The Beast - October 2016

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October 2016

Love, Light, Laughter


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WELCOME TO OCTOBER... YEARNING FOR MORE SUN Words Dan Hutton Picture James Hutton


elcome to the October 2016 edition of The Beast – the monthly magazine for Sydney’s Beaches of the East. The weather has been quite delightful since the beginning of September, and we’re hoping that it stays that way for October. Our bodies are yearning for more sun, and for lazy spring days spent lying on the beach. Speaking of yearning for the sun, one of October’s most appealing features is the beginning of daylight saving. We all need to wind our clocks forward one hour in the wee hours of October 2, or just hope that our iPhones do it for us automatically. October is a bit of a cultural banger around these parts, with the obvious highlight being Sculpture by the Sea, which runs from October 20 to November 6. It continues to deliver year after

6 The Beast | October 2016

year, bringing art lovers and their grumpy partners to our beautiful beaches in their droves.

In the mag this month we’ve got pieces on a range of exciting and worthy local initiatives, from UNSW’s nation-wide survey on autism in adults, to Mary Howell’s empowering female business luncheons, and the Garage Sale Trail’s modern take on recycling and sustainability. We also investigate whether or not the ongoing repairs to the coastal

walk between Bondi and Tamarama will be completed in time for Sculpture by the Sea, and we talk to the local surfers behind the push to have Bondi Beach recognised as a National Surfing Reserve. Our cover star this month is the ‘Kaftan Queen’ herself, Camilla Franks. Camilla is a hard-working Eastern Suburbs gal who has turned a flowy beach garment into a high-fashion empire. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about her success secrets, and learning about the Aussie fashion world. We’re sure you will too! As always, there’s something for everyone in the following pages, so we hope that you’ll be a bit more informed, and significantly more excited to be part of our vibrant Eastern Suburbs community, once you’ve finished reading it. Dan and James Publishers




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8 The Beast | October 2016

Contents OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE 141

06 Welcome Note

10 Monthly Mailbag 20 Thumbs & Dogs 22 Local Faves 28 Local News 29 Beastpop I 50 Calendar

52 Interview

58 Local Photos I

60 Rupert’s Rant 61 Beastpop II

62 Fish ‘n’ Tips 64 Tide Chart

66 Aquatic Wildlife 68 Street Style

70 Unreliable Guide 72 Enviro News 74 QTips

76 Travel Bug 78 Sexy Time

80 This Sporting Life 82 Local Photos II 84 Bandage 86 Reviews

87 Arts Bits

88 Food & Wine

96 Trivial Trivia

98 Beardy From Hell Early education, by Alice Darvill.

98 Trivia Solutions

THE BEAST'S MONTHLY MAILBAG Words The People of the Eastern Suburbs Illustrations Dalton Wills AN UNFORGETTABLE DONATION Hi Dan and James - Just a quick email to thank you for your support for the Bondi2Berry ride (Dementia Fundraiser a Ride to Remember, The Beast, September 2016). We have received a donation of $5,000 from a lovely lady named Coleen, who made the donation in memory of her husband who passed away after suffering from dementia for eight years. I asked her how she had found out about the Bondi2Berry ride, and she mentioned that she read about it in The Beast. I wanted to say thank you, as it's obviously out there being read, and helping us make a difference. Nick Young Bondi2Berry TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO WHINGE DIVINE Not sure which is worse: the so-called 'whingers', or those who whinge about whingers. Ben Smit (Beast Whingers, Letters, The Beast, September 2016) complains about those who write in with their “First World problems”. Yes, indulgent and spoiled as we in our Eastern Suburbs bubble are, everything is relative and has a context. Some are fighting bigger battles than others, but that doesn't negate the validity of each person's concern. Are we supposed to just sit around in blithe, complacent acceptance while there are forces at work slowly killing the goose that 10 The Beast | October 2016

laid the golden egg? That 'whinging' could also be called freedom of speech, and it is the only peaceful weapon at hand with which to try to preserve and protect this “best part of the world”. Not everyone who criticises the status quo is just complaining for its own sake. To quote Joni Mitchell: "You don't know what you've got till it's gone". Tina Harris Bondi

This same group of people is now trying to monopolise the Bondi Pavilion and prevent a much-needed upgrade. WHINGERS AWAY Dear Beast - I was reading September's mailbag and was pleased to see two headings on the same latitude on page 12: 1. 'Bad Service Leaves Bad Taste'; and 2. 'Beast Whingers'. I implore your subscribers to read the first article swiftly followed by the second. Kudos to your publishers. Jock Hamilton BONDI NEEDS SAVING FROM MICHAEL CATON It's 1998, the lead up to the Olympics. Bondi is in desperate need of a public transport upgrade - the

Premier is proposing a train link to the beach. Locals will be able to get to work in the city in under 30 minutes. Visitors will be able to come and go more easily and without the use of cars, meaning less local parking issues. The social and environmental sustainability of the famous beach destination will be radically improved. Then along comes Michael Caton, self-appointed 'Mayor' of Bondi. He mounts a campaign leveraging his cache as a famous actor, and any dreams of better public transport slip away. So why did he do it? He is the embodiment of the Bondi Nimby - a class of very well off, but outwardly bohemian baby boomer creatives. They pretend to be advocates of green outcomes, but they drive up Bondi Road every day. They pretend to be advocates of social justice, but they're afraid a train station will bring crime from the western suburbs. They want to keep Bondi to themselves, no matter the social or environmental cost. This same group of people is now trying to monopolise the Bondi Pavilion and prevent a much-needed upgrade. You probably know about the 'iconic' building, but when was the last time you used it? I have grown up and lived in Bondi for 20 years and I have only visited the Pavilion on occasion. The old building is in desperate need of a refurbishment and internal reconfiguration. At the moment there is a lot of wasted space that could be used more effectively for community activities. I would love to see the building opened up and used by all locals. Waverley Council failed to conduct extensive consultation about the upgrade and there's no doubt that was a bad move. I can understand, in this context, why Caton chose to take an adversarial position. But the focus of the discussion now needs to be on what is in the best interests of all the people who live in Bondi. The upgrade may see the loss of a music recording studio, which Caton and his muso buddies are up in arms about. But what about the needs of the broader

non-muso community to access space for other community uses? They're worried about the building being privatised if existing cafes are relocated inside the building, but how can we ensure its long-term sustainability? I do not have the answers to these questions, but I would like them to be explored in a constructive way. I would like Bondi's biggest potential community infrastructure asset to fulfill its potential for the whole community, rather than being controlled by a self-motivated famous few. Love from a 'real' Bondi person, Sidonie Roberts Bondi NO COUNCIL INTEGRITY IN WAVERLEY â–ź A few months ago we received two development applications for houses in the street in front of ours - houses that we look directly onto and past leafy Bronte Gully. Okay, we think, fair enough, these houses are ripe for renovation, as are a lot of houses in our area. Then we look at the proposals,

both of which want to subdivide - the two houses will become four. The subdivision is also fair enough; one hopes it involves creating greater diversity - a granny flat perhaps, or student accommodation - it's good to have a mix in the community. But no, one house in particular wants to become two four-bedroom, four-level houses. It is over the height limit and over the floor space ratio by 39 per cent. So, we think, why have council sent us these fantasy proposals? Are they obliged to pass these on to the neighbours even when they so blatantly flout the council rules? What a waste of time! Every neighbour objected with the exception of an elderly lady with no computer who is pretty much house bound (Note to council: your system is unfair to this person who has been part of the community for more than 50 years). Some weeks pass and we are advised that amended plans are now available for us to comment on. We are not architects or the like, but

fortunately one of our neighbours is an engineer and has the knowhow to see that not only have none of our concerns been addressed, but the houses are still over the height limit and have unbelievably increased in size to 43 per cent over the floor space ratio! Taking a morning off work, we attend the council planning meeting where we gather behind a small barrier feeling like naughty children as the panel sits above us in large padded chairs, one further removing herself from contact with us undesirables by wearing her sunglasses in the dim room. We make our short submissions, wondering at the waste of everybody's time to consider items that are so clearly breaking the rules. That afternoon the plans are approved, with the proviso that facility for a future lift is included, given that the properties have four levels (where the council rules only allow two). Can somebody explain why? Why does the council provide guidelines when they take no notice of them? What is the role

October 2016 | The Beast 11

of our council if not to look out for us, the residents and ratepayers? Why are they not thinking of the future, of the importance of community, of the inadequacy of the public transport and the roads to accommodate more people? Is it a money grab? More houses, more rates? Does Sally Betts just want to be the queen of a larger empire? I could understand this if we lived in a place where money and greed take precedence over democracy... oh, hang on, we do! So how much to revoke this decision? Come on Waverley Council, there's got to be a price to buy my privacy and view back, doesn’t there? J. Parkes Bronte THANK YOU, KURTOSH STAFF MEMBER I would like to thank the kind member of staff at Kurtosh café and bakery at The Spot, Randwick,

12 The Beast | October 2016

who found my wallet there on Sunday, August 21 and passed it on to Randwick Police that day. I wanted to let you know how relieved I was to get the wallet back as it contained credit cards, cash and other items. My heartfelt thanks to you for going out of your way; it’s good to know there are people like you out there! Ilona Hajnal Bondi Junction PUNISH CHAINSAW MIKE ▼ There has been a constant flow of letters in The Beast and other newspapers from people who remain gobsmacked and appalled by the government-sanctioned vandalism that saw the extensive removal of too many majestic trees along Anzac Parade and Alison Road, some of which are said to have lived and provided pleasure to communities for 150 years. I say as forcefully as I can that we the people should respond at

upcoming federal, state and local government elections by refusing to give our votes to the party of those sitting federal, state and council members in the electorates and wards affected who refused to stand up sufficiently strongly to protect those majestic trees from Mike Baird’s chainsaw. Perhaps a 150-year ban on voting for such a political party to match the life of many of those magnificent trees might be an appropriate response to such wanton destruction? Frank Cahill Bondi Junction CHILL OUT ABOUT WOOD FIRES I have resisted responding to earlier issues of The Beast on the topic of wood fireplace burning, but I can hold back no longer. I am a long term resident of Bronte, most likely a decade or two more than Dr Lightfoot, and am probably one of the few residents who still has an original wood burning fireplace in Bronte. As I understand it, Wa-

verley Council does not approve wood fires in any new development applications, but the use of existing wood fire facilities is allowed. Our fireplace is not used as the primary source of heating in winter. We have gas heating throughout our house (and I am sure the toxicity from this is not good), but my family and friends do enjoy the occasional gathering around the fireplace during the very cold months of winter. Wood burning is an ancient and natural form of heating. Dr Lightfoot, get real, get a life, and stop trying to influence everyone else's life! George Sinclair Bronte DR LIGHTFOOT’S LATEST CRUSADE ▲ Dr Lightfoot has moved onto his next crusade - banning wood fires. Now I'm not a doctor, but it seems rather onerous to compare wood fires to the health effects of smoking. We don't directly inhale the smoke from wood fires, and it's only in an enclosed area that 14 The Beast | October 2016

the long-term effects of passive smoking have comprehensively been proven. Studies into the effects of secondhand smoke in outdoor areas come up as negligible or close to background levels. To quote William Saletan of, who sifted through two studies (the 2006 California Air Resources Board study, and a 2007 study from Stanford): “If you want to argue for park wide smoking bans based on asthma or on an analogy to noise pollution, go ahead and make that case. But let’s not cloud that debate by invoking the general harm of secondhand smoke. Studies of secondhand smoke have indeed moved outdoors. Their findings support restrictions on lighting up within a few feet of other people. But they don’t warrant more than that.” So if the science behind outdoor smoking bans isn't directly clear then I'd assume it would be a similar situation for wood fires. Chimneys are high in the air with the sea breeze of the area often

blowing the smoke well away. Not to mention this isn't Launceston or Montreal. Sydney's winter isn't as long or as cold. The doctor also made comparisons between pollution of car exhausts and wood fire smoke. Again it seems the doctor failed to take into account exposure levels. Pollution from exhausts occurs constantly all year round, 24/7, whereas residents would only be lighting wood fires one in every two days (max.) during winter, plus only a small percentage of Bronte homeowners would actually be using their wood fires. Most have moved to gas or blocked off their chimneys entirely due to possums. If the majority of residents were lighting fires constantly, perhaps I’d be on board with the doctor’s ban, but I can only remember three or four days this year when I've actually smelt wood smoke. I feel Dr Lightfoot is again trying to deal with a problem that doesn't need dealing with. Anthony Bosch Bronte


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THANKS FOR THE E-NEWSLETTER Dear Beast - It may be a beast of burden for you at times, but being able to read your e-newsletter each week makes me feel connected to Sydney during my ongoing travels. I just wanted you to know people value this, and it brings different things to different people that you would be oblivious to. Regards, Helen PLEASED AND DISAPPOINTED ▼ Dear The Beast - I was having a read through the September issue and was really pleased to see 'The A-Z of Living a Plastic-free Life' by Nicola Saltman. The acceptance of single use plastic these days is downright scary. The fact that when I go to a bar and ask for a vodka, lime and soda I also have to ask for it with 'no straw' is ridiculous; along with the other millions of stupid ways society excessively uses plastic.

16 The Beast | October 2016

I base many choices around avoiding plastic, so you can imagine how delighted I was to see you promoting ways people can reduce their plastic usage. Thumbs up! I then flicked over the page to see a plastic takeaway cup with a straw staring me in the face (QTips #9 - Four of the Best Juices and Smoothies in the East) - WTF guys! A little editorial oversight wouldn't have gone astray. Teresa MIXED MESSAGES Hey ho Beasters - I have to say I quite enjoy thumbing through your copies of The Beast. I never actually take them from the letterbox to the house, but I always seem to find one on my table. I don't like fighting, and am so baffled by the fascination of this cage fighting? I have heard all the arguments about how much safer it is/isn't than boxing (which I also

don't like). The general aggression around the streets post fight is so full on. Macho dick heads everywhere. It is so bloody popular, and the worst thing is that they advertise it during the ad breaks in between football highlights during the day, which I watch with my kid. Anyway. Little early morning rant almost over. I love your ‘A-Z of Living a Plastic-free Life’ on page 60 (The Beast, September 2016). Something I live by. Probably not the best picture to put on the page 62 overleaf of a massive f**king plastic takeaway cup from yet another 'supergreenjuicesmoothiefad' bar, which are probably responsible for about 30 per cent of our plastic beach litter. As I said, I really like The Beast. I tip my hat to your passion and I think you folk do a super job. Keep it up. Timothy Moore

SAME OLD TRICKS I cannot understand how Randwick Council can approve multistorey units, especially the one at 5 Bellevue Street, Maroubra, which is a four-storey development with one garage, and then a few months later put 'No Stopping' signs all over the same and surrounding streets. We know what you're doing and realise this is a prelude for your revenue raising, so that now you can go around fining residents for parking outside their houses. Lucy Byrne Maroubra

As a resident of Clovelly, I cannot understand why overnight the powers that be have removed at least five parking spaces from Pacific Street and Winchester Lane. COVER STAR A LINK TO OLD MAN’S PAST Hi Beast - My name is Sasha. I live in Frances Street, Randwick, down from the council chambers and up from the racecourse. There are over 80 units in our block and I have an elderly neighbour named Joe, who would probably be over eighty years old. He originally comes from the old Czech Republic, or Czechoslovakia as it was back then. Joe uses a walking stick and I always say to him: "Hey Joe, where are you going with that gun in your hand" – from Jimi Hendrix. Anyway, he was reading an article in The Beast about a ‘Bra Boy’, Richie Vaculik, and he thinks that this young fellow might be the son of an old mate of his from the ‘old country’. Could you please pass on Joe’s details to Richie in the hope that he can get in touch with his old mate? Sasha Randwick 18 The Beast | October 2016

WANTED: NORMAL STREET, NORMAL PARKING As a resident of Clovelly, I cannot understand why overnight the powers that be have removed at least five parking spaces from Pacific Street and Winchester Lane. Not only do we now have to park miles away, we also have to contend with a plumbing business conducted from a block of units in our street, which parks up to four large trucks that take up two spaces each, as well as two abandoned cars in the turning circle and someone who parks illegally in the disabled spot. All we want is a fair go in what was once a normal street with normal vehicle parking. D. Richardson Clovelly LIBERAL VANDALISM BIG AND SMALL Instead of building a state of the art public transport system like any other mega city of equal standing – London, Paris, New York, and Moscow, for example – with efficient underground transport links, the outdated surface transport model ‘Light Rail’ of the Liberal Party in power at local, state, and federal level is being pushed relentlessly, never mind the environmental cost. And the costs are huge, with yet another six weeping fig trees of exceptional significance on Wansey Road getting the chop in Randwick to make way for the light rail; the corner of Wansey Road and Alison Road has already lost 13 trees, which stood 20 metres tall. None of the 62 trees already removed along Alison Road, Wansey Road, and Anzac Parade have been relocated, according to the Transport NSW spokesperson, Laura Aubusson (Southern Courier). But to maintain environmental cosmetics in the hope of camouflaging its ecological vandalism, Liberal MP Bruce Notley-Smith suggested a Mickey Mouse “two cents worth on litter” initiative. This can hardly make up for the environmental wreckage of his party, visible to

all at Alison Road, Wansey Road, and Anzac Parade. And there are more trees to come – or should I say ‘go’ – on Anzac Parade in the coming days. But wait, there is more! The ecological destruction orchestrated by the state Liberal Party is replicated at federal level with land clearing and “more drilling, more spilling”. This comes as “BP explores drilling options off the South Australian coast five years after the Deepwater Horizon disaster” (, September 7, 2015). Meanwhile, at a global level, the Liberal environmental damage continues with the denial of global warming conveniently cosmeticised – camouflaged – by its new ‘Tony Abbott light’, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, offering the same policies only now framed in a nicer way. But whether at local and state level, or at federal and global level, putting lipstick on a pig may not change the pig, it just looks nicer. Thomas Klikauer Coogee

THE BEAST Publisher The Beast Pty Ltd ABN 32 143 796 801 Editors Advertising Enquiries Circulation 61,000 copies of The Beast are distributed every month. 55,500 are placed in mailboxes and 5,500 in local shopfronts. PEFC Certified The Beast is printed on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests. Letters To The Editor Please email your feedback to

CALEB Age 9 years Sex Male Breed Staffy x Border Collie Weight 22.4kg

End of an era.

THUMBS UP JED’S FOODSTORE This favourite of The Beast closed its doors last month. A big thumbs up to all the good times and good feeds we had there. SCULPTURE BY THE SEA The Eastern Beaches gets its annual dose of culture this month when ‘Sculptures’ returns to our shores on October 20. JUMPING CASTLES Did you know that you can hire a jumping castle for four hours for less than 150 bucks? Yep, it’s true. Get the credit card out now! OCTOBER LONG WEEKEND All long weekends are good, but when they come with two grand finals (AFL on Saturday, NRL on Sunday) they’re even better. EVENING SUNLIGHT Daylight saving kicks in again in the wee hours of October 2, so you’ll no longer have to head to work and return home in darkness.

THUMBS DOWN SLOW COASTAL WALK REPAIRS We’re not blaming anyone; we just want the bloody thing fixed so we can enjoy the coastal walk. Is that too much to ask? RENTAL PRICES A mate of ours just rented his two-bedder in Bondi out for $1200 a week on a 12-month lease. No parking space. No views. Crazy. THE CENSUS We still haven’t done ours. We just can’t be bothered, to be honest. I guess the fine is in the mail now. Anyone know any good lawyers? CHINA We know this is a bit contentious, but does anyone else get the feeling that China, the nation, is f**king with us? Is that racist? We hope not. INSTANT NOODLES We love instant noodles, but the fact that they contain the equivalent salt content of eight packets of salted Smith’s crisps can’t be good. 20 The Beast | October 2016

Caleb is a sweet, easy gentleman. He is social with dogs his size or smaller, and loves toys and playing fetch. Caleb also loves human attention. He walks well on loose lead and enjoys pats and cuddles from strangers. Caleb needs secure fencing. Caleb comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $400, which includes a free health and wellness voucher for the Doggie Rescue Vet. For further details, give Doggie Rescue a call on 9486 3133, email or visit the website at

JIP Age 10 years Sex Male Breed Maltese x Shihtzu Weight 3.8kg Jip is a happy, friendly boy who is always ready for a cuddle. He is social with other dogs. Jip can see well from his right eye, but has a cataract in the left. Jip does not mind hanging around with kids but, due to his age, will not play with them. Jip comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $400, which includes a free health and wellness voucher for the Doggie Rescue Vet. For further details, give Doggie Rescue a call on 9486 3133, email or visit the website at

IZZY Age 8 years Sex Female Breed Shihtzu x Silky Weight 6.7kg Izzy is a happy, friendly girl who is very social with other dogs. She doesn’t mind cats either, despite how evil and selfish they generally tend to be. She has a gentle nature and loves to have her humans around. She has a low shedding coat. Izzy comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $450, which includes a free health and wellness voucher for the Doggie Rescue Vet. For further details, give Doggie Rescue a call on 9486 3133, email or visit the website at

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October 2016 | The Beast 21

Daniel will keep your kids out of Centrelink.

LOCAL BLOKE... DANIEL MITCHELL FROM BONDI BEACH Interview James Hutton Picture Grant Brooks


aniel Mitchell is born and bred in Bondi Beach. When he’s not working as a structural engineer, he’s busy running his locally based tutoring business, HSC Edge. Daniel shares his local favourites with The Beast…

What's your favourite beach? Definitely Clovelly. The snorkelling is fantastic and it's a perfect spot to avoid the summer crowds.

How long have you lived here? I’m Bondi born and bred.

What music are you into at the moment? I've been into a lot of acoustic stuff lately. I saw Jose Gonzales at the Opera House, which was a truly amazing performance.

What's your favourite eatery? Out of the Blue in Clovelly, hands down. It's been my go-to chicken burger since I can remember.

Who is your favourite person? It's too hard to separate a single favourite, but my parents, Susie and Tony, are up there as my faves.

Where do you like to have a drink? I like to head down to Bondi Bowling Club. It is a great place for a few afternoon drinks with friends.

What do you get up to on the weekends? I'm a keen trail runner, so I like to get out to the National Parks on the weekend for some running and hiking.

Do you have a favourite sporting team? The Chooks have always been my team growing up. 22 The Beast | October 2016

What do you do for work? When I'm not tutoring and looking after

the business side of HSC Edge, I'm a structural engineer for an engineering consultancy firm. What's your favourite thing about work? Personally, for me, I have always found teaching very rewarding. I thoroughly enjoy seeing the continual improvement in our students and the happiness it brings to their families. Do you have a favourite quote? "Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive" Elbert Hubbard (19th Century US writer). Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast? Love what you do and make the most of every opportunity. And if you or your children need a qualified tutor, visit

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rocket from our garden and a glass of NZ Pinot. Where do you like to have a drink? Upstairs at the Pavilion. Friday afternoons out on the balcony, you can’t get anywhere better in the world. Do you have a favourite sporting team? Randwick Rugby. I have green blood. My husband, brother, father, brother-in-law, and grandfather all played for the Wicks. I also love the Sydney Swifts, the Waratahs and the Rabbitohs. What music are you into at the moment? Spotify - acoustic covers and great evening chill. Who is your favourite person? My favourite people are Warwick, Callum, Xavier and Will Waugh. What do you get up to on the weekends? An early morning Saturday run from Coogee, kids sport, a cappuccino at Gusto, and swim a couple of laps of the bay in the late arvo, before hanging out in our yard with the chooks, kookaburras, lizards and kids having that barbecue and Pinot. Repeat on Sunday!

Superwoman Bec at Coogee.

LOCAL CHICK... BEC WAUGH FROM COOGEE Interview James Hutton Picture Grant Brooks


ackyard farmer, fitness trainer and educator Bec Waugh is a born and bred Maroubra girl, but now calls Coogee home. She shares her local favourites with The Beast… How long have you lived here? I’m a born and bred Maroubra girl. My dad, Kevin, moved my sister and I across to Coogee Surf Life Saving Club to complete our surf lifesaving certificate when I was 13, as at the time Maroubra didn't allow women to join the surf club. I fell in love with Coogee and have never wanted to leave. I met 24 The Beast | October 2016

a bloke from the bush and did a big circle before landing back in Coogee, where we now have a farm complete with nine chooks, a veggie garden, a frilled-neck lizard, a beehive, two kookaburras, four mad boys and a Jack Russell. What's your favourite beach? Coogee. Forever the best place to live, train, drink coffee and hang out. What's your favourite eatery? I love to get a rump cap from A&S Meats in Mascot cut into steaks and fired up on our barbie at home, complete with a salad of

What do you do for work? I run a fitness training business, Bec Waugh Fitness. I also do education work for the Royal Hospital for Women and College of Sport and Fitness. What's your favourite thing about work? I am passionate about women’s health. Every day I do my best to inspire and educate women to be the best version of themselves. Do you have a favourite quote? “Anything is possible.” Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast? Consistency is the key. Fitness and wellbeing is not a six-week boot camp. Each day we are on a journey to our better self - "It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”


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The newly constructed Waverley Mudslide has been temporarily closed due to safety concerns.

COASTAL WALK REPAIRS REMAIN INCOMPLETE Words Madeleine Gray Picture Cliff Richard


t’s not overly hyperbolic to say that the Bondi to Coogee walk is one of the most iconic stretches of coastline in the world. The walk is touted on Tourism Australia’s website as a hub of “all-natural glamour along the cliff-tops”. It is unlikely that you will meet a tourist who has not gotten sunburnt traversing the celebrated trail. However, as The Beast reported back in July (Counting the Cost of the Sydney Super Storm CleanUp, The Beast, July 2016), major strips of the coastal walk were decimated by the swells associated with June’s so-called super storm. One of these strips is situated at the walk’s start, below Hunter Park, just along from Icebergs. You know the spot: its view is the pièce de résistance for keen Instagrammers everywhere, giving the savvy photographer a gorgeous vista of Bondi Beach, all the way round to Ben Buckler Point. If you’re a keen runner, you’ll probably recognise the strip as the part of the coastal walk home to the 28 The Beast | October 2016

steepest set of stairs in Sydney. Crucially, this part of the walk is also a fundamental section of the annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition. The rocks in this little enclave have been used in the past as bases for incredible site-specific installations, and the benches on this strip have been a welcome respite for tired feet. During the June storm, boulders tumbled down the rock face, benches were left teetering on the water’s edge, and slices of the walking track simply slid into the ocean. And, problematically, the damage is yet to be repaired. On July 8, a spokesperson for Waverley Council confirmed that Council had approved funding for “Coastal Walk below Hunter Park restoration ($250,000)”. However, as of late August the site was yet to be repaired. The Beast again contacted Waverley Council, enquiring as to why this was the case, but Council’s response didn’t address the pace of the repairs.

“The coastal walk in the Waverley LGA was severely impacted by the storms in June at three main locations: Hunter Park, Bronte Beach and Waverley Cemetery,” the Council spokesperson said. “Waverley Council has already awarded contracts for the repair work to Bronte Beach (and pool) and Hunter Park, and work commenced at the beginning of August.” Council also quashed rumours that the repairs might not be completed in time for Sculpture by the Sea. “All work is due to be completed well before Sculpture by the Sea in mid-October,” the spokesperson said. “Council has awarded these contracts to experienced contractors who are used to working in coastal environments and are confident of completing work within the agreed program.” “We are working to ensure our breathtakingly scenic coastal walk is available for use by our residents and tourists as soon as possible.”



Karin-Anne BRONTE

As a dog owner living in North Bondi, it is particularly inconvenient because access to Marks Park is very difficult and dangerous. But if the damage is structural, caution is preferential to shoddy, fast work.

They've taken too long. It would have been nice if Council had been more transparent about what was going on and how long everything was going to take. I’d also like to know what’s happening with Bronte Pool.


I would have assumed that it would be fixed by now – especially now that it's spring. I’m disappointed that I’ve not been able to take guests along that part of the coastal walk – and the part that’s still closed off in Clovelly.


I know that my wife likes to do the walk a lot, and so I think that repairing it should be a high priority. It should at least be repaired by summer.


Absolutely it should be done by now. Four months to fix a walking trail is a joke. Plus, it’s meant that I’ve not had access to my favourite workout spot. If I’m not beach ready by summer, I’m blaming Council.


Considering the amount of foot traffic from locals and tourists, you would think that repairing the walk would have been more of a priority for the council. October 2016 | The Beast 29

Too much time in the sun for this fella.



here are basically two arts events in Sydney that continually attract the masses year after year. There’s the Archibald Prize - a predominantly government funded initiative - and then there’s Sculpture by the Sea. This year, ‘Sculptures’, as it is commonly known, is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and while it started from humble beginnings, founding director David Handley always had grand plans. “I wanted to stage a major free to the public cultural event,” he said. “I loved the idea of artists as dreamers and as people who needed a bit of a leg up to realise their dreams. “I also wanted to help project Australia in a more sophisticated light overseas – not just rock, roos and reef, and sport - so the idea right from the start was for the show to be a major international exhibition.” Despite drawing in massive crowds annually, Sculptures has always been and continues to be a predominantly self-funded affair. “From the start we were very surprised arts funding bodies like

30 The Beast | October 2016

the Australia Council ignored the exhibition and refused to fund the artists, so we have spent a lot of time trying to raise funds to help the artists with their costs,” Mr Handley said. “Only 15 per cent of our funding comes from the state government.” So how is it then that Sculptures has managed to flourish despite its funding limitations? Quite simply, the people who see it love it, and so do the people behind it. “At the end of the day, the smiles on people's faces, especially the kids, keeps me coming back,” Mr Handley said. “In about our fourth year someone wrote to me to say: ‘To see a four-year-old child running into Marks Park yelling for joy, 'The sculptures! The sculptures!' represents a massive cultural shift for Australia’.” Three local Bondi artists will be exhibiting this year. Rox de Luca’s piece, ‘Grace’, will be located in the cliff facing Tamarama Park. It involves wrapping the two concrete pylons in the cliff face with garlands of found plastic from Tamarama and Bondi. Ms De

Luca told The Beast that the work is inspired by her “concerns with our fragile marine environment and the excesses of our habits of waste and consumption”. Alice McAuliffe’s ‘Concrete Carpet’ references a Persian rug that will run along 47 metres of footpath between Marks Park and McKenzies Bay. Ms McAuliffe said that she thinks the power of Sculpture by the Sea lies in its ability to expose people to art in surprising places. “Art is around us all the time, but most people don’t notice or don’t see it,” she said. “Sculptures by the Sea attunes your eyes to see things in more detail or to look for the unexpected, and we all need a bit more of that in our everyday lives.” Duncan Stemler’s ‘In Rainbows’ will be situated on the sand at Tamarama. His piece was inspired by the rainbows that are projected through the louvred windows in his bedroom. Sculpture by the Sea runs from October 20 to November 6. And if you’ve got some spare cash lying about, remember that the works are actually up for sale.

Surfers at Bondi in 1963.

BONDI RESERVES RIGHT FOR NATIONAL STATUS Words Duncan Horscroft Picture Malcolm Ibu


ondi is among the world’s best-known beaches, with its roots firmly embedded in surfing history. It is, arguably, the site where surf lifesaving began, and it played host to royalty when the Queen was treated to a Royal Command Surf Carnival when she first visited Australia in 1954. The beach is also an iconic location for surfers from around the world, and has been a breeding ground for both local and professional champions through its many surfboard riding clubs. In recognition of its status, a group of locals have drawn up a proposal to have Bondi Beach recognised as a National Surfing Reserve (NSR), a status already granted to the likes of Maroubra, Cronulla, Manly and North Narrabeen. 32 The Beast | October 2016

John Sullivan, secretary of the NSR Local Steering Committee, said the idea started when earlier this year a group of Peruvian surfers from the Huanchaco World Surfing Reserve Group held a demonstration on a reproduction of a traditional reed paddle board, the origins of which date back 3000 years. “During the planning for the Peruvian visit and in discussions with the Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve (WSR) Committee, the question as to why Bondi had not sought NSR status was raised,” Mr Sullivan said. “Following that, a group of Bondi surfers met to discuss the nomination of Bondi Beach as a WSR. Some research was undertaken and we agreed the appropriate path would be to

initially seek NSR status and then follow up with WSR status for the coastal strip from Bondi Beach to Maroubra.” To qualify for NSR status, the beach has to be a national class surf break, be considered sacred by the local and national surfing community, and have significant history behind its surf lifesaving and boardriding clubs. National Surfing Reserves are defined as 'iconic' places of intrinsic environmental, heritage, sporting and cultural value to a nation, where people can enjoy, understand and protect special coastal environments of universal value to the surfing world. Mr Sullivan said Bondi clearly satisfies the criteria with Bondi Surf Club recognised by many as the first surf lifesaving club and South Bondi Surfboard Riders Club as the first of its kind in Australia. “We have agreement in principle from the two surf clubs, the three boardriders clubs, Bondi Icebergs, the local business chamber and the Bondi Beach precinct,” Mr Sullivan said. “Surfing NSW and Surf Lifesaving Australia have given us the tick and I have also addressed Waverley Council, where our proposal was unanimously accepted.” The group also met with State Member for Vaucluse Gabrielle Upton, who “indicated her support in principle”. There is still a way to go, with a meeting planned at Malcolm Turnbull’s office, and the strategy also has to be formally mapped out with various government departments. “We also hope to qualify for a small grant to get money to produce a booklet,” Mr Sullivan said. “Our steering committee is preparing the draft proposal for consideration, after which we will need to nominate a formal committee with representatives from all relevant groups and the community. “The proposal will then be presented to the National Reference Group for NSRs for their consideration.”

BITS AND PIECES FROM AROUND THE BEACHES Words Madeleine Gray Picture Ron Guzman PLAY AWAY AT O’DONNELL STREET RESERVE New play equipment has been unveiled at O’Donnell Street Reserve in North Bondi. The play equipment includes a design featuring a horse and cart delivering fruit and vegetables in honour of Keith Taylor, who attended the playground’s opening. Keith has cared for the park for many years and remembers the days of the horse and cart delivery in North Bondi. Also featuring in the improved O’Donnell Reserve are new communal herb planters to educate children about gardening. Visit BREAST CANCER AWARENESS AT RILEY ST GARAGE Every Saturday during the month of October, Darlinghurst’s Riley St Garage (owned by Bondi’s favourite Canadian, Brody Petersen) will be raising funds for research into prevention, detection and treatment of breast cancer. Join them for a wonderful lunch consisting of an eight-course pink infused menu, with a flute of Laurent-Perrier Rosé Champagne, gifts from Estée Lauder Companies and incredible raffle prizes, with all proceeds going to the NBCF to help reach their goal of zero deaths by 2030. Tickets are $85 per head. Please call 9326 9055 or visit

Colourful characters.

NEW CHANGE ROOM FACILITIES AT COOGEE BEACH Attention Coogee beachgoers! The towel/undie change trick will soon be a thing of the past. The Mayor of Randwick Noel D’Souza has officially broken ground on the construction of new toilets, showers and change rooms on the lower promenade at Coogee Beach. The new facilities will provide 21 new toilets and 12 showers, including accessible cubicles, male and female change rooms, a family change area with additional showers, public lockers, and a new lifeguard office and kiosk. You can find our more at

NIBLICK STREET RESERVE STAYS IN THE FAMILY Waverley Council is delighted to announce that Niblick Street Reserve in North Bondi will remain in community hands. This much-loved park had been leased to Council by Sydney Water for more than 50 years. The land will be acquired following successful negotiations with Sydney Water. Mayor Sally Betts said Waverley Council has less green space than other councils in NSW, and that’s why keeping the park in the local community is so vital. Please visit for more information.

NEW FINE FOOD GROCER IN BONDI North Bondi has just been hit with the new wave of corner stores, with the opening of the very first Connetts Corner Fine Food Grocers nearly upon us. Taking corner stores to a whole new level, Tony Connett, better known as Tony from Maloneys in Coogee, has opened the first of his upmarket fine food grocery stores, located in the well-known local precinct of Campbell Parade, North Bondi. According to Tony, “Connetts Corner is my dream come true, giving the locals a new one-stop shop for the best and highest quality fresh and packaged produce I can find.” Tell Tony we sent you!

SOMETHING A BIT FISHY Eastern Suburbs people and groups wanting to improve their local fish habitats are encouraged to apply for the next funding round of the NSW Government’s Habitat Action Grants Program. Member for Vaucluse Gabrielle Upton said large grants of up to $40,000 and small grants to kick-start a project of up to $2,000 are available to fishing clubs, community groups, local councils and individuals wanting to improve fish habitats in the Eastern Suburbs. Applications for Habitat Action Grants are open until September 30. Please go to for more information.

October 2016 | The Beast 35

Fearless Blakey charging Grajagan back in the day.

LOCAL LEGEND’S DEATH A REMINDER TO HEED THE WARNING SIGNS Words Dan Hutton Pictures Simon Carroll - Living Image Photography


he local postmaster in any community is a veritable treasure chest of local knowledge and gossip. He or she knows everyone. So when a postmaster says someone’s a good guy, chances are they’re spot on. A few years ago, The Beast interviewed the Tamarama postmaster. When asked to nominate his favourite local, he immediately said, “Blake the big wave rider”. He was referring to Bondi bloke (and Watsons Bay boy), Blake Hansen. Known fondly as ‘Blakey’, this local legend passed away on July 16, 2016 following a fierce and private battle with metastatic pancreatic cancer. He was only 44 years old. Chances are that if you have surfed any break in Sydney, the South Coast or in northern New South Wales, you’ve probably paddled out with Blakey. Wherever the best waves were, he would find them. He had no fear. If you are an ocean swimmer, you may have swum with or against Blakey. By 2006 he had competed in most of the short

36 The Beast | October 2016

ocean and harbour swims and had focused on the most challenging of them all – the 10-kilometre South Head Roughwater Swim from Bondi Beach to Watsons Bay. He even won the trophy as captain of a mixed team in 2009. Blakey was always striving to do his best for his close-knit family and many mates. Since news of his passing has spread, it seems that everyone has a story to tell about Blakey and how he touched their lives. If you have a story to share, please join the Facebook group, ‘VooeysMates’. The son of Judith and Sverre Hansen, Blakey had a genetic lineage to Norwegian royalty, and a strong fighting Viking passion. However, he also had a more malicious inheritance: cancer was present on both sides of the family. Blakey's mum Judy battled ovarian cancer for over 13 years. Judy was sadly diagnosed at an extremely advanced phase. She was one of the longest living survivors in Australia, and passed away at the age of 79 on February 4.

Nowadays it is critical to mention a family history of cancer to your GP, who can conduct regular blood checks for cancer markers, or grant a referral to specialists for genetic testing. Research is now also pointing to a link between ovarian and breast cancers and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has one of the highest death rates of all cancers, with only about seven per cent of patients surviving to five years after diagnosis. Like Blakey, most are diagnosed when the disease is at an extremely advanced phase and when it has spread to multiple organs and the lymphatic system, making it totally inoperable. At this stage, the chemotherapy that is offered is palliative, to help reduce pain, leaving a harsh legacy on an already weakening body. Suffering silently and stoically is a natural response for a lot of Aussie blokes, which is what Blakey chose to do – many of the early signs and symptoms stayed under the radar. Later it all made sense, but by the time he was diagnosed it was too late. As such, Blake's wife Susan has founded Vooey (, an organisation to help raise awareness for the sons of women with female cancers, to educate men to assist in earlier diagnosis, and hopefully to improve survival rates. Check it out. It could save a life. On Sunday, October 16 at 1pm, there will be a paddle out at South Head to spread Blakey's ashes. Vale Blake and Judith Hansen.

A large proportion of autistic people – those of adult age – are inadequately understood.

AUTISTIC ADULTS’ VOICES HEARD IN NEW UNSW STUDY Words Madeleine Gray Picture Raymond Babbitt


hat is the first thing you think of when you hear the word ‘autistic’? Perhaps it’s Dustin Hoffman’s strict routines in Rain Man? Or maybe Christopher Boone in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time? Regardless, it’s likely you’ll use a fictional autistic character on which to base your ‘vision’. According to Dr Kitty-Rose Foley, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UNSW’s Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (3DN), the tendency to assume that all autistic people share similar psychological traits and identities is extremely common. “When most people think of autism they think of a four to five-year-old boy with a glazed, far-away look in his eyes who prefers to be alone in the playground,” she said. “Or of a savant; someone with an incredible skill in a particular area.” In fact, the effects of the condition are incredibly diverse. “A common saying in the autistic community is that ‘if you have met one person with autism, you have met one person with autism’,” Dr Foley said. “It is important to work to understand the strengths and chal38 The Beast | October 2016

lenges of each autistic individual, instead of applying sweeping generalisations to all autistic people.” Further, a large proportion of autistic people – those of adult age – are inadequately understood. “Hardly ever do people think of an autistic adult trying to get and keep a job, deal with the sensory overload of day-to-day life, engage in relationships and access the healthcare system,” Dr Foley explained. “But autism is lifelong. Of all research conducted internationally on autism, only about one per cent has focused on adults.” “This may be due to the fact that the autism diagnosis was only identified in the 1940s, meaning that the first cohort of children diagnosed are only now reaching their 60s.” As such, Dr Foley is working alongside Professor Julian Trollor, the head of the 3DN at UNSW, as part of the world’s first national cooperative research effort focused on autism in adulthood through the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC). Autistic adults and their parents/carers are asked to complete an online or paper questionnaire

covering a variety of life domains including physical and mental health, sensory processing, coping strategies, emotion regulation, day occupation, education, daily functioning and communication, sleep patterns and supports. “This study is incredibly timely with the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS),” Dr Foley said. “There is now a lot of potential for significant, critical adjustments to services that will positively influence life for autistic adults.” One 52-year-old female who has already completed the questionnaire has said that she hopes “the data will help you understand us better. Autism and neurodiversity does not mean we are broken and need to be fixed – if it wasn’t for our different way of thinking many of the innovations you use would not have been discovered. We just need help to understand ourselves”. Participants are still needed for this study. If you are autistic, a family member or carer of an autistic adult, or you are nonautistic and willing to participate as a control, please contact Dr Kitty-Rose Foley and Jane Hwang at UNSW by calling 9385 0620, or email

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Lucy Perry will be speaking at the Different Lives luncheon at Bronte Surf Club on October 7.



hings have changed a lot since Dolly Parton wrote ‘9 to 5’ back in 1980, but some things have stayed exactly the same: a work-life balance is still hard to achieve, especially if you’re tied to a job that requires long hours spent in an office. For many years, Eastern Suburbs based real estate agent Mary Howell felt the effects of this conundrum. Instead of simply shaking it off, she decided to do something about it. In 2005, Ms Howell launched an Eastern Beaches based luncheon series for women attendees called ‘Different Lives’. At each luncheon, a guest speaker gives a talk on whatever it is that their heart desires. “It’s usually someone who has reached heights or excelled in their field or inspired and overcome great challenges,” Ms Howell explained. The one criterion given by Ms Howell is that the speaker “must not be someone who just wants to sell something. They simply have to want to part with an experience, or knowledge, or their own take on what is important to them, or how

40 The Beast | October 2016

they got to where they did.” Ms Howell said she was motivated to start the luncheon series when clients and friends would want to catch up, and she realised that a lunch in which everyone could learn something new would be a better alternative to the standard coffee or work cocktail party. “I don’t want to be one-dimensional and be referred to as ‘that real estate woman’ – I would like to have other strings to my bow,” Ms Howell explained. Past speakers have included Peter Garrett (who knows all about ‘burning the midnight oil’), journalist and television presenter Mary Moody, and academic and leading feminist cultural commentator Professor Katharine Lumby. The next speaker will be notfor-profit CEO Lucy Perry. Ms Perry’s resume is intimidatingly full – she is currently the CEO of Sunrise Cambodia, a not-forprofit organisation that gives much-needed help to at-risk kids, struggling families and poor communities in Cambodia. Ms Perry recently attended a Different Lives luncheon at

which Kitty Chiller, the 2016 Chef de Mission for the Australian Olympic team, spoke and she knew immediately that it would be a platform that she could also contribute to. “What an inspiring story,” she said. “Women need to hear from other strong, successful women to see that it is possible to get the top job and to learn from their experiences.” Ms Perry will be giving her talk at a luncheon at Bronte Surf Club on October 7, from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. “I will take guests on a roller coaster ride of fascinating experiences and business learnings from my 20-year career as a master communicator, world changer and trailblazer,” she said. “Attendees will be able to discover how to do business differently, why fun should be a factor in your strategic plan, and how ordinary people achieve the extraordinary.” To sign up to the Different Lives mailing list, or to reserve a seat at the next luncheon (tickets for which are $50), email Ms Howell at

earth friendly bed & bath Bondi



Rose Bay

MORE BITS AND PIECES FROM AROUND THE BEACHES Words Madeleine Gray Picture Taylor Wong Instagram @twongphotography BONDI BEACH INDIGENOUS ART SALE From 10am to 4pm on October 23 and 24, join local art lovers at a one-off art sale at Bondi Beach Public School featuring over 300 works of art from emerging and established Indigenous artists. Artworks range in size from 30 centimetres to two metres in width, with prices ranging from $60 to $10,000. For every painting purchased, 70 per cent of proceeds will support the Indigenous artists and 15 per cent will go to the Watarrka Foundation. The launch will be held on October 21 at 7pm. You can RSVP and view the catalogue at ‘Bondi Beach Indigenous Art Sale’ on Facebook, or by emailing LOCAL GAL MAKES SUN-SMART CHIC Ally Delaney, Eastern Suburbs local and owner of new swimwear label Wet Leopard, recently won an Australian 2016 Business Award for New Product Innovation for her sun-smart swimwear design - the ‘Keeni Vest’. Ally’s first hand experience with her own teenage daughter refusing to wear

Early paddle.

traditional rash shirts allowed her to see a gap in the market. As the world’s first sunvest with supportive built-in underwire and high fashion prints, Wet Leopard Keeni Vests appeal to the Gen-Y market. Check them out at BE A BACKYARD LEGEND Backyard Legend Day is a community initiative that encourages Australians to volunteer to complete a household chore for someone in their local community who could really do with a bit of help. As part of the Backyard Legend Day campaign, organisers are searching for Australia’s Backyard Legend – someone who has gone above and beyond to help out a neighbour or someone in their community. People can nominate someone they know through the Facebook page (@backyardlegendday). Entries close on September 30 and the winner will be announced on Backyard Legend Day, Sunday, October 16. RENT A DRIVEWAY IN REAL-TIME As we all know, parking spots in the Eastern Suburbs are a rare bird. If you don’t have a driveway,

getting a park in your own street can be a matter of circling the block for half an hour (on a good day). When there’s an event on locally, you might as well just forget about it. Enter Prime Park: a sharing platform that enables driveway owners to rent out their driveway and provides drivers with a real-time parking alternative. Download the app and capitalise on the masses that’ll swarm in for Sculpture by the Sea! Please visit CANCER COUNCIL SEVEN BRIDGES WALK Now into its eleventh year, the annual Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk will return bigger and better than ever on October 30. We stuffed up last month and had the event down for September 30, so massive apologies for the confusion. So, on October 30 we encourage you to walk between such ‘villages’ as Milsons Point, Pyrmont, Rozelle and Hunters Hill, all while raising money to cure cancer. Crucially, it’s not just for fitties: it’s not a race, and everyone’s a winner. Register at



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October 2016 | The Beast 43

"Doing literally nothing in my activewear..."

IPLOD TO HEADLINE SCULPTURE BY THE SEA 2016 Satire Kieran Blake Picture Lulu Lemon


ources deep within the inner sanctum of the Sculpture by the Sea organising committee have disclosed details of the IPLOD installation, which is set to dazzle viewers at the 2016 edition of the world famous art exhibition. A crate of vino tinto sufficed to extract from staff the finer details of the work itself, but not the identity of the artist. The IPLOD is a life-size structure of a 20-something year-old Bondi Beauty draped in reluctantly fashionable sportswear with an obligatory MP3 player and headphones strapped to her toned, bronzed biceps. A model pooch on a real leash completes the ensemble. The leash will undoubtedly obstruct, and possibly trip up, any unattentive art lovers, who will have already been highly inconvenienced by the statue’s positioning. It will take pride of place in the

44 The Beast | October 2016

middle of the coastal walk’s natural pinch point near Tamarama Surf Club, beside the centerpiece of the exhibition - the monument that marks Tamarama Surf Club as Australia’s surf life saving capital. The statue captures Bondi Beauty mid-stride as she insists on completing her regular beachside run during the busiest time of Sculpture by the Sea. Augmenting the statue’s clenched muscles and disgruntled visage is the work’s most contentious feature: its MP3 player is interactive. The weatherproof device will broadcast to the public comments such as: “Get out of my way”; “Go back to suburbia”; “Seriously, did your parents dress you this morning?”; “Bloody tourists”; and “So now you’re an art lover”. Once engaged, or enraged, visitors within a 10-metre radius will be able to respond to Bondi Beauty via twitter and other social

media platforms available through the Sculpture by the Sea App. And yes, comments will remain uncensored – it is contemporary art. There will, however, be a child-proof setting for concerned parents. The artist has promised to upload a selection of comments to the Sculpture by the Sea daily podcast, to accompany the edited video highlights that will appear on YouTube and the official website, which will be captured by a small camera fitted to the statue. While drowning the last glass of red wine, one Sculpture by the Sea staff member also let slip that the artist had formally requested the allocation of extra 24-hour security guards to protect the art work from overzealous art critics and to collect the necessary fees from anyone daring to photograph such an undeniably glamorous creature.

I was very pleased to open Randwick City’s biggest playground recently at Chifley Sports Reserve. Chifley Playground is a multisensory play facility designed for children of all abilities with state of the art equipment that encourages creativity, imagination, learning and fun for kids of all ages. Chifley Playground is one of the final projects of the impressive upgrade that is transforming Chifley Sports Reserve. Locals will remember that not long ago, much of The Reserve was still scrubland. There are now two baseball pitches, stadium lights, two brand new amenities blocks and a skate park. There is also an outdoor gym circuit planned as the final element of the upgrade. It has been wonderful to witness how the southern suburbs have developed and improved in recent years. Randwick City really is changing for the better every day. I look forward to seeing many generations of children enjoying Chifley Playground and Chifley Sports Reserve in the years to come. Councillor Noel D’Souza Mayor of Randwick

26 September - 7 October Vacation Care 7:30am-6:00pm Des Renford Leisure Centre Cnr Robey Street and Jersey Road, Maroubra

7 October Kids’ Holiday Event: NIDA - Feel the Rhythm 10:30am-12:00pm Margaret Martin Library

4 October Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo 10:00-10:50am and 1:00-1:50pm Randwick Town Hall 90 Avoca Street, Randwick

16 October Clovelly Surf Life Saving Club Open Day 10:00am-2:00pm Clovelly Surf Club, Clovelly Beach

6 October Feel Good Fete 11:30am-2:30pm The Hope Uniting Church Grounds 829 Anzac Parade, Maroubra

22 October Garage Sale Trail 9:00am-5:00pm Nation wide - see Council’s website for locations


Marty and Doc are hoping to bag a bargain at this year’s Garage Sale Trail on October 2.



n a scale of never to always, how often do your grandparents wax lyrical about ‘the good old days’, when kids would play on the street instead of online, and lemonade stalls were the building blocks of the national economy? And then, after they’re done, how often do they ask you to help them change the channel on the TV because they can’t work out how to use the remote? Exactly. There has to be a better way – a way in which the community-building values of the ‘good old days’ can be combined with the technological savvy of the younger generations. The founders of the Garage Sale Trail have worked out how to do just this. Back in 2011, the first Garage Sale Trail was held in Bondi. Locals and visitors could peruse the streets of Bondi, finding old treasures, recycling ‘trash’ and enjoying the simple pleasures of local exchange and banter. Fast forward to 2016, and the Garage Sale Trail has met the future. Using interactive online 46 The Beast | October 2016

maps and the ingenuity of smartphone applications, the humble garage sale has been well and truly heralded into the 21st century. This year’s Garage Sale Trail will be held on October 22, with over 13,000 garage sales happening all around the country – hundreds of them in our very own Eastern Suburbs. Stallholders are encouraged to register their sales online, detailing what they will be selling, and why they deserve your patronage. A spokesperson for the Trail explained that the “real magic happens with funny sale names, handmade signs and incentives to lure people to garage sales that would make Richard Branson proud”. Potential buyers can go online, check out what will be on offer, and then ‘add’ individual garage sales to their online ‘Treasure Trail’. “You can use your Treasure Trail to invite friends to join you on social media, navigate around your area using the map on your phone, or print a simple list to take with you,” a Trail spokesperson told The Beast.

This year Aussie fashion designer Kate Anderson (ex-head designer at Finders Keepers, now behind new label So It Goes) is the Trail’s ambassador, a position she’s not taking lightly. "Garage sales offer the perfect opportunity to hunt out those hidden gems that are often at the bottom of someone’s old pile,” she said. “The best part about fashion is the ability to mix and match old with new.” Ms Andersen said that she thought the online aspect of the Trail was a real game-changer. “You can hunt through all the sales in advance and see the pieces that others are selling and then create your own ‘trail’. “There’s no time to waste on a day where there are over 13,000 sales happening around the country. “Plus, I found my favourite treasure at the bottom of a garage sale pile many years ago: my John Farnham t-shirt. One man’s trash really is another man’s treasure!”

MAYOR‘S MESSAGE Niblick Reserve Celebration BBQ Thank you to all the residents who popped by to help us celebrate our purchase of Niblick Reserve from Sydney Water on Saturday 20 August. Niblick Street Reserve will remain in community hands following a decision by Council to approve the purchase of the land. Our local residents will be able to continue to play on the playground, kick a football in the park or read a book under a tree in this vital green space. It is very seldom that a local Council can actually acquire open space for its residents which is critical especially in a place like Waverley, which is the most densely populated municipality in Australia. A special thank you to Jo Schaeffer and Bill Ryan for being such amazing community advocates for keeping the park.

Stars of the East Launch I am pleased to be involved in the Cancer Council’s Dancing with the Stars of the East again this year as a judge. On Tuesday I had the privilege of introducing our volunteer dancers and announcing which dance style had been allocated to them. We have a lot of locals dancing this year so I hope you can support them. Cr. Leon Goltsman, Bondi Surf Club President Jacob Wax and Lets Go Surfing Brenda Miley as well as Bronte School Teacher Chrissa Panigiris plus quite a few others. Please join us on Saturday 5 November at Eastern Suburbs Leagues Club supporting our Stars. Thank you to the Cancer Council and all the dancers, who are making a huge effort to support such an important cause. Every cent raised makes a huge difference to lives and people that many of these dancers will never meet. Visit starsoftheeast. to sponsor a Star.

Sally Betts, Mayor of Waverley CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355 PHONE 9083 8000 WEB

Events Sculpture by the Sea 20 October–6 November Sculpture by the Sea is a major free public art event displayed along the famous Bondi to Tamarama coastal walk. Now in its 19th year, Sculpture by the Sea brings culture to Waverley’s spectacular coastline. It is an amazing outdoor exhibition. The coastal walk begins at the bottom of Notts Avenue, which runs off Campbell Parade, Bondi. The coastal walk can also be accessed by stairs at various points along the exhibition route at Hunter Park, Gaerloch Avenue and Pacific Avenue. For more info about the event, visit www.sculpturebythesea. com, phone 8399 0233 or email

National Ride2Work Day Wednesday 12 October National Ride2Work Day is an annual national event to encourage more people to commute to work by bicycle. Council is hosting a community breakfast between 7–9am to reward those who ride to work with coffee, croissants and fruit in Oxford Street Mall, Bondi Junction. Free bike checks while you eat and chat. For more event info visit our website

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EVEN MORE BITS AND PIECES FROM AROUND THE BEACHES Words Madeleine Gray Picture Brett Dooley Instagram @dooleybrett FIND WAYS INTO A FULFILLING CAREER Not quite sure where your career is headed, but know that helping others is a top priority? WAYS Youth Training has a Certificate IV in Community Services (CHC42015) course coming up next term for any interested young people aged between 15-25 years. This is an excellent course for any person interested in working in community services, and is the minimum qualification needed for entry-level roles in the sector. The course will run from October 17 to December 16. The course is fully funded by the NSW Government for eligible young people. Head to for more info. SHRED WITH WAW HANDPLANES Are you a discerning bodysurfer with a conscience, or just have every intention of becoming one before swimsuit season starts? Either way, Rikki Gibley at WAW Handplanes has got you covered.

Winners are grinners.

Rikki individually handcrafts sleek handplanes from sustainable paulownia timber and recycled Patagonia wetsuits. Rikki also runs Eastern Sydney Body Surfers, which is a club for like-minded body surfers to meet up weekly at different local beaches. Check out the planes at To get involved with ESBS, please email Rikki at 40-YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR WEE CARE KINDY For 40 years, Wee Care Kindergarten has been providing excellence in early childhood education to the local community. Ruth Weinstein, the owner, is hoping to contact as many former pupils and families to join the celebrations on October 29. Many second generation children now attend Wee Care, which has always fostered community awareness and social conscience in its pupils through projects such as saving sea turtles and stopping the

logging of forests, and at present the children are creating a machine to clean up the oceans. If you went to Wee Care, or know someone who did, spread the word. Please email for more information. YOUNG EASTERN SUBURBS RESIDENTS FOR COUNCIL Member for Vaucluse Gabrielle Upton has encouraged young people from the Eastern Suburbs to apply for a position on the 2017 NSW Youth Advisory Council and get involved in government decision-making. Council members are needed to represent the diversity of young people living in NSW in terms of locality and gender, Aboriginality, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Applications close at 5pm on Friday, September 30. For more information and application forms, please call 9248 0970 or visit the Advocate for Children and Young People’s website at

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October 2016 | The Beast 49

October 2016 MONDAY




31 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 17 20 24 25 26 27

TRICK OR TREAT Yes, it’s another example of American culture infiltrating the Australian way of life, but you have to admit, Halloween is pretty bloody fun. After all, who doesn’t like dressing up (or dressing the kids up) and going door to door in search of tasty treats?

SURF TO CITY AT VIVIDSHOP Check out this great exhibition featuring original artworks and photography by local Bondi artists Pete Conroy, Alex Evans and Peter Franc at Vividshop, 558 Crown Street, Surry Hills from Thursday, September 22 to Sunday, October 16. Call 0417 622 517 for info.

BREAST CANCER MONTH Every day around 50 Aussie women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Unite in pink and show your support for the Cancer Council this month. You can contribute by buying merchandise on Pink Ribbon Day or hosting a Girls’ Night In. For info, visit BLUE KNOT DAY Today is Blue Knot Day, and ASCA asks all Australians to unite in support of the five million Australian adult survivors of childhood trauma. The day is a national awareness day. Activities will be held until November 1. Visit www.

THE OLD BEAR AND THE SEA From October 4 to 16, Jacqueline Butterworth will be exhibiting ‘The Old Bear and the Sea’ at the Bondi Pavilion Gallery. The series is a painted tale of an old bear, whose young owner was lost at sea long ago, and who leaves home in a toy boat to find him.

BUILD RESILIENCE WITH GADEN Feeling like a rubber band that’s about to snap? Join Kylie from the Resilience Doughnut as she discusses how to live a happier life through building resilience, today from 6-7pm at Woollahra Council, 536 New South Head Road. Book a spot by calling 9391 7166.

MEET THE AUTHOR As part of Waverley Library’s ‘Meet the Author’ series, author Tim Elliot will tonight be talking about his new memoir, ‘Farewell to the Father’; a fascinating insight into growing up with a parent suffering from mental illness. The talk starts at 6:30pm at Waverley Library.

INTERNATIONAL COMING OUT DAY Since 1988, October 11 has been ‘Coming Out Day’: a day to celebrate our LGBT community, and the bravery and grassroots activism inherent in the act of coming out. We love and support all our Beasts – those who’ve come out, and those who are yet to!

NATIONAL RIDE2WORK DAY Waverley Council is proud to support National Ride2Work Day today, and is hosting a free community breakfast from 7–9am at Oxford Street Mall for those who ride to work today. There will also be free bike checks while you eat and chat - we’re spinning out!

ALL OUR EXES LIVE IN TEXAS This all-female Sydney four-piece is blowing up on the world stage thanks to their fresh, smart take on folk. They’ve shared the stage with the Backstreet Boys, Passenger and Boy & Bear, and tonight at the OAF they’re yours. Please visit

ART CLASS Adult colouring-in books not doing it for you? Unleash your creative potential and develop your artistic skills under the talented guidance of artist and teacher Lily Oen at Bowen Library at 10:30am today. It’s $3 per session, payable on the day. Call 9314 4888 to register.

INTERSEX AWARENESS DAY Today is Intersex Awareness Day, an internationally observed day to highlight human rights issues faced by intersex people. In light of all the crap Caster Semenya had to deal with at the Rio Olympics, this day couldn’t come soon enough. Visit

SCULPTURE BY THE SEA OPENS Sculpture by the Sea is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and the line-up of artists and sculptures looks set to be truly amazing. There’s also plently of local talent – three of the artists are from Bondi. The exhibition runs from October 20-November 6. We recommend weekdays. THE OTHER ART FAIR SYDNEY Today marks the first day of the UK’s largest artist-led contemporary art fair’s visit to Australia, to be held at COMMUNE in Waterloo from October 27–30. Engage with contemporary art experts like Ben Quilty and Amanda Love. Tickets at

Now you can upload all your local events for free

Concretor Jay Rodney Oceanside Ph: 0411 989 565 Painter Brett Dooley Nielson Dooley Ph: 0404 888 089




1 2 8 9 14 16 21 22 23 28 29 30

BECOME AN AIME MENTOR Do you have some spare time? Why not volunteer with AIME – a dynamic educational program that supports Indigenous students through high school and into university or further education at the same rate as all Australian students? Go to

AFL GRAND FINAL DAY At the time of writing, there is still a slim chance that both Sydney AFL teams could face each other in the grand final. There’s a strong chance that at least one of the two Sydney teams will be there – fingers crossed. We’ll be cheering for the Sydney Swans.

NRL GRAND FINAL DAY The pinnacle of the rugby league year is here. It’s a day all players dream of. This year is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever. Visit for activities that will appeal to all ages, including meeting the players during Grand Final week at Darling Harbour.

CONSERVATION CAFÉ Conservation Café is hosted by the Sydney Society for Conservation Biology to celebrate and learn about the incredible work being done by our region’s conservation professionals and volunteers. It’s on today from 10am–12pm at the Learning Centre in Centennial Park.

NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE STREAMED This arvo at 2:30pm the Ritz will be live streaming straight from London’s National Theatre, bringing you direct access to a fantastic production of Terence Rattigan’s ‘The Deep Blue Sea’, starring Helen McCory and Tom Burke. Visit

BACKYARD LEGEND DAY Backyard Legend Day is today! It’s a community initiative that encourages Australians to volunteer to complete a household chore for someone in their local community who could really do with a bit of help. Head to the Facebook page (@backyardlegendday) for info.

BERNARD FANNING Admit it: you love Bernard Fanning just as much as the next person. You love his sweet melodies, silky long hair, and his lapelled leather jackets. He’s playing at the State Theatre tomorrow night. Go straight from the Garage Sale Trail to the city. Run! Tickets at

GARAGE SALE TRAIL This amazing national event, now in its sixth year, launched in Bondi and encourages households around Australia to hold garage sales on the same day. Get rid of all that old junk of yours and raise some coin for a good cause. Visit

INDIGENOUS ART SALE From 10am to 4pm on October 23 and 24, join local art lovers at a one-off art sale at Bondi Beach Public School featuring over 300 works of art from emerging and established Indigenous artists. For more info, check out ‘Bondi Beach Indigenous Art Sale’ on Facebook.

PAINTING WITH LIGHT Renowned night photographer Peter Solness’ class at Centennial Park tonight will teach you how to apply light in carefully considered and playful ways to create unique and exciting images. To book in to this class, please email Peter at

WEECARE TURNS 40 For 40 years, Wee Care Kindergarten has been providing excellence in early childhood education to the local community. Ruth Weinstein, the owner, is hoping to contact as many former pupils and families to join today's celebrations. Email her at

CANCER COUNCIL 7 BRIDGES WALK The annual Cancer Council NSW Seven Bridges Walk returns today, bigger and better than ever. Walk between such ‘villages’ as Milsons Point, Pyrmont, Rozelle and Hunters Hill, all while raising money to cure cancer. Register at

Fencing Troy Salvatico Jim’s Fencing Ph: 0405 543 530 Building Design Todd Maguire Design Solutions Ph: 0405 617 428

Rubbish Removal Dave Whiteley Dave's Rubbish Ph: 0401 296 069 Mechanic Jordan Hayman JH Automotive Ph: 0424 144 987 Plumber Matt Scott Surfside Plumbing Ph: 0450 391 734 BBQ Caterer Wardy Wardy & Sons Ph: 0414 293 396 Cleaner Sarah Callan Exec Home Office Ph: 0414 510 275 Plumber Luke Fletcher Pipe Up Plumbing Ph: 0431 638 558 Locksmith Bradley Rope SOS Locksmiths Ph: 0498 767 767 Electrician Adrian Langen Langen Electrical Ph: 0400 006 008 Arborist Jeff Hunt Prompt Trees Ph: 0412 280 338 Handyman Cristian The Handyman Ph: 0467 484 459

by visiting

Love, Light, Laughter

CAMILLA FRANKS Interview Madeleine Gray Photography Simon Lekias

Where are you originally from? I grew up in the magical Watsons Bay and have since made the Eastern Suburbs my nesting grounds in spots likes Bondi, Vaucluse, Paddington and now Woollahra. Where do you live at the moment? I’ve been living in an amazingly renovated terrace in Woollahra for the past three years, and I love it. I really haven’t had to do much to it, but of course I have totally ‘Camillafied’ everything – from writing mantras on the front windows to hanging dream catchers and wind chimes everywhere. As a little girl I grew up on Glenmore Road and went to preschool just around the corner, so Woollahra really feels like home to me. It is also close to everything I need, with my head office in Surry Hills, two of my busiest stores in Bondi and at The Intersection in Paddington, the beach and the Bondi-Bronte walk just 10 minutes away, and, of course, Centennial 52 The Beast | October 2016

Park for my training and walking the dogs. Coming home or leaving the house each day, there is always such a vibe here too as it’s such a major café, pub and retail hub. I won’t be moving anytime soon. What do you love about the Eastern Suburbs? I love the vibe it attracts with its beaches, people and energy of the ocean. Close to my heart and home is Centennial Park, where I spend time with my dogs. I visit the cliffs at South Head for some quiet time and also the little nooks of Watto Bay. This side of town is also the home to my first store, the CAMILLA Beach House – a very sacred place! Do you have any favourite local haunts? There are too many to mention, but Bistro Moncur, Catalina, and the Watsons Bay Hotel are always my go-tos. 
 You began your career as an actress. You’ve also said in the past that “an Academy Award wasn’t

going to happen any time soon”. Can you tell us about some of your most memorable/hilarious acting gigs? I cannot tell you how many crazy revues we did! I travelled the country with an acting troupe and we had the best time. It was also when I created my first kaftan talk about a silver lining!

As a little girl I grew up on Glenmore Road and went to preschool just around the corner, so Woollahra really feels like home to me. How did the transition to fashion designing come about? I wanted something free flowing and vibrant to wear while travelling, rehearsing and in between gigs. I took a few cues from my mother’s kaftan collection and created one for my needs. From then, everyone wanted one and from there a business was born. 
 You started the CAMILLA Beach House in Bondi back in 2004, and now you have 17 retail stores, warehouses in Sydney and India, hundreds of wholesale accounts worldwide, and of course various ‘CAMILLA Worlds’ in David Jones stores. How do you keep the authenticity of the bohemian Bondi vibe as the brand continues to evolve into a legitimate global corporation? It’s my DNA and we stay true to the brand. Everything about CAMILLA the brand has and always will be an extension of me. My collections are loud and vibrant, colourful and creative, but they are also global in their reach. The business has grown organically, but I also had and still have a fierce determination to be heard, to create something that is unique to me and to my customer. I travel the world all year on inspiration trips and take thousands of images that become my designs. I collect artefacts, textiles, furniture and more that we use for design and 54 The Beast | October 2016

that we then cycle into my home, showrooms and stores. 
 What is the Australian fashion scene like? Is it as ‘back-stabby’ as films about the industry would have us believe, or is that simply not the case? I think every industry has its politics and competitive nature, but I have also had huge support from industry folk who I now regard as friends and mentors (they know who they are!). The CAMILLA brand is immediately recognisable. Unlike other brands, a CAMILLA dress or kaftan is unmistakably ‘a CAMILLA’. Was creating such a distinctive style a strategic move, or just something that naturally evolved? I created kaftans as I wanted to wear them. I love art and colour and I have never conformed to what is deemed as on trend. The kaftan will always be the beating heart of my collection, but each season we’re branching out and experimenting with different silhouettes like kimonos and palazzo trousers. Part of CAMILLA’s appeal is that women of all different body shapes can wear the designs. There is a freedom and movement and vitality that celebrates, rather than constricts, the female form. Can you tell us about your diverse demographic? CAMILLA’s vision is to awaken the adventurous heart that resides within all of us (no matter who we are), because we believe that everyone has a right to experience freedom and feel joy. I want CAMILLA to be considered and celebrated as a way of being rather than a label that is defined by age, race or culture, and my philosophy has always been that all women have the right to look and feel beautiful no matter their age, colour, size or origin. Our CAMILLA tribe really is the mother, the daughter, the grandmother and the granddaughter. She crosses generations and celebrates life. It is so enriching walking into my stores and seeing mothers and daughters shopping together, and often grandmothers as well. Age

is no restriction to still feeling and looking fabulous these days, and CAMILLA will always celebrate all demographics. CAMILLA embodies the soul of one woman and every woman. CAMILLA has developed a cult following – so much so that the Facebook group ‘CAMILLA Lovers Who Love to Lunch’ has 2,638 members. This group organises lunches around the country where women are invited to attend, the proviso being that they must wear CAMILLA. What do you think of this development? Humbled! But, that’s not the only group. We have a huge following and I am incredibly grateful. You also have a huge celebrity following. When the likes of Oprah, Beyoncé, Kate Hudson, Vanessa Hudgens and Jennifer Lopez are strutting about in your clothes, you know you’re doing something right. Are those relationships something that evolve organically, or do you make a concerted effort to form them? Can you imagine seeing these women wearing your label? I don’t know any designer who wouldn’t be jumping up and down to see that they have chosen something from your collection. Oprah has been a gift to me spiritually and professionally. And Queen B was everything you would expect her to be. A true honour!

The business has grown organically, but I also had and still have a fierce determination to be heard, to create something that is unique to me and to my customer. You have also branched out into menswear, home wares and children’s wear. That is a big operation for one person to lead. How would you describe your leadership style? Are you good with delegation, or

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are you very hands-on in every aspect of the business? I’m so grateful to have such a talented design tribe. Each of my designers are artists in their own right, and I love seeing their creativity flourish in the realm of CAMILLA. I am hands-on, but that comes down to the fact that I too am a creative and CAMILLA is my baby. I am 110% involved with the everyday business from design, to sales, to marketing, to retail.

I am 110% involved with the everyday business from design, to sales, to marketing, to retail. You are now expanding the CAMILLA brand into the US. What will this involve? It is a big step, but one we have been working on for a couple of years. The US is a huge milestone for the business. We just returned from an amazing trip with the team and there is more to come in this market, there’s no doubt. It is our biggest by far outside of Australia and the traction we have already is hugely exciting. Your collections are inspired by designs from exotic countries like India and, more recently, Kenya. How do you make sure that the design process is one of cultural exchange rather than cultural appropriation? Can you tell us about your relationships with textile designers and craftspeople overseas? When I travel for inspiration, it is not a five-star task. My head of design and I get off the beaten path and truly immerse ourselves in the rawness of the local communities. I walk with local guides who speak the language. I ask to sit with the elders of the communities and the tribeswomen to tell me their stories and more. We really do try to become one of them to truly understand their art, creativity and cultural history. We trade jewellery and materials and clothing in return for theirs. All of 56 The Beast | October 2016

my collection images and shows use unique jewellery, materials and textiles celebrating the incredible places that have become the touchpoints to inspire my collections. Travelling and immersing myself in this way is completely what feeds my soul and each and every one of my collections, and it’s something I will never stop doing. In December 2013 you were diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. Was that a sign you needed to slow down and take things back a notch after a decade of non-stop work? How did you have to change your lifestyle to dedicate more time to self-care? It was a major scare. It has taken me a long, long time to process and heal. I meditate, do yoga, exercise, eat well, and the year I was diagnosed I took a huge amount of time out of the business to regroup and focus on the future, not the past. It is still a process, there’s no doubt. We are all on such a treadmill and running a business is intense, no matter how much ‘me’ time you create for yourself. 
 After the death of your friend Charlotte Dawson in February 2014 you collaborated with a variety of photographers, muses and creatives to produce a series of photographs to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. Is fashion’s inherent visibility something that impels you to use it for a greater good? Absolutely, and that project was so, so important to me. Charlotte was a beautiful soul and her death touched everyone in the industry. The fashion and arts industry can be incredible when it bands together. 
 Your brand’s aesthetic is visually opulent. It’s all about bright colours, sparkling textures, and more. Is this opulence something that spills into your private lifestyle? If you have a day off, what do you do? I walk my dogs, meditate, and cook for friends; I love cooking and entertaining. My front door is always open when I’m home as I do travel so much. There are lots of special places that

I do go to to escape though, and to just sit. 
 You’ve recently turned 40. In a world/industry that privileges extreme youth in women, how have you learnt to embrace your age? Do you see age as an advantage? With age, comes wisdom! I am so happy now. My god, the life you lead in your 20s and 30s totally leads you to be the best you can be in your 40s. I’ve never felt more liberated than I do now. Do you have any role models, either in the fashion industry or out of it? Frida Kahlo has been and will always be my muse and inspiration. One of my most successful collections was my A/W15 ‘Road to the Blue House’ Collection, which was completely inspired by my pilgrimage to Mexico to finally see her home. She is and was such a commanding presence and yet such an inspired spirit, and considering the restrictions she had with her illnesses and injuries her lust for life and colour and fashion and art were and still are an inspiration. She absolutely walked to the beat of her own drum, totally embraced all it is to be a woman, and if I could have one person sit at my table, she would be it.

We are all on such a treadmill and running a business is intense, no matter how much ‘me’ time you create for yourself. 
 What advice would you give to aspiring designers? Don’t overthink it; just go for it and stay true to yourself. You can go to every design school in the world, but if you aren’t brave and don’t believe in what you have to offer, who else will? What does the future hold for Camilla Franks? Love, light and laughter. Life is good.








Call 9344 6100

SUBJECT Blood orange LOCATION Clovelly PHOTOGRAPHER Jayne Goodman

SUBJECT A broken man LOCATION Bronte PHOTOGRAPHER Brett Dooley INSTA @dooleybrett

SUBJECT Launching LOCATION Bondi PHOTOGRAPHER Amaury Tréguer INSTA @morningbondi

SUBJECT Soft sand LOCATION Maroubra PHOTOGRAPHER Rosita Simmons

SUBJECT A cock or two LOCATION Bondi PHOTOGRAPHER Lynne Wilson

The Beast Magazine wants your local photos!

SUBJECT Dark days LOCATION Clovelly PHOTOGRAPHER Brad Bessant INSTA @10ftkaos

SUBJECT Dolphin fishing LOCATION Bronte PHOTOGRAPHER Kerry Wilson INSTA @kerrywi1son

SUBJECT Fluorescent light LOCATION Bondi PHOTOGRAPHER Bill Morris INSTA @billmorris

SUBJECT Whale watching LOCATION Bondi PHOTOGRAPHER Poppy Wolanski

SUBJECT Morning glow LOCATION Bronte PHOTOGRAPHER Taylor Wong INSTA @twongphotography

Please send them to

Good times; Roberto and Megan outside their Bondi institution, Jed's Foodstore.

THE END OF AN ERA Words Rupert Truscott-Hughes Picture James Hutton


usinesses come and go all the time around Bondi. If you walked down Hall Street today for the first time in ten years, for example, you probably wouldn’t recognise the joint. Sure, there are some stayers, but they are few and far between. Most of those that have survived in Bondi for more than a decade are ‘institutions’. So when one of these institutions that has stood the test of time closes its doors, it’s understandable that it has quite an impact. Last month Jed’s Foodstore closed its doors after 17 years in operation. It came as a massive surprise, even to its regulars, of which there were many. Calling it an ‘outpouring of grief ’ may be taking a little too much poetic licence, but the disappointment was certainly real. Sure, they’ll all find somewhere else to go get their coffee, but it just won’t be the same. I’m only a relatively recent convert to Jed’s. I was actually introduced to the place by the gents who own this very magazine (from what I know The Beast was 60 The Beast | October 2016

actually born over a couple of Baby Js and a 50/50 bowl in the café’s eastern corner). I’d been in for brunch on weekends before, but didn’t really see it as a place I’d want to go to for my daily morning fix, or as somewhere to while away an afternoon with the SMH crossword and a large pot of chai. Too busy, too much attitude, I thought. I was wrong. On first impressions, particularly on a weekend, Jed’s did seem this way. Owners Megan and Roberto aren’t known to suffer fools. On a busy Saturday morning in summer, when the blow-ins and posers (like myself ) were lined up outside the door, you could expect a bit of curry with your eggs kurosawa. They wanted to seat you, serve you, then get you the hell out of there. People were waiting and they didn’t want to turn them away. It is the weekend trade that keeps Bondi businesses alive, and if you don’t push through the covers, you perish. A weekday at Jed’s couldn’t have been more different. What you mistook for attitude on Sunday,

you soon realise is an endearing combination of dry-wit and a nobullshit approach to getting the job done when confronted with hundreds of hungry patrons. It may have taken a while, but given time Megan and Roberto really grew on me, and I’m not the only one to echo this sentiment. Jed’s was their pride and joy (along with Lucas, Carmen and Nesta, their children). It was my place of sanctuary. It was egalitarian. I became good friends with other Jed’s patrons, more often than not introduced by one of the two owners. We sat together and attempted to solve the problems of the world. When I bitched and moaned about whatever it was that was getting my goat, they listened. We laughed. A lot. They also served up some bloody tasty food and I can’t recall getting a bad coffee, even when Megan was behind the machine! Five hundred words is not enough to do justice to Jed’s. It was an institution. It was an extension of my lounge room. It will be missed.




I feel a bit lost. Jed’s was my local for about ten years. I went down there most mornings, I’ve built a lot of friendships there and I don’t know where to go to drink a tea every morning anymore. It’s a sad time.


It was like the ‘Cheers’ bar for me - the place you go where everybody knows your name. It was like that for 20 years. It hasn't quite sunk in yet. Bondi doesn't have many institutions left. Another one just disappeared.


It was a bit of a shock and I'm definitely sad about it, but it's probably the result of the change to the Bondi that I once knew, even though I've only been here for about ten years. It seems quite symbolic really.

As the owner for the last ten years, it's sad to see it go. It was a community-based cafe and we're not just losing a business, we're losing that community. We've made some great friends and you just can't put a price on that.

Carole BONDI

I'm going to miss it. We've been going there nearly every weekend for the past 13 years. It's unpretentious, super relaxed, and it hasn't really changed a bit since I first went there, and that's what I loved about the place.


I’m gutted and I'm going to miss it. I came back from overseas and it became this sort of institution for me. It’s been my regular for a long time; I’ve spent enough money in that place to put Nesta through private school! October 2016 | The Beast 61

You wouldn't want to get headbutted by this bloke!

THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER Words and Picture Dan Trotter


’ve said it before and here I am saying it again: how good is this time of year? You have to love living where we live when spring raises its vibrant head. The buds start bursting, the fish get active and the sun sends its love through the universe to warm our magical piece of paradise. October is a solid month for snapper off the east coast. In fact, some say it’s the best month of the year. So with that knowledge in mind let’s quickly recap on one of the most successful ways to go about catching these prized pink wonders. Whilst difficult to master, fishing ‘floaters’ down current in a well-attended berley trail can be almost unbeatable at times. In order to achieve any level of success you need to consider the mechanics of what fishing floaters is all about. First things first, you need to know the areas where snapper tend to accumulate. Off Sydney in October they can be spread across a range of habitats from deeper 50 to 70-metre broken reefs, up into the shallows where hard reefs and kelp forests are abundant. 62 The Beast | October 2016

Once you’ve selected an area worth fishing, you’ll need some current. In an ideal situation the current and wind should be going in the same direction, and for most locations that’s toward the south. You don’t want too much current - just enough to carry your berley away from the boat and draw the snapper in. Once the anchor’s set fast, keep a continuous trail of small to medium sized pieces and chunks of fish going over the transom. When the berley has been flowing for a few minutes you can deploy your first bait. Use a small pea-sized sinker and a 5/0 octopus style hook with a fresh fillet of slimy mackerel or yellowtail scad. Yellowfin pike and sergeant baker strips are pretty good too, as is a good quality pilchard. The aim is to try to match the rate of descent of your bait with that of the berley. Too much sinker weight and your bait will drop out of the trail, too little and it will skim over the heads of the snapper you’re hoping to catch. Ideally a 45-degree angle in the line will see that your bait ends up in the right place.

Make sure you cast up current and out to the side of the boat, and keep the bail arm open to allow the bait to freely drop through the water column. At all times whilst doing this you need to be on high watch for a change in pace. If the line starts disappearing at a rate of knots off the spool, or simply stops completely, close the bail arm and wind as fast as you can. Keep winding until the snapper takes line and then settle into the fight. It’s also super important to never stop feeding the berley trail. You can thin it out from time to time, but persistent consistency is key. If after an hour you’ve not had a bite or run from a ‘red’, it’s worth relocating in search of another top looking spot. Enjoy the ‘Hunt for Red October’. If you catch any decent snapper and would like your fish photo hosted on the page of Fish ‘n’ Tips in a future edition of The Beast, we’d love to see it. Send it to and we'll pick the best shot for the next issue.

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OCTOBER 2016 TIDE CHART Numbers Bureau of Meteorology Tidal Centre Picture Brett Dooley Instagram @dooleybrett MONDAY


31 • 0300 0.42 0922 1.66 1543 0.38 2141 1.43




• New Moon • First Quarter • Full Moon • Last Quarter



1 • 0208 0.33 0819 1.55 1424 0.38 2030 1.56

2 0338 0.35 0952 1.57 1600 0.38 2205 1.51

3 0407 0.38 1025 1.58 1638 0.40 2241 1.45

4 0438 0.43 1059 1.58 1716 0.43 2317 1.39

5 0510 0.48 1133 1.56 1758 0.47 2357 1.32

6 0545 0.53 1213 1.53 1843 0.51

7 0041 1.25 0626 0.59 1256 1.48 1935 0.56

8 0132 1.19 0714 0.65 1346 1.44 2036 0.58

9 • 0234 1.15 0814 0.69 1446 1.42 2144 0.58

10 0345 1.16 0923 0.70 1555 1.43 2247 0.52

11 0454 1.21 1034 0.65 1700 1.49 2343 0.44

12 0550 1.31 1137 0.56 1758 1.57

13 0030 0.35 0639 1.43 1232 0.45 1849 1.65

14 0115 0.26 0725 1.56 1325 0.34 1938 1.72

15 0158 0810 1415 2028

16 0241 0855 1507 2117

17 0325 0942 1600 2209

0.16 1.87 0.12 1.68

18 0411 0.20 1030 1.90 1654 0.13 2302 1.59

19 0459 0.28 1121 1.88 1751 0.18 2359 1.48

20 0549 0.38 1214 1.83 1851 0.26

21 0058 1.38 0644 0.48 1310 1.74 1957 0.34

22 0203 1.29 0745 0.57 1411 1.64 2105 0.40

23 • 0315 1.25 0854 0.63 1519 1.56 2213 0.44

24 0427 1.26 1007 0.65 1629 1.51 2313 0.44

25 0529 1.32 1115 0.62 1731 1.49

26 0004 0.43 0619 1.39 1215 0.57 1825 1.49

27 0047 0.42 0703 1.46 1307 0.51 1910 1.49

28 0124 0.41 0742 1.53 1350 0.46 1950 1.49

29 0158 0.40 0816 1.58 1430 0.42 2028 1.48

30 0230 0.40 0849 1.62 1506 0.39 2104 1.46

Liam down the line.

0.19 1.69 0.23 1.75

0.15 1.79 0.16 1.74

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They taste better than they look.

NOT SO PRETTY IN PINK Words Pascal Geraghty Picture Cameron Ling


ou’ve all eaten pink ling. I know that. You’ve delighted in its firm, succulent, white flesh, perfectly matched with a crisp, awardwinning cool climate varietal. But do you know what you’re actually eating? Do you know what the fish looks like? It’s a pretty crook looking beast boasting a rig only a mother could love. A few years back I was making up numbers on a commercial fishing boat. We were bobbing around on the high seas above a seamount several hours due east of Eden. We sent a longline down deep into the abyss, some 300 fathoms, to dangle just off the bottom with hundreds of precisely spaced snoods loaded with snack-sized morsels of squid. This day New South Wales’ finest seafood came out to play - ocean perch by the box full, clusters of chubby blue-eye cod, toothy gemfish, smatterings of flathead, packs of dogfish, and even the elusive oilfish (a.k.a. diarrhoea fish) made a cameo appearance. And if that wasn’t enough stimulation, a pod of nosey orcas (of which I’ve 66 The Beast | October 2016

never tried) came by for a sticky beak. But nothing piqued my interest quite like when the pink ling started coming over the side. Answering to a bevy of nicknames such as pink cusk-eel and kingclip, pink ling (Genypterus blacodes) are basically a dirty big pinky-orange eel covered in brown blotches, with an Aerosmith mouth and a weathered old-man-of-the-sea visage. They are a bottom-dwelling species found in Australia’s southern waters in depths anywhere from 20 metres to 1000 metres. They are covered head to tail in a thick, slimy, mucousy substance and, interestingly, the fish from deeper waters tend to be more pink than orange. They are most commonly encountered at 50-90 centimetres long and up to 4.5 kilograms, but are known to grow as big as 160 centimetres and 20 kilograms. They reach reproductive maturity at 7-12 years of age and can live up to 30 years. Pink ling in Australian waters were, until recently, managed as a single stock, with the lion’s share of the recorded commercial catch

coming from south eastern waters. Research, however, discovered biology-based evidence that in fact two separate populations exist – an eastern and a western stock with a demarcation line at South Cape, Tasmania. Since 2013 the eastern and western stocks have been managed separately, the western group having been deemed sustainable while the jury’s still out on the eastern. Pink ling are a fascinating albeit ugly – creature, their crook looks fortunately stowed away down in the dark depths of the ocean. Bringing one to the surface is not too dissimilar to flicking the lights on in a nightclub. However, their unique and perhaps unexpected appearance serves as a reminder that a menu presents fantastic learning opportunities. If you see the name of a fish or other sea creature on offer, look it up. See what it looks like. Where does it live? How is it caught? Learning something about your seafood is the least you can do to repay the goodness it provides your body.



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October 2016 | The Beast 67

THREE WAYS TO STAY CLASSY 1. Keep your hemline below the knee and your headwear on your head. 2. Leave your denim and sequins at home. 3. Race wear is not party wear think elegance and modesty rather than sexy and flirty. WHAT SHOULD MEN WEAR? While a traditional dark suit is always a safe option, a better bet is a navy suit paired with brown shoes or a contrast printed jacket. Complete your look with a coloured bow tie or try a pastel pink or blue tie with a pocket square. For men with a sartorial edge, try clashing prints with patterns to stand out from the crowd. Stay classy rather than clownish by choosing fabrics that are similar colour shades – a tonal colour palette works wonders. For optimal results the prints should be different scales. On the streets I found:

Gabby from Bondi.

Olimpia from Bondi Beach.

KEY SPRING RACING FASHION TRENDS Words and Pictures Sharmin Musca, Personal Stylist


t’s Spring Racing Carnival time again, where lady-like dressing, modest silhouettes and classic styles are key to successfully putting together your look this season. Stay ahead of the pack by trying one of these trends… OFF-THE-SHOULDER An off-the-shoulder dress with a below-the-knee hemline is an elegantly on-trend option for spring racing. The style highlights one of the most flattering parts of a woman’s body and is a classy way to show off some skin. PASTELS The sugary sweet pastel trend will be popular this year. Fashion for68 The Beast | October 2016

ward racegoers will steer clear of the bold prints and bright colours we’ve become accustomed to seeing as fashion takes a softer, more feminine turn. Pastel tones range from mint green and candy pink, to hydrangea blue, lemon chiffon, coral and taupe. HAIR JEWELS Headbands and smaller, more flexible pieces will be popular this season - think beautifully crafted leather headpieces and metal hair jewels in rose gold or metallic chrome. Placement of your headpiece can make or break your look. Try a few different positions and don’t be afraid to get creative with them.

NAME Gabby WORKS Bondi OCCUPATION Retail sales STREET STYLE Dress and heels by Free People, bag by Hunky Dory (all from Come As You Are), and Celine sunnies. FAVE ITEM FOR THE SEASON Cropped boot-cut jeans by J Brand. NAME Olimpia LIVES Bondi Beach OCCUPATION Owner of Olimpia Beauty Salon STREET STYLE Jacket and leather pants from Mango, top from Italy, boots by Gino Rossi and Ray-Ban sunnies. FAVE ITEM FOR THE SEASON Alexander McQueen clutch. Still not sure what to wear? Book a consultation with Sharmin Musca – Personal Stylist for event specific styling or to revamp your wardrobe. Call 0405 518 155 or email

'All Work No Play' by Pete Conroy


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'Surf to City' exhibition featuring original artwork and photography by local Bondi artists Pete Conroy, Alex Evans and Peter Franc. Thursday, Sep 22nd - Sunday, Oct 16th 558 Crown Street, Surry Hills 0417 622 517 Beast readers get a 10% discount if they quote 'VIVIDSHOP' during October 2016

When: Saturday, October 29 from 1-5pm Where: Wee Care Kindergarten 7 St Marys Avenue, Bondi RSVP: Facebook:

October 2016 | The Beast 69

Definitely not Jetstar.



ometimes a holiday can be a horror story, largely because of the unrealistically high expectations we have for those two weeks of freedom. Read any one-star Tripadvisor review and you will become privy to the angst of a person whose disappointing hotel, meal or guided tour was practically a life-changing experience. Firstworld problems? Certainly, and we need to get some perspective, but the Unreliable Guide has some tips to help you experience that first class feeling every time… ASK FOR AN UPGRADE The Unreliable Guide regularly gets upgraded, whether to a better room in the hotel or a better seat on the plane. My friend - let’s call him Jack because that’s his name has never been upgraded anywhere and he’s always furious when I mention my own regular upgrades. When I asked Jack if he’d ever actually asked for an upgrade he said, “Oh no, I couldn’t; it would be like begging.” Well begging it

70 The Beast | October 2016

may be, Jack, but if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Just make sure you ask politely; your chance of a first class experience lies in the hands of that poorly-paid receptionist, so make sure you charm them. SPEND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN
 Part of the reason that the Unreliable Guide so often gets upgraded is because I reserve the best seat or room that I can afford in the first place. If you book a nice, mid-range premium room, the hotel is far more likely to upgrade you to a gorgeous suite than if you’d reserved their cheapest standard room. Plus, if you don’t get the upgrade at least you still have a nice room. It’s a truth universally acknowledged that money makes money, and things are only given away free to those who can afford it anyway. DRESS SMARTLY This tip goes for restaurants, too. If you want to be treated like a first class customer it really helps if you look the part. Turn up looking like

yesterday’s laundry and you won’t encourage anybody to give you something for nothing. Remember, only the truly rich can afford to look scruffy. PRETEND TO BE CELEBRATING
 We should always try to celebrate our ‘special occasions’, and if you are, make sure that you let the airline or hotel know all about it. You will be amazed at what they can do for you. The Unreliable Guide has been upgraded, and given champagne, chocolates, flowers and cakes on various occasions. If you don’t have a real special occasion, just make one up and tell them about that. Finally, the Unreliable Guide suggests that the real upgrade should be to your own attitude; if you treat every occasion as a special treat, it won’t matter if the place isn’t perfect. Be polite to everyone, smile and be gracious - you’ll be amazed what delights the universe will provide.

SO HOW DO YOU REAP THE BENEFITS? According to water efficiency engineer Adam Jones of BMT WBM, repairing leaks and reducing flow of water efficient showerheads and taps provide the easiest wins, with the bonus of energy bill savings. Ms Byrne’s previous apartment block saved 20 per cent on water consumption when the owners’ corporation organised a bulk change in showerheads and flow restrictors in all units, through Sydney Water’s ‘Waterfix’ program. They enjoy $11,500 in savings each year. So with National Water Week (October 16-22) on our doorstep, it’s a good time for making waterwise apartment living second nature. Here are three great places to start…

Time for one song only.



ver had the feeling that money flows through your hands like water? If you haven’t fixed your leaks or installed water-saving appliances in your apartment, you may literally be pouring money down the drain. With three-quarters of our local population living in units, that’s a lot of wet dosh. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not an apartment block’s pool or large gardens that are the thirsty culprits. “Most people are surprised when they find that over 85 per cent of all water used in an apartment building is used within individual apartments (not common facilities),” Andre Boerema of Sydney Water said. The good news is that it’s often easier to save water in apartments than houses, with significant

72 The Beast | October 2016

consumption cuts for the whole building. A recent review of 30 apartment buildings in the City of Sydney showed the potential to reduce apartment buildings’ water use by 25 per cent. WHY CARE? Strata owners enjoy reduced bills (i.e. less money down the drain), which may mean reduced rents for tenants, according to Christine Byrne from non-profit organisation GreenStrata. You’re also kicking goals for our environment by reducing pressure on dams and rivers, plus cutting carbon emissions by using less energy for heating and pumping water. With apartments accounting for 30 per cent of water use across the Eastern Suburbs, there’s plenty to gain.

1. Showers Showers account for half of all water used in apartments. Install water-efficient showerheads or flow controllers sourced from local hardware stores. Of course, shorter showers always help – three to four minutes or the length of your favourite song (excluding Bohemian Rhapsody) should do. You can email secondnature@waverley.nsw. for a free shower timer. 2. Taps Fit tap aerators and flow controllers to your existing taps to reduce water use by more than half. If in the market for new taps, choose new 3-star models, including lever, mixer and quarter-turn styles. They use about half the amount of water as a standard tap. 3. Leaks Fixing leaks is a simple way to slash consumption. One leaking toilet can waste up to 250,000 litres per month. For more info about saving water, get along to Waverley Council’s free workshop at 6pm on Wednesday, October 19 at Waverley Library. You can register at water_savings_in_apartments or by calling 9083 8023.

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325 King St Newtown 02 9557 8283 October 2016 | The Beast 73

Gluttony is good at Bondi's Organic Republic Bakery.

QTIPS #10 – BONDI’S BEST PASTRIES Words Madeleine Gray Picture Pastry Kensit


ale. Activated almonds. Yoga. Pilates. We are all aware that Bondi is known for its healthconscious hotties and dedication to all things #fitspo. But while I try to embrace the ‘my body is a temple’ mantra as often as I can, there is something deliciously freeing about throwing caution to the wind and biting into a completely decadent, old-fashioned pastry. You might find it hard to believe, but Bondi is actually home to some of the best baked treats in Sydney – you just have to know where to look. So for this month’s QTips, presented by the good folk at QT Bondi, I dare you to leave the beetroot brownie recipe at home and come with me on a Bondi food crawl that pays homage to everyone’s favourite part of the food pyramid – the top triangle. PASTICCERIA PAPA Nestled in the Hub development on Hall Street, this fabulous pasticceria originally hales from Haberfield, but thankfully found

74 The Beast | October 2016

a new location at Bondi in mid2014. While all the sweet treats on offer are delicious, I simply cannot go past the baked ricotta cheesecake. It is a game changer: smooth and sweet, with a dusting of cinnamon on top. Bellissima. GUSTO This stalwart café on Hall Street is known for its great coffee and fabulous focaccias, but I have a confession: it’s the caramel kisses that keep me coming back. They’re the little cylindrical wonders with a biscuit base and thick caramel on top. Order one with your next coffee: you won’t regret it. ORGANIC REPUBLIC BAKERY At Organic Republic, gluttony is good. This Glenayr Avenue bakery is dedicated to all things sustainable and ethical, so you can help save the world while tucking in. The no-brainer order here is the spelt scone. The flavours change daily, but they are consistently delectable.

THE COOK AND BAKER I know this little gem is technically in Bondi Junction, but I can’t leave it off the list. At the front of this Oxford Street store is a glass cabinet heaped with every good, sweet thing known to man. The signature donuts are ridiculously good, and oozing with raspberry jam and vanilla custard. WELLINGTON CAKE SHOP Leslie Brull and his family have been at the helm of this gorgeously traditional bakery for over 30 years, and though the bagels are a best seller, I sincerely implore you to try the kugelhupf (chocolate yeast cake). It is thick, bready, and incredibly bad for you. Do it. The QT Concierge App, your little black book to the best of Bondi – cafes, bars, shops, restaurants, activities and more – is out now. Download it at https://itunes.

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Even better than Domino's.



enice is one of the greatest cities in the world to visit. Historical, cultural, beautiful and seductive, it is situated across a group of 117 small islands that are linked by bridges and separated by an intricate maze of canals that snake their way through the city. What makes it even more remarkable is that it’s virtually traffic free. After an arduous 22-hour flight from Sydney, we were soon in a water taxi cruising the legendary Grand Canal, craning our necks to glimpse at the romantic Venice that I'd always dreamt about. Gondolas, wood-panelled speedboats, tourist-filled ferries, beautiful old apartments and waterside restaurants line the canal’s edge. Sightseers and locals alike hang out in the magnificent sunshine taking in the ambience. It looked surreal. Disembarking from our water taxi via a rickety wooden pier, it was only a fifty-metre walk along cobblestone path to our charming Venetian boutique hotel. As exhausted as we were, we only had three nights booked in Venice so this was definitely not the time to sleep. After settling into our room our priority was to dive mouth-first into a giant slice of pizza. The thin, nongreasy pizza was like no pizza I’d ever tasted previously. It took serious discipline not to go in for seconds, and an executive decision from my girlfriend was all that stopped me from immediately devouring a triple scoop of

76 The Beast | October 2016

gelato. That would have to wait until we’d walked around for at least thirty minutes to digest the pizza. Every corner of every one of Venice’s narrow streets was picture perfect. The beautiful architecture comprised of churches, apartment blocks, squares (mini piazzas), diminutive bridges, statues and small canals with a never-ending array of gondolas passing by. You could occasionally hear some beautiful operatic male voices echoing from the canals onboard some of the gondolas, serenading their customers as they cruised by. Walking through Venice is like starring in your very own Italian movie, directed and produced by Sophia Loren’s late husband Carlo Ponti, no less. After wandering aimlessly for some time (who needs a map?), we stumbled across St. Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco), the principal public square of Venice and one that definitely needs some time to absorb all it has to offer. We thought we had passed a lot of tourists before we arrived here, but entering Piazza San Marco raised the bar to another level - Bondi on a busy day doesn’t even come close. Piazza San Marco is Venice's only square with the title of ‘piazza’. Italian life has revolved around it since the days of the Republic, when it was a market as well as the center of civic and religious life. One of Venice's

major attractions, it’s surrounded on three sides by the stately arcades of public buildings, and on the fourth by the classic cathedral Basilica di San Marco, with its many domes, arches, colourful marble and the soaring campanile (bell tower) that towers over the square like a giant centurion. In awe of the enormity and architectural significance of 'the square', we dodged the pigeons that have taken up celebrity status and, a thousand photos later, we exited the piazza to discover some more narrow cobblestoned streets filled with restaurants, bars, clothing shops, perfumers, Venetian glass makers and mask shops. From here we made our way to the harbour-front to accept the generosity of the Venetian Government that allows tourists free speedboat rides on Fridays to the famous Murano glass factory (15 minutes away). We witnessed a master glass blower showcase his extraordinary skills as he created an intricate colourful vase and a dynamic looking horse in a demonstration that was simply remarkable. After a tour around the showrooms we were soon back at St. Marks Square to continue our epic city tour (more canals, bridges, narrow laneways, cobblestones, gondolas and gelato). When night finally fell we took our weary legs to the Grand Canal’s famous Rialto Bridge, where we joined thousands of other tourists enjoying Venice’s evening ambience, before again taking to the maze of narrow cobblestone streets in search of a nontouristy area to feast on buckets of gnocchi, spaghetti and pizza. Venice is a city like no other I’ve ever been to. After only a few days you find yourself wanting to speak Italian, look Italian and dress Italian. There is an amazing sense of style to the place. We were only blessed with three Venetian nights, but we wished we could stay longer. With the taste of delicious pizza, pasta and gelato still on our taste buds, we left with both romantic memories and excess body weight as we continued our Italian summer sojourn.

How to get there Vicki Gilden at Rose Bay Travel (02) 9371 8166

"Just there at the top; that little beany thing... just play around with that for a bit and it should do the trick."

WHY DOCTORS NEED BETTER SEX EDUCATION Words Matty Silver, Sex Therapist Picture Fanny Dickinson


ver the years I have seen many clients experiencing problems relating to sexual issues or suffering from some sort of sexual dysfunction. Many turn to their GPs, but while going to the doctor is straightforward if you have stomach pains, seeking help with sexual problems can be embarrassing. It’s disappointing to hear that many of my clients feel their doctor was either not helpful or found it difficult to talk about sexual issues. Some issues my male clients deal with include premature ejaculation, losing their erection or having difficulties ejaculating. Menopause is a big problem for older women. The onset of menopause is something most women dread because, as well as the physical symptoms, their sex lives can also be affected. Years ago every woman was routinely prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as soon as she reached menopause. This changed in 2002 when a study in the US was stopped because researchers found that HRT increased women’s risk of breast cancer. 78 The Beast | October 2016

A decade later, medical professionals agreed these findings were flawed and HRT was not as risky as believed, but there is still anxiety and confusion among women and the medical professionals. I have spoken to many women who are too frightened to try HRT, but suffer from symptoms affecting their libido and their relationships with their partners. Over two million women in Australia are going through menopause, but only eight per cent use conventional HRT. It’s therefore important that GPs do not talk women out of using HRT, but rather explain the risks and benefits, and provide an informed choice. If you are a GP and a young man comes to see you complaining about often losing his erection, the first question you should ask is whether or not it also happen when he self-stimulates. If the answer is no, he may have acquired performance anxiety. Loss of erection only has to happen a few times for a man to feel doubt, leading to anxiety the next time. When he starts anticipating problems about his performance, it becomes

a self-fulfilling fear. Prescribing young men Viagra is not helpful – only men over 50 may need it. To keep an erection a man must be sexually aroused. When his anxiety takes over, it inhibits the blood flow to his penis, which can result in erection difficulties. The same effect happens when a man has difficulty ejaculating or is not able to ejaculate at all – he concentrates so much on reaching orgasm that he is not sexually aroused anymore. Premature ejaculation (coming too quickly), affects about 30 per cent of the male population. It’s quite common these days for GPs to prescribe healthy young men a class of antidepressants (SSRIs) because it’s known they can delay ejaculation. But what about the side effects of taking daily antidepressants when the patient may only have a psychological problem that can be treated easily and effectively without them? I’m sure it’s difficult to diagnose patients with sexual issues properly with the short appointment times doctors have these days. Referring them on to a sex therapist may actually lead to a better outcome.

Everyone loves Freddy.

GRAND FINAL WEEKEND Words Alasdair McClintock Picture Stacey Jones


an you hear the drums, Fernando? The random cheers emanating from your neighbour's (and possibly even your own) lounge room? Those roars mean that one of the grand finals (AFL or NRL) is on and you're missing it. Grand final weekend has etched out some of my favourite memories over the course of my lifetime. My teams have rarely been in it, but that doesn't matter. It's a whole new competition come The Big One - just pick a side and go with it. A few years ago I decided I would support whoever was winning at any given time during the game. Some would call that flaky, and even a little pathetic, but I call it a hell of a way to spend an afternoon drinking - no chance of disappointment and a great excuse to celebrate with genuine supporters afterwards. They don't need to know that you didn't give two hoots if their team won or not. It might be an idea to brush up on all four team songs during the week before, however. 80 The Beast | October 2016

Having both the NRL and AFL grand finals on the same weekend, followed by a public holiday, pretty much ensures it's going to be the best weekend of the year. The brief period they held them on different weekends was a dark and confusing time and the less I dwell on it the better. Even the scheduling is perfect for a weekend of festivities. The AFL is happily staying with tradition and keeping its grand final as a day game, while the NRL is admirably stubborn in its insistence on going against the bulk of fans' wishes and having a night time kick-off. NRL fans may not be happy, but for us dual-code supporters it offers the ideal situation in terms of recovery. Given the understandable sensitivity around the public holiday on January 26, I am seriously considering starting a campaign to move Australia Day to the Monday after grand final weekend. The only thing really stopping me is crippling laziness and the current ubiquity of those

things. Everything is being protested. Do I really need to add to the noise? And if you're rolling your eyes at the thought of aligning our national day with sport, further consolidating our obsession with it, you need to ask yourself: Do you love violence? Do you crave war? Because if it wasn't for professional and amateur sport, there would be a hell of a lot more carnage. Take a look at the team lists from each side competing on this hallowed weekend and there are some stone-cold psychopaths in there. Stone-cold psychopaths who are thankfully occupied most of the time by the demands of professional sport. Stone-cold psychopaths who have an outlet for their inherent aggression. Stone-cold psychopaths who aren't out roaming the streets with nothing better to do than smoke drugs and beat up on whoever they stumble across. Do not be so naive as to believe that organised sport isn't the only thing holding civilisation together. Now go and watch the game.

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October 2016 | The Beast 81

SUBJECT Coverage LOCATION Bronte PHOTOGRAPHER Brett Dooley INSTA @dooleybrett


SUBJECT Giant cookie LOCATION Bronte PHOTOGRAPHER Brad Bessant INSTA @10ftkaos

SUBJECT Tinkering bear LOCATION Waverley PHOTOGRAPHER Andrew Worssam


The Beast Magazine wants your local photos!

SUBJECT Textbook tackle LOCATION North Sydney Oval PHOTOGRAPHER Brett Dooley INSTA @dooleybrett

SUBJECT Crystal fairy and the magic cactus LOCATION Bondi PHOTOGRAPHER Miriam Chaplyn

SUBJECT Exotic twins LOCATION Tamarama PHOTOGRAPHER Andrew Worssam


SUBJECT Killer hound LOCATION Bronte PHOTOGRAPHER Taylor Wong INSTA @twongphotography

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I am at my happiest playing to a small room packed to the brim with people who know my music intimately. If you come to see me play, you can expect... lots of talking interspersed with the occasional song. There was one time when I was starting out... that I wore my hair in pigtails and performed a new song that I didn't have any lyrics for yet so I just made them up as I went along. If I could have chosen one song to have written it would have to be... ‘Let's Stay Together’ by Al Green. I just think it's perfect in every way. My favourite song to perform would have to be... ‘Ron Sexsmith’. It's off the new record. It's one of only a few songs of mine where at shows I can tell the story of how the song came about and then play the song afterwards like the punch line to a joke. Back on the scene.



ob Evans, the folk-pop alter ego of former Jebediah frontman Kevin Mitchell, is back on the scene again with his latest album, Car Boot Sale. With a Sydney show slated for December 9 at the Factory Theatre, we were lucky enough to catch up with Mr Evans during the month… If I had to describe my sound in one sentence… I still wouldn't, unless for some crazy reason my life depended on it, in which case I would say that it is spawned from the vague traditions of rock and roll. My latest album, Car Boot Sale, would be best described as… an exercise in simplicity and directness; an attempt to do what I do 84 The Beast | October 2016

best without any preconceptions about where it might fit in the grand scheme of contemporary fashion. My first memory of music is… doing bedroom concerts with my brothers, miming to the Kiss song ‘I Was Made For Loving You’ with plastic tennis racquets for guitars and wearing the masks (I was the cat, Peter Criss). Growing up my parents listened to… not much that I can remember. My mum liked classical music and musical theatre stuff. Dad liked the Four Tops, I think. My dream gig... is any full room of people that own my records.

The best thing about the local music scene is… its live culture. The live music scene still seems to be the breeding ground that so many of our best artists move through and blossom from, and it scares me to think what would happen if our thriving live scene was squashed by outside influences. One person I’d still really like to record with is… Luke Steele. He lived around the corner from me in Perth many years ago and we used to hang out a bit and jam on stuff. It was fun. My biggest fan has got be… at least 6 foot, 7 inches tall. I knew I’d made it when... I wrote my first song, because everything that has happened to me since has come from that moment. If you would like to find out more about Bob Evans, please visit


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ALBUM #1 Artist Frank Ocean Album Blonde Reviewer Alasdair McClintock Rating  There is a dark elegance to this album and a prevailing sense that it is more of an artistic statement than much of the music being produced these days. It has been on repeat in my place for the past week and I'm not quite through flogging it just yet. Anyone who manages to pull a shifty on their record label and (hopefully) get away with it also deserves kudos. The fact that they didn't know he had a whole second album immediately ready to drop shows how far their heads must be up their proverbials. We waited a long time for this album, Frank, but it was certainly worth the wait.

ALBUM #2 MOVIE REVIEW TITLE Snowden GENRE Drama, Biography REVIEWER Linda Heller-Salvador Snowden is a suspenseful, intriguing biographical drama directed by Oliver Stone (JFK, Platoon) that was co-scripted with Kieran Fitzgerald and adapted from the books, Time of the Octopus by Anatoly Kucherena (Snowden’s Russian lawyer) and The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World's Most Wanted Man by Luke Harding. It is the controversial true story of Edward Snowden ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a young American ex-soldier and patriot who, due to his exceptionally smart mind, was working as a computer analyst for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and NSA (National Security Agency). During his time there he came across disturbing events of covert surveillance operations on a major scale. Under the pretext of finding terrorists in the Internet haystack, the American government abused its power to spy on everyone by tracking all phone and Internet usage around the world. Struggling with his duty as a patriotic citizen and his personal sense of what is morally right he decided to leak thousands of classified documents to the media, thereby placing not only his own life in jeopardy, but also the lives those around him. This is definitely a film that will generate a lot of discussions. Pick a side; your privacy is now a thing of the past. Big Brother really is watching you! 86 The Beast | October 2016

Artist Glass Animals Album How to Be a Human Being Reviewer Alasdair McClintock Rating  Concept albums are evidently back en vogue and I don't know how I feel about it. Heck, I'm not sure I even feel anything anymore, but that's a tale for a different setting. I do like the concept behind this one, though, with each song being loosely based on a person the band met while touring the globe. Similar to Alt-J, with their quirkiness and the unique voice of their frontman, Glass Animals have such an interesting sound. It's so polished and smooth it should feel overproduced, but it doesn't. On some mystical, vibratory level, it really works for me. Like one of those oriental gongs.

ALBUM #3 Artist Drapht Album Seven Mirrors Reviewer Alasdair McClintock Rating  This is another album that's been some time in the making and it's evident that Drapht has been doing some serious self reflection. You really get the feeling he's letting it all bleed on to the page here. While it's interesting to hear of his personal struggles, these tracks don't really lend themselves to multiple listens. It's his upbeat moments where he truly excels. This guy can start a party, that's for sure, and I will party to his music this summer. I can guarantee it. Discounting a couple of skits that just aren't funny (why do hip-hop artists insist on putting these in?), this is certainly worth a listen or two.

ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT FROM AROUND THE BEACHES Words Madeleine Gray Picture Jayne Goodman ATTENTION ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS The annual mEYE World Photographic Competition, an initiative of the Macular Disease Foundation Australia, is now open with over $8,000 worth of prizes, including a cash prize of $3,000, to be shared among the winners. The competition theme is ‘See My World’ and the foundation’s CEO, Julie Heraghty, said she is looking forward to seeing photographs that reflect the rich diversity of Australian life. The competition runs until October 18. Visit CHINACLAY COMES TO CLOVELLY Need a gift for a mate, or just for yourself ? Having recently re-launched at 27 Burnie Street, Clovelly, Chinaclay is a gallery and retail space for Australian ceramics and also a floral studio. As well as stocking a range of unique handmade ceramics, they also offer fresh flowers for you to gift or take home. Chinaclay delivers Sydneywide and they are also available for events, big or small. Check out this unique business venture in the heart of Clovelly’s creative enclave, or visit


THE OLD BEAR AND THE SEA Over the past few years, Waverley Studio artist Jacqueline Butterworth has been exploring themes that reflect on the transient nature of the things we love – a recurring pre-occupation that stems from both old and new losses. According to Butterworth, “Though this is often what informs the direction of my art lately, it is usually tempered by a doggedly persistent hopefulness.” From October 4 to 16, Butterworth will be exhibiting ‘The Old Bear and the Sea’ at the Bondi Pavilion Gallery. The series is a painted tale of an old bear, whose young owner was lost at sea long ago, and who leaves home in a toy boat to find him. For more info, visit SURF TO CITY AT VIVIDSHOP Check out this great exhibition featuring original artworks and photography by local Bondi artists Pete Conroy, Alex Evans and Peter Franc at Vividshop, 558 Crown Street, Surry Hills from Thursday, September 22 to Sunday, October 16. Vividshop also stocks women’s and girls’ clothing, accessories,

jewellery, toys and homewares, and has done so for 17 years. The former owners of Bondi’s Futura bought Vividshop last year, and the new venture has been expanded to include popular Futura lines - spices, succulents, vinyl, lighting, artwork and furniture. Readers of The Beast get a 10% discount if they quote ‘VIVIDSHOP’ during October. Please call 0417 622 517. PUBERTY BLUES CHARITY SCREENING Get yourself down to the Randwick Ritz at 7pm on Thursday, October 20 for a screening of the 1981 classic Puberty Blues, with a keynote interview with award-winning director Bruce Beresford conducted by SBS’s comedic genius Lee Lin Chin. Local boy Doc Hinds is hosting the screening with Sunrise Cambodia, a world-class charity working with at-risk kids, families and communities in Cambodia, the Sydney fundraising office of which is situated right here in the Eastern Beaches. There’ll be raffles and an art auction throughout the night. This one is not to be missed! Visit

Coogee's latest culinary sensation.

SUGARCANE: COOGEE’S LITTLE SLICE OF SOUTHEAST ASIA Words Dining Dave Instagram @diningdave Picture Grant Brooks


here’s nothing quite like a relaxing meal on a Southeast Asian beach, is there? Balmy nights in Bali and Thailand certainly come to mind. Coogee, while no doubt boasting a beautiful beach, just ain’t the same, but that hasn’t stopped Milan Strbac, the owner and chef of Sugarcane, Coogee’s latest culinary sensation, from pursuing this vision in his new Eastern Beaches venture, and he’s certainly leaving his mark. Sugarcane is prominent on the corner of Carr Street and Arden Street, staring out squarely at Coogee Beach. My two companions and I approached it on a windy Thursday spring evening, starving and anxious to see what all the fuss was about. Merrily greeted at the door, we were seated on the balcony, which gave us a view of both of Sugarcane’s two dining areas and the beach. The décor is subtly Indonesian, with flowers and hanging plants, and a strong reliance on timber throughout. It certainly is a relaxing place to dine. From the second we met our enthusiastic waiter, Joe, we were confident that this meal was going to blow us away. Starting out with

88 The Beast | October 2016

two glasses of Rieslingfreak ‘No. 3’ and a frosty Orion beer, Joe informed us that all the dishes were meant to be shared, and were both large and tasty. Sugarcane’s cuisine borrows from Thai, Malaysian, Indian, and Indonesian influences, making it a true Southeast Asian affair. We started with several of the ‘small’ dishes: the rice cake with prawn, coriander, and caramelised sugarcane; betel leaf with kingfish, sambal matah and coconut; crisp tortillas with crab, green apple, coconut and lime; and roti with Malaysian curry sauce and pickled cucumber. While all four were excellently prepared, flavoursome and innovative, we all agreed that the betel leaf and the roti were the two standouts. When Joe returned he guided us to the ‘large’ dishes that would knock us out: crispy chicken, quince and blood orange; and North Sumatran curry with Milly Hill lamb neck and ginger ajar. The citrusy, shallot-covered boneless fried chicken was a giant plate of deliciousness, while the tender lamb soaked in curry simply melted in the mouth. We decided to com-

pliment the mains with Balinese fried rice and braised eggplant with black beans and shallots. It turned out to be much more food than we probably needed, but we still left with no regrets. After all that, we somehow still had room for dessert. The Pandan donuts and the Milo chocolate mousse with condensed milk ice cream and meringue really hit the spot. After our wonderful meal we decided go for a walk along Coogee’s beach promenade. While it wasn’t quite as warm as Bali, nor as busy, we were happy in the knowledge that the extraordinary flavours of Southeast Asia are only a short stroll up the hill. Sugarcane Restaurant Address Shop 1, 56 Carr Street, Coogee Phone (02) 8313 9790 Instagram @sugarcane_syd Email info@sugarcanerestaurant. Open From 5.30pm, Tuesday to Sunday Prices $18 - $32 Cards Accepted All major cards Licensed/BYO Licensed

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October 2016 | The Beast 89

ROSÉ 2013 Rosés can often be almost sickly sweet, but this is not. It’s dry and crisp, with some beautiful texture to it. Many will overlook a rosé on a wine list, but I’d highly recommend trying this one. Made from Cabernet, it’s a serious wine. SHIRAZ 2012 AND 2013 (GUNDAGAI) 2012 was a cooler year. This is the wine I talked about in the Catalyst episode. I really could smell white and black pepper through this, with a touch of eucalypt, and some really vibrant, juicy red berries shine through. The 2013 was a complete contrast - far less pepper, darker berries. The Catalyst crew were fascinated to try these side-by-side and see just how different they were - same grape, same vineyard, different vintage, totally different wine.

From Mooseheads to Mary Street - nice work Alex.

ALEX RETIEF WINES AND THE URBAN WINERY Words Alex Russell Instagram @ozwineguy Picture Arthur Schuster


was recently interviewed about my wine research for the ABC’s Catalyst program. We filmed at The Urban Winery (on Mary Street in St Peters). I didn’t know this until I showed up there, but this is Alex Retief ’s new winery and cellar door. I’ve been hearing a lot about Alex’s wines over the last couple of years and have loved the wines of his that I’ve tried. As it turns out, he’s a genuinely nice guy with some seriously good booze. It was great to meet him, check out his wines and chat about wine in general. We managed to work our way through the following seven wines… 90 The Beast | October 2016

SAUVIGNON BLANC 2014 Out of Tumbarumba, he puts this into older barrels, so it’s not your typical Sauvy (they generally have no oak treatment). It has beautiful texture to it and the oak still lets the fruit shine through. Personally, I'm a bit over Sauvignon Blanc, but I would very happily drink this stuff. CHARDONNAY 2014 The Chardies coming out of Tumbarumba are making waves and this is a great example - newer oak, some malolactic fermentation (think buttery flavours) without being too over-the-top. This was one of the favourites amongst the film crew.

FIELD BLEND 2015 This is made of a bunch of stuff, including Grenache, Mataro, Malbec and others, depending on the vintage. It’s such an easy-to-drink wine. Try this with just about anyone and you’ll all be asking for another glass of it. It’s a lighter style, but will still go well amongst those who prefer a heavier red. ‘THE ALIAS’ MATARO 2013 This stood out as the wine to cellar for a while, with some grippy tannins that’ll soften, but still allow for drinking now. It’s all about dark fruits with a savoury feel to it - have it with a big steak. UPCOMING DROPS I had a bit of a sneak peak at a few upcoming drops, including the 2015 Tempranillo. The future certainly looks bright. He’s also offering some really interesting services – you can get involved in the winemaking process and make wines under your own label – WHERE TO BUY? If you want to get them retail, has a selection of some of the wines, or you can go out to St Peters with friends and try the wines in matched Riedel glasses.

A private six-bedroom guesthouse, perfectly situated amongst the world renowned waves of Indonesia's famous Mentawaian Playgrounds.

METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a 10 x 22cm loaf (bar) tin with baking paper. 2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the melted coconut oil with the vanilla, eggs, bananas, dates and bicarbonate of soda. Next, add the shredded coconut and brown rice flour and fold in until well combined. 3. Pour this mixture into the lined loaf tin and bake for approximately 45–60 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes 
out clean. 4. Allow your freshly baked banana and coconut bread to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then slice and pack up in a fresh piece of baking paper or brown paper with cotton twine to take to your picnic. Absolutely delicious!

An old favourite, sans sugar and gluten.

BEST EVER HEALTHY BANANA AND COCONUT BREAD Recipe and Image from Seasons to Share by Jacqueline Alwill


here’s nothing quite like remaking an old favourite using new ideas and new ingredients, and this nourishing banana bread does just that. Traditional banana bread recipes are often high in sugar. They’re essentially just banana cake recipes. They’re also made with wheat flour, so they’re a coeliac’s worst nightmare. I’ve used dates to replace the refined sugars typically used for this recipe, and a mixture of shredded coconut and brown rice flour in place of wheat flour. Spelt flour is also a great option if brown rice flour isn’t on hand.

92 The Beast | October 2016

This recipe wins people over every time. It’s gluten-free, sugarfree and vegetarian friendly. Get amongst it! INGREDIENTS Serves 8 125ml coconut oil, melted 1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla paste 4 eggs, beaten 3 very ripe bananas, mashed 8 Medjool dates, pitted and chopped 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 65g shredded coconut 135g brown rice flour

Bondi local Jacqueline Alwill is a qualified, practicing nutritionist, personal trainer, whole foods cook and, most importantly, mother to Jet. She is committed to improving the health, wellbeing and happiness of all individuals. In her first cookbook, Seasons to Share, Jacqueline has brought together a delightful collection of beautiful seasonal wholefoods recipes for all occasions. Seasons to Share (Murdoch Books) is available now in all good bookstores and online.


Insanely delicious.



his combination of crumbly oat base, sticky salted caramel and smooth dark chocolate with a crunch of peanuts is simply droolworthy. Think caramel slice meets Snickers made from nothing but wholefoods, but just as delicious as the originals. The best things about this slice? You probably have all of the ingredients in your pantry right now, it’s naturally sweetened, it’s high in protein and fibre, and it comes together with just 10 ingredients. INGREDIENTS Takes 45 minutes Makes 8 - 10 slices Base 1/2 cup raw cashews 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/3 cup buckinis (or sub in more oats) 6 Medjool dates, pitted 1 tbsp water Filling 3 tbsp tahini 6 Medjool dates, pitted 1 tbsp nut butter (cashew butter, for example) 1/4 cup water 3/4 tsp salt Tiny squeeze of lemon juice

94 The Beast | October 2016

To Top 1/3 cup roasted peanuts, roughly chopped 1 block of good quality (70-85%) dark chocolate METHOD 1. Add cashews, oats and buckinis to a food processor and blend for 1-2 minutes until finely broken down. Add the dates and process for another minute (it will still be crumbly at this point). With the motor running, slowly add the water until the mixture comes together in a sticky ball. Add a little more water if this doesn’t happen after 1 tablespoon. 2. Press the base mixture into the bottom of a small loaf or square tin (silicon is useful if you have it as it makes it easier to remove later on). 3. In the same food processor, add all of the ingredients for the caramel filling and blend until completely smooth and creamy. 4. Pour the caramel over the base and smooth with the back of a spoon. 5. Sprinkle the chopped peanuts over the caramel layer.

6. In a small pot or double boiler, melt the chocolate slowly over very low heat. 7. Pour the melted chocolate over the crushed peanuts and smooth with the back of a spoon. 8. Place the tin in the freezer for around 10-15 minutes - just until the chocolate layer is set. 9. Remove from the freezer, run a knife around the sides of the tin, and then carefully remove the slice. Set it upside-down on a chopping board (with the chocolate layer facing the board) and carefully cut it into slices. Store in an airtight container in or out of the fridge for up to a week. Tamika Woods is a Bondi-based Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine student and recipe maker. She is the founder of Sproutly Stories, a health food website designed to encourage spending more time in the kitchen. Her wholesome recipe ideas inspire others to enjoy real food that is conveniently healthy. For more guilt-free recipes, check out

r 100 selected seminars; meet ove - Enjoy over 100 free ncial fields; have ket Tic fina n & l sio itua mis spir Ad General lth, wellness, yoga experts in the hea live music; have a exhibitors who are s; sing & dance to r aura with gifted psychic r 6th sense; get you you to up n a psychic reading ope to r fitness regime session; learn how rition in order & you nut r you class or meditation get ls; experience! exquisite crysta ng & transforming photographed; buy for a truly life changi all. This plus more for & e onc out sorted


therese kerr

nikki vincent

Mell i o’br ien

(mrs mindfullness)




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ACROSS 1. Blazing Saddles actor who passed away recently (4,6) 7. First Cirque du Soleil show to encompass a cohesive story line (2) 8. Actress who plays the secretary in The Devil Wears Prada (5,5) 9. Friendly alien (1,1) 10. Sibling’s daughter (5) 11. Team that works behind the scenes in film and theatre (4) 13. Rapper, ... Dirty Bastard (2) 14. Alf Stewart actor (3,7) 16. Emotion that can arise from being provoked (5) 18. Football Federation Australia CEO, David …(6) 19. American rock band, … Cult (4,6)

21. Snake; feather scarf (3) DOWN 1. Golf ’s Great White Shark (4,6) 2. Innocence through a lack of experience (7) 3. Former rugby league player nicknamed Junior (5,6) 4. Shade of purple (5) 5. Bert’s friend from Sesame Street (5) 6. Rockmelon (10) 12. Prepare for a performance (8) 15. Depends upon (6) 17. A special social occasion with entertainment or performances (4) 19. American actress, … Derek (2) 20. In operation (2)

TRIVIAL TRIVIA Words Madeleine Gray Picture Tineka Lyn Solomon 1. True or false: One of Cher’s real middle names is ‘Primrose’? 2. What is the name of Frank Ocean’s new ‘visual album’? 3. Which US swimmer was once quoted as saying, “Not to have a big head about it, but people love me”?

Coogee bomb. 96 The Beast | October 2016

4. What is the name of Keri Russell’s character in Cold War TV spy drama, The Americans? 5. Which pro-Brexit UK politician recently spoke at a Donald Trump rally? 6. What is the capital city of Ghana?

7. What is the hardest substance in the human body? 8. Does a Sunda Colugo have feathers, fur or fins? 9. How many Oscars has Cate Blanchett won? 10. Which year was Sculpture by the Sea first held in the Eastern Beaches?


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SAGITTARIUS NOV 23-DEC 22 You're poor because you have a spending problem, not an income problem. No matter how much you earn you will blow the lot on rubbish.

TAURUS APR 21-MAY 20 As long as you think your time is somehow worth anything more than a few bucks per hour, you'll never really feel appreciated by anyone.

CAPRICORN DEC 23-JAN 20 You would be the most liked person in your circle of friends if only you could shake that weird need for revenge that you've always had.

GEMINI MAY 21-JUN 21 If you stalk on social media, be careful not to say anything that you could only have learned by doing so. "How do you know I have a dog?"

AQUARIUS JAN 21-FEB 19 If you want service while grocery shopping, weigh your head in the scales and then put a plastic bag over your face and pretend to die.

CANCER JUN 22-JUL 23 If you've got any entrepreneurial flare whatsoever, go and develop your business idea in a country where the system is set up to actually help you.

LIBRA SEP 24-OCT 23 Utilise carrots and sticks. People don't do nice things because they're nice, they do them because they're either greedy or scared.

PISCES FEB 20-MAR 20 You'll be overcome by an uncontrollable urge to eat your own turd. Not only does it smell delicious, it will actually taste delicious too.

LEO JUL 24-AUG 23 Don't take sides in a dispute between friends. They'll end up working out their differences and you'll wind up being the odd one out.

SCORPIO OCT 24-NOV 22 When was the last time you really used your brain? You're at risk of going stale if you languish in your current regimen for much longer.

ARIES MAR 21-APR 20 You need to start incorporating more fibre into your diet or you'll wind up spending your whole lunch break mulching a stubborn stump.

VIRGO AUG 24-SEP 23 Next time you're at a party snorting a line in the dunnies, think to yourself, "Why am I hiding when every single person here is doing this?"

STAR SIGNS Words Beardy from Hell

TRIVIAL TRIVIA SOLUTIONS 1. False 2. Endless 3. Ryan Lochte 4. Elizabeth Jennings 5. Nigel Farage 6. Accra 7. Tooth enamel 8. Fur 9. Two (for The Aviator and Blue Jasmine) 10. 1997 1




R 8












98 The Beast | October 2016




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