forward motion
in the moment
mark mulcahy’s miraculous carEEr
_by Bob Gulla | p 13
hitting the sweet spot dEEr tick GEt Back in thE rinG
‘sElfiEs & friEnds’ at cadE tomPkins _by Greg cook | p 16
_by chris conti | p 12
march 14-20, 2014 | rhode island’s largest weekly | Free
best the
nominate now!
get your Favorites on the ballot at thephoenix. com/thebest
let’s work together Coworking on the rise in Rhode Island _by Philip Eil | p 8
hatch Entrepreneurial center
is digging in the dirt th J t in A visit to RI’s Compost Con | p 6 us
burning questions
Fear and loathing and marijuana | p 10 | the providence phoenix | mArch 14, 2014 3
Psychic Medium and Author
July 12, 2014 - 7pm Holiday Inn by the Bay 88 Spring St Portland, ME 04101
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MARCH 14 , 2014
JOHN EDWARD June 13, 2014 8pm The Omni Providence 1 West Exchange St Providence, RI 02903
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on tHe CoveR F main photo by richard mccaffrey
in thiS iSSue
p 24 p8
p 14
8 let’s woRk togetHeR _ B Y p Hi l i p e i l
Coworking spaces are on the rise in Rhode Island.
12 HoMegRown pRoduCt _ B Y C H R i s Co n t i
Hitting the sweet spot: deeR tiCk get back in the ring.
13 MusiC _ B Y B oB g u l l A
Still moving forward: MARk MulCAHY’s miraculous career.
14 tHeAteR _ B Y B i l l R o d Ri g u e z
2nd Story’s A BRigHt new Boise; Ocean State’s All nigHt stRut!
16 ARt _ B Y g R e g Co o k
AluMni at Brown and “selFies & FRiends” at Cade Tompkins.
24 FilM
For Tickets: or Reading Not Guaranteed
“Short Takes” on need FoR speed, like FAtHeR, like son, and more.
the uSuAL Stuff 5
pHillipe & JoRge’s Cool, Cool woRld
Dude, where’s my car? | Asian flew | Remembering Richard | Just stop it
tHe CitY _ B Y d e R F
tHis Just in
The RI Compost Con | Cinematic journeys to unknown worlds
10 BuRning questions
The sky isn’t falling: countering the ProJo’s anti-pot editorial.
8 dAYs A week Festival Ballet Providence, Blitzen Trapper, and more.
26 Moonsigns _ B Y s Y M B o l i ne dA i
26 Jonesin’ _p u zzl e BY M A tt J o nes Blitzen trapper | p 11
TAO: Phoenix Rising
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Athletic bodies and striking costumes meet explosive Taiko drumming and innovative choreography. The performers draw on diverse backgrounds: one as a hard-rock musician, another as a gymnast and another as a composer.
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7 : 3 0 P. M . | T H E A U D I TO R I U M I N RO B E RT S H A L L | the providence phoenix | mArch 14, 2014 5
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dude, where's my car?
The pells and The prius; unfriendly skies; The long slog To 2016 The story of the Prius stolen from Mrs.
Clay Pell — aka Michelle Kwan — has f reached farcical proportions. If there were
a late night Rhode Island TV version of The Tonight Show, it would take up half of the host’s monologue. As facts emerge, it appears that Pell, a gubernatorial candidate, is not the man to be handed the reins as a chauffeur. When Kwan’s Prius was stolen on February 25, her husband had evidently just thrown the keys back into the car when leaving it parked on the street. They also presumably left the doors unlocked. We guess Clay didn’t have time to write out a sign saying, “Car’s open, keys are on floor,” to stick on the dashboard to accommodate any wouldbe thieves. We then learned that Kwan had a hockey stick autographed by hockey legend Wayne Gretzky in the car when it was boosted. Well, that’s understandable. Whenever P&J get a memento from a sports legend, we usually stash it in the trunk of our car to show how much we value the item. It looks great when the trunk light goes on when you open it. Now it appears that this is not the first time the Pells have been missing their wheels. This week, the Other Paper reported that, in December, Pell drove the car to his neighborhood coffee shop, walked home, and then reported the car missing to the Providence Police when he noticed it had apparently vanished. This is either a) an indication that Clay has that good space cadet gene inherited from his beloved grandfather, Stillborn; or b) well . . . any time P&J have had trouble remembering where we parked, it usually involved numerous cocktails ingested during the previous evening. Of course, your superior correspondents would never suggest that a gentleman such as Clay might have been hammered when he forgot where he parked. But it appears it is time for a new bright yellow paint job on your future rides, old son. (And a quick tip for the educated, but clueless: hold your keys up and hit the “doors open” button until you hear a beep somewhere. This sure works in airport parking garages when you’ve been away on vacation for a week and you come back home brain dead. Trust us.) While we love the ingenuousness of Clay Pell, becoming a bit sharper as to the workings of the real world in the weeks and months to come may not be a bad thing to prioritize. Hop in. You goin’ Downcity, mister?
AsiAn flew
The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 only points to how dicey taking to the air in Asia can be. P&J hark back to our own experience years ago taking a flight from Jakarta, Indonesia to North Sulawesi, up by the Spice Islands. We were on Megantara Airlines, airport code name MNA, which our witty Indonesian friends informed us was well known as “May Not Arrive.” The harrowing trip involved a stopover in Ujung Pandang (aka Makassar), where we managed to land at a severe angle and
on only two wheels. Taking time to change into clean underwear in the terminal, we reboarded. As we screamed down the runway, just before liftoff the pilot slammed on the brakes and reversed engines before we hit the end of the pavement. He then informed the ashen-faced passengers we had a mechanical problem of some sort. As we returned to a spot near the terminal, we looked out the window and saw
the citY _ By DE RF
an airline “mechanic” shuffling across the tarmac towards the plane carrying a large wrench. He was wearing flip-flops, short soccer shorts, an ancient and torn Rolling Stones tour T-shirt, and had a clove cigarette dangling from his mouth. The aerodynamics genius then climbed up on the wing, and mightily smacked something — absolutely vital to flight, we presumed — with the wrench about five times. He
then hopped down and gave the pilot the thumbs-up sign. Ready to go! Hardly comforted, we endured the next takeoff with eyes firmly closed. This wasn’t an isolated incident. One of P&J’s colleagues told us that while taking the same route, the flight she was on was so terrifying she stuck her passport down her boot, figuring that if the plane crashed, they could at least identify her body. Fly the friendly skies, indeed.
RemembeRing RichARd
In last week’s column, P&J mentioned where one could send nominations for the Red Bandana Award, a public service distinction in honor of the late educator/activist/author, Richard Walton, who passed away in December of 2012 at the age of 84. And there is yet another remembrance of Richard coming up that you should know about. On March 23 from 2 to 3 pm in the Student Union Ballroom of Rhode Island College (where Richard taught for many years), RIC President Nancy Carriuolo and Herb “Mr. Pawtucket” Weiss, the Economic and Cultural Affairs Officer for the City of Pawtucket, will be reading from an ebook they produced from emails Walton wrote to friends, acquaintances, and newspapers. (There may be a few electronic missives to P&J here, as Richard was a close friend and confidant for many years.) The book, Selected E-Mail Correspondence of Richard Walton, will be available at this event for a suggested donation of $10, and the money will go toward the cost of furniture, equipment, and a plaque in a room to be named for Walton at RIC. The fundraising goal is $5000. Individuals and organizations interested in sponsoring the event should call Paul Brooks at RIC at 401.456.8810.
Just stop it
How can we miss you if you won’t go away? If you don’t leave us alone, we’ll find somebody who will. Those words are directed to Hillary Clinton. P&J are already sick of hearing about Hill’s hopes for the presidency, with the 2016 election still over two years away. By spring of 2016 we’ll be putting our heads in the oven to end the madness. What’s now making it worse are rumors floated by columnists such as the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd that the GOP challenger could be former Florida governor Jeb Bush. And you can bet that the frenzy will build for Dubya’s smarter brother now that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has pulled a Hindenburg, crashing and burning not far from the site of that fiery disaster in Lakehurst. P&J make a plea to all media to just stop it with the Hillary speculation. She will be running, so get used to it, and cut the amateur psychoanalysis until at least the end of 2015, when we will also be sick to death of her cheating husband. We’re begging you. ^
Send a four-leaf clover and Pulitzer-grade tips to p&
6 MARCH 14, 2014 | tHe pRovidenCe pHoenix | pRovidenCe.tHepHoenix.CoM
This Just In Back To The Earth
The Festival Circuit
Pols, farmers, and ‘worm ladies’ at RI’s Compost Con
at brown, stepping through screens into unknown worlds
“It’s not scrap, it’s a says Gerritt. For backyard goldmine,” says Kathand neighborhood composterine Brown of the potato ing, there is also the yuck peels, coffee grounds, moldy factor, and rats. But City of bread, and other gross stuff Providence Director of Suswe routinely shovel into the tainability, Sheila Dormody, trash. It’s Monday morning says with the use of proper and the former Executive containers and procedures, Director of South Side Comvermin can be held at bay. munity Land Trust is leading And participants in a pilot 130 attendees in a “facilitated composting project in the brainstorm” to open the West Broadway neighborRhode Island Compost Conhood were not at all grossed ference and Trade Show at out by composting, she exSalve Regina University in plains. The project provided Newport. During the session, 25 households with compost Charlestown farmer Mike buckets which they would Merner, 64, provides a rallyperiodically take to a nearby ing cry for food composting: site for emptying. In answer “If not now, when?” to the rhetorical question, In the last 20 years, recy“How many people in Provicling has become second nadence are willing to walk ture to many, but not so with two blocks with food slop?” composting. According to the Dormody says that, in West Natural Resources Defense Broadway, the answer is “a Council, only three percent lot.” There was a waiting list WORM-LADY-IN-CHIEF Warner. of food waste nationally is to join the program. composted, while the EPA At lunchtime, the trade estimates that just five percent of food waste genshow element of the conference takes over, and erated by US businesses is diverted from landfills. companies making, or trying to make, money The 2014 RI Compost Con, the fifth annual event, from other people’s garbage display their wares. is out to change that. You might call it the dark, John Motta is the operation manager for PF but fertile, underbelly of the glitzier Rhode Island Trading of East Freetown, Massachusetts. The Spring Flower & Garden Show, which attracted company provides a large stand-up bin to resthousands of people to the Rhode Island Conventaurants and other entities for their food scraps. tion Center last month. The bins are collected for a fee of $20, and Rhode “It’s ‘no fight, no win’ on climate change,” Island customers include GTECH and BlueCross says Sheldon Whitehouse, who provides openBlueShield. The program reduces trash removal ing remarks along with Rhode Island Senate costs, and “it looks good for a restaurant to be President Teresa Paiva-Weed. Composting is imgreen,” says Motta. Working on a larger scale portant in combating climate change, since food is SCS Engineers, a California-based company waste buried in landfills receives little oxygen, with offices in 30 states, including Rhode Island. and thus produces methane — a major culprit in Their goal is to partner with municipalities in global warming — as it decomposes. Composted running food composting and other waste disscraps, meanwhile, break down quickly, produce posal programs. little methane, and save landfill space. You expect composters to be (literally) down-toOne Rhode Island politician leading the earth folks, and they are — none moreso than the composting charge is state rep Donna Walsh (DWorm Ladies of Charlestown. “Dead worms smell Charlestown, New Shoreham, South Kingstown, terrible,” say Worm Lady-in-Chief Nancy Warner. Westerly), vice-chair of the House Committee on She was explaining what happens if you bring Environment and Natural Resources. Walsh is frozen worms in the house to thaw and find you a conference workshop participant who is also have corpses on your hands. Warner sells worms, spearheading a house bill that would require and over the years she has barnstormed the state, non-residential food waste be separated from visiting more than 100 schools to promote the goswaste destined for the landfill. The mandate pel of worm farming, or vermiculture. Warner is would begin with major institutions like coljoined by an apprentice worm lady, RISD professor leges, and apply to all Rhode Island businesses Chris Bertoni, in leading, “Worm Systems for Inand institutions by 2021. Similar measures have stitutions,” a workshop aimed at getting schools already been passed in Massachusetts, Connectito use worms to compost food scraps. cut, and Vermont. “Rhode Island is behind the There are also students at Compost Con, incurve” on this issue, says conference organizer cluding Lauren Behgam, a junior at Brown, and Greg Gerritt, who makes the connection between founding member of the university’s Food Recovsustainability, food security, and a healthy econery Network chapter, which takes leftovers from omy. He sees composting as “the only way to get campus and distributes them to local shelters. value from food scraps.” Aidan Huber, 15, is one of a group of tenth gradThere are barriers to food composting. One is ers from the Greene School in West Greenwich, low tipping fees (the price a landfill charges its which has its own composting program. customers per ton of waste). When it’s cheap to Huber’s take on food scraps? “We shouldn’t be bring garbage to a landfill, there is little economic calling it waste.” _Tim Lehnert incentive to divert food waste on a large scale,
Do you know who you’re watching when you sit in front of a TV or movie screen? The Representation Project — an organization concerned with gender diversity in the media — has found that women, despite making up 51 percent of the US population, make up only 37 percent of prime-time characters on television. Since 2012, the Women’s Media Center has published an annual study called the “Status of Women in US Media” which in 2014 uncovered, “From January through December, 2013, men accounted for roughly 74 percent of elected officials, candidates and journalists” appearing on weekly political programs on ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC. Out of 250 of the top-grossing films of 2013, according to WMC, women accounted for only 16 percent of directors, producers, writers, cinematographers, and editors, and “fewer women of color have been directing prime-time TV shows” than in previous years.” Earlier this year, researchers at WMC found seven Academy Award categories in which not a single woman had been nominated. One refrain from industry insiders responding to criticism based on these trends is that there are not enough qualified female filmmakers and media professionals. But this simply is not true, and Brown University’s upcoming Feminist and Women’s Media Festival (FWMF) offers proof. FWMF is a project spearheaded by a group of graduate students at Brown’s Department of Modern Culture and Media (MCM), where both undergraduate and graduate students look at “modern cultural and social formations” through the study of “photography, sound recording, cinema, video, television and most recently digital media.” The festival is an outgrowth of 2010’s Providence Women’s Film Festival, which was organized by a cohort of then-students in the MCM department. The five students spearheading this year’s festival altered the name of the event and, in addition to scheduling events at the Cable Car Cinema (which hosted the 2010 festival), added Brown’s Martinos Auditorium at the Granoff Center for the Creative Arts as a screening site. Another change this year, say organizers Brandeise Monk-Payton and Rijuta Mehta, is a focus on women of color. The festival’s silent film series (shown Saturday at the Cable Car), for example, will be partly dedicated to the work of Zora Neale Hurston, an African-American woman known for the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God. But Neale Hurston was also an anthropologist, and some of the films, says Monk-Payton, will show footage taken by Neale Hurston while she was doing work in the field. Other notable African-American women highlighted in the festival are Audre Lorde and Issa Rae. Lorde, the late Black feminist, lesbian, poet, and activ-
ist, is celebrated in a film that looks at her “contribution to the Afro-German women’s movement” as well as her experiences with “racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, classism, and homophobia in Berlin before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall.” Rae is a contemporary filmmaker who has risen to prominence through her online web series, The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl. This year’s festival has expanded geographically, as well, to include filmmakers born in and/or covering West Africa, Vietnam, and India, says Mehta. On Friday afternoon, festival organizers will show the movie Firaaq, a fictionalized account set in a town in India dealing with “the aftermath of violent riots and massacres” fueled by “Hindu-Muslim relationships and tensions.” After the movie, the film’s director, Nandita Das, will give a keynote address drawing on her experience bringing human rights issues to the screen as an actor and director. But what about Lupita? And Beyonce? And Lean In? “There is the Lupita film In My Genes,” explains Mehta, referring to the 2009 documentary directed by recent Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o (Best Supporting Actress, for her role as Patsey in 12 Years a Slave), which looks at the plight of an Albino woman living in Kenya. “But a big impetus was bringing things that wouldn’t be exhibited otherwise,” she says. “Fame or popularity was not necessarily the yardstick [for] this festival’s selections.” The Feminist and Women’s Media Festival kicks off Thursday, March 13 at 8 pm with a series of short “experimental films” at the Cable Car Cinema (204 South Main St, Providence). Admission is $5. All other screenings and events are free and open to the public. For more info, go to:
_Reza Clifton
8 MARCH 14, 2014 | tHe pRovidenCe pHoenix | pRovidenCe.tHepHoenix.CoM | the providence phoenix | mArch 14, 2014 9
_By ph il ip e il Grind, Ensemble, Con Artist, Secret Clubhouse, and AltSpace in New York. Citizen Space, NextSpace, and PARISOMA in San Francisco. Oficio and WorkBar in Boston. Enerspace in Chicago. Miami Shared in Miami. Indy Hall in Philadelphia. CoLab in Nashville. CoCo in Minneapolis. Jellyfish Cartel, Flip Work, and Blankspaces in Los Angeles. We’re talking about coworking spaces, those 21st-century gathering zones where people pay by the day — or week, or month, or year — for access to shelter, a desk, climate control, coffee, wifi, and the general feeling they’re participating in a profound shift in the way we think about work. The existence of these places isn’t news. As long ago as 2008 — ancient history in the Internet Age — The San Francisco Chronicle gazed wondrously at a “communal drop-in office space called Sandbox Suites — an example of a new and growing work arrangement called coworking.” But here in Rhode Island, well .. .we’re not San Francisco. And though we’ve had versions of coworking spaces for almost a decade, it appears the Ocean State recently reached a critical mass. (CriticalMass is, of course, the name of a coworking space in Boston.) Over the last six months, four coworking spaces have opened their doors on this speck of turf we call home — enough for us to take notice and start asking questions. What is a “coworking space”? Why are they popping up so frequently here? What do they cost to join? Why join one at all? Is there anything distinguishing them from one another? The answer to the last question is, “Yes, absolutely.” Come along for a statewide tour de coworking and we’ll find some answers to those other questions, too.
LOCATION | Downtown Providence OPENED | November 2007 SQUARE FOOTAGE | 2600 RATES | $175/month (part-time), $385/
month (full-time) ONLINE | OUR TAKE | The Design Office seems to be the oldest coworking space in Rhode Island and it feels fittingly dignified. There’s nothing forced or kitschy-“cool” about the place. With its wood floors, high ceilings, long tables, jigsaw piece-esque desks, and walls lined with uber-sleek graphic posters, it’s a space that asks, “Why wouldn’t a space in a building in downtown Providence be reconfigured and reimagined by the smart, creative people that make the city distinct?” At the Design Office you’ll find architects, graphic designers, photographers, programmers, professors, industrial designers, and even a font designer. You’ll also find a brain-tingling wall of books, ranging from The Pocket Book of Dinosaurs to Understanding Comics to Design and Form to Kosmos: A Portrait of the Russian Space Age to former RISD President John Maeda’s Maeda @ Media. WHY COWORKING? “I think the general feeling in the last five to 10 years is that, working for a big company, you don’t just retire with a great pension and mow your lawn and hang out with your grandkids. There’s nothing guaranteed on the other
CREATIVE HUB the design office. end of that full-time gig, whether you’re laid off or the business closes or what have you. I feel a great deal of excitement around the possibility that we can reinvent the economy, and I think something like coworking is one piece of that.” _Design Office founder, owner — and RISD Graphic Design department head — John Caserta
LOCATION | West Side of Providence OPENED | June 2008 (Keeseh), June 2011 (Anchor) SQUARE FOOTAGE | Almost 14,000 RATES | Desks available for $150/month; artist spaces starting at $300/month; office spaces starting at $400/month ONLINE |, anchorprovidence. com OUR TAKE | Asher Dunn started his first Rhode Island coworking space — a communal woodshop called Keeseh Studio (“keeseh” is Hebrew for chair) in Hope Artiste Village — 16 days after he graduated from RISD. Before long, after his company Studio DUNN won a “Best New Designer” award at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair, he needed a bigger space. Luckily there was a recently vacant warehouse on the West Side of Providence that the Providence School Department had used as a storage space. Dunn describes it as a “big white room.” Nowadays, that room is a ginormous inspiration factory. Stroll around the halls and you’ll find art exhibitions or an office where violin and electric guitar makers work shoulder to shoulder. Or you might run into the co-president of the Rhode Island AIGA (American Institute for Graphic Arts) or the program manager of the Rhode Island Sierra Club chapter — both of whom have offices at Anchor. The inspiration component isn’t accidental. After Dunn first set aside hours as
“open studio” time in his woodshop, “I wanted more people in here regularly that would be inspiring to me and that I could inspire,” he says. “And as that idea grew, I recognized that it would be really nice to have the artist spaces and the office spaces as well, to really create a lot of different backgrounds in one area that could share between industries.” Anchor’s March 19 open mic, Providence Hoot (one of many programs and events the space hosts), is the perfect chance to scope the place out.
LOCATION | Jewelry District, Providence OPENED | May 2010 SQUARE FOOTAGE | A designated area (desks, a couch, a small room) within a 3500-square-foot total office RATES | Free (but the space only opens on Thursdays) ONLINE | OUR TAKE | When the tech startup Batchbook opens their doors once a week to the roving, plugged-in masses, it’s more community-building exercise than a revenue generator, Batchbook CEO and co-founder Pamela O’Hara says. “Especially in Providence, there’s such a sort of migratory work environment: a lot of designers, a lot of freelancers, a lot of developers,” she explains. “So we like having those folks sort of rotating through our space . . . Why not share it with fellow entrepreneurs and, just, cool people?” As it turns out, Batchbook recently hired a developer who stopped in for a BatchHaus session. So maybe it’s a revenue generator after all. WHY COWORKING? “There’s coworking space for all different types of businesses: design businesses, creative businesses, tech businesses, real estate businesses. And I think it’s ...taking off of the ‘open web’ concept, this concept that the Inter-
net — the ‘cloud’ — should be very open, technology shared, we should all learn, we should open source our code so we can grow together. I feel like coworking represents that same mentality in the brick and mortar space.” _Pamela O’Hara
LOCATION | Jewelry District, Providence OPENED | January 2013 SQUARE FOOTAGE | 9500 RATES | $150/month (“gym-style” basic membership), $225/month (“Residence” membership), $300/month (“ResidencePlus” membership) ONLINE | OUR TAKE | What’s the atmosphere like at Founders League? Last Friday afternoon offered a pretty good sample. There were long tables stacked high with freshlydelivered pizzas. There was freely flowing wine and beer. There was a guy strolling around wearing Google Glass. And, eventually, the crowd congregated in one corner of the room for the main event: a American Idol-style PitchOff, designed to help contest entrants hone their two-minute sales skills. The winners, who each took home a crisp $100 bill, persuasively described non-toxic, anti-dandruff cream; a video game controller designed for use with only one hand; and an app called Splitwise that helps friends and roommates track shared expenses. Commenting on one of the presenter’s tendency to point her fingers at the audience, as if she were firing guns, PitchOff judge and partner at Betaspring (the startup accelerator that runs Founders League) Jack Templin suggested it might be more effective to shoot those imaginary guns skyward, cowboy-style, as she talked. WHY COWORKING? “In a community that hasn’t done this before, how do you do it for the first time? It’s not like [how] when
LOCATION | North Kingstown OPENED | September 2013 SQUARE FOOTAGE | 2500 RATES | $15/day, $55/week, $190/month ONLINE | OUR TAKE | The Hive may seem like a haul for Providence residents. But consider this. It’s a mile from the new Wickford Junction MBTA train stop. It’s minutes from the Quonset Business Park. It directly abuts the 350-acre Ryan Park, which boasts miles of hiking trails. And it’s “10 minutes, tops,” from the nearest beach, says Hive co-founder Tuni Schartner. These factors — and the space’s location inside a repurposed mill complex — lend a low-key spontaneity and outdoorsy feel to the Hive. “We’re all about balance,” Schartner says. “If you want to come in and bang out some work in your flip flops, go for it. If the waves are big, we’re going surfing. Or, if it’s a summer day, [I’m] gonna go swimming. “It’s got that Southern Rhode Island vibe,” she says.
HATCH ENTREPRENEURIAL CENTER LOCATION | Weybosset Street, in Downtown Providence OPENED | September 2013 SQUARE FOOTAGE | 6000 RATES | $100/month (“gym-style” basic
A PROESSIONAL RESOURCE Murphy at hatch entrepreneurial Center. membership), $250/month (residence membership) ONLINE | OUR TAKE | Uh, did you see the panoramic Providence views on our cover this week? WHY COWORKING? “The reason why I created this space specifically in downtown Providence was to combat the brain drain, that human capital that leaves [Rhode Island] every single year. So what I wanted to do was provide a space that was attractive enough to this entrepreneur that makes them realize, ‘You know what? I could be professional. I am professional. I am this entrepreneur that everyone keeps talking about, that I keep reading about in The Wall Street Journal, Providence Business News, the Phoenix. I am that guy!’ We really are a resource to help you make your dream a reality. All you need to do is raise your hand and tell me what you need.”
_Hatch co-founder and vice president of sales and marketing at Ocean Capital Daniel Murphy
LOCATION | Warwick OPENED | January 2014 SQUARE FOOTAGE | 4500, with the ability to expand up to 10,000 RATES | $25/day; longer-term memberships start at $199/month ONLINE | OUR TAKE | There’s really no getting around the fact that WorkDigz looks like an abandoned set from Office Space. It’s all here: the vaguely flesh-colored filing cabinets, the wall-to-wall carpeting, the cubicle-style desk partitions. But that doesn’t mean the place offers the same soul-squelching existential claustrophobia of your last corporate gig.
riChard McCaffrey
Coworking spaCes are on the rise in rhode island
In fact, once you remove the overbearing bosses, the neutered dress code, and the rigid hours, well, WorkDigz starts to feel like an exciting blank space from which to plot your world domination. It’s corporate life, minus the shitty parts. (WorkDigz: call us if you want to use that as your catch phrase.) WHY COWORKING? “When the economy tanked back in ’06, ’07, and so many people were out of work, they sat around for a couple years crying over not being able to work and then finally got fed up with not being able to find work and said, ‘I’m going to start my own thing.’ So I think that the small business entrepreneurial spirit has spurred the coworking spirit. What you’re finding is people just can’t afford to do business as a small business and have the expense of the overhead of a private office or a private business location.” _WorkDigz community ambassador Jessica Northup
riChard McCaffrey
let’s work together
you open up a coworking space in New York, there’s pent-up demand. Coworking spaces in New York fill up [instantly], no problem. Same thing in Boston, same thing in San Francisco. “In a second- or third-tier city, it’s different. You’re creating your own market. You’re creating awareness of why it’s better to be in a community of entrepreneurs than it is to be in your basement or your spare bedroom . . . or why it’s better to be in a community than go to the old-style networking events. So it’s a different kind of market creation activity. And it’s not competition [among coworking spaces in Rhode Island]; we’re all doing the same thing. Our competition is the status quo. Our competition is the way that startups worked here [in Rhode Island] for the previous 20 years, which is kind of ‘small business mode’ and not ‘startup mode.’ ” _Betaspring co-founder and Founders League manager Allan Tear
LOCATION | Downtown Providence OPENED | February 2014 SQUARE FOOTAGE | 1200 RATES | $75/month (part-time), $150/ month (full-time), $250/month (“Core” membership) ONLINE | OUR TAKE | This latest addition to Rhode Island’s coworking scene is more than just a space. It’s a movement. “Clearly the time has come for us to really create an industry here in Rhode Island that has high wage jobs and can put a lot of people to work,” said Gary Glassman, the president of the production company Providence Pictures, at DC206’s launch in late February. “We really believe that digital design and media production is one very viable path to doing that.” DC206 is actually a subsidiary of a three-pronged initiative called Digital City designed to “transform Rhode Island into an international digital design and production hub.” There is an education component, helmed by Renee Hobbs, a URI professor and founding director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media. (Check out the recently published white paper, “Going Digital: Developing Business and Education Strategies for a 21st Century Rhode Island” online.) There will be a membership organization for designers, filmmakers, programmers, and other digital professionals. And there will be a physical space to serve as a hub for this activity. Glassman and others originally envisioned a building-sized, state-of-the-art production facility, complete with green screen studios and editing suites — the kind of place that would both lure companies from out of town and fulfill any local media-maker’s fantasy. But, “I don’t think Rhode Island is a big enough state for the kind of ‘build it and they will come’ mentality,” says Tally Gilkes-Bower, director of Digital City and co-founder of DC206. The current space, therefore, “is a very small but important test bed to try to understand what that larger space might look like.” A perk of membership? Pay-as-you-go access to DC206 host, AS220’s, almost unlimited set of toys: laser cutters, vinyl cutters, a media production lab, a screen printing studio, a darkroom, letter press machines, 3D printers, CNC routers, sewing machines, soldering stations, woodshop tools. “If there’s a project that you can’t complete over there . . . .” Bower says. He trails off. It just doesn’t seem possible there’s a project you can’t complete here. ^
Philip Eil can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @phileil.
10 JANUARY 10, 2014 | the pRovideNce phoeNix | | the providence phoenix | mArch 14, 2014 11
SMOKING STUDy Brown University
Burning Questions
feditors’ picks dazzling dance and some whoop-ass
_compiled by lou papineau presents professional dancers performing pieces by area choreographers, plus student guest dancers from local schools in dances created during Fusionworks residencies. Featured professional works are a premiere by Melody Ruffin Ward and three works reprised from Fusionworks’s fall concert: Three Sisters, by former Festival Ballet dancer Mark Harootian; The Fault In Our Stars, by Fusionworks artistic director Deb Meunier; and the spaces. the words. I can’t, by Fusionworks dancer Melody Gamba. Shows are at the John Nazarian Center For the Performing Arts at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence, at 1 and 8 pm | $25, $22 students and seniors | 401.334.3091 |
The sky isn’T falling
Countering the Projo’s anti-pot editorial
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_By V aler ie V and e p anne We take a break this month from answering your questions to address the Providence Journal’s anti-pot position. In a March 2 editorial titled “Get
off pot,” members of the Providence f Journal’s editorial board called the idea of
legalizing pot “explosively contentious.” But according to a recent Gallup poll, 58 percent of Americans want marijuana legalized. According to polls done in January, just 41 percent of Rhode Islanders were against the idea. That number shrank to 23 percent for people between the ages 18 and 34. “We support decriminalizing marijuana and trying to help nonviolent criminals get treatment instead of jail terms,” writes the editorial board. But what about the fact that the very non-violent criminals mentioned here are only criminals because of the prohibition of an herb? Legalize the weed, and they won’t be “criminals” anymore. Plus, most people who use marijuana — a whopping 90-plus percent of them — aren’t addicted to pot. And those who might consider themselves addicted don’t go through the same physical withdrawal as those detoxing from heroin, alcohol, or coffee. So why do they need treatment? Because the great minds at ProJo think their recreational marijuana use is wrong? More wrong than having a beer in a bar after work? “We have our doubts about the effectiveness of prohibition,” the editorial admits elsewhere. “But outright legalization is something Rhode Island should table for further study.” Pssssst. Here’s a secret: the vast majority of adults in Rhode Island have tried marijuana. And I’d be willing to bet even your editorial board members have tried it at least once. And if you haven’t, then I know someone you know and love has. Are you, or are they, criminals? Do you need to study the idea of what would happen if you pulled back the judgment you place on others? Maybe, when people aren’t stigmatized, they live happier, more productive lives. Perhaps, they’d even smoke less pot, as was the case in Holland when it liberalized its marijuana policies. The editorial continues: “We fear that, despite politicians’ promises, it is not clear the drug could be effectively regulated to keep it from becoming even more of a scourge to children than it is today.” Because, you know, it’s always good to base public policy on fear. And leaving pot in the hands of unscrupulous drug dealers out to make money is way more effective and healthier for children than regulating it. “Addiction specialists forcefully warn
that young people seem to be seriously damaging themselves both neurologically and socially through marijuana use, turning to self-medication through pot rather than learning less debilitating means to avoid anxiety,” it goes on. The key words here are “seem to be.” Frankly, if you think pot is the biggest problem kids have to deal with — or their most popular means of dealing with other problems — you need to watch the 2009 documentary on the American school system, The War On Kids. Seriously. Go watch it. Now. Even CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in his recent special Weed 2: Cannabis Madness, points out that the longterm effects on the brain of many drugs prescribed to children are also unknown, and marijuana, comparatively speaking, might just cause less harm than the drugs those kids are already being prescribed. “But it is hard to see how encouraging a vast new industry promoting the use of another potentially dangerous drug, on top of cigarettes and alcohol, would greatly benefit society,” the editorial says. ProJo editorial board, here’s a shocker for you: there already is a marijuana industry. In fact, it’s flourishing in Rhode Island, and it’s been the number one cash crop in states like Kentucky and New York, where it’s still illegal. This isn’t a “new” industry; people have been using and selling marijuana for decades. This is about bringing an industry from the shadows to the light for the sake of consumer protection and public health. You wouldn’t buy your alcohol from the black market. Why is it OK to force people to buy a plant that way? If you’re truly in support of healthy economic environment and business growth in Rhode Island, you would see how legitimizing and regulating an already existing industry creates jobs — no more farming the pot trade out to other states. And, yes, it raises money via tax revenues that can be directed toward any number of civic uses: schools, road maintenance, fostering other small business development, etc. ProJo, there used to be this idea that journalists and editors had the public’s best interest in mind. That respect has waned, in part, because of this “fair and balanced” reporting idea championed by some who think that by regurgitating the fears of the few balances out — or even outweighs — common sense and decades of anecdotal and scientific evidence to the contrary. The sky didn’t fall when Colorado legalized pot, just like it didn’t fall for the thousands of years people used marijuana before prohibition. ^ Got a burning question? Email theduchess@valerie or tweet it @asktheduchess.
wednesday | blitzen trapper @ Fête thursDAY 13 tropogrAphY
We’re all ready to put this winter in the rear-view mirror, so the opening of “Retropical,” the new exhibit at Yellow Peril Gallery, 60 Valley St #5, Providence, is perfectly timed. Anabel Vázquez Rodrîquez says her “visual composites are made up of imagery from the places I call home, where one reality is inserted into another using photographs, moving images, and drawings. Tropical scenery cuts into the New England bleakness and the use of color and black-and-white imagery sets in motion a rhythm that reveals the intermediate spaces that come out of this latitudinal relationship. This third space is further explored through the invocation of colonial iconography, as well as an investigation into the notion of Otherness as it relates to
popular references of the extraterrestrial.” The show is on view through April 20 (Thursday + Friday 3-8 pm + Saturday + Sunday 12-5 pm) | 401.861.1535 | yellowperil
heAD AnD heArt
hounDmouth turned quite
a few heads at the Newport Folk Fest last summer, on the heels of the release of their stunning debut disc, From the Hills Below the City (Rough Trade). The rootsy quartet have a trio of lead vocalists and a penchant for crafting songs that get way under your skin. They’ll turn your head at the Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence. Rayland Baxter opens at 9 pm | $15 advance, $17 day of show |
friDAY 14
former Boston Ballet dancer and now the resident choreographer for festivAl bAllet proviDence, will be spotlighted in “Boundless Plotnikov,” at the Vets, Avenue of the Arts, Providence. The slowly unfolding limbs of the dancers in his modern ballet Orchis mirror the orchids in A. Cemal Ekin’s photos. Surrender has only been performed in 2011 in Belgrade, home turf to Festival’s artistic director Misha Djuric. And Sharps and Flats, a new piece, has dancers playing musicians. The troupe will perform today at 8 pm, on Saturday at 7:30 pm, and on Sunday at 2:30 pm | $23-$85 | 401.421.ARTS |
sAturDAY 15 our own bAckYArD
The evocative and awe-inspiring work of Viktor Plotnikov,
Green daze
ST. PATRICK’S DAY FUN AND MORe! On FRIDAY (the 14th), singer-songwriter AnnA nAlick (she
had that huge song “Breathe” a few years back) and sAtelf lites fAll perform at Manchester 65 in West
Warwick (401.649.0164), while Neil Young tribute crew Young rust play a freebie at the All American Bar & Grille in North Kingstown (401.294.3649). Holy smokes — St. Paddy’s weekend jumps off SATURDAY (the 15th) with stacked live action statewide, so plan accordingly and get a designated driver: head to Jimmy’s Saloon immediately following the parade for the rAvers, los DuDerinos and CT’s little uglY ($10, 401.846.5121); Firehouse 13 will be jumping courtesy of wAYne “the trAin” hAncock with the mcgunks, whiskeY kill, and gentlemen sounDsYstem ($15 day of show, 401.270.1801); the Met
This spring’s version of
fusionworks DAnce compAnY’s “Locally Grown”
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Chose to be taken care of without the hassle of ordering. sit back and let Chef Joe prepare a mix of twelve “mezza” items ranging from appetizers salads to seafood, vegetables and a mix from the grill including lamb, filet migon,chicken and kafta with mediterranean rice. we complete your meal with a chef’s choice desert. a real treat
weDnesDAY 19 bAsic urges
We’re always glad when a blitzen trApper song hits our shuffle. The quintet from Portland, Oregon, say their music is “lovingly called Rocky Mountain whoop-ass” which “brings together the strut, the twist, the headbang and the hillbilly tap, though in some cases it merely makes people want to drink or procreate.” They also note that the songs on their most recent album, VII (Vagrant), start “from a small place, like a headwaters, a remembrance and then widens into a song.” And they always bring spirit, passion, and drive to the stage. Enjoy a beverage or two (and who knows what after the show) when the band hits Fête, 103 Dike St, Providence. Torn Shorts open around 8 pm | $15 | 401.383.1112 |
(401.729.1005) hosts a stArting over tuesDAY reunion with wAr gAmes, the vArsitY club, and plenty more (all ages, $12 at the door); six ten connector celebrates a new CD release at Dusk with kiD felix, morris & the eAst coAst, and 33 leAves; and TV On the Radio’s Kyp Malone returns to RI with ice bAlloons and stellar local duo pixels at Machines with Magnets (401.596.4225). For a slightly more relaxed affair on Saturday, get to the Columbus Theatre for legendary Miracle Legion frontman mArc mulcAhY (who played a pickup basketball game in Olneyville a coupla decades ago) with special guest support from the ’mericAns (all-ages, $15). Raise a pint with shArks come cruisin’ at the Parlour on MONDAY (the 17th) — aka St. Patrick’s Day — starting at 6 pm, dial 401.383.5858 for more. Ahead to Wednesday (he 19th), get to the Fête Lounge early for local greats torn shorts opening for blitzen trApper; tix are $15, dial 401.383.1112 for details.
off the couch
_Chris Conti
Sponsored in Providence by Dunkin’ Donuts
12 MARCH 14, 2014 | tHe pRovidenCe pHoenix | pRovidenCe.tHepHoenix.CoM | the providence phoenix | mArch 14, 2014 13
NT ISCOnU $20 D Fa g cial ore Cleansi
SEND INFO TO hO mEgr OwN p r OD u cT@gmaI l. cOm
Homegrown product the sweet spot DEEr TIck gET back IN ThE rINg
Still moving forward
_b y chr IS c ONTI Deer Tick is still flying high on Negativity, the quintet’s critically acclaimed fifth album released last September. The latest crowning achievement occurred just last week when the band performed at Lincoln Center as part of the ongoing American Songbook Series, captivating the room with a stripped-down 20-song set (footage is up on YouTube). Next up is a homecoming show at Lupo’s this Friday (the 14th) before setting out on a co-headlining tour with the Hold Steady (which kicks off at the Boston House of Blues on April 17), followed by dates in May with special guest opener Langhorne Slim. Life is good for one John J. McCauley III. He recently married singer-songwriter Vanessa Carlton (presided by Stevie Nicks, no less) and he and his bandmates — Chris and Dennis Ryan, Ian O’Neil, and Robbie Crowell — decided to scale back both the nonstop tour schedule and subsequent partying. In fact, McCauley had mentioned taking up karate in a recent Facebook post, so you know damn well I had to follow up on that one. I checked in with John via email earlier this week just before the band departed for the SXSW Festival.
For more inFo on tours, tastings & events,
The picTures from The LincoLn cenTer show Look incredibLe. where does The experience rank in The pinch-me momenTs for deer Tick? That was really cool. We did Carnegie Hall a couple years ago and I was so screwed up on drugs, the show was so disjointed and weird, that I feel like I really blew it. I didn’t want something like that to happen with this opportunity. We played our balls off and we took the time to rework our songs to fit the room. It was really special. Our audiences have traditionally been pretty forgiving. It’s really sweet that they’ve stuck by us this long. We’re finally understanding things like that now. speaking of surreaL momenTs, how did sTevie nicks geT invoLved wiTh The wedding ceremony? Vanessa has been friends with Stevie for awhile now. She just asked her one day and much to our delight Stevie went online and got her minister card from some fake church that specializes in ordaining people to marry their friends. are you in ri righT now? i heard you were Living in nyc
for a biT before buying a house in nashviLLe? We’re heading to Austin for SXSW, and then we fly back for Lupo’s. I just bought a house in Nashville. I moved up to New York last July knowing that I’d be going back to Nashville sooner than later. I love Rhode Island, but Nashville makes more sense for me. how did This pairing wiTh The hoLd sTeady come TogeTher? We played with them a couple of years ago and we’ve stayed in touch. They’re a great band. I’m kind of surprised this package hasn’t toured together yet. wiTh such a Large caTaLog To work from, how do you guys go abouT forming seTLisTs for shows? and have you cooked up any new covers for This nexT Tour? I don’t know. It can be tough. You don’t want to disappoint anybody, but at the same time as an artist you have to be able to do what you want to do. I like Neil Young’s approach to live music. As far as covers go, yeah, we’re always working on new stuff. how has scaLing back on The booze and parTying heLped your creaTive process? It’s pretty great. There’s a lot more music happening in my brain. Drugs and alcohol, as fun as they are, they really never did anything to motivate me creatively. i read your recenT facebook posT inquiring abouT karaTe Lessons? did you end up finding a sensei in nyc or nashviLLe? I haven’t been home enough! I think a better idea for me is to take up boxing. I have a feeling it would be an easier hobby for me to balance with my totally insane schedule. It’s good to hit stuff. mighT we ever see an aLbum of dueTs/covers wiTh The wife? Oh yeah. We’ve been thinking about that. Probably country and western songs. My mother-in-law really wants us to do it, and she’s a really smart lady. ^
DEER TICK + YOU WON’T + KING SICKABILLY & HIS FULL MOON BOYS | Friday, March 14 @ 9 pm | Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, 79 Washington St, Providence | All ages | $20 advance, $23 day of show | 401.331.5876 |
START SHOPPING NOW AT THEPHOENIX.COM/DEALS POSITIVITY chris ryan, O’Neil, mccauley, crowell, and Dennis ryan.
e t a n e Rejinudv, body & soul
your m
Mark Mulcahy’s Miraculous career
Formerly at the Westin/Omni Hotel
403 South Main Street, Providence RI 02906 401-454-7546 • •
_By Bo B gulla In many ways, Mark Mulcahy comes off as a throwback, a musician whose time has come and, for all intents and purposes, gone. But no one told him. Since he debuted in the mid’80s with his band Miracle Legion, times have changed dramatically. Like, completely twice over. Yet here he is, in today’s musical world, making records, playing shows. “I try to stay on the positive side,” he says. “I guess that makes me some kind of Don Quixote. Either that or I’m one of those guys on Dumb and Dumber. I just like making records.” His latest batch of music, Dear Mark J. Mulcahy I Love You, proves that there will, in fact, always be a place for Mulcahy’s music. The record, his first in nearly eight years, has been hailed by esteemed journals like Mojo and Uncut as his best, proving that you can indeed get better with age. “I went into this record with the idea that I would do 11 days of recording and come out of it with one song each day. I vowed that I wouldn’t go back and fix it, fix anything, and it turned out to be a good thing.” Produced by Paul Kolderie at Rub Wrongways Records in Northampton, MA (not far from his home in Springfield) with multi-instrumentalist STAYING POSITIVE Mulcahy. (and touring partner) Henning Ohlenbusch, it hinges on the ever-present Mulcahy signatures: solid Epiphone guitar sound, true and basic pop-rock enting world. It was the opposite of the self-absorption hooks, quirky wit, and a rickety but endearing vocal I spent most of my time feeling. I had to turn that page style. His music resonates with the sound of bands he and not look back.” came of age with: the Pixies, Yo La Tengo, R.E.M. Fortunately, music has again assumed a major role in “I still have a lot to learn,” he admits, speaking about his life. “Every time I think about not doing it, I get kind his style. “I don’t feel like I really know how to do it right of black,” he says. “I don’t know anything else to do, jobyet. I still look at music as a challenge. I probably write wise. Maybe I’m good at something, but I never gave mythe same type of thing I’ve always written. I’m just glad self a chance to find out. One thing’s for sure: I’m never it means something to the people that care about it.” going backward; always just forward.” Mulcahy’s album has seen wider distribution in the Dear Mark J. Mulcahy I Love You, with its song-a-day moUS via Fire Records, joining the ranks of illustrious Fire dus operandi, is forward, without a doubt. It emanates artists (Pere Ubu, Mission of Burma, the Chills, Giant with a pulsating creativity, a ragged spontaneity, that Sand, and Half Japanese). The relationship with Fire recalls the best of Miracle Legion. “We really avoided tryhas given Mulcahy’s profile a real boost, something he’s ing a million different ways to do everything,” he says. always managed to get at just the right time. After his “It was like, ‘Dude, that sounds good. Let’s move on.’ ” Miracle Legion debut and subsequent recordings, he and He laughs, remembering a time when it wasn’t like that. his new “band” Polaris stumbled on a great opportunity “When [Miracle Legion] did Portrait of a Damaged Family in to develop and play music for The Adventures of Pete & Pete, a 1996, we recorded all these crazy studio gimmicks and then gave it to Pete Buck to mix it. When he heard it he popular kids’ show on Nickelodeon. “I’m still surprised was like, ‘What the hell is all this?’ He weeded out all of by the success of that show,” he says. “Lots of people the crazy stuff and made us sound like us again.” heard of that and tuned into the music; there was a ton For Mulcahy, part of his charm, and part of his ability of great music on the show. It was a lucky turn of events to stay relevant, is his penchant for cutting through the for me. I invented a fake band, and so had this great band bullshit and getting to the good stuff. “Back in those old without any of the headaches. That was a fantasy modays, [guitarist and co-founder] Mr. Ray [Neal] and I said, ment that lasted quite a long time.” ‘If we’re not going forward, let’s just quit.’ We stayed Mulcahy has always had some unlucky moments. In faithful to that promise for Miracle Legion; we were un2008 his wife, Melissa, mother of his twins, died suddenable to go forward, got stumped, and we all found somely. The deep loss led to a recalibration of his goals. “I didn’t thing else. A band is like a shark. It has to go forward. do music for very long time,” he says. “But I realized that You can’t sit around and do the same thing.” cutting myself off from something you’ve done a lot is not Mulcahy has managed to stay true not only to his healthy. I didn’t have time for it, though, with the kids. promise, but to his creative muse. He composes music — There was a steep learning curve trying to raise kids when even opera, check his Mezzotint label website — for himyou really don’t know what you’re doing.” self, and if that works for other people, awesome. “One To help him shoulder the burden, many of his musical of the weird challenges I have these days is deciding what friends banded together to record an album of his songs songs should I play live. Half of me wants to play whatever as a tribute to his wife. Ciao My Shining Star (2009) featured I want to play and half wants to play something because I Michael Stipe, Thom Yorke, Frank Black, Mercury Rev, haven’t been in front of people all that much and they deDinosaur Jr., and the National, and 35 other artists. serve to hear the stuff that makes me who I am.” Since then, Mulcahy admits, he’s searched for and Mark Mulcahy, who calls Providence one of his found a good balance in his life, and he feels more like “hometowns,” plays the Columbus Theater on Saturday, himself. In our interview he sounded relaxed, wry, March 15, with the ’Mericans ($15 advance, $17 day of chatty, insightful, and passionate. “Musically speaking, show, ^ I left a whole world behind and entered into this new par-
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or give meaning to it, and we’re not handed a checklist at birth. The characters in A Bright New Boise, by Samuel D. Hunter, come up with a wide array of meanings, to various and sometimes disappointing results. 2nd Story Theatre’s well-performed production (through March 30), directed by Mark Peckham, helps us sympathize with their solutions, each of them fashioned in desperation. We’re in the break room of an Idaho iteration of the Hobby ON THE CLOCK lee and gearing. Lobby, a nationwide big box chain of arts and crafts supplies, protecting greater Boise boy, we know why the absent father chose from a construction paper shortage. At this time to seek out his son. first we think this could be a comedy, or Lightening this dark atmosphere, since at least a dramedy, because one promiPauline and her fuck you’s can’t be around nent character is such a stitch. Pauline all the time, is Anna (Tray Gearing). Her (Suzy Bowen-Powers) is the store mansearch for meaning, apparently, is simply ager, so competent that she has turned a search for a man to take her away from this branch from a rat-infested dump being home with her father and brothinto a thriving showcase. Frantic but selfers. She and Will both usually hide as possessed, she tosses F-bombs like confetti closing time approaches so they can have and calmly tolerates her staff’s neuroses some peace and quiet, she to read and he as long as they keep stocking shelves and to work on his online blog/novel. She’s manning cash registers. cheerful and flirtatious, at least until he But the central character is Will (Nashows his true personality; a hint is that thanael Lee). He has just moved here from when she blurts a mild swear word, he up north, ostensibly for a change of scenexplosively objects. ery. He is also escaping a church scandal The last character is Leroy (James he was peripherally involved in, but his Lucey), Alex’s protective brother. He promain reason for relocating is that his vides a passionate intensity and a show of relinquished-at-birth teenaged son works independence, coming to work wearing at Hobby Lobby. T-shirts emblazoned with various obsceniThat’s Alex (Patrick Saunders). He’s ties, shocking customers. Pauline puts up a reclusive, nervous wreck of a kid, and with that because, as an art student, “I’m when his hitherto unmet bio dad anthe only one in the store who knows anynounces himself, Alex wants nothing to thing about art supplies, so I can pretty do with him. But his adoptive parents much do whatever I want.” His T-shirts have made him feel unwanted, so his reare one example of his confrontational luctance is bound to change. works. Art is his religion, and he takes his Will presents a mystery for us, standkid brother to museums, hoping to coning in the parking lot, looking up and vert him from his nihilistic convictions. muttering, “Now! Now! Now!” We learn Playwright Hunter does a good job letthat he is a fundamentalist who believes ting each of these people assert or explore in an imminent Rapture, that glorious their distinctive value systems, showing day of Apocalypse when all of us unwormore than telling us where they’re at. thy unchosen ones will stare up in envy as Will agrees that, as Alex says, “Hell is all good Christians rise to heaven intact. The around us.” Leroy worships creativity and playwright risked our dismissing the guy beauty, Anna searches for happiness, and as a loony, but before we learn of Will’s Pauline for pride in accomplishment. A belief we see him anchored by parental full spectrum, from dark to bright. love, patient in the face of the boy’s abuThe theater’s publicity notes that Huntsive resentment. Hell is hell on Earth, er’s first job was at a Walmart in Moscow, both Will and Alex separately, explicitly Idaho, where he said he found the break express, to dire consequences. When we room to be “almost a sanctuary.” If only all learn that the scandal Will was involved these characters, when we leave them in with concerned the death of a teenaged this play, could feel so safe. ^
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working at life
2nd Story’S A bright new boise
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aiming to get your toes tapping, f even if you don’t spring into the aisle to
jitterbug. Ocean State Theatre Company is presenting it (through March 16) in a finger-snapping production that surveys the best popular songs of the ’30s and ’40s (mostly), when lyrics were (mostly) intelligent and the music carrying them had to compete with the Jazz Age of the ’20s. Musical arrangements are by Tom Fitt, Gil Lieb, and Dick Schermesser, with additional orchestrations by Corey Allen. Directed and choreographed here by Brian Swasey, it was originally done OffBroadway in 1979 by Fran Charnas, who conceived the show. She is a professor at the Boston Conservatory, but her revue is hardly an academic exercise. The music of the period had to pull listeners out of the depression of the Depression, then boost the spirit of a nation plunged into war. Song writers such as Duke Ellington, Hoagy Carmichael, Frank Loesser, and Johnny Mercer certainly proved up to the task. Four singers strut onto the stage at the start, the men in pinstripes and fedoras, the women in floral and polka dot dresses. There’s Christiana Rodi with her voluptuous sways and undulating arms, and Robby May with his imposing voice and presence, both the stronger performers, with Equity credits. Courtney Nolan Smith provides her soaring high notes, and DaWoyne A. Hill adds humor with his funky physicalizing. They launch into a speedy “Chattanooga Choo Choo” to get things rolling, then slow down a bit with Cab Calloway’s funny and gritty story-song “Minnie the Moocher,” and the parameters of the show are set. There’s a history lesson here if you listen (and check the program for dates of the songs). We get the 1932 “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime” and, after “In the Mood” for an interlude, 1939’s happy “Gimme a Pigfoot and a Bottle of Beer,” an obscure find that sounds like the slogan for pulling out
75 % OFF ALL IRISH BOOKS* * That contain a pithy subplot involving a group of Turkish sponge divers turned hip hop group on tour in Johnstown Ohio, during the flood.
of the Depression. The entertaining “Java Jive” would have been perkier with a touch more caffeination, but by and large the deliveries are smart. The second half of Act I is billed as a World War II medley, and that theme is well-focused. The eight songs include the well-known (“White Cliffs of Dover,” “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition”), and the obscure (“GI Jive,” “You’re a Lucky Fellow Mr. Smith”), and ease us into the intermission with the soothing “I’ll Be Seeing You.” The second act is a jaunty excursion, drawing mainly from the ’40s but dipping into the prior and subsequent decades. By their titles you can tell that such songs as “Billie’s Bounce,” “Hit That Jive, Jack,” and the Andrews Sisters’ boogie-woogie anthem “Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar” are upbeat, in both senses. The most recent song in the show is the 1959 quasi-gospel, boppy “Operator,” made popular by the Manhattan Transfer (“Operator, information, give me Jesus on the line”). And, of course, Casablanca made it a requirement that any such period compilation include the wistful “As Time Goes By.” It’s usually not fair to suggest a different show that could have been developed instead, but the music here suggests that if this had been amped up into a song-anddance extravaganza, it could have wowed us. As it is, the performers give us a sample of swing dancing during the break of “In the Mood,” but that only makes us want more. Such as with “Crazy Rhythm,” a couple of songs later. It doesn’t help that the next to last number is “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing),” before we are settled back down to our seats with “Lullaby of Broadway.” An extra kudo to music director Paul Buono, who has played with Wynton Marsalis and Regina Carter. Take your seat early and let his dynamic piano, and the gradual inclusion of Brian Grochowski on stand-up bass and Dan Hann on drums, get you in the mood for the rest of this spirited show. ^
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16 MARCH 14, 2014 | tHe pRovidenCe pHoenix | pRovidenCe.tHepHoenix.CoM
URI Feinstein Providence Campus Urban Arts and Culture Program Presents
COMMUNAL Jonas’s The Commons.
Lady Fingers
Common ground
Alumni At Brown, And ‘SelfieS & friendS’ At cAde tompkinS _By Gr eG cook “I did everything in the view across cabinets and lamps, world to keep this from curtains, and shutters, to a bed happening,” exclaims the where a woman lies staring up assistant to the rich man in at the ceiling. Kerry Tribe’s There Will Be ____. Paul Ramirez Jonas’s sculpThe half-hour-long video — on ture The Commons is a copy of a view in the three-person show statue of Marcus Aurelius on “Brown University’s 250th Anhorseback that has stood on niversary Alumni Exhibitions” Brown’s campus for more than at the school’s Bell Gallery a century. As a democratic ges(64 College St, Providence, ture, the artist removes the Rothrough March 30) — is an man emperor and recreates the engaging whodunit. horse and pedestal in cork to inThe subject is the infamous vite people to use it as a bulletin 1929 deaths of the two men at board. It’s sort of anticlimactic the Greystone Mansion in Bevthat this sculpture, impressiveerly Hills — the son of an oil ly filling the building’s lobby, is tycoon who lived there and his tacked with the usual signs you male assistant. It’s often been see around campus — invites described as a murder-suicide. to a dance party or Women’s Filming at the mansion “in History Month events, somethe very rooms where the killone seeking help finding a lost ings took place,” Tribe melohat. But I’m reminded of an old dramatically plays out possible AS220 position paper, which scenarios with actors in handemphasized that communities some period attire. Is it the muneed places to share messages to EVOCATIVE Hastings’s Colleen. tual suicides of a gay couple? Or help fresh ideas percolate. was the gay couple murdered by the wealthy man’s angry wife? Could it have been a mob “Selfies & Friends: Contemporary Portraiture,” at hit made to look like a suicide? Or maybe various people Cade Tompkins Projects (198 Hope St, Providence, conspired to tamper with the crime scene to throw police through March 29), rounds up eight painters and sculpoff the scent and lessen the scandal for the family? tors to consider portraiture in our moment when cameras Tribe’s video Bibliography (Greystone), which screens in are in devices in everyone’s pockets. an adjoining gallery, reveals that the first video was conMuch fine art of the past century has been, in part, structed from dialogue snipped from other movies filmed driven by seeking something else to do after photogat the mansion — The Big Lebowski, Spider-Man, There Will raphy supplanted painting’s role as a realist record of Be Blood, Eraserhead, and one of the Garfield cartoons. It’s a people. Today’s proliferation of cameras has art photogneato post-modern maneuver, though not apparent in raphers themselves unsettled. Facebook, as Alec Soth the first film, and doesn’t really add meaning. said in 2009, then had “550,000 images each second Inevitably, Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon comes to being uploaded . . . How do I function as a photographer mind. In that landmark 1950 film, four characters give in that environment?” contradictory accounts of a murder. Which account, if Here Aaron Gilbert’s painting of a couple cuddling any, is true, remains murky. But the various testimonies atop a towncar at night and Julie Gearan’s painting probe the psychologies of the characters — and our own of a couple skating across a misty pond feel dreamreactions to them. like. Suzanne Schireson’s self-portrait is part Belle Tribe, who is known for making art about the fugitive Époque/Cecilia Beaux confection, part contemporary nature of memory, doesn’t dig so deeply. Each scenario studio academicism. Buck Hastings’s portraits have could be true, or none of them could be true. It’s not been more interesting as they move from deadpan about illuminating people or the events, really, but about realism into evocative darkness — the profile of a man the intellectual game of throwing out various theories. silhouetted against a sunny landscape, or Colleen with It’s about luxuriating in mysteries. her face behind a veil of pink and gray dots. Against The artists in the “Alumni Exhibitions” (a second one is the headlong rush of images, these artists seem to scheduled for April) are grouped because they all attended take their time. ^ Brown, not because of similar themes. But, coincidentally, Dawn Clements also touches on Hollywood in her 24-footwide pen drawing Mrs. Jessica Drummond (My Reputation, 1946), inspired by Barbara Stanwyck in the 1946 film My Reputation, about a lonely widow struggling with her grief. The power of the piece is in its imIMMERSIVE clements’s Mrs. Jessica Drummond. mersive panoramic
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DeadBeat w/ special guest, Mark Karan, lead guitarist for Bob Weir & RatDog and The Other Ones Benefit for Oral Cancer: Wonderful opportunity to see one of the greatest players in the Dead family strut his stuff, up close & personal w/ backing from one of New England’s favorite Grateful Dead tribute bands. A portion of proceeds benefit Oral Cancer Foundation. Opening: Al Keith Collective: South County RI’s up & coming dance band. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
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A musical play created and performed by Kim Trusty & Valerie Tutson
March 22, 2014 @ 7:30pm March 23, 2014 @ 2:00pm Kim Trusty and Val Tutson will recreate the life stories of guitarist, Elizabeth Cotten, Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Memphis Minnie through story and song, hailing their accomplishments in difficult economic and social times and overcoming racial and gender prejudice in the field of music. These amazing women all intersect with Rhode Island’s musical history having performed during the 1950’s – 1960’s at the Newport Jazz and Folk Festivals.
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URI Feinstein Providence Campus Urban Arts and Culture Program Presents
of a
t i a r Port Teen: from photo by Kate Noel
A Spoken Word & Movement Collage by Part of the Oath
March 19 & 20, 2014 @ 7:30pm Paff Auditorium, URI Providence Campus 80 Washington Street, Providence, RI All events are free and open to the public. Call 401-277-5206 Email - Visit - Twitter @URIprovarts | the providence phoenix | march 14, 2014 19
noted, most Unless otherwise 9 pm. nd oU ar rt shows sta . es tim irm nf Call to Co
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 9:30 pm | The Brother Kite + Querent + Sinnet + Lists THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | Kinky Karaoke with Johnny Angel CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Sweet Tooth & the Sugarbabies DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Chicago Robbery GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Open mike with host band Dancing With Discord THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | College Night with DJ Peter C. LOCAL 121 | Providence | The Electric Riddler Carnival THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | Green Tea MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 6 pm | Crash & the Boys + Epsilon + Kizos MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7 pm | Ray Kenyon MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7 pm | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone featuring Marilynn Manfra NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Dr. Slick NEWS CAFE | Pawtucket | Blues @ the News with Joshua 2 & the Dark Horse Band 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Mac Odom Band PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Boatcake POWERS PUB | Cranston | Mike & Mark RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | Snailtoons with DJ Dayo RI RA | Providence | 7 pm | Derek Warfield & the Young Wolfe Tones + Tom Lanigan Band THE SALON | Providence | DJ Handsome J
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See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | Morris & the East Coast + the Really Heavy + Meadows Brothers + Max Garcia Conover BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | What Matters? BOVI’S | East Providence | Steve Smith & the Nakeds CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Relative Sound CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 + 10 pm | Roomful of Blues CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | MLC CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | eNVy CUSTOM HOUSE COFFEE | Middletown | 5 pm | Open mic with John Hillmnan & Graham Gibbs DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Gamma Rayz ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | 8 pm | DJ Corey Young GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | The Al Keith Collective INDIGO PIZZA | Coventry | 8 pm | Bill Gannon IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | Brian Joseph JIMMY’S SALOON | Newport | The Smokey Barrel Band + Meds + Wild Sun KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Shiny Lapel Trio THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | Shotgun Still
| Lincoln | 8:30 pm | Santa Mamba LOCAL 121 | Providence | Music Please LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | Providence | Deer Tick + You Won’t + King Sickabilly & His Full Moon Boys
JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am |
MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick
JIMMY’S SALOON | Newport | 1 pm |
Don Dada
| Anna Nalick + Satellites Fall + Charon’s Obol MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Roger Ceresi & Gary Gramolini THE MET | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Scare Don’t Fear + Peter Piffen + Lies In Motion + Dysania + OG Musick + Behind the Silence MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 8 pm | Wield the Wolfhound NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | Triple Threat Blues Crusade NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Blockhead NEWPORT GRAND | Java Jive OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | DJ Jim Harvey OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | 6 pm | Corona Limes ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Them Apples 133 CLUB | East Providence | Rory & the Hounds PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | The Intractables POWERS PUB | Cranston | Elly & the Bear RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | Damnation + Jake McKelvie & the Countertops + Vagora RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | DJ C-Gray | Wild Nites RI RA | Providence | Run For Covers THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs | Tangled with the Union Street Collective | Downstairs | Born Casual with DJ Zak Drummond THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Kung Fu + Trails STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | Cumberland | 8:30 pm | Karaoke with Stu 39 WEST | Cranston | Black Tie Band THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | 5 pm | Brian Twohey | 9 pm | DJ Dirty DEK
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 4 pm | Traditional Irish Music Session with Jimmy and Hannah Devine with Mark Roberts, Andrea Cooper, Teddi Scobi + friends | 9 pm | Purple Honey + Janey Doe + the Novi Giants THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | Fun House BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | Batteries Not Included BOVI’S | East Providence | Detroit Breakdown
| Providence | 8:30 pm | Rhode Island Songwriters Association Night hosted by Steve Allain CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Down To Earth CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 pm | Chan’s Blues Revue with Jimmy “2 Suits” Capone’s All-Stars CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | Glory Dayz CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | What Matters? THE CONTINENTAL | Smithfield | 7 pm | A tribute to Frank Sinatra with Chris Jason DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Zink Alloy DUSK | Providence | Six Ten Connector + Kid Felix + Morris & the East Coast + 33 Leaves 1150 OAK BAR & GRILL | Cranston | 8 pm | Tantric FÊTE | Providence | 6 pm | Tight Crew presents Toy Story with Dougal + Zardonic + more GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Plainville, MA | Just Us 3 GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Open mic INDIGO PIZZA | Coventry | 8:30 pm | Colby & Keila IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | Jim Hitte
Esmeree Skye
The Ravers + Los Duderinos + Little Ugly JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | Westport, MA | 4 pm | Open jam hosted by Angry Farmer KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | A benefit for the Oral Cancer Foundation with DeadBeat featuring Mark Karan + the Al Keith Collective THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | The Senders
| Lincoln | 8:30 pm | PartyGirl LOCAL 121 | Providence | Pauly Dangerous
LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Seekonk, MA | World Premiere
THE MALTED BARLEY | Westerly | DJ Brian Carter
MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick |
7 pm | The Slackers + Copacetics + Mr. Furious + Ocean Roots + Coronado MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Second Avenue THE MET | Pawtucket | 7:30 pm | War Games + Starting Over Tuesday + Reunion + the Varsity Club + For the Hundreds + Islands In Motion + Blind Mice MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 8:30 pm | Erin’s Guild NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | Fat City Band NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Blockhead + Run For Covers + Fast Times + Darik & the Funbags NEWPORT GRAND | Rumors
| The Screaming Orphans NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The Robcats OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | The Choos OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | Black 47 OLIVES | Providence | The Regulars ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | 2-5 pm + 10 pm-1 am | 7-Day Weekend 133 CLUB | East Providence | Off the Hook O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | Gary Gramolini THE PARLOUR | Providence | Mark Cutler & Men of Great Courage PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | James Harris POWERS PUB | Cranston | Chicago Robbery RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | Call Back Holly + Pro Re Nata RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | 2 pm | Wild Nites | 9 pm | Cuzin Eddy
RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BISTRO | North Providence | Erik Narwhal
RI RA | Providence | Blockhead THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs |
All Out with DJ Nick Bishop | Downstairs | Soul Teknology with the AfroSonic DJs THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Viral Sound + Cosmic Dust Bunnies + Eartha Harris 39 WEST | Cranston | Brother to Brother UNCLE RONNIE’S RED TAVERN | Burrillville | In a Jam VANILLA BEAN CAFE | Pomfret, CT | 8 pm | Cashel Rock THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | 4 pm | The Rogue Diplomats | 10 pm | MLC + DJ Dolo
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | 4 pm | Blues Buffet with Triple Threat CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | 2 pm | Irish Warthogs THE COFFEE DEPOT | Warren | 3 pm | A concert to remember the music and spirit of Pete Seeger with Barry
Brown, Keith Daniel, and Nancy Hood| Sing Out! ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | 10 am | Milt Javery GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Steve Chrisitan HANK’S DOWN SOUTH | Narragansett | 3 pm | Second Avenue JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am | Nick Bottai
| Lincoln | 2 pm | Reminisce LOCAL 121 | Providence | Jon Tierney MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 3 pm | Dirt [Alice In Chains tribute] + Sabotage [Black Sabbath tribute] + Headshop MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 1:30 pm | Bobby Savastano Jazz Trio THE MET | Pawtucket | 6:30 pm | Chez Pascal Ham Jam MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Erin’s Guild NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | 1 pm | Professor Harp OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | Buddy Cavaleri OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | 3:30 pm | Steve Smith & the Nakeds 133 CLUB | East Providence | 7:30 pm | Vintage Soul O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | 4:30 pm | Tom Lanigan THE PARLOUR | Providence | Nuclears + Lucky United + Vaporubs + DJ Jenn Kitten PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8 pm | Jim Paradis RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | Latino Night with a live band RI RA | Providence | Karaoke hosted by Nikki THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | Live acoustic karaoke with Mark Beauchemin
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. BOVI’S | East Providence | John Allmark’s Jazz Orchestra CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | 2 pm | Berkshire Valley Boys GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Hotel Jam Night INDIGO PIZZA | Coventry | 6 pm | Judy,Sherry & Little Bit IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | 5 pm | Mike Colletta THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | 3 pm | The White Shadows | 8 pm | Steve Malec & the Electric Flood LOCAL 121 | Providence | Music Please MULHEARN’S | East Providence | Rock-a-Blues MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 1-5 pm | Live Irish music | 7 pm | The Big City Band NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The House Combo O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | 1 pm | Sean Reilly | 5:30 pm | Gary Gramolini THE PARLOUR | Providence | Reggae night with Upsetta International + the Natural Element Band | 6 pm | Sharks Come Cruisin’ RI RA | Providence | Noon | MLC | 10 pm | The Pourmen THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Dropout Night with Viking Jesus + Big Jon Tierney STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | Cumberland | 5:30 pm | Contraband UNCLE RONNIE’S RED TAVERN | Burrillville | Greg Hodde’s Blue Reign VANILLA BEAN CAFE | Pomfret, CT | Lara Herscovitch + Lisa Martin + Kristen Graves
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 9:30 pm | Alpha Owl + Lyra + estates + Boy Parts + Crucidix
GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Open mic THE MET | Pawtucket | 8 pm | The Morgana Phase + Toadstool + Lame Genie + Anyone Anyway ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | DJ Blacklist THE PARLOUR | Providence | Vintage Vinyl Breakdown with Colonel Johnny Maguire POWERS PUB | Cranston | Acoustic karaoke THE SALON | Providence | 8:30 pm | Kimi’s Movie Night THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Creation Tuesday [open mic + jam]
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 9:30 pm | Sasha Yatchenko + more FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 8 pm | Blitzen Trapper + Torn Shorts GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Karaoke with DJ Deelish THE GRANGE | Providence | Heavy Illusion | The Rank Strangers KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 7:30 pm | The Cartells LOCAL 121 | Providence | Slow Jams with Dox Ellis MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | Juxo’s Soul Kitchen [open mic/show] MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Jim Tootell NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The Bluegrass Throedown with the Brummy Brothers 133 CLUB | East Providence | Karaoke with Big Bill O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | 8:30 pm | Ronnee Ringquist THE PARLOUR | Providence | The Funky Autocrats PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8 pm | Joey Michel + Phil Adams POWERS PUB | Cranston | Open mic RI RA | Providence | 7:30 pm | Josh Cramoy
THE SALON | Providence | Reggae Dancehall with DJ Red Beard & Friends
See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | Kinky Karaoke with Johnny Angel CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Crunchy Monkey THE CONTINENTAL | Smithfield | 7 pm | Mitchell Kaltsunas DUSK | Providence | The Warriors + Victory Revilers + Reason to Fight + the Damn Garrison GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 6 pm | 3rd Annual Celebrity Bartender Rock’n Roty Event with Atlantic Ave. + Styff Kitty THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | College Night with DJ Peter C. LOCAL 121 | Providence | Kevin James MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7 pm | Ray Kenyon MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7 pm | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone THE MET | Pawtucket | Mr. Vegas MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Tom Lanigan NEWS CAFE | Pawtucket | Blues @ the News with Joshua 2 & the Dark Horse Band NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Dennis McCarthy & Friends 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Mac Odom Band THE PARLOUR | Providence | The Denver Boot + Elison Jackson + Haunt the House PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Whitesmoke POWERS PUB | Cranston | Mike & Mark RHINO BAR & GRILLE | Newport | Snailtoons with DJ Dayo
RI RA | Providence | Wicked Awe-
some Karaoke Contest hosted by Ronnie THE SALON | Providence | DJ Handsome J UNCLE RONNIE’S RED TAVERN | Burrillville | 7 pm | Tony Cerbo
Museum of Art, 3259 Post Rd | $5 | 401.737.0010 | bringyourownimprov. com FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE featuring improvised song, dance, and skits | 7 pm | Everett, 9 Duncan Ave, Providence | $5 | 401.831.9479 | everettri. org/what/stage/fnl
IMPROV JONES | Thurs + Sat 10 pm
| 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $5 |
presents Zonkey and the Moddell Brothers | 8 pm | Providence Improv Guild, 393 Broad St, Providence | $5 |
well, and host Wild Bill Simas | 8 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 advance | 860.312.6649 |
SEAN O’CONNOR | Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 +
10:15 pm | Comedy Connection, 39 Warren Ave, East Providence | $15 | 401.438.8383 | ricomedyconnection. com HARDCORE COMEDY SHOW hosted by Brian Beaudoin | 10:30 pm | Comedy Connection, East Providence | $15
FRANK SANTOS + FRANK O’DONNELL | 10:15 pm | Olives, 108
North Main St, Providence | $22 | 401.751.1200 | THE BIT PLAYERS | Fri-Sat 8 pm | Firehouse Theater, 4 Equality Park Pl, Newport | $15 [$10 Sat @ 10 pm] | 401.849.3473 | firehouse BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | Fri 7 + 9 pm; Sun 6 pm | Warwick
presents Kickasaurus Rex and the Trinity Zoo | 8 pm | Providence Improv Guild, 393 Broad St | $5 | BRENDON WALSH | Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 advance
18 march 14, 2014 | the providence phoenix |
Wulle, and John Porch | 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $15-$25 advance
PROVIDENCE IMPROV GUILD presents the Relay Play Series | “Every Saturday in March, we present the first 10 minutes of a different play by a local playwright and improvise the rest, live in front of the audience” | 8 pm | Providence Improv Guild, 393 Broad St | $5 | IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs SEAN O’CONNOR | See listing for Fri THE BIT PLAYERS | See listing for Fri BRENDON WALSH | See listing for Fri
Comedy Connection, East Providence | $10 MIKE DONOVAN | 8 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $15$25 advance BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | See listing for Fri
Continued on p 20
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CLUB DIRECTORY ALL AMERICAN GRILL | 401.332.1512 | 1759 Mineral Spring Ave, North Providence AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Providence THE BEACH HOUSE | 401.682.2974 | 506 Park Ave, Portsmouth | BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | 508.673.2200 | 46 Water St, Fall River, MA | BOUNDARY BREWHOUSE | 401.725.4260 | 1593 Newport Ave, Pawtucket | Boundarybrewhouse BOVI’S | 401.434.9670 | 278 Taunton Ave, East Providence BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE | 401.575.2284 | 209 Douglas Ave, Providence | brooklyncoffeetea CADY’S TAVERN | 401.568.4102 | 2168 Putnam Pike, Chepachet | CHAN’S | 401.765.1900 | 267 Main St, Woonsocket | chanseggrollsand CHIEFTAIN PUB | 508.643.9031 | 23 Washington St [Rt 1], Plainville, MA | CITY SIDE | 401.235.9026 | 74 South Main St, Woonsocket | THE CONTINENTAL | 401.233.1800 | 332 Farnum Pike, Smithfield | DAN’S PLACE | 401.392.3092 | 880 Victory Hwy, West Greenwich | DEVILLE’S CAFE| 345 South Water St, Providence | DUSK | 401.714.0444 | 301 Harris Ave, Providence | EAST BAY TAVERN | 401.228.7343 | 305 Lyon Ave, East Providence EIGHTY EIGHT LOUNGE | 401.437.8830 | 55 Union St, Providence | facebook. com/EightyEightPianoLounge ELEVEN FORTY NINE | 401.884.1149 | 1149 Division St, Warwick | THE FATT SQUIRREL | 150 Chestnut St, Providence | 401.808.6898 FÊTE | 401.383.1112 | 103 Dike St,
Providence | GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | 508.643.2700 | 60 Man Mar Dr, Plainville, MA | game7sportsbar GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | 401.315.5556 | 105 White Rock Rd, Westerly THE GRANGE | 401.831.0600 | 166 Broadway, Providence | GREENWICH HOTEL | 401.884.4200 | 162 Main St, East Greenwich | HANK’S DOWN SOUTH | 401.792.9200 | 33 State St, Narragansett | INDIGO PIZZA | 401.615.9600 | 599 Tiogue Ave, Coventry | IRON WORKS TAVERN | 401.739.5111 | 697 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick | JAVA MADNESS | 401.788.0088 | 134 Salt Pond Rd, Wakefield | JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | 774.264.9463 | 549 American Legion Hwy, Westport, MA | THE KNICKERBOCKER | 401.315.5070 | 35 Railroad Ave, Westerly | THE LAST RESORT | 401.349.3500 | 325 Farnum Pike, Smithfield | LEGION BOWL & BILLIARDS | 401.785.9595 | 661 Park Ave, Cranston | LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER | 877.82.RIVER | 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | LOCAL 121 | 401.274.2121 | 121 Washington St, Providence | LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | 401.331.5876 | 79 Washington St, Providence | MACHINES WITH MAGNETS | 401.261.4938 | 400 Main St, Pawtucket | machineswithmagnets. com THE MALTED BARLEY | 401.315.2184 | 42 High St, Westerly | themalted
MANCHESTER 65 | 65 Manchester St, West Warwick | manchester MARINER GRILL | 401.284.3282 | 142 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett | THE MEDIATOR | 401.461.3683 | 50 Rounds Ave, Providence MERRILL LOUNGE | 401.434.9742 | 535 North Broadway, East Providence THE MET | 401.729.1005 | 1005 Main St, Pawtucket | MULHEARN’S | 401.48.9292 | 507 North Broadway, East Providence MURPHY’S LAW | 401.724.5522 | 2 George St, Pawtucket | murphys NARRAGANSETT CAFE | 401.423.2150 | 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown | NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | 401.841.5510 | 286 Thames St | newportblues. com NEWPORT GRAND | 401.849.5000 | 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd, Newport | NEWS CAFE | 401.728.6475 | 43 Broad St, Pawtucket NICK-A-NEE’S | 401.861.7290 | 75 South St, Providence NOREY’S | 401.847.4971 | 156 Broadway, Newport | THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | 401.710.7778 | 812 Putnam Pike, Glocester | OAK HILL TAVERN | 401.294.3282 | 565 Tower Hill Rd, North Kingstown | OCEAN MIST | 401.782.3740 | 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Matunuck | OLIVES | 401.751.1200 | 108 North Main St, Providence | olivesrocks. com 133 CLUB | 401.438.1330 | 29 Warren Ave, East Providence ONE PELHAM EAST | 401.847.9460 | 270 Thames St, Newport | O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | 401.228.7444 | 23 Peck Ln, Warwick |
THE PARLOUR | 401.383.5858 | 1119 North Main St, Providence | PERKS & CORKS | 401.596.1260 | 48 High St, Westerly | perksand PERRY’S BAR & GRILLE | 401.284.1544 | 104 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett | PLAZA MEXICO BAR & GRILL | 401.762.0383 | 2120 Diamond Hill Rd, Woonsocket | plazamexicobar POWERS PUB | 401.714.0655 | 27 Aborn St, Cranston | RALPH’S DINER | 508.753.9543 | 148 Grove St, Worcester, MA | THE RHINO BAR | 401.846.0907 | 337 Thames St, Newport | RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BISTRO | 401.232.1331 | 2026 Smith St, North Providence | RIBBB. com RI RA | 401.272.1953 | 50 Exchange Terrace, Providence | THE SALON | 401.865.6330 | 57 Eddy St, Providence | THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | 401.383.7133 | 101 Richmond St, Providence | thespotprovidence. com STELLA BLUES | 401.289.0349 | 50 Miller St, Warren | STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | 401.658.2591 | 80 Manville Hill Rd, Cumberland | 39 WEST | 401.944.7770 | 39 Phenix Ave, Cranston | 2 PAULS’ CITY GRILLE | 401.228.7285 | 315 Waterman Ave, East Providence | UNCLE RONNIE’S RED TAVERN | 401.568.6243 | 2692 Victory Hwy, Burrillville | uncleronniesred VANILLA BEAN CAFE | 860.928.1562 | Rts 44, 169 and 97, Pomfret, CT | WHISKEY REPUBLIC | 401.588.5158 | 515 South Water St, Providence |
20 minutes from Providence 16 Anawan Street, Fall River MA 02721 (near Battleship Cove) (508) 324-1926 Doors open @ 7pm Show starts @ 8pm (unless otherwise noted)
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h B O N G s , VA P E s , R I G s fOR DABs
JOSH GONDELMAN | 8 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $10$20 advance
nection, East Providence | $5 ALONZO BODDEN | 8 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $20$40 advance IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs PROVIDENCE IMPROV GUILD | See listing for Thurs
the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $25 advance, $28 day of show [to benefit Bristol Elder Services] | 508.324.1926 | PENDRAGON | 7 pm | Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland | $15 advance, $18 day of show | 401.725.9272 |
rows Center For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $45 advance, $50 day of show | 508.324.1926 | narrows
Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence | $10 advance, $12 day of show |
HOUNDMOUTH + RAYLAND BAXTER | 9 pm | Columbus Theatre, 270
Broadway, Providence | $15 advance, $17 day of show | columbustheatre. com
For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $30 advance, $35 day of show | 508.324.1926 | narrowscenter. org SOL Y CANTO | 7:30 pm | Zeiterion Theatre, 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | $25 | 508.994.2900 |
MIKE & RUTHY | 7:30 pm | Sandy-
woods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse Way, Tiverton | $17 advance, $20 door | 401.241.7349 | sandywoods RICHARD SHINDELL | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $30 advance, $35 day of show | 508.324.1926 | narrows
THE BROWN UNIVERSITY JAZZ BAND will perform the 27th Annual
Eric Adam Brudner ‘84 Memorial Concert under the direction of Matthew McGarrell | 8 pm | Brown University’s Salomon DeCiccio Family Auditorium, Waterman and George sts, Providence | brown. edu/Departments/Music/events/ DAVID FRANCEY | 8 pm | Blackstone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Cumberland | $13 advance, $15 day of show | 401.725.9272 | riverfolk. org
| 9 pm | Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence | $15 advance, $17 day of show | columbustheatre. com MATT SCHOFIELD | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $22 advance, $25 day of show | 508.324.1926 | narrows THE STEEL WHEELS | 8 pm | Rose Garden Coffeehouse at the Congregational Church, 17 West St,
“Neapolitan Night and More,” with “pianist Michael DiMucci and friends in an evening of food, friends, drink, visual arts, and the nostalgia of Neapolitan music and old favorites” | 6 pm | Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas St | $55 [reservations required] | 401.331.6060 |
Stephanie Chase will perform Beethoven’s Violin Concerto, plus works by Snider and Brahms | 8 pm | Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New London, CT | $35-$55 | 860.444.7373 |
LES DÉLICES will present a concert
titled “Conversations Galantes: The Parisian Salons of the 1750s,” with works by Philidor, Guillemain, Leclair, Rameau, and more | 3:30 pm | First Unitarian Church, 1 Benevolent St, Providence | $25, $22 seniors, $8 students | museum
FESTIVAL BALLET PRESENTS “BOUNDLESS PLOTNIKOV,” featuring three works by Viktor Plotnikov | Fri 8 pm; Sat 7:30 pm; Sun 2:30 pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence | $23-$85 | 401.421.ARTS |
FUSIONWORKS DANCE COMPANY presents “Next Generation,” featuring dancers from Fusionworks II and local students | 1 + 8 pm | Helen Forman Theatre at the John Nazarian Center For the Performing Arts at Rhode Island College, 600 Mt Pleasant Ave, Providence | $25, $22 seniors + students | 401.334.3091 | fusionworks
Sun 2 pm | Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | $20$40 | 401.762.4545 | stadiumtheatre. com
dance leader Miriam Newman and music by Linda Pezzullo and Cindy Ladd | 7:30 pm | South Kingstown Land Trust Barn, 17 Matunuck Beach Rd, Kingston | $10 | 401.539.3009 | kingstonenglish
discuss, and sign his new novel, Tide Turning: A Langley Calhoun Mystery | 4 pm | Books On the Square, 471 Angell St, Providence | 401.331.9097 |
Center For the Arts, 43 Muse Way, Tiverton | $8 adults, $4 children, $18 families | 401.241.7349 |
| John Carter Brown Library, George and Brown sts, Providence | $10 [reservations required] | 401.863.2725 |
“WHOSE BODY IS IT ANYWAY?” | An evening of improv comedy by Sea Tea Improv, cocktails, and food, to benefit Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island | Roger Williams Park Casino, 1000 Elmwood Ave, Providence | $75, $45 under 35 | GALLERY NIGHT PROVIDENCE
| Gallery Night Providence, 1 Regency Plaza, Providence | Free | 401.490.2042 |
“Body/Voice: Women’s Experimental Cinema” | 8 pm | Cable Car Cinema, 204 South Main St, Providence | $5 | 401.272.3970 | magiclantern
emy Scahill about America’s covert wars | 6:30 pm | Weaver Library, 41 Grove St, East Providence | Free | 401.435.1986 | eastprovidencelibrary. org/epl
ARKHAM FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS “SHOCK WAVES!” | 8 pm | 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $5 |
Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Rd | Free | 401.943.9080 |
THE RHODE ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL PRESENTS SHORTS FROM IRELAND | 7 pm | Jamestown Arts Center, 18 Valley St | $10 | 401.560.0979 | jamestownart
GOTPOETRY LIVE! | An open mic | 8 pm | Blue State Coffee, 300 Thayer St, Providence | $3 | 401.383.8393 |
and sign his new book, The Sibley Guide to Bird, Second Edition | Reservations are required [and the event may be moved to Brown’s MacMillan Hall, 167 Thayer St] | Go to the website or call to reserve | 6 pm | Brown Bookstore, 244 Thayer St, Providence | 401.863.3168 | brown. edu/campus-life/support/bookstore/ events POET JOHN BURNSIDE will read from his work | 2:30 pm | Brown University McCormack Family Theater, 70 Brown St, Providence | 401.863.3260 | PROVIDENCE POETRY SLAM | 8 pm | AS220, 115 Empire St, Providence | $3 | 401.831.9327 |
talk by Ashis Nandy, a writer, political psychologist, social theorist, and cultural critic | 2 pm | Brown University’s Watson Institute, 111 Thayer St, Providence | 401.863.2809 | opjindal
cludes with a screening of Ospreys In New England and a talk by osprey expert and filmmaker Alan Poole and Jacob Steinberg | 5 pm | Dedee Shattuck Gallery, 1 Partners Ln, Westport, MA | Free | 508.636.4177 |
talk by magician, computer scientist, and author Chris Morgan | 2 pm | Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | 401.455.8000 |
by Pedro Noguera, executive director of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education | 5 pm | Brown University’s Smith-Buonanno Hall, 95 Cushing St, Providence |
ELIZABETH HEINEMAN will read from her memoir, Ghost Belly, about the events leading up to the delivery of her stillborn child and the grieving that followed | 7 pm | Books On the Square, 471 Angell St, Providence | 401.331.9097 | “VALUE OF THE BOOK” | A talk by Ray Rickman; guests can bring up to three books for free evaluation | 6:30 pm | Barrington Library, 281 County Rd | Free | 401.247.1920 |
caller Will Mentor and music by Riptide | 8 pm | Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA | $8 | 508.252.6375 | contradancelinks. com/rehoboth.html
sign his new book, The Ancestral Table: Traditional Recipes for a Paleo Lifestyle | 7 pm | Books On the Square, 471 Angell St, Providence | 401.331.9097 |
LARS R. TRODMAN will read from,
RUSS CRANDALL will discuss and
criminalist and quality assurance officer at the Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory | Part of URI’s Forensic Science Seminar Series | 3:30 pm | Pastore Hall at the University of Rhode Island, 51 Lower College Rd, Kingston | Free | forensics/seminars.php
C. Magaziner, a former advisor of policy development for President Clinton | 4 pm | Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 222 Richmond St, Providence | brown. edu/academics/public-health/2014paul-levinger-lecture
“KHRUSHCHEV IN POWER: UNFINISHED REFORMS, 1961-1964” | A panel discussion with Sergei Khrushchev, son of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev | 5:30
pm | Brown University’s Watson Institute, 111 Thayer St, Providence | 401.863.2809
talk by Dr. Carol Anderson, an associate professor of African American studies and history at Emory University | 5:30 pm | Brown University’s Smith-Buonanno Hall, 95 Cushing St, Providence | carol-anderson-danger-single-storyafrican-americans-and-anti-colonialstruggle
ART GALLERIES AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6
pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through Mar 29: “Outsider Art,” new work by Sam Marshall and Dan Marks | In the Youth Gallery, new work by Wilson Aguilar and Kassy Cardona AS220 PROJECT SPACE | 401.831.9327 | 93 Mathewson St, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through Mar 29: “Land Studies,” new work by May Babcock | “Exploring Lions,” new work by Jen Booth BANKRI GALLERY | 401.456.5015 x 1330 | 137 Pitman St, Providence | | Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Through Apr 2: clay paintings by Kate Champa — 1 Turks Head Pl, Providence | MonWed 8:30 am-3 pm; Thurs-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm | Through Apr 2: prints by Jessica Nalbandian
600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | | Tues-Fri 12-8 pm | Through Mar 22: “Parallels: Investigations of Geometry and Gesture,” works by Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo, James Cambronne, Wilson Harding Lawrence, Nona Hershey, Laurel Sparks, and Roger Tibbetts CADE TOMPKINS PROJECTS | 401.751.4888 | 198 Hope St, Providence | | Sat 10 am-6 pm + by appointment | Through Mar 29: “Selfies & Friends: Contemporary Portraiture,” with works by Eckhard Etzold, Julie Gearan, Aaron Gilbert, Buck Hastings, Sophiya Khwaja, Suzanne Schireson, Dan Talbot, and Ben Watkins
| 401.421.9230 | 228 Angell St, Providence | | Tues-Sat 11 am-4 pm; Sun 2-4 pm | Through Mar 27: “We Don’t Make Mistakes,” with works by Sam Duket, Bradley Fesmire, Shawn Gilheeney, Buck Hastings, and Neal Walsh COASTAL LIVING GALLERY | 83 Brown St, Wickford | coastalliving | Through Mar 28: “Shattered Visions: Portraits of a City,” paintings by Ian Mohon DAVID WINTON BELL GALLERY | 401 863.2932 | List Art Center,
Brown University, 64 College St, Providence | David_Winton_ Bell_Gallery | Mon-
Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat + Sun 1-4 pm | Through Mar 30: “Alumni Exhibitions: Part 1,” with works by Dawn Clements, Paul Ramirez Jonas, and Kerry Tribe DEBLOIS GALLERY | 401.847.9977 | 134 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown | | Tues-Sun 12-5 pm | Through Mar 30: “Move It!,” an open show GALLERY AT CITY HALL | 401.421.7740 | 25 Dorrance St, Provi-
dence | Tourism/gallery-at-city-hall | Mon-
Fri 8:30 am-4 pm | Through Mar 24: “Community In Focus: Photographs and Stories of Olneyville” GRIN | 60 Valley St #3, Providence | | Mar 20-Apr 12: “nocebo/placebo,” works by Miika Benedetti HERA GALLERY | 401.789.1488 | 10 High St, Wakefield | | Wed-Fri 1-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm
| Through Mar 29: “Four Visions,” works by Uli Brahmst, Linda Denosky-Smart, Susan Hayward, and Myron Rubenstein HOPE GALLERY | 401.396.9117 | 435 Hope St, Bristol | hopegalleryfineart | Thurs-Sat 1-5 pm | Mar 15-Apr 4: “The World of Landscapes”
Broad St, Westerly | westerlylibrary. org | Through Mar 31: works by
Kevin Dwyer and Catherine Radix Mansell
IMAGO FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS | 401.245.0173 | 36 Market St,
Warren | | Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Apr 12: An exhibit by students at Mount Hope High School | Through Apr 12: Works by Mary Dondero, Ellen Ferrin, Paul Clancy, Eileen Siobhan Collins, Rose EssonDawson, Lisa Legato, Pascale Lord, Eileen Mayhew, Linda Megathlin, and Lenny Rumpler THE ISLAND HERON | 401.846.1573 | 42 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown | | Through Mar 15: watercolors by Paula Visnoski JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER | 401.560.0979 | 18 Valley St | jamestown | Wed-Sat 10 am-2 pm | Mar 15-Apr 11: “Multi Media: Art and Invention,” works by Luke Randall KRAUSE GALLERY | 401.831.7350 x 174 | In the Jenks Center at Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Ave, Providence | | Mon-Fri
8 am-4 pm + by appointment | Through Mar 14: “RIAEA Educators’ Exhibit” MAD DOG GALLERY | 401.722.7800 | 65 Blackstone Ave, Pawtucket | | Mon-Wed + Fri-Sat 12-4 pm; Thurs 12-8:30 pm | Through Apr 11: “Human Nature,” a juried sculptural exhibit featuring interpretations of the human form and spirit
PAWTUCKET ARTS COLLABORATIVE AT THE MILL GALLERY | 560 Mineral Spring Ave | pawtucket | Through
Mar 28: “2014 RISCA Fellowship Exhibition,” with works by visual artists Bob Dilworth, Ernest Jolicoeur, Kirstin Lamb, Judith Larzelere, Jon Laustsen, Olivia McCullough, Quintin Rivera Toro, Eleanor Sabin, Jonathan Sharlin, Steven B. Smith, and J.R. Uretsky; video and music stations in the gallery with works by choreographers Ali Kennerrodsky and Danielle Genest, composers Paul Phillips and Kirsten Volness, filmmakers Xander Marro and William Smyth, and New Genres artists Megan and Murray McMillan PROVIDENCE ART CLUB | 401.331.1114 | 11 Thomas St | | Mon-Fri 12-4 pm; Sat-Sun 2-4 pm | Through Mar 28: new work by Frederick Nowosielski, Lenny Rumpler, and David Witbeckn | “A Road Less Traveled,” drawings by Susan Hardy and photographs by Carole P. Kenny PROVIDENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY | 401.455.8000 | 150 Empire St | provlib. org | Through Apr 15: An exhibit celebrating the 200th anniversary of the death of Giambattista Bodoni, one of history’s most important typographers and printers
Ave | | Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm | Through Mar 21: “10 Forms,” large-scale video projection and handheld digital sculptures by Dwyer Kilcollin
Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket | rhodeislandwatercolor | Tues-Sat
10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-5 pm | Through Mar 27: “RIWS Associate Member Show” SARAH DOYLE GALLERY | 401.863.2189 | 26 Benevolent St, Providence | Departments/ Sarah_Doyle_Center/gallery.html | Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm | Through Mar 28: “Activism, Action, and Advocacy: Forty Years at the Sarah Doyle Women’s Center”
St, Providence | Galleries_Exhibitions/Sol_Koffler |
Sun-Fri 12-5 pm | Through Mar 16: “Ceramics Graduate Student Exhibition”
2587 Kingstown Rd, Kingston | | Wed-Sun 10
am-6 pm; Fri 10 am-8 pm | Through Mar 15: “Open Juried Photography and Printmaking Annual” | Mar 20-Apr 19: “Storytellers: The Language of Visual Arts,” an open juried show TRESCOTT STREET GALLERY | 508.944.7898 | 8 Trescott Street, Taunton, MA | trescottstreetgallery. org | Tues + Thurs + Sat 11 am-2 pm | Mar 15-22: “Sedneser Seeds,” sculpture by Joe Resendes and photography by Diane DeMelo URI ART GALLERY | 105 Upper College Rd, Kingston | art/gallery | Through Mar 28: “Objects — Forms,” sculptures by John Udvardy
Washington St, Providence | prov | Mon-Thurs 9 am-9 pm;
Fri + Sat 9 am-4 pm | Through Mar 28: “Rhode Island Women of Distinction,” photographs by Munir D. Mohammed and Erin X. Smithers VAN VESSEM GALLERY | 401.835.6639 | 63 Muse Way, Tiverton | gallery.html | Through Mar 16: “Encaustica,” paintings by Arthur Moore
Beach St, North Kingstown | | Tues-Sat 11 am-
3 pm; Sun 12-3 pm | Through Mar 30: “Members Show” WOODS-GERRY HOUSE | 401.454.6141 | 62 Prospect St, Providence | Exhibitions/Woods_Gerry | Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 2-5 pm | Mar 14-18: “RISD Senior Exhibition: Industrial Department” YELLOW PERIL GALLERY | 401.861.1535 | 60 Valley St #5, Providence | | Wed-Fri 3-8 pm; other days by appointment | Through Apr 20: “Retropical,” an exhibition of photography, video, drawing, and installation by Anabel Vázquez Rodríguez
401.848.8200 | 76 Bellevue Ave | | Tues-Sat 11
am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Admission $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students and military personnel with ID; free for children 5 and under | Through May 4: “The Art of Craft: Selections from the Aquidneck Island Region,” with furniture by George Warren, jewelry by Ruth Brandt and Tamar Kern, baskets by Helen Lee, rugs by Ron Caplain, and stone carving by Brooke Roberts and Nick Benson | Through May 4: “Delicate Armour,” works on paper by Deborah Coolidge | Through May 11: “Avian Aquidneck,” collages by Irving Barrett | Through May 18: “Newport Annual Members’ Juried Exhibition 2014” RISD MUSEUM | 401.454.6500 | 224 Benefit St, Providence | risdmuseum. org | Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm [Thurs until 9 pm] | Admission $12; $10 seniors; $5 college students, $3 ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am-1 pm | Through May 11: “Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests,” short films made between 1964-’66 | Through June 29: “Andy Warhol’s Photographs” | Through July 6: “Arlene Shechet: Meissen Recast,” an exhibition of sculptures | Ongoing: “Subject to Change: Art and Design in the Twentieth Century” + Ancient and Medieval Galleries + Impressionist Galleries + Pendleton House + “A Grand Gallery: European Paintings from the Permanent Collection” + American Art from the Permanent Collection + “Exine” by Paul Morrison + works by Jonathan Bonner
401.218.0282 | thecontemporary | 327 Main St, Wakefield | Now showing: “The Springboard Season,” a series of special small-scale shows | Mar 14 + 15 @ 7 pm, The Clean House, by Sarah Ruhl | $7
COURTHOUSE CENTER FOR THE ARTS | 401.782.1018 | courthouse | 3481 Kingstown Rd, West Kingston | Mar 15-16 2 pm:
A reading of The Sea Wench by local playwright Doris Deleuze Raffaele, with Bob Colonna and Meryn Flynn | $10 EPIC THEATRE COMPANY | | At the Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | Through Mar 22: The Great God Pan, by Amy Herzog | Fri-Sat 8 pm | $15, $12 students GAMM THEATRE | 401.723.4266 | | 172 Exchange St, Pawtucket | Through Apr 13: Macbeth, by William Shakespeare | This week: Mar 13 + 19 + 203 7 pm + Mar 14 + 15 8 pm + Mar 16 2 + 7 pm | $38 + $48
Providence | Mar 14-15: Lyrics from
Lockdown, a multimedia performance written and performed by Bryonn Bain | Fri 7 pm; Sat 2 + 7 pm | Free [reservations @ eventbrite. com/e/lyrics-from-lockdowntickets-10741456987] GRANITE THEATRE | 401.596.2341 | | 1 Granite St, Westerly | Through Mar 30: Same Time, Next Year, by Bernard Slade | This week: Mar 14 + 15 + 20 8 pm + Mar 16 2 pm | $20, $17 seniors, $12 under 13 MIXED MAGIC THEATRE | 401.305.7333 | | Through Mar 16: For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf, by Ntozake Shange | Mar 15 3 + 7:30 pm + Mar 16 6 pm at 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $25, $20 seniors, $15 students + military NEWPORT MURDER MYSTERY | 401.848.8200 | newportartmuseum. org | At the Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Ave | Through Apr 26: Something Wicked This Way Comes | Sat 7 pm | $25, $20 seniors, $15 students + 17 and under
OCEAN STATE THEATRE COMPANY | 401.921.6800 | oceanstate | 1245 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick | Through Mar 16: The All
Night Strut!, a musical celebration of the ’30s and ’40s | Thiurs-Sat 7:30 pm + Sun 2 pm | $39-$54
St | Mar 19-20 7:30 pm: Portrait
of a Teen, a spoken word and movement collage by Part of the Oath | Free
220 Weybosset St, Providence | Mar 14-16: Mamma Mia! | Fri 7:30 pm; Sat 2 + 8 pm; Sun 1 + 6:30 pm | $33-$70 2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 | | 28 Market St, Warren | Through Mar 30: A Bright New Boise, by Samuel D. Hunter | Thurs-Sat 8 pm +Sun 3 pm | $25, $20 under 22 — Mar 14-Apr 13: Le Dindon or The Dupe, by Georges Feydeau | This week: Mar 14 + 15 + 20 7:30 pm + Mar 16 2:30 pm | $25, $20 under 22 [previews Mar 14 + 15 $20] SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY | 401.762.4545 | | Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | Mar 14 8 pm: Romeo & Juliet | $19
TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY | 401.351.4242 | | 201 Washington St, Providence |
Through Mar 30: Oliver!, by Lionel Bart | This week: Mar 13-15 + 18 + 20 7:30 pm + Mar 16 2 + 7:30 pm | $15-$60 YOUR THEATRE | 508.993.0772 | | 136 Rivet St, New Bedford, MA | Mar 20-30: Twelve Angry Men, by Reginald Rose | Thurs-Sat 8 pm + Sun 2:30 pm | $15
CHARLIE QUINTAL & TALK OF THE TOWN | 3 pm | Narrows Center For
Continued from p 19
Mansfield, MA | $18 | 508.699.8122 |
LET US MODIFY YOUR GUITAR BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! | the providence phoenix | march 14, 2014 21
20 march 14, 2014 | the providence phoenix |
22 MARCH 14, 2014 | tHe pRovidenCe pHoenix | pRovidenCe.tHepHoenix.CoM
Unless otherwise noted, these listings are for Thurs Mar 13 through Thurs Mar 20. Times can and do change without notice, so please call the theater before heading out.
260 Thayer St, Providence | 401.421.3315
12 YEARS A SLAVE | Thurs: 1, 6:20 STRANGER BY THE LAKE | Starts Fri: 4:05, 8:50 HER | Thurs: 3:40, 8:55 | Fri-Thurs: 1:30, 6:20
204 South Main St, Providence | 401.272.3970
The Best in Independent Cinema
3/14 ... 12, 4, 8, 10, 11:15 3/15 ... 11,12:15, 2:30, 6:30, 9:30, 10:30 3/16 ... 11, 2, 4 ,6 ,8
3/17 ... 4:30, 7 , 9:30 3/18 ... 4:30, 9:30 3/19 ... 4:30, 7, 9:30 3/20 ... 4:30, 7, 9:30
3/18 @ 7PM (Q & A to follow)
Upcoming e XCHANGe Events Can we even trust our own memories?
March 8 th 10AM - 3PM
MISSING WILLIAM | Thurs: 6 THE PAST | Thurs: 3:30 MAGIC LANTERN CINEMA PRESENTS “BODY/VOICE” | Thurs [13]: 8 THE FEMINIST & WOMEN’S MEDIA FESTIVAL | Fri-Sun | Details @ feministwomensmediafestival.tumblr. com/ LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON | Mon + Wed + Thurs: 4:30, 7, 9:30 | Tues: 4:30, 9:30 BREADCRUMB TRAIL | Tues: 7 [Q&A with director Lance Bangs after the film]
622 George Washington Hwy, Lincoln | 401.333.8676
These listings are for Thurs Mar 13Sun Mar 16 only. Call for updates or go to NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Thurs: 8 | FriSun: 10:45, 1:30, 4:15, 7:15, 10:10 NEED FOR SPEED | Thurs: 8, 9:45 | FriSun: 10:30, 1:15, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9:50 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | Thurs: 11, 5:45 | Fri-Sun: 11, 10:05 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | Thurs: 4:45, 7:15, 8:15, 9:30 | Fri-Sun: 10:45, 11:10, 12, 1:10, 2, 3:30, 4:45, 5:45, 6:55, 7:55, 9:25 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 10:50, 6:45 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | Thurs: 5, 7:30, 9:15 | Fri-Sun: 11:20, 1:25, 2:15, 4, 5, 7:45, 9:15, 10:15 NON-STOP | 10:35, 1:20, 4:10, 7:20, 9:45 SON OF GOD | Thurs: 1:05, 2:20, 4, 7, 9 | Fri-Sun: 10:40, 1:35, 4:25, 6:30, 9:30 3 DAYS TO KILL | 1:25, 4:20, 7:05 POMPEII | Thurs: 10:35, 1:45, 4:25, 7:25, 9:50 | Fri-Sun: 1:05, 5:35 ABOUT LAST NIGHT | Thurs: 1:10, 4:30 | Fri-Sun: 3:20, 8 ENDLESS LOVE | Thurs: 11:05, 1:35, 4:10, 7:05 | Fri-Sun: 1:50, 7:25 ROBOCOP | Thurs: 1:55, 4:40 | Fri-Sun: 4:40, 9:55 THE LEGO MOVIE | Thurs: 10:30, 11:35, 1, 2, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 6:50, 9:10 | Fri-Sun: 10:35, 11:30, 1, 1:55, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 6:50, 7:50, 10:05 THE MONUMENTS MEN | 11:05, 1:40, 4:35 RIDE ALONG | Thurs: 5:20, 7:35 | FriSun: 7:35, 10:20 FROZEN | 10:55, 1:35, 4:05
EAST PROVIDENCE 10 60 Newport Ave | 401.438.1100
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INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS | Thurs: 4:10, 9 THE LEGEND OF HERCULES | Thurs: 12:35, 2:45, 6:55 WALKING WITH DINOSAURS | Thurs: 4:45, 9:05 ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES | Starts Fri: 12:40, 3:10, 6:10, 8:40 AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY | Starts Fri: 12:30, 3, 6:45, 9:15 THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE | Starts Fri: 12:10, 3:05, 6, 8:55 THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG | 1:15, 4:30, 8 THE NUT JOB | 12, 1:55, 3:50, 5:35, 7:20, 9:20 I, FRANKENSTEIN | Thurs: 1, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:20 | Fri-Thurs: 12:50, 5:15, 7:25 JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT | 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:05, 9:20 LABOR DAY | Thurs: 1:55, 4:20, 6:45, 9:10 | Fri-Thurs: 2:55, 4:10, 9:10 NEBRASKA | Thurs: 12:10, 2:35, 5, 7:25, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 1:50, 4:15, 6:40, 9:05 SAVING MR. BANKS | 1:20, 6:35
DALLAS BUYERS CLUB | 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:25 CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 | Thurs: 12:20, 2:25, 4:30, 6:35, 8:40 | Fri-Thurs: 12:05, 9:30
30 Village Square Dr, South Kingstown | 401.792.8008
PHILOMENA | Thurs: 1:10, 4, 7, 9:15 NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Starts Fri: 4:25, 9:40 NEED FOR SPEED | Thurs: 8 | FriThurs: 1:30, 7:10 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 12:20, 2:25, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 4:15, 9:40 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | 1:40, 7:15 12 YEARS A SLAVE | 12:30, 3:30, 6:35*, 9:25* [*no shows Mar 20] NON-STOP | 1:35, 4:10, 7:10*, 9:30* [*no shows Mar 20] SON OF GOD | 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20 THE LEGO MOVIE | 1:20, 4:20, 7:05, 9:15 THE MONUMENTS MEN | 1, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35
ISLAND CINEMAS 10 105 Chase Ln, Middletown | 401.847.3456
NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Starts Fri: 4:15, 9:35 NEED FOR SPEED | Thurs: 8:05 | FriThurs: 1:20, 7 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | 4:35, 9 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 12:20, 2:30, 6:50 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 12:30, 3:15, 6:40, 9:10 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | 1:30*, 4* [*no shows Fri], 7:30, 9:45 NON-STOP | 1, 3:40, 7:25, 9:45 SON OF GOD | 12:40, 3:30, 6:30, 9:20 POMPEII | 1:15, 3:35, 7:20, 9:40 3 DAYS TO KILL | 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35 THE LEGO MOVIE | 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 6:45*, 8:50* [*no shows Mar 20] THE MONUMENTS MEN | 12:50, 3:50, 7, 9:30
JANE PICKENS THEATER 49 Touro St, Newport | 401.846.5252
Providence Place | 401.270.4646
THE LEGO MOVIE IN 3D | Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:25, 6:50 POMPEII | Thurs: 9:55 3 DAYS TO KILL | Thurs: 9:25 NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Starts Fri: 1, 4, 7:05, |10:05 NEED FOR SPEED | Starts Fri: 1:40, 4:40, 7:35, 10:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 TYLER PERRY’S THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB | Starts Fri: 12:45, 1:15, 3:40, 4:15, 6:40, 7:10, 9:15, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:50, 12:30 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | 11:25, 1:50, 4:10, 6:45 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 12, 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 11:10, 1:35, 4:05, 6:30, 9 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:25 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | 12:10, 12:40, 2:35, 3:05, 5:05, 5:35, 7:30, 8, 10, 10:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE: AN IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE | 11:40, 2:05, 4:35, 7, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:55 NON-STOP | Thurs: 11:55, 1:15, 2:25, 4:15, 5, 7:20, 7:50, 9:50, 10:20 | FriThurs: 1:10, 4:30, 7:20, 7:50, 9:50, 10:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 SON OF GOD | Thurs: 1, 4, 7, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 11:55, 12:20 ABOUT LAST NIGHT | Thurs: 12:15, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 9:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:30 ROBOCOP | Thurs: 12:55, 4:30, 7:45, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10
THE LEGO MOVIE | Thurs: 11, 1:30, 3:55, 6:20, 8:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:30, 12:30, 1:55, 2:55, 4:25, 5:25, 6:50, 9:20 THAT AWKWARD MOMENT | Thurs: 9:35 GRAVITY 3D | 11:05, 1:20, 3:45, 6:10 RIDE ALONG | 11:45, 2:10, 4:45, 7:25, 10:15 THE WOLF OF WALL STREET | 8:35 FROZEN | Thurs: 11:10, 1:40, 4:10, 6:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:20, 2, 4:20, 6:55
SHOWCASE CINEMAS SEEKONK ROUTE 6 Seekonk Square, Seekonk, MA | 508.336.6789
3 DAYS TO KILL | Thurs: 6:55 NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Thurs: 8 | FriThurs: 7 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:55 NEED FOR SPEED | Starts Fri: 12:55, 4:05 TYLER PERRY’S THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB | Starts Fri: 12:40, 4, 7:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:10 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:35 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 12:45, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:05 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 12:50, 4:40, 7:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:30 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | 12:20, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 10 SON OF GOD | 12:35, 3:45, 6:45 | FriSat late show: 9:45 NON-STOP | 1, 4:10, 7:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:50 THE LEGO MOVIE | 12:25, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:15 THE MONUMENTS MEN | Thurs: 12:40, 4:05, 6:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:40 FROZEN | 1:05, 4:45, 7:10
SHOWCASE CINEMAS WARWICK 1200 Quaker Ln | 401.885.1621
NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Thurs: 8 | FriThurs: 1, 4:10, 7:05, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:55 NEED FOR SPEED | Thurs: 9 | FriThurs: 1:30, 4:10, 7:35, 10:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 TYLER PERRY’S THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB | Thurs: 8:15 | Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 4:20, 7:10, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | 11:15, 1:40, 4:05, 6:30* [*no show Mar 13] MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 11:50, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:55 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 11:40, 2:05, 4:35, 7, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | 12:10, 2:35, 5:05, 7:30, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 THE WIND RISES [KAZETACHINU] | 4:25, 7:20, 10:20 12 YEARS A SLAVE | Thurs: 1:10, 4:10, 7:15, 10:15 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, 3:35, 6:40, 9:30 NON-STOP | 11, 1:45, 3:45, 4:15, 6:55, 7:25, 9:40, 10:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 SON OF GOD | 12:40, 3:40, 6:45, 10:10 THE LEGO MOVIE | 11:45, 2:10, 4:30, 6:55*, 9:25* [*no shows Mar 13] THE MONUMENTS MEN | Thurs: 12:25, 3:15, 6:30, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:25, 6:50 PHILOMENA | Thurs: 1:50, 4:20, 6:40 | Fri-Thurs: 11:05, 1:25 THE WOLF OF WALL STREET | Thurs: 11:10, 2:55, 6:35 | Fri-Thurs: 9 AMERICAN HUSTLE | 3:15, 9:50 FROZEN | 11:20, 1:55
SHOWCASE CINEMAS WARWICK MALL 400 Bald Hill Rd | 401.736.5454
THE LEGO MOVIE IN 3D | Thurs: 11, 1:35, 3:55 RIDE ALONG | Thurs: 7:20, 10:20 ROBOCOP | Thurs: 9:25 3 DAYS TO KILL | Thurs: 9:15 NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Thurs: 8 | FriThurs: 12:45, 3:50, 6:45, 9:45 NEED FOR SPEED | Thurs: 9 | FriThurs: 1:15, 4:20, 7:15, 10:15 TYLER PERRY’S THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB | Starts Fri: 1:10, 4, 7:40, 10:20 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | 11:30, 1:55, 4:30, 6:50
MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | 12, 2:25, 5, 7:20, 9:40 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | 9:30 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | 12:10, 12:40, 2:35, 3:05, 5:05, 5:35, 7:30, 8, 10, 10:30 NON-STOP | Thurs: 11:35, 1:15, 2, 4, 4:45, 7:10, 7:45, 9:55, 10:15 | Fri-Thurs: 11:35, 1:20, 2:10, 4:15, 4:45, 7:05, 7:35, 9:55, 10:25 SON OF GOD | 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 10:10 THE LEGO MOVIE | Thurs: 11:25, 2:10, 4:30, 7:05, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11, 2:05, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35 AMERICAN HUSTLE | Thurs: 12:05, 4:25, 7:35 | Fri-Thurs: 10:05 FROZEN | Thurs: 11:15, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:15, 1:45, 4:25, 7:25
Want to intern for
640 South Washington St, North Attleboro, MA | 508.643.3900
THE LEGO MOVIE IN 3D | Thurs: 1:55, 4:25 ROBOCOP | Thurs: 7:35 NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Thurs: 8 | FriThurs: 7:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:20 NEED FOR SPEED | Starts Fri: 1:20, 4:20 TYLER PERRY’S THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB | Starts Fri: 1:40, 4:25, 7:15 | FriSat late show: 9:55 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | Thurs: 12:10, 2:35, 5, 7:20 | Fri-Thurs: 1:50, 4:15, 6:35 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | Thurs: 3:05, 5:30, 7:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12, 2:20, 4:45, 7:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:30 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | Thurs: 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 4, 7:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:40 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | Thurs: 12:45, 3:10, 5:35, 8 | Fri-Thurs: 1:30, 4:30, 7:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:10 12 YEARS A SLAVE | 12:35, 3:45, 7 | FriSat late show: 10:05 NON-STOP | 1:10, 3:50, 6:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:35 THE LEGO MOVIE | 12:05, 2:30, 4:55, 7:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:40 RIDE ALONG | 12:20, 2:55, 5:15, 7:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 10 THE WOLF OF WALL STREET | Thurs: 6:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 9 FROZEN | 12:50, 3:40, 6:30
207 Swansea Mall Dr, Swansea, MA | 508.674.6700
ROBOCOP | Thurs: 10:40 pm 3 DAYS TO KILL | Thurs: 1:30, 4:10 NEED FOR SPEED 3D | Thurs: 8:30 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 4, 7, 10 NEED FOR SPEED | Thurs: 8 | Fri-Sun: 1:15, 1:40, 2, 7:15, 7:35, 8, 10:35 | MonThurs: 2, 7:35, 10:35 TYLER PERRY’S THE SINGLE MOMS CLUB | Thurs: 8, 10:35 | Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 4:25, 7:25, 10:10 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN 3D | Thurs: 1:45, 4:45, 7:15,10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:35, 4:50, 7:30, 10:05 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN | Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 6:40, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 1:05, 4:20, 6:45, 9:30 12 YEARS A SLAVE | Thurs: 1:25, 4:35, 7:35 | Fri-Sun: 4:15, 10:25 | Mon-Thurs: 1:15, 4:15*, 7:15*, 10:25* [*no shows Mar 20] 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE 3D | Thurs: 1, 4, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55, 10:20 | Fri-Thurs: 1:45, 4:45, 7:25, 10:20 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE | Thurs: 1:20, 7:40 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 4:05, 6:55, 9:50 NON-STOP | Thurs: 1:50, 4:50, 7:45, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: 1:25, 4:30, 7:10, 10:15 SON OF GOD | 1, 4:10, 7:20, 10:30 THE LEGO MOVIE | Thurs: 2:05, 4:40, 7:30, 10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:50, 4:35, 7:05*, 9:55* [*no shows Mar 20] THE MONUMENTS MEN | Thurs: 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 10:05 | Fri-Sun: 4:40, 10:50 | Mon-Thurs: 1:40, 4:20, 7, 9:40 FROZEN | Thurs: 1:10, 4:05 | Fri-Thurs: 5 DIVERGENT | Thurs [3.20]: 8 MUPPETS MOST WANTED | Thurs [3.20]: 7, 9:35
this spring? Now AcceptiNg ApplicANts for:
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Finance Editorial Marketing Graphic Design Web Development Business Administration
The Providence Phoenix strongly supports equal employment opportunity for all applicants. pleAse seNd resumes to:
24 MARCH 14 , 2014 | tHe pRovidenCe pHoenix | pRovidenCe.tHepHoenix.CoM
FA L S E !
“Musicians can’t afford health insurance” FACT: If you make less than $15,856 you can get FREE health insurance. If you make more, it is very affordable and tax credits are available.
THE SIGNUP DEADLINE IS MARCH 31 If you don’t sign up by then, your next chance is not until November. Don’t wait that long!
The TUNE IN & TUNE UP Rhode Island Musicians Health Awareness Program, an initiative of the R.I. Music Hall of Fame
will present a health forum for the music community
Sunday, March 23, 4:00 PM @ Blackstone River Theatre 549 Broad Street, Cumberland, RI
The HealthSource RI outreach team will answer questions and help you start the enrollment process.
Details at
ouR RaTINg
film Short Takes Movie Reviews in bRief XXXW
Masterpiece Good Okay Not Good Stinks
fun in a bit part. Longtime stuntman Scott Waugh directed.
THE WIND RISES 126 MinUtes | pg-13 | jAne piCkens With The Wind Rises, animator Hayao Miyazaki paints an empathetic portrait of Jiro Horikoshi, the aeronautical engineer who designed many of the fighter planes used by the Japanese military during World War II. The film is one of the most rapturously beautiful that Miyazaki has made, and all the more unsettling because of it. Miyazaki, who previously told this story in a 2009 manga, claims he didn’t want to judge his subject, though Horikoshi was indirectly responsible for countless deaths. Instead the movie presents Horikoshi as he might have imagined himself — as a romantic who loved airplanes and mathematics for their abstract beauty and believed his work transcended its military application. To call The Wind Rises a success is a bit like calling Horikoshi a success — doing so makes you feel disgusted with yourself.
_Ben Sachs
_Ben Sachs
lIkE faTHER, lIkE SoN 120 MinUtes | CAble CAR A workaholic architect and his wife learn that their six-year-old son was switched at birth and is being raised by a slovenly bluecollar couple who share very few of their values. This moving drama, one of the best to date from Japanese writer-director Hirokazu Kore-eda, follows the relationship between these two families over the course of a year, presenting the ebb and flow of their lives with such care that even minute changes to their routines have an unsettling impact. Kore-eda and his actors realize the characters in novelistic depth, conveying sympathy even when subtly critiquing their behavior; and as usual, Kore-eda proves to be a gifted, unsentimental director of children. In Japanese with subtitles.
_Ben Sachs
STRaNgER by THE lakE
124 MinUtes | pg-13 | CAble CAR
100 MinUtes | pg-13 | Avon
Though based on a series of video games, this big-budget racing picture feels closer in spirit to 1950s comic books and Walter Hill’s early directorial efforts; the action is clearly delineated, the neon colors bright as can be, the characters deliberately archetypal. Unfortunately there’s not much of a sensibility beneath the pleasant surfaces; the movie is easy to enjoy, but just as easy to forget. A sensitive and expressive performer, Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad) is an awkward fit for the Clint Eastwood-like hero, a stoic amateur racer out to avenge the malicious pro driver who framed him for manslaughter. Rami Malek (The Master), Ramon Rodriguez (The Wire), and Scott Mescudi (better known as rapper Kid Cudi) appear more comfortable onscreen as Paul’s crew of merry gearheads, and Michael Keaton is
A young gay man (Pierre Deladonchamps) finds himself wrapped up in a murder plot in this beguiling thriller, a career-best effort by French writer-director Alain Guiraudie. Unifying time, place, and action as Bergman might, Guiraudie confines this to a single location, a secluded lakeshore where gay men swim, tan, and dip into the nearby woods for anonymous (usually unprotected) sex. But the director also shares with Hitchcock a sense that sex can bring deadly peril, the tone shifting from serene to sinister. The story offers a commentary on safesex practices, but rather than proselytize, Guiraudie communicates his ideas in lush landscape photography and striking pointof-view shots worthy of Rear Window. In French with subtitles.
UNSETTLING BEAUTY Horikoshi in The Wind Rises.
_Drew Hunt
26 March 14, 2014 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.coM
Moon signs
1119 North Main St., Providence 02904. MON - THURS 3pm to 1am FRI 3pm- 2am SAT 5pm-2am SUN 5pm-1am
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thur 3/13
Foolproof Brewing Farmhouse Ale release party with JOHN FARAONE & FRIENDS / ROUTE .44/POPPASqUASH
EvEry FrI
sat 3/15 sun 3/16
mon 3/17
EvEry mon
and natural Element Band 7
Open Mic Reggae atnight 7pm
with Colonel Johnny maguire
wEndEsday trIvIa Is BaCK!
thurs 3/20
7: 30Pm By whalEBonE EntErtaInmEnt
Funky Autocrats
no cove r
DENVER BOOT/ ELISON JACKSON/ HAUNT THE HOUSE 3/22: The Throttles, Wild Sun, Shifty Eye 3/23 Memorial Concer t for Doreen Mooney 4/3 The Custies/ Skinny millionaires / Us n Y’all April is for Autism Benefits 4/5 Headless Nixon, Nymphidels, Baylies band 4/12 Mer tz, Pale amanitas, Failsafe, Matt Fraza 4/26 Lenny Lashley, Red Penny’s, Quahogs
RECORdS, COMIC bOOkS, TOyS, vIdEO gAMES & dvd’S 1732 Fall River ave seekonk, ma 508-336-4790
Waxing moon in Leo. that Leo moon brings out the carnivores, as well as favoring hair-dressing. if you have the urge to clip your winter mane, you’re in tune with the moon. Sagittarius, aries, Leo, and virgo: dress for success, and if that means excess, so be it. taurus, Scorpio, aquarius, and pisces: others may pressure you, and saying “not now” is safer than “no.” Gemini, Libra, cancer, and capricorn: you’ll need to speak more loudly than usual to be heard. 14
EvEry tuE Vintage Vinyl Breakdown
EvEry wEd
Friday March 14
with upsetta International 6
537 Pontiac ave Cranston, Ri 401-781-5017 OPeN 7 DaYs
moon, so Scorpio, taurus, aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, and pisces may want to challenge authority. Libra, Scorpio, Leo, virgo, cancer, and capricorn: don’t look for clouds in the cream; just drink the coffee. 1
Waxing moon in Leo, moon void-ofcourse 3:24 am until 10:17 am when it goes into virgo, virgo. the full moon looms, and virgo moons bring out the perfectionist in all. is your health okay? are you eating the right vitamins? if these questions make sense, you are very much in tune with the moon. however, the sun is at odds with the 15
saturday March 15
Waxing moon in virgo. excellent day for spring-cleaning. virgo moons bring out a work-ethic and an ability to see fine details. they can also bring out the pissy side of Sagittarius, Gemini, pisces, and aries. virgo, capricorn, taurus, and Libra: stay to the end. this is not the time for the “broad overview.” cancer, Scorpio, aquarius, and Leo: assess your health, and be realistic. 16
sunday March 16 1
18 6
19 7
Full moon in virgo, moon void-ofcourse 1:08 pm until 8:46 pm when it moves into Libra. Good day for bookkeeping or managing minutia, or getting your car fixed (in the morning). virgo, taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, pisces, and Sagittarius have macroscopic vision (little stuff looks huge). capricorn, cancer, aries, Leo and aquarius are “on the edge,” and could be unexpectedly emotional. Libra can get what they want. But what do they want? 17
Reggae night
no r cove
thursday March 13
6pm -9m Free! ST. PATRiCK’S DAy BASh! ShARKS COME CRUiSiN’ 20
should ws
You know how everyone gets a little crazy? And then someone says, “Is it the full moon?” Well, you can be the person who says “Yes! It’s the full moon. Stop asking stupid questions and wipe those crumbs off your face. I mean, really!” For ladies who have ventured onto Route PMS, expect this week to bring a level of intensity that your companions may find a) ominous, b) vexing, c) fearful for their life. The upside is that the days are lengthening and we moved the clocks ahead an hour. So spring is springing and that’s a beautiful thing.
_b y sy Mb o l i ne DA i
Monday March 17 2
Waning moon in Libra, Mercury moves into pisces. St. patrick’s day. green beer! Serve us up some kedgeree and soda bread! the second-biggest let’s-getsmashed holiday of the year (after new Year’s, followed by Memorial day, if vehicular fatality stats hold). Yet, it’s on a Monday. So moderatiown in most things, particularly for aries, capricorn, cancer, and taurus, who could be nudgy. Libra, Gemini, aquarius, and Scorpio: find the funny side — you’ll stay sane. it’s okay to change your mind, Sagittarius, Leo, taurus, and virgo. 18
tuesday March 18 3
Waning moon in Libra, moon void-ofcourse 9:07 pm until 5:13 am Wednesday. Yes, a lengthy void-of-course moon always means that deeply held convictions hit the “spin cycle.” in this case, as Scorpio follows Libra, figure that vague notions turn into presumptions by the end of the day. cancer, capricorn, aries, taurus, aquarius and Leo should hold off on decisions. You don’t have all the information. Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, pisces, virgo, and Sagittarius: you’re the steady one. 19
Wednesday March 19 4
Waning moon in Scorpio. drive a hard bargain, and probe as deeply as you can, especially Scorpio, cancer, pisces, virgo and capricorn. taurus, Leo and aquarius can leap to conclusions, and then land with a thud. Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, aries: it’s a waiting game for you. pay attention to trifles, no matter how much you want to “move on.” and, it’s a great “impromptu romance” night for all. 20
this horoscope traces the passage of the moon, not the sun. Simply read from day to day to watch the moon’s influence as it moves through the signs of the zodiac. | When the moon is in your sun sign, you are beginning a new 28-day emotional 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 cycle, and you can expect increased insight and emotionality. When the moon moves into the sun sign opposite yours (see below), expect to have difficulties dealing with the opposite 27 28 social 29 30 activities 31 sex,25family,26or authority figures; or romantic will not be at their best. | When the moon is in aries, it opposes Libra, and vice versa. other oppositions are taurus/ Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, cancer/capricorn, Leo/aquarius, and virgo/pisces. the moon stays in each sign approximately two and a half days. | as the moon moves between signs, it will sometimes become “void of course,” making no major angles to planets. consider this a null time and try to avoid making or implementing decisions if you can. But it’s great for brainstorming. | For Symboline dai’s sun-sign horoscopes and advice column, visit our Web site at Symboline Dai can be reached at
66 67 68 69 70 71
pang or misgiving Military turndown Big poet for java Location of what to ditch from all long solutions (and from across/down hints) for this all to work Yahoo’s stock in 1996, for short Start to unify? pinocchio, notoriously Brand ides “Grande” arizona attraction vigorous
Down 1 it usually starts with “wee wee wee” 2 hawaii’s Mauna ___ 3 off-road transport, for short 4 “ixnay” (or a conundrum in a tube?) 5 Feat potUS 6 Jason’s mythical craft 7 road tripe quorum 8 “i dunno,” in day books 9 “___ for igloo” 10 “Mama” of 1960s pop 11 part of aSap 12 hill who sang “doo Wop (that tee-heeing)” 13 toepieces of discussion 18 “___ Gang” (film shorts with kid “rascals”) 22 potful at cook-offs 23 “right hand on holy book” situation 24 “Buzz off, fly!” 25 capitol hill gp. 27 took a hop 28 Bad guys pursuant of peace, man
27 15
The “Biggest Loser” star and fitness expert
March 25th
Fine Dining restaurant American & Middle Eastern Cuisine Full Service Bar Food & Spirits An unforgettable dining experience; whether a romantic dinner or family reunion. Visit our full service bar to enjoy our signature drink specials and wine from around the world while sampling some of our delicious bar favorites.
F “EEEEEEvil”— what can I say? It’s crossword #666 54 56 59 60
Moon KeyS
Jonesin’ _by matt J ones Across 1 ___ Bator (Mongolia’s capital) 5 part of a war plane 11 italian or Swiss summit 14 Fantasy sports option 15 Jiddah’s leaned 16 ___ paulo (Brazil’s most populous city) 17 Bathrooms brimming with lawn clippings? 19 Fashion world star anna 20 Words prior to “touche” or “tureen” 21 obvious disdain 23 Wheat bread pitt almost took away for 2011 26 appomattox initials 29 country musician axetone 30 Just ___, skip and jump away 31 Scandinavian fans of Wiggum’s kid (in Simpsons-iana)? 34 Quantity of bricks? 35 two from tijuana 36 Stir things up 37 British artist William with a 1745 portrait of him and his pug dog 39 hands out 43 Bangkok bankroll 44 Utmost ordinal 45 Wood that flavors bourbon 46 thousand dollar bills that fly and roost? 50 1052, to tacitus 51 Last half of a tiny food contaminant (with first half of, um, you know...) 52 “two virgins” musician Yoko 53 Folks who owen Meany films, say
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31 32 33 35 38 40 41 42 46 47
Latvian-born artist Marek Mila’s “that 70’s Show” costar code and sea-lemon, for two transylvanian count, informally Bubbling, in a way pro tour sport Unworldly sort things worn to go downhill fast Fined without fault hour for a British cup, traditionally 48 Gaucho’s grasslands 49 how you might wax nostalgic 50 Works of art on walls
53 55 57 58 61 62 63 64 65
auction node Meanly, in nouns (abbr.) city on a fjord prompt jaws to drop, say UFc fighting classification, for short holm of filmdom Quick shot of brandy Williams with a “Mortal city” album cook bacon Solution iS on page 20
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neveR a coveR chaRge! sat mar 15
vote foR us!
supeRbad sat mar 22
Monday Night
upcoMing events:
SAT 3/22 Superbad SAT 3/29 Full CirCle SAT 4/5 remnantz
pool & pokeR Huge St. paddy day party. Free Corned beeF and Cabbage dinner For all playerS
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gReat late night Menu