3 minute read
South Carolina General Assembly gets off to quick start
Kevin Aylmer, kevina@blufftonsun.com
Lynne Hummell, editor@blufftonsun.com
Kim Perry Bowen
Melissa McCullough
Jeff Bradley
Amy Campanini
Sydney Caskey
Collins Doughtie
Mathew Epps
E. Ronald Finger
Jennifer Herrin
Edwina Hoyle
Barry Kaufman
Brett Myers
Kingston Rhodes
Gwyneth J. Saunders
Larry Stoller
Mark F. Winn
Tim Wood
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Claudia Chapman 814-434-3665
Mike Garza 804-928-2151
Mary Pat Gifford 912-414-7122
For information about The Hilton Head Sun, contact: Kevin Aylmer PO Box 2056, Bluffton, SC 29910 843-757-9507, 843-757-9506 (fax)
Physical address: 14D Johnston Way Bluffton, SC 29910
All contents copyright protected 20220. All submissions must include name, address and phone number. The Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any material, including advertisements. The Hilton Head Sun does not verify for licenses, endorse nor warrant any advertised businesses or services. The opinions and views expressed in the editorials are not necessarily those of the Editor and Publisher. Member, Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce.
Unlike the United States Congress, our 125th session of the South Carolina General Assembly got off to a really quick start two weeks ago.
On the first day, our new Speaker G. Murrell Smith, Jr. gaveled in the session, and we were off to work. I’m hoping to set in motion a great many positive solutions for our state during the next four months.
Among the first issues on the House agenda was to expedite Gov. Henry McMaster’s promise to accelerate an infrastructure bill (H-3209) that will advance economic development across the entire state.
This bill encompasses widening interstate highways, including the stretch of I-95 that runs from the Georgia border 33 miles northbound to where U.S. 17 branches off toward Charleston at Point South.
The initial phase of this project (the eight miles from Georgia’s border to Hwy. 278 – at Exit 8 to Hardeeville and Hilton Head Island) will start within 12 months. The engineering and design are already underway. This will be an enormous benefit for those of us who need to reach the Savannah Airport on a regular basis. The entire 33-mile highway stretch is estimated to cost $360 million.
During the session’s first week there were more than 700 bills allocated to their proper committees for review. Every legislator began working within their committees and/or subcommittees to discuss, and either dismiss or send these bills to the House floor for debate.
I was the prime sponsor of three House bills, including H-3547 which, if approved, will “amend the South Carolina Code of Laws by prohibiting the collection of personal information from children by operators of websites and online services.” It is my strong belief that without this prohibition, online predators will continue to target minors to risks of cyberbullying, identity theft, exposure to graphic content, plus ideological persuasion and other insidious entrapment.
In an overwhelming 101-14 bipartisan
Letter to the Editor
vote, I joined my House colleagues to support a bill that will allocate our state’s portion of the American Rescue Plan to fund key infrastructure investments that will update and construct new water and sewer facilities for towns in rural areas. Additionally, we built into the legislation increased transparency and accountability measures that will ensure that no member of the General Assembly will be able to personally benefit from the distribution of these funds.
Also among the very first issues taken up during the first two weeks was how best to fight against the dangerous rise of fentanyl trafficking. Such trafficking has resulted in record fentanyl-related deaths over the past two years in our state. An overwhelming number of affected family members along with law enforcement representatives showed up in Columbia to testify to the House Judiciary Criminal Laws Subcommittee about what has been happening in their local communities. A new bill to significantly increase penalties for fentanyl trafficking is the objective. I strongly support it.
To the Editor:
When was the last time you considered what your personal values are in these troubling, divisive times? Are you living your personal values? Do they guide you every day?
I was reminded of this valuable exercise review after listening to a Sunday message entitled, “We Can Choose a Better Way.” Just what are my values, what is most important in my life, and are they compatible?
First, what are values and how would you define your values? Values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They should determine your priorities; they’re the measurement to tell you if your life is turning out the way you want it to. Life is easier when you recognize your values and make plans and decisions that honor them, according to mindtools.com, an online resource for work and life advice.
Personal, unselfish values are numerous, including compassion, honesty, trustworthiness, accountability, truthfulness, integrity etc. Upon determining your top three or four values, are you proud of them? Do you share them with others? Do you support your values even if not popular, thus putting you in the minority?
How do you want to be remembered? What will your legacy be?
Friends, in the Lowcountry, as we begin 2023, let us take the time to understand the real priorities in our lives, helping us to determine the best direction for each of us while helping to make our world a better place.
Earle Everett Moss Creek