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Ms. Sharmin Banu is effectively utilizing the U-Report tool to reach more youth and spreading the message “Our Voice Matters”.
BSG U Ambassador Taskforce – I joined the team in 2021 mid. I was given training on UReport representation, Poll translation, promotion and consultation, Using Notion as a workplace, creating suitable questions for polls, language translations, Rapid Pro (Back-end system of poll launch), 2D/3D badge/logo.
I enrolled 1300+ U Reporters in U report India. As to create young generation get involved in discussions which really matters. Her Volunteering work & important of veried informationhasbeenpublishedin"VOICEOFYOUTH".
CO-DESIGNTEAMASCLIMATECHANGEAMBASSADOR: We explored the topic together and identied what was missing in the climate change discussion from the girls' perspective. We then wrote a questionnaire, asking more than 80 girls from 13 countries to vote on the questions they believed were the most important to include in the poll. This was how the consultation was created! I consulted ofine poll in India at SchoolsandSlumArea.
WAGGGS REPRESENTATED FOR 10 MILLION YOUNG GIRL & WOMEN IN UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION FOR STATUSOFWOMEN#CSW66: Sharmin is one of the most spoken speaker of Global Advocacy Champion at UN Commission on status of women’s in association with UNICEF, UN YOUNGA, UN FAO & Girlscouts&AmericanForest.sideeventsofUNCSW66heldfrom17thMarch2022.