Central blackhawk grad edition

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davenport central

Black hawk

Graduation 2014


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El Presidente: Thomas Corbin Page 5

Senior List: Names and Pictures Page 8-11

Top Colleges: Where Should You Go? Page 18-19

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Letter from the editor As an upcoming Editor-in-Chief, and coming up on my senior year in high school, I understand the importance in having momentos to remember 20 years from now. When I wrote the story line for this edition of our school newspaper, I thought of what I would like to see next year when I am leaving high school. I wanted to allow people to remember this school year by the good things. Not being held up in the school at parent teacher conferences because of shots fired literally a block away from the school. I wanted people to remember the student section leaders, or the basketball star. Not only is this edition fitted specifically to please the seniors, it was made as a goodbye to them. People might not always read our newspaper, but I feel as if this might bring in readers that are finally saying goodbye. Although this edition isn’t packed full of pictures, there are many entertaining stories that I feel parents, grandparents, and even the students will like. Most of the time, being an Edior-in-Chief brings stress upon the one in charge, and I figured that would never come when I had the paper practically done by the middle of April, but oh did that change. Before I realized it, it was May 15th and I had almost half the paper completed. I kept calm and edited on though. Beginning to panic, I finished the paper and wrote this letter. Looking through, I am happy with what I have given the seniors that are leaving a great momento. So on that note, good night, farewell, and god speed. Cover Photography by Nathan Cunningham

Our Staff Susan Dircks - Editor-in-Chief Jacob Lamantia - Managing Editor Justin Sanchez- Sports Editor 14-15 Co-Editor Cassidy Jarrett - Arts & Entertainment Editor 14-15 Co-Editor Luke Eure - Viewpoints Editor Austin Starling - Broadcast Editor Rebecca Pogue - News Editor Claire Trimble - Features Editor Kayla Kinkaid - Marketing Editor Selena Flores - Writer Elise Castro - Script Writer Will McKay - Photojournalist Dominick Pena - Photojournalist Madisen Hovey - Photojournalist Nathan Cunningham- Photojournalist Gage Flockhart - Photojournalist Corrie Sabel - Artist & Writer Clint Balsar - Adviser

The Blackhawk is published four times a year from Central High School, 1120 Main St. Davenport, IA 52803. The content is produced by students, and it does not represent the view of the Davenport Community School District or its employees. The Blackhawk is an open forum and welcomes signed letters to the editor. We are a member of the Iowa High School Press Association.

Also visit www.theblackhawkonline.com

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4.0 Students Make the Most of Their Opportunities By Claire Trimble A lot of students recognize the struggle of trying to achieve a perfect GPA. It takes focus, intelligence, and excellent study skills. Not many students finish their high school career with a 4.0 GPA. It is quite an honor and accomplishment. Even though most students give into the stress of it all or decide that their other activities are of more importance, there are a select few seniors that will be graduating from Davenport Central with perfect GPAs: Jacob Behrendt, Gabrielle Hoeksema, Jesse Maddox, Matthew Moran, Sedat Romilus and Madison West. These students worked extremely hard over the past four years to receive 4.0’s. Between sports, clubs, after school jobs and personal lives, finding time to study and do homework can be very challenging, which is why this achievement is so honorable. “It is one of the things I’m most proud of,” said Hoeksema. “Not many people can say that they’ve done it.” Taking classes that you’re interested definitely helps when it comes to getting good grades. “Take classes you like,” voiced Madison West. “That way you don’t have to focus so much on studying, just learning about what you enjoy.” Even when you absolutely detest a subject, studying and homework are crucial when it comes to achieving a top grade. “Even though you’re sacrificing your time to study,” said West, “it all pays off in the end.”

Quotes to Live By as You Leave High School “Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart.” -Alan Alda “Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things.” -Byron Dorgan “Maybe all one can do is to hope to end up with the right regrets.” - Arthur Miller “I don’t care what people think because I don’t think.”- Kanye West “You only get one life. Why not do something huge?” - Paul Graham Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?” Bob Marley “Nobody likes to fail. I want to succeed in everything I do, which isn’t much. But the things that I’m really passionate about, if I fail at those, if I’m not successful, what do I have?” - Eminem

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Photos Contributed

By Luke Eure

Competitive. Goofy. Vomiting. Stud. Senior Class President. Thomas Corbin is all of these things, and more. His energy, animation, and willingness to do almost anything have made him the 2014 Senior Class President, and the center of countless stories. “Everything he does, he puts his whole heart into,” says tennis coach David Jacobson, “He’s dedicated. A joy to be around.” His energy is evident in all that he does, from his achievements on the football team (All Conference Honorable Mention on the offensive line), to his enthusiasm in euchre, to his controversial ultimate frisbee playing. Thomas is the son of Marianne and Bob Corbin. He plays on the offensive line on the football team, and number 4 singles on the tennis team. He works at Dairy Queen, and has signed a letter of intent to play football at Simpson College next year. He intends to go into a career in law. Thomas is an avid euchre player.He is infamous for his habit of pulling off “blind loners”, going alone without looking at his cards, and winning. His most incredible performance involved winning the game with off-suit queen and nine. Thomas is a big guy, and he can really eat. He often takes money to eat incredible amounts of food; the spaghetti fountain incident was an instance when he tried, for ten dollars, to eat an entire bowl of spaghetti in one mouth-full. He placed second in IHOP’s regional pancake-eating competition, stuffing his face until he puked. As prodigious as his eating skills are, his antics on the tennis court may be even more impressive. His amazing agility, coupled with his bulk, make for an entertaining exhibit in athleticism. “He’s like a ballerina,” says teammate, senior Will Trasowech, who also commented that “he wins by pure effort. He tries so hard.” Even his opponents admit that he is deceivingly quick for his size. “It just doesn’t make sense!” fumed a frustrated Assumption player, “He gets to EVERYTHING!” He certainly pulls of some impressive shots, though he is by no means graceful. But his clunky playing style makes him all the more fun to watch. Thomas said his duties as Senior Class President haven’t been taxing. He has to give a speech at graduation, but he’s not nervous. “It’s only two minutes,” he said, “A rough draft is due to my mom by Saturday“ (May 3).

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Where Are Your

6 The Blackhawk 5.21.14

Friends Going?

Infograph credit to Madisen Hovey

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Ajeti, Shkurte

Bonnell, Jacob

Clinton, Johnnaca

Edwards, Ronnisha

Alatorre, Adriana

Boyer, Jeremy

Cohrs, David

Elias, Naomi

Anderson, Dakota

Bracker, Samantha

Comer, Aaron

England-Whitfield, Sequoya

Anthony, Steven

Brown, Devon

Connard, Kaitlin

Ertz, Marissa

Aronson, Ellen

Bryant, Alex

Conner, Kristopher

Arth, Natalie

Buck, Tylar

Cooke, Deandra

Estes, Jane

Atwater, Tanasha

Bullock, Trey

Corbin, Thomas

Fairchild, Cameron

Austin, Zhane

Burghoffer, Zachary

Correa, Alexander

Fangmann, Hunter

Avery, Brittney

Bush, Christopher

Cowley, Bridget

Farrell, Ryan

Barber, Myles

Butler, Geovonta

Cruz, Aaron

Fitzpatrick, Eric

Baresel, Danielle

Calabrese, Anthony

Daily-Trude, Kathryn

Ford, Shykerra

Beavers, Levi

Carlson, Maison

Davenport, Cosmo

Foster, Ajai

Behrendt, Jacob

Cason, Travon

Davis, Anthony

Garner, Ellen

Bennett, Kortny

Castro, Elise

Dennis, Matthew

Garrett, Anthony

Berendes, Mitchell

Cawiezell, Emma

Diamond, Mitchell

Garrett, Collin

Dillon, Samantha

Gehrke, Aaron

Berka, Miah Bernard, Michael

Cetanyan-York, Christopher

Dircks, Susan

Gerace, Nicolas

Bernauer, Riley

Chen, Albert

Doner, Alexandra

Gibbs, Deena

Blanch, Crystalnie

Chen, Molly

Duong, Ethan

Gilhooly, Christopher

Bomkamp, Sierra

Clevenger, Courtney

Eason, Essence

Gillaspie, Justin

8 The Blackhawk 5.21.14

Gordon, Broderick

Hoeksema, Gabrielle

Jackson, Rodkeesha

Kranz, Gabriel

Green, Courtney

Hoeksema, Tyler

Johnson, Jonathan

Kresse, Malcolm

Gaber, Anna

Hogle, Nicholas

Johnson, Trayvon

Kuhlmann, Landon

Gagger, Alexis

Holtman, Andrea

Jones-Williams, Lyric

Kurtz, Lindsey

Hamilton, Michael

Honsey, Claire

Jones , Roy

Lamantia, Jacob

Hamma, Alexis

Hoover, Josh

Kall, Adam

Lamar, Selena

Hankes, Sarah

Houghton, James

Kealey, Mara

Lanciloti, Nicole

Harms, Brett

Houk, Kathryn

Keding, Bradley

Landon, Noah

Hawkins, J'shon

Howard, Deva

Keimig, Hannah

Lane, Nathan

Heald, Jacob

Howard, Shakira

Keith, Kaylee

Langfitt, Adam

Heber, Jacob

Howell, Noel

Kerney, Bryce

Larson, Hunter

Heidt, Elizabeth

Howland, Anthony

Kersten, Sarah

Lawrence, Nyah

Henry , Carmentae

Hughes, Shy-a'

Kimler, Thomas

Lawton, Nicklas

Herington, Collin

Hunter, Devyn

King, Lydia

Liebe, Hanna

Herrin, Ian

Inghram, Tyler

King, Sha'vell

Lightfoot, Mahlik

Heyer, Evan

Ingram, Laryn

Kirk, Marcell

Lobdell, Kharryn

Hill, Sydney

Irving, Dondre

Kleinsmith, Nathan

Logas, Sara

Hinton, Delaney

Jackson, Brandon

Knutsen, Alyson

Lunardi, Jacob

Hipple, Samuel

Jackson, Dajanique

Korth, Drew

Maddox, Jasmine

Hobert, Dylan

Jackson, Malick

Kraft, Johnnaca

Maddox, Jesse

5.21.14The Blackhawk 9

Mahon, Morgan

Milnes, Mary

Oliger, Danielle

Richter, Andrew

Marshall, Seth

Milton, Marcus

Olson, Hannah

Rickert, John

Matthews, Jayvon

Milton, Tacori

Pearson, Kathryn

Riddles, Blake

Mayes, Lintrice

Moeller, Nickolas

Pegram, Janita

Riedell, Aliah

Mcauley, Si'ara

Moraetes, James

Pena, Dominick

Riedeseel, Morgan

McCaw, Nutasha

Moran, Matthew

Perantinos, Jordon

Rigg, Keagan

McDowell, Deyon

Morrow, Morgan

Peterson, Jordon

Riley, Robert

McGowan, Quintel

Murty, James

Pethoud, Tyler

Robb, Adrian

McNeal, Morgan

Nauman, Danielle

Petrie, Scott

Romilus, Sedat

McPherson, Sean

Neerland, Jacob

Pettie, Kadijah

Rosborough, Sarah

Meador, Alexander

Nelson, Patrick

Pfannenstiel, Meghan

Rossback, Christopher

Menke, Harley

Ngo, Diana

Pierce, Megan

Ruffin, Kevin

Menke, Raegan

Nguyen, Julie

Platt, Abigail

Ruiz, Bernardo

Merritt, Amanda

Nhlapo, Sibusiso

Platt, Kodi

Rush, Atavia

Micklewright, Joeseph

Nicholson, Cody

Polaschek, John

Ryan, Keelan

Mielenhausen, Van

Norman, Alberta

Portz, Mitchell

Salas, Elijah

Miller, Jordan

Nowachek, Samuel

Prior, Justin

Sazonov, Ivan

Miller, Jordan

Nunn, Gianni

Pugh, Cameron

Schaab, Baileigh

Miller, Kanesha

O'Hare-Hayes, Katelyn

Rediger, Ryan

Schebler, Molly

Miller, Shelbi

Ohlsen, Rayanne

Richardson, Rayshun

Schindler, Roy

10 The Blackhawk 5.21.14

Schipper, Jonathan

Sullivan, Dante

Voelliger, Grace

Widick, Courtney

Schmidt, Maria

Svoboda, Jared

Wade, Tyler

Weise, Brooke

Schmidt, Rochelle

Szalo, Zackary

Wakeen, Taylor

Wiese, Justin

Schreiner, Thomas

Tate, Ladante

Waskowiak, Zachary

Williams, Janesha

Seibel, William

Taylor, Noelle

Waterman, Claire

Williams, Lyric

Seier, Kristina

Thapa, Sabbu

Waters, Kaylyn

Williams, Timannetta

Severson, David

Thinnes, Nora

Weiman, Troy

Winchester, Bria

Seyfert, Justin

Thoeming, Erika

Weinstein, Dana

Witt, Anthony

Sitz, Tillie

Thornton, Tadaisha

Wells, Mystique

Woods, Andrew

Smith, Alexander

Threlkeld, Kevin

Smith, Ariana

Thurmond, Alexis

Smith, Matthew

Tibbetts, Samuel

Smith, Onshai

Tope, Mason

Welzenbach-Marcu, Natalia

Sorensen, Joseph

Trasowech, William

West, Jacynthia

Spataru, Leon

Trujillo, Jesse

West, Kavione

Spotten, Paris

Valadez-Cobos, Karina

West, Madison

Starling, Austin

Vanderwal, Rose

West, Mason

Stolley, Benton

Vanwinkle, Matthew

Westmoreland, Brandon

Stroschein, Samuel

Venema, Alexander

Weyeneth, Abrienna

Stuff, Kristofer

Vernon, Dakota

Wheaten, Robin

Yoder, Carley

Welzenbach-Marcu, Cristian

Yoder, Rebekah Zaruba, Tyler

Students not pictured chose not participate in senior pictures.

Page design by Corrie Sabel

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Senior Farewells Austin Starling- Attending high school is an experience that you only get once. From the people you meet, to the things you do will be with you the rest of your life. I can honestly say that being here at Central will be something I will never forget. I wish the future classes good luck in achieving their goals, while also have the same type of experiences that I have had.

Adam Kall- While I’ve learned a lot at high school about math, English, science, and music, there has been another even more important lesson. High school is a time when students are getting old enough to have opinions about very complicated matters, like politics or religion. While it is very important to have an opinion on these matters, it is also vital that you don’t close yourself off to any other view-point. Never think of yourself as so right that your opinion doesn’t have any flaws, because I guarantee you it does. So enjoy your time in high school, and have strong opinions about issues in the world. They will always be willing to give an ear to the opposition, and always be ready to learn.

Madison West- My four years at Central have been amazing. Dreams became reality, failures became valuable lessons, and all of a sudden, we’ve grown up. I cannot say thank you enough to all of the people that have inspired me and helped me along the way - thank you, thank you, thank you.

Rose Vanderwal- Each one of us have a place in this world. As high School students we don’t exactly know our place yet. But our graduating seniors will soon find out, where they belong. We have made so many great friends and made even more memories with this senior class. We will never forget the games, shows, and classes that each senior has made special. As we say goodbye on June first; there will be a lot of emotions, but it certainly will be a great day to be a blue devil.

Danielle Naumann- Just about any Central student can agree that davenport central is one of the most diverse schools in the area. From the endless stairs to the wide range of students to the ridiculous amount of fire drills. There really is nothing that can compare to the blue devil experience. Although the 800+ days that we spend here seem endless, it really is only a short four years of our lives. I’m so glad I’ve had the opportunity to be a blu e devil because it’s been more of an adventure than I ever expected. Thank you to all of the staff for your continuous efforts to help make this school the best that it can be and good luck as everyone ends one year and begins another.

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Senior Farewells Mitchell Diamond- High school was good time where you figure out who you really are. You figure out your likes and dislikes, what you’re good and bad at, and who your real friends really are. Central was a great place to learn knowledge and common sense that will last as I get older. I’m going to miss my time at Central, but I’m not be sad that it’s over, I’m just glad that it happened.

Kevin Ruffin Jr.- Central taught me a lot more than I thought it would. Don’t get me wrong, I really disliked some of the things at this school, and I’m glad I’m leaving, but I’ll miss the football games. I’ll miss the nights with my closest friends, but now there will be even more of them. So thank you central, for what, and who you’ve brought into my life. But still I’m glad it’s over.

Robert Riley- To my beloved Central High School, I have called you many things during the course of my four years here. I have called you my affliction, I have called you my blessing, I have called you my trial, I have called you my joy, I have called you a place of where innocence is lost, I have called you an enriching experience, I have called you my love, and I have called you my home. I will certainly hold these memorable namesakes with a nostalgic fondness as I now take my bittersweet leave of you. Farewell Central.

Eric Fitzpatrick- Being here at Central was a great experience; it was fun in some senses, and not so much in others. I wish I would have taken advantage of it. As for advice, do as much as you can as often as you can, if you don’t you will regret it in the future. But it only happens once. So make the most of it while you still can. However, I will remember this experience for the rest of my life. I appreciate the things I have learned while at Central.

James Murty- High School was something I’ll never forget. Both the good and the bad. Of course I’m glad to move on to college, but the memories I’ve made while at Central will always be in the back of my mind. I’ll miss the Friday night football games, hearing the screams of the crowd, but now I’ll be a part of those screams in Kinnick stadium. Thank you for those memories central.

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Senior Spotlight Top Male Academic Jacob Behrendt is the top

Top Female Academic Gabrielle Hoeksema is the

Top Male Athlete Mason Tope is the top male

Top Female Athlete

Academic male. He has a 4.0 GPA, 120.0 Total Grade Points, and 30.0 total weighted credits. Jacob is also a part of the Junior Rotary club and played football and wrestled during his senior year. He is attending The University of Iowa and majoring in engineering. He has collected a total of $10,000 in scholarships that were given to him because of his success during his high school years.

athlete at Central High School. He is involved in Environmental club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Show Choir, Cross Country, Swimming, and Track. He will attend Loras College and major in philosophy. He received the hall of honor scholarship along with a merit, music, and community foundation scholarship. This young athlete puts his thanks into God. Praying every time he runs, for the entire time. This will not be the last we hear from this long-distance runner.

Top Male Theatre Performer

Jared Svoboda

has been selected as the most successful Male Theatre Performer. He has usually been the lead role since getting involved in the Drama department. He also participates in the Performing Arts Club, and is a part of the Thespian Charter of America. He has been accepted to New York University for his success in performing arts. He is majoring in Musical Theatre and minoring in dance. Although he has not received many scholarships besides the VA scholarship, this young performer will be sure to have a very successful time in New York City.

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top Academic female. She has a 4.0 GPA and 115.0 total grade points. Her total weighted credits are 28.75. She has been involved in the Environmental Club and Girls Learn International. Gabby will attend The University of Iowa and major in Business. She received the Hall of Honor Award. With several other scholarships to her name, her college is paid for.

Raegan Menke

is the top female athlete. She was chosen due to her success in Volleyball. While at Central, she was involved in volleyball, and track. She plans on attending Kirkwood Community College and majoring in health. While receiving an 85% athletic scholarship to school, she also received a full ride for her academic success. This young lady is one of the top prospect volleyball players in the Midwest and is sure to be a success in her college career.

Top Female Theatre Performer

Kadijah Pettie

is the top female theatre performer. Kadijah is one of the best vocalists at Central, but also a great performer. While at Central, she was involved in drama, show choir, marching band, and future teachers club. She played golf,during her time at Central. She is attending Chicago state university to major in music education and minor in social studies. She received $14,000 in academic scholarships and $2,000 in music vocal scholarships. This young performer will be sure to have her voice heard.

Senior Spotlight Top Male Vocalist James Moraetes is the top

Top Female Vocalist Elise Castro is the female

male vocalist. Not only is he a vocalist, he is a dancer as well. He was involved in Show Choir and caroling while at Central. He debuted his first single ‘you and me’ at the variety show. He was also involved in Swimming. He will attend Iowa State University to major in Engineering. This young vocalist will top charts and we should all be glad we experienced his amazing vocals.

vocalist at Central High School. She is attending Indiana University. She was in National Honors Society, Girls Learn International, and served as one of the student board members. She will double major in Theater and Drama, and minor in Public Relations. She has received the Davenport Schools Foundation Scholarship along with several others. This young vocalist is sure to be a star very soon.

Top Male Artist Dakota Vernon is the top

Top Female Artist Lydia King is the female artist

male artist of the year. He has been making illustrations since his freshman year, and has been recognized for that, being the President of the National Art Honor Society. He has dedicated his life to his art, and it shows in his work. He plans to attend Scott Community College and then transfer to the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Illinois. He will major in Digital Illustration. He has not received many scholarships quite yet, but be sure to look out for this young artist, as he will be sure to be a world known artist sooner rather than later.

of the year. While at Central, she was in National Art Honor Society. She played softball. She is attending Minneapolis College of Art and Design. She is majoring in photography and minoring in animation. She received $48,000 from the school she is attending and other scholarships for her artwork. She recently won First Place in an Iowa High School Press Association contest in the Illustration and Art category. This young artist has proved to be magnificent in her field of study. We will surely see her artwork displayed across the world.

Side Note...

All of the selections made were choices made by the success the student has had in the category they have been selected in. They have all been role models throughout the school and will be long remembered here at Davenport Central High School for their dedication and pure talent in their category of interest. They were seen throughout the community as successful students and the face of Central throughout the years they attended. Several students were not selected, but were picked as finalists. Those runner-ups were, Jesse Maddox, Jayvon Matthews, Jacob Lamantia, Tyler Hoeksema, Geo Butler, Mitchell Portz, Collin Harrington, Jordan Miller (m), Thomas Corbin, Naomi Elias, Rose Vanderwal, Kate Pearson, Sarah Kersten, Danielle Baresel, Grace Voelliger, Kristina Seier, Aly Knutsen, Tanasha Atwater, Tadaisha Thornton, Rodkeesha Jackson, Atavia Rush, Morgan Mahon, Madison West, Claire Honsey, Jasmine Maddox, Molly Schebler, Tillie Sitz, Deena Gibbs, Courtney Green, Dajanique Jackson, Jacynthia West, Noel Howell, and Jordan Miller(f). The Blackhawk Staff would like to congratulate these students along with others that were not named. This year’s senior class has been incredibly successful in receiving scholarships and leaving their mark on the community at Central.

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Our Generation’s Pathway to Success By Selena Flores and Corrie Sabel

In this generation, college is becoming the norm for many graduating seniors in high school. About 30 years ago, in our parent’s generation, it was more acceptable to not further their education and instead get a job right out of high school. Even though it was more affordable, not many made the huge step to college. Now, in our day in age, you hear of many students who have decided to get a degree first and then a higher paying job. Industry jobs are out and becoming sparse. Interviewing some students, we realized that the statistics were changing. Every single one of the seniors we interviewed said they were headed off to some sort of college or into the military. Elizabeth Heidt, Maria Schmidt, and Anthony Howland are attending Scott for two years and then transferring to University of Iowa. “I honestly really like gore and blood so I decided to go to medical school and I’m thinking about being a doctor,” admitted Heidt. Schmidt plans on going into marketing to become a real estate agent, and Howland wants to major in political science and minor in music. Scott Community College is a popular choice for seniors because it gives them an opportunity to get their core credits out of the way and then pursue their majors at a university. Scott isn’t the only community college that many seniors go to, Blackhawk Community College is another one that is close enough to home but is across the river and technically in a different state. “I chose to go to Blackhawk and learn about computer art,” said Shykerra Ford. With a unique twist, Beatriz Almanza is going to

Scott; “I’m becoming a registered nurse because my mom is currently in the hospital and has been in there for about two years now and I have seen how the nurses treat and help her and I also want to do the same for others.” Private schools are tough. The price tag is high, and the admission stakes are even higher. Katelyn O’Hare-Hayes has gotten into Drake University. She is double majoring in marketing and public relations. When asked how she got accepted into such an elite school she stated; “I applied early admission and got my acceptance in November. Taking AP classes and having some extra curriculars helped a ton.” Private Universities are a challenge but with the right mindset and goals anyone could achieve their aspirations. On the other side of the spectrum, students have decided to take the step in joining the military. John Polasheck is making the honorable choice of going into the Army. “I want to join for four years and do some work in maintenance and welding. The skills I learn in this will help me in the civilian world and will provide me with many opportunities after I graduate,” said Polasheck. Senior Eric Fitzpatrick who is currently attending high school still but is technically also already in the army. “I joined because it will get me ahead and a start on life. ROTC has helped in the path of getting to where i am now,” explained Fitzpatrick. Whether it’s college or serving our country for the better good, every student has different plans for their future.

Photo Credit: Madisen Hovey

16 The Blackhawk 5.21.14

Senior Scholarships Anderson Dakota Arth




Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Athletic Scholarship

Academic Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Multicultural Scholarship



Multicultural Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship



Rotary Scholarship

DuTrac Academic Scholarship



John & Shirley Berry Scholarship

Behrendt Jacob

First-Year Scholarship



Waldo Scholarship



Behrendt Jacob

Freshman Tuition Scholarship



Leadership Scholarship



Behrendt Jacob

DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship

Kall Adam Mediacom World Class Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship





Bomkamp Sierra

Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship





Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Romilus Sedat




Athletic Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Romilus Sedat

DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Kersten Sarah

Ministry and Missions Scholarship

Romilus Sedat

Jim Hester Hall of Honor Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Nancy Kapheim Scholarship



Presidential Scholarship





Ivory Optimist Scholarship





Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Schebler Molly




Behrendt Jacob



Castro Elise Castro








Diamond Mitchell

National Defense Scholarship Gear Up Scholarship Wartburg Honors Gear Up Scholarship Presidential Scholarship

Rossback Christopher

Gear Up Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

MCAD Visual Art Scholarship



Athletic Scholarship Music Department French Horn Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship

Schebler Molly

QC Auto Scholarship

Lawrence Nyah

Gear Up Scholarship

Schindler Roy

National 4 year Army ROTC Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Schindler Roy

DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Schindler Roy

General I. D. White Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship



Presidential Scholarship

Hanae Fujiwara Wiese Music Scholarship



H.L. Taylor Scholarship

Academic Scholarship





Old Gold Scholarship



Elias Elias Fairchild

Good Citizens Scholarship


Maddox Jesse

DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship





Gear Up Scholarship Youth Corp Scholarship Gear Up Scholarship


Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Sitz Tillie


Athletic Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Future Leaders Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Sorensen Joseph

Athletic Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Spataru Leon

Gear Up Scholarship



Foster Ajai Deena


Mielenhausen Van

Dean’s Scholarship

Mielenhausen Van

Presidential Scholarship


Levy Scholarship


Jordan J.



Future Leaders Scholarship





Gibbs Deena

Academic Scholarship

Honorable Students Scholarship


Gibbs Deena

Presidential Scholarship

Schipper Jonathan


Fitzpatrick Eric Gibbs

Boy’s State

Pugh Cameron Mu Chi Lambda Chapter Scholarship

Severson David

Gear Up Scholarship


Engineering First Year Scholarship

Ivory Optimist Scholarship Science, Technology and Math Scholarship




Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Thoeming Erika

Gear Up Scholarship

Dean’s Scholarship



Breitback Catholic Scholarship


Gear Up Scholarship



Loras Music Scholarship


Gear Up Scholarship



Sophia Hapke Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Tope Mason DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Trujillo Jesse



Gear Up Scholarship

Nicholson Cody

Gear Up Scholarship

Valadez-Cobos Karina




Gear Up Scholarship

Voelliger Grace

Honors Scholarship

President’s Award for Competitive Excellence

Weinstein Dana

DEA Dwight H. Persels Memorial Scholarship

Academic Scholarship


Gear Up Scholarship

Hankes Sarah


Heinrichs Matthew

Gear Up Scholarship

O’Hare-Hayes Katelyn

Presidential Scholarship



Henry Carmentae

Gear Up Scholarship

O’Hare-Hayes Katelyn

Ivory Optimist Scholarship



Herington Collin

Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Herington Collin

Bowling Scholarship





CVM-Illinois Youth Mentoring Health Scholarship

Herington Collin

Bowling Scholarship

Pegram Janita



Levy Scholarship

Herington Collin

Bowling Scholarship

Perantinos Jordon

Gear Up Scholarship

West Madison Dr. Thomas A. Dooley Memorial Scholarship

Herington Collin

Academic Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship


Herington Collin

Academic Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

West Madison DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship






Gear Up Scholarship Gear Up Scholarship


Masonic Scholarship

Westmoreland Brandon

Gear Up Scholarship

Pfannenstiel Meghan


Wheaten Robin

Gear Up Scholarship

Hoeksema Gabrielle

Meyer Scholarship

Pfannenstiel Meghan




Gear Up Scholarship

Hoeksema Gabrielle

DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship

Hoeksema Tyler

DHS/CHS Hall of Honor Scholarship





Gear Up Scholarship



Gear Up Scholarship




Howard Howard Hunter

Hanae Fujiwara Wiese Music Scholarship

Athletic Scholarship

Portz Mitchell Academic Excellence Scholarship

Academic Recognition Award




Gear Up Scholarship



Soccer Scholarship


Gear Up Scholarship



Presidential Scholarship


Gear Up Scholarship



Scholars Program Scholarship




Academic Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship



Ingram Laryn Jackson

Gear Up Scholarship

Pettie Kadijah

College Fair Scholarship

Academic Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship


Presidential Scholarship

Nowachek Samuel

George Washington Carver Tuition Scholarship


Academic Scholarship

Gear Up Scholarship

Information given by Guidance Office of Central

Page design by Kayla Kinkaid

5.21.14The Blackhawk 17

T Top Journalism School O University of Mizzouri P This school may not be known across the S C H O O L S

country as a top tier college, but Mizzou is highly regarded when it comes to their Journalism school. Missouri prides itself on being the first journalism school in the country. As one of the top journalism schools in the world, it is known for its’ “Missouri Method”, which students learn about journalism in the classroom as well as practicing it in multimedia laboratories and real-world outlets. Its program has more than 30 interest areas that are available within different sectors of the media world. Several affiliated professional organizations, including Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Pictures of the Year International, allow students to interact with working journalists. 2.Northwestern University 3.University of Georgia

Top Party School University of Iowa City: Iowa city, Iowa Total undergrads: 20,823 Ironically enough University of Iowa was voted the top party school in the nation by the Princeton Review. Besides this party reputation, U of I is also named the #7 Overall In-state tuition which is an A-list ranking and the top 100 overall out- of- state tuition. Iowa is well respected for many other things too, including its creative writing department. The Iowa Writer’s Workshop is one of the top writing programs in the U.S.

18 The Blackhawk 5.21.14

Top Athletic School Stanford University City: Stanford, California Total Undergrads: 6,980 With an impressive record in virtually every varsity sport, this Ivy League school holds the top ranking among sports colleges. Their athletics are known across the country for their number one ranks. With a staff of over 100 coaches and assistants, 34 varsity sports, and about 300 athletic scholarships, it’s no wonder this school presented 49 athletes in the 2008 Beijing Winter Olympics and has over 9,000 students enrolled in intramural sports in any given semester. Stanford has brought home the NACDA Director’s Cup award for Division I sports for the past 15 years, qualifying it as best overall for collegiate sports in the United States. Stanford is the number one rival in any bracket and their strong record is tough to beat in any sport they compete. The college isn’t all about sports though. Considering Stanford is one of the most prestigious private universities in the Ivy League, their academics are top of the notch too. This West coast private elite university has it all. 2. University of Florida 3. University of California Los Angeles

Iowa also hosts one of the country’s largest teaching hospitals, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Iowa’s athletic teams, the Hawkeyes, are very competitive in several sports, most notably football. Hawkeyes teams play in the Big Ten Conference of the NCAA’s Division 1. The University of Iowa is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. This Midwest regional school might be stereotyped with this label, but hey what else is there to do when we are surrounded by nothing but corn and cows? 2.University of California- Santa Barbara 3.University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

5.21.14The Blackhawk 19

Working at Central the last three years has been amazing. Thank you to all the seniors for your outstanding accomplishments. -Mrs. Bosco I want to thank, and congratulate our senior class of 2014. Remember that success is always having done your best. -Mr. Hawley In the words of the immortal Donald Trump, “As long are you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big. -Mr. Driscoll Be your best every day. Commit to being excellent at whatever you choose to do. Expect great things from yourself and hold yourself accountable to the goals that you set. Never stop learning and trying to make yourself and those around you better. Class of 2014: You are truly outstanding! -Mr. McKissick 2166-3161 YLI DubuqueHSNewsTheBlackhawk5x3.75.ai

The Blackhawk staff would like to thank all of our supporters during the school year. We would especially like to thank our administrators, parents, and our Adviser, Mr. Clint Balsar








20 The Blackhawk 5.21.14




1:52 PM

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