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Scout Wing
During the year 2021-2022, the National Training Centre Pachmarhi conducted 17 courses (including 02 online ROT). Due to Corona pandemic and summer, physical courses could not be organized. Two online ROT (SW) courses were conducted for Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in August and September 2022. One physical ROT (SW) was conducted at STC Jaipur in August, 2022 by the Dy. Director(S)Ldr.Trg.
The physical courses started from October, 2022 onwards and continued till Feb, 2022. Himalaya Wood Badge courses, Course for Leader Trainers, Course for Assistant Leader Trainers were conducted. Scouts of World Award Discovery (MOP), and specialized courses on First Aid, Mapping, Pioneering and Signalling were conducted at NTC Pachmarhi. In spite of corona threat, a good participation was there in NTC Pachmarhi. Boy / Girl Review Workshop and Trainers MeetwereconductedinFeb,2022.
NTC has entered 306 Training Study certicates in record, 622 HWB Certicates were prepared and issued 479 Parchments. Honourable charges were issued to 82 Assistant Leader Trainers and 17 Leader Trainers during the year 2021-22. HWB Course Recognition and Authorization was issued to some major states who were in need of HWB Coursesintheirstate.
Round the year support was given to the states (physical and online as per their need) and STCs (S) for strengthening their training teams and all possible support was provided to the Assistant Directorsforrunningtheirregioneffectively.