For specifics, registration, and more details on these events, view the calendar on The Branch Church app or visit our website:
Introducing you to the life of The Branch, welcoming newcomers, and providing answers
Engaging fellowship and a study of the book of Romans at the Vista Ridge Campus on Monday evenings
Joining with parents to celebrate their newborns and dedicate them to God.
Celebrating the 30 years of worship at 3035 Valley View Ln alongside the SYNAGO conference
Inviting the neighborhood for an exciting night of candy and fun at the Farmers Branch Campus 12 10 16 9 9
Strengthening marriages in an interactive weekly class setting 28 26-28
Engaging fellowship and a study of the book of Romans at the Farmers Branch Campus on Wednesday mornings
Answering questions and discussing what baptism is all about
Camping at Eisenhower State Park with the Branch Youth and amazing adult volunteers
Camping at Eisenhower State Park with the Branch Youth and amazing adult volunteers
Getting women away together for a retreat at Camp Copass
Bringing gifts for children in our community
Sacking food and delivering to kids in our neighborhoods
Recently, I was captivated by the footage of a 53 yearold man with Downs Syndrome being reunited with his 88 year-old father. For the first time in their lives, they had spent a week apart while the son attended a summer camp for adults like him. It was like they hadn’t seen each other in years. The affection, the joy, and the tears were too much for my heart to handle. As the Grinch once said while marveling at tears rolling down his face for the first time, “I’m leaking.”
There’s something about us that loves seeing people reunited – whether it’s seeing an aged father and his adult son with special needs or a family with a member of the military after a long tour overseas. Perhaps it’s a clue as to the image in which we are created. We have a Father who loves reunions – particularly ones with people who have been a long way off from Him.
“Prone to wander, Lord I feel it…..” goes the old hymn. And so we wander. Thanks be to God for His “searchand-rescue” operations. We’ve probably all been on the receiving end of them. He has His ways. At The Branch we seek to be a part of such operations for the sake of others. God loves reunions.
He sent His Son to make them possible.
Let’s work together to help some more come to pass.
Grace and Peace,
Chris Seidman Senior Minister
by Ryan Rainey
Every Tuesday night in September, our Celebrate Recovery ministry will be hosting a series of lessons and testimonies centered around “Grief & Healing”.
Grief is a natural reaction to a significant loss that all of us experience. Grief does not discriminate between race, age or sex. Grief does not necessarily need to be associated with death. In fact, many people needing help with grief are the ones who care for someone else who is grieving. We are wanting to address this as well in September. If you question whether or not your grief is normal or healthy; or if you feel like you don’t know what to say to someone who is grieving, this series is meant for you. We are throwing open our doors (which are never really closed), waving a big flag, and calling anyone hurting, struggling with, or affected by grief to join us in September.
There is hope. Together we can find it and hold onto it.
Larry Barber, a member of The Branch Church and a Grief Counseling expert for 30 years, will be our special presenter all month long. Larry has experience in addressing grief and loss, trauma, PTSD, end of life issues, relationship issues, life transitional issues, infidelity,
and sexual and porn addiction. Larry has served in hospice for over six years as a bereavement counselor. He is certified in thanatology (the study of Death, Dying, and Bereavement) by the Association for Death Education and Counseling. He is certified in Death and Grief studies by the Center for Loss and Life Transition. Larry authored the grief survival guide Love Never Dies: Embracing Grief with Hope and Promise
Besides being a professional, Larry has lived a life significantly marked by grief and loss. You will be blessed by Larry.
In addition to Larry’s offering, there will be a number of us sharing our stories of grief and healing. Each Tuesday night, we will hear short testimonies that shed light on the truth of grief and the hope of recovery.
We will also be hosting a “Q&A” session that will be open to anyone attending. Our share groups will still be meeting in their regular locations. However, anyone wanting to ask questions or hear the answers is encouraged to stay in the worship center with Larry.
6/3/18 Alden Bradley
6/3/18 Mikaela Moreland
6/10/18 Yuvia Alvarez
6/10/18 Cory Kilgore
6/10/18 Elizabeth Pautler
6/13/18 Joshua Perkins
6/17/18 Chris Myrick
6/24/18 Dalia Figueroa
6/24/18 Kailey Grace Renshaw
6/29/18 Peyton Hall
7/2/18 Serein Birdsell
7/2/18 Cailey Gilmore
7/2/18 Tommy Heras
7/2/18 Jaymie McWilliams
7/2/18 Emmy Ramirez
7/12/18 Claire Bryant
7/15/18 Jack Tallent
7/22/18 Brielle DePauw
8/9/18 Trisha Perkins
8/12/18 Bailey Byker
8/19/18 Hannah Lamb
8/19/18 Travis Maynard
For a few months Mikaela had been asking questions here and there about baptism, and telling us how it had been a topic of discussion during class some Sundays. She’d ask us what it meant and why we do it. We had developed a routine of reading a devotional with her each night, and she was starting to make connections between daily experiences, and what God was teaching her in those readings. One night after our study, she informed her mother and I that she wanted to get baptized. I suppose that combination of excitement and relief is a gift God gives parents as a comforting reminder of His work in our family.
As we worked on the logistics to coordinate the schedule, she expressed some shyness while I was also getting a little nervous. What phrases was I supposed to use? Would the water be the right temperature? I even went so far as to practice a little with her the night before to be sure she understood how to hold my wrist while I guide her into and out of the water.
Or course none of that matters. On June 3rd, Mikaela made her faith known to the world. Donna and I are so happy for her, and look forward to all of the new experiences she will have as God reveals more and more about Himself.
- Mike Moreland
by Janice Ingram and Jessica Hooten
Women have always been an integral part of The Branch Church. Over the past several years, our women’s ministry has grown, not only in number, but in knowledge of the Word and into a community of sisterhood much needed in our present culture. With so many different facets to our women’s ministry -- and our women -- our team felt it was time to refresh the look and feel, and more importantly, how we talk about our ministries.
Our women are active in their communities, eager to learn and teach the Word, passionate about discipleship, and devoted to grace. So we developed a name and logo system that puts the emphasis on both who we are and what we do.
Here’s how it works:
Branch WOMEN Ministries: (The Umbrella)
• Branch WOMEN in the Word (Women’s Bible Study)
• Branch WOMEN on Retreat (Spring and Fall Retreats)
• Branch WOMEN in Prayer (Outreach)
• Branch WOMEN . . .
During this reinventing process, the Lord impressed upon us the importance of the word,"WOMEN," bringing to our minds the words from Genesis 2:23;
"Then the man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'"
We were created with purpose to be active ambassadors for Christ, and to embody the beauty of our Creator. Each one of these WOMEN are crucial to this ministry and ultimately the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We look to Him for guidance and clarity as we move into a new season of growth and unity.
Vista Ridge Campus
Mondays, 6:30 - 8:30 pm September 10 - February 11
Farmers Branch Campus
Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11:30 am September 12 - February 13
Little did Paul know that when he was writing the Roman churches, he would be arriving in chains. Unknowingly, Paul was writing what would later be considered the Essential Gospel for generations to come.
WOMEN in the Word will be diving into the book of Romans this fall. After finishing up last year’s study of the book of Acts, we just couldn’t stop there! This Gospel speaks to us deeply, even now, and we hope you will join us for the journey. Check out for more information and registration.
Sundays, 2:00 - 4:30 pm September 9 - November 11
Vista Ridge Campus
Dynamic Marriage is a nine-week course that will help you discover how your marriage can thrive and be more fulfilling than you
ever thought possible. Based on the “Love Bank” model from the book, His Needs, Her Needs by Dr. Willard Harley, you’ll learn how communication and behavior styles affect the way you and your spouse act and react to each other.
Through an interactive learning process, you’ll identify behaviors that may be damaging your marriage, develop healthy ways to deal with marital conflict, and take concrete steps to meet each other’s needs better than you ever have before.
Cost: $130 per couple (includes two workbooks, His Needs Her Needs, two journals, and a tote bag)
Facilitated by: John and Judy Clark Contact
*This class is limited to 12 couples, and is first-come, first-served.
November 9-10
Cost $60
Save the date and get ready for another incredible “get away” for this year’s fall retreat at Camp Copass! This is one event you will not want to miss. One of our greatest priorities of The Branch WOMEN Ministries is spending quality time together, connecting, laughing, and worshipping. Our fall retreat is all of that and so much more! Look for more details coming soon to our Facebook page, Branch WOMEN Ministries.
As of August 31, $4.3 million (or 49%) of the $8.8 million committed to Beyond Me has been given.
We are roughly 25% of the way through the Beyond Me campaign, and 46 families have completed their pledge while 405 continue to give towards theirs. This is very encouraging progress!
As with any construction project, the timing has an ebb and flow to it, and we appreciate everyone's patience as we allow every decision and detail the time and attention it needs to ensure we stay on budget and acheive the desired results.
Our timeline as of August 31 is that we are now expecting to break ground and begin construction in late October/ November of 2018. This includes the new children’s wing and renovations to our current Kids Branch area, as well as the lobby and kitchen areas. The anticipated construction/renovation time will be approximately 10 months.
If you're new to The Branch, you may be wondering what this is all about.
When we launched the Vista Ridge Campus in 2007, we knew we would have to eventually expand the facility on that campus if we were to help more people in the immediate vicinity come to know and follow Jesus.
The Beyond Me initiative is aimed at addressing two specific needs:
1. Significantly more space needed for our youth and children’s ministries.
2. More space needed for showing hospitality and helping people to connect with others.
In November, we asked the church to confirm our leadership's belief that the time had come for us to
address the limitations of the Vista Ridge facility.
The estimated cost of the project is around $9 million, and when the church responded with commitments of $8.8 million added to the $1.25 million we had already set aside for the project, we knew it was time to get moving.
If you've recently joined us, it's not too late to contribute!
The commitment period started in December 2017 and will run through November 2020, but you can give to the Beyond Me fund even if you didn't make a commitment.
If you have any questions about this campaign, please don't hesitate to contact David Teutsch:
Thanks to each one of you who gave of your time and talent over the summer. We completed 16 projects during Go Weekend, and fed over 300 kids each of the nine weeks of Sack Summer Hunger. Thank you for showing the love of God to our neighbors.
Singing Christmas carols
Big Time program for families
One of the first pictures of the completed building in 1988
Servant leaders in the early 1990s
Eddie Ketchersid and Ed Bonneau
A night of worship in the early 2000s
ROUTE 88 – 1988-2018
by Lisa Castello & Tim Ketchersid
In 1988 a fellowship of believers opened the doors of the building at the corner of Webb Chapel Road and Valley View Lane. This group had evolved from a handful of saints that founded the Farmers Branch Church of Christ in 1905 in the small, agricultural community of Farmers Branch. Today, we’re known as The Branch Church.
Our church flourished at various times in its history with new buildings opening in 1910 and 1955. In addition, a thriving “Bible Training Work” in the late 1960s provided intensive Bible study and ministry training. But by the early 1980s, growth had plateaued. Farmers
Branch had transformed from a rural community to a busy, commercial suburb, and church leaders felt God calling them to a new season of spiritual growth and change.
Leaders made prayer central to their next steps, seeking God for wisdom and grace to know how to share the Gospel with Farmers Branch and the surrounding communities for a new generation. Soon they reached out to other Christian leaders, learning from other churches across the country.
An elder during that time, Ed Bonneau, has been a member and leader at The Branch
Church for more than 50 years. He describes the last quarter of the 20th century as “an era of transition from a small, rural church with a legalistic tradition to a more accepting, graceoriented church.”
In January 1986, the church took a giant leap of faith and launched a fund-raising campaign for a new, 500-seat building at 3035 Valley View Lane. The church of 300 people rallied in response to God’s call—not only to give sacrificially to funds for the new building, but also to pray for the community. Church
members made the effort to personally telephone every resident of Farmers Branch with an invitation to the building’s opening. Boldly, they also asked residents to join our church home if they did not already have one.
God also had been preparing our church for changes in the worship assemblies. In 1962, Ted Polk arrived as a student in vocal performance at North Texas State, and he led the church for 33
years in a fresh approach to music and worship. Under this dynamic educator and worship leader, God used music to soften hearts and broaden the influence of the church.
By January 1988, the church had hired veteran pulpit minister Eddy Ketchersid, who came to Farmers Branch with his wife, Verlen, after serving for 28 years at Main Street Church of Christ in south Houston. The couple
embodied the grace and acceptance of lives fully devoted to Christ, and they modeled these values for the church.
In August 1988, the church opened the doors to its new building at 3035 Valley View Lane.
The new location symbolized major shifts in the attitudes and aspirations of our church. At that time, we adopted the motto, “We accept you where you are and challenge
you to grow in Christ,” expressing the essence of what church leaders saw in the life of Jesus. They wanted to follow His example and create a place where everyone felt welcome and safe to worship and encounter God.
Ed Bonneau recalls, “Members knew they could invite their friends to church, confident that they would hear the gospel preached, and be treated graciously.”
The Branch Church continued to expand the scope and breadth of its acapella worship tradition with praise teams and quartets. We hired our first full-time worship minister in 1991, launching a new era of celebration worship. In 2002 we offered our first instrumental worship service.
When the new building opened in 1988, however, The Branch Church
did not have a formal ministry for children. Back then, children attended worship services with their parents and were invited on stage for a brief Bible story, but otherwise, they did not attend classes. Church leaders knew families needed much more support in the spiritual formation of their children. They committed to develop children’s and youth ministries to meet that need.
The Farmers Branch congregation shortly after construction was completed in 1988
In the early 1990s we started Pioneer Clubs on Wednesdays nights that eventually became Children’s Church on Sunday mornings. A ministry to teens also began to take shape. But finding space for these ministries soon challenged their growth. The building was ill-equipped for the flourishing need.
Leaders made plans to add 20,000 square feet to our building for children’s classrooms and youth meeting spaces.
Shortly after adding the new wing in 1996, the church entered a season of rapid growth and change. We hired the young, gifted Chris Seidman as our senior minister, who came with his wife, Tara, from Gateway Church of Christ in Pensacola, Florida. Eddy Ketchersid graciously moved into a supporting role as community
minister. The commitment to grace and humility shown by these ministers helped more people come to know and love Jesus.
As the church took these strides at the turn of the century, average weekly attendance had more than tripled since the opening of the building at the corner of Webb Chapel Road and Valley View Lane. By the mid2000s, we’d outgrown this facility, and God led us to expand through a multisite vision of one church in two locations. In 2007, we launched the new Vista Ridge Campus in north Carrollton.
Though our church has changed dramatically since that first fellowship worshiped in a 26x40foot building heated with a wood stove, history shows that we have held to our heritage by holding onto God. By His grace,
we have imperfectly, but steadfastly, trusted our Heavenly Father and sought Him in reaching each new generation for Christ.
Today, we celebrate the visionary faith of those who came before us. We also challenge The Branch Church to continue to walk in our heritage: May we always keep Jesus at the center, stay continually rooted in Scripture, seek God in prayer, remain dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit, and be faithful to His call to help others become disciples of Jesus.
Join us in honoring those who have been instrumental in shaping the life of The Branch Church for the past 30 years, including the Ketchersid and Seidman families, among others. We’ll also enjoy seeing old friends, watching a video history, touring exhibits throughout the building, and sharing lunch on church grounds.
The Branch Church is partnering with the annual Synago Conference to celebrate our rich heritage of faith. Featuring keynote speaker Tim Perrin, president of Lubbock Christian University, the conference will provide a forum for those who share in our history to reunite and celebrate our journey. Worship leader Ted Polk will be recognized posthumously for his musical contributions and leadership, as well as The Branch Community Minister Eddy Ketchersid and his wife Verlen. Watch for more details online.
For any questions or to volunteer, contact Jeanne Ketchersid at:
by Kristan Renshaw
All-Star Week 2018 was a week full of kids, Jesus, and fun!! Our vision for ASW was to create an outreach camp, which included soccer, basketball, and volleyball as a vehicle to share the gospel with children. The Lord moved in powerful ways this year at camp!
Our theme this year was the Gospel of Jesus. We wanted to make it plain for our children. Worship, Time Alone with God, large group messages, sports, lunches, huddles, and snacks all gave us opportunities to share the truly, good news of Jesus. Kids asked real questions about God of their parents and coaches. They wanted to understand who is this Jesus and what does He mean to their lives. It was beautiful to see the conversations taking place between parents and their children the week of camp and following All-Star Week. We are still receiving emails and having conversations with parents about children’s next steps in making Jesus the Lord of their life.
Kristan Renshaw Farmers Branch Kids Minister
Brittany Moore
Vista Ridge Kids Minister
Here is a quote from a parent. This was her child’s first year to attend.
"I was standing in the lobby at Vista Ridge, waiting for Thaddeus (my 7 year old) to be done with his last day of VBS. They opened the doors so that we could hear and see the last song they were sharing together. It was like a tidal wave of realization as I stood there watching all the kids sway and sing along. They sang about how they "came alive when he found me, I'll never stay the same."
"The intensity of what they were saying made tears stream down my face. My son had been apart of something special that week, something that he had never been a part of before. He was able to see other kids talk about Jesus and what he had done for them. He was discipled by his leaders as they opened the Bible to him. We talk about the gospel and enjoy the Bible in our home regularly, but this experience is so special.
"I know from previous experiences how much work and how many people it takes to make this kind of thing happen. I can't imagine all the different set backs and costs you faced as you prepared for camp. But this momma is grateful for all you have done. Thaddeus and I have had great conversations about camp and what you taught him. I'm grateful for that. I'm so glad it was a safe place with plenty of volunteers. I praise God that there was worship, and TAWG and sports! You should have heard the conversation in my car as we pulled into the parking lot for water day - complete awe and amazement.
"The biggest compliment paid was given by Thaddeus who asked, "Can we do this camp again next year?"
"Standing in that lobby, hearing the gospel being sung and the Lord of all worshipped, made my heart leap from my chest. This is what it is all about. More worship for our king. Thank you for facilitating that in a fun and inviting way. Thank you for all your hard work. I appreciate you and praise God for you."
Our hope from summer was that our children received extended time together in order to cultivate true Christ-like community between friends and volunteers. We truly believe discipleship for these little ones is walking alongside a child and his or her parents. Creating a safe environment with space and time for questions is so huge for children. They want to be heard, and many of them process what is going on in their hearts out loud.
Kristan and Brittany are thankful for each prayer warrior and volunteer! Camps like this do not happen without incredible people who give of their time and talents!
As the school year begins, the Kids Branch team is leaning into the Lord through reading His Word, prayer, worship, and conversations to better know what it means to be a disciple and to follow Him. Our curriculum has changed to The Gospel Project. Each child will hear the good news of Jesus weekly, and receive a more comprehensive understanding of the Bible. Praying for God to move in the lives of our families! Thank you for choosing Kids Branch as a way for us to walk alongside you to raise the next generation of disciples for Jesus.
by Josh Brake & Ketch Smith
Middle School
Sundays (During early service)
High School
Wednesday nights @ 7
For more info, please contact one of our Student Ministers:
Josh Brake
Farmers Branch Student Minister
Ketch Smith
Vista Ridge Student Minister
Branch Camp 2018 was incredible. Our vision for camp is that students draw closer to Jesus, and invest in a small group of other Christian students. We saw God accomplish these two things in amazing ways this year.
Our theme was Purpose. We wanted to ask and answer this question, “What is my purpose in life?” The whole week was dedicated to answering this question. Our prayer was that students would walk away from Branch Camp knowing and believing that their purpose in life is to testify to the good news of Jesus. So many students took this message and ran with it, even at camp! We saw high schoolers ministering to middle schoolers. We had six students get baptized at camp, and one of those students
decided to follow Jesus for the first time. We are praying that the Lord would continue to move and work in the students’ lives as they seek to live with a purpose every day.
A part of our purpose as believers is to be dedicated to a group of believers. The Branch Youth Ministry has made this available and easy to plug into. Every Wednesday night we have Small Groups from 7-8:30 pm at each campus (Vista Ridge – high school; Farmers Branch – high school and middle school). We also have Middle School Small Groups on Sundays during first service (Vista Ridge – 9:15; Farmer Branch –9:00). This is a time for students to grow closer to Jesus, grow closer to and invest in their friends' lives, and learn more about how to testify to the good news of Jesus.
An integral part of the Branch Youth is the relationships between our volunteers and students. We could not do what we do without them. They are committed to your children. One of their main priorities is making sure the students feel loved, accepted, and cared for each week.
God has given us a purpose and a mission. God has also given us a community to walk that out with. Please do not miss out on what God is doing in the Branch Youth Ministry.
We want ALL of our students to join us for our middle school CAMPOUT October 26-28 or the high school CAMPOUT November 9-11.
The Branch Youth CAMPOUTS are an incredible time of s'mores, campfires, cabins, flashlights, hiking, climbing, and FUN! We'll also have some great times of worship and teaching. Don't let your student miss this opportunity to get plugged into the Branch Youth Ministry!
Small Groups
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” ~ Hebrews 10:24-25
We all need friends – people we meet with on a regular basis to hang out, talk about our lives in a biblical context, and pray. That’s a Small Group!
Interested in joining or starting a Small Group in the coming year? We can help. Contact Derek or Tim and they will help connect you with an existing group or walk with you through the simple process for starting a new group.
Need Group Content?
Sermon-Based Bible Studies
What is it?
Get your group talking with these weekly guides that are meant to coincide with the sermon.
Where can I find it?
You can quickly find it in The Branch Church App under the “Resources” option. OR visit
Tim Ketchersid
Farmers Branch Campus Minister
Derek Robinson Connections Pastor Vista Ridge Campus
The Branch Education Fund has been established to support active members of The Branch Church who are enrolled in college and have completed their freshman year. A history of involvement at The Branch, financial need, and academic performance are considered when making scholarship awards.
Contributions to The Branch Education Fund may be made online or indicated in the memo line on a check. The fund will be used to support additional scholarships awarded each school year.
For the 2018-2019 school year, the following eight individuals have been selected to receive scholarships:
Tachi has attended The Branch since 2004. She was active in both Kids Branch and The Branch Student Body. In addition, during her high school years, she served as a classroom volunteer in Kids Branch and provided childcare during events. She is entering her junior year at Abilene Christian University, where she is studying Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Josh has attended The Branch since 2015. He currently serves as the student minister at the Farmers Branch Campus, where he works with middle school and high school students and adult volunteers. In addition, Josh and his wife Abby are active in a young married couples small group. He is attending Dallas Theological seminary, working on a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership.
Marissa has attended The Branch since 2016. Marissa and her family have served as classroom volunteers in Kids Branch, participated in Go activities, and are members of a Small Group. In addition, Marissa is involved in Women’s Bible Study. She is attending Dallas Baptist University and is working on her Masters in Professional Counseling.
Amanda has attended The Branch since 2006. Throughout high school, she served as a classroom volunteer in Kids Branch and provided childcare for small groups and other evening events. In addition, during the past few summers, she has been involved with Go activities. She is attending Texas State University, studying Fine Arts-Performance and Production.
Kyle has attended The Branch since 2000, when he was involved with our youth ministry as a student. After graduating from college and working in the corporate world, he moved into the role of student minister at the Vista Ridge Campus, where he served for several years before becoming the Technology Director at The Branch. In addition, Kyle has been involved with Honduras mission trips and single adult Small Groups. He is attending Dallas Theological seminary working on a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership.
EJ has attended The Branch since 2013. He has been actively serving on our Event Services Team on Sunday morning during services, and assisting with teaching children on Sunday nights during small group time. He is entering his senior year at Southern Methodist University, studying business finance.
Ellie has attended The Branch her entire life. She was active in Kids Branch and The Branch Student Body throughout school. In addition, she served as a large group leader in Kids Branch during high school, was a leader in All-Star Week and Spotlight, and served at Go activities. Ellie is attending Harding University, where she is entering her sophomore year, her major is undecided, but she is interested in speech pathology and education.
Keaton has attended The Branch his entire life. He was active in both Kids Branch and The Branch Student Body. In addition, he has served as a Kids Branch teacher, and as a counselor at both VBS and Spotlight. He is entering his junior year at Abilene Christian University, studying kinesiology.
Branch Cares
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress….” ~ James 1:27
Branch Cares is a ministry designed to look after, pray for, and take care of people within our church body. The vision for this ministry is to reach out, help, and connect with: Widows • Widowers • Single parents • Homebound • Grieving • Caregivers
Ministry volunteers provide care in a variety of ways. These can include simple acts of writing cards and praying, hospital visitation, or delivering communion to the homebound or any others who are unable to attend services.
If you are interested in becoming a Branch Cares ministry volunteer, or if you know of someone connected to The Branch Church who may be interested in having one of our ministry members contact them, you can fill out the Volunteer Application or Referral Form on our website, or reach out to us via the contact info below:
Farmers Branch Email:
Vista Ridge Email: Church Office: (972) 247-2109
RightNow Media
Are you looking for a family Bible study or some new content for your Small Group? We invite you to check out RightNow Media! It’s basically Netflix for Bible study videos and Christian content. We’re making our church subscription available to you FOR FREE!
To sign-up and receive your free invitation to RightNow Media, visit:
Or scan the QR code to the left to get started.
Area Growth and Outreach Opportunities
The DFW area, including the Metrocrest (Addison, Carrollton, Coppell, Lewisville, and Farmers Branch) is enjoying record-breaking growth in new or expanded businesses and population. Just in Farmers Branch’s 12 square-mile city limits, 58 major construction and development projects are now in progress. It is predicted that the west side of FB, with hundreds of new homes and apartments, will be the new center of population in a few years. Our own Todd Bonneau is building new FB homes as fast as possible, taking advantage of FB’s “clean off and build” program. Programs similar to this are available in most of our Metrocrest cities.
The point is, remember Jesus’ message, “Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest!’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest.” (John 4:35)
As the population of our area “explodes” with a thousand new family units per day moving here, let’s make sure we are praying for them and asking them to join us in the Lord’s kingdom work. Reminding them of God’s great love for them, John 3:16.
Are You In A Small Group?
Small Groups are your place to grow and serve! If you do not already have a small group, here are some suggestions.
Men’s Life is a Saturday morning Bible study group, talking through the book of James. We will meet in the FB Campus Family Life Center every Saturday from September 8 through Thanksgiving, at 7:30 am. Breakfast is served! Please use the back kitchen door entrance. All men are welcome! Contact for more information, and feel free to invite a guest.
Start-Up Groups at the FB Campus meet on Wednesdays in the FB Campus Family Life Center beginning at 6:30 pm with a potluck supper, and followed by Bible Study. This semester we begin with a special series “Anxious for Nothing,” based on Philippians 4:4-8, with a 20-minute video by Max Lucado. This study can bring relief from worry and depression for you personally, and equip you to help others.
A note from Paul and Linda Barner
I love history; I’m not so sure how much history Linda loves, but I do know we share the love of our church and its history. In 1905, Teddy Roosevelt was President and a group of hearty Texans living on the black land prairie outside of Dallas formed our church. Services were held in the Farmers Branch School on Valley View Lane. Four years later, these men and women constructed the new Farmers Branch Church of Christ. The population of Farmers Branch was about 200. For 47 years, this building faithfully served the community, and in 1956 another building was constructed. On opening Sunday, attendance totaled 279. Thirtytwo years later, on August 14, 1988, the most beautiful church in Dallas County was dedicated! Our church now, and for the future, is still on Valley View Lane.
We hope all will come and join in and celebrate the 30 years we have been worshiping in this great building; 113 years on Valley View and still growing. See you in October. Watch for the details to be announced soon.
Brother Eddy Ketchersid Community Minister
Cell: 972-345-1645
We hope everyone enjoyed the Salad and Sundae Supper. The Branch Ranch theme was a hit, and we shared some super photos, fun, and food. Thanks to all who helped decorate, and to everyone for bringing their favorite salad or cobbler.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Blessings, Paul and Linda
For the month of September, we are excited to partner with Haiti Partners to empower through education. Every 10 check-ins will help provide a day of school to a child in Haiti.
Haiti Partners’ mission is to help Haitians change Haiti through education. They currently run one flagship school, and partner with six more. Over 25 years of in-country experience has shown that the most fertile terrain for sustainable change in Haiti is through a high-quality, community-based education that teaches students and parents active learning strategies and prepares them to be agents of change in their community and country.
If you want to learn more about Haiti Partners, you can check them out at:
The hashtag this month is #school4kids. Thanks for checking in to help change Haiti through education!
How it works: We make a donation to a Kingdom-building cause every time our community checks in on Facebook OR tags our locations on Instagram. It’s a great way to tell your friends about The Branch Church, and do some good in the process. If you need some help checking in on Facebook, just ask any of our staff members and we’ll show you how.