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“Life on the Grid” Residents can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in activities, Create and trade virtual property and services. They can travel throughout the metaverse.
A Restidents View of Life in the Grid
Local Goshsip Bla Bla Bla is an Independant Newsletter formed by a Team based in the Alternate Metaverse Grid.
Life on the Grid
Places of Interest
Some folks get pretty excited about virtual life. Count ME as one of them. “What makes that so????” is a question i ask myself a LOT!. I like how VL helps me think about my REAL life (RL). BUT ONE!!! thing that really pushes my ‘buttons’ is!!! PEOPLE. There are so many unique personalities here. I LOVE IT. FIRST finding out where they are located on the big blue ball THEN what their thoughts are about REAL life and their interest in VL is an amazing journey for me. Is it ALL about me???? no.....but i DO love it and appreciate the journey immensely.
A Residents View of Life on the Grid I am new to this grid, one of my favourite things I had discovered being on this grid for a short time is “shopping”, there are so many stores to look around and spoilt for a lot of choices. My mouth dropped down in oar, when I saw so many Shoes, clothes, hair, basically everything a girl could dream off in any world and all for “free” which really surprised me.
Local Newsletter about the on goings in the Alternate Metaverse Grid
Now my suitcase in my inventory is starting to get heavy and the fun begins when I get to my home to open everything I have dreamed of owning and to show off my new looks in front of my friends on the grid.