It’s not all frontiers and face-offs either - we surveyed every facet of the phrase to find our material. The wild west, pure and unfiltered? Perfect. The west, the land where no one says you can’t wear your Converse with your dress? Fair game, I suppose. The general wild quirkiness of a consumer-identity western society? Yeah, sure. Kanye? Well, you already saw the We’vecover.rooted and tooted for weeks to bring you the best of the west, so kick back and enjoy this wild TheMacLeanWithride!love,BishopBeatEditor-in-Chief
Howdy, my dear reader. Whether you’re an avid Beat-freak or just a little Beat-curious, I’m sure we can agree on one thing: everyone loves a cowboy. Whether it’s their infallible adherence to the vigilante justice system, their sensible leather booties, or their preindustrial nomadic lifestyle, cowboys are universally cool. So, in the great tradition of celebrating ill-informed, ideal ized Americana staples, I present to you, dear reader, The Beat’s Wild West issue!

These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ - Nancy Sinatra On Sight - Kanye West West Coast - Lana Del Rey La La Land - Demi Lovato Wild Ones - Flo Rida (feat. Sia) Declare Independence - Björk Bust Your Windows - Glee Cast U Was At The Club (Bottoms Up) - The BoyBoy West Coast Jolene - Dolly Parton SCREAM - Grimes Freak - Demi Lovato (trust me on this one) Western Union - Ecco2k, Bladee, Thaiboy Digital Fancy - Reba McEntire Paranoid - Kanye West This Cowboy’s Hat - Chris LeDoux Can’t Be Tamed - Miley Cyrus

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 4 5 6 @Royale6pmMovements10 Courtney12 Barnett 7pm @House of Blues Zeal13 & East7pmSylvaineArdor,@Middle Room7pmMARO17@Red Lil18 Nas X 7:30pm @MGM 8pmMuna8pmTamino19@Sinclair@Royale Ezra20 Furman 8pm @Sinclair Jon24 Pardi 7pm @Lead er Bank Kevin25 Gates 8pm @MGM 8pmCarly8pmMahalia26@RoyaleRaeJepsen@Roadrunner Dylan27 Leblanc 7pm @Red Room Bruno11 Mars 8pm @MGM Music Hall SEPTEMBER
Echo21 & 7pmBunnymenThe@House of Blues Violet 8pm @Sinclair
7pm @TD Garden Branch 7pm @Paradise Mark16 8pmGroupLettieri@RedRoom
Palaye23 Royale 8pm @House of Blues
My8 Chemical Romance
SATURDAY Yankee 8pm @Agganis
Urie @TD Garden Breakfast 8pm @Roadrunner Ben Platt 8pm @Agganis & Latto 8pm @TD Garden
7:30 @TD Garden Diana Ross 7:30 @Wang Theatre
Kids9 That 8pmGooseberryFly,@MiddleEast
Florence14 and The Machine
After teaching Roby a few chords on the guitar, Richie and Roby formed “Beaver Bite” and played their first gig at Snowbasin Ski Resort in 1968. “Beaver Bite” quickly changed to “The Kap Brothers” because “that’s who the people asked for,” says TKB. As they began their music career, they found themselves influenced by a variety of country, rock, and blues artists like The Allman Brothers, Chuck Berry, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Merle Haggard, etc. This variety of musical influences gave TKB an edge, and they were “among the first to blend country and rock in the ’70s, which was a unique thing at the time,” says TKB.
From dive bars to opening the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics with Huey Lewis and the News, The Kap Brothers have certainly made their mark on Utah, and they intend to keep it that way.
<3 Josephine“Everyone’sBeston
Brothers Roby and Richie Kap grew up in Ogden, Utah, and started playing music at a young age. They were motivated by their mother, who could “play by ear” and taught them the same. Richie opted for the guitar as his instrument of choice while Roby turned to the harmonica. Once Richie picked up his guitar he was joined at the hip. According to the Kap Brothers (TKB), “His friends would often tease him for holing up in his room all night learning Doc Watson licks instead of wreaking havoc in West Ogden.”
Later, in the 80s, The Kap Brothers toured nearby states, visiting Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, etc. Their ability to blend rock and country lent itself to the band as they found themselves playing “in a country bar one night and a rock bar the next,” says TKB. This ability to play off their surroundings has been a chief strength of the band and one that they continue to exercise to this day.
The young band released their first album Dogrel, in 2019, peaking at number nine on the UK album charts and snagging a nomination for the 2019 Mercury award. Dogrel is washed in rebellion while also masquerading as an angry love letter to the city of Dublin. The album jumps onto the scene opening with the lyrics “Dublin in the rain is mine / A pregnant city with a Catho lic mind,” in the opening title track “Big.” Lines like this and, “You know I love that violence that you get around here / that kind of ready, steady violence,” in “Liberty Belle” demonstrate the band’s mixed emotions about their hometown. While inspired by the culture and history of Ireland they also demonstrate anger at that history and current state of affairs in many of their songs. The battle between love and anger is what creates the feel ing of rebellion and affinity that makes the album incredibly potent.
some kind of platform and ours is and always will be the live stage.”
Hailing from “a pregnant city, with a Catholic mind” (AKA Dublin, Ireland) is Fontaines D.C. Named after The Godfather character Johnny Fontane, they pack a similar punch with their James Joyce-inspired lyrical poetry and heavily accented vocals provided by frontman Grian Chatten. Formed in 2017, the alternative indie rock/punk band has seen major success in the UK, winning Best Band in the World at the NME awards, and rightfully so.
Nowadays, the Kap Brothers focus on entertaining rather than producing new music. They have played at multiple music events throughout Utah, including the Utah Blues and Jazz Festival as well as the Gallivan Center, and continue to build their audience by being favorites at venues like Saddlebag Saloon in Eden. After nearly 50 years of playing, The Kap Brothers have found their groove saying, “We don’t write our own music these days, we just like to play for live crowds and interact. We’d rather be playing music with our friends than try to be big internet sensations. Everyone's on some kind of platform and ours is and always will be the live stage… We want to spread our love of music with anyone who wants to appreciate, request, learn, and party. We love a dynamic crowd full of diverse musicians, mechanics, truck drivers, bikers, rocket scientists, soccer moms, and kids - the gamut. We just want to continue to share that with folks who know they can’t get this kind of thing watching the boob tube or surfing the web.”
<3 Josephine Best
The Kap Brothers believe in the power of spontaneity and connecting with their audience. “We read the room and the energy and play to that… whatever we’re feeling like. We take a lot of requests too, so that plays into the fun and party atmosphere… We also definitely like to have fun and sing whatever comes to mind… whatever we believe will be entertaining,” says TKB.
They wasted no time in releasing their sophomore album A Hero’s Death the next year. The album beat out Dogrel by peaking at number two on the UK charts and received a Grammy nomination for best Rock Album. A Hero’s Death finds itself encased in more profound lyricism which helped it garner more success than Dogrel. The tracks take a more poetic approach to songwriting with lyrics like, “I heard him serving as a soldier / In the annexe of the earth / Threw himself before a bullet / And threw the medal to the dirt,” in “I Don’t Belong to Anyone.” However, the album balances its heavy lyrics with repetition in their songs which allows the songs to remain catchy and Theirapproachable.thirdalbum
was released on April 22, 2022. Titled Skinty Fia, which translates to “The Damnation of the Deer,” the album is an even deeper dive into their Irish heritage. They released their first single “I Love You” in February which is described by Chatten as “the first overtly political song we’ve written.” Lyrics like, “And they say they love the land, but they don't feel it go to waste / Hold a mirror to the youth and they will only see their face / Makes flowers read like broadsheets, every young man wants to die / Say it to the man who profits, and the bastard walks by,” openly call out the Irish government for its past crimes and its mistreatment of their youth. More songs like this can be expected on the album, which solid ifies Chatten as a poet. Chatten has discussed the effects of isolation during Covid on his writing which forced him to confront his Irish identity. Now living in England he describes “Skinty Fia” as a love letter goodbye to the influences he once took from his homeland.
I’ll be honest, as a New Yorker, I don’t know very many Wild West-style dishes, but, as a Film & TV major, I do know a lot of spaghetti westerns. I also have my Italian dad’s spaghet ti recipes and access to an online cowboy slang dictionary, so here’s one of my favorite fast spaghetti dishes with as much rootin-tootin terminology as I can scrounge up.

2. Dump in yer pasta ‘n’ cook it according to hoyle (hoyle is the box’s name, ‘e’s very sensitive ‘bout it). It don’t matter that we’s rulebreakers, ya don’t wanna break this’n. Aim fer about a minute over al dente– you can check to see if it’s done by taking a piece of pasta ‘n’ lassoing it at the wall: if it sticks, yer done! Or you could just taste it…
Enjoy being the best biscuit shooter around, y’all!
1. Get a deep stewpan ‘n’ start boiling some dadgum adam’s ale, or what you city folk call water. The exact amount don’t mat ter, but you better make sure that pasta gets deep in the Pecos River, if ya catch my drift. Make it salty like yer a pirate ‘n’ get that water a-boilin’.
3. Drain yer pasta ‘n’ chuck it right back in the pot, with the campfire still rousing. Add the love apples ‘n’ do yer best to get the pasta soaked in it. Be nice ‘n’ over-careful if you toss the pasta with tongs, since them love apples do love a good white bib ‘n’ tucker.
4. Add yer sea critters ‘n’ whistle berries to the cookpot, ‘n’ keep stirring on ‘n’ off with a battlin’ stick fer 4-5 minutes.
Hear more of Toby’s fair to middlin’ food jawing on his radio show, All You Can Eat, on Saturdays from 8-10 am.
RAW PROG (per serving): - 1 can of tuna in olive oil, drained - 1 serving of spaghetti, linguini, or any long ‘n’ thin pasta - 1 cup of love apples (aka tomato sauce) - 1 cup of whistle berries (aka cannelinni beans), drained
Raw Prog Recipe
The Mission: To bring my sister my brother’s old Toyota Corolla, as she is recently licensed to drive and would like to go to the farther grocery stores without melting in the prairie heat.
Crossroads of America! The Hoosier State! The birth place of Garfield! (The important one) It’s also the last of my home states. I’ve really run a tour in the past two days. The funny thing about being away for so long from somewhere you were so young is that everything is slightly off. We moved away when I was little, and I haven’t been back since I was 12 or 13, and it is bizarre. It’s like I put my memories on shuffle
There are worse things than McDonald’s.
seen the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” so many times, it’s lost all meaning. The check engine light is on. Dad says it will go off after we clean the catalytic converter. I don’t know what that is.
The Vessel: A 2008 Toyota Corolla LE, a major dent in the back which has been painted over with the wrong color (It wasn’t my brother’s fault, his friend did the painting), the center console is broken, the radio is dubious, and springs stick out the back of the driver’s seat. My mother has some concerns it won’t make the trip.
Despite its bread-conquesting reputation, Vermont gets pretty red in places. I’ve
Day 2: Ohio to Indiana
AtOHIOabout 10:30 we cross into Ohio. The night is inky and opaque. We have entered the Midwest.
Brandon has not stopped.
NEW YORK (ft. Pennsylvania)


In an effort to please the long-dead Horace Greeley (or whoever actually said that quote), I figured, as a young man, I ought to go West. In a moment of serendipity, The Wild West was chosen as the Beat theme just as the opportunity arose. Please find here an abridged account of that trip, its successes, its failures, and how it came out in the end.

Across the Southern Lake Champlain Bridge and arrive in (the state con taining) the Big Apple. Upstate New York! My second and most prominent home state (We’ve moved a lot). We stop for lunch at the Mountain Market in Speculator, New York (Not sponsored, but it could be, call me) It’s good! The length of New York is not. This state is too big. Give some of it to Cana da. It takes six hours to cross and all the restaurants are closing. We pass through Paradox, Dunkirk, Erie (We got to Pennsylvania), no exits for food. As the twilight dies, we come across a 24 hour Subway. It is closed.
The Route: From Eastern Vermont to Central Colorado, the long haul trip will take one week to drive almost nonstop through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska, with some delays for sightseeing. Luckily, according Atlas Obscura, the sights should be minimal Day 1: Vermont to Ohio VERMONTAh,Vermont, my technical home state (1 of 3). It’s beautiful to look at out there, towering mountains, overgrown parks, and sprawling farmland, all stunning views that distract from the shirtless man holding up traffic on an ATV. I always thought ATV’s were the best way to get around when I was six. I might’ve been right. He looked cool.

I once heard a joke, “Why is the state of Ohio different? Because it’s high in the middle and round on both ends!” It’s from a Bugs Bunny cartoon and I don’t get it. It isn’t funny, but it’s the only thing I know about Ohio. That and it was the birthplace of Garfield. Not that one. The President.
The Myself,Crew:20, unremark able, inexperienced My father, 58, prac ticed at the drive ahead, confident that the car will hold together.

<3-James Buckser
A sign reads: “What a breed they were–those sod house settlers. Color, creed, possession did not matter. Everyone was poor, but none a pauper. Can it be they were richer for having little? Can it be they were wiser for knowing less?”- John G. Neihardt
Nearby, we stop at the Sod House museum, which is open air. It includes a small covered wagon, a giant, unpleasantly-shaped wooden corn cob, a fake Native American on a fake horse watching a fake bison, and a big dirt house. It’s not inspiring.


Colorful Colorado!” The sign is right. This is colorful. Colorado is cool. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve tech nically been further west, out to California once, but I’ve never been to the West like this before. I know California is the West, but you don’t really get that cowboy feeling visiting Berkley. We’re slightly late, but we get to drive at sunset. The sky and landscape are tinged with mauve, telephone pole crucifixes decorate the beautifully barren earth. This rules, it’s like driving in a car commercial.
We get up at 4:30 am (Yaaaayyyy) mountain time (aaaaaaa). I’ve now been across three-ish time zones this week. My body hurts.
We’re really settling into the visually unappealing part of the midwest. Long tracts of meticulously square land. Nothing blocks your view, it’s just flat, flat, flat. If somebody stole your car, you’d be able to watch him drive for miles. The speed limits are a bonus though. Coming from Vermont, they’re absolutely maniacal. I don’t think the Corolla is fit to handle 70 mph.
I’mIOWAsick of Iowa
I don’t think so John, but it’s possible.
Day 3: Indiana to Illinois:

The real value in driving across America is in seeing just how obscenely, astonishingly large this country is. The landscapes vary wildly, each state, while part of the whole, is its own little world. Despite what you may think if you’ve never been there, you wouldn’t mistake Ohio for Iowa or Il linois for Indiana. I have seen the forehead of America as never before, from ear to ear, hairline to brow ridge. I drove through the manicured fields, the overgrown arroyos, and blistering gulches. If nothing else, I have a new understanding of Sod Houses. My sister has her car, my father his moose sighting, and I, young man, have finally gone west.
We left something at the Hotel, we double back through Nebraska. It hasn’t changed.
Day 5-6: We’re just in Colorado now
It’s great to see my sister and Colorado is very impressive. Still, I’m about ready to go home.
The pilot doesn’t know where we’re going. “Your destination today is…Burlingtonnn…. Vermont?” We are not a large state.
COLORADO (Obviously)
Day 4: Nebraska to Colorado
Day 7: Colorado to Vermont
At last, we bring my sister her car, and tour her campus. She’s getting her PhD in Zooarchaeology and we get to see all the bones in her museum. It’s awesome. It smells like a corpse. Her dog hates men, brooms, white pickup trucks, and hamsters. The circles in his dislike Venn Diagram do not touch. Brandon just won’t quit We drive up to the Rocky Mountains in a rented van while my sister tries out the new jalopy. The engine is working fine. We replace one headlight. We see the The Shining hotel. I thought that bore mentioning but I have no insights. The Rocky Mountains are amazing. They’re one of two ways in Colorado to get higher than you have ever been before. Saw a MOOSE. Big day. Love it. Dad is so excited that we call home as soon as we hit the hotel.
in Chicago and experience trying to park. It sucks. If you are reading this, are from Chicago, and can drive, I’m sorry. It’s very nice to see my brother and his cat (to whom I am mildly allergic, I’m sorry Curie, it’s not that I don’t like you I swear), we’re staying near Northwestern, which is having its move-in weekend. Purdue was also preparing for move-in. Does BU start late? Why? Chicago is an exciting city to be in. It’s one of those cities you couldn’t mistake for somewhere else. Lake Michigan is astonish ingly large and just incredibly blue. It looks like cartoon water. We take L downtown and bop around the Magnificent Mile and Millenium park. We see the Bean. It is worth the hype. (Is there hype?) We watch The Untouchables all together (It is bad), bid my brother (et cat) farewell, and continue on Day 4: Illinois to Nebraska
I’m sorry Iowa, you don’t deserve that. It’s much more picturesque than Illinois. The land is more varied, rolling, pleasing to the eye if not engaging. I’m so sick of cornfields I could puke GMOs. We saw Ronald Reagan’s boyhood home. There’s a statue of him counting kernels of corn. Why is he doing that? What a strange thing to do

Ole Jack had the finest horse Who ran with great might and great force That one day he hopped on it With ‘s mistress’ bonnet And met a fate worse than divorce.

My Uncle Pete often dueled for fun And took off limbs before you spun. The ladies would linger, But faster still than his finger Was the shot of his lowermost gun!
-MacLean Bishop
Limericks of the Western Wind

VB: The setup with the viola struck me right away as very cool and funky. I actually grew up playing the violin… so I have a superiority complex. But I’d love to hear about incorporating the viola into the band. How does that work when you’re writing songs?
NL: I mean like we all kind of contribute to the songwriting process, but I feel like for the most part that the majority of the thing I feel like is just mainly Reggie. She writes a song and whatever and… I feel like a lot of times we’re practicing and, like the song kind of morphs or changes. With Reggie it’s more like playing in a band on guitar or something like that. Just that sort of sound is what works the best with this group, so it’s a lot of fun. I feel like I get to do a lot of things that I don’t normally do while I’m playing [with other groups]… I gotta rehair my bow, too [laugh].
Reggie Pearl (she/they) is the name of the artist/indie rock powerhouse whose howling, emotional vocals and lyrical viola accompaniment has emanated from many a small music venue this summer. Reggie (lead sing er/songwriter, Libra) is joined onstage and in the recording studio by bandmates Gabe Lazaro (bass/guitar, Libra), Ryan Katz (drums, Aries), Noah Leong (viola, Pisces(often mistaken for an Aquarius)). I spoke to them via Zoom as they were driving to NYC for a gig. I’d like to note that Reggie told me the signs of all their bandmates, unprompted.

RP: Well, so I met Noah and Gabe freshman year of college because I went to Berklee for a few years. We started playing together and then have been playing for like the past four years and, like sometimes we will be in different places, but I’ve kind of always come back to having them play in my projects. And then Ryan’s been the newest ad dition, but also it’s really dope because it sounds like you should have always been here from the start. So when we met Ryan and we were recording, our drummer didn’t show up and then Ryan literally learned the song after like one or two times of playing it.
VB: How did you guys meet and start playing together?
VB: Yeah, totally.
VB: What’s on the horizon for you guys? What’s next?
RP: We’re recording an album right now, that should be out by January next year. I’m super excited about that. And hopefully a tour after the album comes out, but I have to get on that, I guess.
VB: Getting back to the theme, what’s the most outlaw, cowpokey thing you guys do. It can be anything, a song or some part of your process that breaks the rules.
RP: Spotify. Soundcloud is more kind of my demos and stuff, which is kinda fun. Spotify, apple music, all streaming platforms. And, I feel like actually, one more thing that makes us cowboy-like is we always smoke Marlboro Reds. Strictly, strictly. And we always wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots. That’s some fun stuff about us. Plus Ryan keeps a lasso.
RP: I think also we all smoke a lot of weed, and cowboys definitely also smoked a so much weed, I’m sure they did. That’s the secret be hind like, all our music.(bandmates giggle)

RP: One thing to add on that is just like Noah is practically like the lead guitar player, you know, like that’s the role kind of like I don’t think it was intentional but that’s the kind of role that they like fell into, and I feel like strings in general, like can express… some feelings that we cannot, you know, so I think it just adds a whole very dreamy and emotive element to like the songs I think it’s cool.
RP: Exactly. Just to get the crowd excited. To get people to come in. We just grab ‘em from the street!
RP: I think I try to be a little rebellious with my lyric writing. Not even rebellious, but I feel like I want to say things that people wouldn’t normally say, and I think it’s funny to say shit. But not only say it, but sing it onstage. I think it’s a little cowboy-inspired. I feel like cowboys start some trouble, and I want my music to.. Not in a bad way, but just in like a way of making people think and address things that are uncomfortable or just a bit more taboo.
- Vanessa Bartlett
VB: Where can people find your music?
VB: Just in case. For crowd work!
1.ACROSS1__1 = 2 5. CAS degree 7. Place to get a mozz stick pizza 11. You're reading one right now 14. Prefix for logical 15. Oui's opposite 16. Rat City pilgrimage 19. Katy Perry song, or animal sound 20. To boot 21. Respectful address to a lady 23. The cause of a green text message 25. Like a light switch, if you’re Charlie Puth 26. Verbal buffering 29. 43,560 square feet 32. “The Marriage of Figaro” and others 35. Darlin’ 36. Divisive BU opinion supported by 7, 16, and 41 across 38. A piece of siding or a group of experts 40. Krispy _____ 41. You might live in them as a Junior, if your lucky 43. French peak 44. Feels down DOWN 1. Activity after a sprain (abbr.) 2. Café au ___ 3. Reverse 4. Surgical tube 5. Eighth Grade director Burnham 6. Scamstress Delvey 8. High school dances 9. 10.“Ouchie!”Sketchshow (now sans Pete Davidson) 11. Local holiday with an early start 12. Take out ___ (borrow money) 13. Delighted 17. Mrs., in Madrid 18. Tomato type 22. Yogurt parfait on the Tatte menu 24. Was sneaky 27. Part of some transitions 28. 17-syllable poems 30. The goals of Bachelorette contestants 31. “Lord of the Rings” tree creature 32. Admit (to) 33. “Pet” annoyance 34. Some antidepressants, for short 37. Male type 38. Informative ad 39. Home of the Hawks and Braves 42.“Yes” en Espanol
Wild Wild CrosswordWest Campus
by Claudia Dorian, edited by Grace Remberet

Gemini: You are Fuzzybrain by Dayglow. Gemini, you may have a lot on your mind this month. You might be overwhelmed by a lot of goals you want to accomplish this month or a bunch of thoughts that have flooded your mind. Find ways to clear your mind this month. Journal your goals, ideas, and ambitions and consider daily walks when you feel overwhelmed.
Cancer: You are Changing Colours by Babe Rainbow. Cancer, you may have a hard time adjusting to something new this month. Whether this be a new friend group, a new lover, a new place of living, just know that it takes time to adjust and nothing comes instantly. Be patient and everything will be okay!
Leo: You are The Comedown by Krooked Kings. Leo, your summer may have been filled with a bunch of fun, but it’s time to make some time for academics and learning. Make sure to go to class and possibly take some time to learn something new outside of classwork.

Virgo: You are BREAK THE CURSE by Arlie. Virgo, have you been stressing about creating the perfect schedule for the fall? Don’t be hard on yourself this month. Even if you want to fol low a set schedule, don’t close yourself off to out-of-schedule activities. You may make the best memories when doing so!
Aries: You are Orca by Gus Dapperton. Aries, you are going to have to make a lot of decisions this month. Make sure to take your time to think about the right decision for you and not jump into anything before some careful thinking. A good 30 min ute walk may help you think everything out and allow you to see the bigger picture.
Taurus: You are Mutations by Beck. Taurus, you are dealing with a lot of change right now. Whether it is a new semester, a new job, or moving somewhere new or changing old mental habits that no longer serve you, you are upgrading your life. Take some time this month to slow down and take in everything that is happening. Change is scary, but it is all for the best..
Pisces: You are Hey u x by BENEE. Pisces, you are encouraged to hit up an old friend or two that you haven’t spoken to in awhile or maybe ghosted a few months ago. They will be very happy to hear from you and you will be happy you reached out. Make sure to reach out to your old friends once in a while and stay in touch.

- Nicole Levitsky
Libra: You are Beatopia by beabadoobee. Libra, this month is all about trying something new for yourself. Is there a new style of clothes you’ve been wanting to try? Do it. A new makeup look you’ve been wanting to try? Do it. Allow yourself to experiment. You learn so much about yourself when doing so.
Sagittarius: You are Beware of the Maniacs by The Dodos. Sagittarius, this month you are encouraged to look into all the types of people that surround you. Do they want what’s best for you? Do they support you in your successes? If not, this month you should definitely look into cutting certain negative people off or at least keeping them at a nice distance.
Aquarius: You are Radiate Like This by Warpaint. Aquarius, you are encouraged to let go this month and be your most authentic self. Drop the excessive people pleasing and perfectionism and live a life authentic to yourself. Dress how you feel, create art without hiding it, and ultimately free yourself from your constricting mind.
Capricorn: You are A Light For Attracting Attention by The Smile. Capricorn, your energy this month is magnetic. People are drawn to your humor, style, and kind heart. Continue to be the best you can be and better this month to keep your vibration up. With your high energy, you will be able to attract great opportunities and successes.
Scorpio: You are The Universe Smiles Upon You by Khurangbin. Scorpio, this month you may feel more inclined to help out someone or something that would greatly benefit from your par ticipation. Maybe try helping out a charity organization or volunteering at an animal shelter this month.

1 P 2 L 3 U 4 S 5 B 6 A 7 T A N T 8 H O N 9 Y 10S 11M 12A 13G 14 I D E O 15N O N 16A L L 17S T O N C 18R A W L 19R O A R 20T O O 21M A D A 22M 23S M 24S 25O N 26U 27H 28H 29A C 30R 31E N 32O 33P E R A 34S 35H O N 36W E S T I S 37B E S T 38P 39A N E L 40K R E M E 41S T U V I 42S U I T E S 43A L P E 44 I S S A Dbufferingyou'relogicalpizzasong,sounddue 1 Activity after a sprain (abbr.) 2 Café au ___ 3 Reverse 4 Surgical tube 5 Opposite of 42 down 6 DelveyScamstress 8 High dancesschool 9 "Ouchie!" 10 Sketch show (now sans Pete Davidson) 11 Local holiday with an early start 12 Take out ___ (borrow money) 13 Delighted 17 Mrs., in Madrid 18 Tomato type 22 Yogurt parfait on the Tatte menu 24 Was sneaky 27 Part of transitionssome 28 poems17-syllable 30 The goals contestantsBacheloretteof 31 "Lord of the Rings" creaturetree 32 Admit (to) 33 annoyance"Pet" Wild Wild CrosswordWest Campus ANSWER KEY HAW!yee-