BranchOut March 2017

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First Service of the Weekend Thursdays Vista Ridge Campus Dinner at 6:00 pm ($5 for adults •$3 for kids) Service at 6:45 pm Gathering together on a weekly basis for worship, encouragement, teaching, and testimony makes a difference for the better in our lives. It’s our hope that offering this service on a weeknight will open new doors for reaching people. Consider making Thursday night your weekend worship service at The Branch. Learn more at:

Sack Spring Break Hunger

Saturday, March 11 Farmers Branch Campus 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Come help us Sack Spring Break Hunger! With no school during Spring Break, students in our community who usually receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch can use some help. Like we do with Sack Summer Hunger, we partner with Metrocrest Services to deliver food to these families the Saturday before Spring Break. Show up or donate if you want to help. A family can eat for a week for $10. Checks can be made out to The Branch Church with “Sack Spring Break Hunger” in the memo line. Learn more at:

Right Now Media Right Now Media is basically Netflix for Bible study videos and Christian content. We’re making our church subscription available to you for free! If you haven’t received an invite email from us, or if you have questions about Right Now Media, contact your Campus Minister: Farmers Branch - Tim Ketchersid: Vista Ridge - Ryan Rainey:


Join Us On The Journey We’ve been walking through the Gospel of John in our weekend services, small groups, and individual Bible studies for the first part of 2017. If this is your first weekend at The Branch Church, we’d love for you to have a free copy of a book we’ve produced that contains the entire gospel of John. We’re making them available to every person who attends. This is an opportunity for us to gradually read through the Gospel of John – a little bit each day. Don’t feel like you’re behind if you’re just now joining us. It’s never too late to begin the journey, and we’ve designed the book so you can get started THIS week. As you begin, remember this is about more than reading Scripture for a couple of minutes each day. It’s about reflecting on what it is we’re reading. For each daily reading, I’ve included a few questions to help you reflect on what you’ve read. The things within the gospel of John have been written “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31) Note the word “believing.” It’s a continual thing. Don’t stop. There’s more life than we can possibly imagine in the Son. To get the most out of this journey, you need to be on it with other people. We are encouraging all of our existing Small Groups to process the gospel of John together using the book. This provides a place for you to share with your group what you are experiencing and hear how God is speaking to others. Jump in with us and make 2017 your year to grow in your capacity to listen and obey!

Don’t have a Small Group yet? We can help you get one started or get you connected with an existing group.

Tim Ketchersid

Ryan Rainey

FB Campus Minister

VR Campus Minister


Acoustic Nights of Worship Wednesday, March 8 Farmers Branch Campus 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 5 Vista Ridge Campus 7:00 pm Please join us for an extended time of worship and prayer. These special nights are designed to help you encounter God in a meaningful way. • Ryan King will lead at the FB Campus and Jaron Pitts will lead at the VR Campus. • Chris Seidman will help facilitate both nights. Learn more at:

The Branch University June 21 - July 12 (on Wednesdays) 6:30 - 8:30 pm Farmers Branch Campus Mark your calendars for four special Wednesday nights this summer at the Farmers Branch Campus. Dinner will be served, and will be followed by educational classes on your choice of: Leadership, Parenting, Finances, or Marriage. We will also have age appropriate Bible classes for children. Learn more at:


ORIENTATION Interested in learning more about The Branch Church? Do you have questions about what we do and what we believe at The Branch Church? Are you ready to take the next step, become a member, and get more involved? We want everyone who attends The Branch Church to engage in the activities we do together, and also to commit and submit to this body of believers. This is how we CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO together! Whether you have attended for a short time, or have been here for years, make it official! Join us for The Branch Orientation. Upcoming dates:

• March 26 (10:45 am Farmers Branch Campus, 12:30 pm Vista Ridge Campus) 3

RSVP at and let us know you’re coming. We look forward to having you!

Women’s Bible Study Vista Ridge Campus: Mondays at 6:30 pm Farmers Branch Campus: Wednesdays at 9:45 am This term, the Women’s Bible Study is investigating the power of the cross. Through the four vantage points of the gospels, we uncover the depth of the necessity of the cross, and the power it can have in our lives. Join us in discovering how the end is just the beginning. Learn more:

Men’s Bible Study Vista Ridge Campus: Starts back up on Saturday, April 1 Farmers Branch Campus: Saturdays at 7:30 am Breakfast, Bible study, prayer and friendship on Saturday mornings. If you’d like to learn more, contact the leaders below. Farmers Branch - Eddy Ketchersid: Vista Ridge - Ryan Rainey:

Father/Son Rangers Game Saturday, April 22 Globe Life Park in Arlington Game Time: 7:05 pm Tailgate: Starting at 3:00 pm Tickets: $15/person We’re inviting men of all ages to see the Texas Rangers take on the Kansas City Royals the Saturday after Easter. We’ve got tickets for guys to join us with their dads, their sons, or both! Tickets are limited, so reserve yours as soon as possible. Reserve your tickets at: Questions? Contact Ryan Rainey:

Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway We’re proud to offer you a discount on your choice of destinations for the Weekend to Remember marriage conference. They happen all over the country, and there are a couple of dates in the Dallas area in the next few months. The marriage getaway offers couples biblical wisdom and a safe environment to work on their marriage, free from distractions. Use the group name: TheBranch when registering for a $100 discount per couple. Learn more:


Spotlight Auditions Farmers Branch Campus: Saturday, April 8 4:00 - 6:00 pm Vista Ridge Campus: Sunday, April 9 2:00 - 4:00 pm Would your student like to be a part of the cast or sing a solo in our summer music camp? Auditions for our 2017 Spotlight show, Star Quest-Search for the Stolen Scriptures, will be held this month. All students entering 1st - 6th grade in the fall of 2017 are encouraged to sing a song and/or recite a poem or monologue. More information will be available online to help kids prepare for a successful audition. Questions? Contact Julie Bonneau:

High School Graduate Luncheon Sunday, April 30 Farmers Branch Campus 12:30 pm We want to recognize, honor, and bless our high school class of 2017 as they transition to the next stage of life. We also want them to know that no matter where God takes them next, The Branch Church will always remain their home, and will also be a place of encouragement and life. To celebrate this milestone and honor their parents and families, we are hosting a luncheon on Sunday, April 30. Appetizers, lunch, and dessert will be served. The deadline to register and submit 2 digital photos is Friday, April 14. Learn more and register at:

Mother-Daughter Brunch Saturday, May 13 American Girl Boutique & Bistro Galleria Dallas, 13464 Dallas Pkwy Seatings at 9:00 and 10:00 am Cost: $20/person This annual Branch tradition is a special time for preschool - 5th grade girls and their moms to embrace girlhood and each other. The brunch includes a warm cinnamon bun, choice of entrÊe, and beverage. You’ll also get party favors and enjoy the cozy American Girl atmosphere. Your American Girl dolls get special treatment, too. Register at:


KIDS BRANCH ALL-STAR WEEK (KIDS) June 12-16 • 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Vista Ridge Campus • For kids entering 1st - 5th grade • Learning basketball, soccer, and volleyball • Daily Bible lessons and worship • Cost: FREE

THE BRANCH UNIVERSITY (ALL AGES) June 21 - July 12 (on Wednesdays) • 6:30 - 8:30 pm • Farmers Branch Campus • Family dinner • Adult class options: Leadership, Parenting, Finances, or Marriage • Kids Bible classes: 3 months - 5th grade

BRANCH CAMP (STUDENT BODY) June 23-27 (Fri - Tues) • Riverbend Retreat Center (Glen Rose, TX) • Students entering 6th grade - high school grads • The Student Body event of the year! • Camp activities, powerful teaching, sports, games, worship, small group activities, friendships, and memories that will last! • Cost: $395 (First-time guests are FREE)

SPOTLIGHT MUSIC CAMP (KIDS & HS STUDENTS) July 16-21 • Sun: 3:00 - 5:30 pm Kick-Off • Mon - Thurs: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm • Fri: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm (Performance) • Farmers Branch Campus • For kids entering 1st - 6th grade (+HS Counselors) • Learn and produce a musical • Day-time camp experience • Cost: $85/student $160/2 siblings $225/3 siblings

SACK SUMMER HUNGER (ALL AGES) June 10 - August 5 (on Saturdays) • 9:30 am - 12:00 pm • Farmers Branch Campus • Provide food for kids in our community



Follow Chris on Twitter

Did you know that 66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world? No child should ever go hungry! That’s why this March, we’re stepping in to help stop hunger. Through our partnership with feedONE, check-ins at The Branch will provide meals to children in need. FeedONE Children’s Feeding Initiative serves over 146,676 children. The goal of FeedONE is to see lives changed as they promote healthy children and communities that are free from poverty and hunger. Many of the children enrolled in this initiative have their only meal of the day at school. FeedONE feeds and monitors the health and growth of children each day in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Ethiopia, South Africa, Guatemala, and Tanzania. Visit their Facebook page and website to learn more about what they do: The hashtag this month is #meals4kids. Thanks for checking in for children in need!

How it works: We make a donation to a Kingdom-building cause every time our community checks in on Facebook. It’s a great way to tell your friends about The Branch Church, and do some good in the process. If you need some help checking in on Facebook, just ask any of our staff members and we’ll show you how.

The Branch Church Farmers Branch Campus

The Branch Church Vista Ridge Campus



10 Reasons to Invite Someone to Easter 1. More Americans search for “church” around Easter than at any other time. (Google Trends data 2004-2013) 2. 82% of people invited to an Easter Service will likely attend (Dr. Thom Rainer – The Unchurched Next Door) 3. Only 2% of church members invite an unchurched person to church (Dr. Thom Rainer – The Unchurched Next Door) 4. 35% of people would be likely to attend a church if they knew people there. 5. You might be inviting them to the place they belong. 6. 7 out of 10 unchurched people have never been invited to church. (Dr. Thom Rainer – The Unchurched Next Door) 7. If you don’t invite them, who will? 8. 86% of people who attend church will do so because they were invited by someone they know, compared to 2% who attend because of a church advertisement. (The Inviting Church, pg. 44) 9. An invitation to an Easter service could be the most important invitation they ever receive. 10. 1 in 5 Americans haven’t decided if they’re going to church on Easter...yet. (LifeWay Research survey)

10 The Branch Church en Español - Farmers Branch Campus The Branch en Español. Somos tu Familia en Cristo. 2016: Año de Crecimiento Espiritual Permite que el Espíritu Santo te guíe a alcanzar tus imposibles. Acompáñanos y adoremos a Dios y fortalezcamos nuestra fe en Cristo en el idioma español. Actividades durante la semana: • Dos Servicios de Adoración DOMINGOS 9:00 AM y 10:45 AM (clases bíblicas para niños de 3 meses hasta quinto grado en inglés)

• Martes de Oración – 7:00 pm (niños y jóvenes también participan)

• Miércoles de Estudio Bíblico – 7:00 pm (clases bíblicas para niños en español y reunión de jóvenes en inglés)

Esperamos verte pronto. ¡Nos encantará saludarte en persona!

Luis y Schalee Sánchez

Single Branches Single Branches is our ministry for active widowed, divorced, and single adults who are 50+ years of age. The aim of the ministry is to provide a variety of monthly social events so that Branch singles may meet each other and build friendships. Join our group in Branch Connect for the latest news and updates! Questions? Contact Paulette Travis:


Items of Interest

MOVIE – “FACING DARKNESS” “FACING DARKNESS” is a 120-minute documentary about victory over Ebola in West Africa, 2014. It is a true account of bravery, compassion, faith, and hope. Dr. Kent Brantly, an ACU alumni, is a key person in the film, which portrays the true story of saving his life. • “Facing Darkness” will be shown ONE NIGHT ONLY! • Thursday, March 30 • Cinemark 17 Theater (Webb Chapel & Forest Ln)

• 7:00 pm • Tickets: $11.50 each Make your reservations with Bro. Eddy, 972-345-1645, or by email; or with Paul & Linda Barner.

A note from Paul and Linda Barner Fellowship, what does it mean? Literally, it means “sharing in common.” Our Valentine Luncheon was a wonderful example of success in Christian Fellowship.

SAVE THIS DATE: Thursday, May 4, the National Day of Prayer and our 26th Annual Metrocrest Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast. We meet at 7:30 am at the Double Tree Hotel, 4099 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch. NFL Hall of Famer, Tim Brown, is scheduled to be the keynote speaker. Tim Brown finished high school at Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas, won the Heisman at Notre Dame, and was wide receiver with the Raiders for several years. He is now devoted to Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other charitable causes. The Branch Church will have reserved tables. Let Bro. Eddy know if you would like to attend. Congratulations Jim Stephens on your retirement from the Farmers Branch Police Department after 32 years of service. Congratulations Ed Brady on your retirement after years in public service with several cities, the last being Lancaster, as well as several years as President of the Metrocrest Chamber. KIDWORKS (Kids In Divorce) will be hosting a free program for children ages 5-18 that are experiencing the hurtful ramifications of divorce. The Open House session is March 20, 7:00 pm. The sessions will be on Monday nights from 7-8 pm through May 15. Contact ChristianWorks for Children to make reservations. Our own Larry Barber, lbarber@christian-works. org, will be able to advise you.

Thanks to all who helped to put on the event, and thanks to all who attended. Our group of 160+ shared a delicious lunch, bingo, door prizes, favors, and most of all the experience of love and joy brought to us by God in His house. Studying the book of John has been very special. We have learned that joy and fellowship are available to all of those who experience God’s presence in Jesus. Disciples coming together at events such as this past luncheon fulfill this. John teaches us that believers in Christ share a fellowship with God. Those who know and love God are joined together. Blessings, Paul & Linda Barner P.S. Don’t Forget to Spring Forward on March 12!

Brother Eddy Ketchersid Office: 972-284-7813 Cell: 972-345-1645


Baptism is perhaps the most confusing topic for people who know God and are still seeking him. I am regularly asked, “Why should I get baptized?” “How do you know when you should be baptized?” “Do you have to be baptized to be saved?” “Why do some baptize babies?” “Why was Jesus baptized?”

Rather, let’s focus on the meaning of baptism; for baptism is extremely rich in meaning.

Instead of responding to them with the quickest answer that I have been conditioned to respond with, I would rather that they discover for themselves what baptism is.

Baptism expresses cleansing.

Let’s define it in a simple way:

Baptism is a ritual or practice involving water to identify someone as a disciple of Jesus. That is why Jesus commanded that we baptize people—to mark them as a disciple.

…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28.19-20 Unfortunately, it is easy to get distracted by a lot of theological controversies when the subject of baptism comes up. Let’s not get distracted by the mode of baptism (should we immerse, pour or sprinkle the water?) Let’s not get distracted by the timing of the baptism (should infants be baptized in anticipation of their eventual commitment to become disciples someday—or as an expression of their parents’ commitment to raise them as disciples? Or should we only baptize people who are old enough to make their own meaningful commitment?)


____________________________ _______________

When you are a disciple, you understand that Christ cleanses you. You understand that Christ died in your place on the cross, paying for your sins, fully forgiving you for all your wrongs. You are cleansed from guilt, and you are becoming a cleaner, healthier, more whole person.

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Acts 2.38

And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name. ~ Acts 22.16

…he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior. ~ Titus 3.5-6

Baptism expresses an ending and a new beginning. Immersion especially dramatizes this: A person is buried under the water—signifying the end of his or her old life—and then rises up out of the water— signifying the beginning of his or her new life as a disciple.

Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. ~ Romans 6.3-4 When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead. ~ Colossians 2.11-12 (NLT) ____________________________ _______________

Baptism indicates a new identity. …for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. ~ Galatians 3.27 …if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! ~ 2 Corinthians 5.17

Commitment is what makes her married, the Relationship is what makes her love her husband. But she wears the ring as a symbol of her new identity as a woman in a committed relationship with her husband. Baptism suggests that a person has similarly entered into a relationship with and commitment to Jesus Christ. It says our relationship has progressed from a casual acquaintance or friendship to a deep, lifelong commitment. Not only that, but through baptism, like wearing a wedding ring, a person is “going public.” A bride and groom say, “I’m not ashamed of this commitment. I want to be publicly identified as a person of commitment, a person of lifelong relationship to someone I love and who loves me.” Walking down the aisle, gathering a crowd and exchanging vows in front of people is a very public way to say, “I’m closing all of my other options. She is the one.” In a marriage, the ring is often associated with taking on a new name, which suggests a new identity. A woman says, “I am now the wife of Ryan,” or a man says, “I am the husband of Lanae.” Before these words were not true; now they are. Now they describe a new identity. Baptism means that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. Baptism means that you now identify God as your Father, Jesus as God’s Son, and the Holy Spirit as God not only “up there” or “out there” but also God “in here”—God alive and present in your own heart, your own life. It means you are not ashamed of this new identity. It means that you are going public with your commitment, and you are public with your new relationship. If you are committed to learn from Jesus how to live life to the full, if you are committed to help others learn to live life that way too, if you have accepted God’s invitation into a lifelong relationship, if you have accepted this new identity as a disciple, then you should be baptized to demonstrate that commitment. By being baptized, you will be saying, “I am a disciple, and I am committed to the mission of helping others become disciples too.” As you help others become disciples, you’ll invite them to “go public” in this way too.

Here is an analogy: When a woman gets married, she accepts and wears a ring, a symbol of her vows and commitment. The ring is not what makes her married, and it isn’t what makes her love her husband.


Julie Bonneau

NextGen Administrative Assistant and Events Coordinator Julie Bonneau has been at The Branch for 27 years along with her husband, Todd, and their five children. Julie is no stranger to The Branch staff, having previously served in our children’s ministry in years past. She is rejoining our staff to assist Tim Scott and the NextGen Ministry with administrative duties and the coordination of NextGen events. If you have any questions about upcoming activities for your children, Julie is the go-to person to ask! Join with us in welcoming her to her new role at The Branch Church. Contact Julie at:

Kids Branch is what we do to teach kids about Jesus every weekend at The Branch Church. Our committed volunteers reinforce the values and teachings you work so hard to instill in your kids. We worship, play, and dive directly into the Bible each and every week. Your kids will grow to love engaging with God, while making great friends!

Tim Scott NextGen Minister

Kristan Renshaw Brittany Moore Farmers Branch Kids Minister

Vista Ridge Kids Minister

Branch Cares “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress….” ~ James 1:27 Branch Cares is a ministry designed to look after, and take care of, people within our church body. The vision for this ministry is to reach out, help, and connect with:

Widows • Widowers • Single parents • Homebound • Grieving • Caregivers Ministry volunteers will also deliver communion to the homebound and any others who are unable to attend services.

How Do We Reach Out? One or more of our volunteer ministry members will call and/or visit the person. The ministry member will attempt to find out how the person is doing, if they have any needs (house repairs, help with transportation to the store, doctor visits, etc.), and also offer to pray for/with them if they so desire. If you are interested in becoming a Branch Cares ministry volunteer, or if you know of someone connected to The Branch Church who may be interested in having one of our ministry members contact them, you can fill out the Volunteer Application or Referral Form on our website listed below.

Farmers Branch Email: Vista Ridge Email: Church Office: (972) 247-2109


The Branch Student Body is our ministry to 6th - 12th grade students. This is an important time of transition into maturity in Christ, and we encourage all of our students to attend and serve in our weekend services with their families. We have several ways for students to connect including weekly gatherings, occasional activities, and special events like Branch Camp, retreats, and overnighters!



Farmers Branch

Vista Ridge

High School • Wednesdays at 7:15 pm

High School • Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

(in homes - Contact Josh Brake for details)

(at church building)

Middle School • Sundays at 9:00 am or Wednesdays at 6:45 pm (at church building)

Middle School • Sundays at 9:15 am (at church building)

The primary way The Branch Student Body meets is in weekly Discipleship Groups (D/Groups), where students grow closer to God, their peers, and their leaders. This is critical to their development as followers of Christ.

BREAKFAST & BIBLE 7:45 am on Tuesdays at the Farmers Branch Campus


Come with your friends to Breakfast & Bible! Enjoy breakfast and an encouraging word from Josh Brake. Plus everyone will ride together to Vivian Field just in time for class! Breakfast & Bible is open to students from both campuses!

**Weekly schedules and locations are subject to change. Contact Josh or Kyle for the latest updates and details.**

Kyle Poff

Josh Brake

Student Minister Vista Ridge Campus

Student Minister Farmers Branch Campus


THE BRANCH FAMILY NEWS We Celebrate These Births:

We Celebrate These Baptisms:


Lillyanna McWhorter (F) Parents: Kurt and Theresa


Shepard Ellis Moss (M) Parents: Matt and Laura

2/5/17 2/5/17 2/9/17 2/14/17 2/19/17 2/26/17 2/26/17

Weekend Stats - February 2017: Attendance Average: 1,875 Giving Average: $79,728

Norma Menjivar Gregory Fein Joshua Asplund Morgan Daves Teri Gordon Vanessa Avila Kari Smith

Keep us in the loop! Send news and updates to:

2016 Year End Summary David Teutsch, Executive Minister

David Teutsch Executive Minister

The Branch Church had a great 2016! Our average weekend attendance was 1,813 which is higher than any prior year; 164 people attended orientation and became members; and 71 people were baptized. Our annual operating budget was $3,750,000, and contributions to our general operating fund were $3,766,332. In addition, we finished 2016 with $198,647 in our Third Campus Fund, and $2,000,000 in our Vista Ridge Expansion/Development Fund. The chart below shows how our general contributions were spent in 2016, and we anticipate our spending in 2017 to be similar to 2016. If you have questions regarding our 2017 budget, please feel free to contact me at:

Global Missions & Benevolence





Administration Local Mission

(Personnel, Programming, & Resources)



Avg. Weekend Attendance




Farmers Branch


VR Development Fund


Third Campus Fund




Vista Ridge First Time Guests New Covenant Members Baptisms

1,021 1,898 164 71

EVERY TUESDAY Even on holidays! Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program that meets EVERY week — rain or shine! We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups, and CR is a program designed to help you find freedom. Come hear testimonies, find encouragement, and step forward in faith THIS WEEK! More about Celebrate Recovery: Celebrate Recovery (or CR) is based on God’s Word, the Bible. When Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount, he began by stating “Eight Ways to Be Happy.” Today we call them the Beatitudes. From a conventional viewpoint, most of these statements didn’t make sense. They sounded like contradictions. But when we fully understand what Jesus is saying, we’ll realize that these eight principles are God’s road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity. CR is forward-looking. Rather than wallowing in the past, or dredging up and rehearsing painful memories over and over, Celebrate Recovery focuses on the future. Regardless of what has already happened, the solution is to start making wise choices now and depend on Christ’s power to help us make those changes.

CR emphasizes personal responsibility. We cannot control all that happens to us. But we can control how we respond to everything. That is a secret of happiness. When we stop wasting time fixing the blame, we have more energy to fix the problem. When we stop hiding our own faults and stop hurling accusations at others, then the healing power of Christ can begin working in our minds, wills, and emotions. CR utilizes the biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. It is built around small group interaction and the fellowship of a caring community. There are many therapies, growth programs, and counselors today that are built around one-on-one interaction. But Celebrate Recovery is built on the New Testament principle that we don’t get well by ourselves. We need each other.

Weekly Schedule: 6:15 pm – Dinner

Fellowship and accountability are two important components of spiritual growth. CR addresses all types of habits, hurts, and hang-ups. Some recovery programs deal only with alcohol or drugs or another single problem. But Celebrate Recovery is a “large umbrella” program under which a limitless number of issues can be dealt with. We are seeing hopeless marriages restored and people set free from all kinds of sinful habits, hang-ups, and hurts as they allow Jesus to be Lord in every area of their lives. To God be the glory! We’ll be praying for you.

Learn more:

This Month at CR: March 7 - Stephanie McGregor: “Turning Things Around” March 14 - A testimony

7:00 pm – Worship & Large Group

March 21 - Justin Regan: “Taking Action”

8:00 pm – Open Share Groups

March 28 - Special guest testimony: Steve and Carol Joyce


Featured Events Calendar Days


Event (Location)




Night of Worship (Farmers Branch Campus)

7:00 - 9:00 pm



Sack Spring Break Hunger (Farmers Branch Campus)

9:30 am - 12:00 pm



Daylight Saving Time Begins

2:00 am



Student Body Overnighter

Vista Ridge 6:00 pm Farmers Branch 6:30 pm



The Branch Orientation (Both Campuses)

Farmers Branch 10:45 am Vista Ridge 12:30 pm



Night of Worship (Vista Ridge Campus)

7:00 - 9:00 pm



Spotlight Auditions (Farmers Branch Campus)

4:00 - 6:00 pm



Spotlight Auditions (Vista Ridge Campus)

2:00 - 4:00 pm



Easter Party (Farmers Branch Campus)

11:00 am - 1:00 pm



Easter Party (Vista Ridge Campus)

3:00 - 5:00 pm



Easter Sunday

See pages 9 - 10



Father/Son Rangers Game

7:05 pm



High School Graduate Luncheon



(Farmers Branch Campus)

Cinco De Mayo Neighborhood Grill

(Farmers Branch Campus)

12:30 pm 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Weekly Events Calendar Day


Event (Location)

Start/End Date


Early Service

Student Body: MS D/Groups


6:30 pm

Women’s Bible Study (Vista Ridge)


7:45 am

Student Body: Breakfast & Bible (Farmers Branch)


7:00 pm

Celebrate Recovery (Vista Ridge)


9:45 am

Women’s Bible Study (Farmers Branch)


6:30 pm

Student Body: D/Groups (Both Campuses)


6:45 pm

Thursday Night Church (Vista Ridge Campus)


7:30 am

Mighty Men Bible Study (Vista Ridge Campus)


7:30 am

Men’s Life Bible Study (Farmers Branch Campus)

(Both Campuses)

Office: 972-247-2109

*Begins April 1


Farmers Branch Campus

Vista Ridge Campus

3035 Valley View Lane Farmers Branch, TX 75234

3601 Huffines Boulevard Carrollton, TX 75010

Sundays: 9:00 & 10:45 am

Thursdays: 6:45 pm Sundays: 9:15 & 11:00 am

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