November 30, 2012

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haymarket an inside look » slaine our hip-hop hit man returns » flushed boston’s worst smell

november 30, 2012 >> Free WeeKLY >>

b line to hollywood

As more big movies come to Boston, an indie-film industry grows around them. Page 26.

“Unaccountably, i have become excited at the prospect of smelling human excrement.” p 24 Does Boston’s shit stink? oh, yes. Yes, it does. our intrepid reporter goes in search of our sewage, and gets a snootful.

on the cover photo by michael spencer :: this page photo by ian maclellan

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This week AT ThePhOeNiX.COM :: The wreCkAge Club in new york, cops and occupiers collaborate on repairing sandy’s damage. is it détente, or a new climate constituency? :: wFNX ON YOur PhONe Download our new apps for iphone and android at bostonphoenix bostonphoenix

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opinion :: feedback

From re: “danceS With Kony: not exactly the expired GimmicK that you thouGht it WaS,” by chriS Faraone, 11.19.12

I’m always astonished to read articles by people who have such a huge lack of knowledge for how the organization started, what it actually consisted of during the past decade, and where it’s at today. But at least you admit in your article that you never watched the [Kony 2012] videos in entirety and that the event was something you happened to stumble upon while walking down the street doped up on drugs. You have more integrity than most of our major network journalists. _“j”

re: “heroineS oF horror GameS: lollipop chainSaW vS. they bleed pixelS,” by maddy myerS, 11.13.12

Great article, comparing the effects of both games. Personally, as an avid horror fan and as a woman, I think that the horror genre works as a perfect medium for discussion of sexual exploitation and how to regain one’s own image as a woman. Horror, when it’s done best, is entirely political, and I think that’s exactly what you pointed out with TBP (a game I’ve been dying to check out, also). It’s just unfortunate that when the mass media thinks of horror and women it’s usually of the bigchested woman about to be hacked

instagram us 1

up, rather than all the liminal images of women/monsters that speak volumes about the representation of women metaphorically. _“Kai tli n t rembl ay”

re: “We’re Still ScreWed,” by chriS Faraone, 11.16.12

Come the fuck on. I don’t buy the “vote for the shittier guy so he’ll do all these fucked up things and will get more people pissed off; then we’ll get real change!!” argument. You’re usually spot on, man, but this logic is used by every delusional ideologue out there, and it never works out how people think it will. _“jS un”

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Phoenix associate food editor @eatdrinkwrite went to Hong Kong with chef @jamiebiss; here’s a peek at their travels: 1 » @jamiebiss makes a new friend on the streets of Mongkok :: 2 » Graham Street wet market :: 3 » Tian Tan Buddha in Ngong Ping

4 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

Something new...

in this issue editorial


now & next

p 11

» Harvard’s rarefied air smells a bit more like greenhouse gas to environmental group Is fossil-fuel divestment in the uni’s future? Meanwhile, our favorite “21st-century hyper-culture” mag holds a séance for Michael Jackson, and milliner Marie Galvin demystifies hats.

p 14


The Diamond Halo Ring

» Finally, it’s The Boys From Brazil meets ’90s euro-honky-tonk: Rednex unleashes band cloning on an unsuspecting universe. Plus, an intro to the Mass Senate’s legislative freshmen and a call for NYC/N’awlins rappers to turn that beef on Big Oil.

617.426.4932 6 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

p 20

» talking politics p 16 » scream on p 18 » the Big hurt p 20

p 32

387 Washington Street 4th floor, Boston

p 16


p 22

» Where mammoths lumber, smaller fauna get squished, right? Not so for Boston’s film scene, where tiny indies are thriving, partly thanks to blockbusters attracted by the Film Office. Also: meet four of the produce barkers who put the “Hey!” in Haymarket; then join us for a stroll along Deer Island, where a jillion bacteria are currently chowing down on your Thanksgiving dinner. » where sewage goes p 22 » B line to hollywood p 26 » haymarket who’s who p 32

Michael Jackson iMpersonator photo by truJillopauMier; big hurt illustration by aManda boucher; hayMarket llustration by karl stevens

» oil and ivy p 12 » hats 101 p 12 » lemon salutes the King of pop p 14

p 42

food & drinK

p 39

» Among the gastronomic secrets we uncover this week: where to get “Gino Juice,” the location of a truly mind-blowing clam app, and which 24-year-old sous-chef is raising crickets on top of her fridge.

» food coma: BoMa p 40 » liquid: local limoncello p 42 » profile: Bondir’s rachel Miller p 44 » the week in food events p 47

arts & nightlife

p 49

» In which we talk to banned Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi, ask an artist about her airplane dildos, discover the human side of Boys Noize’s robot music, and find out why La Coka Nostra’s Slaine is speaking with a lisp. » Boston fun list p 50 » welcome to charlestown p 52 » Boston city guide p 53 » visual arts p 54 » Books p 57 » dance & classical p 58 » theater p 60 » film p 62 » Music p 67 » nightlife p 75 » get seen p 76 » Back talk: slaine p 78

liMoncello photo by Joel veak

p 54

p 68

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.30.12 7

vol. lXXvIII | no. 45

Stephen M. Mindich, Publisher & Chairman Everett Finkelstein, Chief Operating Officer Carly Carioli, Editor in Chief Peter Kadzis, Editor at Large


managing EDiTORs Shaula Clark,

Jacqueline Houton

aRTs EDiTOR Jon Garelick FiLm EDiTOR Peter Keough music EDiTOR Michael Marotta assisTanT music EDiTOR Liz Pelly sTaFF EDiTORs Thomas McBee, SI Rosenbaum sTaFF WRiTERs David S. Bernstein, Chris Faraone EvEnTs EDiTOR Alexandra Cavallo assOciaTE FOOD EDiTOR Cassandra Landry LisTings cOORDinaTOR Michael C. Walsh cOnTRiBuTing EDiTORs Carolyn Clay [theater], Lloyd

Schwartz [classical] , Louisa Kasdon [food] cOnTRiBuTing WRiTERs Matt Bors, Daniel Brockman, Lauryn Joseph, Scott Kearnan, Dan Kennedy, Mitch Krpata, MC Slim JB, Tom Meek, Brett Michel, Robert Nadeau, Luke O’Neil, James Parker, Gerald Peary, Ariel Shearer, Marcia B. Siegel, Harvey Silverglate, Karl Stevens, David Thorpe, Eugenia Williamson


sEniOR WEB pRODucER Maddy Myers sOciaL mEDia pRODucER Ariel Shearer


DiREcTOR OF maRKETing anD pROmOTiOns

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inTERacTivE maRKETing managER

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pROmOTiOns cOORDinaTOR Nicholas Gemelli


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sEniOR vicE pREsiDEnT A. William Risteen vicE pREsiDEnT OF saLEs anD BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT

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ciRcuLaTiOn DiREcTOR James Dorgan ciRcuLaTiOn managER Michael Johnson


iT DiREcTOR Bill Ovoian FaciLiTiEs managER John Nunziato


DiREcTORs OF FinancE Scotty Cole, Steven Gallucci cREDiT anD cOLLEcTiOns managER Michael Tosi sTaFF accOunTanTs Brian Ambrozavitch ,

Peter Lehar

FinanciaL anaLysT Lisy Huerta-Bonilla TRaDE BusinEss DEvELOpmEnT managER

Rachael Mindich


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8 11.30.12 :: THE PHOENIX.cOm

GAZA: WHAT NEXT? To undersTand The recenT eighT-day war between Hamas and Israel, it helps to keep in mind what former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill once said about public life. “All politics,” O’Neill observed, “is local.” Reared in blue-collar Cambridge, and schooled by Beacon Hill politics before he went to Washington, O’Neill realized that the grand rhetoric of political life is little more than fancy dressing for nuts-and-bolts realities. The reality in Gaza is that since Israel unilaterally withdrew from the once-occupied territory in 2005, Hamas has been guided by two principles: in the long term, the destruction of Israel, and — in the interim — the elimination of the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a rival. Hamas took a major step in supplanting the PA when it stunned most of the world by winning the 2006 elections. Shortly after its electoral victory, Hamas provoked a war with Israel — establishing a pattern of sacrificing civilians in order to bolster its standing among Islamists. Although its degree of success was debatable, this Hamas strategy essentially worked. This time around, the reality is a bit different. Neutering the PA as a step toward destroying Israel is still on the Hamas agenda. But this most recent generation of provocative missile attacks on Israel is the fruit of the Arab Spring. Widespread hopes among democracy-loving Europeans and Americans that the grassroots revolt against authoritarian governments of various stripes would usher in a new era of tolerance, peace, and understanding have not gone according to script. From Libya to Egypt, and in Syria, the forces of fundamentalist Islam are on the rise. Even though its control of Gaza is almost absolute, Hamas fears challenges to its authority from more radical and jihadminded Palestinians. It launched this most recent series of missile attacks to re-establish its primacy among fanatics. The situation is also being exploited by the religious dictatorship of Iran — the self-proclaimed enemy not only of Israel, but also of Western Europe and the United States. Iran has been supplying Hamas with short-range rockets and longer-range missiles for the



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last 11 years. Between 2001 and 2008 alone, Hamas launched about 4,000 strikes against Israel. The missiles — then as now — travel from Iran to Sudan and make their way through the Egyptiancontrolled Sinai (which Israel ceded to Egypt as a condition of their peace treaty), and then into Gaza. The US-friendly Mubarak regime either tolerated or failed to stop the traffic, as has the government of President Mohamed Morsi, which rules in the name of the Muslim Brotherhood, out of which Hamas itself grew. Although a great deal of ambiguity clouds the future conduct of the Morsi government, there is no doubt that the current ceasefire could not have been achieved without Morsi complying with President Barack Obama’s wishes to rein Hamas in. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu also played nice with the Obama government. But even before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in the Middle East to broker peace, Israel had displayed far more restraint in defending itself against Hamas attacks than it has in the past. What now? It is difficult to guess. Netanyahu’s perverse insistence on maintaining and expanding Israeli settlements on the West Bank may be several steps removed from the latest round of Gaza fighting, but it is as detrimental to any — even chimerical — hopes of peace as Hamas’s commitment to terrorism and the destruction of Israel. That’s a problem that’s not going to be addressed tomorrow. One thing that might come up for consideration, after the Israeli elections in two months, is the economic embargo of Gaza. The embargo on imports may still be necessary to keep Hamas from re-arming with greater ease. But would an easing of the embargo on exports be a possibility — in a move to encourage the growth of a merchant class that might grow tired of Hamas? There are, as usual, more questions than answers after the latest round of fighting. But as Islamist and anti-Israel sentiments continue to grow on its own borders, friends of Israel have to wonder how long its government can follow a policy of maintaining the current state of affairs. Israel has once again proven it is stronger than its adversaries, but it’s time to join with the United States and prove that it is smarter. P


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Harvard’s dirty money » micHael Jackson lives » band francHising


photo by conor doherty

A hatter’s mad style. Page 12. :: 11.30.12 11

Now & Next :: oN our radar

You’re Doing it Wrong: hats

Don't worry. Our expert is here to help.

Harvard students push for fossil-fuel divestment

450 H ston :: o ave , B 885 or 6.4 617.42 edHats. iniz galv om c

Throughout’s Do the Math tour this month, climate-change warrior Bill McKibben has blasted Harvard, his alma mater, for the school’s failure to fully divest from South African companies two decades ago. At sold-out shows in Boston and DC, the enviro-activist and author noted that while more than 150 other colleges pulled investments from the region in protest of apartheid, Harvard stalled — and embarrassed itself further by ironically bestowing an honorary doctoral degree on a liberated Nelson Mandela in 1998.

$30.7 billion

McKibben wasn’t ribbing Harvard just for giggles. Along with groups like the Cambridge-based Better Future Project, is urging the Ivy League giant — and institutions everywhere — to listen to campus groups like Students for a Just and Stable Future. Since The size of harvard’s September, Harvard’s chapter has been endowment, the largest campaigning for the school to divest of any university in the from the world’s top 200 publicly traded country. oil, coal, and gas corporations. The student body has spoken on the issue; last week, Harvard’s Undergraduate Council announced that 72 percent of those casting ballots in the student-government election voted in favor of the divestment. University president Drew Faust has neglected to address students’ calls for Harvard to break ties with polluters. In years past, such inaction has spurred pickets and even sit-ins, but for now campus activists are still pushing for diplomacy. “Now that we’ve gotten a clear mandate, we’re going to try hard to get a meeting with President Faust,” says Alli Welton, a sophomore organizing with Students for a Just and Stable Future. “She’s so far been unwilling to listen, but if they continue to refuse, we will escalate our tactics and see what we can do to make them meet with us.”

_ C h ri s Fa ra o ne

WorD of the Week


12 11.30.12 :: thePhOeniX.cOM

It’s official. That frigid bitch winter is here to crash our party. And we have a feeling she’s planning on overstaying her welcome. Time to dig out the unflattering parka and, ugh, the winter hat. Does anybody really look good in a winter hat? Yes, says haute hat designer Marie Galvin of GALVIN-ized Headwear. “If you have a head, you can wear a hat,” the local milliner told us. Interest piqued, we picked her well-adorned brain for some fascinator — er, fascinating tips on the fine art of the hat. _alexand ra Cavallo

On buying hats: “You should be able to fit your index finger between your head and the hat. It’s like buying a pair of shoes. If it’s too tight, it’ll give you a headache, not to mention serious hat head. Choose a style that brings out the best in you. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Don’t let the hat wear you. Most importantly, don’t take yourself so seriously, and don’t worry about what people will think of you. It’s just a hat!” On indOOr hats: “It’s now acceptable to wear hats in restaurant-type environments. However, always consider the material and weight of the hat. After a couple of bevvies and some tasty morsels you’ll start to overheat, and a big red face isn’t as attractive under a winter woolly chapeau indoors.” On trucker hats: “Unless you look like Pharrell Williams in a trucker hat . . . forget it! I loved them back in the day until Ashton Kutcher and the like started wearing them. I have to say, the kids at Artists for Humanity on A Street are totally rocking the style again, in a really good way. But please, leave trucker hats to the artsy skater kids.” On the wOrst hats: “I’m not a fan of the polar fleece ski hats with the fake dreads. Those should only be worn on the slopes, and even then, ugh.” On the best hats: “While it’s slowly becoming the replacement for the all-American baseball cap, fedoras are always relevant. Why? It exudes sex. You walk, talk, and dance differently in a fedora. They’re empowering. They’re here to stay. From Gene Kelly in Singin’ in the Rain to Andre 3000, it’s one of the sexiest hat styles.” to tie in with its ongoing exhibit “hats: an anthology by stephen Jones,” salem’s Peabody essex Museum is hosting galvin for a special trunk show. check out her creations at the Museum shop on december 1 from 2 to 4 pm.

n. 1: A falsehood, deception, or sham. 2: A drumbeat in which both sticks strike the head almost simultaneously but are heard to do so separately. See also: Flam! Pan-Asian MicroJam for J Dilla and Olivier Messiaen, a new musical work that took Screaming Headless Torsos guitarist and Berklee professor David Fiuczynski nearly two years to write. The end result of his Guggenheim fellowship, it draws on everything from birdsongs and hip-hop beats to Japanese court music and Chinese folk songs. To catch the December 7 premiere at the Berklee Performance Center, grab tickets ($8) at


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Now & Next :: DesigN

Lemon goes to neverLand b y Sha u l a C l a rk s c l a r k@ p h x .c o m



1 2 3

From “men in the mirror”: photo by peter Funch. From “This Is It”: Tim Young poses for photographer kara kochalko (costume design: Veronica padilla).

From “men in the mirror”: model transforms into mJ, as captured by Trujillopaumier.

4 an Pick uP emon L f o e u iss stocked lat a wel tand newss u, or get near yo fo at more in flemon worldo . .com

14 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

ola ray poses for a “Thriller”-inspired shoot, photographed by Baldomero Fernandez.



On the cOver Of the newest issue of Lemon magazine, Michael Jackson’s cold, unseeing eyes stare out from his decapitated head. His cheeks and brows are peeled back, a bloodless autopsy scene that reveals the sleeping circuitry coiled underneath his metal face. Once, that head starred in the finale of the 1988 anthology film Moonwalker, where the flesh-and-blood Michael Jackson defeated his tormentors (and saved some adorable street urchins) by transforming into a flying robot; more recently, the mechanical prop was put on the auction block. Now, it again has a starring role — but not one its creator ever intended. The strange brainchild of advertising veterans Colin Metcalf and the Bostonbased Kevin Grady, Lemon is a mag on a mission to unite vintage pop phenomena with “21st-century hyper-culture.” With previous installments tackling such themes as ’60s espionage pulp, A Clockwork Orange, and Ziggy Stardust, every issue is a Fabergé egg of freakishly exquisite design. This time, they’ve resurrected the dead. Issue #5, “King of Pop,” pays homage to the memory of Michael Jackson with mindboggling flair. With the mag coming out in a year that marks the 30th anniversary of Thriller (originally dropped on November 30, 1982), they tracked down Ola Ray, who played MJ’s love interest in the “Thriller” video, to re-create the pop milestone with a Brooklyn fashion shoot starring “a cast of zombies in bespoke wardrobes.” Plus, there are cameos by La Roux, Chromeo, and several Jackson impersonators (showing the faux Gloved Ones doing mundane chores in full regalia). Oh, and in case you thought we were being hyperbolic about that resurrection bit, avail yourself of Lemon’s Q&A with psychic medium Elizabeth Baron, who answered questions on MJ’s behalf. Three years in the making, #5 is perhaps Lemon’s most ambitious work to date. So what’s next? “It’s always very difficult to imagine doing the next issue when the pain of the most recent issue is so fresh in our minds,” says Grady. “The personality-based themes in our past issues — Stanley Kubrick, David Bowie, and Michael Jackson — have worked well, but I’m wondering if it’s time to change things up again. It’s also a little difficult to think of someone with the same popcultural gravitas of those three names. Lady Gaga doesn’t cut it.” P









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now & next :: voices Talking PoliTics

meet the Freshman class B y D av iD S. B ern St e i n

d b e r n st e i n @ p h x .c o m :: @ d b e r n st e i n

Through much of 2012, the local political media — myself included — were a bit distracted by the big-name, big-money campaigns of Mitt Romney, Scott Brown, and Elizabeth Warren. Many of the socalled “down-ballot races” didn’t get the attention they deserved. That certainly was true of the races to fill three open seats in the state Senate. The winners — Kathleen O’Connor Ives of Newburyport, to succeed Steve Baddour; Mike Barrett of Lexington, to succeed Susan Fargo; and Joan Lovely of Salem, to succeed Fred Berry — all figure to remain in the Senate for years to come, and have a significant impact on public policy. I’ll call them the young gun, the returning liberal, and the Leslie Knope.

The young gun

kathleen o’connor ives

mike Barrett

Joan lovely

Ives, a 35-year-old Newburyport city councilor, was one of the biggest surprises of the 2012 state elections. An underdog winner in the Democratic primary, she went on to out-poll well-connected Republican Shaun Toohey of Haverhill (and two independent candidates) in a conservative-leaning district. Given the makeup of the district, it’s unsurprising that she shies away from embracing a progressive label, although she meets most liberals’ policy requirements. Ives tells me she thinks of herself as pragmatic more than ideological. That’s a fair description of the whole group of new, north-of-Boston senators: Ives and Lovely, elected this year, and Eileen Donoghue of Lowell and Barry Finegold of Andover, first elected in 2010. Although she lives in upscale Newburyport, “I come from a working-class background,” growing up in Chelsea and Malden, she says. She went to Mount Holyoke, and has a background in environmental law — “I would be very enthusiastic to revisit the bottle bill,” she says — but is also interested in consumer protection and health-care affordability. She also wants to consider revenue-generating proposals that can direct funds to transportation and higher education.

NEED YOUR POLITICS FIX? GO TO THEPHOENIX.COM/TALKINGPOLITICS. And don’t forget mapoliwithanimals.tumblr. com, the world’s finest purveyor of local pols taking photo ops with barnyard animals. (Scotto with kittens, anyone?)


The reTurning liberal

Barrett was a state senator years ago, representing Cambridge and neighboring towns (the Phoenix named him one of the state’s 10 best legislators) before running unsuccessfully for governor in 1994. Now 64, he returns as the senator from the commuter ’burbs including Waltham, Lexington, Concord, and Lincoln. In between, he spent 18 years in the private sector, much of it in health-care information technology; Barrett says that the Senate took “tremendous initial steps” with cost containment last year, but worries that its mechanisms are too voluntary and phased in too slowly. Barrett is also committed to environmental gains — he is having solar panels installed on his own house — and believes that voters are ahead of the state government in recognizing the importance of the issue. “Global warming and climate change are much more potent to working-class and middle-class people than you might think,” Barrett says. “The environmental constituency in Massachusetts doesn’t know its own strength.” An unapologetic liberal, whose platform included a gas tax increase, I’d expect Barrett to find common cause with liberal nearby-district senators Jamie Eldridge and Pat Jehlen.

Time for three new state senators to make their mark.

The leslie Knope

See if Lovely’s story sounds a little familiar: a woman known more for hard work than ideology or partisanship gets involved in politics by spearheading a committee to renovate a dilapidated local playground, draws enough attention to get named to an official position, and uses that as a springboard to a successful city council campaign. The Leslie Knope model, from the TV show Parks and Recreation, will strike some as more of a fit for city governance than state law-making. It may take some time before we get a strong sense of how she’ll vote; Lovely, 54, describes herself as fiscally conservative and socially liberal, by which she means that she vehemently opposes tax increases but is also pro-choice and antideath penalty. Beyond that, she seemed generally averse to taking strong, potentially controversial positions in the campaign. Now that she’s elected, and presumably safe in the seat for as long as she wants it, we’ll see if she’s willing to be a little less cautious. My guess is that progressives might find her more amenable to good-government reforms than liberal policies. P THEPHOENIX.COM/TALKINGPOLITICS :: 11.30.12 17

now & next :: voices SCREAM ON

When Disaster strikes B y C hr is Fa r a on e

FOR bEttER OR wORSE, hometown pride is as central to hip-hop as misogyny and marijuana. Ever since day one, the most storied rap feuds have been territorial pissing matches — the Bronx versus Queens, East Coast against West. Countless lives have been lost over threats to sacred turf, whether real or perceived. While it can be dangerous to ignite geographic drama on record, storming enemy soil could be a

18 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

death sentence. Yet over the past decade, most rappers have stood silently as some of America’s deadliest disasters in recorded history ravaged two paramount hip-hop stomping grounds: New York and New Orleans. Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina rained like missiles on those meccas, while subsequent denial from the architects of climate change

has been tantamount to disrespect of every momma in both regions. Despite this, there’s been little retort from the rap world. There have been exceptions. Kanye West spoke truth when he said that George Bush didn’t care about black people. Likewise, Lil Wayne’s accusatory post-Katrina lament, “Tie My Hands,” pinned deserved blame on bureaucratic inaction. But they didn’t go far enough. It’s time for all these gun-toters and shit-talkers to look beyond big oil’s congressional cohorts, and to put square in their crosshairs the baron thugs who profit at the peril of urban sanctity. I challenge every hip-hop artist to start beef with major oil bigwigs. I’m calling for MCs to suspend their petty feuds against whichever foes they’re bound to reconcile with anyway, and to direct their rage at more deserving punks like Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson. Haters should despise him out of jealousy alone: he earned more than twice Eminem’s $14 million take last year. And it would all be in self-defense. Because of Big Energy’s fight against carbon-emissions caps, poor areas that tend to spawn rap talent are exposed to disproportionate pollution and extraordinary ailments. According to the Center for American Progress, African Americans suffer from asthma at a rate of 35 percent higher than whites, and are about three times more likely to die from asthma than Caucasians. Environmental racism runs rampant — from housing projects built on landfills to toxic waste illegally dumped in blighted neighborhoods. As for contemptible energy titans — look no further than BP’s slow response to the mayhem they caused in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago. If a Texas rapper would have wreaked half as much havoc on New Orleans, the Hot Boys would have reunited, borrowed camouflage onesies and a tank from Master P, and rolled to Houston to lace Bun B’s sizzurp with a cannon shell. Some stakeholders are already sniping. Oakland activist Doo Dat packs an admirable environmentalist bent, while reliable rebels like Jasiri X are belligerent toward big industry. That’s hardly enough though; hugely influential icons need to join the chorus and lambaste the evils behind annihilative fossil-fuel fuckery. Sandy’s one bitch that is Jay-Z’s problem. To be clear — this is not a call to throw rims on a Prius. Consider it a plea for influential artists to catch the same community spirit — and

photo: reuters

c fa r ao n e@ p h x .c o m :: @ fa r a 1

the rap against big oil T

here’s no telling how many natural disasters it will take for hip-hop to stomp Big energy. however, countless rappers have grazed the enemy, or at least stood up for mother earth on occasion. here are five acts who prove it’s possible to skewer hazardous environmental evils without sounding like a psa. Artist Ill Bill track “american history x” Gem the older generation’s no better/matter of fact they worse, they ought to know better/these greedy motherfuckers trade blood for oil/an american graveyard on another man’s soil/makes no sense/the roman empire in the present tense/ murder for corporations that they represent Artist soul Khan track “Wellstone” Gem oh, you just be hating soul/’cause they’re too cold like that h2o/Where the glaciers float/Wait, wait, where’d the glaciers go? Artist Dead prez track “Be healthy” Gem they say you are what you eat, so I strive to be healthy/my goal in life is not to be rich or wealthy/’cause true wealth comes from good health, and wise ways/We got to start taking better care of ourselves Artist shea track “Do the math” Gem 20 years 100 million dead from dirty energy/so ask yourself who’s the real public enemy Artist Krs-one track “Get up” Gem I went to the temple and opened my mental/I learned that I’m the cause of all that I been through/Your whole environment is really within you / reach inside your heart and write a new menu

justifiable outrage — that has already pulled so many individuals together through extraordinary circumstance and tragedy. As noted, some subterranean cats are already leading by example. Still, it will take heavyweights like Snoop Dogg and Staten Island’s own Wu-Tang Clan to motivate hiphop America to aim its collective pugnacity at Tillerson and his ilk. They know how to beef. At this point, it’s just a matter of rearranging priorities, and of re-imagining that trusty Tony Montana mantra: “The world is yours.” P THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.30.12 19

now & next :: voices THE BIG HURT

This week in pop franchising B y D AV ID T HO R P E

IT’s BEEn sUcH an EvEnTfUl few months in pop that I’ve neglected one of my dearest projects: scraping the tarry press-release residue from the bottom of the industry barrel. Press releases excite me because they’re the collision of art and commerce; in today’s case, commerce is drunk, art is completely demolished, and everyone is killed.

“No.1 PoP BaNd StartS FraNchiSiNg – it’S a gloBal FirSt!”

“It’s the first time an internationally known pop band has cloned itself. The band can now be seen performing on the same night in two different continents and with two different line-ups. Franchising has existed for over a century and currently employs over 10 million people in the USA alone. However, the approach has never been used by the persona focused artist industry — until now.”

20 11.30.12 ::

This isn’t the first time Rednex have attempted to push the sellout envelope....

I’m sure you’re getting all excited about seeing a local franchise of the Rolling Stones, but no such luck: the bold commercial pioneers in question are Rednex, the execrable eurodance puppy mill responsible for the 1994 hit “Cotton Eye Joe.” Due to a busy touring schedule and a total lack of regard for decency, they’ve teamed up with Some Guy to license a special Australia/New Zealand dummy group to perform officially under the Rednex name: “ ‘The general guidelines are provided by the Rednex owners overseas, but it is my company that deals with all the local action. In over 20 years in the industry, this is by far the most thrilling project I’ve been involved in. It is without parallel,’ says franchisee Jason Beaumont, who has worked as a radio DJ at RadioLIVE and music producer for Amber Stassi. It was during his time as a DJ that he became a fan of Rednex, so much so that he even got tattooed with the band’s logo.”

Contrary to what Rednex claim, band franchising isn’t a global first. Man or Astroman sent a couple of “clone” groups out on tour, but they were distinctly labeled as such, and the band at least pretended to have quasi-artistic reasons behind it. MF DOOM did it too, but he didn’t tell anyone first — audiences and promoters were pretty steamed when they found out they’d paid full price for a lip-syncing impostor. My personal favorite: there are two different Gene Loves Jezebels (Genes Love Jezebel?) floating around; the band split up, but since it was fronted by identical twins, one brother took England, and the other took America. Even if Rednex are not first, they could still be best. The innovation of the Rednex model is twofold. From a commercial perspective, they’re so shameless about their glorified fan-fleecing self-tribute act that canny biz dimwits might even mistake it for a clever idea. From an artistic angle, they don’t suffer the potential pitfalls of an MF DOOM scenario: if you paid to see a DOOM concert, you’d be disappointed that a different guy showed, but Rednex have rotated through a dozen colorful Swedish hillbilly performers by now, so it doesn’t really matter who takes the stage. Plus, if you paid to see Rednex you’re likely missing the parts of your brain that handle complex calculations like “disappointment” anyway. This isn’t the first time Rednex have attempted to push the sellout envelope significantly past its logical boundaries. A few years back, they made headlines by trying to foist the whole shebang on some wealthy rube: “In 2007 the owners of Rednex put the whole band and trademark up for sale on eBay for $1,500,000, although no sale was finalized. In January 2012 Rednex dissolved the concept of a permanent band and thereby allowed room for a more flexible band structure and paved the way for future franchising opportunities.” I can’t imagine why they didn’t attract a buyer. Who in their right mind wouldn’t choose owning the band Rednex over having a million and a half dollars? P


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for more locations visit *15% OFF A SINGLE ITEM PURCHASE (UP TO $500 DISCOUNT) WITH QUALIFYING TRADE-IN ON THE SAME TRANSACTION. SEE STORE ASSOCIATE FOR DETAILS. This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s was organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Lead support for this exhibition is provided by the Harris Family Foundation in memory of Bette and Neison Harris. Major support is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and Helen and Sam Zell. Major support for the Boston presentation is provided by Jodi and Hal Hess. Additional support is provided by Saks Fifth Avenue.


11/20/12 11:40 AM

spotlight :: sanitation

In Search of BoSton’S worSt Smell Our intrepid correspondent travels deep into the bowels of the Deer Island sanitation complex to get a snootful B y Tr ev o r Q u irk


t s q u i r k@ g m a i l .c o m :: t r e vo r q u i r k .c o m

ake the pretty-vacant Blue Line train — twin rows of hard plastic seats, the digestive groan of the train’s wheelwork grinding beneath the pitchy whir of its rectified motor — to Orient Heights. Wait for the obscure Paul Revere bus line under a sky that’s one vast gradient of high blue to fringe white. Take a deep, deep breath — and prepare for what awaits you during a tour of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority’s treatment plant at Deer Island.

22 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

I am expecting wretched, hideously pungent smells. Deer Island — really a peninsula pinched between the Broad Sound and the Massachusetts Bay — is the bus’s final stop before it careens around a culde-sac and returns to Orient Heights. The Financial District’s skyline is bleary and toy-like in the distance. This is the great sewage nexus of the Bay State, servicing 43 different counties and on an average day treating over 300 million gallons. I think of the 4.6 million citizens of Greater Boston and the sheer

magnitude of the waste we produce, the waste that presently froths and churns in the piping below my feet. Barring serious constipation, every resident of the Boston area contributes to the daily fecal spume that converges under the treatment plant’s 160 acres. So I’m also sort of wondering why it doesn’t reek of shit around here. I’m oddly disappointed. The smells are oceanic, briny, quite pleasant. I meet my guide, MWRA program manager Charles Tyler, at a spiffy conical security hut. His attire is no-

photos by ian maclellan

the reactors are filled with the same kind of bacteria residing in human guts. when combined with oxygen, the bacteria begin to feast on the sewage.

nonsense: sturdy, worn boots, a paintblotched zip-up over a denim oxford, and a white hard hat. His bearded face bears eerie resemblance to that of Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad. We depart for the plant’s retired pump station, which now houses offices and historical exhibits. I have yet to smell anything even remotely foul. Tyler shows me a capsule of raw sewage. By volume, it’s mostly water with the exception of one pale filament, which is not brown. Whatever the citizens of Boston choose to flush surges through local pipes that connect at relays called headworks, which then pump the sewage en masse to the Deer Island plant through rotund pipes buried under some 100 feet of earth. The sewage is then filtered through fistulas the size of open hands. Tyler has fond memories of certain items — which he calls “grit” — that have been caught in the filters: “Diapers, logs, tires, bones. . .” I raise an eyebrow. “Oh yeah, bones.” He also recounts an MWRA legend in which the filters once

caught an intact motorcycle. “People flush everything,” he says. After filtration, sewage enters a vast pool where it’s allowed to settle. A head of “scum” is removed along with any remaining solids, called “sludge.” After this, the water enters the true intestinal tract of Deer Island: the aerobic reactors. The reactors are filled with the same kind of bacteria residing in human guts, and when combined with oxygen from the plant’s cryogenic facility, the bacteria begin to feast on the sewage. When done correctly, this process yields, as Tyler explains, “fat and happy bugs, clean water.” The water is treated this way once more, chlorinated, and then pumped out to sea. I inquire about the disappointing lack of smells, and Tyler assures me they exist. He explains that a significant portion of the plant’s efforts are dedicated to mitigating odor. The plant runs a 24-hour Odor Hotline (617. 660.7633) for the unfortunately proximal town of Winthrop. He says that I’m sure to experience plenty >> Deer islanD on p 24

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spotlight :: sanitation << Deer islanD from p 23

24 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

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far and away the coolest machines, though, are the gravity thickeners. they bear a grotesque resemblance to large ice-cream machines, and what they produce resembles old car oil, filmy and densely black.

photos by ian maclellan

of smells on the tour. Unaccountably — and for the first time — I have become excited at the prospect of smelling human excrement. The perimeter of the plant is composed of concrete roadblocks and black barbed-wired fencing, fringed by high-voltage dens. A dozen bulletshaped “digesters” loom on the southern tip of the peninsula. Tyler explains that the solid waste, the “sludge,” is pumped to the digesters and fed to anaerobic bacteria, this time for much longer — about two weeks longer. The digesters can hold roughly 300 million gallons each, and they collectively yield over 100 tons of methane gas per day, which is fed to Deer Island’s thermal power plant. Between thermal, wind, and solar, Deer Island generates almost a quarter of its own power. Far and away the coolest machines, though, are the gravity thickeners, designed to distill the sludge before it moves on to the digesters. They bear a grotesque resemblance to large ice-cream machines, with churning paddles that thicken what I struggle to imagine is anything but cream. The liquid the thickeners produce resembles old car oil, filmy and densely black. Tyler says the thickeners used to operate without covers, and confirms that the adage “the smell is blinding” is true in some cases. I’m actually jealous of him. I have yet to whiff a disparate fume, and I’m whimsically considering approaching the hull of a nearby gravity thickener to begin sniffing. This turns out to be unnecessary. As promised, Tyler guides me into the enclosed facilities, where the smells emerge in their noxious splendor. Each building has a unique olfactory profile; the familiar stench of untreated, unadulterated human waste seems compartmentalized among the different steps of the treatment process. The odor pervading the trucksized tubes that feed raw sewage into the plant is musky, chalk-like. The smell in the odor-control facility has a heady sulfur quality, trailed by the smell of the blue Anotec liquid that fills outdoor latrines. At the grit filters, the air is saturated with a leady, nauseating sick-sweet odor. I emerge from the inner facilities satisfied, wondering briefly if I should be ashamed of being hungry. Tyler returns me to the conical security hut, and I step through the gate to notice the sun-softened plastic of a lonely latrine. I figure I must have overlooked it on the way in, probably because it’s been erected outside facility grounds, unwanted even here, banished to a dusty turnaround beside the road. P


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e n i Bto HLoLLywood? Spotlight :: indie film

As more big movies come to Boston, an indie-film industry grows around them B y P e t e r K e oug H


t’s May, and about a mile north of the Boston College stop on the B line, in a three-decker on Turner Street in Brighton, a scene from director Jared Vincenti’s film Day of Youth is about to be shot. The film is a mumblecore, high-concept romantic comedy in which Rhee, a twentysomething college-grad barista, falls into a coma after a bike accident and wakes up three years later to find that absolutely nothing in her life has changed: it remains directionless, unfulfilling, afflicted by the same messy relationships.

It’s hard to tell that there’s a movie production in progress. The scene, a party in the backyard, looks like any party in any backyard, except for the lights, reflectors, audio-recording equipment, and camera. The production office is the living room on the third floor — where Vincenti, 30, waits for dusk to start shooting. The setup doesn’t look like much compared to the studio-film rows of equipment trucks and trailers that have become a common sight in the city. For those street-blocking, celebritystudded productions, you can thank the Massachusetts Film Office. Since 2005, it has offered a tax incentive for movies with budgets of more than $50,000. That deal has attracted such big projects as Ben Affleck’s 26 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

The Town and Seth MacFarlane’s Ted. And they’ve made use of Boston locations, talent, and resources, stimulating the economy and providing employment in the film business. According to MFO director Lisa Strout, the program attracted six Hollywood productions in 2012 and five in 2011, compared to one in 2004, a year before it came into effect. These projects generated $222 million in local direct spending in 2011 alone. Because of the success of the program, she adds, more than 500 local companies have benefitted by serving film productions in some capacity, and more than 40 companies have been established that work for the film industry exclusively. But what about the little guys, the

scrappy independents who want to make their breakout movie on a shoestring? In January, MovieMaker magazine listed Boston as the sixth-best city in the country for independent filmmakers. It based its assessment largely on the appeal of the tax incentives. But what does the film office do for the smaller films, the vast majority of local projects, whose budgets are not big enough to qualify? For a movie like Day of Youth, which costs a lot less than $50,000 to make, there’s no tax deal. But Vincenti sees important indirect benefits. “I’ll end up with a budget of $10,000,” he says. “But I’ve gotten the equivalent of about a $100,000 to $150,000 budget, if you just take the rentals I would have to pay for gear, and the cost of the cast and crew. They all work for free.” That’s where the benefits of the Film Office kick in, indirectly. “The studio movies attract talent, and you get a lot of people who are here who have the skills and are hungry for more,” he says. “So you have a lot of talent here, but they’re not getting above the line in the big pictures. That’s why everyone here isn’t doing it to make money, but to get it out there, to get recognition, to get it seen — so that we can take that step up to the next tier.” >> Boston indie FiLm on p 28

PHOtO by MiCHaEl sPEnCEr

P K E O U G H @ P H X .C O M

Director Jared Vincenti and the crew from “Turner Street Productions”

THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.30.12 27

Spotlight :: indie film << Boston indie FiLm from p 26

This creates communal spirit among Boston indie filmmakers. They collaborate on ideas and work for free on each other’s projects. That’s especially true with Day of Youth. It’s an in-house production — literally. Almost everyone in the film lives in the house where it’s being shot.

turner street ProduCtions

28 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

Almost everyone in the film Day of Youth lives in the house where it’s being shot.

On location with the Boston-shot Day of Youth

“I’m so tired of this . . . ,” Tilly says, as Rhee, with a wave of her beer that encompasses everything.

triCKLe-down tHeory?

Struggling actors and filmmakers seem to like Boston, especially now, with the resources stirred up by the big movies. But aren’t most, like Tilly, really just trying to build up a résumé to be seen by the big leaguers? As Vincenti says, “I’m hoping to go to studio people and say, ‘Well, this is what I can do just with my friends; let’s see what I

can do with a little more heft.’ ” These days it seems like that heft can only be obtained in New York or LA. Or maybe Austin, second in the MovieMaker standings — and home base of Richard Linklater, whose first film, Slacker (1991), established an eccentric style of filmmaking, and of life. That’s where 34-year-old Andrew Bujalski — whose first feature, Funny Ha Ha, got independent filmmaking going in Boston back in 2002 — now resides. As it turns out, though, Bujalski >> Boston indie FiLm on p 30

stills COUrtEsy Of jarEd vinCEnti

“We joke that this is ‘Turner Street Productions,’ ” says Vincenti. “My roommate Al is the gaffer. And Fred” — he nods at Fred Young, the cinematographer, who just joined us to pass the downtime — “lives on the first floor. That’s just two. So one night we were all sitting in the backyard having a beer, when I was like, ‘I think we’re making a movie.’ ” “And then it turns into that stereotypical scene,” adds Young. “Some guy goes, ‘I’ll shoot your movie! I’ll design your movie! I’ll act in your movie!’ When you want to, you can have big gatherings here sort of spontaneously. And then you start pulling all these strings to create a project like this.” Young, who is 35, seems like the backbone of the bunch. Older, wiser, committed, he’s traveled a long path to get to this point. “I went to school at BU as a theater technical director,” he says. “For 15, 20 years I worked all around — Connecticut, Utah, everywhere. I tired of theater, decided to switch to movies, came back up here, and I basically said, ‘I’ll work for free. Just show me how to do this business.’ I knew almost nothing about film at that point.” Young quickly picked up the skills of a lighting director, did some movies, and joined the union. He’s up on Boston. “There are all these people who had small careers here and then had to go away because there’s no work. And now, [with] the amount of work that’s coming back into town — the tax incentive and all that stuff — they can come back because there’s somewhat of an ability to have a career here.” The star of Vincenti’s film, Ally Tilly, 26 (who doesn’t live in the house), reversed the usual path for actors seeking film roles: she moved from New York to Boston. Although now she’s reconsidering. So far, her success with studio movies shooting here has been mixed. Recently, she played one of the two young women accosted in the Boston Common by the title animated stuffed bear in Ted. “He grabbed my boob,” she says. “I enjoy making films on the indie side,” Tilly says. “But they have zero money. I’m going back to New York after filming here.” The sun has set. It’s time to shoot. The crew and cast rehearse one more time in the backyard. Party lights droop around the perimeter; in the background a half dozen extras mime a bibulous game of beer pong. Tilly’s character, Rhee, cradles a beer and talks with a couple of friends. Vincenti shouts, “Action!”

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Sun. December 2 • Great Scott

Spotlight :: indie film

Vincenti in post-production

didn’t move to Austin in search of greener pastures, at least not cinematic ones. “My departure had nothing to do with career,” he says. “I was chasing after a girlfriend.” When he was in Boston, the film scene was hardly bustling — “except for documentaries,” he says. For Funny he had to scrape together on his own most of what he needed, although a grant from the Mass Cultural Council helped. “I have real gratitude for that,” he says. “And I have a coffee mug with their logo on it that’s in heavy rotation here.” As for the film office, it wasn’t really a factor. “I don’t know what the policies of that office were at the time,” he says. “I don’t think it even occurred to me to approach them for help. We were working entirely with the resources at our fingertips.” He’s very keen on Austin — the support system, and the parking especially — but would Bujalski consider a return to his hometown now that so much is going on? “Oh, sure,” he says. “I think all that an indie production can ask for from any largescale organization is to be treated with the same attention and respect that are given to the studio productions — whose dollars presumably are the real reason these state film offices exist.” Bujalski’s many local fans would be happy if he returned to Boston. But another local 30 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

film luminary, Adam Roffman, 40, is still here and has no plans to leave. Roffman says he benefits from the MFO’s efforts on two levels. First, he works year-round as a set dresser on just about every Hollywood production that comes to town. Second, as a producer of super-low-budget independent films, he, like Vincenti, benefits from the increasing number of film professionals here. Strout at the MFO says that number has quadrupled, reaching 3500, in the last few years. Hoffman also believes there’s a virtuous cycle here — that Boston’s emerging indie-film scene can also help benefit the Film Office. As program director of the Independent Film Festival of Boston, he brings 80 to 90 filmmakers and their movies to Boston every year. “The festival is always such a great place to come across town and be able to meet all of them,” he says. “They [MFO representatives] could even hold a reception and pitch Boston to them for their next projects.” The Film Office’s Strout, who left a similar position in New Mexico (Santa Fe ranked third on the MovieMaker list), likes ideas like that. “We encourage, and are willing to participate in, panels, workshops, [and] seminars that take place alongside the screenings themselves that address things like distribution, funding, content protection.” According to Strout, the film office is helping the little guys, too, when it gives

“Indies have a larger pool to swim in, and that’s good for everyone. Our community is growing and deepening.

financial incentives to the corporate giants — it’s a kind of trickle-down theory that actually works. “Indies have a larger pool to swim in, and that’s good for everyone,” she says. “With an increase in activity, more local people are moving up to positions of control. Our community is growing and deepening. Film is not an occasional event anymore.”

youtH wiLL Be serVed

Back on Turner Street, things have gone well over the past six months. Day of Youth wrapped shooting on Memorial Day, a few days after my visit. And Vincenti’s Kickstarter campaign to cover post-production costs reached its goal of $7000. “We shot about 17 hours of video, so it took a few weeks just to sort through it all,” says Vincenti. “Since then, I’ve been working through the edit, putting together a first cut and then making changes to scenes and structure, and showing the various cuts and works-in-progress to cast and crew for feedback.” What’s next? “We now have a finished festival cut that we’re sending out, and I’m scheduling color correction and sound mixing for next month,” he says. “The film should be finished and ready to debut in January.” Vincenti has no plans to leave Boston. P

PHOtO by MiCHaEl sPEnCEr

<< Boston indie FiLm from p 28




spotlight :: CommerCe

Haymarket, Up Close and personal B y L i z a We i s s T u c h : : i LLus T r aT ion s By k ar L s T e ve n s

cab driver looked puzzled as he Trunshedropped me off on North Street, which the periphery of Haymarket Square. At

5:20 am, it was still dark, but the bustle on Haymarket’s Blackstone Street had begun about two hours earlier. Bleary-eyed vendors lugged pump jacks stacked with pallets of tomatoes, carrots, radishes, and bananas, just unloaded off trucks from Chelsea’s New England Produce Center and Everett’s Boston Market Terminal. It would be another hour before the first customers trickled in. It would be many more hours before the vendors began hollering appeals to the crowds: “C’mon, everybody! Strawberries here! Buckabox! Three for $2!” Open Fridays and Saturdays, Haymarket is one of the oldest open-air markets in the country. It was informally established in the mid-1880s, though it wasn’t until 1978 that the Blackstone Street horseshoe was officially sanctioned as the market’s space. Permits from the city became a requirement, as did annual fees for assigned plots. Before that, vendors rented space by the day, and some old-timers recall the 1960s, when everyone lined up

32 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

with their pushcarts in the morning and rushed to stake out a parcel. But lately, the future of the market has been in question. The city’s Department of Transportation is currently considering four proposals for development on Parcel 9, the plot of land between Blackstone Street and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. Proposals range from rental housing to a hotel to a museum of Boston history. The Haymarket Pushcart Association has publicly stated that they would work with developers to ensure a smooth transition and neighborhood civility, but they worry about having many neighbors, as the case would be with the larger apartment proposal, which includes 119 units, not least because of the increased number of cars it would bring. And some worry about competition from the proposed Boston Public Market, a year-round, indoor, daily farmers’ market that is slated to open in a 30,000-squarefoot space at 136 Blackstone Street in June 2014. A May opinion piece in the Boston Globe read: “The pushcart vendors understand

that new competition and new construction threaten the way Haymarket has operated for a generation. Their efforts to forestall change have been counterproductive and wrongheaded. The future of the pushcart market depends not on the outside protection the vendors have sought, but on their willingness to embrace change that’s rushing toward them, whether they like it or not.” But consider this: Haymarket vendors provide a public service by selling ripe (and occasionally overripe) produce for a fraction of grocery-store prices. (The supply comes from the same source used by supermarket brokers.) And the market offers one of the city’s best melting-pot experiences: in a typical procession of patrons, you can spot skullcaps and ski caps, berets, burkas, and fedoras. These vendors are a vanishing kind, vestiges of old-school commerce rooted in the codes of customer loyalty, familyrun operations, taxing hours, and an understanding that communality trumps competition. Here are a few vendors who make up that community.

The FaMiLy Man

Hector (he wouldn’t give us his last name) moved to the US from Honduras when he was 22. His mother and sister are still there. Nine months ago the 40-year-old visited his mother, who’s sick, and was struck — yet again — by the contrast between the lifestyle in her city and his in Boston. “I don’t believe how people live over there. Life’s too much hard over there. Big difference. Most people come here because they need money, they need work. There’s nothing to do there. My family is poor over there,” he says, matter-of-factly. “One dollar is 19 pesos over there, so you make $4 a day for eight or ten hours.” As soon as he arrived, nearly two decades ago, he got a job at a produce market in Chelsea, which led to the job at a Haymarket stand. He works both jobs today. From the get-go, he’s sent money home to his family. He has an 11-yearold son here, and Sundays, Hector’s day off, are spent yielding to his son’s demands. (“He tells me: gotta go here, gotta go there. He likes to go watch movies. Always says, ‘Buy me this.’ ”) Each weekend, Hector, who has the build of a linebacker, patrols his stand, lumbering side to side behind the table of fruit, reaching for Golden Delicious apples (seven for $2), green seedless grapes ($2/pound), red seedless ($2/ pound), and the rest as customers command. He pauses to tally the total price; transactions are quick and efficient. Working at the stand not only provided intense English immersion lessons; it also gives him an understanding of how countless others from many countries come to the US. The two days he spends here each week have instilled a strong empathy for — and, it seems, interest in — fellow immigrants. “I can’t say nothing in English when I came. Little by little I learned. Others do speak Spanish, but you learn a little bit of different languages. Sometimes Chinese, Russian, Italian. There’s a lotta people — a lotta old guys like to come to me. I help them and make funny. They tell people they’re my customer.” He starts work at 2 am. “It’s not easy. Your body tells you,” he says. “There’s no break — no time to relax or eat. You can’t sit down. Let me tell you — not make a lot, but we need it, that extra check.” He adds, matter-of-factly, “Wintertime not easy there. Sometimes there’s a lot of snow on the stands — have to clean all that. With your hands frozen, I tell you. Sometimes you almost cry. What are you gonna do? You gotta do it. That’s part of life.” >> hayMarkeT on p 34 THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.30.12 33

spotlight :: CommerCe << hayMarkeT from p 33

The veTeran

Frankie Spin doesn’t actually work at Haymarket anymore, but he likes to drive in from Saugus Friday and Saturday mornings to hang out on his old turf. When it gets busy, he “pinch-hits,” as he puts it. He patrols the stand and acknowledges customers with a firm “Yessah!” An army vet, he’s a natural entertainer of the pitter-patter-chatter variety. He plays Sinatra and Pavarotti CDs on a boom box, singing along (in Italian, when the song calls for it) as vendors set up at blue-streak pace. Sometimes he’ll have a beer when Durty Nelly’s, the bar on the Blackstone Street strip, opens at 8 am. One morning he bought me one. He’ll tell you about the time he saw an unknown performer named Barbra Streisand in a Revere Beach nightclub. (“Can you imagine that? She was a child — she was a star.”) He’ll show you pictures on his iPhone of him and his late wife, a couple of impeccable sartorial taste. They liked to go to nightclubs. Spin has a gravelly voice, gentle eyes, and a stiff Patriots cap. He grew up in the North End with five brothers and four sisters. His Italian father dug holes for the telephone company; his mother raised the children. At that time, the North End was half Italian, half Jewish. (Salem Street was once known as “Shalom Street,” he points out.) Spin got his start at Haymarket during World War II, when most men were in the army and women and children were needed for work. He was 10 years old, walking through Haymarket, and someone recruited him to help with a stand. His tenure at the market continued erratically in the 1950s after he got out of the military. He couldn’t be a cop or a fireman, he says, because you had to be at least fivefoot-seven, and he didn’t make the height cut. He’d come down and work friends’ stands while he looked for a job that paid more than the $35 he received each week from the army. He still talks with swagger about how he was a tough kid. (“I was nominated to go to Boston Latin. I’d been a wiseguy hanging in bars. I coulda been a great lawyer.”) And about how he was arrested in 1973 at an IHOP at 1:30 am. He called a waitress’s attention to pay his $5.85 bill. A cop told him to knock it off. Next thing he knew, he was handcuffed. He was wearing a beige double-breasted coat (“down below the knees, know what I mean?”) and a fedora (“one of them Al Capone hats”). “The way I looked — the policeman thought I was a mafia guy. He wanted to impress the waitress,” he says. But he had a clean record, so they let him off. “Spin” is not actually his last name. It’s a nickname he acquired after a childhood incident involving a box of wet spinach. (“I don’t like the name. I accept it, but I don’t like it.”) His last name is Penache. “It comes from Italian, ‘pennacchio.’ Not French, Italian.” >> hayMarkeT on p 36

34 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

spotlight :: CommerCe << hayMarkeT from p 34

The Boss

You wouldn’t be off the mark if you called Otto Gallotto the mayor of Haymarket. After all, the 26-year- veteran merchant is the president of the decades-old Haymarket Pushcart Association, so he officially takes the reins in any matters of bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo, from trash-pickup issues to encroaching developers on Parcel 9. Like any good leader, he is as charismatic as he is focused on taking care of business. On the Friday morning I stopped by, workers were unloading the goods from piles of boxes — 12 or 14 high — and arranging them on empty boxes and flat crates on bridge tables covered with Astroturf. “There’s a system to it,” he tells me. They place the fruits and vegetables in tidy piles — oranges in a pyramid, boxes of strawberries stacked like Legos, slim eggplants lying sideways like wine bottles. Gallotto shouts instructions to his workers: “Set up another sign. We wanna sell rabe two for $3.” He replies to their questions: “Five for $2 on oranges.” He scribbles prices on pieces of cardboard, sets them out on the appropriate fruit stack, and yells to Pat, who works at the neighboring stand. They shoot the shit. (On favorite actors, Gallotto says, “Andy Griffith can do no wrong.”) They talk shop, declaring, “Cherries are done for the season.” Like any good leader, Gallotto knows his constituents. One burly man stops by early on Fridays, and they launch into a discussion about football, seemingly picking up where they left off the week before. Another regular, a British ex-pat named Avril, often stops by on Fridays too. She supplies quarters so they have change, a custom started over a decade ago when she gathered about $200 worth of the coins in her home. Gallotto greets some people as “buddy” and others as “cousin,” or even “cuz.” He speaks Italian when necessary. The dawn-time congeniality might strike any 9-to-5er as astonishing. “If you’re in a bad mood here, you won’t last,” he says. 36 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm

The PerFecTionisT

A touch of Type A personality may be essential to maintaining carefully arranged piles of fruit for 12 hours at a time. It’s a task made especially challenging by crowds of passersby who reach for, say, a plum in the middle of a pyramid. A common complaint about Haymarket is that the vendors sell you fruit from boxes behind the tables. But Abdul (who also wouldn’t give his last name), a Haymarket veteran of nearly a decade, firmly asserts that there’s a reason for that. “If I look behind me and someone picks from the bottom, the pile will collapse. It takes 15 minutes to fix, and I lose time; the boss loses money. That’s why we don’t let them pick. If they wanna pick, they should go to the supermarket. If one person picks, everybody picks; then my stand looks bad,” he says emphatically. “You have to be alert and never sleep. People steal. There’s no shame. A guy wants one potato, he’ll drop it on the ground, walk, then come back and pick it up.” Avocados are the worst, he declares. People squash them, and they turn black when air gets in. Then nobody wants to buy them. And it’s important to sell the fruit, because there’s a cost for dumping pallets. Abdul has salt-and-pepper hair and chiseled features. He brings to mind a

young Omar Sharif. One wonders if some of his vigilance comes from having his trust, and his heart, broken in a big way when he came to the States. When he was living in his native Morocco, selling encyclopedias, he fell in love with a woman he met online. After seven months of online exchanges, she visited. They got married and he moved to America. Then things fell apart. These days, there’s a new woman in his life. “My girlfriend now was my customer. She said, ‘I like the way you work, how you treat customers.’ ” Abdul speaks French, English, and several dialects of Arabic, and he’s learning Spanish. When he told me this, he tapped his head. “I have a 4G brain,” he said, looking groggy. He had just come from his job at a garage in the neighborhood, where he does janitorial work. His stories of the gig paint a grisly portrait of the bad behavior of weekend revelers at Faneuil Hall and the North End. But that’s work. He has car bills to pay. And he likes nice clothes. “It’s a dream country — you can drink, you can get rich. There’s security: if you get scared, you call 911, and they’re right there. There’s opportunity. Don’t tell me there’s no jobs. You have to create jobs.” P THEPHOENIX.cOm :: 11.30.12 37


LocaL LimonceLLo » Bondir’s new sous-chef » The science of Tapas


photo by joel veak

A taste of BoMA. Page 40. :: 11.30.12 39

Food & drink :: dining

Food Coma

Pat Woodbury’s roasted clams at boma restaurant + bar B y MC sl iM J B @McSliMJB

40 11.30.12 ::

BoMA RestAuRAnt + BAR 1415 Washington St, Boston 617.536.2662 or

bar is also a major asset. Meanwhile, the kitchen’s long suit appears to be its small plates, like good crisp duck-fat French fries ($8) with just enough of the rich flavor of the frying medium squeaking through, served with excellent house-made ketchup with a hint of star anise. An appetizer of roasted Wellfleet littlenecks ($12) is simply outstanding: five beautiful, plump bivalves underlain with a cassoulet-like stew of cranberry beans and chorizo (in the Latin American fresh-sausage style), plus some grilled crostini for sauce-mopping. A brace of tacos ($10) tops soft corn tortillas with slow-cooked short rib, shredded cabbage, and queso añejo, a nice riff on KoreanMexican kalbi truck tacos that could arrive at the table hotter. Pizzette ($14) is effectively a terrific thin-crust pizza with a fine seasonal combination of toppings, including wild mushrooms, caramelized onions, spinach, and fontina, but an unadvertised drizzle of truffle oil feels superfluous. A large plate of roasted Statler chicken breast ($23) is per-

short-rib tacos

photoS By Joel veak

Boston’s south End is in the midst of a renaissance as a dining destination: recent hits like Kitchen, Yakitori Zai, and Vejigantes are soon to be joined by newcomers Cinquecento, Boston Chops, Five Horses Tavern, and Estelle’s. Into this seething mix comes BoMA Restaurant + Bar, putting a casual accent on the ever-popular locally sourced New American idiom in the space once occupied by Pho Republique. In style, it appears to have borrowed a few decorating tips from close neighbor the Gallows, with its mix of new and reclaimed woods, Edison-bulb lighting, exposed brick, leather banquettes, and quirky art. The specialty cocktail list features well-made classics like the Boulevardier, here dubbed the “Ryeoni” ($12), a Negroni variant with American straight rye subbing for gin, and originals like the Smoking Margarita ($12), which adds literal smokiness to the classic margarita by using single-village mezcal instead of tequila, and adds heat with muddled fresh jalapeño. The strong hospitality ethos behind the

fectly done, moist and flavorful, atop a respectable lemony risotto with wild mushrooms. But the kitchen frequently commits small errors: a kale and shaved-fennel salad ($9) reveals not a shred of detectable fennel, leaving a bland result. Grass-fed hanger steak ($26) features generous chunks of nicely charred but quite underdone beef, flanked by Texas hash (a mix of halved fingerling potatoes and roasted beef brisket) and sautéed kale, all covered with a sprinkling of sweet-potato chips. But the plate is suffused with a unattractive orange puddle of melted chili-garlic butter. A dessert of warm apple-cinnamon bread pudding ($9) features a lovely custardy pudding but is marred by chunks of unpeeled (allegedly local) green apples. Dining-room service is obviously eager to please but also muffs small details, like leaving empty plates unbussed or dropping off a dessert in a scalding-hot crock without a word of warning. The waitstaff isn’t helped by the bar area’s physical layout, which on busy nights creates a difficult traffic flow that forces servers to struggle through crowds. Outside of this upmarket urban neighborhood, these blemishes might be easier to overlook, but they start to add up in a restaurant where dinner for two — a couple of small plates, two entrées, a dessert, and two short pours of plonky wine by the glass ($8–13) — can easily exceed $100. BoMA has a lot of charm and promise, and initially works as a fun place for drinks and grazing, but if it hopes to cultivate the repeat business of locals in its increasingly competitive South End setting, both the front and the back of the house will have to add a little more refinement and polish to their game. P

Food & drink :: liquid

Lemons’ Aid B y A r iel SheAre r

The second-mosT-popular

liqueur in its native Italy — a sweet, zesty runner-up to bitter Campari — limoncello seems to capture the essence of sun-soaked lemon groves. It’s hard to sip the electric-yellow stuff without thinking of Italy’s southern coast, which, with another New England winter looming, feels all of its 4200 miles away from our cold corner of the States. And it’s safe to say New Hampshire is an unlikely place to find a limoncello business. But that’s where Newton native Phil Mastroianni launched Fabrizia Limoncello with his brother Nick just four years ago. Now they’re shipping bottles as far south as Virginia. “I just started making it for fun,” explains Mastroianni, a secondgeneration Italian-American. “When we have holidays at my house, my uncle Dominic brings his homemade wine, my uncle Tony brings his homemade wine. Everyone’s trying to show theirs off.” During a visit to Calabria in 2007, he tried his ut cousin Angelina’s limonFind o e cello, made from lemons mor at s. grown on her property. spirit abrizia . f “I decided when I got co m home I was going to make limoncello. Nobody else in my family was doing that, so I figured it would be my thing.” When his uncle Joe told him it was the best limoncello he’d ever tasted, Mastroianni was inspired to quit his accounting job in downtown Boston to start his own business. “If best within the first 12 months of it weren’t for Uncle Joe, this never when it is produced.” would have happened,” he says. This could be the secret to Fab“If you make limoncello the corrizia’s regional success. Compared rect way,” he continues, “you use to big-name brands produced in nothing but the lemon rind, just large batches and shipped around the zest, to both color and flavor.” the world, Fabrizia is more likely to Fabrizia infuses pure grain alcohol arrive in local bars before the end with lemon zest for three months, of a bottle’s short shelf life. then sweetens it with simple And arrive in local bars it has. syrup. “Whether you make it in Near Fenway, Sweet Cheeks serves America or in Italy, [limoncello] is the Dollywood, featuring Fabrizia,

The lemon drop at Florentine café

vodka, and sparkling wine. At Papagãyo in Fort Point, bartender Anthony Nataluk says Fabrizia is the only limoncello they use. He highlights it in the Mexican Lemonade, with a smooth mix of tequila, muddled limes, simple syrup, and lemon juice. In Cambridge, Park pours a drink called the Giant Killer, using Fabrizia and lavender-rose honey syrup to soften bourbon’s warming

punch. “It’s kind of like a whiskey sour, but a little more grown-up,” says bartender William Tomlinson. “I always find myself putting limoncello in interesting places. . . . I feel like now it’s getting more popular because it’s starting to get stocked in more places.” I couldn’t help asking Mastroianni if he saw limoncello’s use in mixed drinks as a corruption of the digestif, traditionally served chilled and sipped straight. “Quite the opposite,” he says. “It’s providing an opportunity for more people to experience limoncello. . . . Hopefully, eventually, people will try it straight, but just because someone’s not enjoying it the way it’s traditionally enjoyed doesn’t mean it’s wrong.” West Coasters got to experience his limoncello earlier this year, when Fabrizia won a gold medal in the 2012 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. But Mastroianni says his biggest sense of achievement comes from feeling accepted by Boston’s Italian community. He waited more than a year after launching before trying to sell his limoncello to North End spots. Now Fabrizia serves as a sponsor of St. Anthony’s Feast and flows all over the ’hood. “I feel accepted now that half of the restaurants and coffee shops in the North End are serving our product,” Mastroianni says. One such establishment is Florentine Café, a cozy Prohibitionera bar at the intersection of Hanover and Prince streets that makes an authentic setting for sipping limoncello, whether straight or mixed in cocktails. I found myself aching for a Mediterranean escape while lapping up a Lemon Drop. But if you stop by and feel daring, ask the bartender for “Gino Juice.” I’m allowed to tell you to ask for it, but not what’s in it — except for the limoncello. P

FABRIZIA’S LATEST :: When one of Fabrizia’s Hanover Street customers asked if they made orangecello, Phil Mastroianni was quick to respond, experimenting with homemade batches. The end result: a blood-orange liqueur, launched just this month and already being poured downtown at Barracuda Tavern.

42 11.30.12 :: THEPHoEnIx.coM/Food

photo by joel veak

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Featuring: Lobster Omelet • Tenderloin Benedict Macadamia Nut Crusted French Toast Salads • Sandwiches • Prime Rib & more! GATheR AROuNd OuR TABLe FOR A deLiCiOuS hOLidAy FeAST! december 24 & 25 | Call for special hours Complimentary Valet • 60 Long Wharf • 617.227.1576 •

Food & drink :: ProFile

Miller’s TiMe


279A ndir Br CAmB oAdwAy, 617.66 ridge :: Bond 1.0009 o irCAm r Br Com idge .

Bondir’s tiny kitchen welcomes its first sous-chef B y C a ssa n d r a L a ndry c l a n d ry@ p h x .c o m :: @ E at d r i n k W r i t E

44 11.30.12 ::

photo by joEl vEak

Rachel MilleR and Jason Bond

are standing side by side — as they do for roughly 13 hours a day, every day but Tuesday — in Bondir’s subterranean prep space. Their heads are just shy of grazing the low ceilings, and both have to duck to squeeze into the tiny walk-in. She’s systematically vacuum-packing vegetables and breaking down blue Hubbard squash for a dish on the night’s menu; he’s rolling long, floury ribbons of pasta dough, folding it over and over in his hands. The dough, one batch egg-yolk yellow and the other chartreuse green, will be transformed, piece by piece, with a quick flick of Bond’s thumb, into hand-rolled cavatelli for the same dish as the squash. One blazingly orange dried chili hangs from a rack between them. When Jason Bond first opened Bondir’s heavy barn doors in November of 2010, his contemplative, cozy, daily-changing dishes made him an instant rock star with the food community. The 28-seat Cambridge dining room is perfectly intimate (so intimate that I always feel like I should help with the dishes after our meals there, and then share cinnamon-spiked port by the fire with the staff into the night), but in many ways, that first year was defined by solitude behind the scenes. Bond was the Lone Ranger of the kitchen range, and he came to realize he needed someone to share his vision for the little farmhousestyle spot on Broadway, across from the bodega and the body shops. So now Miller, at 24 years old, finds herself sharing the helm of one of the Boston area’s most in-demand restaurants, in a position that many young chefs would kill for. “Culinary schools are bullshit to me,” she says. “I worked so hard to get to this point, and when I see someone walk out of school with a piece of paper that says they passed some textbook class, it drives me nuts. Plus, they always have a tattoo of a fucking radish.” At 14, Miller earned the right to wear a foot-tall Mohawk by getting straight A’s; at “15 or 16,” she says, she dropped out of high school to work the line full-time. She has steadily pulled her way up the ranks, manning the fryer in her father’s donut shop, sweating it out as a line cook for a handful of restaurants along the Bible Belt, training in butchery at the South End’s bygone Lionette’s, and winding up at Beacon Hill Bistro. That’s where she met Bond in 2009 — and where the electric current between

mentor and mentee sparked to life. Then, after a year and a half working beside Bond at the bistro, Miller decided to learn about sustainable farming firsthand; she and her girlfriend moved to Smithfield, Texas, where they bought a plot of land, growing their own food and raising chickens. Meanwhile, Bond broke out on his own with Bondir. When he eventually admitted his need for a sous-chef, they teamed up again. Miller officially assumed the role this fall, after just under a year at Bondir. “It’s her ideas,” Bond says simply. “It’s always been her ideas, ever since I met her.” One of those recent ideas: a “Turducken take” on a saucisson de volaille — sausage made from brined duck legs, chicken legs, and whole turkey, served wrapped in pastry with homemade sauerkraut and last season’s pickled crab apples. It flew off the menu. Born in Virginia and raised all over the South, Miller spent a good chunk of her life as a vegetarian and a kosher Jew, eschewing the fruits of surf and turf — until, that is, the chef of an Italian restaurant where she was working threatened to fire her if she didn’t taste what she was plating. “I pleaded and pleaded, but he finally took out this cured duck, or something that he had made, and put it in front of me,” she says. “I was just in love. I ate the whole thing, and I was sick as a dog. Within a week, I was learning how to do all the butchering.” Today, she says it takes serious effort to stop thinking about butchering techniques. Back in the prep kitchen, Miller holds a plastic container of smoked apples up to my nose. Slate black and shriveled, they smell like a concentrated dose of campfire ash, with a lingering sugary sweetness. Behind her, containers are stacked up along the walls: herb salt,

juniper-smoked tea allspice (which she’ll use on duck with the apples), chestnut and barley flours, and endless crinkly peppers. Bales of hay nestle between crates of potatoes at her feet. “I love when we work with things like this,” she says, sticking her nose into the container. “Excess is an excuse to invent something new,” Bond chimes in, and they offhandedly volley ideas for dishes back and forth as I point to different tubs. A line cook chirps a quick “Comin’ around hot,” carrying a tray of Bondir’s coveted sea bread. The long, curvy loaf almost looks like a sea serpent as it’s slotted into the speed rack. Bond continues, “It means there’s never a thoughtless dish on the menu. Everything gets an equal amount of attention.” And that amount is impressive. Miller takes her work home with her (literally: she’s even raising an edible army of crickets — 2000 to date — atop her fridge for culinary experiments), and she’s quick to assure that she doesn’t get out much. “I don’t drink, or party, or have friends really,” she says a bit sheepishly, crediting Bondir as the one and only reason she has made her temporary home here. She describes herself as a country girl who finds big cities jarring and farm life ideal. She sees the fact that she homed in on Bondir, a little rural corner in a major hub, nothing if not serendipitous. “My favorite thing is getting to cook with Jason Bond every night, honestly,” she tells me in her steady alto. “Nothing about it is easy. He’s definitely intimidating and very focused, and you don’t want to piss him off.” She laughs, adding, “Luckily, I don’t, I guess. I’ve known him for so long, he’s not just my boss; he’s a big part of my life. I lucked out.”

Miller, at 24 years old, finds herself sharing the helm of one of the Boston area’s most in-demand restaurants.

>> MiLLer on p 46

75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116 617.357.4810 •

HELP WANTED We are looking for talented, self motivated, high-energy individuals that have a positive attitude and the desire to work in a performance driven environment. We are currently seeking a professional, fun, roll-up-your-sleeves Account Executive to join our sales team. In this role the candidate will be responsible for all sales activity within their assigned territory.

What Does The Job Entail? To put it simply, you will meet with local businesses to discuss the benefits of advertising in The Phoenix. Show them how to get new customers through their doors using print ads, online banner ads, e-mail marketing, events, social media campaigns and other multi-media programs. You will manage the entire life cycle of an advertiser’s campaign from working with the creative team to create ads to scheduling with the traffic department.

Please email your cover letter and resume to


• Bachelor’s Degree Preferred • Sales Experience Calling on New Clients • Effective at Finding, Developing and Closing New Accounts • Successful Relationship Building • Ability to Sell Effectively and Meet Revenue Objectives and Goals • Ability to Represent The Company As A Professional • Self Starter • Strong Attention to Detail • Analytical Experience Preferred • Effective Presentation Skills • Local Travel is Required :: 11.30.12 45

Food & drink :: ProFile Watching the two of them work seamlessly at the rough wooden prep table, chopping and peeling like one person with four arms, all while giggling at Miller’s tipsy decision to “pasture” her crickets like cattle, singing the praises of Pete and Jen’s Backyard Birds (where Miller slaughtered a 65-pound turkey the week before), and brainstorming weird things in the kitchen to vacuum-pack and hang in the window, it’s evident where Bondir’s plates glean their harmony. She is a perfect fit for his vision, and her quiet influence makes its way onto the plates every night. “Three years ago, I would’ve said that where I’m at now would be it for me. But now that I’ve grown up a little more, I’d say it’s the beginning,” she says. “I’ve had tons of cooking jobs before, but they’ve all been, you know, make a burger, make lasagna. [Bond] has helped me train my mind in a way that’s more creative and good for people, rather than good for numbers. The clientele that we get comes for an experience and to try something they haven’t had before, and that’s the best thing about it.” P

restaurant spotlight


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photo by joEl vEak

<< MiLLer from p 45

Food & drink :: calendar




Oysters, clams, and other sea bugs are ripe for the picking right now, so you best nut up and learn how to handle them properly. Chef Karen Akunowicz will be your Obi-Wan, so get ready to do some intense shellfish Jedi training. It’s no secret that Myers + Chang is at its best when it transforms into one big classroom, and when we say it’s no secret, we mean it — book your spot ASAP, friend.

It’s the holiday season — so you may soon have hordes of people cramming into your apartment, bellies empty and livers expectant. Fortunately, the minds behind last year’s sold-out Hipster Thanksgiving soiree are back to lend a hand. The Urban Grape’s TJ Douglas will pour and discuss crowd-pleasing vino, Silvertone’s Josh Childs and Trina’s Starlite Lounge’s Beau Storm will demo party-ready cocktails, and chef Suzi Maitland of Trina’s will show you how to make disaster-proof hors d’oeuvres. Season, greeted.


Nothing sucks the life out of a solid tailgate like shitty food. (And maybe bad beer.) While it’s hard to mess up chips and a hot dog, Red Sox chef and Around the World in 80 Plates contender Steve “Nookie” Postal will help you clear everyone’s expectations and win eternal respect. Eternal. The dude knows his stuff, and he isn’t afraid to widen the circle of trust. Score!

The ice cream down at 3 Scoops is pretty damn good, sure, but we all know it’s a master front for the real action in popup impresario Wheeler del Torro’s back kitchen. His latest project is the Science of Tapas, an interactive lecture, cooking demonstration, and multi-course dinner party. Del Torro’s out to wow you with some heat-transfer cooking tricks, tapas treats, and good conversation. Go on, let him.


6 pm @ the Boston Center for Adult Education, 122 Arlington St, Boston

7 pm @ the Urban Grape, 303 Columbus Ave, Boston $20

10 am @ Myers + Chang, 1145 Washington St, Boston :: $65 :: 617.542.5200 or


$60 members; $70 nonmembers; $15 materials

857.250.2509 or

617.267.4430 or


8 pm @ 3 Scoops, 403 Washington St, Brighton $50 scienceoftapasboston.

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ThEphoEnix.CoM/food :: 11.30.12 47

The evoluTion of Radio. This is WhaT’s f’n nexT.


Hamra abbas » Jafar PanaHi » bOys nOize » slaine


photo by hans wendland

The Slutcracker. Page 50. :: 11.30.12 49

Arts & Nightlife :: get out

Boston Fun List

MOUSTACHE DASH BAR CRAWL >> Bid adieu to Movember and take your ’stache out for one last hurrah this afternoon on a hirsute pub crawl with a scavenger hunt, giveaways, drink specials, and more at the Lansdowne Street bars >> December 1 @ 11 am >>


For m re fun ore Follo events, w on tw us itt @B o s tonFu er nshit or lik FaceB e us at ook.c o Bosto nFuns m/ hit


Hot tix

“DROPKICK MURPHYS IRISH FESTIVAL”: March 15 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $37.50-$42.50 :: On sale Friday @ INFECTED MUSHROOM :: January 11 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $20-$35 :: On Sale Saturday @ PINK MARTINI :: February 16 at the Opera House, Boston :: TBA :: On sale Monday @ ERIC CLAPTON :: April 5 at Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, CT :: $135-$185 :: On sale Monday @ DJ SHADOW :: December 9 at Royale, Boston :: $25 :: BAND OF HORSES :: December 9 at the House of Blues, Boston :: $32.50-$45 :: YOUNG LONDON + STEREO TELESCOPE + CASEY DESMOND + BOOM BOOM CRASH + DEAR SIM :: December 22 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $12 ::

THE DONKEY SHOW 4TH ANNUAL NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION :: December 31 at Oberon, Cambridge :: $45-$95 :: NIKI & THE DOVE :: January 13 at Brighton Music Hall, Allston :: $13 :: “DANCE FOR A CURE” W/ APPEARANCES FROM DANCING WITH THE STARS CELEBS TO BENEFIT ADMETECH FOUNDATION :: February 2 at the Westin Copley, Boston :: $50-$250 ::


Now that the votes have been counted and there’s some hardware 2 to pass out, the 25th annual Boston Music Awards is sure to be a party of epic proportions. But who cares about the “winners” when you have the city’s entire music scene under the fancy-pants roof of the Liberty, and a slate of live performances that include the Real Kids, Earthquake Party, Young London, Mean Creek, and more? Of course, we’ll be in the guest rooms for the 2nd annual WFNX Boston Accents bathroom party. Come find us – ask an Allston punk.

Liberty Hotel, 215 Charles St, Boston :: 6 pm :: $25; $100 VIP ::

OF MICE & MEN + WOE IS ME + TEXAS IN JULY + CAPTURE THE CROWN + VOLUMES :: February 2 at Royale, Boston :: $16 :: PASSION PIT + MATT & KIM :: February 9 at Agganis Arena, Boston :: $35-$39.50 :: “22ND ANNUAL BOSTON WINE EXPO” :: February 16 + 17 at the Seaport World Trade Center, Boston :: $75$180 :: RIHANNA + A$AP ROCKY :: March 10 at the TD Garden, Boston :: $35-$150 ::

50 11.30.12 :: THePHoenIx.CoM/eVenTS

Those ain’t roasted chestnuts the Nutcracker Prince is packing in the “sexy1 freaky, holiday zeitgeist spectacular” The Slutcracker, which debuts for a 5th gala season this evening. The annual kinky holiday burlesque show ramps it up a couple of notches this year with a spanking new score — a premiere of a new recording of Tchaikovsky’s classic Nutcracker by the Czech orchestra Filharmonie Brno led by UK conductor Mikel Toms. Don’t worry, the show will still be chock full of dildos and bondage gear. Merry sexmas!


Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville :: December 1-31; tonight @ 8 pm :: $25 ::

slutcracker photo by hans wendland; earthquake party photo by nick curran

“JBALL 2012: THE CHOSEN PARTY” :: December 24 at the Wild Rover Boston :: $15-$20 ::

Earthquake Party

Halloween may be long over, but we’ll take any excuse to dress up like the Hulk and crush beers. We get one tonight at Bella Luna & Milky 30 Way’s 19th Birthday Superhero Bash, at which you’re not only encouraged to dress up in a cape and tights, you might just get paid for it. They’re offering up a $75 grand prize for the best superhero costume (going to come in handy for that holiday shopping), so put in a little effort. Plus, Boston Beer will be passing out samples of Sam Adams Whitewater IPA, and DJs Brent Covington and Stella will spin the super jams all night. FRI

Milky Way, 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain :: 10 pm :: no cover ::

Poor old Beelzebub always gets the short end of the stick, doesn’t he, playing the evil straight man to God’s leading man? In the critically lauded The Screwtape Letters, however, piety and light take the backseat and let the demons and darkness take center stage. Back for a second season at the Cutler Majestic (last year’s performances all sold out), the production runs for three shows only. Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston :: november 30 @ 8 pm + December 1 @ 4 + 8 pm :: $39-$59 ::

The AIDS Action Committee is teaming up this evening with 2012 Phoenix Best Poll winner for Dance Night, Videodrome Discothèque, for Xanadu: Aids Action’s Annual Dance Extravaganza. All proceeds for the glammed up, glitzy dance blowout benefit the AAC’s programs and causes, so get decked out in your finest ’80s-wear for an evening of drag performances, raffles, tunes spun by Videdrome DJ Craig MacNeil, and surprises throughout the evening. oberon, 2 Arrow St, Cambridge :: 10 pm :: $10 ::



Speaking of the Boston Music Awards, Afrobeat heavyweights the Macrotones’ brand new EP Darvaza (Music ADD Records) was produced by none other than 2010 BMA winner for best producer, Benny Grotto. The ’Tones play a release show for the new album— self-described as “music for spies” — at Johnny D’s, with support from Brooklyn funk outfit the Essex. The EP drops December 4; let’s get down.


Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville :: 10 pm :: $10 ::


Free events FIRST LIGHT FeSTIVAL:: brookline’s annual winter fest includes free samples from area restaurants, as well as earring making and pottery demos, live music, and entertainment :: Brookline Village + Coolidge Corner + Washington Square :: november 29 from 5 to 8 pm :: DAVIS FLeA 1ST AnnUAL HoLIDAY VInTAGe MARKeT :: with vintage, antique, and repurposed furniture, clothing, jewelry, posters, music memorabilia, collectibles :: UnIUn Warehouse, 3 Sanborn Ct, Somerville ::December 1 from 1 to 8 pm + December 2

from 10 am to 5 pm :: WoRLD AIDS DAY :: screening of United in Anger: A History of Act Up and We Were Here: The AIDS Years in San Francisco and spotlight talks about pieces in the exhibit “this will have been: art, love & politics in the 1980s.” :: Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 northern Ave, Boston :: December 1 from noon to 3 pm :: VeRnon STReeT oPen STUDIoS :: somerville open studios, with a formal dedication of the new central street mural panels at 11:30 am on sunday :: 6 & 20

Vernon St, Somerville :: December 1 + 2 from noon to 6 pm :: MMMMAVen GRADUATIon DAnCe PARTY :: dance party with music by new graduates of the MMMMaven dJ academy :: Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: December 2 @ 9 pm :: “LoCAL IS FoR LoVeRS” HoLIDAY MARKeT :: pop-up market with handmade goods from local artisans, cooks, and crafters :: Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville :: December 2 from 10 am to 5 pm ::




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THePHoenIx.CoM/eVenTS :: 11.30.12 51

Nex t Ro W e e k : Wha xbuR y t a fa r

e yo ve ley spots i ur us a squar n dude? t com listing tell o r @ s@p h x. b o s pho enix ton.


Meet the Mayor

tobIN bRIDGe CluSteRFuCk Jamie Appleton




Unlike almost every other ‘hood, Charlestown isn’t overrun with coffee shops. Perhaps they’re just far enough removed from the hustle and bustle of the city as to not need to be caffeinated 24/7. What they lack in quantity, however, they make up for in quality, namely in the form of Zume’s Coffee House, a cozy little shop filled with soft armchairs and end tables that invite customers to sit down and stay awhile. That, plus local art for sale on the walls, friendly and efficient baristas, and a fine selection of pastries and café bites. 221 Main St :: 617.242.0038 :: zumescoffeehouse. com


Charlestown might not be at the epicenter of this city’s vibrant arts and cultural scene, but they’ve carved out their own little piece of the action with the

Charlestown Working theater The independent, community-driven theater houses a variety of productions designed to fuel a creative dialogue in the ‘Town, including their annual holiday production (Dec 8) and classes and events all year long. 442 Bunker Hill St :: 617.242.3285 ::charlestownworkingtheater. org


Zume’s might be your best bet for a cup o’ joe, but if it’s an egg sammie you seek, head to Sorelle bakery & Café, where

GettING tHeRe bus: 93 :: subWay: orange line :: ferry (docKs at long Wharf + the navy yard)


you’ll find yummy (and cheap!) breakfast sandwiches. And if the words “grilled Nutella and banana panini” do the kind of things to you that they do to us, we have a feeling you’re going to be very happy here indeed. One Monument Ave :: 617.242.2125 ::


There are few things we at Phoenix HQ appreciate more than a solid dive bar, and we found it in Sullivan’s Pub. “Old Sully’s,” as some call it, is not a place for your big GNO or a pick-up spot for your next Mr. or Ms. Right Now. (Well, it could be, but don’t count on it.) No, Sully’s is a good, old-fashioned drinkin’ establishment, replete with salty

regulars and barkeeps alike, a suitably gloomy ambiance, and a jukebox. Gotta love any bar with a jukebox. 85 Main St :: 617.242.9515


A small and mostly unsung little mecca of fine restaurants, this C-Town isn’t exactly a shopper’s delight. However, when browsing for a special gift or charming homeaccent piece, your best bet is olivia browning — an eclectic shop selling jewelry, home goods, and more. The busy little store also offers weekly (and mostly free) events worth checking out, like wine tastings and spa demos.

20 City Square :: 617.242.2299 ::

#FF @yourcharlestoWn @mdcitysquare @Warrentavern @WorKingmanradio @charlestWnpatch

How did you become mayor of this clusterfuck? I used to travel to Dorchester every day for an internship at the Franklin Park Zoo, and I had to get over the bridge to get there. If you saw someone trying to jump off the bridge, what would you say to convince them to step back from that ledge? I’d tell them it’s not worth it. They have a lot more to live for, they just don’t see it right now. The future is untold. Speaking of the future, how much longer do you think it will be before science gives us teleportation? Hopefully, that’s right around the corner, because I would really appreciate that. I was just talking to my friend about teleportation and how nice it would be if I didn’t have to drive anywhere. Would you be afraid of the teleporter scrambling your DNA? No. Maybe scrambling my DNA would just make me taller. _BARRy THOmpSON



Dread Mondays? you’re in good company — allow us to introduce you to the rest of the world. Take the edge off the beginning of the work week with Neighborhood Nights at the Navy yard bistro & Wine bar, at which they offer Sunday and Monday evening $7 wine specials and various dinner specials. Or, head over to the Warren Tavern for their team trivia Mondays (8 pm) and enter to win a progressive cash jackpot.

Navy Yard Bistro, 6th St in the Navy Yard :: 617.242.0036 or navyyardbistro. com :: Warren Tavern, 2 Pleasant St :: 617.241.8142


We’re of the opinion that there aren’t enough hookah joints in this town. One of the city’s few hookah lounges, koullshi, is located right here in Charlestown, in the basement of Tangierino. Head down under for seductive Middle eastern grooves and all the hookah you can inhale.

73 Main St :: hookah starts at $30 :: 617.242.6010 :: koullshi-lounge.html

3 Want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email And for tips, friend us:

WoRD oN tHe tWeet “my most consistent relationship right noW is With the #charlestoWn shell gas station. something Wrong With that.” via @sydniilee

Party like Daisy buchanan this Nye at boston Swing Central’s Gatsby-themed Gala. Dressing up in your 1920s finest and dancing to the swinging sounds of a live big band beats out fighting bros for watered-down vodka sodas at a downtown bar party any night.

December 31 from 9 pm to 12:30 am :: 24 Roland St :: $25 :: bostonswingcentral. org/newyears


arts & nightlife :: get out

Arts & Nightlife :: get out

To-Do LisT THURsDAY 29

BLINK! › Six-week, state-of-the-art, LED light and sound show featuring the music of the Holiday Pops that runs once every half-hour › Faneuil Hall Marketplace, 4 South Market Building, Boston › Free › FIRST LIGHT FESTIVAL › Art, performances, giveaways, samples, demos, and more events at participating business throughout Brookline › 5 pm › Brookline Village + Coolidge Corner + Washington Square › Free › HOLIDAY WANDER › Special events and personal gifting advice at more than 25 independent shops, restaurants, and salons › 5 pm › Roslindale Village, Washington St + Corinth St, Roslindale › Free › MUSEUM SCHOOL ART SALE › With work produced by SMFA students, alumni, faculty, and affiliated artists › Thurs 5 pm; Fri-Sun 10 am › School of the Museum of Fine Arts, 230 The Fenway, Boston › Free › 617.267.6100 or ZOOLIGHTS › Thousands of lights, animals on display in the Yukon Creek, and photo opportunities with the reindeer › Thurs-Wed 5 pm › Franklin Park Zoo, 1 Franklin Park Rd, Boston › $7 › 617.541.5466 or


CULTURAL SURVIVAL BAZAAR › Unique handmade gift items including art, jewelry, clothing, crafts, and decor from Africa, Asia, and the Americas › Fri-Sun 10 am › Cambridge College, 1000 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › HOLIDAY SHOPPING WEEKEND › Including artist demonstration and book signing by Stuart Dunkel and raffle to win an original oil painting by the artist › Fri-Sat 10 am; Sun noon › Walsingham Gallery, 47 Merrimac St, Newburyport › Free › 978.499.4411 or PRO ARTS OPEN MIC AND ART OPENING › Musical performers will have 15-minute sets with music ranging from traditional folk music to indie electronic › 7:30 pm › Hostelling International Boston Downtown , 12 Hemenway St, Boston › Free › 617.536.1027 or BLINK! › See listing for Thurs MUSEUM SCHOOL ART SALE › See listing for Thurs ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs


ANNUAL HOLIDAY FAIR › Fine art, jewelry, wearable art, hand-painted wrapping paper, and more, with live jazz by Blus Cabaret and holiday refreshments › 10 am › Gateway Arts, 60-62 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.734.1577 or HOLIDAY FAIR › Fitness and tennis workshops, complimentary food, artisans selling handmade jewelry, art, photography, activewear, and more › 10 am › Mount Auburn Club, 57 Coolidge Ave, Watertown › Free › 617.923.2255 or HOLIDAYS ON THE GREEN › Pancakes with Santa, arthouse boutique, ice sculpting demos, cookie and ornament decorating, reindog parade, and more › 8 am › Pinehills, 33 Summer House Dr, Plymouth › Free › 508.209.2000 or HOLIDAY VINTAGE MARKET › Dealers selling vintage, collectibles, re-purposed, and antique merchandise › Sat 1 pm; Sun 10 am › Union Square Plaza, 90 Union Sq, Somerville › Free › INTERNATIONAL ARTISANS FAIR TRADE HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE › Festive array of global arts and crafts from India,



KOURAJ: A LIVE PERFORMANCE TO BENEFIT AN LGBT CULTURAL CENTER IN HAITI › The Theater Offensive presents an evening of performance, dance, song, and poetry by mostly Haitian artists, including Lenelle Moïse (of recent hit Expatriate), Kera Washington (founder of Zili Misik),, and more. Ticket price includes Haitian cuisine. Proceeds will benefit the Haiti-based organization KOURAJ (Haitian Creole for Courage). Hibernian Hall, 182 Dudley St > 6:30 pm > $12 >



TRIDENT BOOKSELLERS & CAFÉ › 338 Newbury St, Boston › 8 pm › Trident Trivia Night


21ST AMENDMENT › 150 Bowdoin St, Boston › 8 pm › “ Stump!” CHARLIE’S KITCHEN › 10 Eliot St, Cambridge › 8 pm › “ Stump!” COSTELLO’S TAVERN › 723 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain › “ Geeks Who Drink” GEOFFREY’S CAFE › 142 Berkeley St, Boston › 8 pm › “ Trivia Sundays” hosted by Rainbow Frite + Raquel Blake THIRSTY SCHOLAR PUB › 70 Beacon St, Somerville › 8 pm › “ Sunday Night Trivia”


For more ways to get involved, check out our full activism listings at or our “ Activist’s Notebook” on the Phlog Africa, and Latin America › Sat 10 am; Sun noon › Third Life Studio, 33 Union Sq., Somerville › Free › 617.817.5625 or SIMPLE GIFTS CRAFT SHOW › Included in the show are jewelers, fiber artists, photographers, wood artists, ceramic artist, and more › 10 am › South Shore Art Center, 119 Ripley Rd, Cohasset › Free › 781.383.2787 or THE SLUTCRACKER › “ Nutcracker” themed burlesque performance › Sat-Sun 8 pm › Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville › $25 › 617.625.5700 or WHITE EAGLE BAZAAR › Market for local vendors to showcase their wares, from vintage to crafts, with Narragansett Beer offerings › noon › Polish American Club, 747 Cambridge St, Cambridge › Free › 617.354.8708 BLINK! › See listing for Thurs CULTURAL SURVIVAL BAZAAR › See listing for Fri HOLIDAY SHOPPING WEEKEND › See listing for Fri MUSEUM SCHOOL ART SALE › See listing for Thurs ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs


FIRST SUNDAY DROP INTO ART › Guided tours and kid-friendly activities › 2 pm › Danforth Museum of Art, 123 Union Ave, Framingham › Free › 508.620.0050 or › BLINK! › See listing for Thurs CULTURAL SURVIVAL BAZAAR › See listing for Fri HOLIDAY SHOPPING WEEKEND › See listing for Fri HOLIDAY VINTAGE MARKET › See listing for Sat INTERNATIONAL ARTISANS FAIR TRADE HOLIDAY MARKETPLACE › See listing for Sat MUSEUM SCHOOL ART SALE › See listing for Thurs THE SLUTCRACKER › See listing for Sat ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs


BLINK! › See listing for Thurs ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs


COLLEGE NIGHT AT THE FROG POND › Discounted ice skating for students › 6 pm

› Boston Common, Charles St, Boston › $2 › 617.635.2120 or BSSC’S NAUGHTY LIST PARTY › The Boston Ski & Sport Club’s holiday party with holiday-themed cocktails, light appetizers, raffles, ski season giveaways, and additional goodies › 6:30 pm › Brahmin American Cuisine and Cocktails, 33 Stanhope St, Boston › $10 › 617.789.4070 or BLINK! › See listing for Thurs ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs


“WARP SPEED WEDNESDAY” › Screening pilot episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation, Firefly, and The Prisoner, plus a screening of Starship Troopers › Radio Downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or BLINK! › See listing for Thurs ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs


“BRITISH ARROWS AWARDS” SCREENING › Selection showcasing the year’s best television advertisements › 7 pm › Institute of Contemporary Art, 100 Northern Ave, Boston › $10; $6 students › 617.478.3100 or HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE › Tours every 15-minutes where you can learn of the history of Christmas › 3 pm › Longfellow House — Washington’s Headquarters, 105 Brattle St, Cambridge › Free › MASSACHUSETTS CONFERENCE FOR WOMEN › Featuring motivational keynote speeches, engaging seminars, and panel discussions › 7:30 am › Boston Convention Center, 425 Summer St, Boston › $165 › 617.954.2000 or BLINK! › See listing for Thur HOLIDAY WANDER › See listing for Thurs ZOOLIGHTS › See listing for Thurs



COMMON GROUND › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston › 8 pm › “ Think Tank Trivia” SPIRIT BAR › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 8 pm › “ Geeks Who Drink”

BATTERY PARK BAR AND LOUNGE › 33 Batterymarch St, Boston › 7 pm › “ Geeks Who Drink” COMMON GROUND › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston › 8 pm › “ Stump!” JOHNNY D’S › 17 Holland St, Somerville › 8 pm › “ Stump!” MILKY WAY › at the Brewery, 284 Armory St, Jamaica Plain › 8 pm › “ Stump!” PIZZERIA REGINA ALLSTON › 353 Cambridge St, Allston › 8 pm › “ Geeks Who Drink” TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › 8 pm › “ Geeks Who Drink”


AN TUA NUA › 835 Beacon St, Boston › 7:30 pm ›” Geeks Who Drink” COMMON GROUND › 85 Harvard Ave, Allston › 8 pm ›” Geeks Who Drink” GREATEST BAR › 262 Friend St, Boston › 8 pm › “ Friendly Feud” JOE SENT ME › 2388 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge › 7:30 pm › “ Stump!” LIVING ROOM › 101 Atlantic Ave, Boston › 8 pm › Trivia Night SWEET CAROLINE’S RESTAURANT & BAR › 1260 Boylston St, Boston › 8 pm ›” Geeks Who Drink” SWEETWATER CAFÉ › 3 Boylston Place, Boston › “ Medulla Oblongata”


BLARNEY STONE › 1505 Dorchester Avenue , Boston › 8 pm › “ Think Tank Trivia” BRIGHTON BEER GARDEN › 386 Market St, Brighton › 8 pm › “ Stump!” DRUID › 1357 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 8 pm › Druid Trivia Night JEANIE JOHNSTON PUB › 144 South St, Jamaica Plain › 8:30 pm › “ Stump!” JOE SENT ME › 2388 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge › 7:30 pm › “ Geeks Who Drink” KINSALE › 2 Center Plaza, Boston › 7 pm › “ Stump!” PHOENIX LANDING › 512 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 7:30 pm ›” Geeks Who Drink” Trivia ROSEBUD DINER › 381 Summer St, Somerville › 9:30 pm › “ Trivi-Oke: Trivia & Karaoke Night” SPIRIT BAR › 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 8 pm › “ Stump!” TAVERN IN THE SQUARE › 161 Brighton Ave, Allston › 8 pm ›” Geeks Who Drink” Trivia TOMMY DOYLE’S AT HARVARD › 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › 8 pm › “ Stump!” TOMMY DOYLE’S KENDALL › 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge › 6:30 pm › “ Geeks Who Drink” THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 11.30.12 53

Arts & Nightlife :: visuAl Art

studio visit

“Fear No art 4” at Fourth Wall

hamra abbas’s War aNd peace pieces hamra abbas resists piNNiNg doWN what her art is about, but her primary subjects are love and war and the relationship between the West and her Pakistani heritage — from the Mughal and colonial eras, and since September 11. The 36-year-old has been living in Cambridge for most of the past four years, while her husband works on a doctorate at Harvard. But she’s shown her work at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, at New York’s Asia Society, and in biennials in Korea, China, Australia, and Turkey. Last month, the Pacific Asia Museum in California acquired one of her “paper plates” — which are actually webs of paper strips arranged like traditional Islamic geometric patterns and printed with the words “please get served.” Her portraits of young madrasa students in Pakistan recently went on view in Mumbai. Trained in Lahore and Berlin, Abbas has created, among other things, installations of delicate paper Islamic patterns on floors where visitors must walk on them. (“The idea is that people walk over it and destroy it. . . . It’s about destruction in some ways.”) Her panoramic photos of Istanbul’s skyline have all of the city’s iconic mosque minarets erased. In a video, hands clap and the fingers shatter. (“It’s about the collective approval that is 54 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/ArTs

cloaked in a simple gesture like clapping that signals support.”) One of her latest projects came out of time spent in New York two years ago: large photos of tiny portrait-sculptures of regular working folk she met there — a police officer, a taxi driver, grocery-store employees. She’s aiming to explore something about how we connect with our neighbors and how people are getting by in the Great Recession. Her social point gets overshadowed by her new, weird, lumpy technique, which looks like sculpting with wads of gum. Abbas’s most striking works suggest charged connections between war and sex. Her series Lessons on Love (2007) isolates scenes from old Indian miniatures and transforms them into life-sized sculptures of men firing rifles — while fucking women. The combination of the two acts is bizarre, but seems to clarify deep facts about our motivations. Funnier is Love Yourself, from a couple of years later — a table full of vibrating dildos in the shapes of bullets, rockets, and jets. Are they, ya know, pleasing? “This guy is effective,” Abbas says of a purpleplane dildo. “Not that I have any intention to use it.” _GREG COOk » GREGCOOklANd.COm/jOuRNAl

A highlight of “Fear No Art 4,” the Fourth Wall Project’s exhibit “promoting and exposing underground art,” is organizer Marka27’s own paintings. The New Yorker, formerly of Boston, deploys a crackerjack illustration style in graphic paintings riffing on geishas or traditional tribal masks. He augments them with actual shoelaces and parts of Air Jordans to create street totems. Among the other 16 artists, from Miami to LA, are Kenji Nakayama of Boston and Caleb Neelon of Cambridge, who are more talented than their paintings indicate. Too many of the artists favor showFEAR NO offy visual ART 4 posturing. And Fourth Wall LA’s Simone Project, 132 Legno’s catchy Brookline Ave, Boston painting of an anime gal Through reading manDecember 3 ga comics — in just panties, and on her hands and knees in a fuck-me pose — reminds that lowbrow and street art can be dudes’ worlds. But Wombat, a New Yorker formerly in Boston, makes cool pop dioramas referencing Robotech, Lego, and old monster movies. Raul Gonzalez’s drawings, made to look old-timey with lots of faux stains, depict a man, a boy, and a girl floating down a river in tires, or a boy’s head attached to a rattlesnake. The Medford artist’s symbolism is unclear — maybe something about growing up Mexican-American in Texas? — but his cartoony draftsmanship is some of the best of this style that you’ll find in the country. _GC

marka27, Flyish


AXELLE FINE ARTS › 617.450.0700 › 91 Newbury St, Boston › › Daily 10 am6 pm › Dec 6-Jan 6: “Michel Delacroix at 80” › Reception Dec 6: 6-8 pm BRICKBOTTOM GALLERY › 617.776.3410 › 1 Fitchburg St, Somerville › brickbottomartists. com › Thurs-Sat noon–5 pm › Dec 6-Jan 12: “Spectrum! A Selection of Artists from Joy Street Studios” CHASE YOUNG GALLERY › 617.859.7222 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › chaseyounggallery. com › Tues-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-4 pm › Dec 5-22: “Winter Group Show of Gallery Artists” › Reception Dec 7: 6-8 pm OLD SCHWAMB MILL › 781.643.0554 › 17 Mill Ln, Arlington › › Tues + Sat 11 am-3 pm › Dec 1-March 16: Emily Garfield, John Maciejowski, Ann Salk Rosenberg, and Regina Valluzzi: “Driven to Abstraction” › Reception Dec 1: 2:30-4:30 pm TUFTS UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY AT THE AIDEKMAN ARTS CENTER › 617.627.3094 › 40 Talbot Ave, Medford › › Wed-Sun noon-5 pm › Nov 29-Dec 16: Katie Tyler and Rebecca Wallach: “MFA Thesis Exhibitions” › Reception Nov 29: 5:30-8 pm WASHINGTON STREET ART CENTER › 617.623.5315 › 321 Washington St, Somerville › › Sat noon-4 pm › Dec 1-22: Danielle Festa: “Fabricating Realities”


Admission to the following galleries is free, unless otherwise noted. In addition to the hours listed here, many galleries are open by appointment. ABERJONA RIVER GALLERY › 781.729.1158 › 184 Swanton St, Winchester › › Daily 11 am-5 pm › Through Dec 2: Robert Schwartz: “Gestures and Glances” ALBRIGHT ART › 978.369.7300 › 32 Main St, Concord › › Sun-Tues 10 am-6 pm; Wed-Sat 10 am-8 pm › Through Jan 6: “Give Art” AMERICAN ISLAMIC CONGRESS CENTER › 617.266.0080 › 38 Newbury St, Boston › › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; Sat noon-4 pm › Through Jan 15: “Bosnian Born” ARS LIBRI › 617.357.5212 › 500 Harrison Ave, Boston › › Mon-Fri 10 am-6 pm; Sat 11 am-5 pm › Through Dec 22: Wendy Burton: “Histories” ARSENAL CENTER FOR THE ARTS › 617.923.0100 › 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › › Tues-Sun noon-6 pm › Through Jan 4: “Artists Talk About Art” › Through Jan 10: “Small Works 2012” ART INSTITUTE OF BOSTON › 617.585.6600 › 700 Beacon St, Boston › › Tues-Wed + Fri noon-5 pm; Thurs 3-8 pm; Sat noon-5 pm › Through Dec 16: “MasterWork” ATELIER GALLERY AT STONEHAM THEATRE › 781.279.2200 › 395 Main St, Stoneham › › Tues-Sat 1-6 pm › Through Jan 13: Jane Paradise: “When I Was Young, I Was Considered Beautiful” BOSTON ATHENÆUM › 617.227.0270 › 101/2 Beacon St, Boston › › Mon 9 am-8 pm; Tues-Fri 9 am-5:30 pm; Sat 9 am-4 pm › Through Jan 12: “Chromo-Mania! The Art of Chromolithograhy in Boston, 18401910” BOSTON CYBERARTS GALLERY › 617.290.5010 › 141 Green St, Jamaica Plain › › Wed-Thurs 6-9 pm; Fri-Sun 11 am-6 pm › Through Dec 14: “COLLISION18:Present” BOSTON UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY › 617.353.4672 › 855 Comm Avenue, Boston › bu.

edu/art › Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 20: Vlatka Horvat: “Also Called: Backbone, Anchor, Lifeline” BROMFIELD GALLERY › 617.451.3605 › 450 Harrison Ave, Boston › bromfieldgallery. com › Wed-Sat noon-5 pm › Through Dec 1: Judy Riola: “Noisy Constellations” › Through Dec 1: Prilla Smith Brackett: “Promises to Keep: Monoprints” BSA SPACE › 617.391.4039 › Boston Society of Architects, 290 Congress St, Boston › bsaspace. org › Daily 10 am-6 pm › Through Dec 31: “City of Mirages: Baghdad, 1952–1982” BUNKER HILL COMMUNITY COLLEGE ART GALLERY › 617.228.2093 › 250 New Rutherford Ave, Charlestown › artgallery › Mon + Wed + Fri 11 am-4 pm; Tues + Thurs 1-6 pm; Sat 11 am–2 pm › Through Dec 15: “Artists on the Stump” CAMBRIDGE ART ASSOCIATION › 617.876.0246 › 25 Lowell St, Cambridge › › Lowell St: Tues-Sat 11 am-5 pm; Mount Auburn St: Mon-Fri 9 am-6 pm, Sat 9 am-1 pm › Through Jan 10: “Blue” CAMBRIDGE CENTER FOR ADULT EDUCATION › 617.547.6789 › 42 Brattle St, Cambridge › › Daily noon-9 pm › Through Nov 30: “The New England Folk Music Archives Exhibition” CARPENTER CENTER FOR THE VISUAL ARTS AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY › 617.495.3251 › 24 Quincy St, Cambridge › › Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1 pm-5 pm › Through Dec 20: Christian Boltanski: “6 Septembres” › Through Dec 20: “Parsis: The Zoroastrians of India” COPLEY SOCIETY OF ART › 617.536.5049 › 158 Newbury St, Boston › copleysociety. org › Tues-Sat 11 am-6 pm; Sun noon-5 pm › Through Dec 24: “Holiday Small Works 2012” DAVIS ART GALLERY › 508.752.5334 › 44 Portland St, Worcester › › MonFri 8:30 am-5 pm › Through Jan 4: “The Quest for Inner Peace: An Exploration of Asian Arts Through Western Eyes” DTR MODERN GALLERY › 617.424.7001 › 167 Newbury St, Boston › › Mon-Fri 10 am-6:30 pm; Sat 10 am-7 pm; Sun noon-6 pm › Through Dec 21: “Dalí” 808 GALLERY › 617.358.0922 › 808 Comm Ave, Boston › › Tues-Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 16: “On Sincerity” FOURTH WALL PROJECT › › 132 Brookline Ave, Boston › › Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 3: “Fear No Art 4” GALLERY NAGA › 617.267.9060 › 67 Newbury St, Boston › › TuesSat 10AM-5PM › Through Dec 15: Gregory Gillespie: “Transfixed” GLADSTONE JEWELRY › 978.704.9410 › 36 Union St, Manchester › gladstonejewelry. com › Wed-Fri 11 am-6 pm; Sat 11 am-5 pm › Through Jan 25: Edwina Sandys GRIFFIN MUSEUM BY DIGITAL SILVER IMAGING › 617.489.0035 › 4 Clarendon St, Boston › › Tues-Wed + Fri 11 am- 6 pm; Thurs 11 am-7 pm; Sat noon- 5 pm › Through Jan 13: Robert Moran: “Relics” HALEY HOUSE BAKERY CAFE › 617.445.0900 › 12 Dade St, Roxbury › › Mon-Wed + Fri 7:30 am-4 pm; Thurs 7:30 a m-9 pm; Sat 9 am-3 pm › Through Nov 30: Boston Day & Evening Academy: “Identity” HARBORARTS OUTDOOR GALLERY › › 256 Marginal St, East Boston › › Open 24 hours › Through Dec 31: “Hazards of Modern Living” Public Art Installation JEWETT ART GALLERY AT WELLESLEY COLLEGE › 781.283.2042 › 106 Central St, Wellesley › jewettgallery. › Daily noon-5 pm › Through Nov 30: Travis Krupka: “Ferraris In A Forest” KINGSTON GALLERY › 617.423.4113 › 450

Tom Chambers’s Grimalkin’s Opus is on view at the Chase Young Gallery as part of the group show “Winter Group Show of Gallery Artists” from December 5 through the 22nd with a reception on December 7. Harrison Ave, #43, Boston › kingstongallery. com › Wed-Sun noon- 5 pm › Through Dec 2: Luanne E Witkowski: “Place” LACONIA GALLERY › 617.670.1568 › 433 Harrison Ave, Boston › › Fri-Sun noon–4 pm › Through Jan 13: David Curcio: “I Wouldn’t Worry About It” LINCOLN ARTS PROJECT › › 289 Moody St, Waltham › › Wed-Fri 4-9 pm; Sat 2-8 pm › Through Dec 1: “Insider/ Outsider” LYNNARTS › 781.598.5244 › 25 Exchange St, Lynn › › Mon-Wed + Fri 10 am–4 pm; Thurs 11 am–7 pm; Sat 11 am–4 pm › Through Dec 28: Joan Mullen and Marjorie Kaye: “Desire and Compulsion” MEDALLION GALLERY › 617.236.8283 › 350 Boylston St, Boston › medalliongallery. com › Mon-Sat 10 am-7 pm; Sun noon-5 pm › Through Nov 30: Milan Klic MIT LIST VISUAL ARTS CENTER › 617.253.4860 › 20 Ames St, Cambridge › web. › Daily noon-6 pm › Through Jan 6: “In the Holocene” MIT WOLK GALLERY › 617.253.7334 › 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Mon-Fri 9 am–5 pm › Through Dec 28: William Wurster: “Frames for Living” MULTICULTURAL ARTS CENTER › 617.577.1400 › 41 Second St, Cambridge › › Mon-Fri 10:30 am-6 pm › Through Dec 14: Martin Karplus: “South and Central American Kodachromes of the 1960s” › Through Dec 26: Sylvia StaggGiuliano: “Transit of Venus” NEW ART CENTER › 617.964.3424 › 61 Washington Park, Newtonville › newartcenter. org › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm; Sat 1-5 pm › Through Dec 7: “New Media › Fresh Paint II” › Through Dec 7: Sarah Pollman NEW ENGLAND SCHOOL OF PHOTOGRAPHY › 617.437.1868 › 537 Comm Ave, Boston › › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm ›

Through Dec 14: Paul-Jude Guillaume: “Never Let Me Go” PEARL STREET GALLERY › 617.338.1388 › 100 Pearl St, Chelsea › Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Dec 30: “Hurricane Sandy Relief Show and Sale” ROBERT KLEIN GALLERY › 617.267.7997 › 38 Newbury St, Boston › robertkleingallery. com › Tues-Fri 10 am–5:30 pm; Sat 11 am–5 pm › Through Dec 22: Michael Kenna: “A Decade in Review” ROLLY-MICHAUX GALLERY › 617.536.9898 › 290 Dartmouth St, Boston › › Tues-Sat 11 am-4:30 pm › Through Dec 29: Robert Castagna and Ksenia Mack: “A Soundtrack for Still Pictures: Lost Across America” SANDRA AND DAVID BAKALAR GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN › 617.879.7333 › 621 Huntington Ave, Boston › Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm › Through Dec 1: Zandra Rhodes: “A Lifelong Love Affair with Textiles” SCHOOL OF THE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS › 617.267.6100 › 230 The Fenway, Boston › › Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Thurs 10 am-8 pm › Through Dec 3: “Grad Student Curatorial Team Show” 17 COX › 715.441.3631 › 17 Cox Ct, Beverly › › By appointment only › Through Dec 23: “$1000 Reward for the 20 Foot Santa Claus” SHERMAN GALLERY AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY › 617.358.0295 › 775 Comm Ave, Boston › › Tues-Fri 11 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 16: Stephen A. Frank: “Exploring My Kodachrome Dreams, You Can’t Go Home Again” SOCIETY OF ARTS AND CRAFTS › 617.266.1810 › 175 Newbury St, Boston › › Tues-Sat 10 am-6 pm ›

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Through Jan 19: “Our Cups Runneth Over” STATE TRANSPORTATION BUILDING › › 10 Park Pl, Boston › Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm › Through Nov 30: “100 Prints Celebrating 100 Years” STEPHEN D. PAINE GALLERY AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN › 617.879.7333 › 621 Huntington Ave, Boston › Mon-Sat noon-6 pm; Wed noon-8 pm › Through Dec 24: “Earth & Alchemy” TRUSTMAN ART GALLERY AT SIMMONS COLLEGE › 617.521.2268 › 300 the Fenway, Boston › › Mon-Fri 10 am-4:30 pm › Through Dec 13: Milo Fay, Eliza Gagnon, and Elaine SpatzRabinowitz: “Where We Live” WARNER BABCOCK INSTITUTE FOR GREEN CHEMISTRY › 978.229.5400 › 100 Research Dr, Wilmington › › By appointment only › Through Jan 11: “Tales from a Test Tube: Abstractions and Reactions” WOODRUFF’S ART CENTER › 508.477.5767 › 1 Market St, Mashpee › › Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm › Through Dec 31: “100 Ways to Paint I Love You”

FA i l uRE by k AR l s TEv ENs K A R L ST e v e N S A RT@ P H x .C o M


ADDISON GALLERY OF AMERICAN ART AT PHILLIPS ACADEMY › 978.749.4015 › 180 Main St, Andover › andover. edu/addison › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm; Sun 1-5 pm › Through Dec 30: “American Vanguards: Graham, Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, and Their Circle, 1927 – 1942” › Through Jan 13: “Pekupatikut Innuat Akunikana / Pictures Woke the People Up: An Innu Project with Wendy Ewald and Eric Gottesman” › Through Jan 13: “People, Places, Things: Symbols of American Culture” ARMENIAN LIBRARY AND MUSEUM OF AMERICA › 617.926.2562 › 65 Main Street, Watertown › › Thur-Fri noon-8 pm; Sat-Sun noon-6 pm › Through Dec 30: “The Life and Works of Arshag Fetvadjian” › Through Jan 31: “The Art of Ranzar” CHARLES RIVER MUSEUM OF INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION › 781.893.5410 › 154 Moody St, Waltham › crmi. org › Thurs-Sun 10 am-5 pm › Admission $7; $5 students, seniors › Through Jan 15: Wayne Strattman: “Self Illumination” DAVIS MUSEUM AT WELLESLEY COLLEGE › 781.283.3382 › 106 Central St, Wellesley › › TuesSat 11 am-5 pm; Wed 11 am-8 pm; Sun noon-4 pm › Free admission › Through Dec 16: “A Generous Medium: Photography at Wellesley, 1972-2012” DECORDOVA SCULPTURE PARK AND MUSEUM › 781.259.8355 › 51 Sandy Pond Rd, Lincoln › › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm › Admission $14; $12 seniors; $10 students and youth ages 13 and up; free to children under 12 › Through Dec 30: Jean Shin and Brian Ripel: “Retreat” › Through Dec 30: Julianne Swartz: “How Deep is Your” › Through April 21: “Second Nature: Abstract Photography Then and Now” › Through Oct 1: “PLATFORM 10: Dan Peterman” ERIC CARLE MUSEUM OF PICTURE BOOK ART › 413.658.1100 › 125 West Bay Rd, Amherst › › Mon-Fri 10 am–4 pm; Sat 10 am–5 pm; Sun noon–5 pm › $7; $5 students › Through Feb 24: “Beyond Books: The Independent Art of Eric Carle” › Through March 10: “Iconic Images: Ten Years of Collecting for The Carle” FITCHBURG ART MUSEUM › 978.345.4207 › 185 Elm St, Fitchburg › › Wed-Fri noon-4 pm; Sat-Sun 11 am-5 pm › Admission $9; $5 students and seniors › Through Dec 20: “American Scenery: Different Views in Hudson


River School Painting” › Through Dec 20: “Different Views: Landscape Photographs from the Museum’s Collections” › Through Dec 20: “Face to Face: Works From The Collection In Dialogue” › Through Dec 20: “The Director’s Favorites” FULLER CRAFT MUSEUM › 508.588.6000 › 455 Oak St, Brockton › › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; Wed 10 am-9 pm › Admission $8; $5 students, seniors; free for members and children under 12, and for all Wed 5-9 pm › Through Jan 20: Cyndy Barbone, Deborah Frazee Carlson, Fuyuko Matsubara, and Bhakti Ziek: “Grand Tales of the Loom: Four Master Weavers” › Through Feb 10: “2012 Biennial Members Exhibition” › Through Feb 24: Chris Gustin: “Masterworks in Clay” GRIFFIN MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY › 781.729.1158 › 67 Shore Rd, Winchester › griffinmuseum. org › Tues-Thurs 11 am-5 pm; Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-4 pm › Admission $5; $2 seniors; free for children and students; free for all on Thurs › Through Dec 2: Jess T. Dugan: “Transcendence” › Through Dec 2: Lynn Goldsmith: “The Looking Glass” › Through Dec 2: Rita Bernstein: “Undertow” HARVARD ART MUSEUMS › 617.495.9400 › 485 Broadway, Cambridge › › Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm › Admission $9; $7 seniors; $6 students › Through Dec 29: “Recent Acquisitions, Part III: Kerry James Marshall” › Through June 1: “Re-View” INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART › 617.478.3100 › 100 Northern Ave, Boston › › Tues-Wed + Sat-Sun 10 am–5 pm; Thurs-Fri 10 am–9 pm › Admission $15; $10 students, seniors; free for ages under 17; free after 5 pm on Thurs › Through March 3: “This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s” ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM › 617.566.1401 › 280 the Fenway, Boston › › Wed-Mon 11 am-5 pm › Admission $15; $12 seniors; $5 students with ID; free for ages under 18 › Through Jan 7: “The Great Bare Mat & Constellation” MASSACHUSETTS MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART › 413.662.2111 › 87 Marshall St, North Adams › massmoca. org › Wed-Mon 11 am–5 pm › Admission $15; $11 students; $5 ages 6-16; free for ages 5 and

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under › Through Jan 2: “Making Room: The Space Between Two and Three Dimensions” › Through Feb 4: “Invisible Cities” › Through April 1: “Oh, Canada” MCMULLEN MUSEUM OF ART AT BOSTON COLLEGE › 617.552.8100 › 140 Comm Ave, Chestnut Hill › › Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Free admission › Through Dec 9: Paul Klee: “Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art” MIT MUSEUM › 617.253.4444 › 265 Mass Ave, Cambridge › › TuesFri 10 am-5 pm; Sat-Sun noon-5 pm › Through Dec 31: Berenice Abbott: “Photography and Science: An Essential Unity” › Through March 17: “Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the Greater Himalaya” › Through Sept 28: “The Jeweled Net: Views of Contemporary Holography” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS › 617.267.9300 › 465 Huntington Ave, Boston › › MonTues + Sat-Sun 10 am-4:45 pm; Wed-Fri 10 am-9:45 pm › Admission $22; $20 students, seniors; free for ages 7-17 and under during non-school hours [otherwise $10]; free for ages 6 and under › Through Dec 31: Edward Weston: “Leaves of Grass” › Through Dec 31: “The Allure of Japan” › Through Jan 6: Ori Gersht: “History Repeating” › Through Feb 3: Mario Testino: “In Your Face” › Through Feb 18: “Artful Healing” › Through Feb 18: “Cats to Crickets: Pets in Japan’s Floating World” › Through March 31: Daniel Rich: “Platforms of Power” › Through April 14: “The Postcard Age: Selections from the Leonard A. Lauder Collection” › Through June 16: “Kings, Queens, and Courtiers: Royalty on Paper” › Through June 16: Mario Testino: “British Royal Portraits” › Through June 23: “Divine Depictions: Korean Buddhist Paintings” › Through July 7: “Art of the White Mountains” › Through Sept 8: “Chinese Lacquer 1200– 1800” › Through June 1: “Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern” MUSEUM OF SCIENCE › 617.723.2500 › 1 Science Pk, Boston › › Sat-Thurs 9 am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-9 pm › Admission $22; $20 seniors; $19 children 3-11 › Through Jan 13: “Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age” › Through March 3: “Shipwreck! Pirates & Treasure” NATIONAL CENTER OF AFROAMERICAN ARTISTS › 617.442.8614 › 300 Walnut Ave, Boston › › Admission

$4; $3 seniors, students › Through Jan 13: “Jamaican Artists: Celebrating 50 years of Independence” NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM › 413.298.4100 › 9 Rte 183, Stockbridge › › Daily 10 am–5 pm, through Oct. After Nov, 10 am-4 pm; weekends 10 am- 5 pm › Admission $15; $13.50 seniors; $10 students with ID; free for ages 18 and under when accompanied by an adult › Through Jan 21: Norman Rockwell: “Home for the Holidays” › Through Feb 24: “Heroes and Villains: The Comic Book Art of Alex Ross” PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM › 978.745.9500 › 161 Essex St, Salem › › Tues-Sun and Mon holidays 10 am-5 pm › Admission $15; $13 seniors; $11 students; free for ages 16 and under › Through Dec 31: “The Invention of Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana Tapestries” › Through Jan 31: “Auspicious Wishes and Natural Beauty in Korean Art” › Through Jan 31: “Fish, Silk, Tea, Bamboo: Cultivating an Image of China” › Through Jan 31: “Of Gods and Mortals, Traditional Art from India” › Through Jan 31: “Perfect Imbalance, Exploring Chinese Aesthetics” › Through Feb 3: “FreePort [No. 004]: Peter Hutton” › Through Feb 3: “Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones” › Through May 27: “FreePort [No. 005]: Michael Lin” › Through May 27: “Natural Histories: Photographs by Barbara Bosworth” PEABODY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY › 617.496.1027 › 11 Divinity Ave, Cambridge › › Daily 9 am-5 pm › Admission $9; $7 students, seniors; free to members, Harvard students, and children under 3; also free to all Massachusetts residents Wed 3-5 pm and Sun 9 am–noon › Through Jan 31: “From Daguerreotype to Digital: Anthropology and Photography” › Through June 30: “Conservators at Work: Alaska’s Historic Kayaks Renewed” › Through June 30: “Digging Veritas: The Archaeology and History of the Indian College and Student Life at Colonial Harvard” › Through Dec 31 2013: “Translating Encounters: Travel and Transformation in the Early Seventeenth Century” › Through Dec 31 2014: “Storied Walls: Murals of the Americas” › Through Dec 31 2014: “Wiyohpiyata: Lakota Images of the Contested West” RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN MUSEUM OF ART › 401.454.6500 › 224 Benefit St, Providence, RI › risdmuseum. org › Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; third Thurs per month until 9 pm › Admission $10; $7 seniors; $3 college students and youth ages 5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm, the third Thurs of each month 5-9 pm, and the last Sat of the month › Through Dec 2: “The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Rhode Island” › Through Jan 13: “America In View: Landscape Photography 1865 to Now” › Through Feb 24: “Everyday Things: Contemporary Works from the Collection” › Through May 19: “Grisogorious Places: Edward Lear’s Travels” › Through June 9: “RISD Business: Sassy Signs and Sculptures by Alejandro Diaz” › Through June 30: Angela Bulloch, Anthony McCall, and Haroon Mirza: “Double-and-Add” ROSE ART MUSEUM AT BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY › 781.736.3434 › 415 South St, Waltham › › Tues-Sun noon-5 pm › Admission $3 › Through Dec 9: Dor Guez: “100 Steps to the Mediterranean” WORCESTER ART MUSEUM › 508.799.4406 › 55 Salisbury St, Worcester › › Wed-Fri + Sun 11 am-5 pm; Sat 10 am-5 pm; Third Thursday 11 am-8 pm › Admission $14, $12 for seniors and students. Free for youth 17 and under and for all on first Sat of the month, 10 am-noon › Through Nov 30: “Pilgrimage to Hokusai’s Waterfalls” › Through Dec 2: “20th Century American Drawings” › Through Feb 3: “Kennedy to Kent State: Images of a Generation”

Arts & Nightlife :: books

Arts & Nightlife ArtsArts & :: books Nightli &Art Nig

book events

MonDAY 3


ANTHONY D’ARIES AND MEG KEARNEY › The Language of Men and The Girl in the Mirror discussions › 7 pm › Porter Square Books, Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White St, Cambridge › Free › 617.491.2220 or “FIRST LIGHT FESTIVAL” › Local authors discuss their newest works › 5 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or HARVARD BOOK STORE 80TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or


Matthew Guerrieri on Duh Duh Duh DUM in The FirsT FoUr NoTes:

Beethoven’s Fifth and the Human Imagination (Knopf ), Matthew Guerrieri, music critic for the Boston Globe, calls the iconic duh duh duh DUM opening “short enough to remember and portentous enough to be memorable.”

Beethoven’s deafness was like Mozart’s beginning as a child prodigy — the biographical fact that has been merged with every discussion of their work’s significance. But you say that Beethoven wasn’t completely deaf in 1808 when he wrote his Fifth Symphony. Why has that myth persisted? Beethoven was the most famous composer during a time when the German Romantics decided that music picks up where language leaves off. The Romantics thought music was a way to leap beyond our conceptual limitations towards a glimpse of the Divine. The idea that Beethoven was profoundly deaf was fantastic for them, because here was someone who was completely shut off from the world. What he had was pure inspiration, because he wasn’t being distracted. It made him the musical equivalent of the blind seer of classical Greek mythology.


You describe the staggering varieties of contradictory interpretations of Beethoven’s Fifth — from the struggle of the individual against the state, to Wellington’s victory over Bonaparte, and the symphony’s deployment in American war movies. The Fifth is such a provocative blank slate. It has such rhetorical force. But once you scratch the surface, it can go in so many different directions. From the musical standpoint, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. You’re careful to place different interpretations at particular historical moments. There’s no shortage of people communicating their own impressions from decade to decade. I wasn’t so interested in writing about what I thought about the Fifth Symphony. You can use a famous piece of music like this as a control group for surveying history, because everyone has listened to this same piece of music, but they’re having all these different reactions. And the simple question becomes, “Why?” _De br a Cas h

MATTHEW GUERRIERI :: Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: November 30 :: 7 pm :: Free :: 617.661.1515 or

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40TH YEAR OF BLACKSMITH HOUSE POETRY SERIES › With Jean Valentine and Ilya Kaminksy reading from Dark Elderberry Branch, a collection of translations of Marina Tsvetaeva › 8 pm › Blacksmith House at Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 56 Brattle St, Cambridge › $3 › 617.547.6789 or SUSANNAH CAHALAN › Brain on Fire discussion › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or ARCHER MAYOR › Paradise City: A Joe Gunther Novel discussion › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or

tUesDAY 4

RAY KURZWEIL › How to Create a Mind discussion › 6 pm › Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard St, Brookline › Free with book purchase;$5 additional tickets › 617.734.2500 or DR YOSSI SHEFFI › Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth discussion and signing, with light refreshments › 5:30 pm › MIT Media Lab, 75 Amherst St, Cambridge › Free › 617.253.4481 “THE STORY SPACE: CYNDI FREEMAN & BRAD LAWRENCE” › 7 pm › Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect St, Cambridge › Free › 617.354.5287 or

CELESTE-MARIE BERNIER › Characters of Blood: Black Heroism in the Transatlantic Imagination reading › 3 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.661.1515 or MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL › No Hurry: Poems 2000-2012 reading › 7 pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or MATTHEW GUERRIERI › The First Four Notes: Beethoven’s Fifth and the Human Imagination reading › 7 pm › Harvard Book Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › in The FirsT inYou The FoUr describe FirsT NoTes: FoUr in the Th Free › 617.661.1515 or harvard.comin The FirsT FoUr NoTes: Beethoven’s Fifth the Human Beethoven’s Beethoven’s Fifth andof Fifth the Beeth Hum an varieties contr “ANand EVENING WITH MARGARET TALBOT” › TheImagination Entertainer: Movies, MagImagination (Knopf ), Matthew Imagination (Knopf ), Matth (Knop Imag interpretations o ic, and My Father’s Twentieth Century disGuerrieri, music critic for the Guerrieri, Guerrieri, music critic music for Guer th crs Fifth — from the cussion › 7 pm › Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle “HARVARD BOOK STORE WINTER calls the iconic Boston Globe, Boston calls Globe, the agains iconic calls Bostot individual Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.6837 WAREHOUSE SALE” › 10 am toBoston 6 pm Globe, St, duh duh duh DUM duh duh duh DUM duh duh opening DUM duhvdo to1ST Wellington’s “THEopening PILGRIMduh MAGAZINE ANNI› Harvard Book Store Warehouse, 14 Park CELEBRATION” › With editor and St, Somerville › Free › “short enoughVERSARY to remember “short enough “short toenough remember “shor to re Bonaparte, th James Parkerto and more › 7 pm ›deployment Brookline our_winter_warehouse_sale4/ and portentous enough be and portentous and portentous enough and to be p ineno Am Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, Brookline › Free › “WORD-N-RHYTHM” › BBQ, open mic memorable.” memorable.” memorable.” war movies.mem The F 617.566.6660 or poetry, and live music › Out of the Blue Gallery, a provocative blank 106 Prospect St, Cambridge › $5 donation › 617.354.5287 or Beethoven’s deafness wasBeethoven’s like Beethoven’s deafness deafn was Beet such rhetorical forli

Matthew Matthew Guerr Matth M on Duh Duh onon Duh Duh Du oD WeDnesDAY 5



Mozart’s beginning as a child Mozart’sMozart’s beginning beginnin assurface aMoz chi scratch the RICARDO CORTÉS › A Secret History prodigy — theofbiographical —prodigy the — theprod biog many different dire sUnDAY 2 Coffee, Coca &prodigy Cola discussion › biographical 7 pm merged fact that fact been that merged been fact tm musical standpoin › Brookline Booksmith, 279has Harvard St,has TODD ANDRLIK › Reporting thefact Revo-that has been Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinelutionary War: Before It Was History, It every discussion with of their with every with discussion every of with the that’s a baddiscuss thing. Was News discussion and signing ›work’s 2 pm › significance. But you work’s significance. work’s significanc But work you RICHARD SOBEL › Public Opinion and Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › You’re careful say that Beethoven wasn’t say that Beethoven say that Beethoven wasn’t saytot International Intervention: Lessons from Free › 617.489.0519 or interpretations completely deaf in 1808 when completely deaf›in 1808 deaf wh ina the Iraq War discussion andcompletely signing 7 pm › comp “HARVARD BOOK STORE WINTER Harvard Coop, 1400 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Fifth WAREHOUSE SALE” › 10 am tohe 6 pm historical wrote his Fifth Symphony. he wrote he his wrote Fifth Symphon hismome he w › 617.489.0519 or › Harvard Book Store Warehouse, 14 Parkhas thatFree shortage of people Why myth persisted? Why has Why that myth has that persiste Why myth St, Somerville › Free › theirthe own impress Beethoven was the most famous Beethoven Beethoven was most was Beeth famo the m our_winter_warehouse_sale4/ decadea time toduring decade. composer during a time when composer the composer during when comp a tI “NEW ENGLAND POETRY CLUB PRIZE POETS READINGS” › With Aid- Romantics decidedGerman interested in Germ writith German that Romantics German Romantics decided an Rooney and Daniel Tobin › 3 pmmusic › Cam-picks up where language thought about the music picks music up where picks languag upmusi whe bridge Public Library - Main Branch, 449 YouRomantics can use aRoma famo leaves leaves off.leaves The off. The leave tho Broadway, Cambridge › Free › 617.744.6034off. The Romantics thought as music was a way to leap beyond music wasmusic amusic waywas tolike leap a this way beyon musi to al KIM O’DONNEL › The Meat Lover’s Meatless Celebrations signing and sampling 1 forconceptual surveying histo our ›conceptual limitations our conceptual our limitations our limit c pm › Brookline Booksmith, 279 Harvard St, a glimpse of the Divine. everyone hasDivin listen towards towards atowards glimpse aofglimpse the towa o Brookline › Free › 617.566.6660 or brooklinesame musi The idea that Beethoven wasThe idea that The Beethoven ideapiece thatof Beetho The was having allfantastic profoundly deaf was fantastic profoundly for profoundly deaf was deafprofo was KATHLEEN SPIVACK › With Robert Lowell and His Circle: Sylvia Plath,them, Anne because here was someone these different them, because them, here because was someo here themw Sexton, Elizabeth Bishop, Stanley Kunitz & completely shut offwho reactions. And who was fromwas completely who was completely shut who off fw Others discussion › 4 pm › Harvard Book the simple the world. What he had was the pureworld.the What world. he had What was the hepu wh Store, 1256 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › question inspiration, because he wasn’t inspiration, inspiration, because hebecause wasn’t inspi 617.661.1515 or “THE STORY BEHIND BEST AMERIbecomes, being distracted. It made him being the distracted. being distracted. It madebeing him It m CAN SHORT STORIES” › Series editor Heidiequivalent of the blind “Why?” musical musical equivalent musical equivalent of themusi blind o Pitlor discusses the classic anthology and au_ D eb ra C a s mythol h seer seerread of classical Greek mythology. seer of classical seer ofGreek classical Greo thors Jennifer Haigh and Edith Pearlman

Ray Kurzweil speaks at the Coolidge Corner >> >> Theatre >> on Tuesday.

from their contributions to this year’s edition. Admission includes high tea and entrance in MATTHEW GUERRIERI :: Harvard MATTHEW Book Store, MATTHEW GUERRIER 1256 M door raffle. › 2 pm › Fairmont Copley Plaza, 138 Cambridge :: November 30 :: 7Cambridge pm :: Free ::Cambridge ::617.661.151 Novemb St. James Ave, Boston › $45 › 617.267.5300


57 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.COM/ARTS 57 11.30.12 57 :: 11.30.12 THEPHOENIX.COM ::57 THEPHO 11.3

Arts & Nightlife :: clAssicAl & dANce

ClassiCal ConCerts


tHUrsDaY 29

BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY STÉPHANE DENÈVE › Overture to Berlioz’s Les Francs-juges; Saint-Saëns’s Piano Concerto No. 5 [Egyptian]; Three Interludes from MacMillen’s The Sacrifice; Roussel’s Bacchus et Ariane, Suite No. 2 › Thurs + Sat 8 pm; Fri 1:30 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$114 › 888.266.1200 or NAOKO SUGIYAMA › Works for piano by Barber, Harbison, and Gershwin › 8 pm › Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music, 27 Garden St, Cambridge › Free › 617.876.0956 or OPERAHUB › Hindemith’s The Long Christmas Dinner › Thurs-Fri 8 pm; Sat 2 + 8 pm › Black Box Theatre at Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont Street, Boston › Free › 617.933.8600 or

FriDaY 30

EURIDICE ENSEMBLES › Selection of Baroque chamber works for strings and winds › 8 pm › Bezanson Recital Hall at UMass Amherst, 151 Presidents Dr, Amherst › Free › 413.545.2227 HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY CONDUCTED BY HARRY CHRISTOPHERS › Handel’s Messiah, with soprano Karina Gauvin, countertenor Daniel Taylor, tenor James Gilchrist, and baritone Sumner Thompson › Fri 7:30 pm; Sat-Sun 3 pm › Symphony Hall, 301 Mass Ave, Boston › $20-$78 › 617.266.3605 or LEXINGTON SYMPHONY CONDUCTED BY JONATHAN MCPHEE › “Holiday Pops” › 4 + 8 pm › Cary Hall, 1605 Mass Ave, Lexington › $20-$40 › 781.862.6288 or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY STÉPHANE DENÈVE › See listing for Thurs OPERAHUB › See listing for Thurs

Adès returns


Adès opened with an earlier creation myth, the murmuring tremolos of a rarely played Sibelius tone poem, Luonnotar, based on The Kalevala, and sung (in Finnish) with delicacy, awe, and emotional nuance by soprano Dawn Upshaw. Gerstein returned after intermission for a stunning version of Prokofiev’s breathlessly earthy and jazzy single-movement First Piano Concerto. Adès conducted from the inside, as if he composed every piece himself. He closed with Sibelius’s exquisite, mysterious Sixth Symphony. If, as Adès says, In Seven Days is about transformation, the Sibelius is about transition, precariously balancing nostalgia and premonition — and refusing definitive cadence, at either the end of movements or of the entire piece, leaving us in a state of quizzical wonderment. Adès revealed his pianistic prowess when he joined the phenomenal Gerstein at a BSO Chamber Players concert at Jordan Hall, playing Beethoven’s own fourhand transcription of his challenging Grosse Fuge string-quartet movement. With all those hilariously interweaving cross-hand maneuvers, were there really only four hands? The concert, performed in memory of the late Elliott Carter, also included Carter’s recent four-minute Figment III for double bass (with Edwin Barker having a three-way debate with himself) and enchanting 1948 Woodwind Quintet. A touching tribute. _LL oy d Schwartz

Read Lloyd Schwartz’s review of the Metropolitan Opera HD telecast of Thomas Adès’s The Tempest at

58 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOM/ARTS

satUrDaY 1

photo by Stu RoSneR

LAst yeAr’s most sAtisfying Boston Symphony concert was led by the 41-year-old British composer/ conductor/pianist Thomas Adès, who combined music from his marvel-filled opera, The Tempest (2004), with other works inspired by Shakespeare’s late romance. Adès just conducted The Tempest’s Metropolitan Opera premiere and HD telecast to theaters around the world, and shuttled between New York and Boston for his return to the BSO, with another intriguing, elegantly constructed program. The centerpiece was his 2008 quasi-pianoconcerto/tone poem, In Seven Days, a half-hour series of colorful, compelling variations running the gamut from spiky to rhapsodic, depicting the creation week from first light through ultimate contemplation (Adès omitted the original accompanying video). Strings begin with syncopated cosmic “raindrops,” from which evolve ocean and firmament, earth and sky (starlit piano and whistling winds), and in two continuous fugal movements, all the earth’s creatures, polyphonically interacting. Variations, Adès says, are a formal embodiment of the Creation narrative. As in Elliott Carter, each thread proceeds at its own pace. Adès avoids cliché and holds our attention without letup. And after inward contemplation, the cycle prepares to restart. Pianist Kirill Gerstein (a young Russian who studied jazz at Berklee) made an exciting, glittering contribution, but the composer actually got the bigger hand.

AARON JACKSON › Cage’s Etudes Australes, Books I and II › noon › Boston Athenæum, 10-1/2 Beacon St, Boston › Free › 617.227.0270 or EMMANUEL MUSIC › Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 › 7:30 pm › Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury St, Boston › $33-$73; $13 students › 617.536.3356 or LONGWOOD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY RONALD FELDMAN › Zwilich’s Concerto Grosso; Husa’s Two Sonnets from Michelangelo; Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D, Op. 61, with Benjamin Beilman › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › $30-$45; $25-$35 seniors; $15-$25 students › 617.987.0100. or BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY STÉPHANE DENÈVE › See listing for Thurs HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY CONDUCTED BY HARRY CHRISTOPHERS › See listing for Fri OPERAHUB › See listing for Thurs

sUnDaY 2

BORROMEO STRING QUARTET › Dvorák program: String Quartet No. 12 in F, Op. 96; String Quintet No. 3 in E-flat, Op. 97 › 1:30 pm

minor; Janácek’s On an Overgrown Path; Debussy’s L’isle joyeuse; Copland/Bernstein’s El Salon Mexico › 8 pm › Seully Hall, 8 the Fenway, Boston › $15 › 617.912.9222 or UMASS AMHERST SYMPHONY BAND AND PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE › Persichetti’s Symphony No. 6; Bagley’s National Emblem; Margolis’s Color › 8 pm › Fine Arts Center at UMass Amherst, 151 President Dr, Amherst › $10; $5 students, seniors › 413.545.2511 or musicanddance

WeDnesDaY 5

CouRtney LewiS photo by eRiC Antoniou

Courtney Lewis leads the Discovery Ensemble at Sanders Theatre on Sunday. › Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 280 the Fenway, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.566.1401 or CONCORD ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY RICHARD PITTMAN › Stookey’s The Composer Is Dead; Copland’s Hoe-Down; Suk’s Meditation on an Old Bohemian Carol › 2 + 4 pm › 51 Walden, 51 Walden St, Concord › $35; $25 seniors; $10 students › DISCOVERY ENSEMBLE › Bartók’s Divertimento; Salonen’s Five Images after Sappho, with soprano Karin Wolverton; Beethoven’s Symphony No. 2 › 3 pm › Sanders Theatre, 45 Quincy St, Cambridge › $10-$40 › 617.496.2222 or EMERSON STRING QUARTET › Dvorák’s String Quartet No. 9 in D minor; Schumann’s String Quartet in A, Op. 41, No. 3; Brahms’s String Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2 › 3 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › $35 › 617.482.6661 or ORIANA CONSORT › Selection of works by Tallis, Lauridsen, Gjeilo, Mendelssohn, and Bach › 5 pm › University Lutheran Church, 66 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $20; $15 students, seniors › 617.876.3256 or RICTOR NOREN › Viola recital › 5 pm › Studio 401, 31 Hemenway St, Boston › $15; $10 seniors; students free › 617.912.9222 or TALLIS SCHOLARS › Selection of works by Vivanco, Lassus, Pärt, and Praetorius › 7:30 pm › St. Paul Church, 29 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge › $19-$66 › 617.491.8400 or VIENNA BOYS CHOIR › Selection of holiday works › 3 pm › Cathedral of Holy Cross, 1400 Washington St, Boston › $34 › 617.542.5682 or HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY CONDUCTED BY HARRY CHRISTOPHERS › See listing for Fri

MonDaY 3

FIRST MONDAY › Leclair’s Sonata for two violins; Bartók’s Concerto for two pianos and percussion; Franck’s Quintet in F minor › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or

tUesDaY 4

JONATHAN BASS › Bach’s Partita No. 6 in E minor; Chopin’s Sonata No. 3 in B

NEC PHILHARMONIA CONDUCTED BY DAVID LOEBEL › Ives’s A Symphony: New England Holidays; Sibelius Symphony No. 7 › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or

tHUrsDaY 6

MEMBERS OF ALARM WILL SOUND CONDUCTED BY ALAN PIERSON › Roger Reynolds’s Passage and Seasons Cycle II, with soprano Susan Narucki › 8 pm › John Knowles Paine Concert Hall, Music Building, North Yard, Harvard University, Cambridge › Free › 617.495.2791 or


tHUrsDaY 29

sat. | nov. 24

Nihility Best Not Broken The Quins

8:30 pm | cover:$10 | ages 21+

thurs. | nov. 29

g-rock: hosted by mistress carrie of waaf with performances by

Nadia Turner, Kudisan Kai, Sara Leketa & Sarah Borrello 8 pm | cover:$20 | ages 21+

BOSTON BALLET › Nissinen’s The Nutcracker › Thurs-Fri 7:30 pm; Sat 1 + 7:30 pm; Sun 1 + 5:30 pm › Opera House, 539 Washington St, Boston › $35-$172 › 617.259.3400 or HARVARD DANCE PROGRAM › “Dance Program Winter Performances 2012,” with choreography from John Jasperse, Alex Willis, and Tsung-Yun Tzeng › Thurs-Sat UNT1886BO12_Boston_Phoenix_3.8125x2.375_11-23.indd 1 8 pm › Harvard Dance Center, 60 Garden St., Cambridge › $10; $5 students, seniors › 617.495.8683 or

fri. | nov. 30

Hurrah! A Bolt of Light The Townies Jo(h)n Band 8:30 pm | cover:$10 | ages 21+

boston ©2012 Hard Rock International (USA), Inc. All rights reserved.

11/19/12 1:56 P

FriDaY 30

JEANNETTE NEILL DANCE STUDIO › “Not! The Nutcracker” › Fri-Sat 8 pm › Tsai Performance Center, 685 Comm Ave, Boston › $25; $20 students › 617.523.1355 or jndance. UNIVERSITY DANCERS › Anna Sokolow’s ROOMS; Billbob Brown’s Please/ Thank You; Tom Vacanti’s Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal; Adrienne Hawkins’s You’ll know it when you get there › Fri-Sat 8 pm › Bowker Auditorium at UMass Amherst, 80 Campus Center Way, Amherst › $12; $5 students, seniors › 413.545.2511 or umasstix. com/musicanddance BOSTON BALLET › See listing for Thurs HARVARD DANCE PROGRAM › See listing for Thurs

satUrDaY 1

BOSTON BALLET › See listing for Thurs HARVARD DANCE PROGRAM › See listing for Thurs JEANNETTE NEILL DANCE STUDIO › See listing for Fri UNIVERSITY DANCERS › See listing for Fri

sUnDaY 2

BOSTON BALLET › See listing for Thurs

tHUrsDaY 6

BOSTON BALLET › See listing for previous Thurs THEPHOENIX.cOM/ARTS :: 11.30.12 59

Arts & Nightlife :: theAter

Play by Play

Compiled by maddy myers

Back to the past: pinter revived at the huntington Betrayal, which premiered in 1978, is Nobel laureate Harold Pinter’s most straightforward and also his most straight-backward play. “Our beginnings never know our ends,” Pinter opined in connection with The Homecoming. But it was not until Betrayal, which is being revived by the Huntington Theatre Company (at the BU Theatre through December 9), that the elusive dramatist told a tale that unfolded from end to beginning. The work ostensibly chronicles a longtime extramarital affair from strained aftermath to mid-wither to full bloom to polluted inception, each scene betraying, among other treasons, the characters’ memories of what had gone before. Which is the point. Pinter is not so much running a soap-opera tape backward as examining, as he does more cryptically in Old Times and No Man’s Land, the rocky, unreliable surface of recollection. “Harold’s memory is not linear at all,” remarked Lady Antonia Fraser (the second Mrs. Pinter) of her husband. “He’s got a memory like a camera, as if he’s taking shots.” That observation would seem to have been the inspiration for Maria Aitken’s wistful period staging for the Huntington, in which the scenes expand and then


retract as if seen through the shutter of an oldfashioned camera. And the wide, stark jumble of the production’s final image suggests not just that all memory is illusion but that the shifting sands of power and duplicity scattered among the previous scenes were underfoot from the beginning. This is not the warmest production in memory of what is arguably Pinter’s most accessible if still stylized work. But it is both delicate and perceptive. One of the play’s ironies is that usurping other man Jerry, played here with rumpled panache and the right English rhythms by Alan Cox, is its most humane character, with the grace to know — if not be terribly bothered by — guilt. On the other hand, wronged husband Robert (an aptly razor-edged Mark H. Dold), armed as he is with a mean, shrewd bonhomie, often seems to be running the show of his own cuckolding. Emma, these two literary chums’ shared mate, as embodied by willowy Gretchen Egolf folded into a telling regression of period garb, is by turns icy, vulnerable, and needlessly dishonest. Betrayal is by no means Pinter’s greatest work, but it is in its way perfect, and the Huntington team proves adequately perfectionist. _Car olyn Clay

BETRAYAL :: Boston University Theatre, 264 Huntington Ave, Boston :: Through December 9 :: $15-$75 :: 617.266.7900 or

60 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/ARTs



aNNie › Maggie Dillier helms the Riverside Theatre Works staging of Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin’s musical set during the Great Depression. A young orphan named Annie wins the chance to spend a day with a cranky billionaire and manages to soften his heart. › November 30–December 9 › Riverside Theatre Works, 45 Fairmount Avenue, Hyde Park › $15-$25 › 617.361.7024 or CHiNGlisH › Daniel Cavanaugh stars as an American businessman trying to cash in on a Chinese province’s growth potential in David Henry Hwang’s new comedy, presented by Lyric Stage under Larry Coen’s direction. Alexander Platt co-stars, alongside Tiffany Chen, Michael Tow, Celeste Oliva, Chen Tang, and Liz Eng. › November 30–December 23 › Lyric Stage Company of Boston, 140 Clarendon Street, Boston › $25-$58 › 617.437.7172 or HalF ’N HalF ’N HalF › Kyle Fabel helms John Kolvenbach’s farcical parody of life at a repertory theatre, from behind-thescenes drama to on-stage theatrics. Jim Ortlieb, Carol Halstead, Zoë Winters and Andrew Pastides star in the Merrimack Rep staging. › November 29–December 23 › Merrimack Repertory Theatre, 50 East Merrimack Street, Lowell › $15-$47 › 978.454.3926 or halfnhalfnhalf.html THe HoW aNd THe WHy › Shana Gozansky directs Trinity Rep’s production of Sarah Treem’s drama about a generational clash between two female evolutionary biologists, one well-established in her field and one about to begin her career. Barrie Kreinik and Anne Scurria star. › November 29–December 30 › Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington St, Providence, RI › $28-$34 › 401.351.4242 or la belle eT la beTe › Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon direct their own theatrical adaptation of Maureen Labonté’s translation of Pierre Yves Lemieux’s version of the French fairy tale. This multi-disciplinary staging blends theatre, film, dance, poetry, visual arts, music and sound to tell the fable of love, redemption, and compromise. › December 5–9 › Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston › $25-$69 › 617.824.8000 or maCHiNal › Trinity Repertory’s MFA Program presents Sophie Treadwell’s biographical trial drama about one of the first American women electrocuted for murder. Aubrey Snowden directs the production. › December 4-16 › Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington St, Providence, RI › $12; $6 students, seniors › 401.351.4242 or NeXT To Normal › The Office for the Arts at Harvard University stages this dramatic musical theatre piece crafted by a pair of Pulitzer winners, Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey. Allen Macleod directs the cast, which features Amy Sparrow as Diana, a mother struggling with bipolar disorder. › December 6–9 › Farkas Hall, 10-12 Holyoke St, Cambridge › $12; $8 students › 617.496.2222 or pippiN › Diane Paulus helms the A.R.T.’s staging of Stephen Schwartz and Roger O. Hirson’s musical about a young prince who believes he’s destined for greatness but can’t decide what sort of great feats will suit him best. Gypsy Snider of Les 7 doigts de la main choreographs the staging, which stars Matthew James Thomas and Patina Miller. › December 5–January 20 › Loeb Drama Center, 64 Brattle Street, Cambridge › $25-$85 › 617.547.8300 or

reCKless › John Fogle is at the helm of Craig Lucas’s cheerfully surreal, dark-edged 1988 fantasy, in which a happy housewife whose husband has hired a hitman goes on the lam on Christmas Eve. Nancy Gahagan stars in this Salem Theatre Company staging. › November 29–December 22 › Salem Theatre Company, 90 Lafayette St, Salem › $10-$25 › 978.790.8546 or rUdolpH THe red NeCKed reiNdeer › Ryan Landry and the Gold Dust Orphans have written a new Christmas parody musical this year: a lampoon of the Rankin/Bass Christmas special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Jesse James Wood stars as Rudolph, who stands out from the other reindeer because of his Southern drawl. James P. Byrne directs. › November 29–December 23 › Machine, 1256 Boylston St, Boston › $35-$45 › 617.536.1950 or THe saNTalaNd diaries › David Josef Hansen stars in the one-man show adapted by Joe Mantello from David Sedaris’s autobiographical essay about his experience working as a Christmas elf in a Macy’s department store. Tony Simotes directs the Shakespeare & Company staging. › November 30–December 29 › Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre, 70 Kemble St, Lenox › $15-$50 › 413.637.3353 or THe sCreWTape leTTers › The Cutler Majestic hosts the return of this nationwide touring production, staged by the Fellowship for the Performing Arts. The staging uses Anthony Lawton’s original adaptation of C.S. Lewis’s satirical Christian apologetics novel, and it features Max McLean as Screwtape. Jeffrey Fiske directs. › November 30–December 1 › Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston › $39$89 › 617.824.8000 or screwtapeonstage. com/boston sisTer’s CHrisTmas CaTeCHism: THe mysTery oF THe maGi’s Gold › Maripat Donovan, Jane Morris and Marc Silvia conceived this latest installment in their Late Night Catechism series; “Sister” Denise Fennell hosts the comedic, unconventional tutorial about Catholic holiday traditions. This time, the story revolves around the three gifts given to the baby Jesus. › December 6 › Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack St, Lowell › $25.75-$45.75 › 978.454.2299 or THe Way oF THe World › Boston Conservatory stages William Congreve’s satire, written during England’s Restoration Period. Mirabell and Millamant fall in love, but Millamant’s aunt refuses to grant them a dowry. The pair decides to go to absurd lengths to guarantee an inheritance. Christopher Webb directs. › December 4–7 › Boston Conservatory Theater, 31 Hemenway St, Boston › $25-$30 › 617.536.6340 or


arabiaN NiGHTs › The Central Square Theater reprises Daniel Gidron’s successful staging of Dominic Cooke’s theatrical adaptation of the ancient Persian folk tales of King Shahryar and his new wife Shahrazad. She tells her husband a new story each night in an effort to distract him from his panicked vow to murder any woman the night after she weds him, in an effort to prevent adultery. The production is co-staged by the Nora Theatre Company & Underground Railway Theater. › Through December 30 › Central Square Theater, 450 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15-$45 › 866.811.4111 or bUrNiNG Up THe diCTioNary › Vagabond Theatre Group stages Meron Langsner’s dark romantic comedy about

two lovers who can’t seem to trust one another. James Peter Sotis directs. › Through December 1 › Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, 527 Tremont St, Boston › $18-$22 › 617.933.8600 or bye bye liVer: THe bosToN driNKiNG play › Hennessy’s hosts the Boston chapter of Bye Bye Liver, a show about drinking culture, from wine snobs to wildly fun (and occasionally terrifying) booze parties. The performance also incorporates audience interaction with social games like “Would You Rather” and “Never Have I Ever.” › Indefinitely › Hennessy’s, 25 Union St, Boston › $20 › 866.811.4111 or CHesapeaKe › New Rep stages the Boston premiere of Lee Blessing’s comedy about a performance artist at odds with a conservative senator. A twist of fate brings the pair together and forces them to argue over the true meaning of art . . . and friendship. Doug Lockwood directs. › Through December 16 › Arsenal Center for the Arts, 321 Arsenal St, Watertown › $36 › 617.923.0100 or a CHrisTmas Carol › Trinity Repertory Company leads off the attack of the Scrooges with its 35th annual offering of Adrian Hall & Richard Cumming’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’s tale of the incredible flying miser. Tyler Dobrowsky directs, and Timothy Crowe stars as Scrooge. › Through December 29 › Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington St, Providence, RI › $15-$36 › 401.351.4242 or Hell Cab › Acme Theater stages Will Kern’s dark tragicomedy that strings together a series of stories that take place in a taxicab. Seven actors play approximately 25 roles in this staging, directed by Russell Greene. › Through December 8 › Acme Theater, 31 Summer St, Maynard › $18; $16 students, seniors › 978.897.9828 or HoW THe GriNCH sTole CHrisTmas › Matt August directs the Broadway tour of Mel Marvin and Timothy Mason’s musical theater adaptation of the classic Dr. Seuss story about a holiday-hating green grump who soon learns the importance of cheer. The show includes two famous songs from the original animated movie of the same name: “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas.” › Through December 9 › Citi Performing Arts Center, 270 Tremont Street, Boston › $35-$125 › 617.482.9393 or iT’s a WoNderFUl liFe › Stoneham Theatre’s Weylin Symes directs his theatrical adaptation of Frank Capra’s famed holiday film about a man who has lost his faith in himself and his life. An angel talks the man out of suicide by traveling back down memory lane and showing how much one person’s efforts can change the world around them for the better, whether they realize it or not. › Through December 23 › Stoneham Theatre, 395 Main St, Stoneham › $44-$48 › 781.279.2200 or loVe, FaiTH aNd oTHer dirTy Words › The New Center for Arts & Culture presents this play about interfaith couples, written and directed by Kent Stephens. The work endeavors to include perspectives from all ethnicities and beliefs, including Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Muslim and atheist. › Through November 29 › Modern Theatre, 525 Washington St, Boston › $15-$28 › 617.531.4610 or THe piaNisT oF WillesdeN laNe › Mona Golabek stars as her mother, Lisa Jura, in a biographical one-woman play. Lisa, a young Jewish woman, grew up in Vienna in 1938 and in London during the Blitzkrieg. She dreamed of being a famous pianist; WWII forced her to reconsider some of her big plans, but not her love of music. Hershey Felder directs. › Through December 16 › Paramount Theatre, 559 Washington St, Boston › $25-$69 › 617.824.8000 or

HOLIDAY SALE DECEMBER 2 - 8 10am-7pm The MassArt Holiday Sale features unique handmade glass, ceramics, paintings, jewelry and more created by MassArt students and alumni. Sale location: MassArt, Tower Building Lobby 621 Huntington Ave Boston, MA 02115 For more information, visit:

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Arts & Nightlife :: film tHis is nOt a prisOn

The Mirror

CirCle games after being COnfineD tO His Tehran apartment as a director mirroring the tyranny of the regime. and banned from his profession in 2010, director Jafar The Circle (2000; November 30 @ 9 pm), unsurPanahi has become known more as a victim of Iranian prisingly, resumes the circular structure. Like La human-rights abuse than as a great filmmaker. True, Ronde, it follows a daisy chain of episodes, beginning his films decry oppression, but they do so with formal with a scene in which a woman gives birth to an unbrilliance. To best appreciate this, watch them all at wanted girl behind a maternity-ward door, and endthe Harvard Film Archive’s “Jafar Panahi: This Is Not a ing with a similar prison door, behind which languish Retrospective.” several unwanted girls, now lost women. Panahi started with children’s films, the genre’s inThe circle continues with Crimson Gold (2003; Denocence veiling subversiveness. In The cember 1 @ 9 pm), opening with a doomed White Balloon (1995; December 2 @ 5 pm), thief trapped behind a grate in a jewelry store JAFAR PANAHI: Razieh (Aida Mohammadkhani) wants a he’s attempting to rob, and ending in the same THIS IS NOT A goldfish. Her mother gives her money for place. It might be Panahi’s bleakest film, but RETROSPECTIVE one, which Razieh loses. Following the the next, Offside (2006; December 3 @ 7 pm), Harvard Film archive advice of a sympathetic adult, Razieh “goes is optimistic. Busloads of fans head for the november 30– back the way she came.” Neorealistic in Iranian soccer team’s World Cup qualifying December 3 style, Balloon glows like a fairy tale, with its match. Among them are girls disguised as heroine undergoing trials and dangers, each revealing boys, because women are banned from sporting events. the pathology of society. More subtly, it follows a circular The police catch them and hold them in custody, but structure, beginning and ending the same way. when the fans return in triumph, the girls are freed. In The Mirror (1997; December 1 @ 7 pm) Panahi Under house arrest, Panahi made This Is Not a Film seems stuck in a circle himself. A girl, also played by (2011; November 30 @ 7 pm and December 2 @ 7 pm). Mohammadkhani, tries to find her way home. Like Shot in his apartment, it consists of him sharing an unRazieh, she encounters perils, but pretty soon the acmade film without making the film itself. In the process tress herself is fed up with the movie, and tells Panahe summarizes all of his movies. Also, it has the best hi that she’s quitting. Covertly, Panahi keeps filming iguana since Herzog’s Bad Lieutenant. _P E T E R KEOUGH her as she finds her way home for real, his authority

>> Want more movie neWs? :: read Peter Keough’s film blog at 62 11.30.12 ::

Incarceration inspires Jafar Panahi. Though under house arrest since 2010, and banned for 20 years from filmmaking, he made his first film in five years, This Is Not a Film (2011). He smuggled it out of the country in a cake. Like most of his films, it can’t be shown in Iran. That conviction was not his first run-in with confinement. He served a stint as a POW during the Iran-Iraq War in 1982, and his earliest bust came in April 2001, when the NYPD, alarmed by his Iranian citizenship, detained him at JFK airport, where he was waiting for a connection to Buenos Aires to attend a film festival. They released him the next day. In 2003 he was arrested in Iran, and released after the authorities suggested that he leave the country. He declined, and ran out of luck in 2010, when he was arrested after showing support for the Iranian pro-democracy movement while attending the Montreal and Berlin film festivals. The court convicted him of “propaganda against the state,” and sentenced him to a six-year term, which, after an unsuccessful appeal, he serves today. While he was in Montreal, I interviewed him and asked if he was worried about the consequences of his outspokenness. He said “the power of cinema” would protect him. As he continues “not” making films, it seems he was right. _PK

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COuCH pOtatO in august Of 1910, after disAlexander von Zemlinsky, in covering that his wife, Alma, 2001’s Bride of the Wind ) in had been having an affair flashback: he’s too naive and with Walter Gropius (Friedobsequious to be credible as rich Mücke), Gustav Mahler the director of the Vienna traveled to the Netherlands to State Opera and the greatconsult Sigmund Freud, and est composer of his day. His they spent four hours walking marriage to Alma (Barbara about Leiden and talking. Romaner), moreover, is all We don’t know exactly what about sex, or rather the lack they said, but Mahler on the of it; hair blowing in the wind, Couch, from the Romaner is here a free father-and-son spirit who’s tempting ++ MAHLER directing team of Gustav Klimt (Manuel ON THE COUCH Percy and Felix Witting) one moment Directed and written Adlon, offers and letting Zemlinsky by Percy and Felix o. some creative (Mathias Franz Stein) adlon :: With Johannes speculation, feel her up under the silberschneider, with flashbacks piano the next. When Barbara romaner, Karl markovics, Friedrich detailing the Mahler insists Alma mücke , matthias Franz crisis points of give up composing, the stein, Lena stolze, the marriage and Adlons have her reply, manuel Witting :: snatches from “My compositions are German the anguished my life; I would die national center for first movement for them,” without Jewish Film :: 98 of Mahler’s noting that she hardly minutes unfinished Tenth returned to them even coolidge corner Symphony. after Mahler’s death. The best part Lena Stolze is a of the film is the back-andgrounding presence as Mahler’s forth between Karl Markovsister, Justine; Eva Mattes is ics’s ironic, practical Freud catty and cocksure as Alma’s and Johannes Silberschneimother. But Mahler on the der’s anxious, insistent Mahler, Couch doesn’t plumb any psyand never mind that Mahler chological depths. It’s a decent didn’t actually spend the night addition to the modest list of on a couch in Freud’s hotel films about the composer, but room continuing their sesno substitute for Mahler, Ken sion. What’s not quite right is Russell’s 1974 comic-strip Silberschneider (who played classic. _JE FFR E y G AN T z Alma’s composition teacher,

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Arts & Nightlife :: film

opening this week

+++1/2 THE WAITING ROOM › “I haven’t had a drink in 10 years, I’ve had two sisters and a brother that died, my dog died, my grandmother just died, my mother got ran over. Even without that, I’ve had anxiety.” This isn’t a line from a country song, they’re the words of a patient in the packed waiting room of Oakland’s Highland Hospital, and his problems are on the lesser end of the scale in director Peter Nicks’s intimate, vérité-style documentary. Consider the 15-year-old emergency gunshot victim who receives the immediate attention of the valiant, overworked staff, who are forced to make all of the largely poor walk-ins awaiting treatment hold on a just a little bit longer as a life hangs in the balance. Shot over five months to form a composite look at a day in the trenches of a deeply flawed health care system, Nicks observes, Wiseman-like, without editorializing. If people believe Mitt Romney’s assertion that emergency rooms are a solution for the uninsured, this is a powerful rebuke. › 83m › Kendall Square _Brett Michel

now playing

ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE EVENING › 2012 › Documentary detailing the efforts of pianist Mimi Stern-Wolfe, who performs a special concert once a year dedicated to her friends — all composers — who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS. Rohan Spong directs. › 70m › MFA: Sat

++1/2 ANNA KARENINA › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 130m › Boston Common + Kendall Square + Coolidge Corner + West Newton +++ ARGO › 2012 › Visit movies for a full review. › 120m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Coolidge Corner + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + suburbs +++ BABE › 1995 › In this adaptation of the popular children’s book, Babe is an orphaned swine who’s “adopted” by a border collie and soon learns to herd sheep like a champion canine. Director Chris Noonan uses real farm animals (a few are Jim Henson puppets) and makes them appear to talk. Surreal as this technique sometimes is, it does add to a film that blends humor adults will enjoy with lessons for kids about family, growing up, and not being afraid to be different. › 89m › Brattle: Sat +++1/2 BACK TO THE FUTURE › 1985 › In this funny, intricate slapstick satire from Robert Zemeckis, suburban teenager Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) gets flung back three decades in a time machine and meets his parents when they were his age. His future mom (Lea Thompson) develops a crush on him; meanwhile his dad (Crispin Glover) turns out to be the same pathetic worm he is as an adult. Having unwittingly aborted the pair’s first meeting, Marty must set history straight — and ensure his own birth — by arranging for them to have their first kiss at the big school dance. Zemeckis and cowriter Bob Gale (who previously teamed on Used Cars and Romancing the Stone) set up the pop culture of two generations like dueling pinwheels, and they cram the film full of brand names, moviemaking jokes, and Rube Goldberg devices that link the ‘80s and the ‘50s in ways that seem unexpected at first and inevitable afterward. › 111m › Brattle: Sat

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64 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/mOvIEs

phX piCks ›› Can’t Miss • LA BELLE ET LA BETE Ah, the beast within. We get a few of them today at ArtsEmerson. In La Belle et la Bete (1946; 9 pm), Jean Cocteau took the fairytale of the title and turned it into a sublime, surreal study of love, loss, and redemption appropriate for all ages. In Guillermo Del Toro’s fantastically grotesque Pan’s Labyrinth (2006; 6 pm, also playing Saturday), a tough little girl takes on a whole maze full of boogeymen and the Spanish Civil War to boot. Paramount Center, 559 Washington St, Boston :: $10 :: 617.824.800 or FRI


• THE NAKED CITY The urtext of the police procedurals that now dominate TV, Jules Dassin’s noirish The Naked City (1948) employs pseudo-documentary techniques and on-location photography to chronicle the efforts of two New York City detectives (Barry Fitzgerald and Howard Duff) to solve a pair of murders. Still holds up, and then some, in this age of CSI. Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 11 am :: $8; $7 students, seniors :: 617.267.9300 or SAT


• 5TH ANNUAL EXPERIMENTALLY ILL FILM FESTIVAL With some film festivals, you don’t know what you’re in for. Not so with the fifth — or “Fiveever” — Experimentally Ill Film Festival. According to festival co-founder Michael Phelan O’Toole, it is the “filmic answer to punk rock.” Among the shorts screened are Dan Lucal’s Parking Spot, Mike Messier’s Wrestling with Sanity trilogy, and Mick Cusimano’s gorilla-suited Monkey Do, Monkey Don’t. It takes place at various venues through December 13 starting tonight in Somerville. Somerville Theater, 55 Davis Square, Somerville :: 7 pm :: Call for ticket info :: 617.625.5700 or WED


• NEIGHBORING SOUNDS Even dog lovers have a hard time with unattended, yapping canines. This is one of the nagging problems observed in Kleber Mendonça Filho’s much lauded debut feature, Neighboring Sounds (2012), in which a security surveillance company descends on a paranoid community in the city of Recife, Brazil. It’s at the MFA today through December 9. Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave, Boston :: 5 pm :: $11; $9 students, seniors :: 617.267.9300 or

++++ BEAUTY AND THE BEAST [LA BELLE ET LA BÊTE] › 1945 › Surrealist Jean Cocteau concocts the greatest, most magical of all fairy-tale films, with Josette Day as a winning Beauty and Jean Marais (Cocteau’s off-screen lover) as her noble, stately, hairy Beast. The castle, with live heads in bas-relief on the walls and hands that grow out of tables to pour wine for guests, is a cross between Gustave Doré and Salvador Dalí. The special effects — Beauty gliding through the air, or crying diamonds — are poetic and dreamlike, as Cocteau creates a world of many layers, inviting you to make your own interpretations. › French › b&w › 95m › ArtsEmerson: Fri +++ CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER › 2011 › With cynics and extremists exploiting patriotism these days, the prospects for Captain America looked dim. But Joe Johnston’s adaptation of the Marvel comic book exalts the virtues of optimism, decency, and perseverance in a rousing adventure of old-fashioned adolescent exuberance. Credit Chris Evans, who portrays Steve Rogers, the 4F shrimp transformed into a star-spangled superhero, with a rueful innocence and sneaky humor reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart. Likewise, Johnston, as in his underappreciated The Rocketeer (1991), shows a genius for creating an alternative past, a World War II fought with weapons combining retro quaintness and nightmarish futurism. Johnston is also smart enough to poke fun at the hero’s hokiness — before fighting Germans in earnest, the Captain

is socking Hitler in a stage show — but he finds a wickedly worthy opponent in the Red Skull, played with a Werner Herzog accent by Hugo Weaving. › 125m › West End Branch Library: Wed +++1/2 CHASING ICE › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 76m › Kendall Square CHRISTMAS VACATION › 1989 › This third installment in the long-running National Lampoon series once again finds the Griswolds up to no good, this time opting to stay home for the holidays instead of partaking in their customary annual vacation. Jeremiah S. Chechik directs, and Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo return to star as Clark and Ellen, as they’re forced to prepare for the worst upon hearing the news that their obnoxious family will be visiting for an extended stay. › 97m › BPL: Mon +++1/2 THE CIRCLE › 2000 › Still banned in his native Iran, Jafar Panahi’s Golden Lion winner at Venice opens with the sound of a woman moaning in labor. A nurse tells a mother that her daughter has given birth to a beautiful girl, but the woman is distraught that it’s not a boy. From there Panahi creates a La ronde of chador-clad heroines who are shown most often in flight or cowering behind parked cars, each different and wrenchingly sympathetic but all doomed to the same vicious circle of oppression and despair. It doesn’t seem to matter which woman’s trail the camera picks up on this single day in a labyrinthine Tehran: each will end in the same prison of patriarchal

injustice. Teenage Nargess (Nargess Mamizadeh) hopes to return to the paradise of her country home but hasn’t got the bus fare. Her older pal Arezou (Maryiam Palvin Almani) finds the money for her by going into a factory and disappearing into a back room with the boss. Meanwhile Pari (Fereshteh Sadr Orafai) is seeking to abort the baby conceived when she was allowed to spend the night with her fiancé before his execution. At times Panahi’s formal design can be of an almost too rigorous elegance: the interplay of black and white; the circularity of image and camera movement; the sliding door of the beginning and end that provides a literal framing device; the neat tying together of narrative threads. What a nice change, though, to be able to criticize a film for being too perfect. › Farsi › 91m › HFA: Fri +++1/2 CHUNGKING EXPRESS › 1996 › The skimpy plot — two barely connected tales, each about a cop (Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tony Leung) having love trouble — isn’t what powers Wong Kar-wai’s giddy riot of a movie. Instead, it’s the kaleidoscopic tangents of whirling color, style, and spirit, and a lyricism that recalls the French New Wave. The film is a trifle, but Wong knows the secret of making surfaces beguiling, especially when they’re occupied by Hong Kong pop star Faye Wang, she of the pixie eyes and Jean Seberg haircut. › Cantonese + Mandarin › 102m › ArtsEmerson: Sat-Sun +1/2 CLOUD ATLAS › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 272m › Boston Common + Arlington Capitol + suburbs ++++ CRIMSON GOLD › 2003 › Directed by Jafar Panahi, who first gained international notice with his deceptively whimsical The White Balloon (1995), and scripted by Abbas Kiarostami, Crimson Gold opens with a security-camera-eye view of a botched robbery. The gunman is Hussein (Hussein Emadeddin), a hulking war vet suffering from some debilitating illness and eking out a living as a pizza deliveryman with his roly-poly pal Ali (Kamyar Sheissi). Outlined in flashback, Hussein’s life prior to the fatal crime consists of random degrading incidents. Like Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, he encounters the rich and powerful in the course of his trade and finds them decadent, despotic, and disdainful. A humiliating attempt to purchase wedding jewels for his sad little bride — Ali’s sister — at a tony shop determines Hussein in his doomed course. Once again Panahi demonstrates his eye for the eccentric but exacting incident and detail. Hussein’s final night, which he spends in the penthouse of a Western-born playboy who needs “someone to talk to,” is hilarious and pitiful. As in his previous film, The Circle, Panahi elegantly demonstrates the vicious circle of crime and punishment; here he suggests that the only way to escape the circle is by being more vicious than the system that spins it. › Farsi › 97m › HFA: Sat ++++ DESTRY RIDES AGAIN › 1939 › Marlene Dietrich has her most enjoyable role as Frenchy, the saloon singer, in this wonderful comedy/Western. In between Frederick Hollander–Frank Loesser numbers (the best is “See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have”) she finds time to fall for the good-humored, non-violent deputy (James Stewart). Dietrich is at a chic remove from her earlier pictures; her penciled eyebrows, pointed upward like opening trapdoors, are an ironic signature, a pair of quotation marks. But she’s boisterous, knockabout, high-energy — she looks as if she’d never had more fun in her life, and her comic zeal is contagious. George Marshall directed with verve. › b&w › 94m › Brattle: Fri

+++ DIANA VREELAND: THE EYE HAS TO TRAVEL › 2011 › Visit movies for a full review. › 86m › West Newton: Sat-Sun DILLINGER › 1945 › Lawrence Tierney takes on the role of the eponymous villain who was able to recruit a gang of associates while serving time in jail who help him rise up the ranks from petty criminal to public enemy number one. Max Nosseck directs, while Anne Jeffreys and Edmund Lowe also star. › b&w › 70m › South Boston Branch Library: Tues +++1/2 DRAG ME TO HELL › 2009 › Sam Raimi and producer Rob Tapert here return to the gonzo slapstick horror of their classic Evil Dead trio — and this time they show the kiddos you don’t need buckets of blood to scare the bejabbers out of an audience. (A cascade of vomited cockroaches will do.) Raimi embraces hoary clichés like Gypsy curses and gateways to Hades in this cautionary tale for financial professionals. Loan officer Christine — a sweetie who volunteers at a puppy clinic — doesn’t want to repossess poor old Mrs. Ganush’s house, but she covets a promotion to assistant manager. The deed done, Mrs. G. conjures a vengeful demon that attacks Christine in myriad guises — most memorably free-flying parts of the grotesque granny’s body. Raimi’s devilish wit and masterful use of shadow, sound, and silence make it folly to predict when or how the spirit will appear. And Alison Lohman is hilariously beleaguered as Christine, who’s forced to rejigger her values about things like blood sacrifice if it’ll chase the demon out of her life. › 99m › Brattle: Sat ++1/2 FLIGHT › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 139m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Embassy + suburbs FRANCIS THE TALKING MULE › 1950 › Caught behind Japanese army lines in Burma during World War II, Stirling is eventually rescued by Francis, who happens to be a talking mule. Upon his return to safety, Stirling is committed to the psychiatric ward when he lets people know that it was Francis who saved his life. Arthur Lubin directs. › b&w › 91m › Brattle: Sat +++1/2 GREGORY CREWDSON › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 78m › Coolidge Corner +1/2 HITCHCOCK › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 98m › Boston Common + Kendall Square 1/2 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 91m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +++1/2 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON › 2010 › Animation directors Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders have fashioned a family entertainment that functions as a copy of James Cameron’s most successful film. It’s got the young hero from a war-bred culture who joins sides with the “enemy;” it’s got romance (only here, he’s the chief ’s offspring); it’s got an at-first-untrainable dragon that he bonds with, taming it as they take to the skies; it’s dazzlingly presented in 3-D. You might even think it’s better than Avatar. Hiccup (voiced by Jay Baruchel), the hapless hero, is a scrawny Viking, a dragon hunter-in-training. And he’s terrible at it, an embarrassment to his warrior father, Stoick (Gerard Butler). Toothless, Hiccup’s cat-like dragon steed, shares DNA with the alien in the directors’ Lilo & Stitch, and their new film seems cloned from that movie, as well, as a youth secretly fosters a lethal beast. But this one’s a real beauty. › 90m › ArtsEmerson: Sat KILLING THEM SOFTLY › 2012 › A professional enforcer (Brad Pitt) is hired to investigate a heist that went down during a

+++ OFFSIDE › 2006 › As it did the director’s pro-feminist 2000 neo-realist drama The Circle, the Iranian government has banned Jafar Panahi’s latest contemplation of the oppression of women in Iran. Offside takes a lighter tack as it challenges the law barring women from public sporting events. Six disparate females — ranging from shy and mousy to acerbic and tomboyish — dress up as boys (one audaciously as a soldier) and get caught as they try to sneak into Iran’s World Cup 2006 qualifier against Bahrain. They’re relegated to a makeshift holding pen atop Tehran’s Azadi Stadium, able to hear the roar of the crowd with cutting clarity but just a few tantalizing feet from seeing the game (which Iran won, 1-0). Instead they engage in a debate with the young soldiers guarding them; the men aren’t happy about enforcing the law, but they fear reprisal if they show any leniency. Amid the back and forth of the game, Panahi taps into universal humanity and delivers a liberating twist in the contest’s aftermath. › Farsi › 93m › HFA: Mon ++1/2 THE OTHER SON › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › French › 105m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +++ OUT OF SIGHT › 1998 › As quirky as a mainstream movie can get and still remain a polished, poster-friendly package, this adaptation of Elmore Leonard’s novel put together by screenwriter Scott Frank and producer Barry Sonnenfeld (they teamed up on the bracing hit version of the author’s Get Shorty) benefits from the subversive touch of director Steven Soderbergh (sex, lies and videotape, King of the Hill). Throw in a savvy, sexy turn by Jennifer Lopez and a breakthrough performance by George Clooney (who brings a little of Cary Grant’s élan to Mel Gibson’s

mob-protected poker game. Adapted from a George V. Higgins novel, this marks director Andrew Dominik’s first film since 2007’s The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. James Gandolfini, Ray Liotta, and Richard Jenkins star alongside Pitt. › 97m › Boston Common + suburbs ++1/2 A LATE QUARTET › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 105m › Somerville Theatre + Coolidge Corner ++1/2 LIFE OF PI › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 127m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond+ Chestnut Hill + Embassy + suburbs ++ LINCOLN › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 120m › Boston Common + Fenway + Kendall Square + West Newton +++ THE MIRROR › 1997 › In The Mirror, Abbas Kiarostami protégé Jafar Panahi has taken the elements of his mentor’s films and his own delightful The White Balloon and crafted them into a touching and politically sly if sometimes muddled fable. First-grader Mina (Mina Mohammad-Khani) has been left in the lurch by her mom, who fails to show up to fetch her after school. So Mina sets out on an odyssey through Teheran, little aided by clueless adults, and observing and overhearing the lives and limitations of the society around her. After confronting an officious bus conductor who throws her off for using the men’s entrance, Mina revolts. Which destroys the artifice — the movie to this point has been heartwarming and wrenching, and Mohammad-Khani a charming spitfire. Yet despite breaking his Mirror, or perhaps because he does, Panahi succeeds in reflecting both a society in conflict and our own struggle to contemplate it. › Farsi › 95m › HFA: Sat

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Moe, Larry and Curley) and you have, well, not L.A. Confidential, but at least the classiest and most intelligent summer movie since The Truman Show. The plot has veteran bank robber Clooney breaking out of a Florida prison and with his buddy (Ving Rhames) taking as hostage federal marshal Lopez — and of course falling for her. In the hands of any other director, the scenario would seem unbelievable, but Out of Sight keeps facile formula out of mind. › 123m › Brattle: Fri +++1/2 PAN’S LABYRINTH [EL LABERINTO DEL FAUNO] › 2006 › “Once upon a time,” a voiceover begins, and Guillermo del Toro’s camera rises up through a womblike cave into the sunshine of Spain 1944, in the aftermath of the Civil War, where Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) is reading the fairy tale that’s being narrated. Her martinet stepfather, Capitán Vidal (Sergi López), is a sadistic Fascist officer assigned to wipe out the last vestiges of Republican resistance in a frontier outpost. Ofelia seeks refuge from this unpleasant domestic situation in fantasy. A giant insect flitters up to her at bedtime and metamorphoses into a fairy who leads her to the labyrinth of the title, where a towering faun (Doug Jones) tells her she’s the daughter of the King of the Underworld. Meanwhile, spies and guerrillas and Fascists clash. When the two tales intersect, neither the nightmare of history nor the nightmare of childhood offers refuge from the other, but in one, at least, innocence proves triumphant. › Spanish › 112m › ArtsEmerson: Fri-Sat +++ PITCH PERFECT › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 105m › Arlington Capitol + suburbs +1/2 RED DAWN › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 93m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + suburbs +++ RISE OF THE GUARDIANS › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 97m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Arlington Capitol + suburbs ++ A ROYAL AFFAIR › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › Danish + English + German + French › 137m › Kendall Square SADIE MCKEE › 1934 › Joan Crawford stars as Sadie McKee, a young working girl struggling on the road to eventual prosperity. Along the way, Clarence Brown’s film opts to pay particular focus to Sadie’s failed and troubled relationships with three vastly different flames (Gene Raymond, Franchot Tone, Edward Arnold). › b&w › 93m › South Boston Branch Library: Thurs +1/2 SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD › 2010 › Add Michael Cera’s pale, enervated, solipsistic Scott Pilgrim to the faux hip, self-congratulatory, dork-pandering assault of the first half-hour or so of Edgar Wright’s adaptation of the Bryan Lee O’Malley comic-book series and you have a candidate for most irritating performance of the year. Fortunately, the “vs. the World” part — the series of unabashedly absurd mano-a-manos between Scott and the exes of his new love, Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) — kicks in not a moment too soon. Ramona is using Scott’s subconscious, Inception style, as a handy shortcut on her rollerblading route, so of course she’s become his dream girl. Once this dream threshold has been crossed, Wright can unleash his imagination, so there’s no need to explain why Ramona’s Evil Ex #1 zooms out of nowhere to wallop Scott and the suddenly superpowered geek meets the challenge. Perhaps Wright, as in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, isn’t indulging so much as satirizing. But can anything justify another nerdy performance from Michael Cera? › 108m › Brattle: Sun

+++ SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 86m › West Newton: Sat-Sun +++ THE SESSIONS › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 95m › West Newton +++ SKYFALL › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 143m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Somerville Theatre + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + suburbs ++ SUDDEN FEAR › 1952 › Lester Blaine (Jack Palance) thinks he’s got the lead in Myra Hudson’s new play, but then Myra (Joan Crawford) decides he’s not the romantic-hero type. What, is she holding out for Wally Cox? Anyway, Lester gets on the train that’s taking her from New York to San Francisco determined to prove her wrong, and she has to decide whether he’s legitimately interested in her or just a great actor. Turns out Lester’s already hitched (to Gloria Grahame) and is planning to marry Myra in order to kill her off and grab her fortune. Unfortunately, director David Miller coasts along on the plot twists rather than plumb Crawford’s darker impulses. But the scenes with Grahame are in the noir spirit — she has a casual erotic insolence. › b&w › 110m › South End Branch Library: Fri +++ THIS IS NOT A FILM › 2011 › It can’t be a film, because the acclaimed director Jafar Panahi (The Circle, etc.) has been ordered not to make any by the Iranian theocrats who have also sentenced the dissident filmmaker to an upcoming jail sentence. But while he waits, Panahi slyly brings a cameraman into his Tehran apartment to shoot a non-film, the filmmaker having tea, playing with his pet iguana, and acting out scenes from a narrative film which was stopped in the planning stages by the government. This courageous act of artistic provocation is now showing in theaters around the world, featuring Panahi, a grim optimist in the way of a Beckett character, trapped to his neck but speaking away. › Persian › 75m › HFA: Fri-Sun +++1/2 TRISTANA › 1970 › Visit for a full review. › Spanish › 98m › Kendall Square ++ THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 › 2012 › Visit thePhoenix. com/movies for a full review. › 115m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Chestnut Hill + Embassy + Arlington Capitol + suburbs +++ 2012 BRITISH ARROW AWARDS › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 65m › ICA: Thurs +++1/2 THE WHITE BALLOON › 1996 › Set loose on New Year’s day in Teheran, seven-year-old Razieh (Aïda Mohammadkhani) pushes through crowds and confronts snake charmers in the ostensible Iranian children’s story that hums with inner darkness and sexuality. This feature film debut of Jafar Panahi, with a screenplay by Iranian master Abbas Kiarostami, plays beautifully, subversively, like a kiddie version of Beckett’s play, but in the end Godot arrives, vindicating the purity and exuberance of childhood. › Farsi › 85m › HFA: Sun THE WOLF MAN › 1941 › The classic werewolf film stars Lon Chaney as the son of a baronet who goes home to Wales to visit his father (Claude Rains) and gets bitten by a Gypsy (Béla Lugosi) and becomes a threat to the beautiful Gwen (Evelyn Ankers). With Ralph Bellamy, Maria Ouspenskaya, and a plethora of foggy forest shots; Curt Siodmak wrote the screenplay and George Waggner directed. › b&w › 70m › Brattle: Sat ++1/2 WRECK-IT RALPH › 2012 › Visit for a full review. › 93m › Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Embassy + Arlington Capitol + suburbs

Arts & Nightlife :: Music

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Hear St ooSe” cH “pick & at ngleS” and “Ju . m o .c x n Wf


hen Ayad Al Adhamy, then-keyboardist of Passion Pit, caught wind W of young Michigan electro-pop act Stepdad back in late 2011, he got in the car and drove from his ultra-hip neighborhood in Brooklyn to the decidedly less-glamorous town of Ypsilanti. Stepdad were performing at some venue a good 140 miles outside of their home base of Grand Rapids, but Al Adhamy and Ben Collins, co-owners of Black Bell Records, wanted to scout the band for a possible record deal. “It was a huge surprise, and it was pretty surreal,” says ultramark, the band’s frontman, who I inadvertently wake up with my phone call at 2 pm. “Usually people wait to see us in bigger cities, or SXSW.” Since then, the kaleidoscopic neon-pop of Stepdad, which shares some sonic DNA with the Double-P, has unpredictably blown out of Grand Rapids. Ultramark and Ryan McCarthy started the project in Chicago in 2009, but shortly afterward returned to their home state and a town maybe best known for ska-punk band Mustard Plug. And

they’re not leaving anytime soon. “People still ask when we plan on moving to LA or New York, and we’re not going to,” says ultramark. “We decided for financial reasons that it was easier to start a project in Grand Rapids. With the Internet, there’s no reason to be from anywhere. People can still listen to you online and find your band.” In June, Black Bell released Stepdad’s debut album, Wildlife Pop. Produced by Chris Zane, it shows off ultramark’s ultra-flamboyance, ultra-bravado, and ultra-penchant for adding lyrical depth to synthpop songs that blip and bloop and swirl and sway. Since relocating to Grand Rapids, they’ve hooked up with Warped Tour, gigged with Fitz & the Tantrums and (of course) Passion Pit, and even performed at a wedding. There might be more wedding gigs on the way. “I’m not opposed to it,” ultramark says. “The open bar helps people’s perceptions of us.”

_MI CHAEL MAROTTA » MI CHAEL@ PHx.COM :: @vMI CHAELv :: 11.30.12 67

photo by ryan pavLovich

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Arts & Nightlife :: music




IN RECENT YEARS, the ascent of electronic music has caused some anxiety among the sensitive and the conservative. After all, this is more than machine replacing man; it is, to believe the Luddites, a sapping of mankind’s creative potential, allowing machines to create perfect sounds that erase human inaccuracy, valuing consistency over heart. Luckily, this is an inaccurate depiction of electronic music — and Exhibit A for the defense is the working style of Alex Ridha, a German DJ and producer who since 2004 has been slowly making a name for himself with his alter-ego, Boys Noize. “Here’s what I want to do: I want to blow people’s heads off,” Ridha explains with a laugh. Jawohl! But Ridha isn’t just looking for musical explosions — he’s into electronic music as a means of exploration, and he isn’t ashamed to admit to his music’s light side. “My approach to making music is very uncomplicated — I just want to make music that is fun. Music shouldn’t be that serious.” He pauses in thought and, in his deep German accent, continues: “It should trigger emotions in the human.” And though that might sound a tad clinical, think of it as a playful insight to his inquisitive personality. “I love electronic music because it has no rules — especially in how it’s made. I mean, I


could, right now, record this phone call and sample it, make a beat out of it, and that could be cool! That’s a piece of electronic music, and that’s what I love. I don’t have to write a great melody, I don’t have to write a great song. If it happens, that’s great — but the original idea of electronic music is exploration and sound.” Not that Ridha doesn’t fill this fall’s Out of the Black (INgrooves) with tons of great melodies and great songs amidst the sonic chaos and reckless Möbius-strip-surfing. From the robotic opening intonation of “This is what you want, this is what you get” to the closing stomp of the Snoop Dogg–assisted “Got It,” synthetic sounds and strange warped noises fold in on themselves in a nonstop electro mindfuck. Ridha attributes the human rhythm at the center of his music to his coming up in Hamburg, where his let-accidents-happen approach allowed him to create this behemoth: “I grew up with punk and early house, because it had heart; when I heard techno, like what Berlin is known for, I thought it was soulless. They hated house because it wasn’t rough and tough enough — but I need that human center. When you play with a track, let random things happen, wires cross and sounds change, it’s awesome, it’s what I love about making electronic music.”


HARD PRESENTS BOYS NOIZE :: House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston :: December 2 @ 7pm :: 18+ :: $25 :: 888.693.2583 or

68 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIx.COM/MuSIC


The Coup



When Occupy erupted last year, politically aggressive artists had the choice either to walk the walk or quiet down. In hip-hop, for example, Kanye West remained silent even as police brutalized demonstrators in his sweet home Chicago. As characteristic as West’s cowardice, however, was the engagement of Boots Riley. The contrarian frontman of the Coup for two decades, Riley has rocked countless protests in his volatile native Oakland — both on stage and off. It wasn’t until Occupy, though, that he ever switched his microphone out for a bullhorn. “It’s all part of the same plan,” says Riley, referring to his tandem roles as MC and activist. Most of the Coup’s new album, Sorry To Bother You (Anti-), was recorded before he dove fist-first into organizing with Occupy. “Usually when something’s taking me away from music, the logic I use to keep recording is THE COUp + JApANTHER + that music to more RUBY RIDGE + gets people. But KEV CHOICE with Occupy Middle East, Oakland, I 472 Mass Ave, couldn’t say Cambridge that.” December 5 @ 8 It’s inevitapm :: 18+ :: $18 :: ble that Riley 617.864.3278 or will return to street-side activism. For the moment, though, he’s pushing his new project: a delectably eclectic chaos that he describes as “danceable punk-funk.” After that, he’s starring in a dark indie comedy that he wrote about his old job as a telemarketer — also titled Sorry To Bother You — that features David Cross as his inner voice. Sounds pretty revolutionary in its own right.

Arts & Nightlife :: BostoN AcceNts

cellArs By stArlight


IN TAlkING TO A CROSS SECTION of talented musicians about their craft, certain themes — and sometimes certain names —repeat. One of those names is recording engineer Justin Pizzoferrato — a scraggly-haired, mega-nice lover of sound with a terrible knack for being really, really competent. “Every time I work with him, he puts together insane amp/guitar pedal combos that kick ass,” says guitarist Reuben Bettsak, currently recording another Guillermo Sexo album at Pizzoferrato’s Easthampton-based Sonelab (which he shares with Slaughterhouse Recording’s Mark Miller). “He feels like a brother, or a part of the band.” Many others feel the same. Pizzoferrato has made a name locally for working on projects like the spectacular new Banditas full-length (engineering) or the most recent Speedy Ortiz EP (mixing). What he is perhaps best known for, though, is his work with Dinosaur Jr. and Sonic Youth — relationships that he was able to develop partially by being at the right place at the right time (J Mascis and Thurston Moore both live in next-door Northampton), but mostly by having the capacity to work with noise-rock giants. Pizzoferrato first met Mascis after moving out to Western Mass six years ago, and his since gone on to engineer Dinosaur Jr.’s last three records. He describes


the trio’s process as one that starts with workshopping songwriter Mascis’s tunes and then recording takes until they get the perfect drum track. “I feel like we are able to work and not think about the work too much,” says Pizzoferrato of his Zen-like approach. It makes it easy for bands like Dino to keep coming back. He first met Sonic Youth while assisting on their 2009 LP, The Eternal. He would eventually develop such a good working relationship with both Moore and Kim Gordon that he would not only collaborate with them on their solo projects (including Moore’s new Chelsea Light Morning and Gordon’s Body/Head), but also partially set up his recording studio in their living room. He might consider the founders of one of rock’s greatest bands to be just really nice friends; for the rest of us, we can’t help but wonder what working with them must be like. “Thurston will come in with his Twin Reverb and a couple of fuzz pedals, and I’ll set up some mics, and he’ll play for 15 minutes. I’ll twiddle a bunch of knobs, and if I need to fix something, he’ll tell me.” It’s not a lot different than working with any other musician, according to Pizzoferrato; the difference, he says, is in the confidence that they bring to the proceedings. It’s the kind of confidence that has taught the engineer to always keep the tape running. “I know that at any second they could just nail a take.”


GRAb THE MIX AT THEPHOENIX.COM/ ONTHEDOWNlOAD. • Mean Creek “Young & Wild” [12.01 @ Great Scott] • Left Hand Does “I Don’t Know If I’m Driving” [12.06 @ O’Brien’s] • RM Hendrix “Last Week’s Hopes are Playing Through the Wall” • Cat Sounds “I Love You” _mi cHAEL mArO T TA

Mean Creek


DINOSAUR JR. + HUSH ARBORS :: Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: November 30 @ 8 pm :: 18+ :: $25 :: 617.562.8800 or THePHOeNIx.COm/mUSIC :: 11.30.12 69



It’s good to be home for the holidays — just ask MEAN CREEk, who after several weeks of crossing the country with Counting Crows are crashing Allston this weekend. “Young & Wild,” their latest single, is the perfect soundtrack to the season. We continue the upbeat vibe with lEFT HAND DOES, who channel a death match between INXS and Talking Heads on “I Don’t Know If I’m Driving,” off their upcoming Encounter Safety album. Rounding out the mix is the latest from Cambridge noise maven RM HENDRIX, and the debut noir-pop plate from CAT SOUNDS, who meow into the Plough & Stars on December 12.

Arts & Nightlife :: Music


Mo want re re alb Che v i ew u M C reC k out s? en m at t t rele ore he as Co m P h o e n e s ix /m u siC .


4AD » Scott Walker’s lateperiod about-face is one of the strangest in the annals of pop music. Walker, however, has never not been strange, as his 1960s operatic art-pop flamboyantly attests. Now near 70, the one-time Walker Brother has disconnected the “pop” from the “art” and staged a questionable redefinition of “art.” His third album in 17 years has been making buzz for merely existing, but its other buzz — namely, tuneless, abrasive discord — is poised to make the loudest racket. Mechanical percussion, insect-like orchestration, metal guitars, and pregnant silences dart in and out of focus, all of them lorded over by Walker’s warbling voice and overwrought poetics. Layered-onion genius in need of peeling, or faux-artiste bullshit? Call it what you want, just be prepared to call it something other than music. _ZETH LUND Y


+++1/2 NICKI MINAJ, PINK FRIDAY: ROMAN RELOADED: THE RE-UP Young Money » Well, now it’s official: the title of every record Nicki Minaj ever makes will include the title of every other record she’s ever made. This box set contains a reissued Reloaded plus a 33-minute addendum, The Re-Up; the eight new tracks sound a lot more like the first album — where Minaj entered as a tough girly-girl who loves to sing pop songs as much as she loves to cut off heads — than the second one — where she pretended to be a manly-man who loves to have hits as much as he loves to tell people to suck his dick. No sexist Chris Brown or 2 Chainz on this thing, just that underrated woman-friendly rapper Lil Wayne (on “High School,” a reunion as cute as the No Doubt–esque “Knockout” from his not-terrible Rebirth), plus girly-girl hit-makers Ciara and Cassie. And hey, is the closer “Va Va Voom” a rewrite of her excellent non-album David Guetta collab “Where Dem Girls At”? Score. Ciara’s twisty hook on “I’m Legit” coupled with Nicki’s “Pretty Boy Swag”-inspired delivery and background sirens is one highlight, as is the impossible “I Endorse These Strippers,” a much goofier take on Nicki’s cold, cryptic “Beez in the Trap” from way back in February. Special note to the freakazoids who think “Starships” killed hip-hop: the rapper who rhymes “fri-vo-lous” with “po-ly-ga-mist” is X-Acto sharp as ever. The original Roman Reloaded was a grower; it turned out to be a thrilling album on purely musical terms even if the attitude and humanism got away from her. This is a comeback for the personality that reassures us she’s at least somewhat in the new Justin Bieber video because she’s tickled to be part of pop history and not just for the “female rapper perfume.” Name-checking ramen noodles in the ghostly “Freedom” — where she exorcises a cost-benefit analysis of mega-fame — helps too. _D A N W EIS S

Staff SpinS

What we’re listening to

Sundazed Music Inc » Sundazed scores with an LPonly box featuring rare original mono mixes of the Velvet’s first three records; Nico’s debut, Chelsea Girl; and an unreleased album heretofore known to fans by legend only. Called 1969, the box set’s last record is the first real attempt to release the Velvet Undeground’s long-speculated, shelved fourth album — a label-dispute casualty and a brilliant snapshot of the band at the peak of their jittery-R&B stage, between their homonymous third album and their final one, Loaded. Although fans probably first heard these tracks in the mid-’80s on the VU/Another View CDs (crummy digital mastering), the process of compiling the album-proper has always been difficult due to the band’s lack of interest. Band archivist Bill Levenson nails it here, though, with proper mastering/EQ and an inspired Side 2, where an arrestingly sloppy version of “Rock & Roll” slides into a laconically masterful “Ride into the Sun.” A perfect juxtaposition of a legend about to pop. _JONATHAN D ONALD SON

PSYCHIC BLOOD “Bed Head” [Nerve Hold Records] Here’s a noisy Western Mass punk band I’ve been hooked on since seeing them open for Nu Sensae in JP this summer. This is the B-side to their Drrty 7-inch, recorded with Justin Pizzoferrato (see “Cellars by Starlight”). Vox alternate between slow-spoken words and fierce shouts, barely audible through walls of distortion and sharp guitar riffs. Play it loud.

MMOSS “Okay” [Trouble In Mind Records] The acclaimed New Hampshire psych-folk crew are back with a sophomore record, Only Children, and it continues their aural mind-melt séance with “Okay,” a backyard fire pit of droning ambiance. Their home-field recordrelease party is November 30 at the Press Room in Portsmouth, but they’re at Great Scott on December 17. Music to blaze.



70 11.30.12 ::

Arts & Nightlife :: music THURSDAY 29

THE AV CLUB + KILIAN’S “IRISH RED RUCKUS TOUR” WITH VHS OR BETA › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.EAST or avclub. com/ruckustour BACKDRIVE + SAFER BY THE SHORE + GLORIOUS NOISE + THE COLORS RUN › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 CAMP LO “UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT 15TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR” › With Camp Lo + Primary Others + David Wylan & Fam + Propaganda + Nobody Cares › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $13 › 617.864.EAST or CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS + JAKE ARMERDING › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.492.7679 or CHUCHO VALDÉS QUARTET › 8 pm › Berklee Performance Center, 136 Mass Ave, Boston › $30-$58 › 617.266.7455 CRAIG CASSLER + HONEST THIEVES + EXPLODING TICKET › 6:30 pm › All Asia, 334 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $6 › 617.497.1544 or FRANCISCO MELA + CUBAN SAFARI › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $25 › 617.783.0090 or GEORGE WOODS + ERICA LEIGH + THE GREAT WHISKEY REBELLION › 9 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $8 › 617.747.6038 or INNA DUDUKINA › 2 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › Free › 617.747.6038 or A WISH FOR FIRE AND SPECIAL FRIENDS › 9:30 pm › Middle East Corner, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 or JAMES MERENDA AND TICKLE JUICE › 8 pm › Outpost 186, 186 1/2 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.0860 or JIMKATA + JEFF BUJAK › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10 › 617.236.7600 or JUSSI REIJONEN QUINTET › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 LOS FLETCHEROS › 9:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $8 › 617.776.2004 or

“LOUNGE ACT” WITH SPF5000 + GODDAMN GLEN & THE PARLOUR BELL PLAYERS + RUBY ROSE FOX › 9 pm › Radio Downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $7 › 617.764.0005 or THE MOOG › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or “REBIRTH OF THE THIRD STREAM” › With NEC Jazz Orchestra › 4 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › Free › 617.585.1260 or ROOSEVELT DIME + THREE TALL PINES › 9:15 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or SHIMON BEN-SHIR GROUP › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.876.9330 or SIMONE FELICE › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10-$13 › 617.566.9014 or SISTER SPARROW & THE DIRTY BIRDS + HOLLIS BROWN + NAIA KETE › 9 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $12 › 617.492.2327 or THE SOULJAZZ ORCHESTRA + ZONGO JUNCTION › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › 617.779.0140 or TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND + CHARLIE MARS › 7:30 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $45-$75 › 207.657.2700 TODD THIBAUD + RUSSELL CHUDNOFSKY + SEAN STAPLES + JOE KLOMPUS + BILLY BEARD › 7:30 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or THE TOWER & THE FOOL + SUMMER OF ADEN + LITTLE FOOT + MISSELS › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $5 › 617.782.6245 or WHITE RABBITS + GUARDS › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $15-$17 › 617.451.7700 or


“A CHANTICLEER CHRISTMAS” › 8 pm › Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston › $35 › 617.585.1260 or “BEASTIE BOYS TRIBUTE” › With Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe + Members from Slightly Stoopid › 6 pm › Royale, 279 Trem-

thursdAy 29

ont St, Boston › $25-$28 › 617.338.7699 or THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE + WILLIAM CONTROL + AESTHETIC PERFECTION + CREATURE FEATURE › 7 pm › Palladium Upstairs, 261 Main St, Worcester › $18-$20 › 978.797.9696 or BLACK SEA SALSA BAND › 9 pm › Ryles, 212 Hampshire St, Cambridge › $12 › 617.876.9330 or COFFIN LIDS + TAMPOFFS + THICK SHAKES + JAY ALLEN & THE ARCHCRIMINALS › Radio Upstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or

>> live music on p 72





43 Years Of Great Music Thursday, Nov 29 PoP / rock

Los FLETchEros Friday, Nov 30: (7:30Pm) rooTs rock

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mark EiTZEL

(10Pm) FuNk / cd rELEasE show

ThE macroToNEs ThE EssEX

Cambridge | Medford | Somerville and “Locke Liquors”in Malden @SavMorSpirits

suNday, dEc 2 JaZZ BruNch 8:30 am - 2:30 Pm oPEN BLuEs Jam 4:00Pm - 7:00 Pm moNday, dEc 3 TEam Trivia -8:30 Pm $1.50 hoT dogs 6 - 10 Pm TuEsday, dEc 4 aNTi rEcords rEcordiNg arTisT

kELLy hogaN chris miLLs

wEdNEsday, dEc 5

hoLiday PrE-hEaT

w/ dJ sETs From LocaL BaNds & BLoggErs Thursday, dEc 6 PoP / surF / rock


mErry mEX-mas Tour BEwarE ThE daNgErs oF a ghosT scorPioN Friday, dEc 7 BiLL BLumENrEich PrEsENTs

roBBy kriEgEr’s JaZZ kiTchEN w/ Chad waCkerman • Tommy mars, arThur Barrow • Larry kiLmas, Eric FrENch saTurday, dEc 8 workmEN’s circLE haNukkah ParTy

michaEL wiNograd kLEZmEr ENsEmBLE

comiNg sooN: 12/11 &12 Bad girLs uPsET By ThE TruTh 12/13 X-mas cavaLcadE For homELEss 12/14 vaNdavEEr 12/16 EriN harPE mEmPhis FuNdraisEr 12/19 daN BErN 12/21 (7:30Pm) EiThEr/orch. 12/26 hELLo Echo 12/27 PEach EaTErs / dELTa gENEraTors 12/28 PowEr oF LovE 12/29 miEka PauLEy 12/31 BooTy vorTEX 1/4 amy BLack 1/13 FrEakwaTEr Info: 617-776-2004 concert LIne: 617-776-9667

VHS or Beta are at the Middle East.

johnny d’s 17 hoLLand st davIs square somervILLe. ma 02144 THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 11.30.12 71


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72 11.30.12 :: THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs



/mideastclub /zuzubar @mideastclub @zuzubar

Ian Hunter is at the Paradise. << live music from p 71 COMANCHERO + PARANOID SOCIAL CLUB › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or DIANE BLUE › 9 pm › Cantab Lounge, 738 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.354.2685 or DINOSAUR JR. + HUSH ARBORS › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.562.8800 or EHNAHRE + SEWER GODDESS + NORTHUMBRIA + REQUIEM + FRKSE › P.A.’s Lounge, 345 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.776.1557 EVIL STREAKS + THE CRETINS + DEMONS ALLEY + MEAT DEPRESSED › 9 pm › Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St, Worcester › 508.753.9543 GRACE POTTER & THE NOCTURNALS + TRAMPLED BY TURTLES › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › SOLD OUT › HAYLEY JANE & THE PRIMATES › 10:30 pm › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or “HIPPIE HOUR ALL NIGHT” › With The Merry Runaround + JKP Funky Trio + Opposite People › 6 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or JENNA BORTOLOTTI + ZAC MAC BAND + ELCODRIVE + ORIGAMI CRANE › 7:30 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or JENNY DEE & DEELINQUENTS + MUCK & THE MIRES + LYRES + THE RECORDETTES › Precinct, 70 Union Sq, Somerville › 617.623.9211 or JOE FLETCHER & THE WRONG REASONS + SPIRIT FAMILY REUNION + SAMANTHA HARLOW › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8-$10 › 617.492.2327 or JOHNNY HOY & THE BLUEFISH › 7:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $12 › 617.776.2004 or LUCY KAPLANSKY › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $28-$30 › 617.492.7679 or

LUTHER GRAY TRIO + QUICK VERSE + SHADOW WALTZ › 7 pm › Lily Pad, 1353 Cambridge St, Cambridge › 617.497.0823 LYDIA LOVELESS + COYOTE KOLB + THE DIRTY TRUCKERS + CIVIL WARBLERS › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $9-$10 › 617.864. EAST or NUF SAID › 10 pm › Beehive, 541 Tremont St, Boston › 617.423.0069 or PILE + SKIMASK + DR. PEPPER’S BLUES BAND › Radio Downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › $5 › 617.764.0005 or SAM CHASE › 10 pm › Toad, 1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or SAND MACHINE + THE RESURRECTIONISTS + THE WEDNESDAYS › 9:15 pm › Lizard Lounge, 1667 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.547.0759 or SIX ORGANS OF ADMITTANCE + MAJOR STARS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $12$14 › 617.779.0140 or SPIKE THE PUNCH › Burren, 247 Elm St, Somerville › 617.776.6896 or START MAKING SENSE [TALKING HEADS] › 8 pm › Church of Boston, 69 Kilmarnock St, Boston › $10-$12 › 617.236.7600 or STEVE COLE + JEFF GOLUB › 8 pm › Scullers, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Cambridge › $25 › 617.783.0090 or “THE PILL” WITH SINNET (LIVE) › With DJ Ken + DJ Michael V. › 10 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $5 › 617.566.9014 or TITUS ANDRONICUS + CEREMONY › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $16-$18 › 617.451.7700 or


THE MACROTONES + THE ESSEX › 10 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $10 › 617.776.2004 or ANAIS MITCHELL + RACHEL RIES › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$17 › 617.495.3454 or ART DECADE + SOCRATIC + THE BODY RAMPANT + WIND IN SAILS › 8 pm › O’Brien’s, 3 Harvard Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.782.6245 or BENEATH THE SHEETS + HARVEY UNCOUTH + OLD MONEY BOYS + ANALOG HEART + FOR THE RECORD › 9 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or BOONE › 9 pm › Radio Upstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or DAVID WAX MUSEUM › 6 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $18-$20 › 617.451.7700 or THE FEARLESS LEADERS + JAMES STRAIGHT & THE WIDE STANCE + CADILLAC HEART + THE HEP-TET › 9 pm › Radio Downstairs, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville › 617.764.0005 or IAN HUNTER & THE RANT BAND › 9 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25 › 617.562.8800 or JAZZ COMPOSERS ALLIANCE ORCHESTRA: “WHY DO YOU RIDE?” › 8 pm › YMCA Theatre, 820 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $12; $8 students, seniors › 617.491.7431 or

JD WEST ACOUSTIC › 7 pm › Bull Run, Rte 2A, Shirley › Free › 978.425.4311 or JOCIE ADAMS + JOHN RIVER SHANNON + ANNIE & THE BEEKEEPERS › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10 › 617.747.6038 or MARK EITZEL [AMERICAN MUSIC CLUB] › 7 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $15 › 617.776.2004 or johnnyds. com MEAN CREEK + EARTHQUAKE PARTY! + MARCONI + THESE WILD PLAINS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm

Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or OILHEAD + DEATH WALTZ ‘76 + THE OUTFITS + EMPTY VESSELS › 1 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or ticketweb. com PENGUIN PRISON + DOWNBEAT KEYS + YOUNG PANDAS + EARLY NINETIES › 9 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $18; $15 advance › 617.864.EAST or SKINNY CLEVELAND + YOUNG HURRICANE + MUNDO’S CRAZY CIRCUS

PHX PICKS >> CAN’T MISS • “LOUNGE ACT” This new series headed up by scene queen Anngelle Wood finds Boston regulars lighting a sonic smoke and downing a few aural martinis. THU 29 Goddamn Glenn & the Parlour Bells Players, SPF 5000, and Ruby Rose Fox trade in their usual sounds for something a bit more swingin’, from soul to funk to R&B and jazz. It’s like a zoot suit riot without the douchebaggery. Radio, 379 Somerville Ave, Somerville :: 9 pm :: Call for ticket info :: 617.764.0005 or • THE FATAL FLAW The Onion’s AV Club and Killian’s Red team up for a free show — holy shit free show alert! — featuring New York’s beautiful relic-of-2004 known as VHS or Beta, and our very own Fatal Flaw, who have been known to sass up First Night every now and again. This time around the Flaw throw it down indoors, subterranean even, and we won’t be freezing our asses off while vibing to their hook-laden indie rock. Middle East downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: Time TBA :: Free with RSVP :: avclub. com/ruckustour • PENGUIN PRISON New York’s Chris Glover is a musical mastermind, and not just because he writes sweet electro-pop jams called “Don’t Fuck with My Money.” One of many artists to use boutique NYC label Neon Gold as a jumpoff (Passion Pit, Marina & the Diamonds, Ellie Goulding), Glover has rounded out his own Prison with a full live band and enough dance-funk to keep those money-grubbers at bay. Middle East downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge :: 8 pm :: $18, $15 advance :: • IAN HUNTER Yes, it’s been a long time, but hey, David Bowie didn’t write “All the Young Dudes” for you. What’s more, former Mott the Hoople frontman Ian Hunter sounds as smart and gritty as ever on his latest, When I’m President (Slimstyle). Now in Chris his 70s, Hunter hits town with his Rat Band. Glover of Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston Penguin :: 8 pm doors :: 18+ :: $25 :: 800.745.3000 Prision or SAT


• X At this point you can call it an oldies show (no new material in eons), but we’ll be there every time to hear Exene and John Doe harmonize on some of the most 2 shattering punk rock in the canon. And if there is such a thing as a punk-rock canon, it includes 40 or so songs by X. Original members Billy Zoom and D.J. Bonebrake re-join the fray; Reverend Horton Heat and Not in the Face open. Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston :: 7 pm doors :: 18+ :: $25 :: 800.745.3000 or

+ POWDERHOUSE + SHAYNE HOLLAND › 7:30 pm › Hard Rock Café, 22-24 Clinton St, Boston › $12 › 617.424.7625 or URBAN WASTE + DISASTER STRIKES + THE NASTY + RED LINE REBELS + RED TAPE › 4 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › $8 › 617.524.9038 or VARSITY DRAG + THE SUICIDE DOLLS + THE UNHOLY IIL + THE I WANT YOU › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or WILD ADRIATIC + MR SMITH › 10 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.864.0655 or


ASHER ROTH + KIDS THESE DAYS + JESSE BOYKINS III › 8 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $18-$20 › 617.779.0140 or BILL STAINES + MASON DARING + JEANIE STAHL + GUY VAN DUSER + BILLY NOVICK + STUART SCHULMAN › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $25 › 617.492.7679 or BOYS NOIZE › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $25-$40 › 888.693.2583 CHRISTA GNIADEK + PAIGE CHAPLIN + EMILY CORREIA + STEPH BARRAK + RAFAEL GREEN + CAITLIN TIMMINS + CAPEN EVANS + GABRIEL SHIRLEY + ERIC LEVA › 7

Friday 11/30

9:30 pm – 2 am DJs: mike Servito (Bunker NYC), alex O, Ingy, Leah V, Goulet, Spencer 4 Hire, Jabulani, mcFly music: mashups, House, Techno, Hip Hop, moombahton, party Jamz, Bass music $5 before 11 pm $10 after

Saturday 12/1 • 5 pm


DJs Frank White, mr. Jason, Flavorheard, J-Zone Hip hop, reggae, disco, latin soul $5

Tuesday 12/4 5 pm - 10 pm


(board games video games, card games)

>> live music on p 74


79 Washington st, providence complete schedule at

this FridaY, noveMber 30

Thurs. 11/29 @ 8PM: CHUCHo vaLDÉS QUinTeT


• SHEA ROSE The Braintree-born, Berklee-educated soul diva is starting to build an impressive collection of magazine cover stories around town, but 4 what you can’t capture in a simple photograph is her multi-genre performance skill. Rose takes on Allston for a benefit tonight for Right Turn, joined by MaxXD and the Wondermics, and the room might overheat from all that charitable sizzle. Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston :: 8 pm :: $15 :: TUE

Fri. 11/30 @ 8pm: DeaD on Live note-for-note recreation of classic ‘71-’72 Grateful Dead recordings Thurs. 12/6 @ 8:15PM: SinGeRS SHoWCaSe: Tribute to Whitney Houston Fri. 12/7 @ 8:15PM: FLaM! Pan-aSian MiCRoJaM FoR J DiLLa anD oLivieR MeSSiaen Sat. 12/8 @ 6PM: anGeLa Y. DaviS & noaM CHoMSKY

JohN Waters saturdaY, januarY 19

13 6 Massac h u setts Ave. , Boston Full schedule/tickets:

Thurs. 11/29 @ 8:00pm: GeoRGe WooDS eRiCa LeiGH • THe GReaT WHiSKeY RebeLLion Fri. 11/30 @ 7 and 9pm: SUe CoSTeLLo oneWoMan SHoW “MinUS 32 MiLLion WoRDS” Sat. 12/1 @ 8pm: JoCie aDaMS • JoHn RiveR SHannon • annie anD THe beeKeePeRS Wed. 12/5 @ 8pm: ToDD CaReY• HonoR bY aUGUST•SaRaH MiLeS anD bRaCHeR bRoWn

939 Boyl ston S t. Boston All shows are all ages Full schedule/tickets:


the Met - this FridaY, nov. 30

pLaYin’ dead grateFuL dead tribute

the Met - saturdaY, dec. 29

the Neighborhoods tickets at LUPOs.cOM, F.Y.e. stORes & LUPO’s THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 11.30.12 73

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WESTERN FRONT 343 Western Ave, Cambridge Reggae, Latin & Jazz

Arts & Nightlife :: music << live music from p 73


Thursday 11/29

hoT springs reggae Call for info friday 11/30

funk friday

live Bands Call for info saTurday 12/1

reggae revival live reggae MusiC FOR INFO 617-492-7772

1920 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.497.4950 or DIE ANTWOORD + AZARI & III + SETH TROXLER + PAUL KALKBRENNER + TIGA & NIC FANCIULLI › 7 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $27-$29.50 › 888.693.2583 FULL TANG + SKINNY BONES + HOWLING BOIL + BRIAN MCCARTHY › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or GRIPIN + TWENTY7 + SELF PROCLAIMED ROCK STARS › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $20 › 617.864.EAST or HANNAH CHRISTIANSON & FRIENDS › 9:30 pm › Tommy Doyle’s at Harvard, 96 Winthrop St, Cambridge › $5 › 617.864.0655 or JASON MYLES GOSS + BETHEL STEELE › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $15 › 617.492.7679 or JOE BUDDEN + LOCKSMITHS + FERRARI FAME + TSU SURF + RITE HOOK › 8 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $30; $25 advance; $100 VIP › 617.864.EAST or KELLY HOGAN › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $15 › 617.776.2004 or RACHAEL YAMAGATA + ED ROMANOFF + ADRIEN REJU › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $18-$20 › 617.562.8800 or

pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15; $10 advance › 617.864. EAST or PUBLIC ENEMY + X CLAN + MONIE LOVE + SCHOOLLY D + LEADERS OF THE NEW SCHOOL › 6 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $25 › 617.338.7699 or RUN FOR THE ROSES [JERRY GARCIA TRIBUTE] › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or TWIN SISTER + SCHOOL OF SEVEN BELLS › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $15-$17 › 617.451.7700 or WEST END MOTEL + RICER + OSAKA STREET CUTTER › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $10 › 617.566.9014 or X + REVEREND HORTON HEAT + NOT IN THE FACE › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $25$30 › 617.562.8800 or

ATLANTIC THRILLS + RAVI SHAVI › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $8 › 617.566.9014 or ticketweb. com THE BF’S + THE DYING FALLS › 10 pm › ZuZu, 474 Mass Ave, Cambridge › Free › 617.864.3278 BLACK MOTH SUPER RAINBOW + CASKET GIRLS › 8 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › $15 › 617.562.8800 or DOG SUICIDE + OF THOUSANDS + FRIENDSHIP CEREMONIES › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or MOD SUN + PAT BROWN + CHUCKLEHEAD + A-TIBBZ + ROWDY CITY › 7 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or TONY WATT › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $12 › 617.492.7679 or


“CATIE CURTIS CHRISTMAS TOUR” › 8 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $25 › 617.492.7679 or clubpassim. com THE COUP + JAPANTHER + RUBY RIDGE + KEV CHOICE › 9 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $18; $15 advance › 617.864.EAST or DIARRHEA PLANET + SKIMASK + GUERILLA TOSS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $9 › 617.566.9014 or KAKI KING + LADY LAMB THE BEEKEEPER › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$18 › 617.779.0140 or THE MAGIC + UNDERWATER BEAR BALLET + KANGAROO COURT + MAESTRO THRUST › 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864.EAST or THE NEW HIGHWAY HYMNAL +


2 CHAINZ + CAP1 › 8 pm › House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston › $25-$39.50 › 888.693.2583 ACTION BRONSON › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $15-$18 › 617.451.7700 or ATTACK OF LE PIGEON › Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge › 617.576.0032 or THE BLUE RIBBONS › 10 pm › Toad,


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INFINITY GIRL + SPEEDY ORTIZ + SOCCER MOM › 8:30 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $8 › 617.492.2327 or PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $15-$17 › 617.451.7700 or RUBBLEBUCKET + REPTAR + RAILBIRD › 7 pm › Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston › $15-$18 › 401.831.8831 or RUNNER & THE THERMODYNAMICS + OLD SOLDIERS OF THE PRAIRIE WAR + MAJESTIC 12 › 8 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or THE TEMPTATIONS & THE FOUR TOPS › 8 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $55-$69 › 617.248.9700 or TODD CAREY + HONOR BY AUGUST + SARAH MILES + BRACHER BROWN › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10 › 617.747.6038 or


ART DECADE + BENT KNEE + PERHAPS + SOMETHING ABOUT HORSES › 8 pm › Middle East Upstairs, 472 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $10 › 617.864. EAST or THE BUSINESS + CONTINENTAL + DAN WEBB & THE SPIDERS › 9 pm › Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston › $15 › 617.566.9014 or CONOR OBERST › 8 pm › Tremont Temple Baptist Church, 88 Tremont Street, Boston › $32-$35 › 617.523.7320 or DEBO BAND + CALLERS › 9 pm › Brighton Music Hall, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston › $15-$18 › 617.779.0140 or DIANA KARTHAS › 7 pm › Midway Café, 3496 Washington St, Jamaica Plain › 617.524.9038 or EL VEZ + BEWARE THE DANGERS OF A GHOST SCORPION › 8:30 pm › Johnny D’s, 17 Holland St, Somerville › $17 › 617.776.2004 or GRAHAM PARKER & THE ORIGINAL RUMOUR › 7:30 pm › Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St, Boston › $39.50-$49.50 › 617.248.9700 or JASON ISBELL & THE 400 UNIT + COMMUNIST DAUGHTER › 7 pm › The Sinclair, 52 Church St, Cambridge › $15$18 › 617.451.7700 or JOY KILLS SORROW › 7 pm › Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge › $15 › 617.492.7679 or “KISS 108 JINGLE BALL” › With Justin Bieber + Karmin + Train + Ed Sheeran + The Wanted › 6 pm › TD Garden, 100 Legends Way, Boston › $25-$200 › 617.931.2000 or NAPPY ROOTS + LOWTONE SOCIETY + RUMORZ + DEVINE FERREIRA + E CITY + MIGHTY CEEJ + HIZZ PANIK › 8 pm › Middle East Downstairs, 480 Mass Ave, Cambridge › $15; $12 advance › 617.864.EAST or NEW FOUND GLORY + THE STORY SO FAR + CANDY HEARTS › 7 pm › Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston › SOLD OUT › 617.562.8800 or PASSENGER + KATE EARL › 8 pm › Café 939, 939 Boylston St, Boston › $10 › 617.747.6038 or TAB THE BAND + DAN & THE WILDFIRE + BRENDAN RIVERA › 8:30 pm › T.T. the Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge › $10 › 617.492.2327 or

Arts & Nightlife :: Clubs

club nights

fridAy 30

thuRsDAY 29

BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” DISTRICT › Boston › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” with Chris Harris + Rafael Sanchez GOOD LIFE › Boston › 9:45 pm › “A Lil Louder” with Jus Cuz + The Almighty Pretty Face Posse JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:30 pm › “Jacque’s Cabaret” with Kris Knievil › LIVING ROOM › Boston › 8 pm › DJ Snow White MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Make it New” with Illum Sphere MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › “Women’s Dance Night” with DJ Summer’s Eve MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 9 pm › “Ladies Night w/ Stack City Entertainment” NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Trainwreck Thursdays” with DJ Brian Derrick RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 9 pm › DJ Leroy the King WONDER BAR › Allston › 10 pm › “Top 40/ House Thursdays” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Decade” with DJ Paul Foley


BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Play Fridays” COMMON GROUND › Allston › “90s Night” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” with DJ Eric Velez DISTRICT › Boston › “Latin Fridays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Estate Fridays” with Adrian Lux GREAT SCOTT › Allston › 10 pm › “The Pill” with DJ Ken + DJ Michael V. + Sinnet (live) GYPSY BAR › Boston › 10 pm › DJ Dera MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › DJ Evaredy NORTHERN NIGHTS › Lynn › 8 pm › “Madonna Fridays” with DJ Jay Ine PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “PYT” with DJ Vinny RISE › Boston › “Wonderland” with Damien Paul + Mike Swells + Jay K the DJ › 1 am › John ‘00’ Fleming + Earthian RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Spectral Rehab” with John Twells + Ian Lawrence ROYALE › Boston › 10 pm › “Full On Fridays” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hush Fridays” with DJ Hectik + DJ Dres + DJ Lus SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Privilege Fridays” UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › 10 pm › “VIP Fridays” UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Flavor Fridays” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Friday Night Live” with DJ Braun Dapper ZUZU › Cambridge › 11 pm › “Solid!”

sAtuRDAY 1

BOND › Boston › 10 pm › “Flaunt Saturdays” COMMON GROUND › Allston › “Millennium Night” DISTRICT › Boston › 10 pm › “Clique Saturdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “DJ Costa’s House Party”

Adrian Lux is at Estate. MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › DJ Kon MILKY WAY › Jamaica Plain › 10 pm › “Mango’s Latin Saturdays” with Lee Wilson NAGA › Cambridge › “Chemistry Saturdays” with DJ Mozes + DJ D Say + Miss Jade OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Saturdays @ Om” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Boom Boom Room” with DJ Vinny RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Revolution Saturdays” ROYALE › Boston › 10 pm › “Saturdays at Royale” SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Sold Out Saturdays” with DJ Bamboora T.T. THE BEAR’S PLACE › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Heroes” with DJ Chris Ewen

sunDAY 2

COMMON GROUND › Allston › 9:30 pm › “Country Night” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Svedka Sundays: Industry Night” MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › “MMMMaven Project DJ Academy Graduation Party” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “The Drop” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “The Den” UMBRIA PRIME › Boston › DJ Nicky Romero UNDERBAR › Boston › 10 pm › “Hot Mess Sundays” with DJ Richie Ladue


AN TUA NUA › Boston › 9 pm › “CeremonyGoth Night” CHURCH › Boston › 8 pm › “Motivate Mondays” with Mark Merren MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › “CVLT” with DJ El Poser NAGA › Cambridge › “Industry Mondays” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Makka Monday” with Voyager 01 + DJ Uppercut RIVER GODS › Cambridge › 8 pm › “Weekly Wax” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Mondenial” with Jason Stokes

tuEsDAY 4

EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 6 pm › “Wicked New Music” MACHINE › Boston › 9 pm › “Psyclone Tuesdays” with Stevie Psyclone MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Soul Clap’s Dance Jam” with DJ Elyte NAGA › Cambridge › “Fiesta Tuesdays” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elecsonic” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Punk Night” RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Evolution Tuesdays” with DJ Hectik WONDER BAR › Allston › “Music Ecology” ZUZU › Cambridge › 10 pm › “Zuesday” with DJ Leah V + Black Adonis


COMMON GROUND › Allston › 10:30 pm › “Reggae Night” DISTRICT › Boston › “Classic Wednesdays” with DJ Tanno EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 8 pm › “Mondo Wednesdays” ESTATE › Boston › 10:30 pm › Pete Tong presented by East Coast Nightlife MACHINE › Boston › 10 pm › “Show Me Your Stuff” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Re:Set” RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Rock Wednesdays”

with DJ Victor RUMOR › Boston › 10 pm › “Latin Night” with DJ Adilson + DJ Maryalice + DJ Boatslip SPLASH ULTRA LOUNGE & BURGER BAR › Boston › 10 pm › “EDM Wednesdays” STORYVILLE › Boston › 9 pm › “MySecretBoston presents Dub Apocalypse” WONDER BAR › Allston › 9 pm › “Wobble Wednesdays”

thuRsDAY 6

BOND › Boston › 9 pm › “Taste Thursdays” CURE LOUNGE › Boston › 10 pm › “Cure Thursdays” DISTRICT › Boston › “In Thursdays” EMERALD LOUNGE AT REVERE HOTEL › Boston › 9 pm › “Top 40s & House” ESTATE › Boston › 10 pm › “Glamlife Thursdays” JACQUE’S CABARET › Boston › 10:30 pm › “Jacque’s Cabaret” with Kris Knievil MIDDLESEX LOUNGE › Cambridge › 9 pm › “Make it New” with DJ Rolando MIDWAY CAFÉ › Jamaica Plain › “Women’s Dance Night” with DJ Summer’s Eve NAGA › Cambridge › “Verve Thursdays” OM RESTAURANT & LOUNGE › Cambridge › 10:30 pm › “Late Night Lounge” PHOENIX LANDING › Cambridge › “Elements” with Crook & Lenore RAMROD › Boston › 10 pm › “Trainwreck Thursdays”

more Clubs and Comedy at thephoenix.Com/events

cOMEDY Pablo Francisco is

at the Wilbur Theatre for two shows on Friday, November 30. For tons more to do, point your phone to THEPHOENIX.cOm/EvENTs :: 11.30.12 75


arts & nightlife :: parties More ies!. paret Phoenix At th rties. com/PA ut o see you t h e r e!

» At Supper Y’All at Church

HeatHer Goddard bartender at KiKa tapas

A major music lover, Heather took in a Megadeth concert the night before the dinner and show at Church — and she was heading to London later that week to see Motörhead play. As a longtime bartender, Heather makes friends in all the right places. Most of her outfit was purchased from artist and store-owner pals. Case in point: her red body-con skirt from the North End’s Savas Studios, owned by a friend. Her jewelry is a mix of mainstream and indie designers — the necklace is by DSquared2, and she snagged her spike earrings from Chameleon in Cambridge. Her bracelets (made of pewter casts of chicken bones!) are from, where Heather loves stocking up on pinup clothing by owner Angela Zampell, another friend of hers. The cherry on top (or bottom)? The shoes, of course! Heather towered in black patent heels decked out in cherries from _RENaTa CERTo-Wa RE

Jason Cheek of Toro

76 11.30.12 ::

Naughty Water

ChurCh goT a head sTarT on feast season with Supper Y’All, a down-home, cafeteriastyle meat-and-three dinner featuring eats from two local chefs with Southern roots, Jade Taylor of Island Creek Oyster Bar and Jason Cheek of Toro. Communal seating encouraged table-mates to become buddies while passing the papertowel rolls. And in keeping with Southern cookout tradition, desserts — cardamomsweet-potato and chocolate-chess pies — were served first, followed by hearty meats: pulled pork, braised beef ribs, and chicken so perfectly fried the crunch was audible over music from hometown band Naughty Water. The best part? Nothing went to waste, as a portion of ticket sales went to Lovin’ Spoonfuls and unserved leftovers went to Haley House. Several guests were already rockin’ whiskers in anticipation of Church’s second annual Boston Facial Hair Fiasco, a competition that will feature categories like best freestyle moustache, best partial beard, and — listen up, ladies — best fake beard on December 1. Snag tickets at

Clockwise from top left: Benny Tucker and Ernesto Hernandez; Peter Boyd; Jakki Davis and Phillip Mubelli; Rob Morotto, Ricardo Monzon, and Moe Pope; Karla Monterroso and Sam Bernard

Coming Soon, the newly Renovated: …and YES they will have Draft Beer!!

South Side Tavern will now be featuring

Coors Light Drafts for onLy $2.50! Plus they’ll be serving several other draft beer styles too! We’ll see YOU there SOON!

South Side Tavern • 73 Liberty Street, Quincy Ma • 617.328.0511 :: 11.30.12 77

Arts & Nightlife :: bAck tAlk This is your first movie that’s not with Ben Affleck. Is that a big deal? I actually think there was an offer for ovem 30 in b e th r Ben to be in the movie, and be an eaters to noun ced when I found out that he wasn’t in it, I was like, “Oh — good!” He’s been great to me, but the perception is that I went to school with Ben Affleck or something — or that I have some information on him so he keeps giving me all of these movie roles. KI THEMLLING SOFT open LY sn

How did you get this part? I did the audition in LA, and I was on paper [reading directly from the script]. My agent called me yelling, “What the fuck? You didn’t memorize the lines?” I’ve never memorized lines for an audition before, but I got it. What’s your character like? I play a semi-retarded hit man named Kenny Gill. He’s just one of a whole bunch of dudes who are interconnected through this criminal underworld of losers. You never really see the mob — it’s about the shitheads and the lowlives who are underneath them.

Rap sheet Slaine’s next number B y C hR is Fa Ra o ne


c fa r ao n e@ p h x .c o m :: @ fa r a 1

t’s been two years since Slaine drove the getaway car in Ben Affleck’s Boston heist flick The Town. Since then, the Southie-Roslindale native has solidified his stature in the rap game with an epic cinematic solo album, A World with No Skies, and with the second full-length installment from his group with Ill Bill, La Coka Nostra. This week, Slaine returns to the big screen as a bumbling street hooligan in Andrew Dominik’s Killing Them Softly, which features Brad Pitt and is based on the novel Cogan’s Trade by legendary Boston crime writer George V. Higgins. We asked him about playing dumb, and finally letting go of Affleck’s coattails.

78 11.30.12 ::

Have you been typecast at this point? I think all of the characters I’ve played are a little different — even though they’re all criminals. This one is mentally handicapped. I didn’t know that when I read the script, but [Dominik] called me and said, “I want you to be really stupid.” I didn’t think much about it until I got to the set in New Orleans, and I gave them a lisp when the camera started rolling. Everyone started laughing, and Dominik told me to keep it.

“I thought I would be nervous, but I wasn’t until Ray Liotta came to the set and started breaking my balls.”

I see you got to throw Ray Liotta through a window. Were you nervous about that? With Gone, Baby, Gone and The Town, I shot in Boston, where I feel comfortable. In New Orleans, I thought I would be nervous, but I wasn’t until Ray Liotta came to the set and started breaking my balls. I’m usually good at comebacks, but my tongue was stuck in the back of my throat. What’s next for you? I’d like to do comedy — I’d like to play a young Archie Bunker, or a funny Babe Ruth. I feel like the door is open for me with this acting stuff. When The Town came out, my music was just getting to a place where I’d worked my whole career to do it — touring in Europe and things like that — so I didn’t want to slow down at that point. Now it’s time for me to give acting the proper attention. I’ve only done 10 auditions in my entire life — I need to do 10 auditions a month. I’m as good at acting now as I was at rapping when I was 18; there’s a lot of shit I’ve never done before. I’ve become a much better MC over the years. There’s no reason I can’t do the same thing as an actor. P



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