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Sun City Car Club

belong to three or more clubs. A list of alternatives for Sun City’s “Energizer Bunnies” would include those who participate in multiple activities including golf, tennis, softball, volleyball, pickleball, pocket billiards, croquet, swimming, biking, horseshoes, table tennis, roles related to plays and other events, and other activities including volunteer efforts within the gates or in the Greater Bluffton Community.
Do you know any Energizer Bunnies? There are many residents, men and women, who meet the definition of Energizer Bunny. Are you an Energizer Bunny? When you receive a text or an email informing you of the next activity, do you struggle to fit it into your already crowded calendar? Do you press down extra hard on the gas pedal of your golf cart to try to make it go faster as you are running late for your next activity? Are your meal plans ever disrupted due to conflicts with your activities? You get the idea. And yes, you might be a Sun City Energizer Bunny, or a SCEB, in this world of overused acronyms.
There are many Energizer Bunnies in Sun City. It’s a great thing, We live in an “active adult community”. To all of you Sun City SCEBs, keep living by the Energizer Bunny slogan: “Keep going and going!
Meet our Contributors
Lowcountry resident for 14.5 years
Gwyneth was born in Pennsylvania, raised in South Jersey, now living in Bluffton. She retired from the U.S. Navy after 26 years as a Navy journalist. She earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Norfolk State University (“Go Spartans”). Married 19.5 years to Tony, an adorable Welshman. They have two sweet rescue cats, Tigger the tripod and Benji (neither are spoiled). She is a member of Sun City Veterans Association; chorus, Sundancers, softball, art, and computer clubs. A Philadelphia Eagles fan, Gwyneth love pasta, sushi and great burgers. Love my family, friends. I have the best job.
ENJOYS: Books, performing, art, cooking
Excitement shifts into high gear when the Sun City Car Club meets at the Palm Trees & Pistons car show! For information about the Sun City Car Club contact Steve Lash stevelash0@gmail.com