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President’s address


Fellow Medics, it is a great honour to be invited to write an address to you in this year’s Spring Edition of the Black Bag. When I was elected as President of Galenicals, I was humbled but equally challenged by what I saw as an opportunity to bring Medical Students together within these bizarre times.


It would be naïve of me not to mention how difficult the past year has been. COVID-19 infection rates and Public Health restrictions have been overwhelming, especially restrictions on travel which have prevented us from seeing our family and friends. My main target for my year as President is to ensure that, while we spend our time at Medical School learning how to protect others, we have the means to ensure that we are safe and well.

Despite the current climate, I am looking forward to the year ahead and hopeful that the government’s roadmap leading out of lockdown will allow for us Medics to be safely reunited in-person very soon for a variety of events that the newly elected committee are planning for you all including an awards dinner, “what to expect on Outplacement” and “coping well away from home” talks, sub-society webinar, Intercalator Refresher Programme, and our first Multiculturism Fair just to name a few.

The elected committee have been fantastic in the few weeks that they have been in their roles. Collectively, we have decided on the following key priorities for the year. Firstly, improving out-placement students’ wellbeing. This will involve expanding our Welfare Rep Network across the academies and ensuring that there are spaces for students to talk and discuss their concerns weekly. Secondly, I want to create a system which ensures that all students are aware of Galenicals’ actions for the year and have the opportunity to raise concerns more easily. With regards to student recognition, I’m excited to be working with the events team to give out Galenicals awards this year, recognising outstanding contributions to others both within the Medical School and beyond. Finally, I want to ensure that current intercalating students feel ready to go back to Clinical Placement in September after many months without it by putting on refresher programmes for revision.

I wish you all a pleasant Summer Term and do feel free to reach out to me at any point if you wish to chat or you have any concerns.

Alice Watts Galenicals President 2021-21

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