BranchOut January 2016

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TheBranchChurch New Year’s Eve Party Thursday, December 31

Both Campuses Vista Ridge • 8:00 pm - Midnight Farmers Branch • 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Midnight Come ring in the new year with us on New Year’s Eve! We’ll spend the evening playing games, eating, and counting down to the new year. Bring potluck dishes, games, and friends! Come for a little while or stay through the stroke of midnight. Everyone is welcome! Learn more at:


SMALL GROUPS Have you found your Small Group? Our Small Groups start up again the week of January 10. Whether you are checking out Christianity for the first time, or you have been a believer for years, a small group is a place to find friendship, engage in Bible study, and discover the power of prayer. We provide a list of current small groups online that you can visit, but we also want to encourage you to form new groups with friends and people you meet here at The Branch. For tips on starting a group, or to get help finding a group, contact one of our Campus Ministers.

Men’s Life Prayer Breakfast Saturdays Beginning January 9 Farmers Branch Campus 7:30 am

Tim Ketchersid

Ryan Rainey

FB Campus Minister

VR Campus Minister

Men’s Bible Study: Mighty Men Saturdays beginning January 23 Vista Ridge Campus 7:30 - 8:45 am

Spend your Saturday morning with other men from The Branch! All men are welcome for breakfast and Bible Mighty Men is a Bible study group for men at the Vista study in the Branch Café at the Farmers Branch Campus. Ridge Campus. Learn to grow in the fundamentals of the faith alongside other men. This is a great opportunity for This ministry has been meeting together for years, and you to strengthen your walk with the Lord and become serves to encourage men in their faith and strengthen a mighty man of God. them in Christ. No need to register, just come join us! If you would like to know more about Men’s Life, contact: Questions? Email Terry Grimm: Bro. Eddy Ketchersid: Phone: 972-345-1645


Friday, January 29

Vista Ridge Campus • 6:30 - 9:30 pm Cost: $10 per person Fathers and daughters, don’t miss our annual Princess Ball! The Princess Ball is a special night designed to encourage father/daughter relationships, and is an opportunity for dads to model the level of respect that girls deserve, and should expect, from boys. Fathers play such a vital role in the lives of their girls, and the father/daughter relationship has a huge impact on a girl’s self-esteem, how they relate to boys, and their view of God. So we give our dads and daughters, ages 3 months to 18 years, a chance to have a party all to themselves. We transform the Vista Ridge Campus into a dance floor with a DJ and cool lights, and we turn up the music! All our princesses will have a blast dancing the night away with their dads. This year will have a “Frozen” theme! The cost of $10 per person provides dessert and pictures; register today! We want you to invite your friends to this great event, so fathers and daughters who do not attend The Branch Church will get in free! Learn more and register at:


The Branch Student Body is our ministry to 6th - 12th grade students. This is an important time of transition into maturity in Christ, and we encourage all of our students to attend and serve in our weekend services with their families. The primary way The Branch Student Body meets is in weekly Discipleship Groups (D-Groups), where students grow closer to God, their peers, and to their leaders. This is critical to their development as followers of Christ. There are also several special events throughout the year, such as Branch Camp, retreats, and other fun activities.

Discipleship Groups: D/Groups Middle School Vista Ridge Campus | Sundays | 9:30 am Farmers Branch Campus | Wednesdays | 6:30 pm

High School Both Campuses | Wednesdays

*Holiday Schedule* No D/Groups on Wednesday 12/30 No VR Middle School D/Groups on Sunday, 12/27

| 6:30 pm

Questions? Ask us! Kyle Poff

Josh Brake

Student Minister Vista Ridge Campus

Student Minister Farmers Branch Campus


Young at Heart Valentine Luncheon Sunday, February 14

Night of Worship (Church-Wide) Tuesday, February 9

12:00 pm Farmers Branch Campus Cost: $10 per person

7:00 - 8:30 pm Vista Ridge Campus Cost: FREE

You’re invited to the Young at Heart Valentine Luncheon in the Family Life Center. The cost of $10 per person will be collected at your table.

Come spend an evening with The Branch Worship Team in a time of praise, worship, and prayer. God will move in power; come with expectation!

Bring a guest and make a reservation by putting your name and the number attending on your Communication Card, or by contacting Eddy Ketchersid at 972-345-1645.

Childcare will be available for children 4 years and younger. Older children are invited to come worship with us!

More details at:

Learn more:

Branch Cares is a ministry designed to look after, and take care of, people within our church body. The vision for this ministry is to reach out, help, and connect with: Widows • Widowers • Single parents • Shut-ins • Caregivers • Those who are grieving If you are interested in becoming a Branch Cares ministry volunteer, or if you know of someone who is connected to The Branch Church and may be interested in having one of our ministry members contact them, you can fill out the Volunteer Application or Referral Form online.

Learn more:


Follow Chris on Twitter


ORIENTATION Are you ready to take the next step and get more involved? Do you have questions about what we do and what we believe at The Branch Church? We want everyone who attends The Branch Church to engage in the activities we do together, and also to commit and submit to this body of believers. This is how we CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO together! Whether you have attended for a short time, or have been here for years, make it official! Join us for The Branch Orientation. Upcoming dates:

• January 23 (6:30 pm after Saturday service at the Vista Ridge Campus) • January 24 (10:45 am at the Farmers Branch Campus, 12:30 pm at the Vista Ridge Campus) RSVP at and let us know you’re coming. We look forward to having you!

W A T C H + L I S T E N Did you miss a message or just want to hear it again? Visit our website or download The Branch Church App to your device. There you can find audio and video content of our previous messages. 6

American Girl Tea Party For Moms & Daughters Saturday, February 20 9:30 am Cost: $18 per person

Moms and daughters, we’re having a party just for you! Girls of all ages are welcome to come and make special memories with their moms. Included in the cost is brunch and a craft for the girls, plus a personal shopper for the group. And don’t forget to bring your American Girl dolls! Learn more and register at:

Kids Branch is what we do to teach kids about Jesus every weekend at The Branch Church. Our committed volunteers reinforce the values and teachings you work so hard to instill in your kids. We worship, play, and dive directly into the Bible each and every week. Your kids will grow to love engaging with God, while making great friends!

Interested in serving in Kids Branch? Go to, or simply send us an email.

Tim Scott Family Minister

Kristan Renshaw Brittany Moore Kids Minister Farmers Branch Campus

Kids Minister Vista Ridge Campus

Single Branches Single Branches is our ministry for active widowed, divorced, and single adults who are 50+ years of age. The aim of the ministry is to provide a variety of monthly social events so that Branch singles may meet each other and build friendships. January Event: Saturday, January 16: Save the date for dinner and a movie!


Please RSVP via e-mail to Paulette Travis:


What is an Elder? Elders at The Branch serve four-year terms as volunteer sources of accountability and wisdom for, and alongside of, the Senior Minister. These men are also charged with:

• Caring for those who are hurting • Mentoring those longing to grow spiritually • Equipping future leaders Elder Selection Each year, we enter into a prayerful process, as a church, of discerning who it is that God is raising up to be a shepherd at The Branch Church. This includes scriptural criteria, congregational recommendations and approval, willingness on the part of the prospective elder, and the collective wisdom of the present elders and Senior Minister. After four years of service, each elder will observe at least a one-year sabbatical. Except in the case of the Senior Minister, elders are not financially compensated and serve voluntarily. You can read further about the nature and qualities of an elder in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

The Shepherding Council Every elder at The Branch is a part of The Shepherding Council. Because The Branch is a multi-site church, our elders want to pay particular attention to shepherding the individual needs of the people at each location. For this reason, we have adopted a system that allows site-specific shepherding elders at each of our campuses.

The Governance Council Within The Shepherding Council, there are two elders from each campus who are chosen to join with the Senior Minister and Executive Minister to govern The Branch as a whole. This council serves as governing elders in matters of finance, budgeting, and staffing. Currently, the Governance Council includes Kevin Drew, John Krantz, Terry Williams, and James Wofford, along with Senior Minister Chris Seidman and Executive Minister David Teutsch.

Recommendation Forms Accepted January 16 - February 7 You will find the Elder Recommendation Form in the lobby, through our app (click the “More...” button), or online. This form outlines the qualifications and scripture to use as tools in making your recommendations. All recommendations must be submitted by Sunday, February 7.

9 More information at:

The Branch Church Elders If you need prayer, counsel, or just someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to contact any of these leaders.

Vista Ridge Campus

That’s what they’re here for! Also, please pray for these men and their wives. Ask God to cover them with physical, mental, and spiritual protection.

Farmers Branch Campus

Blake and Amy Crowell

Terry and Janet Grimm

Kevin and Becky Drew

Chris and Cindy Goodspeed

John and Tracy Krantz

Mike and Pat Parker

Doug and Jan Nash

Ryan and Cheri Nienstadt

Bryan and Kathy Rife

Ron and Vonnie Walker

Clint and Jennifer Schumacher

James and Janie Wofford

Tim and Karen Yarbrough

Terry and Darla Williams



Our calendar confesses a great truth. We celebrate Jesus’ birth every December, which is followed by the introduction of a new year in January. Because He came, it really is possible to begin again and start fresh. Because He came, change truly is possible. Join us for “Morph” beginning the weekend of January 9-10! We’ll be considering the practical wisdom found in Scripture for making real and lasting changes in our lives. This is more than about resolutions. This is about embracing a revolution in our lives. Let’s Morph!


Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program that meets this, and EVERY, Thursday night. Freedom is here for all your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Hear testimonies and find encouragement this week! If someone you know could benefit from this program, please invite them to attend.

Learn more:

The Branch en Español es una iglesia para toda la familia, guiada por el Espíritu Santo para alcanzar la comunidad latina para Cristo. Si te sientes más cómodo adorando a Dios y fortaleciendo tu fe en el idioma español, acompáñanos en nuestras actividades:

The Branch Church En Español Farmers Branch Campus • Domingos de Adoración – 9:00 am (clases bíblicas para niños de 3 meses hasta quinto grado) • Martes de Oración – 7:00 pm • Miércoles de Estudio Bíblico – 7:00 pm (clases bíblicas para niños) Esperamos verte pronto. ¡Nos encantará saludarte en persona!

Luis y Schalee Sánchez



CCA to Purchase Portion of Vista Ridge Property Chris Seidman One of the things we have been prayerful about regarding the launch of a third campus concerns the financial aspect of it. We’ve been very blessed to be debt-free as a church for the last couple of years, and desire to continue in this rhythm. A few months ago, we were contacted by Carrollton Christian Academy regarding their desire to relocate, and inquiring about a small portion of our Vista Ridge property. Our eldership and their board had a lengthy meeting as well as prayer about this possibility. We recently entered into an agreement to sell CCA 3.5 acres of the Vista Ridge property along Huffines Road for $1.2 million. We will still retain 16 acres. This transaction will not close until early 2016. In the meantime, both leaderships are encouraged that this agreement will serve to bless both CCA and The Branch Church in the roles we seek to play in the mission of God in our city. We are anticipating the cost of a facility for the third campus being in the neighborhood of $3.5 million. Presently, we have $560,000 set aside toward the third campus. The additional $1.2 million will help us get closer to our goal of launching the third campus in a way that is financially responsible. Let us stay prayerful, thankful, and watchful for the ways God is working and the opportunities He puts before us in our daily lives. For more details about the third campus or the sale of the acreage, please contact our Executive Minister, David Teutsch:

Our Exciting Partnership with Liverpool FC The Branch Church would like to welcome the Liverpool FC International Academy to our family. Liverpool FC has leased a portion of our land at the Vista Ridge Campus to use for practice and training. They have installed several soccer fields complete with goals, fences, lights, and a small turf area. They will primarily be using their facility on weeknights, and we couldn’t be happier with the idea of more new friends on our property. It is also a wonderful thing for us to be able to use these fields for various church and ministry events. This is a beautiful arrangement. Liverpool FC America is a youth soccer club that is committed to their players, their community, and their pledge to conduct their actions and words with character, a continuous turn toward quality, and to honor the history and traditions of Liverpool FC England.

*Please do not use the fields without permission. Contact Ryan Rainey for more info:


Third Campus

Prayer Specifics When it comes to the mission of God in the world, we often make our greatest advances on our knees. When the early church was waiting for the next move of the Spirit of God, they devoted themselves to a season of continual prayer (Acts 1:12-14). We are in such a season right now as we move toward the launch of our third campus. Please join us in several different prayers listed below. There is much to be done and, therefore, much to lift up in prayer. Thank you!

Our Focus

For Elders

• That we will keep it “front and center.” We are missionaries in a “land of religion” helping people to become, and live as, disciples of Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20)

• That they would be identified for service at the third campus.

For 250 People For The Hearts In The Vicinity Of The Third Campus • That they will be open to respond to the message of Jesus. (Acts 16:14) • Prayerfully imagine the faces of those you personally know in the area.

For Our Hearts • That we have the vision of Jesus – see people as He sees them – and are filled with compassion for those who are spiritually lost. (Matthew 9:35-38)

• That we will be filled with the Spirit for the purpose of being His witnesses. (Acts 1:8) • That the Lord will stir up the spirit of His people at The Branch to engage in this effort, whether it be through serving in some capacity, praying, giving, being a part of the launch team, etc. (Haggai 1:13-14)

For Key Personnel • That we would discern the right people to fill the roles of Campus Minister, Worship Leader, Kids Branch Coordinator, and Student Minister.

• Adults and children who answer this call and make up the launch team. • That volunteers are identified, equipped, and cared for.

For Our Existing Campuses • That our existing campuses will continue to thrive, and new servants will rise up to fill the holes that are left by those who join the launch team.

For Funding And Wisdom In Regard To Funding • That our trust in God’s provision remains strong, as well as our faithfulness to go “first and ten.”

For The Location Of The Campus • That we would find the right place.

For The Facility • That it would be well-suited for our mission and approach.


Upcoming Events Calendar Days


Event (Location)




No Saturday Service (Vista Ridge Campus)




FB - 9:00 am Service/No Kids Branch (Farmers Branch Campus)

9:00 am only



VR - 10:30 am Service/No Kids Branch (Vista Ridge Campus)

10:30 am only



New Year’s Eve Party (Farmers Branch Campus)

6:00 pm - Midnight



New Year’s Eve Party (Vista Ridge Campus)

8:00 pm - Midnight



No Saturday Service (Vista Ridge Campus)




Small Group Leader Summit (Both Campuses)

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm



Student Body Overnighter

6:30 pm



Elder Recommendations Begin




The Branch Orientation (Vista Ridge Campus)

6:30 pm



The Branch Orientation (Both Campuses)

10:45 am FB, 12:30 pm VR



Princess Ball (Father Daughter Dance) (Vista Ridge Campus)

6:30 - 9:30 pm



Student Body Bowl and Tailgate (Vista Ridge Campus)

9:30 am



Elder Recommendation Forms Due




Night of Worship (Church-Wide) (Vista Ridge Campus)

7:00 - 8:30 pm



Young at Heart Valentines Luncheon

12:00 pm



American Girl Tea Party for Mothers and Daughters

9:30 am

2016 Men’s Retreat

6:30 pm



Weekly Events Calendar Sun

9:30 am

Middle School D/Groups


6:30 pm

Ladies Bible Study (Vista Ridge)

*Begins January 11


9:30 am

Ladies Bible Study (Farmers Branch)

*Begins January 13


6:30 pm

Middle School D/Groups (Farmers Branch Campus)

*Not meeting Dec 30


6:30 pm

High School D/Groups (Both Campuses)

*Not meeting Dec 30


7:00 pm

Celebrate Recovery (Vista Ridge Campus)

*Times will be adjusted on Dec 31


7:30 am

Men’s Life Prayer Breakfast (Farmers Branch Campus) *Begins January 9


7:30 am

Mighty Men Bible Study (Vista Ridge Campus) Office: 972-247-2109

*Not meeting Dec 27

(Vista Ridge Campus)

*Begins January 23


Farmers Branch Campus

Vista Ridge Campus

3035 Valley View Lane Dallas, TX 75234

3601 Huffines Boulevard Carrollton, TX 75010

Sundays: 9:00 am & 10:45

Sundays: 9:30 & 11:15 am Saturdays: 5:00 pm

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