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After the completion of two successful workshops,we conducted a workshop for State Membership Growth Facilitators and Rover/Ranger State Coordinators at Southern Railway, STC, Chennai, from 26 to 30 September 2021, to provide training to the Facilitators and Rover/Ranger Coordinators so that they can get to know their roles, responsibilities and job description, knowledge and skills from all the aspects that they were going to implement in their respective institutions/districts/states and 24 Facilitators and 6 Rover/RangerCoordinatorsgottrainedduringtheworkshop.
From the master plan, we set the short-term target and submitted the plan in Phases to WOSM. Within these 14 months, we have conducted various activities under BSG Membership Growth – Spear 4.5 million ScoutsPhase–IandIIproject.Wetrained14,437new Adults in the Beginners course through our focus states, out of which 7273 Adult leaders opened new units/registered with OYMS and 1,79,617 Young membersjoinedtheorganization.
We have appointed State Membership Growth Coordinators in every state, drafted state growth strategies, developed resource materials for membership growth, reviewed youth programs and adult training schemes, reviewed the Adults in Scouting policy, prepared job proles for professionals and volunteers. We also conducted 85 virtual Scouting advancement cycles (Progressive Training), World Scout Youth Programme, (WOSM initiatives), Carrier Counselling programme for young members, and revampourBSGWebsite.
Due to the second wave of Covid all the schools and colleges were closed and initially we were facing problems to implement the project in the states. Our team tried their level best with the help of Regional Headquarters to implement the project and achieved the project objectives. Few of the activities we were not able to complete in time due to covid challenge but we conducted virtual programmes for our young members for their retention in the organisation as well as conducted virtual adult leaders training courses. We took initiatives with UGC and AUI to open Rovers Rangers unit in all colleges and universities. We developed online Beginners course platform too for the promotion of scouting. The support we received during these period for the project from WOSM and APRwascommendable.