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TheNorthEastRegionalHeadquartersofBSG-India observedtheInternationalDayagainstDrugAbuse and Illicit Trafcking by organising a webinar on 26th June for the young people above 13 years of age and it was open to non-scouts and guides too. More than 500 participants took part in the programme. The Webinar was inaugurated by GP CAPT Jai Kishan, Principal, Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling. Dr. Mythili Hazarika (Assam), Associate Professor Clinical Psychology, Gauhati Medical College, GuwahatiAssam & Mr. Manbha Myrthong (Meghalaya), Probation ofcer in children’s home mawphlang, Meghalaya delivered very informative and useful lecturesonthetopic.

International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August, bringing youth issues to the attention of the international community and celebrating the potential of youth as partners in today’sglobalsociety.

The National Headquarters of BSG-India has planned to observe this day in grand manner and started colloquium in 3 levels - State, Regional and National. 03 days Regional Youth Colloquium from 29th to 31st July 2021 was inaugurated on 29th July by Dr. Hovithal N. Sothu, Project Director, Task Force for Music and Arts (TaFMA), Department of Youth Resources and Sports, Government of

Nagaland in the presence of distinguished guests. 78 participants registered for the event from 09 states of the region. The Closing ceremony of the intensive three days was attended by Shri Digvijay Goswami, Head of Growth at The Jurni, Ex-Harvard Business Review, Gurgaon - India and specially talkedonImpactofOnlineSocialMediaonYouth.

The Bharat Scouts and Guides organised Patrol Leaders Jamborette at various levels - StateRegion-National.NER/BSGconducted PLJvirtually from 24th to 28th September, 2021. The Jamborette was participated by 50+ Scouts and Guides from 07 States of N E Region and supported by a team of experienced Trainers of the Region. It was inaugurated by Mrs. Amelia Swer, International CommissionerofGuides.

A Nationwide chain of virtual All faith prayer has commenced from the 30th May 2021 and ended on 02nd October 2021 to pray for the safety and health of all by the National Headquarters which was telecasted on our BSG YouTube channel on every Sunday at 9 am. From the North East Region three states got the opportunity to perform in the series of All Faith Prayers namely Assam, Meghalaya andNFRailway.

Virtual Competition on PTTC – Hero Level - The Regional Headquarters of NER-BSG has organised 02 competitions virtually, among the Champions to

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