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Ofine Trainings at states like West Bengal, Northeast Frontier Railway, Haryana And Rajasthan were Organized.
Trainings were also conducted at the various virtual seminars of “Helen Storrow Pop up Seminar” and seriesof“MyRightsandMeasALeader”SEMINARconductedunderHerWorldHerVoiceProject. BSGGirlsleaveamarkontheGlobalfront.
Ms. Jaishika Chauhan from Uttarakhand State and Ms. Priyanka Prajapat from Rajasthan State who are FACILITATORS of BSG - DSG, Surf Smart 2.0 provided opportunity to facilitate during the 5th Online Surf SmarttrainingatGloballevel.
Ms. Jaishika Chauhan says - "I learned new skills at every point of the process of facilitating and how to work under pressure or in sudden moments such as my partner facing network issues, so I had to manage her part too. And yes, I also met new people and learned their creative ideas about the particular activity. Got an opportunity to work with a marvellous team, super supportive Ms. Riju Manandhar who gave the best suggestions to be condent and alwaystell"Justgowithow".
Ms. Priyanka Prajapat says - "This Global Level virtual event "Digital Smart Generation Surf Smart 2.0" have provided me a wonderful opportunity to exhibit my hidden talent and moved out my inner hesitation to facilitate with such a larger crowd. Interacting with the large number of participants at the same time andansweringtheirquerieswasreallychallenging.Butlearningbeginswiththechallenges!