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The Scouting movement in India aims to create a better India in terms of better citizens and a better community through providing value-based and challenging youth programs for the youth. We keep focusing on the 360-degree development of youth in terms of spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental, and physical health. The Scout Guide Movement is one of the most prominent leading Educational Youth Movement. India is the 5th highest youth populous county, where around 522 million people are under 25years of age and considered youth. As of 2022, we have a male youth population of approximately 27 Crores, and our current Scout membership is 37 Lakhs in India. Still, we have a vast potential to reach 26.63 Crores untapped male youth. Looking toward this potential opportunity and organizational development,BSGMembershipGrowthPlancameintothepicture.



The BSG Membership Growth Plan was initiated from our Honorable Secretary General of WOSM Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi’ sappeal and the dream of our Honourable President Dr Anil Kumar Jain and Honourable Chief National Commissioner Dr K. K. Khandelwal, to reach 1 Crore census (i.e. 60 lakhs members for Scout Wing & 40 lakhs members for Guide Wing) by 2025. It is a dynamic 5years project plan with a clear vision supported by APR and funded by WOSMundertheMessengerofPeaceproject.


Under the guidance of WOSM, the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides developed a National Growth Strategy with clear objectives and action plans for Membership Growth and established aseparateMembershipGrowthCellattheNationalHeadquartersinthemonthofFebruary2021withthree staffandShriArupSarkar–DeputyDirectorofScouts(BoyProgramme)appointedasaGrowthManager.


The rst training program for the State Growth Coordinators was held from 23 to 25 March 2021 at NHQ, New Delhi, where 19 states participated and got all the tactics on Membership Growth, Recruitment and RetentionfromtheWOSMconsultants(bothphysically&virtually)andNHQprofessionals.


The Second State Growth Coordinators Workshop was held from 19 to 21 September 2021 at NHQ, New Delhi, where 15 states participated and got trained on Membership Growth tactics from the WOSM consultants(virtually)andNHQprofessionals.

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