The BigChilli September 2019

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VISIT US AT STRINGS & JUGS, THE FIRST AND ONLY ASIAN SPORTS BAR IN SRIRACHA! Are you a sports fanatic? You never miss a football match of your favorite team? Welcome home! Hop lovers can choose from a glittering lineup of selected and seasonal beers. Weekly live music and DJ at Strings & Jugs brings it all together to get your feet moving to those fresh beats and funky tunes. Life is too short for average beer. Beer, sports, music... do you really need anything else in life? Book your table, celebrate your birthday and join us for some fun at 065 524 9199 FAME District 99/89 Moo 9, Khaokhansong District Sriracha City, Chonburi Province Thailand 20110 Tel: 065-524-9199 E-mail: FAMEDISTRICT



Where’s the town planning?


any of Bangkok’s woes are down to town planning, or rather, lack of it. Just look at the number of projects now being jammed into the centre RI WKH FLW\ ZKLFK LV DOUHDG\ EDGO\ RYHUFURZGHG 7KH WUDIÀF FRQJHVWLRQ ZLOO RQO\ JHW ZRUVH HVSHFLDOO\ DV WKHVH QHZ RIÀFHV KRWHOV VKRSSLQJ PDOOV DQG FRQGRV will include substantial parking for residents and customers that will of course attract more vehicles into the area. Can’t the authorities see this? Perhaps they’re thinking that the extensions to the mass transit system will save the situation. It won’t. Even more cars will pour into the city. Meanwhile, the huge EmSphere project now being built on Sukhumvit will almost certainly feature a major arena for concerts, sports events and gatherings LQYROYLQJ PDQ\ WKRXVDQGV RI SHRSOH ,I WUXH WUDIÀF ZLOO EH DW D VWDQGVWLOO ZKLOH WKH crush on the BTS Skytrain and MRT will be horrendous. Where is the town planning in all of this? It seems not to exist. The investors behind all these projects seem not to have done their homework either. Can’t they see what kind of future awaits Bangkok?


he controversy over the TM30 reporting procedure shows no sign of JRLQJ DZD\ ,PPLJUDWLRQ RIÀFLDOV DUH FRQWLQXLQJ WR LQVLVW RQ LPSRVLQJ a law that demands the owner of a hotel or other premises reports the presence of a temporary non-immigrant resident staying on their premises within 24 hours of their arrival. The details of this law are complicated and a source of anxiety for all those affected, which must include all non-Thais – and not only so-called expats. But what is the reason for the sudden re-emergence of this 40-year-old law? No one is able to provide a clear-cut answer, but here are some possibilities: The most likely explanation is national security in the face of recent acts of terrorism and increasing trans-national crime. It is vital for Thai authorities to know the location of foreigners entering the country, be they good or bad. Another possible reason is simply good accounting, to learn more about the habits of visiting foreigners. Reports that many nationals from India and China are living here illegally, prompting a crackdown. Yet another possibility is a tightening up on Airbnb and other largely unregulated accommodation booking sites which have proved very popular with tourists to the detriment of the hotel industry and also to the tax authorities since the revenue from such arrangements go under the radar. ,PSRVLQJ 70 HIÀFLHQWO\ DQG HIIHFWLYHO\ FOHDUO\ WDNHV PDQ\ ZRUNLQJ KRXUV which will no doubt prove burdensome to the authorities. That may come as some kind of compensation for foreigners still trying to understand the law.



ACCOUNTING MANAGER Janjira Silapapairson ART & PRODUCTION Arthawit Pundrikapa, PHOTOGRAPHY AP CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Drew McCreadie, Maxmilian Wechsler Zoe Evans, Jessica Weber Ruth Gerson





No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission from The BigChilli Co., Ltd. The opinions and views of the writers are not necessarily the views of the publishers. All details are deemed correct at the time of print, the publisher, the editor, employees and contributors can not be held responsible for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may occur. The editor reserves the right to accept, reject or amend any submitted artwork, photographs, illustrations and manuscripts. The BigChilli welcomes unsolicited contributions but assumes no responsibility for the safe-keeping or return of such materials damaged or lost in transit.

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SALES & MARKETING MANAGER Rojjana Rungrattwatchai



EDITOR Nina Hastings

ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Thana Pongsaskulchoti

Why TM30?

6 12 16 22 30

PUBLISHER Colin Hastings


The BigChilli Co., Ltd. 8/2 FMA Group Building, 3rd Floor, Room 301, Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500. 02-635-5085, 081-358-1814 Fax: 02-635-5086


Bangkok's American community dentist Dr. Dick Graham calls it a day after four decades By Colin Hastings

Much deserved retirement for former US Army volunteer who arrived in Thailand during the Vietnam War




o month in the long and happy life of long-term American expat Dr. Dick Graham can have more meaning or poignancy than the present one. Fifty years ago, in September 1969, Dick first arrived in Thailand as a young US Army dentist at the height of the military conflict in

nearby Vietnam. This month also sees Dick closing the dental practice he’s run for the past 43 years at the sprawling JUSMAG (Joint US

Familiar to thousands of patients over the years – the clinic’s dental chair

Military Advisory Group) compound on Bangkok’s Sathorn Road. He won’t forget this September for a long while. Celebrating that half century of living in Thailand will be surely mingled with some sadness that the shutters have come down on a business that has faithfully served the American community for so long. But this easy-going American is taking it all in his stride. “I’m looking forward to spending vacation time in the US, travelling the world and playing a lot more golf,” he says while clearing out his office and dental equipment to make way for its new tenants. “I have plenty of happy memories to keep me going.” Born in Nebraska and schooled in Wyoming, Dick graduated from University Nebraska School of Dentistry in 1969. A month later, he signed up for the US Army for duty in Vietnam. But the Army had other ideas and sent him here instead. Initially he was stationed in Korat's 31st Field Hospital, but was soon transferred to Camp Samae San next to Utapao Air Force Base. Three months later he became the dentist for the 809th Engineers in Sakon Nakhon. After a brief period back in the US, Dick was reassigned back to Thailand to work alongside 30 doctors and nine dentists at the US Army’s Fifth Field Hospital, known today as the Sukhumvit Hospital in Bangkok. In June 1974, he left the military but remained at the hospital as a civilian dentist. Two years later, America’s military presence in Thailand was winding down and it looked as though Dick would be heading back home. But one of his patients, the legendary Brigadier General Harry Aderholt, famed for evacuating to safety 2,000 Hmong

Dick’s quarters at Samae San near USAF airbase, U-Tapao, 1969



News With former President George H.W. Bush in 1994 at the US Ambassador's residence.

Playing tennis with US Ambassador David Lambertson and his wife in 1994.

During the upheavals in October 1973, Dick is pictured in front of a burning fire truck near Democracy Monument and Sanam Luang.

out of Laos in a secret operation, invited Dick to set up a clinic in JUSMAG, which was in his charge. Thus began a 43-year stint as the compound’s resident dentist. As a private contractor for the US Army, the clinic was open initially for military personnel, then later expanded to include US Embassy staff, family members, and retirees. “My patients have included every US Ambassador serving in Thailand since 1973,” says Dick proudly. Many other senior American diplomats have also received exemplary dental work in the clinic. Dick says practicing dentistry at JUSMAG was an incredibly unique experience mostly because of the quality and diversity of his patients, who came from all corners of the world. His dental friends in the US always told him how fortunate he was to have such a diverse patient population. Working in Bangkok also allowed him to travel to all parts of Asia, including eleven trips to his then favorite destination, Nepal. Besides accompanying a wildlife biologist/friend into Chitwan Park to radiocollar various large animals such as sloth bear, gaur, and tigers, he went on various treks in the Himalayas, and in 1998 he spent two weeks trekking to the base camp of Mt. Everest. This remains the most difficult trek he ever undertook, primarily because of the elevation and inclement weather. Dick’s memories of his time in Thailand are wide and varied. They include numerous upcountry travels to northern Thailand in the late 1970s, often by motorcycle, visiting the hill tribe



In a poppy field in Burma in the late 1970s while a woman ‘scores’ the poppies to extract the opium. Dick is standing in front of a marijuana plant.

people along the remote border areas with Burma, and getting to know some of the village headmen who controlled the poppy harvests. Trekking across the border into Burma at various times, he photographed the complete poppy harvest, from which opium (and ultimately heroin) is produced. These areas were tightly controlled by the various opium warlords and access was very limited. “You could tell which villages were involved in the drug trade by the quality of the houses, roads, and vehicles," remembers Dick. His travel companions often included famous Bangkok-based journalists John McBeth, David Hatcher and Rodney Tasker among others – who were making a name for themselves reporting on the region’s political and military upheavals at that time. This same group, together with famed Australian combat cameraman Neil Davis who was killed in Bangkok in 1985 while filming a minor Thai coup attempt, would convene in Bangkok at either the Foreign Correspondents Club at the Dusit Thani or the Grand Prix bar in Patpong run by Mick Menard. Another of Dick’s favorite hang-outs was the Mississippi Queen and was even recruited as an extra during the filming there of the famous bar scene in the movie ‘The Deer Hunter.’ "The director told us to order whatever we wanted while they were setting up the scene, so we did. Without our realizing it and drinking free beer, they filmed the scene, which made it appear more natural – and you can spot us very briefly in the movie,” he says.


On a raft trip in 1976 with John McBeth on the Mae Kok River, northern Thailand.

Like so many of his era, Dick no longer visits Patpong. “In the past it was used by locals – these days it’s for tourists.” His interest in Pattaya has similarly waned. “I used to live in a small bungalow complex on Walking Street back in the 1969-70 era. It was a small unpaved road, and by eight or nine in the evening, the place was in darkness.” Waterskiing and scuba diving were our main activities then.” He admits that his affection for Thailand “fluctuates” and singles out the 70s as a time when military coups occurred with some regularity as a low point. As a keen photographer, Dick has a unique collection of photos he took during the people’s uprising in 1973 in Bangkok which saw the overthrow of Thailand’s military government. Adorning the walls of his clinic and now slightly discolored through age, they capture the imminent violence about to be unleashed on civilian crowds. Because of their extreme rarity, the photos are often sought after by historians. Years later, Dick had a close-up view of the 2010 political protests in Bangkok because his condo is located opposite Lumpini Park and he was able to watch as the military move in to push the protesters out. So, a long overdue retirement now looms. Dick, who looks at least a decade younger than his 76 years, is aware that he’s losing some regular friends and connections at JUSMAG and the US embassy, but reckons he’ll find enough to keep him busy and, depending on the everchanging immigration rules, maintain his links with Thailand. He is keenly aware that Thailand has changed immensely in the 50 years he has been here. In the north the poppy fields are gone, while bridges and roads have opened up



The world in 1969 • The Beatles' last public performance • First Concorde test flight • Boeing 747 jumbo jet makes its debut • Woodstock musical festival • Charles Manson cult murders five people • Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon. • Civil war in Biafra • Richard Nixon becomes President of the United States • Charles de Gaulle Resigns as French President • Top films: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Easy Rider, Where Eagles Dare • Top musicians: The Rolling Stones, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Cream, Jimi Hendrix

Fifth Field Hospital: Dick with a patient in 1973 at Fifth Field Hospital.

Dick with homemade 'matchlock' gun used for hunting birds which purchased from a hilltribe man for 300 baht.

previously inaccessible areas. Pattaya has gone from being a small sleepy fishing village to a sprawling tourist mecca. And Bangkok is now a modern city with skyscrapers, huge shopping malls, and an ever-evolving mass transit system - certainly not the Thailand he came to in 1969. Apart from golf – Dick is a member of Thai Country Club – and that trip to the US to see his sister in Nebraska, he plans to revisit Africa, a part of the world he has come to enjoy in recent years. Enjoy your retirement, Dick.

The Hot list The Japanese House Live in Bangkok September 10 Lido Connect 8.30pm

Lukas Graham live in Bangkok Tickets starting 1,800 baht via The Concert app

Bangkok’s 21st International Festival of Dance and Music September 11 - October 19 ‘Widen Your Horizons with your Friends and Family’

Wednesday LIVE: Toomturn Molam Group Studio Lam September 11 10pm - 2am 150 baht entry

Jeremy Zucker live in Bangkok September 10 Nakarin Space, Bangkok at 7pm Tickets available at Ticketmelon

BK Restaurant Week 2019 September 12-29, 2019, from 5pm - 10pm Tickets: Participating restaurants include: 100 MAHASETH, 3SAN, La Bottega Di Luca, Bunker, Jua, R-HAAN, etc. 12


Singha Corporation Presents ‘The 1975’ Live in Bangkok September 13 Hosted by IMPACT Arena, Exhibition and Convention Center 7pm - 10pm Thunder Dome Tickets on

SangSom Presents Single Festival 2019

Rusalka - Ekaterinburg Opera Theatra, Russia September 13, 2019 from 7.30pm-10pm. Thailand Cultural Centre Hosted by Bangkok’s International Festival of Dance and Music Tickets from 1,500 baht

By Single Festival and ZAAP September 21-22, 2019 BITEC Bangna Hall for tickets 1,200 baht for a single ticket 2 tickets for 2,200 baht Group of 5 for 5,250 baht Lineup: Bodyslam, POLYCAT, Cocktail, Lipta, PALMY, Tattoo Colour, Thaitanium, YOUNGOHM, UrboyTJ etc.

A$AP FERG live in Bangkok October 11, 2019, 5pm. AiRport Link Makkasan Tickets on from 1,900 baht

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone In Concert Experience the Magic of the Film with a Live Orchestra November 23-24, 2019 Venue: Prince Mahidol Hall Conducted by John Jesensky Tickets on

Nordic Film Festival Bangkok 2019 September 27-29 at Quartier CineArt Hosted by Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok

Release 004 Presents Jonathan Bree September 28, 2019 Hosted by De Commune at Liberty Plaza, 1st floor 7pm Tickets available on

Chang Carnival presents Waterzonic 2019 October 4-5 Show DC for tickets

TheBigChilli 13

Guest review by

Bangkok Beefsteak & Burgundy

Rib Room & Bar Chef Philippe in top form


e always look forward to the lunch at Rib Room & Bar, 31 floors above bustling (or grid-locked) Sukhumvit, and once again Executive Chef Philippe Gaudal did not disappoint. Tasty canapés served by charming hostesses put us immediately into the right mood along with 2017 Alemany Corrio Cargol Treu Vi (Penedes, Catalonia), made with the local grape Xarel-Lo. John MacTaggart, food spokesman, did an excellent job as ever with descriptions of the savoury beef roll and jelly, beetroot marinated salmon on pumpernickel, and “L’escargot dans l’escargot”. Brendon Winter, our wine spokesman, was not quite as fulsome with his praise of the Xarel-Lo, his opinion with which I concurred. Dining in earnest started with a colourful presentation of Duck confit “Pâté en croûte”, red onion jam, pickle, and mustard seed sauce. John loved the pastry crust and the pâté, and its accoutrements. Promised by Thomas Boedinger (our wine Fuhrer) to be a contentious choice, this was served with 2015 Claus Preisinger Pinot Noir (Austria) which Brendon came to like more as the lunch proceeded and the wine warmed up. Beef consommé, braised oxtail and



porcini came next. I personally would like to see consommé more often on our tables and this was a fine example of how it should be prepared. It came with 2012 Cederberg Cabernet Sauvignon (South Africa) which proved to have been an excellent find “from a bin-end”. Begrudgingly but truly in jest, Kiwi Brendon said it was “not bad”, easy on the nose, with a great body – exactly as many African ladies have been blessed. Preceded by a sherbet with marinated cherries, pride of place went to Phillipe’s Vintage “Réserva” roasted prime rib, his style roasted potato, “Tian Provençale”, beef jus, served medium rare and as tasty and succulent as many have ever tasted. John praised every aspect of the dish, even down to the onion, potatoes and the 21 day old garlic marinade which provided the garnish. To match this, we found 2014 Orma (Italy), a “Super Tuscan”. Still a little young and therefore a little acidic, Brendon commended the wine which he found to be an excellent match for the beef. For cheese (for once arriving

ahead of the dessert) a classic Lyonnais cheese, Cervelle de canut, and a special concoction of fresh cheese with shallot and fresh herbs, accompanied by fig bread. Tom Whitcraft will celebrate his birthday shortly so the imbibers were faced with a choice of 10-year old Sandeman port or 2014 Domaine des Enfants Perdu (France) both of which turned out to be great matches for the cheese and dessert. Overall, Brendon complimented the pairings proposed by Thomas and an excellent meal. We have to be grateful to Philippe’s grandmother for the recipe for summer tiramisu with berries, which made a very nice finish to an outstanding meal. ‘Twas not quite over because Andrew MacDowell was at hand to celebrate his birthday with the gift of Remy Martin Le Club cognac. Proceedings continued with Tom making the rounds to collect gratuities and Andrew to deliver them with our profuse thanks to GM Francis Zimmerman, Executive Chef Philippe and the Rib Room team for a great lunch and first-rate service.


Name: Christopher E. Stafford. Nickname: ‘Loong Oo-an’ – Thai for Uncle Fatty. When I

Present Position: Chief Operating Officer, 137 Pillars

was at the Anantara Hua Hin 20 years ago, I weigh 12 kg more than today. Age: 63 Born: Gothenburg, Sweden. Grew up in Africa - Zambia and Ethiopia – and then to Kuala Lumpur in the early 70s. That was the best time to be an expat in Malaysia. My Dad was head of World Health Organization in Southeast Asia. Education: Boarding school in England. Diploma in French from Lausanne in Switzerland, a Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel Management from the University of Hawaii, USA, and a Master in Marketing from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.

Family: Swedish mother, Australian father, a US citizen, who



Hotels & Resorts. fought for the United States in WW2 because the Americans paid better. I have a son, 31, in Sweden and a daughter, 30, who is about to get married in London. My wife of ten years is a Thai national. Where do you live? A wonderful condo in Soi Yen Akart. How long in Thailand? 19 years. Favorite restaurant: Rendez-Vous Au Lys. Brexit or Remain: Against it but part of me for it. I’m thinking about the future, and what opportunities there will be for today’s grandchildren. I am concerned. Europe is struggling. But I also understand why UK voted for Brexit.

137 Pillars Bangkok


Christopher E. Stafford The UK and the countries of Northern Europe should re-establish the European Free Trade Agreement. What languages do you speak? Swedish and all the Nordic languages, French, English and German. Worked in hotels in nine countries. Ananatra for a long time, 137 Pillars for seven years.

King’s Cup Elephant Polo which I ran for 16 years in Hua Hin, Chiang Rai and Bangkok. I founded and created the Anantara King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament in 2001 to assist Thailand’s domesticated street elephants enjoy a better life.

Where did you work before Thailand?

Best friend in Thailand?

The Raffles Town Club in Singapore before joining the Anantara Group in 2000. Former GM of the Regent Bangkok, Bill Bank, was responsible for me coming here.

Bjorn Richardson, GM of 137 Pillars Bangkok. We were born in the same hospital in Sweden, though 12 years apart.

Where else have you worked?

Kuppa, Rendez-Vous Au Lys, Indigo. I used to go to Barbican on Thaniya Road, but that’s closed.

Hawaii in Honolulu and on the island of Maui. Also Tahiti, which was fantastic. No social media, an island of conversation, which I’m encouraging here.

Worst project? Raffles Town Club in Singapore.

Favorite hang-out places in Bangkok:

Favorite weekend getaway: Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai. Also Polo Escape in Pattaya.

Best project you’ve ever been involved in?


It’s a draw between 137 Pillars Chiang Mai and Naladhu in the Maldives, an Anantara project twice voted the best hotel in the Indian Ocean. It’s Roger Federer’s favorite hotel. Also the Anantara King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament the

Horse and elephant polo. I founded and created the Anantara King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament in 2001 to assist Thailand’s domesticated street elephants enjoy a better life.





Has Thailand changed for the better or worse? Thailand is definitely one of the best places in the world, but it has changed and is becoming a place of two centres – Bangkok and the rest of the country. Bangkok is less welcoming than before. I enjoy Songkla, where my wife is from. There’s something soft and authentic about the city.

Exercise: Yoga and I also work out a lot otherwise I’d get fat. I used to compete in polo games. I’ve ridden horses all my life. I love polo.

Best person you’ve met? Jimmy Carter – I met him twice. Sophia Loren – she was my idol. What a lady. Sean Connery and Bob Hope.

137 Pillars Chiang Mai

Most disappointing: John Howard, prime minister of Australia. He was giving a speech and 800 of the audience left, it was so boring.

Most overrated thing in Bangkok? Shopping centres.

But they’re clearing away the street food vendors? That’s a huge mistake. Is enough being done to improve Bangkok?

Six months in Europe, and the rest of the year here.

They’re trying with projects like the BTS and MRT. Potentially it’s getting better, but there’s still a long way to go.

What’s next for you?

Anything else:

Building 137 Pillars in New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands – but not finalized yet. Also possibly in Greece, Switzerland and two more in Thailand. I’d like to go to Myanmr, though Vietnam is more likely. Should Thailand rethink its policy of quantity of tourists over quality?

Active in several charities, including the Kiwanis and the Beaumont Foundation. Christopher is a 37-year veteran of the hospitality industry in Europe and Asia. He began his career in 1980 at the Westin Hotel Scandinavia Oslo, Norway, before moving to The Regent Sydney’s Don Burrows Supper Club in 1982. His first position as General Manager was at the Hotel Bali Hai Moorea in Tahiti at the age of 30. From 2000 to 2007, he headed the Anantara Resort Group in Thailand and the Maldives, opening six properties for the group. Most recently he was the Vice President of Hotel Operations & Development for South East Asia for the SilverNeedle Hospitality Group. He took up his present position in October 2015.

Can you imagine living anywhere else?

There’s no other option for Thailand. How can Thailand improve as a destination? More sensible planning. Take Jomtien Beach as an example. With proper planning, it could have been another Nusa Dua in Bali, or Laguna Beach Resort in Phuket. They’re wrecking Thailand by allowing uncontrolled building. The people in charge grew up with a different lifestyle – they love the street markets, the street food etc.







GAGGAN No other restaurant in Bangkok has done more to put the city on the gourmet map in recent years than Gaggan. Chef-owner Gaggan Anand has gone to extraordinary lengths to raise Indian cuisine to an unprecedented level with all kinds of artful dishes that are original and creative, using a superb blend of textures, flavours and spices. His tastings menus are amazing, with more than twenty dishes cooked in a kitchen staffed by 30 chefs from all corners of the globe. Soi Lang Suan 02 652 1700

g movin d to be er e t r o p e r ctob gan is n in O * Gag locatio w e n to a

LE NORMANDIE Situated in the Garden Wing of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Le Normandie offers breathtaking views over the Chao Phraya River through floor-to-ceiling windows. First opened in 1958, this legendary restaurant has earned a reputation as a premier destination for those looking for sophisticated French cuisine. The elegant surroundings featuring vintage crystal chandeliers and stunning flower are matched by an impressive menu, impeccable service and classy ambiance. Mandarin Oriental Hotel 02 659 9000





MEZZALUNA Located on the 65th floor of the lebua Hotel, Mezzaluna is Bangkok’s highest restaurant, with breathtaking 180-degree city and river views combined with fine European cuisine beautifully presented.The chef and his team deliver outstanding fare with Japanese precision in a seven-course set menu, with flavours balanced and sophisticated, the food creative and technically precise. Lebua Hotel, Silom Road 02 624 9555

SUHRING Dining at Suhring is family affair run by brothers Mathias and Thomas Sühring from Germany who have chosen an impressive former residence in a quiet part of Bangkok for their restaurant. The fare is modern German elevated to the level of haute cuisine, is available a la carte or in a 13-course ‘classic’ and ‘experience’ menus. The list of German and Alsatian wines is outstanding. Yen Akart 3 02 287 1799 24




BO.LAN Founded on the belief that the best Thai cuisine should be found in Thailand, chefs Duangporn Songvisava (Bo) and Dylan Jones (lan) launched Bo.lan, a restaurant with a carbon-zero goal. Choose from two degustation menus that demonstrate the chefs' passion. The tropical garden is another highlight. Sukhumvit 53 02 260 2962

Canvas serves six and ninecourse tasting menus that change seasonally to reflect the best local ingredients at each time of the year. The restaurant works closely with farmers and suppliers to source ingredients of top quality from all regions of Thailand. The cuisine is influenced by international favorites, local street food and markets, traditional Thai preparations, modern techniques, and the city of Bangkok itself. Sukhumvit 55 099 614 7811


CHIM BY SIAM WISDOM The kitchen at this recently renovated Thai restaurant revisits traditional Thai recipes to create dishes that strike a balance between the old and the new, along with Thai and foreign influences. Order from the à la carte or choose a fixed price menu. to sample a dazzling variety of flavours. The attractive wooden décor features amazing murals of the Thai countryside. Sukhumvit 31 02 260 7811

An elegant venue with impressive city views from the 25th floor of the Okura Prestige Bangkok, this restaurant is renowned for the best of French and Japanese dishes. There is also a set menu that offers a varied selection. Wirelss-Ploenchit 02 687 9000





GAA The first Indian woman to win a Michelin star, Garima Arora's cuisine is a blend of traditional cooking and innovative techniques using locally sourced ingredients. Diners choose between the 10- and 14-course tasting menus which are changed quarterly to reflect seasonal specialties. Soi Lang Suan 091 419 2424


J’AIME Opened in 2104 by renowned chef JeanMichel Lorain, owner of the Côte Saint Jacques restaurant and hotel in Burgundy, J’Aime is a class act serving fine French cuisine a la carte or three choices of tasting menus. Located in the U Sathorn Hotel, this elegant restaurant is overseen by Chef Amerigo Sesti, and Marine Lorain, who has inherited her passion for cooking from her father. Quirky decorations include upside down chandeliers and a grand piano hanging from the ceiling. Soi Ngnam Du Phli 02 119 4899



Located in the mall attached to the Grand Hyatt Erawan, this sushi restaurant maintains the quality of its cuisine by receiving deliveries of ingredients straight from markets in Tokyo every 24 hours. Two dining rooms with counter seating allow customers to see the chefs in action. Four set menus are available. Erawan Mall 02 250 0014

JAY FAI Famed for years by local foodies and taxi drivers for its crab omelettes, crab curries wok-fried seafood dishes, all individually cooked by sole chef and owner, 73-year-old Supinya Junsuta, Jay Fai is the first street food stall to earn a Michelin star. Watch her in action wearing her trademark beanie and ski goggles to protect her eyes. Despite being open-air and basic, prices are high because of the quality of its ingredients. Mahachai Road 092 724 9633


METHAVALAI SORNDAENG One of Bangkok’s oldest Thai restaurants, this timeless venue has indeed changed little in décor and cuisine over the past 60 years – which simply add to its charm. Menu highlights include crispy rice noodles in sweet and sour sauce, spicy lemongrass salad, and crab meat in acacia red curry. A jazz band provides Thai music from the 80s while the waiters wear traditional white ratchapatan jackets. Rachadamnoe Ave 02 224 3088

LE DU Le Du is a modern Thai-inspired eatery, offering four courses and four tasting menus that feature centuries-old culinary cultures and seasonal produce sourced from local farmers. The wine list includes many unique and intriguing wines from around the world. Silom 7 092 919 9969

NAHM Chef Pim, who established her reputation in San Francisco, is now at Nahm to pursue her passion for Thai cuisine in her homeland. Maintaining the restaurant's legacy of quality cuisine forged by the legenadry chef David Thompson, Pim has added her own influences and flavours, which have taken the menu to another level. Musttries include the intense and aromatic red curry duck with snake fruit and sour yellow eggplant. Como, Sathorn Road 02 625 3333

PASTE Located adjacent to the Intercontinental Hotel in the heart of Bangkok’s Ratchaprasong district, Paste serves dishes representative of “heirloom Thai cuisine” based on years of research by chef-owners Bongkoch ‘Bee’ Satongun and her husband Jason Bailey, who discovered century-old recipes and long-forgotten techniques. The attractive interior is dominated by a spiral sculpture made from hundreds of silk cocoons. Signature dishes include roast duck with nutmeg and coriander; fragrant hot and sour soup with crispy pork leg; and yellow curry. Gaysorn Village, Ploenchit 02 656 1003





RHAAN Run by celebrity chef Chumpol Jangprai, nominated ambassador of Thai cuisine, R-Haan aims to reflect the way food has influenced Thai people and culture. Food is authentically Thai, offering both regional and Royal Thai cuisine, using ingredients from all over the country. The traditional setting is reminiscent of the early Rattanakosin era. Sukhumvit 55 02 059 0433

SAAWAN Chef Aom’s authentic Thai cuisine is reflected in the restaurant’s name, which means 'Heaven' in Thai. Available only in a set 10-course menu, dishes are full of creativity and well executed, providing a truly special journey through Thai flavours, culture and art. The seasonal ingredients are locally sourced, such as organic rice paddy crab from Sing Buri, or squid from a small fishermen's village in Krabi. Soi Suan Phlu 02 679 3775


SANEH JAAN Highly regarded by local connoisseurs of Thai cuisine, Saneh Jaan serves dishes based on ancient ‘royal’ recipes. The restaurant design features vaulted ceilings and contemporary Thai influences. Wireless Road 02 650 9880



Located at The Oriental Residence Bangkok, Savelberg is the creation of Chef Henk Savelberg, famed for the internationally acclaimed Michelin star restaurant bearing his name in Holland. He is the only Dutch native to be awarded a Michelin star in his four different restaurants, a record which is reflected in his Bangkok operation. Wireless Road 02 650 9880


SRA BUA BY KIIN KIIN SORN In a reconstructed old house, Sorn is thematically inspired by the tropical forests of southern Thailand, while ingredients are sustainably sourced from a trusted network of farmers and fishermen. Chefs Khun Ice and Chef Yod from southern Thailand ensure the cuisine is refined and sophisticated. Dishes are mostly slow-cooked, with even the soup double-boiled for six hours. The five-course sharing menus are a must. Sukhumvit 26 099 081 1119

SUAN THIP Enjoying a beautiful riverside setting north of Bangkok, Suan Thip is the perfect escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. Its lush garden of trees and small ponds add to the ambiance, while a Thai-style pavilion is ideal for weddings and celebrations. The refined cuisine is inspired by royal recipes. Many of the staff have been here for decades; even the chef is second generation. Sukhaprachasan Road 02 583 3748

Known for its fine dining Thai-inspired dishes created and presented with modern interpretations, Sra Bua by Kiin Kiin is the brainchild of Chef Henrik Yde-Andersen whose Kiin Kiin restaurant in Copenhagen is one of the very few Thai restaurants outside Thailand with a Michelin star rating. 'The Journey' - an eight-course menu – presents the kitchen's full repertoire that combines traditional Thai flavours and ingredients but with an interestingly different interpretation. Siam Kempinski 02 162 9000

UPSTAIRS AT MIKKELLER Set on the second floor above the popular Danish craft beer bar Mikkeller, this chef’s table restaurant is run by chef Dan Bark whose specialty is the 10-course set menu. The décor is decidedly minimalist, allowing the focus to remain on the open kitchen and artful dishes. The menu changes seasonally and has an accompanying beer pairing that includes brews from Denmark, New Zealand and the USA. Sukhumvit 63 02 381 9891





1 3

Located between Sathorn and Silom, a collection of trendy dining venues

SATHORN’S DELICIOUS SURPRISE Comprising three sides of a square, Sathorn Soi 10 and 12 is one of Bangkok’s most cosmopolitan dining-out areas, with almost 20 modern restaurants covering a wide range of cuisines, including French, Italian, New Zealand, Japanese and several excellent regional Thai outlets. Most restaurants have reserved though limited parking spaces, but with easy access to the BTS Chong Nongsi station via a small alley next to the Mahanakorn building, many people take the train. This is especially convenient early evening when the main Sathorn Road and Silom Road, which flank this area, can get extremely busy. It’s a great place to stroll on a Sunday when the traffic disappears. The ambiance is almost Greenwich Village, if you let your imagination wander.




5 1



8 7 8

9 9

6 5 10



3 1 2 3 4 5

CafĂŠ Inn Supanniga The Running Dog Plaa-Gut Revolution


6 7 8 9 10

Another Cup Sorrento Ryunabe Blue Parrot Marcel

continue TheBigChilli





13 Who does what:




• Café Inn – Pleasant coffee shop, right next to alley connecting to Chong Nongsi BTS station. • Supanniga – Thai Eastern and Isaan cuisine. • The Running Dog – Japanese style dog-friendly cafe. • PlaaGut – Southern Thai specialties, linked to the Running Dog café. • Revolucion Cocktail Bar Bangkok – Famed for its cocktails and Salsa dance club. • Another Cup – Great for breakfast and cosmopolitan set lunches. • Sorrento – Serving contemporary and classic Italian, European dishes. • Ryunabe – Hotpot restaurant serving Cantonese-Japanese fare. • Blue Parrot – A genuine oasis with swimming pool and kids play area, for lunch and dinner. • Marcel – Relaxed French bistro. • Di Farina Pizza – Big selection of wood-fired, thin-crust pizzas. • Rocket – Swedish-influenced coffee shop with interesting variety of mostly western dishes. • Kai – Serving modern New Zealand fare using imported ingredients. • Café des Stagiaires – French cuisine plus Thai favorites • Bunker – The area’s hot spot headed by top Thai and French chefs. • Charm Eatery & Bar – Homemade Thai dishes.


11 12 13 14 15 16


Di Farina Pizza Rocket Kai CafĂŠ des Stagiaires Bunker Charm

15 14 13



11 16



16 TheBigChilli



Beautiful Restaurants

Rendez-Vous au Lys This Beautiful Restaurant, located in a leafy upmarket residential district of central Bangkok, serves French ‘bistro-style’ cuisine as well as Thai and European dishes. Occupying an old house, it offers diners two seating areas – on the patio with its classic French bar, or in the carefully landscaped tropical garden, full of mature trees and plants. The magic is in the restaurant’s ability to make you think you’re miles from Bangkok. Cuisine: French, Thai, European. Location: 148/11 Soi 6, Nang Linchi, soi Keng Chua, Thung Mahamek Sathon, Bangkok. Tel: 02 077 5453 Opening hours: 5pm-2pm., 5:30pm.-11pm.



In this new monthly column, The BigChilli celebrates restaurants in Thailand that excel in their design as well as their cuisine. Dining in beautiful surroundings is regarded by many as a key element in their choice of restaurant for lunch or dinner. It sets and maintains the mood for a memorable dining experience – and is often the main reason for a return visit. The purpose of this new photo feature is therefore to pay homage to those owners who have invested in creating a Beautiful Restaurant for the pleasure of Bangkok’s diners.




The Gardens of Dinsor Palace This beautiful restaurant is set within the house and grounds of a former royal mansion in the Ekamai area of Bangkok. Built in the 1930s for Princess Ramphai Prapa, it comprises a double-story colonial-style teak palace constructed on land granted by King Rama V in 1904. Location: Soi Chumbala Sukhumvit Road (between Soi 59 & 61) Wattana, Bangkok. Tel: 02 714 2112 or 093 124 7730 Email: Opening times: 8am-11pm. Brunch served until 2pm. Dinner starts from 5pm. Parking available.



Food& Drink

Bangkok’s hottest dining deals and news

Bold Szechuan Flavours Szechuan food is loved around the globe and this month, the top chefs at Silver Waves Chinese Restaurant, Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok have created original Szechuan dishes including Wok-Fried Tiger Prawns, Deep Fried Mala Lamb, Baked Young Chicken in Clay Pot, (all with dry Szechuan chili) and Wok-Fried Duck Meat with Leek, Steamed Scallops with Spicy Szechuan Sauce and Steamed Black Grouper “Szechuan” Style. Tel: 02 307 8888 ext 1948

Chocolate of the Month

Sparkling Fantasy

Throughout August, things go really sweet as Conrad celebrates the world’s favourite ingredient, chocolate, with delightful dishes served at Diplomat Bar, City Terrace and Deli by Conrad. Indulge yourself in rich luscious desserts including Chocolate Flourless Cake at 800baht++ and Afternoon Tea Chocolate Fondue with strawberries, marshmallows and tea at 1,200 baht++. These delicious dishes are available during August.

This September and October, The Glass House at Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn Bangkok presents as part of the Grand Weekend Buffet its ‘Sparkling Fantasy’ promotion with a variety of sensational cocktail and sparkling stations as well as a selection of delicious smoothies, all at extra-special prices. Enjoy these invigorating drinks every FridaySaturday evenings and Sunday afternoons at 1,800 baht net per person. Children under 12 receive 50% discount.

Tel: 02 690 9999

Tel: 02 210 8100

Far-reaching flavours Dynasty Restaurant at Centara Grand at CentralWorld presents a newly-updated range of set menus for individual or groups of 10 diners, carefully curated by Dynasty’s Master Chef Kongsun Sae-Liang. Individual Set Menus ranging from 1,500 baht++ to 4,000 baht++ per person, or Group Set Menus based on groups of 10 people from 800 baht++ per person to 4,500 baht++ per person. Set menus are available for lunch (11.30am 2.30pm) or dinner ( - 10.30pm). Tel: 02 100 6255



Crazy for Truffles Red Sky restaurant presents new à la carte dishes featuring generous helpings of French summer truffles including Marinated Hokkaido Scallops with truffle from 655 baht++, grain-fed Beef Carpaccio with chopped truffle from 955 baht++, Corn soup and Truffle Carpaccio from 555 baht++ and steamed Green Asparagus with Maltese sauce and Truffle from 955 baht++. Extra truffle portions can be ordered. Available every day from 11.30am to 1am until October 31. Tel: 02 100 6255

Your Gin … Your Style Create your own special Gin & Tonic at The District Grill Room & Bar, Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit in August and September 2019 with your favourite gin, mixer and garnish for a perfect drink. Select from our range of gins, pick a premium tonic, and lastly a garnish of your choice. From 490 baht++ per glass, daily from 6pm to 11pm and also Sunday 11.30am to 3pm at Sunday brunch. Tel: 02-797-0000

Gems of the Sea Afternoon Tea Front Room at Waldorf Astoria Bangkok’s new sharing concept features the most beloved dishes from its tasting menus. Highlights include “Mælk”, “Atlantic Laks”, “Blue of the Sea”, “Raised in Korat”, “Born in Chiang Rai, Braised in Bangkok” and “King of Beef”. Prices from 400 baht++ to 1,500 baht++ with each portion for two to share, plus a complimentary amuse bouche. Open Monday to Saturday 5.30pm to 10pm (last order 9.30pm).

The St. Regis Bangkok presents a new afternoon tea in collaboration with Italian handcrafted jewellers MISIS until 30 September exclusively at The St. Regis Bar. Showcasing the mystique of the sea, culinary creations include Edible Oyster Shells, Avocado Crème, Salmon Pearls, Blue Curacao Bubbles, Black Forest Stone Cake, Octopus and Olive Baguette, and a Salmon Confit Lollipop with Wasabi Mayonnaise. Priced at 1,650 baht++ per set including tea or coffee for two, from 2pm to 5pm.

Tel: 02 846 8888

Tel: 02 207 7777

A New Sharing Concept

Galician Seafood Platter UNO MAS at Centara Grand at CentralWorld’s new “Galician-style grilled seafood platter” is prepared by Executive Chef Sandro Aguilera and comes with generous helpings of the finest seafood sourced from the Mediterranean and Spain’s northwestern corner. Highlights include Galician octopus, Atlantic lobster, Denia prawns, diver scallops, langoustines and a seasonal market selection of the day, cooked in a charcoal oven or a la plancha! Available now priced 5,990 baht++. Tel: 02 100 6255



All You Can Eat Dim Sum China Table at Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok’s all-you-can-eat Dim Sum menu includes main course, soup and dessert with highlights such as steamed pork ribs in black bean sauce, steamed scallop dumplings, deep-fried crab meat with cream cheese, steamed shrimp with lemon sauce, and steamed pork and shrimp ha gaw. Vegetarian Dim Sum available. Weekdays 11.30am - 2.30pm, 700 baht net, weekends 11.30am - 3.30pm, 800 baht net. Tel: 02 302 3333

Sky High Brunch Spectrum Lounge and Bar, Bangkok’s newest rooftop lounge and bar at the Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit is launching a new monthly Sunday brunch on the last Sunday of each month from 11.30am - 3pm with a sky-high range of premium Italian and international dishes plus free flow house wines and prosecco, with exotic desserts too all for 1,900 baht++ per person. Advance bookings are required. Tel: 02 098 1234

Live Oyster Station Atelier restaurant presents a new live oyster station as an addition to our famous Seafood Sensation and Sunday brunch buffets. The freshest oysters in town, in a tank at a controlled temperature of 4-8°C are fresh and alive – right on our buffet spread, with a selection of traditional Western and Thai condiments alongside. Every Friday to Saturday dinner (6pm - 10.30pm, 1,699 baht++) and Sunday brunch buffets (noon 3pm, 1,899 baht++). Tel: 02 204 4071



Sensational September Specials The Continent Hotel promotes “social gathering” during September with ‘Largely Social’ promotion at Medinii Restaurant for 999 baht net, and ‘Highly Social’ promotion at Bangkok Heightz for 999 baht net. Then on World Tourism Day, September 27, at Medinii get 50% off Italian Free Flow Lunch at 450 baht net and at Axis & Spin get 50% off 6 à la carte dishes and at Bangkok Heightz get 50% off 8 à la carte dishes. Contact for full details. Tel: 02 686 7056

By CK Lee

Creative Cocktails, Great Nibbles @skyon20bangkok Q There’s a lot to love about rooftop bars. It’ll leave you with nothing but great memories. In Bangkok, in downtown Asok-Phrom Phong section of the city, Sky on 20 is an award winning rooftop destination. Aptly named after its location on Sukhumvit Soi 20, Sky on 20 is in Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20. Go up 25 floors and ascend up a flight of stairs. Comfortable sofas dot the perimeter and welcome you in. Come early for sunset and savor a few drinks. Observe the manicured garden and trees and the bright colours and lights. The complimentary popcorn is a unique touch that we adore. Reminds us of the cinema, but only better - as this is a movie of life down below and the hustle and bustle of cosmopolitan Bangkok!

36 creative cocktails are available for your selection. Zoom in on their signature drinks “Sunset” which is artfully created to mirror the evening hues of the setting sun. Or “Bango” - a rum based mix with homemade chutney, or “Winter is coming”, an inspired drink from the famous TV series, Game of Thrones. It is garnished with rosemary and sugar to create a snow-covered pine branch in winter. For nibbles and platters for sharing, we highly recommend their thin crust pizzas - it is just the right amount of ‘doughy. Hummus lovers, aim for the fried zucchinis that come with a hummus dip. Ask for seconds, it goes well with the chicken or that final pizza bite! The Gouda cheese

platter with mustard and pepper also creates a unique flavour profile. As the first few stars mark their position in the sky, order a second (or third) cocktail, or perhaps it’s time for that beer. Sky on 20 opens daily from 5pm to 1am. The elevated view and Bangkok skyline will never let you down. Reservation at 02 009 4999 or email @skyon20bangkok #skyon20bangkok



Dish Month of the

Molecular gastronomy balsamic vinegar pearls

Niku Soba

Fresh Norwegian trout from Norway

Lemon cream cheese

Parsley molecule gel

Chef in focus

EXECUTIVE CHEF - Kankamol Mongkolmit Chef Kankamol oversees operations at Pebbles Bar and Grill, the main restaurant of the Renaissance Pattaya Resort & Spa hotel, as well as the banquet kitchen and in-room dining. Renaissance Pattaya Resort & Spa Pebbles Bar and Grill Dinner: 5 pm to 11 pm Bar: 5 pm to 12 am



By CK Lee

Chef Pom - Going Beyond Q Chef Pom Chinese Cuisine By Todd has a long and storied record in the art of Chinese cooking. Chef Pom started cooking from a young age and helmed award-winning restaurants in the region. From the heydays assisting in the kitchen in Yaowarat, Chef Pom has come a long way. Khun Piti (Todd) Bhirom Bhakdi is a connoisseur of food and arts and invited renowned Chef Pom to join forces. Together they will go beyond and reach the stars. This restaurant is a confluence of Cantonese cooking style from Guangzhou and Hong Kong alongside innovative techniques from across China. Colorful dim-sum remake and the timeless Peking Duck summon you in. Don’t let the camera whirl too long, as dim-sum is best enjoyed hot. Try the duck skin without the sauce first and savor the myriad of flavour that is kept whole through the intricate level of cooking that is a hallmark here.

The Sichuan soup juxtapose perfectly against the Cantonese theme, but once again - innovation is a central tenet here too. Food is after all, an amalgamation across time. The cooking technique for the quintessential fish dish is indeed a testament to the decades of experience under Chef Pom’s hat. The fish is sprawled out and steamed in high heat before the unique blend of sauce lifted it up many folds. A portion of the fish meat was deboned, fried to perfection and presented as another dish. In all Chinese meals, there is the noodle dish - for longevity. Chef Pom’s creation here brought out the

best in the seafood deployed and that fiery smokey taste, courtesy of the intensely hot wok and fire. As I sat and pondered on the amount of noodles for the next chopstick-full, I cannot help but reminisce on the good old days of Chinese New Year Eve dinners with the family. At Chef Pom’s, don’t wait for a festive occasion to visit. Commit a date, and come in to savour the very best of Chinese cooking. Celebrate life, and the life well lived, thus far... and toast to the imminent successes ahead. 662/69-70 Rama 3 Road, Bang Phong Phang, Yannawa, Bangkok, 10120, 02 294 3998



Why cooking as a career? I like art and eating. Every time that I have a chance to cook it’s like making an art work so I'm happy and enjoy doing it.

Two biggest influences on your career? First one is happiness and satisfaction of people who have eaten my food. The second is the requirement of different customers.

Best early kitchen experience?

Meet the


Mr Phatthun Tiensuksai Executive Chef

There was one day when the restaurant was full and several of my colleagues were absent through illness, so I had so many other things to do. Normally everybody has their own station but on that day everyone switched positions. We looked at each other and instantly understood what to do, and how to help out. At the end of that day I truly understood the word TEAM!!

Best meal you’ve ever had? Instant noodles by my mother. Every time I’m at home, I lie on her lap and tell her tell her: “I want to eat instant noodles with little water and three eggs.” I think many people feel like me – Mum cooks it’s always delicious.

What’s your signature dish? Grill pork rib burger, homemade bun burger, Pork ribs that have a specific preparation - marinade the sauce for 24 hours, sous-vide for another 24 hours, and then pull off the bones. Finally put it on the grill and apply the sauce over and over again. Eat with crispy bacon, cheese and fried egg (this is not on sale yet – be patient.)

Favorite cookbook? My favorite cookbook is the restaurant recipes that I have created, so I get to see the kids and the junior staff doing the same as we do. It makes me very proud.

Most difficult ingredient to cook with? There is no difficult ingredient

What’s tastier – Italian, Indian or Thai rice? I think they’re all delicious, but my personal choice is Thai.

How do you keep in touch with latest food trends? Mostly from social media like Facebook, Instagram and TV shows.

Famous people you’ve cooked for? Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendiradebyavati and other members of the Royal Family, and the King of Bhutan.

Most influential chef? The person who taught me how to use a knife, Mr Supreecha Tansing (Chef Kai) He is the Head Chef at Sathorn Vista, Bangkok-Marriott Executive Apartments.

What’s your favorite dish to cook for yourself? An omelette with rice

Favorite dish cooked by someone else? Chinese oyster omelette by Chai Phochana.

Which restaurant above all others would you like to work for? Jiro Shushi Chuo in Tokyo.

If you weren’t a chef, what would you be? I would like to encourage speakers or writers.

Chef in

Q Chef Phatthun Tiensuksai

Executive Chef, Good Thingz Happen Lifestyle Café (GTH) Chef Bozo-Phatthun Tiensuksai has passion a fusion of Thai, Italian and Japanese food. As a background on Home Economics, Major in Foods and Nutrition, he loves to create concept of food. His happiness is to make people enjoy and feel happy when eating this menu. Before joining GTH, Chef worked at Commis II, ZUMA, and also SOD-AROI restaurant. Good Thingz Happen Lifestyle Café (GTH) located on Ngamwongwan 47, sub-soi 39 behind Dhurakij Bundit University.


Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 9pm / Sat-Sun 8am - 9pm. For table reservation please call: 062-226-5591, 02-069-9355.


cut out and keep


Deep fried crabmeat with white onion & cream cheese

Chef Chumpol Jeenmahan, Chinese chef at China Table, Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok, has more than 27 years' experience, having worked at many of the city's top hotels. Tel: 02 302 3333



• Peel crab stick and cut 3 pcs • Knead Philadelphia cream cheese • Flavor with cream salad, sweetened creamer and lime • Put crab stick and onion • Put the refrigerator at 2-8 degrees

• 100g Philadelphia cream cheese

How to do flour:

• 50g Crab strick

• Put ha-Kaw flour, royal custard, glutinous rice flour, potato starch

• 20g Lime

• Put hot water and stir

• 15g Sweetened creamer

• Put sugar, baking powder, baking

• 30g Cream salad

Chef in focus

• Cut the onion into diced pieces

----------------- Ingredients ------------------

• 15g Onion

Chef Chumpol Jeenmahan

----------------------- Method ----------------------

soda and stir

• 30g Ha-kaw flour

• Continue to knead

• 20g Royal custard

How to wrap:

• 15g Glutinous rice flour

• Divide the dough and knead into

• 10g Potato starch


• 10g Sugar

• Divided into pre-needs

• 5g Oil

• Continue to knead

• 3g Baking soda

• Roll the dough out into sheets

• 3g Baking [owder

• Scoop the stuffing and pleat

• 50g Hot water

• Bring to fry in medium heat

New on the

scene Hot new restaurants, bars & cafés in Bangkok

Thai Taste Twist Vela Restaurant and Bar, located by BTS exit 3 at Sanam Pao station, is an ideal rooftop destination where guests can savour delicious dishes under the concept of ‘Thai Taste Twist’ whilst experiencing signature cocktails from the full bar against the backdrop of Bangkok’s beautiful skyline with live music from various genres. At Vela, satisfy your senses and spoil your soul! Open every day 5.30pm - 1.30am. Tel: 092 425 4429



A New Era of Japanese Cuisine Tsu Japanese restaurant at JW Marriott Hotel Bangkok has reopened with a mixture of banquettes and dining tables creating intimate spaces and allowing flexibility to seat large parties, and an open-concept area elevated so patrons can watch the chefs work behind the sushi bar. The menu offers contemporary Japanese cuisine, a variety of fusion flavours, traditional highlights, signature dishes and a new Sake Bar with handcrafted cocktails.

Spoiled for Choice Central Food Hall at 7th floor CentralWorld’s new look includes the upgraded grocery zone and dining area with amazing cuisine including hand tossed pizza, stir-fried Mongolian BBQ, or your favourite cut of steak, with no corkage or service fees for any purchases made in the main food hall. Also Chef’s Table, a monthly interactive dining event with a multi-course menu of dishes paired with sommelier wines.

Baltic Crossover Dining Baltic Blunos has opened at Thonglor Soi 9, headed by two Michelin star Chef Martin Blunos and Executive Chef Aleksandrs Nasikailov, blending Baltic cuisine with local ingredients and flavour through set menus of 6 and 8 courses that portray the concept of “Baltic Crossover” including sea urchin with som-sa, scallops served with Mottra caviar, and black chicken with foie gras, porcini and Jerusalem artichoke plus a vibrant bar and a dedicated chocolate room. Tel: 02 117 1255 or 095 879 9075

Chef Pom Chinese Cuisine By Todd Chef Pom Chinese Cuisine By Todd transcends the normal setting of your typical Chinese restaurant. Chef Pom started cooking from a young age and helmed award-winning restaurants in the region. He now banks on his wealth of experience and wonderful memories to chart a new course in his latest dining venture. This restaurant is a confluence of Cantonese cooking style from Guangzhou and Hong Kong alongside innovative techniques from across China. Colorful dim-sum remake and the timeless Peking Duck summon you in, among other culinary delights. 662/69-70 Rama 3 Road, Bang Phong Phang, Yannawa, Bangkok, 10120. Tel: 02 294 3998



Six Michelin star chefs from the Netherlands join Savelberg for exclusive Bangkok dinner Savelberg, a Michelin-star restaurant, in collaboration with Oriental Residence Bangkok is organising an exclusive sixcourse wine dinner by six chefs of Les Patrons Cuisiniers Association of Dutch Michelin starred restaurants. Under the concept ‘Dining with the Stars’, the chefs will create their signature dishes and amuses for the occasion, accompanied by wine pairings of complementing vintages. This one-off event will be held on Monday, October 21, 2019 in the ballroom of Oriental Residence on Wireless Road, from 6.30pm onwards. Each of the following Michelin-star chefs will be responsible for one course: Egon van Hoof, Jos Grootscholten, Yuri Wiesen, André van Doorn, Wilco Berends and Henk Savelberg, owner of the Bangkok Savelberg and one of the founders Les Patrons Cuisiniers. Beginning with a cocktail reception, the evening will progress to a sit-down dinner until late into the evening with music and entertainment. Dinner tickets are priced at 9,990 baht ++, inclusive of wine pairing. Early-bird reservations made by September 21, 2019 are available for 8,999 baht ++.

Sixteen chefs fly in for World Gourmet Festival For its 20th anniversary, the annual World Gourmet Festival at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel has invited sixteen chefs from nine different countries as well as an award-winning pastry master to prepare a series of gastronomic treats. Eleven of the chefs are from Michelin-starred restaurants. The chefs will each host two dinners in the hotel’s various awardwinning restaurants, including Biscotti,



Madison, Spice Market and Shintaro. For the first time, the festival will showcase Bangkok’s street food scene on September 5, inviting Bangkok’s most popular street vendors to serve their road-side delights around the Parichart openair garden courtyard. At the festival, budding and professional chefs will have the opportunity to attend master cooking classes by all the visiting chefs.

Participants will get a rare chance to see and taste dishes that have been especially prepared for the World Gourmet Festival menu repertoire. Joining the event this year is globally-renowned Dutch chef Roger van Damme, who was awarded the best pastry chef at the Best Chef Awards in 2017. The event is being held at Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel September 2 -8, 2019.

Restaurant in Focus

The Melting Clock Opened on August 2018, the Melting Clock serves mainly Italian cuisine, with some Thai and International dishes. Set in an attractive low-rise building, this unusual gastrobar and diner stocks more than 40 beers from around the world, some 200 wine labels and a big selection of whiskies. Other than its authentic Italian fare using top quality imported ingredients and a charmingly quirky logo – a melting clock – highlights of this Sukhumvit Soi 61 bar and diner include contemporary live jazz, a genuinely friendly, laid-back ambiance, plus a great location close to the BTS Ekamai station. Open every day from 12 noon to 1am



Chef Executive Chef Punjab Grill Bangkok

BHARATH S. BHAT Born in Mumbai, India, in 1980, Chef Bharath graduated from IHM Bangalore in 2003 and began his culinary at TajSATS Air Catering. In 2005, he joined the Grosvenor House in Dubai as a Chef de Partie before being promoted to Sous Chef in their 1-Michelin star Indego restaurant. Thereafter he joined the Armani Hotel in 2009 as the hotel’s Sous Chef, and then in 2011, worked as the Chef de Cuisine at Le Meridien Hotel’s MAHEC Indian restaurant. Later, he joined the pre-opening team of St. Regis Hotel in Mauritius. In 2013, Chef Bharath joined Lite Bite Foods as the Senior Executive Chef of the company’s fine-dining Punjab Grill restaurants, which at that time had 10 restaurants throughout India, and one restaurant in Singapore. In 2014 he returned to his hometown, where he joined Alila Diwa Goa resort as its Executive Sous Chef. A year later, Chef Bharath he rejoined to Lite Bite Foods to establish Punjab Grill in Bangkok.

Kesari Gucchi curry, biryanis.

How easy or difficult is it to find the right ingredients for Indian cuisine in Bangkok? Procuring fresh seafood, fresh mutton and fresh vegetables is very easy but when it comes to spices we have to depend on suppliers who can supply them from India. Finding the right brands can also be challenging.

Punjab Grill Interior - Tandoor oven

Punjab Grill Bar

Can non-Indians master Indian cuisine? Yes, but they have to do a lot research on Indian cuisine, go for training, and also they should have a good knowledge about spices and how to blend them.

Who first taught you to cook?

Can you please tell us about the regional variations of Indian cuisine?

At home, my mother but professionally my chefs in the hotel management school.

As India is a vast country it has lots of regional cuisines and different variations in every state, depending on their geographical conditions and staple diets. I am from Mumbai on the west coast of India so I prefer lots of seafood and other coastal belt dishes.

Your very first cooking experience? Learning the basics of French cuisine like base sauces and cuts of meats, vegetables etc.

Why cooking as a career? Actually I always wanted to be an IT professional but due to our financial situation I could not pursue that career, so I decided to choose my second passion – cooking.

Who are your best customers? Other than Indians, I would say American, British, Australian, Arabic and few local Thais.

Biggest influences?

Famous people you have cooked for:

Chef Bharath Chef Satish Shenoy, my mentor. Under Roger Federer, Bollywood celebrities, and him, I started my career internationally diplomats from various countries. and under his guidance, I learned a lot about contemporary Best and worst kitchen experiences: Best experience would be when I became the first Indian Indian cuisine, how to mix authentic Indian cuisine with chef to win Iron Chef Thailand. As for the worst, there are international cuisines, how to blend different spices with many but because of these experiences I have learned a lot meats, seafood and vegetables, and how to present and and progressed in my life and career. plate dishes. Without him or his guidance I would not be Other than Indian food, what other national cuisines do what I am today.

How often do you change at the menu at the Punjab Grill?

you like?

We change the a la carte every year, and the tasting menu every three months depending on seasonality.

Thai, Mexican, Italian, Chinese and Japanese. I have learned a lot from these cuisines and try to use their influences in my cooking.

Do you serve vegetarian dishes?

What are your favorite restaurants in Bangkok?

Yes, we have many vegetarian selections in the menu. Also we cater to dietary restrictions like vegan food, dairy free food and gluten free food.

Benihana in Avani Atrium hotel, Cantina and Mexicano. For Indian cuisine, apart from my own restaurant, I like Charcoal, Rang Mahal, Indus and Saras Shri Ganesha.

What are your customers’ most frequently requested dish?

World’s best cuisine: Thai, Indian, French?

Malai lobster, tawa scallops Tandoori Jheenga, Chaamp Tajdaar, tandoori Portobello mushroom, Gucchi pulaon and

What’s next for you?



Indian. To earn a Michelin star for my restaurant.

Expat Sport

Musical Theatre Comes to Bangkok Australian tenor Daniel Koek, who played the lead role of Jean Valjean in the original production of Les Misérables at the Queens Theatre, and Harriet Jones who captivated audiences as Christine Daae in The Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre London return to Bangkok in November to star in a new show called Broadway in Bangkok…unplugged. Produced by Big Mango Productions, the concert will feature iconic songs from old and new Broadway musicals including Les Misérables, In the Heights, Phantom of the Opera, Rent, West Side Story, Aladdin, Miss Saigon and more. It will be held at the beautiful Aksra Theatre, King Power Complex near the Victory Monument, on Saturday, November 16, at 5pm and 8pm. Daniel and Harriett will be joined on stage by the talented 2019 Winners of the RBSO’s Young Talent Sings Broadway Concert. Commented Daniel, who recently starred in Supalai’s 30th anniversary


concert at the Thailand Cultural Centre, has also created ‘Broadway in Bangkok…. Unplugged,’ “Harriet and I have selected a few of our all-time favorite songs from some of the classic Broadway shows. We will also chat about our experiences of performing on stage, including some of the amusing stories and show biz gossip.” Harriet Jones added, “I saw some of the young Thai singers during my last visit, so Dan and I thought it would be great if we could invite them all to perform in our new show as our chorus. In fact, one 15-year-old girl called New, has been chosen to sing “Breathe” from In the

Heights as a solo, which will be very exciting.” If you missed Big Mango Production’s last amazing concert in January, then here is your chance to see musical theatre at its very best, at the Aksra Theatre at the King Power Complex Bangkok, on Saturday November 16th at 5pm & 8pm. Broadway in Bangkok…unplugged, which is sponsored by Accor Hotels, BigChilli and Thaivisa, will have its world premiere here in Thailand, before Big Mango take it on tour around Asia and China in 2020. Tickets priced at 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 & 2,500 available through,

Rugby World Cup 2019 Japan to ion September 20 – November 2 the act

• Tenderloins d l i Sports Bar & Steakhouse, Sukhumvit 33 • The Huntsman Pub, Landmark Hotel, Sukhumvit 4-6 • O’Malleys, UCB Building, Silom • The Australian Pub, Sukhumvit 11 • Brew Pub at Seen Space, Sukhumvit 55 • The Kiwi Sports Pub & Grill, Sukhumvit 8 • W District Market, Sukhumvit Soi 71 • Vesper, Convent Road, • Royal Oak, Sukumvit 33/1



• The Robin Hood, Sukhumvit 33/1 • O’Shea’s, Sukhumvit 33/1 • Mulligans Irish Bar, Sukhumvit 11 • The Sportsman Sukhumvit 13 • The Clubhouse Sports Bar & Grill, Sukhumvit 23 • Bully’s, Sukhumvit 2-4 • Hooters, Sukhumvit 15 and Silom • Mulligan’s Irish Pub, Khao San Road • The Drunken Leprechaun, Soi 15 • The Londoner Brew Pub, Pattanakarn Road

• The Old English Pub, Sukhumvit 55 • Steakhouse, Patpong 2 • Shenanigans, Patpong • Roadhouse, Rama 4 • Scruffy Murphy’s, Sukhumvit 23 • Black Swan, Sukhumvit 19 • Crossbar, Sukhumvit 23 • The British Club, Silom 18 • Hanrahan’s, Sukhumvit 4 • M Pub, Ascott Bldg, Sathorn Road • Hemingway, Sukhumvit 11

Expat Sport FRIDAY 20 SEP 17:45 JAPAN V RUSSIAPOOL A Tokyo Stadium, Tokyo

SATURDAY 21 SEP 11:45 AUSTRALIA V FIJIPOOL D Sapporo Dome, Sapporo



SATURDAY21SEPTEMBER 16:45 NEW ZEALAND V SOUTH AFRICAPOOL B International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City

SUNDAY22SEPTEMBER 12:15 ITALY V NAMIBIAPOOL B Hanazono Rugby Stadium, Osaka Prefecture, Higashiosaka City

SUNDAY22SEPTEMBER 14:45 IRELAND V SCOTLANDPOOL A International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City


MONDAY23SEPTEMBER 17:15 WALES V GEORGIAPOOL D City of Toyota Stadium, Aichi Prefecture, Toyota City




17:15 IRELAND V RUSSIAPOOL A Kobe Misaki Stadium, Kobe City

10:15 NAMIBIA V CANADAPOOL B Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium, Iwate Prefecture, Kamaishi City

FRIDAY04OCTOBER 16:45 SOUTH AFRICA V ITALYPOOL B Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa, Shizuoka Prefecture

17:15 RUSSIA V SAMOAPOOL A Kumagaya Rugby Stadium, Saitama Prefecture, Kumagaya City




12:15 FIJI V URUGUAYPOOL D Kamaishi Recovery Memorial Stadium, Iwate Prefecture, Kamaishi City

15:00 ENGLAND V ARGENTINAPOOL C Tokyo Stadium, Tokyo


17:30 JAPAN V SAMOAPOOL A City of Toyota Stadium, Aichi Prefecture, Toyota City

14:45 ITALY V CANADAPOOL B Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium, Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City

THURSDAY26SEPTEMBER 17:45 ENGLAND V USAPOOL C Kobe Misaki Stadium, Kobe City

SATURDAY28SEPTEMBER 11:45 ARGENTINA V TONGAPOOL C Hanazono Rugby Stadium, Osaka Prefecture, Higashiosaka City

SATURDAY28SEPTEMBER 14:15 JAPAN V IRELANDPOOL A Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa, Shizuoka Prefecture

SATURDAY28SEPTEMBER 16:45 SOUTH AFRICA V NAMIBIAPOOL B City of Toyota Stadium, Aichi Prefecture, Toyota City

SUNDAY29SEPTEMBER 12:15 GEORGIA V URUGUAYPOOL D Kumagaya Rugby Stadium, Saitama Prefecture, Kumagaya City



WEDNESDAY02OCTOBER 14:45 FRANCE V USAPOOL C Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium, Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City


12:15 AUSTRALIA V URUGUAYPOOL D Oita Stadium, Oita Prefecture



SUNDAY13OCTOBER 15:15 WALES V URUGUAYPOOL D Kumamoto Stadium, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto City

SUNDAY13OCTOBER 17:45 JAPAN V SCOTLANDPOOL A International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City




14:45 FRANCE V TONGAPOOL C Kumamoto Stadium, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto City




17:15 SOUTH AFRICA V CANADAPOOL B Kobe Misaki Stadium, Kobe City


WEDNESDAY09OCTOBER 11:45 ARGENTINA V USAPOOL C Kumagaya Rugby Stadium, Saitama Prefecture, Kumagaya City

WEDNESDAY09OCTOBER 14:15 SCOTLAND V RUSSIAPOOL A Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa, Shizuoka Prefecture



16:45 WALES V FIJIPOOL D Oita Stadium, Oita Prefecture

15:00 WINNER QUARTER FINAL 1 V WINNER QUARTER FINAL 2SEMI FINALS International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City



17:15 AUSTRALIA V GEORGIAPOOL D Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa, Shizuoka Prefecture

16:00 WINNER QUARTER FINAL 3 V WINNER QUARTER FINAL 4SEMI FINALS International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City


SATURDAY12OCTOBER 11:45 NEW ZEALAND V ITALYPOOL B City of Toyota Stadium, Aichi Prefecture, Toyota City

SATURDAY12OCTOBER 15:15 ENGLAND V FRANCEPOOL C International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City



12:15 GEORGIA V FIJIPOOL D Hanazono Rugby Stadium, Osaka Prefecture, Higashiosaka City

17:45 IRELAND V SAMOAPOOL A Fukuoka Hakatanomori Stadium, Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City


12:45 USA V TONGAPOOL C Hanazono Rugby Stadium, Osaka Prefecture, Higashiosaka City

11:45 NEW ZEALAND V NAMIBIAPOOL B Tokyo Stadium, Tokyo

17:15 NEW ZEALAND V CANADAPOOL B Oita Stadium, Oita Prefecture




SATURDAY02NOVEMBER 16:00 WINNER SEMI FINAL 1 V WINNER SEMI FINAL 2FINAL International Stadium Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City

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The Pegu Club, although parts are still under planning and renovation, is now open (Photo by Ken Barrett)

By Ken Barrett

The Pegu Club reopens its doors after half a century Bangkok-based architects The Beaumont Partnership are steering the renovation of this historic Yangon colonial club Q Rudyard Kipling never went to Mandalay. The rascal. Instead, like the self-respecting journalist he was, he had one of his best ideas in a bar. In his case it was the Pegu Club, where, on the only night he ever stayed in Rangoon, he spent the evening dining on mutton and listening to the tales of war from the British troops on their way to and from Mandalay. The next day his ship sailed across the Gulf of Martaban to make an unscheduled stop at Moulmein. Stretching his legs for a couple of hours onshore, he visited the Kyaik Than Lan Pagoda, where rather than contemplating the splendour of the architecture he was smitten by the beauty A colonial-era postcard of the Pegu Club



The Pegu Club photographed around 1911

After the war the RAF tried restoring the club to its former self, but Burma’s independence came in 1948, and the Tatmadaw officers moved in.

These buildings are currently under renovation for use as a restaurant and by artists and craftsmen (Photo by Mark French/Beaumont Partnership)

The Pegu Club in a state of decay in 2014 (Photo by Ken Barrett)

of a Burmese girl he saw upon the steps. There is nothing of Mandalay itself in Mandalay, only the yearnings of a veteran soldier, now back in the cold and wet of London, longing for the Burmese girl he had left behind at Moulmein. Yet even today the poem, one of the best known in the English language, evokes the image of a faraway exotic oriental kingdom. Kipling’s visit to the Pegu Club had been in March 1889, just a couple of years after the end of the Third Anglo-Burmese War. For many years after, the club was an unofficial seat of colonial government. When the Japanese took Rangoon in World War II, it became an officers’ club. After the war the RAF tried restoring the club to its former self, but Burma’s independence came in 1948, and the Tatmadaw officers moved in. The Burmese socialist government in 1975 nationalised the club, but by that time it had long ceased to function. Quickly, the Pegu Club was forgotten, the name remaining only in the name of a bus stop, the waiting passengers lounging against a blank wall behind which was a compound overgrown by rank jungle. Adventurous sightseers could enter through a watchman’s gate, but the blackened teak structures were desolate and depressing, like the remains of a lost civilisation. A few years ago the sentry gate

was locked, and no one could get into the compound. Was the club about to be levelled and the land redeveloped? Myanmar is not great on publicity, and no one knew. In recent months, all has been revealed. KT Group, a familyowned Myanmar conglomerate whose interests range from real estate to ports and oil and gas, in 2016 obtained from the Myanmar government a long-term lease on the property. Many proposals were put in by various ventures for the lease, but KT Group proposed to restore the extensive site and buildings to their former splendour, as part of Myanmar’s heritage. Yangon Heritage Trust is providing guidance, while The Beaumont Partnership, an international Bangkok-based design consultancy, is handling the restoration work. Mark French, Beaumont partner and project director, says that no records of the original plans had been found in the archives, and the architect was unknown, and so the first stages were to produce measured drawings and a conservation management plan. There proved to be several layers of development since the club had first opened, in 1882. The original building is a classic teak structure. A pending visit by the Prince of Wales in early 1922 had caused a large hall




The Pegu Club has already hosted some prestigious events since reopening. (Photo by Pegu Club)

The original club building, dating from 1882, is now restored and open (Photo by Ken Barrett)

Pegu Club executive director Deborah Kyaw Thaung

to be built from brick and masonry. Teak accommodation blocks had been added over several years. The Tatmadaw had built squash courts. Work began by hacking through the dense vegetation that had grown up around the club buildings. “Aside from snakes, bats and dilapidation to the point of collapse in some areas, some of our staff reported seeing ghosts when we were doing the measures for drawings,” says Mr French. Caretaker families living in the compound had told of hauntings, and at least two murders are thought to have taken place there over the years. The Beaumont team did some research and uncovered an account of a murder immediately after World War II, when the British had regained possession of the club. An officer had objected to a fellow officer’s advances towards his wife, and shot him dead through the window of the dining room.



Given the fact the club had been in ruins for so many years, the condition of most of the structure was remarkably sound. Mr French says that because the construction is largely teak, the team did not have too much of an issue with termites, and infestation was only in areas where the original wood had been replaced by less resistant timber. Jacking up and stabilising the affected parts of the structure corrected subsidence. The restoration work has conserved as much as possible of the materials, fixtures and structure. Traditional plastering techniques have been used to restore plaster walls. Where new marble floor tiles have been laid the pattern has been taken from the remaining originals, the marble being sourced from the same quarry near Mandalay. Executive director of the club Deborah Kyaw Thaung stands beaming with pleasure in the main reception room of the original club

The restoration work has conserved as much as possible of the materials, fixtures and structure. Traditional plastering techniques have been used to restore plaster walls.

The Prince of Wales Great Hall was originally built in 1921 for a visit by the future King Edward VIII. (Photo by Pegu Club)

building. Now named the Windsor Lounge, the furnishings include rattan seating and fat leather sofas, and the original diamond-paned windows look out to the manicured gardens. Like everyone else concerned with this remarkable restoration project, she has an endless enthusiasm. Ms Kyaw Thaung says that when fully restored the club will combine a public events venue, several food and beverage outlets, artist workshops, galleries, wellness areas, and a private membership element. “In the interests of public safety we are currently having to restrict access, as there is a good deal of construction work going on,” she says. “By this time next year our doors will be open.” Three old teak former accommodation blocks to the rear of the compound are currently being restored. A restaurant will be housed in one of them, while artists and

craftsmen will use the other two. “We are very focused on the creative aspects,” says Ms Kyaw Thaung, “and we want to make a creative space for local artists and artisans. There are a lot of creative people in Yangon, and we see this as becoming a creative community, with regular exhibitions and the opportunity for them to sell their work. Our vision is that the Pegu Club will become a destination for culture, business, education and wellness.” Already completed is the Drawing Room, which can host meetings and small events, and which looks out to Somerset Court, a teak-deck open-air courtyard that can host cocktails, banquets and musical performances. What is now known as the Prince of Wales Great Hall, which is where the prince had dined, is now a stately room that can seat a hundred guests, and be used for exhibitions and performances. Although there are large areas

of the club that are still undergoing restoration, there have during the past six months since it opened been many events staged here, including some high-profile weddings, the very first Pride of Myanmar Awards, a World Economic Forum dinner, and a Young Presidents Organisation conference. Rudyard Kipling was only twenty-three when he visited the Pegu Club, and was not yet the broomhead-moustached balladeer of Empire that he later became. He had nonetheless been a newspaperman in India for several years, and had all the conviviality associated with that profession. The Pegu Club cocktail (London dry gin, lime juice, orange curaçao, a dash of orange bitters and Angostura bitters) was not invented until about 1920, when a Pegu Club barman created it, but is the signature drink there today and Kipling would most certainly have enjoyed a glass or two.






By Colin Hastings

With its tropical gardens and community spirit, this is a special place

THE AMAZING BAMBOO SCHOOL Kids learn first about nature and the environment in Bang Saray’s inspirational project


stunning environmentally-friendly school constructed mainly of bamboo is nearing completion in beautiful hilly woodlands near the fishing village of Bang Saray, some 20 kilometers south of Pattaya. The school, the first of its kind in the region, is the highlight and major feature of an inspirational project known as the Baan Sunsaray Community Space, which will also offer local residents all kinds of recreational facilities and amenities like a bakery, grocery store, library and gym as well an area for regular farmers market and other events. In addition to the bamboo school, this remarkable project features a spacious partially-covered area known as the Eco Dome, which brings to mind famous cultured gardens of Europe and Scandinavia with its glorious collection of rare and beautiful tropical plants and flowers. An adjoining area has been set aside to grow vegetables for use in a quaint café-cumworking space located within the project grounds. Teaching young children to appreciate and value their surroundings is a key element of the Community Space. This message was brilliantly reinforced recently when the project managers had a huge 100-year-old Banyan tree that was about to be uprooted and destroyed to make way for a new section of the Skytrain in Bangkok transported 200 kms from the city and re-planted as a centre-piece of the project grounds.




The exquisite detail of the bamboo school interior.

Although not yet officially open, school has been operating in nearby premises one day a week for several months, with a small group of young children enjoying all kinds of arts and crafts in this idyllic setting. “It’s so wonderful to see the children running in the gardens and amongst the trees, right back to nature,” said one parent who recently invested in property in Bang Saray. The project’s philosophy is indisputably philanthropic: “We want the local children to take part in an active learning environment, and a work-based learning system in order to prepare them to better compete in a fast changing work environment later on,” explained Khun Nawara Pichaiphaet, founder of Baan Sunsaray Community Space. “We want to create an altruistic social enterprise and serve the needs of both the children and the residents. The children will learn life lessons along with the English language through experiences rather than through textbooks. “They will be able to sell their own freshly picked vegetables in our grocery store and develop their service skills in this co-working space. A workshop will be given by the children to teach the residents how to weave, make Thai snacks, and go bird watching. “In return, the adults, with their specialised skill sets, can teach the kids about the service industry and how to manage shops through work-based learning.” On Saturdays, outside experts will join the project to teach subjects like video editing, song making, bird watching, story writing, and board game-making.



Founder of Baan Sunsaray Community Space Khun Nawara Pichaiphaetin front of the newly delivered banyan tree transported from Bangkok.

PHOTO by Rossarin Sawasdiraksa

The project's beautiful Eco Dome, a trove of tropical tress and plants.

Because of developments like the government’s Eastern Economic Corridor project and the expansion of nearby U-Tapao airport, Bang Saray is likely to see a significant increase in newcomers to work on these projects.

Local children learning about the environment.

PHOTO by Rossarin Sawasdiraksa

Founder Khun Narawa with Khun Pao, who helped transport the mature banyan tree to the site. His organisation has helped to save doomed trees in Bangkok by replanting them elsewhere.

Local children learning about the environment.

“There is no better way of teaching local children the English language rather than using it in a playful manner. The international children who also take part in these activities will also benefit by gaining new experiences. Other than this, we will focus on creating an active living environment for the local residents. “We will produce and sell food that would not necessarily be locally available; from organic vegetables grown by ourselves, to good quality steak. Other activities will include: workshops, chef visits, painting classes, documentary showings, yoga, and muay thai classes as well as Thai tutoring to ease communication with Thai staff. “Every Sunday, we intend to provide Sunday brunches and a farmers’ market in a relaxing atmosphere. The Sunsaray kids will help out in these activities.” Because of developments like the government’s Eastern Economic Corridor project and the expansion of nearby U-Tapao airport, Bang Saray is likely to see a significant increase in newcomers to work on these projects. Sunsaray is a Social Enterprise Company which will be operated in the same way as a commercial company except that the shareholders will not receive any dividend or other benefits, while the company will create its own income and will rely on donations to cover its expenses. Overall, the objective of the company is to benefit the local community.




Veteran correspondent Maxmilian Wechsler recalls some of his most interesting and exclusive assignments from the past two decades.

FROM THE YEAR 2005 The following is how Max reported on the tragedy: The reconstruction began immediately afterward and is being kept up at a good pace in most affected areas.



The tsunami of December 26, 2004 was the result of the greatest earthquake in 40 years, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, with its epicenter at 150 kilometres off the west coast of northern Sumatra and more than 500 km from the west coast of Thailand. Despite the distance, the giant waves struck there on a beautiful Sunday

Reporter’s notebook: Revisiting great stories of the past – Part 4

Life after Tsunami – six months on morning with an unimaginable power and left behind destruction of biblical proportions. The catastrophe that caused death and injury to thousands of Thais and foreign tourists and left hotels, resorts, shops, businesses, private houses and motor vehicles in ruins was completely unexpected. “We know that disasters like fires, storms or earthquakes can occur here, but we never expected that a tsunami would reach us and destroy

our lives,” said Mustafa, a long-tail boat driver from Phi Phi island in Krabi province, which was one of the most heavily devastated areas. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their means of livelihood, at least temporarily. Nearly 400 fishing villages along the Andaman coast were seriously affected, the waves laying fishing boats to waste by the thousands. Another approximately 120,000 people saw their incomes vanish along with the tourists who stayed away, partly out of fear of another tsunami and partly out of respect for all those in mourning. The reconstruction began immediately and is still being kept up at a good pace in most affected areas. Many Thais and foreigners, both tourists and expatriates, were quick to volunteer to help the victims. One of those is Angelo Rasamimanana, a Frenchman, who owned Ma Ma

restaurant on Phi Phi island for 19 years until it was swept away on that fateful day. He collaborated in January 2005 with three of his countrymen to establish a relief organisation called Phi Phi Releve Toi. “We are based in Krabi and are helping people from Phi Phi island who are now on the mainland. Most of them are Thai Muslims, who make up the biggest part of the population there,” Angelo explained. He added: “We are involved in the construction of schools, houses and temporary shelters and also help with the education of orphans, support senior citizens, pay rentals for people who are waiting for their houses to be completed, provide scholarships for students, organise sporting events and summer camps and supply school uniforms, as well as provide some other assistance.” Angelo said that financial




Wassana Ditracha from hard hit Ban Namkhem village, sitting with her Bible. She got help from Hope of Takuapa Christian Church and iTV.

contributions were coming in from many sources all over the world. Wassana Ditracha from Ban Namkhem village is one of the reportedly 150 Thai tsunami victims in the area who have converted

from Buddhism to Christianity. She explained what had made her change her faith: “I was running away from the approaching wave, which hurled me10 metres above the ground, right on top of a large tree. I was safe but I lost everything and I was in shock and I didn’t know what to do.” It was then that she met some people from the Hope of Takuapa Church who helped her and many others to overcome the trauma. According to Pastor Chatchawan

Phi Phi will be ready for high season

and Pastor Jujit from the Hope of Takuapa Church, “at this moment we have five people helping, but we have joined with some foundations and received assistance from Hope of Bangkok Church, ServLife Foundation in America and Christians from California to distribute necessary items for daily life to tsunami victims.” Ban Namkhem village, which was totally devastated, has also received help from many other individuals,organisations and businesses. Wassana and her husband and other families have already moved into nice houses built with support from Thai television channel iTV.

Tsunami victims at Nong Kok camp in Krabi working on a piece of art for sale.

The Nong Kok refugee camp which was built as a temporary shelter last January, has 60 houses where 300 people from 70 families live. A majority of them are Muslims from Phi Phi island who have lost everything. Ninety per cent of the men are long-tail boat drivers. The facilities have been constructed and maintained with assistance from the central Thai government, the local administration in Krabi, the local Muslim community, Phi Phi Releve Toi and other foundations. The United Nations Children’s Fund also built a playground for children. Janthawan Yimyin is a Buddhist and a leader at the refugee camp. She had lived for 19 years on Phi Phi island, where she owned a travel agency and a bookshop. She lost everything to the tsunami. “Fifteen thousand books, mostly brand-new, have gone with the tsunami and I have lost around 2 million baht, not counting the cost of the building.” Janthawan does a lot of work Photos on this page and following page show tsunami damage on Phi Phi island. (Photo credit:



for the tsunami victims. For example, she arranged the donation of school uniforms for children. She also encourages the camp residents who are jobless to produce jewelry, batiks, candles, carvings, T-shirts and sarongs. “We sell our products to visitors, to shops and at the markets,” she said. According to her, the reconstruction of Phi Phi island is going full-speed ahead, with more people arriving to help daily, and she is certain that the island will be ready to welcome tourists when the next season begins in November. “Everyone should come back to Phi Phi and support us,” she urged. Teerawut Chaochang, who also lives in the camp, is a long-tail driver who lost everything. He now produces batik to make a living. According to one local official, Phuket has fully recovered. The most popular beaches – Kata, Karon and Patong – are in perfect shape. He added that many broken boats still litter the area at Ban Namkhem but the reconstruction there, as well as on Phi Phi island, is progressing at a fast pace. The situation is worse at Khaolak, the official said, where five months after the tsunami clothes, shoes and even toys are still scattered around. “Destroyed and damaged buildings are everywhere in the same state as on the day the tsunami struck. The reconstruction there is going at a very slow pace. It is really a ‘graveyard’ because so many people died there,” he said. He concluded that generally the Thai government and the military, the UN, local and foreign volunteers, together with relief organisations and churches are all working to continue the reconstruction and give hope to the people who have come out of the catastrophe alive.

Behind the stor y: After the tsunami I visited affected areas a few times to see the destruction and later on the rebuilding with my own eyes. It was a rare time, when Thais and expats, many of whom had lost everything, including friends and relatives, joined hands to clear the debris and rebuild. Government officials also rolled up their sleeves as never before and joined in the reconstruction. The efforts across a wide spectrum of the population were as unprecedented as the scope of the catastrophe. Everyone was helping everyone, and the results were remarkably visible only a few short months after the tragedy. Fast-forward 15 years, and what the tsunami couldn’t destroy the advance of unsustainable tourism is threatening. Deutsche Welle, Germany’s public international TV broadcaster, recently produced a documentary entitled Thailand – Holiday Paradise in Danger, showing the extent of damage to beaches, ocean life and environment by the millions of foreign tourists swarming Thailand’s southern beaches and islands every year. What’s more, these ever-increasing tourist hordes mean that if there is a repeat of the underwater upheaval that caused the 2004 tsunami, it might result in even greater loss of life. An October 2018 report in Singapore’s The Straits Times ( faulty-tsunami-warning-system-in-phuket-worries-locals) quotes locals in Phuket province as saying that 19 warning towers erected in Phuket after the tsunami are not working properly. The sirens are too low to hear, say the locals, so anyone close to the water might not be able to escape in time.




Retiring at the top of his game Police General Nopadol Somboonsub has won the respect and praise of foreign and domestic colleagues throughout the many phases of his distinguished career. Four decades of hard work as a police officer elevated Nopadol Somboonsub all the way to the rank of four-star general – an achievement that very few can boast of. Now, as he nears retirement, he is able to look back with pride on his life’s work. “When I was born, my father was commander of Police Region 3. He didn’t want me to be a police officer, but I feel it is my destiny to be in this career and I don’t regret a minute. Also, I hope that after my official retirement this October, I will be able to serve my country for a few more years in some other capacity.” When asked about his greatest accomplishments as a police officer, Pol Gen Nopadol paused for a moment and replied simply: “There have been many. But the most important were when I was stationed in Pattaya, because I could help a lot of people there.” Yet it was obvious he didn’t want to elaborate on his successes. Instead, he gave a detailed account of what he describes as his “biggest failure”, which came after being appointed as director-general of the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) – a Thai version of the US Federal



Bureau of Investigation – under the Justice Ministry. “The public had very high expectations for this new organisation, but some people in the Justice Ministry didn’t allow me to do what I sincerely believed in and wanted to do,” he said. “We chose experienced and competent men and women from the police ranks, but certain people in the Justice Ministry did not understand our role and did not trust us. They appointed their own people who were less qualified for the job,” he added. “They also wanted the Royal Thai Police Office (RTPO) to be under the ministry. To achieve their aim they blamed us for everything, just because we were policemen.” He said that what is important is not the name of the organisation, but the people in it. They must have experience and work hard. “If you assign any person to the DSI today, do you think that tomorrow he or she will be experienced?” he asked. “To become a good investigator requires a lot of experience. You can’t read a textbook and become an expert the next day. I didn’t have a choice but to leave the DSI and return to the Royal Thai Police Office,” said the police general. In his opinion, the national police force has not developed much since he joined it. “I want to see that people are able to pay more respect to the police, and

this can be achieved only Pol Gen Nopadol enjoys if we work harder, with an excellent professional more honesty. The people and personal relationship should rely on us, but at this with dozens of foreign moment, they can’t.” experts who are located at a He would like to see compound operated by the the police force become Telephone Organisation of more technologically Thailand in Phuket, where sophisticated. For example, the identification of the he said, in using computers bodies is progressing well. to analyse and solve crimes, However, the process not just as a word processor. is extremely complicated He explained that police and labour intensive, and men and women get a very could take up to two more low salary even though they Pol Gen Nopadol:“I want to see that people are able to pay more respect years before it is completed. to the police, and this can be achieved only if we work harder, with more must buy their own guns, “We have sent 1,200 DNA honesty.” computers and even basics samples to Sarajevo and like chairs. He said the government should provide all 1,000 to Beijing,” said Pol Gen Nopadol. equipment and also should pay overtime. As for his plans after retirement, Pol Gen Nopadol is He pointed out that a traffic policeman, for example, now weighing several options. He said he would like to starts work at 5am. After lunch they are back on the continue to work for his country for another 4-5 years. streets until 9pm because of the heavy traffic in Bangkok. “I am seriously considering a run for senator from At night they must stand-by to curb motorcycle racing. It is Bangkok. But I was approached lately by some ‘important’ extremely hard work. people who want me to apply for a position at the National “People should understand that policemen have the Counter Corruption Commission because I have a lot of same rights as everyone else. We have families to look experience in investigating money trails. And recently I after we must raise children and send them to school, etc. was also asked by the RTPO to continue working with the Other government servants eat with their families in the TTVI because no one else knows want to do it,” Pol Gen morning and evening, but for the police it is not like that,” Nopadol declared. said the police general. Behind the stor y: General is irreplaceable It took some time to convince Pol Gen Nopadol to do the interview. I found him to be a different kind of a four-star The RTPO has won a lot of praise from outside the General – his uniform wasn’t plastered with medals and country, from both foreign law enforcement agencies and other decorations and he had a reputation for being easily the private sector. Pol Gen Nopadol has contributed to the accessible to ordinary people and easy to talk and work favourable international reputation of the RTPO through with. This was certainly my experience. his role in solving many crimes in Thailand which involve We had been introduced some years before by Charles foreign countries. Young from the Bank of America. I assisted the General Charles Young, a retired security chief for Bank of in various investigations in Southeast Asian countries America’s Asia-Pacific division based in Hong Kong, had and conducted a few operations with him. These involved nothing but good words for the police general: “He is a counterfeit currencies and lost/stolen travelers cheques, good man and a good policeman who has always helped types of crime that were widespread then in Thailand, our bank and others. He deserves credit for the arrest of and mainly perpetrated by Thai syndicates with foreign many international criminals.” helpers. Pol Gen Nopadol recalled one case: “It was one of the His way of working cases was to operate quietly and most important cases I have ever been involved in. Thanks discretely but most effectively. Despite his high rank, he to the cooperation of Mr Young and his bank, we arrested sometimes went out on undercover operations with his staff. a big mafia figure who was dealing in traveler’s cheques Pol Gen Nopadol was the first Director-General of the and credit cards for a Hong Kong-based syndicate.” DSI, which was established in October 2002. During the Australian ambassador to Thailand Bill Paterson had planning stages he met with Mr Young, US Secret Service this to say about Police General Nopadol’s role as head officers based in Thailand, and other individuals including of the Thai Tsunami Victim Identification (TTVI) in myself to get input on how the DSI should function. Phuket: “Police General Nopadol Somboonsub has been After serving as chief of the DSI, Pol Gen Nopadol instrumental in ensuring appropriate measures have returned to the Royal Thai Police as deputy commissionerbeen established for Disaster Victim Identification. The general and was later appointed head of the Thai Tsunami Australian Federal Police have told me that the Royal Thai Victim Identification Information Management Centre. Police response has been nothing short of exceptional.”



DIPLOMATS Meet the people uniting nations

Her Excellency Mrs María del Carmen Martínez Arosemena Retiring Panamanian Ambassador plans to linger a while longer in Thailand 72


Diplomat: H.E. Mrs María del Carmen Martínez Arosemena

Retiring Panamanian Ambassador plans to linger a while longer in Thailand Words MAXMILIAN WECHSLER

“An important duty is providing ser vices of merchant marine support for ships with Panamanian registr y. Because Panama is the world leader in registration of merchant marine vessels, this is a high priority national interest for my countr y.”


fter a term of more than four years, Her Excellency María del Carmen Martínez Arosemena is at the end of her assignment as Ambassador and Consul General of the Republic of Panama to Thailand. She will also be retiring from government service, and unlike most ambassadors she will remain in Thailand when her term is up, at least for the time being. Known as one of the most active, hard-working, elegant and charismatic members of the Bangkok diplomatic corps, during her time here Mrs Martínez has strived to put Panama on the map for the Thai people. Her decision to stay on for a while was based in part on the affection and respect she’s gained for her host country. At the beginning of our meeting, Mrs Martínez said: “First of all, I want to thank The BigChili magazine for the opportunity to give this interview and talk about my country and my diplomatic work in Thailand. At the same time, I want to give a warm greeting to the readers of this well-regarded and prestigious magazine.”

Background “I should start by saying that having been engaged in the world of management, banking and business in both public and private sectors in my country, this has given me certain comparative advantages to develop a successful and pragmatic approach to my mission here. The results over the four years of my tenure as ambassador and consul general in Thailand are evidence that this approach works. “Business know-how was important in carrying out initiatives to secure for Panama a better quantitative relationship with Thailand in terms of trade, investment, tourism, bilateral agreements and official and private sector visits. This was also a key to cultural initiatives which have brought about a heightened image and clearer

understanding of Panama in Southeast Asia. “I joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama when I was appointed as ambassador and consul general to Thailand, in January 2015. Before that I served from 1990 in the Panamanian Parliament. One day the President of Panama asked me if I would like to represent my country in Thailand and I said, ‘Yes, why not?’ It was a big change, but I would still be working for the country. I arrived in the Kingdom of Thailand on April 17, 2015. “In my role as ambassador I have all the usual responsibilities and activities that come with being head of a diplomatic mission in a foreign country. These include representing my country at state and royal ceremonies and functions, and promoting Panama’s interests in Thailand with regard to the state government and private sector. I negotiate deals and bilateral agreements of common interest for both countries and keep my country informed of political, economic and cultural developments in Thailand.” The ambassador said her daily agenda varies a great deal. There is almost always a function or two to attend, be it a reception, conference, workshop or one of a number of cultural activities. Her work takes her to government offices, universities, corporate headquarters, factories, chambers of commerce and so on. Always the focus is on Panama and its relations with Thailand in areas such as politics, economy, culture, entrepreneurship, trade and country image. “On the other hand, in my role as consul general I attend to the protection and well-being of Panamanian citizens in Thailand, both tourists and residents, as well as facilitate visa requests and so on for Thai citizens wishing to visit Panama. Another very important duty is providing services of merchant marine support for ships with Panamanian registry. Because Panama is the world leader in registration of merchant marine vessels, this is a high priority national interest for my country.”



Bilateral relations “Panama and Thailand began formal diplomatic relations on August 20, 1982. In the last four years especially there have been important advances in the context of bilateral relations and joint working agenda. This is reflected in the excellent ongoing cooperation between the Republic of Panama and the Kingdom of Thailand in several spheres. I believe that I have achieved important objectives that I set out for myself since arriving at the mission in Bangkok in 2015. “The first of these is in helping to bring about highlevel visits between our two countries, starting in 2016 and culminating in the royal visit of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to Panama in April 2019. I had the privilege of being a part of the Panamanian delegation accompanying her during that time. “The Princess visited the control room for the Panama Canal and was given an opportunity to operate the opening of the big gate and view the transit of a large ship. Every ship going through the canal must be lifted and lowered in the locks. The Princess learned about the mechanisms of the canal. “Reciprocal visits included the journey of the Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama to Thailand in October 2018. “In the last few years a bilateral political framework has been built between our countries, with the establishment of a scheme of political consultations. The first meeting was held in Panama and headed by the Thai Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Two important agreements were negotiated, one on tourism cooperation and the other on visa exemptions for people holding ordinary Panamanian passports. “In the trade arena, the embassy has made a concentrated effort to promote Panama’s privileged geographical location and connectivity in the ASEAN region, and create awareness in Thai stakeholders and entrepreneurs interested in establishing businesses and headquarters in my country. We are keen to show them how to take advantage of the government’s economic and investment incentives. “At the same time, we have made it a point to promote knowledge of Panamanian products and their export to Thai market through the program ‘Panama Exporta’. We have participated in a number of local trade fairs and exhibitions,” said the ambassador. She added that Panama exports to Thailand mostly raw materials for production here, like rubber to make tires and metal scraps that are processed here and used in manufacturing. “We also export seafood to Thailand. Other than that, Panama is a country of service. We promote services offered through the Panama Canal logistics platform and the banking system as well.”

Cultural endeavors The ambassador said that in the realm of culture, the main focus has been to gather Panamanians and friends of Panama in Thailand and direct their efforts into spreading



Panamanian culture through a variety of activities. She presented The Big Chilli with a prepared list of some cross-cultural activities: Fashion: Four years of successful participation at the Thai Silk Fashion show, which has brought two Panamanian designers to Thailand to work with Thai silk and showcase their unique collection. Film: Two films were screened for the local film community. The first of these was Donaire y Esplendor, which showcases a traditional festival in Panama and how it involves everyone around it. Also, Salsipuedes Street illustrates the life of someone trying to overcome the difficulties of growing up in the ‘hood’. This film won a Panama national contest. Cultural Workshops: The Embassy visited Chulalongkorn, Thammasat, Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen universities and provided instruction and unique information through a series of joyful workshops geared toward students who are interested in learning the Spanish language. Music: Panamanian artist Buhonero Clandestino came to Thailand. He is a leading producer of LATISIA music, which mixes Latin American with Asian styles. Thai film productions in Panama: Thai PBS went to Panama to film a documentary about the Panama Canal, its relevance to the world and its operations. Also, PPTV Channel 36 sent the team of ‘The First Ultimate’ to produce a tourism program to attract young entrepreneurs and adventure seekers to Panama. The team travelled to all the highlight attractions in Panama. Panamanian productions in Thailand: Q Films came to Bangkok to film the movie Todos Cambiamos, a revolutionary film that brings aspects of Thai culture to Panamanian society. SERTV, a national broadcasting service, came to film a documentary about Thai culture. Sports: Hosting of the 1st TMA MiniFootball Diplomatic Cup, which brought together many embassies and international organizations and around 120 players in order to participate in a mini football tournament. The event promoted Panama as a tourism destination for sport activities. Events were also held to highlight the participation of Panamanian athletes in sports such as Muay Thai, international boxing and the FIFA World Cup 2018 participation, in which the Panamanian national team participated in for the time. Social & Folklore: Organization of a gathering for Panamanians living in Bangkok, with the cooperation of Thai students who had studied in Panama, and the founding of the PANATHAI Folklore group. Online Media: Improving Panama’s online profile, social media and network mass communication performance.



Bird watching observation post in Chiriqui province Bocas del Toro Panama Canal

Guna Yala

Tourism “I do not have statistics for last year, but in 2017 more than 1,000 Panamanians visited this amazing country, and this amount is increasing every year,” said the ambassador. “Not many Thai people have visited Panama, but I expect that after the visit of HRH Princess Sirindhorn and the promotion of my country in TV Thai programs will allow Thai people to appreciate the beauty of Panama and decide to come for a visit. “According to our records, the Panamanian permanent community in Thailand stands at no more than 12 citizens. We don’t have exact numbers for the small Thai resident community in Panama either, but when Princess Sirindhorn was welcomed I had the sense it is near to 20. “When I arrived in Thailand in 2015, someone asked me at the airport: ‘Where are you from Madam’? When I told them they asked, ‘Where is Panama located? Is it in Africa?’ I felt so sad and decided then and there I would put Panama on the map for Thai people. That’s why I have



been working very, very hard to try to bring Panamanian culture to the Thai people and strengthen our diplomatic relations. I can say that now many more Thai people know about Panama. “One thing that most everyone has heard of is the Panama Canal. The United States, in accordance with the Torrijos-Carter Treaties, officially handed control of the canal over to the Panamanian government on December 31, 1999. From that time, our economy has made great strides in comparison to the rest of the Central American countries. “Another thing I want to say is that we had a dictatorial regime for 21 years, and during that time Panama was stuck. But we are now a democratic and free country. People can express different opinions and say whatever they want. The media are totally free also.”

Personal While she’s been busy working to achieve her objectives,

Panama City

Mrs Martínez has very much enjoyed her time in Thailand. “There are many similarities between the two countries. The climate is pretty much the same and we have more or less the same kind of soil. You can see the same flowers, plants and trees. Many of the fruits that Thailand produces can be found in Panama, like papaya, pineapple, mango, coconut, water melon and bananas. We don’t have durian. “It takes at least 25 hours to reach Panama from Bangkok, plus the time spent while waiting for connections, which could take up to five hours. That’s why I return to my country only once every year and stay there for one month. During my holidays I want to see my parents and my son and so on, so unfortunately I haven’t had as much time to travel around Thailand as I would like. I have visited just five provinces. The way to get to know a country is to visit places on your own. When I went up-country I preferred not to tell anyone I was an ambassador. I wanted to be a normal visitor. This is the best way to get to know people and interact with them. “I love to visit Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, and after I retire I will definitely do that. I was born in Chiriqui province, a long way from Panama City, the capital. Chiang Mai reminds me very much of Chiriqui.” Mrs Martínez said the most memorable time of her assignment here was when His Majesty King Bumiphol Adulyadej passed away, in October 2016. “To witness the love, respect, grief and sadness of the whole country towards the sovereign monarch was very moving. And it was very sad, a sadness that infected me too. I collected all the supplements from a local newspaper to keep as a bibliographic source for my memories.” When asked why she wants to retire in Thailand, the ambassador smiled and said only that there will be a change in her life and she plans to stay for about two years. “There are many projects in my mind that I plan to realize after my retirement. I will travel a lot around the country, go to the beach and write a book based on my memories. I also intend to rejoin the private sector. “After living in Thailand for four years, I have many friends. They are not only expats and foreign diplomats.

Many are Thai friends. I want to stay active in the International Women’s Club because I have so many good friends there. “As for hobbies, I like listen to music, go to the cinema, practice yoga and read. I also enjoy singing, dancing and engaging in outdoor sports. “In closing, I want to say that the experiences and knowledge acquired during my mission as ambassador in Thailand have made me grow in a professional, personal and spiritual sense that I will certainly never forget. The Kingdom that received me in 2015 is not the same as it is now, and I am not the same either.”

CV of H.E. Mrs María del Carmen Martínez Arosemena Personal: · Born in Chiriqui, Republic of Panama. · Widowed with two children.

Education: UNIVERSITY OF PANAMA: · Bachelor’s Degree Majoring in Business Administration/ Accounting and Finance. · Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Marketing. · Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education. Experience: · 2014 -present: Ambassador and Consul General of the Republic of Panama in the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Kingdom of Cambodia. · 1994 -2014: National Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Panama: Advisor in the National Legislative Assembly. Experience in the Parliamentary Issues. Technical Secretariat in Budget Committee National Assembly. · 1990 -1994: Director of Administration and Finance, Ministry of Education. · 1985 -1990: Private sector in maritime business. · 1980 -1985: Extensive experience in the banking field and private sector.



Social|Last Month’s Best Events

From Norway to Japan

The Norwegian Seafood Council hosted a cocktail dinner at the residence of The Norwegian Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Mrs Kjersti Rødsmoen, with Chef Puttipong Wichachai as the guest chef. The eight-course dinner showcased the hygienic handling of raw seafood to perfection for the Thai market.




‡ Last month’s best events in pictures



Social|Last Month’s Best Events

Dancing the Night Away

0DJJLH &KRR¡V Ă HZ KLJK DERYH WKH FLW\ OLJKWV LQ D XQLTXH FROODERUDWLYH WDNHRYHU RI WKH 3HQWKRXVH %DU *ULOO DW WKH 3DUN +\DWW %DQJNRN with bartenders Anders Olsen and ´.RQJÂľ :RUDFKDL 'XDQJNRQJ VHUYLQJ up signature cocktails while guests ZHUH FDSWLYDWHG E\ WKH YHQXH¡V IDPRXV Shanghainese ladies’ signature dances and the legendary Norwood Young SHUIRUPHG WR WKH GDQFLQJ UHYHOOHUV



Al marks his 80th year

Long-time resident and popular man-about-town Al Eberhardt celebrated his 80th birthday among friends at Tenderloins sports bar DQG VWHDNKRXVH 6XNKXPYLW including his fellow USAF buddy Wallace Gowin and family as ZHOO DV 6DOO\ 9RUDYDUQ DQG RWKHU YHWHUDQV RI %DQJNRN



Social|Last Month’s Best Events

Chef’s Table Dining

Chef ’s Table, the monthly multi-course dining with sommelier paired wines, was held at Central Food Hall, Central World and featured FDYLDU RUJDQLF VDOPRQ ,EHULFR ham, Maine lobster and American prime tenderloin, ZKLFK DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH LQ WKH food store.



Fabulous Fashion

Campari hosted the Autumn Winter 2019 Collection at SO to celebrate Fashion Day 2019, featuring @ OHLVXUHSURMHFWV DQG#1DURQJ2IÀFLDO with many celebrities attending the HYHQW

TheBigChilli TheBi BigChilli Big


Social|Last Month’s Best Events

The Memorable Matador

)ODPHQFR %DQJNRN ZHOFRPHG D fabulous crowd to a night of memorable hits from some of the PRVW LFRQLF 'LYD·V RI SRS MD]] DQG VRXO PXVLF LQFOXGLQJ D OLYH SHUIRUPDQFH E\ WRS GLYD 78. 9,<$'$ )ULHQGV



Majulah Singapura

6ZLVVRWHO %DQJNRN 5DWFKDGD OHG E\ *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU 0U %UXQR 5RWVFKDHGO KRVWHG DQ HYHQW IRU WKH 6LQJDSRUH 7KDL Chamber of Commerce and welcomed 6LQJDSRUH·V $PEDVVDGRU + ( 0U .HYLQ Cheok. Distinguished participants were VHUYHG 6LQJDSRUHDQ DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO specialities during the celebrations for g p y Singapore’s National Day.



Social|Last Month’s Best Events

Welcoming Tsu Back

0U 3HWHU &DSUH] *HQHUDO Manager of JW Marriott +RWHO %DQJNRN KRVWHG WKH grand re-opening party of Tsu Japanese Restaurant after a three-month top-to-toe UHQRYDWLRQ WKH ÀUVW PDMRU works since its inauguration 15 years ago. Distinguished guests and celebrities enjoyed WKH HYHQLQJ FHOHEUDWLRQV



Power, vibrance and passion

Koi celebrated the premiere of Sor.Gor. %RU :DUVKLS WKH EUDQG QHZ FROOHFWLRQ from internationally-acclaimed designer Prapakas Angsusingha. b Celebrities DQG JDOD JXHVWV HQMR\HG .RL·V GLVWLQFWLYH Japanese/Californian menu and welcomed international model Farah Zulaikha, plus DQ H[TXLVLWH SHUIRUPDQFH E\ WKH %DQJNRN &LW\ %DOOHW FORVLQJ ZLWK D VSHFLDO '- p performance.

TheBigChilli TheBig BigChilli


Beyond Bangkok

Grand Cru Wine Dinner Hua Hin Marriott Resort & Spa announces an exclusive six-course Grand Cru Wine Dinner at Big Fish & Bar on 30th August, pairing exquisite European cuisine with the finest French wines. The six-course menu includes a divine beef main course served in two parts and concludes with a delectable Valrhona Chocolate Secret accompanied by Moyet’s Cognac des Fins Bois. The event is from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, priced at 3,390++ baht per person. Tel: 032 904 666

TAT Unveils Green Initiative Responsible tourism is trending. To embrace this fully, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) unveils a new 7 Green initiative. Among them are Green Heart, Green Logistics, Green Attraction, Green Activity and Green Plus. A plethora of information is now available on the official website Check it out to know more about green routes across Thailand, green tour packages, endearing stories of green hearted tourists, attraction reviews and much more!



Island Luxury Awards Tucked away on a secluded island, The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket received 5 prestigious awards at the 2019 World Luxury Spa and Restaurants Awards including 2 Country Winner awards for the resort’s 770 sq m Spa Naka, plus 1 Continent Winner and 2 Country winner awards for My Grill Restaurant, the resort’s signature restaurant offering a great selection of steaks and local fresh seafood dishes.

Filipino Spa Treatment AWAY Spa at W Koh Samui, in collaboration with Quan Spa at Clark Marriott in the Philippines, is offering traditional Filipino treatment ‘Signature Hilot Ritual’ during September. This treatment uses fresh coffee scrub, full of nutrients the skin absorbs, and Hilot massage which uses strips of warm banana leaf laced with coconut oil placed over the body to clear tense muscles. Priced at 3,900++ baht per person. Advance booking required.

MATES’ RATES Need a quick cheap getaway? Check out these great offers

Tel: 077 915 999

Good to Go Enjoy 2 nights’ luxury accommodation and breakfast at Dusit Thani Hua Hin with their ‘Good to Go’ package and discover thehidden jewels of Petchaburi via a complimentary one-day private tour including lunch for two people. Explore and admire the Summer Palace of King Rama IV, the Buddha relics at Wat Mahathat and Khao Luang royal cave. From 5,900++ baht per room per night, minimum 2 nights. Tel: 032 520 009

Holistic Harmony Spa Package Hua Hin Marriott Resort & Spa has created “Holistic Harmony”, an invigorating new spa package for physical, mental and nutritional refreshment. The session starts at Quan Spa with a 30-minute aromatic coffee scrub followed by a soothing 60-minute aroma massage and a 30-minute mini cleansing facial, followed by a delicious and nutritious three-course lunch at Big Fish & Bar. Priced at 5,200 ++ baht per person from August 1 to September 30. Advance booking required. Tel: 032 904 666 ext. 4661



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