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Rd3 Webinaroncareercounselling
The 3rd Webinar on Career Counselling entitled “Career Opportunities in the Indian Air Force” was organised on 31st August, 2021. The series of webinar on career counselling is the initiative of the National Youth Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. In all 5577 candidates registered for the Webinar. The webinar was on Google Meet and was also live streamed on BSG Youtube Channel. The Webinar “Career Opportunities in the Indian Air Force” was organised with the support of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. The DISHA Cell, Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan), New Delhi deputed Wing Commander Sneha Singh as theresourcespeakertodeliverasession.
National Level Webinar on “Earth Tribe” under WOSM initiatives programme was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarters on 16th February 2022 via zoom and the same was telecasted live through the ofcial YouTube channel of BSG. A video to pay a tribute to Lord Ganesh was showcased to mark the beginning of the programme. Then, session on the Earth Tribe Initiative was taken by Ms. Cynthia Marquez, Senior Manager, Educational Initiatives and Messengers of Peace. The session covered all the elements of the earth tribe initiative – the Champions for Nature Challenge, the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge and the Scouts Go Solar Programme and she also explained the participants to upload the projects undertaken by them in www.sdgs.scout.org platform. An inspiring video, showcasing the activities undertaken by the members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in implementing the Earth Tribe Initiativewashighlightedtoinspirethemtotakemoreactivities.
Four National Level Webinar on Sustainable Development Goals were conducted Central and Western Region Headquarters virtually during the month of February and March in which 428 participants attended.
The webinar on “Scouts Go Solar” as part of the WOSM Initiatives series was organized at the national level on 1st March 2022 on Zoom and telecasted live on YouTube channel of The Bharat Scouts and Guides. Shri Kali Prasad Mishra, Vice President BSG India and the State Chief Commissioner, Odisha BSG was the Chief Guest. The resource person for the event,