2 minute read
If you’re not going anywhere, you don’t have to say goodbye
By Lynne Cope Hummell EDITOR

As of this issue, I’ve written approximately 175 columns in this space since I began this job in September 2009.
I hope this one will feel as special as my first – because this is my last as your editor.

By the time you read this, I will be retired, effective July 4 – Independence Day! My hope is that I will have only home and family-related responsibilities to manage while I enjoy this next chapter of life.
As friends have heard my news over the past weeks, they have asked, “What are you going to DO?” My answer is, “I’m going to do all of the things.”
As our paper grew, my responsibilities increased and my outside activities revolved around our print schedule. I haven’t always been able to go to opening night at the theatre, I’ve missed a number of lunches, was late for volunteer meetings, and I haven’t had a full week’s vacation in a decade.

So now, I want to do all the things I haven’t had time to do. I have a list that starts with “write my book,” and includes “take short trips and long naps.”
I want to get back outside in my yard and rescue the garden. I want to plant flowers and vegetables. I want to go back to the beach and back to the mountains. I want to go on adventures!
I want to read more books, take art classes, and make funky jewelry with the beads I’ve been collecting for years.
I also want to reorganize my home office to make room for my sewing machine and start making my own clothes again, something I haven’t done in several decades. It’s time to be creative in other ways –not just with words.
Don’t think that I’m leaving you for good, though. Our publisher, Kevin Aylmer, has invited me to continue writing this column. I think I can handle that – at least occasionally. It’s a part of this job that I’ve come to adore. I’m grateful for his faith in me.
I’m also thankful for former publisher B.J. Frazier’s intuitive foresight in hiring me in the first place.
Special thanks go to the journalists and other writers who have helped me keep our content current, interesting and enjoyable. Our ace reporter, Gwyneth J. Saunders, has become an inextricable part of my world and I envision that we’ll always be friends and colleagues. Thanks, Ace!
As I leave this post that I’ve loved for nearly 14 years, I want to thank you, our faithful readers. You made me feel special when you sent a kind email about something I wrote, or when you’ve stopped me at an event to tell me how much you love our paper.
Without you, there would be no reason to publish this paper. You are a significant part of the circle of life here: You read our paper, you patronize our advertisers, the advertisers see the benefits of their investment, and keep running their ads. The paper grows, and we are able to keep telling stories about our community – and you keep reading them.
Through this job, I’ve met hundreds of wonderful people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and talents – and I’m always fascinated that we are all so different, but so very much alike. That has been the highlight of my time here.
So this is not goodbye – this is “See you at the next fun event,” because when I do go on an adventure, I’ll always come back home.
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Kevin Aylmer, kevina@blufftonsun.com
Lynne Hummell, editor@blufftonsun.com
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