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The Bharat Scouts and Guides have always believed in the concept of Learning by doing. The youth Colloquium has provided Ample opportunity to young people to get an exposure of intellectual scouting and provide knowledge on policy and decision making at various levels. The youth Colloquium focused on empowering young people to be self-fullled active citizens and take the lead when it comes to youth programs or policies. The aim of the forum was to inculcating the habit of diversity and Inclusion among young Adults. The colloquium played a role in providing young people with the opportunity to express their views, make changes in their community andtakeresponsibilityfordecisionsthataffecttheirlives.


The Colloquium was executed in three levels – State, Regional and National. (a) State level – where the Members of District Youth Committee joined and participated. (b) Regional Level – on recommendation of the State association the Best Rovers, Rangers joined as observer and Members of State youth Committee joined at the regional level youth Colloquium as delegates. Number of Sub Teams wereformedtoensurethesmoothfuntioningoftheColloquiumatallLevelswhichincludesTechnicalTeam, Registration and Reporting team, Program Team, Documentation Team, Social media publicity Team, Designingteamandafewmore.

The forum was a beautiful kaleidoscope of varying program at all Levels which will include 01) Discussion on National Education Policy and Change of BSG Uniform (A) Formation of Youth Committee (B) Role of the young people in BSG (3) understanding SDG’s (4) better World framework (5) conict and time Management (6) Session on Earth Tribe (7) structural Organization and places of decision making (8) initiatives of BSG in collaborating with partner Organizations etc. (09) Cultural Programme – Region wise or Regional Headquarters is free to add or delete the subject for Colloquium. The entire programme was run on Zoom andwasFBlive.

Youth Colloquium conducted at State Level, Regional Level and National Level in which 222 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated. They recommended their own uniform colour, the addition or deletion in the Boy girl programme and also chalked the events they would like to be part. The youth of BSG came up with various innovative Ideas and decision were madeforthembythem.


Eastern Regional Headquarters of The Bharat Scouts and Guides has set up BSG Studio in Kolkata under the guidance and motivation of Director Shri Rajkumar Kaushik with full support and guidance from the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides for smooth running of the virtual events and the ofcial YouTube Channel of BSG, India. This studio will help to record the BS&G NEWS and YouTube programme, which will prove to be a new milestone of BSG India. It was inaugurated by Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources) and Director,BSGon3rdSeptember2021.


The Bharat Scouts and Guides created history by organising a Felicitation Ceremony for Young People on 2nd September 2021 at Eastern Regional Headquarters, Ganganagar who contributed towards the Initiatives of YouTube Programme. Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources), Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director BSG and Mr. Probodh Ranjan Biswas, State Organising Commissioner (Scout) were welcomed with General Salute followed by BSG Prayer. Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas inaugurated the ceremony by lighting the lamp and blessed the gathering. The Cultural Programme waspresentedbyMs.DeepanjaliPramanickfromEasternRailway and Ms. Sakshi Sharma from East Central Railway. Ms. Rashmi Bharati and Ms. Swati Singh shared their experience in Yoga with BSG Team and gave a positive approach to the audience. Mr. Akash Bharati, Ms Rajni Sharma and Mr. Shubham Singh from Eastern Railway were felicitated with Hoodies for their exceptional contribution in Plastic Tide Turner Initiative launchedbytheBharatScoutsandGuidesin2020-21.


The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters conducted National Level Appreciation Certicate Presentation 2020-21 for the members of YOGA with BSG, who played the valuable roles for successfully organising the virtual programme at State Training Centre, Ganganagar, Kolkata from 02nd to 03rd September 2021. Shri Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director, Bharat Scouts and Guides distributed the certicates to the participants. 35 Rovers, Rangers, Unit leaders and Yoga Expert participated in this programme. The programme was conducted by the Shi Bablu Goswami,AssistantDirector,I/c,EasternRegion

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