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The Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated IDY at Regional Level/State Level. Considering the Pandemic situation, BSG, NHQ had organized a seven-day programme to celebrate 7th IDY. Competitions in Yoga, Online Essay Writing, Online Painting/Poster Making, Online Extempore/Elocution were held. 288 Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders below 30 years registered for different competitions. Yoga competition was held in 03 levels. Level - 1 included uploading individual or group video of performing any Asana or B P six with the theme Yoga for healthy life. Out of 216 contestants 89 were selected for the level 2. Level 2 competition was held on regional level and the online competitions wereheldbyallthe6regionsofBSG.
Northernregionalsoorganizedtheregionalroundoftheyogacompetition,whichwasinauguratedbyMs. Vimla Meghwal, Vice President, BSG-India on 15th June 2021. Dr. K.P. Mishra, Vice President, BSG India and State Chief Commissioner, Odisha State inaugurated the regional competition within the Eastern Region. The North- East Regional Competition was inaugurated by Shri Chandrajit Saikia, National Advisor (Railway Affairs), BSG India & State Chief Commissioner, BSG N. F. Rly and Principal Chief Personnel Ofcer, N.F. Railway and central region’s yoga competition was inaugurated by Shri Paras Chandra Jain, State Chief Commissioner, Madhya Pradesh. Shri Manish Kumar Mehta, National Commissioner of Coordination (Headquarters) and State Commissioner of Scouts, Gujarat inaugurated the Western Regional Yoga Competition and the Southern Region’s Yoga Competition was inaugurated by Dr. Harish L. Metha, National Commissioner of Growth & Resources (Headquarters) and State Commissioner of Scouts, Tamil Nadu. TheThemeoftheLevel-2-RegionalRoundwas“ILoveYoga”.
National Headquarters of the Bharat scouts and Guides celebrated the 55th Sangam Day on 16th October 2021.Videos were played covering all the ve World centres and a virtual tour to Sangam world centre, Pune India. A video was played showing the activities of 6 Niveditha unit. Later an interview session was held with Miss. Priyanka who was an active volunteer of Sangam and who also visited Pax Lodge. She also sharedherexperience.
To Commemorate the International Day of Peace, National Level Webinar on World Scout Programme was organised by the National Headquarters from 19th to 21st September, 2021 in which 2885 candidates registered for the Webinar. On 21st September, 2021 Mr. S. Prassanna Shrivastava, Director