Providence 07/25/14

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july 25-31, 2014 | rhode island’s largest weekly | Free


memorable moves island moving co.’s great Friends dance Festival _by Johnette Rodriguez | p 26

MidSummer Guide f Welcome to Woonsterly: exploring

rhode island’s north and south border toWns f look at that! the splendor of providence’s neW public art f mega-listings for Warm Weather fun

is snapshots and spice cams th J t in The PVD Polaroid Project | p 6 Us


evolving perspectives Florence Lief at Bert Gallery| p 28 | the providence phoenix | JULY 25 , 2014 3


JULY 25 , 2014

contents in thiS iSSUe p 12

SUNDAY, 8PM p 10

p 28

9 Mid-Summer Guide


a SP EcIa L SEctIOn

Summer’s halfway over, and what do you have to show for it, besides bad tan lines and too many heat-induced hangovers? Luckily for you, it’s not too late to salvage the season. Get out there and live it up before Labor Day rolls around . . . .

24 HOmEGROwn PROdUct _bY cHRIS cO n tI

Textures and treasures: new discs by bOb kEndaLL and aLLYSEn caLLERY.

26 dancE _b Y JOHn Et t E ROd RIGUEz

Mesmerizing moves: ISLand mOvInG cO.’s Great Friends Dance Festival.

28 aRt _ bY GRE G cOOk

Evolving perspectives: fLOREncE LIEf at Bert Gallery.


36 fILm

“Short Takes” on wISH I waS HERE and and SO It GOES.


the USUaL StUff 4

AUG 23



BeloJo sale a done deal: more fun on Fountain Street | Rerouting RIPTA | A true maverick | The road to High Street | Honoring Dennis





doo wop Summer 10


Snapshots and Spice Cams at the PVD Polaroid Project

22 8 daYS a wEEk

Decisions, decisions: a modest game plan for the Newport Folk Festival; dive into the One-Act Play Festival at the Artists’ Exchange; Newport Bridgefest; and more on McCarthy.

the dennis mccarthy Soul memoiral p 22


OCT 16

38 mOOnSIGnS _ b Y S YmbOLI n E d aI

38 JOnESIn’ _PUzzLE b Y matt JOn ES


providence | portLand vol. xxvii | no. 29

Stephen m. mindich publisher + chairMan

everett finkeLStein

chief operating officer

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associate publisher Stephen L. Brown Managing editor LoU papineaU news editor phiLip eiL contributing editors BiLL rodrigUez, Johnette rodrigUez contributing writers rUdY cheekS, chriS conti, greg cook, chip YoUng contributing photographers nataLJa kent, richard mccaffreY graphic designers andrew caLipa, Jennifer SoareS sales director Shannon dUnnigan account executives BrUce aLLen, micheLe campeLLone, Scott hanna, Leah Schroeder advertising operations Manager adam oppenheimer director of adMinistration rachaeL mindich senior accountant kathrYn SimoeS Media operations coordinator rYan mccaBe circulation kevin dorgan

website providence subscriptions BULk rate $74/6 monthS, $156/1 Year, aLLow 7-14 daYS for deLiverY. caLL 401.273.6397 copyright © 2014 BY the providence phoenix, inc. aLL rightS reServed. reprodUction withoUt permiSSion, BY anY method whatSoever, iS prohiBited. printed by maSS weB printing co., inc., 314 waShington St, aUBUrn, ma 01501 | 508.832.5317

the phoenix Media/coMMunications group

chairMan Stephen m. mindich chief operating officer everett finkeLStein

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OCTOBER 9 IT BEGINS WITH A TICKET... 508-994-2900 Zeiterion Performing Arts Center Downtown NEW BEDFORD!


4 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

Phillipe + Jorge’s Cool, Cool World

belojo sale a done deal more fun on fountain st; Bus? stop!?!; the groovy james garner Major news broke in the local

media world late Tuesday aff ternoon, when WPRI Channel 12

reported that The Providence Journal has been sold to the New Media Investment Group Inc., a parent company of the newspaper conglomerate, GateHouse Media. The Other Paper had been up for sale since December by its owners since 1997, the A.H. Belo Corporation of Texas, but the deal has now apparently been finalized, with the new owners paying around $46 million for the BeloJo and its assets, but not the headquarters at 75 Fountain Street or the adjacent parking lots owned by the paper. Belo will continue to own and try to sell those properties, with New Media leasing them for the upcoming months. So, what does it all mean? Damned if P&J know but, sadly, we suspect the worst. Other newspaper purchases by New Media have meant cutbacks at the new acquisitions and the Urinal has seen more than enough of those in recent years. Our last great hope for the Other Paper was that perhaps a local group would be able to purchase it. (A group that included Buff Chace, John Howell, and Barry Fain made an unsuccessful bid for the paper.) We’ll be watching closely what happens now. But, believe us when we tell you that there is no joy in Mudville.

ReRouting RiPtA

The recently launched reconstruction of Kennedy Plaza has meant that all buses that normally use the plaza as the hub have been rerouted to different stops. Despite advance notice of these changes, a lot of chaos ensued and, as a regular RIPTA rider, Jorge had a front row seat. The changes were especially difficult for pregnant women and folks with disabilities who found that, instead of the convenience of getting on and off the buses in Kennedy Plaza, they had to trudge to temporary bus stops all over downtown, extending to the Convention Center, Exchange Terrace, and Steeple Street. People were constantly buttonholing uniformed RIPTA employees on hand to ask questions like, “Where does the Pawtucket bus leave from?” and “Where can you get the Providence/Newport bus?” Cards were printed and distributed that displayed a map of the temporary stops, but even those were a bit confusing. For instance, they indicated that the #60 Providence/Newport bus was still leaving from across the street

from the post office, when it turned out it was actually leaving from Steeple Street. Another “innovation” for bus riders has been the recent removal of nearly half the bus stops on many routes, although many bus stop signs are still up. P&J are sure that a number of people waiting at these stops were astonished when the buses passed by without stopping (though, thankfully, many of the drivers would pick people up and then inform them that this was no longer a bus stop). Your superior correspondents are unsure if the administrators at RIPTA who devised these new plans are aware of the chaos that has been unleashed over the past few weeks, but there is one thing of which we are quite certain: nobody in RIPTA’s top brass rides the bus regularly. This is surely one of the reasons why the service is such a mess. (We believe the

jen sorensen

other major reason is the idiotic funding formula tied to gasoline tax money, but that’s the fault of the General Assembly.) At this point, we have come to understand that inconveniencing poor people (the vast majority of RIPTA riders) is a new American tradition. What a mess.

A tRue mAveRick

Flags are flying at half-staff at Casa Diablo over the passing of James Garner, a longtime hero and bright star in Phillipe and Jorge’s firmament. Growing up, there wasn’t a cooler, funnier stud on TV than card shark Bret Maverick, portrayed in the eponymous series by Garner. But Maverick appealed to more than just male ’utes of that generation, and after its debut in 1957, it often topped even the mighty Sunday night legendary broadcast, The Ed Sullivan Show, in ratings. Take that, Topo Gigio

and Senor Wences (“S’alright!”). Needless to say, The Rockford Files are a lot more accessible to the memories of younger folks than to P&J’s collective mind. Garner’s incorrigible private eye, abetted by Noah Beery as his cranky father and Stuart Margolin as the comic relief, was as good a character as you will ever see solving crimes on the boob tube. Garner was also cool enough to steal movie scenes from Steve McQueen and an all-star cast in The Great Escape, as the Scrounger. His plane ride with an unseeing Donald Pleasance and eventual crash and capture by the Nazis is the stuff of Hollywood lore. (And true to Garner’s Everyman appeal, he was not just a silver screen soldier; he had been awarded two Purple Hearts in the Korean War.) One notable omission from the mainstream obits for Garner

is any mention of his role in the movie, The Notebook. The Oscars overlooked him, as well as the film, but if you’re looking for a great love story and good cry, watch this flick. Goodbye, James, and thanks for the memories.

the RoAd to high StReet

An old friend of P&J’s is performing a one-man “live, musical/ digital/story telling show” this weekend as part of the first-ever Providence Fringe Festival. Andrew Potter was half of the duo known as the High Street Circus in the 1980s. For a while they were based in South County and they also worked the streets of San Francisco for many years. They have mad musical and circus skills and Andrew will be telling their story and displaying some of those skills in this show. There will be a performance on Friday, July 25 at 7 pm at the Paff Auditorium at URI’s Providence campus (80 Washington St) and another on Saturday (the 26th) at 9 pm at Aurora Providence (276 Westminster St). No word yet on whether there will be cotton candy for sale.

honoRing denniS

As Vo Dilun music fans know, the veteran soul singer, Dennis McCarthy, passed away on June 3. Since then, musicians and other members of the RI music community have been planning the tribute concert to him taking place this Sunday, July 27 at 4:30 pm at the Met in Pawtucket. The event will be a celebration of Dennis’s life and music, with the release of a CD full of songs written and performed by Dennis and others from studio sessions he did a number of years ago. Four groups associated with Dennis will perform: the Groovemasters, the Nick-a-Nee’s Band, the Last Call Band, and the Ubiquitones. The bands will feature some of the best-known and most popular RI musicians of the past 30 years. Emcees will be Len Cabral, Mark Taber, and Rudy Cheeks (Jorge). The Dennis McCarthy Soul Memorial CD will be on sale, featuring liner notes by Duke Robillard and Gary Cummings and a stellar group of musicians (John Allmark, Klem, Marty Ballou, Thom Enright, et al) who played on those sessions. All proceeds from this event and sales of the CD will go to Dennis’s son, Jefferson. If you’ve been a RI music fan for any length of time, you will not want to miss this. ^

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One Orms Street, Providence • (401) 272-2400 • One Day POOl Passes available MOnDay–ThursDay: $30

6 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |



July 9th-August 2nd, 2014

This Just In visual Arts

snapshots and spice cams at the pvd polaroid project


written by Kathryn Walat directed by Aubrey Snowden July 9th - 12th& August 1st at 8pm


written by Gregory S. Moss directed by Kenneth Prestininzi July 16th - 19th & July 31st at 8pm


Do you know what a Spice Cam is? It’s probably not what you think. In 1998, when the fortunes of the Polaroid Corporation were in steep decline and the Spice Girls were at the peak of their fame, the company best known for its instant film cameras unveiled its latest model: a pink and purple piece of Spice Girls ephemera that represented a last-ditch effort to stay relevant in the digital age. A few years later, Polaroid filed for bankruptcy. In 2007 the company stopped making cameras altogether. Thanks to Devan Durant and Brandon Lane of the PVD Polaroid Project, we can all get our fix of the tangible instant gratification of Polaroid photography without having to scour eBay for cameras and film. As part of PopUp Providence, a city-funded art initiative focusing on impermanent and participatory public art, the project is making its home at 235 Westminster St until August 22. The space functions as a camera shop, photo gallery, and portrait studio — a place where Lane and Durant hope to help participants feel inspired by, and connected to, Providence. “It’s like the haiku of photography,” Lane says of Polaroid. “It’s concise, it’s brief, and you’ve really got to think a little harder to make every shot count.” With film prices averaging about $3.50 per photo (currently only one company in the Netherlands manufactures the film) there’s a sort of forced accountability when shooting in Polaroid that gets lost in digital photography, says Lane. “You’ve got to frame the image perfectly because you only have that one chance,” he says. The idea for the project was born out of Lane’s and Durant’s mutual love of all things analog, and the premise is simple. All are invited to check out the living history of Polaroid at the space, where there are about 25 different models dating as far back as 1957 on display, in various shapes, sizes, and colors (including the Spice Cam). Visitors are then encouraged to become project members by having their portrait taken using a 1970s-


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SMILE! Pics from the Polaroid Project.

era Polaroid “Big Shot.” The portrait then goes up on the wall and becomes part of the gallery. Project members can also borrow a camera, take it out for the day, and snap landscape shots of the city to add to the exhibition. At the end of the project’s five weeks, members get to reclaim and keep their photos. The whole experience is free and open to the public. For Lane and Durant, long-time best friends and Rhode Island natives, the project is also a means of giving back to the city and creating a visual love letter to the place they call home. It’s sort of an extension of Durant’s Providence-based company, Standard Film, a mostly web-based film and vintage camera shop fostering “analog experiences in a digital world.” “We just want people to come here and have fun,” Durant says. “It’s something you’re not going to find anywhere else in the city.” Lane teaches entrepreneurship at the Met School, and loves telling his class about Edwin Land, the founder of Polaroid. “I tell my students Edwin Land was the Steve Jobs of his era. Polaroids were cool, they were sexy, they marketed the hell out of them,” he says. Now some of Lane’s students are involved in the PVD Polaroid Project, too, helping to build out the space and working at the desk during shop hours. It’s hard not to fall in love with Polaroid after visiting the shop, where vintage cameras can be purchased for anywhere between $25 and $115, and film retails for slightly less than it does online. No purchase is necessary, however, to become a project member and gallery participant. And if you’ve never experienced that delicious minute it takes for your Polaroid snapshot to turn from milky white to a fully captured moment in time, you’re in for a real treat. The PVD Polaroid Project space is open until August 22, Wednesday through Friday, from 11 am to 8 pm, and Saturday and Sunday, from noon to 5 pm. For more info visit

_Liz Lee

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New England

M o n t h ly

SouthCoast Publishing Group | the Providence Phoenix | July 25, 2014 9

10 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

Look at that!

the splendor of providence’s new public art _By p h il ip e il


t’s been a good summer for public spaces in Providence. On Monday, July 14, various officials gathered off Gano Street, in Fox Point, for an opening of the city’s only public boat launch — a place where citizens can now shove off in kayaks and canoes to reenact Roger Williams’s famous, “What cheer, Netop?” ride marking his arrival in 1636. The following day, the city broke ground on renovations intended to make Kennedy Plaza more like Manhattan’s Bryant Park than the crowded, paved-over, exhaust-clouded gathering place

we’ve grown accustomed to. Meanwhile, the city’s PopUp Providence initiative continues to bear all kinds of wacky, delicious fruit. (See our report from last week on PVD Putt Putt, the temporary mini-golf course at the Dexter Training Grounds on the West End; then check out this week’s “This Just In” article on downtown’s PVD Polaroid Project on page 6.) But here at the Phoenix, we’re most pleased to see the increasing number of colorful, beautiful, provocative works of public art springing up around town. Two groups, in particular, stand out: the sculptures and structures cur-

rently sprinkled across the land where Interstate 195 used to curve its way through the city, and the new art installations dotting the route of RIPTA’s new R-Line (a “rapid bus line” that absorbs and improves on former Routes 11 and 99) along Broad and North Main streets. There are too many pieces in these collections to highlight each here, individually; you’ll have to ride the R-Line and roam the I-195 pastures to do that. But we’ve plucked a few pieces from the pack to give you a sense of the ideas behind them. Consider it a guide to informed ogling.

insurance and inspiration ARTIST | Sophia Sobers INSTALLATION | “I Walk Along This

Earth, Therefore I Dream” LOCATION | “Parcel 34” at East Franklin and Friendship streets IN THEIR WORDS | I graduated [from] RISD last year and I stuck around in the area. And when I saw the call for art, I thought it was an interesting opportunity to try out public art. I was like, “Well, why not? I have nothing to lose.” It was very exciting and also very stressful, since I’m a younger artist. This is the first contract I’ve had to deal with. Then I realized I have to get my own insurance…[and be] thinking about [how] this is a public, outdoor piece. What if someone scratches themself on it and decides to sue me? Things like that. [But then] when I installed this piece, there was person who came up

to me from the area. He was like, “I just want to say, ‘Thank you’ for putting this up. It’s beautiful and I really appreciate it.” And towards the end of when I was installing the piece, there was a high school kid on a skateboard . . . passing by [who] stopped to take photos. I’m really happy that the high school kid was in awe of the piece. Hopefully, he’s going to think of other creative things to do. Since I teach high schoolers sometimes, I really like when they get inspired, and I try to show them all these different things that they might not know about — with photography, at least. So when I saw the kid, I sort of thought about myself at his age getting inspired by different things that I saw around me. For me, at least, that’s why I think public art matters.

urban grazing ARTIST | Erik Gould and Erik Carlson INSTALLATION | “Dexter Farm Pastoral” LOCATION | R-Line bus stop at North

Main and Rochambeau (east side of street) IN THEIR WORDS | Though many passersby may not stop to think about it, the nearby historic Jeremiah Dexter House serves as a sign of what this whole landscape used to be — vast farmland that was worked and passed down by many generations of the Dexter family, since being granted to them in 1636. With a little imagination, you can picture this rare example of an 18th century working farmhouse, isolated amidst tilled fields and livestock rather than the asphalt, office buildings, and fast food establishments crowded about it today. Our image, based upon an original photograph taken specifically for this artwork combined with a historic Provi-

dence map, gives passersby a glimpse into what used to be here, and what still exists surprisingly nearby. We visited Pat’s Pastured at Briggs-Boesch Farm in East Greenwich, RI — one of the state’s current working farms providing meat, eggs, and other farm products to local markets and restaurants – where we were allowed to roam and get to know these incredibly friendly and curious cows. Though Rhode Island’s agricultural history has had many twists and turns throughout the years, Pat’s Pastured is firmly in this lineage. Dexter Farm was once the “hinterland” of Providence, very close by but just on the outskirts of the denser, more urban settlements further south on Main Street. Similarly, Pat’s Pastured sits on the edges of today’s urban and suburban developments in the state. Surprisingly near, less than 30 minutes from the site of this very bus stop. | the providence phoenix | JULY 25, 2014 11

changing with the seasons ARTIST | Tracy Silva Barbosa INSTALLATION | “The Mercurial Tree” LOCATION | R-Line bus stop at North Main and Rochambeau (west side of street)

IN THEIR WORDS | I really wanted to keep

it soft and painterly, so what I did was I etched this image onto the glass and then I went back in with gold leaf and different types of paints and powders and added color into there. Being that it’s in front of a cemetery, that really affected me. I wanted it to still feel respectful in a way and more natural than a really loud clanking image. So when you see it . . . it’s just very soft and it changes with the light in this very beautiful way that plays through the glass. When the seasons change, [so will the piece]. Right now there’s lots of green and the blue sky. But, as we all know, when winter sets in, everything turns grey. That very soft color is going to seem very bright. I would like [passersby] to contemplate whether a lot of the marks were meant to be. I like to use a very drippy kind of painterly style, where I rub paint into this etched area, but then I let it dissipate and drip and kind of make these [images that are] almost like when you’re on the subway or the train and you have this glass that you’re peering out

of that’s just unbelievably dirty with smut from the city dragging down on it. But the landscape beyond the glass is what you’re looking at. It’s . . . loose, but at the same time there’s a very crisp image that appears if you just take a moment and look. Waiting, in itself, is such an experience. I’ve taken the bus; we all have. And when you’re waiting there, if you don’t have your phone to read . . . you’re there in your own head. And, to me, I think this ethereal landscape flanking [the bus stop] is just a wonderful place to take off from and just get lost in what’s going on in the piece, and not have it be an ad or just some corrugated steel. It’s more.

at the corner of East Franklin and Bassett streets IN THEIR WORDS | I look back to this history of Providence, and am immediately drawn to the presence of the Jewelry District. The proximity of the installation sites for this project serves as an immediate connection to the district as well. Naturally, the forms in my sculpture reference a simplified version of faceted gemstones. The piece is made up of five different elements, stacked one above the other. I used a previous sculpture, which I exhibited at the Newport Art Museum in 2013, as a starting point for this form. Frequently, my work is sequential.

ARTIST | Lee Charlie Corley INSTALLATION | “En Ritmo” LOCATION | R-Line bus stop at Broad Street and Thurbers Ave.

IN THEIR WORDS | I actually grew up

a twisted metal jewel ARTIST | Topher Gent INSTALLATION | “Amethyst Rising” LOCATION | “Parcel 37” of the I-195 land,

bus stop dance party

What I learn from one piece leads me to the next iteration. The sculpture, like much of my work, is created through a combination of traditional craft and modern technology. Designing the pieces using 3D CAD technology allows me to create forms that are proportionately scaled according to the Phi Ratio — a recurring pattern in nature. It therefore represents a consistent growth that relates to the tremendous growth of Providence and its various communities. It being handcrafted by myself and other local makers in my studio at the Steel Yard is just another way to connect the process to the final result. The particular gemstone I chose to reference is Amethyst, a vibrant purple colored gemstone, which has been known to hold many meanings. Amethyst is believed to purify the aura of negative energy, and enhance cognitive perception. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding, while also enhancing one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens imagination, intuition, and refines thinking processes. And most importantly, it helps in the assimilation of new ideas, putting thoughts into creation, and brings projects to fruition. I believe that this is a perfect symbol, not just for the city, or the people of Providence, but also for this particular project — The Link [the name given to the former I-195 land] — which is intended to reinvigorate and connect Providence and its people.

on Atlantic Ave, off of Broad Street, between Broad Street and Elmwood. So that’s my neighborhood. I grew up there. I love it there. And growing up there [meant] always being surrounded by just so many different cultures: definitely a lot of Latin music and a lot of dancing and family house parties. I love dancing. It’s very important to me, and so was growing up in that neighborhood, and being able to identify as coming from there [with this piece] in a positive way, because when I was there, the South Side was not a positive place to be from. And so I started drawing dancers. There are two couples and two singles [in the piece]. One of the single female dancers is actually my girlfriend; I took a shot of her dancing and then drew it. And one of the couples is me and my

girlfriend; I’m the one with the fedora and I’m dipping her down. And then other people are friends and people I’ve known. I started researching dances and poses and all of this, and kind of tried to [convey] a little bit of the Dominican dancing, like the cha-cha, and the style, because my brother is Dominican and he was always dancing with us in the house and showing us how to get down. So, it was all very personal. My style of line work is, I draw it so it can be literally made as it is drawn. It ends up being drawing with steel, done through using a forge and different kinds of bending jigs and different kinds of hammers and manipulating the metal so that it looks like the line of the drawing. The actual bus stop [where this is installed is] the Thurbers Ave. bus stop, which is my bus stop, growing up. [So] obviously it means a lot. It’s pride and it’s being able to go and say, “I did this for you guys. I hope you like it.”

pvd’s arc de triomphe ARTIST | Matthew Kramer INSTALLATION | “Providence Arch” LOCATION | “Parcel 9” of the I-195

land, near the intersection of Pike and Benefit Streets IN THEIR WORDS | I graduated last year from Vassar College with a degree in Urban Studies and a Minor in Studio Art. I have had for quite some time now an interest in public spaces and public art. I am intrigued by the way art can change how we see the cities we live in. My senior thesis at Vassar was heavily influenced by Barnaby Evans’s WaterFire; I filled the school’s lake with 1000 LED-filled balloons and had performers and music. For the sculpture for the I-195 commission I knew I wanted something simple yet iconic. Arches are constructions that have a long history of conveying hope, progress, and triumph. I also wanted the sculpture to mirror the new Iway Bridge, and I had experience with this particular design. “Providence Arch” is a piece that ties the highway removal to the future of the city; when you look through the arch across the corridor of the cleared highway you see the iconic Providence skyline. This new land and new bridge is meant to be the beginning

of a new era for Providence. In the same way that WaterFire emphasized the newly uncovered Providence River, I wanted the arch to accentuate the newly uncovered I-195 land. Public art is crucially important to cities and how we view them. It can help a person stop and notice the environment around them, whether it is a historical monument that makes the viewer think about the city’s past, or a more abstract piece that engages the viewer or accentuates an aspect of the city. Cities shouldn’t just be functional but places to be enjoyed by their citizens.

12 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

Welcome to Woonsterly

Exploring rhodE island’s north and south bordEr towns _By p h il ip e il


he first thing you need to know about summer visits to Woonsocket and Westerly — the respective north and south “poles” of Rhode Island — is that you don’t need a passport to get to either town. Not only are they both in the same country where you’re likely reading this article, they’re each probably within less than an hour’s drive.

POPULATION: 17,936, according to 2010 US Census DISTANCE FROM PROVIDENCE: 43 miles (about 50 minutes

by car, without traffic)


The building at 63 Canal Street has been a macaroni

Misquamicut Beach

naTalja kenT


factory, a post office, and an auto-supply store. Now, blessedly, it’s home to GREY SAIL BREWERY, which, at 1 pm on a Saturday and Sunday, should be your first stop in town. If you get there right at opening time, you’ll be one of the first to sidle up to the bar, choose a collectible receptacle (ranging from $5 to $10, depending on the type), and receive five poker chips — each representing a chance to sample a different kind of suds. Whatever hue you prefer, from the milky Hazy Day Belgian Wit to the rich, dark Leaning Chimney Smoked Porter, beer always tastes better at the source. But a word of advice: designate a driver before you head in, since the word “sample” at Grey Sail seems to be synonymous with “half a pint glass.”

WHAT NOW? In the “Choose Your Own Adventure” of a weekend afternoon in Westerly, you’ve got two very different options. If you’re the quiet, bookish, nerdy type, we recommend heading to the BABCOCk-SMITH HOUSE MUSEUM to immerse yourself in the town’s glorious granite history. Westerly, if you didn’t know, played a fairly dominant role in the late-1800s granite game, and the museum’s surprisingly badass website,, will show just how popular Rhody-quarried and Rhody-crafted monuments were. (The “Westerly Granite throughout the US” map features only a handful of blank spots.) While the Babcock-Smith granite museum is still in construction and scheduled to open this fall, you can still receive a guided tour of the historic house of early settler and prominent Westerly citizen, Dr. Joshua Babcock — a place brimming with old-school oddities like wooden commode chairs and framed needlework samplers. If you’re interested in the complete opposite of this experience, punch “MISqUAMICUT BEACH” naTalja kenT

The second thing you need to know is that neither town is particular well served by its loudest media coverage. There’s a lot more to Westerly than Taylor Swift’s $17 million, fenced-in mega mansion in Watch Hill with custommade signs at the foot of the driveway reading, “I knew you were trouble when you walked in. NO TRESPASSING.” And there’s a lot more to Woonsocket than the shopping frenzies that mark the beginning of every month. (A memorable Washington Post story from March 2013, “Food Stamps Put Rhode Island Town On Monthly Boom-and-Bust Cycle,” was part of a Pulitzer Prize-winning series. It’s well worth a read, but not today’s subject of discussion.) Yes, it’s time to toss your warped notions of how long it takes to travel 15 miles — the actual distance between downtown Providence and downtown Woonsocket – and come along for an exploration of our state’s hinterlands. Why? Because Newport and Narragansett are summer clichés, that’s why.

into your GPS and cruise your way into the Ocean State version of Jersey Shore. Muscles, boobs, tattoos, techno music, the intermingling scents of buffalo sauce and tanning oil — it’s all here on Westerly’s beachside strip, Atlantic Avenue. Heaven to some, Hell to others, Atlantic Ave. — lined by establishments like the PURPLE APE, the SAND CASTLE INN, and the WINDjAMMER SURF BAR — is a sliver of Americana that any informed local citizen ought to experience. If you’re hungry, there’s plenty of fried stuff and

The pink poodle parlor ice cream to gobble down. And if you’re thirsty, there’s no shortage of neon cocktails served in fishbowls.

A FEW GOOGLE kEYWORDS FOR OUTDOORSY FOLkS: “NINIGRET PARk” “hiking trails” RETAIL EXCURSION: Unless you have a small dog in need of grooming, there’s no practical reason to stop into the PINk POODLE PARLOR downtown. But, wait; yes, there is. Everyone should experience walking into a store to be met by a pink Christmas tree loaded with dangling poodle ornaments and an array of fuzzy, adorable creatures behind the counter — one of which is in the process of having its mane blow-dried — staring back at you with heart-melting eyes. If you are not moved by this place, you have no soul. EVENING ENTERTAINMENT: Though the famous OCEAN HOUSE — the stately goliath perched on a hill overlooking

the Atlantic, where it seems to cost $3.50 to even sneeze on the premises — was recently ranked the #1 resort hotel in the continental US by Travel + Leisure, we didn’t make our past the front door, due to a prominent sign reading “PLEASE NO JEANS.” Oh, well. Instead, might we recommend a few more down-toearth options? | the providence phoenix | JULY 25, 2014 13

with two floors’ worth of info and ephemera from Woonsocket’s wool-spinning heyday, is the place to go to understand the glory and decay that define Rhode Island’s Northern border town. The short answer to the “Why French?” question is this: Woonsocket was a magnet for tens of thousands of Quebecois migrants who sought better lives away from Canada’s back country. Consider this historic letter on display, translated from its original French:

The bamboo forest at the Fantastic Umbrella Factory

naTalja kenT

Dear Basile, We are settled now in Woonsocket, staying with Uncle Francois until we can find our own place. The pay is good, Basile. We work from sunrise to sunset, sometimes longer, but on Sunday the mills are closed and it is like a church holy day. The work is not hard, though it can be tedious. i am in a cotton mill, the Social. Some of the children are working, and we make more money than we can spend. let me know what you decide, and if you want to come i will speak to the foreman. your loving brother, emile

1) The $10-per-car drive-in movies at WUSkENAU TOWN BEACH on Thursday evenings in July and August. More

info at: 2) “Shakespeare in the Park,” Southern Rhode Islandstyle, via the COLONIAL THEATRE’s presentation of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) in downtown Westerly’s lush, gorgeous Wilcox Park. The performance is free, though $10 donations are suggested. More info at: 3) A one-night-only VAUDEVILLE VARIETY show at the United Theater on Friday, July 25, hosted by the inimitable Miss Wensday, and featuring ragtime piano, a barbershop quartet, a circus performer, and Kristen Minsky’s Chifferobe Tropigals performing dance routines inspired by the classic movies. More info at TheUnitedTheatre. A livestream is also available at new. at 7:30 pm on the night of the show.

ON YOUR WAY OUT OF TOWN: If someone told you there was a place in Rhode Island to stroll through a bamboo forest; take a selfie with an emu; and purchase reggae CDs, soy candles, mood rings, and flowers; you’d probably tell them to shut up and pass the spliff. Alternatively, you could ask them for the address and name, in which case they’d tell you, “THE FANTASTIC UMBRELLA FACTORY” and “4820 Old Post Road, in Charlestown.”


POPULATION: 41,186 according to 2010 US Census DISTANCE FROM PROVIDENCE: 15 miles (about 25 minutes by

car, without traffic)

START YOUR DAY WITH: History. Why was French once the dominant language spoken in this city called “The Paris of New England”? The answer lies inside the MUSEUM OF WORk AND CULTURE, which,

Of course, it’s here at the museum where you’ll also learn about the flip side of Woonsocket’s boom years: the brutally hot, loud, and grueling conditions that led to various worker unrests and significant labor organizing efforts. After seeing footage of the (fatal) riots and marching National Guard troops from the Great Textile Strike of 1934, you won’t look at this city the same again.

WHAT NOW? Three words: fish and chips. Specifically, YE OLDE FISH AND CHIPS — conveniently located about 200

paces from the exit of the Museum of Work and Culture. In a world of overwhelming options, YOFAC is refreshingly simple and straightforward. Sure, there are non-fish and chips items on the menu, but don’t overthink this. Step up to the counter, place your order, and watch your fish magically (and rather immediately) appear on a plate after being plucked from one of the perpetually burbling vats of oil behind the bar. Then take your plate of golden goodness to the nearby dining room, douse it in ketchup, vinegar, and “tahtah” sauce, and have at it. You’ll soon see why the YOFAC batter recipe hasn’t changed in more than 90 years. Once you finish, you’ll want The Stadium to hop in your car and head to Theatre WRIGHT’S DAIRY FARM, just across the town line in North Smithfield. The store at Wright’s (which was recently named 2014’s “Outstanding Dairy Farm of the Year” by the RI Department of Environmental Management) can be a bit overwhelming, with shelves upon shelves lined with Boston Crème Pies, fudge, fig squares, M&M brownies, apple pies, cakes, cupcakes, flavored milks (including coffee milk, of course), syrups, honeys, ice cream, and cookies. So finish your visit by strolling down to the barn where signs read, “QUIET PLEASE! While Watching Cows Being Milked!,” for a peaceful moment of observation and contemplation.

The Museum of Work and Culture

A FEW GOOGLE kEYWORDS FOR OUTDOORSY FOLkS: “BLACkSTONE RIVER BIkEWAY,” “Woonsocket” RETAIL EXCURSION: There’s no denying that a stroll down Main Street in Woonsocket — past derelict buildings, abandoned storefronts, and “FOR RENT” signs — can be depressing. That is, until you stroll up to CRAFT SkATE AND BMX SHOP. Yes, Craft is a place where you can buy shirts, boards, and the usual skate shop fare. But the store also marks what owner Susan Kirwan calls a “safe spot” for local youth to hang out. It’s also the launching pad for homemanufactured, mission-driven skate wax company, Frosty, which is currently hell bent on bringing Woonsocket its first skate park.

“Our dream is simple,” reads the page of their current $100,000 crowd funding campaign. “Build public skateparks in underprivileged cities starting with our own.” Learn more at:

EVENING ENTERTAINMENT: Once again, we’re gonna go

with the “Three Options” approach. And, once again, two of those options involve drive-in movies and a glorious, old all-American theater. 1) Simple truth: if you haven’t watched an installment of Transformers from the flatbed of a truck at the RUSTIC TRI VUE DRIVE-IN, on Route 146 in North Smithfield, then you can’t call yourself a real Rhode Islander. 2) The same could be said for an evening of live tunes and Kung Pau Gai Ding at one of New England’s last

surviving supper clubs: CHAN’S, on Main Street in downtown. The tag line on the building says it all: “Home of Eggrolls, Jazz, and Blues.” 3) Finally, there’s the cavernous, gloriously restored STADIUM THEATRE. We suggest heading up for the August 28 premiere of the award-winning filmmaker and multigeneration Woonsocketer Derek Dubois’s feature documentary, City On the MOve, about the legendary Autumnfest celebration and the city itself, as it grapples with an epic case of Post-Industrial Decline. Talk to Stadium technical director and building manager Dennis Tancrell about this beloved theater, and you’ll realize that its recent re-birth is about much more than just one building. “When the theater is dark and there’s nothing going on, on the weekend, the restaurants are empty,” he says. “We basically are the heartbeat of the city.”

ON YOUR WAY OUT OF TOWN: Hoard more sugar.

If you’re a sweets lover who lives in Rhode Island and you haven’t been to PEARLS CANDY AND NUTS in North Smithfield, well — there’s no easy way to say this — your whole life has been a lie. Beer-flavored jelly beans? Madeto-order pinatas? Chocolate handcuffs? Root beer barrels? Buckets of Big League Chew? Marshmallow blaster guns? Spiral pops? Maple sugar leaves? Jumbo malted milk balls? Licorice shoestrings? The answer to all of these questions is “Yes” at Pearls. And, if you’re so inclined, you can also heed the sign that hangs near the exit, “ASK ABOUT OUR CHOCOLATE EROTICA.” ^

Philip Eil can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @phileil. | the providence phoenix | July 25, 2014 15

Mid-summer fun! The clock’s Ticking! go grab some good Times! Comedy

Coggeshall Farm Museum, Poppasquash Rd, Bristol | $8, $5 seniors + ages 3-12 free under 3 | 401.253.9062 |

COMEDY CONNECTION | 39 Warren Ave, East Providence | 401.438.8383 | July 25 + 26: Mike McCarthy Aug 1 + 2: Pete Costello Aug 6: Nasty Show with Lenny Clarke Aug 8: Larry Myles Aug 9: John Valby Aug 15: Sullivan & Son Aug 22 + 23: Corey Manning Aug 28: Jim Breuer Aug 29 + 30: Dave Russo Sept 5 + 6: Bob Marley NEWPORT SUMMER COMEDY SERIES | At the Newport Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf | July 26: Artie Lange Aug 8: Nick Swardson Aug 15: Mike Birbiglia Aug 17: Bill Cosby Aug 22: Jim Jefferies Aug 30: Amy Schumer


and Marble House, Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI | 401.847.1000 | SEPT 27 | WaterFire Providence | Downtown Providence, RI | 401.273.1155 |

Film BIG SCREEN MOVIES ON THE BEACH | Atlantic Beach Park, 321 Atlantic Ave, Westerly | public.westerly | 8:30 pm | Free Aug 5: One Direction: This Is Us Aug 12: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 Aug 19: Elf

Nick Swardson, at the Newport Summer Comedy Series on August 8

MOVIES ON THE BLOCK | Westminster + Union sts, Providence | Movies-on-the-Block-Returns/60 | Free July 24: Reality Bites July 31: Smokey and the Bandit Aug 7: Moonrise Kingdom Aug 14: Annie Hall Aug 21: The Professional Aug 28: The Wizard of Oz Sept 4: Dazed and Confused Sept 11: The Goonies Sept 18: O Brother, Where Are Thou? Sept 25: The Neverending Story

Dance ISLAND MOVING CO. | 401.847.4470 | island | At Great Friends Meeting House, 30 Marlborough St, Newport July 24-26 @ 7:30 pm: The Fifth Annual Great

Friends Dance Festival, featuring shared performances, talk backs with the choreographers, master classes and more. Guests are Providence’s Part of the Oath and Ali Kenner Brodsky & Co.; Dance Iquail from Philadelphia; and from New York, Marta Renzi with her new project The Book of Breath, Matthew Westerby Company, and Lydia Johnson Dance. The residency company is Surfscape Contemporary Dance from Daytona Beach.

Events JULY 26 | WaterFire Providence | Downtown Providence, RI | 401.273.1155 |


26 10 am-6 pm + July 27 10 am-4 pm | $15, $20 for three-day pass | St. George’s School 372 Purgatory Rd, Middletown | 401.846.2669 | newport JULY 25-27 | FOSTER OLD HOME DAYS with crafts + music + 4-H shows + oxen pull competitions + baking and eating contests + more | July 25 10 am-10 pm + July 26 8:30 am-10 pm + July 27 8:30 am-6 pm | Foster Town House, Howard Hill Rd (off Rte 94), Foster | $5, free under 12 | fosterold

JULY 26 + 27 | 14TH ANNUAL CULTURAL SURVIVAL BAzAAR | A cultural festival that provides in-

digenous artists, cooperatives, and their representatives from around the world the chance to sell their work (traditional and contemporary crafts, artwork, clothing, jewelry, carpets, and accessories) directly to the American public; plus music, Native American storytelling, craft-making demonstrations, films, food, and more | 10 am-5 pm | Free | Four Corners Arts Center, 3852 Main Road, Tiverton | 617.441.5400 |

JULY 27 | AUTOS OF THE WORLD CLASSIC CAR SHOW with more than 1000 vehicles competing

in three divisions and more than 40 classes, plus fire trucks and other big rigs, food, DJs, and more | 8 am-4 pm | $5 spectators ($12 advance, $15 gate for competitors) | Goddard State Park, 345 Ives St, Warwick |

AUG 1-3 | 30TH ANNUAL CHARLESTOWN SEAFOOD FESTIVAL | Feast on seafood, lobsters, steam-

ers, chowder, fish and chips, clam cakes, corn, a raw bar, and even non-seafood delights. Attractions include music, arts and crafts,

NEWPORT FILM | 773.350.0946 | amusement rides, rock-wall climbing, children’s shows, bungee jumping, and a lobster raffle | Aug 1 + 2 12-11 pm + Aug 3 11 am-10 pm | $8, children 10 and under free, $2 donation to park | Ninigret Park, Rte 1A, Charlestown | 401.364.4031 | AUG 5 | RHODE ISLAND LOCAL FOOD FEST | A celebration of Rhode Island farmers, fishermen, and food artisans featuring two dozen local farmers and producers teamed up with local chefs; plus, local wines, beers, live music, a photo booth, and a silent auction | Castle Hill, 590 Ocean Ave, Newport | 5 pm-dusk | $100 advance, $125 door | 401.312.4250 | farmfreshri. org/about/localfoodfest.php AUG 9 | WaterFire Providence | Downtown Providence, RI | 401.273.1155 |


| Harbor Baptist Church, Block Island, RI | Free | blockisland AUG 8-10 | CUMBERLANDFEST 2014 with amusements, games, fireworks, live music, a food court, and more | Aug 8 6-10 pm + Aug 9 12-11 pm + Aug 10 12-8 pm | Diamond Hill Park, Rte 114, Cumberland | $5, $1 ages 4-12, free under 4 | 800.383.2474 |

AUG 13-17 | 48TH ANNUAL WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR | An agricultural fair featuring tractor pulls,

stage shows, crafts, and livestock, plus games and children’s contests; adult events include arm-wrestling contests, dung throwing, lawnmower racing, and seed spitting; musical guests include Parmalee, the Jesse Liam Band, Cole Swindell, David Nail, Doug Stone, and Weston Burt | $10, free under 11, free parking | Check the Web site for schedule | Washington County Fairgrounds, Rte 112, Richmond | 401.782.8139 or 401.539.7042 | AUG 15-17 | 87TH ANNUAL GREEK FESTIVAL | All things Greek — food, music, dancing, an indoor Agora, costumes, and more | Aug 15 5-10 pm + Aug 16 12-10 pm + Aug 17 12-9 pm | Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, 97 Walcott St, Pawtucket | 401.725.3167 |


with music + Polynesian dancers + islandthemed food + more | 4:30-10 pm | Fort Adams State Park, Newport | $10 advance, $20 gate | 401.849.5232 |

AUG 16 + 17 | SOUTH COAST ARTISTS’ 11TH ANNUAL OPEN STUDIO TOUR | Self-guided tours featur-

ing more than 70 artists in Tiverton, Little Compton, Westport [MA] and Dartmouth [MA] | Complete info @ AUG 23 | PROVIDENCE ROLLER DERBY | Old Money Honeys vs the Mob Squad [time TBD] | Bank of America Center, Kennedy Plaza, Providence | AUG 23 | WaterFire Providence | Downtown Providence, RI | 401.273.1155 |


with more than 150 artists + strolling entertainment + more | 10 am-5 pm | NE Tech, 1408 Division Rd, East Greenwich | Free | 401.374.3899 | _9_1-2.html

SEPT 5-21 | 16TH ANNUAL PAWTUCKET ARTS FESTIVAL | Various venues, Pawtucket | 401.724.5200



competition + Asian arts + music + dance + crafts + kite-flying + food + more | 8 am-5 pm (rain date Sept 7) | School Street Pier, off Rte 114, Pawtucket | 401.724.5200 | dragonboatri. com

SEPT 11-14 | 43RD ANNUAL NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW | Sept 11-13 10 am-6 pm +

Sept 14 10 am-5 pm | Newport Yachting Center, America’s Cup Ave | 401.846.1600 | SEPT 12-14 | MISQUAMICUT FALL FESTIVAL | Misquamicut State Beach, Atlantic Ave, Westerly | 401.322.1026 |

SEPT 12-14 | SOUTH COUNTY MUSEUM ANNUAL FOLK ART QUILT SHOW with more than 100 quilts by

New England artists | 10 am-4 pm | South County Museum, Strathmore St, Narragansett | $8 | 401.783.5400 | SEPT 13 | PROVIDENCE ROLLER DERBY | Old Money Honeys vs Sakonnet River Roller Rats [time TBD] | Bank of America Center, Kennedy Plaza, Providence | SEPT 20 + 21 | 41ST ANNUAL HARVEST FAIR with vendors + traditional competitions + entertainment + demonstrations of historic and traditional crafts and skills + more | 10 am-5 pm |

This season’s newportFILM Outdoors selections include Alive Inside, The Battered Bastards of Baseball, Dior and I, Endless Abilities, Emptying the Skies, Last Days In Vietnam, The Balld of Shovels & Rope, and The Newport Effect. The events include Q&As with filmmakers, music, food vendors, and more (suggested donation is $5). Screenings will take place at the Sweet Berry Farm in Middletown (June 26), Queen Anne Square (July 10), the International Tennis Hall of Fame (July 18), Marble House (July 31), Easton’s Beach (Aug 14), Noman Bird Sanctuary (Aug 28), and locations TBD (Aug 21 + Sept 4). There will also be a series of music documentaries and performances at the Casino Theater, in conjunction with the Newport Folk Festival (July 25-27). Check the website for specifics.

RHODE ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL | 401.861.4445 | Aug 5-10: The 18th Annual RIIFF will screen more

than 200 films in Providence, Bristol, Woonsocket, and Jamestown; plus seminars, workshops, a tour of film locations in Providence, and more. Complete details @ the website.

Pop Music AS220’S FOO FEST | 115 Empire St, Providence | 401.831.9327 | | $7 advance, $10 day of show, free under 11 Aug 9: Psychic TV, Tapestries, Guerilla Toss,

Big Scythe, Work/Death, FlucT, Malportado Kids, Rich Ferri & the Wealth On the Water, Zukrewe, Ask The Dead, Virusse, In Heat Rampant Decay, Container, Power Masters, the Kolour Kult, the Ya Beautifuls, and host Muffy Brandt, plus art, performance, local food and drink, the Providence Anarchist Book Fair, interactive demos and activities from the AS220 Industries ands AS220 Youth, artists’ booths and installations, kid- and family-friendly activities, and more [1 pm-1 am]

COLUMBUS THEATRE | 270 Broadway, Providence | July 25: John Reilly & Friends featuring Tom Brosseau and Becky Stark

Continued on p 16

16 June 26, 2013 | the providence phoenix |

Authentic Mexican Cuisine 332 Atwells Avenue, Providence, RI 401-455-2328 Hours: sun – THurs 11:30 – 1am Fri and saT 11:30 – 2am

Pop Music

Continued from p 15

July 31: !!! Aug 1: Vio/Mirè + Death Vessel + Micah Blue Smal-

Aug 10: Luke Bryan + Dierks Bentley + Lee Brice + Cole

Aug 20: Kishi Bashi Aug 23: Wild Ones Aug 27: Les Claypool’s Duo De Twang

THE GRAND THEATER | At Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | 800.200.2882 | Aug 2: Sammy Hagar Aug 22: Yanni Aug 31: ZZ Top + Jeff Beck


CONCERTS UNDER THE ELMS | At the John Brown House Museum, 52 Power St, Providence | 401.331.8575 x 133 | | $10, free under 12 | Shows at 6:30 pm July 24: Swing ’n’ Strings with Al Basile July 31: Becky Chace Band Aug 7: Pendragon CONSERFEST 2014 | Block Island | Aug 9 + 10: The fest raises funds and awareness for

Open For Lunch 7 Days a Week Lunch Specials Mon – Sat

Taco Tuesday $1 Tacos Dine in only

Full Bar Try Our Special “One of a Kind” Sangria

Flavored Margaritas Made With Fresh Fruit

$5 Thursdays all appeTizers, classic MargariTas, regular sangria

land conservation and environmental education projects on Block Island. Check the website for updates.

FÊTE | 103 Dike St, Providence | 401.383.1112 | fetemusic. com July 27: Nashville Pussy + Fifth On the Floor + King

Sickabilly & His Full Moon Boys + Jay Berndt & the Orphans + Red Pennys July 30: Luciano the Messen Jah & the Anthem Band + Superdonaj + Ny Jah + Jah Powaz + Sata + Silver Duss + Tiggana Aug 5: Sierra Leone’s Refugee All-Stars + Supreme Satellite Band Aug 6: Morgan Heritage & Jereme Morgan with Afrika Rainbow featuring JKool +DJ Matik + Notorious VOG Aug 15: The Steel Yard’s 10th Anniversary Celebration Aug 28: Clairy Browne & the Bangin’ Rackettes Sept 5: Cash’d Out Sept 10: Rubblebucket

FOX THEATER | At Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | 800.200.2882 | Aug 2: Oh What a Night of Doo-Wop & Rock n Roll

with Jay Siegel’s Tokens + Mr. Jimmy Clanton + Willie Winfield & the Harptones + Eugene Pitt & the Jive 5 + the Mystics

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT SERIES | Waterplace Park, Providence | | Free | Shows at 7 pm July 25: Kongos + Satellites Fall Aug 1: Sleeper Agent + the ’Mericans

45th Annual Cumberland Arts & Crafts Show August 7th-10th • Largest Show in Maine • Youth Vendor Area • The Store • Artisan Dollar Give-away • Delicious Food and Demonstrations • Raffle Prizes and Entertainment • Hours: Thurs-Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4 • Admission $4, Under 12 free • Donate two non-perishable food items to the Good Shepherd Food Bank (truck on site) and get ½ off admission • Group Discounts Available • Free Parking and more… Cumberland Fairgrounds 197 Blanchard Rd, Cumberland, ME United Maine Craftsmen 207-621-2818 UMC is a non-profit organization

GATHERING OF THE VIBES | Seaside Park, Bridgeport, CT | July 31-Aug 3: Widespread Panic + John Fogerty

+ the Disco Biscuits with Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzmann + Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes + Slightly Stoopid + Ziggy Marley + moe. + Umphrey’s McGee + Maceo Parker + Rodrigo y Gabriela + Dark Star Orchestra + Joe Russo’s Almost Dead + Ryan Montbleau & Friends + Keller Williams’ Grateful Grass with Jeff Austin and Reed Mathis + Leftover Salmon with Bill Payne of Little Feat + Rusted Root + Strangefolk + Kung Fu + Dumpstaphunk + Twiddle + American Babies + Donna the Buffalo + EOTO + McLovins + Nahko & Medicine For the People + White Denim + Bronze Radio Return + Love Canon + the Main Squeeze + Digital Tape Machine + Langhorne Slim & the Law + Deep Banana Blackout + Dopapod + Band Together + Andy the Music Man + School of Rock All-Stars

GILLETTE STADIUM | 1 Patriot Pl, Foxboro, MA | Aug 7-9: One Direction + 5 Seconds of Summer

Gaelic Storm, at the Newport Celtic Rock Festival on August 23


HEMENWAY’S SUMMER MUSIC SERIES | 121 South Main St, Providence | 401.351.8570 | hemenways | Shows at 6 pm July 30 + Aug 20 + Aug 27: Lydia Harrell July 31 + Aug 13 + Aug 21 + Aug 28: The Lance Houston Jazz Quintet

Aug 6: Brian Plautz Aug 7: Bohemian Noir INDIAN RANCH | 200 Gore Rd, Webster, MA | 508.943.3871 | July 27: Happy Together Tour 2014 with the Turtles featuring Flo & Eddie + Chuck Negron [Three Dog Night] + Mark Farner [Grand Funk Railroad] + Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels + Gary Lewis & the Playboys Aug 2: Scotty McCreery Aug 9: The Mavericks Aug 17: The Beach Boys Aug 23: The Fab-Four Aug 30: Thompson Square Sept 13: Bret Michaels Sept 14: Charlie Daniels Band Sept 21: Chris Young

THE KNICKERBOCKER CAFÉ | 35 Railroad Ave, Westerly | 401.315.5070 | Aug 2: The Love Dogs Aug 15: Albert Lee Sept 6: Ronnie Earl & the Broadcasters 28TH ANNUAL LOWELL FOLK FESTIVAL | 978.970.5000 | July 25-27: E.U.+ Hassan Hakmoun + the Pine Leaf

Boys + Bud Hundenski & the Corsairs + James Kelly and Donna Long + Kevin Doyle + Marquise Knox + Seiichi Tanaka & the San Francisco Taiko Dojo + Nikki D & the Browns + Sonny Burgess & the Legendary Pacers + Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers + Samba Mapangala & Orchestre Virunga + Seizmos Band + Thomas Maupin, Daniel Rothwell, & Overall Creek with Kory Posey + Sean Keane Band featuring Kevin Burke

LOWELL SUMMER MUSIC SERIES | Boarding House Park, 40 French St, Lowell, MA | 978.970.5200 | Aug 2: Howie Day + Carbon Leaf Aug 8: Marcia Ball Aug 9: Gregg Allman Aug 14: JJ Grey & Mofro Aug 15: Ben Taylor + Heather Maloney + Adam Ezra Aug 16: Lyle Lovett & His Large Band Aug 22: Peter Wolf & the Midnight Travelers Sept 5: Classic Albums Live: Abbey Road LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | 79 Washington St, Providence | 401.331.5876 | July 25: Juicy J Aug 6: Machine Gun Kelly Sept 5: Clutch THE MET | 1005 Main St, Pawtucket | 401.729.1005 | July 27: Soul Memorial: Celebrating the Life of Dennis McCarthy

Continued on p 17 | the providence phoenix | June 26, 2013 17

July 30: Against Mer + Creepoid + Jenny Owen Youngs Aug 1: I Am the Avalanche + SOMOS + Rust Belt Lights Aug 6: Foreign Tongues + Off & On + Anyone Anyway + Mountain Man

Aug 8: Whores + American Sharks + Extinction

Machine + Post Wreckage Aug 9: Bad Rabbits + Jetty + Class of ’92 Aug 12: Beres Hammond Aug 16: Titus Andronicus + Liquor Store + Wicked Kind Sept 7: Wavves

MOHEGAN SUN ARENA | 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd, Uncasville, CT | 888.777.7922 | July 26: Lionel Richie + Cee Lo Green Aug 2: Panic! At the Disco Aug 6: The Moody Blues Aug 9: Alan Jackson Aug 29: Josh Groban Aug 31: Prince Royce NARROWS CENTER FOR THE ARTS | 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | 508.324.1926 | July 24: Trampled Under Foot Aug 1: Bettye LaVette Aug 2: Liz Longley Aug 8: Don Flemons Aug 9: Jerry Douglas Band Aug 15: Gent Treadly featuring Charles Neville Aug 21: Rich Robinson Aug 22: Dayna Kurtz Aug 28: Raw Oyster Cult with members of the Radia-

tors, Papa Grows Funk, and Johnny Sketch & the Dirty Notes Aug 30: The London Souls + the Silks Sept 4: Joanne Shaw Taylor Sept 7: 13th Annual Narrows Festival of the Arts with Eric Lindell + the Paul Thorn Band + Fruition + Delta Generators Sept 11: Bill Evans’ Soulgrass

THE NEWPORT CONCERT SERIES | 4 Commercial Wharf | 401.846.1600 | July 25: The Machine performs Pink Floyd with the

Interstellar Laser Show Aug 1: 3 Doors Down Acoustic: Songs From the Basement Aug 6: Boz Scaggs Aug 9: Newport Waterfront Reggae Festival with Freddie McGregor + John Brown’s Body + Etana + Mighty Mystic + New Kingston + Soul Rebel Project Aug 10: Gregg Allman + Jaimoe’s Jasssz Band Aug 14: Josh Turner Aug 16: The Beach Boys Aug 21: Alanis Morissette Aug 23: Newport Celtic Rock Festival with Gaelic Storm + Eileen Ivers + Black 47 + Tartan Terrors + Celtica-Pipes Rock! + the Fighting Jamesons Sept 20: Chris Young + Courtney Cole

NEWPORT ROCKS THE FORT | Fort Adams State Park, 90 Fort Adams Dr | Aug 29: Rick Derringer + Rhett Tyler & Early Warning + Hey Nineteen

OCEAN MIST | 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Matunuck | 401.782.3740 | July 25: G Love Aug 1: Dick Dale + Girls, Guns & Glory Aug 21: Third World + Yellowman Aug 24: The Mallett Brothers Aug 31: Badfish PM PICNICS | At the Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Ave | 401.848.8200 | July 30: Ted Rod Ramblers Aug 6: Abbey Rhode Aug 20: Spice PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER | 220 Weybosset St | 401.421.ARTS | July 26: Beck Aug 20: Jackson Browne Aug 22: Sarah Brightman Sept 7: Steely Dan RHYTHM & ROOTS FESTIVAL | At Ninigret Park, 4890a Old Post Rd, Charlestown | 800.922.3772 | Aug 29-31: Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys + Mas-

ters of the Fiddle featuring Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy + Jim Lauderdale with the Travelin’ McCourys + Donna the Buffalo + C.J. Chenier & the Red Hot Louisiana Band + Elizabeth Cook + Southern Hospitality + Courtboullion (with Wayne Toups, Steve Riley, Wilson Savoy, and Eric Frey) + Chuck Mead + the A.J. Ghent Band + Terrance Simiem & the Zydeco Experience + Ten Strings & A Goatskin Matuto + the Pine Leaf Boys + Jim Lauderdale + Jeffrey Broussard & the Creole Cowboys + Sarah Potenza + the Revelers + the 24th Street Wailers + Ed Poullard & Preston Frank + Mo’ Mojo + host band the Duhks + more TBA | Fri 4 pm-midnight + Sat + Sun noon-midnight

ROCK-N-JOCK CHARITIES’ 14TH ANNUAL NIGHT OF ENTERTAINMENT | At the Crowne Plaza Grand Pavilion, 801 Greenwich Ave, Warwick | Aug 10: Skip Martin from Kool & the Gang + Southside

Johnny + John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band + Steve Smith & the Nakeds + more [7 pm, $35, 21-plus]

SANDYWOODS CENTER FOR THE ARTS | 43 Muse Way, Tiverton | 401.241.7349 | July 26: Session Americana

Aug 1: Forever Young Aug 2: Aine Minogue Aug 8: Tumbling Bones Aug 9: The Rowan Brothers Aug 22: Jen Chapin + John Fuzek Aug 23: The Little Compton Band Aug 24: Liz Simmons & Hannah Sanders Aug 29: Will Woodson & Eric McDonald Sept 5: Marjorie Thompson + Chris Monti Sept 6: Magnolia Cajun Band STADIUM THEATRE | Monument Sq, Woonsocket | 401.762.4545 | Aug 1: Zoso: The Led Zeppelin Experience Aug 23: Ocean State Summer Pops Orchestra Aug 29: Jack Babineau THE TOWERS | 30 Ocean Dr, Narragansett | 401.782.2597 | | Shows at 7 pm July 24: Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne July 31: Original Jelly Roll Soul Aug 7: Roger Ceresi & His All Starz Aug 14: Coastline Swing Band Aug 21: The Skiffle Minstrels Aug 28: Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys TWIN RIVER EVENTS CENTER | 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | 877.82RIVER | Aug 15: Air Supply Aug 22: Creedence Clearwater Revisited Sept 5: Michael McDonald + Toto WHITE MOUNTAIN BOOGIE ’N’ BLUES FESTIVAL | Pemigewasset River Valley, NH | 603.726.3867 | whitemountain Aug 15: Gracie Curran & the High Falutin Band +

Samantha Fish + Carolyn Wonderland Aug 16: Jesse Dee + Jeremiah Johnson & the Sliders + Indigenous + Moreland & Arbuckle + Shakura S’Aida + Southern Hospitality Aug 17: Kelley Hunt + Brandon Santini + Nick Moss + John Nemeth

XFINITY CENTER | 885 Main St, Mansfield, MA | 800.745.3000 | July 26: Keith Urban + Jerrod Niemann + Brett El-


July 29: Nine Inch Nails + Soundgarden Aug 1: KISS + Def Leppard Aug 2: Under the Influence of Music Tour with Wiz

Khalifa + Jeezy + Tyga + Ty Dolla $ign + Rich Homie Quan + Sage the Gemini + Iamsu! + Mack Wilds + DJ Drama Aug 9: Kings of Leon + Young the Giant + Kongos Aug 16: Linkin Park + Thirty Seconds To Mars + AFI Aug 19: Arcade Fire Aug 23: Brad Paisley + Randy Houser + Charlie Worsham + Leah Turner + Dee Jay Silver Aug 24: Motley Crue + Alice Cooper Sept 6: Miranda Lambert + Justin Moore + Thomas Rhett + Jukebox Mafia Sept 9: Ed Sheeran

zEITERION PERFORMING ARTS CENTER | 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | 508.994.2900 | Aug 20: Night Ranger Aug 23: Todd Baptista’s Doo Wop 10 Summer Spec-

tacular with Shirley Alston Reeves + the Mystics + Eddie Rich and the Swallows + the Solitaires + Jack Colombo’s Coast to Coast Band Sept 14: Chris Isaak

Jazz LITCHFIELD JAzz FESTIVAL | Goshen Fairgrounds, Goshen, CT | 860.361.6285 | Aug 8-10: Cyrus Chestnut Trio + the Gospel According

to Jazz with Kirk Whalum + Cecile McLorin Salvant + the Jimmy Greene Quartet + the Litchfield Jazz Festival Orchestra Django Reinhardt Project + the Mike Stern Band featuring Bob Franceschini, Teymur Phell, and Lionel Cordew + Jane Burnett & Maqueque + the Mario Pavone Octet: The Accordion Project + Anthony Strong + Carmen Staaf Sextet: Standards Reimagined + the Claudio Roditi Brazilian Jazz Sextet + more

NEWPORT JAzz FESTIVAL | At the International Tennis Hall of Fame, 194 Bellevue Ave + Fort Adams State Park, 90 Fort Adams Dr | 401.848.5055 | Aug 1 @ 8 pm at the International Tennis Hall of Fame: The

Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis + Dee Dee Bridgewater performing “To Billie With Love” Aug 1 @ 11:30 am at Fort Adams: Jon Batiste & Stay Human + John Zorn’s Masada Marathon with Dave Douglas, Marc Ribot, Cyro Baptista, Mark Feldman, Erik Friedlander, Ikue Mori, Greg Cohen, Joey Baron, Kenny Wolleson, and more + Miguel Zenon & the “Identities” Big Band + Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society + Snarky Puppy + Cecile McLorin Salvant + Rudresh Mahanthappa: A Charlie Parker Project [A World Premiere] + Amir ElSaffar Quintet + Mostly Other People Do the Killing with Steve Bernstein, Jon Irabagon, Dave Taylor, Brandon Seabrook, Ron Stabinsky, Moppa Elliott, and Kevin Shea + Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks Aug 2 @ 11:30 am at Fort Adams: The Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis + Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue + Dave Holland Prism with Kevin Eubanks, Craig Taborn, and Eric Harland +

Continued on p 18

18 July June 25, 26, 2014 2013 || the the providence providence phoenix phoenix ||

Financing • RepaiRs • Bike Rentals • skate shaRpening

Visit Our three LOcatiOns in Rhode island 922 Boston neck Road

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ri’s Largest trek Bike DeaLer nBXBikes.cOM

Jim Lauderdale will perform at the Rhythm & Roots Festival on August 29 (with the Travelin’ McCourys) and 30


Continued from p 17

Gregory Porter + the Robert Glasper Experiment + SFJAZZ Collective with Miguel Zenon, Avishai Cohen, David Sanchez, Robin Eubanks, Warren Wolf, Edward Simon, Matt Penman, and Obed Calvaire + Cecile McLorin Salvant + Brian Blade & the Fellowship Band with Jon Cowherd, Chris Thomas, Melvin Butler, and Myron Walden + Pedrito Martinez Group with Ariacne Trujillo, Alvaro Benavides, and Jhaire Sala + Dick Hyman, Howard Alden, and Jay Leonhart + the Kurt Rosenwinkel New Quartet + the Newport Now 60 Band with Anat Cohen, Karrin Allyson, Randy Brecker, Mark Whitfield, Peter Martin, Larry Grenadier, and Clarence Penn + Umbria Jazz presents Stefano Bollani and Hamilton de Holanda + the RIMEA Senior All-State Jazz Ensemble Aug 3 @ 11:30 am at Fort Adams: Bobby McFerrin spirityouall + David Sanborn and Joey DeFrancesco with Billy Hart and Warren Wolf + Dr. John & the Nite Trippers + Gary Burton New Quartet with Julian Lage, Scott Colley, and Marcus Gilmore + the Vijay Iyer Sextet with Graham Haynes, Mark Shim, Steve Lehman, Stephan Crump, and Marcus Gilmore + Danilo Perez Panama 500 with Ben Street and Adam Cruz + the Django Festival All-Stars featuring Samson Schmitt, Ludovic Beier, Pierre Blanchard, DouDou Cuillerier, Peter Beets, and Brian Torff + the Ron Carter Trio with Russell Malone and Donald Vega + the Lee Konitz Quartet with Grace Kelly + Ravi Coltrane + the Cookers [Donald Harrison, Billy Harper, Eddie Henderson, David Weiss, George Cables, Cecil McBee, and Billy Hart] + the Mingus Big Band + the Brubeck Brothers + the George Wein & Newport All-Stars with Anat Cohen, Howard Alden, Randy Brecker, Lew Tabackin, and Jay Leonhart + the MMEA 2014 All-State Jazz Band

Classical KINGSTON CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL | At the University of Rhode Island Fine Arts Center Concert Hall, 105 Upper College Rd, Kingston | 401.789.0665 | Through Aug 3: The 26th season of the KCMF presents eight concerts. See website for complete details.

NEWPORT MUSIC FESTIVAL | 401.849.0700 | newport Through July 27: The 46th season of the NMF presents

more than 60 concerts at venues throughout the city. Go to the website for complete details.

Theater BLACK BOX THEATRE | 401.490.9475 | artists-exchange. org | At Theatre 82, 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston July 25-Aug 16: The 9th Annual One-Act Play Festival, with works by Kevin Broccoli, Brandon M. Crose,

L.H. Grant, Brett Hursey, John Levine, Mark Harvey Levine, and David MacGregor

BROWN/TRINITY PLAYWRIGHTS REP | 401.863.2838 | | At Leeds Theatre, 77 Waterman St, Providence July 24-26 + 30 + Aug 2: The Droll, by Meg Miroshnik July 31 + Aug 2: Indian Summer, by Gregory S. Moss Aug 1 + 2: See Bat Fly, by Kathryn Walat CONTEMPORARY THEATER | 401.218.0282 | | 327 Main St, Wakefield Through Aug 9: Noises Off, by Michael Frayn Aug 15-Sept 6: Art, by Yasmina Reza EPIC THEATRE COMPANY | At Theatre 82, 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | July 25 + 26 @ 8 pm: Leaving Rhode Island, by Kevin Broccoli Aug 8 + 9 + 15 + 16 + 22 + 23 @ 8 pm + July 20 @ 7 pm: Cock, by Mike Bartlett

GRANITE THEATRE | 401.596.2341 | | 1 Granite St, Westerly July 25-Aug 24: Run For Your Wife, by Ray Cooney Sept 5-28: And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie MIXED MAGIC THEATRE | 401.305.7333 | | 560 Mineral Spring Ave, Pawtucket July 24 + 30 + 31: Simply Phenomenal: A Tribute to Maya Angelou

NEW BEDFORD FESTIVAL THEATRE | 508.994.2900 | | At the Zeiterion Performing Arts Center, 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA July 25-27 + July 31-Aug 3: The Sound of Music OCEAN STATE THEATRE COMPANY | 401.921.6800 | | 1245 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick Through July 27: Guys and Dolls OPERA PROVIDENCE | 401.331.6060 | | At the Columbus Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence Aug 8-10: The Mikado, by Glbert & Sullivan (plus Aug 13 at Blithewold Mansion & Gardens in Bristol)

2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 | | 28 Market St, Warren Through Aug 3: Freud’s Last Session, by Mark St. Germain Through Aug 31: And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie

Through Aug 29: Hay Fever, by Noel Coward Sept 4-14: Sylvia, by A.R. Gurney Jr. STADIUM THEATRE | 401.762.4545 | | Monument Sq, Woonsocket July 26: The Curtain Call Players present 13 The Musical Aug 2-10: Forever Plaid Aug 15-17: Encore Summer Stock presents Bye Bye Birdie THEATRE BY THE SEA | 401.782.TKTS | theatrebythe | 364 Cards Pond Rd, Matunuck Through Aug 16: Mary Poppins Aug 20-Sept 7: Monty Python’s Spamalot

20 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |



Outstanding excellent Good average Poor


$ = $15 or less $$ = $16-$22 $$$ = $23-$30 $$$$ = $31 and up Based on average entrée price

twoten oyster bar & grill a raw bar with a view _b y bill r Od r iG u ez One of the appealing features of living in a place called the Ocean State is that there are plenty of water-view restaurants. It’s a shame to neglect them, the good ones, especially those having the sense to specialize in seafood. That would be like living in Manhattan and ignoring Broadway. There is a new one this summer in South County, in a picturesque location — on Salt Pond Road, overlooking a marina, the spot where Hanson’s Landing used to DIG IN fresh fare at twoten. be. TwoTen Oyster Bar & Grill is an attractive place with equally appealing dining offerings another wedge or two of lime, which was — the perfect combination to draw the promptly provided. The other midday pospacked crowd I sidled through on a recent sibilities included such specials as sworddinner visit. fish tacos ($17), lobster quesadilla ($18), When I came again for lunch, I had and cornmeal-fried day boat scallops ($17). an easier time looking around. There’s Dinner items are also served at lunch. a large patio out front, bar-equipped, For dinner I came too late for the which looks inviting in sunny weather, Monday-Thursday 4-6 pm buck-a-shuck with parasols shading the larger tables. oysters and littlenecks, a timing error I It’s a well-designed space, with white will promptly rectify. I considered the glass-topped “wicker” tables and crushed grilled yellow fin tuna ($25) and the chefclamshells at the borders. The bar area prep Atlantic salmon ($24), but I chose predominates inside, behind which is a the simple fried shrimp and chips ($17). smaller, narrow room overlooking the Four humongous shrimp, bigger than marina. Below that, accessible only from jumbo, tasty enough with cocktail sauce, outside, are a few more seats, loosely enbut batter-covered rather than breaded in closed by plastic drops. panko crumbs as the menu specified. DinThere are bars at each of those three ers shouldn’t have to ask if what they’ve areas, a reminder of where sometimes the ordered is accurately described. biggest chunk of an evening’s proceeds are I also took home an order of lobster mac derived. So it seemed odd when a customer and cheese ($18), since it is eminently reI chatted with on a busy evening said she’d heatable. The cheddar and Monterey jack planned to have dinner there but decided Mornay sauce tasted fine, but at first there not to after her bill was slapped down looked to be less lobster than ...hold on .. before her at the bar instead of her being .uh-huh. Shreds and smaller pieces of the asked if she wanted another drink. The active ingredient were easily masked by busy bartender probably didn’t intend to the cheese sauce, so if you have my misoffend, but did. It’s remarkable how much taken first impression, don’t worry. friendly service — which I found on my Restaurants come and go in Rhode visits there — can make or break the repuIsland, with its large quotient of discerntation, and longevity, of a new place. ing diners. But my sense is that TwoTen But it’s the food that matters most. So I Oyster Bar & Grill will survive, and perhaps started by checking out their Rhode Island thrive, after the influx of summer visitors clam chowder ($4/$6), a much better indihas rushed through. As the above indicator than the traditional version of fried cates, between what they put on the plates calamari, nearly identical everywhere. and what you see when you look up from Here the clear broth chowder has more them, they are likely gaining a pleased lochopped clams than potatoes and celery, cal clientele. ^ the primary criterion, but also lots of briny tang. Chef Mike King, formerly of Mystic’s Go Fish, did it right. On my second visit I had the New England clam chowder, in which the apple-wood bacon came through nicely. I completed a light lunch with some401.782.0100 | twOtenObG.cOm thing that caught my eye on the menu. I 210 Salt POnd rd, wakefield Sun-thurS, 11:30 am-10 Pm; fri-Sat, 11:30 felt obliged to order the Key West conch am-11 Pm ceviche ($14), since the place is my favorite





TwOTeN OysTeR bAR & GRIll

140 BROADWAY | NEWPORT, RI | 401.847.2620

vacation spot and I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. About a cupful came in a martini glass. The little chunks were tender, tossed in a citrus vinaigrette, but needed

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22 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

Pints for Paws saving animals one pint at a time!

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editors picks ’ f come together _compiled by lou papineau

friday 25 finesse the fest

The newport folk fest sold out months ago, thanks to the usual well-curated mix of veterans, indie superstars, and on-the-rise talent. And the options can be overwhelming, as the talent is spread over three days and four stages at Fort Adams (plus the Deer Tick after-parties at the Newport Blues Cafe and other related events). And while sometimes the most delightful moments are unexpected, you really want to get a bit of a game plan to finesse the Fest. We put Jenny Lewis and Sun Kil Moon on the must-see list for Friday; on Saturday, Lucius and Kurt Vile are top priorities; on Sunday, Conor Oberst and Lucero are standouts. And all three days feature “For Pete’s Sake” sessions, dedicated to Mr. Seeger’s inspirational musical and social contributions. Hit to see the schedule and grab the app. And check those secondary market sites: at presstime, quite a few tickets were available (though it’ll cost ya)

take the plunge

The annual deluge of creativity that is Artists’ Exchange’s One-Act PlAy FestivAl is at Theatre 82, 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston. There are eight plays; topics include a dysfunctional family (J.J. Steinfeld’s More Than Money), a significant encounter in an airport waiting lounge (Finding Fox by Len Cuthbert), and Earth’s last survivors (The Last Two by Kevin Broccoli, who has written five more plays while we’ve been working

sUndaY | dennis mccarthy memorial @ the Met on this entry). This set runs through August 2; Wave II is August 8-16 (Fri + Sat 7 pm); get complete descriptions of all the plays at the website | $15 advance, $20 door | 401.490.9475 |

sunday 27 soul power

The name of the dennis McCarthy celebration is

deep and evocative: “Soul Memorial.” The tight-knit local music community is still absorbing Dennis’s sudden passing, but will be marking it in the best possible way: coming together, sharing stories and laughs, and pouring it all out onstage. Forty or so musicians are already slated to participate, and another 40 (or more) will likely to join in. The names of the bands evoke the four-plus decades of


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satUrdaY | lucius @ the Newport Folk Festival

musicmakers and venues: the Groovemasters, the Last Call Band, the Ubiquitones, the Nick-a-Nee’s Band. And there’s another reason to celebrate: the CD that Dennis was working on will be available. It’s going to be a moving and memorable event at the Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket. The music starts at 4:30 pm and will run for at least six hours; bring a pot luck dish to share; the suggested donation is $10, to benefit Dennis’s son, Jefferson | Go to events/860190787337946 for the complete list of musicians and more

Monday 28 beyOnd the FORt

We like the idea of bRidgeFest, a four-day program

that blends the ideas of the Newport Jazz Fest and Folk Fest and then views the result through a local lens. We have plenty of talented pickers and improvisers ’round here, and BridgeFest gives ’em a spotlight. Each day is crammed with events. Today a trio of crews — Ramblin’ Rhode with Timmy May, Sync or Swim, a female a cappella quartet, and fiddler Ilana Katz — play real good for free at One Bowen’s Wharf, while the Skinny Millionaires, Pier Jump, the Mad Clatter, and La Méchante et le Connard woo you to the Sandywoods Center for the Arts in Tiverton ($5). There are many other shows taking place through the 31st. For complete listings, go to

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24 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

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homegrown product



textures and treasures NEw DIScS by bOb KENDall aND allySEN callEry

I 7: 00 P M us t 1 I F re e Ju ne 20 - A ug

_b y chr IS c ONTI Homegrown East Bay imprint

“WAISTD” and coasts into the standout, smoldering cut “Rage” (with Narcizo’s cymbals crashon a regular basis, including new ing through) where he croons, “If records from two of the finest you’re bored with me, baby, just singer-songwriters Lil Rhody has rest me up on the shelf/If you’re to offer in Bob Kendall and Allysen bored with, bored with me baby, Callery. Kendall follows up 2012’s I’m a good read for somebody Midnight Flower with a self-titled else.” The band is in full swing on full-length, while Callery just “Dazed” (“a true collaboration,” released (by popular demand) a said Kendall), and the acoustic folk four-song session for Folk Radio cuts “Dead End Dream” and “Pall UK, with production help from Mall Days” are nice changes of Kendall. To celebrate, the pair will pace. The album was produced by team up at the Channing Memothe revered Paul Kolderie (Radiorial Church in Newport on Tuesday head, Pixies, Warren Zevon), and (the 29th), with 100 percent of the Kendall said they will also work proceeds benefiting the Rhode together on his next album. Island Community Food Bank. Kendall recently worked the Aquidneck resident Kendall has boards for Bristol’s favorite songa long New England rock pedigree bird, Allysen Callery, who rewhich dates back to the early ’80s. mains on the international radar He was born in Huntsville, Alafollowing a few European tours. bama (aka “Rocket City”), where On her latest release we are treathis father “somehow” scored a ed to another stunning session job at IBM working on NASA’s for UK Folk Radio. The four songs SLOW-BURNING Kendall. Apollo Rocket systems (Kendall: include a traditional British Isles “He didn’t go to college and barely cover (“Blackwaterside”), a gormade it through high school, but clearly he was a smart geous unreleased track titled “All In the Morning” (Calbastard”). The family was transferred to Rhode Island lery’s vocals and finger-picking guitar skills are second to during his teen years and Kendall moved to Boston folnone here), and two re-recorded songs, “The Huntsman” lowing high school in 1981 with his brother Greg, and (originally found on her Summer Place EP) and the precious eventually became a staple of the city’s burgeoning indie/ “Spare Parts” from Mumblin’ Sue. Callery’s subtle delivery college rock scene with the bands Lifeboat and the Blood is pure gold on lines here like “I’m pretty good with my Oranges, opened for the likes of R.E.M., the Replacehands, and I need a man who’ll whir and purr, stir at my ments, and Gang of Four (he also had a day job at the command” and “I’ll build a man with a gold heart out of legendary Fort Apache studios in Cambridge). Kendall those spare parts.” garnered acclaim with his 2002 solo debut Enough Is Enough Kendall and Callery met last summer and the chemand landed a spot the Newport Folk Fest that year, sharistry immediately clicked. They recorded the sessions in ing the same stage as Bob Dylan. Kendall’s “shed” during one wintry evening (with help Around that time, Kendall also became focused on his from Don Julio tequila, reportedly). The disc has sold out, career, writing and developing curriculum for programs but her Folk Radio UK Session 2014 download is still available to prevent violence, and worked in various school disat Kendall also worked tricts throughout the state. the boards for a Callery cover of Bonnie “Prince” Billy’s “I had been working with men and women who were “I Gave You” for a Will Oldham tribute compilation, and arrested for domestic violence, as well as victims of dowill produce Callery’s next album. mestic violence, and I began to focus on ways to get the “Bob is able to produce exactly the sound I want, withword out to younger people so that they wouldn’t fall into out me explaining or saying anything — I love it,” Callery the same patterns,” Kendall said when I dropped him a gushed. “I feel like I discovered a hidden treasure over line earlier this week. “The work was sometimes pretty there in Middletown, but lots of people have known and emotionally taxing and required an enormous amount of loved him for a long time.” ^ focus and energy.” He had been jamming out material with longtime BOB KENDALL + ALLYSEN CALLERY + MARK CUTLER + friend and Throwing Muses drummer Dave Narcizo, and KEN SHANE | Tuesday, July 29 @ 7 pm | Channing Memorial brought some tracks to Kraig Jordan at his Plan of a Boy Church, 135 Pelham St, Newport | $15 | | studio, which has developed into the go-to production homebase for 75orLess musicmakers. Kendall released Midnight Flower via 75orLess, an earnest display of Americana and roots-rock songwriting (listen up, fans of Wilco and Buffalo Tom). Tanya Donelly (who has been recording new stuff with Jordan at POAB) joined Kendall on the title track, and released her own rendition on her latest EP, Swan Songs III. While gathering material for his next solo album, Kendall performed with Jordan as “Stan Sobczak,” a multi-media project that accompanied Jordan’s space-age, ambient music score Stanatron (get it at “Bob is probably best known for the Americana material, but that really is just one piece of what he does,” said Jordan. “He is truly a multi-dimensional artist and a master of textures.” Kendall’s strong songwriting and penchant for slowburning melodies are on full display across the new solo album. “New Day” addresses his father’s longtime bout SONGS FROM THE SHED callery. with dementia. His vocals ride squelches of reverb on

75orLess Records continues f to crank out noteworthy product





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Angel Taveras, Mayor





















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26 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

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dance mesmerizing moves island moving co.’s annual ‘friends’ fest _By J ohnette rod r igu ez Island Moving Co., Newport’s con-

temporary ballet company, has alf ways been adventurous. For many years,

the company performed at outdoor venues, at the mercy of the weather; Open for Dancing — site-specific pieces — were also performed outside; a Nutcracker was set at Rosecliff; and a Dracula at Belcourt Castle. And for the last five years, IMC has organized a Great Friends Dance Festival, its title referring both to the venue, Great Friends Meeting House, and the “great friends” IMC makes by inviting a halfdozen dance companies from around the country to participate in the two-week festival. It continues through July 26 at 7:30 pm ( Last weekend’s programs featured IMC, with Surfscape Contemporary Dance Theatre (from Florida, near Daytona), Matthew Westerby Company (Litchfield, CT), and Lydia Johnson Dance (NYC). This weekend’s programs will showcase IMC and Surfscape again, along with New York’s Marta Renzi and the Project Co., and Rhode-Island-based Colleen Cavanaugh’s Part of the Oath and Ali Kenner Brodsky & Co. In addition to a one-week period to create a large collaborative piece — this year’s will be by Rhode Island choreographer Mark Harootian — these Great Friend dancers engage in a one-day choreographic project, to pull together a three-minute “etude” that opens the evening’s performances. Last Friday, IMC dancer/choreographer Shane Farrell made a short piece that was reminiscent of twirling music box ballerinas, with displays of affection between the two, as one stroked a forearm or the other supported her friend, with a hand at the back of her neck. Short but very tender. Next, Surfscape dancers performed a captivating pas de deux, Trouver Nos Lignes (Find Our Lines), to the music of Erik Satie, with choreography by co-director Rachael Leonard. Amber Johnson and Andile Ndlovu moved through a series of complex and incredibly demanding lifts, her long legs sometimes over his shoulders or around his neck but just as often held rigid as he tipped or turned her before her legs angled into the next configuration. Surfscape’s other piece in the first half (also by Leonard) was even more mesmerizing: Marmol, referring to a location in northern Afghanistan and set to the music of Mexican electronica musician Murcof. Four dancers face off, step toward one another in pairs, their faces grim, their fists clenched. As they break out of this quartet mode, their arm gestures and hip swivels take on some hip-hop style, with belligerence and braggadocio. One-handed cartwheels climax with the dancers’ free hands momentarily grasping the other dancers’ hands inside the circle of four. Sandwiched among these serious pieces were two lighter ones by IMC: two duets from artistic director Miki Ohlsen’s Continua Metamorfosi, with lots of airy lifts and butterfly-like hands; and a very fun

thomas palmer

Johnson’s Roadside Farm Market

MANNERED AND MODERN glen lewis and lauren difede in Breathing Space. dance, Levitation, set to Lee Dorsey’s toetapping “Yes We Can,” by associate artistic director Spencer Gavin Hering. Two stunning pieces by Matthew Westerby Company, Shadows Will Fall and Slow Fall, deal with humans’ search for connections, physical and psychic, to support them through life’s troubles. In the former, two couples find momentary links but ultimately remain separate. In the latter pas de deux, the disconnect is even starker, as hands held momentarily are tossed angrily apart, to be placed behind their backs, as they stand alone and sigh in frustration. Lydia Johnson Dance presented excerpts from What Counts, set to two numbers by the Bad Plus. Four dancers create sequences that reflect the intricate improvisations by the jazz trio: the three women form a hand-driven line dance; an eloquent pas de deux segment rounds it off. Two more dances by Surfscape, choreographed by co-director Kristin Polizzi, were intriguing — Cabernet, all sinuous arms and weaving torsos; and humorous — Quiver, with two couples shaking shoulders, hips, feet, and hands at each other. Capping the evening were excerpts from Hering’s Breathing Space. Using seven company dancers and three pieces of music (Gluck, Rachmaninoff, Chopin), Hering found innovative ways to convey both mannered movements (emphatically posed fingers) and extremely modern ones (flexed palms). Similarly, a lift with dancers facing each other, the woman’s hands on the man’s hips, while he holds her up by the waist, allows her to send her legs out straight or keep them folded, as they whirl around. An impressively diverse and theatrical program of dances! ^

go on a


this Summer!




28 JULY 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |

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n ewport s uMMer C oMedy s eries presented by

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NEW DATE! AuGusT 2 Town Fair Tire Night



SLEEK PATTERNS Folz’s Spiro Table.

evolving perspectives

August 8

Verizon Wireless Night


Florence leiF at Bert gallery; plus, works By Folz and krumm

New DAte! Aug. 15

Humphrey’s Night


Presented by People’s Credit Union, Clements and Lee’s Market


AuGusT 22

Beach Paint Night


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REIMBURSEMENT FOR YOUR TIME! • Are you a smoker? AND… • Do you use a cane, wheelchair, scooter, walker or braces, etc to help you get around?

_By g r eg cook Somewhere around the 1950s, Florence Leif drastically changed her style. During the previous decade, she had painted dry dirt roads running down rolling green hills to the sea. She favored views from North Truro, Massachusetts, where she summered at a house she built with her husband, the painter and RISD professor Gordon Peers. Or, as you can see in a handful of her oil paintings that are on view at Bert Gallery (24 Bridge St, Providence, through July 31), she might paint a road winding among homes and a church tower nestled in a valley that perhaps she spotted when her husband chaired RISD’s European study-abroad program. Leif, who was born in New York in 1913, graduated from RISD in 1934, and died from a brain tumor at age 55 in 1968, distilled and simplified reality for emotional effect while still painting with persnickety precision in hues of sun-bleached greens and tans. You LUXURIOUS leif’s Distant Building. might call her style late American Impressionism. But something happened in the 1950s that altered her through objects receding into the background, but by direction. Maybe it was years of hanging around with stacking rocks and foliage and houses one above the next, all the art freaks of Provincetown, which attracted visits as in her painting Distant Buildings. In Near the Dunes, four from leading American modernists like Milton Avery large green circles — odd suns or moons — hang above and the vanguard of the splashy New York-style Abstract dunes. The space is created by how the sand is horizonExpressionism, including Hans Hofmann (who ran a tally striped with blue and green. hugely influential school there), Adolph Gottlieb, and Leif began putting on the paint thicker, almost frothy. Robert Motherwell. Bert Gallery owner Cathy Bert says Her earlier work often felt parched under the hot sun. Leif wasn’t a fan of Abstract Expressionism, but suggests So I wonder if Matisse’s influence might also be behind the influence of Cezanne. how her later paintings seem to luxuriate in the sea. For I wonder if Leif was also looking at Matisse based on example, in Abstracted Landscape with Pond, we look past the the way she begins to flatten forms and create space not scrubby trees and pond and sand dunes that frame a blue sailboat, tiny in the distance, but seemingly heeled over, dashing along in the brisk summer breeze.



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Also at Bert Gallery, to coincide with the Handweavers Guild of America’s Convergence Conference on fiber art in Providence last week, are works by Debra Folz of Boston and Tracy Krumm of St. Paul, Minnesota. Both artists take non-traditional approaches. Folz likes to embellish the edges of slick functional furniture with strings and ribbons. She decorates a perforated steel stool by cross-stitching orange and red and gray zigzags through the holes. She braids leather straps through holes cut along the rim of wooden stools. Her most catchy piece is Spiro Table, a sleek, clear acrylic table with circles punched through the sides that she weaves with red and green fishing line to evoke the intricate geometric patterns of old Spirograph toys. More fascinating is how Krumm seems to have extracted the DNA from scarves and belts and purses and reimagined them in filigreed wire. Bloom (Blue) is a tall, narrow vase that opens out with a kind of splash of delicate, crocheted wire. With the title of Shield (Dickey), Krumm seems to pun on how her pattern of fine, looping wires might evoke chainmail. In other pieces, like a trio of woven wire cone strainers dangling from a heavy hook or a pair of crocheted wire tea towels handing from a heavy metal hanger, there are suggestions of both kitchenware and, perhaps, mutant lingerie. Krumm seems to be mulling how we project gender onto fine wire versus heavy blacksmithed hooks. Ultimately, she’s digging into the meanings of structure. ^



Follow Greg Cook on Twitter @AestheticResear.

RISD MuSeuM Graphic Design: Now in Production

John Morgan, Dracula

Aaron Draplin and Coudal Partners, Field Notes (dry transfer letter version)

final week – closes aug 3

Mike Perry, Eames Eiffel Side Chair

Exploring some of the most cutting-edge ideas and creative works in 21st-century graphic design.

David Bennewith, Churchward International Typefaces

Anthony Burrill, Oil & Water Do Not Mix Forsman & Bodenfors, with Evelina Bratell (stylist) and Carl Kleiner (photographer), Homemade is Best

Justin Manor, John Rothenberg, and Eric Gunther, Set Top Box

Peter Buchanan-Smith, First Aid Kit


Graphic Design: Now in Production is co-organized by the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York.

Best Made Company, American Felling Axes

Antoine et Manuel, Comedie de Clermont, Saison 2011–2012

30 JUly 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix | 20 minutes from Providence 16 Anawan Street, Fall River MA 02721 (near Battleship Cove) (508) 324-1926 Doors open @ 7pm Show starts @ 8pm (unless otherwise noted) • Special low-noiSe air conditioning SyStem •

thurs. 7/24: Blues from Kansas City

thurs. 7/31: leon rUSSell (


Sat. 8/2:

Fri. 8/1:

listings CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | DJ Dance

trampled Under Foot


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | Save Ends + Cassavetes + Twin Foxes BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8 pm | World Premiere Band

CAPTAIN NICK’S ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAR | Block Island | DJ Superdope CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 6 pm | Sweet



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Southern New England’s premier roots music venue for concerts, dining, and dancing! Tickets Available On Line!

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noted, most Unless otherwise 9 pm. nd oU ar rt shows sta . es tim irm nf Call to Co

Tooth & the Sugarbabies CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Them Apples DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Matt Belair DUSK | Providence | Map Light + We Roll Like Madmen + Luv Songs + PALS THE 88 LOUNGE | Providence | Brooks Milgate GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Steve Demers GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Open mic with house band TBA LEGION PUB | Cranston | Karaoke hosted by Tommy Tunes LOCAL 121 | Providence | Siskavitch MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 8 pm | Charon’s Obol + Twenty Seven + the New Original + CunningHAMS MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Alger Mitchell MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7 pm | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone THE MET | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Moufy + Young Legend NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | 8 pm | Cheryl Arena NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Friends of Dennis OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | The Copacetics ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Blockhead 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Mac Odom Band PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Men With Guitars PICASSO’S PIZZA & PUB | Warwick | 9:30 pm | Karaoke POWERS PUB | Cranston | Mike & Mark RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | Mortals + Vaporizer + the Proselyte THE SALON | Providence | DJ Handsome J SIMON’S 677 | Providence | Skid Row + Devil’s Feedback + Pistol Shot Gypsy THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Consider the Source + Dark City + Forget, Forget TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Matt Silva THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | Country Mile


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | Ontologics + the Really Heavy + Naked Nick + Resident Alien ATLANTIC BEACH CLUB | Middletown | Don & Frank BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8:30 pm | What Matters? BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | 7 Day Weekend BOVI’S | East Providence | Pearl CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Billy Pilgrim Band

CAPTAIN NICK’S ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAR | Block Island | The Blushing Brides

CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 pm | George Gritzbach

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 7 pm | Batteries Not Included


CUSTOM HOUSE COFFEE | Middletown | 5 pm | Open mic with John Hillmann & Graham Gibbs

DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Ain’t No Sin

DUSK | Providence | Soul Power Inter-

national Beats and Bollywood Disco with DJ Brother Cleve & DJ Ty Jesso THE 88 LOUNGE | Providence | 6 pm | Viana Newton | 9 pm | Tom Chace ESCADA BAR | Johnston | After Dark FÊTE | Providence | Crush hosted by Stacey Hashh FINN’S HARBORSIDE | East Greenwich | 4:30 pm | Alger Mitchell | 8:30 pm | Rugburn GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Kyle Nicholas GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | Dan Lilley & the Keepers IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | Mike Colletta KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 8 pm | Eight To the Bar THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | The Rock


| Lincoln | Blurred Vision LOCAL 121 | Providence | Born Casual LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | Providence | Juicy J + Peter Piffen MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 8 pm | Wild Surfaces + Batmyte + Kait & Her Buds MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Jim Halloran THE MET | Pawtucket | 8:30 pm | Rhode Kill + Shred of Salvation+ Superlimit + Seas of Scylia + Cad NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | Brass Attack NEWPORT GRAND | Heart & Soul NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Red Sammy OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | Outcry OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | 5 pm | Yankee Jack | 9 pm | G Love [solo acoustic] ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Envy 133 CLUB | East Providence | Stone Leaf PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Marc Douglas Berardo

PERRY MILL TAVERN & MUSIC HALL | Newport | Party Girl POWERS PUB | Cranston | Emily & Mark


10 pm | Gutter sluts + Pixels + Vavablume RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | Red Light Compliance + Deadfall + Vultures + Lesser Men + Black Elm

RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BISTRO | North Providence | Stumbling Murphys

THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs |

Music Please | Downstairs | Haus’d with DJ Handsome J SIMON’S 677 | Providence | King of New England Hip-Hop Contest THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Viral sound + Funkwagon + Cosmic Factory STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | Cumberland | Karaoke TAVERN ON BROADWAY | Newport | The Mintones 39 WEST | Cranston | Chameleon TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Ship of Fools UNCLE RONNIE’S RED TAVERN | Burrillville | Unplugged Band THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | 5 pm | Brian Twohey | 9 pm | DJ Dirty DEK


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 4 pm | Traditional Irish Music Session hosted by Jimmy and Hannah Devine with Mark Roberts, Andrea Cooper, Teddi Scobi, and friends | 9 pm | Kumo No Kumo, Henry Warwick perform-

ing InC + Mem1 + Alan Sondheim + Azure Carter ATLANTIC BEACH CLUB | Middletown | Envy BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 2 pm | Chris Gauthier | 8:30 pm | Fighting Friday BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | Fall River, MA | Identity Crisis BOVI’S | East Providence | Crushed Velvet CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Rick Harrington Band

CAPTAIN NICK’S ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAR | Block Island | The Blushing Brides

CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 + 10 pm | Duke Robillard Band

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 12-4 pm | The

Honeymooners | 7-10 pm | What Matters? CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | Hughie Purcell CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Witzend THE CONTINENTAL | Smithfield | 7 pm | Deb Hopkins DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | Dacoda THE 88 LOUNGE | Providence | 7 pm | Danny Arico | 9 pm | Guest act FÊTE | Providence | 6 pm | 1st Annual Empowering Peace Concert featuring Eastern Medicine Singers + Krook Rock, Boo the Butler + Jared Paul + Chachi + YoungSwagg + Young Power Society + Tru Warface + Miz Korona + Jinx & THCRadeo. com FINN’S HARBORSIDE | East Greenwich | 8:30 pm | Mercy Bullets GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Justin Harris GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Open mic IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | Betsy & Julie JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am | Marie Claude | 2 pm | Open mic JIMMY’S SALOON | Newport | Tigerman WOAH + the Silks + Oldjack + the Rationales + Nate Leavitt THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | Cover Girl


| Lincoln | World Premiere LOCAL 121 | Providence | Blademon

LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Seekonk, MA | Batteries Not Included

MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 8

pm | The Scofflaws + the Copacetics + Sweet Babylon MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Bill Gannon THE MET | Pawtucket | 7:30 pm | Awaken the Tide + In Depths and Tides + I Guard the Throne + In Armistice + Vermin MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 9 pm | DJ Franko NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | The Senders NEWPORT GRAND | Summer School


| Vyntage Skynyrd [Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute] NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Chris Monti Band OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | Dunn Bros. OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | Booty Bash with music by DJ Face OLIVES | Providence | The Kulprits ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | 3-7 pm | Brian Scott | 10 pm | The Wild Ones 133 CLUB | East Providence | Off the Hook O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | 8:30 pm | Jason Colonies PADDY’S BEACH | Westerly | 3 pm | Wild Sun | 10 pm | That ‘80s Band THE PARLOUR | Providence | Mark Cutler & Men of Great Courage PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Jeff Byrd & Dirty Finch POWERS PUB | Cranston | Chicago Robbery

RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA |

Damnation + Spitshiner + the Devils Twins THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs | DJ Pauly Dangerous | Downstairs | DJ Oscar Champagne & Friends



land | 8:30 pm | Contraband

THE TAVERN ON BROADWAY | Newport | Mighty Good Boys


Fall River, MA | 3-7 pm | James Gagne | 7-11 pm | Second Chance


Burrillville | Southern Sky VANILLA BEAN CAFE | Pomfret, CT | 8 pm | Our Burgundy


dence | DJ Chizzy + Party Girl


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. ATLANTIC BEACH CLUB | Middletown | The Complaints BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | Noon | The X Isles | 6 pm | Tribeca BOUNDARY BREWHOUSE | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Open blues jam with Wolfie & the Jam Daddies CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | 3 pm | Open mic blues jam with the Rick Harrington Band

CAPTAIN NICK’S ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAR | Block Island | 6 pm | The Young Guns

CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 4 pm | The Driftwoods

CHIEFTAIN PUB | Plainville | 1 pm | PMC Fundraiser

DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | 3 pm | Flashback

DUSK | Providence | 6 pm | Thee

Itchies + Party Pigs + Gym Shorts + the Flipsides THE 88 LOUNGE | Providence | 6 pm | Danny Arico FINN’S HARBORSIDE | East Greenwich | 4 pm | Zink Alloy GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | 2 pm | Second Avenue GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Steve Chrisitan JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am | TC Ethier THE LAST RESORT | Smithfield | 3 pm | The Senders MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | 8 pm | Everlast + Kris Hansen & Jon Tierney + Bad Dreams MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 5 pm | Jason Colonies THE MET | Pawtucket | 4:30 pm | The Dennis McCarthy Soul Memorial with the GrooveMasters + the Nicka-Nee’s Band + the Last Call Band + the Ubiquitones MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 9 pm | Sunday Night Blues Jam NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | 4 pm | Duke Robillard OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown | 4 pm | Liz Boudreau Duo OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | 3:30 pm | Heavy Rescue ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | 6 pm | Damien Carter | 7 pm | Dueling Pianos 133 CLUB | East Providence | 7:30 pm | Brother to Brother O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Warwick | 4:30 pm | Tom Lanigan PADDY’S BEACH | Westerly | 3 pm | Bill Gannon PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8 pm | Libby Koch PICASSO’S PIZZA & PUB | Warwick | Karaoke with DJ Bobby D. SIMON’S 677 | Providence | 8 pm | Sunday Night Mics THE TAVERN ON BROADWAY | Newport | 6 pm | The Kane Brothers TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 3 pm | Triple Threat | the providence phoenix | JUly 25, 2014 31

Burrillville | Karaoke with Stu THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | 2 pm | Reggae brunch with

NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Newport | Felix Brown

ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Stu Sinclair from Never In Vegas

DJ DC Roots

THE PARLOUR | Providence | 7:30 pm


THE SALON | Providence | 8:30 pm |

See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 6 pm | Kyle Nicholas BOVI’S | East Providence | John Allmark’s Jazz Orchestra FINN’S HARBORSIDE | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Jeanne Evans Jazz GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | DJ Action Jackson + Brian Scott MACHINES WITH MAGNETS | Pawtucket | Littlefoot + Herro Sugar + more THE MET | Pawtucket | 8:30 pm | The Down & Outs + the Agents + the Copacetics NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The House Combo 95 EMPIRE BLACK BOX | Providence | Hive Mind + Redrot + Shredded Nerve + Scant + Craow ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Bruce Jacques 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Open mic night with Eric & Matt THE PARLOUR | Providence | Reggae Night with Upsetta International + the Natural Element Band PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Songwriters’ open mic TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Billy Solo


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | 10 pm | Austin Vaughn + Ron Shalom + Caroline Park GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Lori Martin GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | 7 pm | Open mic JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | Westport, MA | 7 pm | Angry Farmers LOCAL 121 | Providence | DJ Nook MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Groove E Tuesday with Joe Potenza, Ben Ricci, and Gene Rosati

| Open mic night

Kimi’s Movie Night


Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Ron Valcourt


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | Justin Marra + Kevin Williams + Alex Bean [of Carnival Lights] BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 6 pm | Kyle Nicholas THE 88 LOUNGE | Providence | Alissa Musto GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Mike Colletta GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Karaoke with DJ Deelish

HEMENWAY’S SUMMER MUSIC SERIES | Providence | 6 pm | Lydia Harrell

LOCAL 121 | Providence | Reggae Night

MACHINES WITH MAGNETS | Pawtucket | Good Willsmith +

Sugarm + Work/Death MANCHESTER 65 | West Warwick | Open jam hosted by Sean Finnerty THE MET | Pawtucket | Against Me! + Creepoid + Jenny Owen Youngs NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Newport | Badfish NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The Bluegrass Throedown with Damn Tall Buildings ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | DJ Blacklist 133 CLUB | East Providence | Karaoke with Big Bill THE PARLOUR | Providence | The Funky Autocrats PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8 pm | Chakulla & the Hunger Bus THE SALON | Providence | Free Up Wednesday with DJ Moy TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | Justin Machamer

THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | Open mic acoustic jam session


See Club Directory for phone numbers and addresses. AS220 | Providence | This Way Children + the Cloth + Snowplows + Lyra BLU ON THE WATER | East Greenwich | 8 pm | Batteries Not Included

CAPTAIN NICK’S ROCK ’N’ ROLL BAR | Block Island | DJ Superdope CHELO’S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILLE | Warwick | 6 pm | Them Apples

CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Dr. Slick THE 88 LOUNGE | Providence | Brooks Milgate

GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragansett | Dean Venticinque


Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley

HEMENWAY’S SUMMER MUSIC SERIES | Providence | 6 pm | Lance Houston Jazz Quintet


| 8 pm | Open mic with host band Scooby & the Poundhounds LEGION PUB | Cranston | Karaoke hosted by Tommy Tunes LOCAL 121 | Providence | Dread Mighty MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | 7:30 pm | Alger Mitchell MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7 pm | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone THE MET | Pawtucket | 8 pm | Dubbest + Oshun Roots + Hobo Chili + Cody Care MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | Marc Philip NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown | 8 pm | Tom Wright & Friends NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Erika Van Pelt NEWS CAFE | Pawtucket | Carrion Spring + La Luna NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Friends of Dennis OCEAN MIST | Matunuck | Van Martin Gordon Band ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Brick Park 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm | Mac Odom Band

PICASSO’S PIZZA & PUB | Warwick | 9:30 pm | Karaoke

RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA |

Abdicate + Zafakon + Forced Asphyxiation + Desolate RI RA | Providence | Wicked Cool Karaoke hosted by Ronnie THE SALON | Providence | DJ Handsome J SIMON’S 677 | Providence | Bad Luck + American Verse + Bottle Rocket Karaoke | Outside | Bad Luck + American Verse | Inside | Bottle Rocket Karaoke THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | Providence | Hot Day At the Zoo + Route .44 + the Skinny Millionaires TIPSY SEAGULL DOCKSIDE PUB | Fall River, MA | 7 pm | C.J. Martin THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Providence | Hoot the Band




Connection, 39 Warren Ave, East Providence | $5 | 401.438.8383 | ricomedy COMEDY SHOWCASE | 8 pm | The Narragansett Theater at the Pier, 3 Beach St | $10 | 401.284.2256 | DAN SODER | Thurs-Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 advance | 860.312.6649 |


MIKE McCARTHY | Fri 8 pm; Sat

9 pm | Comedy Connection, East Providence | $15 HARDCORE COMEDY SHOW hosted by Brian Beaudoin | 10:30 pm | Comedy Connection, East Providence | $15 THE BIT PLAYERS | Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10 pm | Firehouse Theater, 4 Equality Park Pl, Newport | $15, $10

We offer a contemporary twist on traditional Japanese cuisine SuShi Kitchen entreeS cocKtail lounge

Continued on p 32

CLUB DIRECTORY AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Providence ATLANTIC BEACH CLUB | 401.847.2750 | 55 Purgatory Rd, Middletown | AURORA | 401.272.5722 | 276 Westminster St, Providence | aurora BLU ON THE WATER | 401.885.3700 | 20 Water St, East Greenwich | BOONDOCKS BAR & GRILL | 508.673.2200 | 46 Water St, Fall River, MA | BOUNDARY BREWHOUSE | 401.725.4260 | 67 Garrity St, Pawtucket | Boundarybrewhouse BOVI’S | 401.434.9670 | 278 Taunton Ave, East Providence CADY’S TAVERN | 401.568.4102 | 2168 Putnam Pike, Chepachet | CHAN’S | 401.765.1900 | 267 Main St, Woonsocket | chanseggrollsand CHELO’S | 401.884.3000 | 1 Masthead Dr, Warwick | waterfront-entertainment.php CHIEFTAIN PUB | 508.643.9031 | 23 Washington St, Plainville, MA | CITY SIDE | 401.235.9026 | 74 South Main St, Woonsocket | CLUB ROXX | 401.884.4450 | 6125 Post Rd, North Kingstown | THE CONTINENTAL | 401.233.1800 | 332 Farnum Pike, Smithfield | DAN’S PLACE | 401.392.3092 | 880 Victory Hwy, West Greenwich | DIVE BAR | 401.272.2000 | 201 Westminster St, Providence DUSK | 401.714.0444 | 301 Harris Ave, Providence | 88 LOUNGE | 401.437.8830 | 55 Union St, Providence |

THE FATT SQUIRREL | 150 Chestnut St, Providence | 401.808.6898 FÊTE | 401.383.1112 | 103 Dike St, Providence | FINN’S HARBORSIDE | 401.884.6363 | 38 Water St, East Greenwich | GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | 508.643.2700 | 60 Man Mar Dr, Plainville, MA | game7sportsbar GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | 401.315.5556 | 105 White Rock Rd, Westerly THE GRANGE | 401.831.0600 | 166 Broadway, Providence | GREENWICH HOTEL | 401.884.4200 | 162 Main St, East Greenwich | INDIGO PIZZA | 401.615.9600 | 599 Tiogue Ave, Coventry | IRON WORKS TAVERN | 401.739.5111 | 697 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick | JAVA MADNESS | 401.788.0088 | 134 Salt Pond Rd, Wakefield | JOE’S CAFE & LOUNGE | 774.264.9463 | 549 American Legion Hwy, Westport, MA | THE KNICKERBOCKER | 401.315.5070 | 35 Railroad Ave, Westerly | THE LAST RESORT | 401.349.3500 | 325 Farnum Pike, Smithfield | LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER | 877.82.RIVER | 100 Twin River Rd, Lincoln | LOCAL 121 | 401.274.2121 | 121 Washington St, Providence | LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | 401.331.5876 | 79 Washington St, Providence | MACHINES WITH MAGNETS | 401.261.4938 | 400 Main St, Pawtucket | THE MALTED BARLEY | 401.315.2184 |

42 High St, Westerly | themalted MANCHESTER 65 | 65 Manchester St, West Warwick | manchester MARINER GRILL | 401.284.3282 | 142 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett | THE MEDIATOR | 401.461.3683 | 50 Rounds Ave, Providence THE MET | 401.729.1005 | 1005 Main St, Pawtucket | MURPHY’S LAW | 401.724.5522 | 2 George St, Pawtucket | murphys NARRAGANSETT CAFE | 401.423.2150 | 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown | NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | 401.841.5510 | 286 Thames St | newportblues. com NEWPORT GRAND | 401.849.5000 | 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd, Newport | NEWS CAFE | 401.728.6475 | 43 Broad St, Pawtucket NICK-A-NEE’S | 401.861.7290 | 75 South St, Providence NOREY’S | 401.847.4971 | 156 Broadway, Newport | OAK HILL TAVERN | 401.294.3282 | 565 Tower Hill Rd, North Kingstown | OCEAN MIST | 401.782.3740 | 895 Matunuck Beach Rd, Matunuck | OLIVES | 401.751.1200 | 108 North Main St, Providence | 133 CLUB | 401.438.1330 | 29 Warren Ave, East Providence ONE PELHAM EAST | 401.847.9460 | 270 Thames St, Newport | O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | 401.228.7444 | 23 Peck Ln, Warwick | PADDY’S BEACH | 401.596.2610 | 159 Atlantic Ave, Westerly | paddys

THE PARLOUR | 401.383.5858 | 1119 North Main St, Providence | PERKS & CORKS | 401.596.1260 | 48 High St, Westerly | perksand PERRY MILL TAVERN & MUSIC HALL | 401.846.0907 | 337 Thames St, Newport | PICASSO’S PIZZA AND PUB | 401.739.5030 | 2323 Warwick Ave, Warwick | POWERS PUB | 401.714.0655 | 27 Aborn St, Cranston | RALPH’S DINER | 508.753.9543 | 148 Grove St, Worcester, MA | RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BISTRO | 401.232.1331 | 2026 Smith St, North Providence | RI RA | 401.272.1953 | 50 Exchange Terrace, Providence | THE SALON | 401.865.6330 | 57 Eddy St, Providence | SIMON’S 677 | 401.270.6144 | 677 Valley St, Providence | facebook. com/simons677 THE SPOT UNDERGROUND | 401.383.7133 | 101 Richmond St, Providence | thespotprovidence. com STEVIE D’S BAR & GRILL | 401.658.2591 | 80 Manville Hill Rd, Cumberland | TAVERN ON BROADWAY | 401.619.5675 | 16 Broadway, Newport | tavern 39 WEST | 401.944.7770 | 39 Phenix Ave, Cranston | UNCLE RONNIE’S RED TAVERN | 401.568.6243 | 2692 Victory Hwy, Burrillville | uncleronniesred VANILLA BEAN CAFE | 860.928.1562 | Rts 44, 169 and 97, Pomfret, CT | WHISKEY REPUBLIC | 401.588.5158 | 515 South Water St, Providence |

Sun – Thurs Noon – 11pm Fri /Sat Noon – 1am 198 Atwells Avenue, Providence, RI 401-383-6559 | NAMIPROV.COM

32 JUly 25, 2014 | the providence phoenix |


listings FRInGe FestIVaL J U LY 2 4 - 2 6



cellar stories


New books ½ price!

1 1 1 M athe w s o n st. Providence ri

(401) 521-2665

Continued from p 31 Sat @ 10 pm [BYOB] | 401.849.3473 | BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | [family-friendly show @ 7 pm] | 7 + 9 pm | Warwick Museum of Art, 3259 Post Rd | $5 | 401.737.0010 | bringyour MICETO IMPROV | 9:30 pm | Contemporary Theater, 327 Main St, Wakefield | $7 | 401.218.0282 | contemporarytheatercompany. com PROVIDENCE IMPROV PIG presents Kickasaurus Rex and an improvised musical | 8 pm | Providence Improv Guild, 393 Broad St | $5 | facebook. com/ImprovPIG/events DUELING COMIX PIANOS | 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $15-$25 advance DAN SODER | See listing for Thurs


ARTIE LANGE | 7:30 pm | Newport

Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf | $39 | 401.846.1600 | newport JERRY SEINFELD | 8 pm | The Grand at Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | $82.50-$150 | 866.646.0050 | DAN SODER | See listing for Thurs MIKE MCCARTHY | See listing for Fri THE BIT PLAYERS | See listing for Fri



noon with Girls Rock! Rhode Island | 4:30-7:30 pm | Burnside Park, Kennedy Pl, Providence | Free | LI’L ANNE & HOT CAYENNE | 7 pm | The Towers, 35 Ocean Rd, Narragansett | $15 | 401.782.2597 | thetowersri. com

SWING ’N’ STRINGS WITH AL BASILE | 6:30 pm | John Brown

House Museum, 52 Power St, Providence | $10 | 401.331.8575 x 135 | TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT | 8 pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $22 advance, $25 day of show | 508.324.1926 |



Theatre, 270 Broadway, Providence | $15 advance, $17 day of show | KONGOS + SATELLITES FALL | Part of the WBRU Dunkin’ Donuts Summer Concert Series | 7 pm | Waterplace Park, Memorial Blvd, Providence | Free | scs2014


COMEDY SHOWCASE | 8 pm | Come-

Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf | $19.50-$45.50 | 401.846.1600 |




dy Connection, East Providence | $10

Stevie D’s Bar & Grill, 80 Manville Hill Rd, Cumberland | 401.658.2591 |


will perform its farewell show | 7 pm | Disproportionately Hostile, 22 Broad St, Cumberland | facebook. com/Disproportionatelyhostile


Wed 8 pm; Thurs 10:30 pm | Comix at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $10-$20 advance


THE BIT PLAYERS present “Laughter For Locals” | 8 pm | Firehouse Theater, Newport | $10 [BYOB] THE COMEDY FACTORY with John Perrotta and friends | 8 pm | Legion Pub, 661 Park Ave, Cranston | Free | 401.781.8888 | comedyfactory



James Creelman | 8:30 pm | The Salon, 57 Eddy St, Providence | $TBA | 401.865.6330 |


THE BIT PLAYERS | present “Family Friendly Funnies” | 7 pm | Firehouse Theater, Newport | $10 [BYOB] LAST COMIX STANDING COMEDY CONTEST | See listing for Sun


JOE MATARESE | 8 pm | Comix at

Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $20$40 advance

SUMMER SHOWDOWN SEASON IV: ROUND 1 | See listing for Thurs COMEDY SHOWCASE | See listing for Thurs


BECK | 8 pm | Providence Performing

Arts Center, 220 Weybosset St | $45$75 | 401.421.ARTS |


with Jesse & Jack Gauthier, Dan Lilley & Scatman, Lisa Markovich, and Bethel Steele | 7 pm | Roger Williams National Memorial Park, 282 North Main St, Providence | 401.521.7266 | SESSION AMERICANA | 8 pm | Sandywoods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse Way, Tiverton | $12 advance, $15 door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 |


Center, 885 South Main St, Mansfield, MA | ticketmaster. com NEW EDITION | 7:30 pm | The Grand at Foxwoods, 350 Trolley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT | $49 + $59 | 866.646.0050 |


HAPPY TOGETHER TOUR 2014 with the Turtles featuring Flo & Eddie + Chuck Negron [Three Dog Night] + Mark Farner [Grand Funk Railroad] + Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels +Gary Lewis & the Playboys | 2 pm | Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Rd, Webster, MA | $30-$47.50 | 508.943.3871 | KATE GRANA & FRIENDS | 6 pm | The Meeting House, 3852 Main Rd, Tiverton | $12 advance, $15 day of show | 401.624.2600 | fourcorners


BRIDGEFEST | The city-wide fest

“bridges” the Newport Folk and Jazz festivals | The “premiere events”: July 28 at 6:30 pm at Sanford-Covell Villa Marina, 72 Washington St, bassist David Zinno and guitarist Jay Azzolina [Spyro Gyra] [$25] | July 29 at 7:30 pm at Channing Memorial Church, 135 Pelham St, “Songwriters In the Round,” to benefit the Rhode Island Food Bank, featuring Allysen Callery, Mark Cutler, Bob Kendall, and Ken Shane [suggested donation $15; donation of non-perishable food items encouraged] | July 30 at 6 pm at Fort Adams State Park, a family concert with Bari Koral Family Rock Band and Oran Etkin’s

Timbalooloo, plus a dance performance with choreography by Jackie Henderson from Off the Curb and Able Mind & Body [free] | July 30 at 6:30 pm at the Canfield House, 5 Memorial Boulevard, Newport, the Lois Vaughan Quintet [$50, advance reservations required @ 401.847.0416] | See the website for the complete schedule, including events at Queen Anne Square, and One Bowen’s Wharf, plus the Jamestown Central Baptist Church and the Sandywoods Center For the Arts in Tiverton | newportbridgefest. com TUNES ON THE DUNES presents John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band | 6 pm | Westerly Town Beach, 365 Atlantic Ave | Free | tunesonthe


NINE INCH NAILS + SOUNDGARDEN | 7 pm | Xfinity Center, 885 South Main St, Mansfield, MA |



Sugar Ray Norcia & the Bluetones with Professor Harp and Peter Moore | 6 pm | Westerly Town Beach, 365 Atlantic Ave | Free | tunesonthedunes TISH ADAMS JAZZ QUINTET [and the Wrapz food truck] | 6:30 pm | Weaver Library, 41 Grove St, East Providence | Free | 401.434.2453 |


!!! | 9 pm | Columbus Theatre, 270

Broadway, Providence | $13 advance, $15 day of show | columbustheatre. com BECKY CHACE BAND | 6:30 pm | John Brown House Museum, 52 Power St, Providence | $10 | 401.331.8575 x 135 |


Debo Band | 4:30-7:30 pm | Burnside Park, Kennedy Pl, Providence | Free | Plaza ORIGINAL JELLY ROLL SOUL | 7 pm | The Towers, 35 Ocean Rd, Narragansett | $15 | 401.782.2597 | thetowersri. com



The 46th season of the NMF presents more than 60 concerts at venues throughout the city | Go to the website for complete details | 401.846.1133 | newportmusic. org


the KCMF presents eight concerts | See website for complete details | Fine Arts Center Concert Hall at University of Rhode Island, 105 Upper College Rd, Kingston | 401.789.0665 | kingston chamber



the Fifth Annual Great Friends Dance Festival, featuring shared performances, talk backs with the choreographers, master classes, and more. Guests are Providence’s Part of the Oath and Ali Kenner Brodsky & Co.; and from New York, Marta Renzi with her new project, the Book of Breath, Matthew Westerby Company, and Lydia Johnson Dance. The residency company is Surfscape Contemporary Dance from Daytona Beach | 7:30 pm | Great Friends Meeting House, 21 Farewell St, Newport | $25, $20 students + seniors | 401.847.4470 | islandmoving


FRINGEPVD with more than 50 theater, music, dance, multimedia, and performance artist events at AS220’s 95 Empire Black Box, Aurora Providence, the Movement Exchange, URI Providence Campus, and the Wilbury Theatre Group’s space at the Southside Cultural Center | $0-$5 | See website for complete details:


FOSTER OLD HOME DAYS with crafts + music + 4-H shows + oxen pull competitions + baking and eating contests + more | July 25 10 am-10 pm + July 26 8:30 am-10 pm + July 27 8:30 am-6 pm | Foster Fair Grounds, 181 Howard Hill Rd, Foster | $5, free under 12 | fosteroldhome NEWPORT ANTIQUES SHOW | July 25 + 26 10 am-6 pm + July 27 10 am-4 pm | St. George’s School, 372 Purgatory Rd, Middletown | $15, $20 for three-day pass | 401.846.2669 | newportantiquesshow. com FRINGEPVD | See listing for Thurs



festival that provides indigenous artists, cooperatives, and their representatives from around the world the chance to sell their work (traditional and contemporary crafts, artwork, clothing, jewelry, carpets, and accessories) directly to the American public; plus music, Native American storytelling, craftmaking demonstrations, films, food, and more | Four Corners Arts Center, 3848 Main Road, Tiverton | Free | 617.441.5400 | bazaar.cultural WATERFIRE PROVIDENCE | A full lighting begins at 8:11 pm | Downtown Providence | Free | waterfire


Palm Beach | 5 pm | Glen Farm, Route 138, Portsmouth | $20 + $12 | 401.846.0200 | FRINGEPVD | See listing for Thurs FOSTER OLD HOME DAYS | See listing for Fri NEWPORT ANTIQUES SHOW | See listing for Fri



vehicles competing in three divisions and more than 40 classes, plus fire trucks and other big rigs, food, DJs, and more | Goddard Memorial State Park, 1095 Ives Rd, East Greenwich | $5 spectators ($12 advance, $15 gate for competitors | autosofthe FOSTER OLD HOME DAYS | See listing for Fri NEWPORT ANTIQUES SHOW | See listing for Fri




Reality Bites [7.24] and Smokey and the Bandit [7.31] | Movies On the Block, Westminster and Union sts, Providence | Free |



mentary-in-progress featuring John McCauley, Jonny Fritz, Josh Hedley, Justin Townes Earle, Shovels & Rope, Langhorne Slim, Robert Ellis, Shelly Colvin, Phil Hummer, and more | 7 pm cocktail hour, screening @ 8:15, a post-film Q&A will feature McCauley, Slim, and director Wayne Price | Presented in conjunction with the Newport Folk Festival | | the providence phoenix | JUly 25, 2014 33

Casino Theater, 9 Freebody St, Newport | $20 |



tary about the husband-and-wife band, followed by a post-film Q&A with prpducer Paul Bannister | 8:15 pm | Casino Theater, 9 Freebody St, Newport | $15 |


BIG SCREEN MOVIES ON THE BEACH | This week: Jumanji | Atlantic Beach Park, 321 Atlantic Ave, Westerly | Free | 401.596.7761 | events/details/big-screen-movieson-the-beach-2014-07-15-2014-5565


FRANK DIFFICULT PRESENTS weird movies | 9 pm | 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $TBA |


JOE HURLEY will discuss and sign

his book, Ten Million Steps On Route 6: A Fresh Look At America and Americans From Cape Cod to California | 6:30 pm | Providence Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | 401.455.8000 |


nal St | | Tues-Sat 10

am-5 pm | Through Aug 3: “Artist’s Favorites” ARTPROV GALLERY | 401.641.5182 | 150 Chestnut St, Providence | | Through Aug 2: “Fiber Works,” with works by Liz Alpert Fay, Michelle Sirois-Silver, Judith Larzelere, and Mary Jane Andreozzi AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through July 26: “Street Lights,” new photos by Darvin Sanchez | “Doodles,” new work by Gibson Prouty | In the Youth Gallery, new work by Anthony Azanon and Bryan Freire AS220 PROJECT SPACE | 401.831.9327 | 93 Mathewson St, Providence | | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appointment | Through July 26: “Campaigns For the Sun,” new work by Jessica Lee Perry | “Poem-Boxes and New Work” by Deborah Liberti BANKRI GALLERY | 401.456.5015 x 1330 | 137 Pitman St, Providence | | Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Through Aug 6: “Nicholas McKnight: Nature Prints” — 1140 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown | Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Through Oct 1: “Choose a Path,” paintings by Carolina Arentsen BERT GALLERY | 401.751.2628 | 24 Bridge St, Providence | bertgallery. com | Mon-Fri 11 am-5 pm; Sat 12-4 pm | Through July 31: “Summer Haunts,” paintings by Philip Frey and Florence Leif CHARLESTOWN GALLERY | 401.364.0120 | 5000 South County Tr, Charlestown | charlestowngallery | Daily 10 am-5:30 pm | Through Aug 14: “Surf & Turf,” paintings by Antonia Tyz Peeples and Larry Horowitz DEBLOIS GALLERY | 401.847.9977 | 134 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown | | Tues-Sun 12-5 pm | Through July 27: new work by Dan McManus and sculpture by Barbara Alpert DEDEE SHATTUCK GALLERY | 508.636.4177 | 1 Partners Ln, Westport, MA | | Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 12-5 pm | Through July 27: “The Contemporary Figure,” with paintings by Anne Leone, Dan Ludwig, and John Borow-

icz, and sculptures by Sergei Isupov and Walter Horak DRYDEN GALLERY | 401.421.6196 | 27 Dryden Ln, Providence | providence | Mon-Sat 8:30 am-6:30 pm | Through Sept 5: “The Newport Folk Festival 2009-2014,” photographs by Richard McCaffrey GALLERY 4 | 401.816.0999 | 3848 Main Rd, Tiverton | gallery4tiverton. com | Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm | Through Sept 7: “Trio: Texture, Structure, Passion,” paintings by Ruth Hamill, Harry Nadler, and Susan Strauss GRIN | 60 Valley St #3, Providence | | Sat 12-5 pm | Through Aug 16: “This Land Is,” paintings by Samuel Denoncour HERA GALLERY | 401.789.1488 | 10 High St, Wakefield | | Wed-Fri 1-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 pm | July 26-Aug 30: “current,” an exhibit which “will explore the current bodies of work from artist members,” including Amanda Swain Bingham, Uli Brahmst, Alexandra Broches, Connie Greene, Susan Hayward, Jeanette Jacobs, John Kotula, Viera Levitt, Jack Massey, Barbara Owen, Barbara Pagh, Roberta Richman, Myron Rubenstein, Jason Smith, Mara Trachtenberg, M.J. Yeager, and Mike Yefko HOPE GALLERY | 401.396.9117 | 435 Hope St, Bristol | hopegallery | Thurs-Sat 15 pm | Through Aug 1: “Hot & Hazy,” paintings by Mary Ann Rousseau, Jessica Wheeler, and Sue Prideaux | “New Beginnings,” paintings by Sue Butler, Ewa Romaszewicz, and Tatiana Roulin

IMAGO FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS | 401.245.0173 | 36 Market St, Warren | |

Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Aug 30: “Water,” a group exhibit with works by artist members Linda Megathlin, Eileen Siobhan Collins, Rose Esson-Dawson, Mary Dondero, Carl Keitner, Pascale Lord, Lisa Legato, Eileen Mayhew, Howard Rotblat-Walker, Lenny Rumpler, Michael Scriven, and Howard Windham, and guest artists Jan Douglas Armor, David Gonville, Chris Sancomb, and Pat Warwick JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER | 401.560.0979 | 18 Valley St | jamestown | Wed-Sat 10 am-2 pm | July 26-Sept 1: “Paper-Made,” an exhibit which “explores paper’s transformation from an everyday object into an exquisite three-dimensional sculptural artwork,” featuring Jo Lynn Alcorn, Molly Bosley, Heather Cherry, Heather Cox, Jiyoung Chung, B.L. Green, Joan M. Hall, Xander Marro, Courtney Watson McCarthy, Barbara Owen, Jessica Palmer, Lisa Perez, Kim Salerno, Michelle Samour, Matthew Shlian, Rebecca Siemering, Randal Thurston, and Wendy Wahl JUST ART GALLERY | 401.272.0820 | 60 Valley St, Providence | | Wed 1-5 pm; Thurs + Fri 1-7 pm; Sat 12-5 pm | Through Aug 2: “Disambiguation,” works by Alex Delby

NARROWS CENTER FOR THE ARTS GALLERY | 508.324.1926 | 16 Anawan St, Fall River, MA | | Wed-Sat 12-5

pm | Through Aug 30: “A Collaborative Journey,” with works by 27 participating individuals from People Incorporated with various abilities and artist Vania Noverca Viveiros ONE WAY GALLERY | 999 Main St, Unit 712, Pawtucket | onewaygallery. com | Sat 10 am-2 pm | Through Aug 2: “The Black and Blues,” new work by S.W. Dinge PROVIDENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY | 401.455.8000 | 150 Empire St | provlib. org | Mon + Thurs 12-8 pm, Tues + Wed 10 am-6 pm | Fri + Sat 9 am5:30 pm | Through July 25: “Block Island Idyll: Memories of Manisses,” with materials and artifacts from the Rhode Island Collection at Providence Public Library and the Block Island Historical Society

RHODE ISLAND WATERCOLOR SOCIETY GALLERY | 401.726.1876 | Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket | rhodeisland |

Tues-Sat 10 am-4 pm; Sun 1-5 pm | Through Aug 7: “RIWS Annual Invitational Show,” featuring

the artwork of local Rhode Island high school students from Shea High School and Tolman High School in Pawtucket and St. Mary’s Academy, Bay View in East Providence

SOUTH COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION | 401.783.2195 | 2587 Kingstown

Rd, Kingston | south |

Wed-Sun 10 am-6 pm; Fri 10 am8 pm | Through Aug 23: “Members and Staff Invitational,” with paintings by Christina Ashley, Dan Lake, and Kathy Weber, oil pastels by Vincent Castaldi, photography by Gail PAO Carpenter, Lori Ellen Goodman, sculpture by Sean James Harrington and Troy West, ceramics by Christine Herron, and encaustic works by Taleen Batalian SPRING BULL GALLERY | 401.849.9166 | 55 Bellevue Ave | | Daily 12-5 pm | Through July 31: “2nd Annual Les Petites Oeuvres en Êté,” little works by area artists

URI PROVIDENCE CAMPUS GALLERY | 401.277.5206 | 80 Washington

St | | Mon-Thurs 9 am-9

pm; Fri + Sat 9 am-4 pm | Through Aug 8: “Untitled/Unjuried: Small Format Tapestry 2014,” with more than 240 works from 13 countries, six continents, and 33 US states, presented by the American Tapestry Alliance | Through Aug 8: “TWiNE 2014,” | a juried exhibit by members of Tapestry Weavers In New England, including Louise Abbott, Priscilla Alden, Jan Austin, Barbara Burns, Don Burns, Nancy Corkery, Bonnie Eadie, Katie Hickey, Susan Matthew, Julia Mitchell, Brenda Osborn, Suzanne Pretty, Tamar Shadur, Micala Sidore, Kathy Spoering, Elizabeth Trocki, Sarah Warren, and Betsy Wing | Through Aug 8: “Weaving Providence Together,” | selected fiber works by the weavers, spinners, and dyers of the Octagon House


St, North Kingstown |

| Tues-Sat 11 am-3 pm; Sun 12-3 pm | July 27-Aug 2: “Poetry & Art Exhibit” YELLOW PERIL GALLERY | 401.861.1535 | 60 Valley St #5, Providence | gallery | Wed-Fri 3-8 pm; other days by appointment | Through Aug 24: “Altared States,” a mixed media exhibition “exploring the making of the sacred in everyday urban life,” by Toby Barnes


401.253.4400 | 10 Wardwell St | | Wed-Sun 1-4

pm | Through Aug 31: “I AM Lidholmtheviolinmaker,” an installation by Lasse Antonsen and “Allegories and Reliquaries,” sculptural pieces by John Udvardy


| 401.863.2065 | College + Waterman sts, Providence | Haffenreffer | Tues-Sun 10 am-4 pm | Free admission | Through Aug 31: “Images of Power: Rulership In the Grasslands of Cameroon” | Through Aug 31: “In Deo Speramus: The Symbols and Ceremonies of Brown University” | Ongoing: “Reimagining the Americas,” an exhibition “bringing together the innovative cultural diversity of the Americas before European contact” NEWPORT ART MUSEUM | 401.848.8200 | 76 Bellevue Ave | | Tues-Sat 11 am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Admission $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students and military personnel with ID; free for children 5 and under | Through Aug 12: “Elizabeth Congdon: Heaven and Earth,” an exhibit of paintings | Through Sept 1: “Marine Botanicals,” works by Mary Chatowsky Jameson | Through Sept 7: “Magic Gold, Full Sun,” paintings by Corinne Colarusso | Through Sept 14: “Very Simple Charm: The Early Life and Work of Richard Morris Hunt In Newport” RISD MUSEUM | 401.454.6500 | 224 Benefit St, Providence | risd | Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm [Thurs until 9 pm] | Admission $12;

$10 seniors; $5 college students, $3 ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am-1 pm | Through Aug 10: “Graphic Design: Now in Production,” which explores some of the most vibrant graphic design work produced since 2000, including magazines, newspapers, books, and posters | Ongoing: “Subject to Change: Art and Design in the Twentieth Century” + Ancient and Medieval Galleries + Impressionist Galleries + Pendleton House + “A Grand Gallery: European Paintings from the Permanent Collection” + American Art from the Permanent Collection + “Exine” by Paul Morrison + works by Jonathan Bonner

Authentic Mexican Restaurant

Tues/Wed 3pm 1am Thurs-Mon 11am – 1am


82 Rolfe St, Cranston | July 25-Aug 2: 9th Annual One-Act Play Festival | Wave I features The Formative Years, by Brandon M. Crose; Just Desserts, by David MacGregor; Finding Fox, by Len Cuthbert; Kung-Foolery, by Brett Hursey; In the Jar, by Mark Harvey Levine; More Than Money, by J.J. Steinfeld; The Last Two, by Kevin Broccoli; and Free Hugs Written, by L.H. Grant [descriptions at the website] | Fri-Sat 7 pm | $15 advance, $20 door

BROWN/TRINITY PLAYWRIGHTS REP | Leeds Theater, 77 Waterman St,

Providence | | July 31 + Aug 2 8 pm [Aug 2 only 4 pm]: Indian Summer, by Gregory S. Moss — July 24-26 + 30 +Aug 2 8 pm: The Droll, by Meg Miroshnik | $12, $10 seniors, $5 students CONTEMPORARY THEATER | 401.218.0282 | thecontemporary | 327 Main St, Wakefield | Through Aug 9: Noises Off, by Michael Frayn | This week: Fri + Sat 7 pm | $15 Sun, $20 Fri + Sat, paywhat-you-can Thurs THE CURTAIN CALL PLAYERS | 401.762.4545 | | At the Stadium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | July 26 2 + 8 pm: 13: The Musical | 2 + 8 pm | $16 EPIC THEATRE COMPANY | 401.490.9475 | | At the Artists’ Exchange, 50 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | Through July 26: Leaving

Rhode Island, by Kevin Broccoli | FriSat 8 pm | $15, $12 students + seniors GRANITE THEATRE | 401.596.2341 | | 1 Granite St, Westerly | Through July 20: Always a Bridesmaid, by Jesse Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten | Thurs-Sat 8 pm + Sun 2 pm | $20, $17 seniors, $12 under 13 MIXED MAGIC THEATRE | 401.305.7333 | | 560 Mineral Spring Ave, Pawtucket | Through July 31: Simply Phenomenal: A Tribute to Maya Angelou | Wed-Thurs 7:30 pm | $15 advance, $20 door — At the Town Landing, Taft St, Pawtucket | Through July 27: Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare | Thurs-Sun 7:30 pm

OCEAN STATE THEATRE COMPANY | 401.921.6800 | oceanstate the- | 1245 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick

| Through July 27: Guys and Dolls | This week: July 24 + 25 7:30 pm + July 26 2 + 7:30 pm + July 27 2 pm | $39-$54 2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 | | 28 Market St, Warren | Through Aug 31: And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie | This week: July 2426 7:30 pm — Through Aug 29: Hay Fever, by Noel Coward | This week: July 26 + 31 7:30 pm + July 27 2:30 pm | $30, $21 under 21 — Through Aug 3: Freud’s Last Session, by Mark St. Germain | This week: July 24-26 + 31 7:30 pm + July 27 2:30 + 7:30 pm | $30, $21 under 21 THEATRE BY THE SEA | 401.782.TKTS | | 364 Cards Pond Rd, Wakefield | Through Aug 16: Mary Poppins | This week: July 24 + 31 2 + 8 pm July 25 + 29 + 30 8 pm + July 26 4 + 8 pm + July 27 2 + 7 pm | $42-$62

ZEITERION PERFORMING ARTS CENTER | 508.994.2900 | zeiterion.

org | 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | July 25-Aug 3: Festival Theatre

presents The Sound of Music | Thurs-Sat 7 pm; Sun 2 pm | $40-$55

154 Atwells Ave. Providence, RI 401-228-6550


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260 Thayer St, Providence | 401.421.3315

BEGIN AGAIN | 4:10, 6:20, 8:30 | SatSun mat: 2


204 South Main St, Providence | 401.272.3970

STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS | Thurs: 4:45 THIRD PERSON | Thurs: 2, 7 VENUS IN FUR | Starts Fri: 2, 4, 8:30, 10:30 | Sat: 1, 8, 10 | Sun: 12, 2, 4, 8:30 | Mon-Thurs: 2, 4, 8:30 SNOWPIERCER | Thurs: 9:45 | Fri: 6 | Sat: 5:30 | Sun-Thurs: 6 622 George Washington Hwy, Lincoln | 401.333.8676

ac 1

9th the


ual ann

Mon - tues 9:30 - 5 • Weds 9:30 - 7 thur - fri 9:30-5 • sat 1-6 • sun 12-6 thurs - fri 9:30 - 5 • sat 1-6 • sun 12 - 6 91 Maple ave, barrington Ri (401)245-1317

Unless otherwise noted, these listings are for Thurs July 24 through Thurs July 31. Times can and do change without notice, so please call the theater before heading out.

These listings are for Thurs July 24Mon July 28 only. Call for updates or go to AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 10:50, 1:15, 3:45, 7, 9:15 HERCULES 3D | Thurs: 8, 10:15 | FriMon: 10:45 8:15 HERCULES | Thurs: 7, 9:20 | Fri-Mon: 10:50, 1:30, 4, 7:15, 10:15 LUCY | Thurs: 8, 10:20 | Fri-Mon: 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:45 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | Thurs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9:15 | Fri-Mon: 10:15, 11:15, 1:05, 1:45, 2, 3:05, 4, 5:05, 7:05, 9:15 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | Thurs: 11:15, 1:50, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40 | Fri-Mon: 11:10, 1:50, 4:05, 7:40, 10, 10:35 SEX TAPE | Thurs: 10:30, 11:30, 12:25, 1:20, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:30, 8:15, 9:45, 10:30 | Fri-Mon: 11:30, 2, 4:15, 6:05, 7:25, 8:15, 9:55, 10:30 BEGIN AGAIN | Thurs: 10:50, 1:20, 4:55, 7:20, 9:50 | Fri-Mon: 10:30, 1:35, 4:25, 7:35, 10:10 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Thurs: 4:20, 7:30, 8:30, 10:15 | FriMon: 10:10, 1, 2:15, 4:20, 5, 7:10, 10 DELIVER US FROM EVIL | Thurs: 4:15 | Fri-Mon: 9:50 EARTH TO ECHO | 10:55, 1:20, 4:05 TAMMY | Thurs: 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:05 | Fri-Mon: 11:35, 1:55, 5:30, 7:55, 10:05 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | 10:05, 1:25, 4:45, 8:10 JERSEY BOYS | Thurs: 10:05, 1:10, 4:05, 7:10, 10 | Fri-Mon: 3:20, 6:50 22 JUMP STREET | 10:55, 1:40, 4:25, 7:45, 10:25 MALEFICENT | Thurs: 1:15, 4:10, 6:45, 9:05 | Fri-Mon: 10:20, 1:10, 4, 6:15

EAST PROVIDENCE 10 60 Newport Ave | 401.438.1100

A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST | Thurs: 7:15, 9:40 THE OTHER WOMAN | Thurs: 12:05, 2:30, 4:50 THE FAULT IN OUR STARS | Starts Fri: 12:45, 3:30, 6:45, 9:25 SNOWPIERCER | Starts Fri: 12:25, 3:10, 6:40, 9:25 GODZILLA | 12:40, 3:20, 6:55, 9:35 BLENDED | 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9 MILLION DOLLAR ARM | Thurs: 12:25, 3:10, 6:45, 9:25 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, 6:20 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN | 12:20, 3:20, 6:20, 9:15 NEIGHBORS | 12:15, 2:25, 4:40, 6:50, 9:20 CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER | 12:10, 3:05, 6:10, 9 HEAVEN IS FOR REAL | 12:30, 2:45, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 RIO 2 | 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 DIVERGENT | 3:25, 9:10


30 Village Square Dr, South Kingstown | 401.792.8008

HERCULES 3D | Starts Fri: 3:55, 9:20 HERCULES | Thurs: 7 | Fri-Thurs: 12:50, 6:40 LUCY | Thurs: 8 | Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 9:45 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE 3D | Thurs: 5:20, 9:05 | Fri-Thurs: 4:10, 9* [*no show 7.31] PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | Thurs: 12, 1:50, 3:35, 7:10 | Fri-Thurs: 12, 2, 6:50* [*no show 7.31]

THE PURGE: ANARCHY | 1:10, 4:20, 7:20, 9:40 SEX TAPE | 1, 4:15, 7:25, 9:45 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | 12:15, 3:20, 6:30, 9:20 EARTH TO ECHO | 12:40, 3:45 TAMMY | 7, 9:20 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | Thurs: 12:30, 4, 7:30 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 6:25* [*no show 7.31] 22 JUMP STREET | Thurs: 4:10 | FriThurs: 4, 9:30* [*no show 7.31]

ISLAND CINEMAS 10 105 Chase Ln, Middletown | 401.847.3456

22 JUMP STREET | Thurs: 7:25, 9:50 AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 1, 3:20, 7, 9:20 HERCULES 3D | Starts Fri: 3:50, 9:40 HERCULES | Thurs: 7 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 7:10 LUCY | Thurs: 8 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 2:30, 4:40, 7:25, 9:45 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE 3D | 12:45, 2:45 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | Thurs: 11:45, 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 9:35 | FriThurs: 12:15, 2:10, 4:15, 6:45, 8:45 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | 1:40, 4:10, 7:30, 9:50 SEX TAPE | 1:30, 4, 7:40, 9:45 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 3D | Thurs: 1:20, 4:20, 8 | Fri-Thurs: 4:45, 8 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | 12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:20 EARTH TO ECHO | 12:20, 2:20 TAMMY | 3:50, 7:25, 9:45 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | Thurs: 11:50, 3, 6:20, 9:30 | Fri-Thurs: 4:20, 7:50 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 | Thurs: 12, 2:15, 4:30 | Fri-Thurs: 1:20

JANE PICKENS THEATER 49 Touro St, Newport | 401.846.5252

WORDS & PICTURES | Thurs: 4:15 LIFE ITSELF | Thurs: 7 OFF THE CURB PARTY + FUNDRAISER + REUNION PERFORMANCE | Mon: 5 ALIVE INSIDE | Wed: 4:30, 7 | Thurs: 4:15, 6:30


Providence Place | 401.270.4646

MALEFICENT | Thurs: 10:30, 12:50, 6:20 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE [DUBBED IN SPANISH] | Thurs: 10, 12:15, 2:30, 4:45 AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 12:25, 2:50, 5:10, 7:35, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 THE FLUFFY MOVIE | Starts Fri: 12:20, 2:45, 5:20, 7:45, 10:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:35 HERCULES | Thurs: 7:30, 10 | FriThurs: 10:30, 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 10:25 HERCULES: AN IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE | Thurs: 7, 9:30 | Fri-Thurs: 10:30, 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 10:25 LUCY | Thurs: 8, 8:30, 10:10 | FriThurs: 9:55, 10:25, 12:10, 12:45, 2:30, 3, 4:45, 5:15, 7, 7:30, 9:20, 9:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:45, 12:15 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | Thurs: 11:45, 12:15, 2, 2:30, 4:15, 4:45, 6:30, 8:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:30, 12, 1:50, 2:20, 4:25, 6:35, 8:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 11 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | Thurs: 11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:55, 12:30, 2:25, 2:55, 4:55, 5:25, 7:20, 7:50, 9:45, 10:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 SEX TAPE | Thurs: 9:40, 10:10, 12:10, 12:40, 2:35, 3:05, 5, 5:30, 7:50, 10:30 | Fri-Thurs: 12:15, 2:35, 4:30, 5:05, 6:55, 7:25, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 3D | Thurs: 12:45, 3:40, 6:45, 9:40 | FriThurs: 9:55, 12:50, 4:05, 7:10, 10:05 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Thurs: 10:15, 10:45, 1:15, 1:45, 4:10, 4:40, 7:15, 7:45, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 10:20, 1:25, 4:35, 7:40, 10:35 TAMMY | Thurs: 11:50, 2:15, 4:40, 7:25, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 10:55, 1:20, 6:40 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | Thurs: 11:55, 3:25, 6:55, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: 11, 2:40, 6:30, 10 THINK LIKE A MAN TOO | 9:15 | FriSat late show: 11:50 22 JUMP STREET | Thurs: 1:20, 4, 6:40,

9:20 | Fri-Thurs: 10:50, 1:35, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST | Thurs: 3:20, 8:40 | Fri-Thurs: 3:45, 9:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12


Rt 146, North Smithfield | 401.769.7601


SHOWCASE CINEMAS SEEKONK ROUTE 6 Seekonk Square, Seekonk, MA | 508.336.6789

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 3D | Thurs: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 JERSEY BOYS | Thurs: 4:35, 7:30, 10:20 AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 12:20, 2:35, 5, 7:15, 9:40 HERCULES 3D | Starts Fri: 9:50 HERCULES | Starts Fri: 11:55, 2:15, 4:45, 7:20 LUCY | Starts Fri: 11:45, 2:05, 4:30, 7:30, 9:55 WISH I WAS HERE | Starts Fri: 11:50, 2:25, 4:55, 7:35, 10:10 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | 12, 2:25, 4:40, 7, 9:30 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:40, 10:15 SEX TAPE | 11:35, 2:10, 4:35, 7:25, 10 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Thurs: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 | FriThurs: 12:35, 3:35, 7:05, 10:05 EARTH TO ECHO | 11:40, 1:55 TAMMY | Thurs: 12:10, 2:35, 4:55, 7:35, 10 | Fri-Thurs: 4:20, 6:55, 9:45 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | Thurs: 11:40, 3:10, 6:40, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 9:35 MALEFICENT | 12:05, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10

SHOWCASE CINEMAS WARWICK 1200 Quaker Ln | 401.885.1621

AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:30, 9:50 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 WISH I WAS HERE | Starts Fri: 1:20, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 HERCULES 3D | Thurs: 7, 10 | FriThurs: 3:50, 9:40 HERCULES | Thurs: 7:30, 10:15 | FriThurs: 1, 3:50, 6:45, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 LUCY | Thurs: 8, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 12:05, 2:35, 4:45, 7, 9:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:50 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | 11:45, 12:15, 2, 2:25, 4:15, 4:40, 6:55, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:45 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | 11:35, 2:10, 4:35, 7:05, 9:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 SEX TAPE | 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:35, 10 BEGIN AGAIN | 11:15, 1:50, 4:25 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Thurs: 1:15, 4:10, 7:15, 7:45, 10:15 | FriThurs: 1:15, 4:10, 6:30, 7:10, 9:25, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 EARTH TO ECHO | 11:40 TAMMY | 2:20, 4:55, 7:25, 10:05 | FriSat late show: 12:25 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | Thurs: 11:30, 3, 6:25, 9:55 | Fri-Thurs: 9:10 CHEF | 12:35, 6:15 JERSEY BOYS | 3:20, 6:20, 9:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 | Thurs: 12:05, 2:35, 5 | Fri-Thurs: 12:45 22 JUMP STREET | Thurs: 1, 3:50 | Fri-Thurs: 3:35, 9:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:40 MALEFICENT | 1:40, 4:05, 6:40* [*no show 7.24]

SHOWCASE CINEMAS WARWICK MALL 400 Bald Hill Rd | 401.736.5454

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 3D | Thurs: 9:30, 12:45, 3:45 AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 9:50, 12:50, 3:05, 5:20, 7:45, 10:15

HERCULES 3D | Thurs: 7 | Fri-Thurs: 9:40, 12:45, 3:35, 6:30, 9:30 HERCULES | Thurs: 7:30 | Fri-Thurs: 10:10, 1:15, 4:05, 7, 10 LUCY | Thurs: 8 | Fri-Thurs: 10:20, 12:35, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:50 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | Thurs: 10:15, 12:30, 2:45, 5, 7:15, 9:45 | FriThurs: 9:35, 10:05, 11:45, 12:15, 1:55, 4:30, 6:45, 9:15 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | 9:30, 11:55, 2:25, 4:55, 7:40, 10:05 SEX TAPE | 9:55, 12:25, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35, 9:55 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | 10:45, 1:15, 1:45, 4:15, 4:50, 7:10, 7:50, 10:10 TAMMY | 10, 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:55, 10:25 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | Thurs: 11:30, 3, 6:35, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 2:30, 6:10, 9:40 JERSEY BOYS | Thurs: 11:45, 3:15, 6:30, 9:25 | Fri-Thurs: 10:30, 1:30, 7:05 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 | Thurs: 11, 1:25, 4 | Fri-Thurs: 10:35 am 22 JUMP STREET | Thurs: 6:55, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 4:25, 10:20


640 South Washington St, North Attleboro, MA | 508.643.3900

AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35 HERCULES 3D | Thurs: 7, 9:20 | FriThurs: 1:20, 4:15, 7:05, 9:55 HERCULES | Thurs: 7:30, 9:50 | FriThurs: 1:50, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25 LUCY | Thurs: 8, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:20, 9:35 THE FAULT IN OUR STARS | Thurs: 12:40 | Fri-Thurs: 9:10 BEGIN AGAIN | Thurs: 1:45, 4:35 | FriThurs: 1:35, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | 12, 2:20, 4:45, 7, 9:15 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | 11:55, 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:55 SEX TAPE | 12:15, 2:45, 5:25, 7:45, 10:10 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | 1:10, 4:10, 7:15, 10:15 TAMMY | 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:55, 10:20 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | 6:30, 10 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 | Thurs: 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10 | FriThurs: 1:30, 4 MALEFICENT | 11:35, 2, 4:20, 6:40


207 Swansea Mall Dr, Swansea, MA | 508.674.6700

AND SO IT GOES | Starts Fri: 12:25, 3, 5:25, 7:55*, 10:20* [*no shows 7.31] HERCULES 3D | Thurs: 7:30, 10:15 | Fri-Thurs: 12, 7:35 HERCULES | Thurs: 7, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 2:30, 5, 10:05 LUCY | Thurs: 8, 10:15 | Fri-Sun: 12:05, 12:35, 2:35, 2:55, 4:55, 7:15, 7:50, 9:45 | Mon-Thurs: 12:05, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:45 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE 3D | Thurs: 3:55 | Fri-Thurs: 4:40 PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE | Thurs: 1:15, 7:15, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:10, 2:25, 7:25, 9:40 THE PURGE: ANARCHY | Thurs: 12:40, 4:25, 7:35, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 12:45, 4:05, 7:10*, 9:50* [*no shows 7.31] SEX TAPE | Thurs: 12:55, 4:05, 7:10, 9:55 | Fri-Thurs: 12:15, 2:40, 5:05*, 7:40*, 10:15* [*no shows 7.31] BEGIN AGAIN | Thurs: 1:05, 3:45 | FriThurs: 12:50, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES 3D | Thurs: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 | FriThurs: 12:55, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | Thurs: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 4, 7, 10 TAMMY | Thurs: 1:20, 4:10, 7:20, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:25 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION | 12:40, 4:20, 8 22 JUMP STREET | Thurs: 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 | Fri-Sun: 5:15, 10:10 | MonThurs: 12:35, 4, 7:05, 10:10 GET ON UP | Thurs [7.31]: 8, 10:30 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 3D | Thurs [7.31]: 7, 9:45 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY | Thurs [7.31]: 7, 9:45

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WISH I WAS HERE 114 minUtes | r | providence pLace 16 + showcase roUte 6 + warwicK A decade after writing and directing the indie favorite Garden State (2004), TV actor Zach Braff returns with his second feature, a huggy story about a failed actor (Braff) trying to get closure with his disappointed father (Mandy Patinkin) before the old man succumbs to cancer. The earlier, comedic scenes work a lot better than the later, dramatic ones, thanks mainly to Braff’s wide-eyed, deadpan performance and good supporting work from Kate Hudson as the hero’s frustrated wife and Josh Gad as his no-account brother. This often plays like a younger, hipper version of a Rob Reiner comedy, which isn’t really a compliment unless you consider younger and hipper to be inherently complimentary; the movie was largely bankrolled by a Kickstarter campaign that collected more than $3 million, and the result is agreeable enough that none of the 46,520 contributors is likely to feel gypped. _J.R. Jones

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AND SO IT GOES 94 minUtes | pg-13 | cinemaworLd + isLand + providence pLace 16 + showcase Old people still go out to movie theaters, God bless them, though the meaty fare they enjoyed back in the ’70s has given way to soft foods like The Bucket List, Last Vegas, and this seniorcitizen rom-com by Rob Reiner. Diane Keaton (Looking for Mr. Goodbar) and Michael Douglas (The China Syndrome) star as next-door neighbors, each of them grieving for a recently deceased spouse; she’s warm and caring, he’s an unrepentant dick, and only the strictest formula can account for the fact that they wind up in each other’s arms. Mark Andrus (Georgia Rule) wrote the script, whose subplot about the Keaton character’s rise as a professional singer demonstrates his feeble grasp of music, reality, and everything in between. _J.R. Jones

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a HuGGY sTOrY Pierce Gagnon, Joey King, and Braff in Wish I Was Here.

capsule reviews XX BEGIN AGAIN | 2014 | John

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Carney’s cult favorite Once (2006) took a thin love story and filled it out with magical scenes of musical improvisation and discovery; this follow-up works the same way, its soft-rock bonhomie prevailing over a story that often registers as trite or naive. A British songwriter (Keira Knightley) accompanies her musical and romantic partner to New York City, where he’s been signed to a major label; after he dumps her for someone else, she’s adopted by a down-and-out A&R man (Mark Ruffalo), who assembles a band around her and records them live on the city streets. The stars work overtime to put this across — particularly Ruffalo, who’s saddled with a corny subplot involving the record man’s alienated teenage daughter (Hailee Steinfeld of True Grit). Much of the story is resolved in a hurried closingcredits montage, which suggests the narrative kept getting elbowed out by the more satisfying musical segments. With Catherine Keener, Mos Def, and CeeLo Green. | 104m |


THE APES | 2014 | With Rise of the

Planet of the Apes (2011), 20th Century Fox successfully rebooted its 40-year-old sci-fi franchise by remaking not the 1968 classic but one of its low-rent sequels: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972), about an ape rebellion in (more-or-less) contemporary America. In like fashion this follow-up is recycled from the subsequent Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973), in which the talking apes, having launched their own society, clash with humans amid a postapocalyptic landscape. Battle was one of the weaker entries in the original cycle, and its preachy, sentimental story hasn’t improved with age. The digital rendering of the ape characters is even more spectacular here than in Rise, but the human characters (played by Gary Oldman, Jason Clarke, and Keri Russell, among others) are so bland they don’t stand a chance against their simian counterparts. Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) directed. | 130m |


human drive toward ecological collapse often seems like a screaming train that can’t be halted, which gives this postapocalyptic thriller by Bong Joon-ho (The Host) a potency indivisible from its premise. Decades after an atmospheric experiment to counteract global warming has instead plunged the world into a new ice age, a little community of survivors rides a passenger train around and around the planet, the haves housed near the engine and the have-nots suffering at the back; a rebellion led by two malcontents (Chris Evans and Jamie Bell) and leading up through the cars introduces us to a succession of fantastic technology and eccentric characters (not the least of which is Tilda Swinton as an officious Thatcher-like governess). As with The Host, the political satire is teased out gradually as the story progresses and never intrudes on one’s enjoyment of the movie’s richly imagined world. With John Hurt, Octavia Spencer, and Ed Harris. | 126m |


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Moon signs This week’s waxing moon is all about tentative new beginnings, with a new moon on Saturday. Since the moon moves into Leo over the weekend, plan your social gatherings to be on a larger scale than anticipated, since many folks are in a mood to party hearty (as we used to say in the 1970s, back when driving drunk was considered a test of fortitude rather than the complete idiocy it is). On a personal note, I can’t believe the month of July has galloped by, and my hope is that all of you who are under a financial strain or caught in a work-crisis can get some clarity now that the sun is also in Libra. More at moonsigns. net, for those who want to get a squint at the bigger picture.


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thursday July 24 15


Waning moon in cancer. today and tomorrow are home-based days, so prying yourself out of the den could be impossible. cancer is a water sign, and so emotions run high, particularly with Saturday’s new moon. confessions come easily, and pisces, Scorpio, cancer, leo, Gemini, virgo, and taurus, could hear the most in-n-n-teresting news. libra, capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Aries could come off too strong. 31






Friday July 25 16

dark of the moon in cancer, moon voidof-course 9:53 am until 10:55 am Saturday, venus moves into Scorpio in the evening. of all the days of the lunar month, this one is 32

_b y sy Mb o l i ne DA i

ideal for reflection and redemption. think about the past month—what’s gone right? What’s been disappointing? insight into making alternative moves in the future comes easily to all, but particularly taurus, Gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, Scorpio, and pisces.

gloves today. virgo moons can make prompt even slovenly folks to sweep and polish. it’s also an excellent day to get a new perspective on health. (yes, the conventional practitioners are golfing, so this means research!) indulge curiosity if you’re cancer, leo, virgo, libra, Scorpio, taurus, or capricorn. try not to inhale the solvents if you’re pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, and Aquarius.

saturday July 26

new moon in leo (moon void-of-course in cancer, until 10:55 am). A great weekend for parties and get-togethers. Sales calls could be profitable also, although taurus, Scorpio, pisces, capricorn, and Aquarius could “overdo” some aspect of their busy lives. Gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, Sagittarius, and Aries: go the “extra mile” and be aware that socializing will pay dividends. 1






















sunday July 27

Waxing moon in leo, moon void-ofcourse 8:37 pm until 11:37 pm monday night. ramadan ends. Another good day for a fresh start and a super day for acting childishly—and being charming, since a two-day voc moon will jeezle everyone’s sensibility. move forward on new ideas, even those that others aren’t quite convinced will “fly.” Gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, Sagittarius, and Aries: be the lion and pounce. Scorpio, Aquarius, capricorn, pisces, and taurus: be the lamb and be cute and silent. 2














Monday July 28

Waxing moon in leo, moon void-ofcourse until 11:37 pm when it moves into virgo. the lion roars—yet no one listens. An all-day voc moon compromises plans and makes hard-charging moods dissipate. Some stürm und drang for taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, capricorn, and pisces. charming people could completely flummox leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, cancer, virgo, and libra. 3














tuesday July 29

Waxing moon in virgo. if you passed on spring cleaning, get out the sprays and
























Waxing moon in virgo. in my heart, i know that a two-day period of virgo moon is useful, since i can do the stuff that is otherwise so-o-o boring. look for opportunities to micromanage and nitpick—ha! Fooled you. But isn’t that what you want to do? probably so, for pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, and Aquarius. For virgo, libra, Scorpio, taurus, capricorn, leo, and cancer: be precise, but not pissy. 24







































this horoscope traces the passage of the moon, not the sun. Simply read from day to day to watch the moon’s influence as it moves through the signs of the zodiac. | When the moon is in your sun sign, you are beginning a new 28-day emotional cycle, and you can expect increased insight and emotionality. When the moon moves into the sun sign opposite yours (see below), expect to have difficulties dealing with the opposite sex, family, or authority figures; social or romantic activities will best. | When the14moon is15in Aries,16 10 not be11at their 12 13 it opposes libra, and vice versa. other oppositions are taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, cancer/capricorn, leo/Aquarius, and28virgo/pisces. the moon 31stays in 32 each 26 27 29 30 sign approximately two and a half days. | As the moon moves between signs, it will sometimes become “void of course,” making no major angles to planets. consider this a null time and try to avoid making or implementing decisions if you can. But it’s great for brainstorming. | For Symboline dai’s sun-sign horoscopes and advice column, visit our Web site at Symboline Dai can be reached at












F “FROM MILK”— we derive these new phrases. 52 takes more time? 56 pG&e opponent Brockovich 57 visit vancouver, say? 61 Grub 62 Fill with passion 63 put a spell on 64 porker’s pad 65 raptor’s grabbers 66 Wonder Down 1 turn sharply 2 driving force 3 paycheck line 4 Semi-frozen drink similar to an italian ice 5 petting zoo critter 6 “let ___” 7 Widow of King hussein 8 manure 9 ending for emir 10 Spoke indirectly 11 ___ Wat (cambodian temple) 12 voice box 15 Blue-green shade 17 that girl 20 take a baby off the bottle 21 Jason’s ship 22 car horn noise 23 like some sci-fi boots 24 in the most desperate way 27 tended to a scratch 28 She came between hillary and michelle 29 dos that get picked out 30 Backup group 33 Spicy General on a menu

© 2 0 1 4 J o n e s i n ’ C r o s s w o r d s | e d i to r @ J o n e s i n Cr o s s w o r d s . C o m

34 38 39 41 42 43 44 48 50 52

raw metal source dull person double-___ (oreos variety) type of convertible uses of mentally-based propaganda, in ciA-speak Shopping binges Give a good staredown (not!) Groan-inducing jokes ensign’s org. novelist Jaffe

53 54 55 57

list-ending abbr. pitcher hideo Bernanke subj. “___ Smart” (like you, if you solve this puzzle?) 58 “now i see” 59 “do the ___” (soft drink ad phrase) 60 double-bladed weapon Solution iS on page 32



Moon KeyS




Jonesin’ _by matt Jones Across 1 type of garden with rocks 4 the Good Witch from “the Wizard of oz” 10 ___ de mer 13 Get better, maybe 14 tell on 15 She plays liz on “30 rock” 16 chew toy on Batman’s utility belt? 18 mit grad, maybe 19 Sportscaster dick 20 like screwball comedies 21 System with paddles and a joystick 24 explorer Juan ponce ___ 25 “Arrested development” narrator howard 26 Fish served in filets 31 mad scientist who is the enemy of Action man 32 prof’s admission that someone’s helping him temporarily? 35 Soul great redding 36 Swear like a sailor 37 pulls a heist on 40 halloween costume that includes big ears, dark clothing and a bunch of charts? 43 digital camera variety, for short 45 they’ll help serve your earl Grey 46 ___ hill (r&B group) 47 container for stir-fried vegetables? 49 ___ lateef of jazz 51 Get the engine humming


Wednesday July 30






INTERNATIONAL TENNIS HALL OF FAME AT THE NEWPORT CASINO ALEX AND ANI STAGE / FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis Dee Dee Bridgewater fea. Theo Croker – To Billie with Love F O R T A DA M S S TAT E PA R K FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 / Jon Batiste 1 John Zorn 1 Miguel Zenón Darcy James Argue 1 Snarky Puppy 1 Cécile McLorin Salvant Rudresh Mahanthappa 1 Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks Amir ElSaffar 1 Mostly Other People Do The Killing Berklee Global Jazz Ambassadors 1 URI Festival Big Band SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 / Trombone Shorty Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis Dave Holland 1 Gregory Porter 1 Robert Glasper SFJAZZ Collective 1 Cécile McLorin Salvant 1 Brian Blade Pedrito Martinez 1 Kurt Rosenwinkel 1 Newport Now 60 Dick Hyman, Howard Alden & Jay Leonhart Stefano Bollani & Hamilton de Holanda RIMEA Sr. High School All-State Jazz Ensemble SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 / David Sanborn & Joey DeFrancesco Dr. John 1 Gary Burton 1 Ravi Coltrane 1 Vijay Iyer Danilo Pérez 1 Ron Carter 1 The Cookers Mingus Big Band 1 Django Festival All-Stars Lee Konitz w. Grace Kelly 1 The Brubeck Brothers George Wein & the Newport All-Stars MMEA All-State High School Jazz Ensemble


Don’t miss out on...

GA Tickets for Friday at the Fort & $20 Student Tickets for all days at the Fort ®

Artists not in play order, and are subject to change. Original works to debut at the festival are made possible in part by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. The Friday afternoon program is made possible in part by The Rhode Island Foundation. The Newport Jazz Festival® is a production of Newport Festivals Foundation, Inc.™, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, duly licensed. All rights reserved.

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