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Operation Prom What could happen if you drink and drive Page 6-7
Juggling your life between school, work, sports and a socal life Page 10-11
How did you get ready for prom? page 20-21
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Prom King: Landon Kuhlmann
Prom Queen: Tillie Sitz
New Start Time
Operation Prom
Summer Possibilities
All-State Visual Arts
Health Column
Girls and Boys Track
Boys and Girls Soccer
Girls and Boys Tennis
Girls Golf
How did you get ready for Prom?
Music Reviews
App Reviews
Letter from the Editor I swore I’d never be one of those cliché writers who sounded like a high school valedictorian quoting “Oh the Places you’ll Go!” at senior graduation. Alas, it’s come to this point in my writing career where there isn’t any other way to say what I feel needs to be said.
Writing’s an incredible concept, a brilliant way to invert your cognitive framework and expose your internal dialogue, what you’ve gone through and what you believe. Reading what’s been written is merely the next step, as all journalists understand, as we crave to be heard and tell the world what we think they should be listening to. However, reading and writing, consuming what’s been laid out on paper, isn’t what creates your character. It’s experience. Observation. Struggle. We as youth need to travel, to explore, which often takes actually getting “lost” and letting go to really fully appreciate. And what has been a greater adventure for me that getting involved with the Blackhawk Newspaper? Truly, this publication has taught me more in the past four terms than any moralistic Star Trek episode in existence (even including “Requiem for Methuselah.”) What I’ve likely learned most from my experiences with the Blackhawk is that you can’t allow hard work to go unthanked. I would especially like to thank Cassidy Jarrett and Justin Sanchez for their fantastic work with this term’s two publications, the Summer Issue and the Graduation Issue. These two, as the next generation of Blackhawk editors, have led this D term in page layout, compiling photography and stories, and the thousands of other tasks that editors in chiefs take on. As much as I wish I didn’t have to say farewell to the Blackhawk as I go off to Iowa State this fall, I know it’s in fantastic hands.
Cover photography by Will McKay Susan Dircks - Editor-in-Chief Jacob Lamantia - Managing Editor Justin Sanchez- Sports Editor 14-15 Co-Editor Cassidy Jarrett - Arts & Entertainment Editor 14-15 Co-Editor Luke Eure - Viewpoints Editor Austin Starling - Broadcast Editor Rebecca Pogue - News Editor Claire Trimble - Features Editor Kayla Kinkaid - Marketing Editor Selena Flores - Writer Elise Castro - Script Writer Will McKay - Photojournalist Dominick Pena - Photojournalist Madisen Hovey - Photojournalist Nathan Cunningham- Photojournalist Gage Flockhart - Photojournalist Corrie Sabel - Artist & Writer Clint Balsar - Adviser
The Blackhawk is published four times a year from Central High School, 1120 Main St. Davenport, IA 52803. The content is produced by students, and it does not represent the view of the Davenport Community School District or its employees. The Blackhawk is an open forum and welcomes signed letters to the editor. We are a member of the Iowa High School Press Association.
Also visit www.theblackhawkonline.com
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STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS Prom King: Landon Kuhlmann
Jacob Lamantia
Landon Kuhlmann is better known as the singer for the popular local band ‘Fairhaven’. Fellow spree candidate Nathan Lane is also a part of the band and they have gigs just about every weekend. As a loyal member of the band, he has stuck with it for many years and has experienced the dedication it takes to please the audiences he plays in front of. They have played at the past three variety shows and have made quite a name for themselves. When asked about how he felt winning king, Kuhlmann simply responded with “It is a great feeling, man, but I have to go because our band is playing for another high school’s after prom.” Being involved with music certainly has helped Landon as he is your 2014 prom king. Kuhlmann will be attending the University of Iowa next fall and plans on sticking with Fairhaven.
Prom Queen: Tillie Sitz Jacob Lamantia
Tillie Sitz was quite shocked with her Prom Queen nomination. “Thank you” was her response after winning, and had the mic thrusted to her face as she was too shocked to speak. Sitz is involved in the band and orchestras, and is a varsity member of the tennis team. Along with being a musician and athlete, she has also excelled academically and is near the top of her class. When she’s not busy practicing or hitting the books, you’ll see her out hanging with friends. Sitz plans on attending the University of Iowa next fall.
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The New Start Time Selena Flores Okay it’s not official...YET. Next year’s start time for the school day is being considered to change. Instead of waking up at 6 a.m. bright and early, we would get to sleep in and not have to be at school until 8:30. The controversial issue has been brought up at many school board meetings and has also been on the local news as a top story. Instead of getting out of school at 2:35, the last bell would ring at 3:20 p.m. There are pros and cons to every situation, and even though there might be a few negative issues here and there, this is the new proposal for next year. The following year could be completely different if this schedule does not work. The community is also considering adding an additional block to our schedule so everyone would have a fifth block instead of just four. This would cause us to make our start time be 7:30 a.m. which is even earlier than normal. With an extra hour and half added on, this proposition is not as in favor. However there are nice benefits for teachers and students if this proposition goes into effect. Teachers will now have more prep time in the morning to help with students who need extra time with their work. Also, teachers are looking forward to students being more alert during their first blocks. Students have expressed being excited about sleeping in more and having time in the morning to actually eat breakfast. Some cons that a lot of students have argued is that the time change that will affect them in negative ways. One major problem in this new change concerns with keeping a job. Everyone who is currently employed at Stepping Stones could be out of their job because of the different times between the Davenport high school’s and the elementary schools. Many freshman and sophomores are worried that their future jobs won’t abide with the time because many job shifts start at 4 p.m. After school extracurricular
and sports are also a main concern for the over involved. If we get out at 3:20, practices will not start until later and possibly go until real late. For example the marching band usually starts their rehearsals during the fall at 6 p.m. and run until 9-10 p.m. They might possibly have to push back their times to an hour later, making the members stay until 11 p.m. some nights. Many have asked why we would consider changing the time with the many issues that arise with the change, but research shows that early start times, particularly for high school students, don’t match the adolescent biological clock. Adolescents should optimally get 9 hours of sleep per night, according to the National Institutes of Health. Students who don’t get enough sleep have shorter attention spans and a reduced ability to learn new information. Other problems have been raised but fixed; in particular some had voiced concerns of difficulties in the time change with picking up their siblings (who go to the elementary schools). The school board would change the elementary schools end of the day time to 3:55 p.m. so it would not interfere with ours. The middle schools would get out at 2:45 p.m. This proposal was official until many complaints came in. The community is now being offered three public meetings. They will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21 in the West High School auditorium on West Locust Street, Thursday, May 22 in the Central High School auditorium on Main Street and Thursday, May 29 in the North High School auditorium on West 53rd Street. Parents, students, staff and all members of the community are invited to join the meetings to share their feedback. Regardless of the pros and cons and everyone’s different opinions on this change, this proposal might be official and could be going into effect as of the next school.
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Operation Prom
Jacob Lamantia Operation prom at first thought sounds like a spy movie based on a high school dance with guns blasting and people doing crazy flips amidst a sea of screaming well-dressed 17 year olds. But the true meaning of this reenactment is totally different from what we think when we hear “operation prom”. Maybe it’s titled that way to sway juniors and seniors in to thinking “action movie” but in reality they are sitting through a lecture on drunk driving and the consequences of it. What would the average teenager be more compelled to see; an action spy movie, or a drunk driving reenactment that reminds of us of those brutal videos we were forced to sit through and watch during drivers-ed class? While the crowd gathered out in the back parking lot, nobody really had an idea of what they were about to witness. Ambulances, fire trucks, and a helicopter? Get outta’ here! The reenactment started off with a deep heartfelt poem read by senior Evan Heyer. After he finished, the crowd was silent. From then on, the students had an idea of what was going to happen. In the beginning of operation prom, there were two cars crashed together with a tarp covering it. All you could hear were the actors talking through a scenario involving drinking and driving. Those people included Collin Garrett, Mitchell Diamond, Jared Svoboda, and Kayla Kinkaid. All of a sudden they wrecked, and the tarp is pulled from the cars revealing a brutal accident. The sudden turn of events quieted the crowd as they watched in terror of the events that unfolded as the result of a drunken driving accident. It shows us the importance of life, and how drinking and driving do not mix. The reenactment ended in the taking of two young lives; one from each car.
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Overwhelmed Cassidy Jarrett The number one cause of stress is school. Teens spend about six and a half hours in the classroom, then some nights they may have to spend three more hours just doing homework. Most high school students play sports, have a job and/or want to have some sort of social life. But because of the pressure of doing good in school, students start to feel overwhelmed and stressed out, and over time can cause them to develop a mental illness such as depression.
cide is the third leading cause of death in teens. Depression is not only caused by school but also because of bullying, a traumatic event, family problems, low self-esteem, feeling hopeless and heredity. Teenagers with depression start to feel like they’re not getting anywhere with their lives, which causes them to end their life in
About 11 percent of adolescents have a depressive disorder by age 18 according to the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement. Girls are more likely than boys to experience depression. The risk for depression increases as a child gets older. People used to believe that teens with depression were just often moody or difficult. But as researchers start to study more about the brains of adolescents with new technology they have started to understand why adolescents are the way they are.
“One suicide occurs every 40 seconds”
Teen depression is a growing mental illness. The stress of getting good grades and trying to balance the rest of their hectic lives has cause the suicide rate to increase dramatically in the past 20 years. Sui-
the blink of eye. In 1996, more teenagers and young adults died of suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia and influenza and chronic lung disease combined. Today there is an estimate of 5,400 attempts of suicide everyday by young people in grades 7-12. This includes not only the suicide attempts but the self harming such as the cutting, the alco-
hol, drug abuse and the eating disorders; they all are a part of depression. Finding a cure for teen depression isn’t easy because there is not a one-size- fits-all type of cure. Also, there is no book that has the answers. There are many different types of depression and with every person their depression is a different battle. For most teens, depression symptoms are eased with treatment such as medication and psychological counseling. But that doesn’t necessarily help them all. Depression is a serious mental illness and without getting some kind of medical help depression can take over one’s life and can cause the worst to happen, Suicide. If you or someone else you may know is suffering from depression, please talk to someone you can trust such as a parent, teacher, counselor or a grown-up that will help you or that can get you or the person you know help. You are worth more than your depression. Your life is more than available here on this planet with the ones that love you. Remember you are worth it.
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Juggling the Chaotic Lives of Teachers and Students Claire Trimble It has been said many times that high school is one of the busiest times of a young person’s life. Between sports, clubs, part time jobs (and not to mention homework), there is hardly any time left for students to relax and enjoy the limited time they have left before heading out into the real world. High school teachers don’t necessarily have it easy either. It’s their responsibility to prepare their students for college, making their jobs as educators extremely important. Most high school students are involved in at least one activity or another. Though most kids don’t really enjoy being busy, there are positives to always having something to do. Some people would actually much rather be constantly hustling around than sitting at home with nothing to do. “I always have something to do,” said Matt Heinricks (14’)” So theres never a dull moment.” While having a wide range of activities and interests is healthy and looks excellent for college, it’s also stressful. When one is constantly trying to keep up with their activities, there is hardly anytime left for the ultimately more important things, like homework or sleep. If students don’t get enough sleep, they aren’t able to function well, which in the long run is harmful to their performance in school. “I’m always working, at golf or at school,” said Jordan Miller (14’) “I’m always tired. If I had more time I would definitely
sleep.” There are ways to work past the struggles of having a chaotic life. “I have specific days that I work,” said Reilly Moeller (16’), “so I always manage to get my homework done when I know I have work or rehearsal that night.” One thing students tend to forget is that while they’re busy with their own hectic schedules, teachers are as well. “I try to get up early and stay up late so as not to take time away from my kids,” said Mrs. Preciado, a Spanish teacher at Central. “It’s like being on a hamster wheel.” Between grading papers, making lesson plans and keeping up with their own lives, teachers don’t always have time left to do the things that they want to do. “There’s no such thing as personal time.” Teachers and students are alike in that sometimes they both would rather relax and watch TV than do their homework. “During the school year I miss watching TV and reading. I steal that through things like Words With Friends and Facebook.” Though it can be hard (and sometimes impossible) there are ways to overcome the demon often referred to as procrastination. “I try to keep all my papers organized at school so I’m not constantly looking for stuff,” said Mrs. Preciado. This is a skill that would be beneficial to both teachers and students. If you know where things are, it makes it just that much easier to complete the things that need to be finished.
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Summer Possibilities Selena Flores Summer can be about anything you put into it, saving money for college with your checks you earn at your part-time job at the local pizza place, preparing for the upcoming year, a break from the normal day to day stress of school, or an opportunity to do something big with your time. Several students are doing it all AND some are cramming in every little possible thing they can do in the 9 weeks we have off. Laying by the pool, creating last memories, or watching Netflix in your basement, (don’t laugh, I bet you do that too) summer is a time for relaxation and not caring if you stay up
drive-in movies which is in Maqouketa, Iowa : not too far away from here. “Together we Amy Heber (‘16) and want to get really dark Bree Quigley (‘16) are tanning, and we are extwo best friends who are planning on check- citedly planning when to have a paint fight!” ing off many of their bucket list items for the Besides doing everysummer. They first want thing together, sometimes its good to have to go to a few amusement parks “Most likely our own little things we want to accomplish off Six Flags or Adventureland. ” Heber our bucket lists. “I percommented. They also sonally want to learn how to skateboard want to go on a road this summer.” Quigley trip which is one of confided. the go-to summer fun ideas for most teenOn the completely agers who are looking for a day out of town. opposite side of the spectrum, Shannon “I definitely want to Garrett (‘16) is headgo to Chicago at least ing to Europe for her and go shopping,” vacation. “I got chosen said Quigley. Another to go to France on this random idea from the summer program. A girls was to go to the late with your friends until 4 in the morning.
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couple other Central students got selected too. Mostly it was the high cost that kept people from deciding to go or not. I am so excited to go to Europe and I can’t wait to be a complete tourist and take pictures and see all the historical landmarks,” Garrett said. Europe definitely sounds fancy and exotic compared to our state that’s filled with corn and cows. Everyone is doing something different with their summers but no one is doing nothing with their time. The busy rush of everyday life does not end when school does.
Summer is just around the corner. Can you smell the suntan lotion yet? Whether you are just staying home for the break or jetting off overseas, the possibilities for your summer are endless, and ultimately all up to you.
The Blackhawk Newspaper would like to thank
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for supporting our publication
All-State Visual Arts Competition Elise Castro Several students submitted portfolios to the Art Educators of Iowa (AEI) All-State Visual Arts Competition and had a fantastic outcome. Seniors Lydia King and Claire Waterman won portfolio awards by placing in the top 20 of the 99 applicants and earned a spot on the all-state team. Central as a whole won 3rd place, which means the highest scores from the top five students were third. The team consisted of Lydia King, Malcolm Kresse, Scott Petrie, Dakota Vernon, Claire Waterman, Natalia Marcu-Welzenbach, Ethan Duong, and Jordan Peratinos. In order to enter, every student submitted a portfolio of 10 artworks and had to submit three written statements of various categories by march 13th. The visual arts room will receive a plaque for the accomplishment, and King and Waterman will each receive plaques. They are also invited to attend a reception for the All-Staters on May 3rd at the Des Moines Art Center.
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Health Column: What could help you? Selena Flores Health isn’t just for the athletes anymore. It should be a lifestyle for all of us. Eating an apple for breakfast every day and eating salads on a regular basis instead of fries doesn’t sound like the most fun but it’s essential to anyone’s diet. Fitness is a lifetime commitment, whether you join a school sport or do at home videos to tone up for your bikini summer body, you should have a daily 30- 60 minute ritual.
Overwhelming stress can cause your body AND your mind to shut down. Whether your part-time job, or your family problems, or your studies are keeping you from feeling stress-free, we all need to learn how to balance our commitments. Give yourself some time to relax, maybe take a run outside and clear your head. Maybe its reading a good book if that’s your thing. Maybe you can study for 20 minutes at a time instead of for 3 hours
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straight. Whatever can make you feel like life isn’t a constant cycle of “do this do this- stress stress stress.” Gyms v. At Home Workouts Who says you have to have a yearly membership to your local gym? It’s definitely possible in our day in age to work out just as hard in the comfort of your home. What are the pros and cons? Pros for Gyms:
More motivation to work out because you’re already there and it would be embarrassing to sit there. More machines to work out on, and different weights for different parts of the body. Unique classes are usually offered (Yoga, swimming lessons, aerobics, Pilates.) Winter workouts Cons for Gyms: You actually have to drive there (Gas money) Money for costly membership can be a hassle
especially if you are a teen who doesn’t have a part time job. You are stuck inside which is bad during the summer when you want to be outside. Embarrassment of others judging you even though they claim to be “judgment free”. So looking at the list it’s about even. The pros and cons outweigh one another and are controversial, but it all depends on who you are. All you really need for a healthy body is a clean diet, and working legs to run outside. They say 70% of your new formed abs is made in the kitchen, and only 30% in the gym, so
don’t stress too much if you miss a day going to the gym. Highlights on Yoga Yoga is healthy for the mind, body, and soul. No it’s not just an excuse to lay down and do nothing. (Even though that is technically a pose; Savasana) Yoga can make you lean flexible and slimmer over time! The best part? It’s not a rigorous exercise compared to let’s say a five mile run, but it still has great healthy outcomes. All you need is a mat and an instruction video. (Unless you take a class). YouTube is perfect for finding professional videos for free.
If you are looking for a way to start exercising and don’t know where to start, Yoga might be for you! Start at home; see if your gym has different types, like Jivamukti, Power Yoga, or Bikram. So grab your water bottle, put onyes your yoga pantsand learn all about this awesome up and coming workout. What to eat? Are you feeling sluggish and tired all the time? Maybe it’s what you’ve been eating? Having a horrible diet and consuming way more calories than your body should have, results in bad moods, and obviously weight gain. Want to reverse this? All you
need to do is watch more carefully on your food intake. I know diets aren’t fun but what’s more rewarding than that nice summer body? Sample Day Meal Plan: Breakfast: Low-fat yogurt with almonds and blueberries *Always have water (EVERY SINGLE MEAL) Lunch: Salad w/ lean chicken inside Snack: Low-fat string cheese and an apple Dinner: Lean meat (steak, pork chops, whatever you like) w/ eggs-any way you want Dessert: (If needed) make your own smoothie w/ fruit of your choice.
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Girls Track Adds Depth to Their Team Jacob Lamantia
The girls track team has had an impressive season and can finally say that they are the MAC track champs. They are lead by senior Sarah Kersten, senior Tadaisha Thornton, and junior Bella Solis who have had impressive individual seasons as well. This is the first season in a long time where they have had depth in all their events. Sophomore Sarah Hegetschweiler, who is a returning state
qualifier is looking to be a placer next year along with junior Kristen Bertram. “After qualifying for state the past two seasons, the experience I have gained has transferred into my running. I’m no longer nervous, I’m just worried about beating the other runners and doing the best I can. My teammates feel the same way too; I believe that we will go a long way”, said Solis.
Boys Track Has a Successful Year Jacob Lamantia The boys track team has been anchored by the surprise number one ranked 110 high hurdles runner, Jayvon Matthews. With the help of Matthews, the team has been able to recover from the loss of their 100m state runner up Zach Minch the year before and the loss of senior Cameron Pugh, who injured his hamstring early in the year. Sophomore Justin Ramsey who qualified for state the year before has been quietly making a name
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for himself in the 4x400m and 4x100m relays. Going to national competitions and offseason workouts has contributed to his success this year. The team is looking to send their entire squad up to state and make a big name for themselves before the 2014 track season ends.
Comeback Kids Justin Sanchez
The boys soccer team got off to a rough start to the season when they lost their first three games to last minute goals. However, they bounced back to snatch a win at the Linn-Mar Invite, but lost in a nail biter later in the week to Pleasant Valley in the last three minutes of the game. Dewitt and Assumption were the victims of a relentless attack by the Blue Devils. The season continues throughout May. The team has less than half the season to beat the majority of the MAC. Leading the team in scoring is Matt Moran with four goals and followed by Mitch Portz with three goals and Ben McCullough with one goal. The team is packed full of seniors, and also has more sophomores starting than juniors.
Rough Patch Justin Sanchez
3-5 The girls soccer team is in the rut of a bad season. However, they work hard every day in practice to become better. They are led by juniors and underclassmen. In the first three games of the season, they scored four goals. Katy Axel, Natalie Lawton, Analise Keller and Morgan Teel all have one goal on the season. Although the girls were beaten by two against Assumption, (a team led by three time Gatorade Player of The Year, Rose Ripslinger) the Lady D’s held their own, only losing 4-2. The team will be sure to have a better season, as they continue to get better. They will be a powerhouse in the MAC next year, having one of the most mature teams Central has ever had.
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DC Tennis on the Rise! Luke Eure
“We are not a 2-7 team,” said Coach David Jacobson, “We need to prove to the MAC that we’re better than that.” The boys tennis team has done just that this year. With the addition of freshman Joseph Shie, who plays number one singles, and improvements all around, the team has immensely improved their showing in MAC dual meets this season. Last year their record was 2-7; this year, at time of print, they are 6-2, having defeated Assumption, North, North Scott, West, Clinton, and Burlington. It is Jacobson’s second year as head coach, and the team has promise for years to come, with singles players number one and two returning next year. The current top six singles players are Shie (‘17), Will Mckay (‘15), JK Houghton (‘14), Thomas Corbin (‘14), Mike Helmich (‘16), and Sean McPherson (‘14). The other seniors on the team are Will Trasowech, John Rickert, and Jacob Behrendt.
Girls Tennis Luke Eure The girls team has had a rough year of it so far. They are currently 1-4 in MAC dual meets. Varsity singles players are Molly Chen (‘14), Claire Honsey (‘14), Tilly Sitz (‘14), Molly Schebler (‘14), Emily Hummel, (‘16), and Lily Mckay (‘17). Other seniors this year are Jasmine Maddox and Elise Castro. Hopefully the girls can turn their season around during the second half of the year.
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Girls Golf Jacob Lamantia The girls golf team started off their season on a hot streak and have not looked back. Coming back from a mediocre season, the team is heavily relied on by Junior Mary Marker, and freshman Hannah Rios. Marker is coming off of her sophomore season with an average score of 40 and a best of 37, one over par. Both of those scores are state contending which has contributed into her newfound confidence. “I hope we will go to state as a team this year”, said Mary.
2014 Cencerto Winners Susan Dircks
Senior Molly Schebler and junior Katie Dircks have been selected by the Davenport Central Varsity Orchestra department as the 2014 Concerto Competition winners. Chosen by Central’s orchestra director, Kevin Price-Brenner, these two students will be performing their musical compositions for a solo instrument as they are accompanied by the orchestra. Schebler and Dircks will have the opportunity to play their concertos and lead musicians from string, wind, brass, and percussion sections in the Central orchestra and bands. Schebler will be performing “Morceau de Concert” by the French composer Camille SaintSaens. A romantic era composer, Saint-Saen’s best known for his works, “Carnival of the Animals,” “Danse Macabre,” and his Symphony No. 3. “Morceau” contains a very famous and highly difficult French horn solo, which is what Schebler will be highlighting. Also a member of marching band, Quad City Youth Symphony Orchestra, and the Colts Drum and Bugle Corps., Schebler is a very accomplished French horn player. Dircks’ piece, “Concerto in D” by F. A. Hoffmeister, will be performed on the viola. Hoffmeister, a German composer from the eighteenth century,
is famous for his extensive oeuvre of eight operas, over 50 symphonies, numerous concertos, a large amount of string chamber music, and piano music. Dircks, a member of Quad City Youth Symphony Orchestra, the St. Ambrose University Community Symphony Orchestra, and the Great Midwestern String Clinic Orchestra, intends to continue with viola for her senior year of high school and into adulthood. The orchestra concert highlighting Scheblers’ and Dircks’ concertos will be Wednesday, May 21st in Kahler Auditorium, as the orchestra performs a variety of other famous compositions, including works by Stravinsky and Sibelius.
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Claire Honsey, Jasmine Maddox and Elise Castro: are ready for their final preformance at the Show Choir National Competition in Chicago.
Jasmine Maddox and Dominick Pena are posing for their senior Prom pictures.
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Jared Svoboda at vanderveer park getting pictures taken for his senior Prom
Central Singers Inc. before their final preformance for the season.
How’d you get ready for Prom? Kayla Kinkaid Prom was an extravagant event this year. Over 350 students attended prom and everyone had a blast. Senior Evan Heyer and Junior Carlie Cline had a pretty normal day for prom. They both got up between 9:30 and 11 am. As a girl, Carlie went and got her hair done at 10 am and got her make up done at noon. After that Carlie got HAD lunch and chilled out until it was time to get ready. Around 4, Carlie started finishing up everything she had to do to get ready which included putting jewelry and getting her prom dress on. Carlie and her friends met at 5:00 p.m. for pictures and then went to dinner at 5:45. For Evan, he went around noon to go and officially ask his date to prom. After that he went home, ate some lunch and played Pokémon. He got dressed about 15 minutes before he had to pick his date up. Evan and his date, Natalie Lawton, went to Vanderveer at 5:00 p.m. to take pictures
with his group. Around 5:45 the group headed to Red Ginger for some dinner. After prom Evan and his date, Natalie, went home and changed quickly so they could drive out to rock ridge to see Fairhaven perform at other schools after prom. For a girl it takes a lot more time to get ready than a guy. For the show choir members they had an even longer day ahead of them. Central Singers Inc. went to Chicago Friday April 25th to compete in a Show Choir National Competition. Senior Jasmine Maddox had to get up at 5 a.m. to have her mom start curling her show choir hair. Jasmine’s mom and her two friends Claire Honsey and Elise Castro’s moms brought them some breakfast so they could eat before going to the competition. Senior Jared Svoboda did not have to get up as early as Jasmine did. Jared got up around 6:25. He took a shower and got some breakfast at the hotel. After he ate breakfast he packed up to get ready
to leave the hotel. At 7:30 everyone loaded the bus to head to McCormick Place. Around 10:30 Jasmine, Jared, and all the other show choir members hit the stage to perform their last show choir season performance of their 2013-2014 show. After the performance, everyone went back to the home room to put all their costumes away and to either get on the bus or to ride home with their parents. Jasmine decided to ride home with a few friends and her mom. She got home around 2 and left her house again to go get her makeup done at 2:30 and her hair done at 3:30. Everyone in Jasmine’s group met at her house around 4:45 to get a few pictures before the limo picked them up to take them to more pictures and dinner at Johnny’s Steak House. Jared road the bus home and got back to central around 2:45. He went to the store to pick up the corsage he ordered and then went home and took a shower and got ready
for prom. It was a very long but great day for many of the show choir students. The difference between what show choir students did and what students, who didn’t really have anything to do on the morning before prom, is extraordinary. It was awesome to see Mr. Reese and the Administrators try their hardest to be able to get the juniors and seniors in show choir to be able to both nationals and prom! It was also very cool to see that student to see that students not in show choir got to sleep in and also had an amazing day and very great night at prom! Thank you to our senior class officers, administrators, the DJ Kellen Myers, and anyone who helped put together an extravagant night!
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Album Reviews Justin Sanchez Indie Review-
MKTO is the duo of Malcolm Kelley and Tony Oller. The group released their first single in January of 2013 called “Thank You”, which made the top 10 on iTunes later in 2013. However, the group went under the radar for just under a year. Their single released in June of 2013 “classic” didn’t top charts until early 2014. The group’s first album is called “MKTO” and is a new release. They were nominated for the “best live performance”. People that like The Civil Wars, Timeflies, Arcade Fire, and Imagine Dragons will more than likely enjoy MKTO.
Pop Review-
Although Michael Jackson passed away nearly five years ago, the “king of pop” remains making albums. His latest, which is set to come out in May of 2014, is a mix of his hits mostly between 1983 and 1999. Although the songs are on previous albums, it is expected to be one of the most sold albums in the history of his career. The album will have a techno beat to it, but will keep the true art that Jackson wanted intact. Listeners that enjoy Lady Gaga, The Beatles, Katy Perry, and Christina Aguilera will be sure to love this remix album. Hip Hop Review- Kanye West, otherwise known as Yeezus, has been in the news for a lot more than just fathering the baby named North West. His songs have taken a turn from his original style. His most recent single “Black Skinhead” has audiences buzzing. He has been accused of being a racist against whites so he is adopting this to an exaggerated extent with the title of this song about race. The controversial song has choice lyrics also, making it seem as if he is breaking away from the supremacy of society. Nevertheless, the song is on his new album “Yeezus” and has reached the top 10 on iTunes. Anyone that enjoys Eminem, 50 Cent, Jay Z, Lil Wayne, and Nicki Minaj will be sure to enjoy this new album.
Country review-
Who other than Luke Bryan is big in the country music industry? From his ballads such as “Crash My Party” and “Drink a Beer” to his chart toppers such as “Country Girl (Shake it For Me)” and “That’s My Kind Of Night”, this chart topping, heart throbbing sensation is just getting started. His spring break EP “Like We Ain’t Ever” was the most listened to spring break album ever. This artist is currently on his second tour in two years and is sure to be around for a very long time. Anyone that enjoys Jason Aldean, Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, and Carrie Underwood will be sure to enjoy this kind of music. Rock Review- Nirvana is one of the most successful rock bands of all time. The group was made up of five members, led by singer Kurt Cobain. Cobain passed away in 1994, but that is when the band went big time. They went quiet for just under six years until they released their eighth album in 2002. Since then, they have released four albums and sold millions of records throughout the world. They are also known for their first self-titled album “Nirvana” album cover being worn on shirts throughout the hipster community. Anyone who enjoys The Beatles, ACDC, The Rolling Stones, and Jimi Hendrix will enjoy this bands music.
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House ReviewMartijn Garritsen, otherwise known as Martin Garrix, is a live performer that uses his mixing boards in order to create his art, house music. His top hit song “Animals” has peaked to number 1 in Belgium, Ireland and the United Kingdom. He has had remixes to Christina Aguilera’s song “Your Body” and other hits. However, he does not produce albums. He is currently on his world tour and plans to make a stop in Chicago, Illinois for the lollapalooza festival. People that like David Guetta, Axwell, Deadmau5, Swedish House Mafia, and Daft Punk are more than likely going to like this up-and-comer in the House music industry.
App Reviews Cassidy Jarrett The Songza app is just like pandora but with more features. It gives you the option to pick music out for activities like: road trips, working out, sleeping and more. It also, allows you to pick out music for certain moods such as: happy, sad, energetic and more. Also, there are genres and the decades options to find playlist. This app is a lot like pandora but it has more of a variety then just artist, songs and albums. both Apple and Android app stores gave it 4.5 stars out of 5 and its free in both app stores. I would recommend this app to people who like to explore new music but I think this app is good for any music lover. The Pinterest app allows you to organize different boards and discover different ideas for dances,DIY projects, food, cloths, fitness and whatever else you could imagine you can create a board on pinterest. It’s a great tool to plan trips, make a bucket list, get in shape, the list is endless with what kind of boards you can make. It is free in both Apple and Android app stores, and was given 4.5 stars out of 5. I would recommend this app to anyone, really.
The Vevo app allows you to watch official music videos. This app is good because you can see the daily premieres of the a music videos quicker and not having the hassle of going through youtube and not being able to find what you are looking for. It is free in both Apple and Android stores. It was given a 3.5 stars out of 5. I would recommend this app for anyone who enjoys music and music videos. The Video Star app allows you to create music videos. It has over 100 built in features. Also, it allows to make short clips which you can change and play around with the different features. This app is a great way to have fun with all of your friends. You can also add it to youtube when you have finished making the video. Video Star is only for Apple products it is free in the app store. It was given 4.5 stars out of 5. I would recommend this app for everyone because it’s keeps everyone involved and is just great way for friends to bond.
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No this isn’t Victorious Selena Flores
When you think of dreams what do you think of? Your aspirations or your future? Dreams are not necessarily a reality. Unless you make it one. Starting next year, The Quad Cities Creative Arts Academy is brand new to our city, offering the DREAM program. No this is not a entire new school like some might think. This program is more like the ROTC program that is offered at Central, because other students from North and West can be in the class as well. Only juniors and seniors in high school are offered this exclusive program. 6th graders can start off their journey with their own little program until they get into the DREAM program when they get into high school. There are five areas of study; Communicative arts/Media arts, Dance, Music, Theatre, or Visual Art. Only 10 people are allowed in each category, so the selection will be tough. Auditions were between April 25-26, or
the 30th- May 1st. We will see who will be the lucky students who got selected soon. There are only 50 spots, and it will be sure to be a hard pick. The results were mailed directly to the students on May 8th. In the afternoons the eleventh graders and seniors go to their respectable places. Various locations are set up for the students to do their work, including the Figee Museum, The River Music Experience, The Arthur Murray Dance Studio, and the Public Library downtown. These satellites are based for an independent work study atmosphere. The build your own curriculum is sure to be different than the normal core classes everyone is forced to take. The mornings for the high schooler’s are required and to be a senior is a big advantage because they have a more flexible class schedule. Juniors are not required to audition again if their year end review shows improvement. Some extra pluses to being involved in
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this program include professional leaders, and local artists to guide the students into their path of success. There will also be guidance for scholarships provided to further their goals into the collegiate level. This unique system grades by inspecting their work every semester. Grades are ranked the same and the students will still graduate from their home school. This DREAM program is set up for students to achieve their future goals in whatever art they strive in. The Creative Arts Academy is a place for students to express their art in many different ways and will surely be a new change for the select few who get in.
Show Choir Wrap-up Kayla Kinkaid
Central Singers Inc. had a wonderful 2014 Show Choir Season this winter! “I watched a talented group of individuals struggle at the beginning of the year and go into Linn-marr (1st competition) and be individually successful in some aspects, but not make finals as a group,” said Director Michael Reese. “This group picked up the momentum from last year, took off, and never quit! In my 9 years at Central, this group wanted “it” more than ever before. We began to get stronger, to become more confident, and to strive to be Better Each Time. I AM BECAUSE WE ARE!” Central Singers Inc. had a lot of great accomplishments this season as a group. The group finished five times in the top three, received 1 best band award, and 3 best choreography awards. Kadijah Pettie and Elise Castro got Best Female Soloist awards and Nick Fah-
renkrug got Best Male Soloist at CSI’s last competition and at Fame in Orlando, Florida. A big accomplishment for the group this year was placing in front of Cedar Rapids Kennedy by nearly 60 points, and also placing in front of West Des Moines Valley by 20 points. At CSI’s last competition, Southeast Polk, they split caption awards with Waukee and were only 10 points behind waukee in finals. The group also placed 1st in day rounds in front of Cedar Rapids Xavier and Ankeny. CSI made a trip down to Orlando, Florida for a Regional Show Choir Competition hosted by FAME. They placed in the Top three and were only 8 points away from 2nd. Being in the top three they qualified for Nationals held in Chicago.
ent groups from all over the nation! Central Singers Inc. placed in the top ten by finishing 8th overall in a very tough field of groups. Some of the judges had CSI in fifth or sixth place. A great accomplishment for the group was beating the group that got second place, Petal High school, in Orlando! Also, while in Chicago for Nationals, Davenport Central and West’s Show Choir Invitational won the FAME Aspire Award for “Best Regional Show Choir Invitation.” Other Invitationals in the running for this award were Crystal Classic from Ohio and Choral Classic from Illinois. Central Singers Inc. had an overall great ending to their season!
On Saturday April 26th, Central Singers Inc. attended Fame Nationals at Mccormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. They were up against 13 differ-
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s: ape dsc lan Summer Sur roundings
Photos By: Nathan Cunningham
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Photography Index Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 8 Pg. 10 Pg. 12 Pg. 13 Pg. 14 Pg. 16 pg. 17 Pg. 20 Pg. 22
Cover McKay “Landon” Flockhart “Sitz” Flockhart “Clock” Hovey “Operation Prom” Mckay “Overwhelmed” Hovey “Juggling” McKay “Summer” Cunningham “All-State” Contributed “Health” Jarrett “Girls Track” Contributed “Boys Track” Contributed “Boys Soccer” Sanchez “Girls Socer” Sanchez “Prom” Contributed “Album Covers” Contributed
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Pg. 23 “Apps” Pg. 24 “Art Academy” Pg. 25 “Show Choir” Pg. 26 “Landscape” Pg. 28 “Landscape”
Contributed Contributed Contributed Cunningham Cunningham