3 minute read
Love your town? Apply for committee vacancies
The Town of Bluffton believes in and appreciates input from our residents. We feel strongly that our town makes the best decisions when getting feedback from our citizens.
the lodging industry.
The Affordable Housing Committee has three vacancies: one for a representative of a community organization (i.e., nonprofit or an organization that exists to serve the community), one for a representative of the banking/mortgage industry, and one for a Bluffton resident.
Therese Donlan Lee
Matthew Mastrorocco
Diana McDougall
Oswald Mikell
John Riolo
Dean Rowland
Gwyneth J. Saunders
Larry Stoller
Lisa Sulka
Tim Wood
B.J. Frazier, Sales Director, 843-422-2321
Claudia Chapman 814-434-3665
Mike Garza 804-928-2151
Mary Pat Gifford 912-414-7122
VISIT: BlufftonSun.com
For more information, contact: Kevin Aylmer PO Box 2056, Bluffton, SC 29910 843-757-9507, 843-757-9506 (fax)
Physical address: 14D Johnston Way Bluffton, SC 29910
All contents are copyrighted by Lowcountry Local Media Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. All submissions must include name, address and phone number. The Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any material, including advertisements. The Bluffton Sun
It is also important to get info out about the many ways people can participate in town business. Here’s one way you can get involved: Town Council is currently seeking qualified applicants for appointment to its boards, commissions, and committees.
This is a perfect time to consider volunteering because many terms will expire in June and there will be several opportunities for new participants to serve.
The Town is also debuting its newest committee, the Public Art Committee. See below for openings.
The most immediate need for new appointees is for the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee, which has four vacancies: two for representatives of the hospitality industry, one for a representative of a local cultural organization and one for a representative of
The Beautification Committee has two vacancies for a town resident, business owner, or freeholder (i.e., Bluffton property owner).
The Board of Zoning Appeals has four vacancies for a Town resident, business owner, or property owner.
The Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals has two vacancies, one for an engineer and the other for an electrical contractor.
The Historic Preservation Commission has three vacancies: two for a resident, business owner or property owner in the Historic District, and one at-large position (i.e., applicant has a demonstrated interest, competency and/or knowledge in historic preservation).
The Municipal Election Commission has one vacancy for someone who is a resident and is registered to vote in the Town of Bluffton.
The Planning Commission has two vacancies for a town resident, property owner or business owner.
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
Did you know that there can’t be birds without bugs, the little things that run the world? These are precarious weeks when our land birds are raising babies in their nests, and we can ease their efforts to find food. Little known, but more than 90% of these bird species feed insects to their young, who desperately need the protein and fat to survive. That even includes nectar-loving hummingbirds.
Flies, beetles, crickets are on the menu, but caterpillars are the best! It takes more than 5,000 caterpillars to fledge a nestful of Carolina chickadees. What can we do insure survival?
We can stop spraying pesticides randomly on our plants and ground, killing the insects the birds need to survive, also ground-nesting native
The newly formed Public Art Committee has seven vacancies. Applicants can be those who produce art, sell art, are an art broker or work within the art community. Members of this committee may not submit proposals for consideration during their tenure on the committee and must recuse themselves from any votes or discussion related to projects, donations, or submittals with which they have a relationship.
A full list of the Town’s boards, commissions, and committees with a detailed description of their qualifications for appointment, duties and responsibilities is listed on the Town’s website, townofbluffton.sc.gov. Under the “Government” tab, click on the Boards, Commissions and Committees page.
The application is located online within this section.
Applications should be submitted to the Acting Town Clerk, Kerry Guzman, at kguzman@townofbluffton. com. Alternatively, applications may also be submitted by mailing a completed paper form to: Town Clerk, Town of Bluffton, P.O. Box 386, Bluffton, SC 29910.
For more information, contact Kerry Guzman via email or call 843-7064502.
Lisa Sulka is the mayor of the Town of Bluffton. lsulka@townofbluffton.com bees, our champion pollinators. Think of joining “No Mow May,” a national initiative supported by many U.S. community governments and private landowners, a project to increase awareness of the vast importance of bugs – yes, bugs! – on this earth.
Debby Boots Hilton Head Island