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Station,DistrictCommissionforWomen,DistrictLegalServiceAuthority,andmoreduringthisseminar. As a result, girls came out with focused issues that they can address at their local level. This initiated advocacyawarenesswithintheirspaceoflife.


v GENERATION UNLIMITED (GenU) YuWaah India: Enabling India's youth by connecting them to aspirational socio-economic opportunities, and engaging them as active change makers. Some of the projectsBSGandYuWaahhaveworkedontogetherundertheHWHVprojectare–

1. “JAGRIK – COMMUTINY THE YOUTH COLLECTIVE” - As a follow-up step of MR&M all the participants were trained as facilitators for “JAGRIK – ComMutiny The Youth Collective” to spread the knowledge about Constitutional and Fundamental rights in their communities. Jagrik is about building vibrant ecosystems and empowering spaces to nurture the leadership potential of young people towards transformingselfandSociety.

2. “DESIGN FOR CHANGE” -The power of Design Thinking allows both children and adults to transform the world into how they envision it - the power to create a more compassionate, empathetic world. By spreading Design Thinking globally, Design for Change was one of the rst organizations to pioneerthisprogressivewayofthinkinginschoolsandchildren.

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