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Site Access
Site Access
Based on a preliminary traffic study, it is anticipated that Wiggins Road will need to be widened to accommodate vehicular access into the site as well as the potential for a straight/right turn lane and a left turn lane onto Yelm Highway. This change in channelization striping on the south side of Wiggins Road and Yelm Highway may also require modifications to the turn lane channelization on the north side of Yelm Highway. This will need further coordination as the design progresses. At this time, standard asphalt and concrete pavement are proposed for use at the site. Pervious pavements could be considered for the pedestrian walkways to help with stormwater mitigation. However, pervious pavements are more expensive, difficult to install, and require more maintenance than traditional pavement surfaces. The design team would not recommend the use of pervious pavements for the maintenance facility or parking lot areas.
Park Access Pathways Maintenance Facility Vehicular Access Primary Loop Path: Emergency, Law Enforcement, and Service Access