Every Drawing Tells A Story
Every Drawing Tells A Story is the theme for The Big Draw 2015. You can adapt this theme, choose your own, or mix it into your plans. Drawing is a powerful way to bring stories to life, reveal the past, capture the present and explore the future. No matter where your event takes place, there is always a story to tell. Find inspiration in the pages that follow. Remember that 2015 is the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, 450th anniversary of the publication of Robert Hooke’s micrographia and also UNESCO International Year of Light!
In a scientific setting...
Use microscopy and light to enhance perception and see what Robert Hooke saw 450 years ago.
Bring the laboratory outdoors for hands on investigation.
In a Museum...
Tell a story using the exhibits as characters or props.
Release the exhibits to reveal the details and histories behind the objects. What stories can they each tell?
On a Stage...
Attach materials to a perfomer and capture the story of their movement...
...or provide the audience with materials so they can capture the spectacle.
In a Gallery...
Invite people to draw the story beyond the frame or plinth using acetate sheets or banners.
Connect different artworks together to tell one story.
In a School...
Ask questions and provide information to create storyboards for different subjects.
Invite pupils to illustrate stories as they are read aloud to the class.
Print with found objects to learn about the local environment.
In a Library...
Print alternative book covers or draw new character illustrations. Prepare 'What If?' prompt cards to encourage participants' imaginations.
Combine 2-D drawing with 3-D shapes to turn the library into the setting of a story.
On a Heritage Site...
Use local materials to reveal hidden histories and lost legends.
Create animations, murals or collages of these shared stories.
In a Community Group...
Use collage to create a complete picture of a group experience through collective storytelling.
Transform people into characters with face paints and decorated costumes.
Use Drawings to Share Stories... ...across generations
Use favourite objects and places to compare and connect stories between generations.
...of inspiring causes
Host a talk and invite the audience, animators and graphic designers to interpret what they hear.
...of international celebrations
Celebrate the UNESCO International Year of Light with time lapse photography, projections or drawing with light.
Reach out to new audiences with digital tools and experimental mark making.
Don't forget to celebrate your individual and collective achievements on the day!
Here are some key dates which could be used to focus the storytelling. Let your imagine run wild, get creative and enjoy The Big Draw 2015!
1 October - International Day of Older Persons 2 October - International Day of Non-Violence 5 October - World Teachers' Day 5 October - World Habitat Day 9 October - World Post Day 15 October - International Day of Rural Women 16 October - World Food Day 17 October - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 150th anniversary of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Join The Big Draw
1 - 31 October 2015 www.thebigdraw.org