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34th annual All Saints Garden Tour set for May 20
The ever-popular All Saints Garden Tour will celebrate its 34th year of sharing unique local gardens with its self-guided tour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 20.
The Tour has something for everyone with this year’s six distinctive gardens: mature gardens of various sizes; gardens located on the water; gardens that were lovingly created and maintained by the owners; and gardens with stunning views.
Each $35 ticket includes the Tour and access to the All Saints Boutique and Bake Sale. A raffle for an original pastel by award-winning artist Joyce Nagel will be held during the day.
The six gardens are: An Unexpected Garden, Hilton Head Plantation, with mature camellias and hydrangeas, a pool and fountains; Serenity on the Sound in Port Royal Plantation, a tropical paradise with lilies, citrus and breathtaking views of Port Royal Sound; After the Deep Freeze in Port Royal Plantation, a mature garden with hydrangeas that is always a work in progress; Wright Family Park in Bluffton, with its historic camellias and a view over the May
River; In the Mood for a Change in Moss Creek, where the owner was inspired by freeze damage to try new things; and Nostra Gioia (Our Joy) in Hilton Head Plantation, designed to be a pleasant place to sit and contemplate nature.

Tickets are available online through midnight on May 18 at allsaintsgardentour.com. Through noon on May 19, they also can be purchased at The Greenery, The Green Thumb , Bruno Nursery, All Saints Episcopal Church, Burke’s Pharmacy, Hilton Head Wine & Spirits, and Markel’s Card & Gifts, Taylor’s Landscape and Sunshine Nursery during normal business hours.

If tickets remain, they can be purchased by cash or check the day of the Tour at All Saints Episcopal Church at 3001 Meeting St. from 8:30 a.m. to noon. For tickets and updated information, visit our website or call 843-681-8333. Tickets not picked up by noon on the day of the tour are forfeited.
Participants need to be able to safely walk on flagstone pathways and through uneven surfaces in the gardens.
• In observance of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, an Open House will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. May 4 at Hilton Head Island Mental Health Clinic, 151 Dillon Drive.
The event offers an opportunity to meet the staff, learn about services, network and strengthen relationships.
The event is free and open to the public.
• The Civil Air Patrol will hold an Open House from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. May 4 at Palmetto Electric Cooperative, 1 Cooperative Way in Hardeeville for prospective new members.
The organization is an official civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. This meeting will include current cadets speaking about their experiences and opportunities to members.
Membership is open to ages 12 and older, including adults. Parents are encouraged to attend with youth.
For more information, visit the CAP
Facebook page, @Hilton Head Composite Squadron, or email richard.moscatiello@ scwgcap.org
• May is Free Concert Month at Bluffton Branch Library, with events celebrating spring.

Scheduled events begin May 11, with Spring Ring Fest, presented by the Sun City Chimers, from 10 to 11 a.m. Spring Zing will be offered May 20 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. with the Sun City Jazz Band.
Spring Sing with the Sun City Singers will be held May 25 from 1 to 2 p.m. The concerts will be held in the large meeting room at the library, 120 Palmetto Way in Bluffton Village. Doors will open 15 minutes before each performance time. For more information and other special events, visit beaufortcountylibrary.org.
• Lowcountry GRASP (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing) will host meet- ings May 13 and June 27 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Bluffton Library, 120 Palmetto Way in Bluffton Village.
GRASP provides sources of help, compassion and understanding for individuals who have lost a loved one because of substance use.
There is no fee to attend, but registration is required prior to the first meeting. To register, contact Steven Weber at 843384-0938 or sweber7151@gmail.com. For more information, visit grasphelp.com.
• Local representatives from James River Greyhounds will be featuring retired race greyhound adoptions at PetSmart stores from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Hilton Head Island, first Saturday of the month; Bluffton, second Saturday of the month; and Hilton Head Island, third Saturday of the month.
Come to meet these sweet gentle dogs and learn about their transition to pets after their racing years end. Greyhounds are a unique breed of dog with an interesting history.
Contact Chris Schlentner 847-321-1771 or Karen Shea 804-356-4102 for more information.
• Meals on Wheels will host its inaugural Pickleball Tournament and Exhibition May 13 at Sea Pines Country Club on Hilton Head Island.

There will be three leveled men’s and women’s divisions, which may be combined based on number of entrants. At 5:30 p.m., a Men’s 5.0 Exhibition Match will be held. A silent auction will be included.
Entry fee is $75 per person and includes T-shirt and refreshments. A cash bar will be available.
Proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels Bluffton-Hilton Head to cover the cost of meals for homebound neighbors. For more information and to register call Bil Anderson at 843-302-0404 or

Mary Ellen Blankenship at 917-494-1698. For application, visit mowblufftonhiltonhead.org.

• The Sun City Hilton Head Amateur Radio Club will host an Amateur Radio License Exam session at 1:30 p.m. May 17 in the Bayside Room at The Lakehouse, 1251 Sgt William Jasper Blvd. in Sun City.
The exam session is open to all, but candidates must pre-register, both to ensure entry into Sun City for the exam, and to receive instruction about exam requirements. Contact Dennis Hopkins, 207350-1350, or AC4DH@arrl.net to register.
SCHHARC is dedicated to furthering the goals of Amateur Radio within the SCHH community and greater Beaufort County. Emergency communication drills are held throughout the year, and emergency communication support is provided to the Bluffton Township Fire District.
In addition, various programs are regularly presented to upgrade members’ and interested non-members’ radio skills and communications proficiency.
• Palmetto Quilt Guild will hold its monthly meeting May 18 at Hilton Head Beach and Tennis, Folly Field Road. Social hour begins at noon with the meeting beginning at 1 p.m.
Guest lecturer is Beth Helfter, who developed the accordion sewn half square triangle.
The following day, she will host a workshop, “The Carpenter’s Apprentice,” discussing how to use her unique tech- nique, at Palmetto Electric Community Room, Hardeeville.
Space is limited for the workshop. Cost is $48 for non-members. For more information, contact palmettoquiltguild@ gmail.com.
• Dr. Jill Tremble of St. Joseph’s Candler Neurology will be the speaker at 10 a.m. May 20 for the second session in the Memory Matters Speaker Series
The session will be held at Memory Matters, 17 William Hilton Parkway on Hilton Head Island. Cost is $20 per session, or $40 for the series.
For more information, call 843-8426688 or visit mymemorymatters.org.
• Sunset Rotary Club will host its inaugural Memorial Day Weekend Flags for Heroes event May 26-28 at the Veteran’s Memorial in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island.
The event seeks to honor local heroes and raise funds for veteran-related charities. Each honoree will have a 3-foot-by5-foot U.S. flag dedicated in their honor, and the flag will be mounted on a 10-foot pole along with others through the weekend.
Anyone can recognize a local hero –whether veteran, first responder, nurse, teacher, or anyone worthy of hero status. Cost of a flag posting and recognition is $65.
For more information, contact John Abboud at jmabboud@msncom or 303378-9390.
Meet our Editor
Lowcountry resident for 37 years
A native South Carolinian, Lynne hails from the capital city of Columbia, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism at the University of South Carolina. She moved to Hilton Head Island in 1984 for a typography job, not even realizing there was a beach. The next year, she met Amos, the man who would become her husband and soul mate. They married in 1990 on one of the beaches they discovered. A frequent crosser of the bridges to Bluffton, Lynne worked at the local daily for nine years and has been with the Sun since 2009. While her job is editing, she also enjoys writing, and is confident there is a novel in her head somewhere. ENJOYS: Waterfalls, good coffee, hanging out with the fam.