The Borderland Press, Friday, Dec. 20, V3, N50

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Santa Letters & Christmas on Pg. A7 - A17

The official newspaper of Cavalier County

In this issue:

Friday, December 20, 2024

Volume 3, Number 50

Keeping strays safe in a frigid season By Hilary Nowatzki

In the midst of the busy holiday season when many families are focused on finding the perfect gifts, a furry friend can be a tempting purchase. In a Hallmark moment of perfection, one envisions a puppy jumping out of a perfectly wrapped box, but perfection isn’t always the way puppyhood (or kittenhood) can go.

News: A Pembina local has joined North Dakota State University as Extension pesticide specialist, Pg. A2

Sometimes these new additions to the home may not be a great fit, and with very few rescue organizations operating in the Borderland region, once cherished pets may find themselves homeless. As the winter winds howl and the snow piles up outside, one local woman is ramping up her efforts to ensure that the area's stray and abandoned animals have a warm place to call home.

Community: LRSC’s Ag Program continues to grow strong roots, Pg. A3

Community: Walhalla’s 5th grade class celebrated the holidays with PNC residents, Pg. A5

9th Annual Community Christmas Dinner to be hosted in Walhalla By Rebecca Davis

For the ninth year in a row, the Phillips Family is spreading holiday cheer by organizing the Walhalla Community Christmas Dinner. Led by Amy Phillips with support from her family and a few dedicated community volunteers, this beloved tradition has brought joy and fellowship to the Walhalla area for the past eight years. The dinner is open to everyone— whether you’re new to the community, visiting, have family away, or simply want to enjoy a meal and some camaraderie. Rides and meal deliveries are available to ensure no one misses out on the gathering. This year’s event will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 25, at the Walhalla American Legion. Fellowship begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by dinner served at 12:30 p.m. “If you’d like to contribute by donating food, helping with meal prep on December 24, setting up, serving, delivering meals, or cleaning up, please reach out,” said Phillips. To request a ride or delivery on Christmas Day, call the Walhalla American Legion at 701-549-3370. If you’re interested in volunteering or would like to request a ride or delivery prior to Dec. 25, call Phillips at 701-5493473.

Glory is a 2-year-old spayed female who just wants a human that will sit on the couch and cuddle with her for Christmas.

Lauren Votava spends her days as a vet tech at Dakota Animal Care in Edinburg, but in her spare time she spends countless hours as an independent animal rescuer. It’s been eight years since she first started her volunteer work with our four legged friends when she was still in high school. She has made it her life's mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome the countless cats and dogs that find themselves without a family to care for them. It's a labor of love that often leaves her feeling overwhelmed, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

"My heart can't say no," Votava explained. "I get messages on Facebook or see posts about an animal in need, and I just have to help. I take them in, get them fixed, and find them homes. I do whatever I can when I have the space to do so."

cue side of it, where if she wants to help another rescue, she'll take that in, but she made the LLC so that she can qualify for grants and stuff to help these animals instead of paying all of it out of her own pocket," Votava explained.

At any given time within her own home, Votava has between two to seven dogs in her care and numerous cats, in addition to her own two personal pets - one of which is a dog that cannot be adopted due to fear-aggression. The number of animals in her care fluctuates as she takes in new rescues and works to place them in permanent, loving homes.

Regardless of the addition of Stray Safe Inn, the Borderland region overall lacks resources for stray animals. The rescues that are in the area stay overwhelmed just like Votava, making it difficult to create space for new intakes. On the day she spoke with The Borderland Press, she had just picked up four more cats that she didn't have the space to accommodate.

"Right now I have seven [dogs], which is more than normal," she said. "But three of them are little under 20 pounds, and then I have the two Heelers that still need homes."

"Today, I just picked up four more cats that I don't really have room for," she said. "One is going to be with me till Thursday, but she's going to a farm home because she's completely feral. I just dropped two off at Stray Safe Inn, and then two other ones are going to a foster later this week."

Votava’s efforts go beyond her own home. She collaborates with Sheila Hannesson at Stray Safe Inn, a rescue connected to Animal Elskan Inn in Park River. Stray Safe Inn is a new initiative that Votava is helping with, a separate LLC from the existing Animal Elskin Inn organization which Hannesson runs. The goal is to create a dedicated rescue space separate from the law enforcement impound that Animal Elskin Inn is required to take in. "Stray Safe Inn is going to be the res-

Toby is a 1-year-old neutered male. He is super high energy and loves fetch with his whole life.

Votava, and rescues in general, face numerous challenges, but these kind hearted people remain undaunted; they’ve got lives to save. As the holiday season approaches, Votava has some advice for those considering adding a furry friend to their family. She cautions against buying pets from pet stores, which often source their animals from puppy mills

or backyard breeders. "Avoid the pet stores, because those almost always come from backyard breeders, puppy mills, stuff like that," she warned. "We don't judge if you want to buy from a breeder, but just make sure you do your research. Make sure it's responsible. Make sure parents have good demeanors, because right now, working in vet med, we see even really aggressive Golden Retrievers, because they’re just so over bred, and people are doing it for money and not for the better of the breed." Instead, Votava encourages people to consider adopting from local rescues or shelters, where they can be sure the animals have been properly cared for and socialized. Adopting also helps these rescues save more lives. According to Votava, the root of the problem with strays in the region comes from irresponsibility. "A lot of it is just irresponsible owners," Votava said, explaining the root of the stray animal problem. "They got cats, threw them outside, and then they had babies. Babies aren't socialized, so they become feral, and then there's not much you can do with them other than trap them and get them fixed and release them. But nobody wants to foot that bill, because they're like, 'It's not my cat, it's not my problem,' and they just repopulate so fast, and rescues can't keep up."

Despite the challenges, Votava continues to help as many animals as possible. She knows that the winter months can be especially brutal for stray and abandoned pets, and she's determined to do everything in her power to ensure their safety and well-being. Even if a new pet isn’t on your holiday shopping list this year, and you’d like to help animals in need, there’s numerous ways. Votava says although she hates to ask, monetary donations are the most needed help due to the high cost of vet and medical care for these animals. “I just really encourage everyone to keep their pets, because sending them to rescue or a pound or something else doesn't ensure their safety or even rehoming them themselves,” concluded Votava. “A lot of times, people rehome a dog to the perfect home, and then it ends up dumped weeks later.” To follow Lauren’s adventures and see what animals are available for adoption, she recommends following her Facebook page “Lauren Votava.” If you feel compelled to help Lauren with funding the work she does, she takes donations through Venmo @ LaurenVotava or Paypal at

Border Patrol reaches out to community with Citizens Academy By Hilary Nowatzki

The U.S. Border Patrol is looking to strengthen ties with the regional community through a new Citizens Academy Program in the Grand Forks sector. The Academy, reinitiated post-pandemic, aims to grow better community relations and enhance public safety awareness. The goal of the Citizens Academy is to establish trust, educate the public, encourage community involvement, raise awareness for public safety, and foster better relationships between Border Patrol and the local commu-

nity. Andrew Marzzo, border patrol agent, recently spoke with The Borderland Press to dive deeper into the Academy and its purpose. "The community in which we serve, they're additionally our eyes and ears as a force multiplier to help us facilitate our mission, which is securing an international border and making our neighborhoods safe," he stated. The Academy, which is a four-week

program, will run every Wednesday in March, concluding with a graduation ceremony on April 9. The first session on March 5 will introduce the Border Patrol's command staff and provide a history of the agency, differentiating it from U.S. Customs. "A lot of people here in the immediate vicinity don't know the difference between Border Patrol and customs," said Marzzo. "They just know customs works at the land, air and sea ports and that people just assume we think that we're one in the same, but we're

not, so let's just give everybody a border patrol 101 and basically what we do from day to day, and we'll do a canine demonstration to end the first day." The second week will involve a trip to the port of entry in Pembina to learn about the differences between Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection's Office of Field Operations (OFO). “Right now, Pembina station on the cont’d. on page A2

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