This semester, the campus community has observed an uptick in students’ usage of electric scooters to travel to and from classes, leading to complaints from students and faculty about unsafe use and the potential dangers they impose.
On Nov. 11, an email in accordance with the UMW Broadcast Email Policy was sent out to students and faculty from the Office of Emergency Management and Safety, addressing the safety concerns associated with the increased usage.
“While we recognize the convenience of scooters as a mode of transportation, their use must follow Virginia law, local ordinances, and general use guidelines,” the email read.
“We have received complaints from students about the scooter use in buildings and input from staff members about damage to floors and also occasionally blocking doors/egress.”
Vice President for Student Affairs Juliette Landphair said the number of people using electric scooters on campus has risen markedly this semester. With this, the number of grievances regarding these vehicles rose as well.
“We have received complaints from students about the scooter use in buildings and input from staff members about damage to floors and also occasionally blocking doors/egress,” she said.
The campus-wide email continued to state the prohibition of scooter use and storage indoors. This policy is an extension of existing guidelines that prohibit scooters from entering residence halls.
“It will help keep the residence halls cleaner because there have been a lot of tire marks and chips in the floor from the scooters,” said Celine Jenkins, a junior accounting major and scooter owner.
Callie Harkins
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In addition to the guidance on indoor safety, UMW also addressed traffic and safety issues regarding both scooters and bicycles on campus, specifically around high-traffic areas such as the covered walkway at Woodard Hall and Simpson Library.
“Several students have shared with me their concerns about people riding electric scooters and electric bikes quickly past them on campus, especially down by Woodard Hall and the Simpson Library,” Landphair said.
Sophomore conservation biology major Lana Carter said she has had previous issues with the scooters around campus.
”One of my personal experiences was a time where I was walking past the Simpson Library on my way to class and two scooters came speeding past and almost hit me,” she said. “After this incident happened, I felt very frustrated that they have no awareness about their surroundings.”
Carter explained that in her experience, bicyclists are often more courteous than scooter users because they appear to have more control and awareness when riding.
“I think in comparison to the scooters, the cyclists have much more control over their actions while operating an object that can potentially cause injury to themselves and others,” she said. “I will admit that if you have no other way of transportation around campus, a non-electric option would make the students that are walking feel safer.”
A similar concern in regard to campus safety is the fire hazard that electric vehicles pose.
“For years we have had a prohibition on electric vehicles in residence halls,” Landphair said. “We decided to expand that to all UMW buildings given the fire hazard that electric scooters impose.”
According to the email, “lithium-ion batteries used in electric scooters and other devices may pose a safety risk. They do not go through UL testing to ensure safety and
performance standards. If the batteries are not used as directed or are defective, they can overheat, catch fire, or explode.”
The email further emphasized the importance of vehicle safety and considering the limitations while riding. Riders are advised to obey traffic laws, yield to pedestrians and dismount the vehicle in high-traffic areas on campus where space may be limited.
Riders must also do so in accordance with the Fredericksburg code pertaining to downtown streets, which prohibits the use of such vehicles on the streets, sidewalks and parking lots of Downtown Fredericksburg, and Virginia law for electric personal assistive mobility devices, electrically-powered toy vehicles, electric power-assisted bicycles and motorized skateboards or scooters, which regulates the maximum speed at which these vehicles may operate, as well as where they are permitted to be ridden.
Landphair and the Office of Emergency Management and Safety recommend that all scooter-riding students lock their scooters on outside bike racks or other appropriate structures so long as they do not impede, ingress or egress to campus buildings.
According to Landphair and the email, the Office of Student Affairs is working with the Student Government Association to further develop these policies. The policies will also be developed based on feedback received throughout the semester.
“We will review policy related to these devices this fall and work with the Student Government Association on further delineating appropriate scooter use on campus with pedestrian safety in mind,” the email read.
Please report any corrections to Callie Harkins at weeklyringer.eic@gmail.com or Sushma Subramanian at ssubrama@umw.edu
Please direct all advertising inquiries to Callie Harkins at weeklyringer.eic@gmail.com.
Bell tower logo designed by Bernadette D’Auria ‘22
On Nov. 5, the far-right Republican Party beat the Democratic Party for the presidency and the Senate. The House of Representatives was also called in their favor several days later. This isn’t a majority rule, however, as President-elect Donald Trump clinched just short of 76 million votes according to the Associated Press. The 2024 National Census Survey accounted for nearly 336 million people, 245 million of whom were eligible to vote in the general election, which means that the Republican Party managed to seize power with only 22% of Americans casting votes in their favor, and just shy of 31% of eligible voters.
The American people aren’t stupid. They aren’t lazy or apathetic, but you have to earn votes if you want to win an election. Claiming that you will be less evil than the opposition doesn’t cut it anymore. This isn’t to say the election was unwinnable; the Harris-Walz campaign could have easily gained 10 or even 20 percent of turnout had they simply distanced themselves from the Biden administration.
At some point during the Democratic Party’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee made the decision that they could campaign in an attempt to attract farright voters rather than addressing the material concerns that most Americans face. President Joe Biden stepped down from his reelection campaign in July because both internal and external polling post-debate showed a Democratic victory with him on the ticket being next to impossible, and Vice President Harris became the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election.
As the Harris ticket dragged former Republican con-
gresswoman Liz Cheney out on the campaign trail, where they used her to chase the far-right vote, the DNC lost support among Americans whose votes they desperately needed. They tried to out-fascist a fascist by collaborating with far-right figures, espousing a border security bill that would have resulted in the same mass deportations that their campaign claimed to be running against and refusing to show a change of tac on Biden’s horrific foreign policy, especially with regards to Gaza, and they lost because of it.
“The American people aren’t stupid. They aren’t lazy or apathetic, but you have to earn votes if you want to win an election. Claiming you will be less evil than the opposition doesn’t cut it anymore.”
- Alden Friend
The Harris campaign could have gained support in Michigan and Wisconsin by addressing the genocide in Gaza, and they could have gained support from historically apolitical demographics by committing to keeping US troops out of the Middle East, and by discussing pocketbook issues during campaign events and interviews, such as gas prices, inflation, etc. Instead, the Harris-Walz campaign doubled down on the issues that led to such abysmally low approval ratings for the Biden administration, Harris specifically going as far as to say “not a thing comes to mind that I would have done differently.”
For students wanting to continue their athletic involvement in college without the commitment required to be an NCAA Division III player, UMW’s club sports programs offer an increasingly popular alternative that allows students to stay active, build community and partake in various sports in a more flexible environment.
“I was never good enough to play college but still loved the sport,” said Jack Mahoney, a junior communication and digital studies major who joined the men’s club soccer team his freshman year and is now team president.
UMW currently has 17 club sports teams who practice regularly and have the opportunity to travel across Virginia and other parts of the country for competitions with other university club teams. All club sports are student-led, with presidents overseeing practices instead of coaches. Each sport only practices a few times a week and usually has a game on the weekend.
Harsha Ravuri, a senior communication and digital studies major, joined club volleyball his freshmen year after playing for several years before the pandemic.
“That was the first club I was looking to become a part of at UMW,” he said.
Through his experience on the club volleyball team, Ravuri has found an environment that encourages all players to enjoy themselves and stay positive throughout the season.
“Our team atmosphere is incredibly positive and collaborative,” he said. “We enjoy working together, supporting each other, and celebrating our achievements as a team.”
While being involved with a club sports team allows students to continue playing at a competitive level and build lasting friendships, it also offers students an opportunity to gain leadership skills that translate to all aspects of life. This year is Mahoney’s first as club soccer president and he says it brings significantly more responsibility.
“Club soccer gives me the flexibility to prioritize school work while still playing the sport I love.”
-Rachel Nelson
“I am the president now and it definitely takes up a good chunk of time both physically, going to all the practices and games, and a lot mentally just throughout the day, thinking of practice plans, potential roster, tactics, etc.,” he said.
“We enjoy working together, supporting each other, and celebrating our achievements as a team.”
-Harsha Ravuri
While the team is dedicated to winning, maintaining an environment that lets students enjoy the game is just as important.
“There is definitely some competitiveness, and we take it pretty seriously, but overall, it is a very chill and positive atmosphere,” said Mahoney.
“Without club soccer and the people I met from it, I probably would have transferred schools.”
-Rachel Nelson
For club sports, there is a balance between competitiveness and camaraderie which can help impact students’ college experience.
“Being part of the club volleyball has impacted me in a positive way,” said Ravuri. “It helped me build connections and great friends. It helped me gain leadership experience and showed me how to communicate with others.”
Rachel Nelson, a senior business administration major, has been playing soccer since she was five years old. For her, joining the women’s club soccer team in her freshman year was about more than just staying active.
“Club soccer gives me the flexibility to prioritize school work while still playing the sport I love,” she said.
Nelson also emphasized the camaraderie of her team. Her experience underscores the role club sports play in fostering strong social connections and teamwork among college students.
“Being a part of club soccer is one of the best parts of my college experience,” she said. “Without club soccer and the people I met from it, I probably would have transferred schools.”
Must Close November 24
Trump campaigned on a promise of bringing gas prices down under $2 per gallon, and even though he never delivered a plan on how to accomplish that or any of his other economic promises, many of his supporters voted for him with the belief that he will address many of the economic issues plaguing the nation. Today, living is simply unaffordable for everyone, and when people can’t afford to drive to work or class, buy groceries or feed their pets, empty promises like these often sound enticing. When they fail to pay their bills, and they fall behind on loans, some people are willing to forfeit their freedom and liberty just for an opportunity to eat. This is how fascism takes hold.
Fascism isn’t a political ideology. It’s a phenomenon that happens when ideologies decay and break down. In an interview with Vox, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright explains how fascism operates.
“Fascism isn’t a political ideology. It’s a phenomenon that happens when ideologies decay and break down.”
-Alden Friend
“I try to argue that fascism is not an ideology; it’s a process for taking and holding power. A fascist is somebody who identifies with one group — usually an aggrieved majority — in opposition to a smaller group. It’s about majority rule without any minority rights. Which is why fascists tend to single out the smaller group as being responsible for or the cause of their grievances,” said Albright in the interview.
Most Americans are only a single paycheck away from being destitute, and when things get this bad, people start to look for answers. As the status quo begins to fail, people look for alternatives, and as it stands now, the far-right is the only direction for people to turn.
The Democratic Party had every opportunity to gain support from demographics they desperately needed to win over, and their own insiders could see the writing on the wall, and party leadership still kept their heads buried in the sand. The Republicans didn’t win this election, the Democrats lost it.
On Nov. 5, former President Donald Trump was re-elected to the office of the presidency and will be inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States this January. Following the election, some UMW students have felt a significant change in the atmosphere on campus.
“Campus has felt very dour in comparison with how it felt right before the election,” said Saxon Joyner, a freshman who voted for Vice President Kamala Harris. “It felt very vibrant and hopeful and then I remember vividly waking up on [Nov. 6] and it was quiet. I feel like it’s just maintained this crushed spirit.”
Despite being over two weeks out from the election, some students feel that the campus has not returned to normal and the feeling of tension surrounding the outcome remains.
“It’s more normal, but it is lingering— it’s a topic, but it is not as prevalent,” said Kiera Croswait, a junior English major.
While some have felt that the energy on campus has deflated in the past two weeks, not all students have noticed a significant shift in the state of campus following the election.
“I honestly don’t [see a difference on campus], that is not to say there isn’t a difference, I just haven’t detected it,” said Matthew Clark, a junior political science major.
Initial emotions immediately following the outcome of the election may have simmered, but as the president-elect announces controversial cabinet picks, like former congressman Matt Gaetz who has been the recent subject of a House Ethics Committee investigation as Attorney General, junior environmental science major Rosabella Sisti says the tension creeps back up.
“It’s still underlying, like when appointees are revealed,” she said.
According to Sydney Holroyd, a junior political science major, some students prefer not to talk about the election results at all. She says that she believes election results are not a topic that wants to be spoken about around campus.
“I think people just don’t want to talk about it, or they’re sick of talking about it, that’s what my friends are saying,” she said.
Some students feel the results of the election will significantly impact their lives post-graduation. Jordan Meehan, a senior psychology and elementary educa-
tion double major, is worried about how the Trump administration would impact her future career in education because of the president-elect’s stated intentions of eliminating the Department of Education.
“I’m pretty sure it would impact Title 1 schools and the funding they receive, which I work at one currently and can’t imagine the detrimental impact on my students’ lives,” she said. “For a lot of my kids, two of their meals every day are funded and given through the school.”
have lived overseas, and my lived experiences had a great impact on my vote. Honestly, it has caused strained relationships and the lack of understanding from some individuals is a reflection of an issue within the political body.”
Clark, who voted for Harris, said that he could not be friends with someone who voted for Trump.
“I don’t have any Republican friends, but if I did have them, and they voted for Trump, I would have cut them off,” he said.
Similar to Meehan, Beckham D’Amico, a senior conservation biology major, worries about how the outcome of the election may impact the future of conservation efforts.
“Working in the environmental field, my first day back to the office after the election was incredibly dreary and tense— the upcoming years are likely to be quite troublesome for environmental action and policy,” he said.
One lingering effect of the election at UMW has been the strain on students’ relationships with peers who voted differently than them.
Tonia Attie, a junior political science major who voted for Green Party nominee Jill Stein, said that her decision to vote third party has strained some of her relationships.
“There are going to be people who do not understand why I made the decision to vote third party,” she said. “I will explain that I have family overseas, that I myself
The Crime Column is based on UMW Police reports from Nov. 13 - Nov. 20.
There has been no crime reported since The Weekly Ringer’s last publication on Nov. 15.
However, freshman Adrienne Blazquez disagrees with those who cut ties because of differing political ideologies.
“I don’t see the point in cutting off friendships because of politics—you shouldn’t exclude people because of their political views,” she said.
Madeline Crabtree, a sophomore history major who voted for Harris, was caught by surprise by the amount of Trump supporters on campus.
“On a lot of social media, especially Yik Yak, there were a lot of Trump supporters coming out of the woodwork. It felt like Harris supporters were staying quiet,” she said, noting that previously it felt as though many of the political posts on the app were from Harris supporters.
President-elect Trump will be sworn into office on Jan. 25, 2025, along with his running mate, Vice President-elect J.D. Vance—exactly one week into UMW’s spring semester.
Being away from home, especially at college, can be hard, but for international athletes who come to UMW to play a sport from another country, it is an entirely different story. These athletes move thousands of miles away from their homes to dedicate their time and energy to their sport and to becoming the best athletes they can be, not only for themselves but for their team too.
Izzy Schefermann is a freshman from Dubai currently playing rugby for the UMW women’s team. In Dubai, she says, rugby is much more popular compared to the United States so although the low level of interest was not surprising, it was an adjustment.
“At home rugby is an extremely popular sport, there is a lot of competition,” she said. “When I came here my friends did not really know what rugby was and it did not surprise me because I knew that rugby in the U.S. was a growing sport because my brother got recruited here to play.”
Being a part of a growing sport in the U.S. means a lot for Schefermann. She not only was recruited to play for UMW, but she already knew about the school because her brother Sebastian Schefermann is a senior here, and he recently got recruited to play rugby professionally after he graduated.
International students are not recruited to UMW just for rugby. Freddy Rogers, a senior marketing major from the United Kingdom, is the men’s soccer team’s starting goalkeeper. For Rogers, playing in the U.S. at UMW means learning different styles of gameplay and adjusting to a condensed season compared to those in the U.K.
“It’s definitely different playing in a different country, different styles of play and the main change is the structure of the season, where I’m used to playing from August through to May, it’s a lot more compact here,” he said.
Rogers decided to play soccer in the U.S. because it allowed him to play at the highest level that he could. For his first two
years of college, Rogers played at North Carolina Wesleyan University, then transferred to UMW after being approached by Head Men’s Soccer Coach Jason Kilby.
“For my first two years in the U.S., I played at another University, NC Wesleyan and I decided I wanted a different challenge that would push me to be a better player and when Coach Kilby contacted me about this opportunity, I knew it was the right environment for me,” he said.
For some sports, like tennis, the grounds the game is played on differ between countries so the change may be more difficult for international student-athletes. For Linda Dimitroff, a senior internal business major from Schorndorf, Germany, learning to compete on the new surface was challenging.
“We play on a different surface at home, so it was a change for me to play on a hard court at the beginning,” she said. “Tennis is also a quieter sport, whereas at college it is louder and there is more of a focus on team spirit. Tennis is more of an individual sport, so I really enjoy being part of a team here.”
Alexandra Covington, the head women’s tennis coach, reached out to Dimitroff to see if she would play at UMW after the university she was initially playing at closed because of financial issues. It was not the first time that the two crossed paths, they met back in 2020 at a showcase in Germany.
Ihor Birioutchenskiww is a freshman business management major from Ukraine who is swimming on the UMW men’s swim team. He says that compared to Ukraine, competitions happen more frequently in the U.S.
“Our practices are also different, we swim more volume during practice and less speed,” he said. “The UMW men’s swim team feels like a family compared to home, where nobody cares about each other.”
UMW’s international student-athletes often sacrifice time away from their families and home countries to play the sport that they love in the United States. While the competitive differences vary between nations, these athletes dedicate much of their time at UMW to bettering themselves and their teams.
Men’s Soccer (19-1-2)
Nov. 16 vs. William Peace University (3-1)
Nov. 17 vs. Ohio Wesleyan University (1-0)
Nov. 23 vs. Denison University
Women’s Volleyball (14-17)
Nov. 15 vs. Salisbury University (1-3)
Nov. 16 vs. University of California, Santa Cruz (0-3)
Men’s Swimming (3-2)
Nov. 15 @ St. Mary’s College of Maryland (158-104)
Nov. 22 @ Franklin & Marshall
Women’s Swimming (5-0)
Nov. 15 @ St. Mary’s College of Maryland (187-81)
Nov 22. @ Franklin & Marshall
Men’s Basketball (2-2)
Nov. 15 vs. Maryville College (84-58)
Nov. 16 vs. Marietta College
Nov. 23 @ North Carolina Wesleyan University
Women’s Basketball (2-3) Nov. 16 vs. Methodist University (67-42)
Nov. 17 vs. Meredith College (54-40)
Nov. 23 @ Messiah University Nov. 26 vs. North Carolina Wesleyan University
Games are available to watch via livestream on the UMW Athletics webpage www.eagles.com/composite