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The Her World, Her Voice Programme’s mission is to invole girls from the under represented community and enabling all girls and young women toreachtheirfullpotentialandbeactivecitizens ofthesociety. Thethreekeypillarsoftheprojectare–
Improving and extending national training, programmes, and opportunities; towards WAGGGS’s vision that every girl and any girl can participate in Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting. Ensuring rangers from underrepresented communities can access support. Girls from underrepresented communities have a high scope but the challenge we face is unit leaders are busy with other commitments and girls are yet not empowered to take decisionsontheirown.
Learning – To begin with, Capacity Building Training of Unit Leaders and Senior Ranger Mates to expedite thereachtoGirlsandYoungWomeninthecommunities.
Under BSG and UNICEF partnership we are ensuring the voices of Youth Especially Girls & Young Women in India are counted and heard by enrolling them on U-Reporter. It is a free-to-use platform for interaction and is available on Telegram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. For Active Participation, U-Reports earn U points, a Certicate from UNICEF for completion of tasks, and opportunities to be part of Global and National Events. WAGGGS and U-Report India Team’s support for UReport was very positive and helpful which lead us to be two steps ahead in reaching the girls and young women. Ms. Ines Maria Goncalves, U-Report Advocacy Manager has provided effective training and constant support in launchingpollsandkeepingtheyouthengaged.
BSGlaunchedthreeU-ReportPolls– v Menstrual Hygiene Management #MHM – May 2021: Menstrual Hygiene quiz was to test the knowledge & perception of menstrual health awareness among girls and boys. As we started the poll in the same month responses were less despite translating the poll into 12 regional languages. As results not only girls but boys were equally keen to understand menstruation, menstrual hygiene, and how they can supportwomenduringtheirperiods.