1 minute read
Sun City’s “Energizer Bunnies”
By Ron Gray
In 1988, Energizer, the maker of batteries, introduced the “Energizer Bunny” with the slogan “Keep going and going”. Subsequently, throughout North America, the Energizer Bunny has entered the vernacular as a term for anything that continues endlessly, or someone with immense stamina.
Based on that definition, there are countless Energizer Bunnies in Sun City. Many residents are attracted to Sun City and remain in Sun City due to the availability of numerous activities. Resident Survey 2023, conducted by the Strategic Planning Committee as important input in the development of Strategic Plan 2024 and featured in the July issue of SunSations and available on the Community’s website, shows that the primary reasons that residents move to Sun City and remain here are amenities, an active lifestyle and access to activities and clubs.
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Sun City residents who actively participate in multiple activities. The Resident Survey shows that four out of five residents are satisfied or very satisfied with amenities, that 85 percent of residents belong to one or more clubs and that 53 percent