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley have discovered that improve insulin response in mice. This helps them to withstand higher levels of blood sugar and provides them with a stronger metabolism. This pain receptor, TRPV1, is activated by capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their “spicy” taste. Constant activation of the TRPV1 on a neuron can cause it to die, but studies have shown that diets rich in capsaicin can actually lower the risk of diabetes or metabolic issues [2]. The absence of TRPV1 can, therefore, potentially treat diabetes or obesity in humans while also providing for a stable metabolism. When the TRPV1 receptors of the mice were blocked, they were able to clear large amounts of glucose from their blood at extremely fast rates.

Their insulin production levels were much higher than those of older mice as well [1]. “If you look at humans as they age, they report that they’re in more pain. There are two ways to look at that: Either pain is just coming along with the aging process or pain may be driving the aging process. So we asked if we took an old animal and removed its pain receptors, would it look more youthful,” stated Andrew Dillin, a professor of molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley [1]. Having less pain receptors means we feel less pain, and, according to Dillin, it may mean a more youthful lifestyle for humans. As for the main receptors Dillin is trying to block, TRPV1 is actually a receptor found in the skin, nerves, and joints that reacts to high temperatures and other sources of pain. It is also found in nerve fibers that affect the pancreas in which it stimulates inflammatory substances and prevents insulin release. Insulin causes blood sugar to be absorbed from the blood and stored in the body’s tissues. Research shows that TRPV1 plays a direct role in metabolism and that it can dramatically decrease the effects of aging on the body [2].

that something is wrong [1]. Mice that were genetically manipulated to not have TRPV1 receptors were found to live about 14 percent longer than normal mice. While the mice with TRPV1 had gradually decreasing metabolisms as they grew older, the genetically modified mice kept their youthful metabolism late in life due to lower levels of CGRP, which blocks insulin release much like TRPV1. The mice also showed signs that they could burn more calories than the normal mice without increasing their exercise levels. Overall, the mice without the TRV1 receptors were healthier and physically “younger” than the mice with the receptors. Furthermore, older mice that were given the antimigraine drug showed results of a better metabolism than the old untreated mice [2]. Dillin states that metabolism, longevity, and pain are much more connected than we had previously thought. As more pain is felt, metabolism is boosted which is often associated with a longer lifespan [1]. This research can further treatment of obesity and diabetes, an issue that affects millions around the world. This may not So how exactly do these scien- be the elixir of youth that we have been searching so fervently for, but it doesn’t tists plan to block the TRPV1 receptors?There is already an anti-migraine drug hurt to eat a few chili peppers for a little on the market that inhibits the release of a boost. protein called CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide). High levels of CGRP could result in high blood sugar levels and potentially lead to type II diabetes. This protein is triggered by TRPV1, and blocking CGRP has a similar effect to directly blocking the TRPV1 receptor. This is preferable to annihilating all of the TRPV1 receptors, because 11 pain is a necessary for our bodies to tell us

Be Meat Free Save yourself and the planet by Austin Shih In today’s meat-obsessed society, vegetarianism is often viewed as odd and extreme. The thought of a diet which entails munching on carrot sticks all day isn’t exactly appealing, but these fad-diets are far from the truth of vegetarianism. The vegetarian lifestyle isn’t just for hippies and model-wannabes. Eating vegetarian your body and the environment a favor. A purely vegetarian diet can have immense nagged you to eat your greens. Vegetables provide many essential vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and digestion and may help reduce blood cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of heart disease. Vegetables are also naturally low in calories and fat, and because they contain fewer calories than some other foods, vegetables can make you feel more full. This is how vegetables prevent health problems like obesity, heart complications, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A common misconception associated with eating protein you typically get from meats. However, vegetarians are easily able to meet all 20 of the amino acids needed for protein synthesis by eating foods like nuts, legumes, and dairy products [2]. Other concerns for vegetarians are that they do not get enough Vitamin B-12 and iron, which are gained from eating meat. While it is trients, there are still multiple vegetarian alternatives. Iron is present in cereal, bread, dark green vegetables such as spinach, and many nuts and seeds. Vitamin B-12 can be obtained from dairy products and is often found Eating greens is green: eating vegetarian is not friendly. It is undeniable that the world’s population is increasing; in the 20th century, the world population has grown from 1.65 billion to 6 billion people [3]. This increase in population has led to the rapid expansion of the food industry, especially meat. the food industry,

This is problematic due to the negative impact of raising too much livestock. Approximately 70% of the 11 western states are used for grazing [4]. Overgrazing may damage the land through erosion and soil compaction and harm native plant populations, affecting entire ecosystems. In order to create more land for grazing, rainforest is often cleared out; it is estimated that for each hamburger produced, approximately 55 square feet of rainforest is cleared out [4]. Raising animals for meat is quired to grow plants transfers to livestock through conamount of pollution; about 18% of greenhouse gases come from livestock, even more so than transportation. In fact, the energy to produce a pound of hamburger meat is equivalent to that used by a car driving 20 miles [4]. Vegetables and other crops take less energy to produce and are much more environmentally friendly. Vegetarianism is also much more ethically sound; while many may see animals as our inferiors, they are sentient beings that can feel think for themselves. Research has shown that warm blooded animals can feel stress, pain, and fear [4]. Regardless of your diet, it is clear that no animal should be treated inhumanely. It is mandated by the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act that animals be stunned unconscious to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering, but many slaughterhouses do not follow regulations, especially when it comes to fowl like chicken and turkey [4]. Furthermore, about 50% of the meat raised in the U.S. are raised in vile condito optimize the use of space, and these areas are both beaks and nails clipped while cattle have their horns cut off [4]. Purchasing and consuming meat supports the very industries that mistreat animals, and by becoming vegetarian you can take a stance against inhumane practices. and few disadvantages. Say no to meat to help yourself and the world around you.

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Meat is Not the Problem Is the vegetarianism hype just a hoax? by Michael Jung

Pro-vegetarian activists are spreading awareness in regards to the unethical treatment of animals to persuade the public to turn away from consuming meat. They believe that in doing so we can help the planet and become healthier, soning makes carnivores seem like outright criminals. However in reality eating meat is not only natural, but also does not have many of the harmful effects that are commonly perceived. The whole argument of eating meat being unethical… is it really a worrisome issue? Videos online showing how cruelly animals are treated and killed in meat processing plants display a problem associated with the meat packing business, and not the actual consumption of meat. Eating meat is, arguably, a natural part of life. The predator eats the prey. In the big scheme of things, we as humans stand at the top of the food chain. If animals like lions and sharks can eat meat to survive, then why can’t we? Because we are omnivores? Because we technically can survive without meat? So we are supposed to get our protein from nuts and pills, right? That doesn’t sound very natural to me. Relying on pills to get the nutrients our bodies need is not a natural process. Trying to eat nuts as a singular source of protein is not a viable option either. To attain the needed amount of daily protein, an individual must consume twice as much calories in nuts as they do for meat [1]. Meat also provides other nutrients critical for growth. Vitamin B12 plays an essential part of our nervous and digestive systems.

One in three self-proclaimed vegetarians are deficient in this vitamin, as opposed to one in twenty meat-eaters [1]. A meat-included diet is also a better source of iron than a vegetarian diet. The myth about a vegetarian diet making you healthier isn’t necessarily true; the type and quantity of food you consume plays a large role, and meats normally fall on the healthy side of the spectrum. Meat has always been a necessary part of our diet and it plays a huge part in the life cycle; there is nothing wrong with that. Our bodies welcome it and nature doesn’t disagree with it. What about all the problems that come with consuming meat? Vegetarians claim that eliminating carnivorous diets can help the environment, can diminish world hunger, and supports animals rights. Good plan, right? Not necessarily; recent studies show that a world full of vegetarians have more drawbacks than we thought. Massive amounts of greenhouse gases could actually be produced as a result of the increased production of crops [1]. Eating meat would result in less harmful pollutants and a more enriching source of protein, and helping world hunger with vegetarianism is only a dream. The assumption that eliminating the consumption of meat would help impoverished populations is completely baseless; world hunger is affected by accessibility to food and has no relation to types of food. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says that enough food is produced to feed the entire world, it’s just that much of that food goes to waste and is not readily available [1]. Eating vegetarian may provide benefits, but the benefits are not nearly enough to make an impact. Eating meat is not the problem. There are vegetarians out there that lead unhealthy lives eating junk and driving huge Hummers, harming the environment just as much as or even more than their

meat-eating counterparts. There are also meat-eaters that grow their own plants, ride their bikes to work, and utilize alternative energies [1]. The problem isn’t meat. It never was, whether it was 2.3 million years ago or now. The problem is how we carry ourselves throughout our lives and the daily decisions we make. A society with humane treatsion making, whether it is biking to work or giving food to the less fortunate, is the priority. However such a society is, sadly, an idealistic venture. Until this idealism can become a reality, the advocation of vegetarianism will rage on. It’s up to you to decide how that next hamburger will affect the world. In the meantime, I’m going to hunker down and eat my 20-oz rib eye with a side of mash potatoes and sweet tea.


The Fundamentals of Ea Shaken and beaten up, but still standing strong By Jerry Chen For thousands of years, humanity has been both confused and challenged by the persistent, somewhat veiled, and devastatingly powerful force of earthquakes. Before modern science, civilizations all over the world developed various legends and stories describing the phenomena. Indian legend tells that the world is held by four elephants, which stand on top of a turtle, which stands on top of a cobra. Whenever one of these animals moved the ground would shake, causing an earthquake. Mexican folklore says that earthquakes were caused when El Diablo, the devil, and his friends wanted to cause chaos on earth. Siberian stories tell that the world was held on a sled pulled by dogs, and that whenever the dogs stopped to scratch themselves the ground would shake in an earthquake. Almost every culture the world over had its own explanation for why the ground shook.


Of course, today we know that earthquakes are caused by a sudden release of energy from rocks, usually many miles underneath the surface. They typically occur near geological faults where tectonic plates meet. Pressure and heat from inside the earth encourage tectonic plates to shift and move around, but the stiffness of the earth’s rocks sometimes “jams” and prevents this movement. As a result, an energy potential is created, with the rocks storing much of the energy that would have come from the plates’ movements. When the energy stored in the rocks overcomes what they can hold, the energy is released in the form of an earthquake. Most earthquakes are too small to be noticed, but every once in a while comes along a very powerful earthquake that can devastate an entire community. In today’s society, earthquakes are sometimes more known

arthquake Engineering for their damage to property than their threat to human life. This is especially true in areas such as California and Japan, where strict building codes call for structures that can withstand all but the strongest earthquakes. However, this wasn’t always the case, and is not (and has never been) the case for many parts of the world. The leading cause of earthquakerelated death is falling objects or debris, particularly bricks. In poorer areas and lessdeveloped countries, poorly built structures can become death traps in the event of building collapse. Of course, soil liquefaction and tsunamis are also very dangerous to civil structures, but they do not apply to all earthquake cases and as a result the majority of earthquake-civil engineering continues to focus on the physical construction of the structure itself. Contrary to what its name may suggest, earthquake engineering does not involve figuring out how to create the perfect earthquake to completely annihilate all of society. In fact, just the opposite is true.

Earthquake engineering refers to a broad scope of research devoted to reducing the negative impacts of earthquakes on human society. Its major fields include civil engineering, mechanical and structural engineering, materials science, and seismic analysis. A considerable majority of these studies have some sort of connection to building and structure design and how to improve buildings to make them more resilient to earthquake forces. Over the years, a handful of new building techniques have been proposed and implemented, each with their pros and cons. The most basic type of earthquake protection is the installation of crossbraces: a diagonal beam is inserted between two opposing corners in a rectangular wall. When a house or building sways parallel to the ground in response to earthquake forces, the rectangular walls tend to shift momentarily into parallelograms (ignore the math definition inconsistency). If the earthquake force is too great the wall joints can tear, resulting in structural failure. The cross brace

holds together corners of the wall to help strengthen the frame and help prevent any excessive movement, and have been shown to be extremely effective for low-story buildings (which was why I was very shocked to hear that almost no houses in Del Sur are equipped with this feature). However, one of the disadvantages of the cross-brace is that they can make the structure dangerously stiff. This can result in an accumulation of earthquake forces in the building, resulting in rigorous vibrations. A newer version of the cross-brace is the viscous fluid damper, which is in essence a damper filled with some sort of relatively thick fluid. Rather than allowing zero rectangular shifting as with the cross-brace, the damper has the ability to selectively restrict the amount of shifting so that vibrations are at acceptable levels while at the same time ensuring that overstress is not reached. At the same time, drag friction from the fluid resistance helps absorb earthquake energy so that the building does not have to deal with the energy. While this may seem like 16

the ideal solution, the truth is that these devices are only effective on relatively low-story structures. Skyscrapers typically do not benefit from these devices, and so other methods must be implemented. One such method is the use of a seismic base isolation system. In such a system, the building is literally isolated from the ground and is instead built on a system of seismic rollers. When the ground shakes during an earthquake, the building rolls around on these isolators, reducing the intensity of the vibrations. A simpler way of looking at it is to think about a building literally built on springs; as the ground moves the springs twist around, but the building moves much less than if it were just built right on the ground. This method is admittedly very effective at reducing earthquake-induced damages and is a fairly popular system used in building construction. However, it also has its disadvantages. It is extremely expensive to implement and can be tricky to engineer and construct. As a result, it is typically restricted to smaller structures. The tallest structure in the world to use the base isolation system is a mere 32 stories tall (Los Angeles City Hall). However, San Francisco International Airport’s International Terminal sits 17

on a system of base isolators and is arguably one of the largest structures worldwide to use such a system. When it comes to designing a high-rise skyscraper to deal against the dangers of an earthquake, many more factors come in to play. Many of us would agree that a taller building is more at risk to earthquake damage than a smaller building, but why? The answer lies in a phenomenon called resonance. Resonance describes the tendency of an object to have large oscillation amplitudes when exposed to a force with a frequency similar to its natural frequency (also known as the fundamental frequency). For example, suppose you hold a spring with your hand, and on the other end of the spring is attached a block of considerable mass. If you start to shake your hand up and down, the block will start to oscillate up and down too, but if you move your hand at a certain speed, the block will move the most. Resonance occurs when the frequency at which you move your hand matches the natural frequency of the system (the block and the spring), which is a function of the system’s mass and spring constant. Just like the simple spring and mass in the above example, skyscrapers exhibit

similar phenomena when exposed to earthquakes. If an earthquake force happens to occur at a frequency that is very similar to the skyscraper’s natural frequency, then the skyscraper is in for one heck of a ride. In a simple springmass system, like the one in the previous example, the system’s natural frequency can be easily calculated. Commonly expressed as ω0, the natural frequency is given by the expression √(k/m) where k is the spring’s spring constant given in units of N/m and m is the mass of the block in kilograms. ω0 is expressed in units of radians per second. We can see that as the mass of the system decreases, its fundamental frequency increases. This helps us understand why shorter structures are at lower risk of earthquake damage than taller structures: the smaller height results in a lower mass, and therefore a higher natural frequency. Since most structures are built using similar materials, k is relatively constant, and so skyscrapers have a much lower natural frequency than smaller structures. The lower natural frequency results in a much higher chance of resonance occurring during an earthquake, because earthquake frequencies tend to be in the lower range

(it is very possible for there to be a small earthquake where the earth shakes rather slowly, but pretty unlikely for a very strong earthquake to hit that causes the ground to shake very quickly). The tendency of earthquakes to have low force frequencies puts skyscrapers especially at risk. Smaller structures usually are able to escape the resonance phenomenon and therefore are generally safer from collapse. Skyscrapers do not enjoy the same protections as smaller buildings, and therefore must be carefully crafted for ultimate earthquake protection. A skyscraper can be reasonably modeled in a spring-mass system where the weight of the structure represents its mass and the structure’s material elasticity represents its spring constant. Representations in a forced spring-mass system can give somewhat accurate results of the structural response to an earthquake, but only if we are assuming that the structure does not actually collapse. This makes it difficult to make detailed observations and studies about the actual structure construction, but is applicable enough to make effective generalizations. For example, in the past,

proposals have been made to build skyscrapers using stiffer-than-ever materials in an attempt to increase the structure’s fundamental frequency. The idea sounded logical, but has never been actually implemented. This is because when we have a m-value of upwards of 200,000,000 kilograms, a small increase in the k-value becomes insignificant towards calculating ω0. It would take an incredible increase in material stiffness for a skyscraper to have the same fundamental frequency as a smaller structure, say a house for example. Just as the skyscraper seemed helpless, an unlikely hero stepped in: the tuned mass damper (TMD). Simple, easy to build, and relatively cheap to build, operate and maintain, TMDs have been used in countless structures around the world. Essentially no more than a block of metal, the TMD works by absorbing earthquake energy through a system of viscous fluid dampers. Usually located near the higher parts of a building, the relative movement of the tuned mass against the building’s movement causes dampers to compress, absorbing earthquake energy through fluid drag friction. TMDs are a relatively new technology, introduced in the 1970s, and have been

very effective at reducing earthquake-induced vibrations. Arguably the most famous TMD is in Taipei 101, which weighs an astonishing 700 tons. Other famous examples include John Hancock Tower in Boston and the LAX Theme Building. While TMDs have been shown to have impressive performance, they have a few drawbacks. Their performance is sensitive to fluctuations in mass and spring constant, which are unavoidable in large high-rise structures. However, it is only one of many techniques that can be used to fight the monstrous amounts of energy released by earthquakes. Advances in earthquake engineering are constantly being made, and perhaps one day we can overcome the destructive power of Mother Earth.


Bird’s Eye View The Power of U and V By GurlEEn GiLL t's a bird! It's a plane! No wait, it is a bird! All throughout the world, birds are known as majestic creatures that rule the sky. People have always been fascinated by birds, whether it be for their wings or for their sweet songs. But now, scientists finally understand what the world looks like through a birds eye, and it is truly astonishing. Biologists initially assumed that birds and humans had similar vision because both are active during the day. But a scientific breakthrough by ornithologist Geoffrey Hill proved this theory false. Years later, biologists concluded that birds can both sense the Earth's magnetic field and perceive ultraviolet light,


an ability they use to help them choose mates, feed their hungry chicks, and find food [1]. Birds can use the Earth's magnetic field to help them sense where they are in the world and what climate changes are occurring. By using this skill, they are able to fly from place to place in search of ideal weather conditions [2]. It has for a long time been established that birds can detect the Earth’s magnetic field, but scientists only discovered that birds can see UV light two decades ago. We thought that birds were colorful winged creatures that choose mates based on feather color. Many tests have proven that bird behaviors, such as mate choice,

are shaped by visual signals that humans cannot see. Researchers first used spectrophotometers to test their hypotheses on birds, specifically the European Blue Tit. Staffan Andersson, an ecologist professor, states, "Standard literature describes the plumage as closely similar between the sexes. The main problem with this conclusion is that it is based on the UV-blind and yellow-biased human eye" [1]. Andersson along with his peers discovered that the birds themselves have no difficulty distinguishing themselves from one another. Seventy percent of all songbird species were hypothesized to be sexually

monochromatic, meaning that males and females look identical, but in reality ninety percent are dichromatic [1]. A week after a mother bird lays her eggs, the eggs reflect UV light. If one egg's color looks different from the others, it can be determined that the egg is full of parasites. This way, the birds are able to quickly reject the eggs that may be harmful to others. The chicks hatch and the parent bird flies off to find food. When the parent bird comes back, who gets the food first? Some parents rely on how loud and energetically the chicks beg, while others use the brightness of the edge of the mouth or head. In an experiment in 2011, Spanish researchers wanted to investigate if the UV signals transmitted from the chick had an effect on feeding. Scientists smeared sunblock on the heads of some chicks and placed them back in the nest. After feeding time, data was collected. The chicks with sunblock weighed much lighter than the chicks without it [1]. Biologists then

concluded that the sunblocked baby birds could not communicate their starvation with UV signals, resulting in a lack of food. Parent birds also use ultraviolet vision to find food. Birds generally eat insects, seeds, and berries, which all have a waxy coating that reflects UV color. Green leaves do not have a coating and therefore do not reflect ultraviolet light. As birds fly over many trees and bushes, the green leaves are ignored and food is clearly visible. Similarly, birds of prey can also see their food thanks to ultraviolet rays. Kestrels, for example, prey on the meadow vole. The meadow vole is a tiny creature that uses urine to mark its trail. The vole urine reflects UV light, which the birds can clearly see. The birds use the trail of urine to uncover the location of the vole [3]. So how exactly do birds see this ultraviolet light?Once enough information was collected to confirm that birds really do see ultraviolet light, biologists quickly turned to studying the anatomy of birds’ eyes. Quite

quickly, they noticed some advantageous differences. Humans have three cones, or types of color receptors, that identify red, blue, and green colors. Birds, however, have four cones which identify red, blue, green, and ultraviolet light. The cone cells in birds have a small amount of colored oil which acts as a filter for better color detection. Another anatomical difference is the fovea, a spot on the retina for light resolution. Humans have only one in each eye, making it difficult for the eyes to focus on an object that is far away. However, birds have two fovea, one for focusing on objects close by and the other for focusing on objects far away [3]. People have long wondered what it would be like to be able to fly like a bird. The view from the skies would be something that most have never experienced before, something that birds’ eyes play a larger role than thought before. One thing that we know for sure is that there is more to these masters of the sky than meets our human eyes.


Cancer’s Cure? Are we searching in all the wrong places? By Ben Li What if the cure to cancer is in us? Not mentally, but physically: as in, literally, in us. Copper, while only needed in small amounts, is important for the human body in transporting electrons, synthesizing phospholipids, and more [1]. A special protein transporter is used to bring copper ions into human cells, the human copper transporter 1 (hCTR1) protein. The hCTR1 protein works “as a biochemical pump to seize copper atoms outside of a cell” and take them through the cell membrane [2]. So why is a copper transporter so special? As it turns out, the same protein transports cisplatin. Cisplatin, a platinum-containing drug, is one of the most widely used anti-cancer drugs; once injected into a tumor cell, it interacts with the cell’s DNA and kills it [2].


However, there’s a problem with the hCTR1. Drugs like cisplatin are effective when first used, but over time, they lose their effectiveness. This decline in effectiveness could be from changes in the hCTR1 in cancer cells. Scientists are now trying to understand what changes occur in the hCTR1 so they can create a better cisplatin or a new drug entirely [2]. In other words, this could mean a cure for cancer is not only possible but also close at hand. To understand the changes in the hCTR1 one must first understand what it looks like, a mystery that has baffled scientists for years. For the longest time, cell biologists didn’t know if the transporter protein formed dimers (created with amino acids in pairs) or trimers (createdwith amino acids in sets of three). It was only in 2006 (and later refined in 2009)

that the hCTR1 was known to primarily have trimers [2]. However, just knowing that the protein is primarily trimers is not enough. This knowledge only applies to the section that spans the cell membrane; the structure that extends beyond the cell membrane is unknown [2]. Because of this, no one has attempted to create a complex model of the protein. Dr. Igor Tsigelny, a scientist at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, led a team to try to create a 3D computer model of the transporter. “We predicted the structure of the protein on the level of information available at the current time, but this model needed to be checked with actual experimental results,” Tsigelny says [2]. Besides having to try creating a 3D model of the hCTR1, Tsigelny’s

team had to tackle a few problems in their model. Molecular dynamics modeling studies showed that, even though the transporter is incredibly flexible, the path copper takes through the transporter is stable [2]. To demonstrate copper’s interaction with the hCTR1, Tsigelny’s team created a new programming tool called METBIND. As metal ions interact with proteins, the program tries to pinpoint binding sites on the protein, with an accuracy of approximately 80% [2]. This helped Dr. Tsigelny’s team with their findings on the hCTR1 protein. They found nine negativelycharged amino acids that extend from the hCTR1 into the extracellular environment. Because copper ions are positively charged, the hCTR1 is able to attract them with this amino acid chain. Copper ions also go

through an electricallyneutral channel madef an amino acid called methionine. Each methionine serves a purpose; a missing methionine can stop copper transport [2]. However, there are still many aspects of the hCTR1 protein that are unknown. Once the hCTR1 protein’s structural mystery is solved, drug developers can create more effective drugs containing platinum (for example, cisplatin is platinum-based) and other metals. “This study provides a blueprint for how they could search for drugs to enhance those effects,” Tsigelny says [2]. A full understanding of this protein has the potential to save countless lives, ending one of the toughest battles that we have had to face yet.


Science Of Music

What’s the science behind your favorite song? By Isabel Shih It can make you dance, make you sing, make you sad, and even energetic. What is it? It’s music, something that is universally enjoyed by all cultures. But how is it made and what allows us to hear such a diverse range of sounds? There is much more science behind this art than you may have thought. Sound is produced when something vibrates which in turn causes the medium around it to vibrate; this creates travelling longitudinal waves. These sound waves are the waves that we hear. These waves are


made up of areas of different amounts of pressure; there are two areas in sound waves, compressions and rarefactions. Compressions are the areas of the wave where there is a higher pressure, while rarefactions are the areas of the wave with a lower pressure. These sound waves travel through the ear canal and hit the eardrum which vibrates, converting the sound waves to mechanical energy; the vibrations travel through the middle ear and move the fluids of the inner ear. Hair cells sense the

movements and send a message through the auditory nerve to the temporal lobe’s auditory cortex in the brain [2]. This is why you can feel vibrations when you blast music at a high volume. Different pitches of sound can be attributed to varying wavelengths; a wavelength is defined as the length from one point of the wave to the corresponding point on the next wave. Frequency is how often the particles of the medium vibrate when a wave passes through the medium and is measured in hertz [2]. The higher the

wavelength, the lower the frequency and vice versa. The normal range of human hearing is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Volume of sound is determined by the amplitude, the height, of the sound wave, from zero to the crest [4]. The greater the amplitude, the louder the sound. Its intensity is measured in decibels; the smallest audible sound is 0 dB, near total silence. If you want a sound ten times more powerful, it would be 10 dB. A sound 10 more times powerful than 10 dB is 20 dB, and so on [3]. Timbre, or sound quality, gives the sound its characteristics; according to Encyclopedia Britannica, timbre is the “quality of auditory sensations produced by the tone of a sound wave” [1]. Sound quality

can also be affected by pitch,volume, quality, and a harmonic/overtone, a smaller wave that rides on the fundamental frequency which is the main frequency of the wave. This is what distinguishes the sound of a violin from the sound of a piano. Based on the nature of sound, instruments vibrate the surrounding medium to produce music. In the Hornbostel-Sachs system, instruments are classified into chordophones, aerophones, membranophones, idiophones, and electrophones. Chordophones are instruments like violins or harps that make sound with a vibrating string. Aerophones are instruments like flutes that produce sound with

vibrating air, while membranophones are instruments that have a stretched membrane or skin stretched over that vibrates when it is hit. Idiophones are percussion instruments, and electrophones are instruments powered by electricity, such as electric guitars. Music is so much more than just meaningless noise, and the complexity of the science behind it is astounding. So the next time you turn up the radio in your car, remember that it’s just not the tunes blasting through, it’s sound waves composed of rarefactions and compressions.


A giant Leap in the prosthetic world by GUNEET GILL Imagine yourself living in a world without a hand or even a leg. Daily activities would become a constant struggle. Doing your hair, brushing your teeth, or even tying your shoelaces would be like climbing a mountain every single day. You would have to relearn simple, everyday tasks. If you were right handed, you would have teach yourself to write with your left, and vise versa. Amputees experience this nightmare every day. How would this life be livable? Favorite activities would require a different approach or might even be too can use prosthetics, but having a fake limb just isn’t the same as the real thing. Although prosthetics can improve outward appearances, the amputees are still left without their sense of touch. But imagine if there was a better solution that gave amputees a more realistic experience when they used their prosthetics. A team of scientists in Switzerland has been developing just that: the LifeHand 2, a prosthetic with which amputees can feel. Dennis Aabo Sørensen, 36, had to have his left hand amputatNew Year’s Eve. For nine years he was forced to wear a prosthetic, a plastic hand that merely grabbed things for him. The future looked grim for Sørensen until Silvestro prosthesis by the name of LifeHand 2 [1]. The LifeHand 2 hooked upthe nerves in Sørensen’s upper arm 25

to a computer that would send messages to his brain, simulating a sense of touch. Sørensen underwent a surgical procedure led by Paolo Maria Rossini in which transneural electrodes were attached to the ulnar and median nerves of his left arm. Messages are sent in an impulse through the electrodes attached to two nerves. The brain can then receive information like shape, texture, and force applied to the object [2]. To make this possible, “ultra-precise electrodes” developed by Thomas Stieglitz’s research group at Freiburg University, Germany are used [1]. Some scientists, like Stanisa Raspopovic, were skeptical because the nerves in Sørensen’s left arm had not been active for nine years. The dormant nerves might have been unfamiliar with the messages sent by the nervous system which would render the system useless. Luckily, this was not the case for Sørensen. After 19 days of monitore ing his body’s reaction to the elecx trodes the prosthetic was attached [2]. Scientists conducted several experiments to test the breakthrough technology. In one experiment, Sørensen was blindfolded and tasked with determining the differences between several round objects. The results were promising, but due to safety restrictions imposed in clinical trials the electrodes were removed from Sørensen’s arm after 30 days [2]. Nonetheless, the results from the trial were very promising.

This breakthrough contains an immense amount of potential because now we are able to mimic the human sense of feel using electrodes and impulses: “This is the first time in neuroprosthetics that sensory feedback has been restored and used by an amputee in real-time to control an artificial limb” [1]. Unfortunately the prosthetic is not yet available to the public, as scientists are still researching and developing the prosthetic. However, the results from this study have redefined the future of prosthetics, opening the door to endless possibilities.

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