Meet the mechanical extension of a surgeon’s hands
How the firsts fared with new medical methods
The degreeless “doctor” who fooled the Royal Canadian Navy
Meet the mechanical extension of a surgeon’s hands
How the firsts fared with new medical methods
The degreeless “doctor” who fooled the Royal Canadian Navy
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Organizing with שדחתת is far more than deciding what to keep and what to discard. Rather, it’s a priceless opportunity for learning, one that will allow you to release stress and bring more happiness into your home
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The Pack Your Snack participant list and fanny pack pickup infor mation
(Re: No Mess, No Distress, Issue 158)
Thank you for an incredibly satisfying magazine, both physically and intellectually.
I have a magnetic pull toward anything organization-related, and your article by C. Spira was no exception. I recently purchased mesh bins for my kitchen, and I love the seamless look. However, when the author exclaimed that mesh bins have no cons, I was surprised since I cannot put baby bottles and steel wool into my mesh bins. No matter how much I dry the bottles, some moisture leaks and rusts the metal bins. The same goes for steel wool. So can anyone suggest a bin for my bottles and steel wool that will match my mesh bins in the kitchen?
I cannot complete my letter without a shout-out to Ruchy Reese. I simply love the creative ideals she writes about, especially how she chose Rabbi Manis Friedman for her positive article. He is one of my heroes that changed my ideals in life.
Many thanks,
Tzippy Schwarts(Re: In Pursuit of Positivity, Issue 158)
I read Ruchy Reese’s article on positivity with great interest. There were so many practical points to ponder. Is it possible that since this, too, is an area that needs strengthen ing on my end, I automatically noticed an error that begs correction?
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I did, indeed, incorrectly spell “Tze dek” as “Tzadik.” My apologies!
No article on windows is com plete without mention of the Chagall Windows at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem, Eretz Yisroel. Marc Chagall was commissioned in 1959 to design twelve stained-glass windows for the yet-un built shul on the grounds of Hadassah Hospital. The twelve Tanach-inspired windows are eleven-by-eight-foot arched artworks and feature brilliant reds, blues, yellows and greens. Chagall worked on this project in his studio in France for over two years. After touring the world, the windows found a perma nent home in Yerushalayim in 1962.
we can extend this program to last throughout the year.
A Mother
THE BORO PARK VIEW RESPONDS:We started you off, and now, moth ers, we encourage you to continue the program with your children — perhaps with a monthly incentive to keep them motivated. Keep the healthy habits going!
(Re: Breathtaking Break fast Bundts, Issue 157)
I just wanted to let you know that I made the carrot Bundt recipe in muf fins, and they were delicious. Thanks for always providing great recipes!
I would appreciate it if you can fea ture salad dressing recipes, specifically a lemon-garlic dressing.
Thank you so much!
I wanted to share some additional feedback. It was amazing to see how at the beginning of the contest, I would help them think of ideas of healthy stuff to pack up. When I mentioned some dif ferent types of fruits, my girls refused to take anything too out-of-the-box, not wanting to look “nebby” because no one brings those things to school.
A Reader
I wanted to thank you for the healthy snack contest. It was an amazing program for our family; three of my girls participated in it. It was especially life-changing for my eighth grader, who never before would touch a fruit and now started to take one to school every day. I was wondering if there’s any way
After one of my children did work up the courage to bring certain fruits, she noticed that within a few days, some of her classmates started bringing those same fruits. And this is how it went; it became a new fad in the school to eat only healthy snacks during schooltime. When it came to the snacks, as well, my kids became aware not only of the con tent, but of calories, as well, and they learned to make healthy choices and differentiate between different types of fats and other contents based on the nutrition facts. And I’m so glad they’re keeping up this program!
As an added bonus, one of my girls lost some (extra) weight in the process. I wouldn’t have encouraged her to do anything drastic, but healthy eating and the awareness thereof was truly the starting point for this, and she is so happy about it.
THE BORO PARK VIEW WELCOMES YOUR COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND LETTERS. EMAIL: comments@thebpview.com FAX: 718-408-8771 MAIL: The Boro Park View, 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219 54 www.thebpview.com 718.408.8770 The Boro Park View November 16, 2022
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As Avraham was growing old, he knew it was time to seek a wife for his son Yitzchak. Especially after coming so close to losing his son while he was still childless, Avraham knew the time was ripe. He called his servant Eliezer and tasked him with finding a wife among his own family in Charan.
Throughout the entire saga, each time the Torah refers to Eliezer, it simply calls him the “eved ,” the servant. Why does the pasuk not write out his name?
IT HAPPENED IN YESHIVAS MIR, in Lithuania. Two ba churim fell ill, and local doctors weren’t able to treat them properly. The Mashgiach, Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, zt”l, told them to visit a particular gadol to discuss what they should do.
“Do exactly as he tells you,” the Mashgiach instructed the boys, and then added that they should first travel to Radin to receive a bracha from the venerated Chofetz Chaim. Only with his wishes should they continue onward to consult with the gadol.
The bachurim did as they were told and head ed for Radin. When they arrived at the Chofetz Chaim’s home, they were informed that the el derly tzaddik was in a weak state. Still, they were allowed in.
The boys explained their medical predica ment to the Chofetz Chaim. It seemed the tzaddik was listen ing attentively, yet suddenly, he dozed off! Head lowered, eyes closed, the Chofetz Chaim remained asleep for a long while. The bachurim looked at each other. They didn’t know what to do. And as time ticked on, they realized that the next train was due to leave town very soon. They really needed to leave. But the Mashgiach had particularly stated that they must first receive the tzaddik’s blessings. They waited pa tiently until the Chofetz Chaim finally awoke and wished
them a hearty, speedy recovery.
The two bachurim continue on their way. Soon they were at the home of the gadol to whom Rav Yeruchem had sent them. They repeated every detail of their medical state, and the gadol had exact advice for them. “Go to this particular hospital. The doctors will tell you they need to operate, and you should tell them that you are only willing to be operated upon by a particular doctor.” The gadol named the surgeon whom they should use.
Soon, the boys were on their way again, this time to the hospital. Indeed, they were told that a surgical procedure was necessary. But when they mentioned that they wanted to be treated only by that particular surgeon, they discov ered that the surgeon was out of town.
“I don’t suggest you wait,” the doctor on duty said. “Your situation requires immediate attention. I can get you anoth er surgeon who is also an expert at what he does. Waiting might pose a great danger.”
“I don’t suggest you wait,” the doctor on duty said. “Your situation requires immediate attention.”
Here, the paths of the two boys diverged. One was stead fast in his desire to follow the Mashgiach’s guidance to the very last detail. The Mashgiach had said to do exactly as the gadol advised, and the gadol had said to agree to surgery only by that particular doctor. It would be safe to wait, he decided.
Indeed, before long, the surgeon returned to town. He operated on the bachur, who ultimately recovered.
His friend, on the other hand, took the doctor’s caution ary advice to heart. He was afraid to wait and agreed to be operated upon by the other expert. Sadly, a few days after the procedure, he passed away.
When Rav Yeruchem heard what happened, he repeat ed the story to his talmidim in Mir. “The difference between the two was simply that one followed the gadol’s advice com pletely, and one did not.”
When following the instruction of a gadol or rav, we re ceive special siyata d’Shmaya. In whatever area it may be, adhering to the advice we receive brings us success — all as a result of our emunas chachamim. Conversely, when one chooses to disregard the counsel, he can anticipate disap pointment.
Avraham Avinu selected his loyal servant, Eliezer, for the weighty task of finding a wife for Yitzchak. Eliezer rec ognized the significance of his mission and completely subjugated himself before his master. He viewed himself as an extension of Avraham, resolving to do just as Avra ham would every step of the way. He hoped that his com plete deference would afford him the hatzlacha he knew he needed in order to accomplish his delicate task.
As the quintessential servant who put himself aside completely in submissiveness to his master, it is only natu ral that he is referred to as “eved” rather than by name.
From Eliezer, we can learn what it means to submit to our gedolim and rabbanim: complete deference, 100% coop eration, and much siyata d’Shmaya
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
At first, even as he grew old, Avraham appeared youthful. And since his son Yitzchak looked very similar to himself, Avraham worried that people would not be able to tell them apart; they would not know who was the father and who was the son.
Hashem validated his concern and destined Avra ham to be the first person to experience aging and look old.
There are four factors that cause a man to age, and examples for each can be found in Tanach: David Hamelech aged because of fear, Eli Hakohen aged due to aggravation about his children, Shlomo Hamelech aged because of his bad wives, and Ye hoshua grew frail due to war.
An eighteen-year-old Sayreville man is under arrest and being held without bail after being identified as the person behind last week’s threat that had the Federal Bureau of Inves tigation warning New Jersey’s Jewish community to be on the alert for a potential attack.
NBC News reported that Omar Alkattoul allegedly sent at least six people a document detailing his plan to attack a synagogue and Jewish people. Titled “When Swords Collide,” the document contained chilling statements such as, “I am a Muslim with so many regrets, but I can assure you this attack is not one of them.” According to federal prosecutors, Alkattoul wrote in his manifesto that Jews supported anti-Muslim acts of terror and that he was driven by his “hatred toward Jews and their heinous attacks.”
Alkatoul was arraigned in Newark federal court last Thurs day. If convicted, he faces a maximum of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
U.S. Attorney Philip Sellinger said that law enforcement agencies banded together in response to the threat.
“There is nothing the U.S. Attorney’s Office takes more seriously than threats to our communities of faith and places of worship,” said Sellinger. “Protection of these communities is core to this office’s mission, and this office will devote whatever resources are necessary to keep our Jewish community and all New Jersey resi dents safe.”
Shortages have become an ongoing reality since the onset of COVID, and while previously scarce items like Clorox wipes and baby formula have reappeared on store shelves, another commonly used item is fast be coming hard to find — amoxicillin.
Often prescribed as a first-line treatment for bacte
rial infections, amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin that has been in use since the early 1970s. The drug has been in short supply on pharmacy shelves, prompting the Food and Drug Administration to report a shortage of liquid amoxicil lin last week. The Society of Health System Pharmacists’ list of hard-to-locate amoxicillin varieties was considerably longer, spanning over 40 items, including the drug’s liquid, tablet and capsule forms. The problem extends beyond the United States, with Canada, Ireland and Australia also reporting short sup plies of amoxicillin.
While several manufacturers declined to give a reason for the shortage, Prevention, a health and wellness site, reported that Corewell Health West’s Stephanie Field, director of phar macy and business services, said that it was due to increased use of amoxicillin. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Crystal Tubbs, associate director of pharmacy servic es, offered another explanation.
“Shortages in general can be caused by supply/demand is sues, shortages of raw materials or other ingredients needed to manufacture the drug, logistics interruptions, and/or chal lenges with manufacturing facilities,” said Tubbs.
Amoxicillin is commonly prescribed for children, leaving parents more than a little worried. Kate Brown of Detroit told
the New York Post that her two-year-old was placed on a differ ent antibiotic, after being told by her pharmacist that not a single drug store had amoxicillin in stock.
“Urgent care said they can’t get liquid amoxicillin,” said Brown. “It’s a little freaky.”
South Carolina pediatrician Deborah Greenhouse ex pressed her frustration, posting that she had prescribed three commonly used drugs to patients on a single day — amoxicil lin, Tamiflu and Adderall — and they were all out of stock.
“The pharmacy didn’t have it,” wrote Greenhouse. “If that doesn’t bother you, it should.”
A Westchester mother who has been stockpiling baby for mula for months to feed her infant was alarmed to be facing another shortage, one that could impact her family in the months ahead.
“As a parent, it’s really concerning not to be able to find the basic things you need for your children,” she said. “And it’s even more stressful to have to compete with people looking for the same things.”
Approximately 250 brand-new free car seats were distribut ed last week in Boro Park, a potentially lifesaving effort orches trated by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and the Boro Park Jewish Community Council and funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.
“The safety of our youngest New Yorkers should be our top priority,” said Eichenstein, who advocated in the Assembly for a grant that would cover the cost of car seats for Boro Parkers who are current WIC recipients or are Medicaid-eligible.
This year’s distribution was the second car seat collabora tion between Eichenstein and the BPJCC, which facilitated the grant, with seats available in a variety of colors for babies and toddlers weighing up to 65 pounds. Last year, 125 free car
seats were given out, and the BJPCC is encour aging eligible Boro Parker residents to sign up for future distributions by registering at https://www.bpjcc.org/free-car-seat.
Joining Eichenstein and BJPCC CEO Avi Greenstein for the giveaway in front of Gra vesend Park was Department of Motor Ve hicles deputy commissioner Owen McShane, Shomrim members and BPJCC staff. The dis tribution also included a crucial educational component, with participants required to at tend a one-hour car seat safety and installation course, in addition to attending a live demon stration on properly securing a car seat.
Coordinating the event was a multistep process, one that involved registration, awareness, purchasing and distribu tion. Community Board 12 chairman Yidel Perlstein, a BPJCC board member and owner of Lucky Truck Rental, sponsored the truck that was used to store and distribute the car seats.
“A lot of logistics, time and effort went into putting this to gether, but if it saves even one life, it is all worth the effort,” noted Greenstein.
Mark Schroeder, chairman of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, explained that the agency was happy to sponsor the giveaway because children often travel in incorrectly sized car seats, placing them at risk.
“Parents and caregivers should not have to worry about safely transporting their children,” said Schroeder, who is also the commissioner of the DMV. “Our hope is that through events like this, we will give them greater peace of mind and help to keep the youngest New Yorkers safe on the roads.”
NYC Mayor Recruits Kosher Cookbook Authors To Fight Anti-Semitism With Food
Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, Mayor Eric Ad ams made a surprise appearance at a preshow gathering of Jewish food writers, calling on participants to help him com bat hate in New York City.
Adams stopped by the Jewish Food Media Conference at Sen Sakana in Manhattan to discuss a citywide program that will use food as a powerful medium for connection. Titled Breaking Bread, Building Bonds, the program will run 1,000 ten-person dinners, with people from different backgrounds and ethnic groups joining together at each one to share a meal. Adams had previously run the program in Brooklyn during his tenure as borough president, with members of the Jewish community hosting some of the dinners and discuss ing their lifestyles.
“They talked about what it is to have a simcha, what does it mean to go to different services and the holidays,” said Ad ams, adding, “That is how we change the dynamic. When we stop being afraid of each other, talk to each other.”
Adams called on the kosher cookbook authors at the event to host dinners as part of the program in an effort to com bat the rising tide of anti-Semitism, uniting New Yorkers through a shared love of food.
“If we share a meal together, we are more likely to share our city together,” explained Adams.
A passenger flying through Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport ended up on the wrong side of the law last week after trying to get a gun through security by stash ing it inside a raw chicken in their carry-on baggage.
CBS News reported that the incident took place last Mon day, with officers finding the gun wrapped in what appeared to be thin paper packaging. According to CNN, the passenger was headed to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, when the incident oc curred.
It is unclear if the passenger was placed under arrest or if the gun was loaded. Unloaded guns are permitted on planes as checked baggage if they are secured in a locked, hardsided container and are declared at the airline ticket counter during check-in. Fines for illegally having a gun in the air port can range as high as almost $14,000.
The TSA shared a photo of the chicken on social me dia, along with a light-hearted pre-Thanksgiving post that warned other travelers of the proper protocols for traveling with firearms.
“Our officers are always working around the cluck to keep you safe,” punned the TSA, adding, “Feather you like it or not, there are rules for traveling with guns and ammunition.”
TSA officers do occasionally stumble across unusual items. Last year, one passenger tried to bring a chainsaw onto a plane in New Orleans, while another attempted to smuggle bullets on board by packing them inside a deodorant stick in Atlantic City.
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RECAP: Zach is brought up to speed about Lenny. The two are advised to leave immediately for Warsaw. Hours later, tired and hungry, they find Lenny freezing on a street corner. Before they can ask him to return the manuscript, he runs.
“…Hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol.”
Chaim Simcha put out the Havdalah candle and wished his family a gut voch, his eyes shin ing. This was one of his favorite times of the week.
“And now,” Chaim Simcha announced, “to the menorah!”
“You’d better go to the closet first,” Cha na said, softening the warning with a smile. “I don’t want you catching another cold.”
Chaim Simcha and the boys dutifully pulled on their coats and went outside. Even though this wasn’t typical in their neigh borhood, Chaim Simcha always lit outside to honor the Lodzer legacy. They had a large glass case, custom-made, that they’d set up on their front porch. Inside, three menorahs were arranged in a neat little row. Chaim Simcha filled his cups with oil and put candles into his sons’ menorahs. Then, they each lit and hurried back into the bright lights and central heating of the house. No body wanted to be outdoors for long in this
Through the big front windows, three sets of lights winked in the darkness, mak ing the Shechinah palpable down on Earth. Chana had carefully cleaned the windows before Shabbos, so you could see the meno rahs beautifully, but of course, the kids had smudged it all up again over Shabbos.
“Never mind the windows,” Chaim Sim cha said, noticing his wife’s slightly an noyed expression. “Let’s sing!” He grabbed his children’s hands and launched into a rendition of Maoz Tzur with gusto. He bounced, sang in a high pitch, spun his children around. Pretty soon, all three kids had fallen to the floor, laughing.
“Come on!” Chaim Simcha urged, gath ering them up for the second verse. “Raos sav’a nafshi…”
While they sang, Chana pulled a bowl of grated potatoes from the fridge and start ed frying latkes. She took out a large plate to put all the finished latkes on, but she needn’t have bothered. Very few ever made
it to plate.
“Kids! Save some latkes for your mother!” Chaim Simcha said, sur reptitiously stuffing one into his own mouth.
Chana eyed him with amusement. “Save a few yourself, Tatty.” She winked. “Don’t worry, I’ll make more after they’re asleep. Speaking of which…” She strode into the living room. “Okay, everyone, time to close up shop! Shain dy, pick out your clothes for tomorrow, please. Reuven, pajamas!”
“And Yossele is with me!” Chaim Simcha said. He scooped his youngest into his hands, and Yossele twisted and turned, giggling as he tried to escape.
“I don’t wanna get in pajamas!” Reuven complained. “It’s not my bed time!”
“It’s after your bedtime, actually,” Chana told him firmly. “Now go. Or next time, you won’t stay up for latkes!”
“You wouldn’t…” Reuven began. But one look at his mother made it clear that she very much would. With a sigh, he snatched the last latke off the plate and jammed it stubbornly into his mouth before hurrying off to change.
It took another hour to get them all down for the count.
Yossele needed his story. Though he always fell asleep midway through, he’d wake up if you stopped reading, so Chaim Simcha had to take it to the very end.
Reuven was harder. Chaim Simcha was grateful he was Chana’s responsi bility. There was always one more thing with him, whether it was a glass of wa ter, a trip to the bathroom, or an end less string of questions nobody in his tory had ever thought to ask.
At least Shaindy put herself to bed. Sort of. She wouldn’t go until the oth ers were asleep, and she liked to read in bed late into the night. She kept her head, book and flashlight buried un der the covers so Mommy and Tatty wouldn’t notice.
They did notice, of course. But Shain dy stayed in her room, and she woke up in the morning just fine. So they’d de cided not to say anything.
Once everyone was asleep, or at least pretending to be, Chana headed back to the kitchen.
“What was tonight’s question?” Chaim Simcha asked as they sat down for their meal.
“Questions,” Chana answered, turn ing to him with a grin. “There were two of them. The first was why the letter ‘w’ isn’t called a ‘double-vee,’ since the bot toms are pointy. He asked that just as I was about to leave.”
“Smart kid,” Chaim Simcha told her, grinning back. He cut his latke in half and covered it with applesauce. “What’d you tell him?”
“I said I didn’t know. Maybe they used to write it differently.”
Chaim Simcha nodded. “I think it actually started out as a double letter ‘u.’”
Chana raised an eyebrow. “Hmm. Well, that led to him asserting, very strongly, that we needed to change the name now that the shape is different.”
Chaim Simcha chuckled. “Maybe he’s right. What was the second ques tion?”
“…Can you find him?”
Izzy nodded, though he knew his brother couldn’t see. “Yeah, I told you, we have this tracker thing on his phone. But he’s keeping off the streets, so we have to chase him on foot. And when ever we get close, he just runs off again. He won’t stay long enough to hear us out…” Izzy ignored his surroundings, lost in the phone call. He just kept be hind Zach and hoped for the best.
“Okay, gevald,” Chaim Simcha said. “This really is crazy. Do you need any thing from me?”
“No, just thought we should update you.”
“Fine,” Chaim Simcha said. “Keep me posted. Besuros tovos!”
Izzy hung up and looked around. “Where is he?”
They stood in a narrow alley, at the end of which was another big street.
“He’s not moving,” Zach reported.
“He asked if cauliflower tastes the same to him as it does to me, and if so, why I liked such a tasteless food.”
“Wow.” Chaim Simcha almost laughed, but he wasn’t sure how his wife would take that. Instead, he said, “Well, it’s an acquired taste, I guess.” He would have said more, but just then his phone rang.
He looked at the screen and frowned as he answered. “Izzy? It’s gotta be like 4:30 in the morning over there! Every thing all right?” He stopped, his mouth dropping open. “Gevald! Are you seri ous? That’s crazy!” He stopped and lis tened some more. “Can you find him? Okay, gevald, this really is crazy. Do you need anything from me? Fine. Keep me posted. Besuros tovos!”
“What’s wrong?” Chana asked as he hung up the phone.
Chaim Simcha turned to his wife with a dark expression. “Nothing’s wrong, everything’s right. Gam zu l’tovah. But I think I have a little hishtad lus to do…”
“I’m guessing he’s in a store or some thing. He wants us to pass him so he can double back, I think.”
Lenny still didn’t know about the tracker, Izzy reminded himself. He took the screen from Zach and peered at it closely. “Looks like he’s just around this corner. What’s in the building?”
Izzy didn’t expect an answer, of course. Zach was just as much a strang er to Warsaw as he was. But his cousin dutifully peeked around the edge of the building.
“Mini market,” he answered with a rueful grin. “Now we find one? That would’ve been helpful an hour ago. Anyway, he’s probably inside.”
Izzy began to walk, but Zach held out a hand to stop him. “We’re going about this wrong,” he said. “If he sees us, he’s just gonna run again. We need to build that into what we’re going to do. He knows where he’s going, how he’ll get out if we show up. We need to figure out whatever he’s got planned and react ac cordingly.”
Izzy hunched his shoulders in the cold. “What do you have in mind?”
“I dunno yet.” Zach thought for a minute. “The other side of this building has to be accessible, not like this alley. They need to bring in supplies and whatever. And there’s gotta be a back exit. So we should head him off.”
“I hear you,” Izzy said. He crept around the corner and quickly snatched a look inside the store. “I can’t see him, but he might be looking through the window. He could see us coming.”
“So we’ll walk past the store and double back,” Zach re plied.
They continued past the market, then Zach darted through the parking lot and disappeared around a corner. A moment later, Izzy’s phone rang.
“It’s me,” Zach said. Izzy could hear his breathing. The cold made even small exertions tiring. “I’m out back. Look ing for the exit. There. Two of them, but I can cover ‘em both. Just make sure he doesn’t get around you to the front.”
“Right.” Izzy took a breath. “I’ll keep you on the line, just in case.”
He stepped into the market, sneaking quick glances here and there while trying to appear preoccupied.
It was a small store, with aisles up to forehead height. Izzy figured Lenny would either be hiding in the back or hovering near the front window. Izzy was considering how far he could go into the store before he left Lenny an easy exit, when a sound two aisles down grabbed his attention. He looked that way and just caught Lenny ducking behind a cardboard stand.
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Izzy looked around and found a nearby aisle with de odorant, Q-tips and other such products. He stopped there and examined something for a bit, listening intently but never looking up. By the sound of it, Lenny was indeed headed to the back of the store. Good.
He put the soap he’d been looking at back on the shelf and retraced his steps to the front half of the store. Then he quickly stepped around a row of shelves to the next aisle.
Lenny looked up and their eyes met. A long moment stretched between them, and then both began to run.
“Stop, Lenny!” Izzy warned as Lenny dashed through an employee-only doorway. “We need to talk to you!”
But Lenny didn’t stop. As Izzy got closer, he could just see his cousin running through a group of startled workers, making for the back door.
“He’s coming!” Izzy called into his phone as he, too, ran through the doorway.
“Zatrzymaj sie! Nie mozesz tu byc! ” someone shouted. Then, as Izzy came charging past them, he yelled, “Ty tez sie zatrzy mujesz! ”
Izzy ignored them all and ran toward the door. Lenny had just gotten through, and it was swinging shut behind him when Izzy heard a muted thump. Lenny let out a shout, and there was the sound of a struggle.
A moment later, Izzy emerged in the rear of the store. Both his cousins were rolling around in the snow. Zach had Lenny’s arms pinned to his body, and Lenny struggled frantically to escape.
Copy by Naomie RubnerPreventative
‘‘Ever since I became a speech therapist, it was my passion to help those who stutter. I have taken courses from top professionals in this field offering great treatment. However, nothing excited me more than using R' Kaufman's revolutionary program. It is truly comprehensive, user friendly and effective.’’
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As a former stutterer R’ Kaufman has a deep understanding of the psychological needs of those who stutter. His clear & straightforward method is exceptionally successful!
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I tried everything over the past 47 years to overcome my stuttering. Rabbi Kaufman's method is the most normal and adaptable into real life.
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I have personally seen outstanding results in Yanky Kaufman's program. It's amazing to see how people can gain control of their speech in such a short period of time!"
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Recap: Rabbi Strasbourg explains to Sebastian that to be truly inspired in Yiddishkeit, one is to seek a connection with the A-mighty. He then promises to continue the conversation at a later time.
As the Ringels, Rabbi Strasbourg and Sebastian converse over a cup of tea, there’s ominous banging on the door, and Rabbi Strasbourg instructs his daughter-in-law Miriam to open it.
Miriam slid back the latch and opened the door slightly. A meaty hand pushed it open all the way, and three Imperial dragoons burst into the house. A fourth dragoon remained in the street, holding the reins of their horses. Two dragoons po sitioned themselves at the sides of the door, their muskets at the ready, while the officer in command inspected the front rooms.
“Are these all the men in the house?” he demanded.
“What is the problem, officer?” said Elisha.
“Just answer my question, little man.”
“Yes, we are the only men here.”
“Fine,” said the officer. He pointed at Sebastian. “You! Who are you, and what is your name?”
“Moshe Metzer, sir,” said Sebastian in impeccable Ger man. “I am a merchant who just arrived from Hamburg.”
“You will come with us,” said the officer. “We have in formation that there is a Spanish fugitive in this house, and you are the only one who fits the description. This one is too short, and that one is too old.”
“But this is a mistake, officer,” protested Sebastian. “I am no Spanish fugitive. These men will vouch for me. The fugitive you seek must be hiding in one of the other houses in the town.”
“Enough talk,” said the officer. “You Jews think you’re smarter than everyone else. You’re under arrest. If you don’t come this minute, we’ll drag you out and arrest your
friends for harboring a fugitive.”
Sebastian was about to say something, but he thought better of it. He clamped his jaw and stepped forward.
“Hold out your hands,” said the officer.
Sebastian did as instructed, and the officer signaled to one of his men to tie Sebastian’s hands. Then the two dra goons grabbed Sebastian by the arms. Just as they were about to march him out, Brachah Strasbourg, the Rabbi’s wife, came running out of the kitchen with a small sack.
“Here’s some food for our Moshe,” she said. “The holiday is coming, and if this misunderstanding isn’t cleared up right away, he may not be back in time. Please make sure he gets this.”
The officer took the sack and surveyed the room again. Then he held up the sack and tipped his helmet to Brachah.
“Good evening,” he said, and closed the door behind himself.
There were five horses outside. One of the dragoons mounted his horse, and Sebastian was thrust onto another of the mounts. A second rope, much longer than the first, was tied around his waist, and the other end of the rope was handed to the mounted dragoon, who tied it to his sad dle. Then the officer and the other two dragoons mounted their horses.
“Listen to me,” the officer said to Sebastian. “If you try to escape, we will shoot you down like a dog, and then we’ll come back for your friends. Do you understand?”
Sebastian nodded.
“And by the way,” said the officer, “the lady in the house gave us some food for you, but you really want to share it with us, don’t you?”
Sebastian nodded again.
The officer laughed in his face. He handed the reins of Sebastian’s horse to one of his men, and they set off at a brisk trot.
Soon, the massive moonlit walls of the Imperial City loomed in front of them. The gates to the city were still open. They rode in without being stopped or ques tioned and went directly to the municipal prison, a sinister stone building that pro truded inward from the city wall.
Sebastian was placed in chains and deposited in an underground dungeon. The door slammed shut behind him, and he heard or saw nothing more for the rest of the night.
The following afternoon, he was brought before a magistrate in the Imperial Palace. Shackled hand and foot, and with two armed guards beside him, there was no chance of escape. He would have to bluff his way out of this.
“What is your name?” asked the magistrate.
“Moshe Metzer.”
“According to our information, you are Sebastian Dominguez, the son of Don Pe dro Dominguez, a kinsman of his Imperial Majesty.”
“Your Honor, do I look like a kinsman of the Emperor? Would I be dressed like this and living among the Jews if I were a kinsman of the Emperor? This is clearly a case of mistaken identity. I am Moshe Metzer, a simple Jew looking to do a little business in Vienna.”
“Hmmph! Well, we’ll see about that. Fortunately, there are people here in Vienna who can identify you, Senor Dominguez.”
“I beg your pardon, Your Honor, but I am Moshe Metzer. I am so sorry that this error is causing you inconvenience.”
“I don’t believe you,” said the magistrate, “but we’ll soon find out.”
The door opened, and the bailiff came in and whispered in the ear of the magis trate. The magistrate nodded, and the bailiff hurried out. A moment later, he ush ered in a stout gentleman in flamboyant Spanish attire. It was Don Alejandro Qui nones, Marques de Murillo, the man who had literally turned his back on Sebastian and Gonzalo when they had visited him in Cordoba, the same man who had sat with him in Paris and threatened to destroy him if he did not abandon his attempts to recover his father’s estates.
“Good afternoon, Your Excellency,” said the magistrate. “I’m glad you could spare a few minutes from your diplomatic duties to help us out here.”
“What do you need?” asked the Marques.
“We need you to identify this fellow here,” said the magistrate, pointing to Se bastian.
The Marques had not noticed Sebastian when he first came into the chamber. All he had seen was a bearded man in Ashkenazic garb. Now he looked at him more closely.
“Do you recognize this man, Your Excellency?”
“Why should I recognize him?” said the Marques. “He looks just like any other of your German Jews. How would I know him?”
“Please look closely, Your Excellen cy.”
“I have looked closely,” said the Marques. “If you’ve nothing else to ask me, I shall bid you a good day.”
“This is Sebastian Dominguez,” said the magistrate. “He is the son of your friend Don Pedro Dominguez, formerly Duke of Monteverde. Do you recognize him now?”
The Marques stared at Sebastian.
Then he turned on the magis trate.
“Are you some kind of an imbecile?” he snapped. “Are you playing games with me? I’ve told you that I’ve never seen this man. Do you doubt my word? Do you think that if you tell me his name my memory will suddenly return? This is a disgrace. I’ve never seen this man. And if he really is the son of Pedro Domin guez, ship him right back to Spain. They’re waiting for him there.”
“A thousand pardons if I’ve offended you, Your Excellency,” said the magis trate. “I just thought —”
“That’s the problem. You just thought. Who asked you to think? Who asked you to waste my time? I mean, just because I knew Pedro Dominguez years ago, does that give you the right to drag me away from my duties for the Spanish Crown and waste my time here? Outrageous!”
Without waiting for the magistrate to reply, the Marques turned on his heel and left the chamber. Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. The Marques could have said that he’d met Sebastian in Paris, but he clearly wanted no con nection with him whatsoever.
The magistrate and the bailiff ex changed looks, and the magistrate shrugged. Sebastian looked from one to the other and saw doubt on their faces. He felt a spot of hope grow within his heart. Perhaps there was still a way out of this dreadful situation.
The magistrate peered at Sebastian with disdain and shook his head.
“If you’re Sebastian Dominguez,” he said, “you defile this place. And if you are a German Jew named Moshe Metzer, as you claim to be, you also defile this place.” He made a dismis sive sign to the bailiff. “Bailiff! Go see if the other gentleman is available. In the meantime, remove this prisoner from my sight, and bring in the next pris oner.”
Sebastian was left to cool his heels in a room no larger than a closet while his guards sat outside the door and played cards. After two hours, he was brought back into the magistrate’s chamber. A well-dressed man was standing off to the side with his back to him. He was giving instruction to a young page.
The magistrate coughed deferential ly. “M. Giroux, the prisoner is here. Can
The man turned around, and Se bastian felt a chill grip his heart. It was M. Armand Giroux, the chief financial agent for the Duke of Lorraine. Sebas tian had met with him in Metz and of fered to use his contacts in the Jewish community to arrange profitable busi ness ventures on behalf of the Duke. Giroux had promised to convey the of fer to the Duke on one of his frequent visits to Vienna, but nothing had ever come of the meeting. Until now.
“Do you know this man, monsieur ?” the magistrate repeated.
“Actually, I do,” said Giroux, “al though I’ve never seen him looking like this. This man is Sebastian Domin guez.”
“Are you sure?”
“Without a doubt.”
“Thank you,” said the magistrate. “We need trouble you no further.”
Giroux nodded curtly to the mag istrate. He cast a parting, cold-eyed glance at Sebastian, and followed close ly by his page, he left.
“Let the record indicate,” said the magistrate once the door had closed, “that M. Armand Giroux has made a positive identification of the prisoner as the Spanish fugitive Sebastian Domin guez. Let the record also indicate that this aforementioned Sebastian Domin guez is a Christian guilty of heresy and blasphemy who, though a fugitive from Spanish justice, has been condemned in absentia and burned in effigy by the Holy Office of the Inquisition. Let the record also indicate that the prisoner is hereby remanded to confinement in the Imperial Prison until such time as notification of his capture is sent to Madrid through official channels and proper arrangements are made to transfer him with security to the lawful Spanish authorities.”
The magistrate pushed back his chair.
“Get him out of my sight,” he said. To be continued…
Preparing a fresh dish l’kavod melaveh malkah is a custom that many try to fulfill in order to show significance to this honorable meal.
Pas chamah is another custom that many keep. Pizza dishes are simple to prepare, easy to serve and an enjoyable treat anytime.
This dough is soft and pliable. It yields two pies, eight personal pies or thirty-two pizza sticks.
4 cups WonderMills flour
1 T. sugar
1½ T. yeast
1 tsp. salt
1½ cups warm water
¼ cup oil
1 (24 oz.) jar pizza sauce
3 T. oil
1 T. sugar
1 T. oregano
1½ tsp. salt
Shredded pizza cheese for pizza rounds or 16 pizza-flavored jack cheese sticks for pizza sticks
Sliced vegetables, if desired
1. Preheat the oven to 350°
2. In a large bowl, combine all dry dough ingre dients.
3. Add the water and oil, and knead everything together until a smooth dough forms.
4. Divide the dough, depending on what you choose to make. For pizza pies: Roll the dough into two rounds, then top each one with sauce, cheese and desired vegetables. Bake for 35 minutes.
5. For personal pies: Divide the dough into eight and roll each piece into a round. Top each one with sauce, cheese and desired vegeta bles. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
6. For cheese sticks: Divide the dough into four. Roll each section into a rectangle, then cut each rectangle into eight rectangular pieces.
7. Place 1 tablespoon of pizza sauce and half a cheese stick in the center of each rectangle of dough. Fold over the sides, and pinch each stick closed.
8. Place the cheese sticks on a baking sheet seam-side-down, and brush with oil, sesame seeds and oregano. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
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Check back, too, to nd out the name of the lucky winner of the personalized school package!
This recipe uses challah dough frozen in rounds as the base. They take just moments to prepare and are light and scrumptious.
1½ lb. (24 oz.) challah dough Olive oil, for brushing
3 garlic cloves, crushed
½ cup sliced black olives
½ cup sliced grape tomatoes
4 oz. feta cheese, cubed
1. Divide the challah dough into twelve 2-ounce balls.
2. Flatten the balls into rounds, and place them on a baking sheet. Cover and freeze.
3. Defrost the dough for 15 minutes.
4. Preheat the oven to 350°.
5. Brush each dough round with olive oil.
6. Arrange the garlic, olives, tomatoes and cheese on each round, pressing them into the dough.
7. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
I was surprised to find an empty pizza maker moments after I tried this recipe. Even the pickiest of my grandchildren didn’t realize that I had hidden vegetables inside. I made another batch — and that promptly disappeared as well.
2 T. oil
½ small onion
1 garlic clove, crushed
½ orange pepper, diced
½ zucchini, finely shredded
10 grape tomatoes, sliced
1¼ cups tomato sauce
2¼ cups water, divided
1 T. brown sugar
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. salt Pinch of pepper
½ lb. raw ziti noodles
2¾ cups shredded cheese, divided
1. Preheat the pizza maker. Add the oil, onion, garlic and other vegetables, and sauté for 10 minutes.
2. Add the tomato sauce, half of the water, and spices, and heat this through.
3. Add the ziti noodles and ¾ cup cheese. Cook this for 20 minutes, mixing every few minutes while adding the rest of the water, as needed
4. Top with remaining 2 cups of cheese, and cook until melted, approximately 3 minutes.
5. Once the ziti is fully cooked, turn off the piz za maker but leave the ziti inside, allowing the pie to set for a few minutes so it slices neatly.
Treat your daughter to a fun-filled Sunday program! Watch as she develops her talents and explores new passions in a heimish and enjoyable environment. Highlight: the place your daughter is free to be and where she gets to shine week after week.
The war was brutal, and the number of casualties was mounting. One by one, soldiers fell, both on the side of North Korea and her cohorts, and that of South Korea and her cohorts. Luckily for a small group of wounded men, the Canadian warship HMCS Cayuga was stationed off the coast of Korea, ready to absorb battle-weary and battered fighters.
On that fateful day, Dr. Joseph Cyr watched the wounded being loaded aboard the ship and instructed his men to prep them for surgery. While they were following the doctor’s instruction, the surgeon himself stepped away, returning a while later to begin a series of six teen operations, including a complex bullet removal from one man’s chest and the amputation of another’s legs. Work ing diligently, Cyr patched the men back together, ensuring they’d be able to continue life on this planet.
The wounded all survived, and Dr. Joseph Cyr was re warded for his lifesaving surgical skill with public fame. Major newspaper outlets across the world reveled in the story of the level-headed doctor who so competently saved one life after another — that is, until the real Joseph Cyr discovered the deception.
Indeed, the man aboard the Cayuga was neither Cyr in name nor a surgeon by profession.
Six-foot-tall, 350-pound Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr. (better known as Fred) has been immortalized as one of the greatest con artists of all time. It was he who was aboard the Cayuga, claiming to be Dr. Joseph Cyr during the Korean War.
With no surgical training, Fred might have been more likely to harm the 211 men under his care than to heal them, but with his high IQ and alleged photographic memory, this imposter wasn’t afraid to try his untrained hand at medi cal care. Using his unique conman genius, Fred was able to manipulate medical assistants into bearing the brunt of the medical care. He even convinced another doctor to write a medical guide of common techniques, claiming that iso lated lumberjacks had requested a booklet describing ba sic procedures to help keep their men healthy. It was to this book that Fred turned, time and time again, when he was required to perform a procedure. While his men were busy prepping the patients, Fred would prep himself by locking himself in a room and quickly scouring his medical textbooks for any
helpful info.
On one occasion, Fred was asked by the captain of the Cayuga to pull two infected teeth, and though the “surgeon” had never performed this procedure before, he extracted the teeth after administering anesthetic and a heavy dose of penicillin. Surprisingly, the captain claimed he’d never ex perienced an easier dental procedure!
It was, perhaps, Fred’s heavy reliance on antibiotics
union of the Royal Cana dian Navy, Fred was allowed to make an appear ance — and the crew greeted him with open arms.
Fred’s stint aboard the Cayuga wasn’t his first con; in fact, he had a long history of pulling the wool over people’s eyes. It wouldn’t be his last, either. Even after he was caught impersonat ing Dr. Cyr, Fred continued his conning, even masquerading as a guard at a maximum-security prison, where he was eventually put in charge of a wing containing the most dangerous pris oners. One of those prisoners, however, discovered Fred’s ruse when he was flipping through a magazine in which a picture of Demara was prominently displayed, detailing his chronicle aboard the Cayuga!
Notifying the authorities, the prisoner caused Fred to be captured — and the con artist ultimately served a prison sentence for impersonating an officer of the law.
It was his innate con skills that allowed Fred Dema ra to earn peoples’ trust. He also had an uncanny ability to come by documents that were supposed to be hidden away. Those two talents enabled him to set himself up as not one doctor, but several…
It was back in 1942 that Demara came across the creden tials of a Dr. Robert Linton French, a psychologist and former navy officer. Demara used them to apply for a job as college professor, which he somehow maintained for three years, until the end of World War II. At that point, Demara was cap tured and prosecuted for avoiding the draft. As soon as he was released eighteen months later, however, Demara was back to his old games.
Forging a new identity, Fred Demara became Cecil Ha mann and awarded himself a PhD, upon which he began teaching in a religious college in Canada. It was there that “Cecil Hamann” befriended Dr. Joseph Cyr, a local general practitioner.
Explaining to his new friend that he’d been a biologist be fore taking on a teaching position, Fred earned points with the GP when he explained to him the power of bee venom to treat arthritis. Dr. Cyr was impressed and tried it upon his own patient with positive results, there by sealing the friendship.
America, in the hopes of obtaining a U.S. license in addition to his Canadian one. Of course, those credentials disappeared — together with “Dr. Hamann.” With Dr. Cyr’s credentials, Fred Demara was able to sneak into the Canadian Navy and land a position as a ship’s surgeon.
If playing a prison warden and a doctor wasn’t enough
for Demara, he also pretended to be a zoologist, a civil en gineer, a monk, a college dean, a hospital orderly, a lawyer and a cancer researcher during his long career as a conman.
One naturally questions what Fred Demara’s motive was in pretending to be so many other people. It clearly wasn’t fortune, for he wasn’t the type of con artist who made it his life’s mission to steal money or jewels from other people. There does seem to have been some motivation for prestige, which may have caused him to seek positions of leadership, but according to Demara, his main goal was something else entirely…
His main motive lay, apparently, in his spunky personal ity. Even as a young boy, Fred spent his time pranking oth ers. In one memorable event, the young Fred found a pair of prosthetic legs and stuck them into the snow near a main road, as if someone had been buried head first. He found it hilarious to watch as cars would screech to a halt and rush to save the hapless person who was headfirst in the snow bank. This may have set the tone for a lifetime of trickery.
Years later in an interview, Demara was asked why he’d done all he’d done.
His answer?
“Rascality, pure rascality.”
Yes, he was a true rascal indeed.
On March 3, 1997, a 72-yearold patient was wheeled into the operating room in Belgium for a scheduled cholecystectomy — surgery to remove her gallbladder. The procedure was to be performed with precision by medical expert Mona. Mona was assisted by bariatric surgeon Dr. Jacques Himpens and another physician, who sat at the patient’s bedside and held the endoscope throughout the procedure.
TTHE WOMAN WAS BRAVE, for although the surgery was rather common, she would be the first under Mo na’s knife. Mona, for all intents and purposes, was as good as any surgeon — except that she operated with computerized arms made of metal and was controlled by Dr. Himpens. The brainchild of Intuitive Surgical, Mona was the company’s first robotic prototype to be used in human surgery.
Although the company was not the first to attempt introducing robots to the operating room, reports of the first few successful procedures performed by Mona were not well received. Dr. Himpens’ precise documen tation of the event, submitted as a letter to the editor, was refused by The New England Journal of Medicine and other medical papers. People simply could not accept the incredible reality that a piece of metal could substitute human function in surgery.
To date, the United States is the global leader in robotic surgery. Experts predict that by 2028, more than 6 million such procedures will take place in the country annually.
How did a tool that was the source of such skepticism turn into a standard of care?
When Czech playwright Karel Capek concocted the con cept of a robot in 1920, it was the epitome of science fiction. The idea of a nonhuman entity performing human tasks was absurd and implausible. Yet it planted wings in the minds of future inventors. Could a programmable creature made of metal and rubber really exist? What could such an automaton ac complish? How could it service society?
By the 1980s, a number of scientists and companies were seriously toying with the idea of using robots for mechan ically guided medical procedures. In the race to the finish line, several companies succeeded in employing robots at the op erating table. Trials on humans began in the 1990s, and official FDA approval came by the year 2000.
In time, the advantages of automated assistance in surgery convinced sur geons and hospitals to give the system a try. They recognized the opportunity for greater precision, flexibility and control. After all, humans, no matter the level of skill, are subject to hand tremors and limited vision.
With the help of robotics, surgeons can perform proce dures with smaller incisions and better magnification. Ad ditionally, since robotic surgery is image-guided, there is no need for follow-up imaging once a procedure is done.
Before long, it became obvious that patients operated on in this manner were recovering more quickly and required shorter hospital stays. Many experienced less blood loss and were left with smaller scars. The risk of postoperative infec tion was also reduced.
Indeed, the advantages of automated procedures are man ifold, and experts continue to explore the unlimited possibil ities that robotics offer the medical world. At the same time, they constantly probe the risks involved.
Robotic-assisted surgery shares the concerns common to laparoscopic procedures, which are procedures done with the aid of cameras and necessitate smaller incisions. In both cases, there is always a risk of bleeding, potential infection and anesthesia-re lated mishaps.
The da Vinci robot costs upward of $1.5 million.
In the first quarter of 2022, Intuitive sold 311 da Vinci robots.
While the computer console used by the operating surgeon is typically in the same room as the patient, it can actually be manned from anywhere in the world!
Human error in manning the technology can also occur — but then again, surgeons operating laparoscopically could always make a bad move too.
But with mechanical involvement, there is the added risk of malfunction. If the camera, robotic arm or instrument fails, the surgery can go awry. This sometimes prompts more invasive involvement mid-procedure. Additionally, electric arcing of the robot’s energy source could cause burn injuries, and some patients have suffered nerve damage.
Generally, however, robotic surgery is considered safe, and the complication rates are low.
As can be expected, it has been noted that the more experienced a surgeon is at operating the machines, especially at centers performing a greater volume of robotic procedures, the fewer accidents oc cur. Proficient robotic-operators also manage to cut operative
times substantially.
A good choice? Experts suggest patients be fully in formed of the risks and ad vantages of robotic surgery before making a decision.
You’ve probably gathered by now that robotic surgery does not translate into a pa tient being wheeled into the operating room and then left at the complete mercy of an automated machine. Robotic sur gery is carefully manned by proficient experts in the field, in real time. Medical specialists are in the room and involved in every step, while taking advantage of the benefits of comput erized support.
There are three main components to the machinery of the
most popular model.
First is the robot, which appears as a mobile tower with four arms. One is a camera arm, and the other three bear in
Then there is the bedside cart, which consists of the image processing equipment and light source. These transmit images from the operating suite to the surgeon.
The surgeon sits at the third part – the console. The console comprises binocular lenses that magnify and produce three-dimensional imaging, and hand piec es that remotely manipulate the surgical instruments within the patient. There are also various foot pedals that control different robotic components at the bed side.
It is clear that robots don’t actually replace hu mans; they simply improve human ability to operate.
The use of robotics in surgery was actually hypoth esized as far back as 1967. It took another three de cades for the theory to come alive.
Interestingly, the development of robotic surgery was originally motivated by the Department of De fense as a means to decrease battlefield casualties. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) invested much energy in research and de
Dr. Fred Moll, the founder of Intuitive Surgical, and his partners Dr. John Freund and electrical engineer Robert Younge, named their pro totypes after Leonardo da Vinci and his most famous work of art, the Mona Lisa. Their first model was named Lenny, the second Mona, and their current model is known as da Vinci.
Besides being a master artist, Leonardo da Vinci was a curious sci entist and inventor who was credited with various scientific break throughs, many of which were in the field of human anatomy.
velopment. Ultimately, competi tion within the private company sector spurred the concept into reality.
Today, the king of the market is the da Vinci model by Intuitive Surgical. Success breeds success. The company developers at Intu itive noted that while all of Mo na’s initial surgical procedures were successful, there were sev eral flaws in her mechanism. That prompted the company to design its next prototype, the da Vinci. Da Vinci earned partial FDA clearance in 1997 and full approval in 2000. Today, it is the most widely approved and popularly used model of all robotic surgical assistants.
General surgery
Heart surgery
Head and neck surgery
Urologic surgery
Colorectal surgery
Thoracic surgery
In November of 1992, a surgi cal robot named Robodoc assist ed a surgical team in Sacramen to, California, in performing the first robot-assisted human hip replacement. This breakthrough came after several trials on ca nines. (Robodoc is still used to day, primarily for orthopedic procedures such as knee and hip replacements. It is unique in that many of its procedures are pre-programmed before the operation, leaving surgeons with a more passive role during sur gery.)
In truth, however, Intuitive’s Mona was not the first robot to operate on humans.
More than a decade earlier, in 1983, “Arthro bot,” a Canadian surgical robot was used as part of an operating team in Vancouver, Canada.
In 1985, PUMA 560 was unveiled in Califor nia. It performed a needle biopsy of brain tissue, avoiding the risk of hand tremors in such a pre cise procedure.
Other robot pioneers performed delicate tasks such as eye surgery, valve repair and more. Yet other medical robots were used as aides in the operating room, handing in struments to the surgeon following voice commands.
In the years that followed, robots received FDA and global approval, becoming the stan dard of care in hospitals wealthy enough to afford the system. Myriad patients have been healed through the technological advancements it offers. The researchers behind the products
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There are moments in medicine when a huge breakthrough brings hope and healing to an affliction that was previously deemed a diagnosis of doom.
While the pioneers in their respective medical fields are often explored in literature, where accolades are given to the innovative practitioners who dared to challenge standard thinking in the hopes of new developments, here we focus on those first patients: those who allowed themselves to go under the knife, receive that first injection, or let themselves be treated in a way that changed history for future patients.
It was 1735 when eleven-year-old Anderson was admit ted to St. George’s Hospital in London with a hernia and an inflamed appendix that had become perforated by a pin he’d swallowed.
Dr. Claudius Amyand was taken to task on that day, performing the world’s first appendectomy on the young boy. It was soon deemed a success, enabling the patient to be released with a truss he was instructed to wear.
When appendectomies became more popular in the 1880s, there were various surgeons who vied for the title of the first to have performed the procedure. In the meantime, Amyand’s work lay forgotten in the an nals of history and in a newspaper of the Royal Society of London, in which he’d published an account of the operation.
However, careful research in the twentieth century re turned the well-deserved title and recognition to Amy and, and Anderson, the patient whose life he saved.
It was May of 1916, and Walter Yeo, an English sailor fighting in World War I, was wounded, sustaining terrible facial injuries.
After a wait, he was transferred to Queen’s Mary Hospital in Kent, where Dr. Harold Gillies got to work transferring skin from undamaged areas of his body and transplanting a mask of skin on Yeo’s face, but only after outlining the contours. The skin grafting required multiple steps and weeks of healing between procedures until it was complete in the most aesthetically pleasing manner possible at that point in history. Walter Yeo remained with some disfigu ration. But this case, while by far not the first in skin grafting, was the one to launch a new era of cosmetic surgery that aims to restore normal appearance as well as functionality in those with facial injuries.
It was January of 1922, and fourteen-year-old Leon Thompson was dying, his blood sugar levels dangerously high from type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, it was not shocking. At that point in time, the disease was nothing short of a death sentence. But now, perhaps, there was something to do.
Insulin had been discovered by a threesome — Sir Fred erick G. Banting, Charles H. Best and JJR Macleod — at the University of Toronto about a year earlier, and it had been purified just one month prior by James B. Collip. The team felt ready to test the innovation in humans, and it was Thompson who received that first injection of
Within 24 hours, his blood sugar levels had dropped. However, Thomson had developed an infection at the sight of the injection.
Undeterred, Colllip got to work further purifying the insulin extract, and Thomspon received another injection twelve days later. His blood sugar levels stabilized to near normal, and this time, there were no side effects.
With their miracle patient as proof, the insulin team soon shared their discovery and this amazing hope for diabet ics with the world.
It was early autumn of 1940 in the hamlet of Wootton in Oxfordshire, England, when Alexander, a police officer, pricked himself while pruning roses in the police house garden. No, it wasn’t directly in the line of duty that Alexander was injured, but he developed sepsis and was soon covered in abscesses. His condition further deteriorated, and he’d already lost an eye to the infection.
Penicillin, at that point, had already passed the test in lab mice and also in a terminally ill human volunteer, and it was time to try to cure Alexander’s infection with it.
His initial dose was 200 milligrams, which was followed by another 300 milligrams every three hours over the next five days.
He recovered in the short-term, showing major improvement with the penicillin, whose original form was excreted from the body at a speed that made these frequently repeated doses necessary. However, he ended up relapsing, possibly due to the inability of the doctor to produce the penicillin at the rate it was needed to keep things under control.
While unfortunately, Alexander didn’t end up making it, his temporary reprieve proved to the penicillin team, and soon to the public, that penicillin was the new answer to healing infections.
It was 1950, and Ruth Tucker, a 44-year-old with polycystic kidney syndrome (PKD), wanted to do something to give herself a chance at life. After having watched both her mother and sister succumb to their failing kidneys, she full well knew how devastating her diagnosis was.
Dialysis, still in its beginning stages, was not widely available, or available at all in the vicinity where she lived. Therefore, Tucker signed up for the risky procedure of having an organ transplant, despite the chance of rejection being high since, in the words of Dr. Richard Lawler, the pioneering surgeon, they had a kidney from “not the most ideal patient, but the best we could find.”
The transplant took about 45 minutes, and Tucker was released from the hospital a month later. At first the kidney functioned, but after 53 days, it was clear Tucker’s body was rejecting it (immunosuppressant drugs and tissue typing were still things unknown back then). The donated kidney had to be removed ten months after surgery.
Interestingly, though, the healthy kidney gave Tucker’s body a chance to resume normal kidney function, and she lived an other five years, passing away from an issue unrelated to renal function.
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C R., Participant"The Marriage Investment Workshop is insightful, skill building, & extremely practical. With her warmth, passion & wisdom, all based on solid Torah hashkafa, Mrs. Dasheff inspires & empowers. I most enthusiastically encourage every married woman, no matter her age or stage to take this course. The benefits are real & lasting to create happy & harmonious homes."
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Do you wish to re-ignite and refresh your marriage? Are you exhausted from working too hard to make it work?
It was 1958 when Larsson’s heart, scarred from a viral infec tion, could no longer contract in sync. His heart rate was a slow 28 beats a minute, and the decreased blood flow to his brain made him prone to potentially fatal fainting spells.
Though pacemakers were already in use at the time, they were large, clunky external machines designed for tem porary use only. Two individuals, Dr. Ake Senning, a heart surgeon, and Dr. Rune Elmquist, an electrical engineer, had teamed up to work on developing small, implantable pace makers. Still in the experimental stages, they did not want to try their model for human use yet, but Mrs. Larsson, who kept witnessing her husband’s fainting spells, begged them to make one for him.
The duo acquiesced, and Larsson was soon under the knife. The surgery seemed successful, but the pacemaker failed just eight hours after being surgically implanted, after which Dr. Senning implanted the only backup he had. While it was a battery-operated model and had to be recharged every few hours, it worked — on and off — for three years.
Over the next few decades of his life, Mr. Larsson underwent a whopping 25 operations and procedures as failing pace makers were replaced and repaired, with the models becom ing upgraded and made smaller, safer and more durable.
Despite the many procedures, the pacemakers added 46 years to Larsson’s life and triggered millions of life-sustaining heartbeats that had him up, running, and even traveling the world. Mr. Larsson even outlived both Dr. Enquist and Dr. Senning, living until 2001.
After every bit of medical research and experimenting has been done, there will always be that first person upon whom a new treatment is tried, all while human reaction is still very much in question.
May Hashem grant those in whose hands He placed the task of healing humanity with the foresight and wisdom to stretch the limits of medicine even further, and bring hope and healing to those suffering.
Did you call the Doctor?
Did you call the Askan?
Did you call the Shadchan?
Did you call the Therapist?
This beautiful English sefer covers many topics in halachah, all with the clear psakim of Rav Yisroel Belsky zt"l. There are 51 concise chapters in the book, which makes it the perfect "learnwith-your-family" sefer for your Shabbos and Yom Tov table. A must-have, for all those with a true appreciation of halachah in general and of Rav Belsky's noted psakim in particular!
Compiled by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, Rabbinical Administrator KOF-K Kosher Supervision and author of the Halchically Speaking series
In Building a Shul, readers are taken on an exciting tour of the whole shul-building process. From designing the blueprints to rolling in the excavator and cement trucks; from erecting the elevator shaft to waterproofing the basement; from framing the walls to installing the windows and doors; and everything in between—the construction site where this shul will one day stand is buzzing with activity, and you’re invited to watch it all from up close!
So put on your hard hat, step over those pipes and ducts—careful with the spray foam over there!—and come along! By Simmy Horwitz
In Wall of Fire, another soul-stirring masterpiece by beloved author Meir Uri Gottesman , eightyyear-old Leibel Stretiner has a cataract operation and is given new lenses. Unbeknownst to him, though, these lenses were ground by a Jerusalem tzaddik, which makes them very atypical. To Leibel’s shock and dismay, he suddenly finds, upon entering shul after his surgery, that he can now read the aveiros that everyone has done, inscribed right on their foreheads!
And this is just the beginning…
For decades, the only way forward for Sima Hertzberg was to push all thoughts of her estranged brother out of her mind—and she was almost successful. Yet when a series of unconnected events puncture the bubble of her carefully constructed life, she is forced to revisit—and resolve—the haunting and formidable past.
The Thirteenth Gate is a deeply moving story of faith, forgiveness, and family ties.
It explores some hot-button issues facing our community, with insight, authenticity, and finesse. By Ester Zirkind, author of Where Is the Daughter I Raised?
Follow the Rubins on their fascinating yet fear-in ducing expedition to the coldest, driest, and iciest continent in the world.
As they fumble on the ice and try to make a Kiddush Hashem even under tough circumstances, they make some shocking discoveries, while also learning valuable lessons about the impor tance of family, hashgachah pratis, and the power of tefillah Black Ice is a thriller that will keep readers en tertained until its satisfying conclusion.
By popular teen book author M. JakubowiczOnce upon a time, in a humble little cottage, lived a family who always had what they needed to eat and drink and wear. The house was sometimes even clean, and the kids were (sometimes) happy. The father was served spe cial fare on fine china, and the children had toys to play with.
Who was the magician in this little hut who waved her magic wand and made it all possible?
She didn’t look like a heroine who managed to create harmony for so many little people. Nobody could tell that she often juggled a sick baby, a needy toddler, a job, and, of course, laundry. Nobody could tell that she served up at least two fresh meals daily, on her own, and gourmet meals every weekend. Nobody could tell that she had vis ited the dentist and the grocery and the supplies store for contact paper all in a morning’s work, and she even made
the kids’ buses on time.
Because the magician did not wear a glamorous, shiny cape. She did not juggle gracefully. She ate peanut butter crusts for her morning meal and cold leftovers from dirty plates for her evening meal. She gave away her last mor sel of cake to her toddler and wore clothes that had fin gerprints and dried baby spit-up by the time noon rolled around. Her eyes were often hardly visible on top of bags in various shades of purple.
Who was this magician? The magician was the magical mother of the home.
My cleaning lady doesn’t show up one week in November and one in December. Not because of the holidays, but because she’s preparing a meal for the holidays. For five people. Twice a year. (And she has a set menu of turkey for the first one.)
We do that every single Shabbos. Every single day
You are the magician in your home. And it befits your status to behave like one.
I attended a CPR/First Aid class a couple of years back. Don’t ask me about the anatomy of the lungs, but I do remember one thing that was repeated many, many times: “Before saving a life, ensure you’re not putting yours in danger.” As much as you want to admin ister CPR, if there’s a raging fire, don’t enter the house.
Because if you do, there will be two pa tients instead of one.
The message? As the mommy in the house, you swoop in to save the day hundreds of times a week, but who is there to save you?
You are the only person available to save yourself from yourself.
And yes, we will talk about self-care today. Please, no hate mail. You can call it self-respect if you prefer.
No, we will not talk about visiting the beach and spa (although that would be nice) or a cruise to the Caribbean Islands (that would totally be wonderful too).
We will talk about your being the queen in your home. Queens are very busy with long to-do lists. (I think. I don’t know any of them personally.) However, that doesn’t excuse them from taking proper care of themselves. So, dear mother, little-pockets of self-care will transform you from a martyr to a magician.
When I first spoke to Faigy K. about Sweet Mother hood, I asked her if it’s only me who feels totally in timidated by her ability to constantly be her cheeriest self while always being so available to her kids.
She explained that it’s true that when she is with her children, she’s fully there, but that’s only because she herself is not depleted. Knowing Faigy, I knew her self-care roster does not include exotic vacations. I knew her methods are probably doable once she sets her mind to them. And they definitely work.
For all of you readers following the Sweet Mother hood series, for every blessed mother who often feels wrung out, for all of you who are consumed by guilt, wondering how everyone does it all and still has time for self-care — this is for you.
Before anything, the first part of self-care is to give yourself the space and sympathy you give others. Are these amazing routines too hard to implement now? That’s okay. Life has so many seasons and stages. Sometimes you’re stronger emotionally, and some times less so, and that’s okay.
What you need to do is clip these pieces of wisdom for later use, or contact Faigy for ideas on how to cus tomize a plan that works for you in your current situ ation.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s crown ourselves queens!
Incorporate at least some of these ideas into your daily routine, and you’ll feel the difference immedi ately.
Do you remember the coveted ice-cream box in the freezer of your childhood? That was Mommy’s. And how we longed for those frozen treats that had an image of a tape measure wrapped around them! (They’re gross, dear child. Splenda-sweetened low-fat pops are not good. Take it from someone who knows.) But we didn’t ask for any of it because we knew that they were especially for Mommy.
True self-respect starts with modeling self-respect. Your meals and snacks can either be an act of self-care or selfdeprivation.
Healthy food is an act of self-care and a mitzvah of re specting our body. For each meal and snack, prepare a placemat and nice cutlery, and sit down by yourself at a clean table. Enjoy a plate of beautifully diced salad with a dressing or (occasionally) a Danish and coffee.
Faigy always eats this way. Even when the kids are around!
“When your children see that you take yourself seriously, they take you seriously,” Faigy says. But how does she deal with the outstretched palms or sudden requests?
Faigy says, “I smile and tell them, ‘Mommy is eating now. I’ll gladly help you when I’m done.’”
For all the palates that suddenly crave your salad, smoothie or treat? Or the inevitable, “We never have such yummy food”?
Again, Faigy smiles kindly and then responds, “When you’re a mother, you’ll also make yourself such yummy sal ads.” Or, “When you’re a mother, should I order you such a fancy drink?” And when she’s in the mood, she may offer them a tiny bit to share.
For another meal-related self-care treat, Faigy set up a partnership with her friend who lives nearby, where they swap healthy breakfast food twice a week. She dices a salad for the two of them, and her friend’s Ninja-produces a heavenly fruit smoothie.
It’s self-care, nutrition and adult company in one neat package.
Sit, relax and enjoy. You deserve it!
As an added bonus, your children will learn to ap preciate healthy food choices. Personally, this is how I role model healthy habits. I sip my water and take my vitamins with obvious pleasure. That’s how children realize that salads, water and vitamins are delicious!
In her “other life,” Faigy K. is a dance/gym instruc tor. Part of a successful workout is a few minutes of meditation.
What is meditation? It’s the ability to fully feel and experience the here and the now. Amid the chaos of a healthy home, allow yourself to be mindful and feel the moment. It’s these moments that you’ll be sighing about wistfully in twenty years from now.
Meditation releases all those feel-good endorphins that keep you going with a smile and a spring in your step instead of allowing you to be a sluggish, tense mother.
How can you find a few quiet moments for medita tion with homework and bedtime and spills happen ing?
• When caring for your baby, do so in your own room, with a locked door. This is a great way for you to get the few precious moments needed for meditation.
• If your toddler already gave up their nap, choose one hour of the day to put them in them crib with a book, CD or the like.
Try doing this every day at least once.
• Sit or lie down comfortably. Be mindful of where you are, and take a few seconds to feel your body. Start with your forehead: Scrunch it up full of worry lines. Then slowly, slowly, relax your forehead. Move on to your eyes. Shut them tightly, open them slowly, and now close them softly.
• Next, tighten your jaws, clench your teeth, and releeease. Ah! Leave your mouth slightly open with your tongue between your upper and lower palates without touching either one.
• Feel your shoulders? Tighten them, and relaaaxxx. Slowly move to your fingers, and curl them tightly into a ball. Uncurl each finger so it is only slightly curled now, palms facing upward.
• Now tighten your core stomach muscles, and relax. Do the same with your leg muscles. Finally, curl your toes, wiggle them, and release.
• Your body is now relaxed. It’s time to take a deep cleansing breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. And again.
Deep breathing reaches your muscles, opens your mind and awakens your spirit.
Picture yourself walking down a long, wide carpeted hallway with doors on either side. You can choose one door to enter.
Take a deep cleansing breath. You are in your favorite place. Are you at the sandy beach at the ocean side, or in a rainforest? Or maybe you’re in your own bedroom when it’s really clean and fresh. Or in a rose garden. Or on a moun taintop.
Enjoy the ocean breeze… …The warm sand…
….The beautiful flowers… … The birds chirping…
… The fall foliage… …Your soft, comfortable blanket.... And just be… and be…
Until the pounding on your bedroom door rouses you. The mommy of a few minutes ago is no longer. In her place is an energized mother, the queen of her home, ready to face the other side of the door.
AS THIS SERIES WRAPS UP, we wish you all the sweetest experience in enjoying the gift of motherhood.
Faigy K. is a motherhood consultant who personalizes her method to your individual needs and home. She can be contacted at 845-499-9334.
Are you a robot? Are you sure you aren’t? Well, your computer doesn’t trust you, so you’ll need to select all the below pictures that include a bus to prove that you’re human.
Who would’ve thought that humans would one day need to prove to robots that they’re not… robots?
Robots are progressing at a rapid pace and are able to do so many cool things, sometimes even doing a better job (gasp) than their creators.
Robots are machines that are programmed to carry out complex tasks. They work either with a remote control, or can have embedded prompts so they can automatically respond to different stimuli. Robots are used in the army, in the medical field, as well as in automated cars, factories, and everything in between.
Leonardo da Vinci is well known as a painter from the 1400s, but not many know that after he died, sketches were found in his notebooks for a “mechanical knight.” His robot was able to sit up, wave its arms, and move its head and jaw. Hence the first theoretical robot was born. Theoretically. A couple of centuries later, in the 1950s, the first robot was invented and built by George Devol. Named “Unimate,” for Universal Automation, it was put to work at General Motors and die cast factories (where hot molten metal is formed into steel). Its popularity at the die cast factory really put it on the map, since it was able to handle the super-hot metal without a peep of complaint. Unimate was then massproduced and put into many factories around the globe.
Robots have also contributed a lot to society by joining the medical field. Robot-assisted surgery has become common for risky surgeries that need precision and control. Besides making the doctor’s job easier, robotic surgeries also have many benefits for the patient, since they cause less blood loss and have a lower risk of infection.
Robotic surgery has the surgeon sitting near the operating table at a console where he controls the robotic arms, which have cameras and surgical tools attached.
WIth robotic surgery there is usually no need to open up the patient completely, since the surgeons can maneuver the camera inside the patient through a laparoscopic hole to see what they’re doing. Pretty cool.
By: Toby DaimantSome super impressive robots can mimic different animals or insects and are able to travel across rough or dangerous terrain. Currently, dog-like robots are under development for the U.S. army — and already manufactured by China! — and they will be able to go into enemy land and even shoot bullets by remote control. Similarly, some insect-like robots have been developed to fly over enemy lands and gather information.
The most fascinating robots of all are humanoid robots, which are made to resemble and mimic humans. The most advanced humanoid robot to date is Sophia, a robot created in Hong Kong that made waves in the media when it was first revealed in 2016. Sophia has a skin-like face with which she can make pretty realistic facial expressions. Her eyes move around and blink, giving her a freakishly alive appearance. She is able to engage in conversations and even draw. A team of programmers and authors worked on her “personality,” and she can actually be pretty funny. Sophia is officially a citizen of Saudi Arabia, making her the first robot to receive citizenship of a country. She also once gave a speech at the United Nations about how robotics can help humans in the future, and has had numerous interviews in different countries. Pretty accomplished for a robot; she almost makes us humans seem boring.
So, what are these annoying online CAPTCHA tests all about? The “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart” was created to stop spam bots online. Bots, or web robots, are software programs that imitate human behavior and roam the internet stealing info, scamming people, and generally creating chaos. CAPTCHA tests are quick tests that humans can easily complete but robots cannot. For example, one common CAPTCHA test is a grid with nine pictures, and the user needs to select all the pictures that feature a specific object, such as a traffic light. Although you might think robots would be able to complete such a test easily, some of the pictures might be a little blurry or have objects that look similar to the traffic light, and these confuse the bots. In addition, the CAPTCHA test also tracks the user’s movements and the amount of time it takes to complete the test to determine if it’s a bot or human. That’s how a simpler kind of CAPTCHA test like the “Are you a robot?” with a checkbox near it can be just as effective.
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety.
3. Email the form to com ments@thebpview.com or fax to 718-408-8771 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will receive a $15 gift card at Judaica Corner!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be con nected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not al lowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Con tractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points
5-letter words: 3 points 6-letter words: 5 points 7-letter words: 7 points 8-letter words: 9 points 9+ letters: 12 points
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Goldberger, 718-xxx-1112
Name of winner: Mommy Amount of points: 92
Names of competing players: Fraidy
Some words only the winner found: ignore, living, losing, weapon
A new word learned from the board: weal
Bring this page in to the Judaica Corner to claim your $15 gift card.
Family name: Ringel, 718-xxx-7846
Name of winner: Faly
Amount of points: 24
Names of competing players: Goldy
Some words only the winner found: best, corn, score, sour
The longest word found on the board: weapon
Last week’s bonus word: optimistic
Send your colored page to The Boro Park View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page with your full name to comments@thebpview.com or mail it to 1274 49th Street, Suite 421, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family.
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Growing company in center of BP looking to hire f/t or p/t female secretary with “sales experience”. Great pay and benefits. Please email resume to dosjoboffer@gmail.com.
Seeking female paras for immediate hire in Boro Park/ Flatbush. Special rate for late afternoon/evening hours! Pay ranges from $22.-$38. Per hour. Call: 718.686.2376 or email: para@yeled.org
Na’aseh is looking for qualified providers for our one-on-one division. We have in-school and after-school cases. Please call 718-5003765 ext 105 or email your resume to info@naaseh.org
Chasidishe Girls School in BP is seeking 1st grade Teachers Assistant. English 1-4PM Excellent pay. Excellent pay. Please call 718-338-5600 x313
Heimishe office in BP. Good phone, computer skills, multi task, no experience necessary. New grads welcome. Great work envrmt, excellent growth oppty. email resume: HRunitedsalesusa@ gmail.com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Boro Park office is looking for immediate hire full-time secretary. Detail oriented with basic knowledge in Excel and MS office. Graduate preferred. Please email :Jobs@knwcorp.com
Seeking clinical special ed supervisor to participate in legal CSE meetings and hearings. Candidate must have wonderful phone and interpersonal communication skills, extremely responsible and ambitious. Great pay for the right individual. email resume to specialpositionbp@ gmail.com
Growing Healthcare Agency located near Boro Park & Midwood has excellent positions available for entry level individuals to do Administrative Duties. Prior experience a plus but will train right individuals.
Excellent salary with growth potential as well as a great work environment.
Pls email resume to: Cityjobs10@gmail.com
If you are an experienced classroom teacher or a licensed teacher with a BA, who is passionate about childcare and you want to make a difference in the lives of little ones, reach out today!
718.633.PLAY1565 59 Street 1437 49 Street 4917 14 Avenue
Please call to apply 646.345.7769
Seeking an energetic girl to work in an office of a special needs school. Must have excellent organizational skills and strong attention to detail. Heimish environment. Willing to train. resumes@ yadyisroelschool.org
Na’aseh Montessori afterschool program is looking for an assistant. Hours are 4-6 and great pay. Please call 718-500-3765 ext 105 or email us your resume at info@naaseh.org
Great opportunity for an IT Operations and Low Voltage Technician. Perfect for the energetic person who enjoys technology and appreciates a challenge. Must be a true team player, diligent, and take responsibilities seriously. Amazing work environment with good compensation for the right person. Email your resume to Nsteinmetz@hamaspikkings. org
Large company seeks a capable, skilled individual for administrative, bookkeeping and back end work.
Computer knowledge a must. Exp preferred. P/T option for the right candidate. Email: joboffer1643@gmail.com, call 718-438-3773
Full time female secretary position available in a Heimishe female only CPA office. Experience a plus. Email boroparkcpa@gmail. com Fax 855-708-5576
Looking for an afternoon job?
Great opportunity! Daycare in the heart of bp is seeking a teacher from 1-4:15. Great environment and pay! Please call: 347-458-9517.
Law Office in Boro Park seeks a part time paralegal, PM hours. Knowledge of QuickBooks necessary. Email resume to office.spedlaw@ gmail.com
Seeking an energetic and experienced saleswoman for a women’s retail store. Must have a friendly disposition. Sunday Through Friday. Please Call/Text: 718-612-7262 Email: Jobs@ myselflingerie.com
Female aide. free room and board. Allowance too. 718576-4511
Seeking a Paraproffessional for a high schooler in BP with physical disabilities. Afternoon Hours. Email Goldy@yesicanservices.com
Heimish multi girl office in BP looking for a responsible and organized F/T secretary, great pay,send resume to secretarybp438@gmail.com or call 845-871-2576 and lv clear message.
Join our team! Seeking f/t female secretary for a busy office in BP. Graduates welcome. Competitive pay and great potential for growth! Email resume: to bpjob5809@gmail.com
Heimishe girls office in BP looking to hire afternoon secretary. Competitive salary, great atmosphere. Hours 2:30 - 5:30 PM. Call: 646-8586496 or Email: jobinbp4322@ gmail.com
Large distributor in bp looking for a female bookkeeper with experience. Please email resume nyjobs18@gmail.com
Seeking couple to work at Hamaspik girls’ or boys’ group residence in Boro Park on Shabbos and Yamim Tovim. Excellent pay and benefits. Great opportunity for the right candidates. Call 718-387-8400 ext. 165 or email Phalberstam@ hamaspikkings.org
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
Seeking female secretary. Hours 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Must be organized, responsible, computer savvy & able to multi task. Call: 646-858-6496 or Email: jobinbp4322@gmail.com
Yeled V`Yalda Staten Island Looking for a part time secretary, Mon.-Thurs. from 8:30-11:30 AM, Friday from 8:30-12:30 PM. Salary: $15,000 per year. email to: mbernath@yeled.org Or call: 718.514.8870 YVY is an EOE
Busy heimishe office is looking for a Accounts Receivables rep, benefits incl great pay, health insurance, paid Yom Tov, vacation days & legal holidays. Email resume to: sarah@royalcare.nyc
Busy Heimishe BP office seeking f/t female secretary. Graduate preferred. Efficient, Detail Oriented, w/ good communication skills. job2021bp@gmail.com
Seeking HR/front desk secretary for Comfort Health’s Boro Park location. Must be personable, responsible, and detailoriented. Heimish work environment, with great benefits. Full time. Graduates welcome. Email resume to: Mrosenberg@ hamaspikkings.org
Seeking afternoon para for high school girl in BP school. Great pay for the right individual! No credentials needed, only fingerprints. Please reach out liba@ succeedsupport.com 718-7377262 extension 103
Busy Lighting store looking for energetic person to store. Great pay / environment. Please email nyjobs18@gmai.com
Seeking young and energetic girl to be a mentor for a highfunctioning special needs individual to help her with day programs, meal prep, and social interactions. Must be caring and passionate about working with the special needs community. Full time with great pay for the right candidate! Send resume to hlang@ hamaspikkings.org or call (718) 302-3333 ext. 5218 for more information
Seeking secretary for a Hamaspik after-school program located in Boro Park. Must be responsible, fun, and enjoy working with individuals with special needs. Heimishe atmosphere and great pay. Available hours are weekday evenings Monday and Wednesday 7:00-9:00, and Sunday staff!. Email hlang@ hamaspikkings.org or call 718.387.8400 ext. 5218 for more information.
Seeking care manager to coordinate services for adults with mental health challenges. Must have computer skills, writing skills, and effective communication skills. BA required. Flexible schedule and supportive environment. Email resume to dlicht@ hamaspikkings.org or call for more information
Looking for an account/ project manager for a web design agency. In house position. If you are great at communicating, have leadership skills and thrive in a creative field send your resume to joinourteam814@ gmail.com
Exquisite is looking to hire friendly and knowledgeable salesgirls/stylists. Upscale and warm work environment with lots of room for growth. Must be able to work sundays. Please text 7189727809.
Great opportunity to work from home at your own convenience! (No computer needed). Call 718-851-5156
B.P. Insurance Office FT Secretary. Must be detail oriented, responsible. Please Call 929-585-2323.
BP office seeking a secretary from 10-5. Basic computer knowledge. Competetive Pay. Will train. Email secretary5720@gmail.com
Seeking devoted heimishe babysitters due to the opening of new class in Yiddish spkg. Daycare in boro park, Amazing work environment and Great benefits! Pls call 7187016556 ext 1
Seeking staff for Hamaspik boys’ group home in Boro Park. Hours needed: 7am9am, 3pm-8pm. Email resume to Phalberstam@ hamaspikkings.org
Seeking heimishe girls to be counselors at a fun yearround Sunday program for children with special needs. Great atmosphere and great pay. Hours are 11-3:30. Located in Boro Park. Yiddish speaking. Call 718387-8400 ext. 5250 for more information.
Seeking to hire a woman to proctor students on Sundays. Call 718-506-0912 Email: info.icany@gmail.co
Heimishe preschool near Boro Park – computer savvy, good with graphics a plus – 28 hours per week M-F. Perfect for HS/Sem grad. Email resume to preschoolmorahs@ gmail.com
Looking to hire female office employees for administrative secretaries. Pleasant environment. Experience in the JL software a plus. Please email rwauction2020@ gmail.com
Looking for part time
Yiddish speaking playgroup assistant/co teacher. Well paid. Call- if no answer leave a message 718-259-1820
Seeking staff for Hamaspik girls’ group home in Boro Park. Hours needed: Sunday 9:00 am to 7: pm. Sunday nights from 7:00 pm to 9:15 am Choose the hours that work for you. Great pay, many benefits, very pleasant environment. Call 917-6486251 or email Phalberstam@ hamaspikkings.org
FLATBUSH Great Agency. Great pay. Email resume to: Position600@gmail.com
Gymnastics Instructor
Guitar Teacher
To give lessons to a 17-year-old girl
Personal Trainer
For a 16-year-old girl
Yoga Instructor
For a 15-year-old girl
Any day 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Any day 7:30 PM to 8:30
Any day 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Any day 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM LOOKING
To give lessons to a 14-year-old boy
To drive a 15-year-old girl
To watch a 2-year-old baby
Twice a week 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
15-year-old girl
Any day 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Monday–Thursday Morning and afternoon
Any day 12:00 PM LOOKING
Martial Arts Teacher
To give lessons to an 18-year-old girl
Any day 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Mother's Helper
LOOKING FOR A Big Sister OP5286
To befriend and do homework with a 17-year-old girl
Everyday After school
To help with bedtime and do homework with a 10-year-old boy Everyday Evenings
LOOKING FOR A Companion OP37
To spend time with a 30-year-old girl
Weekdays After 5:00 PM
LOOKING FOR A Companion OP3483 for a 36-year-old boy
Everyday Afternoon
LOOKING FOR A Companion OP475
To spend time with a 24-year-old boy
Shabbos, Sunday Afternoon
To befriend and spend time with a 4-year-old girl
Everyday After 4:00 PM
To spend time with a 3-year-old boy
Sunday, Monday Sunday: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday: 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM
LOOKING FOR A Chavrusa OP387
To learn with and coach a 30-year-old boy
During the day
To escort a 13-year-old boy
Friday, Shabbos, Sunday Friday - 2PM, Sunday - 4PM
To befriend and spend time with a 14-year-old boy
Everyday 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM
LOOKING FOR A Big Sister OP1151
To befriend and spend time with a 6-year-old girl
Weekdays After school
To befriend and spend time with a 9-year-old boy Everyday All day
BP office seeking a female f/t secretary. Great pay. Heimishe enviorment. Will train. Email resumessfs@ gmail.com
Dedicated girl or lady to help with the kids (not cleaning lady). Outstanding pay for right candidate. Paid transportation in BP. 8-10am, and/or 3-7pm, and/or Sunday. Text to 917-251-7141
Experienced full day secretary for Chassidishe Girls School please email resume to schooloffer31@ gmail.com
Seeking secretary for Sipuk mental health clinic. Must have excellent phone skills and basic computer skills. FT/ PT, flexible hours, but must be able to work every other Sunday. Supportive team atmosphere, great pay, and full benefits package. Full training provided. Email resume to jobs@sipuk.org
Part time sales position available in busy furniture store in bp. Great work environment, good growth opportunity-please call-917353-6370.
Heimishe babysitter available in area of 15 and 59. Full time
preferred. Please call: 917-847-5495.
Babysitting from 8-5. References avai. 14th & 56th. 718-438-5306/ 917-232-1267
Toddler group. Heimishe, warm, loving, experienced babysitter. Yiddish speaking. 14 & 44 st. References Available. 646.721.6784
Small playgroup has 2 slots left. 47th & 18th/19th Ave area. Ages 2-3. References available. No Transportation. 718-853-4139
Kinder speil playgroup has a few slots left. Highly experienced teacher, centraly located by 51/12 call 7189721938
Experienced babysitter in area of 15th/40th. Small group forming now. Please call 347-489-9999
Lose weight in the comfort of your own home by renting out the Lympha/ Air compression machine (Also great for circulation, digestion, varicose veins and much more) Call 347-7860810
We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Please Call: 718.450.4700
Lose those inches, drop those pounds, look better then ever for the chasuna season! Locations across NY and NJ. For women only. Call SLYMPHA 718 532 4701
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Mr. Wertzberger’s Music School offering music lessons on the phone, ages 9-15 boys and girls. Try it free! 718-4351923
הלכ בוט לזמ!
And dear yiddishe mother. Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime of happiness & תיב םולש with the marriage summit, 18 life changing classes with top marriage experts. For less than the price of a תוכרב עבש outfit, have the peace of mind knowing that your daughter has the tools, הפקשה & resources to be happily married. Call 929-286-9900 #2 or www.chanyfelberbaum. com
Piano/keyboard, violin, flute, clarinet lessons via zoom or over the phone. By note, by ear and accompanying skills. (instrument rental available) Call or text Mrs. S. Rosenberg 732-364-1531
Stunning paintings will turn your picture into the most beautiful 100% hand paintings! Countless references avail Text (914) 933-7263
Get the most effective & advanced laser treatment at Smile Bright. 100% safe, easy, and affordable. Also inquire about our exclusive home kit for Chassanim. Call/text 718-483-0269.
Electrician, plumber, sewer service, Carpentry, sheetrock, locks, etc. 718.9510090
Bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, Basements, all electrical, plumbing, Carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718.951-0090
All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for washer/dryer or a/c, shabbos clocks, circut breakers. 718.951-0090
Experienced & Reliable handyman. Small jobs our specialty! Plumbing, Electric, construction, Locksmith, painting, plastering. Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, call: 347.275.5408
Custom photo books, weddings, engagements, Chosson/Baby, Upsherin, etc. Also professional photo editing. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim Is now available to remove “Ayin Horah” over the phone. Call: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
We make professional gartel fringes and mend gartelach. Same day service. In the heart of BP. (347) 693-4920 or (718)435-7644
Pidyon Haben 646-419-0782 Doona 260-366-6293
Doona gemach 3473689763
Twin Carriage (718) 522-3891 Carseats, snap n go strollers, pack n play & bassinets 718-854-6829 buy/sell Neocate/baby formula 347.369.4886
Chocolate molds BP 718-9724768. Williamsburg 718-522-3445
Bris Accessories 347- 244- 2065
Baby carriers 718-809-9707
Baby earbands 347 409 9479
Bris Accessories 718-435-0664
Kallah Cape 718 - 633 - 8261
Bridal Shoe Gemach 917-936-8997
Tehillim for Cholim www. tehillimonklaftefilah.org
Shoes & Crowns BP 718-972-4768.
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (BP) 917-538-8500
Luzy’s cuddles & cradles. text (Willi) 929-275-1820
Pack n plays 718-851-1017
Twin Clothing (newborn-3) 347-742-7189/718-972-0765
Clothing gemach (for women) 646-904-1247
Lingerie Conversions min fee 718-437-0428
Briefcase gemach 7184360936
Baby Scale 718-633-9266 or text 718-473-5268
Youth Corps Working Papers 718-854-0961
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-675-9838
Reflector Belts 718-853-4966
Communication Class 347-753-1071.
Dr Sarno Books 347-461-7330
Mezuzos (718)666-7222
Warm Mist Humidifier 917-373-2079
pediatric wheelchair-walkershower seat- cast cover for shower call 7183883079 lv msg
Baby Scale (Wmsbg) text 347-675-9509
New ladies clothing 646-904-1247
Lighting 9292762404
Simcha Décor 917 -536-1742
Simcha Caps 718-633-1084
Musical Kumzitz 347-543-2195 Bechers, Challah cover, Benchers 1718 854 1760
Laminated chuppah cards call 718-807-8932 lv msg
Boys Simcha Wear sizes 9m-7 347.462.4596 Sundays 2:30-5
Kallah/Mechteniste Capes Wsbg 718-300-9894/ BP 917-683-5557
Kallah Looseleaf Yom Hachuppah 718-435-3492
Simcha basket 718-614-7274
Clothing, Shoes, linens (347) 816-6406.
Haircuts $6 929-290-6568
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Donate clothing 718-974-9428
Chupah Cards Color 347-8855114
Scooters 718-431-7942
Gemach in desperate need of elegant clothing size 6-8 for Kallah getting married beginning September, shoes/heels 6.5 and 7. call: 9292762404
Kallah Accessories Wmsbg 347563-1840/718-782-6136
Property / land in Pennsylvania, high value. 212-470-1708 lv msg
We sponsor your wig recut for tznius purposes . 929-675-9838
For Women and children. (Also available to come to your home). Call 347-786-0810
Magnificent imported silver jewelry direct from the Manufacturer. Wholesale prices. Teens and ladies. 14th Ave/48th St. 718-438-1871
We help you find the right tutor/big sister for your child. No P3, HCBS or any other services accepted. Call/Text: 347-5466320 Email: sarah.bigsisters@gmail.com
Highly skilled P3 provider available. Flexible and accommodating. Also option to join EXCITING boys reading group. Call/text Easy As ABC 347-645-2155
Looking to showcase your work experience in a professional way? Seeking a higher-level job with better pay? 1500+ Resumes written! Prices start at $250 917687-1198 chayala@resumeprosplus.com
(Car, truck, van, Suv) Help build children. Get $1,500 tax deduction + $2,400 Gift book (shopping) or we pay cash for cars too. 718-974-9428
Business class tickets at discounted prices. Economy tickets are skyrocketing; We can do better! Please call or text 845219-5979 if no answer pls lv msg
Rent the slympha machine in the comfort of your home for a fraction of the price! Amazing results with weightloss, & many other health issues such as circulation, varicose veins etc.. Great way to boost your metabolism & strengthen lymphatic system. 845- 580-4823.
Your video production done to perfection! Reach out to seeteaproductions120@ gmail.com or 917-834-9137
Children, Portraits, Family, Upsherin. Slideshows for any occasion, family Gatherings, Anniversaries, events, etc. Photo Dreams 347.563.5153
Driver with many years exp. available to do long distance trips with brand new minivan. Reasonable rates. 917.405.8469
Wig wash and sets, haircuts, and hairstyles for great price. Center of Boro Park. Call 917-618-1174
Is your baby up all night? Call the baby sleep coach that will guide you to have a peaceful night and day. $100 newborns our specialty. 718-438-0728
Are you experiencing back pain? Headaches? Skin Conditions such as eczema...? Get rid of your symptoms! Call 929-600-9900 and press 0 to speak to an experienced Sarno Coach
Now offering guitar lessons for girls for great price. Call 917-618-1174
2 Weeks only!!! Nov. 16, 22 - Nov. 30, 22. Receive15% off all orders over $50, Skincare only. call 347-946-5842 or email sarahrosenberg347@gmail.com to place your order. ORDER FAST, WHILE SALES LAST. “ WE’LL MAKE YOUR SKIN GRIN” S. Rosenberg-Independent Beauty consultant
Baby with medical issues needs mothers milk. 347-232-3347
in the vicinity of 52nd Street between 13th and 14th Avenue. Call: 516-581-5611.