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Mayor’s message to graduates: Own your future
This month, I salute the graduates of our community as they close out their high school and college years and embark on new journeys. So, I am writing to them, and I hope you will help me share this message with the Class of 2023.
achieve them?
It doesn’t matter if it is family life, where you want to live, the job you pursue, or even the car you want to drive. What does your plan look like, and does it fit you to make your goal a reality? Are you willing to give it 100%, sacrifice, and go above and beyond? Because that is what it takes.
be obstacles you can’t overcome. Instead, let them be an opportunity to learn and grow. Failure happens only when you get knocked down and don’t get back up.
Learn from your weaknesses and strengths. They help us to rise higher and become better human beings.
Edwina Hoyle
Barry Kaufman
Alan Perry
Gwyneth J. Saunders
Michele Steif
Larry Stoller
Scott Weirman
B.J. Frazier, Sales Director, 843-422-2321
Claudia Chapman 814-434-3665
Mike Garza 804-928-2151
Mary Pat Gifford 912-414-7122
For information about The Hilton Head Sun, contact: Kevin Aylmer PO Box 2056, Bluffton, SC 29910 843-757-9507, 843-757-9506 (fax)
Physical address: 14D Johnston Way Bluffton, SC 29910
All contents copyright protected 20220. All submissions must include name, address and phone number. The Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any material, including advertisements. The Hilton Head Sun does not verify for licenses, endorse nor warrant any advertised businesses or services. The opinions and views expressed in the editorials are not necessarily those of the Editor and Publisher. Member, Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce.
Heading off on the next journey is your choice and yours to make your own. It is about you – whether you head to college, university, grad school, gap year, or whatever else is in your plan.
I am sure you have often been asked what your future goals are. I bet you have many. The question I ask is, What is your plan? Having goals is great, but what is the plan to
A while back, a friend said to me there are two kinds of people in the world, those who see a mountain to climb and find the challenge to be too much for them to overcome, and those who see the mountain, take it head-on, and attack the challenge.
I believe there is a third kind: those who lead others to get over the mountain. Sometimes those around you need support to move forward. Sometimes that person might just be you. So don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Know your strengths and weaknesses.
You will face many challenges in your life. I certainly have. But do not let challenges
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
“Positivity” is defined as a state of being positive while pessimistic is a tendency to expect the worse outcome. The author of a recent Wall Street Journal opinion article on positivity admitted to being a pessimistic, sarcastic cynic, prone to negative prognostications and inaccuracies, inferring that this condition is permeating our society while challenging herself to impose an attempt to “manifest optimism in her daily life.”
How about you? Are you a doubting Thomas? Is your glass half empty? Positivity research psychologist Michelle Gielan stated, “You can push your brain to see the world differently but you can’t will yourself to be happy.”
Here are a few suggestions for helping us enjoy a more positive, fruitful and happy experience in our lives:
• Write down three good things that happen today.
• Send a positive note or call someone.
• Use a “power lead,” meaning start conversations with something good rather than a gripe.
• In conversations, put a smile in your voice! Example: “I’m excited for …” or “I’m looking forward to …”
• Display trust and confidence in others, putting a positive spin on some common negative statements, such as, “The report could be better” rather than “The report is terrible.”
Lowcountry neighbors, in a world that permeates negativity, we owe it to ourselves and to our acquaintances to apply positivity to our lives. It’s contagious! Life is good!
Earle Everett Moss Creek
You all have been given a wonderful gift of education! You have been taught to learn, think for yourself, and grow into your own uniqueness. Remember that as you move into the next phase of your life.
Lastly, expect obstacles, and do not be surprised when they come around. Let them define you in a way that would make your family and teachers proud! The future is yours to own – with hard work, diligence, and persistence.
Congratulations to the Class Of 2023!
Alan Perry is the mayor of the Town of Hilton Head Island. AlanP@hiltonheadislandsc.gov
Town seeks citizens for housing committee
Town of Hilton Head Island seeks to appoint a diverse group of citizens to serve on its newly formed Housing Action Committee.
Establishing the committee is a key strategy recommended in the Workforce Housing Framework adopted by Town Council last November. Primarily, committee members will advise the Town Manager and Town Council on strategies, ideas and recommendations that address issues on workforce housing affordability. It will also support implementing the Town’s goals and objectives outlined in the Workforce Housing Framework.
The committee will consist of up to 11 members who have knowledge and experience in various areas:
• General homebuilding
• Banking/finance
• Philanthropy
• Non-profit affordable workforce housing developer
• For-profit affordable workforce housing developer
• Community representative (concerned citizen)
• Affordable housing tenant or homeowner
• Employer representative
• Realtor and real estate professional
• Workforce housing or social service advocate
Individuals may apply online at hiltonheadislandsc. gov/boards.