spies like us An electronic privAcy fight on beAcon hill Âť ellie goulding hAlcyon nights
january 18, 2013 >> FrEE WEEKLy >> thEPhoEnix.com
Bodies by Boston
Meet 10 local fitness stars who are redefining the workout. Page 18
“it’s like a chess match — but instead of moving a rook, you get to throw somebody.”
p 18 olympic gold medalist Kayla harrison is using her newfound celebrity in a new fight. read more in our annual celebration of Bodies by Boston.
on the cover and this page photos by mike spencer
This week AT ThePhOeNiX.COM :: /TAlkiNgPOliTiCs Deval patrick can lose the fight over how to raise revenue. As long as his transportation bill survives. :: /ONThedOwNlOAd Find out which two venerable boston clubs just signed new booking agents, and what it means for your band. :: wfNX.COM exclusive live video from the Joy Formidable, Japandroids, and Dropkick murphys!
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THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 3
opinion :: feedback
From thephoenix.com
Re: “DRopkick muRpHyS: Talking punk, place, anD paRocHialiSm WiTH THe laST gang in ToWn,” by micHael paTRick macDonalD (01.4.13)
Great Interview. I am from Manchester UK, I have Irish ancestry and DKM really make me feel connected to that, and connected to my roots. I recently visited Boston and I felt like I had a shared history with the place and the people. _“ni c”
Re: “common SenSi: inTRoDucing SenaToR buzzkill’S neW poT bill,” by aRiel SHeaReR (01.11.13)
Of course a lawmaker is trying to undo the will of voters. This lawmaker is the archetypal example of a moralist who will DO ANYTHING to achieve his personal agenda. . . . And of course he wants government deciding
_“HmmmSayS D aviD H um e”
The time is right for a debate on legalization, regulation, and taxation of recreational marijuana, as [Senator Stanley] Rosenberg put it. Don’t mess with the law we voted for. _“S am_bone”
Re: “THe big HuRT: THe Week in FooD,” by DaviD THoRpe (01.11.13)
Have you ever met someone at a bar who refuses to drink “American piss water”? That guy wrote this article. _“Hu SSFli eR”
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4 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
drop[kick murphys phoTo by Josh Andrus
instagram us
who gets cannabis: this tyrant would have governor control every individual if he could. Voters who elected him have endorsed tyranny of the worst kind: he doesn’t care in the least about voter will. And he’s in elected office.
in this issue editorial
now & next
p 12
» Huh, so your current gym outfit features a disintegrating T-shirt and sneakers so old, they’re shedding polyurethane all over the elliptical. Why don’t you start sweating all over these way-more-classy athletic accessories? » sci-fi speed dating p 10 » By the numbers: sandy’s Music p 10
» Urban Buy: gym gear p 12
p 14
» This week in Things That Don’t Exist Yet: a WorldStar rapper who doesn’t suck; a Massachusetts senator who’s a marathon-running rabbi; a legal prescription for medical marijuana. » the Big hurt p 14
» talking politics p 16
» Medical Marijuana: Burning Questions p 17
p 18
» Behold, 10 home-grown specimens of otherworldly physical strength and beauty. And turns out, your wildest fears about our Minority Report government were true — but not if the ACLU has anything to say about it. » Bodies by Boston p 18
food & drink
p 32
p 29
» So maybe we’re lucky that the epidemic gripping our fair city wasn’t swine flu — but we’ll confess, we’ve got pork fever after a visit to Cinquecento. » food coma: porchetta arrosto at cinquecento p 30
» digital privacy p 26
» hot plate: Mike & patty’s breakfast torta p 32
» the week in food events p 33
» liquid: Beeradvocate p 34
p 37
» Michael Haneke films a romance about assisted suicide, Ellie Goulding lights up the House of Blues, and Chris Gethard throws a crucifixion-less pool party. gym bag photo by Danny kim; FooD photo by Joel veak
January 19TH - 20TH
» Boston fun list p 38 » welcome to the waterfront p 40 » Boston city guide p 41 » visual arts p 42
» Books p 44 » dance & classical p 46 » theater p 48 » film p 50
» Music p 54 » Back talk p 70
» tonnesen talks p 64 » club listings p 66 » get seen p 68
BRIDAL EXPO Jenks Productions, Inc. presents the 14th Annual Baystate
p 63
» DJ Jeffrey Tonnesen weighs in on Boston vs. NYC, confesses his soft spot for Britney, and explains why he’ll never spin Skrillex. Ever. Plus, boozy brunches and the Sinclair’s opening bash.
p 64
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Discount Parking Coupons Available at www.jenksproductions.com • (800) 955-7469 THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 5
opinion :: Editorial vol. lXXIX | no. 3
Stephen M. Mindich, Publisher & Chairman Everett Finkelstein, Chief Operating Officer Carly Carioli, Editor in Chief Peter Kadzis, Editor at Large
managing EDiTORs Shaula Clark,
Jacqueline Houton
aRTs EDiTOR Jon Garelick FiLm EDiTOR Peter Keough music EDiTOR Michael Marotta assisTanT music EDiTOR Liz Pelly sTaFF EDiTORs Thomas McBee, SI Rosenbaum sTaFF WRiTERs David S. Bernstein, Chris Faraone EvEnTs EDiTOR Alexandra Cavallo assOciaTE FOOD EDiTOR Cassandra Landry LisTings cOORDinaTOR Michael C. Walsh cOnTRiBuTing EDiTORs Carolyn Clay [theater], Lloyd
Schwartz [classical], Louisa Kasdon [food] cOnTRiBuTing WRiTERs Matt Bors, Daniel Brockman, Lauryn Joseph, Scott Kearnan, Dan Kennedy, Mitch Krpata, MC Slim JB, Tom Meek, Brett Michel, Robert Nadeau, Luke O’Neil, James Parker, Gerald Peary, Ariel Shearer, Marcia B. Siegel, Harvey Silverglate, Karl Stevens, David Thorpe, Eugenia Williamson
sEniOR WEB pRODucER Maddy Myers sOciaL mEDia pRODucER Ariel Shearer
DiREcTOR OF maRKETing anD pROmOTiOns
Shawn McLaughlin
inTERacTivE maRKETing managER
Lindsey Couture
pROmOTiOns cOORDinaTOR Nicholas Gemelli
pRODucTiOn DiREcTOR Travis Ritch cREaTivE DiREcTOR Kristen Goodfriend aRT DiREcTOR Kevin Banks phOTO EDiTOR Janice Checchio aDvERTising aRT managER Angelina Berardi sEniOR DEsignER Janet Smith Taylor EDiTORiaL DEsignER Christina Briggs WEB DEsignER Braden Chang pRODucTiOn aRTisT Faye Orlove FREELancE DEsignER Daniel Callahan
sEniOR vicE pREsiDEnT A. William Risteen vicE pREsiDEnT OF saLEs anD BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT
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Adam Oppenheimer
gEnERaL saLEs managER Brian Russell DiREcTOR OF Dining saLEs Luba Gorelik TRaFFic cOORDinaTOR Jonathan Caruso cLassiFiED saLEs managER Melissa Wright naTiOnaL accOunT ExEcuTivE Richard Zangari RETaiL accOunT ExEcuTivEs Nathaniel Andrews,
Sara Berthiaume, Scott Schultz , Daniel Tugender
ciRcuLaTiOn DiREcTOR James Dorgan ciRcuLaTiOn managER Michael Johnson
iT DiREcTOR Bill Ovoian FaciLiTiEs managER John Nunziato
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FinanciaL anaLysT Lisy Huerta-Bonilla TRaDE BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT managER
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OFFicEs 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215, 617-536-5390, Advertising dept fax 617-536-1463 WEB siTE thePhoenix.com manuscRipTs Address to Managing Editor, News & Features, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. We assume no responsibility for returning manuscripts. LETTERs TO ThE EDiTOR e-mail to letters@phx.com. Please include a daytime telephone number for verification. suBscRipTiOns Bulk rate $49/6 months, $89/1 year, allow 7-14 days for delivery; first-class rate $175/6 months, $289/1 year, allow 1-3 days for delivery. Send name and address with check or money order to: Subscription Department, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. cOpyRighT © 2013 by The Boston Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited. pRinTED By Cummings Printing Co.
6 01.18.13 :: THE PHOENIX.cOm
Lock and Load for gun controL It appears that Congress, in an epic fit of bloodymindedness that reflects the nation’s delusional subservience to the National Rifle Association’s death cult, will fail to outlaw semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity ammo clips. That’s the bad news. The good news is that State Representative David Linsky, a Democrat from Natick, is planning to file legislation by January 18 that would further tighten already stringent Massachusetts gun laws. Thanks to having what might be considered America’s most sensible (but far from perfect) gun laws, the Bay State enjoys the lowest incidence of murder by gunplay in America. According to the Violence Policy Center’s latest available figures, 3.14 people per 100,000 died as a result of gunshots in Massachusetts in 2009. That’s in sharp contrast to that year’s national average of 10.19. Louisiana, which combines lax regulation with widespread firearms ownership, led the nation in gun deaths with an average of 18.03. There is a simple, undeniable message in these numbers: gun control works; it saves lives. Despite being in the vanguard of gun-control legislation, the Massachusetts law is riddled with loopholes. Linsky wants to close as many as those as are politically feasible. One of the most interesting of Linsky’s proposals would be to require those who own firearms to buy liability insurance. The fact of the matter is, society requires automobile owners to take more precautions than it does gun owners. Think about it. Guns are designed to kill, cars aren’t — yet they do, and to help protect lives and hold
Email :: lEttEr s@p mail :: l hx.com Et 126 Bro tErs; o avE , Bo klinE ston m a 02215
drivers accountable, society requires car owners to take out insurance. Linsky would prohibit gun shows from selling weapons without background checks. The position of this publication is that guns shows should be banned outright; but absent that, mandatory full background checks, complete with tough criminal penalties for those falsifying information, are logical. More widespread access to mentalhealth records for those background checks would also go hand-inglove, as Linsky proposes. He also plans to propose banning highcapacity clips. So-called assault weapons manufactured after 1994 are currently banned from in-state ownership. Why those sold before those dates are exempt is a Beacon Hill mystery. Our guess is that some sort of ban was better than no ban, and the national statistics certainly bear that out. But after the Newtown school massacre, who can in good conscience argue for the personal ownership of these instruments of destruction? If Massachusetts were truly serious about eradicating death by firearms, it would institute a buyback program to permanently retire semiautomatic weapons and their death-dealing high-capacity clips. It is with no disrespect to Linsky that we say it will probably take a mass murder of Newtown proportions before Beacon Hill develops the courage to act on such a measure. Massachusetts may not be perfect, but it has shown the nation the way to curb gun violence and death without fundamentally restricting the rights of serious sportsmen or target shooters. Beacon Hill must take the next steps to make the public even safer. Those who want to delay should remember the old folk saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” P
After the Newtown school massacre, who can in good conscience argue for the personal ownership of these instruments of destruction?
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Chanel Bonfire » nerd romanCe » worldstar’s worst » rogue Candidates
photo by danny kim
New year, new gear. Page 12.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 9
Now & Next :: oN our radar
LawLess youth a
dolescence is tough on everyone. But imagine the growing pains that come along with a drunken mother who uses an ax to chop down your sister’s bedroom door. Such tragicomedy was typical of Wendy Lawless’s teen years in Cambridge and Belmont; now her bizarre upbringing has become fodder for her new memoir out this month, Chanel Bonfire. “I used to just sort of dine out on a lot of these stories,” says Lawless, an actress and mother of two now based in LA. “I’d tell them at dinner parties, or to a person who was buying me an expensive dinner. They’d say ‘Oh, you should write a book.’ ” Lawless spent six years writing the tome, which tells of her nomadic youth spent jet-setting with her social-climbing, nervous-breakdown-prone mom, a striking “Hitchcock blonde” who lived in a blue Pucci nightgown and could suck down a bottle of Pouilly-Fuissé at lightning speed. “I started to write stories about a mom who was raised by a mom who was a nut,” Lawless says. “And one of those essays became the foundation of the book.” Lawless, her sister, Robin, and her mother flitted from New York to London and eventually landed in Cambridge in the late 1970s. The book serves as a love letter to the Cambridge of yesteryear, before parking lots and high-rises sprouted up at every corner. Lawless slung newspapers at Out of Town News in Harvard Square and worked as a wardrobe assistant at the American Repertory Theater while a student at Beaver Country Day School and, later, at Boston University. In fact, BCDS plays a vital role in the book: it’s where Lawless’s mother drunkenly crashes Robin’s high-school graduation, wearing her blue nightgown and clutching two garbage bags of Robin’s belongings (and leaving in handcuffs). But despite her family’s unstable history, Lawless was determined to avoid writing a Debbie Downer sob story. “I read a lot of memoirs before I wrote mine,” says Lawless. “There are a lot of really amazing and great memoirs out there, but I didn’t want . . . I don’t feel sorry for myself. I think that’s a big waste of time. I didn’t want there to be any self-pity in it. I wanted it to be funny. You have to, or you’d fall apart.” Lawless used to get the creeps upon ChaneL returning to Boston, the ghosts of Bonfire her past lurking around every corner. by Wendy Luckily, that’s changed. Lawless :: “It was like the scene of the crime,” Simon & Schuster :: she says. “Now I love visiting. But there’s 304 pages :: nowhere to park.” _M eg a n J o hn s o n
word of The week
10 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
year sandy sheehan founded sandy’s Music, a folky, funky Cambridge institution where generations bought and sold stringed things, browsed LPs and CDs, got lessons and repairs, and jammed; now facing health issues, sheehan was forced to close this month
Cost in dollars to attend the January 22 benefit for sheehan at Johnny D’s, where an oldtimey showcase will feature the Dixie Butterhounds, the hitone ramblers, and the Dreaded Banjo orchestra; get tickets at ticketweb.com, and consider bringing your banjo
piraTe iso roboT for lTr
There are lots of good reasons to hit up the Westin this weekend for New England’s biggest science-fiction and fantasy convention: films and concerts, panels and performances (from belly dancing to “Buffy the Musical” to the promisingly named “Anarchist Pep Rally”), a dance party set to video-game music mixes and visuals, and, of course, the climactic masquerade costume contest, just to name a few. But with Valentine’s Day fast approaching, what immediately caught our eye was a new addition to the stacked Arisia lineup: the incharacter speed-dating game show, which will have contestants in character and costume competing to win a hot date. We trust this checklist from the signup sheet makes it clear that the crowd will be infinitely more interesting than any OkCupid sample — but should you need more convincing that this is a must-do, find full deets at 2013.arisia.org. _JaCqueL i ne h outon
This characTer would be curious To have a daTe wiTh The following Type of being(s): • Females • males • NoN-geNdered • TraNsgeNdered • roboTs • CaT-people • UNder-waTer dwellers • UNdead
• piraTes • NiNjas • piraTe-NiNjas • NoN-Corporeal • sUperNaTUral • meThaNe-breaThers • oTher
ARISIA 2013 @ Westin Boston Waterfront, 425 Summer St, Boston :: January 18–21 :: $10–$60
The eyes have iT
Do not attempt a staring contest with this dude. He’s the MFA’s newest visitor, the Capitoline Brutus, a larger-thanlife bronze bust dating to about 300 BC. Identified as L. Junius Brutus, the founder of the Roman Republic (not the Caesar-stabbing guy), he gets his eerie gaze from the original glass-and-ivory eyes. What’s not original: his lack of a body. Created as a full standing or equestrian statue, he was chopped down to size after being discovered in the 16th century — a rare find, as such bronze statues were often melted down to make armor. Arriving on January 18 and on view until May 1, he’s being loaned by Rome’s Capitoline Museums as part of the 2013 “Year of Italian Culture in the United States” and “Dream of Rome” initiatives, meant to enhance the bond between the boot and the States. It’s a slightly creepy courting gift, Italy, but we’ll take it. _Jh
n. 1. A person or company that makes a high-quality, distinctive product in small quantities, usually by hand and using traditional methods. See also: Artisan Fabric, a new Boston-based biz that brings urban fashions from emerging French designers stateside; find out more at artisanfabric.com, or browse their latest finds at the return of Future Boston’s free Assemble series on January 23 at the Emerald Lounge.
WendyLaWLess photo danapatrick, brutus photo courtesy of the museum of fine arts, boston; sovraintendenza ai cuLturaLi di roma capitaLe – musei capitoLini.
by the numbers
Tickets at the Berklee Performance Center Box Office, all TicketMaster locations, online at TicketMaster.com or by calling 1-800-745-3000 Presented by MassConcerts • MassConcerts.com
Tickets available at the Tsongas Center Box Office, by phone at (866) 722-8780 or online at www.tsongascenter.com
261 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MA (508) 797-9696 www.thepalladium.net www.massconcerts.com All shows, All ages. Tickets available at the Palladium Box Office (12-5 Tuesday- Friday), FYE Music and Video Stores, online at Tickets.com or by calling 1 (800) 477-6849.
ON SALE NOW Tickets available at the Tsongas Center Box Office, by phone at (866) 722-8780 or online at www.tsongascenter.com • Presented by MassConcerts
Now & Next :: urbaN buy
Get into Gear
For our S
hooT We hit th e sl at the Fran eek gym klin street location oF eq Which also uinox, has an outpost on Dartmouth street, pl us a neW spot open later this ing year in chestnut hill .
B y REn aTa C ER T O -WaRE
his year, resolve to work up a sweat in style. Drop your ratty tees and tattered sweats in favor of some grown-up workout gear — think breathable fabrics, a sturdy but stylish bag, colorful kicks, and comfy no-slip earphones — and you might just find yourself looking forward to hitting the gym.
For her (above) marimeKKo “uniKKo” canVas tote, $115, anD “ujo” hanD towel, $28, both at marimeKKo; mizuno “riDer” trainers, $115 at south enD athletic comPany; XteneX laces, $14.95, anD moVing comfort “rebounD racer” sPorts bra, $50, both at marathon sPorts; gatoraDe energy chews, $1.29 at shaw’s; s’well water bottle, $32, anD niKe “Phantom” shorts, $50, both at the shoP at equinoX
Ball and Buck, 144B Newbury St, Boston :: 617.262.1776 or ballandbuck.com
12 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
Marathon Sports, 671 Boylston St, Boston :: 617.267.4774 or marathonsports.com
Marimekko, 140 Newbury St, Boston :: 617.247.2500 or marimekko.com
The Shop at Equinox, 225 Franklin St, Boston :: 617.426.2140 or equinox.com
South End Athletic Company, 652 Tremont St, Boston :: 617.391.0897 or southendathleticcompany.com
Photos by Danny Kim of Visceral PhotograPhy
For hiM (leFt) blue claw co. leather anD canVas weeKenDer bag, $375, anD ball anD bucK leather anD canVas DoPP Kit, $68, both at ball anD bucK; 2Xu “Perform” jacKet, $150 at marathon sPorts; yurbuDs sPort earbuDs, $30, anD niKe “flyKnit” trainers, $150, both at south enD athletic comPany; s’well water bottle, $32, Kiehl’s ultra facial cleanser, $19.50, anD equinoX shorts, $58, all at the shoP at equinoX
55 Huntington Avenue • 617.536.0770 • www.harusushi.com
$ 2 0
now & next :: voices The Big hurT
The Week in WorldSTar unSigned arTiST videoS B y D av iD T ho r p e
dt h o r p e@ p h x .c o m :: @a r r
ping a Chief Keef flow over a knock-off Young Chop beat, which makes you want the real thing — if you spend a whole track pining for Keef, you know you’ve found a truly unnecessary rapper. Best rhyme/Worst rhyme “Gettin’ money/makin’ dough/I’ll bag your bitch/take your ho.” There’s no point differentiating between best and worst, since most lines are just variations on that theme. ChoiCe Worldstar Comment Stuart says, “JUST SELL WEED AND FIX BMW BRAKES BRO. LEAVE RAP ALONE”
in my year-in-Preview column, I predicted that we’d pass “peak hip-hop” in 2013, and the unsigned hype on the WorldStar hip-hop site would slow to a trickle. Fortunately, it hasn’t come true yet: WorldStar is still steadily posting terrible rap newcomers. I guess I’d better review a few to apologize for the faulty prophecy.
T-Hussle, “Hussle speaks”
T-Hussle spits workmanlike rhymes over a decent beat, but richer guys have bragged about being rich, and tougher-sounding guys have bragged about being tough. A whole lot of 2 Chainz–tier dudes will have to retire before a spot opens up for Hussle. Despite being unsigned, T-Hussle is clearly fixed okay for cash. His bio claims he’s the CEO of N4DAMONEY Entertainment, LLC, and the video finds him lounging on a sectional sofa, contemplating some chains and driving a BMW with a couple of huge plastic bags of money in the passenger seat. I poked around on the Internet to figure out what exactly 14 01.18.13 :: Thephoenix.com/bighurT
Dirty Diana’s got charisma and twice the rhymes of T-Hussle and Drew Hi combined.
N4DAMONEY does so lucratively, but no luck (and I’m not in Atlanta, so I couldn’t search for answers in any N4DAMONEY LLC brick-and-mortar storefronts). Best rhyme “Greasy niggas riding on me, but they ain’t slick/how you gon’ rob a robber, we on the same shit.” Imagine an oily dude sidling up to T-Hussle but being entirely unable to rob him because T-Hussle is just as greasy — maybe even greasier. Worst rhyme “Red bottoms on my feet, they on they period/real shit, I’m the realest nigga, period.” Why are your Louboutins menstruating, friend? ChoiCe Worldstar Comment FuckYouMeanLame says, “This is why most metal heads clown on rap, because of whack shit like this.” Hoover74 replies, “They end up shooting up schools tho”
Dew Hi, “like DaT”
Dew Hi sounds pretty realistic at first, but then you realize it’s because he’s rap-
I didn’t have much hope for this one, since she didn’t bring her own beat to the party, and “Dirty Diana” sounds like a mean high-school nickname from the ’70s, but it’s not so bad — Diana can flow just fine, and the Clique beat doesn’t suffer from losing that Big Sean “Clique . . . Clique . . . Clique . . .” chorus. Or maybe I just dig it because a decent jacked beat is easier on the ears than another lowbudget Lex Luger rip-off. The lyrics need work, but Dirty Diana’s got charisma and twice the rhymes of T-Hussle and Dew Hi combined. I might even advise — if you happen to be near a computer — maybe checking this one out. Best rhyme “I heard this bitch sick but I got the antidote/keep playing I’ma crack a fuckin’ cantaloupe.” It was even better the first time, when I misheard it as “I’ma crap a fuckin’ cantaloupe.” Worst rhyme “I’m gettin’ money gettin’ money like a A-rab/niggas got ya gassed up like a A-rab/till ya get your head wrapped up like a A-rab/put a dot on your head like a A-rab.” Pretty dire, but I swear the song’s slightly better in general. ChoiCe Worldstar Comment Rodney Stokes says: “refreshing, bars no gimmicks I fucks wit it.” Rashad1 isn’t so nice: “She is a witch of Dathomir.” Or maybe it’s a compliment, but I’m not going to Google whatever nerd shit that is to find out. P
illustration by ward jenkins
DirTy Diana, “GeT riGHT/Clique FreesTyle”
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One man + two masters = misadventure and mayhem in this hilarious comic masterpiece!
now & next :: voices Talking PoliTics
Running Outside the BOx b y D av iD S. ber nS t e i n
d b e r n st e i n @ p h x .c o m :: @ d b e r n st e i n
Likewise, the operatives who know the state suddenly don’t want to work for you. The Massachusetts Democratic Party recently hired the consulting firm of Doug Rubin, the strategist for Patrick and Warren, making him unavailable to insurgents for the Senate race. Warren’s top fundraisers have signed on with Markey. Some rogue candidates can simply use their own wealth to buy their way around those problems, as Steve Pagliuca tried in his 2009 special Senate campaign. Others have their own circles outside the usual party fundraising lists — Alan Khazei raised a quick million in 2009 from his City Year contacts, and Pesner hopes to do the same through his national reform Judaism leadership. Or you can do it Patrick’s way: start very early, and build a grassroots campaign over time. That’s why Berwick and Avellone are starting so early — exactly as early as Patrick did, when he opened a campaign account in January 2005, 22 months before being elected governor.
ment that he will run in the upcoming special election for US Senate was quickly followed by a choreographed show of institutional backing, from Vicki Kennedy, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and even John Kerry, holder of the soon-to-be-vacated seat Markey desires. It’s all designed to quickly anoint and rally around a strong Democratic nominee who can turn immediately to campaigning and fundraising for the general election. The approach fell somewhat out of favor in Massachusetts after it failed spectacularly in the attempt to elect Tom Reilly to be governor in 2006. But it’s back in vogue after the path-clearing for Elizabeth Warren led to equally spectacular success last year. So far, it seems to be working. State Senator Ben Downing of Pittsfield, who had been exploring a US Senate campaign, bowed out on Friday. Congressman Michael Capuano, who will not announce a decision until after Kerry’s confirmation as Secretary of State, is said to be leaning against running.
There are still the outsidethe-box candidates who hope to rise from obscurity to elected office.
But there are still those don’t care what the Democratic insiders want. They are the would-be Deval Patricks, the outsidethe-box candidates who hope to rise from obscurity to elected office. Three of them have just emerged, in rapid succession. One, Rabbi Jonah Pesner of Newton, is exploring a Senate campaign. The other two are looking at the 2014 governor’s race: Donald Berwick of Newton and Joseph Avellone of Wellesley. Interestingly, the three have at least one common thread: health-care reform. But more importantly, they are also far enough removed from the insiders’ networks that they might not care what the party wants.
Shut out
It’s hard to run against the party’s chosen candidate. The usual lists of contributors — who are particularly important for launching a campaign, and who can convince others to donate — dry up, as Downing and others have discovered.
CraSh the gateS
Ultimately, though, the hopes of these types of candidates largely depend on the strength of the party-anointed frontrunner. It is not yet clear whether Markey — and potential gubernatorial party favorites such as Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray and Treasurer Steve Grossman — will turn out to be more like the Reilly fiasco of ’06 or the Warren juggernaut of ’12. But it’s worth noting that the one recent success story for this path-clearing strategy, Warren, was viewed as a fresh-faced, gatecrashing outsider candidate — even as she leveraged support of party insiders. In other words, she combined the outside-the-box image of Patrick with the inside-game advantages of Reilly. Lifetime politician Markey will have a harder time doing that. Same for Beacon Hill’s Murray and Grossman. And that leaves the potential for a true gate-crasher to, perhaps, gain a following if they are willing to go up against the party’s daunting political machinery. Kudos to those who try. P
“MY SCHOOL SYSTEM SUUUUUX” Whoa, some guy named Menino just wrote a Globe op-ed denouncing Boston’s public education. Remind us: who’s been running the schools for the past 20 years, again? Read more at thePhoenix.com/talkingpolitics
photo: Ap/Wide World
congressman ed markey’s announce-
now & next :: voices Burning Questions
California pot rX: legal in Ma? B y Val er ie Va n de Pa nn e
va l e r i e@va l e r i e va n d e pa n n e .c o m :: @a s kt h e d u c h e s s
The government tracks prescriptions for drugs like Oxycontin. Will Massachusetts’s medical-marijuana dispensaries become part of those systems? _Prescri Pti on Paranoi a
My boyfriend has a medical-marijuana card from California. Will dispensaries in Massachusetts accept that? Can he legally grow his own plants here in Massachusetts now that medical-marijuana legislation has passed? _We ster n smo k e r, e a s t e rn l oVe r
“At this time, in order to use, possess, and cultivate your own 60-day supply of marijuana, you only need a written certification from your doctor,” says Shaleen Title, associate at Vicente Sederberg, a Colorado-based law firm that just opened an office in Boston. “The Massachusetts medical-marijuana law requires that this certification be signed by a licensed physician, but it’s silent as to whether that physician needs to be licensed in Massachusetts.” Title also advises that your boyfriend be mindful that his California physician’s certification follows all Massachusetts require-
Your inquiries on Massachusetts medical marijuana, answered
ments, including specifying the ailment he uses marijuana for, and that the potential benefits of marijuana outweigh its risks. While his California patient card probably doesn’t have that info, his physician could write a certification meeting Massachusetts’s requirements. But before growing, “First you get your certification,” says Dick Evans, of Evans Cutler, a Northampton-based law firm specializing in medical marijuana. “Then you can cultivate in an enclosed, locked facility, but you can’t cultivate more than a 60-day supply.” “When the regulations are issued and an application process for a patient registration card is put in place, the answer will be clearer,” says Title, pointing out that all this can change, once the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has issued its regulations. For now, following the initiative and being discreet will help avoid unnecessary trouble.
“The whole medical-marijuana program is separate from prescription drugs,” says Evans. A state’s medical-marijuana program is not a part of a state’s prescription-drugmonitoring program, primarily because medical marijuana is never a prescription. “We don’t use the word ‘prescription’ when we talk about medical marijuana, because it is not a prescription,” says Evans. When you get your certification or recommendation from your doctor, “it’s a statement, an okay” to use medical marijuana. “Marijuana is not a drug for which prescriptions can be written,” Evans continues. “Under the Controlled Substances Act, doctors couldn’t prescribe marijuana if they wanted to.” The Controlled Substances Act is a law that classifies drugs in schedules. Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug. This means no prescriptions may be written for it, and that it has no federally recognized medicinal use. As Title pointed out previously, we really don’t know what the Department of Public Health’s regulations will be, but since marijuana can’t be prescribed, it is unlikely to become a part of prescriptiondrug-monitoring programs. Is it gonna be harder for me to get illegal weed now? _W i nter Hi ll o utlaW
“Aboslutely not,” asserts attorney Steve Epstein, saying that this is despite the fact that leaking medical marijuana into the recreational population is a crime. In addition, he says, “there will be more than enough herb in Colorado than for the population of Colorado. It’s gonna go somewhere.” And remember, possession of up to an ounce of marijuana is decriminalized in Massachusetts — as long as you do not possess that ounce in multiple bags. P
Got a burning question? Email it to valerie@valerievandepanne.com or tweet it to @asktheduchess. THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 17
Bodies Spotlight :: FitneSS
by Boston photos by Mike Spencer
he Sox struck out; the Bruins locked out. We’re still fans, of course, but we thought it time to shine a spotlight on some other local athletes, who may lack household names but are nonetheless MVPs. Each shares his or her talents — training and teaching, helping others heal and hone their own bodies. From a gold medalist turned activist, to a personal trainer who makes house calls before dawn and after dark, to the founder of a new “fitness tribe,” they’re all striking physical specimens — but their back stories are just as impressive.
18 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
BROGAN GRAHAM When asked how it felt to be a “Bodies by Boston” nominee, November Project cofounder Brogan Graham quipped, “I am going to get my teeth whitened and my nose plucked.” But humor isn’t his only strong suit. That’s obvious to anyone who takes a glance at his sixfoot-six, 215-pound frame, a well-oiled machine that runs on boundless energy. But Graham is no gym rat (though he does take the occasional yoga class). He and cofounder Bojan Mandaric started November Project — the totally free, grassroots workout movement of locals (he calls them a “tribe”) who meet at 6 am to take on Brookline hills and the steps of Harvard Stadium — to get people out of the gym. “Just get out and get moving,” he says. “Fuck it, don’t even join November Project; just get out and move.” In his day job, Graham is the head of marketing for Hubway, the city’s bicycle-share program, but it’s clear his biggest passion is helping others get — and stay — healthy. “November Project has helped so many people get back on track,” he says. “Without [consistency], you’ll never see results, you’ll never get encouraged, you’ll never really get it.” People who have already “gotten it” include the Bruins’ Andrew Ference and ordinary slobs alike. Says Graham, “It’s fun to see pro athletes and Olympic gold medalists next to dog walkers and recently retired couch riders.” _AlexAnd rA CAvAllo
ASTRID BENGSTON In her North End studio, Bengston is surrounded by kettlebells, stability balls, and foam rollers — all trappings of her aptly named Bodytalk Factory. A 28-year-old former rhythmic gymnast from Sweden, she’s been helping locals incorporate proper biomechanics into their lives, enhancing their skeletal and muscular alignment and strength, for about a year and a half. Her own history with one-on-one coaching — and with injuries — has influenced every bit of her business model. “Healing myself, and figuring things out the hard way, sparked my interest in doing the same for other people.” Here’s how it works: Bengston first takes a photo to get a read on your posture, then takes video of simple movements — walking, squats, lunges. Whatever inconsistencies or quirks she notices inform your new training regimen, be it simple stretches or intense Pilates-style muscle work. But her life outside the studio isn’t all steamed veggies and lean protein; she happens to be married to jm Curley’s gourmet-junk-food Jedi, chef Samuel Monsour. “Can you put it in a sandwich? Can you fry it? Done,” she says of Monsour’s credo, laughing. “It’s a good balance. Sam’s got this ‘fuck it’ mentality, which is a great complement to the OCD-level stuff I do all day.” _CAssAnd rA lAnd ry
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 19
Spotlight :: FitneSS
EARTHA HARRIS Harris is a full-time yoga instructor, but her favorite thing to stretch is her comfort zone. “I’m fascinated when I see someone doing something I would find uncomfortable, yet they’re calm and confident,” explains Harris, who was raised in the Berkshires by “hippie parents” and started learning yoga poses around the time she learned to walk. Since then, she’s amassed an impressive physical skill set, studying ballet for 15 years, multiple martial arts, and hoop dance. (Today she whips out her rings for stage shows and nightclub gigs.) She’s even practiced free-diving, using a lightweight belt to submerge herself in Walden Pond. “It’s about internal exploration,” she says. “You learn to stay in the present moment when you’re 30 feet down with fish bumping against you!” Staying centered amid discomfort is key to happiness, says Harris, who leads classes at South Boston Yoga and JP’s Akasha Studio. But her long-term goal is to bring private instruction into stressful office settings — and backstage for bands in need of pre-show centering. Oh yeah, she also DJs and plays keyboard in a live EDM act, Psylab. “I’ll be backstage in a green room with a bunch of dudes drinking beers, doing pranayama and contorting myself,” says Harris, laughing. “It can be a little awkward.” That’s probably why she loves it. _ s C o t t K e ArnA n
REGIS DIALLO Building a better body is much like building a business: both require targeted goals and unwavering dedication. Just ask Regis Diallo, founder of 1-800-Personal-Trainers. Fitness is a lifelong passion for Diallo, who grew up in France and Burkina Faso, where he says his uncle ran one of the country’s only two gyms. After moving to New England for college, he launched his business with a little cash and a big idea. “I picked the name because it sounds like a big company,” explains Diallo. “You might think there are 200 trainers; there are 10 of us!” He’s adding niche-market services — like boot camps and luxury condo-complex training — that he hopes will one day make 1-800 as ubiquitous as similar-sounding services for dentists and lawyers. But its commitment to individualized service is what sets it apart. Trainers are available for house calls from 5 am to midnight; they take clients grocery shopping and even help them overcome, ahem, unexpected hurdles. “One client’s mother was always feeding her couscous,” recalls Diallo, whose clients start their day by texting him a snapshot of their scale. “I called her mom and said, ‘If you feed her couscous again, I’m coming over there and working you out.’ Within three months, I was training her, too!” That’s how you bulk up: by flexing a little muscle. _sK
20 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
BRIAN PHILLIPS “To me,” says Phillips, 33, “wrestling is the single greatest form of art and entertainment in the world.” At Andover’s New England Pro Wrestling Academy, Phillips — who also works the Chaotic Wrestling circuit as Brian Fury — teaches that art to a new generation. Wrestling takes grace, strength, and training, he says, but also acting chops. “You have to have charisma,” Phillips says. “What is your character going to be? What would they do in this situation?” When Phillips was tapped to train actors in last summer’s Company One production of a play about wrestlers, The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity, it was a natural fit. The cast already had charisma to spare — they just weren’t expecting the physical toll. In the ring, “I’m hitting you really solidly,” Phillips says. “Granted, it’s in the safest place possible. But it still has to make that sound.” The cast was “quick to catch on,” he adds, “but pretty sore and beat up after the first day.” His school attracts a colorful cast too. One of the things he loves about wrestling is that there is room for all body types. “From girls to midgets to really fat guys to really in-shape guys,” he says, “all under one roof, and somehow it all works.”
_ s . I . ro s e n b Au m
F t.
DAHN HOLISTIC F TNESS 6 1 7 . 3 5 4 . 9 6 4 2 – C a m b r i d g e (New! Porter Sq) 6 1 7 . 2 6 4 . 4 8 5 1 – B r o o k l i n e (Coolidge Corner) 781.648.9642 – Arlington 978.475.1116 – Andover w w w. D a h n H o l i s t i c F i t n e s s . c o m 2 0 % o f f N e w M e m b e r s h i p s i n J a n u a r y ! THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 21
Spotlight :: FitneSS
KAYLA HARRISON Judo is for fighters. “It’s like a chess match — but instead of moving a rook, you get to throw somebody,” laughs Harrison, 22, who at the 2012 Summer Olympics became the first American to win a gold medal in the martial art. Now she’s using her platform for a different kind of fight. As a teenager in Ohio, Harrison was sexually abused by her coach; the experience shattered her self-esteem and nearly destroyed her love for her sport. “My passion became my prison,” she says. “I was extremely suicidal, just at rock bottom.” Then Harrison moved to Wakefield, Massachusetts, where time, therapy, and her new trainer — former Olympian Jimmy Pedro Jr. — helped her rise from the mat and become a world champion. Today Harrison is in early training for Rio 2016, but with a gold medal already under her black belt, she’s equally focused on her new advocacy role, sharing her story as a public speaker and starting her own foundation. “My life has been changed,” says Harrison, who now lives in Marblehead, where her fiancé is a firefighter. “I consider it an obligation to be a voice for victims.” _s K
YAO LI Li’s more famous students have included David Mamet, Robert Parish, and August Wilson, and Gisele Bündchen trains with him whenever she’s in town. But you’d never know it from talking to him. Li’s not a name-dropper, and he’s happy to teach anyone who walks into the Boston Kung Fu Tai Chi Institute, the light-filled, fourth-floor studio on Boylston Street he co-owns with tai chi master Joshua Grant. “That’s one of the things I like about my job,” he says. “I feel privileged to do what I do. I’m giving lessons of this very special art, this very special discipline, to people who can greatly benefit from it.” Born in Taiwan, Li came to Boston as a teenager and started studying martial arts after seeing David Carradine lay the smackdown on TV. Now in his 50s, Li teaches the art of wushu — the same dramatic style of kung fu you’ll see in films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. “It’s like doing yoga and karate and dance rolled into one,” he says. “I’m speaking from doing this art for years, and I feel it has made me a better man. I’m stronger in the right way. If you have strength, you have to use it properly.” _sr
22 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
MAUREEN BRUNO ROY Riding a bicycle is all about balance. Exhibit A: Roy. There’s a certain gentleness to this Arlington-based massage therapist, who specializes in deep-tissue and sports massage. She’s also vegan, a lifestyle influenced by her upbringing on a Topsfield farm, where freshly plucked organic veggies were always what’s-for-dinner. But Roy also has a tough side. She’s a fierce, top-ranking competitor in the world of cyclocross, an intense sport in which cyclists race on wooded trails, over steep hills and stairs, and through sand pits and other rough terrain. Riders often dismount and carry their bikes around obstacles, emerging from muddy courses like two-wheeling Rambos. Yet even in those conditions, Roy finds a certain harmony. “I love the grace of it,” she says of her sport. “Your mind shuts off. It’s all intensity, with nothing to think about besides going as far as you can.” And Roy has gone far, visiting cities like Belgium and Prague for international competitions with MM Racing, the two-person team she started with her husband, Matt. “I feel like the luckiest person in the race,” she says of traveling, training, and competing alongside her husband. “He’s a great partner, and complements and balances my strengths and weaknesses.” Ride on. _ sK
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THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 23
Spotlight :: FitneSS
RACHEL STEWART In 2006, Stewart moved to Boston to study painting and metalwork at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. She wound up learning something very different: “I dropped out and decided to get my degree in circus arts,” says Stewart, who transferred to Brattleboro, Vermont’s New England Center for Circus Arts. She’s skilled in everything from fire eating to acrobatics, but focuses on aerial work with hoops and ropes. Stewart considers her new method of self-expression an especially honest art form. “I was getting fed up with how easy it is to bullshit your way through art,” says Stewart. “With circus art, either you can physically do what you’re doing, or not.” One thing art school did teach her, however, is how to give and take critique — which comes in handy in her own performances and her work at her Cambridge circus studio, Esh Aerial Arts. It’s about to double its space and class schedule, offering more options for future pros and curious first-timers alike. If you’re among the latter, don’t feel daunted. “In high school, I got out of gym to go read in the library,” says Stewart, chuckling. “Before circus school, I couldn’t do a single pull-up. Now I can do several, and I wouldn’t change a thing.” _s K
JASON JACOBS The founder of RunKeeper — a fitness app that’s like a personal trainer that lives in your pocket, integrating with your phone’s GPS, social-network, and music functions — Jacobs used to sell software for tech companies. But he quit that racket when he realized he could make a living combining his know-how with his passion. “It actually took me a while to realize what I was passionate about, because it’s so baked into the fabric of who I am,” says Jacobs, a two-time Boston Marathon runner who grew up playing hockey and lacrosse. “I was literally training for a marathon, asking myself what I was passionate about, and fitness and healthy living were staring me in the face.” One of the first 200 apps in the Apple store, RunKeeper got its start in 2008 as a one-man operation; now it’s one of the most downloaded fitness apps. For Jacobs, being the healthiest person you can be is the name of the game. “I’m not the best runner or the best at nutrition,” he says. “It’s more about overall healthy living. . . . I try to be balanced in all aspects of taking care of myself.” The new dad — whose nine-month-old put “a tiny cramp in [his] workout schedule” — adds with a laugh, “Well, I probably don’t do stress relief as well as I should.” _AC
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spotlight :: privacy
You Are Not AloNe The fight for electronic privacy reaches Beacon Hill BY Chri s FArAo Ne c fa r ao n e@ p h x .c o m :: @ fa r a 1
26 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
IllustratIon by benjamIn Voldman
Your tinfoil-hat fears about Big Brother might be justified. To the consternation of libertarians and lefties alike, in 2011 President Barack Obama renewed the Patriot Act, and kicked off last year by authorizing the imprisonment of citizens without charge or trial. Not scary enough? With America already surfing the slippery slope of surrendered civil liberties, 2012 ended with another whopper: in late December, the House of Representatives voted to extend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). That means virtually everyone is still vulnerable to warrantless eavesdropping and wiretapping. Liberty has scored a few wins over the last few years; a clarification by Attorney General Eric Holder’s office regarding the right to record cop activity, as expressed in a May memo to the Baltimore Police Department, was viewed as a particular victory. But overall, in the realm of privacy, Americans are increasingly exposed to an Uncle Sam who’s become a Peeping Tom. In 2011, for example, law-enforcement agencies made roughly 1.3 million demands to cellphone carriers for text messages and other information. Thanks to the growing global surveillance state propagated by the National Security Administration and other all-seeing agencies, spying has metastasized to an alarming degree. Massachusetts has its own privacy issues. As revealed in documents that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts unearthed in October — after several formal requests and a lawsuit — the Boston Police Department has been spying on activists for years. These violations are routinely inflicted by the BPD’s leg of the departments of Justice and Homeland Security, better known as the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC). Such invasive activity continues unchecked, despite recent US Senate Committee findings that such “fusion centers” often generate “shoddy” reports that are “more often than not unrelated to terrorism.” And the state government’s prying eyes aren’t reserved strictly for rabble-rousers — these days, every driver on the road is tracked like an escaped convict. Several municipalities across the Bay State now rely on gadgets that were once exclusively wielded by movie cops from the future, like Automatic
License Plate Recognition. A single ALPR unit can scan up to 3000 cars a minute — across four lanes of traffic, and regardless of the speed at which they’re moving — and instantaneously route that information through any number of networks. While such devices can be effective police tools, privacy advocates are concerned about where the data — from date and time hits to GPS coordinates of scanned vehicles — is stored, and for how long. At this point, for all the public knows, omnipotent state and federal hawks are keeping detailed maps of our every move, for indefinite amounts of time.
zens on the basis of their religious or political beliefs; and whether companies can demand passwords to an employee’s private social networks. It could be months before any of these initiatives bear fruit, if they do at all, but there is some apparent will behind them on Beacon Hill. At the least, the ACLU’s upcoming fight in the Bay State will reveal if there’s any hope for civil liberties — not just here, but anywhere that pols and activists strike back at the state level.
PuBliC eYes
No matter where you travel in the Commonwealth, there’s a good chance you’re being watched. According to the ACLU, more than 60 Massachusetts towns and cities use ALPR systems, with the state Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) handing out about $500,000 toward the purchase of units in 2011 alone. But even with this continuing trend, the EOPSS has no policy about what info the devices may collect, where the data is stashed, or how long it can be kept. After much prodding from reporters, the BPD made its policy public in 2012: currently, the cops keep your plate info for 90 days. Still, they took more than a year to respond to a Phoenix inquiry regarding how many ALPR units they are currently using: in June, the BPD finally disclosed that
For all the public knows, omnipotent state and federal hawks are keeping detailed maps of our every move, for indefinite periods of time. In an attempt to rein in this constitutionally questionable frenzy of abuses, on January 18 state lawmakers will introduce a suite of four privacy bills — all of which the ACLU of Massachusetts helped develop and will be championing this session. In short, the proposals will address: whether cops can search your online accounts without a warrant (right now they can); how long authorities can store licenseplate info, and what they can use it for; whether cops can surveil citi-
they have 4 units in place that cost the city approximately $100,000. In defense of ALPR deployment, the law-enforcement community cites anecdotes about them helping solve hit-and-runs and child abductions. Some even use hypotheticals, like detectives in Washington who claimed they would have found the 2002 “DC Snipers” sooner had they been equipped with license readers. But according to a 2010 study by researchers at George Mason University — what
appears to be the broadest survey to date — “LPR patrols, even when used in ways that reflect the evidence, do not have a general or specific deterrent effect on crimes.” Last year ACLU chapters from across the country committed to unraveling the mystery of how ALPR is used and where the data goes. In July, their attorneys filed public records requests in 38 states and Washington, DC — as well as with the departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Transportation — to ascertain whether these authorities have “commonsense privacy protections” in place. The ACLU’s main concern: they don’t want information collected from the devices being stored for more than a few days at most, and they don’t want it being shared in state and federal databases. To control the government’s data hoarding, in the 2013 Massachusetts legislative session, the ACLU is pushing a bill (officially, “An Act to Regulate the Use of Automatic License Plate Reader Systems”) that would set official statewide parameters. The act would not prevent the use of ALPR; cops would still be able to enforce parking violations via license readers, and to compare “plates with RMV records of registration violations, state and federal criminal information about vehicles associated with outstanding criminal warrants, and missing person registries.” But the bill would require police departments to maintain current hot lists of offenders while purging outdated targets (to prevent cops from harassing people for expired offenses). The law would also allow officers to obtain court orders to keep plate info for extended periods of time — but only if the vehicle is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation. Such safeguards would prevent indiscriminate retroactive surveillance of everyday motorists. “It’s become apparent to me that we need to have more conversations on this issue,” says Watertown Representative Jon Hecht, who is sponsoring the bill. “There’s really a void as far as policy and regulation in this area, and it’s taking off very quickly. . . . I expect to work closely with the law-enforcement community on this. They are using the technology more and more, and it has some valid uses. But just from conversations I’ve had, even people in law >> PrivACY on p 28
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 27
spotlight :: privacy << PrivACY from p 27
enforcement are looking for some guidance.”
sPYiNg iN PersoN
In late December, the Washingtonbased Partnership for Civil Justice Fund released documents — secured through a Freedom of Information Act request —that show how FBI counterterrorism agents collected and stored information on Occupy protesters nationwide, and aligned with regional counterterrorism outfits to conduct the surveillance. The revelations played in newspapers and websites from coast to coast, but came as little surprise to activists around Greater Boston. News of their being spied on broke way back in October, after the ACLU of Massachusetts and the National Lawyers Guild sued the BPD and Commissioner Ed Davis to obtain info related to past actions. Those operations were conducted by the aforementioned BRIC, one of two known fusion centers in the Commonwealth that coordinates with federal agencies. As the ACLU document dump revealed, the center has collaborated with the Department of Homeland Security on these unconstitutional stakeouts. Their joint work has included — but is not limited to — issuing intelligence reports on peaceful protests by the likes of Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, and United for Justice with Peace — all of whom were named as plaintiffs in the ACLU lawsuit. As suspected, the BRIC was collecting so-called Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) on demonstrators and labeling participants (including late BU professor Howard Zinn) as “extremists.” In response to the discovery, the ACLU has claimed in reports that BRIC’s operations violate both “federal privacy regulations and the BRIC’s own privacy policies.” Furthermore, they’ve worked with state lawmakers to submit an “act to protect freedom of speech and association.” Similar proposals have died without much consideration in the past two sessions. This time, however, backers have proof of the chicanery in the BRIC activity reports. The bill states: “No state or local law-enforcement agency . . . shall track, collect or maintain information about the political, religious or social views . . . of any individual [or] group . . . unless such information directly relates to an investigation of criminal activities.” “If you have reasonable suspi28 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm
cion that somebody is involved in a crime, then you can gather information on them,” says Gavi Wolfe, legislative counsel for the ACLU of Massachusetts. “But the police shouldn’t be able to track and collect information about people exercising their religious and political rights. We have to remind them of that.”
All iN
Sometimes, in order for Congress to pay attention, a respected military general must be outed for attempting to conceal some rogue blowjobs. The recent General David Petraeus scandal inspired senators from both parties to consider digital privacy. Some were justifiably shaken; despite deliberate attempts to shield their lust letters from outside scrutiny, Petraeus and his biographer playmate Paula Broadwell were cold busted by an FBI investigator rooting through their private emails
exists. Exploiting this glaring lack of directive, law enforcers from the feds down to small towns have assumed the liberty to access digital data without obtaining warrants. Never mind Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure, or that cops need a judge to sign off on the inspection of a single leaf of snail mail. Many courts have weighed in on these matters, though not always in agreement with each other. In Rhode Island, a judge recently tossed cellphone evidence that was obtained without a warrant. Meanwhile, the highest court in California ruled that such info is fair game if the perp has the phone in his possession at the time of the arrest. Cell records aside, social-media companies are also being tapped for info. During the encampment stage of Occupy Wall Street, district attorneys in Boston and New York subpoenaed Twitter
“The Electronic Privacy Act would apply the traditional, familiar, everybodyknows-how-it-works-because-it’s-beenbeta-tested-for-200-years warrant standard to our personal data.” on a whim, without court approval. This was the head cheese at the CIA. What chance would your ordinary adulterous congressman stand? With Petraeus still in headlines, in late November the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced a bill that would require authorities to secure warrants before scouring private email and social-media communications. Soon after, with those recommendations in mind, the full Senate forwarded a last-minute privacy package to Obama; but while the bill initially included a provision that would block law-enforcement access to private info online, that section was stripped before the bill advanced to the executive branch. For this litany of gross injustices, civil-liberties experts blame the archaic Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). Signed by Reagan in 1986, near the end of the USSR but way before SEO, the law aimed to protect emerging electronic rights, but failed to forecast developments like GPS-equipped smartphones or even email as it now
for the accounts of movement participants. In New York, both Twitter and the target challenged the subpoena, but were rejected, leaving the unfettered fire hose of private data open to authorities. To close this valve in Massachusetts, the ACLU helped craft a state Electronic Privacy Act. According to legislative counsel Wolfe, the purpose of the bill is to address “a major gap in privacy protections for the digital age.” “The laws that protect our privacy haven’t caught up with our technology,” says Wolfe. “The Electronic Privacy Act is a very simple response to the problem. It would apply the traditional, familiar, everybody-knows-how-it-works-becauseit’s-been-beta-tested-for-200-years warrant standard and procedure to our personal data held by phone and Internet service providers.”
A messY PiCture
If the Electronic Privacy Act passes in Massachusetts, federal investigators will still have warrantless access to your digital trail. So will
state and county prosecutors, who enjoy the vague leeway granted by a 2008 administrative subpoena statute. Still, with the restrictions it places on search procedures, it would be a somewhat unprecedented win nationally; the California legislature produced a comparable bill to regulate cellphone tracking, but Governor Jerry Brown, a former state attorney general, gutted the initiative. Speaking on the appetite of state pols to tackle privacy reform, Electronic Frontier Foundation Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien says, “It’s a messy, messy picture.” He continues: “It’s hard and complicated to write these reforms and get them right, so there’s a tendency to leave it to the feds. . . . State legislators don’t want to waste time if they think Congress will preempt it, and we’re going to see location tracking come right back in the new Congress.” Still, the ACLU and its allies on Beacon Hill soldier on, while vocal local privacy advocate Kade Crockford, who works at the ACLU’s Boston office, pushes these issues daily on the popular Privacy SOS blog. Massachusetts is already leading the fight for these protections nationally; Congressman Ed Markey, who recently announced his run for Senate, has worked to limit cell tracking in recent years. In the meantime, Beacon Hill seems to be as ripe of an arena as any for the next battle. “The state-level stuff is really important,” says Neil M. Richards, a privacy guru and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. “The federal law has to fit for everyone. State laws can fill in the gaps and increase protections — they allow for the state to serve, as the famous Boston attorney Louis Brandeis said, ‘As a laboratory in which to try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.’ ” “These bills together reinforce core principles of justice,” says Crockford. “When we require police to get warrants in order to access our private information, we make sure that our precious public resources are directed at real threats, not at peaceful political activists or religious minorities. Adding this commonsense layer of protection protects our freedom and keeps us safer by focusing police resources where we need them — on violent crime and serious threats to our communities — and keeps the government out of our business when it has no good reason to interfere with our lives.” P
Mike & Patty’s new crew » Jack’s abby brewing » a toast to Prohibition
photo by joel veak
A taste of Rome in the South End. Page 30.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 29
Food & drink :: dining
Food Coma
Porchetta arrosto at cinquecento B y MC Sl iM J B
as a south EndEr, I find it easy to admire the smooth professionalism and crowd-pleasing instincts of the Aquitaine Group, which operates six of its eight restaurants in the neighborhood, including Metropolis, Union, Aquitaine, and Gaslight. The last is a clever bit of thievery: it copied the gorgeous look of Manhattan’s famed Balthazar and cultivated a following of young Bostonians with affordable prices and Americanized versions of French brasserie classics, leavened with lively (some might say deafening) atmosphere. With the brand-new Cinquecento, the AG boys are copying another Gotham high flyer, Maialino, the “Roman trattoria” from uberrestaurateur Danny Meyer — if you’re going to steal, steal from the best — while making similar adjustments for the provinces. They’ve redone the former Rocca space in Maialino’s image with impressive results, framing the second-floor dining room and bar with rustic wooden ceiling beams, floors, and tables, with huge windows admitting glowing ambient light from 30 01.18.13 :: THepHoenix.com/food
CinqueCento 500 Harrison Ave, Boston 617.338.9500 or cinquecentoboston. com
Harrison Avenue and a beautiful rear patio. It’s a stunning design, dramatic yet warm and inviting, albeit with the same shout-to-be-heard noise levels of Gaslight. Specialty cocktails served at the long, sinuous, hopping bar include a Negroni flight ($16), featuring three short variations of the classic mix of gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari on the rocks, a beguiling, hightest aperitif. The wide-ranging wine list offers some choice bargains, like wine on tap from the Gotham Project, including the crisp Sicilian grillo and hearty Sicilian nero d’Avola ($12.50–$13.50 for a half carafe). Appetizers include a selection of salumi, like a beautiful culatello ($7), the delicately tender, creamily fat-edged eye of prosciutto. Polpetti e sedano ($11.75) is a gorgeous presentation of grilled tentacles of young octopus, cooked just to tenderness with a nice charcoal bite, but nearly overwhelmed by intensely briny Taggiasca olives. Ricotta fresca ($7), a dish of house-made fresh cow’s-milk cheese, is a better example of Roman balance, bolstered by first-rate
accompaniments like superb grilled bread and a drizzle of excellent olive oil: eminently simple and delicious. Trippa alla parmigiana ($9.25) works this same vein of virtuous unfussiness with chunks of tripe braised in a simple, bright tomato sauce, served in a cast-iron skillet; it’s barely chewy, only faintly offal-y, utterly satisfying. Zuppa di fagioli ($7.50) offers a hearty, smoky stew of borlotti beans, kale, and big chunks of smoked ham, undercut a bit with heavy-handed saltiness. Pastas are uniformly strong, albeit served in oversized American portions. Bucatini alla carbonara ($14.50) gets every Roman detail right, lightly saucing its short strands of fat, hollow spaghetti in barely cooked egg, pecorino romano, and guanciale that offers the unique, gamy flavor of lightly cured hog jowl (rather than the tamer choice of pancetta). Tagliatelle alla bolognese ($17.25) tosses a lovely ragù of veal, pork, and pancetta with flat pasta ribbon, using rather more sauce than I suspect Romans prefer. Spaghetti alla chitarra al pomodoro ($14.25) is more aptly subtle, just coating its thin strands of pasta with a smooth, elegant, ravishing sauce of tomatoes, butter, and basil. Entrees continue the theme of Italian elegance pitched with outsize American scale. Pesce spada all griglia ($25.50) is a stunning version of the often-dull swordfish: juicy, tender, and flanked by a rich black-lentil ragù and a piquant peperonata (stewed bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes). Porchetta arrosto ($24.25) is sensational version of the legendary Latian secondo, a thick slice of a rolled pork roast with rosemary-garlic stuffing, topped with chunks of roasted parsnip and given some gentle acid balance with a dark cherry sugo. It’s a staggering overload of piggy goodness: concentric circles of crisp skin, nearly molten fat, salty, tender interior pork loin, and fierce, savory stuffing. Cinquecento manages to exude cosmopolitan Italian sophistication, but knows that its audience will inevitably favor American celebratory excess over Roman restraint. Burnished with the Aquitaine Group’s usual gloss of amiable, polished service, I fully expect it will redirect some of the mobs that currently favor the North End and the Seaport back to an increasingly revitalized South End dining scene. P
photo By Joel veak
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Food & drink :: hot plate
& Mike ’s Patty Ch St,
r 12 Chu on BoSt 7 or .344 617.423 pattyS. nd a e ik m Co m
Breakfast torta
The new Mike & Patty’s crew gives us a taste B y L u k e P y e n s on lu k e p y e n s o n @ g m a i l .c o m
he new iteration of Mike & Patty’s has neither Mike nor Patty: discuss. Previous owner, bespectacled egg-slinger Mike Fitzhenry, sold the peculiar sardine-can-sized Bay Village sandwich shop to a former employee, Jennifer Galatis, and three of her friends — Ania Zaroda, David Bussison, and Michael Gurevich. So I guess there’s still a Mike. After a series of closings and a time of uncertainty for many regulars, the restaurant has been fully remodeled and is now open weekly from Wednesday to Sunday from 8 am to 2 pm. Though definitely still tiny, the room is now a little spruced up and cozier, with new coats of paint and exposed brick. The ideal juxtaposition is, naturally, this delicious ungodly mess of a sandwich: the breakfast torta ($8). Back from the previous menu, it combines all the adjectives I look for in the morning — salty, spicy, fatty, crunchy, Mexican, cheesy, soft — and, okay, in the afternoon, too. oPTional addiTions Peameal bacon, bacon, sausage, or Turkey chorizo
TorTa roll reFriTos
Fried egg
roasTed Poblanos
32 01.18.13 :: Thephoenix.com/food
PePPerjack cheese
photo by joel veak
Food & drink :: calendar
We were just named the drunkest city in America, so it’s no surprise that we love reflecting on the long-lost days of Prohibition, just to drink our prized hooch with that much more gusto. Toast to the period with Stephanie Schorow, author of Drinking Boston: A History of the City and Its Spirits, who’ll provide historical context; the Regal Beagle will provide the grub, and Bully Boy Distillers (the first craft distillery in our fair city since Prohibition) will wet your whistle with era-appropriate cocktails.
Networking can be a necessary evil — especially for us creative types, who sometimes like to lock ourselves in rooms feeling our feelings — but it’s not always like pulling teeth. Opus Affair is back, and so is your chance to rub elbows with the most interesting group of elbows around. This gathering of artists and culture lovers always takes place in the presence of great food and drink, and this month’s soiree is at Kendall Square favorite West Bridge. Grapefruit pisco sour, please.
7 pm @ the Regal Beagle, 308 Harvard St, Brookline $35–$40; includes signed copy of book 617.566.6660 or ticketfly.com
6 pm @ West Bridge, 1 Kendall Sq, Cambridge Free; donations accepted 617.945.0221 or westbridgerestaurant.com
Ahh, poetry. Not something any of us would be good at sober, right? The Scots know what’s up: pioneering poet Robert Burns likely had a few fingers of the “water of life” before praising it in his verse. Burns’s birthday is coming up, so Saloon beverage director Manny Gonzales is throwing him the classy rager he deserves with a three-course whisky dinner. Ledaig 10 Year, Glenrothes Alba, and Glenmorangie Nectar d’Or made the cut. 6:30 pm @ Saloon, 255 Elm St, Somerville :: $45 :: 617.628.4444 or robertburnsbirthday.eventbrite.com
Heads up, cheese geeks (you know who you are): MIT anthropologist Dr. Heather Paxson, author of The Life of Cheese: Crafting Food and Value in America, and Sarah Spira, Formaggio Kitchen’s domestic cheese buyer, are teaming up to feed you delicious handcrafted American cheeses. Not only that, but you’ll get some insight into the lives and landscapes from whence they came. It’s like cheese speed dating!
6:30 pm @ Formaggio Annex, 67 Smith Pl, Cambridge $55 617.354.4750 or eventbrite.com
THEPHoEnix.Com/Food :: 01.18.13 33
Food & drink :: liquid
Want beer more bu C h eC k z z ?
Jack’s abby Gets La(r)Ger
out dvoCa C o m. t e .
Founders eric, Jack, and Sam Hendler
B y J a so n & T o dd a l s Trö m
b r o s @ b e e r a dvo c at e .c o m :: @ b e e r a dvo c at e
AltHougH BeerS from small brewers are seemingly everywhere, light pale lagers produced by large brewers still dominate the market. We won’t bog you down with beer politics (this time), but one of the reasons is that it’s cheaper. Here’s why: ales are made by using top-fermenting yeast at higher temperatures and hence have a quicker brew cycle, whereas lagers employ bottom-fermenting yeast at cool temperatures and undergo maturation (also known as lagering, from the German word “lagern,” meaning “to
Jack’s aBBy Brewing 81 Morton St, Framingham 508.872.0900 or jacksabbybrewing. com
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store”). Unless a brewery is designed to produce lagers, this prolonged process means that vessels are being occupied, which means less turnover, less beer being packaged, and subsequently less sales. Some brewers also find brewing pale lagers daunting, in that their clean profiles are unforgiving when it comes to off flavors and other mistakes. Sure, brewers will dabble with a lager now and then, but few dedicate production to them. Thankfully, not all small brewers are created equal. Founded in 2011 by brothers Jack, Eric, and Sam Hendler, Jack’s Abby Brewing in Framingham is the only small brewery, out of more than 70 in Massachusetts, dedicated to lagers. Blending traditional German brewing techniques with the creativity of American craft brewers, they make three core offerings, which accounted for two-thirds of their production and sales last year. Those would be Jabby Brau (a 4.5% session lager with local soft red winter wheat), Smoke & Dagger (a 5.8% dark smoked lager with local unmalted barley), and the biggest seller, Hoponius Union (a very hop-forward 6.7% India Pale Ale–lager hybrid with local dehulled spelt), which scores a 95 on beeradvocate.com. Seasonal
and specialty releases made up the remaining third. What also sets Jack’s Abby apart from the rest is that they include local ingredients as much as they can, including hops cultivated from their family farm in Vermont. All of their year-round beers are brewed with locally grown grain from Four Star Farms in Northfield, Massachusetts. All of this has given them a unique place in the market, a loyal following, and a growing consumer demand, especially for Hoponius Union, which they struggled to keep up with due to extreme hop shortages. However, co-founder and brewer Jack Hendler
puts our hop heads to rest: “With our new hop contracts coming in, we expect Hoponius Union production to increase significantly and become a larger percentage of our total production. Jabby and Smoke sales have been increasing steadily, but not at the same pace as Hoponius Union.” And that’s not all that’s growing. In 2012, Jack’s Abby brewed 2500 bbls (1 bbl = 31.5 gallons) with a capacity of 3500 bbls. But the other week brought the addition of a 40 bbl vessel and two 80 bbl vessels, putting them at 5500 bbls of capacity with a brewing goal of at least 5000 bbls for 2013 — an impressive jump for a small brewer.
And they’re not stopping there. “It’s a little early to start talking about future projects,” says Hendler. “But we’re beginning negotiations on extra space, installing a grain silo, working on getting more four-pack beer options, and expanding our barrel-aging program.” As for future beers? “We’ll be introducing four-packs of Private Rye Biere de Garde, a warmish fermented lager with Valley Malt rye and Belgian candy sugar in a few weeks,” Hendler adds. “We’ll also be releasing Framinghammer Baltic Porter, as well as an entire 40 bbl batch of a bourbon-barrel-aged version in March. Look out for a new Double IPL [India Pale Lager] in the early spring.” Right about now you’re probably wondering where you can get your hands on some Jack’s Abby. Good news! They’re focusing on Massachusetts distribution only, so you’ll find them in stores, bars, and restaurants that carry better beer throughout the greater Boston area. Or you could be adventurous and visit the brewery. It’s open Thursday and Friday from 3 to 7 pm and Saturday from noon to 5 pm for your touring, tasting, and 64-ouncegrowler-filling pleasure. P
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Thephoenix.coM/Food :: 01.18.13 35
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Math the Band. Page 56.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 37
Arts & events :: get out
Boston Fun List TRACY MORGAN:: The irreverent, potty-mouthed 30 Rock star is in town for two shows:: Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston:: January 19 @ 7:30 + 10 pm:: $50-$65:: ticketmaster.com
For m re fun ore Follo events, w us on t @Bos witter tonFu nshit or lik FaceB e us at ook.c o Bosto nFuns m/ hit
Hot tix
THE READY SET + OUTASIGHT :: February 15 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $15 :: ticketmaster.com SOLANGE :: February 19 at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston :: $20 :: ticketmaster.com WAKE OWL :: February 20 at Café 939. Boston :: $8 :: livenation.com BEACH FOSSILS :: February 24 at T.T. the Bear’s Place, Cambridge :: $12 :: ticketweb.com ALT-J :: March 3 at the Paradise Rock Club, Boston :: $20 :: wineexpoboston.com MOUFY :: March 8 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $20 :: ticketmaster.com JESSE DEE :: March 9 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $15 :: ticketmaster.com TRISTAN PRETTYMAN :: March 15 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $15 :: ticketmaster.com CELTIC WOMAN :: March 17 at the Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH :: $43.50-$99 :: livenation.com THE SUMMER SET + WE ARE THE IN CROWD + GO RADIO + FOR THE FOXES :: March 17 at the Middle East downstairs, Cambridge :: $15 :: ticketweb.com JUKEBOX THE GHOST + PRETTY & NICE + STEPHIE COPLAN & THE PEDESTRIANS :: March 21 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $17 :: ticketmaster.com
Few bands that got their start in the late ’70s can still pack a sonic 19 punch as incendiary as Mission of Burma. The homegrown postpunk band showed the new jacks what’s up with 2012’s Unsound, but with an added twist: a horn section on two tracks. That component hits the stage Saturday at the Sinclair, as Burma enlists a sax/trumpet section to the mix, featuring Benjamin Miller, Roger’s brother, of punk pioneers Destroy All Monsters. Harvard Square is officially on notice.
The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge :: 8 pm :: $22; $20/advance :: boweryboston.com
HOODIE ALLEN :: April 10 at House of Blues, Boston :: $20-$30 :: livenation.com THE BLACK CROWES :: April 11 at House of Blues, Boston :: $59.50$74.50 :: livenation.com 15TH ANNUAL NEW ENGLAND METAL AND HARDCORE FESTIVAL FT. ANTHRAX + HATEBREED + OPETH + SUICIDAL TENDENCIES :: April 19 at the Palladium, Worcester :: Call for ticket info :: 800.477.6849 CRYSTAL CASTLES :: May 13 at House of Blues, Boston :: $27-$40 :: livenation.com
38 01.18.13 :: ThePhOeNix.COM/eveNTS
If you haven’t yet heard Walk the Moon’s crazy catchy single “Anna Sun,” we assume 24 you either have the gift of selective hearing or spend most of your time hanging out beneath a very large rock. That jam is this year’s equivalent of “Pumped Up Kicks.” Read: everyone knew it, loved it, and, after a while, never wanted to hear it again. But lucky for the Cincinnati indie outfit, their selftitled major-label debut album contains comparably infectious tracks we’re not yet tired of — which must be why their show tonight at the ’Dise sold out in record time. Also, people love that song. You know where to find tix if you really want ’em. . . . .
Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: 7 pm :: $17 :: stubhub.com
WFNX presents There are a few things that make a Northeast winter bearable. Fleece FRI 18 footie pajamas, for one. Fireplaces, for those fortunate enough to have that luxury in their fourth-floor walk-up, for another. And hoppy, delicious, craft winter beers. That last item, in fact, might be our favorite thing about winter. You can get your fill of them at the Boston Beer Summit’s Winter Jubilee this weekend. For this year’s edition of the annual brew-fest, they’ve booked 65 different brewers from across NE and beyond who’ll be pouring out hearty samples of their signature winter brews, including Cisco, Full Sail, Watch City, Brooklyn, Shipyard, and more. Park Plaza Castle, 130 Columbus Ave, Boston :: January 18 + 19 from 5:30 to 9 pm + January 19 from 12:30 to 4 pm :: $42.50 :: beersummit.com
When’s the last time you watched a comedy variety show whilst floating on an inner tube in a heated pool. Never, you say? That sounds really weird, you 19 say? Well, sure, maybe, but also more than a little awesome. That’s what’s going down this evening when the brilliantly twisted minds behind the Union Square Round Table present The Chris Gethard Show poolside in a Holiday Inn in Somerville. The New York Times–acclaimed show features special, yet-tobe-announced guests, live comedy, videos, PowerPoint presentations, and more. And you can watch it all in your bathing suit. (There will also be chairs provided for folks who don’t feel like getting in the pool.) Beer, wine, and cocktails will also be on hand. (See Chris Braoitta’s interview with Gethard on page 70.) SAT
holiday inn, 30 Washington St, Somerville :: 8 pm :: SOLD OUT :: usrtchrisgethard. eventbrite.com
Recently engaged, but find the idea of attending a wedding expo comparable to voluntarily receiving a root canal sans Novocain? Lucky 0 2 for you nonconformist lovebirds, there shouldn’t be any squealing brides-to-be, corny wedding bands, or obnoxious floral displays at today’s Lovesick Expo, a “same-sex-friendly, green-friendly, and guy-friendly” wedding showcase. The indie expo features unique theme ideas, local vendors and talent, eco-friendly and handmade goods; plus, live music, burlesque, a cash bar with craft beers, and giveaways. Bridezillas need not attend. SUN
epiCenter at Artists for humanity, 100 West 2nd St, Boston :: 11 am to 3 pm :: $10; $6.50/ advance :: lovesickexpo.com
the mfa
acoustic sessions On Tuesday, January 29 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and WFNX welcome
The Vaccines Enter to win tickets at facebook.com/mfaboston or listen at WFNX.com
Tickets are not available for purchase.
The Daily Beast has once again ranked this town as the number one drunkest city in the nation. Go us! But to have earned this distinction, we must know a SUN thing or two about the subject. You can learn a bit more when local scribe 0 2 Stephanie Schorow talks about her book Drinking Boston: A History of the City and Its Spirits, a textual authority not on where to get drunk (we give that nod to Phoenix contributor and cocktail expert Luke O’Neil’s Boston’s Best Dive Bars: Drinking and Diving in Beantown) but on the history of booze and the forming of this city’s drinking culture. Even better? You’ll be sipping on cocktails supplied by local distillery Bully Boy while you listen. Regal Beagle, 308 harvard St, Brookline :: 7 pm :: $40; $35/advance, includes drinks + copy of book :: brooklinebooksmith.com
“OBAMA’S SeCOND TeRM” :: Panel discussion with journalists John Avlon, Ryan Lizza, and Martha Raddatz. Moderated by WGBH Boston Public Radio’s Callie Crossley :: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Stephen Smith hall, Columbia Point, Boston :: January 17 from 6 to 7:30 pm :: jfklibrary.org
ReD BULL PReSeNTS ThRe3 STYLe BOSTON :: Local competitors spit rhymes to determine who has the freshest flow :: Brighton Music hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston :: January 18 @ 8 pm :: brightonmusichall.com
NeW eNGLAND BOOK FeSTivAL BOOK FAiR + PUBLiShiNG SYMPOSiUM :: Focus on breaking into both indie or mainstream publishing with authors and publishers exhibiting their works and various readings scheduled throughout the day Omni Parker house hotel, 60 School St, Boston :: January 19 from 11 am to 5 pm :: newenglandbookfestival.com A CeLeBRATiON OF POe’S 204th BiRThDAY :: The Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston presents this celebration featuring readings of Poe’s work, a lecture about Poe, and more :: Boston Public Library, 700
Boylston St, Boston :: January 19 @ from 3 to 4:30 pm :: bpl.org MARTiN LUTheR KiNG, JR. DAY OPeN hOUSe :: Open house at the MFA with, including artmaking activities, performances, tours, and more :: Museum of Fine Arts, 465 huntington Ave, Boston :: January 21 from 10 am to 4:45 pm :: mfa.org LiTeRARY FiRSTS :: Cambridge’s “sexiest reading series” is back for another installment wherein readers share stories about their first time :: Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: January 21 @ 7 pm :: middlesexlounge.us
Free events
ThePhOeNix.COM/eveNTS :: 01.18.13 39
WHa Savin H eek il t Dor are yo l! cHe ur f S ave t er l liSt et uS k SpotS? ingS noW @bo @pHx.c : Ston o pHo m or enix .
Meet the Mayor Boston’s ChILDren’s MuseuM
>> 308 Congress St :: 617.426.6500 :: bostonchildrensmuseum.org
Jamila Wilson
the Barking Crab
In the summer, you can find us fighting the crowds for prime rooftop seating in the sun at Atlantic Beer Garden or Whiskey Priest, but our favorite bar in the area year-round is Lucky’s Lounge. Reminiscent of a watering hole from the rat-pack era (don’t miss the weekly “Sinatra Sundays” with live piano music). Lucky’s has dim lighting, strong cocktails, and — if you can wait out the after-work crowd of suits — laid-back clientele. Anywhere we’d rather drink in this ’hood? No dice. 355 Congress St :: 617.357.5825:: luckyslounge.com
If, however, we’re feeling fancy, we’ll venture down the street to Drink, which
has the distinction of being one of the finest cocktail bars in the city. Those looking to wet their whistle with a rum-and-diet need not visit this establishment — where Barbara Lynch’s mixologists (we daren’t call them “bartenders”) can whip you up a signature craft cocktail just by learning two or three ingredients you don’t like. They’re cocktail wizards, is what we’re saying. 348 Congress St :: 617.695.1806 :: drinkfortpoint.com
Boston is home to some fine museums, and one of our favorites lives right here. The Institute of Contemporary Art is located just down the street from the Bank of America Pavilion, from which the sounds of some
GettING tHeRe SubWay: SoutH Station (reD line), Silver line Way Station (Silver line).
of the summer’s biggest concerts can be heard come the warmer months. It boasts a diverse variety of modern art exhibits from street art to photography and more. Don’t miss the Helen Molesworth–curated exhibit currently on display This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s (through March 3). 100 Northern Ave :: 617.478.3100 :: icaboston.org
There’s no shortage of places down here where you can get your fill of fresh seafood — you could crack open a claw or three at the Barking Crab, a casual, cafeteria-seating joint, or pick up straightfrom-the-sea lobster at James Hook & Co. to boil at home. Our pick for the best crus#FF @bcecnav @Harpoon_breWery @Seaporttma @icainboSton
taceans on the block, however, is Yankee Lobster Fish Market. Grab a lobster roll to go or sit in with a bucket of crabs after an afternoon spent sampling beers at Harpoon Brewery next door. 300 Northern Ave :: 857.345.9799 :: yankeelobstercompany. com
Mike’s Pastry in the North End might get the tourist vote for best bakery in town, but for our money that honor goes to Flour, Joanne Chang’s bakery and café, with three locations including this one in Fort Point. You may have already heard stories about their legendary sticky buns but did you know Flour is a bomb lunch spot to boot? 12 Farnsworth St :: 617.338.4333 :: flourbakery.com
You mentioned that you’ve used the museum’s climbing structure to explain gravity to the toddler you teach. What do you personally think about gravity? It’s awesome. It keeps us grounded. Ba-dum-bum. But it’s interesting, because when we talk about gravity with the toddlers, we use the story of Humpty Dumpty. We go from there, and the responses you’ll hear out of the mouths of two-year-olds are amazing. What about the bubbles in the bubble room? Bubbles are amazing. The joy you see in a child’s face when there is a mountain of bubbles floating all over the place and dancing in the air. You can see [children] concentrating on things that are so short-lived. You’ve got this beautiful big ball of something, and pop — it’s gone. I don’t like to touch the bubble stuff, but I do enjoy watching bubbles. I have a fear of children eating my feet off. People have said it’s an irrational phobia. Be careful. Children are smarter than grownups give them credit for. They can find ways to get to you — be it with their words, or lack thereof. Yes, do be wary when in a room full of children. _Barry Thompson
DON’T MISS... This week
marks the return of Arisia, New England’s largest science fiction and fantasy convention. Each year, hordes of geeks, gamers, and comicbook buffs hit town for a weekend of panels, lectures, screenings, cosplay, art, and more. Need more geekage? You can get more of it next month at Boskone — a convention featuring 100+ writers, artists, and scientists. Both are at the Westin Waterfront. 425 Summer St :: Arisia :: January 18-21 :: 2013.arisia.org :: Boskone :: February 15-17 :: nesfa.org/ boskone/index.html
You can visit harpoon Brewery any time of the year to take a tour of their inner workings, sample some brews, and fill up a growler or five to take home for later. But you should be sure to stop by in a couple of weeks, when the brewery unveils their brandnew Beer hall. The new space will provide a place for 250 drinkers to sit awhile and enjoy beers and house-made pretzels while overlooking the harbor. February 1 :: 306 Northern Ave :: 617.574.9551 :: harpoonbrewery.com
3 Want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email listings@phx.com. And for tips, friend us: foursquare.com/bostonphoenix.
wORD ON tHe tweet “take tHe Silver line to tHe courtHouSe Station anD rigHt by tHere iS a place calleD tHe barking crab. you’ll finD cHoWDer tHere” via @JcruizpHoto
’Tis both the season and the neighborhood for nerd cons. Another of the best and biggest, PAX east, comes to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in March. PAX is all gaming, all weekend: console freeplay and handheld lounges, panels, 8-bit concerts, meetand-greets, an exhibition hall, and more. Game on.
March 22-24 :: 415 Summer St :: east. paxsite.com
arts & events :: get out
Arts & events :: Get OUt
“OBAMA’S SECOND TERM” › Lecture about the obstacles and challenges the president will face in his second term with journalists John Avlon, Ryan Lizza, Martha Raddatz, and with Callie Crossley, host of WGBH’s Boston Public Radio. › 6 pm › John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Columbia Pt, Boston › Free › jfklibrary.org
RED BULL PRESENTS THRE3 STYLE BOSTON › The annual, Red Bull-presented freestyle competition is back in town. Local competitors spit rhymes to determine who has the freshest flow. Free admission, limited to capacity › 8 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › Free › 617.779.0140 or brightonmusichall.com TANGO BAR › Casual Milonga with guided practice and special Argentine inspired food › 8 pm › Dance Union, 16 Bow Street, Somerville › $12 › 617.721.4872 or bostontango.org
15TH ANNUAL LESBIAN & FRIENDS DANCE: A PARTY FOR PREVENTION › Annual dance party to benefit the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC). With music by DJ Maryalice and DJ Ann Rogers, a silent auction, hors d’oeuvres, and a cash bar › 8:30 pm › Holiday Inn Brookline, 1200 Beacon St, Brookline › $45; $40 advance › 617.522.6700 or mbcc.org THE CHRIS GETHARD SHOW AT THE DAMN POOL › Union Square Round Table presents the comedy variety show . . . in a hotel pool › 8 pm › Holiday Inn, 30 Washington St,
AN TUA NUA › “Karaoke Night” › Wednesdays at 9:30 pm › 835 Beacon St, Boston › 617.262.2121 FIRE + ICE › “Karaoke Night”“ › 9 pm › 205 Berkeley St, Boston › 617.482.FIRE HENNESSY’S ›”Live Band Karaoke” › Wednesdays at 9 pm › 25 Union St, Boston › 617.742.2121 or › somerspubs.com/ hennessys_history HONG KONG @ FANEUIL HALL › “Karaoke” › Thurs-Fri 6 pm; Sat-Sun 5 pm; Mon-Wed 9 pm › 65 Chatham St, Boston › 617.227.2226 or › hongkongboston.com JACqUE’S CABARET › “Mizery Loves Karaoke” › Karaoke hosted by Mizery › Tuesdays at 10:30 pm › 79 Broadway, Boston › No cover › 617.426.8902 or › jacquescabaret.com KINSALE › “Karaoke Night” › Thursdays at 8:30 pm › 2 Center Plaza, Boston › 617.742.5577 or › classicirish.com/kinsale_ about.html LANSDOWNE PUB › “Live Band Karaoke” › Thursdays at 9 pm › 9 Lansdowne St, Boston › 617.266.1222 or › lansdownepubboston.com SISSY K’S › “Karaoke Night” › Thurs + Sun-Wed 8 pm › 6 Commercial St, Boston › 617.248.6511 WAVE SPORTS PUB “Karaoke & Music Videos with DJ Todd › Thurs-Sat 9 pm › 411 Waverly Oaks Rd, Waltham › 781.894.7014 MIDWAY CAFé “Queeraoke” › 9:30 pm › 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com ROSEBUD DINER “Karaoke at the Rosebud › Sun + Tues 8 pm › 381 Summer St, Somerville › 617.666.6015 or rosebuddiner.com
Somerville › $13; $10 advance › 617.628.1000 or usrtchrisgethard.eventbrite.com FIGHT NIGHT › Sergey Kovalev vs. Gabriel Campillo in an international 10-round Light Heavyweight Main Event › 7 pm › Mohegan Sun Arena, 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd, Uncasville, CT › $35-$120 › 888.226.7711 or mohegansun.com FREE GUITAR LESSONS › Hour-long class for beginners, demonstrating introductory skills such as proper playing position, tuning, basic strumming, and more › 10:15 am › Guitar Center, 1255 Boylston St, Boston › Free › 617.247.1389 or guitarcenter.com LA MILONGA › Dress-up tango dance party with demonstrations from visiting teachers › 8 pm › Dance Union, 16 Bow Street, Somerville › $15 › 617.721.4872 or › bostontango.org NEW ENGLAND BOOK FESTIVAL BOOK FAIR + PUBLISHING SYMPOSIUM › Free events in conjunction with the festival, with a focus on breaking into both indie or mainstream publishing. Events include authors and publishers exhibiting their works and various readings scheduled throughout the day › 11 pm › Omni Parker House, 60 School St, Boston › Free › 617.227.8600 or newenglandbookfestival.com
LOVESICK EXPO › Indie wedding expo for alternative-minded couples with vendors displaying handcrafted and eco-friendly goods, entertainers for independent weddings, unique ideas, and more. Plus, entertainment including burlesque performances, live music, on-site makeovers, cash bar with craft beers. A samesex couple friendly, earth-friendly, and “guy friendly” expo › 11 am › Artists For Humanity, 100 West 2nd St, Boston › $10; $6.50 advance › 617.268.7620 or lovesickexpo.com “MOVING FORWARD WITH YPP: AN EVENING OF MATH, MUSIC, COMEDY AND CIVIL RIGHTS” › Fundraiser for the Young People’s Project hosted by civil rights legend and MacArthur “Genius Grant” awardee Dr. Bob Moses and comedian Jimmy Tingle. With entertainment by Nia Dance Troupe from Origination and the DiverCity Band from Zumix › 6 pm › City Year, 287 Columbus Ave, Boston › $25-$100 › yppmosestingle-press. eventbrite.com
“CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT: NORMAN ROCKWELL’S PERSPECTIVE” › Lecture with Norman Rockwell Museum’s curator of education, Tom Daly › 2:30 pm › Norman Rockwell Museum, 9 Rte 183, Stockbridge › Free with admission › 413.298.4100 or nrm.org LITERARY FIRSTS › Cambridge’s “sexiest reading series” is back for another installment wherein readers share stories about their first sexual experiences › 7 pm › Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.868. MSEX or middlesexlounge.com. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY OPEN HOUSE › Open house at the MFA with activities all day, including art-making activities, performances, tours, and more › 10 am › Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston › Free › 617.267.9300 or mfa.org
COLLEGE NIGHT AT THE FROG POND › Discounted ice skating for students › 6 pm › Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › $2 › 617.635.2120 or bostonfrogpond.com “GAME OVER” › Weekly game night with board games, nerd games like Magic the Gathering, fighting games, Dance Central, DJ Hero, Rock Band, and more › 5 pm › Good Life, 28 Kingston St, Boston › Free; $10 to enter Magic the Gathering booster draft › 617.451.2622 or goodlifebar.com
COMMON GROUND › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston › 8 pm › “Thinktank Trivia” SPIRIT BAR › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink”
COSTELLO’S TAVERN › 723 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain › “Geeks Who Drink” THIRSTY SCHOLAR PUB › 70 Beacon St, Somerville › 8 pm › “Sunday Night Trivia”
COMMON GROUND › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston › 8 pm › “Stump Trivia” MILKY WAY › at the Brewery, 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain › 8 pm › “Stump!” TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink”
GREATEST BAR › 262 Friend St, Boston › 8 pm › “Friendly Feud” JOE SENT ME › 2388 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge › 7:30 pm › “Stump!”
ASSEMBLE! WITH ARTISAN FABRIC › Assemble!, the weekly, free event featuring local innovators, returns after a brief hiatus. Tonight’s edition features Artisan Fabric, a creative label and online boutique connecting lesser known European labels to Boston boutiques. They’ll host a pop-up showcase of new designs with cocktails, music, and more › 7 pm › Emerald Lounge at Revere Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston › Free › futureboston.com
“PRETTY THINGS PEEPSHOW” › Vintage vaudeville extravaganza with burlesque by the Pretty Things performers including the Impresario of Undress: Go-Go Amy, the Midget of Mischief: Lil Miss Firefly, the Headmistress of Hula Hoops: Vivacious Miss Audacious,and the Dapper Dan of Danger: Mr. Donny V; circus acts; and live music › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com
BIKES NOT BOMBS VOLUNTEER NIGHT › No RSVP or experience is necessary to drop in and help out on Thursday nights at Bike Not Bombs in JP. Assist BNB’s volunteer coordinator with packing bikes for the organization’s international programs, prepping bikes to be repurposed, sorting parts, and other tasks › 7 pm › Bikes Not Bombs, 284 Amory St, Ste 8, Jamaica Plain › Free › bikesnotbombs.org
BRIGHTON BEER GARDEN › 386 Market St, Brighton › 8 pm › “Stump!” JEANIE JOHNSTON PUB › 144 South St, Jamaica Plain › 8:30 pm › “Stump!” JOE SENT ME › 2388 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge › 7:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink” KINSALE › 2 Center Plaza, Boston › 7 pm › “Stump!” ROSEBUD DINER › 381 Summer St, Somerville › 9:30 pm › “Trivi-Oke: Trivia & Karaoke Night” SPIRIT BAR › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 8 pm › “Stump!” TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › 8 pm › “Stump!” TOMMY DOYLE’S KENDALL › 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge › 6:30 pm › “Geeks Who Drink”
COMMON GROUND › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston › 8 pm › “Thinktank Trivia” SPIRIT BAR › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 8 pm › “Geeks Who Drink”
“NO WELCOME HOME: REMEMBERING HARMS, RESTORING JUSTICE” › In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Northeastern University School of Law’s Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project in collaboration with the NU Humanities Center welcomes Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize winner Toni Morrison as well as representatives of the Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project for a discussion of the legacy of the Civil Rights era, plus their current work to restore justice › 4 pm › Blackman Theater, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston › $17 › 617.373.2247 or neu. universitytickets.com
NINE YEARS OF ANARCHIST AGITATION › A book talk on “The history of the Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement 2001-2010” by Jake Carman › 6 pm › Libertalia Autonomous Space, 280 Broadway, Providence, RI › Free › 401.680.6264 or libertaliapvd.org
BREAD AND PUPPET THEATER’S RADICAL PUPPET SHOWS › Bread & Puppet Theater presents “The Possibilitarians” and “Dead Man Rises” along with “The Circus of the Possibilitarians” › 7 pm › Cyclorama, Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston › $12;$10 students, seniors › 617.426.5000 or bcaonline.org BIKES NOT BOMBS VOLUNTEER NIGHT › See listing for Thurs THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 01.18.13 41
Arts & events :: visuAl Art review
lady parTs
Frank Gohlke’s new TopoGraphics “when ThaT show was creaTed, as odd as it
seems now, it was extremely controversial,” Frank Gohlke says of being featured in the landmark 1975 exhibit of deadpan photography, “New Topographics: Photographs of the Man-Altered Landscape” at New York’s George Eastman House. “A lot of people just hated it,” says Gohlke, who lived in Boston from 1987 to 2007, and still often summers here. “It seemed as though it was going to be one of those ideas that had a moment. . . . It would just be a minor eddy in the stream of art history. But it didn’t turn out that way.” In fact, New Topographics remains probably the most prominent style of art photography today. Plastic, cookie-cutter post-World War II America and the growing awareness of its environmental costs prompted Gohlke to mull ordinary, even ugly places and the way “the culture worked through its landscape.” His black-and-white photos depict flat Midwestern landscapes, grain elevators, the destruction and rebuilding of a Texas town after a tornado, the aftermath of the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, and the poisoned Sudbury River. The UMass Dartmouth exhibit “Miles and Miles
of Things I’ve Never Seen” features two projects: Ten Minutes in North Texas from 1995 and Unpacked from 2008 and ’09. In the first, he photographed wide-open Texas fields and rivers and the skies above them. Then he’d wait 10 minutes and photograph the same scene again. “I wanted to replicate that experience of just standing in a field and looking at the horizon. And the less that was there, the better,” he says. “In most cases, [the paired photos] looked almost identical. But that was okay because they were about the passage of time.” When he left Boston for Tucson to teach at the University of Arizona in 2007, his new living room had sliding glass windows facing the desert. But he turned his back on the landscape and arranged cardboard still-lifes to photograph. Some are tangled zigzags of cardboard. Others could be models of, say, Boston. He shows them in pairs so they don’t feel too metaphorical or too abstract. “I didn’t want them to make great claims for themselves. I was just happy for them to be peculiar pictures of things I made with cardboard that I just happened to have on hand and I had fun playing with for a year.”
_G r e G Cook » GreGCookland .Com/journal
“Frank Gohlke: Miles and Miles oF ThinGs i’ve never seen” :: UMass dartmouth University art Gallery, 715 Purchase st, new Bedford :: Through January 27 :: 508.999.8555 or umassd.edu/cvpa/galleries
42 01.18.13 :: ThePhoeniX.coM/arTs
“The Origin of the World /\ The Force of the Source \/ The Cause of the Vigor” is a three-parts-brilliant, two-parts-non sequitur (or maybe it’s the other way around) group show at Samson gallery. The subject: “The vagina as base of creativity and joy.” In practice this means Kirsten Stoltmann’s glittery deadpan self-portrait photo I Know You, a giant close up of an amethyst (purple quartz) stuck in her vagina. It’s like staring into the Bermuda Triangle — swallowing you up with bedazzling, intimate anatomy, humor, and just plain dumbfounding weirdness. The exhibit’s pole-stars are Gustave Courbet’s notorious 1866 painting of lady parts called The Origin of the World, and feminism (reconsiderations of the female nude; celebration of the body as source of grrrl power). So we get Tim Davis’s “The oriGin photo of Courbet’s painting of The World . . . ” (the real one, I’m told) with samson, 450 a glare of light harrison ave, on the pubic Boston hair, and DanThrough iel Gordon’s March 30 recreation of the painting 617.357.7177 or samsonprojects. as a funny, com odd, rumpled (wounded?) paper sculpture. Then there’s Kelly Kleinschrodt’s green glass pyramid with a gray image — perhaps waves? — in the bottom. This stuff doesn’t bother with the erotic charge of Courbet’s high-end smut. Instead it’s vagina as icon, biology, curiosity, power plant, specimen, temple. _GC kelly kleinschrodt, Triangulation (Patriarchal Object)
ADDISON GALLERY OF AMERICAN ART AT PHILLIPS ACADEMY › 978.749.4015 › 180 Main St, Andover › andover. edu/addison › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm › Jan 19-March 10: “Eye on the Collection” › Jan 19-March 17: “Stone, Wood, Metal, Mesh: Prints and Printmaking” BRICKBOTTOM GALLERY › 617.776.3410 › 1 Fitchburg St, Somerville › brickbottomartists. com › Thurs-Sat noon–5 pm › Jan 24-March 2: Adria Arch, Ron Brunelle, Jessie Morgan, and Diane Novetsky: “Surface Matters” › Reception Jan 27: 2-5 pm DAVIS ART GALLERY › 508.752.5334 › 44 Portland St, Worcester › davisart.com › MonFri 8:30 am-5 pm › Jan 24-March 29: John Pagano: “Color and Line” › Reception Jan 24: 5-7 pm MOBIUS › 617.638.0022 › 55 Norfolk St, Cambridge › mobius.org › Sat-Sun noon-6 pm; Mon-Wed by appointment › Jan 19-23: “Animating Youth! A Room 305 Retrospective” › Reception Jan 19: 6 pm
Admission to the following galleries is free, unless otherwise noted. In addition to the hours listed here, many galleries are open by appointment. BOSTON CYBERARTS GALLERY › 617.290.5010 › 141 Green St, Jamaica Plain › bostoncyberarts.org › Fri-Sun 11 am-6 pm › Through Feb 17: Michael Lewy: “City of Work” BOSTON SCULPTORS GALLERY › 617.482.7781 › 486 Harrison Ave, Boston › bostonsculptors.com › Wed-Sun noon–6 pm › Through Jan 27: “Height, Width, Depth, Time: Boston Sculptors Celebrates 20 Years” CARPENTER CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY › 617.495.3251 › 24 Quincy St, Cambridge › ves.fas.harvard.edu › Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1 pm-5 pm › Through May 29: Hans Tutschku: “Unreal Memories” CHASE YOUNG GALLERY › 617.859.7222 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › chaseyounggallery. com › Tues-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-4 pm › Through Jan 27: Treacy Ziegler: “Possibility of Being” GALATEA FINE ART › 617.542.1500 › 460B Harrison Ave, Boston › galateaart.org › Wed-Fri noon-6 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Jan 27: Caryl Gordon: “Mass Masonry” › Through Jan 27: C.J. Lori: “The Narrative Landscape” › Through Jan 27: Joan Mullen: “Spring Convergence” KINGSTON GALLERY › 617.423.4113 › 450 Harrison Ave, #43, Boston › kingstongallery. com › Wed-Sun noon- 5 pm › Through Jan 27: Forms of Identity: Work by MassArt Fibers Seniors” LOT F GALLERY › 617.426.1021 › 145 Pearl St, Boston › lotfgallery.com › Sat noon-4 pm › Through Jan 30: Destroy Rebuild: “RIPavone” MILLS GALLERY AT BOSTON CENTER FOR THE ARTS › 617.426.8835 › 539 Tremont St, Boston › bcaonline.org › Wed + Sun noon-5 pm; Thurs-Sat noon-9 pm › Through Feb 3: “Process Goes Public” MULTICULTURAL ARTS CENTER › 617.577.1400 › 41 Second St, Cambridge › multiculturalartscenter.org › Mon-Fri 10:30 am-6 pm › Through April 5: Lucy Cobos: “Impressions of the Voyageur” › Through April 8: Alexandra Rozenman: “Transplanted” NEW ART CENTER › 617.964.3424 › 61 Washington Park, Newtonville › newartcenter. org › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; Sat 1-5 pm › Through Feb 22: “Upsodown” PANOPTICON GALLERY › 617.267.8929 › 502c Comm Ave, Boston › panopticongallery. com › Tues-Sat 9 am-4 pm › Through Feb 25: Bradford Washburn and Vittorio Sella: “A View From The Top”
John Pagano’s SAM II is on view at the Davis Art Gallery as part of his show “Color and Line” from January 24 through March 29. An opening reception is being held on January 24 at 5 pm. PHOTOGRAPHIC RESOURCE CENTER AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY › 617.975.0600 › 832 Comm Ave, Boston › bu.edu/prc › Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; SatSun noon-4 pm › Through Jan 19: Daniel Feldman, Stefanie Klavens, and Lynn Saville: “The Space in Between” SOPRAFINA GALLERY › 617.728.0770 › 55 Thayer St, Boston › Wed-Sat 11 am–5:30 pm; by appointment › Through Jan 31: “Mostly Large Work” SPOKE GALLERY › 617.268.6700 › 110 K St, Boston › mwponline.org › Wed-Fri noon-5 pm › Through March 16: “HERE” TUFTS UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY AT THE AIDEKMAN ARTS CENTER › 617.627.3094 › 40 Talbot Ave, Medford › artgallery.tufts.edu › Wed-Sun noon-5 pm › Through March 31: “Illuminated Geographies: Pakistani Miniaturist Practice in the Wake of the Global Turn” › Through March 31: Stacey Steers: “Night Hunter” UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY AT UMASS DARTMOUTH › 508.999.8555 › 715 Purchase St, New Bedford › umassd. edu/cvpa/galleries › Daily 9 am-6 pm › Through Jan 27: Frank Gohlke: “Miles and Miles of Things I’ve Never Seen”
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1800” › Through June 1: “Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern” MUSEUM OF SCIENCE › 617.723.2500 › 1 Science Pk, Boston › mos.org › Sat-Thurs 9 DECORDOVA SCULPTURE PARK AND am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-9 pm › Admission $22; $20 MUSEUM › 781.259.8355 › 51 Sandy Pond Rd, seniors; $19 children 3-11 › Through March 3: Lincoln › decordova.org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 “Shipwreck! Pirates & Treasure” pm › Admission $14; $12 seniors; $10 students NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM › and youth ages 13 and up; free to children under 413.298.4100 › 9 Rte 183, Stockbridge › nrm. 12 › Through April 21: “Second Nature: Abstract org › Daily 10 am–5 pm, May through Oct. Nov Photography Then and Now” › Through Oct 1: through April, 10 am-4 pm and weekends 10 “PLATFORM 10: Dan Peterman” am-5 pm › Admission $16; $14.50 seniors; $10 HARVARD ART MUSEUMS › students with ID; $5 for kids and teens 6 to 617.495.9400 › 485 Broadway, Cambridge › 18; free for ages 5 and under › Through Jan 21: harvardartmuseums.org › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 Norman Rockwell: “Home for the Holidays” pm › Admission $9; $7 seniors; $6 students › › Through Feb 3: “All in the Rockwell Family: Through June 1: “Re-View” The Art of Mary-Amy Cross” › Through Feb INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY 24: “Heroes and Villains: The Comic Book Art ART › 617.478.3100 › 100 Northern Ave, of Alex Ross” Boston › icaboston.org › Tues-Wed + SatPEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM › Sun 10 am–5 pm; Thurs-Fri 10 am–9 pm › 978.745.9500 › 161 Essex St, Salem › pem.org Admission $15; $10 students, seniors; free › Tues-Sun and Mon holidays 10 am-5 pm for ages under 17; free after 5 pm on Thurs › › Admission $15; $13 seniors; $11 students; Through March 3: “This Will Have Been: Art, free for ages 16 and under › Through Jan 31: Love & Politics in the 1980s” › Through April 7: “Auspicious Wishes and Natural Beauty in Mickalene Thomas › Through April 7: Ragnar Korean Art” › Through Jan 31: “Fish, Silk, Kjartansson: “Song” Tea, Bamboo: Cultivating an Image of China” MASSACHUSETTS MUSEUM OF › Through Jan 31: “Of Gods and Mortals, CONTEMPORARY ART › 413.662.2111 › Traditional Art from India” › Through Jan 87 Marshall St, North Adams › massmoca. 31: “Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese org › Wed-Mon 11 am–5 pm › Admission $15; Aesthetics” › Through Feb 3: “FreePort [No. $11 students; $5 ages 6-16; free for ages 5 and 004]: Peter Hutton” › Through Feb 3: “Hats: An under › Through Feb 4: “Invisible Cities” › Anthology by Stephen Jones” › Through May Through April 1: “Oh, Canada” › Through May 27: “FreePort [No. 005]: Michael Lin” › Through 28: “Curiosity” May 27: “Natural Histories: Photographs by MIT MUSEUM › 617.253.4444 › 265 Mass Barbara Bosworth” Ave, Cambridge › web.mit.edu/ RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF museum › Tues-Fri 10 am-5 DESIGN MUSEUM OF ART › pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › e r o m r 401.454.6500 › 224 Benefit St, fo Through March 17: “Rivers s g in t is l Providence, RI › risdmuseum. of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers museum e r o m org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; of the Greater Himalaya” For Gs y listin . r e l l a third Thurs per month until &G › Through Sept 28: “The nix he Phoe t to o 9 pm › Admission $10; $7 G Jeweled Net: Views of ts com/ar seniors; $3 college students Contemporary Holography” and youth ages 5-18; free every MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS Sun 10 am–1 pm, the third Thurs › 617.267.9300 › 465 Huntington of each month 5-9 pm, and the last Ave, Boston › mfa.org › Mon-Tues Sat of the month › Through Feb 24: + Sat-Sun 10 am-4:45 pm; Wed-Fri “Everyday Things: Contemporary Works 10 am-9:45 pm › Admission $22; $20 from the Collection” › Through May students, seniors; free for ages 7-17 and 19: “Grisogorious Places: Edward Lear’s under during non-school hours [otherwise Travels” › Through June 9: “RISD Business: $10]; free for ages 6 and under › Through Feb Sassy Signs and Sculptures by Alejandro 3: Mario Testino: “In Your Face” › Through Diaz” › Through June 30: Angela Bulloch, Feb 18: “Artful Healing” › Through Feb 18: Anthony McCall, and Haroon Mirza: “Cats to Crickets: Pets in Japan’s Floating “Double-and-Add” World” › Through March 31: Daniel Rich: WORCESTER ART MUSEUM › “Platforms of Power” › Through April 14: “The 508.799.4406 › 55 Salisbury St, Worcester › Postcard Age: Selections from the Leonard A. worcesterart.org › Wed-Fri + Sun 11 am-5 pm; Lauder Collection” › Through June 16: “Kings, Sat 10 am-5 pm; Third Thursday 11 am-8 pm Queens, and Courtiers: Royalty on Paper” › Admission $14, $12 for seniors and students. › Through June 16: Mario Testino: “British Free for youth 17 and under and for all on Royal Portraits” › Through June 23: “Divine first Sat of the month, 10 am-noon › Through Depictions: Korean Buddhist Paintings” › Feb 3: “Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Through July 7: “Art of the White Mountains” Generation” › Through Sept 8: “Chinese Lacquer 1200–
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Arts & events :: books
Book events
ERIC ASIMOV › How To Love Wine: A Memoir and Manifesto reading › 6 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.com MAGNUS FLYTE › City of Dark Magic reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or portersquarebooks.com “SHAKESPEARE’S RICHARD III AND THE LIMITS OF EXECUTIVE POWER” › Talk with C. Boyden Gray › 5:30 pm › Modern Theatre, 525 Washington St, Boston
A CELEBRATION OF POE’S 204TH BIRTHDAY › Featuring readings of Poe’s work, a lecture about Poe, and more › 3 pm › Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Copley Square, Boston › Free › 617.536.5400 or bpl.org NEW ENGLAND BOOK FESTIVAL BOOK FAIR + PUBLISHING SYMPOSIUM › Focus on breaking into both indie or mainstream publishing. Events include authors and publishers exhibiting their works and various readings scheduled throughout the day › 11 pm › Omni Parker House, 60 School St, Boston › Free › 617.227.8600 or newenglandbookfestival.com
Life as a commerciaL Gwyneth PaLtrow, 1984, and dirty diapers aren’t crises, art, sex, and maybe even death along the way. “It an obvious mix. But in the jaded eye of advertising starts this way,” Dolan explains. “A small office, a cubicle, copywriter Finbar Dolan, it all jumbles together to make a place of unopenable windows and bad lighting. People up the observed life. Because no matter how profound with colds. A cafeteria that smells of warm cheese. An asan experience may be, Dolan views it as a commersignment. Let’s make a TV commercial!” And he’s off. cial — from his Mamet-mimicking colleagues to their This zeitgeist-savvy humor cloaks a darker story never-completed screenplays — which says about Dolan’s violently dysfunctional Boston as much about the emotional disconnection Irish family, which comes to life as he gets the of the nearly 40-year-old “creative” as it does news that his long-absent father is dying. The about his professional skills. And so when disparity is, at first, jarring, as the candy-coating Dolan gets his greatest challenge — the wears away to reveal the first hints of abuse Holy Grail of a Super Bowl ad, except on a and heartache. By the time the spot is filming, too-tight deadline — he should be ready for however, the two sides of the story have melded, it. Or is he? the absurdly finicky demands of the clients setThat’s the setup of Truth in Advertising, ting the deeper issues in high relief. Although a snortingly funny debut by New Yorker huNick Hornby is the obvious reference — humor TruTh in mor writer (and long-time copywriter) John and heartbreak of ordinary life — this wonderadverTiSing Kenney. Narrated by the gimlet-eyed Dolan, ful book is more J. Alfred Prufrock. Except that By John Kenney a relative veteran in his youth-obsessed field, with the unlikely aid of a Japanese billionaire, the novel spans that one impossible camour aging hipster might just wake in time. Touchstone :: 320 pages :: $24.99 _Clea Si mon paign, savagely spoofing pop culture, midlife
>> John Kenney :: Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston :: January 29 :: 6 pm :: Free :: 617.536.5400 or bpl.org
sUnDAY 20
“LIZARD LOUNGE POETRY NIGHT: CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON” › With music by the Jeff Robinson Trio › 8 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $5 › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com STEPHANIE SCHOROW › Drinking Boston: A History of the City and Its Spirits reading › 7 pm › Regal Beagle, › $40; $35 advance/ tickets include copy of book and cocktails by Bully Boy › 617.566.6660 or brooklinebooksmith.com
MonDAY 21
“MASSMOUTH STORY SLAM” › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $5-$10 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com
tUesDAY 22
TOM FELS › Buying the Farm reading › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or portersquarebooks.com BRAD MELTZER › Fifth Assassin reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.277.1139 or brooklinebooksmith.com
on view through February 24
Alex Ross, JLA: The Original Seven, 2000, courtesy of the artist, ™ & © DC Comics. Used with permission.
44 01.18.13 :: ThePhoenIX.com/arTS
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Arts & events :: ClAssiCAl & DAnCe Preview
Nicole Pierce wAlks The Walk
the Bso’s first coNcert of 2013 featured one of its best guest conductors, but not one likely to be available for its music directorship. Alan Gilbert already leads a major orchestra — the New York Philharmonic. But his Boston visits are always exciting, and this latest concert was no exception. Unfortunately, Gilbert’s soloist in the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, the Georgian (not Atlanta!) violinist Lisa Batiashvili, has suffered a back injury and was replaced by the Lithuanian virtuoso Julian Rachlin. The rest of the program was so fresh and compelling, it was hard to see the function of Tchaikovsky’s warhorse other than to lure an audience that might have been less eager to hear only 20th-century music. I admired Rachlin’s largely understated approach and the fillips of Slavic syncopation he gave the beloved tunes. The audience cheered. Yet I wish the performance seemed about more than just the sound of his 1704 Strad. The concerto was preceded by a kind of concerto for the whole orchestra, Henri Dutilleux’s 1964 Métaboles, in which each of its five interlocking movements metamorphoses into a different little tone poem. “Incantatoire” emphasizes Stravinskylike winds (à la the solemn Symphonies of Winds Instruments). “Linéaire” puts low and luscious string harmonies on luxurious display (Gilbert commendably dividing first and second violins antiphonally). 46 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.COm/ArTS
The climactic “Obsessionnel” includes edgier brass outbursts. Dutilleux’s title refers the metamorphosis of certain insects. The fourth movement, “Torpide,” slowly unravels the most insect-like sounds in delicate percussion. The final, spirited “Flamboyant” pulls everything together. There’s much Stravinsky and Messiaen, but it’s finally authentic Dutilleux, and a pleasure to hear performed with such intricate attention. The second half of the program was even more scintillating. One hears Stravinsky’s post-war masterpiece Symphony in Three Movements more at the ballet (thanks to George Balanchine’s stunning choreography) than in the concert hall. The last BSO subscription performance was in 1981. Electricity seemed to shoot from Gilbert’s baton. The tense and terrifyingly military Allegro and Finale (with pianist Vytas Baksys) bracketed an equally galvanizing though intimately tender middle-movement Andante, featuring harp (Jessica Zhou), flute (Elizabeth Rowe), and oboe (John Ferrillo). Gilbert then pounced into Ravel’s La Valse, maintaining paradoxically unsettling balances between languid glamour and the rush to catastrophe (the date is 1920), between lilting Viennese suavity (sweeping waltzes) and the nightmare abyss that ultimately reveals itself under the glitter. _LL oy d Schwartz
_d ebra caSh
The Walk
New York to BostoN: AlAN GilBert returNs to the Bso
Dance maker Nicole Pierce was working the glue gun, constructing mossy objects, papier-mâché thingamabobs and items that she could hang from a net hoisted across the Art Deco balconies of the South End’s Villa Victoria Center for the Arts. Her newest “dance installation,” entitled The Walk, has been in development for more than a year, and is set to premiere January 24. “For the moment, I’m done with the proscenium,” Pierce says. “Its fourth wall has a formality that I don’t want to do right now. I like making little worlds that people enter.” A one-act multimedia event set to a score that ranges from elements of Bach’s French Suites to big the waLk bands, her Villa Victoria piece for sevCenter for the en female perArts, 85 West formers keeps Newton St, it homemade. Boston Pierce created January 24-26 :: the chore7:30 pm :: $25 :: ography, deegoartinc.com signed and is fabricating the set, and shot and tweaked video footage of the dancers at a construction site. Dancer friends have pitched in, notably Anna Zamarripa, who created collars, jackets, and other costume elements that transform the dancers’ looks at a moment’s notice. “There’s a lot of similarity between making objects and making dances,” Pierce says. “I put all these little pieces together and then make them bunchy and messy and then clean them up. This is my brain, but in a different form.”
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY DANIELE GATTI › Verdi’s Requiem, with soprano Fiorenza Cedolins, mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Gubanova, tenor Fabio Sartori, and bass vocalist Carlo Colombara › Thurs-Sat 8 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$114 › 888.266.1200 or bso.org HÉLOÏSE DEGRUGILLIER AND PAUL CIENNIWA › Degrugillier’s Canario; Chédeville’s Sonata No. 3; Couperin’s Chaconne ou Passacaille in G minor › 12:15 pm › First Church in Boston, 66 Marlborough St, Boston › Donations welcome › 617.267.6730 or firstchurchbostonmusic.org
CANTATA SINGERS › Bruckner’s Pange lingua and Christus factus est; Howells Requiem; Martin’s Mass for double choir › 8 pm › First Church, Congregational, 11 Garden St, Cambridge › $17-$52; $10 students › 617.868.5885 or cantatasingers.org HELIOS EARLY OPERA › Cavalli’s Artemisia, with Julianne Gearhart [Artemisia] and Andrew Pickett [Meraspe] › Fri-Sat 7:30 pm › Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville › $30-$50; $20 students › 617.718.2191 or heliosopera.org LORELEI ENSEMBLE › Selection of works by Joshua Bornfield, Karin Höghielm, Mary Montgomery Koppel, and Joshua Shank › Fri 8 pm › Marsh Chapel, 735 Comm Ave, Boston › Sat 8 pm › Memorial Church Harvard University, 1 Harvard Yard, Cambridge › $20; $12 students › 617.353.3560 or loreleiensemble.com BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY DANIELE GATTI › See listing for Thurs
BOSTON CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY › Haydn’s String Quartet in B-flat, Hob. III:78 [Sunrise]; Debussy’s La Mer, arr. for Piano Four Hands; Hartke’s King of the Sun; Respighi’s Il Tramonto for voice and string quartet, P. 101 › 4 pm › Kresge Auditorium at MIT, 48 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $35; $32 seniors; $10 students › 617.253.3913 or bostonchambermusic.org PRO ARTE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY KEVIN RHODES › Dvorák’s Serenade in D minor, Op. 44; Schubert’s Octet in F, D. 803 › 7:30 pm › First Church, Congregational, 11 Garden St, Cambridge › $10$70 › 617.779.0900 or proarte.org SARASA CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE AND LES SIRÈNES › Händel program: Cantatas and Arias for two sopranos; Sonatas for two violins › 8 pm › Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury St, Boston › $24; $20 seniors; $12 students › 617.536.3356 or sarasamusic.org BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY DANIELE GATTI › See listing for Thurs HELIOS EARLY OPERA › See listing for Fri LORELEI ENSEMBLE › See listing for Fri
CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER › Beethoven’s Trio in C minor for violin, viola, and cello, Op. 9, No. 3; Martinu’s Duo No. 2 for violin and viola; Mozart’s Quintet in G minor for two violins, two violas, and cello, K. 516 › 1 pm › Isabella Stewart
Gardner Museum, 280 the Fenway, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.566.1401 or gardnermuseum.org IBIS CAMERATA › Works for voice and piano by Kramer, Ewazen, and Liszt › 2 pm › Newton Free Library, 330 Homer St, Newton › Free › 617.796.1360 or newtonfreelibrary.net SARASA CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE AND LES SIRÈNES › Händel program: Cantatas and Arias for two sopranos; Sonatas for two violins › 3:30 pm › First Unitarian Church of Providence, 1 Benevolent St, Providence, RI › $24; $20 seniors; $12 students › 401.421.7970 or sarasamusic.org WANDA PAIK › Works for piano by Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Mozart, Schubert, and Debussy › 2:30 pm › Parish Center for the Arts, 10 Lincoln St, Westford › Donations welcome › 978.692.6333 or westford.com/pca
tUeSDAY 22
ELIZABETH CHANG AND JUDITH GORDON › Works for violin and piano by Bach, Wolpe, and Enescu › 8 pm › Bezanson Recital Hall at UMass Amherst, 151 Presidents Dr, Amherst › $10; $5 students, seniors › 413.545.2511 or fac.umass.edu/musicanddance SAMANTHA GILLOGLY AND TIM MAURICE › Selection of Celtic chamber music › 12:15 pm › King’s Chapel, 58 Tremont St, Boston › $3 › 617.227.2155 or kings-chapel.org
WeDneSDAY 23
VILDE FRANG AND MICHAIL LIFITS › Mozart’s Sonata No. 24 in F, K376; Fauré’s Sonata No. 1 in A, Op. 13; Brahms’s Hungarian Dances Nos. 11, 17, and 2; Prokofiev’s Sonata No. 2 in D, Op. 94 › 8 pm › Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music, 27 Garden St, Cambridge › $60 › 617.482.6661 or celebrityseries.org
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BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DUTOIT › Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes of Weber; Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. 1, with Stephen Hough; Suite from Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet › 8 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $31-$107 › 888.266.1200 or bso.org CHRISTOPHER GUZMAN › Beethoven’s Sonata in E, Op. 109; Stucky’s Three Little Variations for David; Grieg’s Ballade in the form of Variations on a Norwegian Melody, Op. 24 › 8 pm › Bezanson Recital Hall at UMass Amherst, 151 Presidents Dr, Amherst › $10; $5 students, seniors › 413.545.2511 or fac.umass.edu/musicanddance
DAnCe PerForMAnCe tHUrSDAY 17
TRAJAL HARRELL › Harrell’s (M) imosa / Twenty Looks or Paris Is Burning at the Judson Church › Thurs-Fri 7:30 pm › Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $20; $10 students › 617.478.3100 or icaboston.org
TRAJAL HARRELL › See listing for Thurs
EGOART, INC. › The Walk › 7:30 pm › Villa Victoria Center for the Arts, 85 West Newton St, Boston › $25 › 617.927.1707 or egoartinc.com
75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 617.357.4810 • www.davios.com THEPHOENIX.COm/ArTS :: 01.18.13 47
Arts & events :: theAter
play by play
Compiled by maddy myers
Ralph Ellison’s InvIsIble Man takEs thE stagE Ralph Ellison would not allow his National Book Award–winning 1952 novel, Invisible Man, to be made into a movie or play. The writer’s estate, however, relented, and here he is, Ellison’s nameless African-American narrator, his “hole” outside Harlem relocated to the BU Theatre, beneath a shimmering crown of lights pilfered from Monopolated Light & Power. Are all of the book’s 1369 bulbs alight and accounted for? If you felt the urge to count, Teagle F. Bougere, as the self-described socially invisible man, would not be doing his job. And believe me, as his character huddles up with Louis Armstrong and the phantoms of a life’s experience of bigotry, quashed opportunity, and political betrayal, the earnest yet incendiary actor is doing his job. This powerful if sometimes plodding production, a collaboration of the Huntington Theatre Company and Washington DC’s Studio Theatre, is just the second outing for Oren Jacoby’s stage adaptation, which premiered at Chicago’s Court Theatre last year (director Christopher McElroen and Bougere worked on that production as well). At the insistence of Ellison’s executor, the adaptation is scrupulously faithful. All dialogue comes from the novel — which proves searingly effective in
the abbreviated prologue and epilogue, the latter delivered with a discomforting hint of audience implication by the lead character as he breaches the fourth wall, gearing up for renewed action. Elsewhere the play is strongest when it reaches beyond the historical/political to capture the hallucinatory effect of the novel. This is exemplified by the famed Battle Royal, in which the narrator shows up to deliver a high-school speech to a bunch of white fat cats and is instead inserted into a grotesque display of blindfolded boxing with other young black men. In this epic if shadowy staging, enhanced by staccato 1930s period projections, Bougere simultaneously suggests the respectful idealism of the youth headed out to college and the cynicism-laced anger of the man biding his time in the urban underbelly. Bougere is ably abetted by an ensemble of nine, the mightiest of whom are Johnny Lee Davenport as power-corrupted “Negro” college President Bledsoe, among other roles, and Jeremiah Kissel as folksily ruthless mentor/ organizer Brother Jack. In Ellison’s jazz- and jiveinfluenced, symbol-saturated world, treachery would seem to come in all colors. _Car olyn Clay
>> INVISIBLE MAN :: Boston University Theatre :: Through February 3 :: $25-$95 :: 617.266.0800 or huntingtontheatre.org 48 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOM/ArTS
bread aNd pUppeT THeaTer › Peter Schumann and his troupe of Vermont puppeteers bring their masked characters and giant papier-mâché puppets back to Boston. At each of their 7 pm shows, the group will perform The Possibilitarians and Dead Man Rises, which are recommended for audiences aged 12 and older. The 2 pm performances (only on January 26 and 27) will be The Circus of the Possibilitarians, a family-friendly show. › January 24-27 › Cyclorama, Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston › $12; $10 students, seniors › 866.811.4111 or breadandpuppet.org THe irisH . . . aNd HoW THey GoT THaT Way › Danielle Paccione Colombo directs Frank McCourt’s comedic historical retelling of the Irish-American experiences over time. The show incorporates famous Irish songs, from “Danny Boy” to the more modern hits of U2. Meredith Beck, Janice Landry, Jon Dykstra, Andrew Crowe, Irene Molloy and Gregg Hammer make up the cast. › January 24–March 10 › Davis Square Theatre, 255 Elm Street, Somerville › $39-$42 › 800.660.8462 or davissquaretheatre.com THe meeTiNG › Jeff Robinson stars as Martin Luther King Jr. and Wesley Lawrence Taylor plays Malcolm X in Jeff Stetson’s play about an imagined meeting between two very different influential leaders of the civil-rights movement. The Grimes Theatre Group staging also features Michael Nurse as Rashad. › January 18 › Multicultural Arts Center, 41 Second St, Cambridge › $15-$20 › 617.577.1400 or multiculturalartscenter.org meN oN THe liNe, KpFK, 1972 › Andrea Fraser portrays four different men in her one-woman show, the text of which is based on a 1972 live radio broadcast about the second-wave feminist movement. The men discuss their feelings about gender equality and the changing society around them. › January 24 › Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $5 › 617.478.3103 or icaboston.org THe preTeNse oF moraliTy aroUNd THe World: THree oNe aCT plays › Scott Zigler directs this collaboration between the American Repertory Theater and the Moscow Art Theater School Institute for Advanced Theater Training, which fittingly includes a one-act set in the American Wild West as well as one set in imperial Russia. The third one-act is set in Victorian Britain. The three plays, each written by George Bernard Shaw, examine the pervasiveness of humanity’s hypocrisy across all cultures. › January 18-26 › Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle Street, Cambridge › $15 › 617.547.8300 or americanrepertorytheater.org sisTer aCT › Ta’rea Campbell stars in the Broadway tour of the musical-theater adaptation of the 1992 comedy film of the same name. Campbell plays Deloris, an aspiring lounge singer who witnesses a crime; the cops help her go into hiding at a convent, but Deloris has some trouble fitting in there. Jerry Zaks directs. › January 22–February 3 › Opera House, 539 Washington St, Boston › $25-$145 › 866.523.7469 or boston.broadway.com marry me a liTTle › New Repertory Theatre’s Craig Lucas and Norman Rene stage their cabaret revue of Stephen Sondheim songs in this modern take on love and marriage, which features songs from Follies, A Little Night Music, Company, and other Sondheim favorites. › Through January 27 ›
Charles Mosesian Theater, Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $28-$58 › 617.923.8487 or newrep.org THe moUNTaiNTop › Underground Railway Theater stages Katori Hall’s semibiographical piece about Martin Luther King Jr. The play takes place in King’s hotel room shortly after he has delivered his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech; a maid brings him a cup of coffee and the two begin a conversation that ventures into the political and the personal. Megan Sandberg-Zakian directs. › Through February 2 › Central Square Theater, 450 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$45 › 617.576.9278 or centralsquaretheater.org oTHer deserT CiTies › Nancy E. Carroll, Anne Gottlieb, Munson Hicks, Karen MacDonald, and Christopher M. Smith star in Jon Robin Baitz’s family drama about a once-promising novelist returning home for Christmas after a six-year absence. The atmosphere of the reunion goes sour once her family learns she plans to reveal the family’s history in her upcoming book. Scott Edmiston directs this SpeakEasy Stage production. › Through February 9 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $25-$52 › 617.933.8600 or speakeasystage.com oUr ToWN › David Cromer won a 2009 Obie for his direction of the Off Broadway production of this Thornton Wilder play. He also played — and plays here, in this Huntington Theatre Company production — the Stage Manager. For its Boston outing, Cromer’s breezy modern-dress staging, which updates Wilder’s metatheatrics without altering his text, is crammed into the Roberts Studio with the audience snugly
wrapped around three quarters of the playing space. The denizens of Grover’s Corners are presented in operating-room-like surrounds. Wilder portrays life as a gift and a chore, and Cromer’s no-nonsense staging captures both halves of that equation. But don’t get depressed! Parts of the production — especially the terrified courtship and merger of heroic youngsters George Gibbs and Emily Webb, sincerely rendered by Cromer recidivist Derrick Trumbly and a placidly luminous Therese Plaehn — are irrepressibly touching. › Through January 26 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $15-$105 › 617.266.0800 or huntingtontheatre.org pippiN › Diane Paulus’s ingenious circus revamp of this American Repertory Theater-generated, Broadway-bound revival floats a starry Big Top over the self-consciously theatrical 1972 musical by Stephen Schwartz and Roger O. Hirson. Extreme circus artists round out the show’s terrific singing, dancing cast, in which Matthew James Thomas stars as Pippin. Gypsy Snider, co-founder of Les 7 doigts de la main, dreamed up the sinuous theatrics on display. Paulus is smart enough to retain the original show’s stylistic signature in the Bob Fosse-inspired choreography of Chet Walker. And to nab the sublime Andrea Martin, who milks comic nectar from the bouncing carpe diem number, “No Time at All.” Then Paulus marries Pippin’s old tricks to the beckoning circus ring-mastered by Patina Miller as the Leading Player. › Through January 20 › Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle Street, Cambridge › $25-$85 › 617.547.8300 or amrep.org
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exp 2/1/13
33 VariaTioNs › In Moisés Kaufman’s 33 Variations, two characters are obsessed with Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations. One is the dyspeptic composer himself. The other is a modern musicologist struggling to figure out why her idol devoted so much tortured effort to his elaborations on Diabelli’s waltz theme before she succumbs to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease). The play is like Wit if you put John Donne in it and made him a ranting pill. Written in 33 “variations,” this mix of history and fiction by the documentary dramatist best known for The Laramie Project is also way too pat (though it does offer insight into Beethoven’s possible motives), its metaphors for genius and mediocrity lined up like quacking ducks. But it’s stimulating to hear Beethoven’s complex piano variations played on a grand piano at the back of the stage by Catherine Stornetta. Paula Plum brings her customary heart, wit, and intelligence to the role of dying music scholar Dr. Katherine Brandt. And Dakota Shepard adds a welcome whiff of goofiness as the daughter Brandt finds as ordinary as Diabelli’s ditty. _Ca r o lyn C l ay
Through February 2 :: Lyric Stage company of Boston, 140 clarendon St, Boston :: $25-$58 :: 617.585.5678 or lyricstage.com
YOU AND A GUEST ARE INVITED TO A SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING FOR yOUR CHANCE TO WIN TICkETS, LOg ON TO www.thephoenix. com/contests THIS FILM IS RATED R for strong violence, language throughout and brief sexual content/nudity. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. Please note: Passes received do not guarantee you a seat at the theatre. Seating is on a first come, first served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. FilmDistrict, all promo partners and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a ticket. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, guest is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the guest. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors, their employees & family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!
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THEPHOENIX.cOM/ArTS :: 01.18.13 49
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The sundance mission
Amour is less The masTer of bleakness, depravity, and bitter few others. Nobody seems very comfortable, and they irony Michael Haneke has at last made an unabashdon’t stay very long. edly romantic love story, and his most upbeat movie Haneke, however, does, and meticulously depicts to date. This doesn’t seem the case in the early going, lives so uneventful that when Anne freezes practically as first responders cover their noses from the stench in mid-sentence from a stroke, it takes a while for of a decomposing body. Nor will the film’s remorseGeorges, and the viewer, to notice anything amiss. less litany of decline, incapacity, despondency, and As her condition deteriorates, Georges cares for her death leave you with an extra spring in your step. But obsessively, firing the nurses, whose work he finds before the tedious misery can drive “unprofessional,” massaging her pale legs, you up the wall, a pigeon flies through lugging her to the toilet, and putting off his a window and, with all the dumb inpromise to pull out a pillow and end it all. ++1/2 nocence of an obvious symbol, refuses Very romantic. Or maybe not. Is it a amour to fly away. film about geriatric love or about the Directed and writTwo of the world’s best actors, Jeanparalysis of bourgeois existence — a less ten by Michael Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle pathological version of Haneke’s The Piano Haneke :: With JeanRiva, play Amour’s octogenarian Teacher (2001), in which Huppert, in the Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva, couple, so it’s surprising that the title role, plays the oppressed daughter of Isabelle Huppert, characters aren’t very interesting. Riva another burdensome woman? Or maybe Alexandre Tharaud, plays Anne, a former piano teacher, and of The Seventh Continent (1988), in William Shimell, Trintignant is her husband, Georges, which a normal middle-class family lock Ramón Agirre, and Rita Blanco :: French also a retired musician. Except for in themselves in their home, systematically :: 127 minutes :: Sony the opening scene in a concert hall, destroy everything they possess, and then Classics the two don’t get out much, nor does kill themselves? In fact, many of Haneke’s the movie; it’s shot almost entirely films depict the self-immolation of a Kendall Square in the couple’s apartment, the pair’s stifling social unit. As such, Amour aspires solitude broken only by rare visits to a romantic ideal of a different sort — from their daughter Eva (Isabelle Huppert), Anne’s the liberation of the individual from all social ties, former student Alexandre (Alexandre Tharaud), the including those of love. _P e t e r Keough » PKeough@P hx.com concierge and his wife, who bring groceries, and a 50 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/MOvIES
As Robert Redford’s Sundance Institute turns 35, these 10 short films make good on its mission to “champion the risk-takers and pioneers whose stories reflect and shape our world.” First up is Robots of Brixton, Kibwe Tavares’s reflection on race and history repeating itself, as a brillo-haired robot stands in for the repressed working class. A Karl Marx quote posits that the portrayal of a metal underclass is farce, but it feels just as tragic as the still photo of historical brutality that Tavares ends on. Matt Linski’s Meaning of Robots, meanwhile, is a kink-filled portrait of a boundlessly creative hoarder. Cutter Hodierne’s Fishing Without Nets and Blerta Zeqiri’s The Return both deal with the human costs of war, one in Somalia and the other in +++ Kosovo. From Sundance the darkness of these tales, ShortS we move on to Jessie Ennis, 95 Minutes Brie Larson, Coolidge Corner and Sarah Ramos’s The Arm, which explores the ironies of a modern, text-based relationship, until a texting tragedy brings things to their unnatural conclusion. Becky Sloan and Joseph Pellings’s Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared and Drew Christie’s Song of the Spindle cover the puppet and animation portions of the program, sometimes both at once, while Andrew Ahn’s First Birthday, Charlotta Miller’s Fungus, and Nash Edgerton’s Bear take varying looks at coupling, and the unforeseen consequences, from the strains of being gay in a conservative Korean family, to, well, the dangers of donning a bear costume. _Brett mi chel robots of Brixton
imagining paradise f.W. murnau’s indelible Tabu (1931), a last gasp of on a plantation in an unnamed Portuguese colony in the the silent era about young lovers cast out of their Poly’60s, where young wife Aurora (Ana Moreira) hunted nesian paradise, gets a postcolonial gloss in Portuguese game while her Italian lover (Carloto Cotta) played filmmaker (and former film critic) Miguel drums in a Phil Spector cover band. Ventura’s Gomes’s similarly two-part meta-movie. memories are in 16mm, with home movies +++1/2 taBu After a mock-ethnographic prologue, in the era’s silent film, Super 8 (filmed with a Directed by Miguel Gomes (Our Beloved Month of August) flips camera leaking light). Gomes, who narrates as Gomes :: Written by Murnau’s sequence, and his perspective. Ventura, borrows a tactic of the transitional Miguel Gomes and Mariana Ricardo :: With First, in 35mm, comes “Paradise Lost,” era in which movie soundtracks had synchroTeresa Madruga, Laura in which quiet, religious Pilar (Teresa nized sound effects and music but not dialogue. Soveral, Ana Moreira, Madruga) goes to the movies in present-day Mouths move, forming words that cannot be Carloto Cotta, Isabel Lisbon, offers to house Polish backpackers, recalled over the intervening years. All we are Cardosa, and Henrique Espírito Santo and otherwise tries to figure out how best to left with are those Brill Building lyrics, as banal spend her retirement. She takes an interest and borrowed as a Polish tourist’s phrasebook 118 minutes in elderly neighbor Aurora (Laura Soveral), English. Cinema, Ventura recalls, bored Aurora Adopt Films who suspects her Cape Verdean maid (Isato death, and if in the first half Gomes dares Coolidge Corner bel Cardoso) of stealing. On her deathbed, the audience to be bored, the second half is a Aurora asks Pilar to find an old flame, Gian cinephile’s payoff. “People’s lives are not like Luca Ventura (Henrique Espírito Santo), who then dreams,” says the elderly Aurora. But movies are, when recalls their affair on a farm in Africa. they are as haunting as this one. _ann lew i nSonw » unSPli ced @ gmai l.com Thus commences the ironically titled “Paradiso,” set
opening this week
+++ 1/2 Bad Boys/Furyo shonen › 1961 › One of the fathers of the Japanese New Wave, Susumu Hani followed up a series of documentary shorts with this, his improvisational first feature depicting life in a reform school. Using Aiko Jinushi’s novel Wing That Can’t Fly for inspiration, Hani announces his intentions immediately, with title cards that are translated to “This is a documentary, but the characters and situations are fictitious.” In other words, Hani started with no story at all, utilizing non-professional actors, many of them former “delinquents” (social outcasts were common new-wave protagonists), while focusing on one youth, Yukio Yamada, who plays Asai, a fatherless boy whose mother cast him aside, leaving him to fend for himself. Reliving their old lives, the boys give thoughtful, fullyinhabited performances, informed by personal history. Hani’s hand-held, vérité approach gives way to biting social criticism at the end, as Asai thanks those who have deform . . . err, reformed him. > 89m > January 19 > MFA _Brett Michel 1/2 a haunted house › This latest Marlon Wayans vehicle is a send-up of the “found footage” genre, from Paranormal Activity to The Devil Inside, and if the name of its director — Michael Tiddes — makes you chuckle, then is this the movie for you! Malcolm (Wayans) is thrilled to have his girlfriend Kisha (Essence Atkins) moving in, until she claims to have brought a ghost along, after making “a deal with the devil for a pair of Louis Vuittons.” Suffering through a flatulent first night with Kisha, Malcolm proclaims “A ghost? No, you have a ghost in your ass!” After she’s violated by this unseen entity a few scenes later (she enjoys it, of course!), you’ll be hard-pressed to disagree with his assessment. Naturally, he’s soon on the receiving end of this same treatment himself — par for the course for a movie that thinks homophobia is the height of hilarity. That, and the image of Wayans taking a shit – a fitting metaphor for this film. > 86m > Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + suburbs _Brett Michel
now playing
+++ aKeeLah and the Bee › 2006 › How do you spell fortuity? Ask writer/director Doug Atchison. The etymology of his Nicoll Award–winning screenplay can be traced back some six years, in which time spelling bees have gone from abecedarian underground to hot cinematic property. Arriving on the wings of Jeffrey Blitz’s Spellbound and Scott McGehee & David Siegel’s
>> now Playing on p 51
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5BeST Picture aCademY award NomiNatioNs ®
Arts & events :: film
H H H H yOu re in fOr a
’ hell Of a ride.
JeSSiCa ChaSTain iS a MarVel.” -Peter travers,
“a POWerhOuSe Thriller. ‘ZerO darK ThirTy ’ MOVeS WiTh SPeed, WeighT, BrainS and graCe.” -riChard Corliss,
“a Tour de force. Bigelow’s direction is vital, controlled and enthralling. Boal’s script, meanwhile, is a comparable marvel, gripping yet utterly authentic.”
phX piCks >> Can’t Miss • LEGEND The cold weather makes everyone long to visit someplace warm, but the Brattle might be taking that impulse to infernal extremes with their series “Dead of Winter: Satan on Screen.” Their round-up of hellacious hits begins today with the European cut of Ridley Scott’s Legend (1985), in which Tom Cruise plays a hero who must save his land from a demon played by Tim Curry. Or is it the other way around? brattle Theatre, 40 brattle st, cambridge :: 5:30 + 7:30 + 9:30 pm :: $9.75; $7.75 students; $6.75 seniors :: 617.876.6837 or brattlefilm.org • THE BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE Speaking of diabolical, the Coolidge’s @fter Midnite series is screening The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970), the first feature by maestro of suspense and shaman of shocking violence, Dario Argento. Here an American visiting Rome with his girlfriend gets caught up in a police manhunt for a killer. That’s pretty scary, but what’s even more disturbing is the guy who eats cats. coolidge corner Theatre, 290 harvard st, brookline :: 11:59 pm :: $10; $7 seniors :: 617.734.2501 or coolidge.org • FREEDOM RIDERS While Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained offers a highly satisfying, simplistic, wish-fulfillment fantasy about achieving racial justice, Stanley Nelson’s documentary Freedom Riders (2010) shows what the arduous, perilous struggle was really like. In 1961, hundreds of activists put their lives on the line peacefully challenging segregation on public transportation in the Deep South, achieving more than guns and vengeance ever could. artsemerson, 559 Washington st, boston :: 6 pm :: $10 :: 617.824.8400 or artsemerson.org FRI
• DO THE RIGHT THING Has Spike Lee has been living up to the title of his breakthrough hit, Do the Right Thing (1989)? These days he seems to be putting more 19 effort into knocking other filmmakers than in making good films. This might be his best — a funny, flashy, thoughtful fable in which he stars as a goofball pizza deliveryman in Brooklyn who gets caught up in the racial strife simmering during the hottest day of the summer. It’s a film that ponders what’s right but doesn’t preach it. artsemerson, 559 Washington st, boston :: 9 pm :: $10 :: 617.824.8400 or artsemerson.org SAt
-ChristoPher orr,
“ The
BeST PiCTure Of The year ”.
aNN horNadaY
New York Film CritiCs CirCle
lisa sChwarZBaUm
NatioNal Board oF review
• ROSEMARY’S BABY The Brattle’s “Dead of Winter: Satan on the Screen” comes to a diabolical climax with Roman Polanski’s sardonic, twisted masterpiece, Rosemary’s Baby (1968). Adapted from the Ira Levin novel, it doesn’t need many special effects to evoke the chill of pure evil in its story of a young couple (Mia Farrow and John Cassavettes) who make friends with some interesting neighbors when they move into the creepy Dakota (a/k/a “Bramford”) building in an otherworldly Upper West Side Manhattan. brattle Theatre, 40 brattle st, cambridge :: 4:15 + 7 + 9:45 pm :: $9.75; $7.75 students; $6.75 seniors :: 617.876.6837 or brattlefilm.org
<< now Playinh from p 51
check local listings for theaters and showtimes
52 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/MOvIES
Bee Season, Atchison’s underdog story may be conventional, but it’s elevated by the buzzworthy performance of 12-year-old newcomer Keke Palmer as Akeelah. (If she can spell her name, she can certainly spell “pulchritude.”) Motivated by her underfunded headmaster (Curtis Armstrong) and coached by UCLA professor Larabee (Laurence Fishburne), Akeelah progresses from her middle-school competition straight through to the nationals. Will her overprotective mother (Angela Bassett) or a competitor’s stereotyped Asian father (“Silly black girl!”) thwart a storybook ending? No need to spell this one out. › 112m › ArtsEmerson: Sat ++1/2 anna KarenIna › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 130m › Kendall Square + West Newton +++ arGo › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 120m › Boston Common + Somerville Theatre + Embassy + suburbs
++++ BarBara › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › German › 105m › Coolidge Corner the CanterBury taLes [I raCContI dI CanterBury] › 1972 › Pier Paolo Pasolini himself plays Geoffrey Chaucer in this quartet of stories that outraged some with its obscenity and blasphemy (they had yet to see Salò) but nonetheless won the Golden Bear at the 1972 Berlin Film Festival. With Hugh Griffith as Sir January and Laura Betti as the Wife of Bath. › Italian › 109m › Brattle: Sun +++ daMn yanKees › 1958 › George Abbott and Stanley Donen adapted Abbott’s stage musical about the desperate Washington Senators fan who sells his soul to the Devil — er, a Mr. Applegate (Ray Walston) — for a shot at the pennant, whereupon he turns into “Babe Who?” superstar Joe Hardy (Tab Hunter) and gets a shot at not only the Yankees but also infernal temptress Lola (Gwen Verdon), who reminds him that “Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets.” Bob Fosse
choreographed and has a cameo as a mambo Law, and Colin Farrell — to represent Ledger dancer; he married Verdon two years later. › in the unshot scenes, and he incorporated their 111m › Brattle: Sat additions as part of an overall inquiry into the +++1/2 the day he arrIVes › 2011 › “Stop elusive nature of identity. It doesn’t quite work copying me!” says Seong-jun (Yu Jun-sang), the out. Then again, nothing else does in this glorihas-been filmmaker at the center of the 12th ously incontinent outpouring of creative zeal. cinematic Mobius strip from Hong Sang-soo. But Christopher Plummer brings gravitas and Seong-jun has just gotten drunk with some addecrepitude to Doctor Parnassus, who may or miring students because his reunion in Seoul may not be more than 1000 years old, and who with old friend Young-ho (Kim Sang-joong) has runs the title Imaginarium — a tottering horsefallen through. Over the next few days, scenes drawn shambles packed with tawdry magical shot in single black-and-white takes find Seongparaphernalia, kitschy props, and assorted rubjun repeating actions within an elliptical narrabish — with the help of his Botticellian daughtive as similar episodes reconfigure with slight ter Valentina (Lily Cole), his young apprentice variations: fleeing the students, he crumbles in Anton (Andrew Garfield), and his minute factothe arms of an old girlfriend (Kim Bo-kyung); tum Percy (Verne Troyer). Parnassus has made the next day, he does meet with Young-ho, a Faustian wager with Mr. Nick (Tom Waits), and there’s more drinking, and then he bumps into it appears he’ll have to pay up — until his troupe a bar owner who looks like his ex (also played by come across a man (Ledger and company) hangKim). Hong may be copying a template from his ing from a bridge and see him as the solution their earlier movies about flailing directors (Like You woes. The solution to Gilliam’s narrative woes, Know It All, Woman on the Beach), but each film however, would have required a visit to Mr. Nick. is unique, punctuated by occasional zooms that › 122m › Brattle: Tues underline the randomness of existence. › Korean ++1/2 the IMPossIBLe › 2012 › Visit the› b&w › 79m › HFA: Fri Phoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 114m › the deVIL’s eye › 1960 › We’re used to Boston Common + Fenway + Kendall Square seeing Death in Ingmar Bergman films, but the +1/2 JaCK reaCher › 2012 › Visit thePhoeDevil? Satan is all too aware that “a woman’s nix.com/movies for a full review. › 131m › Boston chastity is a sty in the Devil’s eye,” so he brings Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Don Juan (Jarl Kulle) back to earth to deal with Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs a virtuous pastor’s daughter (Bibi Andersson). ++1/2 LIFe oF PI › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. Not what you expect from Ingmar. › Swedish › com/movies for a full review. › 127m › [Boston 87m › Brattle: Sun Common + Somerville Theatre + Embassy +++1/2 dJanGo unChaIned › 2012 › + suburbs Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. ++ LInCoLn › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/ › 165m › Boston Common + Fenway + Kenmovies for a full review. › 120m › Boston Comdall Square + Coolidge Corner + Embassy + mon + Fenway + Kendall Square + West suburbs Newton Faust › 1926 › F.W. Murnau turns the MaMa › 2013 › Lucas and his wife Annie story of Dr. Faustus into a battle of light (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Jessica and dark. The great Emil Jannings is Chastain) are forced to care for his e r o Mephistopheles; Gösta Ekman is young nieces, after they had been M ! S ie v Faust. › b&w › silent with Gerlost in the woods for five years. Mo vIEWS E R E R O man intertitles › 90m › Brattle: Before long, the entire family is S FOR M HEATER T IN S M Wed being haunted by a ghost that is OF FIL k, gO TO E E W IS +++ GanGster sQuad › believed to be the girls’ mother. An/ TH NIx.COM E O H P E 2013 › Visit thePhoenix.com/ dres Muschietti directs. › Spanish TH MOvIES movies for a full review. › 113m › 100m › Boston Common + Fen› Boston Common + Fenway + way + suburbs Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre ++1/2 Les MIsÉraBLes › 2012 + suburbs › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a ++1/2 the GuILt trIP › 2012 › Visit thefull review. › 158m › Boston Common + Phoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 96m › Fenway + Fresh Pond + West Newton + Boston Common + Fresh Pond + Arlington Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + subCapitol + suburbs urbs hÄXan: WItChCraFt throuGh the +++ nothInG But a Man › 1964 › Visit aGes › 1922 › Presented as a documentary, BenthePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › b&w jamin Christensen’s horror film depicts the his› 95m › HFA: Fri + Sun tory of witchcraft. With narration from author PrInCe oF darKness › 1987 › A group of William S. Burroughs that was added in 1968. › physics graduate students are called to an abanb&w › 77m › Brattle: Wed doned Los Angeles church to examine a vat of heaVen Can WaIt › 1943 › Henry van Cleve green liquid. What they don’t know however, is (Don Ameche) arrives at the gates of Hell with that Satan himself lives inside the liquid. Hell the intentions of getting in. Before he can do as breaks out upon his escape. John Carpenter much, he must convince His Excellency (Laird directs, while Donald Pleasence and Jameson Cregar) that he is worthy by recounting his life, Parker star. › 102m › Brattle: Sat with particular emphasis spent on the women ++ ProMIsed Land › 2012 › Visit thePhoehe’s wooed. Ernst Lubitsch directs. › b&w › 112m nix.com/movies for a full review. › 110m › Bos› Brattle: Sat ton Common + Fenway + Kendall Square + +1/2 hItChCoCK › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. Coolidge Corner + Embassy com/movies for a full review. › 98m › Kendall rhIno season › 2012 › After serving a Square 10-year prison sentence, Mina (Monica Bel++1/2 the hoBBIt: an uneXPeCted lucci) is released to the world and told that her Journey › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movhusband Sahel (Behrouz Vossoughi) — who had ies for a full review. › 169m › Boston Common + been charged with the same crime — is now dead. Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + EmHeartbroken, she travels to Istanbul with their bassy + Arlington Capitol + suburbs two children. But when the still-very-much1/2 hoteL transyLVanIa › 2012 › Visit alive Sahel is released from prison, it’s on him to thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 91m find them. Bahman Ghobadi directs. › Persian › West Newton: Sat-Sun + Turkish + English › 104m › MFA: Sat-Sun ++ hyde ParK on hudson › 2012 › Visit +++ rIse oF the GuardIans › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 94m thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 97m › › Kendall Square + West Newton West Newton: Sat-Sun +++ the IMaGInarIuM oF doCtor ++1/2 rust and Bone › 2012 › Visit theParnassus › 2009 › Faced with the death of Phoenix.com/movies for a full review. › French his film’s star, Heath Ledger, Terry Gilliam cast › 120m › Kendall Square not one but three actors — Johnny Depp, Jude +++ the sessIons › 2012 › Visit thePhoe-
nix.com/movies for a full review. › 95m › West Newton +++ sILVer LInInGs PLayBooK › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 122m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + West Newton +++ sKyFaLL › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/ movies for a full review. › 143m › Boston Common + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + Arlington Capitol + suburbs +++ taLK to Me › 2007 › None of Kasi Lemmons’s films (Caveman’s Valentine and Eve’s Bayou) so touches the heart or feels as authentic as Talk to Me, the engaging and superbly acted bio-pic about volatile ex-con Petey Greene, who grew from irrepressible radio jock to the voice of DC’s black populace during the tumultuous ‘60s — a period that included the
riotous aftermath of Martin Luther King’s assassination. Don Cheadle digs to soulful depths as Greene; Chiwetel Ejiofor plays it straight as Dewey Hughes, the suit (“White man with a tan”) who gives Greene his shot and, later, shepherds him to national fame and The Tonight Show. Not only do the two actors play off each other with perfect synergy, they also take on the eccentricities of the era and the politics of race — which Lemmons rightly holds as relevant today. Although the director succumbs to the genre’s temptation to wrap up a messy life with a neat, platitudinous resolution, she lets her cast give Greene and his era its due. › 118m › ArtsEmerson: Fri ++++ Zero darK thIrty › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix.com/movies for a full review. › 156m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Embassy + suburbs
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Arts & events :: Music
WFNX » What’s F’N NeXt
to Listenff’s
King Tu g” in “Bad Th on o m. WfnX.c
like the bastard offspring of T. Rex and Alex Chilton, King Tuff’s Stheounding self-titled second album and first for the iconic Sub Pop label was one of more pleasant surprises of last year. From the swaying build in “Swamp
of Love” to the jarring rockabilly on “Stranger” through the rocking thump of first single “Bad Thing,” it was a record not to be missed, leaving much promise in its wake. “I think the songs were kind of written in more of a classic pop style,” says Kyle Thomas, the mastermind behind the King. “I try to write songs that are instantly memorable; whereas a lot of music is more expansive these days, like a lot of popular indie music — there’s not as much simple catchy choruses.” He tells me he’s done about 15 King Tuff records over the years, though there was only one other “official” release, Was Dead (Tee Pee Records, 2008). He also fronted the stoner-metal band Witch,
54 01.18.13 :: Thephoenix.com/music
featuring J Mascis on drums. “It’s not that different for me,” says Thomas about mixing such contrasting styles, “because I write a lot of different songs and sing them how I feel they should be sung. They just come out different ways.” He promises to do something heavier in the future. The Brattleboro, Vermont–bred singer moved to Los Angeles two years ago, a relocation that left the future of Witch in doubt, but the immediate focus looks to be on King Tuff anyway. Having already let his loyal subjects know he’s headed “into the caves of his mind to write some more songs,” Tuff won’t be resting for the new year, says Thomas. “I’m taking a few months off to write and will probably play some festivals later in the year. I like to just disappear for minimal amounts of time.”
photo by Jeffrey Sauger
Listen live at wfnx.com
Arts & events :: music AfrobeAt
femi KuTi carries on
The brighT lighTs of ellie goulding long before ellie goulding hiT No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 in summer 2012 with “Lights” — a starry-eyed dance-floor trifle with subtle neo-disco beats and sleek keyboard burbles — the singersongwriter was a star in her native England. Her 2010 debut album of the same name hit No. 1 on the UK album charts, while both a cover of Elton John’s “Your Song” and the chance to sing at Prince William and Kate Middleton’s April 2011 wedding reception further boosted her popularity. Even as all this craziness unfolded around her, Goulding was thinking about Lights’ follow-up. To insulate herself from the chaos — and recover from a late 2011 breakup with radio DJ Greg James — she retreated to more tranquil locales to create what would become last year’s Halcyon (Cherrytree/Interscope). “I was out in the countryside — and that inspires me, because it’s where I grew up, and I feel very at home,” she says, calling from Manchester, England, a few weeks before Christmas. “It’s the nicest feeling. But also just being able to write, being able to stare out and look at the surroundings I grew up around, I think inspired this record quite a lot. I [also] spent a lot of time in Ireland, southern Ireland, where I wrote a lot by the sea. And that was another amazing experience, to take the guitar to this place by myself and spend time with myself, because it’s quite rare for me to be alone.”
Goulding’s introspection makes all the difference on Halcyon, which smartly wrestles with different stages of a breakup: figuring out that it’s better to be apart, fiercely missing an ex yet wanting his/her comfort, and learning to stand on one’s own. Despite such weighty topics, the album is uplifting — buoyed by its emotional struggles instead of wallowing in them. “I want my songs to have quite an emotional impact,” she says, “but I also don’t want them to have this complete sense of loss. I want there to be the element of hope in what I do.” Musically, Halcyon is far more sophisticated and nuanced than Lights: blustery orchestral ballads (“Explosions,” “Dead in the Water”) alternate with dramatic synthpop, danceable electropop, and beat-heavy electronica. Goulding’s voice, too, sounds far more mature, her breathy singing brimming with confidence on songs such as the Adelelike stomp “Only You” and the optimistic “Anything Could Happen.” “I wanted this music to sound like what I could do, what I’m capable of,” she says. “At the same time, I just wanted to make a record I’m proud of — I wanted to make something more soulful and probably more true to who I am now. I think this album is taking me to places that the other album wouldn’t have.”
Funky, jazzy, infectious beats fill Femi Kuti’s new album, No Place for My Dream, just as they did his 2010 Grammy-winning Africa for Africa — and have on every release since he began recording in 1987. Now 50, the charismatic Nigerian singer and son of Afrobeat pioneer Fela returns to his roots in songs as political and powerful as those on his famed Shoki Shoki from 1998. But as enthralling as his music can be on recordings, hearing him in concert with his electrifying band, the Positive Force, is a whole other experience. He sweeps crowds up in his intense and emotional songs, something Boston audiences will have a chance to experience when he and his ensemble perform at the Paradise Rock Club next week. Passionately committed to exposing the world’s inequities, Kuti composes lyrics that call for change in FEMI KUTI & every aspect THE POSITIVE of contemporary life. In FORCE + World UHURU AFRIKA “The Is Changing,” Paradise Rock he writes, Club, 967 Comm “More people Ave, Boston are suffering January 23 @ 7 and are very pm :: 18+ :: $25 :: poor/A suf617.562.8800 or fering they thedise.com can’t take anymore.” And he expresses the frustration of the young who can find no work in the poignantly titled “No Place for My Dream.” “My father talked for the people, and so do I,” he said recently on a call from Nigeria. “I would never compromise on fighting for just causes. It’s exciting that generation after generation rediscover Afrobeat and want to be part of it.” _VALERI E GLAD ST ON E » VGLAD STONE@GM A I L .C OM
ELLIE GOULDING + ST. LUCIA :: House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston :: January 23 @ 7 pm :: All Ages :: $35 to $45 :: 888.693.2583 or hob.com/boston THEPHOENIx.COm/mUSIC :: 01.18.13 55
Arts & events :: Boston Accents
cellArs By stArlight
around the aGe of 10 or 11, Kevin Steinhauser started having recurring dreams about supermarket shelves stocked with vintage keyboards. As a teenager, with an especially eager eye out for synths manufactured between 1970 and 1985, he’d arrive at Sunday yard sales at 6 am to lock down first dibs. He tells me this over the phone while he and bandmate Justine Mainville are road-tripping to a tour stop in San Diego. About 15 years after the supermarket dreams, the wee Steinhauser’s subconscious inclinations haven’t led him to compose anything resembling standard electronic music. That’s why Providence, Rhode Island’s Math the Band play shows with acts like Andrew W.K. and Bomb the Music Industry! instead of . . . I dunno, Deadmau5 or someone like that. And they tour a lot — about 120 shows per year for the last five years, despite the staggering physical endurance required to deliver one of their meta-kinetic aural demonstrations. They play their songs — frantic, jubilant squeals of soaring 8-bit melody that summon the unabashed exuberance of punk without a shred of that genre’s typical angst — really, really fast. Onstage, Steinhauser plays guitar, Mainville keyboards, and they both sing. They will do it again Sunday at the Middle East in Cambridge. “Some people expect me to be an incredibly upbeat person; I would say I’m probably middle of the road,” Steinhauser responds when asked why Math the
Band never play sad songs. “But I don’t write songs to say how things are. I write songs to say how things should be and can be. We’re not a band about reality.” Or maybe Math the Band have created their own reality — a parallel world where a Windows 2000–administered shitbox linked to “a few dozen” analog synths and video-game consoles is what a person uses to write a rock album. The 25-year-old Steinhauser guesses he’s released something like 18 Math the Band records since his freshman year at Westford Academy. The latest, Get Real (Anchor Brain Records), stands as the most accurate approximation of a blissfully berserker Math the Band live show currently available on Bandcamp. “Everything sounds exciting when you’re playing fast,” Steinhauser announces during track three, “Mission Statement.” Although they’ve retained some winking self-awareness, Math the Band have advanced beyond the shtick and costumes of some gigs of yore. Rightly so. Just because their songs aren’t about anything doesn’t mean they’re ironic. “Lyrically, our songs don’t generally convey any messages or meaning at all,” Steinhauser says. “So emotions that are going to be taken out of our songs are going to be from the music itself.” Hyper counts as an emotion . . . right? “I usually start a session of songwriting by drinking five cups of coffee,” he says.
GraB the Mix at thephoenix.coM/ onthedownload. • Guillermo Sexo “Echo Out My Call” • ho-ag “See You at the Brush Pass” • trabants “Motionless” [01.26 @ Precinct] • ex-Magicians “Adirondack Bound” [01.19 @ Radio] _MI CHAEL MAROT TA
MATH THE BAND + STREIGHT ANGULAR + THE BYNARS + PONY BONES :: Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: January 20 @ 8 pm :: 18 + :: $12 :: 617.864.3278 or mideastclub.com
56 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIx.COM/MUSIC
Guillermo Sexo
BlurrinG electronic-pop reality with providence’S Math the Band
Our inaugural playlist of 2013 is hell-bent for fuzz, kicking off with a ferocious track from indie veterans Guillermo Sexo. “Echo Out My Call” is a buzzed-out callto-arms, and the first serving off the band’s new EP Bring Down Your Arms, out digitally this week. The fuzz-torch is then passed to ho-ag, who lit their period of silence on fire late last month with the schizo “See You at the Brush Pass,” a mind-warped teaser for a new record out later this year. Surf-rock bandits trabants and 124 seconds of guitar-pop bliss from ex-Magicians close us out.
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Arts & events :: Music
Mo want re re alb Che v i ew u M C reC k out s? en m at t t rele ore he as Co m P h o e n e s ix /m u siC .
Prosthetic Records » The Grail’s last record, 2010’s Crisis in Utopia, was aptly titled; prior to its release, hotshot lead guitarist James J. LaRue bailed, potentially putting this hot metal lixx machine in jeopardy. But Holy Grail are, in the end, one of those metal bands that are destined to turn the anguish of member rotation into the basis of its fiery, pissed-off riffwork. Here, the band further develops the transition from trad-metal re-creators to blazing tech-death warriors that has consumed them since they bailed en masse from White Wizzard to form HG in 2008. On “Dark Passenger” and “Bestial Triumphans,” vocalist James-Paul Luna displays the upper register of his unearthly shriek whilst new axe virtuoso Alex Lee saws the whole thing in half with a mix of classical attentiveness and psychopathic fury. Ride the Void is the work of road-grizzled ür-metallers; here’s hoping they continue transmogrifying the drudge of metal’s day-today grind into pure, pummeling nirvana. _D ANI EL BROCKMAN » D BR OC K M A N @P H X.C OM
Carpark Records » Chaz Bundick’s done with chillwave, the lo-fi, underwater synth-pop fad that propelled his Toro y Moi project to hipsterblog stardom. Promoting his sprawlnig third album, Bundick claims he’s taking a stab at legitimate pop, albeit a version filtered through his warped, heavily progressive lens. Really, though, he’s just upgraded his chillwave whip for a flashier new model. Bundick’s always been the headiest of his chillwave peers, blending jazzy chord changes, proggy sound collisions, and new-age funk, but on Anything in Return, he no longer treats “fidelity” like a dirty word, and he only sounds stoned a third of the time. In fact, the less Bundick sounds like he’s bobbing for apple-bongs, the more visceral and engaging his music gets. “So Many Details” is his masterpiece as a producer, venturing into Flying Lotus territory with space-jazz organ flourishes and spastic electro-prog synth-bass; “Cola,” meanwhile, is a close runner-up — more woozy synths and lounge-piano trills, punctuated by violent hi-hat blasts. Anything in Return is also his most melodic album. In the past, his vocals felt like weed-haze placeholders, but here, he’s upped his hook game by leaps and bounds, with subtle, smart choruses that leave you stroking your chin and wiggling your ass. On “Rose Quartz,” his silky falsetto shines brightest, milking its “I feel weak!” chorus into a lite-funk coma. Occasionally, the slickness is generic, as on the Bieber-esque synth-pop of “Cake,” or the offensively inoffensive “Say That,” which sounds like the mixtape shit you hear while browsing the Abercrombie and Fitch clearance racks. No worries — these are small sacrifices in pursuit of a higher, funkier, friendlier calling. _RYA N R EE D » RRE E D6128@ H O T M AIL. COM
TORO Y MOI + WILD BELLE + DOG BITE :: Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: February 15 @ 8 pm :: 18+ :: $20 :: 617.562.8800 or the thedise.com
Staff SpinS
What we’re listening to
Matador Records » Fade starts with James McNew and Ira Kaplan harmonizing on the line “sometimes the good things fade.” Maybe they’re singing about record sales? They’re definitely not singing about their band, which remains as consistent and reliable as ever. Fade is relatively restrained and digestible for a Yo La Tengo album — it’s only 10 songs, the longest inside seven minutes, with no extended jams, guitar mutilations, or dreamy bliss-outs. A song doesn’t have to be outsized to be epic, though, as proven by closer “Before We Run,” which takes a minimalist beat and beautiful Georgia Hubley vocal and gradually adds guitars, strings, and horns. Fade is a low-key collection of hushed ballads heavy on atmosphere, momentarily enlivened by the Krauty flirtations of fuzz rocker “Ohm” and the motorik beat of “Stupid Things.” Tortoise’s John McEntire steps in for long-time producer Roger Moutenot, but any of these songs would fit perfectly on the band’s last half-dozen albums. _GARRETT MARTIN » GARRETTRYANMARTIN@GMAIL.COM YO LA TENGO :: Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: February 13 @ 7 pm :: 18+ :: $25 :: 617.562.8800 or thedise.com
SUEDE “Barriers” [Sony] The Britpop firestarters’ first new material in a decade sounds a lot like where they left off with 2002’s dismal A New Morning. While new record Bloodsports, due in March, promises a return to their dynamic mid-’90s form, first offering “Barriers” is a tumbling guitar-pop jam that’s more indebt to the “oh-ohhh-oh” underbelly of U2 than the hyper-sexual glam magic of yesteryear. Suede can do better than this, even if it doesn’t take that much to turn us on.
BLANCHE BLANCHE BLANCHE “Scam” [Adagio 830] “Scam” is the latest spook-pop oddity by the prolific futurethinking minds of Brattleboro, VT’s Sarah Smith and Zach Phillips. Captured by a four-track cassette, it sounds channeled from another dimension: “You want that scam/You need that scam.” This kind of minimalist verse reminds us that no matter how reclusive we feel in our creative caves, we’re all getting scammed by someone or something.
58 01.18.13 :: ThEPhOENIx.COM/MusIC
Arts & events :: music
PHX PICKS >> CAN’t MISS • LARCENIST Larcenist’s latest backyard romp, Eager City, Patient Country, recorded at Q Division in Somerville, is more anthemic folk-rock for the at-ease generation, with storytelling prowess as long as the beards in the band. They’re joined on a sterling, confident-strum bill with Aunt Martha and Cask Mouse. Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: 9 pm :: $10 :: boweryboston.com • THE SUSAN CONSTANT In the early 1600s, the English Virginia Company had the Discovery, the Godspeed, and the Susan Constant. Four hundred years later, only one has a jittery Boston rock band named after it. The band’s Shapes is hyper-energetic indie pop perfect for dancing around your room while you discover your own personal Jamestown. They’re joined by Animal Talk, Slowdim, and Butterknife on a bill that has more hooks than your local marina. Middle East upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: 8 pm :: $10 :: ticketweb.com SAT
• NIGHT MOVES Neither a Bob Seger cover band (unfortch) nor a fictional band from a Bret Easton Ellis novel (not unfortch), Night Moves are being 20 hailed as the greatest band to emerge from Minnesota since Poliça. That’s what happens when you put everything from Americana to synthpop into the musical blender and serve it on ice. Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston :: 9 pm :: $9 :: boweryboston.com SUN
• CHILD ACTOR Separation by the MassachusettsConnecticut state line hasn’t been enough to prevent Sedgie Ogilvy (Allston) and Max Heath (Middleton) from crafting indelible pop songs under the construct of “R&B for the digital age.” Their October EP Victory skipped the local line and went right into the national glare. Watch them explode in 2013 (the good way). Oregon’s Onuinu and fellow upcoming Class of 2013 members Color Channel join them on the dance-tastic bill. T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge :: 9 pm :: $8 :: boweryboston.com TUE
BEFORE DISORDER › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $6 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com CLARA LOFARO + CHRIS CARPENTER › 9:30 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com CRASHING CARS + TEXTBOOKCOPILOT + SHIRE › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $8-$10 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com DIRK POWELL & RILEY BAUGUS › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $20-$22 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com ERIN MCKEOWN + JENN GRANT › 8 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com GEORGE LERNIS JAZZ QUARTET › 8:30 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com G. LOVE & SPECIAL SAUCE + SWEAR AND SHAKE › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com JOY KILLS SORROW › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com LOVE IN STOCKHOLM + DARLINGSIDE + ANNIE & THE BEEKEEPERS + LAURA CORTESE › 8:30 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com MATT PRYOR & JAMES DEWEES [GET UP KIDS, NEW AMSTERDAMS] + INTO IT. OVER IT. › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $13 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com PAA SECK DIERY › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823
AMY CORREIA + RY CAVANAUGH › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $14-$16 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com AUGUSTANA + LAUREN SHERA › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster. com “BOSTON BLOGHEAD PUNK SHOWCASE WITH STEVE KNOWLES” › With the Pants + In the Meantime + Mike Woo’s Raging Bone › Radio Downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion. com CALIFORNIA X + DIG SAFE + SNEEZE + NO FUN › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 DARRELL NULISCH › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $20 › 617.661.5000 or regattabarjazz.com DAVE BRYANT + TOM HALL + JACOB WILLIAM + ERIC ROSENTHAL › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or zeitgeistoutpost.org DJ ABD + BISCUITS & GRAVY + AFRO DZ AK ALLSTARS › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com FAIRHAVEN + LAST ONE OUT + THE VEE VEES + RISKY BUSINESS + PAUL NELSON › 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com
>> live music on p 60
thursday, jan 17: comEdy Bill BlumEnrEich prEs.
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For our complete entertainment calendar visit MilkyWayJP.com At the Brewery Complex next to Sam Adams near the Stony Brook stop on the Orange Line 284 Amory St. Jamaica Plain, MA 617-524-6060 - milkywayjp.com
1/29 English BEat 2/1 (7:30)wrEcklEss Eric & amy rigBy (10pm) dirty truckErs/john powhida 2/2 thE agEnts/ pomps 2/6 kristEn Ford / audrEy ryan 2/8 (7pm) hayEs carll (10pm) ross livErmorE 2/9 (7pm) tarBox ramBlErs (10pm) playing dEad 2/14 kElly willis/ BrucE roBison
www.johnnyds.com inFo: 617-776-2004 concErt linE: 617-776-9667 johnny d’s 17 holland st davis squarE somErvillE. ma 02144 THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 01.18.13 59
Arts & events :: music << live music from p 59
Fri Jan. 18 • 9:30 pm – 2 am
Pico Picante
DJs: Pajaritos, Oxycontinental, UltraTumba, Brizgnar, Durkin Music: Downstairs: Tropical & Global Bass, Digital Cumbia, Moombahton / Upstairs: Hip Hop, Party Jamz & Indie Dance Edits Cover: $5 Sat Jan. 19 • 9:30 pm – 2 am
Sweet ShoP
DJs: Chris Malinchak (French Express), Mr. McNeil, CS, Joshual Carl (upstairs) Music: House and Techno downstairs / Hip Hop, Party Jamz and reggae upstairs Cover: $5 Tues Jan. 22 • 5 pm – 10 pm
Game over
(Board Games, Video Games, Card Games)
Wed Jan. 23 • 8 pm – 1 am
event: StamPede!
(Indoor Bicycle Racing) DJs: Glowworm Music: Hip Hop and Party Jamz Cover: None
HARRIS HAWK + HERO(N) + LUAU › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $7 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com IRIS DEMENT › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › SOLD OUT › 617.451.7700 or ticketmaster.com JJ & THEE CUBAN HEELS › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or toadcambridge.com JOHN POWHIDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT + SAMMY WITNESS + MISTERVERTIGO + THE LUXURY › 8 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $9 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com LIFESTYLE + PARLOUR BELLS + THE MILLING GOWNS › Radio Upstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion.com THE LOST ELECTRICITY + THE TURBO ACS + LENNY LASHLEY’S GANG OF ONE + BRIAN MCGEE + CHRIS ROSENQUEST › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › $7 › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com M.O.T.O. + CLASSIC RUINS › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or ploughandstars.com PEACHPIT + BRIGHTNIGHT + SETH WONKKA + HIP ANONYMOUS + JON BERMAN › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or precinctbar.com ROY HARGROVE QUINTET › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $35 › 617.783.0090 or scullersjazz.com SAVOY + PAUL BASIC › 8 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12-$15 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com SONIC SPANK + KLOPTOSCOPE + DJ LOUISE DELUXE › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com SOUL CITY › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com TOO MUCH CITY + WAVE SLEEP WAVE › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823
ALI MANION AND THE MELTAWAYS + JESSE GALLAGHER › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 ALLEN STONE + HALEY REINHART + TINGSEK › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $15.50-$17.50 › 617.338.7699 or ticketmaster.com ANIMAL TALK + THE SUSAN CONSTANT + SLOWDIM + BUTTERKNIFE › 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com ATLAS SOUL + REGIE GIBSON + ALI
PHX PICKS >> jAzz & woRlD • IDEAL BREAD The quirky, elegant music of the late, great soprano saxophonist and composer Steve Lacy 17 (1934-2004) gets a unique reading from a quartet dedicated to his work, Ideal Bread, led by baritone saxophonist Josh Sinton, with cornettist Kirk Knuffke, bassist Adam Hopkins, and drummer Tomas Fujiwara. Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge :: 7:30 pm :: $10 :: lily-pad.net ThU
• ROy HARGROVE QUINTET The explosive trumpeter who’s gone hip-hop as well as hard bop, brings his acoustic quintet to Scullers. (The late show on Friday will be a live broadcast on WGBH-FM hosted by Eric Jackson. Scullers, DoubleTree Guest Suites Hotel, 400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston :: 8 pm + 10 pm :: $35 :: 617.562.4111 or scullersjazz.com FRI
• MATTHEw SHIpp & MICHAEL Josh Sinton BISIO Pianist Matthew Shipp doesn’t 19 play Boston nearly enough. The fearless New York improviser — whose range stretches from acoustic post-bop and free jazz to hip-hop and electronics — comes to the intimate Outpost 186 with one of his regular collaborators, the bassist Michael Bisio, on the heels of a career-spanning anthology, Greatest Hits (Thirsty Ear). Outpost 186 :: 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge :: 8 pm :: $10 :: Outpost186.com • ATLAS SOUL AND TIMBILA It’s old-school world beat night at the Regattabar when saxophonist Jacques Pardo and his “Maghrebian-funk, rap’n raï and chaâbi-jazz” septet Atlas Soul join forces with the Zimbabwe-born Anglo-Afrofunk quintet Timbila, featuring former Phoenix contributor Banning Eyre on guitar and guest drummer John Glenshaw. Regattabar, Charles Hotel, 1 Bennett St, Cambridge :: 7:30 pm [Atlas Soul] + 10 pm [Timbila] :: $15 each; $22 both shows :: 617.395.7757 or regattabarjazz.com SAT
• “BARITONE MADNESS ” We’re expecting superior post-bop madness when three of the finest reed players around join forces for the above program: 24 baritone specialist Gary Smulyan plus multi-horn players Greg Abate and Allan Chase, all concentrating on the big horn this time. Pianist Tim Ray, bassist John Lockwood, and drummer Mark Walker constitute the rhythm section. Scullers :: DoubleTree Guest Suites Hotel, 400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston :: 8 pm :: $22 :: 617.562.4111 or scullersjazz.com ThU
AMR › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $15 › 617.661.5000 or regattabarjazz.com BLONDE REDHEAD + EXITMUSIC › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $20 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster. com CHILDBITE + GONDOLIERS + LEAGUES + TRUE CROSS › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 THE DARKNESS + HELL OR HIGHWATER › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com
DOOM LOVER + VEGANS + NERVOUS + EX MAGICIANS › Radio Downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or radiobarunion. com THE DWELLS + QUILL › 9:30 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com GRAFITE BLUE TIGER + JOE MARAIO & THE WHYTE TRASH ALL-STARS › 7:30 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com GUSTER › 9 pm › Music Hall, 131 Congress St, Portsmouth, NH ›
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Learn – to – Skate CLaSSeS 603.436.2400 or themusichall.org LARCENIST + AUNT MARTHA › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com MISSION OF BURMA › 8 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $20-$22 › 617.451.7700 or ticketmaster.com “ROCK THE CURE” › With A King in Wait + Silent Season + Fathom A.D. + Still Well Angel + Maybrick › 9 pm › Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St, Worcester › 508.753.9543 or myspace.com/ralphsdiner ROY HARGROVE QUINTET › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $35 › 617.783.0090 or scullersjazz.com TRACES OF EMPIRE + GATOR KING + ABJECT! + MOUTH ON TAILPIPE + FOXFIRES + THE ENEMY WITHIN › 4 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com WISHES AND THIEVES › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com
ALLEN STONE + HALEY REINHART + TINGSEK › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $15.50-$17.50 › 617.338.7699 or ticketmaster.com CRACKER + CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN › 8 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20-$22 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com DEAD LANGUAGES + DARK WAS THE NIGHT + BARREN OAK + DIN
› 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com DIETRICH STRAUSE › 9 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or toadcambridge.com FOR SLEEPING OR JUMPING + DAS MUERTE + GO FOR LAUNCH + SOMETHING ABOUT HORSES › 7:30 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or churchofboston.com “FOR THE SAKE OF THE SONG: TRIBUTE TO HANK WILLIAMS” › With Sam Otis Hill & Co. + Susan Cattaneo + The Grown Up Noise › 8:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com JASON YEAGER + DAVID NEVES GROUP › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 JEFFREY FOUCAULT + CAITLIN CANTY › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com MATH THE BAND + STREIGHT ANGULAR + THE BYNARS + PONY BONES › 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.864. EAST or ticketweb.com NIGHT MOVES › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com SOUNDGARDEN › 7 pm › Orpheum Theatre, 1 Hamilton Pl, Boston › $59.50 › 617.482.0650 TWENTY ONE PILOTS + NEW
Matthew Shipp photo by Lena adaSheva
sAturdAy 19
Matthew Shipp and Michael Bisio play Outpost 186.
POLITICS › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com
RecReational • FiguRe • Hockey Skating SkillS
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ANDY PRATT › 9:30 pm › Cantab Lounge, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.354.2685 or cantab-lounge.com AUTOCATALYTICA + HONOUR CREST › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.864. EAST or ticketweb.com GRINGO STAR + BOY ON SOUTH › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD › 7 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › SOLD OUT › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb. com IMAN OMARI’S & MORUF + SHEA ROSE + THEO MARTINS + THE LOVE EXPERIMENT › 8:30 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $15-$20 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com JAVIER ROSARIO BAND › 8 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com THE SPACE BUMS + THE NEW COMPLAINERS › 10 pm › ZuZu, 474 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or zuzubar.com
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ALAN CHASE / STEVE LANTNER DUO › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or zeitgeist-outpost.org CORRECTIONS HOUSE + SCOTT KELLY [NEUROSIS] + MIKE IX WILLIAMS [EYEHATEGOD] + SANFORD PARKER [NACHTMYSTIUM] + BRUCE LAMONT [YAKUZA] › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com GABRIELA MARTINA › 8 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com THE JON BEAN QUARTET › 8:30 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $7 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com ONUINU + COLOR CHANNEL + CHILD ACTOR › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com PALMA VIOLETS › 9 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com SESSION AMERICANA › 8 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15 for whole night; $5 for late night session › 617.547.0759 or lizardloungeclub.com
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THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 01.18.13 61
Scullers PHX Jan 17_Scullers PHX Jan 17
sCullers jazz Club
Thurs., Jan 17
SHELBY LYNNE Fri. & Sat., Jan 18 & 19
8pm & 10pm
Celebrity Series of Boston
upcoming jazz concerts
An Evening with
Christine Ebersole JAN. 26, 8PM AT SANDERS THEATRE
Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour
Arts & events :: music << live music from p 61
SUN OF SOUND › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or midwaycafe.com TRIMOUNTAIN BLUEGRASS + JUST AIN’T O’POSSUM › 8:30 pm › Cantab Lounge, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.354.2685 or cantablounge.com THE WAILERS + ROGER STEFFENS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $22.50$25 › 617.779.0140 or ticketmaster.com
ADRIAN EMBERLEY & THE REVOLVING BAND + HAYLEY LIVE JANE & THE PRIMATES + MAN BROADCAST! Friday, Jan. 18, 10pm ALIVE! + SIDESTEP COMPLEX › Dee Dee Bridgewater vocals 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Thurs., Jan 24 8pm Christian McBride bass Ave, Cambridge › $9 › 617.864.EAST or Ambrose Akinmusire trumpet ticketweb.com Chris Potter saxophone “A TRIBUTE TO WHITNEY Benny Green piano HOUSTON” › With Jetro Da Silva › 8:15 Lewis Nash drums pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › 617.266.7455 JAN. 31, 8PM AT CHELSEA WOLFE + KING DUDE BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $12 › 617.451.7700 or ticketmaster.com Sat., Jan. 26 8pm DELLA MAE › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › Charles Lloyd tenor saxophone 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com Jason Moran piano DENNIS BRENNAN BAND + JOHN “No Beginning No End” CD Release! Reuben Rogers bass POWHIDA › 9 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Eric Harland drums DOUBLETREE SUITES Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or MAR. 21, 8PM AT SANDERS THEATRE BY HILTON BOSTON lizardloungeclub.com ELLIE GOULDING + ST. LUCIA › 8 Call for Tickets & Info at: 617-562-4111 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Dinner/Show Packages Available. Also In-Club menu CelebrityCharge | 617.482.6661 Boston › SOLD OUT › 888.693.2583 Order on-line at www.scullersjazz.com FEMI KUTI & THE POSITIVE FORCE + UHURU AFRIKA › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm CS_Jazz_vertical ad.indd 7 1/2/13 2:39 PM Ave, Boston › $25 › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com GRAVEYARD › 7 pm › Royale, 279 79 Washington st, providence Tremont St, Boston › $15 › 617.338.7699 or boweryboston.com complete schedule at lupos.com LIZ MORISSON › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or Friday, January 18 toadcambridge.com MIKE BONO GROUP + OBLIO › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com MURALI CORYELL BAND + THE SPYTONES › 8 pm › Johnny saturday, January 19 D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com SNOWMINE + ABADABAD › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com SOFT PYRAMIDS + ENDLESS JAGS + SOCCER MOM + BOOM! SAID Friday, January 25 THUNDER › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s
Charles Lloyd New Quartet
Guess What I Bought!
get the Led out martin sexton citizen cope Friday, February 8
Grace potter & the NocturNals sunday, February 10
tickets at LUPOs.cOM, F.Y.e. stORes & LUPO’s
62 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs
150 Antique Dealers On 5 Floors Antique furniture, decorative items, lighting, china, glassware, silver. Jewelry, collectables and much, much more!
Cambridge Antique Market 201 O’Brien Hwy, Cambridge (across from Lechmere T)
Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8 › 617.492.2327 or ticketweb.com WAKEY! WAKEY! › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $12 › 617.747.6038 or ticketmaster.com/
BIGG DEE + MILES FROM NOTHING + CALE DRU + D BEEZ + FREEDOM + ASHANTE NICOLE + DUB-O › 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12-$14 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb.com BRETT WALBERG QUARTET › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 CHARLIE PUTH + TAYLOR BERRETT › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10 › 617.747.6038 or ticketmaster.com FAT CREEPS + PILE + BUNNY’S A SWINE + MINIBOONE › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $7 › 617.782.6245 or obrienspubboston.com GARY SMULYAN + GREG ABATE + ALLAN CHASE › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $22 › 617.783.0090 or scullersjazz.com JULIET & THE LONESOME ROMEOS + DENNIS BRENNAN › 8:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds.com KATIE MCNALLY › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $10-$12 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim.com LENI STERN AFRICAN TRIO › 7:30 pm › Regattabar, 1 Bennett St, Charles Hotel, Cambridge › $20 › 617.661.5000 or regattabarjazz.com MONICA LIONHEART + GABRIEL RIOS › 9:30 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or beehiveboston.com PAA SECK DIERY BAND › 9 pm › Milky Way, at the Brewery, 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain › $5 › 617.524.3740 or milkywayjp.com PHANTOM GLUE + HIVESMASHER + LUNGLUST + QUIET HANDS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb.com ROBERT EARL KEEN › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $25 › 617.338.7699 or boweryboston.com SHIMON BEN-SHIR GROUP › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or rylesjazz.com TODD THIBAUD › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or toadcambridge.com WALK THE MOON + PACIFIC AIR › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.562.8800 or ticketmaster.com
Sr. Developer – BioinformaticS Cambridge, MA. Design, develop & deploy scientific software & system solutions. Master’s or foreign equiv. deg. in CS, inform., engr. or sci. rel. field & 5 yrs. exp. in sci. sft. dvp. & rel. skills req. Mail resume to J. Rynak, H3 Biomedicine Inc.,
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Bars & CluBs » Parties » PeoPle » and more
photo by melissa ostrow
The Sinclair. Page 68.
THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 01.18.13 63
STUFF » NighTliFe :: iNTerview
Jeffrey Tonnesen’s nighT — and day B y Sc o t t K e a rna n
@T h e W r i T e ST u f f S K
64 01.18.13 :: ThePhOeNiX.cOm
n case you haven’t already been told by absolutely everyone, EDM has exploded. It’s the new pop. (For now.) But what’s grown alongside it is a certain snobbishness among some DJs — those who spent years bemoaning mainstream America’s disinterest in club culture and now eye-roll over its commercial appeal. NYC-based Jeffrey Tonnesen isn’t among them. Raised on ’90s raves, he started out by spinning bands like the Clash and the Kinks at hipster rock bars on the Lower East Side; now he plays international fashion shows for Prada and DVF. Tonnesen has experienced the full spectrum of the scene, hence his pretense-free approach — he hath no shame in sliding Top 40 tunes right up against underground records. For a taste, party with Tonnesen on Saturday, January 19, at The Estate; then continue the party on Sunday at GEM, where he’ll lead the Brunch Club, the restaurant’s new monthly party brunch, which runs from 1 pm to 7 pm. We caught up with the DJ before his double shift.
Do you visit Boston often? My uncle What do you think about the David is a metal sculptor in Cambridge. I’ve mainstream EDM explosion? I’m been visiting him since I was a kid. Boston totally fine with it. I was in all-ages clubs at is fucking cold! And it’s a college town, 13. I went to raves in the ’90s. My roots in which is not a critique. As much as I love real raves can connect over to the current New York, people can be a little uptight. stuff. I don’t want to paint myself as cheeseBoston and the Estate are amazing. I go on, ball by saying I like some Britney Spears. pound it out for a couple hours It’s about being selective. There — and when you have to close are bad pop records; there are the eState at two, you’re always closing to good pop records. My job is to 1 Boylston Pl, Boston a full room. They have to peel identify them. January 19, 10 pm to people out. 2 am :: $15–$20 It takes craft to read a How are Boston crowds crowd and give them what 617.351.7000 or different? New York works. There’s a way to play theestateboston.com audiences can be particular. guilty pleasures without selling GeM Indie records cross over into out, without making certain reStaurant the New York club scene, but compromises. For instance, not as quickly into Boston. On I’ll never play dubstep. I don’t & LounGe the other hand, radio hits work own a single Skrillex record. 42 Province St, Boston in Boston. And I don’t have a Nothing against him; it’s just my January 20, 1 pm to problem with that. Yes, I really decision not to play it. Anyway, I 7 pm :: menu à la carte like some Katy Perry records. don’t really need to. Dubstep has I think Benny Blanco and Dr. come and gone, I think. Trap is 617.482.1213 or gemboston.com Luke are producing great songs. more relevant now. That’s the thing about a collegetown vibe; it’s an opportunity to get loose What are you feeling for 2013? Funky and let go, no restrictions. I like being able hard house. I’m looking forward to things to play my favorite Britney song without evolving beyond strictly European vocal worrying about whether people think it’s house. cool or not cool. Suggested hangover cure for brunch? So, what is your favorite Britney Me — I bring the party! Also, quarts of song? “I Wanna Go.” That song’s awesome. mojitos. P
Sound BiteS
More music-andmunchies options for the morning after » Club Café This gay spot gives 20 percent discounts on its Sunday brunch buffet (11 am to 3 pm) if you show your entry hand-stamp from Saturday night. Get sloshed again at the 4 pm Back 2 Basics Tea Dance. » Darryl’s Corner Bar & Kitchen A jazz brunch? Standard. An all-you-can-mothereffing-eat buffet jazz brunch? Exceptional. Get your grits on Sundays from 10 am to 3 pm. » Lucky’s Lounge If you like your eggs over easy listening, Sinatra Music Sundays deliver crooner classics from 11 am to 2 pm. » West End Johnnie’s Skip the mimosa; go heavy on the rum, mon. Live reggae bands are served with a side of brunch every Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm.
ThePhOeNiX.cOm :: 01.18.13 65
STUFF » NighTliFe :: clUbS
club nights
MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “MMMaven DJ School Graduate Night” NAGA › Cambridge › “Industry Mondays” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Makka Monday” with Voyager 01 + DJ Uppercut RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Weekly Wax”
thuRsDAY 17
BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” with Joe Bermudez + Greg Pic DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Nathanael Bluhm ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9 pm › “Nightwave Session 3” with Mike Swells + Dusty Digital M BAR & LOUNGE › Boston › 9 pm › “Lotus Thursdays” with DJ Edward Grant Stuart + DJ Felix Cutillo MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › Pat Fontes + Alan Manzi + John Barera MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Women’s Dance Night” with DJ Summer’s Eve NAGA › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Verve Thursdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Trainwreck Thursdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Rude Sounds” with Nathan + Dandy Dan
tuEsDAY 22
ALL ASIA › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Scooby Snacks Phych Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › “Fly!” with DJ Kon NAGA › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Tabu Tuesdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Zuesday Queer Dance Party” with DJ Leah V + Black Adonis
BRAHMIN AMERICAN CUISINE AND COCKTAILS › Boston › “F*mous Wednesdays” DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Classic Wednesdays” with DJ Tanno MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › “Swerve9” with DJ Chris Video + DJ El Poser + DJ Brizgnar MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › 8 pm › DJ J-Saki RYLES › Cambridge › “Wild Honey” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “The Daisy Chain” with DJ Angie Donuts
sAtuRDAY 19
BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Flaunt Saturdays” COMMON GROUND › Allston › “Millenium Night” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Saturdays at Cure” with rotating DJs Hectik + DJ 7L + Brek.One + DJ Theo A + DJ Frank White DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Status Saturdays” with DJ Cootz EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE
thuRsDAY 24
“Glamlife” at Estate. HOTEL › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Case ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › Jeffrey Tonnesen JULEP BAR › Boston › DJ Kuro MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › DJ Kon MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Mango’s Latin Saturdays” with Lee Wilson NAGA › Cambridge › “Chemistry Saturdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Saturdays @ Om” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Boom Boom Room” with DJ Vinny RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Revolution Saturdays” RISE › Boston › 1 am › Peter Bailey + Chris Kulture + Wil Trahan + Mike Iocco ROYALE › Boston › 10 pm › “Guilt” TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › Cambridge › midnight › DJ Special K ZUZU › Cambridge › 11 pm › “Soulelujah” with PJ Gray
sunDAY 20
CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Industry Sundays” with DJ Hectik EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE
66 01.18.13 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs
HOTEL › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Inkognito MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › “Soul Clap: Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “The Drop” RISE › Boston › 1 am › Sebastien Leger + Jaminic + Charlie Rouhana
BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” with Joe Bermudez + Greg Pic DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Trouble ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” M BAR & LOUNGE › Boston › 9 pm › “Lotus Thursdays” with DJ Edward Grant Stuart + DJ Felix Cutillo MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Women’s Dance Night” with DJ Summer’s Eve NAGA › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Verve Thursdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Trainwreck Thursdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Decade” with DJ Paul Foley
more Clubs and Comedy at thephoenix.Com/events
cOMEDY Artie Lange is at
the Wilbur Theatre on January 20. For tons more to do, point your phone to m.thePhoenix.com
Glamlife photo by natasha moustache
BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Play Fridays” with Matty D CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” with DJ Profenna DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Latin Fridays” with DJ Juan Madrid EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Kazz ESTATE › Boston › DJ Dalton › 10 pm › “Estate Fridays” GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9:30 pm › “Pico Piquante” GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 10 pm › “The Pill” with DJ Ken + DJ Michael V JULEP BAR › Boston › DJ Steve1der MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › Caserta MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › “Boyfriends” with DJ Brent Covington NORTHERN NIGHTS › Lynn › 8 pm › “Madonna Fridays” with DJ Jay Ine PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “PYT” with DJ Vinny PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” RISE › Boston › 9 pm › “Wonderland” with Damien Paul + JK the DJ + Mike Swells › 1 am › Meat Katie + DJ Melee + Pat Fontes ROYALE › Boston › 10 pm › “Full On Fridays” TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › Cambridge › midnight › DJ Skitz ZUZU › Cambridge › 11 pm › “Solid!” with Flavorheard
STUFF » NighTliFe :: parTieS
GET SEEN » » At the Sinclair’s Opening Party
The Sinclair — The new Harvard Square live-music venue from the Bowery Presents — feted its opening with a music-infused party (naturally) on January 9. Guests sipped pomegranate cocktails and nibbled chickpea fries, sliders, and mini brownies in a space that “pays homage to the transience of musicians,” according to the venue’s designer, Stephen Martyak. That mash-up of music, design, and style dominated our conversation.
More ies!. paret Phoenix At th rties. com/PA ut o see you t h e r e!
Stephen Martyak
deSign principal at Studio tyak
“It’s so tough to replicate authenticity,” says Martyak, explaining his use of subway tile, vintage furniture, and a reclaimed wooden bar (from a Boston frat, as the story goes) at the Sinclair.
His wardrobe likewise puts fresh twists on classic elements — as was evident from his Cole Haan shoes, A.P.C. jeans from Barneys, Club Monaco tie, Jack Wills shirt, and H&M cardigan with elbow patches. This interior designer lives and works in 435 square feet in the Fenway, so he knows a thing or two about versatility. He builds his wardrobe around seasonless staples, giving his pieces many lives. His uniform? A button-down shirt with a V-neck sweater or cardigan, great jeans or colored pants, and a statement shoe. _Eri N Souza- rEzENd ES
68 01.18.13 :: Thephoenix.com/parTies
at top, from left DJ Ask a Black Dude; Johnny Allen clockwise from above Jennifer Lucey-Brzoza and Rory Keohane; Julian Burnett and Byron Adams; Mike Butler, Mat Schetne, and Tom Hyde; Suzanne Martignoni, Cheryl Fenton, and Erin Souza; Maviiin
sTuFF nighTliFe parTy aT nix’s maTe photos by natasha Moustache
Fashionably laTe aT The liberTy hoTel FeaTuring Venni caprice
photos by Derek kouyouMjian
To see more picTures go To Thephoenix.com/parTies
Arts & events :: bAck tAlk On your show, you’ve been beaten with dildos while tied to a chair. What are some show ideas that got rejected? I once turned down an idea that Bananaman had where he wanted me to befriend a cow for a day, give it the best day of its life, then eventually we would slaughter and eat it on camera. I don’t see how that’s funny. He maintains it would be our greatest episode, but I think it sounds so weird and sadistic. [Also] I want to be crucified on the show, but all the other writers have thus far vetoed it at every turn. I often try to shoehorn my getting crucified into other episodes that have nothing to do with crucifixions. Okay, so Bananaman. He’s a character on the show. You’re also bringing the Human Fish to the pool show. Who’s he? The Human Fish is a half-fish/half-man creature I befriended right before our show began its run on public access. He doesn’t yet have a mastery of the English language and spends most of his time trying to figure out if the world of men suits his lifestyle, or if he should return to the sea he emerged from about a year and a half ago.
Gethard poolside C B y C hr is B r a io t ta
c h r i s . b r a i ot ta@ g m a i l .c o m
hris Gethard calls The Chris Gethard Show (airing weekly on Manhattan public access) “a gang of weirdoes that hang out, take phone calls on way-too-personal topics, and execute crowd-sourced schemes . . . just because life should be more fun.” It’ll remind you of local TV at its high point in the ’80s, when local nerkjobs could stir up a little what-the-fruit for an hour or two. And at the center of it all is Gethard — just a funny, amiable dude trying to keep it all from going (too) berserk. The Union Square Round Table (a comedy thing I’m largely responsible for; that’s not bragging, it’s “full disclosure”) is bringing The Chris Gethard Show to the pool lounge at the Holiday Inn near Sullivan Square on January 19. That’s why we’re calling the show “The Chris Gethard Show at the Damn Pool.”
70 01.18.13 :: THePHOenIx.COm
Audience participation terrifies me, because people are monsters. But you’re good at it. I love interaction and crowd participation more than anything. The longer I do comedy, the more I have really come to feel like my job is to connect with the crowd.
“I want to be crucified on the show, but all the other writers have thus far vetoed it.”
You have a lot deeply committed fans for someone who’s still kind of underground. What do they have in common? Mostly, I think that the people who find our show see themselves as underdogs, they’re happy to embrace the fact that they’re weirdoes and losers. I think there are a lot of people who are getting tired of over-produced television, comedy that reeks of hipster-ism, and want something that feels totally accessible and like it’s theirs. That’s what I miss about TV from when I grew up — that feeling that things could still be local, that feeling early MTV had where it was not good, but it was lovable and honest. Some fans of the show have talked about moving to New York together to live in a commune. They want to start an actual religious cult with me as a figurehead. I’m super into the idea and hope they go through with it. P “The Chris Gethard Show at the Damn Pool.” January 19 @ 9 pm :: Holiday Inn BostonSomerville, 30 Washington St, Somerville :: SOLD OUT :: usrtchrisgethard.eventbrite.com
©2013 A-B, Budweiser® Black Crown Lager, St. Louis, MO