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Beware Medicaid Renewal Scams
Now is the time to have your guard up about possible Medicaid renewal scams. The one-year period during which individuals must renew their health care coverage through Medicaid began in April 2023 and will go through March 2024. During the COVID-19 pandemic, eligibility reviews for Medicaid were put on hold. Prior to the pandemic, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reviewed Medicaid eligibility on an annual basis. For the last three years, individuals could be added to Medicaid but generally not removed, baring certain cases, because of the federal COVID public health emergency. That came to an end and in April states could resume disenrolling people again. Since then, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has begun warning the com- munity about current Medicaid renewal scams. Medicaid members in several states, including South Carolina, have received emails, texts or calls from